Eye of a Needle

Deception & Bible Prophecy

Mother Teresa, Hospice and some BELIEVABLE Witnesses

Today I had a strange conversation when listening to some people of Fox News talking about a person who committed suicide during some attack in Europe and the man commenting and I don’t know who it is because I only heard it walking by the tv and he went into his explanation of ISIS saying ISIS fighters do not commit suicide and as I was walking into the kitchen from the living room where the tv was playing said bullshit. Islam teaches suicide and the rewards for suicide if taking the life of their enemy will be rewarded with a bunch of virgins but then maybe ISIS isn’t Islamic. He also said ISIS believes suicide is a huge sin. Then I said out loud because the ex was around if ISIS believes it is a sin to commit suicide they aren’t Islamic but are Catholic because Catholics believe it to be a mortal sin to commit suicide and the ex disagreed with me for some reason. I know catholics have been taught it is a mortal sin to commit suicide. I said the Ten Commandments meant murder not kill in the commandment Thou shalt not kill which more than likely is was and will be Thou shalt not commit murder. My ex said no it says kill and it’s not what it means etc as if he knows and has studied the matter or even read the bible once through or halfway through or even one book of the bible. He said to me that I don’t know what it means, hence I’m an idiot in his eyes and minimal brain. He’s missing part of the frontal lobe of his brain which you can tell by the slant of his forehead which once my dad mentioned to me probably referring to my husband at the time without saying his name, but I never forgot it. LOL It’s true. He obviously knew something of the future before I did. My ex started telling me how he avoids killing spiders on the job. He kills wasps and mud daubbers, flies and ants, fleas because he is allergic or reacts to them on his skin if he is bitten by one and other insects if he has to but I reminded him about the little mice, baby mice, he killed on the wall of our house which he sprayed THEM with Turpentine and he replied “When?” As if he hadn’t done it and I said when we had mice crawling up the bricks on the porch and then eventually he admitted killing the mice by spraying them with turpentine. Actually it wasn’t turpentine I think it was much harsher than turpentine and used in spray rigs sometimes and to clean oil based overspray after it’s dried which is tough stuff and also removes grease, thins oil base paint and a very odorous chemical which he used a bunch but I can’t remember the name of it at the moment but I will remember and add later. It was lacquer thinner. So why did he deny it in the first place? Then he admitted he didn’t want mice in our attic which is killing. He’s ridiculous and a liar through and through. Probably doesn’t kill spiders because he is one, but he does kill spiders because I have asked him to kill a few for me in the garage. I bet if he lived in Australia he would be killing spiders. I killed a few spiders in my life one in particular hidden in my daughter’s bath toy she used in her sand box outside and it was a black widow. She was only about three years old. I killed it a bunch. I saw it when I went to clean her toy in the kitchen because it was a mess and as I recall she brought it in to the house and I looked and there it was hiding in a Winnie the Pooh bath toy which had some moving parts and was a really cool bath toy of molded plastic with some deep crevices with a swing and other things. I destroyed the spider and I heard that black widows are territorial so if you find one usually there isn’t one too nearby unless it is a female with baby spiders. But I never felt safe about the sand box after it happened. Not only did I spray it with 409 or something similar I stomped on it and I ground it into the soil so there wasn’t much left of it. It was a small black widow but the way it’s front legs are long it looks wicked and it had the red mark as well and it’s poisonous especially to kids and animals. I don’t think it was pregnant but might have been and of course I would have annihilated it even more so if it were. LOL It was a ridiculous what he was trying to say. I said Jesus said (in the Gospel of John) “Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man” and he obviously represented The Ten Commandments. Phil said I didn’t know what I was talking about.  It was a sign that Jesus said “commit to man”, don’t ya think? The manly church of Rome. Probably referring to the commandment Thou shalt not kill when in actuality it was Thou shalt not commit murder and is the meaning of the commandment.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Doesn’t say kill but he says murderer.
I didn’t murder the black widow. I killed it.

I rest my case for now.

I transcribed Christopher Hitchens Hell’s Angel a documentary on You Tube about Mother Teresa and her mission because for one thing he is British and some phrases and words are hard to understand and because the video is very fast moving and I wanted to give it the same treatment I gave to the JFK assassination when I transcribed the CBS series about the assassination of JFK. Boy did I learn a thing or two by doing it. I did it almost twice but never finished the last one for some reason. The reason I did it twice was because of what I learned the first time through and wanted to add what I had learned to it because it’s important stuff. When a parent says more than once a lesson it’s because there is a lot to learn and sometimes a deeper meaning or more than one meaning. Kids are hard in that they don’t listen or don’t always learn a lesson or when someone repeats themselves as was President Trump accused of doing people in high places acted like he was losing his mind. It used to be by repeating a lesson was how we learned by rote so you can do it in the dark. He has a young son and many of the people which work at the White House and in our government don’t want to learn like my ex.

Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it.

It works for most people, but not the ex.

He refuses to learn the lessons he should.

He refuses to even try.

Gary (my nemesis) preferred association type of learning which he taught his son which worked for his son. He had a learning disability early on and association can help jar the memory but memorization is also good and for the most part superior to learning via association and sometimes one helps the other. Mutual learning techniques. Association can be a tricky business: if you associate with something something else and one part disappears, then what? Forget both parts? I didn’t memorize the bible but it sunk in and when the prophecy in Daniel moved to the Gospel of Matthew I KNEW SOMETHING WAS IMMINENT. 

Obviously, there is a dumbing down going on in our country and probably a Catholic inspired idea to keep them in their fold.

Do you remember Nancy Pelosi’s technique? Don’t read it, just sign it.

How many pages was it she was toying with and it grew all through the Obama Administrations.

I believe the more you learn the more you remember.

There are some people who have an easier time learning than others because of pride and prejudice, and learning disabilities. Brain malfunctions. Synaptic impulses (brain synapses) don’t always have a developed receptor (receiver) or vice versa.  Style of teaching can also make a difference if someone learns or doesn’t learn no matter their capacity to recall. Art is a way to teach. Music and Poetry. There are lots of different ways to teach and to learn but only using one type of technique might be destructive such as CORE TEACHING. 1 plus 3 may be 5 blah blah blah or the whole is greater than it’s parts (Obama style or NIMROD’s STYLE) but THAT depends on the part, doesn’t it?

Or if the part depends on THAT, etc.


I recall a picture of JFK with woman and it was a picture of the back of his head in the photo but the part was different. The hair part. Anyway I am going to add the transcription but want to say I did the best I could and will add snapshots from the film of things I noticed or think are pertinent as I go forward and a link to the you tube for convenience for the reader (to let the reader understand;) I did it on Word so have to make a few corrections as I find the corrections because there are a few things not quite perfect as I’d like but I think it is important to display on my blog today not quite complete and because from Word to blog post it looks different and because reading is different than listening especially if you are hard of hearing or are waylaid by interruptions or interference, spiritual and/or physical interference.

It’s about Mother Teresa, hospice and a lot of her victims.

Hell’s Angel by Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens: –All over this unhappy globe there are heroic volunteers putting up a selfless battle on behalf of the wretched of the earth, but only one of these is considered to have an invisible means of support to be nothing less than a saint. What makes Teresa of Calcutta so divine? Irish Woman’s voice:

(probably a reporter)

–Long before Mother Teresa’s helicopter touched down about twenty past eleven this morning the crowds were gathering here at Knock.

Knock Shrine (Mary’s Hill)

Priest: –Among all of you who have made this pilgrimage to Knock this afternoon we are privileged to have with us as a special guest at THIS MASS a pilgrim who has come from afar (afire?), a woman whose worldwide symbol for goodness and holiness…

(Picture of John McLauphlin a tv news commentator of the show titled The McLauphlin Group who at the end said BYE BYE and became famous for his sign off from the show pictured here sitting next to Billy Graham and other people with a cross behind them and in white coverall with a big blue cross on their chests and girls in blue behind them similar to the colors of Mother Teresa on her head anyway. So sort of cultish stuff going on, IMO. Reminds me of the airport scene at Love Field in Dallas when JFK greeted the crowds behind the fence right before he was assassinated about 15 minutes or so later.)

Christopher Hitchens:

–Not many claims (Picture of Billy Graham and BYE BYE John McLauphlin of The McLaughlin Group anyway I think it is who is sitting with Billy Graham)

made by the Irish clergy are widely or uncritically accepted even in Ireland, but the saintliness of an Albanian nun named Agnes Bojaxhiu is a proposition that’s accepted by many who are not even believers. Mother Teresa herself receives extravagant adulation as no more than her due: Priest:

(with hand making some kind of statement. I think it’s a catholic priest hand thing they might learn in their training to be a priest to look priestly with a little tongue kind of trying to act like Jesus portrayed in some movies like Rhodes scholars have their hand signals when making a point with their thumbs even a baptist minister often shown on Fox news advertising who has a big following It’s also a Bill Clinton gesture and I think I have seen Obama use the same gesture. It’s ridiculous. Like little clique beetles.)

–Of all the women in recent history no one has captured the imagination like Teresa of Calcutta. I’m not being facetious and I’m certainly making no comparison when I say that no woman has made such an impact here since her lady herself appeared in 1879.

The Hummel Figurine, Mother Teresa being pious

Little girl in crowd looking directly at camera has her hand in praying position and looks familiar. I think I saw her in the JFK crowd at airport at Love Field.


Mary McLoughlin was a housekeeper to a priest who saw a vision of a few bible people and is expounded about in quite a few articles on the internet. It spread across the town at the time of the railroad (business) and their town got famous more than likely from the apparitions. 

Christopher Hitchens: –So how did this (says either the word box or auction/sale) of hyperbole and creduity (says either credulity or creduity) get started? –In that year of grace 1969 the scrupulously neutral and objective British Broadcasting Corporation permitted that old fraud and Mountebank mont mulgatch (don’t know who he is or if it is the right spelling and did it by sound but mulgatch, mulgridge or could be Mugwrench but turns out it is Muggeridge as I looked it up on the internet) to pay a devotional visit to the Calcutta shrine. Malcolm Muggeridge:

(talking and walking with Mother Teresa entering shrine or building he says algezen or the same sound as if her name but could even be referring to Al Jazeera son. Al Jazeera means the island, No man is an island? Of course, Al is a male name or something to do with algeria the country next to Libya and might have to do with an aul Saul, Paul.But it was weird he was talking like she was a he knowing how

he’s talk to he’s.)

(Al means “the” in arabic, Ja means “the spring” in arabic, zeer means urdu in arabic i.e. The leaper ??? Looked up urdu to see if it had a meaning but couldn’t find one but Abraham came from the land of Ur. and du means doctor.

Billy Graham is referred to as a doctor as well. Dr. Billy Graham.

Mary’s cousin in the New Testament was named Elizabeth and her baby leaped within her and was also known as John the Baptist who ate locusts and wild honey in the desert later in life so he was a barbarian and also wore camels skins when he was older so was a cave man demonstrated by his clothing. When Eliazabeth met Mary who was pregnant her baby leapt in her belly but of course when one is pregnant we get flutters sometimes and that is what she felt was a flutter and misunderstood the meaning of the flutter. She was probably 7 months pregnant or so when they had their meeting. We are talking about a doctor before midevil (medieval) times so. basically a dinosaur in the field of medicine. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Gospel of John and John the Baptist resisted Jesus said to him “Suffer it to be so” like it was a hassle but had to be done for the sake of posterity and/or for the sake of others who were being baptized by John the Baptist and what they had to endure because of it. Like being possessed. People come from all walks of life and situations. Billy Graham was known for the adage Let Jesus into your heart or Ask Jesus into your heart as if he needed an invitation to screw with you. There are a lot of people named Jesus. LBJ awarded Billy Graham the BIG BROTHER AWARD if it gives you an indication of what I’m talking about. Billy Graham wrote a book called Just As I Am

if it gives you an idea of how highly he thought of himself as if he were God, himself or similar. When Moses asked God what his name was to tell the Hebrews who were slaves in order to free them from slavery of the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time and to demonstrate his power and to bring down from heaven the Ten Commanments it is written he said I AM that I Am but God isn’t Billy Graham, nor John the Baptist, nor similar, IMO., but i guess part of the process of educating people about God and even a cave man.)

–AL GESON (al-gers-son), when after I met you in London really the only thing I wanted to do is to come to see you and your work here and I’ve seen it and of course it’s a….it’s a shining light.

(I highly doubt he would have said what he said to her if she were a woman or would have even been interested in her work. Billy Graham started his crusades in England as well.)

plural noun: algae
  1. a simple nonflowering plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms. Algae contain chlorophyll but lack true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue.

(film clip of babies crying in cribs inside the place both enter I presume)

In light of the expose about Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens I thought I should include a story on the news about a plane crash which happened yesterday.

Algeria military plane crash: 257 dead near Algiers

Christopher Hitchens: –Himself, arrogant almost to the point of humility, Muggeridge became persuaded that he and his team had become the divinely appointed instruments of what he claimed was the first television miracle. Ken McMillan cameraman: –Doing “Something Beautiful for God” we…there was an episode where we were ummm taken to a, a building that Mother Teresa called the House of the Dying and Peter Schaffer the director said, “Well, well it’s very dark in here. Do you think we can get anything?” And we had just taken delivery at BBC of some new film made by Kodak which we hadn’t had time to test before we left, so I said to Peter “Well, lets have a go.” So we shot it and when we got back several weeks later, month or two later, there sitting in the, in the (conversation is garbled) chair in the studio and eventually up came the shots of the House of the Dying and it was surprising. You could see every detail and I said, “That’s amazing. That’s extraordinary.” (Kissing ass) And I was gonna go on to say you know three cheers for Kodak but I needed a chance to say that because Malcolm sitting in the front row spun around and said, “It’s divine light…It’s Mother Teresa. You will find that it’s divine light, old boy.” And three or four days later when I was being phoned by journalists who (two words garbled) newspapers were saying things like we hear you have just come back from India with Muggeridge and you are a witness to a miracle.

(My older sister had a dog named mugger, a bishon-frise which she obtained by her dog breeding friends to breed whom she had met at church and to show at dog shows and eventually all the dogs ended up in the laundry room of their home during the time of the ski mask rapes in the area when they bought a home after a few others, but it was not in California. She got into dog shows and bishon-frises after the molestation when she and he moved to a two bedroom apartment in the same apartment complex but another building. At the time she didn’t know except for when he would masturbate in front of me pacing the floor when I spent the night on their hide bed couch unopened. I can’t remember if it was before or after because it’s been so long but she called him in to their bedroom by saying”Gary get back in here!” I was thankful she did call him back. I think it was before because I thought perhaps he was sleep walking. I gave him the benefit of doubt which was a mistake on my part. We had breakfast an omelet with velveeta I think which she made the next morning and I didn’t say anything. (My sister wasn’t into cooking and one of her best meals. Gary did the cooking for the most part as did their first son in law for a short time.) The dog shows and breeding was a stage she went through. Bulimia for a while, shop till you drop stage, decorating till everyone drops, shop till you drop, photography, shop till you drop, real-estate while shop till you drop stage, and of course plastic surgery using fraud of insurance scams, I think. Some people will go to a lot of trouble to have plastic surgery.)

 Christopher Hitchens:

–And a star was born. –This profane marriage between tawdry media hype and medieval superstition gave birth to an icon which few have since had the poor taste to question.

(not sure of the meaning of “poor taste to question” but obviously he is and so are quite a few others in this film tasteless. Perhaps being sarcastic because sometimes he is sarcastic.)

Man: –It’s like uh ….. ya ya you’re actually seeing a living saint.

(Looks like the guy who memorized the bible but with an accent, Jack Van Impe

Jack van Impe as I remember him a tele-evangelist except with an Irish accent.

AND KEITH DAVIDSON SEEN LATELY ON FOX NEWS IN REGARDS TO SOMETHING, A LAWYER, TO DO WITH COHEN AND I THINK THE PORN STAR SUING TRUMP) the guy represented with the woman on the internet as Jack Van Impe is not the same Jack Van Impe however she looks the same which is kind of a twist. I wonder why. Also noticed that David Koresh sure looks similar to Assad with curly hair and of course a new show is out about David Koresh excusing the government for their destruction of a cult, which it was a cult. There are a lot of cults the biggest two are Catholicism and Islam. Lots of lying going on. I remember. I watched it closely in utter amazement how our government rushed to destroy kids, parents etc caught in the middle. It was definitely avoidable and patience might have saved lives but politics got in the way. He was cornered and Janet Reno blew it big time probably cornered as well into rushing the situation by using tanks to ram walls/ buildings which started an explosion and fire broke out which killed some people. (76 people died at the Waco Siege and probably more). The FBI was involved as well as the ATF (Now the ATFE) probably under the influence of the BGEA, Billy Graham, a shill for Roman Catholicism. 

I have a good memory.)

 Christopher Hitchens:

Held between her fingers is the Rosary (ROSEBUD) enjoying the attention/praise and kind of like she is enjoying get one over on the public like cultists tend to enjoy. I can’t help but compare her to other cult leaders but she is a sneaky one and really blew it, IMO. She should have built a hospital in Calcutta for her sake and for others. It would have been noble and appreciated. The Rosary is kind of a shared neurotic dependance on beads because of a lack of memory to help remember which prayer to say to Mary amongst a few religions. Does she look sincere? She looks evil and like she pulled a fast one on everyone,

–“Give a man a reputation as an early riser, “ said Mark Twain “and that man can sleep till noon.” How does the reputation of Holy Mother Teresa look if just for a moment we switch off Malcolm Muggeridge’s kindly light.

(Not sure what he means citing Mark Twain except that Mother Tersa was a man and slept till noon?)

The bible in the Gospel of John says that the veil of the temple when Jesus was crucified was torn from “twain to twain” and was very thick which I think in a weird way was referring to Mark Twain. Mark Twain gave a description of Palestine when he visited and said it was desolate and I think it is a reference to time; from biblical times “the Diaspora” to the visit by Mark Twain which was before the Jews resettled and re-established Israel after WWll. Maybe the mustard seed of faith was about moving a mountain from here to there was intended to mean the veil of the temple but it is not written as such and also because the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and because I think it was added later either entirely or partially as a new enlightenment since the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and to uplift the stature of a couple of people to ingratiate their character like the secret admirer which wasn’t a secret being written about in the Gospel of John with Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemas and their conversation with Jesus or vice versa Jesus’s conversation with them about being born again. A second chance. Many people don’t have a choice of who or what religion people are born into and experience helps to understand (in different religions or countries some under extreme duress) and learn and you can’t grow without experience and especially if you can’t remember your experience. Even though the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and we have learned man’s seed is smaller microscopically (microscopes had not been invented in biblical times) and since we now have microscopes and have learned to understand the difference between the two perhaps it will help people grow spiritually not just physically. The mustard seed is easy to plant and grows like a weed which can grow quickly and take over a garden like some plants and/or weeds do which is why you have to weed your garden from time to time or your yard or it will take over your garden or your yard. Regardless of the size of the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed just a little bit of trust in God or hope in God or dependence on God is enough to get more than one chance and God does work in weird ways and puts people through tests sometimes and/or the world and forces them to hope for better and is not enough to prevent life from occurring or to prevent spiritual growth in even an atheist or someone of a cult because I think God is gonna make us learn one way or another no matter what is thrown in our way to stop us from learning. I would be disappointed in God if I didn’t think anything is possible because otherwise we are doomed forever ALL OF US  because no one is perfect and I don’t think God is unmoved by the human and animal experience. I have learned a lot from animals. Kids learn affection and love via animals which is why I think kids should have pets to care for even little fish, birds, cats, dogs, horses etc. and to learn responsibility. You can tell if someone has problems how they treat their pets. Usually problems don’t occur in a vacuum. There are causes and effects besides physical impairments not the fault of anyone in particular and sometimes because of the fault of someone else. Kids having kids is also a very big learning experience for both child and parent and if you aren’t able to have one in this life I ‘ll guarantee you one in the next life because it is amazing and very difficult even under the best of circumstances and sometimes hard to learn in the best of circumstances. I just cannot fathom a God who would discard a person, soul and spirit) because the person was raised under an evil regime or died because of the stupidity of others, or never heard the truth not even a small tidbit of truth for whatever reason or only lived for a minute.  I don’t think one gets to escape learning from God no matter how hard one tries to stifle it in themselves or others because of the power of God. To me if God were any less God would not be God but only a statue weeping. I don’t think any rite observed or not observed or any covenant true or false is gonna prevent it in the long run. Might delay it but it won’t prevent it from happening. The true power of God. I don’t think the true God expects us to be shamed into observance of him as Islam tries to impose and as most religions tend to wield power over others and males over females. etc SOOOOO the harder you try not to understand the harder it might be. So try to understand and truth helps obviously. However I enjoy movies and fantasies because often there are little life’s lessons in the stories and sometimes it’s nice to view life vicariously because real life can be overwhelming and often movies are restful to escape for brief time periods. Relax and enjoy learning or make it hard for yourself. As far as the sabbath there are all kinds of sabbaths but the one written about on the Ten Commandments is to point us to the Gospel of John and Jesus written about in the Gospel of John and vice versa he sends us back to the Ten Commandments via truth. I’m sure there are some flaws over time that have been included but there is enough in both to spiritually grow and in experience and in nature to know our universe isn’t a mistake. Life is amazing though sometimes hard because of stupidity and lack of understanding (two different things but in my family we had a rough time because of lies some little and because of pride and because of interference mostly by fools and bad angels and help from above and we are still in the process and each of us will win.) There are good angels as well and why I know abortion should be provided to females depending on her wishes and desires and her experience. I feel comfortable in the invention for the sake of females and family planning as the pill or any other birth control. I do think males if they plan to be active sexually or don’t plan might start employing circumcising their desires or tie off their worms for experience sake in order not to impregnate a female before she is ready to be a mom, a good one. My mom and dad understood that and stood by me. Problem arises often because of lack of experience and youth and you have to forgive youth for mistakes made because youths will make mistakes. Never the less I believe females have rights bestowed by God because of the human condition. 

“Angels shall rise and fall upon the son of man.” so you might as well learn the Ten Commandments to help yourselves prevent yourself from stepping into some poop which everyone does even when at our best or learned of the Ten Commandments because we are human and sometimes forced to deal with a lot of shit thrown our way. It is easier and kind of simple compared to the rest of the bible.

Quoting Mark Twain out of context on Palestine

    Mahir Bose (author and journalist): –Mother Teresa is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. She’s a symbol. People in the west talk about her so Indians adopt her at that level. The fact that what she does on the streets of Calcutta is really irrelevant to them. They couldn’t care about it and most of them don’t even know, but Mother Teresa is the sort of figure you show to visitors. (When you study bible prophecy it is someone who wins the Nobel peace prize who does great harm to the world at least taught by some prophecy people in the business of religion but might have been a fulfilled prophecy and no one had the balls to say so. Obama got one too.  A lot of people get the Nobel Peace Prize. Roosevelt, Carter who gave away the Panama Canal and caved to Iran and even Kissinger How IRONIC, but this is also about Nations without Borders, Doctors Without Borders, Catholicizing the world in various ways, etc as well.)


  Christopher Hitchens: –Mother Teresa’s flagship institution is her home for the dying, a hospice, which purportedly sweetens the last moments of otherwise destitute lives. Mary London (Writer and former volunteer): –My initial impression was among the photographs and footage I’ve ever seen of *Belson and places like that because all the patients had shaved heads. There are no chairs anywhere. There are just these stretch of beds and they are like first world war stretch of beds. There’s no garden, no yard even, no nothing, and I thought; What is this? This is a, this is two rooms with 50 to 60 men in one, 50 to 60 women in another. They’re dying and they are not being given a great deal of medical care. They are not being given painkillers really beyond aspirin and maybe if you’re lucky some buphren (Ibuprophen derivative? something like it as a pain killer) or something for … for the sort of pain that goes with terminal cancer and … and the things that they were dying of. And, and, I thought, What’s the point?


Mother Teresa: –Right from the very beginning I wanted to serve the poor purely for the love of God. I do give them what the rich people get with money I wanted to give to the poor with the love of god. Mary London: –They didn’t have enough drips. Ummm, the needles they re-used they used over and over and you would see some of the nuns um rinsing needles in under the cold-water tap and I asked one of them why she was doing it and she said, “well, to clean it” and I said, “Yes, but why are you not sterilizing it? Why are you not boiling um water and sterilizing your needles?” She said (shrugged), “There’s no point. There’s no time.”

(She was in a hurry, that’s why.  Probably wasn’t getting paid for her devotion.  Had some plans to go to lunch with her nun friends.

WHO pays nuns? How do nuns earn money? being maids to priests? Cleaning after them like babies, grown up babies? Could the World Health Organization (WHO) be providing salaries for the nuns? Nuns have to eat too, right?)

Christopher Hitchens: –Mother Teresa’s cult of death and suffering depends for its affect on the most vulnerable and helpless, abandoned babies saved or the terminally ill the supply the occasions for charity and the raw material for demonstrations of compassion.

(picture of a sign with the words “I am on my way to heaven” in English)

Mary London: –The first day I was there when I had finished working in the ummmm women’s ward I went and waited on the edge of the men’s ward for my boyfriend uh who was looking after a boy of fifteen who was dying and an American doctor told me that she had been trying to treat this boy and that he had a really relatively simple kidney complaint that had simply got worse and worse and worse because he hadn’t had antibiotics and he actually needed an operation. I don’t kn, recall what the problem was. She did tell me. And she was so angry, but also very resigned which so many people become in that situation. She said, “Well they won’t take him to a hospital. I said, “WHY? All you have to do is get a cab, take him to the nearest hospital, demand that he has treatment, get him an operation” and she said, “They don’t do it. They won’t do it. If they do it for one, they do it for everybody.” And I thought, but this kid’s fifteen.

Resigned as well but telling it like it is, I think. Going against the tide is hard and it takes a while to coalesce information received and action. Sort of a shock and awe kind of feeling especially in a different country.

I remember when I was asked to find an oxygen generator which my ex knew of the place and the number and I found out information about the price of a used oxygen generators (he rebuilt them) and then something happened between the executor of my mom ‘s estate started bullying me emotionally about Mother’s day and other things. I was pretty fragile emotionally. So I wrote her an e-mail saying “do it yourself.” Plus when I talked to the place my mom resided called The ARC in San Antonio (ARMY RESIDENCE COMMUNITY/CENTER) told me the insurance provider in Dallas denied her an oxygen generator beforehand so we were going through some strange stuff. I got the run-around. I talked to some nurses one who lied her ass off to me about a previous visit when we witnessed a woman on the floor in a puddle of blood with her eyes open in shock in front of the nurses station but the station had high counters and the nurses were in a meeting at the time in the room inside the room behind the desk. I alerted them and they called the Emergency people who came and took care of her and she said it didn’t happen and it did and I told her I had witnesses and I doubt she was there 24 hours a day everyday but it didn’t matter at the time and talked to another nurse a male nurse who tried to help a little but was limited in what he could do not being the boss and kind of let me know his limitation. I was about 5-6 hours away. I called the doctor and his number didn’t work on his business card that I had retrieved when visiting so finally was able to reach him after some communication with the ARC and found out he didn’t actually do much there at all. He worked 3 hours on a Wednesday night at the ARC each week for all those people and traveled to West Virginia or Virginia in between doing his important work. The ARC only had one other doctor and I don’t remember his name. I did not talk to him. Things got real wild in the family concerning mom and the past babout Gary and lots of bullying from my eldest sister and being called the devil and satan by my little sister probably in her defense (probably kissing ass for 35 thousand dollars) and also banished from her home a half hour away in order to visit my mom. 

Whoever was in charge of killing my mom was determined to murder her and to get to me. I think. My eldest sister was in charge. I don’t know the instructions and never saw or heard of a will. I know my dad had one because he was that way and he trusted her or was testing her. Not sure. I know the second new husband of my little sister was interested in what was left of the estate and communicated with Gary who sent him a crumpled little piece of paper with some numbers on it but I have no idea how much but my little sister told me of the interaction between the two men. I know Gary and Lori were in debt big time partially because of a huge wedding of a marriage that went sour and probably because of losing money on the stock market in the past on a Gary scheme trading options and in huge amounts in one minute on a Tuesday in October and people started dying who were owed and then the plastic surgeries, etc. I think my little sister was being entrapped big time and silenced to make her look bad and she did look bad. The same with my brother whom my ex knew his finances and how much he lost gambling baseball. My brother was pretty good at it and a had won a Federal case against our Federal Government worth millions but I never knew how much and I know he did not lose it all gambling though I know he lost some money gambling….who doesn’t? He also invested his money in property. He was kind of private about his money so I doubt he told my ex how much unless he was testing him as well. 

Christopher Hitchens: –I ventured on my own butlickavitch (possibly saying for a look a bit/a look at a bitch? investigating I think is his meaning) to the missions of charity in Calcutta in early 1980. Who could fail to be touched by the work of the orphanage. Not I, though I did find myself a little put off by the mission’s motto: He that loveth correction, loveth knowledge. Sniffs – giving the Jesuit piety pissed off sign like O’reilly does who loved Jesuit style correction. No I think he’s pissed off inside his living soul and exposing it. You can’t fight it alone. You have to expose it first in a believable way with believable witnesses. –A bit of a workhouse ring to that, perhaps, but it was Mother Teresa herself who completed the wreckage of the effect. As we stood by the tiny cots she turned and said,

“This is how we fight abortion and contraception in Calcutta.”

–Now it might be argued that a campaign against family planning is low on the list of Calcutta’s many pressing needs, but as a leading member of the Pope’s fundamentalist tendency on matters of sex and procreation Mother Teresa has made this single issue into her global crusade. Billy Graham’s crusade was also global. Very few crusaders are global. His started in England after WWll because ROME LOST as did the Vatican and  Germany and a few others involved as their allies. Everyone lost to some degree but war is hard. Mussolini lost. Mother Teresa: “The greatest destroyer of peace today is the cry of the innocent unborn child. If a mother can murder her own child in her own womb what is left for you and for me to kill each other.”

Is the mustard seed the smallest of seed? NO 

The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel shall cast him down.

clenched teeth as she says her schpeel

Christoher Hitchens: Tenderness about the unborn is an emotion that I share myself but tenderness about the unborn also becomes an overtly political matter when it’s preached by a presumable virgin who also campaigns against birth control.

How tender?

Tender about catholic induced miscarriages given a thumbs up because of membership in the religion? Illegal abortions given a thumbs up run by the mob of the Roman Catholic Church. Tender about third world negligence or any world – first world and second world negligence. Tender about 6 million jews. Tender about rape. Have you ever had a kid of your own? Tender enough to admit a woman/girl has a right to determine when she is ready to raise a child with her critical faculties in tow like being married and in a position to handle it and/or wanting to handle it. I got pregnant the first time I had intercourse at age 15-16 years of age with a stranger by a ranger and I don’t remember parts of the act of intercourse except it hurt and I wasn’t asked and didn’t even know how to do it and had done acid half of one anyway during that time when I was pregnant and other drugs at the time though I never bought them during that time. Does it sound responsible acting? I was in denial because I didn’t want to be pregnant. Everyone was involved in drugs and booze. REMEMBER? How soon man forgets and lays the responsibility on the female as in the Garden of Eden. TYPICAL. I was tender for myself. Sorry, I don’t buy your tenderness. I believe in a different God than you. I believe he understands mankind and the hard choices made by females who have the wherewithal to make the choices. Those critical faculties I used however I didn’t the night it happened. Should I pay for it the rest of my life as I have especially during the Catholic persecution and inquisition using hospice and journalists mostly on Fox News in the last ten years. Are heathens forgiven by God? Are believers forgiven by God. I KNOW I am forgiven by God and so are my parents for helping me and so is the army for allowing me to have a safe abortion in a safe place. The army that set free Europe. That one.

Men who are against abortion and women who are against abortion

have as much tenderness about the unborn

as I did when I planted my tulip bulbs upside down.

I have tenderness for living breathing babies when I see them being mistreated and used as a political football. Like when I saw a boy (a tot) in a cart at Sam’s baby seat by an Indian woman not seat-belted in the shopping grocery cart and she was shopping and not watching the boy and he fell out of the shopping cart because he was standing up not just once and fell onto the cement floor and I heard the sound of his head hitting the cement. He lived but I don’t know for how long and I don’t know how big a bump he got and I don’t know if it caused brain damage. It was sickening but she was hired to take care of someone else’s kid. It definitely wasn’t hers. I don’t even know if the parents were told. Resigned. Do you call the police and accuse her of negligence with someone else’s kid at Sam’s Club? I know Sam’s Club more than likely had cameras but I didn’t know it then.

I have tenderness for people being entrapped. I have tenderness for animals as well. My cat was mistreated to hurt me. Another pet was shot by a neighbor and killed. By the way I saw him later when we went to the store and I was with my daughter who saw him and we saved a person’s pet by intervening who was with our dog that night and took him home and found his owner a few days later. I guess it wasn’t good enough. Is anything good enough? However, this expose by Christopher Hitchens about Mother Teresa is a good enough endeavor and actually might make a difference with God’s help and maybe mine because I have tenderness for my parents who were murdered because I had an abortion and because I wrote about the mustard seed lie and many other subjects having to do with the gospels by comparing the gospels later and exposing some lies and also because of money lost on the stock market which neither my parents nor I were involved in and because of molestation and sexual misconduct on the part of my brother-in-law towards not only me. Incestuous misconduct and then belligerence and harassment when it suited him usually when drinking beer and possibly because my sister might have provoked him without telling me and retaliation from my older sister when it suited her. Like he never grew up nor accepted my intervention to halt it in a nice and civilized way for the sake of everyone including myself nor accepted a few other siblings intervention later on to do the same for everyone. WE DID OUR BEST and it wasn’t good enough. Not only them but the friends as well who knew didn’t do anything but say “It is harder for a person who had money to lose it than a person who didn’t.” Her friend Babs Kincaid and a suite mate in college at SMU Not sure of spelling of last name but married to Sammy Kincaid a banker. Our attempt wasn’t good enough for them. Everyone loves to use abortion as a mace against females, but what about the elderly and infirmed who were born and have souls and contributed positively to this world and fought wars for freedom and some even have spirits and put their trust in contracts, promises, wills, legal stuff and their kids. But the Catholics want to catholicize the world as if the catholics have a better idea of God: Mother Teresa and the Jesuit Pope Francis, et al.

WHY? What’s the point?

Jesus says to call no man father but your father in heaven and everyone especially catholics do it about priests, cardinals, and bishops. Catholics call their priests by a title undeserved which is why Jesus said not to honor THEM. Catholics are insane. Did your dad wear the shit these priests wear? Alter boy lace and stuff or a priest’s collar. Dogs wear collars, too. Catholics honor them with the tender title of God and the God of Roman Catholicism is a DOG. Not in the sense we all have as pets but like Mother Teresa.

Sorry, but it’s true.

Back to the expose about Mother Teresa:

Mother Teresa in front of a huge audience:

–Let us promise our lady who loves island so much that we will never allow in this country a single abortion.


(looks like a papal type apparatus used as well when Pope Benedict XVl visited Jerusalem and gave his speech on the precipice at the Mount of Olives, I think it was, and as other popes when sermonizing to big crowds away from the Vatican. Sounds like she took possession of Ireland at Knock; the madonna of Knock, Mother Teresa… egads)

–And no contresepes.

(french word for contraceptives)

Did my best for now to transliterate or translate the connection below in regards to contraceptives intrench.

“Revue des deux mondes (two worlds) – Page 774 – Google Books Result”


“Il semblait (assembly) que ces ruses (what or who tricks) d’outre—tombe (overseas falls-Hoover/FBI) eussent été (to be) imaginées pour aiguiser (alaska-place of eagles USA-HAARP-guessing) la passion de Mariette (to stir thé passion of Mary-puppet also Mariette, Georgia) et le piquer (and the sting) au jeu (game of chance) dans ses contresepes, dans sa lutte avec (wrestling with an angel) le mort ( of thé dead) qu’il (who) poursuivait (to follow) (who accuse). Le plus petit bibelot (small trinket), à Boulaq (Cairo, Azbakeya, and the River Nile), rappelait (rappel-comes down mountain? moses) à. son inventeur (writer-Franklin Graham?) un incident, un voyage, un ami associé à. l’entreprise, un souvenir de jeunesse (youth), …”

(holes in rubbers? Foxes have holes? youthfulness trick of faces which I have noticed )



 A laid back, very flirtatious guy who is strong and well endowed. He’s everyone’s friend and is sweet, but he can can beat your ass if you push him over the edge. (strong but effective)

I don’t know but it is very


 I think the magazine is about cultures and sending a message to the future from the past about tricking the land of the eagles. Not sure but seems like hinting at it. I did a little rappelling in my youth with the rangers. 

And basically saying BIlly Graham who said something about the journey and wrote a book about it and friend and inventor of the mission of Mother Teresa’s tricks. etc

Christopher Hitchens:

–Mother Teresa has no politics so she maintains and so many people believe, but when she came to London in 1988 ostensibly as an advocate for the homeless she bent the ear of the IRON Lady (Margaret Thatcher) and sought to steer her to the support of a bill limiting abortion. The sponsors of that bill who arranged the meeting were in no doubt as to her intervention, was political.


MIHIR BOSE (author and journalist) –She’s not a party political figure, but she’s a political figure in the sense that. One, she is part of what may be called the Catholic agenda the Christian, the broader Christian right agenda in the Catholic Church has been following what has GENERALLY been considered a hard line approach under the present pope. Now, now she’s part of that agenda and that is fairly a political agenda. I mean you know, uh, no abortion, opposition to birth control, ideas like that are, are fairly, you could say their there would be contested in the political arena. And the second factor is that she is also part if you like of the western agenda. Where the West is still part of the third world.

COCK CROWS and picture of a large group of Indian women with kids looking impoverished to the nth degree.

Christopher Hitchens: –The rich have a poor conscience. It wants, in fact, it needs to think that someone somewhere is doing something of the third world and the Mother Teresa myth ministers to this desire.



Malcom: –Here is a western woman who has forsaken her life albeit whatever life she might have had in Albania, um you know, for, for sacrifice herself for the people of the third world. It makes the west feel better, you know. This is, this is one of us again, once again rescuing the third world.

(Albania sitting awfully close to Italy to be a coincidence and directly above Libya. There is a prophecy but can’t remember which one about steps and from Albania to Algiers is sort of like steps besides throne spoken of in the Gospel of John lifting his heel against me. Albania is kind of lifting the heel of italy. Is it raise his heel or lift his heel either way it fits depending on which language we are speaking of.)

Conversation between Mother Teresa and Malcom touring some slums:

Mal: amazing

MT: amazing

Mal: He’s got his rations now.

MT: Yes he got it, he’s cleaning it…

(Cleaning rations? the eucharist laced with Devil’s breath? I wonder if it is addictive.)

Christopher Hitchens: –The subliminal appeal that she generates there is something of the mission to the heathen, something of the old colonial outpost, and something of Florence Nightingale; while in the silented abject demeanor of her patients there is something of the deserving poor. (Urban Dictionary -Silented: To have a thought or idea, and forget it right away. As if you came up with the idea while staring at one of the Silence, and then looked away. Coming from Doctor Who, where the order known as the Silence are “memory-proof”, so you can only remember them while you look at them, and you forget them) –The Great White Hope of this iconography takes on the Big Black hope (hole?) and the rewards are by no means all in heaven. –For someone whose kingdom is not of this earth Mother Teresa has an easy way with thrones, dominions, and powers. Why do the rulers of this sinful and selfish world find her so awfully congenial? Is it because she returns the compliment? She may or may not comfort the afflicted, but she has certainly never been known to afflict the comfortable.

That’s my job.)

Ronald Reagan: –…..some people…. Christopher Hitchens: –See her here posing with Ron and Nancy Ronald Reagan: –….in the truest sense citizens of the world Mother Teresa is.

(Reagan hands her something)

Christopher Hitchens: –The very hand that bestowed the medal of freedom to Mother Teresa armed and paid the death squads of Central America. Accepting the award with her customary modesty on behalf of all the world’s poor she croaked,

“I never realized that you loved the people so tenderly.”

Christopher Hitchens: –I must say I haven’t noticed that either. Reagan’s proxies murdered among many others four American nuns and the Catholic ArchBishop of San Salvadore Christopher Hitchens continues: –at the very moment that he was celebrating mass but visiting the slaughterhouse states of the region during that period Mother Teresa found nothing untoward.

“Everything was peaceful in the parts of the country we visited” she claimed

after touring the killing fields of Guatemala adding for good measure:

“I do not get involved in that sort of politics.”

(probably a few good apples amongst the bad and the Jesuits probably got rid of the nuns and archbishop while it was easy to do in ORDER to make martyrs is why. Probably because this was a Jesuit-influenced campaign and Oliver North was involved in the Iran-Contra stuff and gave the clue on his testimony/documentary War Stories With Oliver North about General MacArthur linked and so did the Jesuit Bishop in a documentary without meaning to in regards to the Philippines a documentary about WWll and torture occurring in the Philippines at the time and about his intervention and I think the bishop wanted to take some credit .)

(film of a man crying and a bunch of dead people under sheets)

–In 1984 a ghastly chemical spill from the Union Carbide Plant in the Indian town of Bhopal took two and a half thousand lives (2500 lives) and poisoned thousands more.

(Woman rasping saying something in a different language and upset and people putting eye drops in kid’s eyes)

–This was an act not of God but of a negligent multinational corporation.

(People angrily protesting)

Actually it could have been sabotage to gain favor.

(I think it was sabotaged from what I have read, but negligent to have situated the site in a highly populated area and not protecting it a little more seriously however might have been impossible to protect when state sponsored terrorists want to sabotage via a state that sponsors terrorism (The State of the Vatican) and isn’t likely to be thwarted. 


probably for cheap abundant labor but sabotage to popularize Mother Teresa

which made her popular amongst the rich to gain favor. Very Catholic.)

And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence,
neither was any deceit in his mouth.
(Mother Teresa aka algeson)

–Mother Teresa’s advice to the angry victims?:

(and she croaked)


(nodding her head)



Mihir Bosey (author and journalist): –What Mother Teresa’s done is she has accepted implicitly the idea that there’s nothing much that you can do for the poor except take them off the streets and, you know, then look after them. You cannot change their attitude. You cannot make them feel that they have an ability. They may even have the means to improve and change their lives. She, she’s not bothered with that agenda. She’s only bothered with the agenda of trying to rescue their souls and make them a bit better before, before they go on to the eternal life, which is very um, understandable, with, in fact, a very old fashioned Christian idea. It is, it is not a question of saying: How can we tackle the real problems of poverty?

(Mass with some priests face down lying on the floor and Mother Teresa claiming a eucharist)

Christopher Hitchens: –Like most people who claim to be apolitical Mother Teresa is in practice and in theory an ally of the status quo and when the status quo is threatened, a trusted ally of the conservative forces. This places her in bold contrast to those, even among the religious, who have rejected the fatalistic and submissive conclusions about poverty that are promulgated by Catholic traditionalists like her. Fr. Jean Bertrand Aristide: –With our hands, with our l-life, with our love we hask justice and we hask freedom and we take justice. Because, the justice is not like a gift which they give. No. Liberty. Freedom: They don’t give that. We have to take that. And if that we go to the streets and we took our liberty, we took our freedom asking for justice.

(People celebrating with some plants jumping up and down yelling)

Christopher Hitchens: –Roman Catholic Hierarchy has never forgiven Father Aristide the legally elected President of Haiti who it regards as a base heretic for his efforts to chase the money lenders from the temple he was banished from his order and forbidden to serve mass. Till the very last the Vatican was the only foreign power to recognize the military junta of (garbled) Haiti. And the ground for this too, was prepared by Mother Teresa. –In 1980, she visited the island and accepted the Haitian Legion of Honor award from Baby Doc Duvalier…She found much to praise in his corrupt dynastic regime telling astonished reporters that she had quote, ”Never seen the poor people being so familiar with their head of state as they were with the Duvaliers. It was a beautiful lesson for me,“ she simpered. “I’ve learned something from it.” –The Haitian people indeed could not wait to get close to the Duvaliers only their turn (tern?) moved forever to the French Riviera.

(Large crowd in a stadium waving red flags with yellow markings and clapping – a political type rally with words on large banner-


looks like Shimon Peres

–Mother Teresa admires the strength of the powerful almost as highly as she recommends the resignation of the poor. When she visited her motherland of Albania she appeared to take seriously St. Paul’s notorious assertion that ‘the powers that be are ordained of God.’ The Albanian authorities had proclaimed the world’s first officially atheist state. They had persecuted all forms of worship except that of their leader Enver Hoxha

Bektashi Order

–not wit abashed, Mother Teresa laid a bouquet on Hoxha’s tomb. Not content with honoring a Stalinist murderer and despot she also bestowed a wreath on the monument of the greater Albania a cause that was once smiled upon by Pope Pius the ninth and his friend Benito Mussolini. –Albania is from the secular reasons quite rich in orphans. So there was (a name I could not transcribe or find – Skopje? <Macedonia but then Kosovo and also the Ottoman Empire) an orphanage specialist to praise those institutions of the regime while keeping silent about it’s victims. –If it sometimes seems that the saint of Calcutta is never actually in Calcutta at all, this may be because she operates more as the roving ambassador of a highly politicized papacy:

(Film of Pope John Paul getting off a Vatican plane kisses ground and Mother Teresa with prayer beads in hands clasped at her face and nose excited acting, smiling and nudges a person next to her nodding and communicating from a far to the pope in adulation while kissing her beads then puts a large red and white lei around the neck of Pope John Paul. Not sure if this was before or after he kissed the Koran. Probably after. After claiming him he eventually couldn’t talk and developed his disease.)

–A magican (german? Could have said magisterum) foreign policy has taken her from the shores of Lebanon where the Roman Catholic militia perpetrated the mass murder of the Sabre and Shatila Camps to Nicaragua where the cardinal (not sure if he is talking about Pope John Paul when he was a cardinal or the Cardinal beneath him Ratzinger who became pope after. The Glory of the Olive guy. there were others as well probably even secret ones more than likely) was the patron of the (conduit Contrait? Not sure the word used) to Armenia where she helped mother church gain a foothold in the Soviet Union in return the present pope is known to have placed her on the fast track for canonization. This is the kind of politics in which she does indeed get involved.

Sabra and Shatila camps

Remembering the Sabra and Shatila massacre 35 years on

In the wiki account – linked first it blames Israel but it seems it was or possibly is a change in history and was perpetrated by the roman catholics which seems likely in order to cause trouble especially if associated with the Jesuits, but who knows… I don’t. The other link about the massacre. It mentions a group called Phalange (French) which means the bones of the fingers or toes. Finger probably fingering some which brings to my mind the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and the finger of god stuff and of an evil ruler in the Old Testament, Belshazzar. 

Picture of Robert Maxwell and him on phone in a newspaper page with the title He hijacked her as part of a money making ego trip and then another newspaper clip of the Daily Mirror with a picture of Mother Teresa and the title to the story is A letter from Mother Teresa to all Mirror readers and on the side a verticle title of a story KIDS WHO WILL KILL TO BET

(I think a personal dig at my family and to provoke me but I tend to get paranoid which I have a right to be because of my discoveries which have provoked the attack on my family and entrapped my family, sort of a pre-emptive strike or strikes before we knew what hit us, IMO. My ex as I explained somewhere in this blog post mentioned the amount my brother made on a case he won as a lawyer and he didn’t even tell me that I remember anyway lodged against the Federal government legitimately and lost some money gambling on baseball but not all of it as my ex implied.) –Robert Maxwell’s genius at self-promotion made a nice fit with Mother Teresa’s talent for fund raising. It became hard to decide which of the two was (using the rich not sure what he says but it is about three words English-ized so hard to decipher) or was it both.

Billy Graham was a successful fund-raiser as well.

–In the United States Mother Teresa accepted way over a million dollars from Mr. Charles Keating, a right wing catholic fundamentalist and anti-pornography crusader who was also a California savings and loan tycoon. (Mr. Maxwell resembles Mike Huckabee a past Governor of Arkansas (Sarah Huckabee Sanders dad) and FBI J. Edgar Hoover on the right or sort of a mix with a bit of scum like Mr. Maxwell all rolled into one and Charles Keating looks eerily similar to Ted Olson the Solicitor General for George Bush during 9-11 whose wife (often a guest on Fox News Barbara Olson) called from a nearby plane (Flight 77) being terrorized and was able to get on a phone and talk to her husband and he recorded it and told us about the box cutters to intimidate it’s passengers and could not seem to control or overcome the terrorists because it was so dangerous to overtake people with box cutters. GIVE ME A BREAK. Course if people like my ex were on the plane, it’s possible. She was later seen in Poland though I have no idea if it was a reliable tip.)

Mr. Maxwell

J. Edgar Hoover (FBI)

Mike Huckabee

Is it my imagination but doesn’t John Kerry and FBI Mueller

look an awful lot alike. 

I think so. 

John Kerry Heinz

Mueller of the FBI

Trump attorney Michael Cohen asks, “Says who?” – YouTube

Very similar but with a bit of Michael Cohen and Gary Hart. Interesting combination. Interesting and little bit of the guys in the other montage of Mike Huckabee, Mr. Maxwell and J. Edgar Hoover. hmmmmmmmmm helping Obama in the long run using diversions and probably not by their volition to be fair in regards to Benghazi. That is my opinion and ripping up our constitutional rights in favor of ISLAM,Fascism and the Vatican.


who who anyway Cohen “says who.” Does he say anything else? I don’t know.

I wonder if THE FBI broke into the DNC Headquarters when Nixon was President. Staged a break-in to take down Nixon because he exposed Billy Graham, hence Kissinger, and surreptitiously the Vatican and it’s shill Billy Graham and ended the war in Vietnam. It’s a possibility I would not discount.

Watergate Scandal The affair began with the arrest of five men for breaking into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex on Saturday, June 17, 1972. The FBI investigated and discovered a connection between cash found on the burglars and a slush fund used by the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), the official organization of Nixon’s campaign.[4][5] In July 1973, evidence mounted against the president’s staff, including testimony provided by former staff members in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee. The investigation revealed that Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and that he hadrecorded many conversations. 

As if it wasn’t mutual?

“Either you love him or you don’t” said to Nixon (supposedly with the actress because he was notorious for going out with actresses) by Robert Clary the eve of the assassination of JFK which could have been heresy and sometime or other Bob Crane was brutally murdered of Hogan’s Heroes.

Christopher Hitchens:

–Keating’s problem was that he was using other people’s money. He’s now behind bars after the greatest scandal in American financial history, but while he was flying high Mother Teresa flew right along with him. She got the use of his private plane. He got a personalized Mother Teresa crucifix, which he used to store up treasure on earth.

(In the background I think it’s a secret service agent who says “Lets get them/him out of here.”)

–Why should the missionaries of Charity have such a special vocation for work among the rich? And does Mother Teresa pick frauds because they need her help more than the honest billionaires? It’s not a question that she’s ever answered, but then in the prevailing atmosphere of piety and adoration it’s not a question she’s ever been asked. –The Teresa cult is now a missionary multi-national with annual turnover in the tens of millions. If concentrated in Calcutta that could certainly support a large hospital and perhaps even make a noticeable difference, but Mother Teresa has chosen instead to spread her franchise very thinly. To her the convent and the catechism matter more than the clinic.

Isn’t it funny where words originate from

such as the words

catechism and catacombs

Mother Teresa: –…….135 countires and there are 400 convents all around the world …..

and says some other shit but I can’t understand it and then she laughs and says


(She or someone changed the numbers from previous recording from 500 to 400 convents and her speech is muffled much more than it was when I first heard it so perhaps it has changed because it actually has changed and 100 convents have been eliminated or it’s a recording change especially since it is muffled quite a bit and needn’t be muffled being recorded in close proximity and the rest of the film is easily hearable. TYPICAL. PERHAPS BOTH. Wouldn’t that be a coup! People do it…change conversation using sound studios to alter the truth. Japanese films) 

Next film clip is of Mother Teresa holding a baby and the baby looks scared and it almost looks like she sort of controllably shakes the baby and is talking to the baby. Kind of strange. Maybe trying to keep the baby from falling asleep which is usually the opposite of what most moms do. Of course, she’s not a mom. 

–Modesty, Simplicity, Humility. By these canonical key words we are taught that we may recognize saints yet Mother Teresa regards herself as mandated by heaven which is hardly modest. She lends spiritual solace to dictators and to wealthy exploiters which is scarcely the essence of simplicity and she preaches surrender and prostration (frustration?) to the poor which a truly humble person would barely have the nerve to do, when she speaks about private or public morality opposing family planning for example or defining abortion as quite literally the greatest threat to world peace? She takes on the grim and tedious tones of the zealot and the fanatic. In a godless and cynical age it may be inevitable that people will seek to praise the self-effacing, the altruistic, and the pure in heart but only a complete collapse of our critical faculties can explain the illusion such a person has manifested in the shape of a demagogue, an obscure antorist, and a servant of earthly powers.

I looked up the word he says as obscure anterest or interest but is affected a bit in a British way he does because most British speaking people do I think no matter what race and hence why I wanted to transcribe this you tube and add my two cents because it’s super important and a lot is lost in translation by watching and not reading and you miss some important information partially because it’s human, lack of concentration, and you miss some important clues by not studying it but you kind of have to know what to look for or want to understand the enemy of mankind. I wasn’t raised catholic but had a taste of it at the Episcopal church and the stuff going on at the time a lot to notice and I didn’t notice enough while experiencing it but I have worked at remembering and have realized some things most people don’t. The devil is in the details in this though revealing the scam a very deadly scam is more like the devil is all over the place.  

I have no earthy idea the meaning of the word he said. Two words together but I did look up both words separately and the following is what was written as the first answer to my search of obscure and I thought it was kind of funny in light of the things this you tube called Hell’s Angel’s REVEALS about Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens but I have some other ideas as well about what possesses her. And I think it’s Manson (son of man) IS Billy Graham. Or IS IS Billy Graham / Mother Teresa. Reagan said it about Mother Teresa in the clip shown on his you tube. A connection. I have seen some of the same things in quite a few people and it’s in her and him I have noticed in my studies using my talent as a portrait artist. A lot of people recently (religious tele-vangelists zealots) say what is is and of cours Bill CLinton said Depends on what is is. 

In some of the later writings after the gospels Saul who molted into Paul introduces his mom and the rest of his family and TERSA or  something like it is one of the names in the group and at the time I looked it up and the information is in one of my posts written quite a while ago. I tend to have changed quite a bit but it’s really interesting and quite a bit of it I still believe to be legitimate information but you should always beware. So here is the definition I looked up.

“What obscure, niche stuff are you into that you don’t generally bring up about at parties

because you’re pretty sure

no one will know what to say?”

It’s funny.

It’s funny like what my dad liked to do when I was young. He liked to twist words up. Say them backwards and discombobulate things a little for a laugh. A little laugh. I wonder for joy. Or play hand games with babies when you hand something to a baby and instead give them your forefinger: Kind of like what happened to me. He loved kids, our kids especially. He had a TIA later in life and really discombobulated his sentences and scared us quite a bit having driven many hours for the birth of his great grandkid. While it happened it wasn’t funny but afterwards it was funny because he was okay after getting medical help and we were at a hospital at the time for my niece so in a weird way it was a good thing however a nap still might have avoided the TIA. On the other hand maybe it was a sign besides preparations in the elderly and to take it easy but also a deeper sign. It’s that kind of funny. I remember the feelings I got when it happened and I heard echos and every thing was different. Yet, I wasn’t having a TIA.


I perceived it and the way Gary acted. Amused at the wrong time.


Sort of like described by the female contributor to the you tube about a nurse when she answered the question why don’t you sterilize your needles and she shrugged and said what she said.

The kid being born I saved his life a few years later when he was a still a young boy. He was unfazed then too. All he wanted to discuss with me was about my underwear. His grandchild was dangerously close to death and his name is quite a name for a kid.

Gary was totally unthankful and uncaring. Maybe he didn’t notice me yelling go back, go back to his grandson because there was this huge drop near where his grandson  was making a decision whether to look over the edge about two or three maybe four stories down in height but above us and he had fallen back from our family walk with my mom in a wheel chair at the Arc and with my siblings and Gary and the neighborhood below it. He did go back. Something happened there which was why he wanted to check it out because there were no barriers to protect a person from falling. as if it had collapsed like the bridge in Florida recently or something else happened. Half the ledge was gone. Missing. I noticed but didn’t till he made me notice by his actions. Anyway the sound the echo sound made when my dad had his TIA was like

 a big void

had entered the waiting room.

My mom and my older sister ran to look for a doctor. We were in the waiting room to see Kristen’s baby and Kristen. Gary was sitting on the wall across from me on what usually lines the walls of a hospital room but this was a waiting room. I jumped down from where I was and tried to tell my dad not to say anything more because it was coming out all wrong. I knew he knew what he was saying but the words came out wrong almost like backwards and it seemed the more he tried to communicate the less he could and I was afraid he would get frustrated and Gary kind of didn’t do anything. It wasn’t his dad but it was weird. The hospital gave him some potassium and treated him and he was back to normal shortly after and then it was funny in a weird way. Of course a TIA isn’t funny but how he talked was funny but not at the time he was doing it and I could not for the life of me imitate it nor could anyone else. I felt it and heard an echo a big one in the room as if the room was somewhere else. Altered, and in my own mind, reverberations. I don’t recall ever feeling the same sensations or hearing the same sensation before or since. Not like that. My husband at the time every time he would go to the Kircher home would get a headache for some reason. I don’t usually get headaches or it is very rare for me but every time we went to their home he got a headache. Something was affecting him only in their home and this was before cell phones. More like the air in their home and they did not smoke though he drank beer like a fish.

In any case, what occurred was diabolical as diabolical as the Manson murders, exposed in this you tube about Mother Teresa. It happened to us. CRAZY. Hospice was made more assessable via Medicare because it was offered for free during the Obama Administration when my little sister first called me about the proposition of hospicing my mom at her home but in a whisper she told me it was free but with no doctor input. As long as you didn’t use a doctor it was free. I found out about traveling doctors who can visit a home and suggested it to her by phone and she declined the idea which was when I voiced in e-mails a no answer to the idea to my siblings and they did too. At the time It seemed sinister plus I didn’t think my little sister could handle it because I had seen in the past some things when she would lose it that she did to me and her kid when he was small. Her heart was in the right place, I think she meant well, but I knew she could not handle taking care of my mom for long and I was afraid if something happened she would not be able to forgive herself. She wanted my mom to see her home and the deer and be able to watch nature out their huge window and or balcony which my mom would have loved, but not without doctor’s care. Like a suicide endeavor. Doctors care those who travel would have been easily affordable having thousands of dollars available. (at least 35 thousand dollars of my mom’s estate given to her by the first family – the Kirchers) The e-mails got really weird after it between the siblings as if someone else were writing them like her new husband saying strange things or like her but under the influence of something evil or macabre messing with me as did my older sister and I was afraid for my mom’s life and started writing letters to people who might help and no one helped. I wrote some letters to the family to expose whom and what I thought should be exposed just in case it was the reason for the decisions being made that IMO were deceptively made and for the wrong reasons and I wanted to be sure everyone knew kind of like putting the cards on the table for everyone to see. Then time passed and then my older sister called to tell me my mom was dead because she had hospiced her for two weeks without telling me. And then said she loved me. Not that my mom loved me but that she loved me but it was not sincere. It was as if she got the last say in the matter and loved it and obviously she was wrong. It was sassy and really fucked up but I was in shock. She will never have the last say about it because it was evil and she will wish she hadn’t or whomever it was that possessed her to do it and gloat about it over sex and money and the mustard seed, which isn’t the smallest of seed. I even heard some sound effects of my little sister on the phone for quite a while usually at the beginning of the phone call which Gary had made fun of her voice at certain times in the past imitating her the same way (I remember) when I made a phone call or answering one. A frantic, nervous sound effect of her voice saying my name. I have been harassed for a long time and it won’t pass and whoever it is behind it will pay the piper and will be sorry whether they have a conscience or not. We don’t communicate anymore at all and has been very hard. I saw her or something representing her at the hospital recently but was in three parts/three people. Very weird but I caught the meaning. Hard to explain. It definitely has to do with Billy Graham and the BGEA in a sick fashion. Fallen angels. Angels shall rise and fall upon the son of man, which is occurring in lots of different places, peoples, tongues and situations and I’m aware of it.

A spiritual war.

A big one.

I think knowing the difference between son of man and son of god helps and I think the Ten Commandments helps for a person to aim for as a standard to be a son of God and I think experience helps make a person know that. And also finding out that the smallest of seed is not the mustard seed, which kind of put a hole in the whole kibosh, didn’t it? Last, but not least the truth is important but not the way people like to test you or try to entrap you into a lie which was done to Jesus at a turbulent time amongst many imitators and frauds and those who…etc. God knows. Anyway the you-tube is very revealing and worth transcribing. I’m going to finish this one as soon as soon is.

The Pope is getting scared as I write.


PS: I’m glad I did take the time to transcribe one of Christopher Hitchens’s exposes and will post it when I decide is a good time to add to my next post which i just did.

I want to double check some things and figure out the significance of a few things. Christopher Hitchens pretty much outed the whole she-bang and whether he did it for humanity or for God

it is good.

At least for the creator of humanity who does have the last say and is the Creator

and is not Mother Teresa.

My repeatable lesson:

Mother Teresa says,”The greatest destroyer of peace today

is the cry of the innocent unborn child.

my  response: Because she hears the cry of the innocent unborn child?

Mother Teresa says: If a mother can murder her own child in her own womb

WHAT is left for you and for me

to kill each other.”

My response: A VERY DIABOLICAL thing to say and to preach and to implement.”

Don’t you think?

And she never had kids of her own;)

Because she couldn’t. God wouldn’t allow it. If you were God, would you allow it?

I still think what Malcom said to Mother Teresa was kind of weird, you know, the name he used.

algerson. He said it like a familiar first name.

Worst Chemical Attack in Years in Syria; U.S. Blames Assad

(Kind of feels like a time loop. The tornado warning the other day just like the day after christmas however a little different since the tornado didn’t touchdown and destroy homes, power lines, stores, and trees, tossing them from here to there. etc.  Everything else was similar timing of the day, the day temperature change, the sirens, etc and then a similar attack in Syria and the same reaction sort of something about a red line (I thought it was Netanyahu who had the red line demonstration at the UN and not Obama.) Obama has no lines. The tweets by Trump vs other Trump tweets are kind of similar. A pattern is emerging of someone tweeting in his name writing short staccato kind of tweets kind of like how George Bush talked in very short sentences and I don’t think it’s his personality in other tweets. People ought to study his tweets and see if there is a pattern. I don’t tweet so I don’t know but heard it on Fox and thought weird how choppy his tweet was and I know someone has done the same but usually his aren’t quite so weird. There must be a reason for the loop probably to get more information perhaps?) A little while ago a chemical attack is reported to have occurred in Syria reported by Fox News in the town of Goutha but there is no town called Goutha (I don’t recognize Goutha as a site in Syria) and noone will show the kids foaming at the mouth even though the accusers maintain that they have videos of it, hence there is no evidence of poisoning, just kids being sprayed with water by their elders and receiving emergency care and probably wondering why, what’s the point. Cute kids, though. If someone has evidence of foaming at the mouth because of a chemical attack it should be exhibited immediately for the sake of believability. In the Obama Administration it was reported a sarin gas attack in Syria but found to be false news and was poisoning by the rice shipment to the neighborhood which came from China through India to the neighborhood poisoned. Nuns were walking kids through the alleged sarin attack crime scene without any protection other than a painters mask on the nuns and not the children which does not protect you from sarin gas hence it was a false news story. So don’t believe it otherwise they would show it. When a person has evidence usually the person uses it to prove their allegations especially in wartime. It’s bullshit using really cute kids. Saw one video of one man with white stuff at his mouth (could have been cotton) but no one else and if they had a camera or film to shoot a picture of him they would shoot it of the others. He might have had an epileptic seizure but you know it might have scared the people around him people that are either superstitious or trying to gain political favor using his malady which might happen because of fear and the affects of war. Man on one film said people who just touched the victims were affected however it doesn’t look like it to me. There seem to be a lot of people hanging out washing the cement or tile floor with a hose which you would do if someone was vomiting or bleeding which happens when one bombs another but doesn’t mean it was a chemical attack or a sarin gas attack, does it? The French have evidence Assad used Chemical weapons on the peaceful civilians but  the English don’t yet but both are sending their yachts out towards the vicinity in anticipation.

Carly Simon – Anticipation

(I’m not a prophet either.)

“Russia offered another explanation. A spokesman for its Defense Ministry, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, said Syrian warplanes had struck an insurgent storehouse containing toxic substances to be used in chemical weapons.” Not like it wasn’t attempted before and the last one when Obama was president and Germany taped the conversation of the military and luckily they had their ears on the right military person who betrayed Assad and lied IMO How convenient. Sounds believable about the excuse given by Russia, but still no videos of kids foaming at the mouth so the Russian explanation is probably an assumption or who knows what? Almost every video I try to watch can’t be played for some reason. Probably doctoring them up to improve the effect. Add some foam, cotton or toilet paper possibly to hold the tube to the contraption on the face of the man in the video. The kids looked sick but could be food poisoning. WHO feeds them and where do they get their food? The UN? ONe of the kids was the same kid in a video of the even that occurred during the Obama Administration so I guess lightning strikes twice to some people, the kid leaning against the wall on the floor with the slanted haircut (english looking) style of cut however my mom used to cut my bangs weird a few times when I was a kid but I curled her hair funny as well when she allowed me to play with her hair as an upcoming hair dresser in the 60’s but not in retaliation. Learning. 

Who would stay in the war zone with their kids? Someone who can’t walk away?

Where are the mothers…are they foaming at the mouth?

“A 14-year-old resident of the attacked town, Mariam Abu Khalil, said she had left home for her examination on the Quran — scheduled for early morning because fewer bombings were expected then — when the attack took place. On the way, she saw an aircraft drop a bomb on a one-story building a few dozen yards away. In a telephone interview Tuesday night, she described an explosion like a yellow mushroom cloud that stung her eyes. “It was like a winter fog,” she said.

Sheltering in her home nearby, she saw several residents arrive by car to help the wounded. “When they got out, they inhaled the gas and died,” she said.”

But she didn’t die even though it was like a winter fog and it stung her eyes, hence it’s a lie because she would have been poisoned as well and would not have been able to talk about her experience or what she had witnessed

though going to take an exam on the Quran is bad enough.

Who would schedule an exam on the Quran for a 14 year old girl in a war zone? 


(I think it would be rather smart to bomb a perceived enemy territory with laughing gas and film it

as long as it isn’t harmful

and can be administered via a blast from a bomb.)

Like when some people tested Jesus and said their daughter was dying and he went to check it out and they laughed him to scorn:

one of the stories in the gospels which is a bit on the weird side of things in opposition

to some other stories in the gospels about a dying girl.  I wrote about it in a blog post but don’t know which one

because it was years ago and have written a bunch of blog posts since then.


The bible in the Old Testament says Damascus is the burdensome stone (it does seem to be a burdensome stone, doesn’t it?) and I don’t think we should burden ourselves with their civil war. Heard on Fox we are supposed to police the world. Who says it’s our job. Did Damascus or SYRIA burden themselves with our civil/revolution war and lots of people died. (estimated at about 620,000 men in the line of duty and many more people died because of disease, starvation, and the affects of war on a nation.) I don’t know how long it took to rebuild our nation. I think it would be better to let their civil-revolutionary war play out and so the nation of Syria can get back to living instead of interfering and making the war continue with our input without actually winning the war which is ‘adding on’ and extending misery in my opinion and making the war in Syria a business. Either you commit all your forces in Syria in full swing and get the job done which would mean a war with Russia and possible nuclear war ramifications which I think the Vatican would love us to do or you stay out of it all together. The town probably took Victoza. Assad says he didnt use chemicals however sometimes the military has spies who would influenced by Obama. The USA and mostly the UN are antagonizing the situation unless we are willing to start a draft of americans to serve the armed forces to liberate Syria which is a big sacrifice and will probably affect our freedom not protecting our own borders because we are too busy defending their borders, Can’t do it all. We could try, but we would be basically in a WWlll situation and no one knows if the results will last long enough to make a difference and more than likely would go nuclear and many many many people will die and those kids will die as well if we do, more than likely, there won’t be a kid left alive.

There won’t be a country left but a big crater called Syria.

I think Egypt and Europe should liberate Syria.

Halabja chemical attack

Sometimes the past has information. This article states some countries involved in producing chemical weapons and suppliers to the attack.

We ought to if we want to win the war over Syria and every else we should destroy the ideology of Islam by destroying their holy sites in Mecca and Medina of Saudi Arabia if we truly want to make a difference. Hit them where it hurts, otherwise don’t go to Syria. It’s pointless. Then after Mecca and Medina is destroyed turn your weapons on the Vatican and most of our troubles will be over.

Can Nicki Haley do that?

I watched part of the JFK entertainment show on Fox about JFK and it was kind of interesting in some parts but oh what a botched bunch of shit as well. The riderless horse with a stirrup backwards was her idea. (Jackie Kennedy) I grew up for a while on Stirrup Lane when we lived in Alexandria for about 5 years. I think it is not a coincidence. What’s the saying about mice and men:

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

don’t they?

Couldn’t have learned to ride with out my mom and my dad who made it possible for me and for my little sister, too.

It was a sad show with lots of INTENTIONAL MAJOR GENERAL mistakes. Jackie Kennedy wanted JFK to be a martyr. That’s interesting. She was possessed obviously to have shot him in the head in front of everyone and she had help and to want him to be martyr is absolutely INSANE. IT’S VERY ROMAN CATHOLIC but catholics are so romantic. (“You ain’t pretty, but you”re good for having babies.”)  Boy did she play Bobbie Kennedy for a fool and Bugliosi as well: The details she gave in the car when they arrived at Bethsaida, I mean, Bethesda. “I thought it was a backfire at first.”

No, it was you! GEEEEEEZ

You learn something new every day, I do almost every day. I didn’t know those things.

I had a horse and I didn’t need stirrups;) I could ride bareback and jump bareback but of course it doesn’t matter whether I could or whether I couldn’t what is important about the prophecy is the bridle, the blood of saints (MARTYRS) rising to the horse’s bridle not to the stirrup, nor the backwards stirrup on a riderless horse having something to do with Lincoln probably killed by Mary Todd his wife in a theater and JFK killed by his wife or someone who looked like her and the false covenant made in the Synoptic gospels at dinnertime at the

The Last Supper.

I wrote some stuff about the false covenant one of a few made and you can find it if you go Merangue’s Blog linked below.

The false covenant spoken of by Daniel in the most obvious place

in the bible at the Last Supper in the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Synoptic Gospels were written by someone or something referred to as the Q source probably short for QUE as in spanish

for what

or an Acronym

Acronym Definition
QUE Quebec
QUE Quetzaltenango (Guatemala territorial division)
QUE Voice Transmission (radiotelegraphy)
QUE Quality in Undergraduate Education (national project; Georgia State University)
QUE Quake, the Universe and Everything
QUE Quantum Undetected Error

But actually I think it is short for Quell – to quell – a french word as in Notre Dame  meaning Your lady

  1. put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force.
    “extra police were called to quell the disturbance”
    synonyms: put an end to, put a stop to, endcrush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, squashquashsubduesuppressovercome;

    “troops quelled the unrest”
    • subdue or silence someone.
      “Connor quelled him with a look”
    • suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one).
      “he spoke up again to quell any panic among the assembled youngsters”
      synonyms: calmsoothepacifysettlequietsilenceallayassuagemitigatemoderate;


Also has something to do with 14 generations in regards to the Gospel of Matthew which I wrote about as well and the posts are on the same page linked with many other links from others who helped me

quite a bit.

I think it was a curse type covenant but may have been necessary to learn about time loops and revelation : a blessing as well.

Kind of like children. They can be both at the same time. I love my kids.

Another interesting facet of the show on Fox about JFK was the Cuban Missile Crisis and having to do with a deal made with the leader of the Soviet Union Nikita Kruschchev regarding Turkey behind the scenes which I never knew happened and the show about JFK said that no one else knew

so how did the film makers of the show about JFK on Fox station know? It might make a difference if we figure it out.

Sort of new information but I have no idea how reliable but on Thanksgiving Day JFK said something kind of memorable “Let the children play with the turkey,” before he was assassinated. Some kind of trade-off having to do with nuclear weapons and also that JFK’s vision was a safe world without nuclear weapons. Maybe there wasn’t a tradeoff but is purported by whomever made the show about JFK aired on Fox so I presume Fox knows? I guess we had nuclear weapons in Turkey at the time probably to protect Europe but I  have no idea whatsoever but since Syria (the burdensome stone of the Old Testament)  is Turkey’s neighbor it might be important and I recall Jesus of one of the gospels saying:

But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
I think referring to RAQQA and disputed territory between the two nation states Syria and Turkey.



