Eye of a Needle

Deception & Bible Prophecy

The Night The Lights Went Out In In Georgia

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia

It’s hard to remember the season or the exact night the lights went out in Georgia but they did and later the same thing happened in San Antonio.

My older sister was home from college for a short visit and staying in my little sister’s bedroom down the hallway from my bedroom and next to my parent’s bedroom upstairs. The stairway started down next to my bedroom.

Not sure why my older sister stayed with my little sister but I think it was because there were two single beds in her room and mine was a double bed.

We all heard the sound and scrambled. When electricity goes out usually it makes a sound somehow because appliances shut down, etc. It was so dark you could not see your hand in front of you so we had to feel our way to our parent’s room and it was a task that seemed like a long nightmare kind of like in the movie with James Carrey, the comedian in a long hallway in the movie The Cable Guy and the hall kept getting longer and longer  As it turned out my older sister was not familiar with her surroundings and jumped out of bed and into a wall. THUD.  I felt my way around the banister and got to the doorway of my parent’s room about the same time my two sisters arrived in the same space attempting to enter my parent’s room and it was a struggle between us partially because we could not see and we wanted to get in there as quick as possible but we could not all fit in the doorway at the same time so had to feel our way into the doorway and single file ourselves without knowing who was first, second, or third. We were excited, upset, and giggling because of our struggle getting in through the doorway.  Finally got into their room and to their bed and rested our heads on their bed with our knees and feet underneath. We felt kind of safe however it was disconcerting not being able to see a thing. The whole neighborhood was in the dark. It was pitch black. Finally the phone rang and the operator said something to one of my parents alerting them the lights and electricity would be back on soon. Don’t know how the operator called OR WHY DID SHE CALL US but the phones were not connected to the electricity or to the tv etc. That was who we were told it was until my mom said “What if it wasn’t the operator,” scaring us half to death. So we remained in their room for quite a while until the lights came back on.

Vicki Lawrence The night the lights went out in Georgia 1973

I have no idea if something occurred in Georgia that might have had to do with the Ten Commandments such as a statute disallowing the commandments in court houses because at the time I was a kid and not paying attention to much of anything other than my friends and family.  Ten years or so before JFK was assassinated and the Vatican 11 was occurring in 1963 having to do with Opus-dei and other Roman Catholic groups attempting to unite all the religions under their management.

Not sure of the year but I think the Ten Commandments were under siege. People had been rioting the few years before about the Viet Nam War and other angsts on college campuses and in Washington DC. I remember a Senator who was trying to save the Ten Commandments but people thought God had died and often referred to GOD IS DEAD in their rants during their protests. Now what would make people say that God was dead if there weren’t some attacks on either the bible, religion, or the Ten Commandments?Atheists were vocal and didn’t want the Ten Commandments in public places because the commandments offended their senses but there were not that many atheists but one in particular a woman named Madelyn Murray O’Hair:

“Madalyn Murray O’Hair (née Mays; April 13, 1919 – September 29, 1995), who also used multiple pseudonyms (her most preferred being M. Bible), was an American atheist activist, founder of American Atheists, and the organization’s president from 1963 to 1986. She created the first issues of American Atheist Magazine.”

…………Roe vs wade was also occurring sometime in that time span.

Abortion was legalized in two states. California and New York, I think.

“In two landmark decisions – Engel v. Vitale on June 25, 1962, and Abington School District v. Schempp on June 17, 1963 – the Supreme Court declared school-sponsored prayer and Bible readings unconstitutional.”

It was confusing because so much was going on all at the same time kind of like the marches and protests these days. Black lives matter…Trump protests,  Government shutdown protests, and memorial closing protests etc and all the other strange things we have all experienced and watched on the news here in the USA and elsewhere in the world in the past 8 years showing a huge amount of confusion which I think is


The 25 Biggest College Campus Riots of All Time

like rebels without a clue so they made up causes.

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers – Into The Great Wide Open

I don’t think anyone hardly noticed the Senator who was attempting to save the Ten Commandments. He was kind of a short guy who I don’t think was respected on the left and was minimized on the right because he was so right and I think he was the Senator from Georgia. I can’t remember his name but will add it when I find it but I remember what he looked like. I was just a teenager at the time and kind of out of it for the most part being a teenager which is enough for a teenager. I didn’t go to the rallies or protests because my dad was serving in the war putting his life in danger but I still had no idea how big a deal it was but watched the rallies and protests on TV along with the death tolls on the news of the americans killed in Viet Nam and the surrounding area and footage of some battles. My parents lost a few friends in the war. The big deal contention was the draft… and a lot of people trying to avoid the draft or worrying: were they next? Not sure how the war started but I think it started because of a French colony. LBJ was the President who got us involved in the war. He left his mark as well some good some bad but one good was he named who was BIG BROTHER  by giving him an award The Big Brother Award: Billy Graham. Who said the USA needs an Evangelical Roman Catholic Shill to be our BIG BROTHER? I have a big brother and I like him just fine the one God gave me and because I know him and I don’t need a STATE SPONSORED BIG BROTHER the one the devil wants us to follow because I don’t know him nor do I want to know him. He wouldn’t even get on an elevator with a female. Why would I trust him. He doesn’t even trust himself. Who needs that kind of big brother? LOL My real brother didn’t mind getting on an elevator with me. At the time I had not done my homework (AT ALL even in school in the subjects I took) about what was occurring regarding phantom ships and other weird stuff that occurred and was hushed in Washington DC. Nixon got us out of the war and underwent the Watergate break in (of the Democratic offices) ……..affair/scandal which was tame in comparison to the things that went on during the Obama Administration. He resigned but left his mark, some good ones and some bad. The good one was he exposed Billy Graham’s hatred for Jews. He said, “They don’t know how I really feel about them” caught on tape and referring to jews. Our representatives and the press basically gave a wink and a nod to Obama in regards to things he might have been found guilty of such as murder and terrorism if anyone dared ask the right questions (some tried but I don’t think they understood the times we are in having to do with revelation or they would have been better questions and Obama let others take the blame like a good ole boy) and pursued the truth and might have been considered a traitor and hung for his crimes and his family expelled from our country with most of his staff but we have progressively had gotten used to it by the mere force of overloading our senses which is a ploy to distance everyone from the truth. Overload them with nonsense.

The LBJ years and the NIxon years were full of turmoil. Lots of changes with the hippie generation and the freak generation after it, etc. Bussing was implemented and quotas were implemented to even things out racially in different fields and in the military who set the example and because of some crimes involving race such as the assassination of  Martin Luther King and some African American kids hung in the south, and other racially inspired crimes such as a jewish boy killed in New York by a gang of eight and them the gang was mentored by Billy Grahams underling Rev. Wilkerson who left his mark as well implicating Billy Graham in his last post written which I wrote about in some posts found on Merangue’s Blog before he was killed in East Texas in a car wreck involving a truck with lumber, etc. but what about President John F. Kennedy. He didn’t matter? Killed by his wife, Jackie Kennedy in another frame of mind (obviously mind controlled). What about Senator Bobbie Kennedy who fought corruption in organized labor (i.e. fighting organized crime-the mob-terrorism) and a previous Attorney General while running for president killed by Sirhan Sirhan (a Palestinian) on the anniversary of the SIx Day War obviously a thorn to Roman Catholicism and the Vatican State and Islam. Did he not matter? What about JFK jr and his wife and HER fetus and her sister during his personal investigation of his father’s assassination after visiting Jesuit Cuban Fidel Castro and the Great Evangelical Billy Graham while running for the Senate. Did they not matter? Hillary Clinton wanted his seat more than he did in the Senate? Or did Billy Graham (a shill for the Vatican) want her in the Senate more than he wanted JFK jr? Obama was in a hurry to get through the door?








the State is the Vatican State!





and their families




and probably the main reason: wanting to catholicize the world







I think it would be a good idea if the press and our government and our country encouraged Obama to leave the DC area for the sake of the new administration and encourage Obama to be a gentleman and leave for the sake of our country. Go back to his hometown in Chicago or whatever. His kid in school is a lousy excuse to stay on in Washington DC. I went to three different high schools when I was a kid in three different states and they were not private schools. I was bussed to a black neighborhood in one of my years for my country and it was not easy but it could have been worse and I was happy to do it for the right reasons though I left some good friends which was hard to do but they too were in the military so they were going other paces as well. If his kid can’t handle it then she isn’t very flexible and is but a glass flower and surely won’t survive in the real world without a to of help. …Is she made of crepe paper? THE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY which WILL BE HIS LEGACY. WHAT A Disservice to the african american race and he will be remembered for it. Henry Kissinger hired by the Vatican to help with it’s lousy reputation (sexual child abuse, money laundering, murders, mob ties, pornography) endorsed Obama which paved his way to the White House. I wonder why? I wonder what Kissinger’s relationship was with Billy Graham. I have no idea. I don’t think Obama would have been President without Kissinger’s endorsement however the other choice sucked not Sarah Palin, but John McCain. But Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska where H.A.A.R.P. is located so she needed to be restrained. And then came the tsunami/earthquake in Japan causing a nuclear disaster after the RCC tried to force Japanese Catholics to accept the RCC’s Neo-Catechumenal Way and they tried to refuse and stall FOR A MERE 5 YEARS because of a rise in suicides and it did not sit well with the Vatican or Billy Graham and before that the earthquake tsunami in the Indian Ocean which altered the axis of the earth physically and politically a hub famous for child abuse, child pornography, and child prostitution. (PROBABLY CATHOLIC.)

That’s phenomenal.

An Holy Kiss

This post was one of my first posts but I just now considered maybe one version of the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was prophetic and one wasn’t.

Henry Kissinger was also a confidant of NIxon.

Obama and his ideals set the African-American race back quite a bit psychologically and mentally within their own ranks, neighborhoods, and to others and to me though luckily there are remnants of citizens of the African American race that keep Martin Luther Kings dream alive because they actually are extremely talented and careful and dignify his legacy by their example which is detrimental.

OPRAH IS NOT ONE OF THEM THOUGH SHE IS SUCCESSFUL SHE IS AN OBAMA LUSTER and promoted politically correct nonsense to her unwitting fans

for the sake of the Vatican and for ISLAM

so no wonder she is successful because she sold her own soul for temporary pleasure and other peoples souls as well, many others,


and also went with Michelle OBAMA to Hawaii during an American CRISIS using SENATOR INOUYE’s death to have a good time on the AMERICAN dime. YEA she can act but that is all she is is an act LIKE IN THE BOOK OF ACTS. A fake and a fraud.

Slavery started in Africa by Africans of Africans.

A Lousy Excuse OBAMA Using His Kid for his own selfish reasons because he is a ………

Saudis pair up with McCain, Graham to fight 9/11 families

I hope the travel ban includes places like the Baltic States: Herzogovenia, Croatia , Bosnia, and the other one. AS WELL AS SAUDI ARABIA who should definitely not be allowed to partake of any political sway in our country or be given any political immunities as well as all the other powerful arab states who sponsor terrorism. I have firsthand knowledge they don’t love America and plan to move back to their countries after doing whatever it is they are doing in the USA to believers and being promised wealth for whatever their task is/was in America.

So far I am very happy with the Press Secretary for Trump (Sean Spicer) who is very candid, explicit and very informative and definitely SHARP talking with the press and the press is very actively questioning him on many issues unlike what occurred during the Obama administration. I think we ought to compare IQ’s of him vs the press secretaries in the recent past. Talk about a major paradigm shift. Everyone seems to be on intelligence drugs. Before they were like milk duds on heroin. Obama couldn’t even throw a hoop and how many times did he try? It was embarrassing. Definitely taking cues in his ear from someone and and and

How much coffee does the President drink in the morning?
or What perfume does Michelle wear? Do their daughters enjoy their school? Does Michelle like the color red?

kind of noodles

from the very start of his reign of terror. Like getting to know an African American for the first time kind of shit who wasn’t. Like watching a soap opera such as All My Children or General Hospital and Obama was playing in the leading roll as Allan Quartermaine in Port Charles. It was that interesting and informative! However, if Herman Cain had been President I’m sure there would have been some intelligent questions proffered by the press and intelligent answers as well, so it wasn’t about race all together, was it? Or how about this press declaration:

“I have never seen you lose before”

which was during briefing by the President himself in the beginning of his administration. She happened to favor a friend of the ex (his ex wife) who watched soap operas all day while raising her kids making a huge mess (I heard about) and was liberal and I think very politically correct which means there are no words for anything potentially important. LOL

Oprah Winfrey fit right in!

My brother believed Al Gore’s crap and was an agnostic. However he believed in the Judeo-Christian values as well. I hope he isn’t an agnostic now but I understand why he might be because of the things the church does and because of things that happened to him during his life, and happened to his friends and his family. To me those values are worth fighting for and I think to him as well and to everyone in my family whether we are together or not at this time. Those values are the crux of the matter.

What are those Judeo-Christian values based upon?

The concept of “JudeoChristian values” in an ethical (rather than theological or liturgical) sense was used by George Orwell in 1939, and has become part of “American civil religion” since the 1940s. The term “Abrahamic religions” is used to include Islam as well as Judaism and Christianity.

“More Christians are gonna die!” claimed Franklin Graham a few times. Not sure why he said this a few times because it was on the internet.

Jesus said a few times or once anyway “your father is the father of lies” and Obama lied a bunch. Obama also said “The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet (profit) of Islam” referring to Mohammad at the UN and I know he was wrong but it showed his allegiance. Did the press ask him what he meant? Why he said it? NO.

The vatican representatives (and popes) are tricky when dealing with the holocaust using christians as their apology for the holocaust because the RCC aren’t and obviously were responsible. It’s in one of my posts what was said by one of the popes and I don’t want to look it up because my posts are vast and the search engine isn’t helpful for looking up or partial quotes on WordPress blogs but it was interesting to say the least the wording used to shift the blame. Christians were not making truces with Hitler but the RCC was at the time and the prophecy of the healing of the deadly wound of the vatican was occurring as well.

I think Jesus was referring to Abraham because in that time period they considered Abraham their father and it is in the New Testament and so I believe it has something to do with ISLAM and Roman Catholicism because that was who was occupying the country of Israel and in Jerusalem .

I’m using deduction.

There was a false covenant or two and obviously there was an Abrahamic covenant. What does a dick/penis have to do with God? Did God make a covenant with women cutting their clits? NO. Instead making girls females have their clits cut at an age they can intensely feel the pain. The covenant was about foreskin? What about hemophiliacs?  Did God not consider them worthy of exemption since they bleed a bunch? Back in those days it must have been a death sentence like Aids was to many hemophiliacs in our day. Anyway if you read about it and what God supposedly said that “it never crossed his mind” it doesn’t sound believable (because he obviously knew what Abraham was thinking so it had to cross his mind) when talking about binding Jacob and slicing his throat for a sacrifice even though God told Abraham to take him up to the location and sent an angel to stop Abraham from doing what he was about to do because it crossed his mind OBVIOUSLY etc. I think there was also another false covenant at the last supper because of the differing accounts of the last supper between the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Gospel of John.

In a part of the bible God says there will be no Canaanite in the city of Jerusalem in the future yet the Abrahamic covenant seems to imply something else. Did God say canaanite males or females or did he mean both. I don’t think God makes covenants with only males. The church however does. Do the Ten Commandments differentiate between male and female?

Are women exempt? I don’t think so. However the Ten Commandments are inclusive as far as honoring your parents (mother and father) and honoring your children (boys and girls.)

Some time or other Abraham camped between two cities Sodom and Gomorrah which get destroyed and eventually his name is changed to ABRAM but Islam says it the other way around. Islam says a lot of things backwards, if you notice.

The Ten Commandments were given to Moses and not to Abraham. That’s a big deal since it is the foundation of the Judeo-Christian values IMO. The RCC changed the Ten Commandments and it’s a big deal that they dared to challenge Judeo-Christian values subtly though it was noticed even by catholics who wrote about it and helped me to notice and i think it was done to mislead their own and others and basically deny Jesus in the Gospel of John and because the commandment about the 7th day leads to Jesus of the Gospel of John. I don’t know any other legitimate reason for it. Leads to the Jesus that said I Am the way, the truth, and the life. that leads us back to the Ten Commandments the first commandment that says I Am the Lord thy God and to Moses who asked God’s name to give to the Hebrew slaves and God said I Am that I Am.  The RCC came up with a multitude of values some involving obesity which sometimes is unavoidable depending on many factors such as diabetes and other factors and many other ridiculous evils they themselves fulfill and values they don’t fulfill. You need to read Revelation because it describes the RCC to a tee. No one else fits the mold but the RCC and it’s ally ISLAM a CO- CONSPIRATOR and both want to rule the world and yet the world is not their world. Did either religion create the world? No, but they sure corrupted the world with their nonsense making it impossible to live by their nonsense even to themselves so they invented indulgences for their own.