In biblical times there was a council when Jesus was tried and was crucified!

What was the Sanhedrin?

Battle of Raqqa (2017) – Wikipedia

“The 2017 Battle of Raqqa was the fifth and final phase of the Raqqa campaign ( 2016–2017) launched by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against the Islamic State (ISIL) with an aim to seize the city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of ISIL since 2014. The battle began on 6 June 2017, and was supported by airstrikes and … “
more on the link if you are interested. So I think it was a threat. Not sure if it should be heeded. I don’t make foreign policy and I don’t know the leaders but one of the Pauls of the bible was from Turkey who was identified as letting out a bunch of murderers in the desert it says in the bible and he says he is a jew and where he is from etc Turkey…Makes you wonder who wrote the Gospel of Matthew, doesn’t it? Probably a few people adding on.
Hellfire is also a place on the Game of WOW which is really fun. Sort of a portal place THE BIG PORTAL and an achievement in the game of WOW to get there. It’s where you get better and more powerful weapons by doing quests in Hellfire. However it isn’t as much fun as the battlegrounds, IMO though I don’t do them anymore.
I learned quite a bit doing them and it was a blast. Someday, I may.

I don’t think you can overcome me because I have learned too much and I am doing the things I’m supposed to do which is be a witness as Jesus was a witness who said Follow me. All I can do is reveal the things I’m witnessing from the winepress of god –  it’s news including a lot of false news and propaganda and try to sift though it, exposes by individual witnesses like Christopher Hitchens, and those who witnessed the assassination of JFK and lied quite a bunch, and relate the many correlations in my life for my family and from my studies of the gospels and the bible comparing events told and prophesied. I have not read the Koran but it had the same mustard seed lie in it relating faith to the mustard seed as does the bible. Try to understand it does affect all of you whether you like it or not and you can ignore it if you want to but I wouldn’t ignore it NOW. We didn’t know when we were going through our lives the evil we were contending with or why and it makes a difference if we want to win Armageddon or avoid Armageddon which may be in Damascus all the way to Egypt and involving the Sea/SEE of Peter i.e. the Meditteranean Sea and the Papacy in Rome. I want to shut it down as far as the SEE is concerned because it is INSANE as INSANE as walking around a black box in MECCA. RIDICULOUS SHIT and causing harm to the world. SUPERSTITIOUS and SADISTIC. Like dealing with Hitler and his followers who were INSANE PSYCHOPATHS. MINDLESS SHIT.  When Jackie had Patrick a baby boy who died being born a month early (8months) and it affected them quite a bit and she got the royal treatment and then she killed JFK.. My transcriptions are very interesting and my snapshots even more so regarding the JFK assassination and Obama I think was there somehow at the sign sitting when the remote control was used to pierce him in the back to his tie. I know a blind sheik was at the airport. Love field. A few others watching who are very familiar people in government. Some interesting equipment was being employed as well. And even at Berlin when he made his famous Berlin speech if you look close as I did.  Our government is making abortion only available up to 15 weeks (ticker tape on Fox News announcement constantly pricking women however possible on Fox and via our government) and yet the REAL JURY is out on when is appropriate. I think it could be 17 weeks because of the things Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee. It was a riddle of some kind having to do with the number 153. I cannot otherwise think he would have done so since he said the other stuff as well about starvation vs feed my sheep. Hospice. (I think he was referring to it and about fasting as not necessarily a good thing. Something also having to do with the pyramid. 17 is the number of something important. But don’t listen to me because I’m just a peon. We will find out soon enough. But one thing politically and religiously speaking if insurance companies are not willing to insure the unborn, what does it mean? I think it’s because insurance doesn’t have faith which is why insurance exists. Banking on lack of faith and going with the odds instead. A big gamble but I think the powers that think they will be are gonna lose probably the difference in two numbers of weeks. (of years maybe?)  Geez if you had only said so two weeks ago you could have entered heaven. SORRY I don’t know heaven except the good in my family the people and animals I love and in the world. To me that’s heaven. Who knows what the end game is gonna be. I don’t but I know whom I believe the most. I sure don’t trust insurance companies (denying my mom an oxygen generator),  governments or religions and their promises anymore because for one thing they are liars and I bet it’s gonna hurt when it turns on them. I think it already is hurting people and more so those who don’t understand why but it will be doubly worse for those who don’t try to be truthful or more maybe. Is denying someone oxygen, starvation? Probably. Jesus said feed my sheep. I think my dreams will come true. I’m counting on it and it’s a good dream but I can’t ignore what I see as if it isn’t happening because it is happening to a lot of people. I used to know how to play bridge but I haven’t played in so long. Good game. I do know it involves trumps. But which one? LOL. I truly hope a woman has the right to what she wants in regards to her body no matter how pregnant she is. That is my belief until I hear different from God the creator of the universe I’m going with that belief until then. Many babies don’t make it even after full term in many places for political and religious reasons and negligence. Send the parent a shoe box or as in Jackie’s case a gun. I realize she might have had deep depression but it is what is on the CBS News and I have given her many excuses such as the possibility of  Devil’s breath having married a shipping tycoon in the business of the derivative and ingredient of a sea sickness medicine. I remember JFK also in his speech saying LET MY PEOPLE GO referring to Moses in his inaugural address. I don’t think it will happen unless someone destroys the places I have suggested at least not for men because Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man. CRAP as a MAJOR GENERAL RULE. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Those places represent other gods before me. Is that totalitarian? I don’t think so as proven to be the opposite by their own petard. I think it’s common sense. I believe in freedom of religion but the problem is these two religions with holy sites Mecca and Medina and the Vatican don’t. It is why people came to america to begin with, isn’t it? Made a constitution leaving women’s rights beneath them except the one to protect her husband. How convenient. It never occurred to the writers and authors that women matter. When mommies not happy …. no one is. The two religions are responsible for a lot of sorrows for many people. And I think if our country goes to Syria and interferes many more will wish our country hadn’t including our country. Fox war drums are getting louder and louder. Blood pressure is rising in them. Laura InGraham is drunk on her power but she is so obnoxious. Power of the press. The wine press of GOD.  She riles me and she knows it and I rile her. It’s my duty because she is a liar and a woman hater for some reason. Oh yea she plays the game with women but she doesn’t like other women unless they agree with her at a given moment and calls them smart if they tow her line. She wraps people around her as if she owns them and she does. Hannity, poor fellow. You can do better she isn’t worth a hill of beans and she will ruin you. I have known a woman similar in my life but better. She was still better most of the time. Laura isn’t most of the time. I don’t like her and I like a lot of women but I have had to listen I didn’t have to but I heard what she had to say not once mentioning Hospice, Mother Teresa, the Pope with a critical mind. She is a shill. She is in the thick of murder. REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM. She might just get what she wants and ooooh it might not turn out how she hopes. The reason I wrote against Obama dealing with Syria in his administration early on is because he was not to be trusted which he proved, didn’t he. He sure proved it in our country. By the way some of the pictures of Jackie look like she is infested with Obama. Or was. Hopefully something good will happen to the real one when the shit is over.

Saw Sarah Palin talking to Mark Levine on his show on Fox and she was very political both of which were adulating John Bolton and it was just totally unbelievable crap and acting as if Obama was a normal person and he isn’t. He is described quite a bit in the Gospel of Luke who described a fraud and a fake Jesus in parts of the gospel  i.e. the false prophet of ISLAM shit. I have done some work on this BIZNIZ as well. Both of which are in denial and does not help ANYONE. Sorry because I like both of them but it’s like not gonna move mountains what was said in their adulation of Bolton.

a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.
“revelations about his personal life”
the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.
“an attempt to reconcile Darwinian theories with biblical revelation”
At this time I think revelation is revealing the lie about the mustard seed debacle
as silly as it is
and the resistance to the truth about it
as silly as it is
and about Hospice which is MURDER which is not silly
in retaliation
 for being revealed as a false premise and the religions who caused it misleading people to commit murder.
A war against the God of truth and the God of truth will win so

geddon board! 

As Bill Cosby said “the nuns mean bizniz!” when he first had to deal with them through his wife

who was a catholic and he had to donate money for a building before he was accused…


I think the Roman Catholic nuns wanted first dibs and obviously knew something ahead of time

always trying to be the middle guy.

Get the money and run so the other women had to fight for theirs. I doubt the Church of Rome is helping these women and if the nuns knew why did they have a building donation and not give the money the nuns received to the women he allegedly raped instead of building a building? Probably has something to do with Christopher Hitchens suggesting Mother Tersa should and could have built a hospital in Calcutta. That’s why. LOOPY DE LOOP

To CUM between man and women, girls and boys, and God.

I wonder how the nuns knew?

Sorry for my explicit description of the Roman Catholic Church and it’s clergy,

but the Catholic church is a masturbation of truth.

The scum of the earth and nothing more. Scumbags and mobsters.

and Fox news reply is : Putin said Israel is responsible for the attack in Damascus.

Who told them? PUTIN? Or was it my ex? Putin was right about the USA press, but I don’t need to repeat it,

we know.

Why is it the priests and bishops and cardinals dress eerily similar to Islamic clerics. Is it some kind of statement, or what? Draconian.

Brian Kimmel kind of set up the joke because of a book reading display by Melania Trump to some kids on Easter day when she said:


my transliteration of Melania Trump’s first words I have ever heard her say out loud and with a lisp

except her interview in defense of her husband and her only right stated in the Constitution.

I kind of get the feeling it’s a repeat of JFK and Jackie but I don’t know who is going to assassinate who first.


(Just a sick joke, okay?)

The Truth About the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

Is The ‘Ring Of Fire’ Becoming More Active?


(great show about survival tips based on true stories)

Other blog posts:

Morality vs. Instinct and READING

My Main site

Merangue’s Blog

Circumvent to avoid (defeat, failure, unpleasantness, etc.) by artfulness or deception; avoid by anticipating or outwitting: He circumvented capture by anticipating their movements. 3. to surround or encompass, as by stratagem; entrap: to circumvent a body of enemy troops. SPERM

Invading Turkey would circumvent a lot of Syria’s complications.

I guess to make a point my internet went offline and the phones in the house. So I went to the store and asked the people who run it if I could use their phone and they dialed for me the ex’s number. They are Korean. He answered and I said the phones are not working and the internet is down. And he said something like Oh I know what it is….he hadn’t paid the bill and said he did not get a message as he normally does before it shuts off in order for him to pay the bill to keep the internet on. A power play of immense stupidity. He said it might take sometime to do but it came on within 5 minutes. I’m not stupid. He cares about me so much because I could have had an emergency AND luckily I didn’t. I guess trying to show who he thinks is the boss but it isn’t who he thinks. LOL I told the clerks at the store I was glad they were here and thank you! I don’t know if it was by accident or not and I don’t care anymore whether it was or not because it’s a ridiculous ploy but in my educated mind with my marbles in tact (CRITICAL THINKING) I think it was purposeful on his part and taking full advantage of it. It’s what you call a catholic prick. I think Christopher Hitchens agrees!


and I think God appreciates it


as do myself. LOL

INFO WARS ALEX JONES has some good stuff sometimes and should never be silenced.

The ex just called and I have been home for a while and he said “FINALLY.” He couldn’t call me in all this time and I said I was online almost immediately when I got home and the guy at the POBIC (place of business for internet connection) said, Oh I see, it didn’t reset.

I don’t know who’s fooling who and I don’t care.

As far as James Comey is concerned his concerns probably grew as time flew by.  That’s how it is often! It was what happened to me and my family. A small little lie grew and grew and hurt a bunch of people, the people I loved, even the one who lied

a little lie.

Then my mouse started acting up and it was a wire on top of a wire causing problems. I figured it out at least temporarily.

I’m gonna add a little advice: work with Putin and get rid of the chemical weapons in diverse places. There is a civil war and a revolution going on in Syria and lots of bad players using kids involved which makes the job much harder to control and find chemical weapons.

Give him a hand.

I don’t believe he is as cozy with Iran as some purport. There are a lot of liars. Sorry. I think he cares about his country like we care about ours and these countries on the edge of insanity are near his country because of the Vatican and it’s bad ways Sainting Mother Teresa?. Whether you like Russia’s elections or not is irrelevant OR stay out of the mess in Syria and Turkey all together. It would suit the Vatican if we did what Obama wanted to do because both are in cahoots together. Obama would not have been elected if it weren’t for Henry Kissinger and the Vatican. You can see how Obama affected our country far worse than any other president playing the black card. LOL

Reuters says Putin failed his obligation. Actually says Putin betrayed his obligation. I don’t think he betrayed it, we did because Obama IS THE BETRAYER, THE DESTROYER, the vatican did by interfering and I would love to see though not really anyone else try to tame the area and find chemicals which can be hidden in a drum or a barrel in a hellhole around people who are known for lying a lot. Instead of adding more fuel to the fire help douce it. It has enough. Otherwise the prophecy may come true a few of them for those who try to make it worse. I saw the interview with Assad and Barbara Walters a long time ago and I thought he sounded sane and said “It’s complicated” which it is. He didn’t lie. It obviously is complicated when you have Turkey next door. Israel and the Golan heights on the other side India not too far away, You have Germany and those still in a hitler state of mind interfering. And last but not the least threat to mankind is the Vatican and their hand is in this not to help. Not to mention Obamas puppet in Jordan who added fuel to the fire like a dumb-ass. Jordan was not aiming for ISIS. It was something else it was doing for Obama. It is complicated. Wasn’t it Jordan that betrayed Israel? The six day war and Israel won. 

For many years christians lived peacefully under his regime. Does that count for anything?

Can’t say that about Obama, can you? Can’t say that about the Vatican, can you?

Israel may get a new devil. Sorry, but it is the thing Israel has said in the past about Assad:

“better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t).”

Obviously meaning they could handle him and had because of the Golan Heights.

It is gonna get real dicey if our country doesn’t step back.

We can’t even contain our own borders or protect our schools, airports, buildings in New York, embassies, and Fox for the most part are dying to go to war in Syria. Send your own sons! Doubting Thomas is calculating his hopes to fight the war in Syria. I hope he gets to go. I hope Geraldo gets to be the Damascus war correspondent as well. PURRFECT

President Trump, would you send your son to fight in Syria? Would Melania? I’m sure it is acceptable in Syria for kids to put on uniforms like it is for little girls in Turkey to be humiliated and slobbered on to be a martyr for the President of Turkey. I hope Laura InGraham gets to send her kids. Hannity, how about yours?

Send our troops to Turkey instead.

Remember what Obama said at a correspondent’s dinner about the children, I don’t care whose children they are flying in Manhattan after curfew or something like it referring to 9-11 jokingly and about MIchelle’s arms (no one should bare arms but Michelle) and then what JFKennedy said about letting the children play with the Turkey, soon after he was assassinated or before. Come to find out JFK gave something in Turkey to end the Cuban missile crisis in secret. Obviously something important about Turkey. Michelle said do it for the children at some point. The President of Turkey molesting a little girl (or planning to anyway) in uniform in front of a crowd to be a martyr is pretty damning evidence. I watched it. It might be the answer for the USA to consider in the shining light of everything we know NOW being revealed via Revelations.

Thank you Tucker Carlson for a good interview of a congressman who wouldn’t answer anything

and a former captive in Syria who had some good information.

Basically what I got from the congressman is we have some other reasons for being in Syria


which I believe are the Golan Heights, possibly oil interests as well. Didn’t Israel have an oil find recently? 

‘Foreign Policy By Viral Video’: Tucker Rips ‘Geniuses’ Claiming to Know Truth

About Syrian Gas Attack

I already saw it and hopefully it hasn’t been edited.

 I recall writing a post about the renegades/mercenaries from Saudi Arabia in Syria during Obama’s administration and it was obvious by their apparel which kind of gave it away. I think we ought to reassess our foreign policy and actually deal with Saudi Arabia who with the Vatican think they own the world and prove to them they don’t instead. I’ll add the pictures when I come across them.

And Stormy Daniels looks an awful lot like the actress Helen Hunt as well who played in the movie with Mel Gibson What Women Want

who thought they wanted him.

The bible brings up the issue and a lot of people don’t want to deny women’s rights

but want men’s rights but I don’t think it’s gonna work


Stormy Daniels is enjoying herself too much to be taken seriously, IMO. She’s very pretty and looks an awful lot like Laura InGraham with big boobs, I guess sort of a Marilyn Monroe figure without talent. Marilyn Monroe had talent so I guess more like the woman who was beheaded in a car wreck Her name was Jane Mansfield and was also a sex symbol back in those days though I don’t think she did porn. I heard she was a smart cookie or was it Marilyn who was the smart cookie. It was Marilyn and the other wasn’t. I remember one of the two was really dumb and couldn’t have been Marilyn Monroe. A lot of people liked Marilyn Monroe and she was murdered. She didn’t commit suicide. I don’t even think she had any plastic surgeries either. She was a natural beauty. She made the best of what she was given. Murdered. I read about it quite a bit.  Trumps lawyer was robbed. Who the heck knows why but over 130 thousand dollars. I have not seen Stormy Daniels talent but she sure is getting a lots of attention for having sex. But she does not look talented to me just a drama queen. Hmmmmm. Can she sing? Can she play guitar? Can she play anything? Can she paint? Can she write? Can she speak 10 languages? How about 5? 3? 2? 1? Can she do anything? I guess you aren’t allowed to spank? Did the serpent beguile her? I know it beguiled Laura InGraham. I’m not sure of the lesson in this endeavor or why the FBI and the DOJ would be involved. Makes no sense. I think she needs a therapist. I do know women in the past didn’t have any ways to make money other than do what she does to survive and to feed her kids. Is it what the USA wants for their daughters, their wives, their sisters, their friends? I don’t think Laura InGraham is very smart either because she is on the wrong side and it may spell her doom eternally speaking. She ought to mention nightly for her contribution against women’s rights what was discovered by Christopher Hitchens if she wants to keep her soul. GOOD ADVICE to a deceived chick. Then maybe someday things will be better for other women besides ourselves.

Now I think I will add pictures to the work by Christopher Hitchens some of mine and some of his and do my other job.

I’m so proud of congress. FACEBOOK?

Yes I think Trump should fire Mueller. He’s a cog in the wheel of government.

One less bell to answer, One less egg to fry, One less man to pick up after….


Yes my e-mail account was stolen obviously because when I put my birthday into retrieve my account it won’t let me put in the month. The button of the month doesn’t work. So how does a person do it if it won’t let you. But I had to really jump through hoops to get to the point of it not allowing me to enter the month. A Dead button. The ex gave me his account number but not the right one for days. I don’t know if he was doing it out of stupidity or just being a catholic prick. Probably both.

I guess I’ll start a new e-mail. Why not?

Today my daughter was a curse. LOL Her boyfriend she told me complained about how much toilet paper she uses because she uses toilet paper too much in his opinion. IS HE NUTS? YES HE IS so I called after having a tiff with the daughter about my bluntness joking wise and she freaked and he hung up on her so I called and I left a message on his answering service (unbeknownst to her though I threatened I would) and asked him on the message if he would like us to pay for the toilet paper? I guess he doesn’t have a sense of humor like me. RIDICULOUS. I’m sure I’ll hear about it either from the ex, the daughter, and/or PATRICK, her sick boyfriend. She said who says that in regards to my humor and I said I do but who complains about how much toilet paper a FEMALE uses. A FREAKIN’ CRAZY SON OF A BITCH although supposedly his mommie is nice acting. I have never met her and don’t really want to because he is not good enough for my daughter but she may end up with a freak who was hassling about where she was and she told him and he wasn’t satisfied and he should have been. So out loud I said she was having sex jokingly (sort of) because of the toilet paper debacle between them (and might have done it anyway) and she was furious (LIVID) and he OBVIOUSLY is VERY VERY VERY unsure of himself and he should be. I don’t think they share love, but it’s all she has been offered boy wise because he still lives with mommie and her husband who I hear is very mean and abusive which is why they don’t sleep together in the same room and he takes after him. As you can see someone has to teach him and I can be a curse, too. When husband and wife sleep apart usually is a sign of abuse. A lot of things.

Mayor of London

London mayor is anti knife. Maybe I need to refer him to my blog post Person, Place or Thing, but I think the mayor is past the red line. Is London at war? A civil war? Political correct shit. Was it black? You should be able to expect more out of a mayor. A simpleton.

 A Turd in the Back Seat

They don’t call me Rosanne Rosanna Dana for nothin’.

Another false witness and she is scared I can tell but going the wrong way, darlin.  I recognize her too when I was trying to get an invention going through a company. She was the secretary or someone who was eerily the same and even sounded the same. Had me sign documents, etc.  Parsing words on Fox News about Obama and the lady interviewing is right there with her being an Obama follower the lady who always has a look of no understanding and I don’t think I’m exaggerating. IN A FOG. The guest lied.

The Vice President Pence is going to Peru in place of Trump.

I find it odd.

Another odd thing is Fox is using some of the same footage they did for an attack earlier with the same kids. I recognize the kid from earlier presumed attack. It kind of makes one wonder why use old footage of the same kid. The boy with the slanted haircut, if this actually happened twice or is this like the tornado warning? I think someone is trying to tell us it’s a lie.

Some big lists, I mean BIG LISTS  as in


of accidents during war by Americans involving military aircraft.

List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft (1940–44)

List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft (1945–49)

and it quite possibly is true of any nation at war usually there are accidents however Germany didn’t do it by accident. Not that Germany didn’t have accidents but piles of bodies in mass graves having bullet holes in them or crematoriums is different. Is Trump gonna be planning a war in the war room with the Pentagon generals instead and with his masterminds. Ridiculous. like Mattis, I would add a song but I can’t think of one this time. Usually it pops into my head but this time it didn’t. HMMMMMMM. The woman on Fox who I wrote who seems to look like she is in a fog I would have to say General Mattis has the same look as well but with an added ingredient, HATE. 

I get the feeling he has a bone to pick. There is such a thing as male makeup. It is called foundation.

I don’t use it much, but I’m not on the front lines like he is.


Zuckerberg is getting grilled by a bunch of computer duds. “I suggest you have a different user agreement” one of them said and treated him like shit as if the Congressman was superior. What about Obama Care? I don’t think so, but he sure is taking full advantage as if he is above the law. IS HE?  I think we have a Congress losing it’s ideology in favor of something more sinister. Gang man ship. I don’t think it’s gonna work. I think Congress most of them are in the wrong league. TRULY. Comparing what hotel he stayed the night before to privacy issues on Facebook is going overboard. It really is. Zuckerberg didn’t tell him which was cool and I guess the Congressman thought he really taught him a lesson. Does he not have a lawyer? Congress has something to hide. I suppose my teaching is being attacked via Congress and Facebook? I don’t use Facebook but read a few things on it. I had set up an account and didn’t like the exposure of it naturally. I heard about my newest brother-in-laws FaceBook lack of respect for my sister when she had had an accident. I think she was rear ended and ran into another vehicle and he announced it to her friends on Facebook. It was disgusting and left off she was unconscious which I found out later from her via e-mail. A user of women. The title was used abusively and disrespectfully and diminished the seriousness of the situation thus diminishing her. She deserves better and a lot of what happened to my family when it got real nasty seemed to occur when he joined our family. She met him via a dating service online. He was there to take advantage of a divorce and her settlement. Like a good catholic boy. “How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood” kind of guy. He was at the hospital when my mom died. A very cold mother fucker and I said he seemed dead to me. Like the head of the DOD of the Obama Administration and ring bearer for the Queen at the Queens Jubilee. He told me once when she had an invitation for me to visit when we were still acting like sisters: Don’t bring your kids friends. What kind of man ….I have never known of one who gets so involved in order to control other people, like myself. I never did or got the chance to and would have brought friends of my kids if they had had a desire to bring a friend if I had decided to regardless of what he said because he was an ass or I would not have bothered to come for a visit. Plus I would have probably also used a visit in conduction with a visit to my mom and in conjunction to go to the beach with the kids and my sister knew it and she liked kids. She loved kids and was kind of a kid herself which was why partially most people loved her or liked her. Same with my parents. Kids at heart. It was a parting order from him. I have never met anyone as controlling as him and she was being controlled. She was afraid of him. He used her money from the settlement to buy a house with her on a lake and did not invest his own money. Married three times. One of his past young ex-wives was dead. He was manipulating and maniacal. All the ‘M’s of a sociopath. I remember what the DOD of the Obama Administration said once which was telling about Obama’s motives. Well, being a mutual Saudi kiss ass, no wonder. Motives matter. Motives matter in regards to murder or an investigation of a murder or murders of many people. Motives matter because either someone does it purposefully for a number of reasons or by accident. Motives are the difference between innocence and guilt, imprisonment, prison, and the death sentence and makes a big difference in catching a murderer if you can determine motive. That is how much motive matters. Believe me…it matters. For a DOD to not question the motives of an evil President of the ilk of Obama is reprehensible. Dereliction of his job and responsibility to the American people. He called my sister THE WIFE. My dad never referred to my mom as THE WIFE especially in the occasion he used it, but he never did anyway. He called her by her name DOROTHY and usually when talking about both of them he said “Dorothy and I” out of respect for her and his love for her. That’s the difference between a prick and a man married to a very wonderful woman. Difference between love and something else. Saying THE WIFE is worse than saying what a lot of guys and dolls say when referring to their wife my old lady or my old man having been married a long time usually out of fear and/or how they were raised and sometimes jokingly familiar. THE WIFE?  I got one email after a little time and it was kind of weird about cupcakes at this point things were not good. I kind of thought the person was not her I was in an e-mail interaction with and I think either talking about young girls disrespectfully or boobs. Could have been about food, but I don’t think so. It was maniacal sounding and sort of a double-entendre and soon after we stopped communicating. I felt like I was dealing with something evil.

A catholic saint by one of her names Mother Teresa’s motive matters to me and many other people and to God.

I think most of Congress needs to be replaced because they are getting a BIG HEAD. In truth I don’t know what the Facebook dilemma is all about and I don’t care I just don’t like the Congress at this time. Lack of privacy as if Congress has protected privacy of the everyday girl or woman. They have not and they know it. Isn’t Graham hard to watch. Lindsay Graham. What a disgusting asshole he has turned into. Hey Graham who was the witness you met at Bethesda the one who was scared and a witness of Benghazi. Can you answer that? why did you say to the mullahs of the Muslim Brotherhood to not act up or you were gonna get take back the tax dollars you gave them. OF course the muslim brotherhood did act up and what you said was of no effect. You had already crossed the line and sold your self short…your soul is trash …. I just thought of a song:


If our country decides to go to war it would be wise to go to Turkey and makes more sense. Why would the President of Turkey be pawing a young 6 year old girl to be a martyr? It was really gross and she was not happy meaning it was against her will to be pawed and used by the President of Turkey. It would help stem the tide of war possibly and a pincher kind of move but I don’t know if our government has the wherewithal. Depending on cruise missiles instead of getting out on the battle field (the hardest place to be more than likely) which would probably make generals rethink their missions and especially if their kids are on the battlefield which in biblical sense might actually be without their knowledge if we are dealing with what I think we are dealing with. THE END TIMES

Is Turkey using kids in Syria? Obviously it is.

Too many signs not to be relevant which is why Obama wants war so he can take as many people with him to hell. He has wanted access to those chemicals for a long time and even toured some places with chemicals and then mocked about some things in Indonesia recently when he visited as if he had access to other kinds of weapons and probably using them in Syria. Would it surprise you?

This Day in History: Nerve Gas Attack on Tokyo Subway (March 20, 1995)

Not too long ago this occurred and I have no idea if it causes foaming at the mouth but I’m pretty sure Obama would I know where to find something that does and use his favorite mode of transport, a drone.

A Qatarian (leader from Qatar) is on Fox news saying Bashar Assad is responsible for the last 7 years for the everything. Was Abraham Lincoln responsible for the all the deaths in the Civil War? We know Colin Powell said chemicals were taken to Syria but I think under the muslim brotherhood shit or before he might have accepted the chemical weapons under some kind of agreement with his brothers and was tricked….I sure don’t know, but the meeting with Sen John Kerry and Assad with their wives is kind of suspicious. If he was so afraid of Assad why was he there WITH HIS WIFE? Assad could have poisoned them, and he didn’t because then Benghazi happened and the fraudulent congressional hearings in regards to Benghazi while Sen. John McCain played games on his cell phone and John Kerry testified (sort of) an then last I heard about Kerry was he transported 30 witnesses to Germany never to be heard from again and then he had a bicycle accident in Paris after hanging in there with Hillary (no space between them) and taking over her job as well before the Trump administration.

Headline on Fox “Missiles on way to Syria” which could mean many things.


Oh yea also Putin supposedly told Israel to stand down and Putin is moving his ships from Syria minus one submarine. It doesn’t work? All of this so we may know and so the world may know and which by the way Trump in the past said he wouldn’t announce his plans yet Fox is announcing his plans and Putins plans. I’m repeating their headlines and news. Me thinks it is either a trap (for whom?) or who knows, because I don’t know. Might be propaganda. I guarantee Fox news is getting some ratings for their contributions to the war in Syria. How many submarines does Putin have? Can anyone tell me the answer? Just one? Remember the lost nuke we never heard if it was found and remember supposedly Putin had subs kind of close to our country.

I guess it’s anyone chess?

Kind of funny since the Gospel of Matthew’s Jesus said what he said cited

somewhere in this post about Raca,

and brothers,


It would be exceedingly smart to annihilate the ideology behind Islam and Roman Catholicism my way and might make the average joe happy. Half the battle is defeating the ideology. The rest might fall at your feet because of it but then again it might not depending on who you are and what you did to stop tyranny. Did you contribute or did you not contribute. School lunches don’t count.

I’m sorely disappointed in the nation of Israel.

If we get involved in war in Syria all the way or wherever don’t expect much of a thank you.

We sure didn’t get one from the nation of Israel.

I can’t be more unimpressed with Netanyahu, NYET at all.

Nyet for anything he has done, but for what he hasn’t done. I guess lines don’t mean anything.

Once upon a time…..Oh well

Sorry mom, I don’t mean you.

Lots of funny alliances in the Congress which don’t make sense. Like Grassley etc of Iowa the CAUCUS STATE

Sen. Chuck Grassley Wants Vote On Bill To Protect Special Counsel

Fire Meuller!

I asked the ex if he had heard from my daughter not telling him anything about the argument because I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and I don’t want to manipulate a response and said he had and come to find out Patrick in the past worked for the INTERNET COMANY and all along I thought he worked troubleshooting over the phone computers with people who had computer problems (not an Internet Company dealing with computer routers and modems which is different than troubleshooting a computer itself working at home) and was fired for telling the truth (he was entrapped) but my ex said he is trying to get his job back from the INTERNET COMPANY. FUNNY I NEVER HEARD IT WAS AN INTERNET COMPANY (modems and computer appliances related to the INTERNET connections for a computer to the internet) which kind of is a bit of stretch from the story I was told. THE EX GOT KIND OF DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT and said he got fired for being a dumb-ass (telling the truth?) and for hanging up on someone which was not what I had heard. I can’t remember every detail but in light of what just happened him hanging up on my daughter, it’s kind of funny.  He was fired a long time ago in fact over a year ago. The ex is pressuring my daughter to find a job which she has been searching for but it is hard especially for females of a certain type of heritage though she does work hard when she works and is worthy. I know. He named two INTERNET companies one which just got wired recently. When someone gets defensive about something not really personal it pricks my ears to hear. Nothing was said by ex to me about my daughter’s and my tiff yesterday or from her boyfriend or from her so I don’t know what’s going on but I guarantee something is going on’ because it was kind of harsh. Too many common variables not to notice. I had heard it was a computer company which isn’t the same thing as an INTERNET company. Overlapping. You learn something new everyday however my ex is a liar through and through and is up to something or he wouldn’t be sooooooooooooo defensive. Both my daughter and her boyfriend on the way to the place of their abode saw a UFO together in the shape of a pyramid but upside down about a year ago. Mr. Perfect is fucked up and said to me “the customer is always right” which is not true. Sometimes the customer is fucking crazy and there is no way to deal with them which happened to my other daughter who was hassled on the job by a nut. Let me assure you the customer is not always right, nor is the employer, neither the employee.

Catholics are in a different category or so catholics think and are taught not to read the bible to find out the truth about Catholicism.

Now he just said steroids out loud and I asked what he meant and what he said from one room to another across his small abode and he said some crap and SKIRTED IT (LIED) like good old catholic prick and then he snorted. It’s what he does when he thinks he is right and he is wrong and he snorted again. I can’t tell you what a prick he is though I have tried my best he is taking full advantage of his religion and their crap even though he said he gave it up before I married him so we were married under false pretenses which is sooooooooooo catholic. He starved his mom and misappropriated her words and her actions because he knew it was painful (extremely painful) to have a feeding tube jammed up your nose even with the stuff used to deaden the experience it doesn’t always work depending on one’s nose and nodules etc and I had to be anesthetized in order for it to be done and I was in extreme pain and should not have noticed the nostril exorcize but I did notice. He knows it because he was there learning but I don’t think he suggested it for his mom counting the days it takes to starve someone to death (and to make her a martyr for Mother Teresa and the Roman Catholic DOGMA) for a few computers and a car to gain some upsmanship with his daughter against me : HIS MEMESIS.


He just snorted.

I think it’s pride or something like it when one snorts the way he does. His nose is out of joint or something.

He is going to lose everything he cares about which isn’t much in his eyes.

A while back over ten years ago he developed floaters in his eyes and tinitus in his ears.

The ex said Mueller can’t be fired because of something he read about a few others who would have to fire him. Rosenstein and down the line to the Solicitor General.

I think he could be fired. IMO and should be since he is abusing power and should put him under oath and have him investigated for his abuse of power. I have no idea if what he read is true but he seems to be interested more than normal in the affairs of Trump.

I hope Trump has the balls to fire Meuller because of Mueller’s abuse of power, but let’s see if he does. I think he would be supported by many in the USA even Democrats if he does have the balls to fire Mueller. But maybe he doesn’t so why would anyone want him to go to Syria to fight a war if he doesn’t have the balls to fire Mueller. A bit of a catch -22 if you ask me but it doesn’t have to be a a catch -22 if he has the balls to fire Mueller. I think I hate this guy.

The ex doesn’t believe that the Vatican hired Kissinger to help their reputation who propped Obama. He propped him. I remember his blurbs during the election of Obama the first time around. Our choices sucked but that’s part of the process. He thinks the Pope is a joke which in a way he is being the fool he is but takes full advantage of the catholic crap going on. Starvation of his mom and tried to make me guilty of it by association and did the same to his daughter who didn’t know and is not responsible in any way. She is in her own little world still. Most people are. MY EX KNOWS BETTER. I have told him over and over again and he refuses to believe me. He makes it hard for me to teach my kids extremely hard. You don’t have your ex falsely arrested but it was WHAT he did because he didn’t want to handle his daughter who was out of control acting up and had a lot of reasons for her behavior which most women/girls do. He couldn’t handle that I divorced him. It was the best thing I did one of the best things I could have done and did in my life and he screwed  me over. Some bad things happened to her at school before we got her out of school because of the process. She ended up in the ER because of it. I’m glad I divorced his ass because he is an asshole. I think he poisoned me with help from his friends which got me very sick not just once. I can’t prove it but in my heart I know because of his pride not for his kids, but his pride in himself. Sold them down the river and other women as well. A COWARD. I’m not talking about the boyfriends ….. in the sense of the river. I’m talking about their rights and equality.

King James Bible Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Obviously, a prophecy as well.

LIKE NIXON who was taken down which happens sometimes when you get your hands dirty trying to do something right such as for exposing Billy Graham as a fraud and a shill, taken down by the press who are for the most part deceived by DEEP THROAT, KISSINGER and those who work for the Vatican. But at the time we didn’t know what we know now. He got us out of Vietnam which is another reason. He didn’t have to, of course, but he helped a bunch and as a nation we should be thankful he did. I’m sure it wasn’t easy because truth is hard but I bet there would be lots of people who have lived their lives who wouldn’t have if he hadn’t. He may have done it using some weird ways though I have not been convinced of his guilt on some things he was accused of, but it had to be done somehow. Our government is ensconced with a lot of shit. “The swamp” as Trump calls it. There is a funny movie (hysterical in parts) about the Vietnam war called Tropic Thunder but the war was not funny while it was waged and for some it never ended. One out of ten Americans who served in Vietnam were killed. 58,148 people killed and many more wounded. Amputations and crippling wounds were 300 percent higher than in World War ll, 75,000 Vietnam Veterans are severely disabled.

Many Still Missing

As of April 14, 2017, there are 1,611 Americans still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War across Vietnam (1,258), Laos(297), Cambodia(49), and China(7).

Vietnam War Facts, Stats and Myths

“France progressively carved for itself a huge colony, which would form French Indochina in 1887. France continued to rule Vietnam as a colony until France’s defeat in the First Indochina War and the proclamation of Vietnam’s independence in 1954.”

Also the leader DIEM dedicated his country to Mary and all hell broke loose. He and his brother were assassinated. Other weird things happened before hand. apparitions. It was still french for a long time. The war started in 1955-1975. Not a coincidence and something to do with xavier or some name and probably jesuit. I can’t remember everything. Perhaps St. Francis Xavier. hmmmmmmmmm there was also a a murderer of many people in Vietnam even before we got involved. MASS KILLINGS. Demonic shit. Like in Indonesia in WWll (Oliver North documentary before Douglas McArthur was able to intervene fully probably RC stalled.

There are plenty of times when I wanted to really mess my ex up, but I held myself back because of my daughters, my parents, and my beliefs. I was tempted. I know God will do it for me with help from my parents and kids (when they realize.) So I write and lay it all down as best as I can to demonstrate from a woman raised in the USA. I think it helps others and I think it is what I’m supposed to do. God didn’t say I should or say my name and direct me to do it like Bill O’reilly was told by God, he says anyway. I don’t respect his God at all. My ex thinks it will never happen. Of course, it will. WATCH and learn.

I do think war is necessary sometimes but I think it should be done in a serious manner with a goal and not just a reaction. Sober-like and with truthful information and the problem is the Vatican and many others of our supposed allies aren’t providing truthful intel and should. You don’t go to war on a fabrication of an event unless you enjoy it. Enjoy mass murder and I don’t think you can ever get information reliable information without the army involved nor ever win a war without the army involved. Just an ongoing conflict as we have noticed in most of the wars we are still involved in. I think Putin might have been poisoned during a dinner meeting with Obama regarding chemical weapons, a meeting in some weird place, I can’t remember where but might have been raised up again like I have been a few times. It’s a possibility. I have never met Putin, nor know him in the least but I watched the Obama Administration as closely as I could and did my best to expose him via his own words and how he twisted the truth. I know from what I could see Putin had good motives in regards to Syria and the chemical weapons to handle it and others didn’t have good motives in order to entrap Assad the President of Syria by birth and to eventually entrap Israel because of the Golan Heights. It is the goal of the enemy and we should know it by now and also to kill for the sake of killing. Craziness. But like the mustard seed lie some people can’t handle the truth, nor want to….. especially the Vatican.

Fox news and Major General Rattan’s unauthorized daughter is saying for Trump to get impeached. It will be better for him and talking to the other girl who lied a little earlier. HUH? Jesuit inspired of course.

Talk about deceived BOT her job depends on it and she likes her job deceiving. Perhaps both have to for some reason, nevertheless and regardless of their position my advice is

Fire Mueller.

He abused his power. Worry about it later. There are more important matters to worry about

and take seriously your choices before you jump into a PROXY war or into impeachment or both but don’t count on too many more loops because I’m sure there is a limit.


take her advice and get impeached by an abusive branch of the government.

How absolutely absurd but it was suggested on Fox News. It’s a bribe, but you can’t trust people who bribe. There is always a twist.

It’s like not making a hoop in basketball or missing a ball in football or baseball or tripping a horse on a race track for insurance and taking a few others down with you. We saw it at a race track and it upset me but I didn’t realize at the time why these things happen and realized are usually mob related. My dad didn’t either, I don’t think. Besides children, his family, he also loved animals and dolphins and I believe he loved horses too. He walked me home which took a long long time from a horse show I entered probably on a saturday through country backroads amongst the cornfields to get back to the ranch we housed our horse. It took a long time and it was quiet. I didn’t win. I hadn’t practiced enough and was a novice at riding and jumping. Little Joe refused to jump a very dangerous jump. A drop off about three to five feet. I fell off as he stopped. Sort of like jumping into a pit. I didn’t much care for it either and didn’t mind him not trying to jump down. I got a white ribbon. LOL I never tried to practice a jump like that even after because it wasn’t necessary even if you like jumping a horse and I did. We learned together Little Joe and I at the ranch mostly and I fell a few times but persisted. ‘Our backroads trip was very nice and fatherly. I don’t think he was disappointed. He didn’t say he was. We were both on the horse and our horse fell because of the asphalt and slipped and landed on top of him. I jumped off as I recall. Then Little Joe got up again and I got back on our horse and my dad took hold of the reins. Our first year owning a horse. We didn’t get lost and I know he mapped it out to get there a way I had never gone. He never complained having a horse fall on top of him on asphalt but I bet he felt it later. I will never forget it but I don’t remember what he was wearing. I wish I did. Sort of a quiet time with my dad. We didn’t have many of those quiet times because of other kids and events etc. A wind came and blew down his door off the hinges in between I think the TIA or before and his death. It literally happened for no reason. He fought in Viet nam for two separate years in Viet Nam while I was young teen. I was into myself at the time and things…friends, being popular, partying, skipping school  in the time of the Vietnam war when everyone else was basically doing the same thing and we were very wild. He was being hunted by the hunters. Maj General Rattan took him to hunt dove after he retired and he came home and didn’t enjoy himself one iota. It was dull and not his cup of tea. It wasn’t his thing. He wasn’t against hunting but I don’t think the sport of it interested him. He would rather have been home with mom than with the GENERAL. Can’t blame him for that. Not my cup of tea either. The Rattans. My older sister was friends kindly with Nancy but out grew her as well. Gary I think used her. Maybe General Rattan used her to call me about Gary and when I left in the mid morning. I don’t know who put her up to it. I never heard who put her up to calling me. Maybe someone mimicked her. I don’t know because she enjoyed flirting with Gary even after she knew so. He paid attention to her and I don’t think it was something which happened much to her as a rule because of her beauty. Molestation is a tough thing in families. It really is hard to cope with and Jackie’s daddy I heard had relations with her. Mine didn’t. I don’t know if it’s true about Jackie Kennedy but she has been cited as saying she was a hunter when needed. Whatever it meant it was not good, I do know her marriage and meeting JFK was a set up by the cardinal a very high up cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church I think his name was Cardinal Cush something like it who was also at a Naval base (annapolis) when getting news of JFK’s assassination. Now why was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church hanging out at Annapolis? Why was he called? (He officiated the funeral and their wedding.) Beats me, ( I guess he wanted to get there on time to be the great cardinal of the Roman Catholic Martyr. It must have been planned. we were overseas at the time. Later when I was with my older sister she told me some person by the same name who said he was a friend of my dad but not a cardinal came to see her son. Someone in the army. I don’t remember anyone by the name. It could have been Cushing. I don’t know why she told me because it was out of the blue on one of the last trips we were on together to see my mom. Like my invention I came up with the guys name was Kush whom I went to present my invention and and he said every part of it was good as far as a patent and there were a lot of parts and replacement parts as well. I had other ideas he poo-pooed but the one with the many parts he was impressed by, I thought. Had me sign papers with the woman who looks like the lady on the show Fox who was on Obama’s team who lied her ass off with the dark haired woman on Fox news with the glasses who said Trump should go ahead and let himself be impeached when I said what I said and flipped her the bird as I turned off the tv. Kush reminded me of my cousin who seemed mindless last time I saw him but the person I dealt with about my invention was like my cousin on steroids but much taller and was a patent lawyer. He shook my exs hands quite heartily. My cousin wasn’t mindless before. Playin’ me, I guess. So lots of deception going on. Probably only wanted my signature. So let me say it isn’t just China who steals our integrity our inventions and our ideas. It’s the Roman Catholic Church and all of their allies which are many and probably selling them to CHINA. Always being the middle guy between everything and everyone.

We had separate friends like most kids and siblings do. Nancy was hers, not mine and probably on her side when what happened happened. My dad warned me about Obama care early on so I wrote about it but at the time but didn’t know about hospice. But I saw it in his eyes before Benghazi occurred. My dad’s eyes are kind of unique and I have been horrendously harassed in evil ways since via television and the internet. using my dad’s face at Benghazi. I don’t know if he was there or not but its the one eaten up. Ill show you and you compare when I can find it among my pictures of the 6 blogs I have been posting on. It’s not on this one. I looked but was one of four pictures in a photo montage. To unhinge me I suppose. It’s his mouth which i know very well and his chin. I loved his chin. Very strong and you get to know people and their physical characteristics over many years unless plastic surgery is used like Laura InGraham on a regular basis. Now her eyebrowss are gonna start getting close to her hairline like Michelle. Boy did her looks improve but she had a lot of surgery though I think did her quite fairly compared to Laura. Eyebrows aren’t usually so high so she might think about lowering them to look natural or shave her hairline. I wouldn’t paint her because of it. It’s fakey. I wouldn’t paint Laura InGraham either because it’s fakey and everyone sees it they just don’t mention it, not usually. Oh Laura it looks great and it doesn’t. But I will because it’s true. I wouldn’t paint Cher. Way overdone. Might as well paint a barbie which is not my thing kind of like the pope kissing a ceramic jesus baby doll. Can you imagine trying to kiss Laura? She can barely control her lower lip when she talks. There has got to be a better way. LOL

Like putting fake petals on a flower that fades as flowers do. I think it may partially be causing some problems in the long run. People trading their looks for cheap thrills and overdoing it or whomever is doing it overdoing it because I guess it’s addictive, like tattoos, beer, booze, drugs, and cigarettes eventually it catches up with you. Perhaps why Laura is losing her frontal lobe as she goes but I think it is more than surgery making her weird. I think it’s

 her religion.

If she had the faith of a mustard seed

wouldn’t her lips just magically swell?

I guess her faith isn’t enough to move a mountain

from here to there either and she has tried her way but not so as to make much of a difference.

I think I have on my blog changed things far more than Laura InGraham using TV almost every day but go ahead take credit for not telling the truth about much of anything. I don’t care about your religion. It’s fakey. REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY FAKEY!

or find a different doctor. I think she is a follower of Dr.Billy Graham and he was fakey too.

Part of the hospice movement starving a parent might be related to those who think they have to look or try to look like they are 30 years younger without success. Kind of goes hand in hand doesn’t it. Wrinkles sometimes show character and fakey big lower lips don’t! Is she planning on a drought hoping to get a raindrop from a leaf but instead caught in her lip for a tiny drop of water. There are places in the world where the people put a plate in the lower lip and over time add larger plate until their lip adjusts kind of like how people make bigger holes in their piercings to stick something thicker in the hole (its a fad) and eventually they can actually serve food on their lower lip and don’t need plates. It might be more successful. I don’t know why pygmies do it but it’s tribal stuff I’m sure and I read it once but at the moment I have more pressing needs. It’s like House of Faces in the movie Game of Thrones out there. Isn’t it?

Watched Oliver North on Fox come out and lay out a map of all the possible sites in Syria to attack and showed his prowess in foreign intelligence and he looked a lot older than normal and even looked like George Bush the first President of the Bushes mixed in. How weird and why bother since most people don’t care about those places but I guess to inform the enemy for some reason. It didn’t seem like what Oliver North would do since he was kind of secretive except in his documentaries.  He is not the type of guy to inform ahead of time his plans or his possible targets.  I thought it was interesting. I saw George Bush with a veil of Oliver North, kind of a mix between the two. Amazing what can be done photoshop-wise and on film. After I mentioned about the people in Syria in clothing that seemed to represent Saudi Arabia. But it looked real whereas Oliver North didn’t quite look right to me. Lots of deception and DIVERSION. Sounded like him but I saw more than him in himself. I know I sound rather mean but I have been treated terribly and my family as well and lot of other people and have a right to be mean and will continue to try to get the truth out as best I can of the things I see and hear and read and add some shallow cuts as I go to whomever deserves them and Laura InGraham deserves far worse. She’s a caddy piece of dung IMO It’s devilish what is going on. An attempt to thwart the revealing of revelation and it doesn’t seem to be successful because I learned and there are some good people who expose evil and are still trying but we need to try harder. Let me tell ya our people have been being watched/monitored for a lot longer than 10 years. It’s been going on for a long, long time since WWll more than likely

but things change and they are changing.

Bob Dylan The Times They Are A Changin’ 1964

a little before his his time and it sure looks like things are changing quite rapidly. 

Depends on why you wanted the position as President, I guess. For yourself? or for the USA?  Can you handle the heat or not or would you like to work for Fox News instead as a Fox girl or something even worse which I’m sure there is.

She had the look of Obama in her eyes when I flipped her the bird and said FUCK YOU deaf girl as I was turning off the TV. Enjoyed it too to much. Kind of gleeful. She wasn’t all the way deaf and has had speech therapy since and all Schlickered up but she was schnoookered by Gary and I think her dad. Is it the best that could have been done to her. WOW not that good in comparison to who she gave away. Kind of resembles but not as pretty as Jackie Kennedy. a devolvement of Jackie. I was pissed which was the point of the news cast to test my ability to withstand and I don’t know if I failed or not by what I said and flipping the bird but sometimes it’s unavoidable. It was for the moment anyway. Obama uses every trick in the book, devilish. I’m sorry for saying what I said but I have limits and have been through much more than she has ever been through as far as I know and I am not willing to sell myself short for a few years on Fox news perpetuating lies. I hate hearing and seeing Obama in people it’s like seeing a very powerful demon or the devil

but whose end is nigh.

I hope someday I will look much better than I do but with the same genes and memories and with the people I love and have loved (and pets) on a beach enjoying the day and having fun or at my parents home playing Balderdash or the many other things we did as a family before Obama was thrust into the USA via Kissinger and the Vatican and hospice was implemented. I don’t care what happens to her and her family. Why should I care. She wasn’t my friend and I never would have wanted her as a friend not because she was deaf partially as was my dad to some degree (probably due to wartime noises and practice and the kind of diseases experienced by those times) whom I love dearly and so was I for a while as a child but because she is irrelevant to my life as irrelevant as the people next door which sounds terrible but true. In times of troubles good neighbors come in handy but I like privacy and of course have not had it for a long time unbeknownst to me for a long time though hints of it when I got pregnant as a kid. Such as when I called my older sister for help and she came to help me long distance to tell my parents. A priest sat next to her on the plane. How often does a priest in priests clothing sit next to you on a plane? It never happened again since and she has flown a ton more. She confessed to him somehow after getting into a conversation with him about me and felt like God was talking to her or the opposite. I don’t know what he said (she never told me) but priests clothing tends to put people off and make them confess especially younguns. She had not educated herself anymore than the rest of us about God to know the difference. It took me a long time and study to know the difference. It was not a coincidence. I even tried the one year bible and got lost. I listened and read and experienced and eventually I understood way more than most people in regards to God and the bible. It’s too bad preachers and priests don’t actually tell the truth. Probably not allowed to and would lose their collars and easy money. They were listening to our calls in the 70s.  I think priests were doing more than just listening I think probably setting us up to fall. She must have forgotten to tell him about her abortion before me. Hers was illegal and I guess it was okay by the priest’s god. I think it was illegal but I didn’t ask. It was done somehow via the Kirchers maybe? She came home for a rest after it but my parents didn’t know. I was a kid and did not really understand it at the time. I just knew it happened. THE GIG IS OVER NOW or the gig is up meaning what it means. Because we know the tricks and that privacy is only for the Vatican to hide behind but not for us like their wall. Oh the Vatican loves it’s privacy making dirty deals. As far as I know Nancy never married nor had kids in all the time we knew her or of her which was quite a long time because she was so so so I don’t know. Maybe she was a nun and I didn’t know it. Probably. Makes sense to me.

Sting – Why Should I Cry For You?

I have shed a lot of tears but not with your family in mind, sorry.

Anyway the ex just called me a bitch after telling me to turn down the music of Melanie (Long Long Time) and close the door. It was really late or early in the morning. I said I will close the door and yes my sire of my children bowing facetiously and he lost it and called me a bitch as I was closing the door and I asked if he lost it and he went into his excuses irately: because he has to work in the morning. But did he ever contribute anything meaningful to end tyranny and evil. No he helped it against me and against everyone else even his children and you can’t get much worse. He is a traitor as far as I’m concerned. A traitor to my family.


Great song and hopefully sounds better on your computer than on mine (I blew out the speakers) which I use to write on and music to listen to on the other and to play WOW when I have time. The computer was one the ex gave me he had used and replaced with his better one he got murdering his mom and offered me a new one. I said No thanks. He had offered me the computer way before he murdered his mom so I didn’t see the problem and will accept his used computer again if I need one if he gets a new one to replace the one he has. I have my limits. I draw lines too. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and I use mine for a treasure one can’t measure at the end of the rainbow.

It has been a long long time for me, too.

The Sun and the Moon

He’s normal this morning but his client whom he talked to on the phone is upset with him and freaking out about his job and he may lose it. For some reason the paint is peeling off the woodwork. LOL At least it’s what he just told me. hmmmmmmmm which will affect me in the long run but maybe not. I have been forced in a myriad of ways to be here but who knows maybe I’ll win the lotto which has it’s own set of problems for winners sometimes being murdered, friends coming out of the woodwork, never trusting anyone but I don’t anyway, etc. I’ll let everyone know if I do and then I will go into hiding. It’s a sick world.

Mad World – Gary Jules

If I do at least I will be able to remove myself from him.

Now Sheppard Smith is telling some stories about Saudi Arabia and the US via Obama interfering in Syria. Why did it take so long to come out. Well for one thing I had pictures of mercenaries from Saudi Arabia in Syria and possibly it might have jarred some memories in one of my posts. But I do not believe Sheppard Smith regardless. He is a mouthpiece for what ever is good for him. (Probably the Vatican) Believe me Obama wanted access to those chemicals to use on whomever he wished for whatever he wanted to accomplish. Like right now he would love us involved in Syria and at war with Russia and get access to the Golan Heights because he is evil. Who attacked the towers in New York City?

Fire Meuller for his sake and for everyone’s sake.

To make a story short for the sake of everyone else: my ex said last night

that the customer is always right.

He went to the job the next morning which was today and turns out the customer was wrong

hence the customer is not always right and my ex was wong. 

My ex finally admitted though I didn’t ask for a correction but the rock he and his friends sat on at the Grand Canyon was not the Balancing rock but the Table rock balancing when the park ranger got the band to one by one leave the Table rock for a safer place. I guess it has been balancing for a long time (thousands of years.) I don’t know the difference between the two rocks but the Grand Canyon is not to be underestimated for it’s dangers. It’s a dangerous place and don’t bring pets or little ones. I wouldn’t even bring a teenager. Headlines on internet saying Get Ready Russia was what DOD of Obama Administration said to America a while ago? REMEMBER when he said Get Ready America. I remember and you wonder why people are on pain medications and other drugs? This is why. Politicians and the press having fun. Nicki Haley the outrageous UN Secretary (JK) is recounting what supposedly Russia thought about Britain because of the poisoned (false stories about some spies) I can tell by the picture of the woman, doesn’t look sincere and I don’t think Britain is responsible for the attacks in Syria either. I think a few honest people attempted to show Assad doesn’t have a reason to poison people with saran gas or chemicals when bombs are as affective and showing lack of motive though some don’t need one just hate but, maybe it’s the UN needing to be needed.  Secretary General Nicki Haley is making a name for herself and honestly I think she is ridiculous. She doesn’t convince me of anything. A total turnoff. Pretty though. I think she’s deceived even herself. When I watch her I feel like i’m in grade school listening to a teacher teaching us not to talk in class, pass notes or chew gum. Her presentation is lacking something I think its called convince-ability. Like Pence wearing a leather jacket on an aircraft carrier with a bull’s eye on his ass.. I suggest she find a job using her talent but then why not just waste tax payers dollars in the most useless entity in the world. I wish we could exit the UN since it is fraudulent, obnoxious and expensive. She has very good diction though. I think it’s the point as to why she is there. That’s my opinion. She will probably be successful in dismantling the UN by her formidable presence and scary speeches, which is cool. It just might work. Good looking jacket. I want one, the tweed jacket and looks good on her with her hair color, her natural coloring and the overall affect. Nice, where did you get it?


What does the Bible mean when it refers to the gnashing of teeth?

(Hopefully she will step back and think hard and be somewhat open minded about things I think she doesn’t realize or notice. QUIT ACTING. You might be being deceived and the same goes for the UN ambassador to the UK Karen Pierce. It wouldn’t be the first time, would it? Think about motive and take a little lesson from Tucker Carlson and a few of his shows on the subject of Syria and Assad and even Russia. I’m not saying it didn’t happen though it appears it didn’t by the evidence seen but if it did think about trickery/Obama think about who would have something to gain and who did gain and think about The President of Turkey pawing a young girl to be a martyr and think about the past and many lies we have seen regarding palestinians using kids for target practice and think about Christians living peacefully in Syria for quite a while and think about the Golan Heights and think about Palestiians living peacefully in Egypt for a long time until the muslim brotherhood occurred and think about when Obama was president and a military man set up of his regime and Germany was involved who happened to have taped a conversation which seemed like a put on and the mask used which could not have protected anyone from sarin gas. Think about it and because someone rules with an iron hand may be because someone has to sometimes depending on the different clashes of civilizations in one’s country. Think about 6,000,000 jews and the deals made via the RCC and HITLER. Think about it. HARD. Read my blog posts and learn what I have learned about deception and truth. and last but not least think about the history of the RCC and protestants burning at the stake. sometimes there are traitors in one’s own government as we have witnessed in ours. )


An attack in Syria occurred dramatically and I guess three scientific research places were destroyed. How come we didn’t know about those places before. No one mentioned it. Not in the news at all nor our government. Should be interesting in the weeks and months ahead. We’ll see because of the fog of war but both Britain and France were involved in the attack in Damascus but for some reason Germany wasn’t in the coalition. Kind of odd. I also heard one guy say that Europe does not want to deal a blow on Hezbollah and Iran. Why not? Something is not right, but then usually something isn’t right. I can’t remember his name but ‘Phares’ something like it. He sounded sane like he knew what he was talking about. Never saw him before but he was on Fox for a brief moment or two. Almost as if Israel is being held prisoner, a hostage of Evangelicalism i.e. Catholicism. Overconfidence is unbecoming.

Overconfidence is one example of a miscalibration of subjective probabilities.”

Melanie – Nickel Song (Original) – YouTube

Statue of Mary weeping.

The French President has evidence! I wonder if he will show it or are we supposed to trust but not verify.

Political correctness gone past the red line.

I hope the French reap a lot of illegal immigrants who start camping in Notre Dame and in all those tourist places. whYNOt?

The less chemical weapons the better, however I can’t believe Putin didn’t destroy 3 research centers in order not to have Damascus bombarded. More to this than meets the eye, for sure. Maybe it was 3 enemy research centers having nothing to do with ASSAD? hmmmm? I guess next Trump is going to remove Assad from power, right? because he is an evil man? Isn’t that language we have been hearing for weeks? A murderer of his own people? So if our country leaves Assad in power than their words are BULLSHIT about their reasons and perhaps hiding information? INTERESTING TIMES. Or is this gonna be kind of a forever war. I don’t know. TATA was on as well some guy and I have no idea who he is but TATA means bye bye in english. A military spokesman of something. Why would our government do nothing in regards to Hezbollah and Iran in Syria? Are Hezbollah and Iran good? hmmmmmmmm Why is Europe protecting them? For Israel? or against Israel? Why not an investigation of the facts of the chemical attacks or are we hiding the facts of the chemical attack. Supposedly Israel hit the site or sites but to no avail. I am very uniquely surprised by their ineffectiveness. Usually Israel is precise, but not this time. These are legitimate questions and ought to be asked. This is a spiritual war and people are being hoodwinked, I think, BUT I’m not. When is the USA going to kill the monster (trumps words) ASSAD? DID we leave Hitler in charge in WWll to continue atrocities in a multitude of ways? Comparing him to Hitler. PROVE IT. Did we leave Saddam in power? Nope. Damascus is the burdensome stone so who knows. I sure don’t. But I think I know the game and it’s spiritual with a lot of people in the crossfire. Could be just buildings without chemicals to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes done dramatically for spiritual reasons (Islam and it’s allies) because Israel should have been able to handle it and didn’t. They have in the past but UN and others restrict them from doing what needs to be done to avoid nuclear war with Iran sponsoring terrorism in Syria with the help of Saudi Arabia and I guess Nicki Haley. Everyone wants to be a hero. I know the game because my ex has tried it with me. Cut the Steel L-bar above my head holding up the garage door opener, so he can save me. Very evangelical. This is what is going on. It didn’t pass the mustard. He fixed it alright and then tried a different tactic but didn’t work because it was insane shit and does not impress me whatsoever. I have written about it a ton and will continue in my next endeavor to learn the things other people I respect though I don’t always agree can offer in their experience. There is a bunch of face stealing besides identity theft to have to contend with but hey it’s what is displayed whether it be deception or not I will respond to it as I see it and throughout this time as best I can.  We have our own war going on in our own country and wild fires which ought to be extinguished as quick as the attack on Syria. So I hope I see it.







I know God cares. I won’t forget but not sure I care to remember about you. NYET NYET NYET

I’m not impressed by any of IT. The rattling of sabers is not impressive. It’s NOISE.

Anyway, I can usually tell where I stand in juxtaposition to Geraldo. I think I’m in the right place at the moment.

What You Need To Know About The Suspected Syrian Chemical Attack

I still have yet to see foam. I think there might have been an attack

and a remedy for certain types of chemicals or poisons

like poison anectodotes and some got it and some didn’t because I don’t think these kids would be alive  

and the USA is being duped which is not unusual.

SOMEONE forgot to rinse her off. I wonder why fingernail polish and all.

Does asthma medicine prevent chemical weapon death? The elders sprayed something in the mouth of the boy in the video

and then put on some ventilation masks.

It’s not the kids faults. (nice clothes)

Another Stupid F**king War – See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.

Trump hasn’t been himself lately, has he?

Chlorine Poisoning

U.S. officials: Blood samples show nerve agent, chlorine in Syria gas …

Is Syria guilty of hitting a pool supply shop?

The girl in the picture kind of looks like the Indian woman i saw at Parkland who was in a stupor. I don’t know why she was in a stupor or in shock and being in a stupor didn’t say anything. She was obviously older. It’s the profile of her. Strange. We were in a mental ward of Parkland  Hospital during the renovation of the hospital, I because I told them I had thought about suicide because it was asked of me by the front desk. Of course I write about it and sometimes feel it. I was there for some medication on the sly and then I was guarded by a weird looking lady who looked like my mother-in-law but black and she was saying dumb things as well. I was in the mental ward a couple hours 3-4 but seemed like forever and released after I received my medicine and given some at the hospital really strong stuff for anxiety. They called me later in the day to see if I was okay and had made it home and I said yea. I had to really work hard to drive an hour away in heavy traffic high as I could be on anxiety medicine. Heavy duty stuff whatever it was they gave me. I saw her in a stupor in the same room and she wore her hair similar without the bows in her hair. I didn’t ask the lady in the mental ward if she was from India so perhaps she was from Syria. You don’t go up to someone in the state of mind she was in or not in and chit chat (*where are you from? cat got your tongue? etc) but she was one of the few women there. She didn’t move for the whole time I was in the mental ward and looking straight ahead eyes wide open, her hands not at her mouth just down probably high on something but catatonic. Like she had been through something horrible or seen something horrible. She didn’t move a muscle. You see things like it in movies but in real life pretty much the same however it was real. There were others in the ward both men and women. Tried to feed me some lunch and I accepted the tray and didn’t eat. It was gross. This was during the time my ex was being very bad, controlling and abusive in many ways  and I was learning how to cope with the catholic prick befuddled because I had divorced him so I had to go on the sly and he never knew about it as far as I know.Just everyone else who reads my blog. I have no idea who does or doesn’t. I don’t check my popularity or lack of and probably the latter. I add some tags sometimes I add categories basically is all I do to my posts and let it go whereat goes. I felt for her while I was there but not like I knew her, not even her name. I wondered what had happened to make her act the way she was acting or what she had seen to make her in the condition she was in.

I was thinking trying to give Trump, Britain, and France the benefit of the doubt perhaps they knew about these three buildings via Putin? Who knows. I have a suspicion it’s a lot of nonsense. How much do those missiles cost? I heard or read quite a few were launched to strike strategically and precisely and a bunch were shot down. Is it precision? War games? UN needing to be upheld PROPPED UP for the globalists using women. I don’t know if anyone recalls while Obama was President the attacks (terrorism attacks) on civilians many of the people involved blacked out like it wasn’t them doing it. Something was controlling them. Before the Vietnam War there were apparitions of ships (ghost ships) which LBJ didn’t understand nor anyone else what they were seeing or not seeing but we ended up in a war we didn’t win but killed lots of people in the interim and during it’s course.. Roman Catholicism seems to depend on apparitions and ghosts and Obama used cell phones and both work together sometimes and sometimes against each other for the same end purpose to deceive.

A general (McKensie) was on giving his assessment of the attack and what was employed, when and where and by whom. He did mention Syria retaliated with 40 missiles willy nilly kind of missiles which in my opinion was intended to give the military an excuse if civilian casualties occur which more than likely did but these places are out in the desert which might have had less civilians involved. The attack IN DAMASCUS probably had civilian casualties. He also mentioned that it set back Syria’s chemicals back for years however there was supposedly an attack on the same date last year and it seems it didn’t set back Syria’s Chemical weapons by years. ONE YEAR MAYBE OBVIOUSLY. LOOP DE LOOP of the chemical attack a year ago when Trump first took office.  The response was different however I think the initial attack “chemical” was NOT different which is the loop. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? IF IT WAS A FAKE EVENT or what some people call a false flag then neither response was correct. 

Karen Pierce the UK ambassador to the UN you are probably way off the mark!

She reminds me of someone in my past actually a close friend to my little sister who taught my sister to lie a bunch.

Funny girl, but dangerous in dangerous times. Actually I didn’t find her that humorous and had to put up with her because she was a friend to my sister. She thought that this is funny: Do your boobs hang low do they wobble to and fro ….. It wasn’t just once I had to hear it and she would bounce her boobs to add to the affect of the joke. Like watching Laura InGraham hysterical over Sean Hannity’s Don Cor’leone imitation. Uncomfortyable. I had to hear a lot while my sister lived with me. She was very big. I don’t think she was a good influence on my sister, but it’s a free country. I think  both were influenced by the BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelical Association.) I think she would have sold my sister and my mom and me….anyone down the river if it was profitable. She never married or had kids. When she would do her act you had to laugh to be hospitable but it was forced laughter. Very uncomfortable Her last name was York.. I remember when I went to visit my mom with my little sister at her abode at the ARC my mom looked down at her bosoms and said I love them. Something like it and we told her we did too. It was really cute. She didn’t breast feed us but she was a wonderful mom. At the time she was bring grilled by Dr. Denham who was an asshole around the same time period. I didn’t know it at first however the first time I met him I didn’t like how he treated her. He was trying to determine if my mom had mental problems or needed to be moved to a place for total care. My mom had had a fall on the stairway which is a big deal. I heard from my little sister who lived quite close in comparison to us to her. It was a lot on her plate to try to keep up with negligence and a new husband in her new house. They were drugging the patients which is the case for most patients at an older age but she had many lucid times as well. I caught the ARC in negligence. Severe negligence and had witnesses. I didn’t try to I happenstanced upon it. One woman when we visited one of the last visits petted my moms crippled finger—the middle finger as she took readings of her oxygen intake and heart rate using a pulsock at the time on the crippled finger. We asked her to take a reading for some reason. I don’t know if she resented it but the way she took the reading was threatening in a weird way. SADISTIC. It was as if she was not happy we asked and it was not normal. It was I think the same visit when we found a woman on the floor bleeding from her nose in a puddle of blood. Hectic time. I felt something amiss. My sister had made friends with a lot of people in the place so was not as aware as I was. I didn’t know anyone and I’m less friendly. My mother’s things were stolen, things my little sister had just bought would disappear and I met the nurse who had gone through her things and my sister had more trust than she should have had but they really pulled a fast one on her IMO. It was the same nurse when the woman we found in a puddle of blood on the floor in shock slopped up the blood on the rug with her feet and white nurse like shoes and while it may not seem abnormal to have cleaned it the way she did it was her who made me feel funny and how she did it. She looked like my god mother. I said so to my sister in front of my mom and my mom looked at me and said THANK YOU. We were seeing the same thing.  It helped her I hope and it helped me to know. My godmother did not appreciate my mom like she should have. She was a tea totaler and did not respect my mom because my mom wasn’t a tea totaler. My mom introduced her to her brother and she ditched her fiancé for him a week before they were to be married. My uncle was a good husband and dad and brother and son. He loved my mom and his wife. My aunt was very caddy. Peer influenced to the nth degree and thought she was perfect. She was beautiful and a good sense of humor at times but lacked understanding. Competitive with other women. When my other uncle an alcoholic most of his life and brother to her husband came into some money she most of his life had no respect for him and showed it behind his back but when he came into money she loved him. She played the other uncle as well. USED HIM. She was the one who said about a picture of me Beauty is as beauty does. It was unnecessary because I did not put the picture in her home of me. Her husband did and for some reason the conversation turned to the picture during a family gathering. I sure could have lived without the whole conversation. It was because I had had an abortion. She had her good points but judgmental to the nth degree. I didn’t tell her about my abortion but somehow she knew. My mom was being harassed at the place she lived.  I think when I noticed who she resembled to the nth degree it made my mom feel better and she was not feeling well and had recently come home from the hospital because of a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which happens in old folks homes often and even to the staff and falls tend to accelerate the condition which can be deadly. I didn’t realize a lot of things until time passed and it piled up the meaning of the things I noticed. It piled very high. Before my uncle died my aunt fell in love with another man which kind of was funny. Miss perfect. I don’t think it worked out and she was having to care for my uncle but he cared for her most of his life very well. Treated her with great respect but he did a lot of flying his airplane. Taking off from the abode to do his favorite thing. To get some space. Obviously my mom was aware and lucid but without oxygen it makes it hard. My little sister found my mom at a level of 77 which is near death (she had bought a pulsock on a visit earlier to be efficient as my mom’s caretaker when she was able to which I suggested and she did it happily my other sister who I think was in some kind of trance I suggested the same and she responded as if she didn’t need it. What do I need a pulsock for kind of attitude and she was in charge of the estate. She herself suffered sometimes from respiratory problems and she wasn’t a youngun being the eldest and I suppose the insurance provider however working her ass off in real estate because her husband lost his ass on the the stock market and might have been in the middle between my mom and my sister like acting as a little prick supposedly an accountant or had been educated as such. When my little sister came to visit my mom who was hunched over in her chair neglected (I think in the hallway where they put their patients sometimes between meals and so they can watch the patients) and we got involved trying to get her oxygen and phone calls were made etc. The insurance company provider refused her an oxygen concentrator said the people at The ARC. It was mind boggling to deal with for everyone involved not knowing who is telling the truth and who wasn’t because one lady lied when I told her about the woman in a puddle of blood and said it didn’t happen as if she was there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It was an automatic reaction. It happened. I was a witness. So it was frustrating plus our family woes got in the way of my mom’s health and well being. Then later she was hospiced without my permission or knowledge for 2 weeks and then I got a phone call that she had died and not invited to her funeral and exiled from my little sister’s home nearby my mom because of true accusations in the past and blaming my mom for the loss of a great deal of money on the stock market trading options and she had nothing to do with it: her brother did and my brother in law who made a deal with each other and both lost. It happened on a Tuesday in October and happened quickly so it may have been KNOCK KNOCK kind of event because a lot of people lost money quickly and probably purposefully. All it takes is a group of people who manipulate stocks and options etc. and lot of novices or those not in the conclave lose. It was rough.

We still don’t know nor have seen evidence of foaming mouths and the evidence but the French President who by the way depends on the UN for it’s power and back them up all the way. It’s hard to know what to do but hopefully it will be okay in the long run and short run. I think the Pentagon needs to contemplate REVELATION and the BURDENSOME STONE in the Old Testament and perhaps there is a reason other than mankind’s lack of belief which is definitely involved. Do your best is all you can do and open up those little minds. Might have been more appropriate to have investigated the french evidence and it’s motives, the innocent civilians motives in a civil war, and let the people see but instead got rid of it. FOAMING MOUTHS? President praises himself for attack. What would anyone expect: Oh I really fucked up, LOL No one knows it’s only been a day since.