You can look up the dispute between the Commandments of the Roman Catholic Church vs versions in a multitude of articles about it written by catholics and christians, agnostics and atheists. There is plenty of evidence and almost a decoy or a deliberate attempt to strategically mislead with a mountain of minutia to the commandment about the 7th day dispute and I have read so many reasons to disregard it but none of them rang true to me however the matching to Jesus in the Gospel of John seemed to fit the reason for this commandment and many took it way to far not allowing people to cook on the Sabbath or, pick corn, shuck corn, roast corn, or eat corn, or walk through a corn field (a very sugary starch, carb, and a vegetable you should not eat if you are gonna diet [however the American Indians really liked it and shared it with the Pilgrims and many pilgrims starved to death….just kidding]) chew gum, spit on a sidewalk, or go to a game or drive to visit someone or work on a job that requires you to work on the Sabbath Day, etc which is another diversion in my estimation. I think words and petty ideas may have been added as to what you can or cannot do on the Sabbath.

I think the sole reason for the sabbath commandment was to be honored, remembered, and noticed for the reason given above. IPSO FACTO

Because of time changes and leap years and many other things relating to calendars no one really knows nor can trust what day or which day is the sabbath except for the evidence given which leads to the Ten Commandments, Moses, and Jesus of the Gospel of John. It could be on a Wednesday as far as we can know.

He did not say he was the blood of life.

I believe Abraham was a reaction to Moses and because of the army that the Pharaoh lost during his conflicts with God though I don’t think God has given up on those in these two religions but is demonstrating these days the breach between God and mankind/womenkind because of deception which is immense. Some common sensewould help which God gives to each of us but the RCC ‘s reaction is to make people not read the bible only buy them. Definitely computers help to compare because the bible is wordy which is linked.

Anyway the bible´warns about a false covenant and yet no one I have read or heard about knows which one is false and if it is prophesied in the bible I’m sure the bible contains it otherwise it seems to be a moot point.

Crimes and Punishment

Terrorism isn’t always a crowd crime. So as far as proof of someones actions resting on a boom such as a bomb or firecracker is a ridiculous test of proof of a persons intent or terrorist action. Some and probably most terrorism is individual against individual terrorism like the mob and such as hospice. I think what happened to my aunt was terrorism which I wrote about in the following post. I think what happened to my mom (hospice) was terrorism sponsored by the RCC and indulged by the RCC and Obama using LBJ’s legacy. BADA BOOM!

IT s the type of terrorism that goes unnoticed (one on one crime) and is probably the most prevalent of terroristic type crimes either sponsored by the state or church sponsored terrorism because it’s a cult, obviously. The RCC is famous for terrorism throughout it’s history but it has gotten even more brazen because of hospice using it to prey on the weak. Easy pickens and to punish families and it isn’t like God doesn’t know it,  comprendez?

The RCC/Vatican isn’t just a religion

it’s a state.

I hope to see in my lifetime the total destruction of the RCC forever. And truly I think I will see it in my lifetime because of what Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee and because my mom was special unlike those that discount what Jesus said and why he said it.

She may be why he said it.


And I know why she said that the way she said it.

Sometimes one person makes all the difference and I think she is one of those. And to her my dad made all the difference. SO watch out RCC because your days are numbered.

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Picking Fruit and Veggies 

A guy on Fox News was saying we need illegal immigrants to do these tasks because it is so hard to do and the pay is less and US citizens aren’t willing to work hard and get paid less. Americans would pick fruit if the cost of living wasn’t so ridiculous in the USA. But when Americans pay 20 times the cost of another country for oil such as what Venezualans pay for oil or Iraquis pay for oil then it’s hard to reconcile getting paid 20 times less per hour. We are paying for everything via taxes stolen and laundered via the Vatican throughout the world and dispersed without any true accounting and not getting much back for it but lots of headaches because of illegal immigration and other RCC VICES. An excuse of illegal immigration and it’s not a good one based on half of the economic system in place and not the other half not in place. Kids would love jobs like that to get a start and young adults as well if they didn’t have to pay the stuff illegals don’t pay for when staying in the USA and send back to their countries.That is why consumption tax is the way to go so that illegals do pay as much as USA citizens pay while in the country and believe me there would be half as many illegals in the USA if we did because the incentive wouldn’t be there. There would be a lot less crime from illegals and citizens of the USA caused by resentment. Price Gouging the USA is part of the problem and unaccountability of our government not investigating the holes in the system used by the federalis to keep the Vatican in business throughout the world making life difficult for everyone including illegals who wouldn’t have to trudge through Mexico to find work because good ideas like consumption tax create jobs in the long run. 

Do illegals pay for anything most americans are forced to pay? They are getting a free ride  and some are getting taken advantage of (especially young boy and girls) and the rich get richer. It’s bullshit. The USA has two sides of a brain and one isn’t working. Consumption tax would also inspire saving, good decision making skills and investment instead of junk spending which in the long run would help those in the lower class and middle class to be inspired and creating small business and growing the middle class which is the goal I hope or we all fail in the long run. Without a fluid middle-class you end up with


but many prefer shoe boxes with junk in it for the parentless children to ease their consciences but it won’t last. It is unsustainable.

IT helps to use both sides of the brain at the same time. IF we didn’t have a power struggle between democrats and republicans every two years it would help and instead voted people into office to do a good job without labels or parties based on their knowledge and their skills and performance and keeping their false promises. The only people getting rich off this kind of government 2 party system is the government and it’s lackeys including the press growing the federal government who i surmise waste a lot of time and money screwing each other and most of all screwing the citizens and spend most of their time getting elected again.

Pretty soon at the rate we are going and if Obama had had a third term employers would have had to buy homes for their employees no matter what the race, gender, religion, creed or color and of course they in turn will prefer machines.

I have already discussed many times insurance and it’s evils since it is an incentive to cheat and to reward bad performance over good, keeping the state quo and costing a lot of money and deaths which is less taxes collected under any tax system. Why should an employer pay for birth control when we have Planned Parenthood unless employers are having sex with their employees which probably occurs with many illegal aliens and doubtful they will complain. A conundrum but VERY CATHOLIC.

A false Jesus said that life is in the blood but life is also in an ant hill. Should we insure ants (evangelicals)? However in the book of Revelation it says the woman is drunk on the blood of saints so it doesn’t sound like life at least not for the saints but for the woman sucking off their blood i.e. the RCC. And God puts it into the heart of some army to destroy the RCC. Hopefully ours because it would be good and deserved. I know it won’t be ISIS unless it’s a decoy ISIS and because they would have done it already being in the vicinity.

That same year at Christmas my dad got a video camera and played with it. He always read the instructions of appliances or anything that needed instructions. He had all of us pose in front of the video camera as a family with our pets and one by one made each of us disappear and reappear. It was kind of silly but one of the tricks of the camera. I don’t think he did much with the video camera after that. They were cumbersome at that time and he retired and started a business afterwards.

I looked up Senators of Georgia and the guy I spoke about is missing. Perhaps another state but I don’t think so. I think it’s deception. Like books that O’reilly writes to rewrite history from a Catholic’s perspective and purpose.

Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct

White House leaks are common, but leakers suggesting the president might be unfit for office are not.

It’s kind of like we have two different planets going on at the same time yet in different times. Saw a Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters article on the net and Pelosi referring to Bush etc. I don’t think mankind can do that and God can and he must have his reasons.

To reveal.

He stopped the sun for a battle in the Old Testament

and that miracle probably has more than one fulfillment and meaning.

Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 1.26.46 AM.png

I think the federal government is overrun by Catholics and Trump is having to  deal with it and I think if he is genuine HE WILL because I do think Trump believes in God and takes him seriously. So all these strange stories by the press and by people who are upset at his determination will do anything to hurt his reputation. One is to make him mentally unstable which is a good one. He seems mentally stable and so does his press secretary. I think the press is losing it and so are many staunch catholics. So it may be kind of interesting the different perspectives we are gonna be hearing about having to do with the the new administration and it’s part of the game of the RCC but God can play even better because he sees the hands each one are holding but many people don’t believe he can. But his instability mentally unstable stories also can be false leaks to confuse the enemy. I think they are confusing the enemy. It seems fear has gripped many in Washington and I think many are melting.I don’t remember everyone freaking out over Obama and he was definitely mentally a basket case and over compensated with is calm demeanor as if he was superior mentally of others and he definitely wasn’t and and and a sure sign he was being fed info in his ear. I watched him lose it as the cameras flashed in his eyes when he was running for president the first time and became unfit to make a speech for a few seconds or about a minute and it was obvious he was merely a puppet.

Trump does not act like a puppet.

Anyway there are 7 of them in Revelation. Can you beat that?

Kissinger did not endorse Trump and he was elected because the people recognized a person who cares so I think he is mentally fine. I think the left and some on the right of the left better change or they may find themselves gnashing their teeth with Obama, Kissinger, the Papacy etc etc etc. when that day comes and it is coming.

I saw a little bit of Oreilly’s interview and the questions asked and I thought Trump handled him as best he could dealing with a nut. The RCC wants us to go to war with Putin and has been baiting us during the Obama Administration with false news such as the sarin gas poisoning in Syria and truthers online demonstrated its lies and it was easy to see who was telling the truth and who wasn’t. Not wearing masks or wearing painters masks as if that would help. Dead people changing clothes and positions. I think there was a poisoning but it was the rice shipment not sarin gas and germany overheard someone in the syrian military lying his as off. It was ridicule and Putin helped to secure Syria at the time because of the threats by Obama and the left and the RCC do not like Putin. I wonder how O’reilly knows of murders by Putin. Can he name one? Be specific. We all know he worked for the KGB when Russia was the USSR. Does Oreilly question the Secret Service of the USA? What about President Kennedy? What about the pope in Russia (Alexia I think was his name) killed (poisoned) by the Vatican? Did O’reilly accuse the Vatican of murder? No, he ignored it. Did O’reilly do any shows about Benghazi? No, he ignored it like the plague. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT???. I think because he is a Jesuit and will do anything (even impale babies) to protect the Vatican because it is his bread and butter. Remember Beatrice Arthur? I do. I remember very clearly and it was pretty gross how O’reilly behaved. A sad sad sad example. I know what kind of person O’reilly really is.


What makes you think Trump isn’t baiting you? How else do you catch some fish.

Why didn’t O’reilly bring up Saudi Arabia to Trump

and their plans to fuck-over americans.

Aren’t the leaders responsible for what their citizens do in other countries?

 DOES THE BUCK STOP when their citizens enter other countries?

The Sound of Silence

(Original Version from 1964)


Our leaders should not be allowed to enter their countries unless there

to take over their country via a huge ISLAMIC SHOWDOWN


(I believe are Mecca and Medina because of the name of Abraham to ABRAM and vice versa in Islam was a good indiction it might not have happened as of yet and no archeological evidence it had happened and because both places are located in the area called the wilderness of sin. Meaning i didn’t come up with this hypothesis out of thin air.) I think that strange vice versa is a sign and not only a sign but kind of a point of some kind possibly a spark to a huge end/purpose and I think it will reconcile truth from fiction

We never have found evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah

so it might be a future prophetic event about to unfold

like so many biblical things to be fulfilled

we thought were history and weren’t.

I know my dad was taught by the methodist church (I think that was where he was taught this notion as a beginner in bible knowledge going to methodist bible study classes to learn later in life) that revelation had already occurred unless he learned it from his youth about biblical things. Some of what is revealed in Revelation has occurred or was partially fulfilled but obviously some of it isn’t finished. Since I have had to experience Obama’s administration for 8 years or more when so many terrible things happened to my family it is apparent the teaching he learned and told me was not true BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. So the church lied to him and he passed it on. This is how deception works. At the time I knew he was wrong but hadn’t done my homework and was in the beginning stage of doing it. IF I had known what I now now I doubt what happened to my family would have happened but we were not in the know at the time and were attacked viciously in many ways and I will never forget and doubtful I will forgive (I’m not the only one who feels this way:LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE DO) till I see the end of the Vatican for their part in the demise of my parents using Hospice and others involved with the BGEA since it was this organization my family endured their NONSENSE but it was very destructive NONSENSE. It was beyond cruel and it was evil. I can’t forgive it. I won’t. I forgive my family when I know God teaches them the truth and helps them stand up against evil and cruelty. The RCC and the BGEA deserve a great deal of punishment for their DECEPTIVE influence and intervention and from the sounds of it and looks of it the destruction and end is coming soon to these religions including ISLAM and nothing anyone does will stop it. Might as well leave it. The Methodist Church played a HUGE role in the assassination of JFK as well that was not good as I found out during my JFK transcribing TWICE the CBS coverage of the assassination of JFK which you can find on Merangue’s Blog. I found out a lot of things of which I had no idea and learned quite a bit since then and because I didn’t foolishly and wantonly accept the one bullet theory which was insane UNLIKE so many in our government on both sides of the aisle wantonly did accept. WHY?

And why is my dad pictured on the pictures of Benghazi?




include this picture of my dad. Because he warned me about ObamaCare after he died?

It ought to scare you! Which came first Obama Care or Benghazi? We don’t know for sure because it did not write itself overnight.

I had a reaction about this photo last night and ended up at the hospital for few hours because it does get to me on top of my regular health problems. I have had this photo I found regarding Benghazi for a few years and it hurts to see it and discuss it but I have to and no one understands. No one. One of the few wonderful parts of my life MUCKRAKED by a depraved source. I’ll guarantee it’s gonna hurt whoever did this more than it hurts me, my mom, or my dad. A lot more.

While at the hospital I had to wait a few hours it was very busy with other sick people ahead of me. The lady before me who enjoyed a piece of shit programing on one of the two TV’s in the waiting room was asked if she needed a wheel chair by the guy who works there. Don’t know his name ….don’t want to but he looked eerily like my ex’s nephew and she said mono I can walk. Didn’t look very sick or act it and had lousy taste in programs TOTALLY OBNOXIOUS AND VILE. I did say to the wheel chair man can you turn this program off? and she wouldn’t have it but it was junk and few people i recognized were in the program for split second. One was Billy Graham and the other was George Bush.  I don’t know what you call it but some kind of subliminal flashes and I saw them. Then when the wheelchair asshole came to me he didn’t ask if I needed a wheel chair but I saw one and he didn’t want me in the wheel chair and by the time I made it to the room and bed he assigned me to I was in bad shape and worse than I was before. Anyway I hope he loses his job and has an accident where he is the kind of shape I’m in often because of this kind of stuff i have had to go through to tell what needs to be told for my sake, my families sake, and others because it is really important Not only that i hope he loses the things and people he loves, the pets he loves, the children he loves everything, HIS MONEY , HIS JOB, HIS SENSE OF HUMOR WHICH HE LACKED ANYWAY, and everything dear to him etc I hope the worst for him. It was so rude and calculating. I hope God saw it, noticed, and will see to it to teach him a good lesson he will NEVER forget like Obama did for many people but better. IT sounds rather harsh but I have been through quite a bit and didn’t deserve it. IMO.

One by one the ex’s family he grew up with is gone eat some dust.

The doctor wasn’t very good either. I tried to explain to him what had occurred 24 hours before which was an attack a very painful one and he wasn’t interested at all. He was only interested in what brought me to the hospital in the last 2 hours which is INANE as if one isn’t connected to the other like a horse with blinders only seeing ahead and not the sides or behind. Maybe he was a horse? A talking horse. Mr. Ed. Anyway I lost it and said some things about my dad and Benghazi and I knew he didn’t understand and he said “Don’t get mad at me.” which you have to admit is a kind of funny thing for a doctor to say as if he wasn’t really a doctor but an excuse for one and not a good one which is what Obama Care did to our hospitals and our medical field and then he told me he wasn’t allowed to give me pain medication which I think was a lie. He is working in the ER and if he is not allowed to prescribe pain medication he shouldn’t be working in an ER or in any hospital anywhere. I think it was some kind of ruse and purposefully but subtly not treating me as well as the others because of politics and religion and it will bite his ass and his dick, I hope. Most doctors are above that kind of reaction, good ones are anyway. Don’t get mad at me? wow IN the end times many will be overly sensitive but he hasn’t seen anything yet and I’m sure will harden his thin skin like a Komodo dragon and soon he will be a stone to be walked upon and I will clean my muddy boots off on his cold stone body.

The nurse however was kind and did her job and the others did as well.

I will find out both names and report it;)


I have 6 gaul stones and thought maybe the painful experience I had 24 or so hours before was that I passed a gall stone. I have never experienced it before so don’t know how it should feel but the doctor said “you don’t pass gall stones.” Yet the woman in bed in the same room with curtains between us was having gall bladder problems and one of the stones ended up in a duct of the gall badder. Maybe that is what happened to me, I don’t know. IN any case she was getting her gall bladder taken care of and they ignored my problems because he didn’t want to know.





“Usually, the stones pass from the gallbladder into the bile ducts. They may remain there without blocking the flow of bile or causing symptoms, or they may pass on into the small intestine without being noticed. However, if the gallstones cause a blockage in a bile duct, a person will have pain.”























Wouldn’t it Be Loverly – Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady )


Subliminal messaging is weird especially when you see it as it enters your brain unlike what it is intended to do to suggest without seeing. I’m glad I saw it coming.