And still nothing about Hospice/MURDER SUICIDE even by the Pentagon. DEAD SILENCE.

IT’S A SPIRITUAL WAR and we shall see. I think Revelation will be fulfilled sometime or other but looking like we are edging closer. In the Book of Revelation the Roman Catholic Vatican doesn’t make it through because of Mother Teresa and her mission which the RCC PROPPED (and many other reasons) and I guess the Pentagon supports as well the UN, the EU, The New World Order, Islam and our President and many more mass murder suicide by Hospice. I don’t think God likes it and is letting us know..

Strong earthquake on the east coast which I happen to love parts of  but I don’t think 4.5 is super strong but perhaps a sign or a warning. Maybe we will have a new one some day.

As far as I know or trust our government there might have been some people in the bunkers (prisoners)

that were blown up and should be investigated.

The morality of chemical weapons suck but so does the morality of other weapons which kill kids and parents, women etc.


The reason the UN is so worried is because it is easily made and assessable to anyone who has a mind to make them hence puts them in jeopardy. The UN and those in government really don’t give a shit about the people over there they give a shit about themselves and those coming here and because there are so many because they are taught not to use birth control and are the flood as in the days of Noah but not as in water but people. The UN ought to do something about it and get there religion which teaches people not to use birth control and the right to plan their families otherwise you are gonna get run over by the people. Grab the problem by the little balls in the Vatican to stem the tide.

Melanie Safka – Look What They’ve Done To My Song Ma – YouTube

I digressed a bit because of the interference of world affairs. Believe me the world does not like my interpretation at all. I am going to try to finish my transcription of Christopher Hitchens Hell’s Angel expose and add it above where it belongs. I had done more but somehow some of it got lost in the process of the goings on of the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Actually I finished Hell’s Angel but kind of digressed as well into my own experience – My two cents. Actually, I think I have more than two cents but I’m trying to be humble.



I’M BACK: listened to a little more from Christopher Hitchens about his great knowledge of the goings on all over the world which he has quite a bit but about his squeamishness about abortion and the wickedness of those who compare it to birth control. It’s why god gave WOMAN a WOMB, not man. I bet he gets squeamish when a female has a period/menstruates. I bet he wouldn’t like it but we handle it because it is our body and our right to determine whose baby we want to have and when and where and how. A GIFT FROM GOD.


ABORTION Is Birth Control and is not wicked, but Certainly not BRIT CONTROL.

When one doesn’t believe in God one can’t see the forest for the tree, but I do.


ASK GOD if you dare.

Believe me this tampax is tame in comparison to most I ever have seen. Many of globs, chunks of bloody looking stuff. I remember once when I was gong through some bad stuff at the office when at home in my front yard talking to a neighbor my body expelled massive amounts of blood and I had to back up to go inside hoping she didn’t notice. CUPS WORTH of BLOOD in one moment. Luckily I was in my yard and not hers. I was going through the change of life, naturally. It went on for a few weeks to a month while I was being threatened, ganged up on by a bunch of assholes at the office, I was being tailed, followed, I was being watched, being hit upon, I was assaulted at the office by my brother i law and most of the things that happened were to protect him from my reaction which I tried to be civil about and I almost died. I spent 10-14 days unconscious and for some reason God spit me out again to deal with the shit going on and so I do. I may be quite frank about reality but someone has to.

By the way, from what I have read of the bible Jesus never said he was the Christ.

Christopher Hitchens died on Dec 15th, 2011

Thank you for the expose on this GREAT EVIL called Hospice!

If I had not had an abortion

I would not have my two daughters

that I have

so I’m thankful I had an abortion.

I truly am.

I think I won.


Here is a picture of such a cute kid I found on the internet somewhere while writing the last blog post and just thought she is one cute adorable kid and had to add the picture.


“92-year-old ‘will instead focus on comfort care.”

As far as Barbara Kush is concerned:  


Sorry, I have to comment: she told her son Jeb Bush not to run for the office of President and he did and he assisted with assisted suicide against the families wishes in Florida as the Governor of Florida in favor of the man who might have caused her demise and the RCC mandate of hospice and also probably gave immunity to the Saudis and where the Saudis were trained to fly without landing in his state when he was governor and they ran planes into the Pentagon and New York town towers on 9-11. He crossed a few lines or in other words he double crossed the lines of normalcy and prudence because he was not right in the head and she knew it. HE was married to a catholic woman (I don’t know her or have ever seen her) and probably under the influence of Billy Graham as much s the rest of the family was and presidents since WWll except Truman who though he was a charlatan. We won WWll. Haven’t won any wars since but been involved in ongoing clashes without any reasonable goals or ends. which doesn’t help keep Fascism at bay, maybe it does to some extent, but reigniting WWll into WWlll by spreading our military super thin luckily with major advances in technology besides nuclear options and using it for power instead of attempting to stem the tide which was thrust at us for the sake of martyrdom and for the Vatican Jesuits. Learning how to protect nuclear power is hard in the days of terrorism when a state sponsors terrorism to do what it does such as the Vatican state trying to cause a nuclear war between the USA and Russia, IMO. I think it will end but when is the question. I KNOW WHY. Everyone talks about dealing with the ideology and does nothing about it but proliferate political correctness the same ideology in many respects with different victims deepening on the objectives to keep the Vatican afloat and most of the ways used came directly from the Vatican’s deep seated deception using the basest, coarsest parts of people as stated in the Gospel of John before Jesus was crucified. You can always find the sweet spot in people (facetious, of course) if you look hard enough and put them in jeopardy or by trumped up charges ( a pun) or to put it another way a pow (prisoner of war) etc or put their families in jeopardy and also via dumbing people down even the pope who is quite dumb but those behind the scenes however in the long run dumber. Trying to control the Presidency, or control the office of the President. imo. It’s a struggle but an unusually big one from the moment he stepped into the oval office. I like ovals. The pope is just an icon and promotes idolatry to the nth degree but not necessarily by his own choice. So as far as learning the truth, you might as well as each of us blunders through our lives. Don’t ya think? Pope Francis was accused of prostitution, but I don’t know the veracity of the accusation- probably why he was chosen to keep him in line. A read part of his family died in car wreck but I doubt he cared too much. It wasn’t noticeable.

The power is behind him probably the Secretary of State of the Vatican.

Hostage type stuff. Mob type tactics. 

There is an age when some people get dementia etc and she might have it. I don’t know. She often looks like she is inhabited by something like Billy Graham on some poses, whether it is her, I don’t know. There are drugs for dementia and other late life illnesses and conditions, but when she was younger she said the stuff she suggested way before Jeb ran for President but it was her wish when she said  it.  I think and a warning for us but maybe has been overtaken and weakened. I think she is making a mistake or someone is making it for her or through her. It affects the next generation. She had it pretty good in her life. I hope she is able to float herself in her families eyes. I bet she gets medical care regardless however others aren’t given the same privilege because she was or is a wife of President Bush. Double standard propping a bad standard. IMO At least she announced it or was able to beforehand so her family can be with her. I sure wish I had been given the same for my mom to be with her. Sometimes people do the oddest of things for the oddest of reasons and I have no idea of her reasons. It is a political stance a very dangerous one and easily abused for money or for other reasons. She had money, didn’t she, before she was married, as I recall. Oh well. GOD KNOWS. I’m not going to display them because everyone has seen them pictures. It is self-evident and maybe she has no choice. A very stoic woman like my mother-in-law.

“Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century AD. Zeno of Citium founded stoicism in Athens in the early 3rd century BC.”
The fact, it was announced to the world beforehand is kind of interesting though. Should we follow in her footsteps? I don’t think so.

Senator Rand Paul: Do FBI agents Strzok and Page still have security clearances?

The answer should alarm you

Sheppard Smith reported Hannity is also involved somehow or another via the lawyer for Trump who was mishandled unconstitutionally testing the premises of our country’s founding writers of the constitution and writers of the bill of rights, the legality and power of the constitution itself and the bill of rights, testing the people who are supposed to uphold the law, and the people, and of course testing the winepress of god. I guess he got too close to something or possibly guilt by association. Probably Laura InGraham. Definitely Laura InGraham spinning off his show and he spinning down on her show. Its a strange spin off and while pleasant it is not easy to watch someone being seduced which is not too uncommon. Very disingenSuous. Very hard to do especially if it’s based on a lies, the spin off. Hence Stormy Daniels in a pink suit, no less. (Jackie Kennedy pink suit?) Some strange tactics. I think it is very twisted. The forever interaction between shows is very oily. Lathering. Yeasty. The most arousing small talk I have ever encountered. NOT REALLY. It’s so stimulating, let not your heart be troubled; Ye believe in God, believe also in me. It is however and immense amount of glad handing which is typical amongst all of the press (Comey and Stephanopoulis whispering sort of) as if in a league of their own. Anyway it’s rough out there.

Throw your nets on the other side of the boat and there ye shall find.

Helps to look both ways sometimes. 

I thought Mitch McConnell’s excuses were interesting in regards to the Omnibus bill: We couldn’t very likely go to the Dems and change our deal even after knowing nor learning something…… In his own words said a bit more eloquently: but, of course, you can. He was in an interview with Neal Cavuto on Fox news making  a lot of excuses halfway through the interview (actually the exuses were in the forward part of the conversation. You don’t have to stay locked in a deal if it isn’t finished 3 months before and was using Big Government as his excuse. If this is the way the Senate works he has to be excoriated for it, whatever it may be. What deal? Why didn’t Neal Cavuto ask him? It’s like an incomplete sentence which can be completed and it can even be completed after it is a done deal. It’s called a reversal. I don’t know what he was referring to because Neil Cavuto didn’t ask because I think he knew. Problem is the people don’t know what the two know betwixt each other. I was surprised there wasn’t some canned laughter after he spoke.

A Supreme Court Justice Scalise died a while back but not before saying “the constitution was a dead document” as opposed to? He either said is or was. Probably partially the cause of his demise which I don’t think was on the up and up at some hunting Large/Lodge in a county in Texas. He was a pro lifer in the sense he thought abortion is wicked (not his words but I surmise), but he was reared in such a way and probably never read the bible. It was a suspicious set of circumstances it seemed and he became a RC martyr but I don’t think it was his idea.

Maybe it will all be alright……..maybe it will all be okay…….


Noticed a verse

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Except move a mountain

nor accept that the mustard seed

is not the smallest of seed

neither the implications of both.

The riddle of it is Paul gets to do Paul’s things in you as long as lucifer is with him.

(called being possessed)

Dana Perino said Alex Jones doesn’t count but does Dana Perino count? How do you know if you do? Ratings? I wrote it first in regards to school lunches ….hmmmmmmmm.


“Even General Mattis had to finally admit, many months after the airstrikes, that there was no proof that Assad had, in fact, used chemical weapons.” Funny, I don’t remember it but I only remember it when Obama was President. Either there was blackout of the internet and the news for some in regards to it but I think referring to the first not the second one. Who knows. I don’t think either one (when Obama was President or Trump was President) has a good solid ground of evidence and espiciously in the race to bomb Syria however we are not privy to every piece of evidence but what has been provided has a lot of holes enough holes to fly Planet X through. I know he was tested as every President seems to be tested but I don’t remember Syria was the test for Trump till recently. I write a lot and maybe someday I will remember everything, but I think it’s part of the Great Deception. He dropped a mother of all bombs on a bunker but it wasn’t in Syria or so it was reported as such. Could Gen. Mattis be mistaken? How odd. Gen. Mattis is kind of a new addition to the Trump team, isn’t he?

Watched The Secretary General of the UN Nicki Haley answer a question on Fox News Sunday and it was a long answer as if memorized (seemed like forever she was all over the place) orated with clenched teeth trying to impress everyone with her knowledge of the world affairs as if it helps to know the mess the world is in and I definitely don’t think she can fix it and definitely the UN is not going to be able to handle the mess either, though it tries but to no


Watch and learn.

Turkey is worried…..hmmmmmm, I wonder why.

Syria ‘chemical’ attack: Experts finally visit Douma site

Good you tube about the factions in Syria, the Burdensome stone of the Old Testament. 

Merangue’s Blog

Seeing this video by Christopher Hitchens may be the place we should be bombing is Albania. she was only born in Albania but she sure fucked things up, didn’t she…. if she was a she? Mother Teresa declared war in her/he own words. And war it is.


My daughter and I treated ourselves to some crepes and tarts from La Madeleine but we didn’t have utensils. I have kind of been lax about doing the dishes. She found some plastic utensils in the drawer that I sometimes keep from meals eating at fast food drive throughs and then I think I said to my daughter,”We can do this.” Kind of a take off of the show The 100. Looking forward to watching the next show coming out sometime this month I think the 23rd. Interesting show and the response of the show with the three dragons a year away Game of Thrones. I’ve been kind of having a hard time with boredom and going forward keeping my goal in the forefront which is hard when dealing with some things besides the Great Deception I suggested the ex get some cards to play poker or other games like Cribbage or something and he said we had some but it’s been years. He looked for a bit. I said “we could gamble for money”. He said, “Why not just go to the casino nearby and I said because the casinos win and I want to win. (I have some goals in mind.) Anyway he didn’t find the cards and said he would get some in few days. We’ll see if he does. Already forgotten once. I reminded him again..

Everyone is Going Insane! Podcast

If I came to the Vatican and systematically killed every priest, cardinal, bishop and alter boy

would the pope saint me?

My Next Post may be

Grace Left The Party Early.

Or did she?

Barbara Bush Died.

Like a dynasty.

Mitch McConnell is wong.

Barbara Bush, former first lady, dead at 92

My ex last night told me he had met Barbara Bush at a gig. I never knew that one. News to me. I remember he met a woman where I worked (a dinner theater- The Wind Mill Dinner Theater) who said he was as thin as a reed. He didn’t meet her she just said it to him as she was passing by on her way home from her acting gig. Her name was Joan Fontaine. It was a strange thing to say at the time but he was. He also played the saxophone but she hadn’t seen him play as far as I know. You learn a lot about a person when you have babies and go through a divorce. He was not raised well but he was the fifth son and the youngest son of the family and his died died when he was a teenager. I never met his dad. His dad suffered many heart attacks before he died which was a complication for having been shot on D-Day (at least what I was told) but I heard and because of shrapnel in his knee or leg which was never removed. I think he had had 12 heart attacks before he died, maybe one more. He was already dead before I entered the show. I think it was a long death in a way but doesn’t mean he wasn’t involved as much as he could be.

I never met her but I liked her from afar and she favored my mom to some degree which is probably why, but I loved my mom best and loved my dad best as well, of course but I thought she was kind of a winner in her own right when she still had her rights. Anyway her son George just told a joke about himself and his mom which she told about him which was kind of funny in light of things. Something about drinking and smoking while she was pregnant with George and probably the only way she could get it done. Interesting family until the last one which wasn’t funny. SICK. Mentally unstable.

You would be surprised at the possibilities. With God anything is possible. Yesterday, I saw a family of robins outside a window at the hospital as I was leaving making a nest, really pretty ones as a couple of girls training to be nurses were hovering behind me my ex said  though I didn’t notice. I saw the robins. There was no reason for the nurses to be hovering but perhaps for one nurse to show one training where the exit was as if she didn’t know. People and employees come and go through the same door.

There is more to life than politics.

I asked the ex again while he goes to pick up some food he offered if he would pick up a deck of cards. And he got kind of riled and said “what is it with you and cards.” I said, “I want to win some money.He said, “Not from me. I’m not gonna gamble with you.” I said “over a long period of time.”  He refused because he’s a lot of fun. BOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG. I think it is the death of a relationship and a very slow death. He knows he would lose. killing me softly……Now he’s vacuuming. He cleans when things are not going his way. Cleanilness is next to godlessness. Takes after his dad. “I wanted you to bury me and me to bury you kind of guy.” to the end. which might be sooner than he thinks. One way or another it will end. A thousand years is s a day as a day is a thousand years, etc. It was probably good he didn’t go on a lot of trips with the family in the long run and in the short run. He missed a lot of fun but I stopped going to his gigs as well. I think I didn’t miss much even though I like music just not the bar scene. and getting drunk which is what you do when you go to see a band your husband at the time is in. What else do you do at a bar? I tried to dance but his brother wanted me to dance closer to him. We were already slow dancing. How close do you want to get? I didn’t ask. but he complained to me for not dancing closer i.e. rubbing pelvic to pelvic with him while the husband watched so I taught myself classical guitar and had kids instead, worked on some art and hung out with my sister but not without some of her troubles while he and his older brother argued about whether the female at the club was a prostitute or a girlfriend of the guy who owned the bar of which neither knew either. They were drinking. My options were limited but the trade off was better as long as I could balance it just right which I tried to do my best. I had MY ten day old baby in my arms suffering from Post Partum birth stuff after a caesarian birth and his cat was dying in front of me and he wouldn’t even come home from his gig to help because his gig was so much more important not ever considering me or what I was going through. He could not let his audience down nor his band for a few hours. UNBELIEVABLE.

I think all along he was hoping I wouldn’t have kids. He had a varicocele. We rarely had sex. They had operations to alleviate the problem and pills for adding testosterone to his sexuality which had a side affect to kill but I didn’t want him to take the pills and he didn’t want the operation, I suppose. He wanted to be a star. From his standpoint he didn’t realize he had a problem, but I certainly noticed he did. Having MY kids was a miracle. He went to Mexico for a gig at a resort when I found out I was pregnant after 14 years of marriage and I continued to work the job using a ladder and thought “this is fucking nuts.” I was very careful. Bad enough watching him fish in a scum pond in the middle of the woods with cotton mouths or some kind of water snakes all over the place popping their heads up as he was in the water fishing with his friends. I think either cotton mouths or water moccasins. Not sure which but only saw a bunch of their heads popping up around him. I thought he was nuts but I didn’t realize how nuts. He was not nuts about me of course, he was just nuts. He hated my guts.

There was an accident on Southwest Airlines which is normally a very trusted airlines. A woman was sucked to death and turned into Mother Teresa.

Kind of a strange story but the plane landed safely because of a few.

Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House

Nicki Haley is standing her ground against the White House and the White House counsel (Kudslow? but for Pence) saying she was not confused. I think she was. You know what they say about insanity those who suffer insanity usually are the last to know.  She calls it confusion but I think it’s more. Something was wrong. Between the two or three the timing was off and the intel was a bit mixed up, putting the cart before the horse. By mixed up, I mean, intentionally. In essence, She was representing the UN before representing the US depending on who or what you believe to be truthful. Obviously the UN and the RCC are intertwined. Tough spot to be in. May be the clue about the hand by James Comey is the best clue he could divulge in his tell all book without realizing it, like my ex does from time to time. A bird in the hand. In any case Hardball is trying to explain how she got ahead of herself and I don’t think Hardball can explain it. I don’t think she can explain it either. A lot of people are trying hard to explain it away. This explanation will be the press fodder for a while.

It’s kind of obvious how it might have happened as I have tried to reveal.

Video shows monk seal pup playing with knife

Who gave the seal pup an orange knife! I bet it’s the rubber kind of knife you find at the dollar store. Cute seal. My mom could imitate a seal. Can your mom do that? Where the rubber meets the road. The seal wants to be a walrus.

Maybe Obama is the mayor of London, now blaming knives for knife attacks in London trying to be politically correct or the false prophet some call it right when right is wrong and wrong is right. Obama enticed the new pope who is not so new with a carrot probably after his fiends raped a few girls to get some dna via some eggs. He’s a dirty mother fucker but it isn’t gonna change anything. He is still gonna lose his soul. IMO. Of course I’m not GOD but what he did to our country and to others the tricks using some powerful drugs invisible, tasteless, odorless drugs to prepare his crowds for his speeches. It’s called cheating BIG TIME. It’s sad when someone has to go to such measures to get an applause. Can’t get much wimpier than Obama. Can’t even shoot a basketball as he demonstrated once. Remember? A no talent. “The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam” is what he said at the UN and I do it as often as necessary. Often it isn’t necessary….just depends on what needs to be said.

I want to know who the white hats are that were at the scene of the alleged Syrian sarin/chloride attack which was witnessed to be a normal attack without chemicals, he said white hats yelled chemicals, gas or something like someone might do on a plane and yell fire. The witness was on Tucker Carlson show (NOT ON HIS SHOW included in his show from afar). The ex said the UN uses blue hats. I don’t know. I do recall seeing Pope Benedict XVl in a picture I have with the Secretary (Of STATE – The Vatican) Georg Ganswein with a bunch white helmeted men. Company takeover and were celebrating. Chrysler Chevrolet or something like it when Obama awarded a company to Libyan President Ghaddaffi and then Ghaddaffi was bludgeoned to death after or before visiting Rome during a G-8 summit. The picture was taken around this time but a little after (which might mean before reported backwards) and is in one of my posts and the Hearsts son was there in his Lacey alter boy clothing.

Who is being referred to as the white hats at the chemical/attack in Syria?

The guy who straightens the braid on the back of the pope for the sake of the camera and likes to be noticed. It’s his job. I watched him do it when the pope stopped his car to honor a memorial of some martyrs on a bridge. Then Ganswein jumped out of the car knowing the camera was running/rolling to get in the picture. The braid was fine but he needed the attention. Some people need an exorbitant amount of attention and will do anything to get it. A real tough job.  He does more than adjust a braid. I read about a braid that was found during a raid of a site near Jerusalem in the old days It wasn’t Jerusalem but somewhere in Israel in some writings by Josephus and the clues left behind after the whole group were poisoned.  A pointed awl etched message a picture of A little tree, a scarab and a mausoleum. I read about it and I wrote about it when I was working on the subject at the time, which I’m not going to go into any more about it on this post but kind of like what happened in the 70s in Guyana and the Jim Jones cult. I don’t think it was a braid of a girl left behind.

What to do about it? It’s an easy one. Set them back a few years.

I know it sounds wild but their saint declared war.

 A priest who attended the funeral of Mrs. Bush said everyone loved  her. I didn’t. I didn’t even know her. I didn’t have a desire to know her because I have a mom although I like older women and have had a few older friends who I would classify as good people and I am glad to have known these women late in life. One which was in France in the French Underground  doing what she could fighting against fascism whose dad was taken away from her by Nazis never to be seen again. She was helpful to me at a hard time of confusion and could never replace my mom but she meant a lot to me.

True story.

I painted her with pastels and have not finished it which I need to do. 

I had another friend which I didn’t care for much but she was married to a friend of my husband who died in a car wreck though my ex says it was motorcycle wreck. It was a head on collision. He had had a fight in his yard with a snake while mowing the yard and then had a heart attack and told his wife not to bother calling a doctor or taking him to the doctor because there wasn’t time because of the distance being in the country.…. a week after having the wreck and he didn’t go to the hospital which I suggested he should because sometimes you can’t tell even if you feel good after a wreck especially after a head on collision. He didn’t go. Before his wreck we went fishing with my eldest daughter when she was young at their pond on their land in the country and she made a big deal about my daughters clothing. It was ridiculous. Giving me a lesson of some kind. She was in between being a girl and teenager and didn’t wear her best clothes to pond fish at their pond. The lady was a sour puss. I had to put up with some real winners. He died right before 9-11.. His name was Allen, but I don’t remember her name. On their land I never saw a motorcycle and had been there a few times and even saw what was in their garage which was open so the ex is bit mixed up. If he had had a head on collision at 50 mph on a motor cycle he wouldn’t have been able to have called. My cousin had a motorcycle. Mrs Bush has a bit of her in her but I think it has to do with Billy Graham and he can’t win. I think she got back her robin.

Paul Simon I know what I know

Last night, I asked again “Hey, did you get the cards?” And He said “No.”  I said “Are you planning to?” And He said “EVENTUALLY.” and something like “when I feel like it.”  LOL Parting is such sweet sorrow definition. A line from the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare; Juliet is saying good night to Romeo. Their sorrowful partingis also “sweet” because it makes them think about the next time they will see each other.

You do not want to be in a Fox Hole with this guy. I think we are in a waiting game of some kind. 

HOLD HOLD HOLD Like being temporarily held back by my anemone,

good thing I’m prepared.


It’s in Russian so who knows what is being said and even though I took Russian language I didn’t continue learning the language so I don’t remember anything in regards to the language except a few letters. I think it is an attempt in a twisted way to blame Al Qaeda instead of the Vatican where I believe the blame lies or in conjunction. or a simile?

Comey and McAbe if you combine them together kind of look like Jeb Bush. Oh well.

Still no cards.

My ex took my daughter to get a personal loan to up her skills in her field to learn eyebrow tattooing (can’t remember the correct title for the skill.) So he went to Chase Bank to get a loan and the bank refused and said the bank no longer gives personal loans even with collateral – my silver – worth at least the amount of the loan. The suggestion was for her to get a credit card and charge her gas on the credit card and pay the payments for 3 months and have a job which she had but it went sour. So we are going to test the advice. In the meanwhile hopefully something else will come along. The bank person told the ex Wells Fargo and every where else would do the same or won’t do the same. So much for small business expansion in the USA. Silver isn’t worth the cost i.e. I think it is gonna lose it’s value since it can’t even be used as collateral on a personal loan. Before he went or while he went to the bank I was thinking about the braid and the story of Samson (the strong man) in the OT. Cut off the braid and Samson has no power. Braid being either the RCC/pope with the braid, The Secretary of State of the RCC who adjusts the braid or the State Department. Lots of lessons in the OT. I think it’s the meaning in our day, anyway in regards to dis and dat, thee and thim, etc. Keeps the people down unless you buy their product…..gas, credit card debt, or work for thin. We are going to test the banks theory of relativity and I will keep doing the things I do. The ex doesn’t really care what she does, he’s catholic. Boy, did he take advantage of my family when he could. Lots of quagmires to contend with for the average person up against the man.

The Man’s Too Big, The Man’s Too Strong – Dire Straits

Still no cards.

I have prayed about it and hoping for a response and I will keep thinking of ways and praying for ways. It may take a while but I think there must be a way because she is worth it. She really got screwed by the man and his friends which helps the man feel superior to keep a female down even his own daughter. It isn’t the way. It’s his way but it isn’t the way. I don’t think he will succeed as he hasn’t yet succeeded. 

Last week or so he told me he had a bunch of work for the next few months and a really big job offered to him worth abut 5 times as much as what she needs but now he doesn’t think he will take the job because it’s too big for him even though he was going to take it. It’s his life:  I said I would help him on his job and he said I couldn’t and I said I could and he said “it”s my life.” I hung up on him. I could do as much as his brothers did at this stage in my life when they were younger and they got paid rather well and I didn’t. Amazing. He is gonna try not to do the job because it’s too big…doesn’t want to hire anyone to help or get free help to help his daughter etc. This is a quagmire. THE SWAMP. I hope it’s painful for everyone else as we plod along and especially for the him. The man with a sloping frontal lobe.


I have heard there are realtors working by the hour now which will undermine the realty business quite a bit, I would think, but it is how it works to dishevel business and catches up with every other business eventually.

The circle is gonna get smaller and smaller and smaller till there is no circle. I just have to wait it out. I’ll keep you posted with my little notes.

I called him again to push him a little harder and he said he already has an ocular headache so I am having an affect on his little tiny head and I will keep pushing him. He said he doesn’t want to worry about it today and I said don’t worry about it work on it until it gets done and she gets her training.

A Young Brit reporter on site in the eye of Sheppard Smith is saying there are videos too graphic to show about the alleged chemical attack (Chloride/sarin) in Syria and talking about the delays for investigating by gunman and seems to me a link to the videos of the brains of babies being sucked out during an abortion. Trust but verify. Try it. Show the evidence. He says they have the videos so Fox News should show the videos and put the videos on the site of Fox News so those who want to view it or critique it may do so. We’ll see if Fox News does, but I doubt it. One of their witnesses is a female in a black hijab from head to toe giving her contribution about the chemical attack, sort of cryptically. And some others also but a few who didn’t look too comfortable with what they were having to have to say supporting the UN and it’s coalition. Didn’t look sound, nor sound sound, neither believed by me, myself and I.

A woman guest whose son is in Syria appeared on Fox News who said her son is lost in Syria and he loved what he did in Syria. She said even if at the opera they still want their son home. (words with the same meaning and almost a direct quote) Something like it. Very thoughtful and if he is hearing it I’m sure it helps. Reminds me of the James Foley family reaction and the Christopher Stevens family. Perhaps plant a tree or an asparagus garden in his name or in his service. The two party democracy is not working any better than a bunch of guys dressed in white walking around a black box in the same direction in the center of Mecca. It’s the same thing. Jesus said to Peter and those fishing with him to throw their nets to the other side of their boat and there ye may find. It helps to look on both sides for clues like when crossing the road.

Dana Perino gave her angle about Mrs. Bush while in repose and her decision to refuse medical treatment….
for the cause? Her mission? Very calculating to add to the repose of Mrs. Bush after she has died. Don’t ya think? We already heard about it before she died. Did it need to be repeated to sink in? Was it necessary to add? It must have been to Fox News. PROPAGANDA. Usually a personal THING but in this instance it was ADVERTISED and CHEAPENED MRS. BUSH. This is Foxes idea of discussing hospice without getting to the nitty gritty about hospice how it began and why and by whom and the many ways it can happen. through a good con job, not reading the lines, not reading between the lines, trusting the wrong people when dealing with a bunch of anemones and/or be afraid, cornered, with your back up against the wall, entrapped and/or be brainwashed, in a bind, and empty headed, enticed and/or be desensitized like a crab about to be cooked. It can happen a myriad of ways and puts other people at risk and at the mercy of the NWO and ought to be scrutinized and chastised for what it is. BULLSHIT
a veil for murder it you have a mind to which is part of the problem with the practice. Like witchcraft is kind of a practice. Trickery. Practice makes perfect.
And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.

I think he meant “a prefect.”

Prefect (from the Latin praefectus, substantive adjectival form of praeficere: “put in front”, i.e., in charge) is a magisterial title of varying definition, but which, basically, refers to the leader of an administrative area.


I decided to see the verse in context because I knew there was a reason for my suspicion of the precept and it was the next verse

33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.

Sounds eerily similar to Paul and his writings. INANE maybe a bit INSANE and not the personality of the person or people in the Gospel of John, anyone or ANYWHERE IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. It is a sentence/statement which makes no sense one part of the sentence not having to do with the other part of the sentence. Only to a lunatic it might make sense. I don’t think it rates in the scheme of things to take this verse seriously. I think it misses like a backfire.

Will Dana Perino refuse medical treatment the next time she needs it? We’ll see someday.
I bet not.
I had a dream during a nap. It was a weird dream kind of avoiding work. Sean Hannity asked me out on a prom date. I didn’t know he had asked but I was reminded about it by him in the dream in his silver tuxedo so I went along with the premise got dressed in some strange outfit (some kind of prom outfit) in my dream dragging the outfit along half on half off. I said in the dream to whomever I was talking to in the dream and said “I don’t remember being asked to the prom” and then said “I sorta do” but I don’t remember it (it was suggested by Sean Hannity in the dream) so I woke up thinking this is nuts obviously been watching too much television after I had looked up Tibet in regards to the seal picture above in the post which i noticed when I went to look at the seal video again. There is a string either on the seal or the orange knife. Probably the knife. Bait. Cute seal though. Really cute soooooo cute. Must have been the coffee or some kind of dream spinner as a tan car drove by or a snort like an Afrin cocktail up my nose from a nurse ( a form of it in another name) the other day which was extremely too much on one side having caused some discomfort since and off and I have been on the verge of an earache and sore throat however I have staved off the affects for now. She was a bit clumsy and having a bad day, I think, but trying. The dream reminds me of the time I went to the prom and I wasn’t asked with a girlfriend and a guy friend. We showed up for the fun of it. She had extra clothes and I guess it was her idea or his. I know it wasn’t my idea. It was a spur of the moment kind of activity. We showed up as a threesome and a bit late. I don’t remember much about the night other than getting a dress and showing up. It was like playing dress up as a kid getting in our costumes. Probably how it occurred: she was called for an impromptu date while we were at her house probably listening to an album by the Beatles and it kind of went from there. I think all of us were bored and a little idea cropped up into our heads bouncing off each others minds and VOILA.
Watched Fox last night while eating with the ex and the advertisement came on about the First Baptist church which comes on frequently and asked the ex would you go to the church that says you can be next to god as it says if you go to their church and he said he had gone to the church. I think he played music and he said his boss and his wife attended the same church and officiated somehow for the church and she sprinkled holy water on their business doorways and it didn’t help to bring in business or whatever she was trying to do with holy water. The couple offered a salary job to my ex and fired him the next month. Something was wrong with them. He had worked for them for many years free lancing so it wasn’t as if they didn’t understand what they were getting into. It was offered by them. It was absolutely insane. The business kind of slowly died. Nasty bunch. Let’s just say very few decent people in the group. Had a secretary who was kind of cool. He ended up with their car before he died which he bought from them.
An ex wife of one of the people who worked there was present at an Obama press conference early on, I noticed. It was funny what she said, in other words she was rubbing his back verbally complimenting him and he hadn’t done anything at the time. It was early.
The ex finally bought the cards and said he wasn’t gonna play with me. I asked, “Did you get the cards?” He said, “I did, but I’m not going to play with you.” and after going to the store I asked him where he put the cigarettes he bought and he said on the furniture. So I looked on the table where he stood and where I was sitting when we were talking (about the cards) when he came back from the store and I couldn’t find them. So I asked him again nicely. “Could you lead me to them because I don’t see them” and he said “Are you blind?” because he had to get up and show me. So he showed me the furniture he put them on which is more than a piece of furniture with drawers and cabinets. He likes to fuck with me. When he asked where something was a few days ago I told him nicely where he could find the thing he was looking for and directed him to the place and I did not say, “Are you blind?” and I didn’t have to get up to show him. It was where I said it was otherwise I might have gotten up to show him but would not have said, “Are you blind?” The encounter ended up with a fuck you type slur towards him from me. He’s a pussy in my eyes meaning he’s an asshole, a dud and a little prick. His idea of friendship, not mine. How can anyone be friends with him? I told him before he went to the store, I said, “You know, my family liked playing games.” He mumbled something, but I didn’t hear it well enough to repeat it. More like he grumbled something.
I think he’s a bad sport.

Jackie Wilson – (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher 

Our House Crosby Stills Nash & Young – YouTube

The funeral in Houston (where Gary grew up before going to Connecticutt) for Barbara Bush who Neil Cavuto opined on Fox News ” she didn’t wear makeup…… and commenting about her bone structure and mentioned she wanted people to take her as Just as I am which is the title of the book written by Billy Graham who thought he was god. My mom’s structure was much different, luckily. My mom liked makeup. Only the hair was similar. It was the style for a certain age group. I guarantee Mrs. Bush didn’t look like my mom when she was younger. Mrs. Bush looked like a Graham. Interesting she is quoted by Neil Cavuto in regards to the book Billy Graham wrote, isn’t it? My mom didn’t read it. None of us bought the book as far as I know but the BGEA interfered in our lives in a foolishly harmful way. The lady at the store said the funeral was at a catholic church. Typical, it’s the RCC business; Funerals. I saw the chaplain or leader of a church in the waiting line to get seated from California the one with the glass walls. I don’t remember the name of the church or the name of the church leader, but thought it was kind of funny seeing him at her funeral. Not the Saddleback church /Rick Warren but as big.

It was a mock. or is a muck. In any case, miracles do happen and I saw a family of robins making a nest the day before she was said to have died.

Saw a snippet of Judge Jeanine and she advertised her book which I intend to checkout on Amazon though I may not buy but noticed a lot about loyalty the word keeps coming up with Comey’s book, Trump, the porn star, and others. It’s getting thicker in Washington DC I think.  What is loyalty without verification or truthfulness it’s like adding one person who is loyal lies to the next person who is loyal lies back which doubles the lies regardless of loyalty.  I think it is counter productive. Loyola stuff. IHS kind of loyalty which is Jesuit, isn’t it?

The ex had some pain on his rib or sensitivity and so I gave him a pain reliever ibuprofen because when he went to work and complained about ocular headache to the doctor he was working for (a he or a she) on their home who gave him a funny look and then he started having a twinge on his rib and I think the ibuprophen helped him for a while and today he explained and was complaining about his aches and pains to me in the last week. Ocular headache and heartburn for three or four days and the sensitivity on his rib etc and we discussed it kind of at length as much as you can. I told him “you don’t know what pain is” meaning he has not experienced pain like I have experienced pain. And then he said you (meaning me) better pray for him (himself) ……and a bunch of other stuff in the same vein and I said “why don’t you pray yourself¿”. Basically he was trying to say if something happens to him we’re screwed and he did say it. Everything depends on him and how good he feels a fact I consider to be a kind of a catch -22 of his making. A threat of some kind. Heal thyself. I’ll send his body to science to figure it out and hope for the best for me. It’s a sick world and he is a sick person in the head. A pussy, a dud, and little prick. I rest my case as far as my description goes. In the old days in INDIA and in EGYPT when the male died so did the wife, the servants, and the pets and everything worthless was thrown on to the fire. I’m not his wife. I think it’s in the air what happens now. We’ll see but it may take a while to find out so don’t hold your breath. There is sort of a space between us as far as communication goes.  The fact is he doesn’t know how pain really feels which is partially why he lacks empathy. I remember when my pulse was up over 140 for no reason in a resting state a couple of years ago or so and he said to me “Mind over matter” and went to his room to go to bed. It wasn’t in pain but I was scared. He could have cared less in fact I think deep inside he was hoping for something worse. You can’t say anything TRUTHFUL to this guy without being threatened. In regards to the ocular headache his daughter he said, she said  “Oh dad, it’s nothing”. All he needed to do was take an exedrin or two but refused because it had the opposite affect when he used to drink a bunch of coffee but only has one cup these days. Anyway going from dark roast to medium roast coffee because he thinks the dark roast might be affecting him. He used to like to drink italian style coffee called espresso because Mark Jaco (A Mason as in Masonic)) did who was a friend of his whom he admired but didn’t drink it at home only when he was out to look cool. Superior.  It’s a pose of some kind. Same with Jaegermeister but does drink it at home.  Everyone does stuff like it to some degree in some facet or form hoping it does make you look cool. Usually how fads get going. When someone is scared if you have an ounce of empathy you don’t say “mind over matter. ” I handled it I took a half of a Xanax which was all I had left in my prescription and tried to settle down. It helped. Which is when I went to the hospital on the sly to get more. But he loves to scare me his way like cutting the L bar on the garage door contraption over my head and then notice it and fix it or mock me when I’m emotionally upset then deny it or smoke out the house with a fire he decided to have in the fireplace impromptu he said it wasn’t planned yet I tripped over the firewood earlier in the day so it was planned. Was smoking out the house planned as well? I think so. We had to call the fire department. Like telling me he hates my guts when I took him up on an offer HE made ten seconds before in regards to my cat before my cat died. AND deny it a bunch but then admit it was because I divorced him was the reason and then deny it again and again. I think it’s insanity of some kind. I’m not a psychiatrist just an observer of these things but also I like to write about it as well. It helps to remember, IMO. I’m being punished for divorcing a catholic alter boy and I would do it again and again if I had to:( to be divorced from a catholic alter boy.) which I don’t because I don’t want to. I would never date one again either. There is something wrong with them. Nevermore ready to do the things I? do, do?; and say what I? say. say; and feel what I? feel, feel; and hear what I ? here, here; and see what I?  si, si …….

George Bush, Sr was in hospital with a few minor illnesses probably caught at the hospital reported by Fox news, and it was also reported he wants to live to 102. And on Drudge was this story: How did it get discovered? Who smelled Uranus?

Uranus smells like rotten eggs…

Mark Levin had a guest on a few days back about electric armageddon via attack of the electric power grid. All I can say is generators are probably a good investment and about the only thing a citizen can do to help in times of electric power grid mishaps. The government has known about this for a long long time and I’m sure we have the capabilities to do the same in retaliation and if we don’t we’re idiots. When I say retaliate: I mean everyone. I’m sure we have set up a protection against it. Anyway I felt like it was a personal attack for having written what I wrote about him but I tend to take things personally being a bit paranoid with every reason in the world to be paranoid which I have been quite open about and the reasons for it. I did not make up the problems we face. I may have participated unknowingly as most of us have.

Why Did Yankee Doodle Call a Feather ‘Macaroni’

The French President Petron Macaroni gave a very nice speech after a very stiff entrance by both couples: the Trumps and the Macaronis. Speech was very worldly and I disagree with him about almost everything. He didn’t mention women which is the thrust of the matter, imo. TYPICAL. Didn’t mention Hospice. Mentioned mostly a roman catholic view with a EXTRA sauce. He lives there and we live here. His world view is basically SURVIVAL and ours is also being attacked. We can agree on one issue: TERRORISM. Mother Teresa’s hospice is terrorism. Sneaky terrorism. Nationalism is not a bad state of mind to have just depends on how it is expressed but political corruptness has soiled the word itself. THE FRENCH ARE NATIONALISTS. THE ENGLISH ARE NATIONALISTS and should be. Also Colonialists. They believe in manifest destination as just about everyone does in every category of species. Jackie Kennedy’s horse was called Macaroni, wasn’t it?  I didn’t get much out of the speech except what you would expect of a French President who was involved in the bombing of Syria based on false information. Perhaps he brought the information he said he had in regards to proof of a gas attack by Assad/Russia in Syria to President Trump on the sly. Probably why he came to the USA or to convince him on the proof or maybe to combine their intel nevertheless the attack ensued. Hopefully got some kind of truthful interaction though it must be tough without privacy. World wrestlers are gonna play wrestling in Saudi Arabia soon. How bizarre and going to evangelize the Saudis? KInd of slutty if you ask me.

The ex brought up the Northern army having to do with Revelation and Israel. I asked him where he heard about it or read about it and it just came to his mind meaning Russia (northern army because it is north but so are a lot of other places and states.. It occurred to me  with the US threatening to move our embassy to Jerusalem and Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel perhaps the bible scholar/prophecy legends have it wrong. Perhaps the northern arm is the union army. Either the union army from the civil war/Abraham Lincoln or the union army/the EU or both but could be a whole bunch of people included n the description. I don’t know but it is a possibility or two. Probably Jesuits but I don’t really know the invasion he is sopping of. It could be Syria and even Turkey.


Lots of places. he is talking about armageddon, I think. I think it is a a spiritual war having to do with hospice/murder suicide Jesuit inspired thanks to the Jesuit Pope Francis being gracious to those the RCC church deems unworthy using all kinds of temptations and tricks (TATs). Isn’t Albania (birthplace of Mother Teresa) north of Israel? Albania is to the east of Italy (the boot) and I think it is the heel of Italy or the heel of the Vatican (it’s bread, inheritances, businesses, population control,  etc). Of course, there is the movie called Das Boot about a Russian submarine disaster. Anyway in the Gospel of John, Jesus says someone will raise their heel against him (says me) and Obama did it (on the desk during phone conversation in photo op talking to Netanyahu early in his administration almost immediately after getting the presidency) and Mother Teresa, both facilitating the other in our country using medicare etc., in India using a disaster (Bhopal) to kick start it and all over the world in many, many countries now and using abortion as an excuse and declaring war but it’s only an excuse the real reasons are obvious. To corrupt, to cover up, to steal and to rob and having to do with the NWO type tactics. FASCISM essentially. It can be used in a multitude of ways for a multitude of reasons to maintain the RCC and it’s utter nonsense. Family planning for themselves not allowing families to plan their families and to keep it’s power over the world which it misuses and it will be destroyed because of it’s unruliness and it’s use of deception.

When my mom was being interviewed by Dr. Denham at the ARC (Army Retirement Community) for mental incapability because she was old I guess he asked her the date and the what day it was. When you live in a place and don’t get out and aren’t on a computer it’s hard to know. I get mixed up all the time about the time, date, day but I am very alert and she deserved to be treated with more respect but I didn’t realize what he was up to at the time and since I wasn’t in the know as far as her estate or in the know as to what some people may have been up to. Also the drugs given to her. I didn’t know enough. She was so much fun to be around and if she had had some things to do in the retirement community it would have helped such as a hobby. She was an artist: really good one. I’m not sure about this but I think she may have donated her kiln to the operation but it changed hands ownership wise and failed to do right by my mom and others obviously finding one woman in a puddle of blood on the floor was a sign. Falls are how often the elderly get UTIs which make them sick, sometimes very sick and also can cause sickness in the nurses and staff so it is to their advantage to do a better job for the elderly for their own health. The rules in Texas about the elderly were misused as well. In the old days people bound their patients/the elderly or mentally deficient with duct tape or some other devices and was made illegal to bind a person which is good but you can protect them like you would a baby.  It isn’t hard to do but there evil people in this world who like to take things too far. The accident regarding the woman who was in a puddle of blood could have been avoided. Like putting someone on a ride at a carnival without a protective bar to keep them in their seat and there could be buttons on the bar to let everyone know all she wanted to do was go the bathroom, and instead she fell, which is what she said to the emergency people who same to take care of her and all of this occurred smack dab in front of the nurses station but they were in a meeting in another room and the station desk was high enough they didn’t notice her on the floor in a puddle of blood and we had to alert them and then later denied it even happened. I wish I had gotten the woman’s name but at the time I thought it was a freak accident until the establishment denied it happened which is shameful. Then the things I noticed kind of got a little more disconcerting. but still you hope for better until your sister calls you and tells you she hospiced her for two weeks without telling you and your mom is dead and then says I love you. Reminds me of Billly Graham talking about God. God loves you he was said to have said. My sister was influenced by Billy Graham and the BGEA: BRAINWASHED.

 I don’t think Billy Graham was JUST as IAM.

I think he was a charlatan like President Truman said and those of you who follow him are screwed and you ought not to follow him or his son and daughters if you believe in God and believe in truth or believe that truth matters. IT DOES!

In the gospel of John it mentions someone saying He was just and I wrote about how it left off an end to the sentence and it was who I think judged Jesus and sent him to the cross. Joseph of Arimathea. (son of Matthew) but I think it might be a transliteration The RCC is good at changing it’s tune.. Don’t know for sure but it was in regards to the court he was taken to. Here is the blog post about it and how it affected me at the time I noticed the wording.

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

and since the prophecy of Daniel was standing where it should not taken from the book of Daniel and put into the Gospel of Matthew instead during the Obama administration time frame it is suspicious. Someone imitating possibly someone else like we seem to be having to deal with these days such as people impersonating people and causing great confusion.

Today was national day of prayer and Trump brought up Billy Graham and IMO he is mistaken about Billy Grahams goodness. He mislead our leaders which is why we are having the tousles we have a s a country. I believe Billy Graham had a lot to do with the mistakes our leaders made such as the disposition of the Panama Canal and many other stupid mistakes however it takes time to find things out about the person who thought he was just as IAM. He wasn’t, obviously. I heard there are 60 million evangelicals in our country which surprised me to hear this high a number. I don’t him it’s good but for the sake of freedom to worship who you want but believe me you don’t want to worship him. WHAT MAKES HIM SO SPECIAL? He drew big crowds. He had a lot of RCC help and press help to get the attention he got by William Randolph Hearst for one who made the press puff Billy Graham because he was a shill for the RCC. Have you noticed when the pope comes out on his baloney there seems to be a crowd of many people awaiting his words for a moment or two. It happens because word gets out the pope is gonna speak and I imagine it is required of the people to attend. MOB THING. UNION KIND OF MOB THING. He was not good for our country and probably caused a great deal of troubles for a lot of people. DOES A LEOPARD CHANGE IT’S SPOTS?

France supposedly is replacing churches with mosques (by force or by other means) ….has something to do with the Jesuit idea that conception is the beginning if life compared to most women in the world who don’t agree. I’m sure Mother Teresa was inspired by the idea. In one sense it is true from the point of God who created the universe conceived  the universe in God’s mind and created the universe. I wonder why God made Mars and all the uninhabitable planets and stars.  Problem with Jesuits is Jesuits worship and make a vow to the devil, hence Mother Teresa so……If conception was the beginning of life why do some not make it in the first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, and so forth and obviously insurance companies agree. Anyway the Jesuits will lose their shirts.

What is interesting is how Mother Teresa a Roman Catholic twisted the meanings of kill and murder when talking about abortion and her Calcutta anecdote as I think the Roman Catholic Church did the same with the language of the Ten Commandments.  Hospice is murder. Not like the patient has a gun aimed at you as an enemy combatant in war when you are fighting against an enemy. I believe the commandment about killing was transliterated incorrectly. Obviously the Hebrews killed people in battles and wars but murder is different. Obviously God forgave them as well when they fought wars and killed people. If the commandment was thous shalt not kill but doesn’t say who or what….a spider, a mosquito, an owl, a deer, a tree, etc. Recently a baby in the hospital in New York was cut off (murdered)having some disease recently and against his families wishes but the doctors conspired to have him exterminated (not hoping for a miracle which can happen)……. I sure didn’t hear Dana Perino complain. Maybe she didn’t hear about it but it was in the news.

When the temple was destroyed the holy books were taken north to Rome (from Israel) by the adopted son of the Flaviouses and son of Matthew and obviously the holy books were altered and he was also hired for propaganda purposes. In the book of Revelations it warns anyone who changes the words written in the Book of Revelation will be cursed. There must be a reason the threat is included in the Book of Revelations IMO because the bible has changed such as the prophecy of Daniel moved in part to the Gospel of Matthew during the Obama Administration time-wise to give undue importance to the Gospel of Matthew. (Let the reader understand) over the Gospel of John. It was a sign….a BIG ONE. Roman Catholic Church made two commandments out of one in the past so it is not an unusual practice or HABIT for the RCC  to change the Ten Commandments nor the bible to fit their agendas. I think Dana Perino has done some work with Doctors Without Borders I think is the name of the entity she supports which is catholic inspired and hopefully a good cause. Borders are important but so are people. Assisted suicide used to be done on ships in international waters. So there is QUITE a bit of a conundrum going on, a mix up. Does she think the families wishes of the baby should have been honored? Hard to tell, isn’t it. I know she worked for the Bush Administration as the press secretary who is now Sarah Huckabee Sanders for PresidentTrump. I know Doctors with out Borders was recently in  a conflagration of some kind I think also during the Obama Administration. The Obama Administration sucked big time and as far as the press going after Trump for Russian collusion is getting ridiculous since anyone in the RIGHT MIND would have had Obama IMPEACHED for crimes against humanity using Obama Care, Medicare and other ways to sneakily kill people in the armed services offering hospice for free without doctors care which is absolutely insidious, treacherous and sinister: an evil plot to tow the RCC agenda and the Islamic agenda and the NWO to destroy good people and motley to destroy the USA because it won WWll. We are in WWlll. No one got to the truth in regards to Benghazi and I believe Obama is definitely involved in the crimes and coverup with a bunch of crap and books written about it full of crap. because of it I think a lot of people will be destroyed if the truth isn’t pursued in regards to Benghazi in reality and not in fiction. I know the wheels of Congress are slow but instead of going after President Trump in regards to Russia why not reinvestigate Benghazi and have President Obama answer some questions. Trump definitely should not take Fox’s Lisa Kennedy Montgomery’s advice about impeachment is the most ridiculous bribe I have ever heard. It would be bad for the country to go through impeachment shit using Clinton’s lawyer: How ridiculous. He should fire Mueller and show some backbone.

Reminds me of Prince Charles going to the pope to have his marriage recognized or to get permission to marry his dream boat

Camilla Parker Bowles.

Is President Trump a man or a worm?

Hopefully President Trump will NOT accept the Nobel Peace Prize

because he would be in bad company

if he did.


and sweden is crediting muslim country for their delicacy of some kind of meatballs. Next the swedes will be eating eye balls.


Ruby Tuesday – Melanie Safka – YouTube


As far as the Correspondents Dinner:


Sarah Huckabee Sanders went to the dinner which is strange since Trump didn’t go she shouldn’t have gone to the dinner but then maybe she doesn’t represent Trump, but Vice President Pence. I think she does a good job standing up to the press in her briefings, but who can tell who she represents? 

Maybe it’s time for Trump to stand up to the press and represent himself once in a while.

Why was Sarah Sanders at the dinner if she cares about Trump and his feelings about the correspondence dinners having disregarding the dinners. I think it rather odd for her to have been there if she didn’t have to be there.

Her dad liked her toughness, but who cares. I think it was a put on —the whole affair to make her look beset upon and to look tough which I don’t think needed to be done. Politics/Propaganda is a slippery place full of snakes and a lot of crocs. She already does it on a regular basis, I think unless the questions posed are posed for her to answer a specific way to look tough at the press briefings and what is the deal with the comedians hairdo? Oh well. I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders should learn to keep her hair in front of her ears instead of behind. My feminine advice. It looks better;0. Why not just let Mike Huckabee take the job himself and show us where she learned her toughness from. We know he kind of plays bass but where is his real talent? Schmoozing his daughter, musicians, and the like. I would love to see him do it for a few months. I am impressed with her departures from the podium at the briefings most of all. I like how she does it. It’s cool. If she is actually not putting on a charade and is actually representing the President then she does do a good job better than all the rest I have ever seen. I think she is pretty (to each his/her own) and I think she dresses fine. What do you want as a White House press secretary, a beauty queen? a forever first lady? what a weird thing to want to be. Doesn’t she have anything better to do? Did she bring back her girls? She doesn’t want her husband to be subpoenaed which he should be to answer for what he has done which is nothing good. He will answer for it but probably not by a bunch of wormsIt’s just a matter if time when God sees fit to deal with him appropriately for his crimes against humanity. I doubt she will want to be forever first lady then.

The problem with the briefings are the questions.

Kelly Anne Conway does a great job as does Anne Coulter. All three are my favorite women in high places representing conservatism. I even have some in the not too conservative arenas I happen to respect for the most part. Donna Brazil being one but not all of the time. Everyone has something to not like. By high places, I don’t mean in heaven but on earth in the USA. I don’t agree with each of them on a few issues but for the most part: I think Nancy Pelosi is a scam as many others in our government which needs to be scoured. I think Mitch McConnell needs to go as well. Mucking things up against our country


What I don’t understand is why no one that I know of didn’t verbally assail Laura InGraham. She deserves it.

As far as the porn star/russia probe/urinating on something on Russia goes and Mayor Guilliani there seems to be some liberal taking out of context of what he was saying on Sean Hannity show in regards to all the junk which is why it would be expedient for Trump to fire Mueller and let the press opine endlessly about it. I think he was thinking differently from a lawyers point of reference to what was asked. My impression he wants a three hour session with Mueller with predisposed questions etc. WHY BOTHER? I think a lot of people are trying to bleed Trump with a bunch of leeches. He doesn’t need to be bled he needs to stand up. Laura is on her high horse about abortion of course because she knows I think she should have been aborted. The world would be a better place without her but we must try to tolerate her virgin blabber but I choose most of the time to turn her off because she is so transparent. I see right through her as most people do because she is fakey. To watch her with Sean Hannity is like a lesson in verbal intercourse without the pleasure. It’s disgusting. She is like a needle trying to pull a thread through a dodo bird. By the way, is Laura InGraham sterile? It might explain a lot. I think she is the type of woman written about in the story about the wisdom of SOLOMON where two women have a dispute about a baby. One woman had a baby and another woman was trying to take her baby because her own baby died. She is an another. Today is not SOLOMON’S day so she is gonna have to figure out another tactic.  How may years ago was it? GROW UP!


The word that comes to mind in regards to Laura InGraham is YUCK.



Judge Andrew Napolitano: Mr. Trump, don’t help Robert Mueller destroy your presidency

If Trump follows by using a Clinton lawyer and capitulates with the FBI he is bound to be bound to the Clintons, Loyola, the Jesuits, the BGEA, Samaritan’s Purse, the Vatican, the mob,  etc. who are trying to maneuver, manage, manipulate, machinate the President of the US. I disagree with this article, but it has some wisdom in it except for being silent. Hard to believe someone would tell the President to be silent. Trump should accuse Mueller of colluding with the Vatican as a response.

Hit the ball out of the ball park for the sake of the country:

 Don’t be silent 


Melania Trump is floating her not so new ideas about kids online and looked beautiful doing it in her muted mustard colored jacket the fashion trend lately and she wears it well. It’s sweet. Will it delay Revelation? It’s a good effort in the mean while. Be Best in the meanwhile and teach your kids (if you are allowed) about the truth. GOD KNOWS!

I don’t think if will delay Revelation.

Did she delay the death of a child at the hospital recently who against the families wishes was allowed to die? She is the first lady and she could have if she only had heard about it in time. Did she stop Mother Teresa’s war? Is she willing to say Mother Teresa is not a saint, but an evil person? Is she willing to say the Roman Catholic Church is evil? What is stopping her? What stops others from the truth?  Will she admit the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed? Not too much to ask is it? Read about it in the bible! It’s why Revelation happens because she and others are not willing to tell the truth.

I DON’T THINK SHE CAN STOP IT. I don’t think anyone can.

SHE IS THEIR TOOL !!! Probably, sincerely a tool which is okay but it’s a little too little and too late. It’s a better attempt than Michelle Obama and initially more attractive and appreciated IMO and a reaction to the woes of the Obama administration’s results which were WHORE-REND-US.

I just made Melania Trump my tool as well.

I don’t consider her new package of not so new ideas in regards to her program Be Best a form of plagiarism

but more tailored to her style.

It’s a good idea.

But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am straitened till it be accomplished!
I wrote about this verse in a previous blog post which you might find TO BE kind of interesting in light of Revelation.
Notice the spelling in the word strait. No g and no h thus or hence having to do with a few of the straits in the area which I think have to do with oil distribution more than likely and banking possibly and definitely has to do with the RCC. Kind of an interesting verse.

Strait of Hormuz and others even unto the Strait of Sunda and it’s volcanic eruptions etc.

Hawaii volcano eruption: governor requests emergency assistance

Not everything can be controlled by treaties, agreements, alliances or by mankind. Some things are in God’s hands. The eruptions in the Sunda straits (in Indonesia) was felt all the way to Portugal when it erupted with a bang years ago and quite interesting. I wrote about it also in a previous post because it was so interesting and having to do with the meaning of names sometimes. You can find some of my posts linked on Merangue’s Blog and some are linked via the articles themselves (not all my posts are cited on the blog) and a progression of my knowledge while I was learning a bunch of stuff which has helped to

Krakatau (Anak Krakatau) Volcano, Sunda Strait (Indonesia) – facts …

  • The US states of Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Montana, California, Colorado and Hawaii permit assisted dying for terminally ill patients. The US capital Washington DC implemented a similar law for the city’s residents in 2017The volcano in Hawaii is said to be near an eruption spewing rocks big ones. Anyway in the bible it talks about big chunks of somethings falling (I think it is in Revelation) the size of talents.  I think it is around a TON (since the weight has been around a while as measurement (which is 2000 pounds), but I don’t really know and not sure anyone does. So I have linked an article about the size of talents next.

    Talent (weight)

    It could be a sign for our times because it is worldwide news story. A big sign along with many other big signs.

    The news says it will only affect an area within 10 or 20 miles of the volcano.

    The Gospel of Luke also talks about talents and the profit of those talents compounding profit vs saving and it is very weird basically stealing talents, profits of talents, and in regards to a persons value based on talents. Measuring people by their profits. It doesn’t sound like a messiah to me (but like Obama a very calm guy, a sign in itself) but a user of people like the RCC in regards to making money on sin sometimes entrapped into the sins to make money called indulgences. Sounds more like very evil shit than a messiah and very Roman Catholic/Islamic fascist extremists like Jesuits who make a vow to the devil to be Jesuits. Doesn’t sound messiahish to me. Sounds more like a pimp for prostitutes.

    Roman Catholic Church in 1500

    How much do we owe China? What is our National Debt?

    I know how to handle it: Forgive our national debt!

    Takes a great mind to come up with a great idea.

    Anyway the Gospel of Luke also calls those who save are foolish yet in the gospel of Matthew it says whoever calls his brother a fool (Raqqa, something sounding the same which means fool but also a name of a territory) is in danger of Hellfire. and somehow is connected to I think a disputed territory between Syria and Turkey which has been in the news quite a bit.

    Is it a sign? I think so.

    What does Netanyahu, mean?

    Is it a sign? I think so.

    Not a yahoo or in other words not a fool in Russianish language

    or means Not a who?

    Either way it’s something significant.

    Besides if you save or spend money like water shouldn’t be a measure spiritually. Depends I guess. The problem if you do either in this world  often times and especially in this day and age of computers some asshole will come and steal it in a multitude of ways besides regular crime white collar crime as well and high taxes (obviously you have to run a country but the reason for the Federal and State and Local taxes and their debts with inflation have exploded exponentially along with the housing bubble recently to make slaves and abuse of the IRS politically and probably religiously to encumber and trap people like us: the USA, via entrapment and other ways and means is the order of the day, it seems. the Jesuit Order, hence devilish.

A scientist David Goodall is heading towards a place to commit assisted suicide at the age of 104, hmmmm

how coincidental

I don’t think it’s a good idea and puts other people at risk and peril for the other side of assisted suicide

called assisted murder

disguised as assisted suicide

for lots of reasons, mainly money the root of all evil.

I think someone should go and cheer him up instead and change his course because it does influence others even young people when miracles do occur and sometimes in weird ways. Supporting assisted suicide (assisted murder suicide) is a bad habit and might have dire consequences and influences people to be put down against their wishes or under duress which can easily be manipulated, managed, maneuvered and machinated.

The M’s of a sociopath and for sure the M’s of a psychopath and those who would like to lord over others. I think Dana Perino may be one of them. Not sure because sociopaths are hard to spot. If she isn’t a sociopath she ought to campaign against assisted murder suicide for the reasons given. I hope she does because

“it’s the moral thing to do”

as George Bush said about giving money to AIDS victims. I recall a bishop in the Roman Catholic Church said it was their due to have contracted AIDS because of sexual practices being homosexual. Even babies get AIDS and hemophiliacs which has nothing to do with sexual practices so it was eye opening to read what a Bishop of the RCC revealed on the subject of AIDS. Makes you wonder not for joy if it wasn’t helped in certain countries and populations. I think it was. We had an outbreak in our blood supply and it infected my boyfriend (not at the time he contracted it) and his brother both hemophiliacs and both died eventually of AIDS. Neither were homosexuals and the only two children of their mother. One was a social worker and the other a dental technician. I don’t think they deserved it. Anyway before he died he told me about the people in charge of the blood supply when it was contaminated and he was suspicious righteously so of the reasons for the contaminated blood supply. 

Does a leopard change it’s spots?

I’m glad George Bush is pushing back, he should.

Jesus said in one of the Synoptic Gospels that life is in the blood (Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke written by the Q source). Obviously life was not in contaminated blood, but death. I think the Jesus who said this was talking about a convenant, a false one. I think A false covenant occurred at the Last Supper in those same gospels written by Q before he was crucified. If you compare the gospels you should see a remarkable difference in accounts in them and compared to the Gospel of John. I sure did and I’m a novice but I took the time and stumbled upon some things worth noticing mostly because of the shit I had to endure in my family which hurt my family and me. I probably wouldn’t have otherwise needed to, but I did.

By the way does anyone know the meaning of a coven?

  1. a group or gathering of witches who meet regularly.
    and the definition also says close associates…. (like the Jesuits, secret societies, and so forth.)
    The sign of the rainbow was a good sign, IMO it was a promise and a reminder to remember.

Now Martha McCullum is advertising on Fox News giving someone, she says them, the news, I presume, straight, but from where?

Notice her name CULL. Don’t disregard the meaning.


to reduce or control the size of (something, such as a herd) by removal (as by hunting) of especially weaker animals; also to hunt or kill (animals) as a means of population control.
When shit happened to my family my kids were going to Cullins Lake Point HS. when my dad died and later my mom was hospiced without my permission and horrible stuff happened to our family. Martha McCullum reminds me of my little sister though much more groomed for giving the news for the FOX and still in the fog of war as far as I can tell but more visible. Like Nicki Haley of the UN who has been learning quite a bit but more in line with Laura InGraham’s angle disregarding the truth.
And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
Eventually the truth will win her over.

Is Hillary Clinton wearing a back brace?

Hillary Clinton was caught on camera with some protrusion on her back under her jacket. The article says it might be a back brace but could be a file and I don’t mean a fingernail file. Must be tough going to see your daughter and being photoed by the press. Maybe moving Chelsea out of her home piece by piece so her husband won’t notice starting with the leaf of a small dining room table.

Melania Trump’s Online Safety Pamphlet Seems Lifted From The Obama Administration

Much depends on the meaning. I recall often the double entendres when Obama and Michelle orated and hopefully Melania is sincere and not a lunatic like the previous administrations first lady. Her husband thinks she is sincere.

Putin had his election celebration for a 6th term. Russia must like him. Speaking of the Russian President:

 “The President is elected in a two-round system every six years, with a two consecutive term limitation. Prior to 2012, the term of office was four years. If no candidate wins by an absolute majority in the first round, a second election round is held between two candidates with the most votes.”

I bet it riles Ovama to see his election success.

Got to see some big news about the Iran deal and Macrons response. Does he get to speak for England and Germany as well? Too bad. Also Obama’s Quid Pro Quo in regards to the Iranian Nuclear deal which is not his legacy.. Learned a bunch and I think Trump is on the right track. I find it funny the Obama leftovers trying to put Trump (and the USA) in a box because of Obama’s deceptions about the Iran nuclear deal previously and permanently put the world at peril. Who helped to get Obama elected? It was the Vatican (Jesuits) and Kissinger. So as far a Europe being put in a corner because of Obama’s deal … thank the Vatican and the Jesuits for Obama

and be grateful Trump is redoing the deal and turning the clock back on a bad deal,

though it might not be as profitable in the short run in the long run you might be able to live.

According to Fox News morning show Mr Tipsy Steve Doocey just said that Rex Tillerson was said to have said “You know, Mr. President we need to stay in this deal.” How does he know what he said? Give me a break!  The press is fucked. Steve Doocey is like a dick who can’t get it up. I have no idea what deal he was talking about but Steve Doocey is the most obnoxious spokesperson of Fox and Friends. Obnoxiousness seems to be his MO. He is like a cricket you can’t find in a room when you are trying to get some sleep. The new Secretary of State Pompeii on his way back from North Korea with three POWs on his plane who in the process were asianized. Funny we never heard about them before Pompeii took the job. How long were these guys POWs? a monk or two?

Richard the gorilla poses like human for cameras…

How does North Korea get POW’s since they never leave the country.


Anyway it is beginning again to look like BS, but we will see because these are the days and in part of the GREAT DECEPTION.

Signatures are kind of interesting and tell a lot about someones personality and are sometimes familiar looking. Trump has an interesting signature which I want to compare someday to another signature. Reminds me of Billy Grahams Signature from a letter he wrote to JFK blackmailing him.

Trumps choice for the CIA if she was for water boarding is too bad. I believe sleep deprivation is just as powerful incentive to get truth out of a prisoner except time wise depending on the urgency. I don’t think water boarding leads one to the truth from a prisoner and besides we have this thing called the Geneva convention which says we have to treat a POW with a certain amount of respect. What about truth serum? It doesn’t work? There has got to be a better way than water boarding a prisoner. Some would say sleep deprivation is torture but I think it is a better way than water boarding or the catholic persecution tactics in the past: wheels with people strapped to them and put under water to get an answer from the prisoner you want instead of the truth. Laughing gas might work even better. I don’t think I have ever heard Trump say he is for water boarding of the torture nature so when I hear people say he is for it I am not convinced he is for water boarding. I think Obama is for tapes of people burning in cages with Islamic music (his favorite) propaganda and the beating to death of Libyan Muammar Gaddafi, and the breaking of arms and legs of people in high positions, etc. So when he complains of water boarding I have to wonder not for joy what is his aim or purpose. I know it’s not good. One thing for sure if he ever was put into a combat position he wouldn’t make it. He’s a coward and freak. I can’t help but remember how disrespectful acting he was at Mandela’s funeral. In my opinion he is a Caligula kind of guy who enjoyed torture. What was said at the UN by Obama in regards to the prophet of Islam in nutshell was evil and caused a great deal of evil and I’m sure was only a small tidbit of the evil he has caused. I’m not sure we have ever had a more evil person in the office of the Presidency as Obama. The worst things happened to my whole family under his watch which coincided with a lot of other terrible things such as the NWO (The New World Order ), the NWOR (The New World Order Religion) both with teeth, etc. IMO but it’s losing some and a few other things;) I have no idea what the Army manual is for torture on the field while in combat. I always thought it was directed under the Geneva Convention type rules. Obviously while in combat tensions are extremely high and things happen that shouldn’t (such as the My Lay Massacre) but the Army does have rules. Everyone seems to think water boarding was legal and I don’t think it was or ever has been legal. I do know when dealing with the people who murdered a bunch of civilians in New York on 9-11 we are dealing with vicious animals who don’t understand anything but viciousness but I still think we can and could employ better techniques being an intelligent people and have the moral authority which under God helps.

The torture films that were destroyed is a big deal.

Doesn’t make sense to have filmed the torture nor the destruction of the film, but I think the guy in charge at the time ought to answer about it in front of congress. What’s his name? John Brennan. I bet it wasn’t just CIA operatives doing the torture. I bet someone in a higher place might have been on film. Someone above John Brennan. While Haspel seems very bright once during the hearing for confirmation she made a mistake in her answer to one congressman and then corrected herself which was interesting but I don’t think she’s right for the job unless she tells us who was on the film besides the POW. I really don’t think her excuse why the films were destroyed makes any sense. Did she think Russia was gonna steal the films? I wish they had we might be seeing them and seeing who is being protected. She injected her sob story about CIA agents dying in the line of duty which I know is important and I do respect some people who do the job but I guarantee there are lots who should be in prison for what they do. She went into a story about a woman CIA agent who had three children who went to Afghanistan after 9-11 and how the woman with the three children was one of the first with some others from the CIA to be in Afghanistan “boots on the ground” as a response to 9-11 and also killed and I replied: She shouldn’t have been there and who informed them they were there. We are talking about 7 or so people. Doesn’t it kind of tingle your spine. Martyrs for the CIA. Who told them the CIA was there? These are the things that need to be worked out and is called part of “the swamp.” First of all, Afghanistan was where the Saudis trained people, but their homes were in Saudi Arabia and they were citizens of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi terrorists also trained in Florida to fly planes without landing them. Were there “boots on the ground” in Florida? There should have been “boots on the ground” in Saudi Arabia. Doesn’t the CIA know anything? Does the CIA see a correlation betwixt these terrorists who were Saudis, neither Floridians, nor Afghanis, but were Saudis? The timing is wrong because John Brennan wasn’t heading the CIA at the time of 9-11 however he must have been involved from the sounds of it or is she getting mixed up about 9-11 and Benghazi. I think so. Anyway as she left the hearing she strutted her stuff and I think she thinks she has it in the bag. She might, but I think she is kind of wishy-washy on her answers whether if the President wanted her to do something Congress and she considered to be illegal or immoral would she tell congress. Senator Rand Paul is holding out in regards to her almost written acceptance speech which is a good gauge for me sometimes. I usually respect his perspective but I guarantee he knows more than I do about the whole deal and Senator John McCain is against her being the head of the CIA . I think she should resign for destroying the videos or allowing the destruction of the video tapes because there was more than CIA operatives on the tape that she is protecting. I don”t think she was forth coming in the hearing just very smart and tricky. She did make a mistake soI don’t know why some on the Republican side are acting as if she was perfect in her performance which it was a performance. I don’t think she should get the job because she is a woman which I think is the incentive in some strange way. I bet there is someone more appropriate than her to fill the spot. Her strut was enough for me to realize she has a problem.


A virtual walkin’ sort of talkin’ vagina.

I think “she’s ready to fall in love again.” as the dating service ad croons on Fox news. How does all of congress know her so well? Some of these guys and gals haven’t even been in congress long enough to know her. Very fishy fishy fishy. I bet she has things on some people that aren’t nice. Just a feeling on my part but I think it’s a good one. I think she might be part of “the swamp.” The hearing should have been more aggressive in regards to the destruction of the video tapes and also more aggressive in regards to the taping of the video tapes. IMO she is bad news. Then Fox News threw in the mastermind on 9-11 request and of course no one cares what he thinks, but it was inciting emotion (very little) in her favor. Most people don’t really remember 9-11 as well as they should and the meaning behind it. It is a gray area in regards to the reaction to 9-11 IMO but one thing for sure that isn’t a gray area is where the terrorists came from which is Saudi Arabia. Now the Saudis are in talks with the RCC about building Christian Churches in Saudi Arabia. Great idea. Do it. Don’t delay. How about a thousand of them. A thousand points of light for the New World Order. Oh yea the Saudis want nuclear capability if Iran peters out. No one wants Saudi Arabia to have nukes but in essence it is what they have if Iran is allowed to have nukes.. It’s like a European/middle-eastern wild west of India, anyway It guess it depends on which way you are looking.