There are way too many rules in the medical field protecting who: the insurance companies? That is who those rules protect not the patient nor the GOOD doctors.

IT has got to change. I remember hearing a lot of promises that have not been kept and maybe it is time to change those who made false promises in congress. CRUZ i one of them that lied his ass off I think he did unless he didn’t but didn’t he promise to do more? Didn’t he say he would get rid of Obama Care or was that only IF he became President. LOL

I guess free lancers and truthers are our best source of information but not always such as the green screen Isis beheaders in Cuba trying to act like they were in Libya (it seemed anyway to be threatening the vatican and it seemed like the be headers weren’t in Libya) which I found out on Fox by a very good reporter that I do trust quite a bit as far as the green screen, LOL. Really strange stuff. I figured and deduced it to be a Jesuit ploy.

Is Nordstrom a german company?

Maybe Trump supporters should boycott Nordstroms;) LOL

Especially next Christmas season!

Does Nordstom have some illegal immigration sweat shops in America or Mexico?

Explains why many illegal immigrants are so well dressed coming over the border compared to the people I saw in the waiting room and on a daily basis in america who are citizens.

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My what a big fish caught today.

The same groups the US beat in WWll seem to be the same groups causing trouble for the USA today. Is it any wonder?

All this controversy about Jesus and bread and I wonder if he actually said breadth and all the references to bread are a distraction added possibly later in jest such as the 40 day fast experience he had being tempted about stones turning in to bread. Referring to people as bread throughout and there are lots references having to do with bread.

LIke when the apostles think he is mad at them and they are on a boat and the apostles say say “is it because we brought no bread?” etc and because Jesus dips his bread at the last supper in the Gospel of John in some kind of mixture called SOP at the table as a sign of who betrays him and Satan enters that person and he goes and reports to the temple which was under occupation by the Romans which I think he had no choice and Jesus knew it and they give him money and he throws it down which was obviously intended because he wanted to beat someone to the punch but later in the books after Paul is shipwrecked with some prisoners on board on their way who escape in the Sea of Peter (SOP). The Mediterranean Sea or the Sea of the Philistine (SOP) before the name change to the Mediteranean Sea. Lots of twists and turns like a pretzel. People being referred to as bread and stones and heels is a bit odd. Raising his heel referring to Italy because of the shape of the country. A boot. In the recent past a heel was shitty person: he is a real heel. Usually an insulting person. People who talk down to others would be considered a heel. Many other examples. But also think what the nazis did: they clicked their heels as an allegiance to Hitler as they saluted their commanding officer. They were shitty people for the most part. I’m sure there were a few that weren’t but nevertheless it’s hard to tell on the battlefield who is naughty or nice.

Battle of Monte Cassino

As when Monte Cassino (a BENEDICTINE abbey)  was bombed by the allies and some people were totally pissed off and made a vow of revenge even though they were hiding nazis which is a no-no when at war and on the losing side. The allies noticed nazis there and attacked which is a normal reaction to an enemy when at war. You can read about it on the site called

European Institute of Protestant Studies by Dr. Ian Paisely

Think about crickets which rub their heels and make a lot of noise. In Iran I think they raise their heels real high when parading their armies like Obama when he doesn’t get a golf ball in the hole on his 7th try. VERY SIMILAR! LOL Anyway whoever raises their heel does it against Jesus in the Gospel of John.”He shall raise his heel against me” is what was said I think at the last supper by Jesus in the Gospel of John. He may have been referring to Obama, IRAN, and the nazis. There are others that raise them too.

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I have never seen anyone do that on a golf course no matter how bad they played

unless they were in the process of a fall.

NOt lonely that holding his golf club like a hammer. Kind of gross isn’t he?

Jesus in the Gospel of John talks about the Rise and fall of the son of man with Nathan after he tells him he saw him under the fig tree and then of course there is the

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Yet there were only 2 world wars. I have always wondered why it was called the third reich but I have wondered lately why West Point is on the eastern side of our country. Some things are hard to explain.

LIke this for example even though it occurred on the heels of Trumps attempt to protect Americans from terrorism:


I think there were 7 stores who dropped her brand of clothing because her dad did what he did in regards to immigration. One of those stores was Nordstrom and another Belk and others, etc.


I’m not sure it is a good time to sell her clothing line in foreign companies but perhaps she should try an american company or two and I bet her sales will skyrocket. It’s easy to make bad on something good if you try hard by not trying to sell it. THE TIMING WAS TELLING. Too bad politics is even in the stores that sell to americans but I guess it is and used as a strong arm to strong arm the president of the USA and to strong arm his daughter. Personally i have not seen her clothing but think about those people that refused to design clothing for President Trump’s wife the First Lady. THAT IS RIDICULOUS and mean-spirited. There are always others who will design for her and probably do a better job in the long run and instead of masculating her might actually do the opposite because there is nothing wrong with being feminine. Usually a sign of jealousy to refuse to design clothing

because you don’t like someone’s views

but if it comes to that kind of showdown

everyone can play.

I bet Nordstrom backtracks soon or at least next year after Christmas when sales drop like a lead balloon.

It’s like people who paint portraits of women and in the past have maculated them quite a bit and usually they are men doing the painting. Women artists tend to be kinder! I think women were not allowed to paint portraits in some places in the past because SOME women CAN do it better. I have noticed art of male painters in regards to painting males and they are very kind in the past to males which is kind of funny if you ask me.

I met an artist via my job when in college and he was married but wanted to paint me for practice and he was kind and the picture was huge. I liked what he did but probably has been painted over for practice. I looked good then so it wasn’t too hard. When people age their character shows in their face often with some lines and things. Life wasn’t too easy on them etc especially if you have kids, but some people don’t understand how hard it is on a person’s body and skin etc and instead degrade a person for those character lines instead of respecting them for giving up some things along the way while raising kids and the things their kids put them through as well.

I know in Hollywood they love young ladies even if they can’t act which is why so many get plastic surgery as they age and some ruin their looks but I bet it has to do with who does the surgery whether male or female and probably politics and religion play a part as well like what happened to the female comedian (Joan Rivers) a few years ago who died needlessly. I think politics and religion played a huge role in her death (and her plastic surgery sorry to say but there are plenty examples and if people were honest about it we might get to the bottom of why it happens to some and not to others and be able to oust a few plastic surgeons for their malpractice (but INSURANCE COVERS THEIR ASSES BECAUSE OF LACK OF HONESTY and screws some and raises others CHEERLEADER MOM MENTALITY) because she was kind of outspoken which as a comedian is normal. They make fun of everything so it is too bad it happened to her but it was during the Obama Administration which is par for the course. There are many who have had plastic surgery and come out worse. WE ALL KNOW IT. YOU CAN TELL who has had plastic surgery a mile away like how they purse their mouths etc (though many males are so often cheap they don’t care especially if they take a few drinks and put a bag over someone’s head while they perform. IT’S TRUE IT’S TRUE) and most decent people overlook the surgery as they did the flaws. Besides there is always someone prettier and younger and more talented. I think in the case of Joan Rivers her sin was honesty and Michelle didn’t like it but if Michelle had been honest he/she might help others who are similar and instead did the opposite or someone did. What a waste. I hope they get to the bottom of her untimely death.

It’s a compliment oftentimes to be made fun of by a comedian because it is what they do. Every president is maligned by comedians for fun.

SOOOOOOO, it wasn’t about race, was it? Just an excuse. Race in the sense of getting through the door ahead of everyone else but not race in reference to one’s heritage.

But what if it’s the wrong door.


LIke IRAN. In a race that may be INSURING it’s own destruction and a few others nearby

like Saudi Arabia even if they are on friendly terms at the moment. Things change.

Lady Gaga did great at half-time and her body was fun to watch as she sang and performed. Very feminine and I prefer watching her over Madonna any day who I think is too muscular and sorry to say reminded me of a frog LOL as if she took muscle drugs. When madonna started her career i really liked what she did but progressively got worse as time went on and needn’t have if she stuck to her own niche and instead copied lots of famous actresses and it got old but probably was acting through overly competiveness. She can do it again of course and try to be herself. Probably has something to do with the producers steering her talent TOO MUCH instead of herself steering her own talent. As far as being a communist, I don’t agree. “This land is your land “is not a communist song. I don’t necessarily think Bob Dylan was a communist as much as a poet (though he might have thought he was  communist but not really a communist but didn’t know it) which is attractive to both communists and to capitalists. All of us have a little of both in us. If he had been a true communist he would not have accepted awards and shit like that and given all his proceeds to everyone else and he didn’t that I know of. I love the song because it’s a good song. PERIOD. Some common good is good as long as it is GOOD common good and doesn’t stifle free thought, the arts, and free enterprise. It’s not like we have walls between each state. HOSPICE IS NOT GOOD but it’s hush hush which means it is BAD!


Have you seen the huge doors that Putin walks through? I don’t know but they look golden but could be brass doors. If that is communism it has taken on a new form and shape. Talk about capitalistic. Three or 4 goliaths could walk through those doors.

Anyway if you watch the movie “The Russians Are Coming” you kind of get a different feel for russian communists but so little gets out of their country as far as information so it is hard to know what it is like in Russia. Good movie and fun to watch. Silly. When Russia was the USSR it was much different and less attractive. LENINY. Everyone wearing scarves and labor clothes is what i recall especially after seeing the movie Dr. Zhivago. They have had quite a history. I did take a class in Russian history and it was quite interesting but it was a long time ago.

What we experienced with Obama during his reign of terror was not common good.

It was fascism. Delusionary and without vision.

BOB BECK says Nordstrom wasn’t selling any of Ivanka Trumps clothes so that is why they droopped her and yet used her to attract other clothes lines. Then they owe her and must have been pretty good stuff to have attracted others and if they had tried to sell her clothes they could have. Must be losing their mojo. Anyway they dropped her because of Trumps immigration policy PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Timing is evident.

The store is not any better than Lord and Taylor or Dillards, etc. There are many others department stores that can replace Nordstroms. I have been there a few times and I was not overly impressed. It’s a department store, big deal. They overcharge for what you get. Scrivners/Scribners was really superior yet smaller.  There are plenty of more original department stores than Nordstrom out there. Target and Walmart could compete if they had better dressing rooms and if they reorganized but they prefer a certain clientele. Many other smaller stores that beat Nordstorms by a mile as far as styles, beauty, and prices all over this country. When you think about it clothes only last so long because styles change every season so just because something is made well  (double stitched)  doesn’t mean you will wear it more than the clothes you might buy at Target or Walmart unless you work for Fox News. In fact you wear it probably one tenth of the amount of time you wear regular clothes.

Trumps attempt to protect us is good because he is trying to gain control of an uncontrollable situation left to him by Obama and the Pope on purpose in order to protect himself and what was done at Benghazi and to make our country unstable and in harm’s way of Iran and other terrorist nations. The RCC and Obama and terrorist nations know they are in trouble. I think Trump should add more countries to the list and he isn’t the only person to suggest it even the libertarians felt we needed to separate ourselves for a while. Get it together since so much desecration has occurred and to correct it.

I don’t think Trump is trying to hurt immigrants because if this country gets terrorized because he didn’t do his job those immigrants will perish as well wherever they reside.


If we get into a good trade deals with Russia I think it will be a PLUS for the world and for both countries and we should pursue it. I don’t think other nations would like it if we did which means we should. I think Putin has showed quite a lot of restraint and good judgement and i think would be a great trading partner and a very good partner in keeping fascism contained which at this time it needs a great deal of containing besides having a sense of humor talking about his countries other side which I thought was funny promoting his countries …………. as the best which shows he is not a moral laurel. He has an open mind and intelligence etc. Much better intelligence than the RCC, Germany’s intelligence, and even the FBI. He has shown his knowledge and INTEL and I think much more reliable than those named. He has been on that side of the world which I think our country does not understand to the extent that he does because he has had to deal with them at a closer range. I am glad Trump thinks he can get along with him and I think he can because both are willing to work with each other on equal footing unlike Obama who wanted to rule the world like some kind of Pharaoh he imagines himself while snorting some cocaine or shooting up some heroin or some other drug to keep that kind of unrealistic dream. Obamas interest in syria was not worthy but cynical and intended to be used against the USA, Russia, Europe, and Israel and eventually everyone. If he had been a good president he would not have vacationed in Hawaii during a huge crisis on the east coast nor let Michelle and instead delayed it spending eons of money on those that were affected instead of Oprah’s and Michelle’s BS. It was gross and showed his lust for self- aggrandizement and lack of breeding early on and theirs. He wants to destroy ISRAEL. PERIOD.

And still does.

How much did they spend.

I think they should pay it back.

Will Oprah help?

I think it was way over any of Oprah’s assets but if she loves them as she acts like she does than she ought to offer her help to pay back the debt they owe and the Obama’s should be held accountable. Maybe Paul Ryan could work on their excessive spending debt and hold the Obama’s accountable like a good Senator would if he were good, that is.

If not maybe God will hold their feet to the fire instead somehow.

We should get out of NATO as well though Trump is for it. In my opinion NATO is our problem and US needs to step back from it.

Break old ties and start new ones that work for us now not ones that worked in the distant past.



Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Most illegals don’t have any idea about loopholes or taxes because they don’t pay them  but someone does and it should be investigated. I think it is related to obama and the vatican. How would they know unless someone taught them in Mexico or somewhere else and Mexico is PREDOMINANTLY Roman Catholic.

NOW THE EX REMEMBERS. A half hour has passed and he remembers, now after he read an article about it on his own which says gall bladders pass gall stones but it is uncommon and I asked. “what does that mean, uncommon.” and he could not specify. I said “one out of a hundred?  what?” He could not say but obviously he knows he got caught in his lie or he would not have looked it up so he must have some pretty nasty characters heeling him and he will be sorry and so will they be

super sorry

FUCKING assholes.


You can’t imagine what I hope for but I do. IT IS SUPER BAD.

It is worse than that. I want him to die. That is how I feel about his lies. HOwever I will not be the one to accomplish it but someday it will happen and I will say in my head


Anyway the reasons Gall bladders hurt severely when they do is because the stones are passing into areas that are sensitive and usually people have the gall bladder removed because of the pain. The ex loves my pain. And I will love his pain for eternity. I remember when my pulse was up to 145 and he said “mind over matter” and went to bed. I will never forget his deep abiding love and friendship. He wants me to die and has for a long time but hasn’t been able to legitimately accomplish it without incriminating himself and somehow I pass through. He never tries to learn nor cares a twit about the truth and someday he will regret what he has done and he will ask for a drop of water but I won’t hear nor see him, hopefully and that includes the family he grew up with everyone of them. Trying to get me to be grateful for being falsely arrested and he was the one that called the police. He deserves my send off because he is a little prick from hell.

Anyway in response he got his daughter to act really shitty to me like he got the doctor and the nurse to do the same. I left a message on her phone after her little act and told her “You know what’s really gross is your dad got your pretty car by starving his mom to death,” after we had some nasty words between us.

Can’t get any grosser than starving your mom to death, can you?

Divine love of the Rodgers clan and deluded but not sure they realize it.

I pray he dies soon with his friends and family with the exception of my two daughters.

Before the end of this I guarantee I am going get both my kids to change their last name and my youngest her middle name and my last name as well. The Rodgers name is trash as far as I’m concerned for all the things I have had to go through but he is acting very nice today but that doesn’t mean he will tomorrow and I like constancy.

My daughter did not act like herself when we had our spat and was degrading to me and yet she is young and doesn’t really know how to be tactful but it was more than I could take from her disrespect for me and she was not acting right IMO or for the right reasons but was acting on her dad’s part for the wrong reasons and it was gross though she tried to make me feel gross for some reason. IT hurt me and I hurt her back witht he truth and I think she needs to have it drummed into her what he did and I think did for the wrong reasons wether or not his mom wanted it or not but he wasn’t there to know but had heard something many years before about old folks homes and how she did not want to be treated the way they treat old folks. Doesn’t mean you starve your mom to death. and besides she probably did not want a feeding tube put down her nose because it hurts like the dickens and until I was put under anesthesia they could not do it to me in a desperate moment when I was in severe pain elsewhere. She may have refused the feeding tube for that reason alone and was misunderstood and besides she could not talk. Sn people change their minds sometimes. However what she had her sons do or what they did to her will have far reaching affects on many others that my not want to be put down like a DOG and with less kindness as well. I twill have far caching affects on hospitalization and Emergency Rooms. ITs a bad deal because it can be abused for peoples assets and for money like the Catholic church has done in the past not allowing divorce to protect their asses and assets and causing great unhappiness for those that truly should be divorced and not allowing priests to marry to learn the hardship of it sometimes. and to actually be of use to the world YOu cannot direct others if you cannot experience what others experience nor should you be able to. Like having a child raise their parents. It doesn’t work that way.