Iran is lobbing rockets into Israel I think I just heard and read. Actually says at the Golan Heights which is significant because of an alleged strike in Damascus by Israel and I thought it was Britain, France and the USA. Hmmmm. Oh yea and Russia said to stand down to Israel. Heard a minor reference to something by Israel mostly Netanyahu via the Mossad proving that Iran was lying which is probably why Trump is breaking off from the deal with Iran. Kind of getting dicey however I think Israel will fare well against Iran.

Remember the Six Day War?

Maybe the prophecy: Possibly the Prophecy about Sodom and Gomorrah is about to be fulfilled. I recall a story in the OT about Sodom and Gomorrah located in the wilderness of sin and guess where Mecca and Medina are located?….in the wilderness of sin. It is being characterized as the biggest conflict with Iran against Israel since 1973 and some even think it might start WWlll, but we are already in WWlll which is what 9-11 was the beginning of WWlll as well as Mother Teresas’s statement of war. It’s all connected, yet very confusing because of the different fronts involved and kind of like a tape worm war.


“On October 6, 1973, hoping to win back territory lost to Israel during the third Arab-Israeli war, in 1967, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a coordinated attack against Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. … 1973 Yom Kippur War:

I think the reason the conflict is being compared to 1973 is because of the Yom Kippur war and the Golan Heights. I think it is the only thing similar about it pretty much and was suggested on Fox which might be a distraction or a way to point elsewhere when In my opinion the Saudis, the Vatican and Iran are the culprits. Anyway Fox said Netanyahu was with Putin at some meeting and we are supposedly gonna move our embassy to Jerusalem in a week which seems awful soon and IMO a bad idea and since Benghazi I’m not impressed with the State Department and think it’s full of swampy creatures who seem to be governed by the Vatican/Jesuits since providing Susan RIce during the Obama Administration the excuse about a video tape which obviously isn’t the reason Benghazi occurred. Jesuit Federico Lombardi the Jesuit  pope’s side kick provided the excuse. IF it was the reason for what occurred in Egypt and at Benghazi Libya there is no way to deal with ISLAM other than abruptly and cutting off the ideology as quickly as possible in the way  I think would be wise having to do with the holiest sites of Islam. It’s common sense. Obviously the Jesuits need to be constrained, curtailed, censored, outed and outlawed: Made illegal to be a jesuit and straitened. otherwise


Luke 12:50 – “…….how am straitened till it be accomplished!”

Obviously this verse means it isn’t an easy thing to do, but necessary.

(not the means, but the decision because it’s a big one.)


in the past in many of my posts I have stated that the Golan Heights was a major goal of the enemy of Israel because it was won in a war Israel did not ask for and were betrayed by Jordan and others. The Golan Heights is a barrier and similar in substance as the barrier reef in the ocean.  Protective and important to Israel as is the Great Barrier Reef is to Australia and the countries nearby and also why borders and barriers are important. Assisted murder suicide is not a barrier to some religions/politics who would love to systematically, secretively, and insidiously kill our loved ones using horrendous ways and means in order to lord over us in place of God.

Also Israel is looking forward to an embassy in Jerusalem by the USA as if we really make a big difference though there will be 2000 american soldiers I think I heard there, but it’s nice to have friends… and I guess all the other countries might start embossing in Jerusalem eventually to make it an international city and Israel are even minting a coin in honor of Trump on it but not to be used as currency. Hopefully as a country we will live up to the title in an intelligent way. I guess Monday is the day a day after the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel. The coin will be more of a moment-o and probably a good investment and can be put it on your fireplace. Still it worries me about the embassy. it doesn’t really worry me as much as it alerts me. The Vatican already has their state department on location in the form of Notre Dame in Jerusalem. Supposedly there is going to be some resistance via Palestinians and more than likely Hezbollah types backed by Iran to protest. Probably camped out in Notre Dame as we speak.

V.P. Pence and others including the President and his wife Melania are going to meet the plane with the three former Kim Jung Un  POWs in the middle of the night because it’s politically a good way to be noticed kind of like the SOS for the Vatican to be noticed whenever he can with the Pope. Relevance?. Not the first time POW’s have been released from North Korea in an attempt to solve the Korean dilemma so not sure if this is a loop of diplomacy. Probably. Faith was brought up on Fox News in regards to the POWs. Kind of clumsily and so I noticed. An attempt IMO to boost faith around the world especially in light of the demotion faith took because of the faith lie about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed which it isn’t. No telling if this is staged, or not, using people. Would it surprise anyone if it was? Remember the woman who had a baby in prison in Africa somewhere even though her clit was removed and the Pope made her his icon for a while. I wonder if these men still have their family jewels. Some Fox people talking about PTSD and the woes of being a prisoner of war in North Korea which must be difficult. Will these guys be able to perform when they come home? We’ll see, I’m sure. When faith was brought up in regards to the POWs on Fox I knew it was a farce, false flag, propaganda, etc. Fox didn’t have to use it as their fait accompli and would have been more believable if it wasn’t brought up and might have made people think about it without saying it but lacking faith of even the size of a mustard seed blew it big time. Does anyone remember the hostages freed from Iran in the 70’s?

I do.

They didn’t bring up faith as I recall. It wasn’t an issue at the time, but it is now because of the mustard seed revelation.

Fox News wasn’t around at the time.

John McCain planning his funeral and doesn’t want Trump at his funeral. The lady on Fox said her and others hearts and prayers are with him for his recovery. I hope he gets well after he retires. He would not have won no matter who was his running mate.

The fix was in



Just like a guy to blame the woman but the reason she was picked was because of H.A.A.R.P.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

which is located in Alaska. Also because at the time she was quite popular which helped bring in election funds. Franklin Graham took Sarah Palin under his wing also which is kind of interesting. I don’t know who is the governor of Alaska and I don’t really care but I’m sure he or she was more than willing to let H.A.A.R.P. be utilized for OBAMA and his friends to teach lessons of little value and further the RCC global warming and climate change propaganda for money of course and the RCC agendas. two sides of  coin Republicans and Democrats and the woman’s vote is a cash cow but nevertheless it was revealing. There is a purpose for it or was. What was it Obama said of Sarah Palin? Fish with lipstick on or something similar because of his high regard for women especially white ones. The others were bought for a free phone. Obama paid billions of dollars to Iran to free some hostages and mock about Michelle’s arms while Trump freed some hostages for nothing from North Korea. Although behind the scenes is another story of which I have no idea, but like the Senator who rubs Pelosi’s back Charles (Chuck) Shumer said North Korea shouldn’t have had hostages to begin with, I don’t think she’s the only one but the same goes for Chuckie baby. Pelosi kind of had the hots for the mayor of Chicago (Rahm Emanuel). It was so obvious. Of course, Obama liked his much younger while he doted and he dolted his wife and her friends. School lunches? HMMMMM  It’s a virtual hot bath in Washington D.C.

Neil Cavuto asked Sen. Ernst what she thought of McCain’s feelings and she beat around the bush and wished him well. What a weird questions. What do you think Neil? I know what I think (wait and see how he feels when the time comes) but what do you think? He can have anyone he wants at his funeral if he wants to …isn’t it the point of whomever was trying to make a point even as dumb a point as it might be??? Shall we right it down?


Some other famous person was announced to have said on Fox News he is going to use assisted suicide even though he isn’t dying. I thought it was kind of a strange advertisement since it had nothing to do with the subjects being touted on the Fox News which were The Iran Nuclear Deal and North Korea. Nagging about assisted suicide. Did any one ask him how he was going to handle his death even though he isn’t dying. Why would Fox news include it in their repertoire for the day. Definitely something odd about it and if I could remember who it was but I didn’t recognize his name but obviously well known to some. Sort of a little footnote. I say “Hey, do it now.” even though you aren’t dying but I don’t mean it but makes me mad we are being inundated by the subject of suicide assisted suicide and I think it is not a good thing promoting assisted suicide for the psyche of young people and old.

Germany is telling some business people to pull back from their business deals with Iran so I guess some one in Germany doesn’t want Macaroni to speak for Germany, but I don’t know who. I doubt everyone in England is too upset with Trump since leaving the EU was a huge sign.

Father Zach Petkanas (Father Jonathans twin brother, the one who campaigned for the death of a young girl on Fox and a few other channels whose hand moved in her mom’s hand and was at the time doing the bidding for Jesuit Pope Francis and Mother Teresa’s death squads against her mother’s wishes and promoting murder-suicide either because she was black, a female, not catholic, or for the political/religiously motivated state sponsored terrorism of the Roman Catholic Church) was on Outnumbered on the couch with the women discussing the swap in North Korea adjudicating the Bill Clintons 1/2 million dollar bribe or payday (to speak to the Kremlin backed Russian bank). Do Roman Catholic priests shave their heads now? Fox is in high pitch mode. It was a good interview!

As my little sister would say:

Pray for Zach. 




Senator McCain, his daughter and the sign

DC has hit an all time low I presume Sheppard Smith meant because of Trump and a White House staffer saying John McCain doesn’t matter anyway. Kids say silly things sometimes. One kid says to the another kid “nobody likes you so be quiet.” IT’s normal and often done jokingly. Obviously, John McCain matters and even to the person who said it in some form or fashion. Hard to take from Sheppard MR KAPOW SMITH when someone has an accident that hurts. I have seen him so many times make fun of people getting hurt. He’s a jerk and does it with a strait face. McCain’s daughter loves him and is overreacting for him. Is she gonna hospice him without doctors care? As far as torture working on John McCain (the songbird). everyone has their limits mentally and physically. I don’t believe he was a hero but is a hero to his daughter and he did serve though I don’t know for sure why he served. To be a senator? I saw how he acted blinking his eyes to be believed etc so I don’t think of him as a hero. I NEVER WILL. I’m sorry. I feel sorry for him but I have heard he is not nice but a young man said my dad was a son of a bitch when he went to get his uniform pressed and my dad laughed it off. HIs Volksawagon was stolen by a guy who went AWOL and he didn’t make a big deal about it. The Army might have but he didn’t. McCain is A MAMA’s BOY and not a good mama, like mine though I don’t know his mom but I have a feeling way down deep inside.. A fellow POW of McCain died during the Obama Administration and it seemed kind of funny timing (like the timing of the death of SEN. INOUYE just in time for a Hawaii vacation for the President and his wife to attend his funeral or service for him during a tumultuous time when a hurricane wreaked havoc on New Jersey possibly seeded by HAARP) and possibly it wasn’t an accident or natural death even though it may seem that way.  I think to shut him up. I think a lot of people may have died because of McCain and his ties to some people which is not above board but I don’t know how it happened. I don’t think it is Sen McCains fault the POW died (but Obama’s)  as far as the friend who died who was a POW as well and possibly to scare McCain. He should have retired then. The least he could have done: he should have been paying attention during the hearing with Hillary Clinton in regards to Benghazi but was playing a game on his cell phone and now he has brain cancer.

Is it a sign?

In my opinion it was very bad playing a game on his cell phone while in a very important hearing and he should have resigned as a Senator then when it was discovered if he had any thing honorable in him left and maybe if he retires and goes home he can regain some honor by honoring his daughter and she him.

I wonder would Senator Inouye have been caught playing a game on his cell phone during a hearing he should have been involved in.?

What could Meghan McCain think?

It would have made a big impression if he had. I think his daughter if she cares about him would not be on the show she was on with Joy Behar trying to get someone fired for a minutia statement under the circumstances of her dad’s condition but she means well for her dad. Perhaps she should be fired for making a big deal about it. However it is said I’m sure in devotion but a bit much and over the top. I think John McCain should retire and get well hopefully for his daughter’s sake. I wish my dad could have come home the day he was supposed to come home but someone gave him a pill he could not swallow the day he was to go home from the hospital and ended up in Septic shock. He aspirated on it and i guess they didn’t attempt to do a tracheotomy even though he was in a hospital at the time so excuse me for being pissed off about it. I sure didn’t ‘hear about an attempt to save his life: They did it on MASH. How does she feel about it. IT HURT ME it hurt my mom as well, of course, and then later my mom was hospiced without my permission, consent, or knowledge for two weeks before I got the phone call that she was dead. How does McCain’s daughter feel about it? McCain was involved in Benghazi and knew some of the people involved such as Ambassador Christopher Stevens for one and traveled to Libya etc and my dad’s picture was displayed on the internet as being there in a montage with his face eaten up with worms as if he was a borg. How does she feel about it? How would she feel about it if it were her dad’s picture at Benghazi OR HIS face and someone else’s dad was involved as a Senator in what occurred in Libya and Egypt the reaction to a videotape supposedly ( and the two coups) and has some knowledge about it and definitely sent money their way? Should he be fired and lose his pension from the Senate? Did he sign Obama Care into law without reading it? Did you ask him? I think he is doing the right thin in regards to the CIA agent/torture dilemma hopefully.I don’t know her but I don’t like her swagger and did not like some of her answers and I don’t like the destruction of tapes in regards to torture. The swagger is disconcerting and also a sign and makes me distrust her in every answer she gave. I have never seen anyone swagger so much. She might be qualified but is she good enough? What is her deal?  He should go home and be with his daughter if they REALLY care about each other and not on a talk show and maybe a miracle will happen and if not be grateful your dad wasn’t seen at Benghazi with his face eaten up. I wasn’t even invited to my mom’s funeral. WE LOVED EACH OTHER.

Anyway I think a lot of people are mired in some things they don’t understand in order to destroy them and should take it seriously. We are dealing with some big evils: Evil can be worse than you think or can even imagine and Joy Behar is a dud at this time. LA LA LAND and is not helpful, IMO.





Seems to me many people put faith above truth and no wonder we ended up with Obama as President.

How can someone put faith into a lie unless it’s a lie and isn’t faith. I have lately been hearing more about good faith vs faith lately kind of like global warming vs climate change. i.e. I think the RCC might be responsible for this as well

Maybe if you honor him and he you he will be able to warn you like my dad did me about Obama Care after he died. I didn’t understand it in total at the time (it woke me up) but I learned a lot because of him and because of my mom and hopefully have made a difference.

I think we have.

Of course, I won’t know till  I know.

I hate to be a narcissist (aren’t we all to some degree? depends on which degrees as well and who can know but God which ones are relevant and how much of each degree is relevant):

“Each degree is split up into 60 parts, each part being 1/60 of a degree. These parts are called minutes. Each minute is split up into 60 parts, each part being 1/60 of a minute. These parts are called seconds.” the next link goes into the subject more intrinsically

Angle Measurement: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds

but I think we have done more than all the press on TV and Radio and writers of books to change things though it would have been difficult without some press such as who’s on now Catherine Herridge. A very good journalist/investigator. Very believable and sincere talking about th FBI and Department of Justice overstepping their authority and breaking the law. I don’t think some are quite the caliber as she such as miss gossip goody goody two shoes: Kennedy of Fox News who is not believable and sometimes possessed so I can’t blame all of her fits on herself but on what possesses her and I think I know what it is: JEALOUSY

The Most Dangerous Species On The Planet

Everyone has something wrong with them, don’t they? She never gossips so she says in other words and I do not have faith in her testimony about herself and her kids.  The lady in red in my post. AS I SAID….AS I SAID…AS I SAID…AND AND AND

I know what possesses her and have witnessed it attacking me so I naturally returned fire which I testified to in


as any one would and

even Jesus turned over the tables and I still hear from time to time her speech impediment

so I know who she is and who she is not or who she says she is or was not.

(I can see it in her eyes the windows to the soul.)

She is a sparrow and Is not a sparrow worth more than a dinero, a peso, etc. ? Yes

and like birds in the hand can be helpful sometimes but not as truthful or inquiring as she should be in her juxtaposition

and resting on her position which is questionable at best or she would not have done what she did with her visibility at the time towards me which I witnessed it and because I mean her no harm but I had no other choice but to testify the way I have though it may be alien to many people. I have been isolated for this kind of reasoning. So many things happened I had to lay it down which is weird because as a kid I didn’t even keep a diary though I received some as gifts. I would write in it once or twice and forget about it.

I had a good child hood so no wonder and full of joy, but grace left thanks to the RCC and especially because of the Jesuits

who who who.

It’s not nice to be a spy on your friends and their families who did you no harm but because of your FAITH based on a lie about faith

How does one trust yours? I don’t but still

I love birds too even beautiful cardinals in the animal kingdom where cardinals belong,

but not in the church.

Had a visit by a pair of cardinals today. They always seem to come in pairs.

Let me add it’s kind of weird to recognize someone from your past acting like someone else. Excuse me if I’m perplexed by it. I have a right to be perplexed by it because why would you need to try to be someone you aren’t. Same goes for your dad. I’m not sure if it is a memory thing, brainwashing, or replacing like in the movie about women who are replaced such as in the movie called

The Stepford Wives


Is it your new wineskin? Whoever has done it did a shabby job of it if I recognize you and your speech.

King James Bible
And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

We must take things in stride and realize this verse could be being sarcastic because it’s possible because of the deceptions going on and because of persecution by the RCC and with DNA type science which I think was going on even in the 60s. In Revelation it says to come out of her meaning the Roman Catholic Church because of the description is unmistakably  the Roman Catholic Church and it has obviously felt some wrath because of Revelation and being exposed for it’s crimes against humanity and kids and hoping instead to hospice by murder suicide and punish people for being independent of the RCC or wanting to be independent of priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes who know nothing about God but only prop themselves in place of God..

Maybe it is providence I recognize you and maybe it is time to leave for you. I don’t know but I don’t think I would linger too long. Maybe go and take care of those kids you mentioned. GIve up the job for your kids you mentioned. I DID. And when I tried to get a job later in life when my kid were older I was invited to a job I got screwed purposefully and ROYALLY with the intent to entrap me and demote me and demean me and many other terrible things to me and my family I grew up with and the one I made. Maybe it’s your turn. I wanted a home to get away from the nondenominational church school which got too expensive for most families who did the same. The school no longer exists. It out priced itself. I wanted to get away from gunfire and nuts in the neighborhood shooting them off on July Fourth and NewYears Eve into the sky as if bullets don’t fall. I wanted to get away from peeping toms etc. wanted to leave because of the neighbors, one who tried to strangle my kid and broke into our home. A six year old or so. Or one who picked up dog poop in his yard with his bare hands and his dog was a german shepherd. Another who brought me food in a bag which smelled like moth balls on sort of a regular basis. I heard he had a plate in his head and like to direct traffic but was also arrested for it and he liked to walk around throwing and flipping a baseball bat into the air and catch it. Kind of  big guy and out of his mind. Another set of neighbors were gypsies and the kids would start conversing with you in your house un-invited. Or another family whose husband cupped his hand over his wife’s breast as he talked to you. I wanted to get away from the gypsies and live the American dream and it was ripped away from me. It was a farce. I’m’glad I don’t live there now even so. It turned out to be a TERRIBLE neighborhood full of some real shits and a few good people mixed in. Very few. Think about it and take it seriously; there may be a reason i recognize you and maybe you know the reason. I can’t even express how weird it is and now there is a row about General Kelly talking about assimilation. He should know being in the military is tough to assimilate to civilian life as it is for immigrants to assimilate to another country which is why immigration needs to slow down especially in the age of terrorism because assimilation takes time. Seems like all the news stations are talking about General Kelly all of a sudden. WHY? IS HE GOING TO ISRAEL on MONDAY? I’m sure he has a bed and breakfast at Notre Dame waiting for him. I hope it is as fun as the one I went to in New York which was masonic owned by a trumpet playing doctor.

The trip to Jerusalem might be a trap and the same goes for the upcoming US embassy in Jerusalem.

Seems like everyone knows Gina Haspel and I don’t ‘believe it

and even Hannity saying she is a hero. How would Hannity know Gina Haspel or whether she is a hero?

Does the press vet the CIA? or vice versa?

Defending torture. Why? Assuming it kept America safe and it didn’t, did it?

Is Hannity toting the party line or the one world religion line? How could Hannity know her? I don’t think he does.

It helps to know who the enemy is and most people don’t. It might be the CIA by giving wrong intel. Or the press giving false news sometimes unbeknownst to them sometimes. It helps to be open minded (to the truthers for one) and to the possibility being fed false news to the press and to include “the truthers” testimonies but even then it is tough to distinguish who is telling the truth and who isn’t or who is being mislead and giving false information which is why the truth helps as much as possible. The more of it in the mix the better even if sometimes it may seem conspiratorial. Conspiracies happen. Who would have something to gain by giving false intel? I think I have established pretty succinctly who might want to give false intel and for what reasons. I may be a nominal person in the world but I have gained some good knowledge and it’s FREE. I don’t know why I recognize Gen. Kelly but he was in the army not the marines when we sort of knew him. I think the reason is is because he wasn’t really in the army nor the marines but in the Jesuit army playing everyone and possibly without knowing it. Brainwashed probably as a result when he went missing in the CONGO and was an MIA for a while. I think it was involuntarily but might have been voluntary. I can’t imagine who sent him to the Congo or why. I never asked. I know he had previously been stationed in France. He was not my friend, nor was Bugliosi but boy did Bugliosi lie his ass off. The one bullet theory of the assassination of JFK he supported in one of his books. You have to be an idiot or brainwashed to believe it. I THINK GEN. KELLY IS  a sociopath by his tone. Calm, but under someone else’s control. Though I don’t know this one very well only a feeling because of the experience I had. My life. Part of the reason for my revelations in my family which seem to some I’m sure as a betrayal is because I could not spend the time to change the family history into fiction which would defeat the purpose and or change the personal pronouns used which would be totally impossible for me. I would have needed a ghost writer and I don’t have one.

Is General Kelly xenophobic? Is he homophobic? I have no idea. A statement about assimilating is a bit out there to judge him on. But some people would think I am too harsh a judge however i’m not judging him as much as warning about whoever it is acting as him in his improved wineskin.

Melanie Safka – Leftover Wine

I think forcing people to use solar panels on their homes is xenophobic, sociopathic, and fascist. I think you should have to buy my art for your home and I think it should be enacted as a law at two thousand or more dollars a pop if Californians or home buyers or home owners in California have to buy solar panels. Might be why there has been a rise in wild fires in California. I have heard the solar panels or some solar panels absorb too much sun so I would be very careful and against being forced to install them in your homes but if you have to have solar panels then I think those that are forced to install them by the moonbeam Governor of California the population of California should be forced to have an in ground swimming pool built to get into in case of a wild fire which saved a few lives (which was amazing) in one of the latest wildfires in the wine country area of California. Not like the sellers of the solar panels is gonna tell you of the perils of solar panels or the possibility of the reason for the wild fires which might not have been campers or lightning or a lit cigarette but the harm and liability of the solar panels themselves.

Take note: Whatever you do don’t leave your bathroom door unlocked when you go to the bathroom if he is in your house;)

Allahu Akbar is a reference to Barack

(akbar backwards without the “Ç”)

but I don’t think he’s great.

I think Barack is Rretible.

and probably why the nations rage especially those nations who have faith in his name.

As far as i am concerned his name is shit however there are others who share the same name

who aren’t fucked up and aren’t psychopaths, unlike him.

King James Bible
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Lightning also comes out of volcanos and from the ground so shall lightning strike in funny ways because it is not a sign but science and has to do with electrons and ions. Barack supposedly means lightning. Son of man is not god. Son of man is a son of a man which is self evident otherwise sons of men would be a lot smarter and we wouldn’t be worried about energy when one bolt of lightning if harnessed could generate enough energy to provide electricity for everyone living in a big city for a few months so we ought to try to harness it’s energy and learn to control lightning to become energy efficient.  I hear that the volcano in Hawaii is supposed to pummel out a bunch of talent-sized rock formations, but who knows. The verse above may be referring to Barack Obamas sudden rise to power via the C (the SEE/the vatican) and how he betrays them in return and vice versa.  Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak also shares the name. There are many barracks/baraks/akbars so maybe islamic people are raging that Ehud Barak is great. LOL but I doubt it, but his name doesn’t have a “c” in it nor does the Egyptian Presidents name include a “c” who was beset upon, IMO because of a palace or some kind of expenditure deemed inappropriate even though it would have brought in some business to his country, I think is the truth. My family had the same problem in a way and I think a lot of other people were beset upon for spurious reasons.

Who can foretell a volcano and how it might erupt.

Like popping a pimple.

By the way, Obama backwards may have to do with the word abomination.

The Abomination of desolation written about in the New Testament mostly in the Gospel of Luke, I think. He sure did a good job of it and what he said at the UN should have stirred you, alerted you, alarmed you if you have read some of the bible The New and the Old testament part about the person who speaks in dark sentences written about in the Book Of Daniel and about the destroyer of people but you have to remember he doesn’t own your soul though it may seem like it. Not sure of the prerequisite (who can tell?)  however I believe in the end



The confusion is part of the roadblocks, bumps in the road, etc but I don’t think it can overcome the truth if I did I don’t think there would be any hope for anyone but it does help to remember and we should try to do our part in that endeavor for ourselves and others and not sweep it under the rug. It would be idiotic and senseless.

Jerusalem seems to be under siege in lots of different ways. A collage of influences and not sure any of the participants are good

like threading a needle and the thread is too big.

Tuesday is a big day for Jerusalem and I guess going to be some celebrations of what I’m not sure. 70th anniversary??? which is today but It’s Saturday and/or Sunday is the next day and Monday is the opening of the US Embassy and Tuesday the celebration however in some parts of the world it’s dífferent. The TIMES are different. Also there are some fires going on in Gaza at the border. So things are quite voluminous and could be good, bad and/or ugly. We will see. Hopefully good, however fires aren’t good. If you read Drudge today lots of things aren’t good but usually news is bad news and I’m sure there is a reason for the amount of bad news but somehow involves the press since it is how we hear about it or read about it or see it. I think it is a resistance to the truth causing the problems to destroy and to deceive. lack of understanding, unhappiness, confusion and discontent. Of course teaching a set of people that when they commit suicide killing the infidel you i.e.get 77 virgins or whatever amount it is, doesn’t help. You would have to be an idiot to believe it but is taught and in some places forced upon the population in stages and often times terrorism is staged and so are the reactions for political and religious resins usually involving money or support,. I think the revelation about the mustard seed has riled many people but Jesus said many shall be offended in me and I think we have stumbled upon why.

Why Do Terrorists Commit Terrorism?


Camelot 04: Follow Me

(still I wish the air conditioner condensation didn’t drip into my bathtub and other things much more important and will keep going with the things I think I should. Jesus said, Follow me and I’m trying by being a witness as best I can and to relate it as best I can.)

 I think a really great idea would be to build a Disney World at Padre in Texas!

I have good ideas sometimes even among the sobering thoughts.

Of course, I didn’t make volcanos or their eruptions, etc. I was thinking about Narcicism and I am aware of my limitations

but a lot of people aren’t aware of theirs and as the saying goes:

 The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry!

I’m only reflecting what I see.

 I hate the show called Shark Tank. I have seen so many really good ideas go down the toilet by small minds. One was an ice skating rink. Some people think they are superior because they have money. Amazing and I have seen people close to me change because of fortune by no other reason than luck and probably things hidden a human flaw but a big one and seen other people steal their fortunes because of inventions used feloniously. Intel. And I have never seen anything like the last ten years. Pretty Terrible with a few good things in there but mostly bad.

It’s the New World Order which is anything but good and I don’t think it lasts very long.

Anyway it’s attacking me again, but I can handle it because I KNOW it will end. There is a guy on there with a guitar lesson type device coded and was singing Amazing Grace. My response: for what? What is amazing grace for? Do you even know or remember? Many people don’t which makes them superior in their own eyes which the Book of Acts is about.

the 13th apostle. Barnabas: meaning of his name is To forget, the Son of Consolation chosen by a straw.

Our hearts and prayers are with you…..We feel your pain. etc Recently there was a bill under the same name and I may’ve my spelling wrong on either which called a homo something or other. I sure hear it often compared to before ten years ago.

You have heard about the expression about a straw, haven’t you? I’m sure you have.

Do you think it would have been wise to allow Obama to conduct a war in Syria unfettered?

I beg to differ and I did and I think it was wise. Strategy matters and I can’t imagine anyone would want the destroyer in charge. I don’t think any of us would be left if he had. His motives were not good and still aren’t.  Anyone who thinks he should have attacked Syria (though he actually did but was on a leash) I think learning about the false news with the help of “the truthers” helped to delay a catastrophe. It’s political folly to think otherwise when people say Obama should have reacted. HE should never have been elected however he was and I think a lot of people learned from it. Part of revelation. Perhaps people should have reacted to hospice/murder/suicide and stood up but didn’t and still haven’t. It is a form of genocide. How many billions of dollars did Iran get from Obama? Did he recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? No. I think our military might have been decimated if he had been unleashed. Anyway still not sure about the embassy. I remember part of prophecy was the division of Jerusalem in three parts but i have no idea if it’s good or bad. I don’t know if it isn’t kind of divided three ways already with the RCC/Palestinians/Jews or will be. I’m not impressed with the State Department because I think it is heavily influenced by the Vatican, hence Islam. Senator Kerry then heading the state Department hiding 30 or more witnesses in Germany never to be heard from again isn’t impressive, imo.

Besides remember there are 7 Trumps in Revelation. I didn’t write it but it’s true. I can’t know the full meaning but I have an imagination and can see some possibilities. I sure wouldn’t rest on your laurels, yet about Israel or Jerusalem. I think we have much to go through for a while especially since I have noticed a moratorium on the truth about Hospice for the most part which indicates some problems ahead even for Israelis possibly in the same vein. Like a trojan horse. I think moving the embassy may be premature and ill thought and seems to be hurried.

Hospice was a Roman Catholic dirty trick what makes anyone think the embassy isn’t?

I think it’s a trick

and could lead to bigger problems than we have ever witnessed.

By the way, what ever happened to the display at Notre Dame in Jerusalem of the

Shroud of Turin and it’s 3-D image? DID IT EVER SPEAK?

I don’t know where Judea is located but

Luke 21:20  
And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

Definition of compass

to devise or contrive often with craft or skill plot” … persons … who have compassed my destruction … “

 —Charles Dickens

2encompass a lake compassed by mountains

3a bring aboutachieve… none can compass more than they intend …

 —Alexander Pope

b to get into one’s possession or power obtain 

He compassed a vast estate.


could not compass the seriousness of the problem

We are supposed to head for the mountains of God and I think the mountains of God are

The Ten Commandments.


Because the RCC and ISLAM have no grace or they would have decried hospice a long time ago but then so would Laura InGraham if the RCC and Islam did. She’s an independent thinker.

Here is a map of Jerusalem and it’s boundaries and it’s kind of a mess:

Understanding The Map Of Jerusalem, Or Trying To

Melanie – Some Day I’ll Be a Farmer [1971] – YouTube

Anyway it was the show of Judge Jeanine that made me think about this verse. She did her homework in some ways as far as the city of Jerusalem but doesn’t mean she has it right. I don’t think she is. I know she thinks so. I respect her in some ways, her opinions and I think she means well but I have been doing this a long time and I have seen a lot of things. I don’t think she could have survived what I survived. I don’t think she could have handled it as well but I’m sure she will be tested. There sure are lot of them. However she might be right. Some things I’m unknowledgeable about. and people tend to hone in on on thing and not others. It has been a long time since I have read the bible. I deleted a picture of a roasting pig with an apple in it’s mouth because of her and my respect for her love of pigs which are supposed to be smarter than dogs however I think it depends on the dog. I think she does a good job from her perspective and helps educate people via her show. I spend a lot of time reacting like a volcano sometimes to news that pisses me off and forget to appreciate some insight and hopefully I will take the time to listen to her again on the subject of Jerusalem. the reasonI do react is it’s like a flood some of the news some false and some true and hard to deal with the politics of news and I get attacked a lot but she has never affected me in a bad way. Having your family in pics on  the internet and many are distasteful and dishonoring my family hurts deeply and caused a lot of emotional harm to me the kind that makes you feel like suicide. DEEP WOUNDS and I think the intent of those pictures to make me give up and die, though I brace myself with their memory.

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Trump sends the world a message in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

She made mention of Obama not attacking Syria when he should have and that is one reason I differ.

I have done my best not to deceive about the things I know or think I know – Im only human.. There are things I don’t know obviously and I try to stay away from those things till I know more. Anyway supposedly with the embassy comes 2000 troops, probably UN troops – peacekeepers. I don’t think they represent the best interests of Israel. The UN never did before. I’m sure Bolton will be involved. It’s serious what is going on and seems the reaction is very ho-key. Not spewing about Judge Jeanine but the reaction of a lot of people. But you won’t find God at the First Baptist Church advertised on Fox however you will find a lot of like-minded people some of the sponsors of Fox. I think one day everyone at Fox will be ashamed for the silence about hospice and the death of my mom who was superior in every way to each and every person who works at Fox and even at the White House, in Congress, and many other places including the RCC and even added up amongst them all. Same goes for my dad. None of you measure up to him or ever could. And I think it will hurt you more than you hurt us when you realize it by your silence for one and two for your devotion to the RCC and it’s persecutions, and you will, probably sooner than you think.

I hope you take that to the bank!

Will the State Department/Embassy defend Israelis (JEWS) or the Temple Mount’s terrorists

or will they just be hiding them (Benghazi’s 30 witnesses?)

and/or arming them?

I think the consulate-embassy is gonna be contentious and a deadly mistake but Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a positive step in the right direction. Do we really have the right to interfere in the division of Jerusalem. I don’t think we do. who says Palestinians have a right to the land? I don’t think Palestinians do from what I know but what do I know? As long as there is an Islamic Holy site (third holiest) in Jerusalem it gives the Palestinians the right or at least it is the controversy. I think it’s cowardly to allow it but it’s not my land. I think those that do get involved in dividing Jerusalem usually are making a mistake and I think it is written about in the bible  sort of like the curse of changing the words in Revelation. I remember when George Bush got involved and then we had the floods in Louisiana (Katrina) and most bible scholars thought it was related to the accords at the time and it probably was and his mom in essence committed suicide of her own accord. It doesn’t sound very nice to write but it’s true as far as the stories go on the internet and in the news in regards to her death. I didn’t make a big deal about her death but her family and she did and the press did blasting it all over the place promoting hospice/murder-suicide in every way possible because I didn’t know her but the Bush family was heavily influenced by the BGEA and Billy Graham. He got George Bush to quit drinking supposedly and the Saudis attacked us on 9-11 and we attacked every where but Saudi Arabia in return. Kind of sobering, isn’t it? Hey its true.

Was the previous SOS fired because he was against moving the embassy to Jerusalem? 

I think moving the embassy to Jerusalem is a RC power play but I don’t think it will work.

Kind of a replacement theology race but do you remember this?

a new Jerusalem comes down from heaven at some time or other.

It is written about in the bible of all places, but I don’t know the meaning

but don’t you wonder why?

And also after the Vatican is destroyed written about in the bible of all places.

a new Vatican does not come down from heaven: Don’t you wonder why?

Hawaii volcano raises concerns of eruptions along West Coast

Isn’t it kind of weird we have a new person (Secretary of State) in the Trump administration called Mike Pompeo (name similar to Pompeii (and Huckabee)- Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79who helped to free three hostages in North Korea and Hawaii’s volcano eruption within days, and more than the usual eruptions in Hawaii. IS IT A SIGN? Anyway I read there is a geothermal plant in Hawaii which the volcano may threaten. I looked up geothermal plant and it uses steam turbine and uses the earths core for it’s fuel to produce another fluid. and then producing electricity. I wonder which one is threatening the other. Maybe it isn’t a good idea. Did we have geothermal plants before the Obama administration? I don’t know, but it is kind of coincidental, isn’t it? I know the Obamas liked to vacation in Hawaii. And then the book he wrote about his father (Dreams of my father which I never bought nor read but excerpts in articles about people IN A DISPUTE on the beach though he used different words) which no one knows for sure who it is. Could be Kissinger as far as I can tell. Would it be ironic if he was going after alternative power sources as his MO to sell to the global warmers was in order to destroy and/or to activate destruction via volcanos? he visited a few volcano sites as President and renamed a mountain which is kind of weird as well.

“The name of the highest mountain in North America became a subject of dispute in 1975, when the Alaska Legislature asked the U.S. federal government to officially change its name from Mount McKinley to Denali.”

This was on the internet in my search about Obama renaming a mountain, yet I don’t remember Alaska legislature being involved in 1975 in a dispute about the name of Mount McKinely. Denali means Great One and in another article The High One obviously because of it’s heighth. I think I would have heard about it but not even a hint but doesn’t mean it wasn’t going on but to not hear about it means it wasn’t taken seriously even a hint by anyone.

I thought it was interesting to add this blurb from the internet:

“Is Denali a mountain or volcano?”

“North America’s highest mountain should be a volcanoDenali sits about 60 miles above where the Pacific Plate grinds beneath the North American Plate, as do the Iliamna, Redoubt and Augustine volcanoes. If you draw a line from the Aleutians to volcanic features in Interior Alaska, the curve goes over Denali’s summit. Feb 7, 2015″
Why should it be a volcano? I don’t know. DID OBAMA MAKE A MISTAKE? LOL


why do the nations rage?

Galkona where H.A.A.R.P is is located a few miles east of Anchourage and Mt. McKinley is north of both.

Gal is a young woman…..CONA is portuguese for cunt.  Kona in Hawaiian means lady.

Geez, the Portuguese sure are nice, aren’t they?

Not sure if it is relevant but this is where HAARP is located  a research center which microwaves the atmosphere, the oceans and the seas and land areas and can wreak havoc on weather and storms, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and other malfeasance inspired ideas, but hopefully not volcanic activity.

I don’t know if hydrocarbons are involved in the science of global warming but HAARP is involved in the science of inflicting global warming. I think it is and which hydrocarbons also supposedly cause holes in the upper atmosphere allowing more radiation into the earths atmosphere and also is dangerous but maybe not as dangerous as a Senator playing games on a cell phone while investigating via a Congressional hearing the details and the coverup about Benghazi. I think he should have been fired as a Senator but because he was injured in Viet Nam McCain got a pass,

or did he?

Lots of people making beau coups of money on it and why God does intervene sometime or other to prevent the destruction of the planet earth by a bunch of little pricks wearing altar boy lace coverlets at the Vatican.

Meghan McCain is celebrating Mothers Day amid her dad’s health problems and her appearance on a show with Joy Behar thinking it might improve her reputation which I don’t think is very good anymore, thanks to her dad and her hatred for people who aren’t naturally blond. I don’t know if it’s true but seems like it because she is all over the news trying to get someone fired for a comment. Boy I bet she has had some comments of her own she could be fired for, everyone does.


(new form of blackmail or distraction but is being very doctorial. I think he needs to learn the adage about mice and men which might help him accept failure. This you tube is Iran showing respect for America)

Reminds me a bit of the guy on the show called Dateline. The voice talent and the main dude in the show. He ought be taken off the air. It’s a sick show profiting off the tragedies of others and I think it is meant to torment people and the way he talks like a humongous SOCIOPATH or worse. Somebody should investigate him. DEVILISH. DEMONIC. I bet he is an evangelical. reminds me of the show Greta Van Susterne used to do about mysterious deaths and disappearances which hopefully will if it hasn’t already been taken off the air. I don’t know her religion but somewhere between Evangelical and Catholic, I think. Disgusting. Very misleading for the people involved and watching as she was about every investigation she was involved in whatever capacity she played. SICKO I have a feeling if he is still alive or not Dr. Kevorkian would be a good actor in it or participant. I would not be surprised in order to have the show the show creates those tragedies feeding on itself. Like the Jones town Guyana shit. Very sick. Definitely Grahamish. The Dateline show had some photos of my parents on it as well in a trailer park. Supposedly the woman killed her husband and the husband was lying down as if the picture were taken when the person was dead in a funeral parlor before being set up for a funeral. I remember how my dad’s chin was tucked down in a funny way because it was an open casket andI did not like seeing it but at the time I was not aware as much and suffering and then the crap about the limos. But I remember my mom took my sisters chin and said something kind of funny to her and it alarmed me later once I realized what she was meaning. LIKE SHE KNEW before she died on the last visit I had with her. You see signs were given to me for a reason to help me handle bullshit. She told me she knew about my art she meant my posts because she taught me porcelain art painting and my sister at the time I was not suspecting anyone of the deceptions join going on being other than family problems due to my older sister’s husband molestations stuff taped our visit and I asked for the tape a copy of the tape and she said she would and then didn’t. It had proof of what was said and she didn’t want me to have it. So sat the time she must have been playing me. Later in e-mails called me the devil and satan though I can’t be sure it was her being on e-mail. Could have been and more than likely was THE DEAR NUMBER TWO HUSBAND she met online the shit David SHERMAN from MIchigan playing her for her divorce money from her first husband the one that looked eerily like the DOD of OBAMA who did not question Obama’s motives which was his job in part or any other DOD. The one that said GET READY AMERICA. Remember him? I was not allowed to stay at my sister’s house exiled ( I had her stay with me for about 2 years during her divorce earlier to help her). Lots of struggle between her and I think the BGEA or whatever was holding her down. I wasn’t told about the hospice for two weeks of my mom sometime after the last visit.I was told after she died by my older sister. You can’t imagine what it is like and I am not forgiving of the BGEA.  I wasn’t invited to the funeral and later pictures on the web of my mom’s back laying down with my older sister as if she were taunting me. WHy? HER HUSBAND? SOME SICK SHIT and I think because of the BGEA. THE TEETH of the NEW WORLD ORDER. VERY EVIL TEETH. Billy Grahams daughter is married to a dentist. THE GRAHAMS ARE NOT GOOD. POSSESSED BY EVIl and I HAVE WRITTEN QUITE A BIT ABOUT IT in my blogs and I HAVE QUITE A FEW AND WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THEM for WHAT the BGEA is. EVIL and small minded.) My dads spirit and soul wasn’t there anymore and OF course my mom didn’t kill my dad. She loved him and he loved her but in death the people involved in the business of death don’t care and will pay a heavy price for defiling and desecrating my parents. I don’t appreciate it and know why it was done. To torment. But I know better and .I am praying for your destruction for defiling my parents to torment me. I also know others are being tormented the same way as I was being tormented and it is sick and it won’t last long. It’s tough being found to be a charlatan, isn’t it? I know the show is affiliated somehow with Fox, the press in someway. and I sure don’t think Fox News should be trusted to go to Jerusalem acting as if they are good though I think a few try. I remember when my parents door was blown off it’s hinges and I think is when it might have happened. Beset upon. Whoever is responsible will go to the deepest part of hell, I hope. I promise you that those involved in the sick shit won’t survive either unless you give it up. I don’t know where or how the pictures were taken except possibly via my sisters or those in the business. I kept my photos. Both sisters (one said she threw all the pictures away) were involved with the BGEA at some point and I think it overtook them but they can get out if they want to and the

game (for them will be) over


Evangelicals (in the know) are evil angels avenging. (!/3 of the angels fell)

because angels rise upon the son of man. some rise and some fall.

I have been through a lot of hard things I think because I wrote about the mustard seed lie. It’s pretty small of people to go to the extent that was done to me and my parents and family and the family I made and the family I grew up with over my right to write about it.

THE BGEA doesn’t like the mustard seed lie being exposed because it puts the blame where it belongs. SO SORRY. I didn’t make it up.


My GOD is better than yours since He didn’t teach about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed.

He knew WHAT was in man and the onus is on them to prove it.

Back to John McCain:

To me it is odd McCain was the only witness to his own torture because in wartime in the jungle I would imagine it would make others sing to see his torture. Maybe he was responsible for their capture is why Trump said what he said about him but he was Obama’s point man however that can be done in various ways using drugs and chemicals the kind that are tasteless, odorless, invisible. and as potent as Devil’s breath and make slaves of those under it’s effects weeks at a time with out memory of it. Still he should have been listening and investigating Hillary Clinton and others instead of playing on his cell phone at tax payers expense and trivializing what occurred at Benghazi and the evils of the Obama Administration and our State Department and I think people died because of him in order to control him but whether it is his fault

I don’t know,

but how will we know if he isn’t asked more about it without torture but in front of a camera running played live on tv and on Fox News or other stations. Did anyone ask him why he was playing games on his cell phone during the hearing and why not? Because he has a war injury? Because he is a Senator? Ask Sen Ernst. Beat around the bush and didn’t bother because he was under Obama’s control and no one dared the Pharoah of Washington DC. Why was McCain in Libya? Why was he with Christopher Stevens? Did he have anything to do with his death or whatever it was that occurred? i think McCain knows more and should be asked to testify to the Congress in regards to Benghazi. He was on the Ways and Means Committee hence he is innocent of all wrong doing in regards to the coup in Egypt and propping the Muslim Brotherhood which is not good. Lindsay Graham as well should be questioned. Someone needs to hold the Ways and Means Committee to task as to what and why were they giving money to the Muslim Brotherhood for the RCC? So you could be the first to celebrate in Jerusalem on their 70th anniversary as if you were on their side. Hedging your bets? HIghly doubtful if you were giving money to the muslim brotherhood. I know who was influencing you: DR BILLY GRAHAM, MOTHER TERESA, the JESUITS (The pope and the RCC’s dogma which is false) and OBAMA, NONE OF WHICH WILL HAVE A GOOD LEGACY in the end and the end is near or as some people say close at hand. GET PREPARED. You both owe an apology to the people of the USA and elsewhere for your part and could beg for forgiveness out of stupidity and for your refusal to accept truth when it comes your way but would rather women and the elderly (veterans and their wives) to pay the price because you are so brave.

The truth might help you but you are too afraid to try.

It might give you more perspective in your thinking. Might open up a lot of things for you and others if you did. The fact is the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed. Maybe you could try to figure out why it isn’t the smallest of seed for starters. We could have a congressional hearing about it and it might do some good or is it beneath you to find out. You would rather the ring of fire to teach you? It would be quite a hearing and could invite all the top bible scholars and scholars from different religions that share the same lie and work it out. Find out why those scholars didn’t inform us, find out who knew first…..and many other things. Senator Paul when did you hear about the mustard seed and who told you? Who did you tell? What were you told? Did the CIA threaten you if you told anyone? ….etc.  I bet the ratings would sky rocket on the channels that show it. Oh, that’s right we aren’t supposed to talk about politics and religion.

Trump asked about renaming Denali as Mt. McKinley – CNNPolitics

“Oct 25, 2017 – During the campaign, Trump railed against Obama’s move to rename the mountain Denali. “President Obama wants to change the name of Mt….”

Can we rename Mount Everest to the name Mount Hospice

or rename it Mother Teresa in honor of the NWO

and the RCC

*maybe it should be a volcano.

Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as several other settlements. The eruption ejected a cloud of stonesashes and volcanic gases to a height of 33 km (21 mi), spewing molten rock and pulverized pumice at the rate of 6×105 cubic metres (7.8×105 cu yd) per second,[2] ultimately releasing a hundred thousand times the thermal energy released by the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings.[3] More than 1,000 people died in the eruption, but exact numbers are unknown. The only surviving eyewitness account of the event consists of two letters by Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus.[4]

New fissure opens up in Hawaii

Pretty interesting photos and you tube. I don’t know how these guys know where the rocks the size of refrigerators will go. What if another volcano spews out the Kilauea rocks since I think volcanos are connected.

“Seven Volcanoes that are thousands of miles from one another  all erupted within days of each other starting on November 17th 2013.”


maybe it’s a sign they are connected to each other.

Kilauae is a funny name Kill a UAE.

Just kidding but will look up the meaning of the name Kilauae: Spewing or much spreading.

Lava obviously and if you alternate the letters

like the language of Islam in regards to AKBAR to Barak you get Vala

 a demon or a stone cavern in the Hindu scriptures


Anyway I just remembered what my mom said to my older sister when she held her chin the last time I saw her:

She said: Can you beat that?

She knew.

I don’t think she can beat that, do you?

It was a message and i don’t think my sister or what possessed her liked it because she hospiced my mom. It was the BGEA that possessed my sister and fucked her up. Messed her up badly. She didn’t even remember a family member had saved her son from drowning. I had to remind her. She wasn’t thankful when I saved her grandkid because she didn’t care. Her husband cared about my underwear. Never said “thank you. We love our grandkid.”

If you play a game unfairly in the first half of a game and you cheat yet play fairly in the last half and win did you win the whole game or just half the game? Did you even win the first half? It’s an illusionary win (a delusion/deception) though it may seem real, It isn’t. There are reasons it’s a delusion but eventually you will figure out those reasons because it will come back to haunt you in a multitude of ways and it is only a false peace OBVIOUSLY

About 60 deaths in Israel so far and protesting in a bunch of places. Everyone is excited some in a good way and some in a bad way.

I don’t believe in a two state solution but I don’t live in Israel and don’t intend to. I used to want to see Israel but I don’t really think it’s that important to me compared to the other much more important  things i want that pertain to me not that Israel isn’t important. IT IS important to Israel and politically correct.

As far as terrorism goes truth would help but instead people teach false premises and I think are indirectly the cause of terrorism. Let me tell ya it was alarming to wake up one day to find out what you had learned isn’t true: jesus came so that we might have life. That if you believed in him you would not perish. You fight in a war and have to kill during the interim or have an abortion that he would forgive you or already had forgiven then because of the sexual infractions against children by the biggest moral authority cult on earth THE RCC that it doesn’t matter if he does because the RCC doesn’t forgive you. And then to find out the RCC caused the wars and more than likely indirectly caused the unwanted pregnancy. NO longer are women important but are to blame for over-population ETC especially when they get older. It’s hard to wake up to women like Laura InGraham who hates other women unless they stay beneath her who for some unknown reason was not blessed to have her own child but to steal someone else’s to look like a good mom in case it is needed while she throws every other woman those who even had kids after having an abortion (because GOD allowed it and didn’t allow her) under the bus. Having kids takes giving up a figure for months at a time and changing sizes and bone expansion etc. It is hard on the figure but Laura didn’t need to worry about it because she was frigid and had other things in mind like the RCC persecution of other women while seducing other men before our eyes before her show whom she in truth HATED and their parents who defended them against the political whims of the RCC and Laura InGraham.

The untold truth of Laura Ingraham

Says she took an oath and shouldn’t have to deceive with the intent to deceive. Maybe someone should investigate.

Nikki Haley is responding at the UN chiding the UN about the violence in regards to Jerusalem and the embassy move by the US from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Hey Nikki Haley

if everyone accepted that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and the implications of the truth about it

maybe Islam might accept that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and the implications of the truth about it.

Remember the story about Sarah and Abraham after meeting some angels who predicted her pregnancy but she didn’t believe it because she was barren she thought anyway and then had her handmaid Hagar have sex with Abraham. They gained Hagar by being abducted by an egyptian ruler because abraham was afraid and knew they would kill him if he was her husband so told her to tell the egyptian they were sister and brother and then Hagar ends up having a first born named Ishmael via some rite of childbirth and both chide Abraham, Sarah anther real son she eventually does have. Then because of the chiding Hagar and Ishmael gets tossed out into the desert to fend for themselves but an angel also helps them. I think there is a lot of read between the lines of the story and deception and everyone having to lie to the other because of hatred, paranoia, and entrapment and barbarism.  Perhaps now we can fix it by accepting the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed or the symbol of faith. I have not seen anyone move a mountain with their faith so it is also kind of a chide about faithlessness to keep everyone powerless or feel powerless and an excuse for not moving a mountain with faith and fix it by accepting that Jerusalem is the capital of israel. If not toss out the Palestinians out of Jerusalem into the desert like before in the story about Sarah, Abraham and Hagar or accept the terms above which is also the truth. 

While writing this paragraph about Hagar a highschool in Santa Fe Texas (*a city outside of the Houston  area of Texas) called Santa Fe HS  has been attacked by someone (possibly a student) with a shotgun who entered an art class and shot about 7 students who are dead and others. Laura InGraham said via Harris Faulkner one middle aged-man is in the hospital is in critical condition or some kind of condition fighting for his life or his leg which there is an artery in the leg so it can be serious and have herd the same for a female in the hospital . I have no idea how Laura InGraham knows but she must have some connections not realized or is involved, IMO. It would not surprise me if she were involved because of her persecution in the past of females who have had abortions and her prejudices towards them relentlessly and to get her job a prerequisite. Also explosive devices have been found in the high school and surrounding area and there is a person of interest, Jason Chaffetz says, which might also be involved in the attack who might have helped the terrorist or gave the terrorist entry into the high school or armed him/her. I might have misunderstood who provided information and may be Laura Ingle/Angle/Ingle (not sure of spelling) and not Laura InGraham nevertheless I wouldn’t be surprised of her involvement even indirectly being a schmuck. Now the total of dead is between 8-10 students and/or faculty killed and what is weird about it is it happened before school usually begins at about 7:30 in the morning and usually school begins at around 8 am and hearing about it at or a little before near noon. I think it’s weird. I think there is more going than meets the eye such as locating device but I tend to be paranoid because of my writing the posts that I do which tends to offend others but I feel I should write it like I hear or see it and think it as well. Of course Laura InGraham is for the NRA and the 2nd amendment (or is she?) and Obama isn’t. Ever since Billy Graham/Franklin Graham, the BGEA were punished for their views about the Mormon church as being a cult by the RCC/Vatican and Obama during the Obama Administration for the NWO no telling if she and the BGEA are flipping sides because it is more profitable and covenant or there is a power struggle between them and people and kids are getting caught (and some killed) in the middle. Something terrible going on because it should not be happening at all but has surged in numbers and occurrences since Obama took office who was groomed by Kissinger and he was hired by the Vatican to improve their reputation for child abuse, bank fraud, and money laundering but none of them are the boss. GOD IS THE BOSS!

Gov.Greg Abbott is talking on FOX News doing his job in regards to this tragedy and what he plans to do to help everyone and to stop these attacks. I don’t think he understands the scope of this tragedy and the cause but most people don’t.

Texas gov.: 10 dead in high school shooting – live updates

IT IS DEFINITELY SPIRITUAL as well as physical and NOT JUST A THREE DIMENSIONAL type crime. From the sounds of it and from what is reported it was attempted murder suicide which is a big problem especially since 5 states in the United states are at this time allowing hospice murder suicide a Roman Catholic DOGMA as a bargaining chip against abortion and family rights but the differences are immense in its attempt to be the boss (thinking itself to be GOD) and justify itself as the moral authority yet ignore The Ten Commandments and change the Ten Commandments in order to control families, prevent family planning in every way possible so it can plan our families for us (2nd Commandment says to honor your parents including mom not honor a nun, a priest, a bishop, a cardinal or a pope in fact not even mentioned in the Ten Commandments to their chagrin because the RCC hierarchy means so little to God), determine who marries who, who can divorce and who can’t, determine who is worthy and only forgive catholics by indulging catholics and award 77 virgins (to demean females as if 77 of them is worth one man) to those who commit murder suicide for them in alliance with Islam (yet not insure fetuses?) and try to put down those it wants to kill like animals as the zealot Father Jonathon of Fox news exemplified for his beloved Jesuit Pope Francis a couple of years or more ago during the Obama Administration who also sainted Mother Teresa:


to RAM A DAN who I don’t think are lost, but can’t be found.

Yeah, Trump says this has been going on for a long time but not to the extent it has since the Obama Administration where it has increased exponentially. It happened every few years or so once at UT and now it’s almost weekly and testing Trump like 9-11 tested George Bush but he did hit a camel in the butt against his own advice. I think Kuwait may have had a hand in his confusion like the Yazidis in Syria did Bret Baier about self smothering under a blanket to avoid rape to keep their chastity because Yazidis are more moral than the average american woman when more than likely the Yazidi women killed each other which happens when you are captive like happened during the holocaust people turning on each other and like what is happening now in our country as well because IRON AND CLAY DO NOT MIX (you would have to be a dumb-ass to have fallen for the bs not to mention but I will his shows about Benghazi and their explanations for what occurred PROPAGANDA but it started his book writing which from the excerpts and titles I read is quite dull and presumptuous replacing O’really and must have been part of his indoctrination WOULD HE GO ALONG? and he did) and definitely Billy Graham a shill for the RCC.

Texas school shooting suspect Dimitrios Pagourtzis wore ‘Born to Kill’ shirt, posted about guns, reports say

The Good Guys lyrics 

The Good Guys – Melanie

I believe God always has forgiven even before Jesus but expects us to try to be our best (especially when you become realistically aware of God which takes experience and living and making mistakes) and that truth matters. Laura In Graham doesn’t believe in truth and has been aware of God so she tries to fake

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

All this 70th anniversary stuff, the embassy, and the recognition just in time for the 70th anniversary seems just too good to be true after everything I have seen. Therefore it is unbelievable to me. I think it is a trap of some kind but I don’t know for whom the bell tolls especially with the temple mount sticking out like a sore thumb and in light of revelation. Maybe it’s a reprieve of some kind, but it doesn’t ring true. And maybe I’m right maybe there is more than one Trump we are dealing with. There are 7 Trumpets in the bible and I think we have seen two but I don’t know, maybe more. Isn’t it funny about his son’s name and the reference to Blessed are the barren written about in the gospels which I wrote about in the post above. I guess we will eventually see. It’s kind of eerie and so is the following.

President Trump Puts ‘America First’ On Hold To Save Chinese Jobs

Does this sound normal to you? It doesn’t to me. Sounds maniacal especially if phones with these parts can put our military in jeopardy which is what i got from the news about it on Fox. This sounds suicidal and deceptive. It probably is. CHINA CHINA CHINA

Melania Trump is recuperating in a hospital a good one I think and Mueller is in trouble with some new allegation involving a Russian oligarch but I think it is diversions of some kind. It wasn’t Russia who sainted Mother Teresa, was it, and I do think it’s the crux of the matter as far as God is concerned and His purpose which I think matters. I hope so. The moral authority sainting Mother Teresa is NOT A GOOD SIGN.



Which is why the terrorists that were caught and were held in Cuba at Guantanomo Bay and then the Cubans who did the water boarding/torture were killed, isn’t it how it works to avoid the international agreement called the Geneva-thing-a-ma-jig. and why Haspel and cohorts destroyed the video tapes to protect themselves from blame and not to protect the tortureres and CIA operatives as she says. Something like it which is why she should not be in charge of the CIA.

i was gonna add some stuff in revelation but noticed some other stuff that doesn’t sit well with me also in revelation. I was gonna add the imagery of the catholic church which I think is relevant however there are other things in revelation that seem to be not relevant IMO and since the prophecy of Daniel was moved to a new place (to the Gospel Of Matthew) during the Obama Administration which is quite recently biblically speaking I can’t really trust or have good faith in some other things contained in the bible. I think I’m right but I know a lot of people think I’m wrong like Laura InGraham and all her friends. I don’t think dirty tricks are good however she doesn’t seem to mind those dirty tricks which is why I think faith is dead and as Pope Benedict said faith was the new enlightenment and I think he was correcting a false premise added later to gain followers probably to gain Islam because the mustard seed teaching is in the Koran and probably where it came from. An attempt to tame a very wild, destructive and barbaric religion so it might have been in earnest. God knows. And should have behooved them to lighten up but does not seemed to have worked which will work against them, IMO and against the Jesuits who use them for their purpose to punish and to prop themselves. Not sure which is the greater sin BUT IT’S BIG. (Things are different now, arms wise, aren’t they. We now have weapons of huge destruction that can even things out quite a bit and hopefully won’t need to use them but we might and if we head for the mountains of God we might not need to and let Him do it however I don’t think it would be wise. We won wars when we accepted the Ten Commandments as the underpinning of belief and the foundation in God. which is why Obama tried to disarm the USA and arm Iran and he should be investigated for doing so but for some reason none seems to want to hold him accountable which is extremely dumb because Iran is gonna spill it’s guts anyway so might as well ) Obviously it was false because the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed even in the plant world unless words don’t matter, but then why have a bible and why rest your belief  on a word called faith? seems rather desperate to me. I haven’t seen anyone with even the faith of a mustard seed move a mountain from here to there except in movies like The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain about a surveyor of land which is a funny movie and not even Jesus was witnessed to have moved a mountain from here to there unless someone left it out of the bible. Maybe it is in terms of ideals and not physically and if it is the case I think I won or Laura InGraham would be complaining about the Omnibus bill and she didn’t mind whatsoever as long as a Republican was President because she has conviction.

President Trump Just signed a spending bill that fully funds Planned Parenthood.

Hannity says that we have formed an alliance with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates against Iran with Israel. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe Russia is allied with Iran. I think they have as much of a relationship with Iran as we do or have in the past. Billions of dollars worth of a relationship. I think it is Every Man For Himself these days against females and it ain’t gonna work. Good try. Saudi Arabia I believe is in alliance with Iran and allowed them to fly in Saudii Arabia to attack Yemen. I think it just depends on which way the wind is blowing as far as Saudi Arabia is concerned. I think Saudi Arabia is in alliance with the RCC. So the strides that have been made in the MIddle East are tenuous at best and things in the Middle East may be at it’s worst ever and on the brink of a catastrophe. But we shall see. I think the truth shall be the victor and I don’t think EMFH will succeed.

I’m not sure I trust Hannity’s judgement. I KNOW I DON’T.  He has been led astray quite a bit in the past in regards to the guilt or innocence of perpetrators of crimes based on politics and race. Trayvon Maritin was a good example. Even though at the time it was contentious I don’t think giving the killer a pass of an unarmed boy on his way to the store to buy skittles is someone to trust in regards to right or wrong, true justice, etc. IT was one of the best interviews I have ever seen him perform with a total denial of the intent of the killer because of his political views about carrying a weapon. I was not impressed with his vision and his heart should be troubled. Later the perpetrator of the crime of the killing of Trayvon Martin committed more crimes with a gun. REMEMBER? I think it occurred in Florida but you ignored it. It was obvious the killer was guilty of causing the death of Trayvon Martin. HIS DAD (I THINK IT WAS HIS DAD) GETS RILED AND RIOTS ENSUE WHILE HE RAGES ABOUT BURNING DOWN THE BITCH AT A RIOT IN ST. LOUIS MISSOURI BUT NO ONE BOTHERS TO ASK: WHAT BITCH? Greta Van Susterne did make a show about the murder of Trayvon Martin and it was not truthful a few shows for ratings and she traveled quite a bit with the Christian Evangelical Franklin Graham to raise funds for children in central america and/or Haiti using kids traversing a land fill of trash which any moment could collapse eating burritos the kids found on the mountain of trash without intervening for the kids sake to avoid botulism or tetanus but for the sake of those sought after funds. Reality television gone mad. Obviously the press has as well because it is insane (The winepress of God) and reality TV is bullshit some might even say unnatural, self serving, and sick as if we are to believe people don’t act differently when being watched with a camera running vs how life should be…private but given the right only to mosques who harbor the enemy and attacked us on 9-11. It was OMNIBUSICAL and similar to Laura InGraham’s folly. Hannity is under the influence of Laura InGraham sickeningly and has yet to bring up Hospice/Murder Suicide and the evils of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHIURCH and I think it is called appeasing for oil and I don’t think God is impressed. However the God of the Winepress loves it. I KNOW I”M NOT IMPRESSED. If you are gonna walk the line you ought to bring it all out yet he doesn’t, does he? I’m for self defense as well and the 2nd amendment but fairness is kind of important as well and it wasn’t fair. IS Mother Teresa fair in her idea of using murder suicide as HER justice against abortion. DID GOD SANCTION IT? OR DID THE POPE SANCTION IT. DID HANNITY SANCTION IT? DID LAURA INGRAHAM SANCTION IT? DOES FOX NEWS SANCTION IT?


cat got your tongue?

Obviously, Laura InGraham Sanctions It. WHO MADE HER QUEEN OF HEAVEN?

Have another beer, or a six pack.

Faithers are kind of finicky.

and walking a fine line with lots of squiggles and mis-stepping quite a bit and attempting to turn a lie into the truth and truth into a lie which is NOT GOOD but a sign of the times and is partially to blame for revelation, the apostasy and armageddon and terrorism.

Don’t blame me, blame them.

The Omnibus Bill kind of exposed them, didn’t it?

Revelation isn’t over so hang on to your undies

I think there are still some bumps ahead and from my understanding it gets bumpier.

Sure seems like a perfect storm is building. It sure would be helpful if you and your friends would accept the truth but pride prevents you even though it could make a big difference if you did because you think you have the cat in the hat and are all that because of the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem and future talks with North Korea.

I don’t think you “get it.

You aren’t all that.

Enjoy the contentious opening of a US embassy on the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel

which was not served up on a tray, but may end up leaving on one!


It seems like every time I see Netanyahu on TV during this time he is on cloud nine overly so as if he is on some happy drug and should be kind of more suspicious/subdued than he is considering the past. Its a bit weird like he is not himself and like he is in Shangri-la putting leis on everyone he meets.

Margot Kidder died. An underrated actress imo but lots of fun to watch. Seemed very real.

Margot Kidder, Actress Who Played Lois Lane In ‘Superman,’ Dead At 69

I feel like because the reason for her death is not determined yet this news might be a trap of some kind the way things are these days with so much false news and news trying to promote murder-suicide.hospice often and recently with many prominent people being used some of their own will and some not of their own will which is the problem with it. IF we find out it was by hospice or suicide  I’m not sure I will believe it.  She was a good actress and seemed really wholesome in her way. Very natural. I didn’t believe and still don’t believe that the comedian Robin Williams committed suicide. I think he was used as an example. It’s easy to do. The circumstances didn’t sound right to me. Sounded like murder otherwise I think he would have done it differently and less violently because he sure didn’t seem like a violent person. i remember the circumstances as between two doors strangled to death which sure sounds like mob business.

This map is why I think Palestinians have many other options besides GAZA and the WEST BANK but were thwarted by the coups in Egypt by people in our government and at the Vatican, Saudi Arabia and Iran. At one time Palestinians actually had a good chance in Egypt and were assimilating really well. How many holy sites does one need to have proof of GOD?

I don’t think you need any.

I think having children, grand children, and great grandchildren and sometimes great great grandchildren

of your own

is proof enough



By the way, Lazarus in the Gospel of John was a raised after being dead for four days.

I think the meaning of that is a BIG ONE.

For one thing beloved a thousand years is as a day as a day is a thousand years and then maybe less depending on God.

20 fissures have opened up on the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. I wonder if the magic number of fissures is 22 before something terrible happens? It would be a sign for sure if it did. Maybe a good one.

I heard on Fox with Bret Baier and Dana Perino the country of Saudi Arabia almost a continent  (it wants to be incontinent) is working with the USA in regards to the State of Israel. Of course it is. Trying to influence a stale mate. Saudi Arabia is where there are two holy sites holier than the one in Jerusalem. Of course Saudi Arabia is trying to tie everyone up. I don’t buy their innocence or good will.

Is Saudi Arabia willing to give up three holy sites for peace?

Someone ought to ask them like Trump and let us know the answer. Might be more productive than talks with North Korea.

Because the cycle of the lunar calendar does not match the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan shift by approximately 11 days each year. In 2018, Ramadan is expected to begin in the evening on Tuesday, May 15, in the United States, although the date is only confirmed once the moon is sighted.

What if the the moon is not seen?

Maybe a good reason to blow it up if we don’t want to deal with it on earth. It is only a satellite and we still have the stars to guide us. We could say ISIS is responsible for the disappearance of the moon. Because of the craters on the moon which tend to help deflect some asteroids in the past which there is one making a close encounter with our planetary system pretty soon maybe it will help us.  Anyway there are threats to burn Haifa and Tel Aviv to the ground but not sure why. Because of an embassy, RAMADAN, the 70th anniversary, Iran, North Korea, Syria, recognition of the capital of Israel, Haley, Trump Obama, the Vatican (jealous), Saudi Arabia, the Gospel of John, the mustard seed debacle, or me? Pretty ridiculous. Honestly, I think something drastic needs to be done. I think Ramadan would be a good time to do it for the world to see. You gotta have conviction to do it. You have to believe.

Dogs burnt alive in abandoned car in Arab Israeli city

Outcry in Mali after albino child beheaded in ‘ritual’ murder

One of the 82 women in Cannes protest says root problem is false view that men are ‘best’

Jesus didn’t think so because he knew what was in man. He did not commit to man because of it knowing the mustard seed was not the smallest of seed but I think he did commit to women of courage and the men who stood for those women and their daughters, and their rights, etc.

(a lot of people losing their minds but WHO KNEW.)

 I was thinking that the 153 fish caught at the sea of Galilee might have to do with the order of the gospels. Possible. Matthew Luke and Acts. MAL in the order of their writing might mean – SICK, ill minded, demented, self serving – Malchus who i think was Paul who arrested Jesus and his right ear was cut off by Peter but healed by Jesus. The person whose wound was healed spoken of in a verse

King James Bible
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

which I think has a ton of possibilities. Paul at the island when a snake came out of the fire and bit him and the people worshipped him as a god and Luke was with him whom he used and vice versa. The island that looks like a bee called


when and where Pauil had his SHIPWRECK : The island was very important at one time strategically because of it’s location but it’s name is similar to the word MAL, isn’t it?

The verse also refers to the RCC as everyone already knows the circumstances which the RCC has been trying to dispel.

Billy Graham, The Pope etc


There are lots of codes in the bible and some are easy to decipher.

Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels said we would not be given more than we can handle and he lied, didn’t he.

How Palestinian youth would solve the conflict with Israel

I agree about the one state solution and don’t think the Palestinians are lesser of a people (in a way relatives) but are being used by Hamas and Hezbollah etc and using kids as martyrs which I do think makes them lesser AT LEAST the ones who put them in the deadly skirmishes for attention (and even the Turkish President uses kids as martyrs) for the press and I’m not sure the Palestinians can do anything about Hamas and Hezbollah except teach the truth which Palestinians don’t do. It’s tough I know because my ex has made it hard for me to teach the truth to my kids because of his upbringing as a catholic and the divorce thinking or hoping he was gonna bury me and me him which is what he said to me and It made my determination to divorce him and made me even more determined and a lousy reason to stay married. I have a feeling marriage is gonna decline because males have been very bad going along with the Islamic/Roman Catholic persecution of females and females are noticing and the men really don’t deserve kids, IMO. I love my kids but if I had known the future I would have never married. i’m gonna try to teach them not to bind themselves because it’s a losing proposition in this day and age. Oh yea and men/mice trying to use racism to cover up their complicity to put women in their place for the RCC and Islam using abortion as an excuse as if we are the cause when cowardice is the real reason allowing women to take the brunt of the NWO because men and many women as well think it will help them to survive and it won’t not realizing this is the GREAT DECEPTION.

If I were Trump and I’m not…. I would cancel the attempt/summit to have a meeting of the minds with Kim Jung Un who maybe smart as whip but out of his mind and make stiffer sanctions instead and forget the deal with China and also forget the debt to China (FORGET IT because we also have an ace in the hole called mutual destruction) and worry about Iran instead before it gets an ace in the hole and i don’t think russia wants to share an ace with iran though the vatican hopes it does. I know Sheppard Smith has his fingers crossed. I think it was a test of Kim Jung Un by Trump and he failed and a test by North Korea and CHINA CHINA CHINA to mess with Trump. Probably was BS anyway. RATINGS and to get everyone excited about how great he is for people on Fox like Jesse Watters, Laura InGraham and a biblical hero for Israel since some ruler in the past of Persia. It seems to have been a concerted effort on everyone’s part to mock the USA without realizing it. A weird condition of the possessed. AN OVERREACTION like the Nobel Peace Prize was a prize given for appeasement to Obama to put in his library about himself. It’s possible. It’a a ridiculous prize for people like Chris Matthews who got a thrill up his leg for Obama for no reason other than the color of his skin. We need a new chapter in the Book of Matthew of the bible called the Platitudes. Blessed are the silent for they shall not tell the truth. Blessed are the weak in spirit because they don’t know shit. Blessed are they that seek a Nobel Peace Prize for they thought appeasement meant peace…..

North Korea Threatens To ‘Reconsider’ Trump Summit, Cancels South Korea Talks

Says US backed rebels killed Ghadaffi after Obama gave him a car company chrysler during or near the time of the G-8 meeting in Aquilla Italy and during the visit by Ghaddaffi to Rome. Doesn’t pay to go to Rome nor to deal with Obama, obviously, but it was Obama (US OBAMA REBELS) and Rome/Vatican backed rebels which killed Ghadaffi by beating him to death like the mob. It was for someone to consume as a warning using the mob to threaten other leaders in the area to capitulate to the Vatican Jesuits and to Obama. it worked on the king of jordan. 

The Mystery Of The Fiat-Gaddafi Connection

See how Obama and the Vatican screwed things up for North Korea by setting up Ghadaffi when he could have been tried instead for his part in the downing of a plane of Lockerbie Scotland when more than likely it was someone else like Obama and the Vatican but we won’t know because instead he was killed conveniently. I think it was why he was killed or to be a scapegoat, Why did he give a part of chrysler to him? Or did the company have something to do with the downing of the plane over Lockerbie Scotland? the following article was on WND website and isn’t gonna help to get anyone to the table and certainly isn’t great and probably false news if it isn’t false news it’s stupid.

Trump warns Kim Jong-un: Make deal or suffer Gaddafi’s fate

Murphy Brown revival to take on Fox & Friends

Looks like it might be funny.

and add to the Beatitudes or replace a few of them:

Blessed are those that make people laugh in tumultous times full of briars and thorns, because it helps sometimes to laugh at ourselves and be thankful we still have morsels of freedom even after the Obama Administration however we must not forget what happened to the unsuspecting innocent and ourselves because we let our guard down and should never do it again and believe those responsible will be exposed for their betrayal and be betrayed themselves.

Blessed are females and their families who had abortions and later had kids of their own when it was best because those who were attacked for no reason by standing up for their children’s rights and the rights of females young and old (like my parents and even my sweet pets killed for the fun of it) other than spitefulness by the pompous false churches like the church of Laura Ingraham making a deal with the devil using every trick in the devils hands to silence us, to humiliate us, to persecute us, to divide us thinking their shit didn’t stink and it did stink TO HIGH HEAVEN which the Omnibus Bill demonstrated thinking she had the upper hand and made full use of it to fluff up her nest shamelessly and to distract for the sake of the false NWO church for those families will help us and our kids with help from God and be raised on the fourth day…. the day that matters to rejoin their families and live for our hopes and our dreams having routed out the betrayers to enjoy the day together. We still have more to go but that is gonna happen. “So hold tight” to plagiarize from Melanie (and Melania using the word best or the meaning to do the best we can do under the circumstances we find ourselves in) which I often do because I love her music and because it resonates with me. Yea we have our problems, but so do you and I think your problems are ahead of you and ours behind us.


Hospitals See Growing Numbers Of Kids And Teens At Risk For Suicide

I bet you didn’t know all this stuff did ya. It would be a good idea to take it seriously.

The church sure shouldn’t have screwed with my family because look how we reacted.


life insurance isn’t gonna help you but the opposite it will kill you so don’t buy it and if you have it get rid of it. 

Some day there won’t be a press, either. It’s not too far away so those in it ought to prepare, but

 hwas three sheets to the wind and he didn’t pay attention to my warning because he was three bricks shy of a load of sh..,

but not you Bret. LOL

(Nevermore ready to fall in love again…..)

‘It wasn’t the big one’: Massive ash plume explodes from summit of Hawaii volcano

 now at 21 fissures

The last time my sisters and I were together visiting my mom in the hospital at the time and after my older sister going to the women’s retreats in North Carolina….. Christian women’s retreats after befriending an English lady across the street from her and after her operation when the white-haired woman “an angel” she called her helped her when the german surgeon cut her ureter (corridor between the bladder and the kidney) on mistake but luckily caught the mistake in time to save her life and was sued and then I think she had a face lift (Insurance fraud and a bribe) but anyway she told me on the trip that “three was the number of perfection.”

She had learned this as a novice of Chrisitanity in North Carolina the home of the Grahams (Billy Graham and his family). The angel said it isn’t a good idea to have surgery on a Friday because of the doctors schedules being so heavy trying to make ends meet through the week (because of insurance and insurance fraud.) She was there for my sister to corrupt her, the angel, but under the guise she was helping her.. My sister had previously had a boob job and her nose adjusted  using a diverted septum as the reason for the plastic surgery to look like my little sister’s nose which is very pretty (people used to say she looked like Raquel Welch who had had a lot of plastic surgery or resembled her. She also was a BGEA “jesus freak” in-doc-trinated as a teenager I used to say. She thought she was a virgin even though her boyfriend snuck in the window of her bedroom of my parents house and they had sex without intercourse which I thought was awful liberal of her to compare to me who had had an abortion at 16 years old the first time I had had intercourse though I wasn’t asked and barely remember it because it was hard for me. I didn’t enjoy it and I didn’t want to be pregnant but to compare me to her for her sake. I refused the next date because of it that is how much I enjoyed it)

I told my older sister I didn’t believe in perfection since I had never seen it (in people.)

So via the deviate septum plastic surgery and the boob job she was primed for the corruption to please her husband and to help her jealousy because he abused other women and girls. He exposed his penus at family gatherings etc for the fun of it and to harass me because a few years before he had molested me before I was married or had even met my husband in my sleep sleeping next to her after a party we had all attended for their business a wine and cheese tasting party and she didn’t want me to drive home because of the wine and set up the sleeping arrangement and he snuck up on me on his belly I think because he wasn’t standing by the hide a bed and molested me and I did not scream but I kicked his hands off me quietly and discreetly, and the next morning I was in shock. Later when married after a family gathering reunion and a party at my parents home in another city her husband stared acting  up again and I didn’t appreciate it. Wanted to carry me to my car and I declined his offer but he had been drinking. I was wearing a peasant dress my mom had bought me and I guess he couldn’t handle it. He did a few other things and followed me to my car anyway in front of his wife, my sister. It was like a demonic manifestation of some kind and it was surreal and I couldn’t sleep the whole night because there was no lock on the door of the room I was assigned. So I left my parents home early in the morning and everyone wondered why. I wanted to go to sleep. I was worn out. My sister was acting funny towards me at the party probably because of how he acted. Resentful. Then soon after got an artist in the city to paint her over a period of time in oil a huge painting of herself with  her first daughter. It was unreal.Not an 8 by 10 or 11 by 14 inches but a about 8 feet tall. A sign of some kind. It affected her deeply but me as well however I didn’t realize how much it affected her. I wanted to move on with life and with my family without the hassling. Nancy who was at the party her best friend growing up called me to ask why I had left town early in the morning and I don’t know how she knew since she wasn’t spending the night at the house that nigh but I didn’t put two and two together at the time because I was upset. So I told her why and she advised me to talk to either of them. So I told my sister when she was back in town about it. I didn’t enjoy it either. She didn’t believe me and told me she was going to call my parents to tell them I was attracted to her husband was why I left and picked up the phone and I left her home upset of course. t just wanted it to stop for everyone’s sake. And then we had our meeting  a few days later at my sister’s request for the family and she stayed in the kitchen clanging pots and pans like she really enjoyed it during the meeting and he said he would go to church and it didn’t help.

Of course, there are three synoptic gospels written by an unknown source called Q and when you compare them they don’t jibe. Lots of exactly the same wording so therefore the same author but under different names or it was copied to give credence to itself. Each of the synoptic gospels helps the other as if three is the magic number but totally disorderly to each other as far as the order of events in the gospels. OUT OF WHACK. So whoever helped and added to the three Synoptic gospels didn’t know the order of events.and wasn’t a follower. Jesus in the Gospel of John said that Peter would deny him THREE times. IS IT PERFECTION? I don’t think so. 

When we had the discussion about the number three we were on the elevator going up to revisit my mom after having lunch out on my mom’s dime and I said what I said as the elevators opened up and three men got on the elevator as we got off the elevator and the men laughed heartily about my comment. I think the men were going down the elevator. Not too long after our visit to see our mom our mom was hospiced without my knowledge for two weeks. I wasn’t invited to the funeral of my mom and had previously been exiled from my little sister’s home even though I had her live with my family for two years off and on while she was in a divorce highly contested divorce because of some lousy christian lawyers who screwed her and she had to get new ones. I tried to help her because she tried to help me in regards to my older sister and her husband and she was accused of having an affair during their separation even though he had had some affairs during their marriage. It was a rough divorce and a lot of people wanted to partake of their business profits they built together as a team because it was a very successful business even written about in the news as being a top 100 business in the area a very big city I think even a lesser number more like ten. He had another family before her which she helped to raise because the son hated his mom, etc. SEE HOW IT WORKS? THE BGEA is to blame imo for hospice for shilling for the Roman Catholic Church evangelicals disguised as baptists. CRAZY shit but shit it is. It’s about money and about fraud and about theft and the abuse of women, abuse of power and perfecting and corrupting women with surgery to please their husbands but it didn’t stop him from abusing other females but gave him a license instead via the church. We remained friends and family because we loved each other and soon after my sister was getting 250 thousand dollars a year to spend. But I still didn’t put two and two together. I loved her and thought she loved me and thought we could get past it but he didn’t stop. He wanted to punish me by exposing himself from time to time when he drank beer and felt like it or was in a belligerent mood kind of thing. I never knew when he would act up and nor did she. We tried to handle it as best we could other than cutting off his dick what else could we do as a family, a very close family. We did our best and sometimes he was okay as well and then he would pull something on us at the oddest of times. I wasn’t the only one he messed with. Who plays footsie with the other sister in law under the table at a family reunion out dining? He did. There were others as well. He had problems of some kind and something spiritually was screwing with our family and we did not deserve it. Has to do with oil and the oil business because it was the oil business his dad was in and was President of an oil company working in Saudi Arabia and their teachings about virgins. He didn’t want to wait to be martyred? I had heard through the grapevine (my sister) his dad hated Jews but was also a christian. and enjoyed making Gary jealous of his brother because he was a doctor who knew nothing about ranching and were Unitarians, and I think got into money trouble because of it. and then came the options treading brain storm by Gary and lost a bunch of money on the stock market and blamed my mom and me for their loss and years later hospiced my mom without telling me and against my mom’s wishes because she told me she wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother which should have been doable. Gary, his son collected roman artifacts and Nazi artifacts.

So needful to say

when I hear someone say Judeo-Christian values or sharing Judeo-Christian values

as some kind of litmus test,

I’m not impressed!

Does it mean including the Ten Commandments? Does it mean sharing some history together?

Does it mean democracy?  Does it mean not communist?

Or does it mean Jerusalem the apple of God’s eye which could mean temptation

if you consider Genesis and depending on which god you are talking about.

When one says it as a catch phrase it can mean many different things to different people and be totally deceptive not necessarily because of the person saying  the phrase but because the phrase itself doesn’t specify the context of the catch phrase. Like a catch-22. It can mean a lot of things and can mean nothing or somewhere in-between. My brother was agnostic and respected judeo-christian values and he also said to me I YAM THAT I YAM when I tried to talk to him about God and he did not like it one iota. He cared more for whether he got the pizza the way he ordered it by the person serving it to him than the God of the Ten Commandments but I don’t think he understood what I had learned. And getting your pizza right is important when you pay for it and expect to get what you ordered. Religions ought to think about that. He was also into the spiritual book called The God Particle so he was searching which is good but it was obvious Christianity turned him off as it did me. A political football used to get votes or to cover up sexual abuse. I respected his honesty but not his demeanor at the time he said it (he was district attorney so had  a bit of an edge) though because he had been screwed with by christians quite a bit. Christians aren’t exactly great examples and don’t walk the walk of their faith and many don’t even try but use it and have made the word faith a litmus test in itself and it is based on a lie so no wonder. We all take it for granted quite a bit but I do think the Ten Commandments are brilliant and a good standard for all religions whereas the New Testament (the Synoptic gospelsI) seems to undermine the Ten Commandments as a standard when it is supposed to be the foundation of the religion. I also appreciate the honesty of Christopher Hitchens expose and he is an atheist and more honest than most if not all christians. That is a terrible thing when an Atheist is more truthful than those in the 3 largest religions of faith in the world. So no wonder shit is happening these days when the Ten Commandments have been tossed out like a dirty disposable diaper. I think without the Ten Commandments we might have to kiss this world goodbye or it us. Hospice is definitely not a theme of the 2nd commandment of the Ten Commandments: Honor thy parents. I don’t believe hospice honors our parents and can be misused  immensely for many subtle and insidious reasons brought on by many deceptions and entrapments so I’m pissed about it and have a right to be upset about what happened to my family and to my parents all because of IMO incest and sexual harassment and degradation of females to keep them subservient which my brother loved about his wife and a roman catholic. Not incest or sexual harassment but subservient to some degree. Some men like women who serve them and some women don’t mind and some like equals like my dad did my mom, not that they didn’t have troubles, but overcame them so there must be something special about equality. She loved to rub his feet. She was so sweet about it. She loved him. A give and take kind of relationship. Forgiveness as well. Both had good marriages. My brother’s wife was a good wife and mom, sister and daughter and also had a spirit. She gave him a good hard time sometimes when he deserved it. So there was some cool stuff in their relationship because he took it well. However, my brother’s wife developed a twitch but not sure why. The funny thing is my older sister was dominant in their relationship and he took it out on other females but I think the reason was because he took it out on females first and she became a domineering person because what happened to me by him happened early in their marriage so he is to blame for her attitude, IMO. And I know why she loved him too. He had some good qualities as well which made it harder ofr I would murdered him. Not really, but I would have been worse than these posts in how I handled it and perhaps got a cleaver and snuck up on him or had it in my pocket when he did his stuff to me. It shouldn’t have been happening and should have stopped and instead I lost my family and shouldn’t have. It was totally unfair and UNJUSTIFIED and almost killed me and still sometimes does. She did not start out that way however SMU had a deep and lasting affect on her and I don’t think it was good.

 God did not say in the Ten Commandments women shall serve men or be subservient to men, did He? 

However, I am not ready to forgive the hospicing of my mom against her will and mine. I don’t think I ever will be. I blame the BGEA and the RCC for it’s deviousness in how it came about and it’s insane excuses.

Anyway Netanyahu’s over the top demeanor and the Hawaiian volcano losing it’s top going on at the same time also seems coincidental, but very distant as well. Watched Hardball for a few minutes in regards to Mueller whether Trump should fire him and his guests all said he should not fire him but were conservatives and supposedly were regular people off the street or in an audience (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) and it was really really fishy. Of course he should fire Mueller. How stupid. Mueller is trying to get him impeached and will do it in anyway he can as if he has nothing better to do and has overstepped his duties. He’s Obama’s stooge and the Vatican’s stooge. He should be investigated and his ties to the Vatican. Same goes for Chris Matthews. Investigate the investigators. The ex just told me Mueller said today he can’t indict the President. Talk about wasting everyone’s time and money. It obviously was a diversion and probably something has been sufficiently covered up somewhere and he should be fired. Of course, Mueller could indict him if he wanted to but for some unknown reason is backing off, or is he? I agree with Putin as far as the nuts are concerned within our government but I do not know Putin. Never talked to him. But I still agree with him on this point and I think the Vatican operatives are ensconced within our government and intelligence agencies are to blame. His mind will probably change depending on what happens with North Korea, Iran and others. He is into it for the wrong reasons: To control the President. Laura InGraham with her big contorted plate like lips (hoping for donations) is probing  Rudy Guiliani to find out what is Trump’s plan B, plan C, and plan D as far as Mueller is concerned but acting as if she is on the President’s side and the side of the American people. LOL I don’t think he is gonna tell her but then you never know….. oh yea, and the press. LOL She might have an easier time getting the information she needs from Rudy Guiliani if she showed some cleavage but she doesn’t want to be obvious even though we all know what she is up to but she doesn’t realize it. Sort of funny to watch him handle her mostly after last weeks misunderstanding (I’m not sure what it was) which got everyone buzzing and is in the hot seat making up for it. When she asked him a few things his eyes get real big. Very funny. Not very. But funny. Some people have a hard time deceiving and he is not IMO a deceiver. I remember hearing how he handled 9-11 which he handled well and how when unemployment was a problem in the city he got very personal about it got people jobs and acted like a good mayor. I think he is one of the good guys. Obviously lawyers have to swerve quite a bit sometimes but I think he does it honorably but boy did he have to take some flap about nothing IMO It was more like a misunderstanding. Some of the press tried to make him look bad in pictures on the internet and I don’t think he deserved it.

Melanie Safka – Alexander Beetle

Below are some examples of pictures on Foxes page on the internet of Rudy Guiliani the only two that stood out and both make him look weird and not how he appears when you see him live. Like my older sister used to take umpteen pictures  of the family the amount of which was staggering she could have made a mountain out of the amount of pictures she took and had developed and passed around and made us view and somehow she picked the worst of me whenever possible for others to see. Or gary taking videos of my thighs with my kid on my hip as a tot to see his daughters new but used van walking to the van from the house so he could needle my sister acting as if it was accidental and it wasn’t. I know it wasn’t. She may not. At the time I was fit but I did not take the videos and wished they had erased it which they did often of themselves if it wasn’t attractive. Strange but true. Weird stuff. These pictures make Guilliani look like he is a nut and I don’t think he is so why is it on their site? Maybe Laura is involved in the site on the internet: She didn’t get the info she wanted from him so make him look bad. retaliating. OR maybe she doesn’t like my lip jokes. I never said she wasn’t pretty I just think her lips look funny and how she talks with them is even worse. UNNATURAL. I think she needs a better lip injector. I did notice when talking to someone she wasn’t trying to illicit information from and in agreement with her ideals and prejudices her demeanor was quite different and she used her lips less and was less aware of them. So there is something to  her intent and how she uses her lips. When you go on the news and are seen nightly and lashing out at women and girls who have had abortions and needlessly since it wasn’t really important to her other than to lash out at women and girls for the sake of the RCC and for the BGEA as the Omnibus bill proved beyond a reasonable doubt; you have to expect some criticism. I don’t think she likes to be criticized and

 in truth she blew it.

and it’s an important issue to have sacrificed on the alter of politics for conservatism and for power because many women go through it and have to make the decisions and only have a small window of time to do it in and usually are desperate, confused, afraid, hurt and not ready to be a mom and others like to point at them for those decisions only to use as a leverage or a short term gain. Roman Catholics like women or girls to entrap men and promote it using pregnancy as blackmail. It’s sad to see though I’m glad she did for this expose on human behavior because it was illuminating and callous and a religious club used to subjugate females and in her case other females and especially now because of the war imposed upon the families of those females using religious warfare of hospice by the RCC and used as an excuse to kill/murder with intent to lord over their souls and an attempt to destroy their spirits for a hefty paycheck at Fox News. MAL VERY MAL. She must have had a lousy mom and dad or never learned to handle jealousy. She has no idea the harm she has caused (does she care?) even just to me and my family. Humongous harm, pain and suffering, deep sadness and psychological torment for merely a whim.

Apocalyptic. I wonder if there is a lipstick with the same name that puffs your lips or a dip stick.

What do you think of her ad…self consumed? She thinks she’s all that: enough of her because she is a bore and I mean it literally like a botfly. I think I got under hers as well;) but it took great fortitude to get to the point about Laura InGraham.

Worlds scariest insect?

I don’t think I was the only one it mattered to because I didn’t write the bill or sign it. She oughta take a hint because it’s a BIG ONE and even a sign from heaven above.

Cyndi Lauper – She Bop

*Excuse me for the mixup between Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin but similar cases. I think it was Michael Brown’s dad who said the “burn the bitch down” raging in a crowd and being stoked by his friends or people that like to take advantage of someone in mourning. Oh well. I think it is spiritual and he was mourning. Probably involved the same people though. NRA and anti gun lobbyists and Obama who did a lot of harm between the two antagonizing and needling and probably forcing people to perform for his cause to strengthen Death to America advocates using kids like Hamas, Hezbollah and some Palestinians and the Vatican who also use kids terribly for political gain. I guess like Mother Teresa hearing babies crying as an excuse for hospice Hamas, Hezbnollah, some Palestinians, and the Vatican hear children throwing grenades as an excuse to kill Jews and make it hard for other Palestinians who can abide jews and I’ve side by side with them without wanting to hurl rocks at them.

A few years back the evolution of computer gaming played by the public had a technique used so that one player might see something a player with him might not see because he wasn’t at the same level of the quest in order to see it as the other player and I think it is being used in the news by the press or something controlling the press and causing GREAT CONFUSION. Like a filter for one person and not for another. I think it is being used for propaganda purposes and to have an edge your opponent doesn’t have. Sort of like cheating. Kind of how technology might be being stolen as well but while the technology can also have good purposes and can be used for bad.

I can’t remember the name or the term used and when I do I will add it but I think it might be what is going on. Sort of like redacting a document one player might see each and every word and another player doesn’t. What made me think of it was the demonstration on Tucker Carlson and a few other shows where some people heard one word and others heard another. LAUREL and YANNY or something like it and some people thought they heard Laurel and some people thought they heard Yanny of the same word said. Anyway Bill Gates is hassling Trump about diseases? How weird and trivial.  Does bill gates know the meaning of EMFH?

Bill Gates describes interesting encounters with Trump

It’s getting very very messy in politics:

Now some defunding of Planned Parenthood,

but not all,

because he has conviction

Amazing what political blackmail can accomplish, but so do volcanos.

I love the army because it served me well and it didn’t have to

So I could write my posts and expose people like her and her shit which I did quite a bit.

Kenny Rogers – Three Times A Lady

Too bad it had to be like this because it really didn’t,  

I did what I had to do because I felt it was my duty to show Laura InGraham is a snake in the grass. It’s a thankless duty but maybe my rewards are in heaven. Powerful position she is in and abused it, IMO. The press devours each other often and ruins the best sometimes and the reason is is it is a powerful part of government in the wrong hands or it would not have hired her. Do you remember the Fox questions of the candidates?

ARE YOU AGAINST ABORTION? was their prerequisite to get their candidate and got him but there are more than it thinks.

Is it any wonder that the  2nd amendment is under attack since the 2nd Commandment was attacked by the RCC and Mother Teresa and those who support the notions of evil which I think is the reason. LOGIC and COMMON SENSE and I still have both. I think the 2nd Commandment is gonna win. Men have a right to defend themselves against thieves and murderers but so do females have rights and still do.

Sheila Jackson

Sheila Jackson was on Fox giving her advice about the 2nd amendment and school shootings. She’s pretty smart, low key and has some common sense but what does she think about the prophecy in the Gospel of Matthew about diverse places though I couldn’t find in the word search of the bible online but luckily knew it well enough to look up rumors etc and found it; the reason I couldn’t find it is it has been changed to divers places leaving off the e and it was not this spelling before on the online Bible Gateway at least on my computer.

Matthew 24:7 (KJV)

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.


Definition of pestilence

1a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating; especially bubonic plague
2something that is destructive or pernicious
  1. having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
    Anyway I looked up subtle in the bible gateway and remembered it was used in the bible in Genesis for a description of the devil.
    Do you think the school shootings is a pestilence? I DO.
    Famines can be about starvation but also untruths or lack of the truth and this started during the Obama administration as far as the alteration of the bible with the prophecy of Daniel standing where it shouldn’t and ended up in the Gospel of Matthew to support the Gospel of Matthew. The attempt to make the Gospel of Matthew started during the time of the 2nd Vatican and the assassination of JFK as if not being the first of the gospels in the New testament wasn’t enough. I have a good memory having read much of the bible and always wondered what it meant. It was a sign of pestilence. and the clue was (let the reader understand) in parentheses so you had to have read it to know that more than likely Obama is responsible for the pestilence going on.
    Rep  Sheila Jackson made a statement about the number of school shootings and it seemed rather high for the year 2018 perhaps she meant the amount of victims (but mentioned the number 28) not the amount of school shootings. Misspoke I think but I think she means well and should be included in talks in Texas about school shootings since she represents Texas and has some good ideas but don’t give Obama a pass as if this is Trumps fault. School shootings have been going on since Newtown in the Obama administration and his agenda is to disarm the US citizens and not the IRANIANS (billions of dollars donations from Obama) and other divers places. Fast and Furious etc and everyone who still has a brain knows it is suicidal to disarm the US citizens as it was for many people in divers places in the past who were disarmed. Don’t forget what he said at the press dinner about Michelle’s arms pumping her up for his sake, not yours and not hers. (same thing happened to my sister on the pamphlet of my mom’s funeral I received to make her think she earned the $35,000 she deposited in her savings account of my mom’s estate before my mom was hospiced which could have been used for doctor’s care ANyway her husband was at the hospital when my mom sided my soother sister said. I have no idea I wasn’t there  because I didn’t know. Pumped her up to go along and to shut her up. SUBTLEty) It was a dark sentence what Obama said at the UN and Daniel talks about dark sentences as well. It certainly woke me up about him besides what he said at the UN about his God and insulting him as if many christians haven’t been insulted by urination and feces on their images of God. But noone knows what he looked like. What he said was subtle but it didn’t get past me.Just because he has darker skin than the average white person doesn’t make him your race. He was uplifted RAiSED by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican and believe me he doesn’t care about race he only cares about destruction but the race card comes in handy like free telephones to distract against the rights of women and their bodies black and white and why so many african americans have been caught in the cross hairs because he is the Destroyer written about and also included in the Gospel of Luke and if you had half a brain biblically speaking you would recognize him as the destroyer in the Gospel of Luke. I did. He is only using Michelle but she doesn’t realize it just like Hillary and other women whose husbands are assholes and partially why she didn ‘t win the presidency and because she saw something in regards to Benghazi and Osama Bin Laden and Ghadaffi and no one wanted her to remember hence the head wound. I remember Laura InGrahams taunt about it as her excuse for not testifying early on. I bet Laura InGraham knows more than she is letting on. I bet Franklin Graham does too. (Mr.more Christians are gonna die”, zealot).
    *Also note that in the past there was no punctuation which can alter the meaning of sentences.
    A lot of misspeaking going on so be careful although it’s tough with so many false news reports and deceptions purposeful deceptions for propaganda purposes for the NWO and it’s agenda TESTING GOD which is a sign also of the end:
    Revelation, Apostacy, Armageddon, Apolyptic shit and so forth. For some reason in the Book of Revelation there are seven trumpets. Do I know why? no, but it is interesting we have a President named Trump. I do know Jesus in Gospel of John said Feed my sheep he did not say, starve his sheep which often Hospice does (my mother in law for one) and then blames pain killers for the deaths because it is also used in hospice and offered for free if you don’t include doctors care by Medicare or Medicaid. So a lot of lies in hospice care! If it is so harmless why lie about it? Why the silence about it? The last words of Jesus in the Gospel of John are relevant and a sign of the times we are in. Why was hospice free without doctors care during the Obama Administration?
    If you are on the up and up
    maybe you could bring up hospice
    and the pitfalls involved
    as described above
    since you have the spotlight
    at your disposal
    at this time
    thanks to a school shooting
    in Texas.
    Don’t forget: you might be being tested as so many have lately.
    The ex and I were discussing the deep state after watching Jesse Watters for a bit. I asked him “who do you think is behind the deep state?” and now he says he doesn’t know and he said, “but I know it’s not catholic.” Of course, it is. It’s the Vatican and Islam the two biggest cults in the world. Watched Levin rage and others about the constitution being abused because he is a constitutionalist schooled to be one and while I think it’s a good document it’s only as good as the people who uphold or don’t uphold it and the Vatican doesn’t uphold it. Islam doesn’t uphold it. If truth doesn’t matter should the constitution matter? I don’t think so. If you can’t even admit some truths plain and simple truths what different does it make anymore. Blame it on females. why not? The constitution doesn’t protect females but females are to protect males by not testifying against them. How about females? It has to do with the Book of Acts and Sapphira. (MAL) My ex called the police on me when dealing with my daughter who was out of control attempting to cut the fringe off my purse and in my room being bad because she has been messed with being bullied at school as a teenager and other things the ex did to confuse her because I divorced him and had me falsely arrested. I wasn’t rough but the cops arrested me anyway. I was weaker than her because of my wounds in the past. But it’s a man thing. Sleep with your daughter (not saying he wanted sex) but a power thing when he shouldn’t have slept with her and I stopped it nicely but he never appreciated it like he should have. I could have taken pictures, but I didn’t. i did write about it on my blog and is my right. I didn’t abuse it but used it to prove my points.
    It is why I think those in the press should prepare for the end because believe it or not the press right or left and independent are being used to taunt and lie because they don’t get the whole story leaving out truthers 100 per cent. Watched Martha McCallums ad for Fox about what Fox does and going the extra mile to get to the truth. Something like it anyway. NOPE sorry. NOT TRUE. Not even 50 percent true. I like her but she has to lie to keep her job. I sure don’t see any disclaimers on the ads for the anchors and ought to have them but don’t need them or include truthers and don’t ridicule them.
    Perhaps the press is part of the DEEP STATE
    or at least those who own it and edit it and control it.
    The reason I say the press should prepare is it is coming, the end as we know it, anyway. The signs are there. I know it sounds unbelievable and yes some of the signs are self fulfilling prophecy (not by me) but does it make it less of a fulfillment? Maybe, but I don’t think so which is why it would help if people or the powers in charge didn’t try to fulfill prophecy and started to take the truth seriously for their sake as well as everyone else’s sake. I have watched some good press (some of the best talent) taken down by bad press in the same company using abuse of power, intimidation, and lawyer deals like O’reilly used to shut people up. INTIMIDATE THEM and Pay them off. Like the mob. I’m not comparing Trump because I don’t know but I do realize the moment he became president he was attacked. Everyone including myself gave Obama some chances and he failed ASTRONOMICALLY. Mostly females were taken down because one cult is overtaking another cult and if only both could accept the truth instead both are gonna be destroyed, IMO, probably by each other. SOMEHOW. I have no idea how but I think it is a matter of time
 and not even Jesus knows the date, neither the time, nor the hour I have read
but I do know people will be still marrying when it happens and then sudden destruction cometh (to steal a biblical term)
So better prepared than not prepared, right?
I do think disrespecting the female is part of the reason using the race card. Disrespecting the elderly is also a reason using abortion as an excuse to hospice the elderly. Disrespecting the truth as well. lot of reasons. Disregarding history and rewriting it is a reason.  Changing the bible doesn’t help but is a sign. A BIG ONE. PRIDE PROBABLY IS THE REASON.
How do we prepare? I think truth helps.
I’m not talking about carnal stuff because in my opinion everyone is carnal to some degree eventually,
I’m talking about the mustard seed lie which is a cardinal sin if it isn’t corrected and should be quite simple now that it’s done and not by changing it to save face like I heard in the past recent past that ‘is’ was changed to ‘was’ in the Koran. I have no idea if it is true it was changed but it was suggested in regards to the mustard seed being the SMALLEST of seed because it was not the smallest of seed in the past either which should be a wake up call and the difference between the Jesuses written about. One Jesus knew and another didn’t.
Pope Benedict XVl admitted faith was the new enlightenment but doesn’t mean the enlightenment was true. I think he was trying to help his fellowship by trying to show them the truth and was replaced in short order by a Jesuit. I don’t think Jesuit Pope Francis was trying to help when he sainted Mother Teresa, do you?n I know this sounds finn but I saw a little of my dad in him. I think my daad helped him have courage to do it. when he retired and left in a white helicopter I felt like it was my dad a little being in the airborne. It was an emotional feeling and I wasn’t a follower of Pope Benedict XVl and against catholicism at the time. I felt something familiar. There is a spiritual world and it is watching good and bad. and learning which I believe God has allowed to help us but also a demonic one as well which I think Armageddon is about and Revelation to reveal. While I enjoy humor and sometimes am humorous we should take it seriously as well and not ignore hospice and the RCC solution to murder their opponents faith vs believing using humor because it might turn it’s ugly head on you when you least expect it to be a martyr for the RCC and it’s dogmas/ideals putting it’s faith in gullibility to rob and to steal and it’s most abused enlightenment based on a lie taking for granted the freedom we once had and are losing little by little as a whole and some of us a lot in part because of the RCC’s lies and deafening silence of the gullible AND THE KNOWLEDGEABLE and because of the NEW WORLD ORDER which I believe is against God but warned about by Pope Benedict XVl a NWO with teeth. He wrote a book but I didn’t read it or a catholic kind of thing (having special names for their religious apologies) called Truth in Charity which might also be a sign there is problem with it or why write about it. Maybe thinking of his legacy, who knows, but still I think it was a sign or a hint to his pasture/flock whether or not he meant it this way or that way. I think the tables are turning. People are gullible when they start learning about religion and faith etc and experience helps a lot but it’s one thing to be a novice another to take advantage of the gullible which is what the RCC/ISLAM and most of its daughters do. When I say the tables are turning I think there is gonna be a reckoning of those who took advantage and don’t try to stop Hospice when in the know about it whether you have been involved. I’m teaching you so you know to protect your loved ones and stand up against it or suffer the consequences, We were not warned and you are. We were messed with in a big way. I’m not sure the serenity prayer is gonna help anyone in the case of Hospice. Maybe in the case of addiction but not Hospice because there is a big difference between the two. It’s gonna take intervention as in responding to the war drums of hospice by the RCC and Mother Teresa and whatever was driving her madness similar to responding to Hitler’s solution which was contained for a while by ignorance and silence but it didn’t last. I don’t think the serenity prayer would have won WWll, do you? The press needs to be more informative in regards to what is really going on and I will hold them responsible for the deaths by Hospice and for the silence and ignorance because I KNOW THE PRESS KNOWS and God knows the press knows as well who is trying to help and who is trying to hinder. Not that I can do anything about it but write what I see. Be a witness. I certainly have my suspicions and I think you know who. GOD KNOWS too. Revelation mentions the press so it is a big deal if you are in the press. It’s an important job and profession and most are very well paid and should not be taken lightly because people’s lives are at stake. I think criticism isn’t bad if it helps so not all of my witnessing and writing is also good will to some degree but I have my reasons for some of my written attacks besides the fact it is important to know and important to me. I think it might help the religions of the world to accept the Ten Commandments as a foundation which might be helpful because I think it was made and meant for the world and if we differ on the meaning because sometimes meanings change in a person as they grow but still a good bias and basis.


Heard on Fox that someone said “altered realities is hurting democracy.” I wish I had paid enough attention to find out who, but I didn’t. I was probably busy with something or someone.

Some might say I dishonored my parents by writing my posts about our family problems and because the older generation were private about their problems, their families, etc but that was when we had privacy and we don’t have it now. We thought we had it then and we didn’t which I think I proved and we have zero privacy now. So I’m setting the record straight from my perspective because I have seen deception and how pervasive it is and is very tricky. People acting like other people to make them guilty. I remember the phone call from my mom saying my older sister had received a phone call from my daughter and I was in the background prompting her and I wasn’t. I didn’t even know about the phone call till she called so someone doctored it up to make my mom think I was lying and egging on my kids to harass my sister and her husband. I have no idea what was on the phone message but I talked to my kids and they admitted they had called my sister and her husband and left a message to tell the truth. It was cute of my kids but it hurt me deeply as well what my family thought at a time when I was deeply hurt already and being harassed. Of course my ex and at the time my husband still was a sound engineer so it was a bit scary and noticed he took my older sister’s side quite often and she played him. I remember when we were at her house during a calm of the storms and she asked me in the kitchen if I would reconsider remarrying my ex something similar or getting back together but so that he could over hear her in the next room. It was kind of gross. I wanted to remain friends for the kids and then I got sick, very sick (but not like the first time when I was as close to data with peritoneal access and sepsis for man-days in the hospital and told I was the sickest in the hospital and it was big hospital when I woke up ten days later and 14 days in the hospital in critical condition) that night on the way home from the gathering. And then my little sister admitted later about a dip she had made which had a different ingredient than she told me initially at the gathering and the ingredient her 2nd husband (the one I don’t trust at all who looked a lot like DOD of Obama administration) provided the ingredient around the time there was a food allergen of that ingredient at that time. I can’t remember the name of the allergen but was on recall because of the danger of it. So I was on pins and needles worrying about my own sister, her husband, my ex and my other sister of setting me up to get very ill because of my divorce (and because of my mom) and I had the reactions one is supposed to have of the allergen. It pertained to nuts but was a weird experience and then I was told I had COPD. Some very weird shit happened. It was also around the time my little sister admitted to me she had trashed the pictures of my parents and their friends (SOME OF WHICH WERE NOT THEIR FRIENDS IN TRUTH BUT WERE THE OPPOSITE….PLANTS LIKE THE ONES DESCRIBED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT CALLED MANDRAKES) because she didn’t want to deal with it. In essence I was poisoned. She was hiding evidence? So she lied initially about it and I wondered why and still do. I’m glad she admitted it though because it helped me. Anyway I picked the wrong day to quit smoking! It is very hard to get it together when people are doing it to you. Poisoning you on purpose. Also the same night when my cousin asked me “when was the last time you saw your mom?” Strange question from someone who barely saw my mom, never visited her, and his mom didn’t like my mom and his mom or a facsimile of her was the one I noticed swabbing up blood with her feet (and looked like my aunt, his mom) of a woman who had fallen out of her seat at the ARC and we came upon her in a puddle of blood and the Emergency people came to the Army Retirement Center to take care of her when my mom looked up at me and said, “Thank you.” because we noticed the same thing about the woman. The resemblance was real and we weren’t crazy and were on the same page. Shit was happening that should not have been happening but as you go through these things it takes a while to add it up and realize something is going on which shouldn’t be happening. This all happened during the Obama Administration so he was definitely not good for our country and I think involved indirectly for the RCC and the RCC for him on the conspiracy to Hospice hoping to kill a bunch of people empowered and enabled by him via medicare and medicaid one or the other offered hospice for free with THE STIPULATION NO DOCTOR’S CARE luring and tempting the naive and those who might have something to gain or those entrapped in a bind by hospicing some people (thereby entrapping them as well – a damned if you do and damned if you don’t choice but better not to do the devil’s work) usually for money and possibly worse like Iranians do to americans by making them hostages to get their way and have done this since the 70’s. Tricky stuff. So I think I have honored my parents and not dishonored them by being a witness and I believe they know and are helping me with help from God. Believe me it still hurts and I’m sure it hurt my parents deeply as well.


The reason for the ‘no doctors care’ involved is because of the possibility of lawsuits and exposure. Mostly the latter in order to kill more and to entrap more. Maniacal type control tactics typical of the RCC and of course for the purpose of population control. So it would be better if more people talked about it even if involved in the past in it’s traps in order to be freed of those traps.

So when i hear people flipping out about Putin and Russia attempting to help our country against an evil leader as Obama was it’s hard to take and notice the press never bringing up the RCC/VATICAN/JESUITS who I believe are involved in lots of evil to ruin our country AND USING HOSPICE it is obvious who owns the press and why but not everyone of course but a majority filtering the information we are allowed to see and omitting the truthers on purpose, but it won’t work.
NO I don’t think Trump should testify to Mueller and instead should fire him for being an RCC-Obama Mandrake/operative to upset Trump’s goals for the USA. The real collusion is the RCC/Vatican/Jesuits, not Russia. Unless it’s both. Honestly I would not take Kennedy’s advice to go ahead and be impeached. HOW INSANE but what can you expect from a plant. It was on Fox and I heard her say it. She also said there would be a reward if he did allow himself to be impeached. She didn’t say what the reward was but it would only be temporary anyway and you can’t trust thieves and I think Trump vied for the Presidency because he wanted to do something decent and impeachment isn’t a good way to go. Mueller is obviously possessed and so was Kennedy of Fox news WHEN she said it and those pictures would prove the connections of her and Gen Kelly and others physically but it isn’t necessary to prove my point just an aspect. If you listen to her carefully she is usually misleading. It not hard to with all the deception but to advice a sitting president to go ahead and be impeached? What would be the point? Someone at Fox should ask her live on air.
As far as the school mass murders I don’t believe there are less than a while ago but more as was said on Fox by Kimberly Guilfoyle (however she may have been giving some information from some other source) unless it is fake news but I think having electronic devices like at the airports or something to detect weapons including knives *metal detectors at the entry points of each school is a great investment for each school district to protect the kids. I don’t think the entryways should be limited because of fires and other reasons such as a way to escape for the kids and faculty giving them more exits to escape fires the better besides the windows. In fact, the more exits the better. What about the windows? why don’t kids leave via the windows when a shooter is in the school? Are the windows locked? What about ceramic knives? So we need detectors that can catch both types of weapons. In terrorism it’s difficult because if one thing doesn’t work terrorists tend to figure out another way to kill. If someone has their mind set to kill kids or unsuspecting adults it’s isn’t hard if they are determined to kill. Think of the airplanes on 9-11 engaged in murder-suicide. Who would have thunk or thought except for Japan in WWll (The Kamikazes.)
I know if something like what happened at the Texas school and my kid was attending I wouldn’t let her go back. I would home school because you know what is said about lightning:
I remember being at real-estate school and met a woman who had been struck twice by lightning. She didn’t look like it (She was blond and her hair wasn’t frizzed and please don’t take in a racist way) but it was her story which she told me when we were on a break in the class. I never finished the school because I was harassed at the school by the teacher which was innocuous enough by itself to be handled and I did and I was hyper-sensitive but I knew he was up to something and ended up in the hospital fighting for my life soon after though most of the time on pain medication the strongest type you can be on so the doctors were ACTUALLY fighting for my life andI’m sure my parents and my kids were praying for me. I was totally out of it unconscious most of the time. I was planning to go back to real estate school when I got well so as not to waste the money I had earned working for my sister and her husband to go to school but gave up on the idea knowing if he harassed me at the school there must be a close knit group who probably would have made it difficult for me anyway. SO I wasted my money trying to improve my future and was essentially blacklisted psychologically, emotionally and physically or he would not have tired to hug me from a distance for no apparent reason other than possibly someone attempting to film or snap a photo from a distance.
I’m on a different road and one I think in the LLLLLLOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGG run a better road for me that is more up my alley. ART and using the talent God bestowed upon me and my mother nurtured being aware of my talent and nature and aware of hers. I would like to be more proficient at making money to help it along especially when I don’t feel artistic.  I want to paint more but it is hard to be inspired these days because of the crap going on in our world. I can’t get to see the things I want to see being limited purposefully. ISOLATED.  I’m a realist for the most part. I’m sure my brother in laws suggestion to my family tipped my family to his nature. He suggested I be isolated to come back to the fold. HIS fold. Can you imagine the person who molested you in the past and harassed you quite a bit over time (years) suggesting isolation for you to your family? My little sister told me over the phone his suggestion when we were still talking and still acting like a family. So she was definitely pressured in a multitude of ways to turn on me later. It is an uncomfortable subject when you love everyone involved. It’s a toughie. My family really had a rough time of it early on before we realized and learned what we were up against. I did anyway hopefully for my family as well. RIDICULOUS.
There are pictures of Billy Graham when he was middle aged with people I recognize in my past mocking me even a landlord in the past (25 years ago and before I had kids). How did whoever put them together in the picture know it? Even my sisters didn’t know him, nor my parents, but someone did, however my ex did which is kind of scary because we live together: I have no choice and out of the kindness of his ever loving heart he pays the bills. He’s catholic or whatever gets him by, IMO.
Does a leopard change it’s spots?
So I figure at least I can try to improve myself and my kids though limited purposefully in a multitude of ways because I might exceed expectations or out do him if not limited. MANPOWER. But he does open jars I can’t. Maybe there is a reason so I do what i have to do to get by and maybe someday i won’t have to. We disagree on most everything vehemently. The kids are important though and love their dad even though he sold them down the river and starved his mom via hospice though he wasn’t present while his brothers did their duty screwing every other person who didn’t want to be hospiced and hospiced against their will. He says his mom wanted it. My mom didn’t. He chose to skip seeing her before she died to see her at the funeral instead to play the good guy. It’s like a pestilence, IMO. I saw her at the hospital the same one I almost died in years before a year or so ago and she did not look well. Maybe a different time span. Very strange experience. She looked like a nut and acted like one too and lied her ass off. I saw some other people as well advertised and looking beautiful on the tv who was also at the hospital and it was not her best look. UPSET. CRYING. FREAKING OUT. OVER WEIGHT. HARRIED. ON A STRETCHER fidgeting with her cell phone frantically in the hallway near me. I wanted to tell her to put the phone away it isn’t gonna help ya but didn’t feel she would understand in her state of mind. I observed it to remember. She was in a divorce from a catholic. A very prominent talented beautiful person in the acting field but what’s in your wallet? Maybe I witnessed the future or maybe a spiritual kind of vision but real. I don’t know why I saw it but I guess to give me perspective about beautiful people trying to make us envy them and to corrupt us. Things are not what sometimes it seems to be. So if you are in the same position remember it won’t last. A temporary imposition so try not to lose it or go crazy and gun down kids or something stupid because whoever is causing it wants you to. Write it down and post it and pray. Be a witness. The whole ordeal was eye opening which i have written about “the door alarm” in this post or a former one. It helps to write it down even if you don’t post it or publish it. To keep a journal to remember things you should remember and a testament against them.
When my kid was being bullied at school she had a friend whose mom would not driver her home even though she was spending the night with her daughter and was in charge. Actually the dad was supposed to be in charge and the mom somehow got involved. My daughter was spending the night at the dad’s house not the mom’s abode and he took them to a party or gathering which grew into a big drug party like what happens when some parents are out of town leaving their kids behind. I couldn’t believe it. What kind of mom would do it to another person’s kid when in charge of the kid for a short time. She got her in trouble too and we had to deal with the police about it because of the time of night when kids aren’t supposed to be out and missed the curfew deadline by 5 minutes or so and would not have been if she had done what she should have done as a mom. She did it on purpose but luckily the police were nice about it however she had to do some work for the city. She was a divorcee but well off. I did not know her. Pretty stinky shit. Whether she knows it or not she was tested and found wanting. I didn’t go out and hunt her down or make lousy phone calls but she deserved them. She was trying to prove a point but did it the wrong way. She said something about wanting me to see something either about my daughter or about the shit going on and I saw what she did. She did not have to. She could have talked to me about whatever was bugging her. I think she must have been a nut.  She took her kid home but not mine. That is wrong. When someone spends the night at your house you watch over them and are responsible for them. This happened during the Obama Administration. Lots of people went nuts during his administration and I know it is not a coincidence. Of course, there may be more to the story I don’t know about. I was a kid once too and made up stories about spending the night a couple times probably once that I remember and turned out to be a scary night but I don’t think it works in this case because there was a mom who knew and didn’t do the right thing and should have. She wanted my kid to be in trouble. She was on the cheerleading squad and boy what a competitive sport among the moms it was. We pulled her out of school because of the bullying and my daughter ended up in the ER after one incident. Serious business, bullying in schools and takes the principal six weeks to investigate an incident. Geeez what a sham. IT should take about an hour or two but obviously in it for the salary and not for the kids. If parents had to take 6 weeks to investigate bullying in the families, there wouldn’t be families and all the kids by then would have forgotten the details and moved onto some other sport. A favorite of ours was the rubber band game shooting each other in the house. Teachers not monitoring kids properly is probably part of the problem at the schools.
Anyway the spirit world is a alive and while we can’t do things prohibited by government agencies to those in the physical world for one reason or another but the spirit world sure can affect things we don’t know about to let us know especially during armageddon and revelation. some of what I have seen that others don’t notice is real, even though confusing sometimes. Our parents who have died are helping, I believe, for their kids and their generations because they too can see things we can’t see to fight against some wrongs and to fight the deep state like the wrong of Hospice.
Martha McCullum
was in a interview with LIndsay Graham a few minutes ago and asked some very good questions one of which he skirted and she let it go and shouldn’t have let it go and should have pulled a Chris Wallace and pursued an answer and didn’t so she must not really know what she is asking and is basically reading smart questions and is only a model figure because she is pretty and blond asking smart questions without a clue waiting for the end of the discourse, a pause, to start another question and not a journalist or she might have pulled a Chris Wallace but she also said afterwards that Trump wants the Nobel Peace Prize. SINCE WHEN? I know it has been suggested to him by some embers of congress and Jimmy Carter (who gave up the Panama Canal) but I don’t recall he is pursuing it. If he is pursuing a Nobel Peace Prize than he is nothing more than a schmuck. Anyway we need an Andrea Tantaros back in the news room. She knew what she was doing but got sexually harassed because she did know what she was doing. IMO. Sorry Martha. Perhaps you should take a break and learn before taking on the big guys in Congress. I said earlier she seems to be in a fog and I still maintain she is still in a fog (of war.) against women I guess she was there to make Lindsay Graham look good. Politics is sleazy and basically he was posturing using her.  I wasn’t impressed with his version of Trumps deadline in regards to North Korea. I apologize to blonds who are smart like Ann Coulter and take a lot of shit because of her opinions (I don’t agree with every thing she says but appreciate her contributions) and I apologize to dumb blonds too who don’t and those in-between.  I just don’t like to see fakery in the news.
On Bret Baier’s show: California is in a political dispute about Hospice and terminal diseases. Terminal diseases are only terminal until a cure is found but you won’t find it by allowing suicide and will create a plethora of other problems if you do.

 Hawaii’s volcano is still causing trouble and was said by the news and I guess the scientific site is in jeopardy as well called the Geo-Thermal using lava it taps for electricity but I heard it was going for the core of the earth to tap into where lava also resides . There was a terminal disease in the days of Jesus called leprosy. Molokai was an island that i think was used as a home for many people with leprosy and nearly eliminated the disease, but didn’t but a good effort was made and got some guy famous but I can’t remember his name. A priest. Looked it up and it is Father Damien from Belgium

How do people get Hansen’s disease? (LEPROSY)

I do think the geo-thermal plant might be accelerating the volcano somehow. Like I think the window solar treatments required on homeowners to invest in in Califonia have been sited to store too much heat which might be causing wildfires but the fires blamed on other reasons. I don’t think any one should be required to install these windows but moonbeam governor of California is trying to make some bucks maybe indirectly. I think it is a possibility which should be considered before requiring the change. I would imagine overheating apparatuses of any kind can cause fires in dry areas like magnifiers can do as well besides melt a slug on a sidewalk using the sun light. I think a bit more research ought to be required  just in case. I still think getting into the science of lightning would be more beneficial in the long run since one bolt of lightning has enough energy that can fuel a city for months of electricity and I don’t think solar panels can do that. LOL Why waste a good thing. Learn to harness the lightning bolt instead. It was the lightning bolt that got us the ability to have light bulbs in our houses to see at night so in the wintertime we didn’t need to sleep 14 hours a night or read by candlelight unless we wanted to however eating by candlelight is still fun when you want to impress someone.

A really good movie besides the two series I enjoy the most on tv is about a whale and about the overuse of whale blubber-oil and whale hunting and called

In the Heart of the Sea

a really good movie and under-rated although most whales live in the Ocean and not the sea because of the wide open spaces.

The two series I enjoy are THE 100 having some very interesting dilemmas thrusted upon some people in dire straits and the other one called Game of Thrones however Game of Thrones is quite riveting especially the dragons and main characters and even though sex is interesting overdoes it. I think we ought to include bathroom scenes as well if we want to get down to the nitty gritty and how plumbing really makes a difference against diseases like the bubonic plague etc and against crocodiles attacking you while trying to clean your clothes in parts of Africa and other places under siege, etc. But I’m not one to talk since I include some scenes of my own in a wordy way but I leave it to the imagination as well like the post about camping in New Mexico with a family of 16 Apaches *about the number of family members whom I did not know having planned a different vacation all the way to Colorado but was waylaid by a friend of the ex and his Apache-mexican girlfriend and her tour of her families mesa and how I avoided coming out of my tent for about three days and having to shit in the woods worrying about bears at the same time. I’m sure it was an attraction unbeknownst to the next campers. Or the story about Gary (my brother-in-law) in Germany cutting his poop in half using a utensil in the hotel room he stayed at to cut it in half to be able to flush it down the toilet. Would you want to use the utensil he used? How would you know? I hope he threw the utensil away. He sure loved buffets.

While we are at it see if there is a relationship between the tse-tse fly which causes sleeping disease and disorders and the possibility of the tsetse fly causing Ebola since both attack the blood but Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew said life is in the blood but not always a good one he failed to mention. I doubt you would want to make a blood pact/covenant with someone infected with aids.

Not all bug eradication is a bad thing.

Eagle snatches fox holding rabbit in mouth in dramatic images

some good comments

ON Tucker Carlson, a President Trump (one of the seven trumpets of revelation possibly) is stumping for Pro life somewhere in the USA but he signed a bill anyway about abortion. Actually it was the Susan B. Anthony annual gala who was for abortion trying to or threatening them in regards to abortion legislation maybe for their activism or against it. He was elected on this feature in part but was the mainstay of Fox News reasons to be accepted as a candidate. Somehow someone got a baby who was gonna be aborted and convinced him it was real who lived by some magic. Probably scientifically engineered for religious reasons and legislative reasons. Reminds me of what Marco Rubio said, Somehow someone convinced you that by attacking me will help you.” talking or reacting to Jeb Bush running for the office e of President who as governor of Florida allowed a woman to be exterminated via starving her to death against her families wishes and where the Saudi Arabian terrorists of 9-11 were trained to fly airplanes obviously given some help via the State department rules (for some people from some places such as political asylum from prosecution if involved in some illegal activities such as rape) without landing them and married to a catholic though I have never seen her and thereby I think betraying his brother who was President at the time and tested him and their family was influenced by Billy Graham as were many presidents. Sort of an in house thing. Like a Wind Swept House a book i read most of but never finished it but got the gist of at the time.  His mom did say don’t run for President before the election cycle. My sister and her husband via his family piers brushed up with the Bushes because of money and oil also had an affect on her and she had had an abortion so it is kind of weird but it was a secret and I’m not even sure my parents knew as her plastic surgeries though her middle daughter questioned her after seeing pictures of her when she was young with a pug nose turned in to a nose like my little sister via plastic surgery for a deviated septum. a thing my little sister kind of resented her secrets about improving herself when my little sister was anything but secretive a a rule and kind of an open book type person about her improvements and resented her competativeness with my little sister because of money competing about size of house, size of pool, jacuzzi, men, business, children, weight, boobs, face lifts, etc So abortion is a political football and trying to get votes as usual.Jealous though I don’t think she would have been if Gary had treated her better of had tried to improve himself spiritually by not causing trouble between the females in the family by sexually abusing/and/or sexually harassing them and trying to corrupt his son. I have never seen any President stump so much but must be more important than exposing Hospice and the right to life taken for money. You cannot say it about abortion. Money had nothing to do with it but MY BODY DID and the army protected my right (armageddon) to protect my body against an invader who should not have invaded my body and not only that I wasn’t prepared to birth a kid which is a woman’s and girls right FOR ANY REASON. If a person gets aids by someone invading their body with aids does the person who received it have a right to fight it? Aids is a life too. It is a living disease or it would not spread. I think I am being attacked because father’s of the RCC and faithers cannot get past being tricked by their faith, their christ, and their naivety. GET OVER IT. The mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and the faiths who want to hold on to it’s myth based on a myth and a lie are gonna have to handle it even if faithers “the many” are offended in me. There may be a good reason for the lie which I think was to appease ISLAM but it’s still a lie and the timing is right to have a discussion about hospice and ought naught to be ignored. Abortions are not a new thing but have been made legal to protect the moms, sisters, daughters, lovers, loved ones from bleeding to death in a dark alley. My little sister had a friend and had her reception at her home in California and she had umpteen abortions but I never asked her why because it wasn’t my business. I figured she knew why and must have been the right thing to do for her either for her health or her marriage. Most people aren’t in the loop as far as abortions go and don’t realize who they are condemning by condemning abortions and might be someone they love deeply like their wife, sister, girlfriend, brother, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, uncle, prostitutes, or their church and even themselves and their sons for having sex before marriage with anyone or using birth control in marriage for family planning in essence condemning everyone. Be careful what you do and you don’t have to vote if you don’t want to avoiding the trap. Trump should be stumping against hospice instead. I think this Trump is entrapping people but I don’t know why. Maybe he didn’t like the jewish messiah and preferred the catholic one because it was expedient as Caliphas, Caliphate (something like it) said to make a scapegoat not realizing grace comes at a price not just at the beginning of the faith but at the end of faith when the RCC is destroyed for disregarding grace and by selling it. Semen is life as well because the little tadpoles in semen moves around and millions don’t make it to the place too impregnate a willing partner or an unwilling partner. When I did get pregnant later in life I was willing. Two times. God knew it, I think, and I was blessed by my kids and so were my parents blessed and their tree as well. The family tree.
Caiaphas was his name.
“A caliphate is an Islamic state. It’s led by a caliph, who is a political and religious leader who is a successor (caliph) to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. His power and authority is absolute.Jun 30, 2014″
I have given my advice and I think it is well thought out and good advice as well. You do on not have to appease ISLAM if you don’t want to.

“People also ask”

Then Pope Benedict XV1 was replaced by a turd aka the Jesuit Pope named Francis and he resembles my mother-in-law in some ways; his frown.
Whats kind of funny relating back to my family we went on a trip to Branson Missouri as a family and I went not because I relished the thought of going to Branson (I had been in the music business via my husband and had seen enough on the road with some real nut cases one who imitated Elvis Presley for a living and so did his audiences imitate Elvises audiences and other music bands) but because of my family and after being late to pick up my parents and my older sister by an hour or more from a show they went to see because we lost track of time which was hysterical in a way. My parents were nice about it but my older sister was LIVID. I’m sure she blamed me of the three but I didn’t have the keys nor a watch on which I never wear so it was between the two who were really to blame, My brother and little sister. But no one was to blame really but the excuses we were trying to come up with knowing she would be LIVID were very funny on our quick trip back to pick up my parents and her (And we got lost as well which is hard to do in Branson so arrived even later) and we were high on marijuana which my brother brought thinking we had more time. It was very immature of her and self serving and you could tell because her nose got weird, out of joint. flaring at us. I loved her real nose because it was pretty and soft on her and it was a bit pug but so was Marilyn Monroe’s nose and she was beautiful. The nose job hardened her face where my little sister it was meant for her face. I think her boob job was a good idea because of Gary and the same for my other sister but to lie about it geeeeeeeeeeez She is in some ways was very inhibited but by what? Unrealistic expectations of a person’s reactions or actions. (When my mom was late to pick me up from school working her ass off trying to make my sister feel as good as her piers and as good as her in-laws I would get so mad at her but I was in high school, oh well. I can’t tell you how many times my sister was late. Every trip we took I was supposed to meet her at a certain time at her house packed and ready to go and she was usually about two hours later. It was uncanny. A contradiction of somethings and every time we hung out or almost every time we hung out to gather at her home she would try to get me to spend the night and I would make my excuses usually true excuses as far as I remember true but I thought she must be nuts a little for asking but then I guess maybe I was nuts for hanging out with her but she was my sister and we were good friends living in the same area. Very confusing) Anyway back to Branson Missouri: We went to a breakfast the next day at the hotel we stayed at and my dad went out of the room I suspect to the bathroom before it had been served and he came back to the table we were seated at and the food was served and he said “Is this my breakfast/order or did I throw this up?” I can’t remember the exact wording but we all laughed quite a bit about it because of the timing of his response and the way he said it, not necessarily the response itself. You had to have been there and also understood my dad and his kind of humor. With live comedy a certain type of comedy, timing is everything. It was kind of inane but funny and we loved him.  His style and magnetism and we respected him even though we were not perfect kids by any means and we were not kids anymore but remained that way which I appreciate in some ways. It is what my older sister needed IMO and possibly has in the meanwhile I don’t know because I don’t see her anymore after what happened to my mom. The other things added up by me after it occurred though I had been adding them up in a haphazard way not realizing the seriousness of what me and my family were dealing with on a day to day basis in the slow grind of living with some thrills intermixed mostly when we were together. She had over the years copped an attitude of superiority (because of money) which sometimes coalesced into a behavior of haughtiness. Sometimes she was wonderful as a sister, a friend, a daughter, and a mom and I don’t think she was acting usually when with her family and the one she grew up with but when she was with her piers or because of her piers and acting and doing what was expected of her (because of money) or depending on Gary and his attitude sometimes belligerent. He wasn’t at this family outing. She developed some strange mannerisms and character flaws which were hard to handle sometimes and I fear it overtook her especially when she was united with the BGEA by happenstance. Early on got into Bolemic phase, dog breeding and dog showing, shopping and decorating, many hours at a time and then looking at houses and then getting into real-estate and succeeding. She found her niche for making money and Gary helped with the advertising which was a necessary and creative aspect of her career and their business. So he found his as well via my sister. But both of them were not done with me now that they were “all that” in a spiritual and physical way because of money and success and eventually my family I grew up with affecting them too but not necessarily understanding her problems which was hard for me too being the brunt of her problem. I expended more time and energy learning about it and other related things in their life and the timing of those things. I had more to gain by learning because I lost so much in clouding the family I grew up with which I did not intend or measure up beforehand. I was doing a lot of reacting to things that were alien to me having grown up with my family but the changes occurred mostly when the marriages occurred. She was the first marriage of the family and boy did she get a whopper. LOL
She met him in college to become a journalist at SMU at a fraternity Barn party
and poured a beer on his head anointing him from a loft of the barn
so he would remember her
and he did.
Hopefully, there is a reason for it besides her kids and their kids.
I think there is a reason for it. A multitude of reasons.
God is amazing though we don’t always see nor hear neither understand but I’m depending on His intervention for me and my family and the family I grew up with and you should too but disregarding truth is not a wise hand and prolongs your agony and everyone else’s, too.
So try to do better and to be better and don’t commit suicide, nor hospice, neither murder and I will keep trying too. Which is not easy being isolated and hated for my writing? It seems no matter what you do try to be good and try to be fair you get messed with even more especially these days. Not enough perks “but you gotta go on” because someday it will end and I want to try to stay the course for those I love and the people that love me which are few and my sweet pets. It’s a struggle and then try to improve yourself at the same time is like nearly impossible sometimes. When beauty is all that matters to people as far as being female after having kids and nearly dying for my sister and her husbands mistakes. then see miss perfect didn’t have kids but got some anyway and besmirched almost everyone I know about family planning/abortion as if somehow she is better when she wasn’t and isn’t but she tows the party line based on a big lie and doesn’t care. sleazy and sneaky as a giant moray and an expert in defecating on most women and mothers and men don’t care what she does but coddle her out of fear. MAL WHO WOULD WANT TO TAKE THE CHANCE ON ADOPTING YOUR KID TO A WOMAN LIKE HER? BEYOND MY IMAGINATION OF ANY WOMAN OR MAN WHO WOULD TAKE THE CHANCE! LAURA INGRAHAM IS A VIRTUAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR ABORTION but let not your heart be troubled isn’t she worth more than a sparrow? I DONT THINK SO! LOL I would rather have the sparrow, thank you.) Search your soul and try to understand. Take the time to do it since you have warning when we didn’t have notice not that we noticed anyway at the time because it is confusing to be only a mere human making choices of the choices given and presented to us sometimes good ones and sometimes bad ones.
Anyway tonight the two (Hannity and InGraham) acted as normalized as possible except for the part about his son. Congratulating him about his sons tennis match or some activity/sport as if she could be stalking Hannities son as a spy – an evangelical spy spying on another to keep him in line and fellow member of the press using peer pressure. I think Hannity ought to e troubled by this familiarity. Don’t get on an elevator with her alone. Lock up your pet doors. Hide your guns. Lock them up. It was the small talk of Hannity and InGraham. Yea I see something going on here that might not be on the up and up. LOL Honestly. While it may be interesting to chit chat about how close you are you might let one show stand for itself and let the other show fall AS IT MAY!
That’s what I would do.
I think she is “the Deep Stare.”
SOME PEOPLE would say I’m being too hard on her because she has a good job yet she hasn’t accomplished a thing in the job nor moved mountains with her faith (interview with the President does not count which I think was part of her Christmas gift she asked for if he was elected and the other lip injections and what nots) or because I’m one of the people she likes to persecute because I had an abortion when in reality it is because i found some truths too hard for her to bear or comprehend because she did not understand the light.

John 1 King James Version (KJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

I don’t think the word was faith!

That’s what I think

(some truths became her stumbling blocks)

I think the word was truth.


Remember The Wizard Of Oz? You Probably Never Knew These Facts

Don’t give up Dorothy! Never give up. None of us should give up but people like Laura InGraham sure make it hard but part of the fun is succeeding over her.

I burped, literally!

It’s a struggle and not always a dance. Kind of a mix and timing makes a difference as well. Boy could our parents dance together – a family joy. Melanie sang a song about it making the time right I will find and fit into this because I love her talent. Possibly the longer version is on a Melanie album on you tube. This may be the shorter version.
By the way we did have a change of time which might be playing havoc on our world because of a tsunami in the Indian Ocean felt all the way to the Caribbean (in 2004 or was it 2006?) and caused a blizzard in the north and last but not least altered the earth’s axis the thing that holds the earth and the world in it’s place.
The area hit hardest i think was heavily into child prostitution and child pornography. I can’t prove it but I read about it in the past.

Tracy Chapman – Subcity (1989)

written or performed during the Reagan administration.

Fisherman catches record-breaking lake sturgeon in Minnesota

Veteran who wanted to commit suicide thanks cops who saved his life

Talks with North Korea are off the table now because IMO he does have faith in the words of Trump that it will be good for his country but that it won’t be good for him. IF you were Kum Jung Un would you believe he will be sheltered and protected from any attacks after seeing what happened to Ghadaffi and to his half brother?

Now Trump is axing the talks and North Korea is responding to his rejection on Huffingtons News.

Here is what Abraham Lincoln said about the tool called an axe but this may be an altered quote because I think the numbers are off and words tend to degrade over time. LOL

Ain’t that the truth?

To Cut Down a Tree in Five Minutes Spend Three Minutes Sharpening Your Axe…..

If I had four hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first two hours sharpening the axe

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 of those hours sharpening my axe.

I think the last quote is the right one only because i heard it first this way but his words of the Gettysburg Address might be more close to his quote about sharpening the axe. Four score (4 times 20 *years)….etc I thought it was six, 16, or 60 but says 7 under wikipedia’s Gettysburg address information. I’m getting mixed up but nevertheless it is something one might ask Mark Levin. It’s probably is 16 because of the context of the statement unless it is 60 in a historical context. I wish I was more historically inclined in history class when I was a kid (but I hated it at the time and wasn’t taught well or I probably would have loved it) about our own country however he is a proponent of faith more than he should be so I lack trust in his expertise to some degree because of his cleaving to faith rather than to truth.

North Korea destroyed a nuclear plant that was already destroyed because of a nuclear accident of some kind for the press to be invited to watch but to not see. We have nukes and I think North Korea doesn’t trust or have faith we will be a fair broker if he doesn’t have nukes as his ace in the hole.

A Catch -22 he was born into in a way because of lack of trust – faith – because of the evidence of faith is not good partially because of those who wield it are not trustworthy as proven in the past and the basis of it is not good whereas the Ten Commnandments are a better basis and a better foundation to unite religions under one tent than faith. Some rules to build trust upon based on performance.

The Korean Summit upset at this time probably has to do with China and the press and the Jesuit connection between the two but doesn’t mean it can’t be resumed when the time is right and build trust in the meanwhile….small steps on both sides. Getting back the prisoners if true was a good starting point. Maybe some family reunions from both the North and the South might help and the freedom to choose where the family wants to live after the reunion. Of course we all know soooooo and then you have to worry about spies and how they are treated as prisoners and/or hostage taking which in my opinion is not something one should trust and of course North Korea is a hostage as well as South Korea. Very hard dilemma.

A bind of a bind we are in worldwide which is the reason for revelation to get to the bottom of things, I think. To find out the truth.

So how did it start?


I think it helps to see a map to see what is at stake: What is weird is that the indonesia area is inundated with the Islamic sphere of influence and probably making things difficult. Why does this fact go unmentioned?  ASEAN are the ten nations I think referred to as the ten toes in prophecy. ASEAN are most of the countries and  islands beneath CHINA. So it isn’t just a CHINESE RUSSIAN AMERICAN dilemma is it? I don’t think KIM JUN UN killed his half brother but I do think it was done by a cult using the same stuff as it did on a tokyo subway station (a nerve agent) and was to make KIM JUNG UN look worse than he already looked because of the uncle incident. I think Obama had something to do with the death of the half brother having visited the area, etc and found a new weapon besides sarin gas and taunted it as well. ISLAM epidemic is occurring world wide like a pestilence and I think the Jesuits are involved as well for the Vatican’s sake. It’s complex but I know a sure way to change it and decrease the influence of Islam by attacking it’s nerve center which spreads it’s ideology. I think it would make a big difference. Saudi Arabia is asserting itself in the South China Seas as it tried to do in Syria and the USA on 9-11 and Yemen and other places as well otherwise Islam wouldn’t have spread to the nations comprising Indonesia and the area around Indonesia nor attacked the USA in New York City and across EUROPE but took advantage of the opportunities presented to control the world and we shouldn’t let them. I read a long while ago about the trademark of ASEAN which sure sounded beastly. I wouldn’t ignore the implications of the spread of Islam to the area. About ten or more years ago the Vatican was trying to romanize the Chinese catholics and the Jesuit pope recently visited China and Saudi Arabia for some reason but not taken seriously enough or the possibility the Vatican, a state, would sponsor terrorism. There is a lot the powers of the world aren’t telling you such as the Mother Teresa cult  sainted by the Jesuit pope of the Vatican using every trick in it’s evil maniacal maneuvering managing mess it helped to create

to quell the truth…

“The Mongols were highly tolerant of most religions during the early Mongol Empire, but the main religion of all time was Shamanism. At the time of Genghis Khan in the 13th century, virtually every religion had found converts, from Buddhism to Eastern Christianity and Manichaeanism

 to Islam.”

Which is why China built the Great Wall of CHINA

I think Mother Teresa was kind of mongoloidish. LOL I really do… check out the picture above of her and you have to admit she seems to take on some aspects of a mongoloid idiot. NO OFFENSE, BUT TRUE. I don’t think it is a coincidence, because her ideology was ridiculous and mongolian idiotic evil.

*****Press Conferences********

I think are a good thing but not necessarily fair. I think every news outlet or press person should get two questions a day to be given beforehand (a day before) to Sarah Sanders to answer the ones she wants to answer or can answer after conferring with the President and a list of the questions asked that were not answered listed for all to see until they are answered in some form or fashion for all to see. A daily briefing for Americans who are interested. But the entertainment of it might not be as interesting so have to figure out a way to make it entertaining as well to interest Americans to watch because she is entertaining in her job. Maybe a monologue starring Sara Sanders recounting the minutes of the day before like a Secretary of a club would do adding more questions to be answered each day live from each outlet of the press for the entertainments sake unless it can be answered immediately to deduct from the next days activities. Organize the questions by the press outlet and press person for all to see and the build up of questions of each answered or not answered. Make it a race of who gets more answers than the next press person or press outlet. Award the winners a night out with Laura InGraham.

James Taylor Steamroller [studio version]

Noticed on Fox News Irish Catholics accepting abortion up to 12 weeks. I think it’s a bit short and possibly a little too little too late. It should be up to the parents who have to raise the child.

“Genetic amniocentesis is usually done between week 15 and 20 of pregnancy. Amniocentesis done before week 15 of pregnancy has been associated with a higher rate of complications. You might consider genetic amniocentesis if: You had positive results from a prenatal screening test.Jan 9, 2018″

12 weeks to 15 or 20 weeks is a big difference. So why have tests at all?

I didn’t have amniocentesis for either child and took the chance (even after having aborted when I was a teenager) even though I was of the age to have it or suggested to have it because I was mentally prepared and married at the time and though surprised of my pregnancy wanted to try. I was 39 the first time I had a kid but some people have genetic DNA problems and need more time to decide if they can raise a child with genetic disorders. We had pretty good genetics in our family DNA history as far as I know except for *my brother. JUST KIDDING. I hear some people like Sarah Palin have loved their child with needs but not all people do. Not all people are capable financially, mentally, physically, emotionally, and other reasons too numerous to include, etc. As a teenager I visited a place where those who didn’t left their kids and it was kind of an eye opener. It was kind of sad. Just depends on the severity of the disorders. I had a friend who who had major trouble with her kid who had special needs and the schools treated her terribly and excluded her and her kid in weird ways public, private and even Montessorial schools. She was a cute kid but very, very hard to handle. She had a miscarriage of her first attempt at about 6 months but she was catholic and in-between marriages and had her first marriage annulled via the catholic church and I have no idea if the miscarriage was a miscarriage or an accidental abortion but I suspect not necessarily her but a forced situation perhaps without her knowing, I don’t know. A catholic act of kindness because she went along the catholic way?  I doubt she would admit it if it were. I also went to a mental fathiility on a school outing with a CATHOLIC friend who invited me to go with her class to see what it is like in these places and it was the time when I gave a poet a quarter (he was mentally messed up somehow amongst many others though I have no idea of the specifics of his mental disability but was left in a place) and I was kind of reprimanded on the way home for the donation even though there was a vending machine in the middle of the room because he might be the type to swallow money. No one told me not to succumb to his begging for change. I was only a kid and he was a poet.