One of his nephews is coming to town for a cheerleading convention down town. The one who is the youngest son of the eldest son of the Rodgers clan who lied all the time. My first experience with him (Joe Rodgers) was in Michigan when I first met him when his oldest son who was maybe ten years old or less and he whacked him across the face for nothing and it was a very hard whack because he had funny look on his face. HIs wife divorced him soon after and moved back to Utah and remarried. She was a Mormon. He avoided paying child support for a long time and then came into some money and bought some stuff for his kids and I guarantee he stole it because he was also a thief. He was the one that said he served in Viet Nam when he was on some island Guam or something like that. He lied incessantly without shame and his mother didn’t teach him. None of them tried to teach him not to lie. It was not my job however I kicked him out of our home twice after some hard lessons and one was he tried to seduce my sister when she was drunk and stole some things and used us for a free ride and the other I can’t remember why and he told his family he beat me up which he didn’t. However he tried to rape and I think he did beat up a friend of ours at the TMZ daughter. She was a nice young lady. This is what I have had to deal with and I guess the youngest son my ex was just as bad however I didn’t know it till I knew. He put op a good front Mr. Proper fuck.

Talk about fucked up. She never let them read the bible like Nancy Pelosi who suggested the congress not read Obama Care. It’s a catholic problem and it needs fixing however I really don’t want to help them anymore because in my opinion catholics need to help themselves and so does congress.

Start reading the shit you dish out or 

prepare to get fucked for eternity.

It is very strange but the person i saw in the hallway going to the bedroom of my ex in my ex after my daughter left the house and this was after he remembered reminded me of Gary when I first met him at the airport when I was 13 years of age or so. So it was punishment for him remembering g all of a sudden to use my daughter which gary was that tip and so is my ex to attack. Using their kids especially females. He looked me over real good up and down when I was 13 as if he had plans. We went that day to an army picnic. Also reminded me of Gary when my dad had a TIA at the hospital when Gary’s daughter Kristen had one of her babies. Like some kind of demon. My dad had driven 5 or so hours and I don’t think got a nap at an old age but my sister didn’t care for others Just herself and pushing everyone to their limit on her account or her families without thinking of others. My daughter seemed like my older sister as if whatever demon that possessed my sister to hospice for two weeks my mom without telling me before she died was in my daughter, So I am fighting something big and  NASTY. Because if you don’t  or haven’t read my other posts Gary my brother in law molested me while I slept next to his new wife. They were only married a few years and she was 6 years older than me which is NASTY to do to me and his wife and my family and hers because if affected us all for many years but like I said it wasn’t my job to teach him, it was her job or his parents job and I guess they failed to do right by him and for him and for themselves and others. I could use some genuine prayers from genuine believers which are few for my daughters and me. LIke I said I would love to see my ex depart and never see his kids again or me because he is such a liar it’s scary and only remembers when he doesn’t have a choice or is caught. He got her the car on his moms starvation diet to get in good with my daughter to outdo me because of the divorce and because his religion hates my beliefs which I believe are closer to the truth than theirs. It is so gross to have to deal with liars on a consistent basis.. What he did to his mom is gonna have far reaching and super bad affects on the next generation if there is one, which I doubt especially since Jesus said what he said on the shores of Galilee to Peter as a warning to Peter.

I’m not Peter. I’m a female for one thing and my name is not Peter. Peter represents the RCC as it’s mascot for Paul whose name was Saul probably a spelling homonym of SOL as in SUN which is a star in the center of our solar system and there are many solar systems (500 so far that have been found) that were created and are not the creator. Paul sounds like POL and probably represents or is the homonym for politics and when you take off the first syllable you get I-tics as in blood suckers. Blood suckers have to have a host to live off of but those can be taken out of the way as is predicted or prophesied PERIOD. It could be ghost or it could be the holy one is taken out of the way, etc, not sure but since so much of the bible has been found to have been edited a bunch recently we have a big problem which happened a bunch in the 70’s and 80’s and the 90’s by the RCC (and definitely in the dark ages by the RCC) and other religions like Rick Warren’s religion etc of tossing out some good old folks out of their own small churches for the new way Mega Churches which isn’t working very well anymore,

is it?


He murdered a slave whacker and was chosen to lead the Hebrew slaves to freedom

Those old folks must have mattered.




We  aren’t that important if there are found so far 500 other solar systems. So I think our country better get it’s shit together and do right or we won’t get to do it anymore.

Doesn’t the swiss guard – guard the Vatican posthumously in those funny costumes?LOL


Swiss could represent the moon as in Islam or cheese as in swiss cheese. Could mean the Sabbath and keeping it holy. Strange but still lots to think about

what is meant by holy one

or holy

HO-ly or holy ghost.

Tonight on Fox news with O’reilly was a woman with the Robert Kennedy foundation of something or other type club or organization and today I asked the ex if he had heard anything lately about Robert Kennedy and he hadn’t heard anything about him in many years and neither have I. Didn’t hear her just saw her and she looked like a Kennedy through and through. So the big guns are out and I don’t think I’m being ignored because I just wrote about Robert Kennedy which I thought was not coincidental.

I had to go to the hospital again today and had a totally different experience a day or so after the circus I had to experience called an ER fun/run like a circus with the exception of a few. IT was like night and day. I got the treatment I should have gotten the second time around. Had a few testy moments with the new doctor but he was older and more professional and his staff took him seriously. Every person was professional and kind. He wasn’t exactly kind as he was good and talented but still wanted not to worry about my gall bladder experience even though it is connected to what is going on with my COPD. He did kind of lie I could tell when he looked down when I asked him because he had said in an earlier conversation that “Emphysema is COPD” and I retorted “I’ve been around. I know COPD is a catchall.” Especially since Fukushima and those that like to spread plagues like Ebola as a scare tactic and political and religious groups to get them to carry OBAMA Care, so on his next visit I planned to ask him “If COPD is emphysema, why do we call it COPD? Is it because it is politically correct to call it COPD?” Funny thing is I kind of think he knew I would ask him that question. He responded: ” I don’t know I’ve been doing it for three days” In between all that I had sent the ex home for a while because I wanted good treatment from the hospital and got it and even a very good nurse said I did the right thing by returning to get the right help though she didn’t say the last part. Anyway they did what should have been done the first time which I appreciate, and did it happily, too. When I went today at the beginning i thought maybe the reason I was having to go again was to find out the name of the asshole no wheelchair asshole because he didn’t do it just once but twice in a matter of seconds which was disgusting and callous and PREMEDITATED. So I guess I did the right thing because I must have needed it but he wasn’t there this time. I’ll catch him later I’m sure.

It’s a family affair ere. It’s a family affair ere.

Sly & The Family Stone – A Family Affair

Guess what….I’ve been doing it a lot longer than three days. Nearly ten years I think but after so many years it’s hard to count when there are at least 365 days in a year because I don’t do it every day or keep track of every second of the day and I’m still learning as well.

I didn’t get his joke at first but the ex when there tipped me to it’s meaning and it was a good one and it was telling though he may not realize it. He is kind of dry with a dry sense of humor and a bit crusty like old people sometimes are a little that way because they have been around.

I recall when Jesus was with a prostitute when some people wanted her to be stoned and he drew a line in the dirt or sand and the older ones left.

The fact is there are lots of spies with their little eyes, but they don’t know it.

In between a few conversations with the good doctor I spewed lots of facts i have discovered to the ex in some kind of order but not nearly all the facts and suppositions as well as the things I have found and I didn’t realize it but the doctor was with another patient nearby and I saw him  move like the wind (which reminded me of the past president of Iran and the DOJ for Obama EricHolder that I explained either in this post or the last one called The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, but could have been for legit reasons because it is an ER or both.) for some reason and I thought oops I may have given away some information or spilled some beans but it’s okay if I did because we need to know and we are all in this together (even Iran) in some ways and besides God knows more than we know and can handle everything on his end. I think IRan needs to know they are embarking upon a field they do not know how to handle well because they lack experience and will more than likely have to learn it the hard way because of lack of experience and a lack of belief IMO of the true God who gave us the Ten Commandments so they are at a disadvantage and could regret their desires and lust for power. I understand their desire because of the past but there are other ways to win power and less dangerous and the club the Iranians want to join is rough and tougher than they are. When we attained the power in our country was not by our own volition but forced upon us to fight fascism. It is not necessarily a blessing but a curse to some countries such as Korea to us it’s a blessing because we won WORLD WAR ll because of it but also a curse in some ways. It was a curse to Japan because they were on the wrong side AT THE TIME and on the side of Fascism/racism and on the Jesuits side which is the wrong side but they do like to play games with the lives of their supposed friends. The masons as well who started out on a good foot and ended up being infiltrated as all the other sects and religions and faiths by assholes and because of deception. It has become a curse to the USA because of the food chain poisoned in the oceans by MAN_MADE accidents such a s FUKUSHIMA instigated by stupid politics of religion of the RCC and those in it that have very little common sense but lust for power. Not only the food chain poisoned but the balance of oxygen since the plankton that were poisoned in the oceans which provide 1/3 of the oxygen on earth so it affects EVERYONE especially those like me who were attacked and in one day received COPD as an excuse for the poisoning via walnuts vs almonds because of a lysteria outbreak and it was purposeful because of my beliefs and maintained in various ways via deceived and forgetful ex’s and his friends and their friends to have an easy time of it during a very deceptive, false religious and political Détente which will bear out eventually to their demise unless they change their ways and do good and start remembering what they remember. Start being truthful for the sake of others. Sounds wild but true and I had to find out the hard way and with lots of investigation and got some answers from some true friends and they know who they are but rare friends some in high places and some in low places and some family members involved somewhere in between who have helped me and are in the hands of God. Some on the other side of what we call living and some on the inside whom I hope to sit on a beach together drinking a Pina Colada or beer or drink of choice in our chairs with funny hats on together one day above it all enjoying the sounds, sights, and smells and tastes and all the other senses we are blessed with as over comers and past the bull shit. Like the girl I met who wants to invent the perfect anti biotic and get rich from it. A great desire if you ask me. It doesn’t happen overnight and it is a tall order but doable if you believe in God, the real one.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8King James Version (KJV)

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.


Vintage Chatty Cathy toy doll TV Commercial 1960’s

I don’t remember what my little sister received the same Christmas and I am suspicious she got a Chatty Cathy doll too. She knows a lot of things, you know. We were only about a year apart so it makes sense she received what I received or we shared it but I definitely made mincemeat of the doll. I kind of remember dropping it in the road when it stopped working or because the string broke when we lived on a cul-de-sac.

Like the flip flops she gave me the same weekend my older sister spent two hours searching for some flip flops while visiting my mom and she said “Money is no object.” They looked exactly the same but the used ones were definitely used and I wore them for a few days and they broke, but mine were free.

We used to fly together in our bedroom like Tinker Bell and she remembers doing it as well the last time we reminisced about it and she remembered the HOBO with the knapsack and his german shepherd in the woods behind us beyond the fence line and the monkeys from the castle we dared each other and other friends to approach closer to in our playtime and the apple orchard being chased by a man with a shotgun. She wasn’t there when I was offered some candy from a lady in a car in order to get into the car with her. I refused of course. We shared lots of experiences together and apart. Eating ice-cream and potato chips on Saturday mornings at 5 in the morning to watch Shirley Temple and cartoons. It was kind of a ritual.

The experience we reminisced about in San Antonio was the blackout in Georgia. My older sister was there and so was my younger sister sitting around the dinette table laughing about it because it was funny. I think it was Easter weekend late the night before Easter and as we were finishing up the baskets and dispersing of candy and coins inside plastic eggs and we were kind of giddy being so late at night or early morning. We had already painted the eggs with the kids and they were in bed. My parents were in their bedroom asleep downstairs. Not sure if I had kids at the time but partook of the whole she-bang with their kids often but I might have had one kid but that isn’t as important to this few weird minutes. Anyway I think I was ready to go to bed upstairs or go to the bathroom upstairs but the lights went out as I was walking up the stairway which was steep and kind of narrow with a bannister. It was strange. On the wall to the right was a picture my aunt had painted of a painting my parents really liked: A big ship on the ocean. I bet my aunt did a better job because she was quite an oil paint artist as was her son who also was very talented at his art. Since it was so dark I grabbed the wall which happened to be where the painting was hung because it was a big painting and almost knocked it off the wall and had to adjust it so it wouldn’t fall off it’s hangers. It wasn’t the first time we had reminisced about that night in Georgia but probably the first time we did it all three of us together. The end. LOL

Yea probably boring or anti-climatic to many but you have to admit it couldn’t have been a mere coincidence since it never happened since or in-between. I think when the the lights went out in Georgia it might have been during Christmas vacation.

None of us know everything occurring at certain times. And so something may have occurred to me that was different to you but even something else may have been happening either OPUS knew.

I know at some point recently the Catholic Church in Rome wanted to force Sunday worship which is wrong of course. Enforcing Saturday worship is also wrong as well.

Enforcing any kind of worship is wrong

and foolish

and evil.

Islam wants to enforce worship as well beheading or stoning people without representation and usually based on false accusations and even if not false

it’s wrong such a homosexuality or having sex with an infidel. LOL

Enforcing atheism is also wrong and evil which in my opinion is

enforcing the foundation of most religions off our lands or off any land

but especially our land.

This land is my land, this land is your land

Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land

The foundation of many and most religions is The Ten Commandments and ignore these commandments at your own peril but it is not up to me or you

to enforce the Ten Commandments.

It is up to God who designed them using Moses.

Moses stuttered or had a speech impediment and asked for his brother’s help with God’s permission or it was suggested by God (don’t remember for sure on that point) when he came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments dropped them and broke the two stone tablets because he saw the people dancing around a golden calf they had melted from their golden earrings (in that time an eating was a sign of ownership and must have been quite a few) to make the golden calf and Aaron who was in charge while Moses was on the mountain for quite a long time was weak in other ways and fell for peer pressure to allow them to lose it from hysteria similar to the democrats and what they are doing these three weeks since Trump was sworn in as the President of the USA. Anyway a group of people killed the false worshippers even though they were weak and afraid and had just been freed so very naive as well and probably could have been dealt with fairly if Aaron hadn’t been kind of stupid and if that group hadn’t been zealots to impress God and Moses by killing them. I guarantee there were spies involved on both sides to cause havoc. Moses might have had cleft palate which affected his speech by no fault of his own. Sometimes two people are better than one but in this case I don’t think so but someone had to help while he was away.

My godmother was once in a group of people in line to meet some people and thought the person she was talking to was joking the way he spoke and mimicked him a hairlip and turned out he was truly a hairlip or had a cleft palate. Can’t remember how you spell it but it was kind of funny because she often put her foot in her mouth which sometimes was funny as well though other times not and I don’t think he was too offended (probably used to it) but she was embarrassed and I don’t think she meant to be offensive. A family story we enjoyed and perhaps we shouldn’t have enjoyed it but we couldn’t help it. Luckily for guys they can grow mustaches and beards unlike women who do the same but lots less and can’t cover it up without surgery or makeup. Anyway she told the family story so it is to her credit she did giving us a heads up about herself. I just wished she understood my mom better and loved her for the way she was even with some faults of her own.

Each state has their own rules they design because of the makeup of their state and in our country we have 50 states with a couple extra sort of states. I think we overdo it in many places because of the many scams and infractions but since we are the people I guess we get to get involved and try to change those rules using the voting booths and freedom of speech and the right to have some social unrest within limits such as what occurs on campuses usually because of false information and political stupidity but not always.

Breaking property and windows and burning peoples cars is dangerous and destructive and better be a good excuse for it and three weeks of Donald Trump is not a good excuse. Dirty politics. He may have accomplished a lot but we have not seen good or bad results yet so its really childish and like a bunch of nut-cases having a tantrum all at once because they lost the game of politics at least for 4 years. If you can’t handle it get off the pot. Should have protested during the Obama administration and against Obama Care and against hospice and against the broken promises to out veterans to be taken seriously now. You lost your moral ground to be allowed to act like a bunch of babies in diapers who don’t know their shit from some one else’s shit to eat. LOL

My parents loved to lavish us when they could and my sisters did the same for their kids and I did to mine usually at Christmas time and Easter and their birthdays because of tradition.

Jesus said Your Father in heaven knows your needs, meaning God,


but so does your father and mother here on earth and in heaven.

My parents knew my needs when I had my abortion.

So far we don’t really have the answers about when life begins because it is sort of an interpretation at this point what life is especially in the beginning stages.

Some think it’s at the time of conception, some think it’s at birth and some think it’s somewhere in-between those two points and some even think it is in the sperm or semen because of the Old Testament interpretation of the seed of man.

Men and boys spill it very often on the ground, on a wall, on themselves, on a sheet or blanket, on the thighs of a female, in other people’s mouths, in a rubber, in whores, sluts prostates, and prostitutes, some times children, etc. and probably  in cabs, in the woods, on a tree, etc. Luckily sheets can’t reproduce and many of the things named can’t reproduce or don’t reproduce

and we,


have a right not to reproduce

if we don’t want to

with or without our parent’s permission

because often times

parents can be brainwashed

by cults, lies, and peer pressure.