I had a family member sort of distant who had two very smart kids but were socially different and the schools gave her a hard time and suggested medication for being different even a christian church did the same. I guess her kids didn’t quite fit in. I had another family member kind of close and one son was given medication for being overactive suggested by the schools he attended,a many boys are especially and the faculties don’t want to handle it but want the salaries. So it’s about control. Population control and the best people to make the decisions and distinctions about having a kid is the mom, then the dad. Some young ladies use pregnancy to entrap and some young men kill them. It really is best to leave it to the mom to decide if it is wise to have a child based on her situation, intuition about her partner, which can be sometimes very critical. My aunt i never met fell off a two story building and had two kids already but sometime or other either before she ever had a child or on her third pregnancy her husband drove her down bumpy road so she would abort. She was hanging laundry when she broke her neck in the San Francisco area off a two story building  and there was bleach in her system for some reason found during the autopsy and he took the kids and remarried pretty soon after. Wars and droughts and floods and hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes and joblessness and stress can also affect child rearing and pregnancies. Bad marriages can do the same harm so divorce is very helpful sometimes and should be respected. Should be only up to the couple the individuals involved.  I have seen a lot of bad stuff in the last ten years more than any other time because of the NEW WORLD ORDER’s MENTAL DISORDERs but I learned a lot before it as well via experience.

It is not wise to come between God and parents and their kids because the Ten Commandments tells me so.

*My brother told me I was adopted from the jungle and was why I had hair on my back as a baby (baby fuzz) and other tales like if I went overseas I was gonna have to have a shot through my wrist. So he deserves a bit of my ribbing. He watched a lot of TARZAN movies as a kid. So did I but the shows were sometimes funny but definitely racist however you have to have a sense of humor sometimes. The worst ever torture I can think of was done in a Tarzan movie using two trees, a rope, and a slave. The sound effects made it funny sort of like The Three Stooges mentality of humor. We need more of it for sure, more cartoons, more happiness and joy and less news and not take some things too seriously like jokes and silly stuff but because of my mission I have to try to keep up and sort through the shit, evaluate the response and try to elicit the truth in-between the deceptions which are many and it is stressful luckily already had my kids but not so for other people who are younger living in a very stressed and distressed world because of politics and religion/population controlists of other people’s business and interests.

Getting kind of Mad Maxish out there if the news is to be believed and Hannity’s heart ought to be troubled and I think because of the war against the Ten Commandments and the decline of truth as being important obviously in context of the situation. I know spies aren’t gonna be truthful nor are peeping toms but somehow we need to get a grip and I think the Ten Commandments is a good start and value system and a good standard to at least ponder and to weigh ourselves against other opinions not based on the same measuring device using indulgences and other fiendish mechanisms and schemes to feel morally superior.

Just watched a snipped of Lee Greenwood on the Intrepid singing his patriotic song LIVE on Fox News and I recognized a man in the group in uniform. It’s old footage. Real old. Kind of interesting. in a deceptive way. Working hard at Fox! The reporters are watching your back on vacation giving the news to you straight and in a timely fashion. It’s so nice to know fox cares about truth and honesty in the press. Let’s call Fox  PRAVDA instead. I don’t think Fox thinks it’s deceptive, but it is a part of deception kind of in advertising, timing, age, and other subtle things like patriotism. It’s almost as bad as watching Sheppard Smith live in the Ukraine while Russian tanks were threatening the Ukraine. ANKH (It was so realistic) Funny thing is his posture and position when doing the show about the russian invasion of the Ukraine and the way he did it he looked just like Jack Ready a Secret Service agent looking at the School Book Depository as the shots rang out killing JFK. A diversion planned ahead of time. Maybe I was meant to see it and I saw it. UNCANNY because I have been given a lot to see for some reason.


And then I found this story on Huffington Post about Ireland, the catholic vote about abortion:

Ireland’s Historic Vote On Legalizing Abortion Is Haunted By Trump And Brexit

HOW WEIRD but Ireland is where NOK is located isn’t it?



Talks about the twins gestational age which is: “Gestational age is the common term used during pregnancy to describe how far along the pregnancy is. It is measured in weeks, from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual cycle to the current date. A normal pregnancy can range from 38 to 42 weeks. Infants born before 37 weeks are considered premature.Oct 18, 2017″

So when abortion is legalized up to a certain point there is a lot of guessing as to the age of the fetus up to 4 weeks since 4 weeks last I heard was a month. 28 – 32 days in between periods and even some girls go 3 months between periods and believe it or not sometimes  people get pregnant in their period.

Maybe needed some lip enhancement fluid or some other beauty or aging treatment for the skin. No telling because truth is not very well respected anymore and ought to be or we would not be having to read shit like this and then railed against by the likes of Laura InGraham. I wonder maybe she could investigate this story and see if it is true and get to the bottom of it if she is what she claims to be. She has the utilities and the tools being in the press she ought to check it out with her weird lips asking for donations. She’s probably too busy stalking Hannity and his son.

*sometimes lip injections look good and are helpful like clothes. It’s just her lips are kind of obnoxious depending on what she is up to….her motivation or what is driving her or whether she is trying to get on Trumps wagon or Pence’s. I think it’s Pence’s wagon she prefers but then again maybe it’s Hannity’s wagon or whatever get’s her through the night without light.

I think she is after him after hearing about his assets via the lawyer. A gold digger.

That’s what I think.

(They are probably married in real life, LOL)

Fox talking about rebuilding the military and paying back our vets. You will never be able to pay back my parents. GOOD TRY.  You are gonna have to do something else like accept the truth. Your allies are amiss. Hospicing our vets isn’t nice under false pretenses and it will haunt you into armageddon.

Still not telling the truth about hospice, are ya? Gonna have to pretty soon. It has not been forgotten.

Not only did my dad fight in Vietnam twice but also Korea.

Yea you have to show up and work and discuss what Fox wants you to discuss but your religion has fooled you into thinking it is okay not to tackle and expose not even a hint the church of Rome’s idea of population control of those men and women who served our country for your safety and you fucked them over. It is not forgotten and you will have to face it probably head on when you least expect it and to your detriment if you don’t accede to the truth. Your problem. I have done what I can to inform you and I KNOW YOU KNOW and GOD KNOWS TOO which is who you need to worry about and it is your turn to respond hopefully the way you should. I have no idea how much time you have and nor do you. It might be today, tomorrow, next week a month from now, I have no idea but it is a precarious spot to be in and not one I would envy.


especially…. well, you know who you are and I know who you are and God knows who you are;)

Martha McCullum boasting on Fox news about Havrey Weinstein yet I don’t think Fox had anything to do with it, do you? More like adding on. I sure don’t recall any articles on Fox News pertaining to the women Weinstein raped or harassed.

What about O’reilly?

He looks scared, but I never saw O’reilly even act afraid because he had so much support.

I think there is more hope for Weinstein than O’reilly. IMO

Did you boast about O’reilly? Did Fox film him going to court? In court? HIs lawyers? Report about his settlements on line or on tv?

(Martha McCullum wasn’t there when O’reilly sexually harassed women on the job at least not visibly.)

It would have been better for Fox if it had had some shows about O’reilly and the women on the job that were harassed but you had to see the women elsewhere on other stations but probably silenced to some degree because of the settlements about the particulars so I’m not impressed by Fox and it’s slaves and it’s coverage of Weinstein and others or it’s silence about Hospice and the Roman Catholic Church, Mother Teresa, and the Jesuit Pope who awarded her and made her a saint. You should not be proud.

I’m extra hard on Fox than any other news station. I rarely watch the news anywhere else but I resent the silence. I hate even worse made up collusion shit about Russia and people who act as if they already turned the bend (like Rachel Maddow and a few other weirdos on MSNBC Joe and his cheerleader/sidekick who used to have her own opinion) kissing Obama’s ass who IMO almost destroyed our country and still is attempting to ….of course he was propped by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to mess with our country to protect itself from the accusations of child abuse and sexual child abuse and installed a Jesuit as a pope to make matters worse worldwide. and then tempting people with hospice and free medicare/medicade without doctors care. EVIL, underhanded, ought to make people hate him yet because Obama acts like Gen Kelly calm and collected he somehow makes him good. Sociopaths are the same because sociopaths don’t give a shit. I take it personally because of my mom and dad and the family I grew up with. I’m pissed off about it and I have a right to be pissed off about it and from what I can tell I don’t think I’m the only one who is pissed off about it.

Found the picture on Fox News

Paul said “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither entered the heart of man the things which God Hath prepared for them that love him.” But I don’t think it is our love that makes the difference, but God’s love so whether we believe or not God loves us at least some of the time. I think the  reason for the “them” pronoun vs the “they” pronoun is because of the verse or the statement made by Jesus saying “they are they that testify of me.” I think truth matters the most but takes a long time to find to see and to hear and to enter our hearts because of a number of factors depending on where you live or were raised, how you were raised, when you were raised, what you were taught, what you saw and heard etc. each of us having our own experience.

Melanie – A hard rain’s gonna fall

At the beginning of Gospel of John talks about everything that was made was made by God. MADE …when I make something it’s a process and I don’t finish a lot of things I have attempted to make but plan to for the most part however there are things I will never complete because I do not not having enough time or desire to finish. Melanie sings a song about something special about each person and I think she is right even though it is only a song. There are songs and there are songs. Even the worst of people have moments that make them special. I sort of got to this point listening to other songs and when I heard about Grand Central Station and how one corner of it you can whisper and at another corner you can hear the person whisper unless you are deaf I suppose. I think it is not the design of the place which makes it possible but an invention which made it possible. A hearing device like an ear drum makes it possible to hear but is fun for people who go to Grand Central Station and makes them wonder. Like the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC has contraptions to knew where you are at any given moment in the museum.  The reason I wondered about it is because of the invention of the telephone and it’s inventor Alexander Graham Bell. I watched someone who toured  the museum and thought it funny the reaction of the woman with the person showing the museum to someone from Fox and she was very touchy about something having to do with this kind of knowledge or technology which I noticed because of her lack of composure. The museum is Steve Green of Hobby Lobby’s response. A $500 million dollar response right in the capital of the USA. Pretty close to the White House the Senate and the other branches which I thought was kind of a big response. I don’t know what it means though but I have a big imagination. I think he is against abortion but he is not a a female who needed one and nor are the other people who are against abortion. Makes a difference.

Melanie – Alexander Beetle (Original Album Version)

To wonder is not a bad thing and most people don’t have time to wonder because of the pace of life having to grow up fast (some to raise a kid when they are kids themselves and should not have to or are not able to or don’t want to) and some of the things that happen so the traditions sometimes make people wonder especially kids depending on the tradition like the ones we grew up enjoying but got out of control as well because of the pace of living having to keep up and the amount of people having to earn a living and robots who take over our jobs making it hard and a bit too much, perhaps. I noticed Toys R’ Us going out of business and other toy stores which is too bad because of computer technology. Some really cool toys, contraptions, inventions, and games which are good for kids and adults…hands on stuff and helps kids to learn physics and other types of learning. I think abortion is allowable in God’s mind and between God and the person involved and their body because the fetus was not made (completed and born) into a baby not finished doesn’t mean it won’t be somewhere else in someone else someday or very similar. So I think there is hope still but I think we need to accept some truths when we receive some truths as soon as we can accept some truths and it takes more time for some than others for various reasons stubbornness and other things listed above. Kind of a conundrum because of the factors and seems to be a collision in a way so hopefully one side will cede a little to the other side to allow truth to be learned and maybe we will be able to enjoy those contraptions, toys, inventions, and wonder again and bring back toy stores for kids and adults and not depend on computers for entertainment and of course enjoy the world God made: the Great Outdoors though some places are dangerous as well but the beauty and the laws of physics and the little critters and plants, etc should make people wonder especially about God. Our imaginations are kind of amazing and our perspectives which are part of the problem and part of the fix. I think we should allow God to develop us. People like to force upon other people their version of God, man woman and child and It think it is where we got in trouble sometimes which is understandable to some degree. Forcing people to see and hear and forcing God to enter someone’s heart should be between God and the person and the parents and not the church except for some precepts like The Ten Commandments as a standard but life would not be the same without imaginations and creativity of people and persons and a great way to inspire wonder without force but the problem is the force doesn’t see it that way and forces us to force each other like an ultimatum. I don’t know which song of Melanies of the ones she performed  to put here because there are about three or four that would be perfect. So I will think about it and listen to her music more because I think she is inspiring to the nth degree but not everyone feels the way I do and there are others who also make a difference in their talents and their presentation to express their feelings though some are in it purely for money which is not pure but a factor we have to contend with “making money.” which isn’t always evil. Finding our space to grow helps but there sure are a lot of things which try to stunt our growth and competition is only a part of the problem but I don’t think it is a problem until we are born and out of the womb depending on mom and dad and God. I could write a ton more on the subject at hand but I don’t think I have experienced it yet. People used to live for 900 or so years and if everyone did there would not be enough room which is another reason why a female should be the decider of whether or not to have a kid and when to have a kid and not the church to decide how long we are allowed to live to make room for each other. The church doesn’t care and didn’t care about my mom and dad who made it possible though we don’t know to what degree for the church to exist by defending freedom and may be why the church ends up without freedom. MOTHER TERESA SHOULD BE exterminated and she was though I don’t know how. Her form of madness should be stopped and should not have been allowed to progress SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED or at least her ideals should have been put down which I’m doing and I think it will be put down with the church who lifted her up to sainthood which helped her to grow using deception and many other bad things thinking she and her church were “ALLTHAT.” and It isn’t. The New World Order Church. I think it was permutable to have small pockets of different churches because you can always walk away from one to a different one or to go it alone but I think the NWO church blew it for the small pockets and I think the NEW WORLD ORDER pocket is gonna destroy itself which may be God’s plan because it doesn’t work obviously forcing itself on everyone else.

You don’t have to read my blog, by the way.

Venezuela is giving up a hostage named Joshua Bolt a missionary from Utah made into a hostage on weapons charges (trumped up charges?)I don’t know) married to a mormon and Orrin Hatch was involved who is mormon, I think. I never even heard of him till today, Is our government gonna have a Venezuelan SUMMIT as well? What is Venezuela doing taking hostages? We could call the Summit VENE like NOKO. Was his penis cut off like the woman in Africa who had a baby in prison whose clitoris was cut off for the RCC to be a spokesperson or the woman whose face was shot by the Taliban for going to school in Afghanistan to be a spokes person in favor of education for females for the RCC? My the RCC has really given up so much. The hostage looked good and may not have been in prison very long. Kind of soft, but nevertheless should not have been taken hostage. I have no idea and if it is true its a good thing he was released. Kind of soft. Of course if he was running weapons who knows. Utah is kind of a place of it’s own, in a way though I have never been just my impression seeing videos of families fighting it out with the feds and stuff a few years back. OF course anytime one wins against the feds the feds don’t like it especially if it is for a woman as my brother (winning a lawsuit against the feds for a woman) because there are two sides to the Feds and no in-between. The two party system is partly the problem. You are gonna piss off one side or the other or in the case of the rights of women, both sides sometimes retroactively, sometimes during, and sometimes before depending on which way the political winds are blown’ which is why the

no vote

is like a third or fourth party. Some try to tell us it is our responsibility to vote but sometimes it is our responsibility to not vote if the choices are hazy and if the press tends to lie on a regular basis and if your vote will be held against you 4 to 8 years later and sometimes the very next year like the IRS did which means it would probably better not to have a designation of party and paper ballots without computers to avoid outside influence held for 7 years by each voting site for recounts video taping each count of each counter to be sure it is secure and fair and beforehand checking to see if the civilian voter has a license and a birth certificate. In my opinion the only two documents a person should have is a driver’s license and a birth certificate. I think the military personnel should also have a license as well for each branch of the military. I don’t think Social Security numbers are safe or are trustworthy and puts the person at risk than if he or she did not have to have a social security number. The Birth Certificate could actually be more detail oriented if need be. I think it would be more informative about sociological stuff as well. Only those who collect taxes should have to pay those taxes and have a state driver’s license to do it. lf sustaining federal GOvernment and sustaining a healthy military which is the reason for the Federal Government to protect our country while at the same time promoting small business and the middle class which supports our country.. I don’t know how the math would work but It think it would be safer and fairer and go to consumption tax as our tax system to pay for the Federal Government (mostly the military) and state taxes for state governments.  It’s tough these days to know if something is legit or not so when I say kind of soft – (a soft target or not a target at all) I don’t mean to be disparaging I just have a hard time with trusting the news. Is it group mind alteration going on? Probably because of the wealth of oil in Venezuela and not wanting to handle the state who attacked us. Oh well. It’s only a couple of buildings and over 2000 people. Ever hear the expression “all roads lead to Rome?” I have. LIke a virtual yard sale of hostages lately. As it turns out he was on vacation and I guess got nabbed and has been a hostage for a couple of years and representatives of the State Department and a few senators were on the other couch and is responsible because the family and Trump are thanking the State Department.

Which one? The deep one or the shallow one or the one in-between. Is this a rehabilitation of the State Departments reputation?

I wish I knew.

The Pompeo affect?

Joshua Bolt has been through something for sure because he was choking up unless he is under duress which is also bad? I don’t know anymore. I asked family if they had ever heard of Joshua Bolt and one family member said “not until today.” and the others didn’t say. Is this the art of the deal…?????? Forgive me for my distrust. Sure seems like a time loop of hostage swapping and making euros of people who aren’t heroes for the sake of politics to gain religious sector votes. As I recall the Mormon church and the RCC colluded in regards to Billy Graham who once said the mormon church was a cult during the Obama administration early on probably trying to free themselves from his claws (Like the US Constitution) without a clue in regards to truth in some ways especially in regards to females and unwanted pregnancy because males can only get caught if a female catches them by getting pregnant not appreciating “catch and release” because of a coup of religions who use pregnancy and kids for their own gain and then turn around and rend us by hospice and an invention of a mongoloid idiot. It ain’t gonna work. If the church was truthful and teaching the truth it might help but refuses the truth instead yet it’s way isn’t working very well anymore because it got caught in a lie. Not the smallest of lies but a very big lie. A lie which was in the book called the bible for a long long time and could have been corrected but instead altered to make it even more of a bigger lie because it does;t care so much about kids, females, the truth, the elderly and our veterans but about themselves and their lifestyles at the Vatican – a POLITICAL STATE WHICH SPONSORS TERRORISM DIRTLY AND INDIRECTLY in a multitude of ways. It is about sustaining themselves which matters to them at a big cost mostly to Americans and the American families especially since WWll. I like the European countries having seen few as a kid but the European countries are not willing to stand up against it’s real foes because of oil and have an enemy within their own coalition: themselves because of The Vatican, mostly the Jesuits of the Vatican and the secret societies making problems for everyone who use the Saudis and the Saudis use them – a partnership from hell. IMO

With a tot who puts his hand on the stove while it’s hot teaches them not to put their hand on the stove while it’s hot but the tot ends up needing a bandaid and some antiseptic creme or burn medication. I still think it’s better to warn them ahead of time and get stove top covers and plug outlet covers, drawer locks for drawers with sharp knives, and not leave choking parts around for tots. Like rubbers and the pill for birth control but the pill causes health problems blood clots etc I think the males need to take the responsibility to not impregnate someone who is not of the mind to be a mom however males can or don’t ejaculate into a female but at the same time females need to try to protect themselves as well because of irresponsible males. Obviously abortion is here and a good invention in my mind to settle the matter as much as the pill or any other birth control preventative measures like a wall or a fence or a door or a lock on a door and a gun or weapon to eject someone who deides to live in your abode since life actually begins in the semen, the smallest of seed or at least smaller than the mustard seed. I have no idea how big bugs semen is or the semen of a butterfly it might be smaller than the millions of lively and active units of life in a teaspoon of male semen and I’m sure God loves them all but the real question as far as people go is does the person who is pregnant love the fetus which can sometimes be eerily similar to encroachment.

Definition of encroach

1to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another

2to advance beyond the usual or proper limits 

  • the gradually encroaching sea

Adverse Possession: When Trespassers Become Property Owners

Like a mission in the armed forces sometimes get aborted because of lack of preparation, the weather, lack of resources of some kind such as bullets, guns, new information, INTEL good and bad, etc and many other factors. THIS IS CALLED LOGICAL ADVICE and COMMON SENSE.

Hospice does not make sense and is not logical because when someone raises you they deserve honor for their contribution teaching you, driving you, and time spent on you and with you, and love given and the sacrifice to the woman’s body birthing a child, skin discoloration, structure of bones change, stretch marks, weight gain, stress levels, sometimes advancement of diseases or underlying health problems or more, and the ball and chain affect because once you have kids it’s a new kind of lifestyle, friendships, work to afford kids, school, even trips change, and honoring those attributes and qualities in your parents is a commandment of the Ten Commandments, the second commandment otherwise you would not live a day without your parents care more than likely unless you are getting some kind of outside perks or benefit to birth and raise a child or some kind of reimbursement like foster parents get. Stealing tax dollars (RCC) to raise adoptees shouldn’t precede the rights of the free female and her body.  There is no commandment that says honor your priest, cardinal, bishop, pope, deacons, pastor, preacher, itinerant preacher, parson, chaplain, archbishops, or any church patriarch, not even your fellow pew sitter or layman and is why our world is in the trouble it is in. Its a struggle between the forces who want to own you and your body for their own benefit somehow or another such as getting donations and pledges and making a business of adoptees using shoe boxes full of shit sold by the forces friends via donations bought by the VERY NAIVE and the abundant populate of MORAL LAURELS often sent to those children of countries invaded by another state and then forgotten, etc. to make the giver feel good and sometimes often times to feel superior to the

benefactee and those who made the right choice for themselves

because of people like them such as Laura InGraham.


Franklin Graham and the Samaritans Purse was someone else’s idea

and Franklin Graham befriended the someone

who died soon after whom he supplanted so it’s not just the RCC

but I think are being supplanted themselves by ISLAMIC FORCES

physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.



I found  the truth and they found the truth who testify of me

as Jesus says in the Gospel of John.

And the Force is standing where it should not taken from the Book of Daniel to the Gospel of Matthew and against the Gospel of John and against the truth about the mustard seed a very small seed but not the smallest however maybe in the area it was prevalent and maybe where it originally grew, possibly. It might help to find out where but I doubt history is gonna shine a good light on the matter though science has and history should too because it’s the truth and affects a big and good company of people.

From Wikipedia: “An archaic name for the seed is eye of newt. Often misunderstood for an actual eye of a newt, this name has been popularly associated with witchcraft ever since it was mentioned as an ingredient to a witch’s brew in Shakespeare‘s famous play Macbeth.[1][2][better “source needed]

I think MacBeth kind of sums it up.

and from Wikipedia: Regional use:

These mustard seeds are known in Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi as sarson (Indian colzaBrassica rapa subsp. trilocularis, syn. Brassica campestris var. sarson),[3] inBengali as shorshe. These are used as a spice in Pakistan, Northern India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The seeds are usually roasted until they pop. They are also planted to grow saag (greens) which are stir-fried and eaten as a vegetable preparation, called sarson ka saag in Urdu and Hindi (sarron da saag in Punjabi).

In Maharashtra, it is called as mohari, and is used frequently in Marathi recipes. Sarson ka tel (mustard oil) is used for body massage during extreme winters, as it is assumed to keep the body warm. In Bengali cuisine mustard oil or shorsher tel is the predominant cooking medium. Mustard seeds are also essential ingredients in spicy fish dishes like jhaal and paturi.

Raai (Gujarati), Mohari (Marathi: मोहरी ), aavalu (Telugu: ఆవాలు), kadugu (Tamil: கடுகு), or sasive (Kannada:ಸಾಸಿವೆ), kadugu (Malayalam: കടുക്) variety of Indianpickle consisting mainly of mangoes, red chilli powder, and aavaa pindi (powdered mustard seed) preserved in mustard oil, is popular in southern India with its origin in Andhra Pradesh.

Looked up URDU which is in Pakistan (capital of DELHI)

I think these countries have nuclear weapons.

So probably Joshua Bolt a mormon was trying to Mormonize India and Pakistan?

India brought forth a mongolian idiot to bring hospice via the religion of the Roman Catholic persuasion to teach about abortion via hospice in a back-handed way and how India handles abortion which makes no sense but was essentially what Mother Teresa  implied. I think it was Mother Teresa who brought it to India (and many other places over 153 countries, I mean, 135 countries and over 500 parishes she bragged and gloated being a Dr. Kevorkian fiend) the idea of hospice in reality because of her religion being a Roman Catholic nun sainted by the Jesuit Pope used to control population numbers because of lack of access to abortion and other birth control methods to cover up the Jesuit Roman Catholic dogma’s failures and supreme stupid logic trying to supersede female and family rights coming between God and people to be insidiously relevant without reason. Jealous because it wasn’t mentioned in the Ten Commandments making it irrelevant in God’s eyes because the RCC didn’t create the Universe. 

The mustard seed is easy to grow and is like a weed and can take over gardens easily and the derivative of it is misused as mustard gas and poisons and the like which was used in WWl for some reason and in other types of poisons and gases and used in other places and times.


The Vatican for the Jesuits of the Vatican in collusion with Islam.

I heard Gen. Kelly attended a meeting he wasn’t invited to. I guess checking out who was attending to see his adversaries? I don’t know. Like walking in on my family on the toilet because we didn’t lock the bathroom door in our own home. Very similar.

RFK Jr. Seeking New Investigation Into His Father’s Assassination

Probably a good idea as well as his brother since now we have new information on

Merangue’s Blog.

Might get more Han-sirs to the questions most of us (who lived through it and witnessed it on tv) have wondered about for quite a while.

 IF you care so much about the heroes who are not fallen heroes then don’t hospice their wives and show it by investigating it and be truthful about the RCC, Mother Teresa, the Pope, and what it did with the help of Obama and the BGEA and other religious institutions. PROVE you care about the men and women who have died and defended our way of life in the USA being hospiced under suspicious circumstances. A moment of silence is momentously a frivolous honor because they trusted you and shouldn’t have. It is called a betrayal because you did not want the truth and I think you are gonna have to take it now and you should relish it. The truth is a gift. Just because everyone is a hypocrite is no excuse. Vicious circle of bullshit. Fox bringing up Monica Lewinski again and again and again etc, and I think she has suffered enough but it’s an inquisition that just can’t seem to stop itself. SHOW SOME GRACE! She may have made the best of it but doesn’t mean she enjoyed it. It’s how Fox News got started sort of a christening of it’s news. Obviously the independent server Hillary used was an attempt not to be controlled by someone or something. It’s a mess in Washington DC a swamp which needs to be drained or cordoned off. Still no one knows why she had a private server of her own. I’m not sure she even knows but I think she saw something she doesn’t understand and attempting to figure it out, possibly. That’s what I think. The Vatican has a lot to do with it. Something to do with Benghazi when things went crazy. I think I have explained it well enough the problems our country is having to deal with and is gonna take some guts and glory to fix, and I don’t mean Greg Gutfeld or GUTFIELD whatever his real name is. Gonna take more than gibberish to get it ACCOMPLISHED. Sometimes gibberish is fun sometimes, but it doesn’t get the job done!

But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!

Even better thanGerbilling or the Pepsi Challenge.

There is a prophecy or a time loop (repeatable chunk of something) in the bible about beauty and bond in one day. Staffs being broken or destroyed…the staff of beauty and the staff of bond. Don’t know the meaning entirely, but I think I should warn you and so I have. I think it has to do with a convent/covenant. I don’t know which one but I bet it involves the trickery of hospice used against good people and good families, like mine and the abortion excuse for hospice. I don’t think God likes deception used against good families like mine. IMO. We were not perfect by any means but we were attacked while trying to get better which is IMO a thing that God likes and we were trying but way laid in a way by some ambushes. Anyway I hope my families (the one I grew up with and the one I made) keeps this probability and possiblity in their hearts and minds. There is a good chance we are gonna succeed soon. I think my mom and dad were special to God is why. I know we aren’t the only ones but still it’s good news. I think a lot of America has been hoodwinked and deserved better. It’s our heritage in a way. It’s not our fault Obama was evil and propped by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican because of their abuse of kids and not our fault that Billy Graham was evil and a shill for the RCC. I think all of them worked hand in hand to subdue the truth and probably many more but the fact that no one even questions what those entities did is a sign to me but not accepting truth you gotta wonder as to whether something is wrong with them. Treated as above the fray when all of them are not above the fray, whatsoever. The silence is amazing about hospice when it was introduced into 135 countries and over 500 parishes and sainted by the pope and yet silence except by an atheist Christopher Hitchens and a few good witnesses. It’s a lot countries. Isn’t it amazing? Think about it. There are only 195 countries in the world and the number of countries hospice has been introduced into may be more now. I don’t know. So many news stations and not a word about it. To me, it’s quite revealing.

If you divide 195 by 135 you get 1.4444444444444444444

which I think is kind of unusual as well.

Of course, the numbers have changed since the video was originally made about Mother Teresa dubbed in new numbers and supposedly there are less but the problem is assisted murder suicide is now rampant in kid’s minds and hearts as well because of the initial inspiration by Mother Teresa and the RCC an it’s influence. I bet more suicides occurred to kids during the Obama Administration than any other. I think she even received a Nobel Peace Prize and so did he. A lot of people receive it. Not a good prize if you ask me and not worth losing one’s soul. I think our country needs to talk about it and stop hospice. We are supposed to be more than a banana republic so we should start acting like it and oust it from our land and set an example that is good. Tucker Carlson had a show about the declining life span in the US in the last few years  but I can’t remember the statistics sited but it’s probably worse than reported. 5 states have implemented some form of hospice in our country under the guise of kindness disguising it with pain medication overdose the supposed OPIOID CRISIS actually is the HOSPICE/MURDER/SUICIDE CRISIS and I think we ought to outlaw it (not pain medication but OUTLAW HOSPICE) as dirty tricks by the RCC and degrading and mocking life, people, and families


and instead require it of

the priests, nuns, cardinals, bishops and the pope

without pain medication (opioids)

no matter the age or health of the RCC clergymen and clergywomen 

for pushing it on us to set an example

(starting with Father Jonathan of Fox News and televise it on Watter’s World without a green screen.

Both men meeting by accident and happenstance in Colorado at a marijuana festival before the flood in Colorado at the time


Yesterday, Laura InGraham thanked the “fallen heroes” and the veterans who made her life have meaning. Sort of a passive aggressive gesture so she could hammer other females and families for having an abortion and for family planning because she doesn’t believe in families making decisions and thinks the RC church should be the arbitrator of every persons actions and in favor of a church cult micromanaging everyone and so she could remain silent about Mother Teresa and the others involved in regards to hospice and make a good salary lying to everyone about the news and disregard the truth to have those monthly lip injections. She is so patriotic for the RCC and the Vatican and those succulent lips even though she knows better not having put her own body through the vending machine of life to have her own kids and ultimately hoping and jostling for Sean HANNITY and those lucrative investments he made publicized of late. I think she is what is called an OPPORTUNIST and happens to have situated herself into the same social arena/scene to ACCOMPLISH her goals otherwise her journalism is dog shit as far as I can surmise if she didn”t have other wornen to polish what would Laura InGaraham do to elevate herself without actually having to use an elevator? A common fear of the Grahams. (Billy Graham wouldn’t get on an elevator with a woman alone and Pence wouldn’t go to lunch alone with a woman like Kate Steinle’s dad did but would produce an advertisement of Haitian kids on a huge garbage dump about to collapse of kids eating a decade old burrito for donations shown on Fox News stations which most of us have seen kind of like reality tv UNREAL.)


Zechariah 11:10

And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people.

Zechariah 11:14

Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

One way is to change the meaning and the words of the bible in order to cut the staffs.

By the way Bands was Bond as in bondage not bandage. Could be favor but can’t remember for sure on this point. This is the problem we have with something or other. How ridiculous it was changed to bands. INSANE! As insane as the prophecy of Daniel being moved to the Gospel of Matthew a prophecy within itself but a sign as well standing where it should not

in the Gospel of Matthew.

I can’t wait for the end of ISLAM and the RCC. I was gonna write some stuff and did but erased it in regards to Roseanne because I don’t care what she said which was classified as racist by a bunch of unmanly racists who should; be sent back to Africa

and live under the rule of IDI AMIN as his enemy or the rest of these assholes and tell me who is the racist

Oh that’s right you already have been compromised by Obama himself and are afraid of your own shadow.

There is a word for people like you:

FOOLS, Flotsams & Jetsams, bullshitters, and trash.

What about Louis Farrakhan? It’s okay for him to lie to ya? Double standards don’t work and won’t work. What about the jokes about the chinese by african americans. Though funny, but are still racist. And what about chinese humor. EVERYONE IS A RACIST to some degree whether you marry interracially or not. It’s there under the skin somewhere and under the right circumstances will arise out of thin air. Remember OJ Simpson? I remember what he did to his ex and how it didn’t matter to most African Americans who celebrated his release and everyone knows he probably cut her throat and left his kids and her kids in a house with candles burning a huge fire hazard and could have killed the kids which was not right and to wake up to their mom on a sidewalk and should have given a crap about his ex and her boyfriend who was jewish. Not to mention the biggest prejudice of all against women. You sure can tell who the racistest of them all is by how women are treated and I don’t think Africa fares very well in this regard nor does Saudi Arabia, China, and many places. It is kind of a sign a big sign of how far down the totem pole some of some races are in regards to prejudice especially when the women get older or get a divorce especially from the Roman Catholic Church or Islam and it’s brethren.

Women are more likely to wait longer for a health diagnosis and to be told it’s ‘all in their heads’.

Remember Chicago and the amount of black on black crime and many other places and didn’t improve the situation by disarming the city but did the opposite. Jesus said do no harm and the mayor of Chicago is Rahm Emanuel. If you unscramble Rahm you get Harm. Is it a sign? I think so. He is missing a thumb or a finger somehow and I’m sure he has his excuse but is it true? It is a mob thing to cut someone’s finger. A torture kind of thing and so is breaking bones a torture thing. Anyway racism is the diversion for the bad treatment of women and has been used so much it’s ridiculous it’s getting old and most people see through it. Obama is gonna end up in a helluva a prison with a few others for his crap a prison he will have to stay in forever for his part. And how the males treat their teenage daughters and female relatives. It’s MAL. His daughter’s name is probably a coincidence…..or is it? I don’t know. I truly don’t. Is it a sign?…I think so. Maybe he forgot and maybe she did too. Only God knows the circumstances if there are any. I sure don’t know but I know it’s a sign. I remember a lot of broken bones in the Obama Administration breaking his bread and was a sign as well because I was watching. Saw him chiding Trump quite a bit recently about his administration comparing the two. I wouldnt if I were he. But he does it anyway. He has a lot to hyde:  PERHAPS he suffers a twin personality like the girl in the movie who had multiple personalities SYBIL, I don’t know but something ain’t right about Obama especially trying to disarm his countrymen and women, or are we? I think his countrymen live in Saudi Arabia. LOVE is all you need. So don’t count your chickens before they hatch. I wrote a post about the difference of breaking bread and multiplying bread and the differences between the Jesus who broke his break and the Jesus who multiplied his bread. It’s been while but it’s probably can be found on Merangue’s Blog. Breaking bread is what one does after fasting or with an enemy making a false peace. Jesus never said anyone had to fast in order to get close to God but if you believe

Jesus went without food in the desert for 40 days well all I can say is it’s ridiculous and proved nothing since the only person who was with him was tempting him which would be the devil. So how did it get recorded in the Gospel of Matthew? Did Jesus relay the story or did the devil? I wrote about it also in one of my posts and why would Jesus say Feed my sheep if he were into fasting until you get to the Book of Acts when Peter was living with a tanner and fasted and had a vision about eating some kind of animals he wasn’t supposed to eat with cloven feet. Jesus before him warned him about the tanner. When thou gets old another will gird thee and carry thee, etc and said Follow me. So hopefully he did. It’s hard to tell anymore because of the changes occurring in the bible. The another was the tanner or Ananias who visited him one of a few Ananiases in the New Testament. If there are more than one Ananiases could there be more than one Jesus? One against the real one? I know he did not want to go to Rome but I have no idea if France existed then where General Rattan lived for a while and got lost in the Congo and Bugliosi very smiler voices and attitudes and looks wrote a book about Manson about the same time of the disappearance of the General and he got to write a book about the one bullet theory in regards to the assassination of the JFK giving it credence it did not deserve. You would have to be an idiot to believe it but he was a pretty good lawyer (but did not win every case as he claimed) and helped to convince people for Jackie his imaginary lover and had some kids who kind of took after her and looked like her but not as pretty. It’s crazy but so is the one bullet theory which is even crazier. Probably physically impossible. Was the Congo a french colony? I know Viet Nam was. Was he brainwashed in the Congo or in Paris? Something happened but I doubt he even remembers. I recognized his voice and hers which I already have written about in this post and I know brainwashing is possible. Its’ in the bible the 13th apostle was chosen using a straw and his name was Barnabas which means to forget and also means the son of consolation.

“Our thoughts and our prayers are with you.”

for about a minute and if you are lucky a moment of silence like on Memorial Day

because you gave an extra day of vacation.

Hey Rainbow – Melanie

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted….by forgetful, unappreciative ass holes who say these things like the Pillsbury dough boy when it says huh,,,hmmm when you press it. Most who are comforted are comforted not by those comments above but knowing someday we won’t have to hear those words of meaningless pity or have to watch those who say it on a regular basis and don’t mean it mocking in a way those whom it is said to and everyone else and exemplifying the Beatitudes of the Gospel of Matthews spirit in the most hospicable way and will learn how to cuss on that day the cuss words said in their minds and hearts and under their breath and will be gnashing their teeth having ignored the warnings and denied and silenced the truth about hospice purposefully to deceive being IHS thinking it will help them and it won’t having allowed the hardening of their own hearts thinking they do God’s a service.

Hey, I think I’ll get on Amazon and buy some stuff. I have never had trouble with Amazon.

Africa’s top 10 dictators and warlords, body count included

I forgot one good word for those against freedom of speech:


97 Best Black Jokes About Black People That are Just Funny

(anyway tweets can be compromised as well.)

BUT DO YOUR BEST and only God knows what it means for each of us. Sometimes it’s hard but my best advice would be get rid of Twitter which can be done for the good of our country because it is too tempting even for the President and because he has no other outlet to get his message out being squeezed by the Jesuits and all those swampy creatures in Washington DC. Problem is which tweets are really his and which are someone else tweeting

in his service.

What does IHS mean?

Jesuit symbol and excuse for tyranny

The reason I think she was fired from ABC is because she cussed, but it was bleeped, I think and not because of a racist tweet and may have been about Obama, I don’t know because it was bleeped and I wasn’t paying attention too much because I expect her to be the way she is naturally. She has always been kind of rough around the edges but Fox took her in momentarily and then tossed her out the proverbial window and were probably advised by O’reilly to do so to stand with ABC or whatever the channel for Obama because neither like Trump because his name scares them: IT SHOULD and doesn’t mean he even understands being a mere human being.

There are 7 trumpets in the Book of Revelation.

Roseanne probably grew up in the military. She was Foxes and Hannities newest trophy which I’m sure Laura InGraham noticed and being kind of jealous of either Hannity or Roseanne…probably both undermined using computer technology because LAURA INGRAHAM loves Trump and Hannity and all the boys. The news (especially Fox) is funny because it likes to set traps with a story and takes a lot of twists and turns kind of like a snake a Leviathonish type Moray EEL the story to fit their narrative which changes every day. I hope Fox gets it’s just rewards soon. The story about Roseanne changed quite a bit and laying her low for cussing but saying she was a racist because she supported Trump in her show but not necessarily in real life at least in every aspect (WHO KNEW) and the news of Fox is against Trump IN REALITY and for the most part acting as if they are for him. He must have pissed them off somehow. I think Fox is nuts and getting nuttier. So much coverage about the Roseanne show. It’s amazing. A comedy having so much influence only to be axed by ABC and with all the news anchors and hosts freaking out about a tweet? It really pissed off some people and I know it wasn’t her tweet which pissed them off. Like fire ants. I guess trying to flex their muscles about the media and controlling the media which controls them, in a way. Today Rick Levanthall reporting about the 9-11 grounds and the memorial going to be assembled. How many years later? I don’t really know but I think the Fox station is crazy and crazier by the minute with Laura InGraham as their new HOST.

I think it is best not to to vote because of the TERRIBLE things going on

which I think Fox may be responsible for.

Stay out of the politics and don’t send money to the campaigns

because it is why Fox is here as well as the other news stations.

Keep it pithy for a while until the press goes broke

Don’t buy the products advertised on tv on the stations running the news

because none of them care about the American people nor about the elderly

neither our veterans and their wives and should,

but only pander to get your vote or your money.

and don’t tweet but try to discern who is tweeting

Trump or someone IHS.

Saying by the denuclearization of North Korea we might build North Korea’s economy as a carrot to entice North Korea to denuclearize because China whom we owe money to :

(America owes China $1tn. That’s a problem for Beijing, and Trump knows it)

China can’t build up the economy of North Korea? Does it make sense? NOT REALLY. It was on Fox News and sounded like Jim Baker of the administrations of the Bushes or Reagan, but could have been someone else. INSANITY  Problem with the article about the card in Trump’s hand is the murder-suicide tendency of some countries in the past which might be a problem.

THE ELEPHANT IN THE MIX which no one wants to talk about.

Believe it or not the no vote is a good vote and don’t go to the polls but I don’t think it matters if you watch Fox. LOL

That way you can’t be pigeonholed. Which just goes to show the President isn’t running the show and doesn’t matter who is the president. He can’t fire Mueller proves it. I wonder what REALLY happened on the trip to North Korea the first time when there was a problem. Then changing Secretary of States over a comment not long after from a guy who tweets. His signature sure looks familiar. I think I’ve seen it before. What made me suspicious was the pardoning/indulgence of the Sheriff and the Trump alter egos fighting each other in some ways and not making sense and the plethora of campaign rallys.  A BIT MUCH . I think there is more than one. Weinstein sure resembles Pompeo in some ways but much harder as if he was on the Orka in the movie Jaws.

It does say in one of the gospels of the bible even the elect shall be fooled yet in the same gospel it says whoever calls his brother a fool (RAAQQA/raca) is in danger of hellfire and damnation. The gospel is the Gospel of Matthew. What does be fooled mean? Could mean a lot things. Both administrations of Obama and Trump involved in the middle east and TURKEY AND SYRIA (the burdensome stone and Raqqa is between the two countries and is disputed territory of the two countries and one country borders Israel with a mountain range called the Golan Heights) are especially and often discussed on the news more than any other presidents. So maybe both administrations have been dealing with being fooled. I don’t know. Only talking about the USA. I’ll bet a lot of other countries as well especially the EU because of the country of Turkey being kind of controversial as part of the EU which would be a mistake IMO but the election cycle seems to have expanded in both administrations and kind of become a mock of the american system because we won WWll. LOL

Mocked, copied, tricked, made into an idiot, impersonated on line, lots of possibilities in regards to the elect being fooled, etc and I think computers play a role themselves and false news stories in the press ignoring truthers which is a mistake on the part of the press and O think often are involved in the mixup on purpose. Propaganda.

Have you noticed the film clips of Trump yelling into the camera as if he doesn’t know if he is being heard and his eyes look funny as well kind of like Martha and he is reading rob lay what has been suggested by the Secret Service. During the Obama Administration I read the Secret Service gives the President his daily briefing of what he should talk about. He looks like he is being controlled and without expression or animation like a hostage would speak. He doesn’t do it any other times.

It really doesn’t matter who you vote for.  I use them for my blog posts is all, however I love the songs by Melanie because I think her music is relevant.

I believe each of us are seeing different things one computer sees one thing and the other computers sees something else to deceive and to mix up everyone and stir up problems. It would be a really good way to do it, wouldn’t it? Anyway I guess I did not see what my ex saw in regards to Roseanne and some chick named Samantha Bee It would cause problems so believe what you see on the news. It is purposeful crap, I mean, shit. It is an age old tactic DIVIDE and CONQUER which is why truth helps a bunch.

The deception is mostly from the press,

a game. Edit shit so some people see edited news stories and others get the full picture, etc and many other devious things.

It also works on the stock market. Not everyone is seeing the same thing to sift some of their savings. Believe me, it is happening! To get people under their wing or to control, control, control and to rob and to steal. Turn people against each other, etc. It is evil. Make some people think everything is better when it’s not for some. Trickery.

It’s a mob thing. A hood thing. AN RCC THING.

I don’t think God likes it. The ring of fire is getting active,

but don’t blame me!

SO don’t give up your guns because you may need them sooner than you think.

Pretty wild. Listened and watched a bit about the volcano in Hawaii and how it could cause a tsunami on the west coast: a slow moving disaster may be in the making having to do with some kind of slump falling into the ocean and could cause a 1000 foot tsunami. I recall about 6 months ago or more sirens going off in Hawaii for no reason. I think it was on the island of Oahu. This article says it was Hawaii in January 2018 

Hawaii Missile Alert Was Caused by Human Error, Officials Say 

It may be more of a geological event than a volcanic event. Some interesting videos about it and how the sun storms might be affecting it as well. My mom lived for quite a while in Hawaii but I think on the island of Oahu and don’t forget it was the place we were attacked first and ended up in WWll and she saw the surprise attack occur from a rooftop like my niece watched from a roof top in Brooklyn the surprise attack on NYC on 9-11. Pretty strange coincidence, What is really weird is my nieces last name (and an ankh tattoo on her arm in red) and my mom’s grandmothers last name very familiar because my mom wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother white (the life expectancy is in decline as Tucker Carlson said) and she was hospiced instead without my consent or knowledge and i knew she didn’t want to be hospiced when I found out she had been hospiced the day she died for two weeks before hand because she had told me she wanted to outlive her grandmother and obviously she was murdered. Not talking about it isn’t gonna help anyone just because hospice is a slow moving disaster. She was born in Pananma and we gave the Panama Canal away via Carter via Iran. Let’s hope and pray if there is a tsunami it heads south towards Mexico and continues on to the east coast of Eu to Rome or goes the other way towards the place where it originated (hospice) LOL. It isn’t nice of me but hey what happened to my mom wasn’t nice. I’m not happy about it. I have a right to feel the way I feel. Everyone acting like hospice isn’t happening. I guess it depends on which way the slump falls where it will go if it falls which it probably will because of the times we are in. It has as much chance of going east to the west coast as it does going west to the other places on the other side of the world because it is right in the middle and I think some of those places are kind of low sea level like Venice and some other low lying cities like Rome. The earthquake/tsunami in the Indian Ocean was felt all the way to the Caribbean so it is possible.


“How high was the Indian Ocean tsunami?”
“The maximum runup height of the tsunami was measured at a hill between Lhoknga and Leupung, located on the west coast of the northern tip of Sumatra, near Banda Aceh, and reached more than 30 m (100 ft). The tsunami heights in Sumatra: 15–30 m (49 ft–98 ft) on the west coast of Aceh.”

A 1000 foot tsunami is lots bigger than a 100 feet tsunami by ten fold.

Maybe white has something to do with the slow moving disaster? Certainly white had a lot to do with Hospice: What color does the pope wear most of the time? white; Who sainted Mother Teresa based on her contribution of hospice: The pope

Maybe there is some other connections but I know what I know. The ankh is a sign also. REVENGE of the NURDS because of ignorance the popes favorite condition having said so in the past. I have been trying to teach against ignoramuses like the pope. He should be put down like a dog who has lived too long. I think he deserves the death penalty! I think he is gonna get it, too, by GOD.

I bet Fox would do the same to those who fought wars for their freedoms only for them to give it away to political correctness and bowing to a false god KNOWINGLY with no remorse by hospicing and not saying a word of warning WHICH IS PART OF THE TERRIBLENESS and does not go unnoticed by me and others. My dad cussed sometimes but he is so much more worthy than anyone on Fox News or at ABC or in Washington DC. He had a lot of heart unlike Dana Perino and others who don’t mind their freedoms squeezed and will worship a false god counting on the military to save them but what happens if the military doesn’t save them because of the betrayal and that is why the RCC and Islam get destroyed in Revelation being one and the same and not because of me or my family but because of them. Hospice is the sign in the Gospel of John. God puts it into the heart of some military people to destroy the RCC. I think it is the army which is why there is the movement called Armageddon and of course the attempt by Obama to disarm americans. Could be other parts of the military join the onslaught.  So you have the Apostacy, Revelation revealing the betrayal, and Armageddon: Lots going on at the same time and the RCC won’t be able to keep up. The last warning by Jesus was when he said feed my sheep (not starve them using hospice.) The RCC is a front of lace doily’s on their heads, false virginity, false pretenses, and basically the same attire as each other ISLAM AND THE RCC, beads to remember the Hail Mary’s to be repeated as a sin offering. GIBBERISH. Indulgences and false sacraments. The seven mountains is referring to the Roman Catholic Church in Revelation on which the woman sits, talking about the WHORE OF BABY-LON to the seven sacraments, the seven deadly sins, the seven gifts of the holy spirit etc. and what is funny is it fulfills them all. LOL (I hope she gets a better gig on a better station with people who have some courage. I don’t think she wrote the tweets. I think she was banned for cussing. Those complaining about her are a bunch of dingle-berries, brown-nosers for Obama and the most prejudiced persons on the planet earth. Race is his banner…his standard and it works for the time being

except for Diamond and Silk who said one racist joke doesn’t make you a racist. How many racist jokes make you a racist? 

Probably just depends, doesn’t it?

Both a Fox phenomenon telling us, teaching us the depth of political correctness and what is allowable within Foxes opinion setting it’s perimeters and WHAT is permutable for everyone else. Pretty sneaky! Does Fox control ABC?


proving Fox isn’t a News station but merely a propaganda station for the RCC and ISLAM while remaining silent about Hospice murder/suicide and  the truth about the mustard seed.


Why are deaths among U.S. kids, teens on the rise?

“The total death rate for those aged 10 to 19 rose 12 percent between 2013 and 2016, mostly due to an increase in deaths from accidental injury, homicide and suicide, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.” Which coincides with the timing of Obama statement below of more flexibility with MEDVEDEV and the timing of the rise in deaths of kids and teens and suicide.

Anyway Tucker Calrson’s contribution again is to say in the last three years life expectancy has declined without any information to go with it. Has he looked to see if most of the decline are women??? I think the decline happened 9 years ago and he isn’t getting the right information because it is hiding under a multitude of lies. Kind of like many are on different planes of reality! Go ask Karl Rove!


I was born a poor black child


Below is a picture I think looks like Obama in spiritual way. Notice the ears? Hard to miss those ears. HIs facade is phoniness. The worst president in the world. There is a prize we could award him for the worst contribution to mankind and to the world. Himself.

This may be his future. We could send him Mother Teresa and perhaps both could start a new race. Call the new race The Akbaroids.  Every aspect of the Roseanne debacle seems like a bunch of lies and seems to me Laura InGraham enjoyed herself in regards to the tweets and putting down Roseanne and trying to switch the subject thinking racism works to steer the conversation away from those goals she has in her mind as it worked for Obama in regards to Iran, IMO so I made the picture bigger. I didn’t see her say what was tweeted so I reserve judgment of her in my eyes and when I was told or saw a comment about it. I don’t really know what it means what was tweeted and frankly I don’t give a damn. I happen to think she is humorous sometimes. A lot funnier than Laura InGraham and much less insidious and far more talented. Honestly Laura InGraham shouldn’t even have a show. Total turnoff. What else could Laura do? Maybe a shoe shine girl or peel potatoes for the navy. Anyway maybe Roseanne was complimenting the couple whoever it is.

From calling rape ‘bad sex’ to Roseanne’s vitriol, this was a jaw-dropping week

This picture is a compliment as well. LOL

Now Roseanne is feigning a sleeping pill rant kind of like Marilyn Monroe without the suspicious death following. Maybe she miskeyed on her keyboard. I think it is a better shot at it. Say your fingers didn’t know what they were doing like misdialing on a phone. Do fingers have brains? I think Trey Gowdy should investigate. Gowdy just turned yellow again. He did such a good job on Benghazi so to hear him say Trump’s suspicions of being spied upon during his campaign are not founded are ridiculous. Of course, he was spied upon. LOL  The FBI were involved at Benghazi as well, the question is if it was before or after it occurred or both and who did the FBI report to? Trey Gowdy? Maybe Gowdy is trying to protect his position and his job and isn’t really gonna quit. I didn’t really watch Roseanne much when it was really big but she had her moments and was the mainstay of the show. Then when it was cancelled recently I never saw it except what Fox showed of it. But she had a bad tweet and everyone made a big deal about it and seemed very over the top. Mel Gibson had some bad moments too. A lot of people do and probably will be remembered for the bad tweet and most of us don’t understand it not knowing who it was about LEVERT or something like it or what it meant. All I saw was her cussing and being bleeped on some talk show, Anyway she didn’t quite look like the same person as the person on the shows vs Foxes degradation of her later after ABC went Obama on her.

Did the press ask Trump about Roseanne? I missed it if it did yet it was all the press could talk about for a few days. He also held her up in high esteem in his speeches on the campaign trail as progress which though I only saw snippets it was progress. Not her views or her tweets but her freedom. Now people are apologizing all over themselves for her tweets saying she didn’t know the person she was tweeting about were black drinking whatever Chris Matthews expelled in a drip like fashion as an air conditioner condenser does in my tub while getting a thrill up his leg for Obama. drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip four four time at an andante tempo. I think I’ll go and practice and watch Fox expand on the subject of a letter not read by Trump. Nope “the Five” were talking about Samantha Bee rising above the fray while still remaining silent about Hospice and the RCC and defending Ivanka Trump because of her poise as if she needs defending. I don’t know what was said about her but I would not have taken it seriously while Geraldo is trying to make peace with all parties involved at all costs especially at the cost of freedom of tweets regardless of race, creed, color, gender, age and condition of the tweeter at the time of the tweet. Can we get more petty? He must have drunk a lot. INSANE

I think it might be a good idea to exclude African American males from the military after what I have witnessed of African American males freaking out over the smallest of things to be politically correct. I don’t think they have strong enough characters I guess over pampering has hurt their stamina or something. I don’t think African American males could even make it through training. African American males are getting kInd of spooked acting. No wonder Islam flourished in Africa. Overcompensating has weakened their constitutions. Is it what happens when you overdo it but in a way it is deserved by using women which African American males have leaned on for too long. I think African American women have surpassed their male counterparts.by a mile or two. The Obama affect may have actually destroyed or is destroying the 

African American male psyche. A sociological misstep of some kind and the miming link between the ape and man.


Of course, following evil does it and especially when truth is ignored.


Remember the story of Peter and the Wolf which occurred to me after hearing the ex tell me the story of the cop and the black guy in Athens, Georgia in the news today and it sounds like a put-on. He thinks it was real because of the webcam but it doesn’t sound like it. Told me to watch it and I said I think it’s a put on. Too many suspicious variables to be real and I didn’t even watch it and don’t plan to. He urged me and I’m not gonna waste my time because I know the game and it’s a rotten game. DRIP DRIP SRIP Like when Palestinians make up stories. Same kind of shit. African Americans stepping on female rights using the race.card. Roman Catholics using the abortion card to hospice. Makes perfect sense in a way in retaliation for hospicing our veterans and their wives african americans who served Obama receiving their reward.  Lots of black men are probably gonna die because of the lies of Obama and his minions and his alliance with the BGEA and already have. This is where it is headed, I think. Thank the RCC, the Jesuits, Pope Francis, Mother Teresa, Islam, the NEW WORLD ORDER and the BGEA and some others.


In truth I think Martin Luther King would be ashamed of his brothers.

In my estimation very few of you matter as a whole race and as individuals (parts) because most of the parts are alike. Hard to tell you apart. LOL

The thing which helped you hurt you because you didn’t appreciate it from a normal perspective  and stood for OBAMA based solely on his skin color and not on his substance which he lacks using others for the substance he lacks to get by with a ton of murders and a ton of deceptions and never questioned or confronted about anything. Barely anyone mentions his name when dealing with the Russian conspiracy theories  of interfering with our elections with a ton of evidence against him for the intent to flex himself after the election caught on the live microphone which was kind of dumb mistake on his part and so he is not infallible.

He can be had and taken down town and tried and probably hung for plenity of stuff he did in office misusing his power to fuck over the USA with the help of the Vatican. He isn’t that smart or he would not have been caught off guard with Medvedev.


ABC reportedly looking to reboot ‘Roseanne’ with focus on Sara Gilbert

From the movie 2001 Space Odysssey

Go ahead make my day and stick with them and watch what happens to those sevens. Luck isn’t gonna save the RCC.

Trump mentioned 70 years Korea has been in a bind though not in those words but not sure of the point except he wants to try to fix it as an example unto Iran. I think relating it to the bible maybe (a week of years or hours?) Not sure it will work. All leading up to the obvious….. ISRAEL. (A race of some kind having to do with embassy and right now I think the feckless stuff has to do with the picture on Twitter of Ivanka with her baby and her sensibilities? Thank goodness her last name isn’t Lindbergh. I think an embassy is jumping the gun a bit but maybe it’s a good time to move the embassy because so many nice things happen because of the State Department and it’s true colors. I think it’s a mistake because of the reasons stated earlier on this post and other posts especially when it comes to the three holiest sites of Islam, the RCC, and hospice . WE SHALL SEE, WON’T WE? A lot of ulterior motives in the affairs of Israel. Her dad was the first President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel vocally but a lot of people recognized it as the capital of Israel a long time ago. It was kind of obvious. Anyway Fox is having a hay day with Watter’s World today as if it won the race but I don’t think it’s over the rainbow, yet mentioning the second trimester from some kind of lack of spiritual discernment and possibly some kind of possession since the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and needs to recognize it as a lie included in the first three gospels.

It’s only a matter of time and you will.

After you have been exorcized which takes a well but I do know Jesse knows it’s a lie so maybe he will be the next exorcism.

He needs one for not taking things a little more seriously and for caring so much about others (hospice by the RCC) with his eye on himself. He likes to look at himself on camera to see if he looks like he hopes he looks an irritating habit of a habitual narcissist. Does his pose. He isn’t as smart as he thinks he is which is how he got his fame playing his game on the streets asking the unaware questions he looked up beforehand. I would love to see him on the other end of the schtick and I think he already is and hasn’t recognized it yet because he is too busy looking at himself as being the “ADONIS” of Fox News to see how he appears. How did he and Father Jonathan end up at a marijuana festival without knowing the other was gonna be there in Colorado. It was like looking in a mirror, wasn’t it, sort of like meeting his alter ego. Think about it. I saw it. and then came the floods in Colorado. It’s only a matter of time so you might want to look behind you every once and while and contemplate the TRUTH and the meaning of life. Hard to do being an ass. How many more Trump years in this administration? It is always fun to be on top but not as much fun when you aren’t which will come. There is a song Melanie sings you should listen to about the nasty habit of self delusion. He has bad taste in music so I know he can’t be very astute. Warning, warning, warning. I’ll keep trying to warn him for awhile because of his


even if he is irritating to watch himself pose and I’m surprised he hasn’t noticed it himself a constant reminder. Sickening.

Inept are those who cross the line.

Father Jonathan did.

I have heard chickens can drown in a shallow dish of water or in the rain looking up

and I think Jesse Watters may be at risk of the same demise.

I know Russia affected the election not necessarily by votes but information. I’m pretty positive the RCC affected the elections by votes and false INTEL. Starting with the FOX election questions asked of the candidates about abortion, a Fox litmus test. Anyway it didn’t work out, did it the way Fox thought it would. Most things don’t turn out the way Fox thinks it will. Russia came in handy during WWll whether Fox mostly a catholic run and catholic mindset likes to admit it or not. Fox is pretty mixed up ignoring hospice, Mother Teresa, Pope and his sainting her etc and I think it’s gonna hurt you one day for ignoring it and in a way it already has being tossed back and forth like a boat about to be capsized in a perfect storm he brewing .

Greg Gutfeld needs better writers. He isn’t very funny anymore. I think nightly shows might be the problem and perhaps his delivery as well and losing his value. Overconfidence can be bewildering and cause one to lose their talents drip by drip. Cackle cackle is what he reminds me of, a cackle progressively getting more so, and it’s getting old and is not helpful like a sore winner. What happens when you lose it WILL be far worse for having cackled too much while winning. Luckily he has a few on his show who keep it going. It certainly isn’t him these days anyway. Didn’t he also use Roseanne quite a bit before her fall from grace?

I think the term which fits Fox for the most part is a fair weather friend.

Imagine someone you LOVE is hospiced without your knowledge and against their will for 2 weeks

and you hear about it after that person has died



and it happens to be your mom, a mother of four and an army wife

whose husband fought in two wars for freedom three times, a year at a time,


you and your religion fuck away.

(not my religion, not her religion, but your religion)

I hope you are fucked for your silence because it is complicity and collusion

 I know you know and God does know you know

which might help the people who are unaware or who think what’s going on is normal election dirty tricks more so than a surprise history quiz on the streets of New York.

So I think you ought to excuse-moi my french sometimes when I go off and others do too and more importantly thou ought to investigate the RCC if thou really truly care about thou soul. Put some effort into it and stop ignoring it and maybe sacrifice your job but use your fame to help out and try to make a difference instead of what thou are doing which is kissing the koran and it’s contributions to the bible for one which I think I have explained or tried to sometimes venting my righteous anger in order to show the truth as best I can and instead of bowing to another’s god by remaining silent. like a big fart. Silent but deadly! Otherwise it appears thou art a nazi in disguise. Do not forget about 9-11. It can happen again and this time it might be you jumping out of a building where the temperature rose to about 2000 degrees F to avoid being burned to death. 1000 PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES might be made the night before the next big attack for the fire fighters like happened the night before 9-11 by the Reverend David Wilkerson who tried to help having been given a tip and he also exposed the BGEA in his last blog post WHO KNEW. Why not expound on the subject because it is MIGHTY INTERESTING much more interesting than your image. TERRORISTS DON’T CARE WHO GETS CAUGHT IN THEIR FIRES whether it is a handsome FOX employee or an investment firm because their religion brainwashed them about murder suicide which you can read about on Merangue’s Blog in one or more of my posts. The woman married to a doctor who plays a democrat on Fox News as a guest commentator thinks no votes don’t help anyone and loves the young vote. SHE’S WRONG or she is lying but she is married to a doctor for the money IMO. Leslie something or other. PRobably something to do with demographics and the less the better also someone gets elected regardless so it helps someone if you don’t vote.Most young votes are college aged and are college educated and depending on where you go to college affects you whether you will be attacked because of your vote immediately or later. Voting has turned into a trap. My mom and dad voted but were not involved in politics or religion very little and both were treated badly by politics and religion. Served our country and were betrayed by our country. I even heard someone insinuate my mom was a spy which is out there in left field. She wasn’t a spy. She was my mom and she was an artist. She did nothing wrong to have been treated the way she was treated. It was to get to me, I think. But I wouldn’t have written the things I wrote had it not been for the what happened to my family. She and my dad stood up for me when I was young and pregnant. Leslie ls a liar and an agent for FOX. Sorry I don’t buy it, LESLIE. Did Leslie ever speak up or warn about hospice being married to the health industry on Fox News? I remember her talking about the industry and what mattered to her was the money from what I was able to glean from her guest appearances. She is obviously very political or wouldn’t be on Fox having made a reputation of her politics. Was she against the IRS punishing those who were of a different political bent than the reigning political party at the time? I doubt she said anything about it or probably denied it because of her political bent and it was proven. Maybe she’s just ignorant since it doesn’t affect her much YET! Her last name is Marshall, Marshall, Marshall. My sister who was in the BGEA and indoctrinated into the BGEA early in her life which seemed unpolitical and safe not a threat and yet it was deadly it was her friend she hung out with I heard it from who I think may have been indoctrinated and lied to about my mom. I don’t know who told her but someone did and I heard about it in a weird way. THE BGEA IS TRICKY and a cult. Did the BGEA warn about hospice? NO because it is part of the RCC and Bully Graham was an agent of the RCC (a shill) as is his son and both are very political though Billy Graham said he regretted being political.having advised all the Presidents since WWll and we haven’t won a war since. Are we done in Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria? Protecting Islam? She lied a bunch about the things she did. Very strange deal. Because not only do you have Bully Graham and his son but then you have Obama on top of it the RCC and Islam and the NWO. A lot of twists and turns. For now i wouldn’t vote until this onslaught occurring is over and I don’t see it over when you have some trying to disarm the citizens and school shootings, false reports and lots of alterations of those reports and all the other things hurting Americans not to mention false news stories and a lot of propaganda. We are at war. The propaganda is immense which is a sign. It won’t end till the ideology ends of the two most powerful religions in the world causing extreme stress on the nations and it’s people.

Moving the embassy is only a first step as far as the embassy goes. There is more to go. Defending it for one thing. Choosing sides for another. 

Countries to move embassies to Jerusalem after Trump’s decision

“CAIRO – 21 April 2018: Backing Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Guatemala, Honduras and Romania announced their willingness to move their embassies to Jerusalem. ”


Romania abstains at UN vote on Jerusalem status


The Religious Right’s True Colors

I think (I HOPE) in a genuine way Trump does what he does but not by those around him and amid him and those impersonating him which is hard to trust anyone I would imagine.

How To Truss A Turkey Like A Thanksgiving Boss | HuffPost

a lot riding on it….faith and all.

(not talking about comedians which is obvious..)

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers –

I Won’t Back Down

YOU DON’T FUCK WITH THE MILITARY. (excuse my french)

General Kelly looks as if he is about to get married waiting for the North Korean top diplomat Kim something or other. Kind of funny how nervous Gen Kelly was actually it was ridiculous but to him a great honor being the Chief of Staff but which staff? Beauty or Bond, lol.

Another historial event: a messenger comes to the white house with a letter but will President Trump recognize the letter?

Couldn’t he have just sent the letter via the POWs?

We have a volcano erupting so how long is this gonna take?

I don’t think Trump even knows there is a volcano erupting. He’s kind of insulated. He had a meeting for two hours and didn’t even read the letter. Is it because he didn’t recognize it or isn’t gonna say till he can find a place in the white house he can read it without Gen. Kelly breathing down his neck. Don’t count on bathrooms. Hopefully Melania can read the letter to him with him under a blanket in their bedroom. Even the elect will be fooled?

Serving the President at his pleasure

I got kind of tired of hearing Trumps appointees saying “I serve at his pleasure” crap. Kind of a new sensation. Never heard the expression till he became President as far as I can remember so wondering which Trump they’re talking about and what it means. I wish the press would ask him because it is kind of obnoxious. Does General Kelly serve at his pleasure or displeasure? I wish the press would ask. Does Pompeo serve at his pleasure? I wish the press would ask and ask him what it means to serve at his pleasure. We know Meuller doesn’t serve at his pleasure so why not fire him. Or does Trump serve Mueller at his pleasure? Sounds to me like an Obama meal eating servants. Are these guys on a tennis team like for Georg Ganswein of the Vatican?

Could be he is being fooled, hard to say. Haven’t heard a peep about the volcano from Trump. When the messenger doesn’t want you to read the letter while attending the two hour meeting there could be a problem with the message. “By the way the big island of Hawaii has a volcano spewing lava” could be the message (which might have been caused by Fracking the core of the earth) General Kelly seemed contrived acting like his actors were late. I think he just wanted to be noticed but it was still very odd display of impatience (MR COOL, CALM, and COLLECTED ignoring the truth of when.)

The Police – Every Breath You Take

Do your best with warning.

Why? Probably because of the sevens of the RCC and because of the end of the RCC and ISLAM is coming and a few others betwixt them who don’t leave the RCC and ISLAM though have been warned so many times. THERE IS ALOT OF IRONY IN THE BIBLE, OKAY? like the winepress of God there is a lot of them too. Drunk on their own petard.


None of us fully understand but GEEEEEEEEEEZ it is hard not to understand the imagery/description in the Book of Revelation about the RCC, but not you Bret.

Ace – How Long (Has This Been Going On) – Live

Oh I’d say for over two thousand years, maybe 4.

Finally President Trump opened the envelope to read the letter and headed for Camp David which is kind of an interesting reaction.

Camp David

Bannon predicts government shutdown over border wall

Muellers or the insistence of election meddling by the Russians is kind of funny in light of this. isn’t it? I think it speaks volumes:

Obama tells Russia’s Medvedev more flexibility after election

Kissinger was hired by the Vatican to fix their reputation for child abuse (sexual and non sexual) and bank fraud and money laundering who propped Obama because of Kissinger’s reputation, blah blah blah as a talking head involved in many miscarriages of political and religious turnovers. Time to get a grip of who meddles in the elections the most WORLDWIDE which would be

the Vatican (JESUITS)

using the winepress of God.

Trump vented about Disney which changed hands sometime or other who went after Roseanne Barr about a tweet or for cussing or for supporting Trump not sure which and it hasn’t been explained sufficiently but kind of similar to what occurred in Hollywood called blacklisting having to do with WORLD WAR ll and extreme resentment for having won the war against Nazis and Fascism. Making examples of people to instill fear of free expression trying to make a New World Order as is occurring now and Pope Benedict XVl warned about it and was dismissed (retired), and replaced by a Jesuit pope. Jesuits are bad news and have been for a long, long time. EVIL MOTHER FUCKERS. O’reilllty revered the Jesuits and their form of discipline and was told by God to write his killing books. He said so himself in regards to the book and about Jesuit style discipline and he wrote a book I have not read nor intend to called Killing Jesus which is propaganda to be sure. Jesse Watters was his pro·té·gé and still is. WWll ended and some of the people who persecuted some people ended up on the other end of the schtick. Some committed suicide. Some were hunted down. Some went into hiding. Some were sued. Some were tried and imprisoned. Some were hung. Some were a lot of things too unpleasant to repeat and some we don’t know what happened to them or their families.

“Hollywood Blacklist. The Hollywood Blacklist came into being in 1947 when the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) began to summon certain Hollywood entertainment professionals on the suspicion that their work was communist-inspired.”

Actually blacklisting came into being before 1947

“The Hollywood Blacklist”–by Dan Georgakas

I know it must be hard to realize Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels written by Quell (the Q Source) lied. It was hard for me too when comparing the gospels to realize it was a maniac making claims about the mustard seed and other comparisons which were not true and did not make sense. But there must be a reason for the truth to have come out now instead of 50 years ago. It must be important for now. I think we are supposed to DEAL with it now or during the Trump administrations being the author of THE ART OF THE DEAL and because we have the means to deal with it succinctly with the evidence we have and the arms we have. It is a good sign besides the trumpets of revelation being a sign and the end of the RCC written about in the book of revelation.

He should fire Mueller and seal the deal. Make a statement to the world he won’t be controlled. Screw Mueller out of his pension etc and humiliate him like he deserves for being a pawn of Obama and the Vatican.

He ought to and others ought to spread the rumor that Meuller is fired is probably the best way to handle it. It would be kind of funny. Send some fortune cookies out to everyone in the press and others that Mueller is gonna be fired at a Gala or some kind of event he is attending and see what is reported or do a Deep Throat kind of deal. Someone should but

If the President doesn’t fire Mueller, he isn’t TRUMP. That is my opinion.

A pretty good and logical assessment.

Having a meeting with those who serve at his pleasure, his wife, and his mission for the vets a bit late and without mentioning hospice.

I don’t think it will work or is unnoticed  by God. I guarantee it isn’t so 

Sorry but keep trying to take it seriously and maybe mention it once in a while to remind yourself because you need to or


and I will keep trying to spark your memory of what you know.

Maybe read the Gospel of John if you want to help yourself a bit more and more.

I do believe Trump was spied on but maybe not the current one. Of course he was. Goudy and all the others know it and were spied upon as well.

My parents were special to GOD and I don’t know how to convince you, but it’s true. If you knew my parents, you would understand.

If you knew GOD you would DEFINITELY understand.

OBVIOUSLY YOU DON’T or you would accept the truth with grace.

How hard can it be? I guess it’s gonna be harder every day for you as long as you don’t.

(Don’t let fear stop you like those who were afraid on Fox peeing all over themselves in regards to Roseanne acting ridiculous

and remember the kids and the Vatican pornography and the Vatican child sex abuse because it should inspire you to be fearless for the children

because you care, isn’t it so?)


Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (/əˈɡrɪpə/; 64/62 BC – 12 BC) was a Roman consul, statesman, general and architect.[2]He was a close friend, son-in-law, and lieutenant to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus and was responsible for the construction of some of the most notable buildings in the history of Rome and for important military victories, most notably at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC against the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. As a result of these victories, Octavianus became the first Roman Emperor, adopting the name of Augustus. Agrippa assisted Augustus in making Rome ‘a city of marble”[3] and renovating aqueducts to give all Romans, from every social class, access to the highest quality public services. He was responsible for the creation of many baths, porticoes and gardens, as well as the original Pantheon. Agrippa was also father-in-law to the second Emperor Tiberius, maternal grandfather to Caligula, and maternal great-grandfather to the Emperor Nero.

Sort of a viscous circle.

Instead of getting North Korea to join other nations of the world why not invite him or adopt North Korea to be the 50th or 51st state of the United States depending on what happens to Hawaii. As far as his safety buy him some property in Switzerland to live in being very neutral and where he was educated. Buy him some blond wigs, put him on a regiment of a diet so he can slim down to help with his identity change and some protection. There you go.  Voila.

Now everyone and their mother’s uncle wants to socialize with Kim Jung Un.

At Least 25 People Killed In Guatemala Volcano Eruption

This after the decision to move an embassy to Jerusalem? I don’t think God wants the Guatamalan embassy in Jerusalem not because of the race card but then again it might be but I think because of other reasons? .

Could be a sign. Let’s think of the possibilities:

Since the Hawaiian volcano erupted first could mean God doesn’t want our embassy in Jerusalem, however the thermal plant might have caused the eruption by fracking and intentionally started up a volcano using fracking of lava for energy purposes and maybe some other purpose unbeknownst to us as a man made phenomenon. Hard to tell especially knowing what we know about Obama (THE THERMAL PLANT WASN’T BUILT OVERNIGHT). Our country has always voted at the UN with Israel whose capital is Jerusalem, I think. So this one is up in the air as far as the origination of the volcanic activity in Hawaii. Might have to wait to see what it does entirely if the slump falls or doesn’t fall and in which direction it falls if it falls and what area the resulting tsunami hits because of the states who have instituted hospice and assisted murder/suicide and used abortion (a females right) the RCC’s excuse to murder.

If you combine both volcano eruptions of Guatamala and Kilauea you might get the expression:

What a sick killer whale

using the race card every time someone tries to uplift women to an equal place and would rather degrade women

because Obama couldn’t shoot a basketball into a hoop a few feet away. LOL

Could be a sign to Honduras and to Romania as well not to move their embassies to Jerusalem.

Japan sits on a volcano or two and have been into suicide for a long time. Kamikazis etc falling on their swords when humiliated and attacked us on Dec 7th and may be controlled by the RCC having had a tsunami/earthquake after wanting a delay of the Neo-Catechumenal way a Roman Catholic dogma (possibly Jesuit) of some kind to force its will upon Japans catholics who resisted because of a rise in suicides of younger japanese citizens and said they were already the mother of all martyrs (WWll-hiroshima and nagasaki) and then the earthquake came and a tsunami and caused a nuclear accident spreading nuclear junk on to the shores of the west coast of the USA and Japan having to periodically let off some nuclear junk but not without notice as far as the food chain is concerned. This might have been a man made disaster. Hard to say. Possibly by some faction of the RCC to force it’s way and it’s will upon Japan and with the apologetics of O’reilly.

The Indian Ocean tsunami from an ocean volcano/fault which actually altered the earth’s axis physically and politically. Hardest hit was a place which was infamous for child pornography and child sex abuse offenders as was true of the Vatican which I’m sure Jesuit Pope Francis is well aware “of.” and why Kissinger was hired and Obama was elected and the Jesuit Pope Francis was elected

and of course the Vatican sits on some as well.

A possibility of two forces fighting each other sign wise: God and Religion (RCC AND ISLAM)

Could be a coincidence, but I don’t think so.


The ex tried to incite me into adding some information he offered and I decided not to and today under my breath said “write your own blog’ to him though he was elsewhere. i’m still not going to include his offering but just now because of what i wrote he excitedly said the Guatamala volcano has been erupting since 2002 to dismiss and to undermine my observations/witness of what I wrote just now about it, I said “it’s a new eruption. ” Just because it happens to be an active volcano does not make the new eruption insignificant.

Guatemala volcano: Dozens die as Fuego volcano erupts – BBC News

1.7 million people affected. A Monday photo shows ongoing volcanic activity at Fuego. More than 3,100 people have been evacuated and 1.7 million people have been affected by the eruption, according to CONRED.3 hours ago

The news says the last MAJOR eruption was in 1974.

But I asked him why are you making such a big deal about it because he seemed quite UPSET and he retorted something about the ring of fire.

YEA YEA YEA, so what?

So i immediately yelled back at him after he reached his room and shut the door: The Vatican has been killing innocent people for thousands of years.

but not by hospicing our USA veterans and their wives a new phenomenon he partook of for his mom

and tried to make me and MY daughters partake of for his sake.

The reason I won’t include his little story (actually two stories) is because it was an obvious put on and while he may be a bird in hand sometimes (not by choice), I’m not dumb.

You have to distinguish and discern the bull shit from the dog shit and his little story was a little of both. I do ask him each day what he notices in the news to see his perspective and to gauge why I see but the story he trying to sell me was inane and even if it was true it was inane and a true put-on which is not the meaning of truth. It is still propaganda.

Kind of VERY VERY Interesting to see him act the way he acted and I knew he would be upset i didn’t include his little story.

He yawned three times after wards because it matters to him, I think, or it doesn’t matter to him either way but so I could hear him yawn.


It matters to me.

He won’t be yanking when THAT day comes.

He won’t be able to.

(obviously he’s in denial about the signs, though it seems very intentional thinking he can pull a fast one but I don’t think this time it’s gonna work.)

Fox is playing the race card on Hannity



We did our part for the African American race and he didn’t appreciate it, in fact, he Exploited it.

The more you play it the less it rings true and pretty soon no one will care.

Recently Eric Leventhals sister on Fox reported that the site in Syria which was bombed wasn’t actually a poisonous gas site bombed by Israel (and before Israel bombed it France, Britain and the USA bombed the same place about a week before when France delivered its proof later to Trump and Russia said stand down to Israel and the message was given to Trump about the sarin gas production on his visit and French President who gave his speech and then Israel provided proof as well to someone) but was also a nuclear site. Kind of new exaggeration and out in left field. Like a total coverup of a coverup of possibly a mistake. Hard to tell but it was kind of an interesting twist. Trying to figure out where the Leventhals get their information: SATAN?

Things aren’t always the way things seem to be or are reported to be. In fact, most of the time things aren’t what is shown. This Trump is playing the patriot card about the National Anthem which I do respect but I don’t respect the unarbitrary misuse of the military and it’s real heroes and this Trump and a few others will have to face the consequences of the misuse of some of those people in the military by Hospice and other traps unless he talks about it and opens up an investigation about it and how it came about via the RCC and the same goes with Fox and all the other news stations playing hide and seek. who will have to face the truth about the mustard seed and about faith regardless how things seem to be. If he does he will be truly a successful presidency if he doesn’t he won’t. Anyway the eagles didn’t show up and he had a celebration instead which is silly. Mike Pence was there if that tells you anything. I would have been impressed if he took it like a man but he didn’t. Many of the people who came back from serving in Viet Nam were not treated well and they took it like a man. I loved growing up in the military. I learned a lot and there are some good people in the military but not all because of politics mostly and because of FALSE religion hiding beneath and within screwing it up.


When the life expectancy of a country goes the wrong direction it is a pretty good sign things aren’t as good as it seems and some shenanigans are occurring. When the suicide rate increases it s not a good sign. When thousands are lying on the streets homeless in the richest part of the nation isn’t a good sign either. Instead of falling on your sword you might take an interest in the dilemma. I know everyone knows I hope that numbers don’t lie but people do lie about those numbers and use all kinds of charts to glaze over it’s audience. SUGAR COATING. If things were so great no one would need to come out with charts or a dry erase board, etc. It would be self evident. It should be a few interesting years ahead and we will see if Trump can accomplish some things regardless and in lieu of the swamp. I do not discount the fact he was given a mess to deal with and a good attitude helps but you have to have substance to back it up and numbers don’t cut it nor does a good stock market make the difference though some people think it is the marker of a happy world. Sometimes it’s an omen and a false measure even though we have figured out ways to offset a breakdown of the market for the most part. When if fell in the thirties rich people were falling out of buildings. It can happen again. I don’t mean to be a bearer of bad news but don’t believe the propaganda and face the truth like a man. Most sane people could care less what a football team does in regards to the National Anthem. Did any of them serve in the military?

I bet if the USA goes to war and institutes the draft 


without the exclusion of the national teams and it’s players in the draft

I bet  those teams would be showing a whole lot more respect for the National Anthem, don’t you?

And I bet if the same goes for the press the press might be more interested in the truth.


We’ll see how many more drips come.

It’s pier/peer pressure is all they are up to because one guy did it and got some attention. Why doesn’t the football players confront the cops who misuse their power and confront the police station? Afraid to cross their lines? Like Fox ingratiates themselves even when there is obvious abuse of power because Fox likes the protection regardless of the abuse of power. Just trying to get noticed as if they have any cares outside their little arena of football and splendid vacations but not willing to deal with it in the places it matters. What’s his face who started it wants everyone else to do it. It’s like watching members of congress with a team of lawyers with them every time they are in front of a camera when in the Senate or in the House of Representatives. Little gangs of little men.

As far as pardoning himself is silly but figuring out a way to fire Mueller isn’t silly. He crossed the line, didn’t he for political reasons and probably religious reasons as well. Obviously the world has been dealing with something evil and most of it occurred during the Obama Administration and it should be exposed. Do your best.

Jesse Watters is at the White House lawn or in front of a green screen of the White House putting his spin on it saying “what mess?”

The mess Trump talked about when he was IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

His inheritance from Obama who got elected because of Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to make us heel to it’s wishes because the RCC

got caught abusing kids, money laundering, bank fraud etc

and in alliance with ISLAM to destroy our country because we beat fascism in WWll and Israel rose up from the ashes and we had some treaties but it didn’t stop the incursion and resentment for the win and isn’t something which lasts without common sense and diligence and knowing the enemy which we have learned an awful lot about who didn’t really mean it as far as those treaties are occulted and is sneaky using Hospice to murder and kill and should be annihilated, IMO. so it never does it again and destroy the ideology to help in the endeavor. IT WOULD BE A HUGE ADVANTAGE AND A HUGE IMPACT. Ignoring it won’t help and appeasing it won’t help because some cultures don’t understand weakness and take advantage of the malady. To them it means YES YES take our freedom, take our rights, take our children, take our families, take our homes, take our lands, take our businesses, take our guns and inspire ignorance on the streets of New York or at a beach with teenagers.

Hopefully Trump can handle it and if not we’ll see.

Jesse likes Mueller’s power over the president, doesn’t he. It works for him.





I don’t think there is any hope for FOX but a few definitely not Jesse. He is doomed to be an eternal loser when he dies because i think he signed a deal with the devil in order to be a protege of O’reilly. Though he could beg for mercy and expose himself for making the deal to help others who may think it isn’t something that cannot be UNDONE. We’ll see. However it would require courage which I doubt he has any. So it might require something else.

Hmmmmmm I wonder what would work for him? Hmmmmmmm.

Losing his good looks?

Noticed Robert Kennedy’s son whose dad died about 50 years ago by a person called SIRHAN SIRHAN ( message in dis skies HANNAH CYRIS? could be the girl who played a character called Hannah Montana whose real name was Miley Cyrus. Not sure why but it probably is some kind of Islamic thing.) Robert Kennedy’s son sure looks like the guy who was killed in North Korea as a tourist whose mom said she would think about him when she was at the opera, something similar. He died of some kind of food poisoning:/botulism, supposedly. Of course no mom in their right mind would say something like it about her son unless it wasn’t true. It was a message. Perhaps a Taj Mahal kind of message or code. I don’t know why but I’m not gonna ignore signs even if the signs are kind of weird. I think Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, and Islam are way out in a spatial kind of way in regards to their faiths. Very mixed up and I am sorry about their problems but it might help someone somehow to have noticed it other than the ones who assassinated Robert Kennedy because I doubt it was only one person. I have admitted my dad was born in Montana. It is no secret. He sure didn’t assassinate Robert Kennedy. Sirhan Sirhan is a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship. May have something to do with Sri Lanka, an island nation south of India in the Indian Ocean. It’s not a bible code but it is some kind of code. A MAL CODE and in my opinion you don’t need a bible code to understand a lot of the bible. Precept by precept but as I have found out a lot of the bible has been altered for the faith.s ) I don’t think he is his son but only from a DNA perspective….traits, no way is he his son. And the very little I saw of him talking about his dad was pitiful. PATHETIC! The guy I saw was not the guy on Tucker Carlson who has cancer and wrote a book and wants the information released about his uncle John F. Kennedy which Trump said he would and now is not going to even though it occurred 55 years ago so he must be a different Trump. There is no reason to hide the information other than to cover up Vatican and the BGEA influence in the affairs of our country and our leaders.

During the sixties was the start of a new science and having to do with youthfulness and genetic design. Not sure but abortion might be involved somehow without permission of the people involved and farming of fertilized eggs for those into beauty to the extreme or other type stuff like in India buying kidneys from the poor or stealing them from a few people as well using drugs. A person would wake up without a kidney. Has nothing to do with the President’s wife and I  don’t think she had plastic surgery either, but I thought it because of my older sister having surgery and the surgeon made an obvious mistake and then she gets plastic surgery as a reward after suing the german doctor (Is it racist to say german?) for sniping her ureter Yea she wore a bag for about a month or so and then came her reward and more money to put into the stock market for her husband who lost his butt before hand. Melania might need plastic surgery 5 years from now but at the present she looks pretty much the same as she did a year ago unless she had a tummy tuck. LOL I don’t think she needs it yet but some people are perfectionists. I do know Michelle Obama had plastic surgery in a big way. It was self evident between terms and the picture of her swollen face from surgery without her wig in front of some burning building with a rifle in a hand and a syringe in the other in heeled sandals and rolled up jeans like most terrorist wear when on a terrorist mission at supposedly Benghazi however the burning compound sure looked similar to places in Las Vegas and the surrounding area and the Obamas were there the day after Benghazi or was it the day before. Time changes around the globe can sometimes be confusing for witnesses etc. I guess she got more flexible as well. SOOOOOOOOO…. “No one has the right to bear arms but Michelle” Obama said at a correspondent’s dinner,jokingly. (Is it racist for him to say she is the only one who has a right to hold a gun?) So it’s not like he didn’t know of the picture of MIchelle. He knew.

The lady who once was the richest person in Africa a former model who wanted to look like a cat I have heard has lost all of her money somehow. She had a multitude of surgeries on her face, She was the person my little sister and I made jokes about and faces on the night Gary my brother in law exposed his penis while we watched The Last of the Mohicans and I nudged my sister so she would be a witness and she saw it. He was on the floor and we were on the couch. Many family members around and kids and grandparents. Anyway this is the night my sister – Gary’s wife went into the kitchen of my little sister’s home and drank some Calomine lotion on mistake from the bottle thinking it was Kaopectate because she had tummy troubles (an allergy to corn products which caused gas and stuff) which was why she had the operation in the first place. So we couldn’t believe what she had done and I think it was a purposeful diversion because my  little sister saw Gary exposing his penis above his shorts posing it harassing me. I explained it in another post and we were making faces like the cat woman drinking Kaopectate a face we had learned to be silly about. (no offense). Little did we know what was ahead. My dad went upstairs to help my sister because she was throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time and he loved her. Gary came down to tell us so we would feel bad and guilty for making jokes about it but it was hard not to because of the face she made when she came in to tell me and the utter stupidity of it however I called the poison control to find out if she would be okay right after it occurred and they said yes because even though she swigged it it wasn’t enough to go to the hospital but to work it out and she did. Gary didn’t help her. My dad helped her. I did not want my sister to feel bad. It was a family vacation together at my little sisters’ home. It was a spiritual diversion of some kind because I don’t think she would drink Calomine lotion on purpose for anyone, even her husband . What was weird is usually Calomine lotion is in a squirt bottle and not a bottle that pours. I never saw the bottle so it might have been staged for some reason and she did it in a totally dark kitchen she was unfamiliar with. She could not have had much. Her lips had the pink on them and looked like a little bow on her lips. In the past my older sister lost a bunch of weight Bolemic style which is to eat andy then throw up. So she knew how to stage a throw up  act. I don’t know if she used it then but wouldn’t surprise me. Setting my dad against me, maybe? Probably. Or at least trying to while saving Gary’s ass but then it would mean she was in on it i.e. the harassment. (Is this my breakfast of did I throw this up?) She wanted to be the most loved and respected of the kids and lied to do it and other weird things. The next day we woke up to the news about OJ Simpson who was riding around in his white van running from the police in California because he or someone had killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend. Strange weekend. Anyway it seemed like it might also be a diversion but a very bad and evil one. His harassment was a lifetime thing for me. HE didn’t do it all the time but when drinking and I guess when he wanted to harass me and make his wife feel bad. Totally random shit to cause trouble. He was a nut case in some ways and then other times he was okay. He had some other strange quirks as well which I have written about.  He liked to put people in jeopardy for fun. I do not know how she handled it and it must have been hard for her and I tried to help as best I could because I loved her too. I think sometimes some of the synapses of his brain missed and some of it was spiritual because he was not the brightest person on the planet or even in a group of 3 or 4 people but we dealt with it the best we could. He misunderstood cues quite a bit. Maybe over sexed as well. A mixture of things gone awry. I don’t think he was raised well, very spoiled, and sometimes he would put on a cap and he looked ridiculous. He never grew up. He was funny sometimes especially in the game of Balderdash. He saw things through a different lens than everyone else( pinhole vision), In front of his kids he did shit he shouldn’t do leering at women on the beach or anywhere and even to them he did things he shouldn’t do so it was a spiritual manifestation he could not control then he got belligerent later and spiteful. Like he had a multitude of personalities inside him and couldn’t control them sometimes. His kids loved him and he learned a skill in advertising  and tried to overcome but spiritually it was hurting him, his wife, his kids, his in-laws and probably his mom and dad, their friends though they ignored it for their benefit and his dad who made him jealous of his other brother who was a doctor. There is so much more but not now in this post. Later.

How to solve a problem like Garia?

Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

Problem is Catholics are taught not to read the bible and don’t like it when people learn and prefer the dick head Jesse Watters

a protege of O’reilly.

I’m trying to help believe it or not. I don’t like the things that have happened and I’m standing up against the crap since most men won’t.

Melanie – Some Day I’ll Be a Farmer [1971] – YouTube



last night though I won’t go into it because it was perverted:

(I suffer from PTSD and haven’t quite overcome my problems and I think it may never go away but have come a long way nevertheless. I have no idea if there is such a thing as dream manipulation but could have been caused by some kind of manipulation however it doesn’t matter since it is only a dream. I tend to like to sleep a bunch when I am depressed about the state of the world and the things that happened to my family in the last ten years especially. Some people drink, some people take opioids, some people over eat because of their frustrations and I have them all and it has been about the same amount of time since I have had a thing called a vacation the kind I like. I had a chance to go with my immediate family with the ex a few years ago and because of how he treated me I decided not to and so I made a choice but he isn’t good for me IMO though I live with him out of necessity because of the persecution going on by the RCC and Islam and others.  A pernicious kind of abuse a staple of the RCC and Islam for even their own followers being control freaks and for the NWO to mold the world the way it wants it to train us (disregarding the Ten Commandments and themselves as well) in how it thinks we should behave all of a sudden when it was caught abusing their powers as retribution using the race card most of all. I don’t think it is working well or ever will and it won’t end well for anyone unless Hospice is stopped admitted to and not used against the people it deems invaluable and the RCC ought to be held accountable for it and whether we do it as a county or not it will face it’s demise and it might be ours as well as a country if we do not do something about it and DEAL with it but in the mean while it is getting away with murder and abusing women and females and their families for their own purposes, but not all. So I am going to try not to include the race card in my future posts because of the fakery going on using the race card which imo has Maxed itself out. It gets old. VERY OLD. Woof woof)

As a country we have some major troubles and we need to tackle them even so.

Hawaii’s volcano (Kilauea) erupted again and destroyed more than 100 homes. I read somewhere the geo thermal plant on the island which may be the cause of the volcano activity was a Harry Reid thermal plant and was suggested by a tweet or two but I have no idea who started up the idea but might be using his name because I thought Harry Reid was into wind energy which has its own set of problems killing eagles for one and is an eye soar and Hawaii is not his or was not his state as a Senator. The Obamas visited Hawaii quite often as their vacation preference with Oprah and honored Sen. Inouye who died during the first Obama Administration and made Hawaii their detonation during the Hurricane Sandy which ravaged the east coast andI think used Sen. Inouye (Japanese american hero) as an excuse to vacation during a tough time for the east coast so I think his death may have been rigged for the sake of the Obamas preplanned vacation before the hurricane Sandy and possibly the Geo thermal plant and trying to move a mountain but I don’t think it was the meaning of moving a mountain in the bible because it actually is not a mountain but a volcano. Obama is said to have said that some mountain should be a volcano. Now why would he say it should be a volcano if he wasn’t a volcano and why was he so interested in volcanic activity. Is Obama who prayed at the wailing wall in Jerusalem an israelite or was he just hoping to be an israelite. Pope Francis did the same thing and so did Trump, It is kind of ridiculous. (Pope Francis looked like he was taking a catnap. If I ever went to Israel I would not be praying at their wailing wall. I might photo it but I wouldn’t try to act like I was an Israelite because I’m not and neither are the three of them. Would the three of them get in an oven at one of the labor camps in Poland? Did any of them wear the hairstyle of the Hasidic jews with sidelocks just to look jewish? The three of them might if it was advantageous to do so. It’s not the same thing as going to Williamsburg and get in some shackles for the fun of it for photos plus we were kids when we did it.) Obama may have been talking about Mt. McKinley which he changed the name to a different name (Mt. Denali meaning Great one) which is an unusual thing to do to change a name of a mountain.

I think we ought to change the name of Mount Everest to Mount Munchkin!

To the little people please pardon me for my humor.

Pretty presumptuous to change the name and ought to be changed back again to it’s original name just to rile him and to undo him. He also visited Yellowstone so it must have been in his purview to make some noise using volcanos or manipulating volcanos under the guise of finding a different power source other than oil and fracking for oil to receive a ton of money by those who trusted him or rather those who had faith in him so I think it is a man made disaster and there ought to be an investigation of it as a possibility and have a Congressional hearing about the volcanic activity and whether the Obamas caused it and find out why Obama was IMMENSELY interested in volcanos early on.

Kate Spade latest in growing, tragic list of celebs to commit suicide by hanging

included Robin Williams who actually was strangled and I don’t believe he committed suicide and I bet she didn’t either. In fact it sounded as if the male counterpart might be hiding something. DID SHE HAVE LIFE INSURANCE? OR DID HE HAVE LIFE INSURANCE ON HER? I didn’t look into the specifics but what I read about Robin Williams did not fit a description of suicide, IMO What I had read was he was tied at the neck between two doors and usually one hangs oneself on something from the ceiling, don’t they? More like a mob hit to scare Hollywood and to try to keep them in Line by line the Jesuit way. Then the comedian Joan Rivers was killed during a surgery for having said Michelle Obama was a transvestite. Which she might have been and probably  told the truth but should not have been killed for it. If Michelle was a transvestite she doesn’t need to kill to save her reputation. She looks great and should have stood up for it. Not saying she had anything to do with the death of Joan Rivers but I don’t think it is coincidence Joan Rivers was a jew and said what she said and died during cosmetic surgery. I don’t think it was an act of God, the true one. I think it was more like a ying and yang kind of a god one like the hindu god and what happened to her was more like an act of the devil. Michelle if she was a transvestite was born as a transvestite and had a right to fix what she felt about herself was not right for her. I recall a very famous model who had a sex change and was beautiful. I think the truth would have been more appropriate and more helpful. IF it is true Michelle was a transvestite she blew it because she was in a position to make a difference and misspent it on herself. She could always try to change her tune even after the fact for the sake of others. She might even try to dissuade people of her former status if she wasn’t. I don’t know, of course whether she was or wasn’t but I have my suspicions because of some things she said in the past about children and things others have said. I think America is more open and would forgive her if she was and then maybe we can figure out what happened to Joan Rivers besides the excuses given for the sake of others. Until she does I don’t think she ought to think about running for the office of the presidency and she ight also try to explain the picture of her in front of a burning building whether it was manipulated to make her look like she was at Benghazi or she was drugged and was there under some kind of trick or she was there and involved because I don’t really know but have seen and posted the pictures. Franklin Graham has been active in Hollywood area lately and I hear the Obama’s are going to or have bought into NETFLIX TO PRODUCE THEIR WAY OF DEATH. OBAMA TOOK BILLY GRAHAM AND FRANKLIN GRAHAM UNDER HIS WINGS BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THE MORMONS WERE A CULT AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOOK THE MORMONS UNDER THEIR WINGS. PROBABLY BECAUSE OF THE NSA IN UTAH? SOMETHING HAPPENED DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION BETWEEN CATHOLICS, THE MORMONS, THE BGEA, AND OBAMA (ISLAM) SOME KIND OF RELIGIOUS SWAP. REMEMBER? WHEN OBAMA WAS RUNNING AGAINST MITT ROMNEY. I REMEMBER IT. REMEMBER WHAT BILL CLINTON SAID MITT ROMNEY HAD HIS HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR while Bill Clinton was thumping for OBAMA in the snow. It was all in the same time period as Benghazi and the coups in Egypt and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood which Lindsay Graham was super interested in trying to control what the muslim Brotherhood was doing because it was not intended to go the way it did. It is what I recall was occurring at the time. Oh yea FAST AND FURIOUS as well. Some kind of ILLEGAL arms sale to some country who wasn’t supposed to get them and the astronauts wife getting shot in the head paraded around by her husband for Obama’s political AND RELIGIOUS (she was jewish) ideals and his. A district attorney was killed at the same place in Arizona and he was investigating Fast and Furious involving DOJ of the Obama Administration (ERIC HOLDER) was involved in.

As far as Kate Spade is concerned and others in diverse places who commit suicide don’t necessarily want to and are pushed into it and from what i could tell on Fox News in regards to her the husband might have helped it along. I’m not the only one who noticed the cues. Like in Guyana with the Jonestown massacre was mostly suicides of people forced to drink cyannide:

Jonestown survivor recalls cult’s mass suicide: ‘This was murder’

Anthony Bourdain died. The news says he committed suicide. I saw his show a few times here and there dining in style. Kind of when in rome do as the romans do kind of style dining around the world and one of the clips aired on Fox was him saying, “When you get old what are you gonna do? Putter around?” chatting to some man over a meal which is kind of a strange comment to pick up on because he had a ton of shows. I think it was Fox. I think he died in Paris, France? My ex said he was a heroin addict which I did not know. Anyway supposedly he used his belt to commit suicide. WEIRD! I bet it wasn’t his idea because he sure didn’t seem suicidal on his shows. I remember when John Lennon said something about being more popular than Jesus and pissed off a bunch of people and was shot and killed in NYC by a lunatic. I would be an idiot if I didn’t think it was related somehow, and I’m not an idiot. He didn’t seem like the suicidal type nor a heroin addict but I didn’t pay that close attention to his personal innuendo. Was it because of a budget cut or something? A contract dispute? To hold something (such as his comment in a conversation, publicly of course otherwise we wouldn’t know him from adam) so slight against someone seems kind of insane. Were the two men talking about suicide? I don’t know, but I doubt it. Sometimes people say a bunch of stuff just to hold a conversation together. IT SEEMS SUSPICIOUS TO ME the mode of his death, the mode of his living, and the comment picked up on and aired. I don’t think God is this way but I think someone who thinks he is god might get some kind of a thrill out of his death. Reminds me of when I was asked if I ever thought about suicide by a hospital clerk and I said yes and ended up in a mental ward for only a few hours but it was disconcerting to say the least. I was there to get medication for my angsts. Everyone thinks about it during depression or some other malady everyone experiences sometime or other. Geeez women go through it once a month or during and after child birth. LOL Plus I write about it because of my parents and what happened to them and the family I grew up with and other reasons besides the Mother Teresa phenomenon. I’m sure his friends and family are grieving so I don’t want to make too little of it, but if you love him try to find out if it was really suicide.

Don’t just accept the excuse like lambs to a slaughter.

I think his fame was used to support suicide. I just saw a show a 4 or 5 minutes about Berlin. Pretty low show about who ever the guest star was he was interviewing he did not seem to enjoy him but he did expose him.  It’s too easy and in a way perverse to accept his death as a suicide. HELLISH.


Like giving up your guns or not building a wall. it’s stupid.

Another good one is “do you feel threatened etc” being asked of a patient when she walks in to the ER with her ex in front of the ex after having complained about the ex at the same hospital. (It’s fiendish, IMO) What a dumb thing to ask? THough I have thought about ti it help to keep  him in line in a weird way but also gives him exoneration for past events which I don’t appreciate. hazy kind of a question. If I really had choices I wouldn’t be here. It’s as sick as our marriage was. (I wanted to bury you or you to bury me crap. Not a good reason to stay together.) Of course I have learned how to handle the ex but there were times he was deviant enough and crazy acting and influenced by something other worldly and I felt threatened. I think somehow it helps him for it to be asked to make him look like a prince charming and make me look like a bitch, when actually I’m the nicer one of the two, IMO since I have tried to rise above his shit but I do post it on MY BLOG POSTS! It’s like a diary and it helps to me to remember and to put an order to the things that have happened to me and others. He doesn’t read it but I’m sure he doesn’t appreciate it, spiritually. I don’t appreciate him supporting the RCC solution by starving his mom to death by hospice because it hurt my family and I have let it be known to him my feelings about it and he doesn’t like it when I do but maybe someday he will understand. IT ISN’T THAT HARD and he is trying to forget like rinsing off a plate after dinner. I guess it’s called compartmentalizing but leads to some other mental illnesses, IMO. I don’t think it is a good thing for the life span of humans to be shrinking in the USA. and the reasons are written in this post. NOT GOOD REASONS. The life span should be rising in a country such as ours so something must be VERY wrong with a lot of things in this country however people are getting prettier. Young people tend to be pretty naturally as a rule but I think we are lauding it too much over wisdom, personality, honor, love, and family. I hope we can stop the nonsense for our kids and their kids. I’m not anti beauty though looking at me you might think I’m against it but I enjoy seeing it in my kids and other women. But I also like personality and lines of experience however I don’t think my family could have ever imagined the things that happened to us in the last ten years. If we had known we would have changed it. WE were ATTACKED FEROSIOUSLY and RAVAGED by evil and we did not deserve it but is the result of the NWO and it’s fantasy by some fanatics but not all. Please don’t buy the Obama shit on his show or any other because he is the classic psychopath, IMO. By the way sometimes you do make peace with your friends and not your enemies. He is so full of crap! WHO SENT A TON OF MONEY TO IRAN? I guess he was trying to make peace or to buy it and you can’t buy it just like you can’t buy love. He is slicker than slick willie. Much slicker, sicker, and much more dangerous and you can read about him in the gospel of Luke which sheds some light on his thinking though it may have changed since the last time I read it. Talks about the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION and the person who is talking enjoyed it.



The elderly are at often times at old folks homes or retirement centers trapped and at a greater risk. Best to stay away from the retirement centers and group places and spread out thinly to make it less feasible for those who would like to cull the population or punish non catholics/muslims/islams unless you are in it to really help the elderly. Most aren’t.  Make it harder for them or for those cults and other cults to mess with you and there are a lot of them cropping up all the time. I heard of a new one recently though it has been around a long time but a very dangerous group of people especially to women and kids. Two by twos kind of like thrones that go door to door with their little pamphlets.  Retirement business was a new kind of business but the wrong people got into the business because of the baby boomer generation and because of the RCC and Islams desire to ruin the world and the NWO and many of their proselyties who are deceived thinking they are doing God a service and some for inheritance money or insurance money and some because of divorce like I suspect of the woman above in the article. I don’t know her but I certainly saw the cues and it wasn’t for my eyes only what was shown on Fox News. Others noticed so Fox ought to be a little more careful or it might have to be responsible for more than it’s share of false news or falsifying the news. If Fox were really into true news it would discuss Mother Teresa at length and her cult of death of the military but Fox isn’t and instead the female of OUTNUMBERED with the cat eyes is doing the opposite with intense fervor and I know she knows.


(Her last name is kind of famous in the Dallas area but of a different color. It think she is quite rich not because of the military but in lieu of the military.)

She thinks she is pretty smart. Just a head’s up from me.

I did a post on Nellie called Nellie and the Assassination of JFK and many others on the subject of the assassination. I found some interesting stuff which you can find out on Merangue’s Blog. 

Check it out if you are interested.

Hard Ball Chris Matthews had a special on about Robert Kennedy’s assassination and in the mix of the documentary/fantasy said Robert Kennedy said to his wife (Ethyl) after he had been shot in the head: “Oh Ethyl.” Hard to imagine he was able to speak. Maybe it was a spiritual language she heard (if she heard it) but I doubt he was able to physically talk. Chris Matthews isn’t known for his truthfulness. He is totally defunct of truth. His show started off well years ago and he went somewheres else after a while. i think he was under the impression the faster you talk the smarter you are, which is not true. Relying on his style (no nonsense-conversation bully) and not giving a shit about the truth and degraded his style. Undermined himself into total nonsense. Probably happened when he got a thrill up his leg for Obama. Why? Who knows? White guilt? Obama’s race card went up his leg? Like Hitler who hated jews even though he was supposedly part jewish. I have no idea if it is true but being a fast talker doesn’t make you right in the head. I don’t think he was ever a prosecutor but even so you have to have some substance to win a case unless the jury is preselected to make you win


Some people will do anything to be famous and I think he is one of THEM.

CDC says suicide is up by 25 percent since 1999. Is it because of the Y2K? Not including Hospice. Obama became a senator in 1997, I think. or was it two years later?I know Obama is involved. I know it in my heart with the Vatican’s blessings. Having to do with his black madonna which might be Michelle. I remember her conversation about having kids and it sounded like her kids aren’t hers. It was early in the first administration of Obama. It’s in one of my posts. He was using the race card and using her.

CDC: Suicide rates on the rise in almost every state

The ex and I had another tiff about hospice and he got upset and left the room called me a name which I let roll off my back. NO BIG DEAL I know it’s how he truly feels. So it is getting to him. He tries to act like it isn’t but it is. I was asking him have you noticed the amount of ads on Fox of pregnant women? and the conversation/argument lead to the hospice argument. The ads are a bit numerous to the nth degree and are intended to be propaganda and a form of harassment. I have noticed because of the stations persecution and it’s litmus test for presidential candidates trying to pidgeon-hole the REPUBLICAN candidates (NOT DEMOCRATS) and it was a roman catholic intimidation. IT didn’t really succeed in it’s endeavor to make abortion illegal but only to harass the population. WHY NOT HARASS ABOUT HOSPICE ON THE NEXT REPUBLICAN RACE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS. ASK “DO YOU BELIEVE STARVATION OF AN ELDERLY VETERAN AND SPOUSE USING PAIN MEDICATION IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE BUDGET CUTS OF THE MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN TO OFFSET MILITARY SPENDING IN OTHER AREAS? And Ask WON’T IT UNDERMINE THE MILITARY OF IT’S FORCES IF ITS FORCES FIND OUT THE GOVERNMENT LIED TO THEM ABOUT THEIR RETIREMENT PENSIONS? AND ASK DID IRAN RECEIVE THE PENSIONS IN DISGUISE VIA THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION BECAUSE OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION? Of course he hasn’t noticed (because he really knows it’s what the station does is try to harass women but doesn’t want to admit it) but he has now.  I noticed Perrino and her nonsense at the time of the tiff, however I discarded the memory of what she did but it was related because she is so full of shiiiiiiiiiii and I think she is possessed or she would be able to talk about hospice and yet doesn’t. (and then he bought groceries for dinner.)

Donald Trump says Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash. That’s Half True


We had our infamous argument about god, hospice, his mom, and all the ways I was railroaded and maneuvered out of house and home and family and also about lava because all of a sudden he is interested in lava. I asked him who he thought God was and he said Yahweh supposedly a hebrew name of God but God said his name was I am that I am when he set free the Hebrews and told Moses to tell the people he set free and he didn’t say his name was Yahweh.. I said (because it came to the top of my head about Yahweh because of the Augean Stables – Greek mythology). I think the name of Yahweh is a greek name of God and it is not working so well. I finally went to the door and said “Hey why didn’t you just shoot your mom in the head?” He didn’t like it, but THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? I didn’t say it but thought it. The reason is because it would look like murder because it is murder. This way it looks like kindness (Coup de grace) even when someone doesn’t want to be Hospiced (like my mom) who wanted to live to 105 and could have if it wasn’t for the RCC and it’s kindness which is not kind at all. The mustard seed was a greek condiment and poison derivative and derivative of mustard gas and sarin gas and wasn’t the smallest of seed nor is the smallest of seed neither will it EVER BE the smallest of seed.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

“The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah, (Jesus Christ) opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.”

To classify and sort or rather DISTORT the truth.

Not sure which is it the lamb or is it the lion?

So we are in the apocalypse, the apostasy, and revelation and Laura InGraham is a fine example of those lips and so is Mecca.

We are also in Revelation and Armaggedon as well because of the betrayal of the army using Hospice on those who did not desire it and twisting the meaning of do not resuscitate by implementing ways to get a person to the point of needing to be resuscitated in the attempt of murder in various ways to in essence: murder. NOt all people understand precisely the way the next person understands so it is not a good idea to sign a do not resuscitate paperwork often offered to patients before operations or when sick especially in this day and age when there are few trustworthy enough to trust or placing your life in the hands of someone who has ulterior motives because of religion or politics, inheritance, insurance, and other enticements or temptations using trickery, entrapments, and even sometimes hostage type tactics as Mother Teresa’s hospice demonstrates the RCC’s  religious proclivity to find any reason to kill and murder depending on which way the political and religious wind is blowing.  I guess the Pentagon and the world doesn’t need an army because we have drones and other military branches. I bet you are wrong because of armageddon. God puts it into the heart of an army to destroy the Vatican, is this the reason?

You can’t win a war without an army! 

Which God? The one that matters.

The Vatican is going down and when it does it’s gonna be PAINFUL for a lot of people who put their faith in it like those at Fox News and others who betrayed the army and my parents because they are special to me and to God. IMO having served to protect our country and others and lied to and mistreated in favor of the NWO which is also going down because it’s a mess. ONE BIG FUCKING MESS. (Pardon my french)


Laura InGraham ought to TRY to teach about it. Tell us what she knows. NOT MUCH because she is a whore of Babylon.

Is is racist to say the obvious? Sexist? Not politically correct even if it is true?

Back to Dana Perino

(You’re just too goo to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. You’re like heaven to touch I want to hold you so much. At long last love has arrived. I thank God I’m alive. You’re just too goo to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. Da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da da, da daaaaaa…..Trust in me when I say…Oh pretty baby, LOL) ….

In the next post I’m going to try to show where I think things went really sour in the OT and what may be one of the first false covenants.

The ARK of the Covenant

May have to do with the Ark of the Covenant. I’m gonna try to do it from memory but other writings to help jog my memory. Reminds me of the feelings I got after reading the Gospel of John and then reading the Book of Acts when things go awry A total let down and like a total betrayal and when I think the Israelites got into trouble in a similar loop. IMO I could be wrong but it gets kind of weird and very scary. Twisted and evil. Replacement theology in a way and a curse. Luckily I don’t remember a lot of it but some things did not sit well with me which I do remember and made me think god was totally unfair and sadistic (a god I would not want nor cherish nor respect and very Islamic/Jesuit. A Fascist god.) about what I read and some similar impressions of the things in our time, eerily similar and with the subject of this post as well. ABJECT EVIL GOD, a jealous god, and not one anyone should want under any circumstances. DEVILISH and SATANIC all rolled up into one. A real bad dude and very insane. a mother fucker of a god and false god. (excuse my french). Can’t get much worse but then again, it could. The Roseanne debacle was extremely interesting and the reaction on Fox News even more so. What happened to my parents coincided with the changing of hands (ownership) at the ARC (Army Retirement Center) and I think the curse about the ARK is it changed hands and may end up being a curse to those who have it somewhere. I remember during the Pope-ship of Benedict XVl when the Euphrates dried up which is a prophecy about making a way for the Kings of the East something kind of strange happened having to do with the ARK of the covenant. Not Noah’s ark but the one which claimed to be the seat of God. I wrote about it in another post a much earlier post as if God needs one and seemed to be a threat at the time to Pope Benedict’s stewardship. I think it was located in Northern Africa. And then the Great tsunami it in the Indian Ocean ad changed a lot of things including the axis of the earth physically and politically. NOt sure if it was before or after but it hit hard. And then we ended up with a Jesuit pope who sainted Mother Teresa. In the bible Old Testament there were 10 evil kings. (I think there were ten but would coincide possibly with ASEAN. ASEAN is islamic. Pope Francis making a last ditch effort towards kids as if he cares and would rather kiss a porcelain Jesus than change a diaper. He’s a fruitcake.

THOU SHALT NOT CUSS is not a commandment. There are plenty of reasons people cuss, even catholics and Fox employees. LOL

I wonder what she would say when she stubs her toes, or has an accident, slips on some ice, or a close call, or falls on some stairs, or walks out of a restroom with toilet paper on her shoe, or is embarrassed, gets a paper cut, or on an elevator which is acting up, or if someone is aiming their gun on her in a war arena, or when a plane she is riding on makes steep dive, or or when someone calls her a name, or hurts her kid even under her breath or in her head or many other instances or situations. Many in the military cuss and if in the situations many have had to endure you might be cussing to or taking the lords name in vain like Paul did on the island of Malta and allowed the people to think he was god, like the pope does impersonating God as if he sits with God  sainting mass murderers like Mother Teresa, etc There are many false gods so when someone says the GD word does not mean the meaning of the commandment of taking the lords name in vain/vane because it appears most people don’t know Gods name. Lots of people call their sons Jesus. Is it the meaning? Or many names of famous religious people and in the bible. I am that I am is kind of an unusual name/title and I haven’t heard anyone taking it as their own name which imo tosses the commandment about the Lord’s name in vain out the kazoo.

I woke up early early in the morning before I was planning to wake up to some noises of my cat who normally sleeps under my bed but got on to my bed and was throwing up on my bed and said “Git, Git” trying to shew the cat off the bed and then I said “God, Shit” as the cat threw up and as it was occurring because the cat didn’t get off the bed in time. Is it taking the Lord’s Name in Vain? So I got up and took some medicine and went for a bathroom excursion and while doing so the ex woke up and wanted to pee so I told him about the cat and to clean it up and he cleaned it up (because it is his job otherwise I’m liable to throw up adding to the grief because I have a weak stomach especially now after my operation and my deep 14-inch scar which was supposed to be 6 besides my Caecarian scar holding it up like an upside down tee) and he did and he still wanted to pee and was pacing because he really needed to pee. I said maybe you could go outside and pee because I was on the potty still doing my business and eventually he did. Real life stuff. Is it taking the Lord’s name in vain? I have no choice as far as the cats sleeping in my room otherwise the cats will meow very loudly and scratch my door if I close my door destroying the door till I allow them in even though I’m allergic to cats though I love the cats. They won’t sleep in the ex’s room because he keeps the door closed, just my room and even if I keep the door closed  the ex will open it so the cats come into my room and therefore are trained to mine.

Common Sense and Prescription Drugs

Maybe Trump can fix this problem for those who are on prescription drugs shouldn’t have to pay a tariff to a doctor (the cost and the hassle of an office visit) for a renewal of prescription drugs (not an opioid or medication which is addictive) if no change has occurred, Can the President of the USA the most powerful country in the world handle it? What does it have to do with the subject matter at hand. Nothing, but it is a major problem for many people because it crops up from time to time in between everyday events for ordinary citizens and is a small request. If not it is probably why people get addicted to opioids because of the nonsense going on in the medical field and in politics when it should be simple economics and a good business practice using his intellectual superiority written about in the ART OF THE DEAL for a citizen of the USA. Maybe it is too small a thing for the President to worry about the ordinary citizen  compared to trying to make world peace and wheeling and dealing in world economics to favor our steel industry and the other industries involved. It is an ordinary citizen request. It won’t make news though it might and it won’t get a lot of traction for political gain though it could but it would be good for the USA, it’s citizens and for me (I’m a citizen as well). Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a big difference. I did not vote for Trump or anyone because I could not trust the news and the false news but it might actually get you some votes and you might not have to thump for those votes as frequently. 

Life of the Party? Owner Discovers What Pets Do in Her Absence

The Roman Catholic Church has been caught changing the commandments for their own purposes making one commandment two is but one example. I think the RCC is up the creek and in big trouble with God. IF all of us have said the saying sometime or other “I am going to the store, do you want me to get you something? is it taking the Lord’s name in vain? In the OT God says I Am the Lord thy God is part of the first Commandment The next part of the commandment is Thou shalt have no other gods before me.. Even if we use the word God we might have messed up. If we use the word Lord we might have messed up. So I think by deducing it might be true we are all guilty or the commandment about taking the lords name in vain or the commandment is a lie about taking the Lord”s name in vain. What about this saying: LORDY LORDY SO AND SO IS FORTY.  Jesus in the Gospel of John says “I am the way the truth and the life.” The other gospels don’t say it at all or thesis a trick often used in the gospel “I who is talking to you am he” putting words in-between I AM. the quote is not a precise one but you get the drift. I may be wrong about the name Yahweh but sure sounds greek to me. But if it means hay way hospice by starvation isn’t haying, is it?. There are about 7 names mentioned as descriptions of God and I think one of those is the word Yahweh which is a description and not necessarily God’s title of himself or herself. I think if the commandment is a commandment using gods name to profit might be what is meant by the commandment which many preachers and religions/faiths do making the word faith untrustworthy and yet defend the idea of faith based on a lie about the mustard seed which isn’t the smallest of seed but I think an attempt to catholicize or islamicize the other. There is no mention of faith in the Ten Commandments, nor priests, nor religions, neither popes, not even all the other positions in religions but who is mentioned is to honor your mother your father (mom and dad) and your children.

Ignoring hospice by starvation is evil.

Hospice is the death knell

of the RCC.

In the catholic religion priests like to impersonate fathers and nuns like to impersonate mothers and neither can if these titles aren’t even allowed to marry or have sex and have families. It’s a mockery of a family and a mockery of God. The RCC is a mess of a religion. Very mixed up and deceptive.

While Doubting Thomas puts his spin on Irish women’s choice.  He is of the old dinosaur faction who still has faith in men who have kind of screwed up the world and the women in it in a multitude of ways and I bet he will never admit the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed which is okay by me because he will lose his reward IMO I only read the first two paragraphs of his opinion him not being a female but effeminate nevertheless and don’t really need to read anymore but wanted to include it because it seems to me things are turning around  and against those of the false faith like in Ireland in regards to abortion which he is against. A little here and a little there.

Did Cal Thomas serve in the military or did he just serve himself? He kind of looks like he served himself, like a priest. He should know better being a bible scholar. So either he is lying or he is lying.

GET OVER YOURSELF. You are not that goo. You are but a delicate flower of little substance and little consequence even though you are on the news entertainment show daily harassing for the RCC. I see right through your RCC shit because you are so transparent.

What are you gonna do when it is gone? wilt?

Melanie Safka – Do You Believe

Anyway I decided to check out my bible I have a few but one I used to read but not all and then checked on line about the ten commandments and there sure are a lot of choices in regards to the Ten Commandments between the faiths/religions and between the online sources even within the catholic church. It is rather confusing to say the least and I was taken aback by no mention of children in the Ten Commandments because as i recall children were mentioned in the Ten Commandments to honor the children and not to overly antagonize children (remember? not the exact words but it was a part of the Ten commandments right after honoring your parents like is done in Islam when a teenager is caught in a relationship and is put to death because of honor) and I was thinking maybe it is because of hospice (dishonoring our parents). It is said the bible is a living bible possibly meaning it changes like people do. Anyway I think as far as taking the Lords name in vain I think I hit the nail on the head about the guilt of everyone (including myself) and it even mentions the word guilt (with a less on the end of it and with a not on the front of it, meaning not guiltless) in the commandment which I had not realized and tend to use my memory but it came to me when writing about taking the Lord’s name in vain in reaction to my ex and his assertions argued yesterday. By hitting the nail on the head I did it with a big hammer head. Also noticed some versions say Thou shalt not kill and some say Thou shalt not murder. I have my own interpretation and I think it means murder obviously because the hebrews and the Israelites and all the others (peoples) mentioned in the Old Testament and New did a lot of killing even of Jesus because of war of the faiths and defending oneself as I did when I got pregnant because the time was inappropriate.

I have heard and I think I have read or both that if you are guilty of one commandment you are guilty of all.

We are dealing with something big and evil worldwide. I remember but so many people feign they don’t or don’t remember for real and has something to do with the son of consolation (13 apostle)  in the book of acts and his name means to forget. Barnabus chosen by a straw (called lots) as in hay way.

Also I have written in this post and others theTen Commandments are a standard and a guide to a better living since the Ten Commandments

have established we are all guilty in the eyes of God

and I will try my best to honor my parents and my children because they deserve it and I will continue to defend us because to me both are a blessing.

However, I think the commandments are in a specific order for a reason.

As I recall honoring our parents and our children were the 2nd and 3rd commandments the second is now taking the Lords name in vain but have switched positions from what I remember to a new place like the prophecy in Daniel moved to the gospel of Matthew standing where it should not and the change occurred in the time frame of the Obama Administration like when he stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King Day.

The Sabbath Day

The Sabbath day rules I think were written so it would be noticeable (everything from the slaves to the family pet having a day off) and points to the Gospel of John whether someone added stuff to make it seem unreal or ridiculous or not, the commandment still made people notice and to take a day off for the sake of time off and not to be a scrooge. LOL It’s good to take time off. Even for crops and land rest is good for the top soil and underneath which was a problem in the Grapes of Wrath dust bowl time besides not having enough trees for a wind breaker. The arguments between whether Sunday or Saturday was the real sabbath is what got me to study and to compare the gospels and when the RCC at one time was trying to or intending to enforce Sunday worship during the Popeship of John Paul, though not sure if it was before or after he kissed the Koran and before or after he Mother Teresa latched on to him. It’s been a controversy for a very long time and the excuses about Sunday worship by apologists vs Saturday were ridiculous which also peaked my interest and many others even some Catholics didn’t like it. So the antagonists also had a lot to do with people noticing the controversy and the commandments. In this day and time we really can’t be sure it is Sunday or Monday….. or Saturday and because of Leap year every four years and time changes throughout the earth so I think the message was work 6 days and take the 7th off but doesn’t say which day is the 7th day but is referring to the God who intervened when the earth was void and in our day and age void of reason. (Leap is mentioned when John the Baptist is leaping in Elizabeth’s tummy when meeting Jesus in Mary’s tummy which is what happens to every woman who has a baby, its a sensation which feels like a flutter. John the Baptist ate locusts in the desert. Something wasn’t quite right with him, I don’t think and then he meets Jesus and Jesus suffers it to be so to get baptized by John the Baptist. Did John the Baptist impersonate Jesus in the desert being tempted by the Devil acting like he fasted for 40 days when he actually ate locusts? i.e. pulling a fast one on his piers? Was it an alibi of some kind? I’m not saying he did or didn’t but it is rather suspicious.) God supposedly told O’reilly to write a book in his killing book series called Killing Jesus.

Even Saturn the planet has three rings around it. Kind of an outer space sign. An astronomical sign. Three ring circus….My older sister who was taken in by the BGEA and went to the ladies excursions (retreats) in North Carolina told me on the elevator going up to see my mom at the hospital told me that she had learned that three was the number of perfection which might have something to do with Gary attempting to manage-trois us. It isn’t the number of perfection, but was very harmful to the whole family. A sociopath used to be defined as a person (3M’s) who maneuvers, manages and manipulates others but there are more m’s than those and I have no idea about psychopaths but probably someone like Obama who uses sociopaths to get his master plan in motion for a malevolent way like ISLAM using and abusing the substance of women both physically and in a biblical way ( the Jesuits priests like Federiko Lombardii?the present Jesuit pope’s side kick, the pope, Leon Panetta Al Gore, etc nd not to mention but I will I think Gen, Kelly is a Jesuit) like he did with Susan Rice, his wife, his daughter and others, many others.


Take that to the bank and chew on it.

Now the prophecy of Daniel is in the Gospel of Matthew referring to the Book of Daniel so I suppose the Prophecy in the Gospel of Matthew is standing where it should not in the Book of Daniel? VERY SLICK but not slimy enough because I have a good memory. Why then was it called the prophecy of Daniel?Because it is where the prohecy was in the first place. It should be referenced as the Prophecy of Matthew now that it has changed. IT DOZEN MAKE SENSE since no one hardly reads the Old Testament. It’s a sign. What difference would it make if the Prophecy of Daniel were standing where it should not in the Book of Daniel. NONE. Book of Daniel is about false worship for the most part …the sign was it moved to the Gospel of Matthew giving the Gospel of Matthew preeminence even though it is the first of the gospels in the bible. Upholding Matthew’s rendition of Jesus or rather Q’s rendition of Jesus. CRAZY as a loon.

WHICH WAS WRITTEN FIRST? THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW OR THE BOOK OF DANIEL? WHICH OF THE TWO BOOKS IS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? THE BOOK OF DANIEL IS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW IS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Its called the Prophecy of Daniel because it was originally in the Book of Daniel given as a sign if it moved to anywhere else and it did move during the Obama Administration. It moved to the Gospel of Matthew and in parentheses it said let the reader understand so you had to have read it to notice. I did read it and I did notice because it was such a weird thing to read and I wondered about it for a long time (YEARS) though I didn’t make it my bone of contention till it moved which to me was astounding and occurred after Obama was made President without a LEGITIMATE birth certificate on the wings of the RCC and Kissinger to save RCC face (faith) and after it moved and after he said what he said at the UN about the prophet of islam and the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of islam….which is probably himself who married a virgin, Michelle, a possible transvestite. I don’t mind her sex change at all, but she ain’t no virgin because of it or in spite of it. NO OFFENSE.



The change of the prophecy of Daniel is a sign of Revelation and the end of the RCC nearing.

To me it was a sign about hospice which Obama helped to implement for the RCC which was and is devastating and evil. Deceptive and dereliction of our military and our parents and me. Jesus said Feed my sheep which was also a sign. The RCC crossed the line and will have to face it’s end which I think is the meaning of Armaggedon.

The prophecies in the Gospel of Matthew are deliberately unspecific because he didn’t know about specifics. airplanes, space travel, computers, nuclear weapons, E = mc 2, not even the big bang theory, or that the earth was round.

Rumors and rumors of war, hmmmmmm nothing new there. Earthquakes in diverse places, hmmmmm nothing new there. two women will be grinding at the mill one will be take and one will be left, hmmmmm still nothing new there. (ISLAM AND THE RCC)  Nothing about electricity, airplanes, space travel and all the other things in our day and time and the gospel of Matthew did not have the prophecy of Daniel within it’s purview. In fact probably whoever wrote it didn’t even know about the Book of Daniel and sure didn’t know the mustard seed was not the smallest of seed (in both the Koran and New Testament synoptic gospels of the bible) however Jesus in the Gospel of John had an idea it wasn’t the smallest of seed setting it apart from the synoptic gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke because he knew what was in man (SPERM). Doesn’t mean there aren’t a few odd parts of theGospel of John such as the secret followers.

Regardless when and how the prophecy was moved…it was moved and the prophecy of Daniel is standing where it should not: in the Gospel of Matthew. Like the Ten Commandments get shifted about by the RCC which is not hard to understand why because it is deceitful. Similar to moving the goal lines in the middle of a game though it isn’t a mountain. LOL and also probably why in Revelation it warns those who change the book will receive a curse of some kind because obviously there have been deliberate changes made in the bible to deceive. So I think the false prophet is in trouble. The one Obama talked about at the UN.

Duh…. Duh Duh, Duh…… DUH…. 

Anyway it may be the tipping point. which probably is along with a lot of other signs and his dark sentences about his prophet which is not Daniel.

(I think there have been changes to the Book of Revelation but I couldn’t tell you what those changes are but I bet it’s a whole bunch. I bet during the 2nd and maybe more Vatican Councils. ONe of which occurred in 1963 called the 2nd Vatican Council but I guarantee more have happened without announcing it.)

Un-specifics is usually a sign of a false prophet. More like getting your palm read or looking through a crystal ball. My older sister took me to see a woman who told us our future when we were young adults. The woman was an african american soothsayer I guess you might say. Said I was gonna have a lot of men in my life about the time my mom went to some woman who told her one of her daughters was gonna be a writer and one who had a red car to slow down. Stupid stuff and I think both did it as a lark kind of thing. I sure didn’t believe in it and I don’t think either of them did either. My brother-in-law had his palm read one late night at his place of business with a young woman and an employee of his for a short time and got caught by my sister and I (I was with her at the time). It was an uncomfortable situation near the time she left him for a few months. I kept my mouth shut while it was occurring. Her name was Jeanine. Anyway it’s my blog and I get to write what I want and it’s true. Course he was already going to the Baptist church at the time and befriended a man who was a leader in the church heading and teaching kids (a youth director and directing my little sister at the time, a teenager who had been already indoctrinated by the BGEA) at the Baptist church of Ferguson who fell in love with my little sister while he was married and had a kid and divorced his wife and he became his manager before my brother in law owned the business at this location when he was caught fooling around with an employee. (This was quite a while after the molestation and before I was married and before I had a meeting with her about him, the first meeting). So my brother in law was not a virgin in his marriage and I wasn’t the only one and I was not attracted to him but i took the brunt of it in many ways (oh boy did i) and didn’t deserve it and my parents took the brunt of it and didn’t deserve it. Guilt by association: I was my older sister’s younger sister and they were my parents. Blamed us for their loss on the stock market of a ton of money of their own and my uncle’s money (actually his wifes money) and expected me to lie about it when asked a few months later. It was unreal. He was an investment agent in a firm and the rules are you tell your client and he didn’t, (i’m sure those are the rules) but he BS’d him so somehow or for some reason he called me to ask me about it and I told him what I knew which was very little. “He lost your money and is trying to get it back”. He had a right to know but I wish I had been left out of the deal. (This was sometime after, quite a ways in time after, the tether ball incident. Obviously my sister and her husband wanted us to know it. The question is why did my sister and my brother-in-law want us to know? To mislead? In regards to the premise he never told me how much he made but he told my ex and both were not close. I find it interesting my ex knew because it was not my brother’s habit to tell things like how much he made on a case. I knew it was a lot but I didn’t have any specifics about it or how much he lost on gambling. Not sure the reasons but someday I’m sure I think I will find out.  I wish he had not called and asked. He should have asked my brother- in-law but my brother- in- law must have avoided his calls or something and for quite a while. It was up to him not us and because it was in the family became a ridiculous dilemma. My mom was totally in the middle and did not want to be in the middle of it. Her brother and her daughter’s husband. I didn’t want to be there either. I think it was a rumor which spread in the family via suspicions and behavior but when I heard about it was at a family visit to my parent’s house and Gary was totally freaked out and my sister was pissed off and I asked my mom what’s going on with them and she whispered Gary lost a bunch of money on the stock market and lost her brother’s money as well. It’s all we knew. His face was ashen and I guess it happened in a matter of minutes on a Tuesday in October when the stock market caught a lot of people off guard, but the visit was on a weekend so it was kind of weird the timing of his reaction. A delayed reaction  Some kind of test. I think my sister and her husband were hoping my mom could smooth it over with my uncle for them. She had nothing to do with the arrangements to begin with, or the schmoozing, or the big ideas, or anything to do with it other than be related to both parties. There might have been some untimely deaths because of it. I think he was with the company of Merrill Lynch and then he moved to a different company. or vice versa. Touche Ross was the other company. I think one of those companies were in one of the buildings destroyed on 9-11 a big part of the company a branch of the company (cant be sure of it but I think so). 9-11 occurred on a Tuesday. Islam is into signatures often times in their crimes against humanity. The reason I’m suspicious of the them is because of their ties to the Bushes and to Saudi oil via Conoco and even more so because lately because of the incessant replay about Mrs. Bush who died recently of how she died on Fox. Ramming hospice down our throats for weeks. My uncle’s money meant more to my aunt married to his brother than it meant to us the one I thought looked the nurse at The ARC (The Army Retirement Center) who slopped up the blood with her feet of an elderly woman who had fallen out of her chair while my sister’s and I were visiting my mom. The woman was the woman my mom said THANK YOU to me about when I said she reminded me of Patsy. She looked like my aunt and looked like my fairy godmother. No doubt about it she looked like her and she looked like her to my mom as well. So we were seeing the same thing but I didn’t realize the scope of what was happening. For years my uncle was a total loser to her (because she was a tea totaler and he was an alcoholic AND HE DID NOT HAVE MONEY) and then when he got money he was her best friend. She called me when I was going through some perils at the office with my sister’s blessing and her husband when everything went haywire. She never called me any other time and I didn’t take her call because I knew she was up to something. I knew she didn’t like my mom and she didn’t like me. Whenever there was a family gathering at her home she called my sister who called everyone on our side of the family for invites. She never called me. But later my sister and her got into some troubles over some china of my grandmother who had died and an elephant from Hong Kong. I didn’t care about it but my sister did and it was a fiasco one of which I really didn’t want to get involved in but my sister was doing it for me. I didn’t ask for it. Inheritance shit. I think she was trying to impress my dad somehow so she could be trusted to be the executor and wanted to give my little sister the good stuff: the minten china of my parents thinking ahead like the diamond ring of my mom which she got everyone to go in on as a gift to my mom for mother’s day so she could either get it later or give it to someone she favored after my mom died. I have no idea who got it. SHE WAS CALCULATING. My aunt was in the title company business working for her husband and I guess may have corrupted her or something, I don’t know. It was very weird. I feed my cats with the china bowls I got that I didn’t need nor want for. The nurse who slopped up the blood also went through my mom things at The ARC and things went missing…shoes new ones which my little sister bought for my mom but this woman was searching for something, I think or she was just pillaging the elderly. My older sister thought ahead and she got what she got and hospiced my mom without telling me. It is a sign a big sign as are the other signs of something big ahead like a train wreck but I think more on a cosmic level.

DID you notice the upper hand Trump got with the hand on the back of Kim Jung Un

very much like Obama and the press noticed at the time his maneuver (in adoration of Obama) on Putin

(I think it was before things went sour before he tricked him)

between the USA and Russia

and I heard from the ex Dennis Rodman cried about the talks.

As long as the Jesuit General was there I think you can count on the supposition this ain’t what it is cracked up to be.

In the book of Daniel says Through peace he shall destroy many by deceit and craft and in the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew says “Blessed are the peace makers……”. and then in a different gospel possibly the Gospel of Luke says “Blessed are the Barren.” So it’s kind of confusing. Jerusalem is the goal, IMO, but not really sure why it’s the goal but was said by someone in the news lately for Iran to watch what happens in Korea. Seeing the three at the wailing wall might be a sign. Trump, Obama, and the Pope. I have tried to explain throughout this post there may be more than one Trump. So my suggestion is keep your eyes open. Not much we can do about it as ordinary citizens but be aware and still no one in the news talks about hospice which in my opinion was deceitful at least in my mom’s case.

It was like one trap after another for them as well but blamed us. We knew Gary was full of shi…. but he had discovered a new way of investing/trading options some kind of trick he had devised and would endlessly discuss it with us and we had no idea what he was talking about and knew he didn’t either even though we didn’t know the first thing about options but you could tell he was not on the right track because he wasn’t, OBVIOUSLY. Why was he trying to sell us on the idea since we didn’t have any intention of getting into the options trading business and because WE KNEW he was a nut (but he didn’t know it). If I ever came into money believe me I wouldn’t invest with him but my uncle did. My uncle was a singer and a good one but knew nothing about business or trading on the stock market and also was an alcoholic as was Gary but came into money via his wife (also an alcoholic) who owned some land with some kind of oil or something on her land she inherited. He broke them and even their daughter was kind of weird towards me later on when I saw her at a grocery store one day as if I had screwed her out of her possible future inheritance. I had nothing to do with it. INSANE but at the time I didn’t realize what was ahead and it was not looking good and if I had known I would have warned everyone. Like the movie: A Series of Unfortunate Events. Besides in my opinion the stock market is a trap for the unwary and most people lose. A lot of deception and insider trading such as a few days before 9-11.

I don’t think my dad is impressed anymore which I have learned through the messages and signs i have received.

But I have warned via my blogs as best I can

so take it or leave it. 

I learned about the world and it isn’t nice.

Between the G-7 Summit and the Korean Summit not sure which to believe and seems to be going on at the same time.

Probably wise to believe neither. It’s only the activities of the press, politicians, and the faiths trying to find order

kind of like Gary telling us about options trading;)

sexual abuse/jealousy/a chevron on a butt crack/an ankh on an arm/ A mohawk hairstyle, cutting oneself , tattoos all over the body of bible verses, a levite marriage/murder-suicide hospice

are not good signs to me


based on lies.

I call it misplaced vengeance and highly suspicious.

A travesty



and did not go unnoticed!

I noticed.

I think it will be straitened soon enough.

This was on Alex Jones site:


“Yes… that seems fair”

It’s funny because when I was a young girl 7 or 8 years old I went to a boys private school for a year or so overseas and won the race even with mostly boys in the race since it was a boys school and won a motorcycle toy which was a let down. Then some years later playing dodge ball at school recess the boys used to get really upset with me for staying in the game and tried to make me give up using all kinds of intimidations because I was able to dodge the ball so well and of course the boys wanted to win the game. I DID. The boys also wanted to end the game sooner in order to play a new game but I kept it going by staying in the game and dodging the ball regardless of the intimidations and though the boys didn’t like me too much at the time


Then the game became unpopular like tether ball which I loved playing. I was good at it. But my brother ran into the pole as a kid and split his head open. The only pole in a huge field and then tether ball became a thing of the past because it was a danger to himself. Actually I think it was a sign of running into a POLE. (Saul, Paul?) Great game. Probably the only time I got a spanking involving a tether ball play area because i said some girl was going to hell to my friend (in secret) at the time because this other girl said a cuss word and I think the word was hell. I think I was set up. Entrapped. My first encounter. I was able to outrun most if not all spankings frustrating my parents except then.  Kind of a weird story, but true. Whoever it was she was older.  It was probably Nancy Pelosi.

The word could have been the gd word or the d word she said, ( I was only a first grader so it’s been quite a while) I felt like I was spanked before the whole neighborhood.

However, I did get restricted from time to time which I deserved though the restriction for a month was shortened because of good behavior commuting my sentence, but as a teenager it felt like eternity. Going out in the world is more difficult than being at home. But Gary made even being in my parent’s home difficult and more difficult for everyone else indirectly. I think there are remedies for his condition. One might have been tying off (binding) the blood supply to his testicles probably would have helped and is relatively painless for the person. Some guys do it for birth control. Not many but the smart ones. At least some guys did in the recent past. There are drugs for it as well, I’m sure. I think it would help sex offenders to control their abhorrent (repugnant) behavior. Give them a fighting chance to overcome the sexual aspect of sex abuse. Some say its about power but not always. Probably both, half and half. Then over time do a gradual lifting of sanctions to see how the person behaves. I think the power aspect is after they have offended in retaliation when belligerence comes into play because of the wife and how she reacts to her offender and to his offences towards him, sort of a downward spiral affecting everyone in their path creating classic sociopaths which is very destructive in this world. Honestly, a person should be able to watch The Last of the Mohicans with your family without being sexually harassed and going through what our family experienced because of belligerence.

Peer pressure is what occurred at the Tony Awards with Robert DeNiro. SILLY. I bet most of the people stood up not knowing why. Didn’t this same thing occur recently? It seems familiar. A loop. He might be suffering from Tourette’s Syndrome.

“a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities.”

Funny he didn’t say anything about North Korea Summit, did he? only about the G-7 convention, hmmmmmm. If it is true he didn’t say anything about North Korea, is it because of the Jesuit General or because he didn’t know about it? All I saw was the two words highlighted a bunch on Fox.

(seems like three different things going on at once at least from my perspective.)

De NIro, Denali, Denial, Dinar, Shinar, Denarius, or Daniel 

Denali is denial if you unmix it or Denari which is money table. Denali is supposed to mean the tall one…also means the great one. Hannity calls Mark Levin the great one. I read it is taller in some spots than Mt. Everest depending on where you start to measure. I don’t know if it is true.

Denarius – WikipediaThe word dēnārius is derived from the Latin dēnī “containing ten”, as its value was originally of 10 assēs. The word for “money” descends from it in Italian (denaro), Slovene (denar), Portuguese (dinheiro), and Spanish (dinero). Its name also survives in the dinar currency.”

that is if you switch the l to an r. (lamb vs ram)

Ten asses could be referring to the Ten Commandments. Misunderstanding the Ten Commandments because of money???? Deni could mean deny.

ASEAN 10 member nations/states in the INDONESIA 

Dinar -“The dinar is the principal currency unit in several countries which were formerly territories of the Ottoman Empire, and was used historically in several more.”…

Shinar is the term used in the Hebrew Bible for the general region of Mesopotamia (Babylon)

“The Ottoman Empire, also historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire or simply Turkey, was a state that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.”

“The English word “dinar” is the transliteration of the Arabic دينار (dīnār), which was borrowed via the Syriac dīnarā from the Greek δηνάριον (denárion), itself from the Latin dēnārius.”

and then there is

Daniel: In other words The prophecy of Daniel

In some religions vowels are left out of the name for God like gd etc I wonder why. I don’t know. Supposedly out of respect but I’m not sos sure. I think there is a lot of confusion in religions and I think we ought to try to recognize the confusion but I don’t know if we will. Sure are a lot of bad signs. Politics is a religion also. Like Gore followers is a religion based off of the RCC using weather and other type weaponry and as far as illegal immigration is concerned is brought on because of the RCC’ failures  and sending kids ahead to get citizenship or separating kids from their parents and some people are pretty mad about it and to cause havoc at the border to stress our country. Nobody seemed to care about the separation from me and my mom by hospice. Families should be together but doesn’t mean you get citizenship because of it. Not necessarily sure illegal immigrants should want citizenship. Not sure it’a a good deal anymore not because of Trump but because of the RCC, Islam, and the NWO and people in the press for the MOST part. I thought I had problems but the NWO is really dysfunctional. Having a kid, then blaming the kid for being a kid.

Someone needs to get Pope Francis and suck out his brains, cut him up in four pieces and hang each piece from the four corners of Rome as a warning to other dumb asses. Who is he to compare the two? AN IDIOT. IF only his mom had been barren. Since she wasn’t and since he isn’t a descendent of Peter this is a good alternative.

Pope Francis Likens Abortion to Nazi Eugenics

Why doesn’t someone do a test of the Pope’s blood and find out his source of stupidity using the science of eugenics and DNA type science so we can avoid it in the future, but then it would make Bret fatherless. Sounds like a good deal to me.

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,

I think the Republicans care more about kids.  I think the Democrats care more about kids, NO I think Catholics care more about kids,



“It’s harder for those who had money to lose it then those that never had it.”

Quote from my sister’s friend married to a banker.

We might not get nuked by North Korea but screwed up the ass by THE ROMAN CATHOLIC REPUBLIC SOUTH OF THE USA


(excuse my french)

Does it occur to anyone in Congress and the WHITE HOUSE that by not vetting the people on the border to find out WHY the kids and caretakers

are seeking asylum we might be missing the point and possibly missing


Unlike the press the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen did a good job today during the press conference in clearing up the confusion about how the immigration and the separation of kids from their chaperones/parents/roman catholic sex traffickers problem arose and it isn’t new. It might be best if Melania Trump (with Kirstjen Nielsen) being multi-lingual could get some answers and help with the kids kept in cages on the border to reassure them and set up some good programs to keep the kids busy until the kids are reunited with their REAL parents which would be the best thing for the kids. Send some tutors so the kids might have a chance to merit some points with the Republicans and could help get to the bottom of the troubles in Mexico and Central America as to why they are hiking a great distance through Mexico to get to the USA (Nazi Germany) at someone’s expense when these kids could go to some of Mexico’s famous beach resorts and get a job in one of the hotels or head south and go to Rio de Janeiro. and hang out on the streets for fun. Film a documentary as you go to document the whys and what fors. Whatever you do don’t let Michelle Obama plan their lunches. One of the kids shown in photos looked like she was a kid recently photographed from Syria so it might be wise to get involved. Could be the press using stock photos of traumatized kids. Saw these two stories on Huffington just now. HMMMM

What is wrong with this picture?

Gayle King shown on Tucker Carlson show said “the Statue of Liberty is weeping right now” but I suppose the statues of Mary are joyful? I wonder if the Statue of Liverty was weeping when she interviewed the sister and brother of the female teacher gunned down during the false news story in the Catholic town of Newtown Connecticutt school shooting, although the boy seemed ashamed, but even through her psychological interview she didn’t seem to notice. I noticed. I think he was ashamed because he was having to go along with a great deal of lies. I don’t think Gayle cared but maybe she did and was documenting the families. Looks eerily similar to the woman who got in the car with Sarah T. Hughes before she swore (taking the lord’s name in vain) in LBJ on a plane after the assassination of JFK. EIther she gets around or someone who looks similar to her. But I do recall her interview of the kids, sister and brother to some teacher who was supposedly shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown so I think there is a connection and I think the connection is catholic. The girl was elated which is an unusual reaction to the attention she received because of the death of her older sister. It was a bit strange and so were the other interviews as well having to do with the mass murder at an elementary school during the Obama Administration.