We have a right to stop it at any point until it is not part of the human female such as at birth, when it breaths it’s own air after they spank the baby and cut the umbilical cord or when he or she or he/she is breathing on their own or with the help of machines such as for premies (premature births) and give it all the chances good medical care can afford to assist with or give not based on the money aspect to assist in that endeavor or attempt in my opinion and in many other people’s opinions and in most religions of the world because even though a person is raised catholic doesn’t mean they are completely catholic as in Rome’s version of catholicism or even the other countries catholics versions of catholicism who reside and are raised as catholics, protestants and all the others. There is such thing as individualism amongst catholics and protestants, and islamic muslims, muslims, and all other religions:Et al.

which I have come to learn.

Et al.” is a scholarly abbreviation of the Latin phrase et alia, which means “and others.” It is commonly used when you don’t want to name all the people or things in a list, and works in roughly the same way as “etc.”

In wars often females get pregnant by the enemy and during a coup, or during times of false peace times and true peace times depending on the parties involved.

Remember what was said in the movie called Brave Heart by the evil English king who wanted to breed them out talking about the scottish people and the scottish females and irish females and welsh females, etc and i’m sure that kind stuff goes one in many countries by sadistic, over-bearing assholes like those residing at the vatican and all over the world in their sanctuaries, churches, parishes, convents and charities, adoption centers, orphanages, and anywhere there are females of any ages because it is a tactic in war and peace and between social classes and for self-serving reasons such as keeping abusiness afloat as well either to degrade someone’s daughter or wife or to snare someone’s son, boyfriend or husband, or to degrade a female by another female or male one is competing with for one reason or another. There are lots of those excuses and other reasons usually involving money or lack of money. LOTS. Sometimes to degrade the family of the victim whether under duress or vice because of an upcoming election or as in the military the promotion of one over the other wherever there is competition and even in business or for political and/or religions purposes to change the scenery or chances of others against others. It is endless the reasons because of sociopaths who were not raised correctly or developed their sociopathetic or sociopathic tendencies out of greed to inflict damage on others.

The buck should stop with the female before or after conception sometime before birth which I believe BIRTH is the beginning of life in reality but not always depending on politics and religion and their pressures to overbear on the public which can kill often times does when they are supposed to serve with tons of minutia to get rich or be on top somehow of keep power like the democrats are doing now and should try to be reasonable and thoughtful and give Trump the same opportunity to try to do good (hopefully) as they did for Obama to try to do bad and early on showed signs of deceptiveness and murderous intent of our citizens and pushing our buttons to cause dissent between races.

It is the right of the female because it is her birthright being a female and it is up to her self determination to decide when, where, and by whom or what she wants to reproduce and between her and her God to decide and come to terms with the option of abortion a form of birth control as well as the practice of using the rubber, the pill, the day after pill the month after pill and all the other options available and it is those countries that have many options I consider to be ADVANCED civilizations. However the Sudan probably thinks they are superior where many women have their clits cut for the males and females to inflict their sadism upon a female hoping by HER LACK OF Sexual PLEASURE will control the population and is proven to be a false notion because often and most of the time males are at fault because the smallest of seed isn’t the mustard seed but the man’s seed and their VERY small minds that usually occupy as much space as the semen spermocyte in their dick. Sorry to be so mean, LOL, but it’s true especially when under some forms of pressure, deceit and self deception

with a hat on or a hard on

or a hard hat on.


Not trying to be offensive but even though I was hard on this pope he did a few things that were surprising and was a proponent of truth in some things which I think may have caused his early retirement but it was quite an elegant one as well. I think he got some good help from spiritual people on the other side of living who helped to give him some balance and bravery and I think he listened. It’s not easy sorting through some heavy stuff spiritually and physically but at least in some ways he tried in a very hard place to raise his children to a higher plane but I don’t think the Jesuits liked it. Interesting character if you read up on him and notice some interesting facts about him but I think he warned a clarion call of things to come and I listened though I did not trust without verification etc but I appreciated that call and his warning and coincided with my father’s death and life afterwards.I think my dad helped him on the bravery thing giving him courage he needed which is how we get it sometimes if we believe in God.

One of those truths he promoted was TRUTH IN CHARITY which is a big problem these days. The other non-truth was a coming world government with teeth that he warned about or vice-versa depending on how you look at it.

Both connected and both verified.

In other words he tipped us off and gave us a heads up.

There were a few others as well such as Faith was the New Enlightenment

and warned about the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame in France

and affecting Israel and the USA, Europe, Russia, the Middle east, Africa and Asia and the world at large

and he said maybe the jews weren’t responsible for the death of Jesus.

I’m sure there were others I did not get wind because of the wind

but my dad also warned me about Obama Care and the Hospice dis-service after he died

and so did my mom

believe me those truths and non truths are connected at the hip.

5. I Thirst (John 19:28)

Not everything in their post is right but some is and worth reading for others though I have read many like this article but it might help to educate those that have not and lead to other good posts about Jesus and biblical stuff. The bible is the same you know. Not everything is true in the true sense of the meaning of truth but yet in some ways true. And if you read between the lines there is more to know because in the old days people were not as FRANK with each other and now trying to make us less FRANK and politically correct to suppress the truth and in some way Frankness can be bad because it’s often coarse but sometimes it is good depending on the subject matter and when talking about sex well we all have some kinks in us or sensitivities because it is one of the most confusing subjects on earth and in the world which is why it needs to be discussed.

You  can’t understand it unless you experience it and it’s not always good depending on who you experience it with and when and how and many other things. Obviously virgins don’t know diddley squat about it so they aren’t much help except to parade around on false notions that having sex up to a point makes you innocent or women who walk around pregnant with fetus without a husband makes them on some moral high ground etc. But the females do take the punch and they should not have to and should also have the same rights as men Self determination because it is their body until it isn’t.

Other Nasty Politics

  1. Texas governor legalizing medical marijuana for some and not for others. Any good reasoning behind that particularism or separatism? I don’t think so I think its either being a fraidy cat or peer pressure. Same difference. No wonder he resides in a wheel chair…he deserves it. I think wheel chairs should be disallowed for governors who are assholes that think with the brain the size of a spermocyte in a little prick.

2) Oklahoma charging no tax on ALL food items  INCLUDING PREPARED ONES and over charging tax on other products and trying to dismiss consumption tax on a very unfair and premeditated failure of the consumption tax.

Probably has something to do with the governor of this state Mary what’s her facelift and lip injections, boob job BULLSHIT Obama follower PUSHING THOSE BOOBS IN WHOSE EVER FACE TO GET THEM TO REASON WITH THEIR DICKS INSTEAD OF THEIR BRAINS if you look up the history of her politics involving Obama and what she did for him probably more than you realize behind the scenes to get those attributes which did not help.

You do not have to overcharge on tax on anything to have good results in the consumption tax because more people will pay in the tax revenue via consumption because it is obvious they will spend more being able to buy more for the buck over the long haul including those that are illegal and more people will flock to a fair state if treated fairly that are legal and invest in a fair state because it is fair. It’s called good economics and good politics but some people are unwilling and unyielding just to prove a point like you cannot live by bread alone. And quit stealing other peoples ideas and calling it your own. You don’t have me fooled, nor God even though you think you are one coy bitch. It will come to haunt you one day and you will wish you had tried to do right.

I think these people need to go to college and learn about economic micro and macro beginning stage and get an A in the courses taught by an expert of economics before being allowed to be governor or a senator or a congressman of a state and show some respect for the people they serve in more ways than one. I’m so pretty when you ain’t that pretty to some. Females need to get a hold of themselves like Pelosi and quite rubbing their boobs in Shumer’s face before she loses those boobies because of a car accident and they explode in his face! They kind of did already, didn’t they?

A woman died in your state that shouldn’t have of suicide because she didn’t get the right medical care and was ignored and lied to and limited by insurance shit and misdiagnosed purposefully because she was a christian woman loved by a lot of people and in great pain and was driven to it, affecting her family and others in a detrimental way and it will rest on your shoulders and weigh you down town the kind of down town you don’t want to be for a long time when you die. Anyway she should not have died the way it happened and in desperation. She had a common disease curable 20 years ago by diet and drugs and the people she was allowed to see because of insurance said it was all in her head and she blew her brains out eventually because of the sad state of affairs in the state of Oklahoma.

She was young too and much prettier than you.

Politics is not the place to use boob jobs and liposuction to get your way and you do a disservice to other smarter and more reliable women in politics but I guess that may be the point and purpose you were given to shut out the more valuable ones to women and men and the citizens of the USA. What kind of power would do this kind of chicanery.

I will tell you: NOT A GOOD ONE.

Grease u better shape up

Olivia didn’t need big boobs to be pretty she just used what she had and made the best of it and made a big splash. Eventually she may have but for the right reasons and she wasn’t in politics she was entertaining and still a cut above many.

I don’t resent these things that improve a body or some ones face to make them prettier or sexier but use it right. Don’t abuse it and don’t steal it. At some point you kind of have to give it up. LOL especially when sick or old and hope everyone forgives you for your lost beauty and sees other things beside your flaws which are many in all of us but some hide it better than others.

I was thinking about my older sister and how she used to be and she was once a very fine person and had qualities she lost along the way because of the abuse she was dealing with from her husbands folly and the abuse she dished out unfairly I think in retaliation and peer pressure which is very tough and false often self serving BULL SHIT and I think she was dealing with a demon as I have been dealing with who is very hard to overcome. Not her husband but who he was dealing with inside himself and yet failing miserably because of false things we are all kind of fighting. It is hard when you can’t see it coming and how tricky it can be. Hopefully my mom and dad and God will do their magic on her one day and change her back to herself because I think those are the people that love her the most besides her kids.

GIOVANNI MARRADI -Try to remember

It was mostly when she was with her haughty friends she got her haughty attitude and it was hateful to the max and premeditating shit was the worst of all. Hiring me to screw with me is really shitty. And I know that her friends don’t care near as much about her as she thinks. IN fact probably not at all. They used her as well. Of course hospicing my mom with out telling me for two weeks when she died was unforgivable IMO. The only thing I can do is think about her as young person when she wasn’t like the person who would do something so hateful. Stunningly bad. It was a bad spirit in her who would do such a thing. LIke dealing with a person with multiple personalities. She used to do that breathing thing out her nose like O’reilly does when he is insulted or something and I have seen the ex do or heard him do it even from the next room and he didn;t know why  usually when I wrote something about the RCC and so it had to be a spiritual manifestation in him a bad one.IT is what ever that spirit is, is who it is. like getting even with someone when you have no right to just to get back at them. vengefulness.

for instance when caught in a lie to avenge because you got caught in the lie you made yourself when you could have been truthful to begin with like when my ex said he didn’t remember when he did then admitted when he knew he was caught and then retaliates to make me look bad by using his kid against me who happens to be my kid as well but it is gross whatever it is. Severely evil, baseless and distorted. and is using me for some reason because in reality he wishes I was dead but needs me to live his useless life and to have a hold over me. It’s totally fucked.


I want you to bury me and me to bury you kind of shit.

Mentally deranged but it is kind of humorous if I weren’t the one having to deal with it daily and as Robert Frost said on inauguration day of JFK

On Art and Government: The Poem Robert Frost Didn’t Read at JFK’s Inauguration

but what I remember seeing is what he said when he got frustrated and is in one of my posts about JFK on Meringue’s Blog he said something like

Somehow he would get through it or somehow he would find a way through it

I think he said and I am hoping I will get through it and out of it and over it and past it. Meaning I will find a way out of this totally fucked up and mentally deranged set up and ahead of it to a place I belong with people i love and the pets i love and the places that I love and remember and not have to deal with this crap which is what I married totally unbeknownst to me at the time. Like I was hoodwinked and I was. I think we all were but mine’s the worst, I’m telling you as if it was some kind of arrangement for everyone else’s sake. LOL

Know what I mean?

Anyway it was snowy day and the sun was bright and he couldn’t read because of the brightness thinking it had probably to do with Kennedy who was a courageous guy  in lots of ways but not perfect. I have compared him to Jacob and MOses because of his desire to be free and I think that  is kind of who he was. Jacob I  think was the one that took the blemished sheep and profited his herds grew etc through some kind of trickery and he was blessed by some kind of god but I don’t think it was the right one. SOrry to say. Perhaps it was the right GOd in an uncertain world full of evil helping him and going to reveal through his travails later anyway He married Rachel I believe is the case and she used herbs to attract others which I think has to do with Dragons’s breath or Devils breath things like that to attract someone to someone else and determine peoples and couples etc. she was beautiful and he was tricked by Laban her dad and his mother’s brother (his uncle or the brother of Sarah I think) to do servitude for her and he ended up with her sister Leah who he wasn’t attracted to and had to work another 7 years of slavery to attain Rachel. I think is the story. It’s a Catholic story with a bit if islamic stuff because of Laban which is a part of the female body the labia which is kind of what is depicted on the metal lips of the  islamic thing a bunch of white clad muslims walk around in one direction which is a labia (arabia?) in Mecca so he got tricked by Islam and Mohammad and when at the airport in Dallas there was blind sheik I noticed at the airport as he went off to the place he was gonna get his head blown off  by his wife Jackie Kennedy in Dallas who I think represents Rachel though she was in an altered state of mind which I noticed her acting weird. She wasn’t herself and probably because she was a woman who had been abused by her dad a drunk and was holding on to whatever could keep her up. She was quite the beauty and wasn’t perfect by any means in an imperfect world of evil. I think their marriage was a set up but I think at times they loved each other. It wasn’t their fault they were born.

He was sort of sifted like Simon by Satan (the BGEA) to be wheat instead of the real thing. Simon, Simon Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat which is in the gospel of Luke and is very french sounding. Jesuit stuff.

Do not ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country

kind of stuff and then he discovered or promoted the Peace Corps

Nice but not necessarily true and didn’t solve a lot but did some good things too

Better than nothing.

Genesis 29

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

Anyway very similar to the story of Sarah and Abraham who I think was Jacob’s mom and dad. I’m not sure about it but like a loop de loop kind of thing. Abraham married his cousin etc.Anyway Laban should not have tricked Jacob but he did and so I have surmise that Abraham is the father of lies as was Laban….OBVIOUSLY using Jacob for 14 years of labor for his daughters hands in marriage. Obviously his daughters were nothing more than slaves as well ad meant nothing to either Abraham or Laban. KInd of like ISLAM and Roman Catholicism. Many of us who have been raised the were raised were lied to and used like my mom and dad who served out country and then levied to about what they would receive when retired and gave up their home to receive it the they earned serving our country and were fucked by politics and religion.  I lost my only  home I ever had that my older sister lied to me about when we bought it setting me up becauses her husband is german and an asshole and had me isolated because I spoke out about my treatment. I wasn’t perfect but I reacted like many girls do when I was young and then my life turned around badly and none understood. I didn’t either because I didn’t know the consequences of speaking out then and later and now. But you have to for the next generation to understand that no matter how pretty you are it doesn’t last and you will be hospiecd for not lasting unless you have lots of money and can hold it off for some time but you can’t hold it off as long as you think and now that the truth is getting out it might not matter at all. Because guess what it is being revealed and Revelation is occurring and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL DIE along with it’s daughters and all the other religions and so will Islam and then there will be Judgement and some will rise again and some won’t. I know I have seen my parents signature and testimony by the things I have seen not on the tv only or the internet only which can be manufactured by the press and many in the religions but what they saw in the future and guess what

it was connected and verified


And so I probably won’t last long too much longer but I got the word out my way.

My ex is acting much better and I know he knows and is trying to help me more but he know I have less time anyway which will be good for him for a short while until it isn’t.

I’m using him because I have no choice. He is using me because he has a choice and isn’t doing right by me in that sense and will be sorry in the long run which isn’t as long as he thinks.

I have learned quite a bit and did my part unbeknownst to me that I am also in the same position my mom was in and sort of gave up my home unknowingly kind of in the same way within the same ten year period or more to be hospiced a bit differently but I’m being hospiced and some people are trying to be kind and some aren’t.

And the spirits ghosts that have played havoc on my body in retaliation like throwing me into the ballet bar that was in my living room at the time by the front door when my daughter and I argued and it wasn’t her causing my first rib injury which was super painful is evil but still I got the god news regardless via my parent who loved me via God who loved them and my daughters as well. I saw the look on her face when it happened and she was shocked because she didn’t do it. SHe as too far away at the time and on the other side it is physically impossible. Something else did it because it wants to abuse her for her youth and me for the truth..

I saw Phil’s mom and she was not too good looking or in a good place a place turned into a circus and I know my parents aren’t there. I did not see them there. Hopefully there is away out for my  motherinlaw later via hearing because truth is like that and can get through just takes a while because deception is like crazy shit which makes it hard but God can do miracles even after death.

I’m kind of in-between a good place ahead and a circus by what I have endured and on my way soon probably partially be causes of life style decision that were not good burt a result of some things I had no control over against me and my family. Those of you  who think you have it good. Wait and see. Take note. You may not be in such a great place as me someday because you didn’t care to reveal the truth as best you should. I think my dreams will occur and maybe I will be caught up or whatever it is in-between before I die but I think as with being born you have to die as well to get there. I don;t know because I haven’t done it before. there is always a first time LOL. It is scary.

What is terrible is what my sister did to me and my family and I don’t think unless she and her kind change they are gonna enjoy life after death for a long while. But I don’t know because I haven’t been there yet. But I do know is avenging angels those that aren’t happy don’t want it out and want to end those headed in a good place and help those that aren’t because misery loves company. and the RCC is also a company of many types mostly mob types. But if they tried instead to do the opposite it might help them as well. But may instead be the last to enter what they denied others of.

I hope Trump can do good if he is on the level but I think only time will tell.

I had come up with a time span of Obama in office and think I was right it was more than 8 years more like ten with GREAT DECEPTION involved by a GREAT MANY PEOPLE.

And he may still be in charge and making it hard for TRUMP to do right by others and then again maybe they are on the same side because of deception but one thing I do know is we are not an independent nation. We are not free and we are not better or worse than other nations because we deceive ourselves which isn’t necessarily our fault because we were deceived by GREAT DECEPTION (or because of where and under which religion we were born which is not our fault) for many years BUT it’s coming to an end because most people don’t know it and are acting dumb and hospicing their families via deception and not revealing it because of shame and because they don’t care about their daughters which has a two fold meaning if you can figure it out.  IT is scary and it is evil and it will end maybe not for me but eventually and then who knows. I do know the RCC will burn in hell forever and so will Islam for their fathers LABAN and ABRAHAM who I think are the fathers spoken of by Jesus  as the Father of lies and they did a bunch to each other to get on top of each other and fuck each other over which they do quite often in absentia using others.

One thing that might help is if they did not worship oil and place it above truth and destroy Mecca and Medina and the RCC for starters. Not the people but the institutions that corrupt the people. It does happen one way or another either by God’s hand or ours or both because there is not as many good and righteous people as Abraham tried to swindle down to save them. And it was only few. In fact I don’t think anyone was righteous at all but deceived and it hasn’t happened yet but will. He allowed his wife to be takin in by a ruler in some area and had her lie and say they were brother an sister and they were cousins but he would have been killed if he hadn’t and didn’t have much to back him up at the time. God did help him eventually but he ended up with a slave girl from the palace  who fucked him and Sarah over and then Abraham and Sarah screwed her over because the slave girl mocked her a bunch and then she got help from someone an angel. So a lot of that going on. Back and  forth screwing each other over. Somehow I don’t think it is the True God way up higher than the gods below because truth matters.

I don’t know for sure because I wasn’t there and can only go by what I notice and read and hear.

The RCC is prophesied to get destroyed and so is Islam DESERVEDLY SO for judging and telling us not to be judgmental to see the difference between evils. Almost everything is evil that we do as far as ROMAN Catholicism and Islam is concerned that they made up to make those evils. Most of all placing oil and access to oil above the truth. Not caring about their daughters in predicaments is also another sign. My parents cared and did the right thing for me at the time and my sisters did the same thing except one who thought she was a virgin when she wasn’t and became a tool for the BGEA early on but didn’t know it. She was a kid. She was innocent enough but thrown away like trash in the wind. She was and has sweet things about her but her and her husband poisoned me at my other sister’s house when my MALE cousin said WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER? As if he cared but a small smidgeon. He was a spy in his eye. I had seem my mom with my sisters and family when they did and yet he asked me and I was not his close cousin or friend, my older sister was so it was suspicious how he asked what he asked. He had layed down for the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AND RELIGION OF TEETH and he was a bible scholar at least while growing up but a member of theMethodist church as well. maybe the poisoning was  without her knowledge but she did admit finally it was walnuts so she has a chance to try to overcome for at least admitting it AND MAYBE FOR A SHORT TIME. I think like the vice president of obama who blurted out GET A SHOT GUN someone was speaking through him and thorough my sister and I think it was my dad to help us. Her husbands used her for her looks and reamed her as well the second one was worse than the first by a mile. DAVID SHERMAN.


LOL what a fucker.

Who is to say how gods work and how GOD works. I can’t say because meself is neither.

I’m a witness and sometimes a good one and sometimes not

because of the deception

and a mountain of BULLSHIT.

Those that do it purposefully will be sorry like the Japanese in WORLD WAR ll but they were deceived by the Jesuits of Romans and that is who they should blame for deceiving them, if they want to take it out or get their pound of flesh. GO THERE where it started. and they were deceived again by agents of the same though they are very talented at deferring their guilt, but it won’t last too long because too much water under the bridge the Jesuit pope mocks about. DIRTY WATER and CONTAMINATED BY MAN-MADE DISASTERS that could have been avoided and weren’t for the sake of the two major religions of the world who want to rule it but can’t because it isn’t theirs to rule that caused it who work together and against each other to be on top.


Neither will win. Now the traditions we cherish above truth is understandable because it was a fun tradition placing Santa above truth because we didn’t know the truth. We don’t need Santa to have a tradition to give our kids gifts and to rejoice about a new year coming because in essence SANTA is SATAN. Jesus was not born on CHRISTMAS DAY and even those in those religions knows it and admit it but for the sake of BIG BUSINESS and Taxation practices and for the hate towards the middle class and lower classes it persisted and that hate will burn down the upper class because it can’t maintain itself without the middle class and lower class.



and those children are in mall of our countries on earth.



THE RCC and ISLAM represent both.

OUR real fathers and mothers our dads and moms gave us the gifts which were good because they loved us being their kids. KIds are a blessing but not when it’s not guaranteed by marriage and with the love of parents. Not an orphanage or a convent or fostered out because you have no common sense to use birth control.

I asked some questions of the ex while he was trying to help me last night this morning and it’s about time he did because he owes me a great deal but doesn’t realize it yet but I see a glimmer of hope in his actions a form of SYMPATHY even if it is pathetic LOL but we talked and his mom took in some foster females that the RCC in Michigan proferred to many families because a family of 21 children could not continue or maintain or sustain  itself. She took in two girls for a short period of time (6 moths to a year) who needed other families in their crisis which did not fix it but to live off of because they don’t believe in or didn’t believe in BIRTH CONTROL. AN RCC STUPIDITY OF MEGA PROPORTIONS. The boys of Phil’s family tried to take advantage of the foster sisters while in their home and tried to get them to do the chores they were supposed to do and his mother I found out had it out with them for it.LOL

KInd of a funny story and a sad one as well. But shows she wasn’t the monster I thought she was …just deceived. She wasn’t a monster before that to me but I resented her for some things besides raising her son to be an idiot. LOL and because mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws don’t always see eye to eye LOL most of the time and i did not marry her religion because he said he wasn’t a catholic anymore when I did and he lied to himself and me. We were married in the Methodist church.I was against Catholicism even then. I knew enough then to be against it and to guard against it. However at one time for a gift I bought her a book written by Pope John Paul.

Now the first time I stayed at her home was when I got her son to quit a band because he was being abused by the band he was on the road with who supported a star a mimic of Elvis Presley called Johnny Harrah which was how we met at a dinner theater when they performed at the theater I waited tables at. I started to wait tables when it was dinner theater for plays and musicals which I enjoyed a bunch but it turned into a circus afterwards . I went on the road with him at some point and it was kind of a drag. We were not married but had traveled from Tahoe to Las vegas to Dallas to pack some things at my home with my parents and then to a place in michigan where they got a gig. Pretty much within a 48 hour period. HE had found out his boss was cheating him via the union who thought Phil was the boss of the band and his boss was cheating him and each member of the band was being cheated by quite a bit each paycheck. I suggested they quit of course and instigated their move away from this band leader. They did it without his knowledge and screwed him good. Left him in a lurch. When in between michigan gigs I stayed at his mom’s home for a while with him. I did not go around making messes either.Not more than a month (I don’t think)  while there she left a note to her son and I asking us to do the chores and listed what she wanted done. She was working at the time. In fact she was a working woman most of her life after her kids were old enough. Funny comparison compared to the Foster sisters who were catholic and obviously a tool to make her look good to her church. I was insulted. We were not married but I thought it was insulting because i was a guest in her home. I didn’t do the chores. I let him do it if he wanted to. And that soured my feeling about her from the start. I wouldn’t do that to a guest in my home but she was used to living alone and probably didn’t want us there anymore and it was a signal of that feeling. When her sons (two of them) used us during times they war having troubles either on their jobs or with women or their wives they were divorcing. The first son was the worst example the one that lied all the time. He stayed for the first time about 6 months or more and the second time about the same. i never asked him to do the chores and I did the cooking and he worked for us . We were trying to help him because of his divorce. He did offer to cook once and burned the meal. Anyway he got paid and I didn’t yet I could work around his slug ass and do ten times the work he accomplished. He played at it and we would catch him faking it and found him stealing putty knives and things which was weird. Our rig was stolen twice and I think it was him but it was blamed on a mexicn who was at one time phil’s employer who had a company and rigs and trucks of his own so he had no need for ours though he did have a problem with addiction because his mom was nurse who had some medication in her medicine cabinet he got hooked on which was similar to heroin which became the drug he got hooked on afterwards. He had a successful business in between his problems and a very nice family. Phil actually learned from him how to do certain things and was paid well doing it. But anyway the eldest took advantage of us in every way even tried to seduce my sister when she was drunk and I did not let him. Later his other brother chastised me that is a bit strong word for what he did but thought I was ridiculous for interfering in that attempt to protect my little sister who had a drinking problem she learned at college. Drinking vast amounts of beer at clubs. I had suggested that both go out together as friends to meet people because both were single at the time. I did not want her and him to be an item and he knew that but was showing disrespect for me and her. He had a drinking problem as well and so did the other brother that stayed with us who had three wives and three divorces over a period of time and kids by two of them. He however loved the worn he married and the children. I  had to kick her out for us to deal with him beause we found somethings in his stuff that was ours. He was stealing from us. I didn’t do it Phil did but he was pilfering our tools. Her feeling were hurt and she was hysterical and I don’t think I handled it as well as I could have but I was dealing with a jerk. The two brothers worked for the union in the car industry. One was a utility guy and stuck with it which is someone that learns all th jobs and goes to the workplace to hang out and replace those that are sick or not able to work and got a good pension and the other was a total loser, the eldest a liar and a thief and a potential rapist and an abuser of kids and women. He told the story how he beat me up which he didn’t to his family up north when he returned to michigan. They knew he didn’t but did not confront him about his stupid lie which might have helped him not want to lie again or so easily. Instead he beat up a young single girl and tried to rape her a daughter of a friend ours which did not remain that way afterwards. During our trysts with the eldest son our van was repossessed. So then because of the burden of the eldest son on us phil wanted to sell the silver my parents gave as gift for our wedding to us to a  person who would hold it and resell it back. It wasn’t a company but the person whose daughter was almost raped. I allowed it but I didn’t like it. Cant remember which came first the attempted rape or the silver. He filled out the collection quite a bit while holding it. I received it back years later for a christmas gift and he got all kinds of kudos for it. It was a favor I did for his stupidity and mine as well but i wasn’t a part of their family to know their kinks. It was ridiculous how much kudos he got for getting it back which was the agreement to begin with so it wasn’t something to get rewarded for and now it’s mine.

By the way I do this all the time for some reason I get Isaac and Jacob mixed up. Nevertheless I think they are related and I’m not sure it matters too much but because most people don’t care anyway. SO it might not have been Sarah’s father who was Laban and Isaac was the one that bound to have his throat sliced by Abraham. SORRY. Love means never having to say you are sorry but I’m sorry for that mistake. I have done it before in another post or two. There is so much to learn in the bible. I still haven’t read it all either. I can’t even get it straight between Jacob and Isaac. I think Jacob was the one who tricked his dad Isaac who felt his chest of hair at his mom’ request to be the master of his estate basically. It had something to do with lentil soup and the meat that his brother hunted and wanted cooked for him and really silly stuff. Isaac was rather old to have been so blind and stupid to have done what he did, I think. Sounds like the stories of Jesus when the people laugh him to scorn over a child who wasn’t dead. It’s like making a movie of a kid in the line of fire getting shot by Israelis that the Palestinians put there to get shot for attention. Sort of a BENNY HINN kind of thing who is a Palestinian christian but not really. People get slayed and hysterical but that’s religion for ya. I’m not hysterical except when I think about some things going on like hospice. I can’t compartmentalize the death of my parents in such a fashion. My mom was victimized wrongfully and with malice of forethought she she deserved the opposite. She was really quite a lady.

My mom extended her hand in friendship to his mom and she didn’t deserve that grace. IMO

Indirectly I blame her for what happened to my mom because time does not always go forward it can go backwards as well. IT IS TRUE.  What she had her sons do may have affected hospicing of my mom and while my mom was not catholic may have been used against her and because she was my mom and she was wonderful and sweet with a few problems. sometimes like a child and when you needed her like a warrior almost all of the time but deception got in the way a few times by a really bad demon we were having to cope with which should have been handled by his parents not mine when he was growing up. 

TIme is not only linear which is how angels rise and fall or go up and down the stairs of J Jacobs ladder. String/yarn is linear when pulled in opposite directions but not linear when crossed over or folded or looped etc.

If a string can be manipulated

Time can be manipulated.

Astronomers say that when you see a star in the sky it might not really be there anymore because of the time it takes for light to travel. You may be looking at the past. That is why when my cousin asked me when was the last time you saw your mother I thought was weird. She was till alive as far as I know at the time. He reminded me of a press person that is famous and a guest in the past on fox and others like he wasn’t really him. Trying to get information about my mom and me. that was the night I was poisoned the first time well actually may be second time if you consider my first operation when I got sepsis and almost died and was at odds with a big company who were bullies and even was messed with at the real estate school because word gets around and people get favors to harass women who might be trouble in the field of real-estate protecting their assets of course over truth. They knew Gary accosted me at the office. They had cameras. I know they knew.

DNA can also be manipulated.

I won’t name him yet.

Between or after one of the times we kicked Joe Rodgers out of our living quarters he moved to the river near austin and camped out and met some outcasts and got in a gang of people who I think stole our rig and truck which was a piece of shit truck. The reason I suspect is when he went to michigan he had a rig which he didn’t have before. NO one confronted him how he got it and he might have traded one for another but I know he was a thief. He wasn’t all bad but something happened to him who he hung out with and many lies. Those lies can add put to a real problem. There are ways to confront a liar without calling them a liar but it should be done however it can be done whenever it can be done for everyone’s sake because they will do it less and less the more they are caught. I have been working on the ex and he is finding it harder to get away with but still tries. It gets old. HIs are dangerous lies to me and his daughters and others. But he doesn’t look like a liar or act like one which makes it hard to distinguish but it’s a tough situation. People like him more than they like me because those lies usually are to make me look bad and to make him look good. It’s sick.

But mostly because she was a ROMAN CATHOLIC we didn’t get along and she supported them even though they didn’t her after her husband died. They were horrible then to her as if she didn’t matter. She told me about it yet she wanted to support their invention


It is sick and what I would call masochist reaction but she was raised to be a masochist even though her mother wasn’t catholic. VIOLET CHOSE to be CATHOLIC and because her husband was catholic. She loved the church BECAUSE OF THE MYSTERY and mysteries as you know aren’t always good. SHe loved Latin sermons but didn’t understand it and preferred it to knowing what was said in the sermon or what ever it is called.

sometimes mysteries are nightmares.

Her husband said she wasn’t pretty but good for having babies. That is sick for someone to say to a woman or a wife and she told me about it. She wasn’t not pretty. Prettiness is in the eye of the beholder. He was an abusive man obviously and Phil told me about it a little more last night: abusive to her and her children especially the first two kids until she stood in his way and he was still abusive but flailed at it in order that she would not leave him which was her threat to him if he continued to use his fist on their kids. The first son became a big liar because of it. The second became kind of effeminate but was also a very handsome guy but still effeminate and when his mom was in the hospital asked me why he wasn’t allowed to get information the first time she was in the hospital the first time before she died and was starved to death but i found out in the conversation that the eldest was able to get information and I said because he obviously is in charge of the estate and he should have known that. WOW. He is older and not a dumb guy guy by any means and makes much more money than me also married to a teacher and has two kids a girl and a boy but now older. His daughter had some problems his son came out okay because it is easier to be a guy in this world and not having unexpected pregnancies and abusive boyfriends etc. I think they invested more in him than her in funny ways. I know she must have acted out some things they did not understand. I tried to talk to her his wife and she was stoic and didn’t want to hear or help me at the time I was hurting emotionally though she was nice lady other than that. I remember it hurt me the way she acted like she wasn’t allowed to help me. I needed a friend at the time, someone. She just did the dishes and didn’t say anything to me. People are uncomfortable talking about sexual abuse especially catholics and I wasn’t handling it well often.  But not handling it well at all is worse. IMO Catholics are I think taught to be silent (and golden like those that worshipped a golden calf.)

I’m not a masochist

but have tendency’s to not quit smoking which is hard to do when under duress and isolation and friendless and other things like seeing my dad’s picture at Benghazi or my families pictures holding my tot as if a pow in IRan by my sister even though my daughter isn’t with her. Strange manifestations of evil playing with my head. I did not take those pictures some one else did and while not a perfect representation such as different colored eyes are close enough to cause harm. It is Stressful to the max. OR seeing my little sister lying about being shot 5 times in the leg in california at a massacre at an airport and BIlly Graham present or as a baby in a cage outside a window on a floor above the ground level. Someone evil is fucking with me using my family and the family I grew up with I guarantee it is Billy Graham who has fucked with us all over the world. He is a shill for the Vatican and anything false he can find. He is a fucker a mother fucker like Mother Teresa. I found out a lot of information via the assassination of JFK and through others about BIlly Graham and later.

Billy Graham is and was EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL, etc

I haven’t had a vacation in quite a few years trying to get this out because I love my families and thought I should get this out to the public to understand what we are dealing with a mother fucker from hell and we better talk about hospice honestly and openly in order to win the war on terrorism. It is a sign and one spoken of by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee as a sign of the end if we don’t deal with it and follow me he said. to PETER and RCC’s better get real.

I smoked in the present because of the stuff I found out and the things that were thrown my way and that I saw and heard about in very nasty ways.

I know my mom was punished not for the abortion she stood up for me for but because my sister’s husband lost money on the stock market in a matter of minutes and lost her brothers’ wifes money and had to deal with it because they called and asked if he lost it and I told the truth yes he did and they took it out on my mom and also because my dad owed them money because his business did not succeed after he retired from the army after serving in Viet Nam twice and serving in Korea. They did not have to invest in his business and most business fail as did every business they built or invited in and attempted to do which is not abnormal most new businesses fail but we should keep trying. Usually takes a few years but it is still MY sister and her husband have a lot to atone for but wanted me to atone for them.  LOL even though he had molested me in my sleep many years before but I can’t be responsible for my sins and theirs. ITS NOT FAIR though attractive to them I’m sure to place it on my shoulders which are not big enough to bear. SO I smoke when I shouldn’t because it’s not good for me and am addicted to terrible poison and addicted to telling the truth which hurst me and them and hurt my parents too but it needed to be told as well. We are at the apex of something big.

Her children knew and didn’t stand up against their dad because they loved him and let me shoulder it as well.because I wasn’t perfect and she proved it and i proved it my way too. We were fighting the same demons in a way but I tried and he didn’t. and to them it’s easier not to and be her slave and make her look good and make me look bad etc. IT’s easier but it won’t help in the end. I understand their dilemma but it won’t help in the end their dad or their mom or them or their country, etc.

That’s the difference and she didn’t because she had too much pride in the neighborhood.

Maybe by telling the truth he might change his mind and try to do the same but I think he is a coward like the nazis were especially en-masse but they did lose the war and will lose again even though they never really did stick to their treaties and never intended to give  up and lied their asses off. Not all of them of course a few had a conscience.

You have to teach and learn to have conscience. Babies are cute but they need to be taught and the older ones teach better than the youngish ones because they have been around.

I believe in forgiveness but you have to want it to get it. One of the stupeist films in history was the one that included the words love means never having to say you’re  sorry and she died. LOL

I hope our country brings the Ten commandments back and respects them for the foundation of good values and in a way if you learn about the Ten Commandments

they are genius and inclusive.

Not the RCC ones but the real ones. But the roman catholic ones are better than nothing but still are lacking and deceptive and won’t get you through.

The real ones speak for themselves when you allow them too and might make the difference between night and day and a good dream and a nightmare.

Males obviously like to take advantage of females and they shouldn’t like those foster sisters. She tried to teach the boys to be better within her range of knowledge probably in part to gain acceptance by a church who deceived her in the middle and the end of her life.

We  shouldn’t let them do that because they aren’t all that,

you know.

The health problems we are facing were caused by the RCC and Billy Graham using Japan nuclear accident using HAARP and others places to make an earthquake to make a tsunami to force their hand and make them capitulate to a world government gone mad as a mad hatter. Poisoning the food chain and affecting everyone eventually.

In North Korea because of starvation the next generations are affected being shorter and smaller.

HAARP has good tendencies but was warned about as having bad ones too if in the wrong hands by it’s inventor as is the case with every invention invented.

There are others around the globe.

Same thing with people who are created and have good tendencies but have bad ones too in the wrong hands.

Jesus said angels shall rise upon the son of man and I think Jacob is that person. Because of Jacob’s ladder his dream and the angels going up and down a ladder. He has a fight or something with an angel someone and ends up with a weird hip caused by the altercation. When President Kennedy got off the plane from Hawaii to Dallas he limped as if his hip was injured going down the stairs of the plane he was on and then the blind sheik in the crowd at the airport and all the other things that occurred and those are only a few of the reasons I think he represents Jacob to some degree anyway besides some of the things he said and did and of course the coverup which was huge.

Great skit by Melissa McCarthy of Sean Spicer on SNL and I bet he can handle it too. Saw it on Watter’s World and helps to laugh out loud. Kind of reminds me of my posts with the pictures or a highlights magazine we used to entertain ourselves with at a doctor’s office as a kid. I have to watch it again.

A little while ago we had it out and he tried to threaten with not the arrest. what a wimp.

I told him I saw his mom at Parkland when I was there. It was before she had died and was starved to death. She was guarding the hallway and me while i was there and lying her ass off . I explained it in another post. He doesn’t believe me of course. What I saw was she was a black woman and really stupid. I did not put her there but she was there and it was weird. I saw another woman I recognized who was married to a Roman Catholic actor and going through a divorce on a gurney  in the hallway crying a bunch. I don’t know why his mom was black and stupid. She was talking about a marriage of about 35 years which is close to what ours was to a nurse which the ex said was actually 33 years. He says that’s not close. I said 35 is close to 33 years but I thought it was closer to 35 years of marriage we had. There is that 2 year difference I keep running into. I don’t understand what I witnessed but I do want to be truthful about what I saw. The actress who was there crying was very famous and overweight. Did n0t look like what you would think. It’s not easy witnessing because it is strange but if I lie about it I do myself and others a disservice. Anyway she lied about an alarm and warning someone about the alarm on the door and that she told her not to open it and that is not what I witnessed and it was kind of a surreal experience to hear her shit which was backwards. She was sort of an exaggeration of herself somehow or a parody.  The place was like a circus at the time and disney land with  buses etc. Going through a big renovation. Maybe I was being tested to see if I would lie about it or not.

WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT IT? What would be the point?

Anyway he twists everything he lies about. LOL It’ is hard to keep up. I hate his guts. Every time he proves himself unworthy and he is.

Third time’s the charm

Had to go to the hospital again an oh what an experience that was. No one was in the lobby so thought wow cool no wait in the ER but alas everyone had already been taken to their respective ER rooms and we had to wait a few hours. Waited with a very nice couple older and a bit wiser as well. The lady was so cute reminded me of a way older little character from the book Madeleine. Sitting in a wheel chair with her doting husband. He didn’t really dote as much as he was sweet to her and they made a cute pear. She had a lot of physical problems. Anyway conservatives through and through, but very sweet. As we talked a short little squat woman with dyke haircut came through from the back out the ER door and complimented the ladies in the admitting office for their smiles and how much she appreciated their smiles and under my breath I thought in my head said something under my breath as well but in essence saying schmiles schmiles what matters is doing a good job. She left the area and went outside and marched right back in as if it was her duty to come back and plopped herself in our area to read a book. Most people who want to read a book don’t sit and read while a conversation is going on and usually go to another area but she wanted to hear what we were talking about FOR SURE. And we kept on talking because it’s our right to talk about whatever we want to talk about. Discussed lots of stuff as she sped read. No one could have read those pages so fast as he was smacking her gum hard and with spite look on her face. Every once in a while I’d catch her face reddening because she didn’t like what we were saying. I stared at her and she didn’t look up. I wasn’t trying to piss her off I just don’t like spies whether she knew she was or not. It was wild. This went on for quite a while and every once in a while the couple would fall asleep from the wait. Something was driving her to sit there and listen and act like she was reading. WEIRD. WEIRD WEIRD. We didn’t get excited just calmly talked but it pissed her off for some reason. The couple did not notice because she was on their side of the room and they couldn’t see her but I saw her and she knew it. She almost finished the whole book about 1″1/2′ thick book as we sat. I bet she doesn’t even remember a thing she read.

I did say out loud though not loudly to the ex I think someone in that admitting room should have come out and said sorry about the wait. When they called my name the woman who admitted me did apologize as we went to the room I needed (not that it was her fault) but it is considerate to do. We had waited almost three hours. I overheard them cajoling in the admitting room so it wasn’t as if they didn’t have the time to do it but didn’t until the walk down the hall to the room. All in all it was a great experience and the hospital did a great job IMO. I was pleasantly surprised and the doctors were fantastic doctors as well as the whole staff. He knew what he was doing which makes for a great business and the people that worked for him knew it which makes a big difference.

While we were there there was a Code Blue and someone died I heard. It lasted for about 15 minutes. Maybe it was those vibes, who knows because the woman reading was back and forth to the back and front quite a bit. Probably not her fault but she was really really mad acting or whatever was in her which is the core of the matter because sometimes people don’t know what or why they do the things they do or why they feel upset: Barometric Pressure? Cell phones?

Don’t know why conservatives are such a big threat to dykes? We aren’t. We weren’t talking about anything too controversial. We even talked about the skit about Sean Spicer that was so funny though they hadn’t seen it. Freedom of speech is the enemy to this particular woman for some reason. I think it was spiritual. I’m surprised she still has teeth the way she chewed her gum and I would have had to change my gum a few times. Maybe that was what she was doing when she left the room a few times to go in the back to the ER rooms. Besides we were there first in that area so she was invading our space. At least about 30 seats in the whole area maybe more and she sat two spaces from the couple and about 8 feet across from me. I know when I read I usually like to read in quiet without interruption to get the full gist of the book I’m reading especially books without pictures otherwise I have to read it again. She was not very good at faking it. And I know she did not like our company or she would have said something. Not one word. She didn’t even look up because I was watching her. I knew she was up to no good. Where would she be with out freedom of speech? Hiding.

If the bottom of a tennis shoe could talk hers was talking at me. LOL

Almost like a snake.

Sure couldn’t get away with it in Saudi Arabia, Clinton’s supporters (DOn’t ask DOn’t tell) really helpful. Got paid to say it a bunch too which is kind of deceptive.

Remember this?

Obama Talking to Israeli President Netanyahu in his Lincoln Continental?Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 9.52.59 PM.png

I don’t know who took the picture but it does seem PURPOSEFUL. DID OBAMA KNOW?

DID THE PRESS EVER ASK HIM? I doubt it but the caption was that it was considered an insult to Netanyahu. Did anyone ask Netanyahu?

Reminded me of a time when I was in a hospital waiting room for 6 hours and one person shut everyone up with his loud outbursts and his woman blamed me for it. Said it was my fault he was all uptight and I had never even said a word to him but was talking to a couple of men across from me and next to me all of us in our perspective illnesses and talking about our conditions and talking about God. Everyone in the room was doing the same which was about 60 people. We did it for about 5.55 hours until he freaked out on us and you could hear a pin drop kind of like the Dems and the majority of the Press and some Reps are about Trump. I had to leave the room afterwards and went to complain to the lady behind the desk who had some cops come and escort him out. And then on his way out of the hallway that I went to to get away while the husband at the time was aghast never moving or helping and then as he left the hall the loudmouth said something snide to me about my back. UNREAL. Then saw his woman later on after my doctors visit wandering around as if nothing happened. Like she had no idea she tried to attack me with her cane.

Roger Hodgson – Give a Little Bit (Live)

A friendly face is nice and usually they are at the hospital and it can’t always be easy;) especially dealing with the sick and infirmed and sometimes not always a good ending. I’ll never forget the jerk off who wasn’t friendly and wouldn’t offer me a wheel chair twice. That was downright shitty. Only one out of 100’s of helpful people that work there.

Billions and billions of times better than what I watched happened to a blue bench that Kim Jong-Un  of North Korea sat on and was enclosed in glass at a hospital. Like the pope. RIDICULOUS.

Who took off his fishing coat when he and some others went fishing on a boat. Entrapping or something similar which reminds me of Billy Graham,
a shill for the RCC and later caught living with a tanner, etc. hallucinating, fasting, praying at a specific time kind of like a radical Islamic nut case and whoever it was said whatever he ate that was lowered to him was clean. Who knows, but it did not sound right and it was an hallucination caused by fasting.

Starving oneself.

Who was the tanner? Pollyanna? Polly wanna cracker?

As projected, an asstral kind of projection, a guy comes on Tucker Carlson’s debate show and says the judge who blocked the videos of abortions in Planned Parenthood from leaking (Comey leaks has nothing to do with it) is affiliated with Planned Parenthood and Tucker Carlson assumes it is a fact. How is he associated with Planned Parenthood? Then do something about it, Tucker Carlson. We got to see beheading videos on Fox News and on the internet and we withstood those facts which were done in front of a green screen. I think America should get to see the videos made by the RCC and created by the RCC for the RCC about little baby livers the size of a pimple taken during an abortion without consent of the woman or child having an abortion because I don’t know of any woman that would and I don’t think that particular snafu has been proven by any woman that did by admitting knowledge or complicity and to be given to or for what, who, how, when, where, how much, etc.,  just like the beheading videos. What our government does is  another matter and obviously we don’t know the half of what goes on behind the scenes within the Federal Government which is comprised of many factions purposefully and insidiously ensconced by RCC advocates and New World Order advocates using and following their agendas.

Let’s see some proof. I’m game.

Come, let us reason.

Course it might not be wise if you do, but if you believe, make it so. Might be tempting God and might be the nexus of the end for you and Fox news and many others (THE RCC most of all), but I am willing to see and judge for myself the evidence you call a fact assumption…

I saw one of those women in the abortion snippets making accusations bowing to Pope Francis

and it was not a vision, it was a photo of her profile and it was the same woman

and she was a nun in Rome of all places.

She did not look well, about as well as Pope Francis. Sick in the head kind of unwell. Saw another and she was an out of work actress from a tv show that many of us watched as kids and we were not on the prairie at the time.

Go ahead and make my day,

come sooner.

My day is gonna be great!

By the way my main site is Merangue’s Blog where you can find many articles and links. My name is not Merangue, obviously, and I will remain anonymous but some people know my name and I’ll leave it at that. I know I’m being watched and other things. It’s not important really to know my name. The links by titles on Merangue’s site are pretty much in order of timing that I wrote them at the time. I wrote the articles so I have evolved and devolved quite often because of the discrepancies in the gospels when compared to each other which I think is a good way to study. We do it in biology comparing one species to another etc. Every science compares. Science is built on itself. Precept upon precept but if the first precept is wrong what about the rest? Not all of it is correct. I don’t think carbon dating is reliable at all. History repeats itself I have learned to some degree. In fact, I think time isn’t reliable because of the different possibilities since I don’t think time is only linear. If God can stop the sun for a battle as was done in the O.T. can he make it go backwards for some and not for others? There is a lot of conflict between timing when Jesus appeared and another Jesus appeared, etc.  One more thing if Jesus is the Son of God I believe he also had some growing up to do and was being taught by God since he was half man. If he was the Son of man he definitely had a lot of growing up to do and still does quite a bit. I don’t think Son of God means Son of man. I think many people think they are inspired of God such as Bill O’reilly (formerly of Fox and before that he gave his two cents on the JFK assassination before Fox News was Fox News) who thought God told him to write his killing books and he definitely didn’t do right especially to women even if he settled out of court and in my opinion treated women with Dis-Dain. I have not bought his book nor read them but I’m sure there are things worthy of notice (one can’t always be wrong though maybe it is possible to be wrong all the time. I don’t know.) but I don’t wan’t to support his viewpoint and if he was such great history teacher why didn’t he remain a history teacher? Rewriter of history and RCC propagandist, is my opinion, a Josephus Flavius, a son of a man. Not much originality in-between his ears or behind his eyes or in his heart. I saw how he handled news and it wasn’t fairly. I witnessed enough to know his news wasn’t trustworthy. I don’t appreciate someone who has a nightly news show boasting about his number one bestsellers who also gets to advertise every night. Oh, Really?

My dad said Bill O’Reilly was a blow hard. I don’t know exactly how my dad meant it, but I agree! I trust my dad.

The only thing I didn’t agree with was in regards to Revelation which my dad thought and told me he thought had already happened. At the time I think he had joined the Methodist church and was being taught by them in bible studies/classes for a short while. He was part right about it though, because some of it had happened and some of what happened was propaganda. “Like the wound” written about and prophesied in the bible some of which was mimicked and some of which wasn’t and obviously some of it has not happened. Self fulfilling prophesy is hard to distinguish from the intended meaning and usually prophecy isn’t specific enough like what Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew said “on the hill” never mentioning airplanes, rockets, etc. “Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left.” What does it mean? He could be talking about the stones that grind a person down when it falls upon them or if a person trips over it and he could be talking about paper mills (news) carpentry mills, water mills, wind mills, tread mills, steel mills, cotton mills, textile mills and the list goes on:


Biblical reference to Mills

And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

Grind who (QUI?) to powder? That is the question: HIM (EL)

What is the difference between man and woman? male and female?

We knew of a woman and her name was Milly((i.e.) Savage.

We even had family in our heritage named as such.

The Synoptic “Q Source”

A dentist also grinds like the wife of a dentist and also Billy Graham’s daughter pictured in this post.

Billy Graham’s Daughter: God Is Turning Away From America And Leaving Us To Our Sins

“Commenting on the moral state of America and God’s judgment on sinful nations, evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of pastor Billy Graham, said America is imploding “morally and spiritually,” that God is removing His “blessing and protection” from us, leaving us to our sins, and that this encroaching judgment is evident in the chaos of the political scene, the economy, and even the weather. “….


Makes me think of LOT of Abraham/Abram and Lot the nephew of Abraham in the bible!

“What happened to Lot and his daughters after Sodom’s destruction? … The daughters proceed to get their father Lot drunk with wine then have sex with him”


Her name is kind of weird, isn’t it? LOTZ Kind of coinci-dental, isn’t it? and he’s a dentist, too. LOL

World government with teeth kind of coincidence. Though her teeth are white I don’t think her teeth are very nice. I would rather see George Washington with wooden teeth than any of the Grahams. I think she’s ugly and mean-spirited. It’s my opinion and a pretty good one at that. If time is running backwards I wonder what it might mean as far as the story about Abraham and Lot.

(I can say for myself things have gotten a bit better than they were a few months ago, but for how long?)

I survived the tornado in Texas and Hwy 1. LOL








So Washington d. c. is under siege

and you have to wonder not for joy.

I’m not proud of my country at all. This is not good news! Obama does not like giving up his power, does he? Nor Nancy Pelosi and the others. Its similar to when civilians are asked if they are Christian and/or Islamic in those radical countries of ISLAM and in the EU and in England.

Why don’t RADICALS ask civilians if they are Roman Catholic? Makes you wonder not for joy, doesn’t it?

The picture provided of the woman shot with her baby in the car a few years ago looked like my little sister and from a photo taken of her when she was young and a teenager living in Virginia that I remember….same pose exactly! Sitting on a couch with her legs and feet on the couch, but the difference was she was much darker comparatively to her skin color ever and as a child i.e. a lotus blossom which was how we described her when she was even younger and as a baby because she was the only kid in our family with brown eyes that slanted up, but in Washington DC when the woman who was shot DEAD had been….TANNED and instead was supposedly from Connecticut where my older sister’s husband’s family lived in their mansion in GREENWICH Connecticut because he was the President of Conoco Oil which is now Conoco-Phillips as in the Prince of England. No one tried to figure out why she was in Washington DC at the gates of HELL. Her family from Connecticut couldn’t even figure it out what the hell she was doing at the gates of the White House and it appeared she didn’t know either what she was doing at the gates of the White House and it appeared she was afraid and fleeing for her life and her babies life and yet we never heard anything more except that Congress applauded the Park Police and the Secret Service (told by Fox News) because the Congress I guess were afraid of the Capital Park Police and the Secret Service and were flattering them? This happened during the Obama Presidency near or at the time of the shut down when he was telling the federal workers to stick with him like I’m sure Jim (WARREN) Jones cult leader begged his followers at Jonestown, Guyana before 900 hundred ended up poisoned. Same kind of charisma and justas crazy.

A lunar-tic.


We do have a right to elect our representatives as Fox says, but isn’t it true for the citizens as well?

Or is it only reserved for Roman Catholics NOW????.

I was thinking last night and came up with some new revelations (and not even trying to) and decided not to write about it till I thought more about it because it was so late and I was tired and wanted to be able to put some thought into it instead of a knee jerk reaction to those revelations i had which sometimes if I wait aren’t but sometimes they are and this time I think they are. Kind of scary stuff and I don’t like it. I’m glad I didn’t write the new post beacuse I might have been blamed for the murder suicide attempt in Washington dc if I had. I almost felt like it was response to my thoughts that I had, but of course not. HOPEFULLY cause sometimes my thoughts aren’t good luckily I am my parent’s daughter and have some backbone, their support, and not easily sleighed before the false jesus in the Gospel of Luke.

Luke 19:21-23

21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow.

22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

King James Bible
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

Obama told Angula Merkel to use austerity in Germany

during his presidency. 

What kind of animal would even suggest it? A FALSE JESUS and also a thief and a liar.

What about the friends of the Clintons or the people that worked for the Clintons like the guy that supposedly committed suicide found by the Park Police but it wasn’t a suicide. VINCE FOSTER. What about him? He doesn’t count? He wasn’t that far away from the DC area and worked in the DC area for the Clintons AND IT wasn’t BUTT a couple of miles away.





THIS BIT ABOUT THE DEATH IN WASHINGTON dc was a knee jerk reaction, I’m still gonna take my time contemplating the ramifications of what i learned  last night because it is very prophetic and it has to do with the Book of Daniel and while I had wondered about it not for joy in the past I hadn’t put it together and it came to me out of the blue. Weird. AND ITS A SIGN, at least I think so but I don’t want to be maneuvered, or managed or manipulated into rushing it or hurrying what I think I know.

What about the Jewish Senator Gabrielle Giffords who was severely injured in Arizona at a Safeway and paraded around for Obama’s fatah and faith (mustard seed of faith which isn’t much) in mohammad and the false religion of Islam with many virgins, LOL, and by her husband the twin astronaut along with a D.A. who I think was involved in an investigation having to do with Fast and Furious and D-OJ (Dept. of Justice – mr asparagus) Eric Holder and also a 14 year old girl and others murdered in the home state of Senator McCain the fearless.

What about Supreme Court Justice SCALIA of the Supreme Court? He died in Texas near my mom and dad’s house at a Lodge (or a “Large” as JFK would pronounce it) after hunting quail.

Steve Scalise, aide shot in Virginia

I bet Nancy is shitting! Pretty sad state of affairs when our government is under siege. I guess the guy was shot and caught and the park police will get the DUE KUDOS this time (OH that’s right the park police got kudos murdering an unarmed female in her car perhaps they are just trying to reassert/reinsert the Capitol Park Police authority thinking it won’t dissipate soon.

You know what they say about: OVERCONFIDENCE.

Maybe Congress should go home and take care of business from their respective states.

spread out a bit for the security of our government: of the people, by the people, and for the people

instead of being sitting ducks for whomever made this attacker attack: Bad governance, corrupt governance, a brick shy governance, out of touch with reality governance, and last



don’t read it just sign it governance.

Butt Newt Gingrich a roman catholic said it’s important that the the representatives are easily communicated with in Washington dc.


 The Washington Press? NEWT?

What about the people in the states? They get to write a letter on email 100 to 500 words long and there is no way to communicate directly or privately and not many issues can be addressed sufficiently in so short of an e-mail and I doubt the congresswomen and men ever read their e-mails and I can assure you that their mail is sifted by the federal workers that are ensconced in the federal government but at least the congresswomen and men can play baseball/softball for charity. That’s the important thing. I sent mail to my representatives in the Senate and I got an unoriginal response and no others when I really needed some help. I doubt Sen Cruz ever reads his e-mails. MIght as well have received a Dear John letter. Kind of reminded me of my cousin married to man (I wouldn’t call him a man but nevertheless) whose last name is the same sound as the name of Ted Cruz >> Krusz who is in the oil business who tweeted my ex “if there is anything I can do to please let her know” in front of everyone tweeting or on Facebook or what ever it was to the ex husband i live with and after the tornado hit and barely missed my abode and he responded could you check on your cousin,  his ex, while he was at work ‘a gig’ and make sure she is okay without a phone, no electricity, in freezing weather and I was ill. She responded she couldn’t because her husband said he was afraid of having a flat tire because they live 5 minutes away and there is always debris with a tornado and he did not want to have to fix it. I have no idea how she responded either by tweeting or privately and So she did not come;) She never called again. This was the guy who told his girlfriend and future wife my cousin we dated and we never dated. He was hired by my mom to photo me and he thought we were dating and he needed some help to feel masculine enough to date my cousin. He wasn’t quite right in the head, if you know what I mean. Because there is a difference between a photo session and a date. Or my two sisters when I had an emergency operation (peritoneal access and septic poisoning and nearly died and still suffer from to this day 10 or so years later I still have pain and suffering because of it and the office stuff thrown at me when he grabbed my ass in an office situation out of the blue which is illegal and bullied in various ways becauses of it(his dad worked for Conoco Oil Company as the President of Conoco Oil, LOL and the mistreatment by my sister and her husband because of his failure to keep his dick in his pants at family gatherings etc 😉 and I was the sickest person in the ICU and ER at the time at Parkland one sister who offered to babysit my kids for the 14 days I was in the hospital. But when the ex called her she was with my older sister and her husband the dick on their way-out to dinner and told my husband at the time he called that she got a phone call from her husband to come home to do laundry for their grown boys, and the other sister married to the dick didn’t offer though I had baby sat her kids many many times when she was sick with pneumonia, and so they could have romance time at hotels and go on trips without the kids a few times and for their social needs from time to time. Her kids did baby sit one anniversary for a few hours and that was it even though i heard so many times she was gonna baby sit my kids when I had kids in return and she didn’t. She had her kids do it.  That would have been the time to do it when I was really sick.

 All three are christians two by the likes of Billy Graham– the BGEA, The Baptist Church, and Scofield and the other via what is served in the Houston area as Christianity for the nouveau rich and the cousin was raised in Louisiana in a Parish, I think. Methodist possibly Episcopalian and whatever is served as Christianity in Rockwall?

My mom would have done it anyway whether or not she might get a flat tire from debris like a nail in the road or regardless of what my dad would have said and my dad would have been with her to make sure she could and would be alright because he loved her and she loved him unlike my cousin who didn’t know if she loved Chris but married him anyway: Por que? The great geologist, who found oil for his company in an unconventional way so he says and at least he bragged about it who said it is impossible for Texas to have earthquakes. What a dumb ass. We have them though minor at this time. They occur in Oklahoma as well. He made her jealous of me from the time he told her we dated because I think it gave him an edge with her of some kind. SICK little boy. My little sister and her had problems as well because Que’s father in law liked my younger sister because she is pretty like a lotus blossom and funny. She had a sense of humor that men liked and so did I sometimes. SO the Kruzes had problems between each other because my little sister was friends with Chris before he ever met Que. Of course, my dad wasn’t a soft yellow belly pasty face with a snout for a nose piece of shit. I’m sorry for the insult but it was insulting, hurtful, unnecessary after all the times I consulted with Que about her kids because of your families insults to herald the churches insults and the schools insults. The kids were pretty well raised because of Que but eventually the male affects a persons personality. I know her dad would have tried. I think Chris weakened her a possibly because of what I wrote that she told me my sister showed her a picture of Gary naked dancing on a table when he was in college ant a frat party that my sister was proud of yet a prude to me about her husbands penchant for bugging me the way he did and her responses to my family might have gotten her in trouble. I didn’t send the information to my sister but she must be reading my posts and somehow affected Que’s relationship and penchant for doing good vs bad. I publish my blog posts but I don’t send them out except at the beginning before I got into the family stuff because I was being persecuted as was part of my family and I have a right to respond this way as a witness to what is and was going on to show the persecution and how it works. It is prophesied family member against each other via misunderstandings and intervention by something other worldly and evil and all I can do is tell what I think is important to clear it up as best I can. My eldest sister calling my mom to tell her I set my kids up to call my sister was a flat out lie. I had no idea they did what they did until my mom called. Plain and simple and made my mom suspicious of me. I wouldn’t do what my sister implicated to my mom and it confused her quite a bit and may have caused more harm to her. PRobably made me sicker as a result. My kids  were young, impetuous and cared about me and what my sister and her husband were doing to me for no decent reason and they didn’t understand of course because they were too young to understand  the evil that was done and how it was done and responded out of love for me and I thought it was cute. It was really cute and sweet and their children would have done the same if they were in my position and if they loved their mom. Normal under the circumstances except we were all attacked come to find out by an evil force we did not understand nor could we understand the ways of evil. I couldn’t understand it either. It was just too much for me. My kids did not mean to make things worse. They wanted it to stop and it didn’t stop but got worse when you least expected it. Btu they had a right to respond and defend me since what my sister did was a lie.


which by the way is a scam.

My daughter’s dance teacher did do it NOT because my daughter was a great dancer or because she was a great dance teacher (which she was as well as her mom who started the business after being in the french underground during WWll and losing her dad to the nazis who came and took him and she never saw him again and then later moving to the USA) or because she owed us anything at all or vice versa and she was jewish. My husband was able to go to his job and make money at the time we needed though it did not save our homestead the only one we ever had that my older sister sold us. Her nick name was Doody. I don’t know the spelling but she made it her duty and we were not even related. Things have changed haven’t they? Not for the better for the most part but some days are special and moments can make a big difference……remembering the love we shared amid the bad times and the confusion. We didn’t know we would be attacked.

It’s like the 5-minute rule for Congressional hearings….RIDICULOUS. No wonder Congressional hearings usually add up to a bunch of BS. Does the Congress have to raise their hands to go to the bathroom after the 10-minute rule in public school in the House of Representatives or the Senate Building? Anyway these representatives are playing baseball two hours every morning for charity. Can the people in the respective states talk to their representatives at that time? NO. Why? because the people these representatives represent live in all the other states and don’t live in Washington dc. What is the advantage of having representatives if they are only quid quo pro to the people living in the Washington dc area such as lobbyists/press who the representatives are not supposed to represent. So realistically these are representatives for the people of Washington dc and nowhere else.

At Austrian zoo, orangutan masters fidget spinner

Be careful because these guys are gonna take over the country if congress keeps up their demanding schedules. Should americans be impressed? How about europeans. Next thing you know the congressmen will be playing Cricket for a two hour lunch break for charity for England. Aren’t they the good ole choir boys. Charity in truth for the RCC playing an all american sport for two hours they could be reading their e-mails, sorting their own mail, and doing their jobs and communicating with their constituents. How much do these congressmen make? How much do the congressmen and women playing baseball 2 hours every morning practicing for charity get to deduct on their taxes for their charity?

IT’s their duty.

Anyway one of our politicians said on Fox News that he and his fellow politicians have skin in the game and I must add like about the size of fingernail under a glass dome at the Vatican, still I hope the Scalise mends quickly.

I don’t know why someone would go on a shooting spree but obviously he was dissatisfied and despondent and so were the 9-11 terrorists and I believe these nuts were being manipulated, maneuvered and managed by some kind of PSYCHOPATH and/or a SOCIOPATH BEING TRAINED IN FLORIDA TO DO THEIR EVIL DEED and because of contract labor in their country and the citizens that live in Saudi Arabia who are beheaded instead of employed. Notice it is the contractors who are often kidnapped and held for ransom. A sign of some kind. A message. What could it mean?  Why else would someone commit and attempted mass murder/suicide besides hoping for the promises of the religions that are often lies which make them false religions on that bias and basis alone. False teachers. False leaders.

 I am for the second amendment as well but it would be nice to have representatives who are aware and I don’t think the representatives are aware. By the way did you know our country is at war? Perhaps this morning’s charade because I’m not sure it went down the way it was told will alert some people in washington dc what it feels like. Maybe Congress ought to go to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and other places and forget about the Saudi citizens funded by who?-who attacked the USA in the first place. 

London was also attacked again. Cause undetermined.

Next post will be linked below as soon as I write it. There is so much to it, it wears me out thinking about it. LOL

I’m not mocking AT ALL, it does wear me out because it is so WILD. Should be interesting! Can’t wait till I have the desire to write a new post, LOL This one is kind of long – It grew and I didn’t want to start a new one partially because of a bunch of shit I receive in kind but I think it’s important to exfoliate my mind about what I believe I should reveal or put on the table for others to chew on as a possibility of what is occurring so we can react the right way instead of going along with evil devices and propaganda used to manipulate, maneuver and manage us like cattle they don’t want anymore. The waters are rising and the ice cubes are melting and the sun is getting hotter because it’s summertime.

To Cal Thomas: I bet more Republicans have had abortion than Democrats. I bet more conservatives have had abortions than liberals. I bet more women have had abortions than men and I bet more girls have had abortions than boys. I bet your name is not written in the Book of Life but I bet your name is in the Book of the Dead and you know why? Because you condemn females who have had abortions righteously. If you were a man, one that deserves life a real one you would not touch upon


subject with a ten-foot pole.

Ever hear the adage:Fools rush in where angels fear to tread? YOU ARE A FOOL.

I believe one day you will regret it to the nth degree. Now answer me, is the mustard seed the smallest of seeds? Maybe you can redeem yourself from your righteous sin by being brave enough to answer the question truthfully on your blog.

Have ye any meat? I do have some meat ye know not of and will try to do my best to make it edible.

Until then, have a good one.

Morality vs. Instinct and READING

My newest post and very long, informative, interesting, thought provoking, will include a second page, lots of good music to back it up, and very very important as well as in some places humorous especially the included links !

Mother Teresa, Hospice and some BELIEVABLE Witnesses

June 9, 2017 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , ,

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