I think the Statue of Liberty is seeping, not weeping. Statues don’t weep, they seep.

She used to be white kind of like my mother in law. Don’t know why so don’t take offense at least when she got in the car with Sarah T. Hughes, if it was her and she looks very similar. Maybe the connection is catholic islamic. So is this story about the kids on the border a ruse as well?

The priest Jonathan whom was called Father Jonathan previously on Fox News and is also Jesuit Pope Francis’s young acolyte/disciple/groupie and probably a junkie of some kind of powerful stuff and in disguise was on Fox and said umpteen times HOW DARE YOU about the kids on the border this after trying to get the parents of a young girl in a coma to put their daughter down to kill her even though the mom felt her hand move in her hand. He went on a few stations and programs trying to pressure the parents and the doctors for the church of Rome. I guess he is trying to make up for what he did for a couple of weeks against a young girl? (she was african american) and he is a roman catholic freak of nature. The border dilemma is a roman catholic/Obama setup. I think Trump ought to think about my advice but probably won’t take it or can’t take it. It would solve a lot of problems. Father Jonathan probably is possessed but he is starting to look an awful lot like the images of the person who was at the Safeway in Arizona when Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head and a district attorney investigating Fast and Furious was killed and a few other people. It was his voice but his appearance has taken on the appearance of an animal (he looks sick, very sick with a wild look in his eyes) which is evidence of a major severe demonic possession. He probably took an oath to the devil. Big Time Stuff!  He was irate and not acting normal. The Roman Catholic Church and Obama are trying to force it’s way upon the USA.


using kids

like the Palestinians do in Israel using kids as their human shields

(The RCC is responsible and have declared war on our country without telling us like 9-11 attack in New York CIty with the help of a catholic n Florida at the time. however Pope Benedict XVl very clandestinely talked about a world without borders like he warned us about the NWO with teeth, etc and Obama is using the RCC (jesuits), the NWO and the evangelical masons. He is the destroyer (because he didn’t build the world because he wasn’t smart enough) spoken about in lots of places in the bible and these groups are his pawns. You can read about him in the Gospel of Luke – quite a bit about him in this gospel but not all )

President Trump is right about this inane process of illegal immigration (The Border War POWs) going on for a long time and in the previous administrations and is going to sign an executive order for the reunification of families but in the meanwhile give the kids and adults a deck of cards each and maybe some coloring books and crayons to have something to do so you aren’t rewarding them for illegally entering the USA but being merciful and at least the prisoners of the border war are getting fed food and water unlike what must be going on in the countries they came from. It’s a ridiculous situation but thank the RCC for their failures in those countries from the top down on how to run a country, govern people, and inspire good leadership but what can you expect from Jesuit pope who deceives himself. Even the elect shall be fooled. Bring in a few people who are in charge of legal immigration to put the illegal immigrants on a list and start the process while incarcerated and DNA tested for parental rights and get specifics about the reasons for their illegal entry and document it for the sake of being informed and what is motivating their departure from their countries besides gangland/mob intimidation. Who paid for their travel expenses etc, who their priest was and is located, who clothed them because most look very casually dressed but nice, what they did for a living, who their employer was, etc. WIth information you might be able to follow the money and figure out who in this country is behind the illegal immigration and chances are we won’t be surprised but will have evidence and testimony; a PLEthora of it and doubt we will need to read the testimony to know but have the evidence to prosecute. It’s the President’s job to protect our country and it’s citizens first. 

Has anyone read WINDSWEPT HOUSE A Vatican Novel written by Malachi Martin?

I read most of it but got bored with the content however I got the general idea. She reminds me of a character in it. SHE meaning you know the lady who said you have to sign it to read it in regards to ObamaCare. Chuck Shumer didn’t say it,

Nancy Pelosi said it for Obama while Chuck Shumer was too busy admiring her boobs and she has many.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

It was one of those kind of books.

Pope Francis added his dinero about the dignity of life in regards to illegal immigration (because it’s his idea to foil the USA in order to lord over us (the roman catholic way which leads to death so the pope should not be considered of any value because whether he knows it or not he has no dignity. HE IS NAKED in the eyes of God. He is naked as a jail bird!) When he sainted Mother Teresa he lost his clothes because he had no courage.

with the exception of the dignity of the USA and it’s borders

and the exception of woman and her family

in regards to her body and her timing, to be mature enough, able, in the right circumstances and inclined and circumspect enough

to make the decisions whether or not to have or to raise a child.

Trump is wrong about the merit system. Immigration should be done in order as they come legally considering urgency of the individuals but we have to have ports/stations of legal entry for them to come to in order to become citizens. Anyway I feel like our government and the world government and the religions who deny the truth are going to go the way of the dodo birds. Immigration is not salvation which you cannot earn by a career or fortune. For some illegal and legal immigration is attempting to escape the onslaught and for some others to create the onslaught and we have to differentiate between them. I think it would help if the immigrants were denied voting rights for a few generations so they aren’t used as pawns for either party and to create havoc for the USA and to laden the USA with the RCC’s failures and overpopulation problems. Also grandparents are essential. They are part of the family and should be included. In some places grandmothers actually give suck to babies of their children so the mom can work or go out and find a husband to work for her or cook, etc. The point is grandparents should be part of the deal in legal immigration and it should take two years at the most to complete. They could teach spanish to those who desire it in the military and teach their culture from their origins which would also be useful for good relations and could do yard work, clean up work, painting, pressing uniforms, golf caddy, sewing, mending, peel potatoes or help with the mess halls, baby sit, deliveries and other miscellaneous things that need to be done for the military to make the military stronger and receive a military recommendation depending on their dedication and work habits to go out in to the civilian market for a job. They could be very useful for the army and it’s bases on the border and free up some of the military personal by taking over their work details. It could be mutually advantageous. In the war 2nd world war Indians came in handy for certain kind of talents such as codes but they were in the military. It might also inspire some to join the military and dedication to the protection of the USA and it’s ideals (which are waning lately in the last 18 years) if treated correctly and with a certain amount of respect with reservations as well because of their origin while determining if they are trustworthy and not agents of the RCC and others who would love to wreck our country and it’s military prowess. It’s not like we don’t have mexican americans in our ranks already but many of them were born in the USA and things change and have changed rather quickly in those countries having population problems because of the NWO and many problems have arisen that might be worked out possibly. Probably would build up the border with towns and population centers that might generate more business both ways that could benefit both countries if Mexico would act decent and discard it’s corruption for a better way for it’s people, otherwise it might not end well. Some of the border towns are kind of corrupt and it might help to change it and make the area much safer for everyone. Many parts of Mexico and South Texas are kind of barren and could be less so and more productive, safer and more accessible to enjoy places like Big Bend National Park: Very pretty, yet dangerous in parts but worth the opportunity. I’m sure there are some similar places south of the border as well. Some pretty pictures in the link of Big Bend which I hope you take the time to see. I’m sure the military personnel would enjoy it for many reasons such as training.

Definitely worth protecting

but also to make use of for travel and for tourism with some nice places nearby to make it more welcoming to the average person.

A lot of unused land areas that could be developed with limitations and for the military on the border. Military brings commerce and a lot of ocean on either side of the huge peninsula leading towards Central America which would be nice to be more accessible as well. I love the ocean. I’m sure there are some rules as far as the Panama canal is concerned for the transfer made by Carter but what are those rules and has Panama been faithful to those rules? I don’t know. I know China seemed to be a threat to the area at one time and hence a threat to us because of middle ranged weaponry being used from the location but I haven’t heard much about it in the last 20 years or so. Got kind of quiet. I didn’t make the deal but the Dems did and having to do with Iran and yet there is an exorbitant amount of illegal immigration from Central America through Mexico to the USA and not to Mexico nor to South America which is vastly significant in size and spanish speaking and much closer. Doesn’t make sense to me other than overpopulation and a conspiracy to overtax the USA and possibly some kind of influence hurting the average citizens of those countries. I know immigration increased to the USA because of the reputation of the medical field in the USA being the best IN THE WORLD and then came OBAMA to bring chaos to the field of medicine and to make more accessible the idea of hospice (murder suicide) of the RCC’s imagination of a Romanian nun or whatever part of hell raised he/she. I think it is not fair by any means but I know many of the illegals are caught in the middle of something even they don’t understand and are getting pushed around as are the citizens of the USA often times because of the plight of the illegals and unreasonable bureaucracy which I believe is intentional for the citizens of the USA and our veterans favoring illegals and foreign nationals and possibly replacement of those promises given to the wrong people or to be sifted and siphoned for the RCC/Vatican to be used to strengthen its influence worldwide which is amiss having Jesuitized itself and corrupted many people which demonstrates it’s intent isn’t good and closer to the ties of Islam more than ever yet putting on a show of something else and using females as their scapegoats which is very sleazy and cowardice and hurting our strengths as a nation which are females and hurting our military and our medical field and our sense of freedom. Drug prices for some Roman Catholic nations are far cheaper than for us as is oil yet our men and women defended them. NOT VERY APPRECIATIVE and should be REMEMBERED. There would not be a EUROPE without the USA so it’s tariffs in response and other responses detrimental to our country and trade and in reaction to Trump’s attempt to make things more fair for the USA isn’t nice especially after helping to build it up after it was devastated by Fascism and war so I think Europe ought to reconsider their reactions and work with Trump and not against him as much as possible and the same with the Democrats and some Republicans. He may be a bit course in some ways but he is brilliant in other ways which might benefit free nations which hopefully will increase and not make the same mistakes of the past which is why remembering is important. The pledge to the USA is important and shows a lack of respect for freedom which many have died or have been injured physically and mentally and many have been tricked and we can’t allow it. I don’t think anyone should be forced to pledge themselves to freedom but I think it shows a underpinning of false intentions and taking advantage of our freedoms to overcome our country. Obama refused and he is not a friend to the USA. How much was given to Iran by Obama? HMMMMMM. Something ain’t right and needs to be straitened, IMO. I know we have some faults as a nation but we need to clean it up and Trump might be our last chance or at least one of the Trumps might be our last chance because the signs are significant and signs are meant for a warning. Maxine Waters I think got rich because of Obama and so did many others but do you think she will stand up for the USA in it’s time of troubles. NO. She will fall because she lacks honor, though she may be entertaining she should not be in any type of powerful position after inciting people to attack some people representing our interests while getting dinner or at a gas station. It’s dumb. Sure she may have reacted to my game show idea or as she said to trump tweeting but he has been attacked more than any other president or leader in the history of the USA (other than the Kennedys) but like I said Pope Francis and the Jesuits deserve to be outed, dishonored, disdained, and disbanded. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. I hope Trump can straiten things out and make life better for the citizens and strengthen the military and the middle class which is our strength as a country and the weakness of other countries especially Roman Catholic countries and Islamic countries and not pull some needless coups as was done in Egypt when things were kind of going well for the country and was stable compared to the way things seem to be now though I know it is a strong nation and was kind of progressive compared to many nations nearby. Some coups are necessary, IMO but not by the Jesuits for the RCC but for the citizens. Anyway we shall see.

Perhaps Jim Carey could be hired to paint directions to the locations of those legal entry sites on the wall at the border and put his artistic talent to good use. I guarantee most of the people migrating don’t know where to go or who to talk to in order to enter legally which might help everyone. The border is about 2000 miles across. It should not take five years for legal immigration. It’s absurd bureaucracy more like people not doing their jobs and getting paid for not doing their jobs. I feel like if it is an urgent immigration because of persecution or some other reason having to do with the country the immigrant is from I think the family or person could be housed on an army base on the border in the interim to keep them safe with precautions just in case they are lying or coming as terrorism or for the RCC/Islamic church to cause havoc etc while the process of legal immigration occurs, sort of a house arrest with freedom to learn the language and laws, shop, play, schooling/tutoring maybe with oversight of some person assigned to them in the military, play and learn, live, etc to be able when the person(s) are deemed not to be a threat to USA society or it’s government to immigrate. They could also work for the military doing odd jobs that need to be done while they wait to immigrate legally.  Times are different and we are under attack by terrorism and at war on the border but there are innocents (not just kids) as well trying to get to a safe harbor amongst the assholes who have screwed up their country to screw up ours and inundate our country with their problems of overpopulation and criminal elements probably because of overpopulation and the mob but can be redeemed if we have the proper oversight with some brains and brawn which I think the Army could handle while protecting our borders at the same time so I think some bases on the border would be wise at the sites of immigration and close down the sanctuary cities and send those people to those bases for theirs and our protection and for their training to be citizens and not pawns of some foreign antagonistic governments (such as the vatican) or victims of mobsters and its businesses or to be used politically for an election


if we took back control of the Panama Canal it would be easy for the process to occur in a small area and if we manifested Mexico and Central America which is causing some pretty bad problems for our country because of the RCC. We would have to worry about a 50 mile border vs the humongous border we have which is not easily defendable. Even so we should have border walls to defend the cultures and retaining the cultures and not dilute ours unless the individual wants to be diluted via marriage by choice. The RCC should not have the right to dilute anyone. for their purposes, itself. We have buildings and buildings have walls to protect and separate businesses and  homes have walls to separate families and should be respected as borders of countries and should be respected. It’s logical but seems to be ignored what was done to throw our country into disarray many years ago by a nut farmer influenced by the BGEA (Carter’s spiritual advisor, Billy Graham and a shill for the RCC) and IRAN hostages at the time and long gas lines so I suppose the Arab Emirates/Saudi Arabia oil access, OUr country is being attacked on the borders some intentionally to create chaos because of the chaos of the other countries or because of a class system which doesn’t allow a middle class and to their own destruction IMO. I think legal immigration can help build our middle class and help with production and manufacturing in our country and should be considered as a positive byproduct of a faster and more fair immigration not based on merit but on desire for a better way of life to live and not a lawlessness. I think the marijuana industry in our country has caused dissention in the mob and RCC to control our youth introducing other drugs because it is supposedly the gateway drug but if we control the marijuana market legally as we do wine and beer and alcohol we could change it’s access to our kids and adults and help with the opioid crisis because of lawlessness and RCC?ISLAM persecution of our citizens and our leaders as well who want to control our leaders and citizens and illegal immigrants. I know marijuana is safer than alcohol depending on the additives of course but if legalize it  and control it we could help with our financial woes country wide in each state and have less drunken driving accidents and deadly brawls less rapes by a mile and less unwanted pregnancies and more cost effective and isolate the mobsters and terrorists much more effectively especially with a 50 mile wide border vs a 2000 mile border and possibly have more access to oil on our side of the hemisphere because of it and less dependent on Arab oil.

As far as people getting attacked verbally in theaters, restaurants and wedding cake bakeries. It’s too bad. Sort of Salem witch hunt shit and won’t help anyone. Two wrongs don’t make a right.  My mom would never treat people even with some biases as everyone has sometimes for legitimate reasons and sometimes out of fear and sometimes out of hatred or distrust but she would have baked a cake for a gay couple and never tried to make a person in some restaurant feel unwelcome because of politics or religion or race or sexuality. There are limits as well. A person should have the right to serve who they want in their business constitutionally and hire and fire employees in their business including in government even at the Federal level but it is stupid business wise to be biased to the degree of not serving them your product or services. Go elsewhere and give someone else your business because freedom helps option wise but being excluded can be taken out of perspective and to the point of ridiculousness. My mom befriended a woman who was blind and a woman who had been gang raped at the Pentagon after her husband was killed in Vietnam and defended a Japanese woman for her talent the church ladies were jealous of ( though she didn’t know) and was very progressive and tried to be fair minded but was hospiced without my knowledge for two weeks. I’m pissed about it because she was my mom and I believe the mustard seed debacle and the church being unwilling to accept the truth about it may be responsible directly and indirectly. The reason it came out now is because of the persecution of the RCC and Islam against women who have aborted to make itself more holier than thou. There is a rhyme and reason for the debacle to be discovered at this time in civilization and for the lie to have persisted for so long through the dark ages. My mom did a lot of good things for others not because she wanted to earn salvation but because she had heart. A heart for God. She also had anger at times against injustices and was for the rights of women and because it’s human sometimes to be angry about things. Jesus had anger as well turning over the tables. My dad had anger as well and so do his kids. We are often right to be angry but have to learn to control it which takes experience. Did you ever see Obama have anger? He hid it well like a good sociopath or psychopath. I hope Kirstjen Nielson Secretary of Home land security got an apology from the business owner (mexican restaurant) because it seems to me the owner would not like one of his/her patrons to be attacked at his business but the DOJ was involved and should have stopped it. We ought to find out what was in the mindset of the DOJ employee to have egged on the crowd. I think it is important since separation of children from illegal aliens was occurring during the Obama Administration and even before.

There ought to be a hearing on it about who else might have been involved in the press story and why it was filmed and who filmed it, who sent the film to the press, who made the decision to air it, and what is behind it. While it might be an interesting hearing it would also be absurd however most congressional hearings are absurd so why not.

I’m sorry Sarah Sanders was not served at the Red Hen (Italian restaurant) but people have got to get some perspective and not allow the press to control us. Funny it wasn’t filmed, isn’t it? 

Yet both incidents occurred within a day or so of each other

so something fishy is going on

and ought to be investigated.

Does it have to do with immigration?

 It makes great fodder for the press and so I’m suspicious of the press being involved.

I think the press and dirty politics is involved to make heroines of people who didn’t need it. Sarah Sanders does a good job and Kirsjen Neilson is not responsible for the separation of kids from parents on the border. THE VATICAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST OF OUR TROUBLES and I think Obama has his hand in these incidents somehow because he has a lot to hide in his administration entrapping people into being his pawns to disarm our country and to degrade it using african americans often unto their deaths and others as well because he has a very destructive mindset.  He spoke in dark sentences not because he was african american (Not sure about his heritage)  but because he is an extremist ISLAMIC playing everyone and playing even his wife. She is not the only one. The dark sentence was at the UN about the prophet of Islam. It was the dark sentence spoken of by Daniel. As far as I can tell everyone insults the prophet of Islam unless they commit suicide killing others for lies and or walk around the box at Mecca because I think he is the false prophet and the destroyer. He acts like a sociopath and a psychopath (has all the earmarks of both) and is very deceptive. He bribed people for votes and broke a lot of bones of people (his bread) He is a deceiver and was propped up by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to help their bad reputation but he played them as well as both played him. He tricked Putin in the deal he made with him. He tricked the USA in regards to Iran and probably tricked Iran as well. He is bad news. What occurred at Benghazi is a lot more than anyone realizes and most people are in denial about the ramifications of what occurred. The Vatican was involved (Italian) in the excuse given to Susan Rice by Jesuit Frederiko Lombardi the side kick of Jesuit Pope Francis about a video tape while having a riot in a city nearby set up and catholics were involved as well as islamic people and around the time of the 2 coups in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood and against President Hosni Mubarak and then another coup and both coups involved some Senators in our government and probably others such as Obama and his pawns, the RCC as well as does Benghazi and of course the State Department at the time headed by Hillary Clinton replaced by Senator John Kerry/Mr. Heinz and about 30 or so witnesses who disappeared INTO GERMANY. Germany taped the Syrian military man in Syria in regards to the first sarin gas attack which turned out to be a myth and looked more like food poisoning of the rice shipped to a neighborhood may have been ethnic poisoning by a competing sect in the area but was from China and sent through India to Syria. HMMMMMMM INTERESTING. I wonder if there is a conspiracy involved. The UN got involved. Of course there is a conspiracy. Who had their ears? OBAMA?  I”M NOT FOOLED and it was a sign. There are 7 trumpets of Revelation and we have a President named Trump. So just be aware of it. He may not even be aware of it or is and is fulfilling prophecy as in self fulfillment. I don’t know. Nevertheless keep your eyes open and try as Melania said try to “be best” in the circumstances you find yourself in till I BE STRAITENED (in the bible). Not me, but I. I think it does happen, but I don’t know when. I think the statement is referring to involves the straits on either side of Saudi Arabia and possibly the Sundai strait (krakatoa volcano or it’s son) as well which happened quite a while ago and even caused quite a few deaths in Portugal and was heard in Europe when it erupted. I think krakatoa is in the indonesian area which is also part of the ten toes of bible prophecy and Islamic as well not to mention the indian ocean tsunami which altered the axis of the planet earth.

Anyway Maxine Waters (represents 43rd district of California) is having a strange reaction to something, but not sure what but is inciting nuts to harass people, I guess. Is there a limit to a her power or responsibility as a representative in government? Should she be held accountable for inciting evil and insurrection? Mobbing someone at a gas station? For what? Odd command. Was she responsible for the shooting at the baseball field? Sure acting like she might be. What can be gained by harassing people? I know the adage about the squeaky wheel gets the grease but that is plain ole mean and ugly to follow someone to a restaurant to harass them. DOJ obviously is behind it. Maybe she needs to be harassed instead. It’s not worth it. As Trump said she has a low IQ and i think for her contribution to our government and to the USA. No rhyme or reason for her incitement. Someone in the press should ask her what she hopes to gain from harassment of someone at a gas station. Sounds insane. I think she needs to be exorcised. Is she being coerced into what she is proposing…possessed? Maybe she is reading my post about the yearly In the Year of the Pope reality show/contest idea below so I wonder who does she represent? the Pope? He sainted a person who put people to death via suicide and may not have been in their right minds because of drugs, medicine, senility, illness, comas, and many other ailments or understood what she was doing and for the reason of overpopulation promoted by his church as a solution to their own demands and has pushed an evil concept upon many societies and deserves my scorn of a reality game show in his honor for his poisonous, obscene, hideous, nefarious, and wicked stamp of approval and perverted sensibility. IMO he should be annihilated. I think Maxine Waters and Pope Francis have a brain the size of a mustard seed. Does anyone actually live in the 43rd district of California and if so is it a mental facility? She explained herself on some other news channel, and she is still full of shit but it was better shit than her other comments about mobbing people at a gas station comparing her rhetoric with Trumps rhetoric but I am bothered by the fact women are being harassed and not the male counterparts and who is organizing it. During the Clinton years some people died such as Vince Foster and Ron Brown and others and I don’t believe Vince Foster killed himself and I don’t believe the plane crash with Ron Brown was an accident so it’s a dirty business in Washington DC and sometimes deadly. What about the unarmed woman shot and killed with a baby in her car at the gates of the White House during the Obama Administration. She looked scared and acted scared (evidenced by her driving) trying to drive away and was shot at by Secret Service and Park Police who were also involved in the investigation of Vince Foster years before. She was said to have been from Connecticutt but was in Washington DC for no reason and no one looked into it. It was reported on Fox News and yet we heard nothing as to why it happened and then heard via Fox News that the Congressmen and Congresswomen applauded her being killed when it was announced to them in the chambers. Isn’t it an odd reaction? No one went deeper to find out what happened or why it was applauded?. It was merely an incident during the Obama Administration without any investigation at all and occurred around the time Obama wanted and was said to have said “stick with him” like a good cult leader when or near the time of the Federal Government shutdown over some political game between the Republicans and the Democrats and the massacre at the San Bernadino airport in California when a woman witness said she had been shot at five times in the leg with some producer of films and a sweaty guy (as if he had been poisoned by a nuclear accident at Fukushima or exposed to massive amounts of plutonium ) who looked like a mix between Errol Flynn and Billy Graham when he was younger. I wrote about it as it was occurring is why I remember it and she looked like my sister but improved upon as did the woman who was shot but with more color and I believe a family photo was used to identify her by the press or for me to notice. Was the woman killed fleeing the gates of the White House shot five times in the leg? Maybe it was a clue. Sounds crazy but the Obama Administration was crazy, wasn’t it and isn’t it how Obama Care Bill was passed without reading it under Pelosi’s advice? What happened to the baby in her car? Why was she shot if she was unarmed at the gates of the White House during the Obama Administration? She wasn’t a threat to anyone. It was on film. Who took the film of it? Was it merely propaganda or a false flag or a murder covered up? Can the press go back and investigate it

or is it a secret?

Out of sight out of mind kind of nuttiness in the press and in politics? Lack of communal memory?

Maybe Trey Goudy could look into it. Or Ted Cruz. Or Darrell Issa. Or the man he silenced for some reason at a hearing questioning Hillary Clinton. How about Mark Levin? Or Marsha McCullum? Or Hannity? Maybe Bret Baier could write a book about it and have some guests on showing an aeriel map of the situation to convince us of the legitimacy of the murder like he did in regards to Benghazi to give the false witnesses some undo credence like the women in Syria claiming other women smothering themselves under a blanket in order not to be raped by ISIS to preserve their virginity or the last three days of Eisenhower as if he knows and probably ghost writing for O’reilly to degrade him like death degrades a person.

But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!
In the Book of Revelation there is a market on souls but remember God the true one actually has control of your soul IN THE END. There is no way to understand everything going on or in the past because of deception but we are learning and why I think there is a time period of revelation and a time of armageddon and the time of the apostasy and other things going on to learn, to leave the RCC and Islam (to not partake of it’s evils) and the lies, and in the end the truth wins but it takes a while.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

I believe we are in those times at different times. I do know the deceivers will try to make signs and change signs etc but actually are fulfilling signs to their own detriment. It’s pretty confusing in many ways but don’t give up and don’t commit suicide which is the goal of some to get your there using all kinds of tricks and publicity (Press) entrapping people, and trying to force it’s will on people for the RCC and for Islam. IMO and many religions who have joined them for the NWO which is anything but order. IT S CHAOTIC and NEUROTIC and doesn’t know what it is doing for the most part trying to build the tower of Babylon. It ain’t gonna happen that I know because it isn’t theirs. The world.

Daniel 11:37

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,

nor the desire of women,

nor regard any god:

for he shall magnify himself above all.

In fact, as a Jesuit Pope Francis made a deal with the devil because he is an idiot. He will eat his words one day and so will his priests, cardinals and bishops and all the other assholes in the business of Roman Catholicism and it won’t taste good.

Hopefully soon.

The Pope ought to worry about the state of affairs in his own state of the Vatican, he should worry about the affairs of the country of Italy where he resides, he should worry about the European continent both are situated and take care of his flock! The Pope should stay our of our business, stay out of the affairs of our country, and stay out of the affairs of our states if he knows what is good for him, but he wants everyone else to do it for him because he ain’t that good. He has failed his duties as a leader because he is a loser and here a little there a little losing his persecution war

because the truth is much more powerful.

LOTS OF MISCHIEF, DECEPTION and DELUSION going on in high places such as the Vatican and Washington DC and other capitals and leaders throughout the world and the press is aiding and abetting the RCC and Islam and the NWO’s demonically inspired crap and causing extreme stress upon civilizations, causing family strife to fulfill prophecy, causing murders and suicides (hospice) and many other problems and are gonna wish it hadn’t all because the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed. Handle it. Has the press reported it? Or is it beneath them to deliver the truth.



for ignoring it.

Pope sends out Neocatechumenal Way on mission

05 May 2018, 12:47

“Pope Francis on Saturday joined a rally of the Neocatechumenal, as the movement celebrated the 50th anniversary of its arrival in Rome.

By Robin Gomes

“Only a Church that renounces the world announces the Lord well. Only a Church free from power and money, free from triumphalism and clericalism, testifies in a credible way that Christ liberates man.” Pope Francis made exhortation to a rally of some 150,000 representatives of the Neocatechumenal Way from 135 countries who gathered on Saturday at the “Tor Vergata” University grounds, on the outskirts of Rome, to thank God for the 50 years of their presence in Rome.”

I think the Neo-Catechumenal Way may be one of the ways that leads to death that seemeth right but in my opinion there ought to be USA declared death warrant signed into law for every pope who takes office at the Vatican so that we can be sure the person who wants to be pope of the RCC really wants to be a pope and is willing to risk his life for his flock. I truly think it would help the world and stem the spread of the RCC. It would be a great game and whoever shoots the pope first gets 135 million dollars (a million dollars donated from each of the 135 countries yearly for the prize) with no arrest or jail time and receives the pope’s little white beanie as a souvenir to show off and travel to many resorts showing his or her beanie and a great investment to be auctioned off the very next year at a gala called In the Year of the Pope to raise funds for illegal immigrants. Even in death the pope would be serving his flock and doing a great deed for illegal immigration. Do it every year as a great celebration to be held in the city of the successful pope killer which would help the city he or she resides.

The ex told me he didn’t know about the mustard seed debacle and then said it is just rhetoric (and still not giving it barely a thought.)

  1. the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.
    • language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

The mustard seed sure was and is rhetoric, as in:  Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

Because I divorced him.

(Noticed he is using the word rhetoric as his new sociopathy. )

The ex doesn’t believe the Vatican is behind a lot of the mischief (illegal immigration) going on, but he is wrong. It is. He said the reason is because the press doesn’t mention it as if it makes it legitimate. The press does’t talk about the Vatican state sponsored terrorism of using the excuse of abortion for hospice (murder-suicide) for Mother Teresa sainthood either. Yet he is for abortion and always has been unless it gets to be a bone of contention he has to defend even though he counted on it in the past. He is a sleaze ball. He really is and so is the Vatican and both are idiotic:

very stupid.
Earlier I wrote that God holds everyone accountable who take the lords name in vain and are not guiltless. I would think the same goes for the seed of man (sperm) IMO vs women/girls who have had abortions such as family planning which everyone does who is intelligent .  Funny how the proponent of slurring females who have had abortions Laura InGraham didn’t get to have any of her own and  I did because I believe God trusted me (had faith in me) to be a good mom and I was. Not all moms are good moms especially inexperienced ones and especially if doing it on their own without a dad or who are young and restless and don’t want a kid until it is wise to have one. Some are and defy the odds. If Laura’s god were so against abortion why was I able to conceive and produce two cute kids? She is way off base and part of the problem between Republicans and Democrats with her vitriol and Foxes vitriol towards females who have had abortions and their families as if my mom and dad had anything to do with what I did on an outing without my parents and I think in a way Fox News started the persecutions (seen lately) with the aid of the RCC and Islam and others like the evangelicals getting into everyone else’s business and personal family decisions as if they are above sin, holier than thou and should determine what is good for families. BIG BROTHER SYNDROME – FANATICISM. Females and males should be thankful for legal abortions or safe abortions so that women and girls raped or who acted stupid or aren’t prepared to have a kid aren’t bleeding to death in an alley from a coat hanger type abortion, but for some reason aren’t thankful. WHY? It is progress. THE RCC an ISLAM and evangelicals and others who pretend to be holier than thou like a female to die bleeding to death over an unwanted pregnancy? Why so the male can get off scott free at the same time so basically are male whores which Laura displays nightly towards Hannity but I bet her relationship with his wife is a bit strange in reality though probably wouldn’t admit it. Or so we can provide people like her who are not willing to expand, lose their shape, get discoloration of skin, get scars because of their career and desire to be youthful longer. I did not enjoy pregnancy at all and was not an enjoyable experience either time but I loved my babies probably more than she does her adopted kids.
Like legalizing marijuana vs illegal marijuana or controlled vs uncontrolled weed. When alcohol was illegal there was a huge mob presence selling it. Alcohol is pretty powerful stuff and probably leads to more pregnancy than marijuana. I wasn’t high on marijuana when I got pregnant. I had a beer. I don’t know if I was drugged somehow which is likely. What i watched in regards to the woman harassed in a restaurant is very similar to what many women experience from Fox News almost nightly about abortion because of the RCC persecution of women/females and then Fox complains about immigration which is due to overpopulation, lack of family planning, joblessness, extreme corruption, heartlessness in those countries with catholic/evangelical taboos against legal abortions  (and having no affect on the corrupt leaders in those countries) as if birth control isn’t similar in a physical and spiritual avoidance of pregnancy with the pleasure (sometimes). Kind of an epiphany backlash. Would Laura prescribe to the procedure to have her clitoris cut off and the same for her female adoptees? If not, she should shut her mouth about the evils of legal abortions and safe abortions entirely. She should not be in the discussion of abortions at all unless she is willing to have her clitoris cut off or her husbands dick and balls cut off. I’m not for clitoris cutting and I am for legal abortion and/or safe abortions and she should be for it as well if she has a heart. Why doesn’t she complain about the governments of foreign countries where catholicism reigns spiritually who kill kids in the streets for being a nuisance who either are motherless, never adopted, corrupted by the mob which the RCC coddles and uses against our country and theirs, or who run wild because of parents who are trying to eek out a living in a spiritually defunct Roman Catholic country who can’t even accept the truth when it comes to them from people like me and who kill off unwanted people by hospice and some who are wanted without their permission who have souls. The elderly are important  for many reasons and are as important as a baby having been born and received a soul in God’s eyes, IMO! Does sperm  (man’s seed) receive a soul? When does it happen? Does God not have a mind or higher intelligence to know ahead of time whether or not a fetus will be born and gives them a soul for no reason? Her god must be really stupid, but mine isn’t. She never mentions hospice murder suicide of the church she supports and wears a cross as if she has right to wear one while she persecutes verbally with vitriol OTHER FEMALES and should be taken off the air, IMO because she adds nothing and is a piece of flirty shit trying to act like she isn’t. She is a user and a gold digger. The reason she voted for Trump was what he had to offer her for Christmas not an exact quote but her words were similar, what about other people?
Overpopulation in a family causes oftentimes a gang mentality because of peer pressure. Parents cannot be in 7 or 12 places at one time to watch over their children of all ages if they have large ones in this day and age as was possible earlier in history when families were not as mobile. Mine was mobile because my family via my dad fought wars for her freedoms and his wife was hospiced without my permission or knowledge and who had a huge heart for females and their potentials career wise and worked hard at her career to make ends meet, to put her son through law school, and make her eldest daughter feel good enough to hang out with rich people whom she went to school with but wasn’t good enough to join a sorority for some reason and in my opinion she should not have gone to SMU but was near my aunt and uncle who suggested it etc however she met her future husband who should not have gone to SMU either and both eventually ended up selling houses for a living and bought her two youngest daughters a horse or two over the years because we took a liking to the activity (and we shared our horse with another family to make it cheaper and a lot easier having a horse every other day) . Oh there is a method to the madness but it’s not their method. She also helped her husband be a good military man and was very involved in the military as an army wife and helped his career (she could type100 wpm to be a secretary a good one before she married him and to help her mom survive being divorced by her husband with 7 kids) and did her best to care for us when he left us to fight for us for them and for her and believe me he would rather have been playing golf, cooking on the grill and taking camping trips or at the beach trips with his family and walking his daughter home on her horse from a horse show than be in the jungles of Vietnam or fighting in Korea for you. Blame the industrial age, trains, planes, and automobiles for the mobility and for the need for legal and safe abortions and for Laura’s career. but don’t blame me if God says I NEVER KNEW YOU for not accepting the truth when revealed and for hiding it in order to lord over other women in a nasty way. It is good news for females and their families who have had abortions (that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and having the faith of the size of the mustard seed and not being able to move a mountain from here to there because of the lack of faith of the size of the mustard seed is important because Jesus himself didn’t move a mountain as far as we know and since it has been proved it isn’t the smallest of seed therefore no one is guiltless as none is guiltless in taking the lords name in vain. Maybe there is another reason for the exaggeration and not being included in the Gospel of John for us to notice the difference between the gospels and that there may be a suggestion in the mustard seed faith exaggeration itself to compare the gospels to find morsels of truth if we dare to be so bold) who have been persecuted because of abortions and family planning whose families have been torn apart by the church PURPOSEFULLY which she subscribes to which lacks common sense and is heartless and by the way in the future will be destroyed for it’s whoredom and for it’s abuse and for it’s persecutions, and for causing wars, and for coddling the mob, and for lying to it’s parishioners and everyone else and for it’s many many sins giving indulgences to it’s fellowship who contributes money for whitewashing their sins of the church and condemning others for the same sins who believe in God and for not standing up for the Ten Commandments which holds everyone accountable equally and is God’s standard. Yet Laura supports those who change it and move verses around to give preeminence to the Gospel of Matthew so she can get those christmas presents from political/religious leaders and for abusing females who have had abortions for the church and ignores the GREATER SIN of HOSPICE MURDER SUICIDE founded by the Church to terrorize, to condemn to death a soul loved by me, and corrupt everyone if possible via trickery and deception and entrapment which is it’s goal. It isn’t the churches duty to lord over everyone.Jesus said feed my sheep which includes spiritual food. That is it’s duty. Persecution is not it’s duty. You can thank Laura InGraham and others who are against abortion, birth control, family planning for the immigration problem we are facing from the south (Mexico and from Central America and other places as well) because of the ridiculous and totally unrealistic ideals of the RCC (laundering money  and abusing kids so it was ideals placed upon the parishioners and everyone else but not on themselves which is really really insidious and deviant) and the same for many christian sects who use their christianity to commit sin usually against the young and females and now their parents via hospice-murder/suicide under the influence of the RCC and with the
JESUIT Pope’s blessing.
The things she is against are abortion and then she is against immigration (she says Illegal but probably both legal and illegal) which is caused and directly linked to overpopulation (no family planning) and lack of jobs who mostly come from countries that the RCC is thickly embedded in and is silent about hospice the churches solution to kill and murder those it deems an enemy to it’s survival because truth is an anomaly to the church and go to extreme measures to hide the truth in order to continue to persecute and to save face and taking away the rights of families to make personal decisions for themselves and the right for females to make personal decisions regarding their own bodies and when they want to be a mom. The same church is known and famous for abusing the young and Laura is silent about it and about money laundering by the RCC as well. Therefore she stinks and is very dumb, IMO.

Christopher Hitchens outshines you, Laura InGraham.



Trump rallying in North Dakota and even the Mike (from Fox adverting) Pillow guy from MInnesota was there. If these people who support this candidate Trump is rallying for who says he is pro life he might say

“I am the way the truth and the unborn.”

doesn’t make sense though, does it and

using the unborn to get votes is disgusting and insensitive to those women who lost their fetuses at any time during their pregnancy whether on purpose or by accident? Maybe it will work and maybe it won’t but

President Trump Just signed a spending bill that fully funds Planned Parenthood


And not even Laura complained.

I am the way the truth and a tampax. Does it make sense?

Using the word “life”  for the unborn is kind of perplexing and very much like saying you are pro-miscarriage. 

The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had neverbeenborn.
 Hmmmm, I wonder what the writer of the gospel of Mark means. Truthfully, I bet nobody understands what it means. There is a lot of stuff in the bible that is hard to understand and one is the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed even though Jesus of the three SYNOPTIC gospels said it was and it wasn’t. I wonder why. So if Jesus lied or was misinformed by someone  or acting as if he were Jesus and gave a false fact it would make him a liar hence the Son of man could not say I am the way the truth and the life but he could say I am the way the lie and the unborn? 
If the unborn is life you should be able to replace the word life with the word unborn and it should make some sort of sense and it doesn’t make sense at all so you should stop using the unborn as a synonym for life because it isn’t.


and please get a grip and try to get votes a better way on what might actually affect the lives of the citizens who were born without using females you degrade way too often as if your head is between their labias and in their vaginas
or is it too hard to improve the lives of the living citizens and deal with the troubles that affect them and do it with good manners and talking about female organs and their wombs is deplorable, deviant and disgraceful.
The person who said “I am the way the truth and the life” is not the same person portrayed in the gospel of Mark in the verse Mark 14:21 by a zillion miles and you should be able to recognize the difference if you had any biblical discernment or any common sense or have a heart for God.
I wonder what Mike the Pillow guy from Minnesota thinks about the following article? Perhaps worrying about the living vs the unborn will have a greater impact in our country or is the following a better way than the rights of females which should be protected and admired. “There is a way that seemeth right unto men but leads to death.”
I’m gonna say it because I feel it at this moment having been harassed for a long time: people like the person running for the Senate in North Dakota inspires my mind and I guarantee many other peoples minds to want to kick him in the balls and give him a punch in the nose so his septum ends up in his brain. It is getting to be ridiculous AS ARE THE INCESTUOUS AND OBNOXIOUS TRUMP RALLIES and I hope it comes to that SOON. NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD ATTEND OR SHOULD ATTEND but Mike the Pillow guy was noticed on purpose which was apparent not really in the crowd but set apart to be filmed and noticed. These assholes running for office ought to try to do it on their own reputations, personalities, and merits instead of riding on his coat tails like demented delinquents. The rallies are repetitive, shallow, dumb, and dull. Yuck. and sinking ever further into the dismal abyss of politics. The rally’s are like a parody of himself. Talk about low-lifes. Doesn’t the President have better things to do than collect a bunch of nuts around him? I think the President ought not to campaign but try to accomplish his goals which should be sufficient and I don’t think adding a Republican is necessarily gonna help him achieve his goals.

Till it be accomplished

I think it would be nice if abortion was not used as a campaign strategy for anyone and should be taken off the table before the table is turned over for the misuse of power in that regard unless in the same venue enforced male infertility solutions are discussed as a viable solution to unwanted pregnancies until an appropriate age of around 26 years of age or when a male (and female) can afford a child wanted or unwanted through a secure career choice which there is none but is a good age of experience or UNTIL MARRIED (tying the knot) WHICH MAKES VERY GOOD SENSE and could be accomplished and would be much more effective and should be included in the conversation and would solve an immense amount of problems and much more SUSTAINABLE or else the subject of abortion should not be discussed at all by anyone running for a seat in Congress or for the office of the President or for the Supreme Court and continued as usual while ignoramuses are kissing ignorant, demented and disingenuous pope ass creating an unsustainable world till the end which will surely come sooner than laterbecause of the RCC and it’s mental midgets 


It’s a sign. LOL No wonder Melania bought the jacket (with the words I don’t really care, do you?). GEEEEZ
but 12,000 children is a lot of kids without parents being sent across the border however VP Pence went to investigate the situation in Central America to see what is forcing or enticing these kids to migrate 1000 miles or more north instead of a hundred miles at the most to migrate south to South America or to settle in Mexico. I hope he gets some legitimate answers but if he isn’t willing to sit down with women having nothing to do with the government alone in a safe environment where he won’t feel compelled to misbehave to discuss it or trusted by his wife to discuss it, it might be one sided and inadequate answers he receives in order to save our country from being deluded by a corrupt male dominant RCC influenced delusions of a world without borders to save face for destroying countries in it’s path for it’s false notions via lack of birth control and lack of female rights so he too can enjoy having sex with a child someday like the clergy of the RCC. I bet he doesn’t. More than likely his Christian pride will stop him.

Has there ever been divorce of a sitting president?

There ought to be one!

Congressional Hearing of DOJ Rosenstein

Too bad about the Georgian representative (Hank Johnson) of investigating the investigation by the investigation for the investigation by the investigation of congress in regards to the FBI talking in the staccato of Louis Farrakhan. Try acting intelligent and stop acting like a total jerk. Take some speaking lessons from the great actor Denzel Washington in the movie adaptation of the Shakespearian play Much Ado About Nothing. I hate the glad handing he adjudicated towards his witness. It’s sickening and blatantly shameful. I bet he hasn’t even read the evidence. THIS HACK IS AN UNCLE TOM and it might come back to haunt you for not taking seriously the misuse/abuse of power while you have the chance for it may be you that is being tested in this hour of tribulation. Is he afflicted or is he not? Well, he certainly sounds afflicted. I witnessed it but his interview was edited and transcribed to sound intelligent. So who is running his office him or his secretary. Anyway, “fix it yourself” HUD director Ben Carson has a new way to get smarter though he lost the election. LOL “You get what you deserve” he said once like all of his tenants who didn’t learn to plumb very well. Anyway maybe he could invent a a better invention like the one suggested in his spare time if he has any. I wouldn’t buy it but doesn’t mean it won’t sell. I bet Hannity gets some so it should be interesting to see if it improves his mind. Watched the latest interaction between his show and Laura InGrahams and I have never watched such fakiness as Laura laughing at his and her nonsense. I think the segway ought to be abandoned for the sake of everyone who happens to watch it just to be kind to your fellow man because it’s like taking part in a very strange and strained relationship.

I’m planning on getting what I deserve and it is a fantastic plan as are my hopes that I’m working on as I write and even more so when I don’t write because I know the times we are in and I know what I learned about the mustard seed which I’m sure he ignores as rhetoric,

but was the “Q” source Jesus above rhetoric?

I think the Q source counted on rhetoric, but perhaps he shouldn’t have.

Oh and I wanted to add because I witnessed Mark Levin make a joke about being pregnant when on The Hannity Show the other day and I thought it was in VERY VERY bad taste for his notable yet ignoble stance on abortion, immigration, and the US constitution as if what he does on the radio or as a guest on any show or even his show has even made a dent in upholding the constitution or changing anything for the better. Did he affect anything during the Obama Administration? Not that I could tell. He just bitched a bunch (his forte). From what I can tell he is totally ineffective and has been ineffective as a protectorate of anything. A lost cause and kind of shifty as well. Watch his eyes which dart back and forth as he speaks. Probably some kind of physical reaction caused by a psychological disorder not caused by valor or honor but a cowardice through and through, fear of female predators like Laura InGraham which should be easy to overcome, and for bitching to no avail. Pregnancy wanted or unwanted is serious business and none of his business. Women and young females have in the past and present been murdered for being pregnant which is why progress has made it a choice for females to have or not to have a baby and I believe God helped females with progress because of some males (many) who took advantage of females. Blame the males of the past and of the present for the things you consider to be evil such as progress and God who loves his daughters as much as he loves his sons. Abortion as well as child birth are painful if it helps you to understand a little better and not just painful for an hour or two which is why we have hospitals and abortion clinics to help with the pain because of progress.

Would you rather swing on a vine through the trees barefoot to get to your destination or wear shoes and drive a car?

I also wanted to add without throwing away the comment about Trump being brilliant. It is an overstatement by far but I think everyone has some kind of talent or specialty and are able to excel at sometimes and his is something he learned and inherited from his dad but I don’t believe the results he brags about at his rallies given to him by those who are able to measure the rate of joblessness or other type polls and usually are very wrong one way or the other and should be disallowed as an election device and I think Trump ought to concentrate on his job and not bother with the rallies and concentrate on draining  the swamp. Seems to me some of those swampy people are doing it for him just by his presence. He probably should hang out with his wife and son and his daughters  instead of political rallying for a bunch of losers who might get drained after taking office more than likely plagued with prehistoric draconian ideals or are still reveling in the dark ages (because of their ill gotten faiths, being tricked by the synoptic Jesus, and because of bad rearing as if they were born out of an asshole of a hyena) regarding females and their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS like a gang of little boys who never grew up trying to inflict and rape and also RErape a female by herself because of peer pressure and for fear of the truth and have no understanding, common sense, or sympathy for the decisions females have to make sometimes because their bodies do belong to them they and have the right to make those decisions because they are the ones given the burden and the choice to determine what is prudent and what isn’t prudent and because their bodies do not belong to the church by any means. It is a choice because of progress and coming out of the dark ages and is between the female and GOD and sometimes involves family or friends.

The church isn’t good at raising kids INEPT as a matter of fact and as bad as the village raising kids otherwise families shouldn’t be together.

“Jesus did not commit to man because he knew WHAT was in man”:

SPERMACYTES in their little balls and pricks (smaller than a mustard seed, much smaller), COWARDICENESS or REAL MEN would admit the truth given to them freely and I know Levin knows as does Hannity, FOOLISH PRIDE, EXTREME STUPIDITY, LUSTFULNESS, MOCKERY OF FEMALES and PREJUDICE and HATRED FOR THE TRUTH and deep seated hatred for females hating their own moms for having been born, but not all and they know who they are and of course GOD knows as well and is a witness (a very powerful witness and knows all of the tricks and is in the process of judging everyone, even catholics and evangelicals, and all the other sects as well. it would be a good idea to try harder to be good, fair, and to accept the truth with gladness and get off the Roman Catholic/Islamic inspired persecution of females, their families, and the citizenry of each state and stop or hinder especially those who conspire to terrorize for the sake of the BRETHREN who use kids and young innocent adults unfamiliar and inexperienced with the wiles of the devil. Now is the time to stop the nonsense. Stand against murder suicide by hospice (using starvation and opioids overdose as a cover) employed and lauded by the Jesuit Pope and advertised by Fox News as good when it isn’t and expose the Jesuits and the mob who have made life hard for many people and damaged many families and relationships and as revelation says “Come out of her my children.” Leave the the RCC now that you have warning of some of the scams of the RCC via my blog and others do not partake of the sins of the church. Persecution and Hospice. Feed the sheep instead if you are a church member. If you don’t there will be a HUMONGOUS WAR more than likely and usually war is hell and often good people get caught in the middle and especially the countries predominantly roman catholic or islamic will be hit the hardest I would imagine and deserve to be hit the hardest IMO and have made it hard for me to teach my own kids and I imagine others their kids because of denial and because of the deceptions by the press and those in high places taking advantage of their positions wrongly and abusing their power at the expense of everyone else and causing mental illness of otherwise normal people because everyone has a breaking point and causing great strife and mayhem because of it.

Hillary Clinton cites another Bible quote to fight Trump on immigration

“She invoked her own quote from the Bible — Matthew 19:14 — in response, saying that “Jesus said suffer the little children unto me. He did not say let the children suffer.””

When Jesus was baptized by John The Baptist and John said he wasn’t good enough to baptize him (THEY WERE COUSINS LOL at least as far as the Gospel of Matthew portrays when John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth’s tummy when meeting the pregnant Mary)  Is any cousin good enough? Just kidding. Might be in a weird way referring to Abraham and Sarah who were cousins and also husband and wife but apart from the possibility of the indirect referral in the Old Testament in the New Testament Jesus says “Suffer it to be so” when allowing John The Baptist to baptize him. So tell me what do you think he meant in the Gospel of John? I already gave my opinion but I do know the Ten Commandments says to honor parents and children and that is the crux of the matter in regards to the parents of the children and the children of the parents. Honor their relationship because it is an important commandment and keep them together in this situation of illegal immigration which is orchestrated more than likely being misled into thinking it was a way into the USA illegally to gain citizenship which might be overlooked or allowed or made into a political firestorm which it is. Also the RCC is definitely involved in the mayhem as well as the mob and to corrupt people using children to get votes and infiltrate a few terrorists at the same time, bring in drugs and compete with the marijuana industry in the USA and to make it fail if possible so it can continue to use it as a gateway drug for future prostitution and for other illegal drugs, and to allow the USA to raise the families the RCC wouldn’t feed. Some were in trouble with the cartels, don’t have a chance for a job, some are widows with children of the cartel’s bloody disorder in Mexico and Central America and some are here to get some freebies and some to steal from the US citizens via the ways the cartels and the RCC church are able to forge identities to get lots of free government stuff and overload our government with many travails, and some are here because the RCC and the governments did not teach the people it was okay to use birth control or to have an abortion creating problematic pressure on the USA and the world to be unsustainable population wise and to sell some children down the river for child prostitution and last but not least to test the President.

The question one should ask is why would spanish speaking people go north to an english speaking nation illegally

instead of south to South America where everyone speaks spanish legally or to stay in Mexico legally?

To create trouble in the USA, DUH,

that is why and it has created trouble and great folly for the press

and the RCC’s hope to have a borderless world where it reigns supreme by the vast numbers it was able to romanize or catholicize

and to produce quickly because of lack of family planning on it’s false premises and it’s false faith

counting on hot bloodedness, misuse of women and children, spanish and roman catholic chauvinism, the mob, ignorance etc and essentially an attempt of a

Coup d’état

so that the USA might become predominantly catholic, democrat (the slave party) and an ignorant voter and to wear down our country to be a subject of the Vatican on it’s whims in order to launder tax dollars to it’s State via the mob and government handouts and via forgery of forgotten citizens and the elderly and the unborn etc however it can screw us up because we won WWll and it lost and never gave up it’s dreams to rule the world using kids and it’s parishioners it lies to for it’s own gain. To keep power and to wield it for evil to protect itself. what do you think it uses children as it did in the Gospel of Matthew as well on false leaps and things as if we are still in the dark ages and some catholic countries are in the dark ages and we must not allow ourselves to go backwards or everyone will lose their shirts and lives but thinking it will save the church of Rome which is destined for destruction pretty soon. If it blows it wants everyone to be blown away and not in a good way which is why in a time frame of an hour with the beast it is destroyed,

but which beast?

The vehicle the President is ushered around in, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Putin, Abe, Xi, Prince Alwaleed, etc. THE TEETH of the NWO? THE GRAHAMS of the BGEA and shill for the pope? Maybe all of them? Popes, Bishops, Cardinals, etc are considered to be princes as well. 

“The prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me”

is a quote by Jesus in the Gospel of John and then

 Jesus was crucified and at the time it was Rome and Islam which caused the mayhem in Jerusalem and destroyed the city and the temple and then they rebuilt it and it was destroyed again 70 years later.

Hard to say when the Vatican is destroyed but it will happen and quickly when it does. I think it literally is an hour but in the bible prophecy one hour is considered to be 10 years but Peter said a day can also be a thousand years however not in this instance, IMO. I think it gets leveled.

Remember the Oliver North documentary when Indonesia during WWll the people were being tortured by the church and ruling despot and the Jesuit priest, bishop, or cardinal made his way into the documentary the only religious person named in the film when Douglas MacArthur saved the day temporarily anyway and the Jesuit clergy attempted to take credit as if the church wasn’t involved in the torture when it was complicit and involved in the torture of the people like a normal catholic activity throughout history to persecute and to rob and steal and to corrupt. (Find a post or two about their persecutions throughout history on Merangue’s Blog.)


I wrote a post about the vehicle limo of the President and other leaders in other countries and its possible usage by the Vatican which is to control the leaders of the countries of the world to be obeisant to Roman Catholicism, hence Islam i.e. to bow to them and to serve them as if these clergy are gods or gods angels and of course they are not either and in Revelation they get the honor to learn how much they are not gods nor angels either in tribulation or armageddon or during the apostasy etc. as well as everyone else in the world gets to learn some things some don’t want to learn or some don’t want others to learn but they do anyway, regardless.

It is a post linked in the blog called

Merangue’s Blog.

During the JFK presidency the vehicle was rigged with a pointy object that was thrust into JFK’s back all the way to his tie and nicked it. It was remote controlled by the person sitting nearby and by the sign to the highway and then he got up calmly and he cooly walked the opposite direction and away from the grassy knoll as the head shot was performed by Jackie while JFK’s elbows were up because of a nerve reaction to the pointy object in his back which retracted afterward and then a bullet was produced at the hospital and she wash to trying to pick up his brains on the back of the car because she was distraught. HE OR SHE was on the back of the car trying to get the spent bullet shell rolling around on the trunk of the car to un-preserve the evidence. The wound did not have an exit wound which it would have if it were a bullet but it wasn’t a bullet and many people headed for the Grassy Knolll probably using the technology of the Grand Central Terminal in New York i.e. the whisper technology. So I think the Dallas JFK library ought to be closed or shut down for it’s complicity in the assassination of JFK because it is obvious what occurred and who was responsible that even I could figure it out. I believe the President or one of them or a few of them are controlled by an invisible, odorless, tasteless, drug the same drug used to control parishioners as well via the EUCHARIST on a weekly basis a drug found in Columbia baked in and the flower it comes from looks like hanging flowers as in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and makes people slaves without their knowledge and probably how OBAMA CARE WAS signed without reading by the suggestion of Pelosi and how many of Obama’s audiences were prepped via air ducts to accept his Bull shit even from the right. (like an actor getting applause by a machine and thinks he is great or like Neil Cavuto when he gets the canned laughter at his lame jokes.) He doesn’t play fair. He never has nor does the Vatican. and the Vatican or very few care about each other or anyone else. Remember when a senator or representative called Obama a liar by saying U LIE there is a prophecy by the river of ULAI OR ULIE or on the banks of U LAI oR ULIE something like it and it may be relevant I think when someone gets a fair hat (miter). Anyway after that experience some strange stuff occurred and strange reactions as well but complaint and afraid and it’s the drug. The drug probably was why people in the Senate Chambers applauded when an unarmed woman was shot to death at the gates of the White House during the Obama Administration when  it was announced which is not a normal reaction but on the side of insane irrational but caused by a very powerful drug and why people forget so much in our government and the press and never delve very deep or try to distract on some pretty weird stuff which makes our country look crazy as Putin once said about the USA but I think he also has been tampered with. It doesn’t take much and if you can’t see it, smell it,, hear it, feel it, taste it, or remember it IT’S a BAD DRUG. The people who attacked Putin’s country quite a while ago used some forms of it I  think in the past when he had to gas a theater to kill the terrorists. I think it happened also at an elementary school in Russia by some terrorists from south of Russia around the area Mother Teresa was born or thereabouts. It is probably because the terrorists are drugged with a very discreet drug used to rape and  to pillage and to kill and are obeying someone and are willing to commit suicide to murder for some virgins they never get and even white guys commit some heinous crimes to confuse. Probably the Jesuit controlled Vatican and some in the Islamic realm including Obama, but not all are involved to protect his false prophet and his false profit. It is partially the reason for the destruction is the abuse of people and because it is the right time soon. It’s evil. Evil does not play fair or by the rules which is why someone has to end it somehow and I have made my suggestions which are doable and righteous above and in a few of my posts. The drug is so powerful you don’t even know you have been drugged and will rob even yourself. I’m sure there is an anecdote by now. Eventually an army does receive from God the desire and the message to destroy the Vatican because God puts it into their heart to destroy the Vatican but I don’t know which army. I’m hoping it’s ours who has the guts and wherewithal to do so and understands the truth enough to realize if it doesn’t it will destroy the world and everything in it but we’ll see eventually and who does the will of God without delay.

We did it once to survive and to win a war. We might do it again

but I don’t think it will be Japan this time who I think was mislead by the Vatican at the time.

The drug might be why we have an illegal immigration problem and why illegals head north instead of south. Seems like a reasonable analysis and also why there are maniacs killing randomly and I bet the cell phone is involved which was an election bribe to many people to elect Obama. Maybe something in the phone or that ejects something on a command. I don’t know but seems to be plausible in our day with it’s technology, so Japan may be involved. I don’t know. I just watched Martha McCullum go from one extreme to another in a matter of a minute in a very weird way. B beautiful woman but something is gong on with her even in a fun segment of the show where she switched gears in a the strangest of ways unexplainably. It was weird having to do with JimmyJohns and a guy who tells on a guy messing around and it is the kind of story where it depends on the circumstances but she went from one viewpoint to another quickly which is a craziness of some kind not necessarily by her own volition. It was weird and probably will be edited to cover it up but I saw it as if she is into privacy and the press cannot lean on the privacy issue because they often go overboard or under board on the weirdest of stories as if what a delivery guy’s message to a girl is really important and was a personal decision not a sects decision  but was kind of funny story and then her brain went the opposite way and the press doesn’t report some things they should like about Hospice and Mother Teresa and the RCCs abuse of power because it makes the press look complicit  ad are complicit by their silence but don’t mind harassing women about abortion or killing their parents. Something is controlling her. I watched Sen. Lindsay Graham control her recently for his cause and she complied which I wrote about. I think they are aligned religious wise and she helped him. I’m sure she doesn’t like criticism but it isn’t criticism as it is an observation of some kind of interference in her thinking but perhaps she is attempting to cull her audience or guests and not do what she should do which is to educate her audience truthfully and not to judge their humor or their opinion like Jesse Water does picking history questions to quiz someone knowing the answer because he chose the questions. I guarantee if the same was done to him he would fail easily but he has monitors to help him in the studio which is what he uses to look at himself to see if he did okay or looks good often too often. She sort of does it and hopefully will try to control her own mind and not be controlled by something else for the purpose of culling someone else because of their reaction. I could trip her up if I wanted to and I already have in this post and many others. Martha Martha why not tell the truth about the mustard seed for starters for Jesus whom you pretend to care about. There is a Jesus who tried to show the importance of truth and she is being used often for the opposite and makes a good salary doing it. Try to concentrate and be consistent. People and your audience will appreciate it much more. OKAY? Remember your position is one people like to use for their purposes. I thought the story was funny and she went off the page for a minute and I don’t think it was her. It was kind of crazy. Like when the cat lady turned to  the monitor when I said she had beautiful eyes and said I was waiting for you to notice. Something like it and i  wrote about it and realized something is not right with some people on Fox and other stations as if someone is peering through their eyes and using their bodies. A possession of some kind. I have seen it with my eldest daughter and she was my witness and she saw it too because I told her to turn around and look at the person who was staring at me for no reason with his wife and I think her parents at a restaurant  and then he would act normal and then he would turn around and stare deeply as if was not in control of himself and when she turned around she freaked and noticed the same thing I did and that is how I know it isn’t me that is the problem but those being used by something evil. His eyes looked like something from the deepest part of hell using his eyes. Very much like the movie about a policeman played by Denzel Washington where an evil spirit was harassing him through the people he interacted with or passed by. I can’t remember the name of the movie but very similar. My mom also was witness for me and I for her and she thanked me for noticing. You need to start noticing and not allow it to direct you. Direct yourself as you give the news about something that may not have even occurred such as the massacre in Maryland. I saw some police acting like it wasn’t real and smiling about it. In a situation where people are massacred and at the scene, no one smiles. I agree I have more vision than most people which I was gifted with and sometimes a curse because of the tragedies I had to endure and seen and maybe to help me understand because i eventually took the time to compare the gospels and notice the prophecy of Daniel moved and notice many changes going on in the bible and many discrepancies in the New testament and between the gospels. Maybe you should try it or read my posts and compare and perhaps you are wrong and not as right as you think you are. I spent a lot of time writing about it and other personal stuff I felt I had the right to write about since it happened to me and because i needed to and is part of my posts and because my mom told me when she was in the hospital she had seen my art and she wasn’t talking about the art she taught me but about my blogs and my sister recorded her saying it and said she would send the recording and chose not to in order to hide the truth and I think it was the last time I saw my mom. It was important to me to receive the tape but she refused because of some outside interference controlling her and because perhaps she didn’t like that my mom said it to me which is kind of weird and way over the edge. She wanted to hospice my mom at her beautiful home with out doctors care and rejected the idea but I suggested to her there are traveling doctors and she said the hospice was free with out doctors care offered through either medicare or medicaid and whispered about it to me on the phone so I knew something was not right or why whisper. then my older sister hospiced my mom without telling me for two weeks and called me when my mom died and then ended th e conversation with I love you. I haven’t seen her since and i wasn’t invited to the funeral. IS it love? or was it because her husband was molestor I had to deal with for many years and told her about it and a person who liked to expose himself to hassle me because I told on him and used the church as his cover and said he would start going during our meeting basically admitting his guilt and I said Okay and it didn’t help him. I wasn’t trying to destroy them but he was destroy me over a long period of time and she did too and we were best friends but it was gradual. a very tough situation for me and my family and for the family I grew up with and then both killed my mom without letting me know so I could see her or object. She was jealous of my portraiture for some reason even though I gave her something that took months to paint on porcelain and tried to steal another of something I had painted.  I was real sick one mother’s day and she had bought some tickets using my mom’s money and I couldn’t go and she chastised me to harass me to pick up the money at the airport but I didn’t make ‘t’he reservations and I said I can’t and I didn’t. She was being really mean to me and took it out on our mom because her husband lost millions on the stock market options and possibly shortened a few peoples lives because of it the family of the people he lost of their money in order to not be sued? I don’t know. But to hospice my mom without my permission or knowledge for two weeks is evil and then to say she loved me meaning herself and never called me again as if she was winning an argument when I was the victim of their shit and as far as I’m concerned she murdered my mom to get back at me because her husband was a molester and other things. He didn’t have to but he did while I slept next to her which is how crazy it was and I tried to protect her feelings and was discreet and kicked his hands off me so she wouldn’t notice because I didn’t want her to be hurt by it plus it was shocking and I cried on the side of my parents home when I got home. We went to breakfast before it and it was like I had been in a car wreck the kind of shock that happens where everything is in slow motion especially when I watched him and how he acted like nothing happened but like something had happened. I don’t know how many months before I thought he was sleep walking and he was masturbating in front of me while his wife slept in the next room and she woke up and and said GARY get back in here. What are you doing and he went back to bed with his wife but I gave him the benefit of doubt at the time that he might have been sleep walking. I was thankful she called him back in but I didn’t mention it the next morning out of respect but perhaps I should have. It was all surreal. I was embarrassed and it was something I would have like not have to have to deal with and then other times as well when he posed naked stroking himself with the shower on as if he was showering but he wasn’t and I probably should have called to my sister to have her take a look but went out on the balcony to have a cigarette. And people wonder why I smoke? Fuck them I have been through more than the average person and have nearly died a few times because of them. I didn’t, but eventually I dealt with it and he didn’t think I would. I DID because he wouldn’t stop when he had the chance and had been warned. And even when my brother flew from out of state bout a thousand miles to have a family meeting about it Gary was asking my brother what the meeting was about which we had at a hotel which my brother told me and said he was acting weird about the meeting as if he did n’t know. Of course he knew and so did she. My brother was avery successful district attorney and even won a federal case worth ton of money so he wasn’t blind to Gary’s act but was also loved him as my sister’s husband so it was tough and we loved their kids but obviously he didn’t love her or their kids or he would have tried to stop,

It is a long story and by the time I’m through may fill the whole world because it was that hard.So take note IT AIN’T ME, IT’S YOU because I don’t peer into other people’s homes via the television, but something using you does and I don’t know how but it must be possible but it isn’t good. Perhaps the the Jimmy Johns sandwich story isn’t nearly as provocative and as evil as you and the station and the spirit using you. Perhaps you should quit the sooner the better for your own protection. I can imagine how someone less stabile might not be able to handle what you and your colleagues dish out  and causing some of the stories you report on some may be true and some may not be but when you see a cop smiling at the scene of the crime of a massacre it would make anyone suspicious that it is a false flag or false story. Maybe you ought to investigate the tapes you get before being edited to see if it is a false story. It might help you and others but then maybe you don’t care. like my sister who got 250.000.00 dollars a year to spend freely to ignore it and cover it up and to harass me and to try to make me look bad which is very HEAVY MAN. she was my older sister by 6 years and i loved her so it was super hard because of my feelings and we shared the same family and I loved her kids and helped her with the kids even taught one of her kids to swim because she was pregnant. i was a devoted sister and aunt. She used to say every time I baby sat for her so she and her husband gary could have a good time alone at a hotel or on a vacation or when she was sick she baby sit for me. She babysat two times for me and one of the times she didn’t actually do it but let her kids do it so she lied about baby sitting and could have cared less about mine and even lied about them to my mom to make me look bad and for my mom to distrust me about a phone call and it was petty and rotten what she did and cute what they did for me without my knowledge but she made my mom think I egged them to make the phone call and I didn’t. It hurt deeply while i was already hurting form their abuse of me and trying to entrap me and playing their little games. finally I realized she as a shitty sister and must not have meant anything she had ever said. I was an opportunity to degrade. She deserves my wrath and I will continue to serve it when I feel like it. Kind of therapeutic sometimes and sometimes not. She kind of turned into a sociopath via her job and her husband. He really fucked her up and others. A daughter who cuts herself and is found bleeding by the other daughter and who shaves her head and tattoos the majority of her body and then wears her hair in a mohawk and all the other things asking for attention which I have written about in the past. I was not her mom but I tried to temper them my way but it didn’t stop Gary. My sister asked me if she needed a psychiatrist and her husband said for her to let her work it out I didn’t now what was the right thing to do because I don’t trust psychiatrist very much and they took her one time to a christian psychiatrist and she was instantly healed. the Jacuzzi kid was healed. I think something else happened but I don’t know. I remember seeing her and she looked so skinny and I could see some bones I shouldn’t have been seeing on her chest and neck and back those little ones but she was getting along with them so I tried not to interfere but it was odd. Gary said her husband was blackmailing him which I thought was weird for a guy who had a lot of money towards his daughter whom I believe he took some liberties with. They were asking for help money wise which is normal. Gary was the son of a the President of Conoco OIl so not like he couldn’t afford to help? and my sister was a very prestigious and successful real-estate agent? then later my little sister said my dad said he thought I was blackmailing her and I told her you tell him I’m’not which was the most ridiculous thing she said to me during the time. twilight zone, Why the fuck didn’t she tell him I wasn’t since I wasn’t. I think she did but I don’t even know if it is true because of what Gary said about his daughters husband. Seemed a bit similar and unusual at the same time. My dad was very sensible and smart so if he said it it was because of some lie or was suggesting it to test my sisters and her husband which is possible without interfering. It was the most outlandish shit I had ever heard and it was upsetting to me and caused some of my illness to deal with the nonsense i was told in a whisper on the phone. And then she told me Gary wanted to isolate me which is insane. He kind of did very nastily via the lies and possibly other things. My sister told me he played footsie with her under the table at a restaurant with his wife nearby. I guess testing her to see if she would react. Some how both went over the bend and into the swamp. All he had to do was fess up and say I’m sorry I won’t do it anymore to any woman or my daughters and ask for help and he would have gotten it. To see his eldest daughter jump up as he was trying to tickle her when she on the couch and was a bit too old for it quite bit and a beautiful figure it was tough to see and our eyes met but I didn’t say anything. She blushed easily. He was an abuser of females even his own daughters. I wasn’t the only one. Lots of family dynamics involved which are hard to overcome to get the right results not to mention her friends who were bitches and knew he was an abuser and tried to make me look bad and often i was uncomfortable and I was sometimes clumsy about everything trying to act like we were friends which we should have been and I hoped we were and not what it was. He often tried to get me killed in traffic if following their car. He purposefully would make it difficult through heavy traffic in some of the worst highways when coming to San Antonio to see my parents. whipping around hoping I would make a mistake. He would leave plugs and hot wires around the house around his tots. He didn’t screw in nuts and bolts on swing sets he built for  them from a kit and my husband had to do it. He was a bit on the nutty side and probably how he was raised like a spoiled brat. to have a conversation with hm which he often would start about God because he was going to church etc he was so shallow. Like he was slowly losing his mind probably because of the things he was doing besides losing millions on the stock market in a flash which might have been his fault and molesting people and degrading people and drinking too much daily. There may have been rapes of women that lived near them called the ski mask rapes which really hurt some women I’m suré who looked similar to you. Young pretty and christian. i didn’t see who they were but heard about it via the news and the area was packed with females who went to the same church nearby and in the same age group and most had money via their dads and later wondered hmmmm he lived near them and then he moved and those rapes stopped or the news of them did in the area. It happened to our family over many years in a slow drip between regular stuff: easter, christmas, new years, birthdays, family reunions, work, recitals, illnesses, trips, school events but it added up terribly. Everything I did was wrong and everything he and she did was overlooked and that’s the truth though I think a few people noticed but how do you handle a dip shit and his wife. There is no good way but God will do it somehow that I am counting on and I think it might be okay in the whole scheme of things because anything is possible and I know my parents love my sister and her kids and will find a way with God’s help because they are noble and loving and good and I KNOW God loves my parents. It is hard not to love them. We did. But oh the church has a huge debt to my parents and to God and grace ain’t gonna cut it because the church didn’t have grace but counted on it to no avail and are gonna have to accept some truth if they want to live. The church blew it big time and probably has hell to pay and is still blowing it as if it doesn’t matter and it does matter. They matter and the truth matters.

The hawaiian volcano is a good example of how quick things can change. I have watched those videos of the lava flows unusually fast but Fox doesn’t report it much as if it is someone breaking someone else’s window with a baseball by mistake. They don’t give it much attention which is kind of odd. It is monumental and the possibilities are quite devastating to some. Could be anyway. People losing their homes in a matter of minutes. GONE. Isn’t it odd as if may the press is already dead because it should matter but instead report false news about false massacres with cops smiling. Cops usually aren’t smiling at a crime scene. Can you imagine if cops were smiling when OJ Simpsons ex-wife was found with her head almost cut off and her boyfriend stabbed to death? not normal and not to be noticed by Fox and others. If I were in charge of the police I would fire someone smiling at a crime scene on camera minutes after it occurred? Demonic. Martha didn’t notice, but why?

What’s The Deal With Milk Bath Maternity Photos?

Who can tell the mind of some people but they sure are enjoying the attention. Aren’t they beautiful. i guarantee all of them are (though pretty) expensive to keep. Aren’t they tremendous. Gosh. I remember doing a job with my husband and the couple had nude pictures of themselves hanging in their home and made a few moves trying to get something started with us. From Germany. Anyway the pictures look like the women are in coffins, milk coffins. It does to me. The best is the african american woman and the oriental woman as far as being somewhat interesting. The oriental female is probably the most centered and funniest. LIke she is alive and well. The rest are a bit dramatic, way overdone and remind me of women who think too much of themselves (Aren’t I beautiful) perhaps and too bad for the flowers. Poor flowers being abused in a tub of milk. I guess trying to show the beauty of pregnancy? I bet none of them could hike down Carlsbad Caverns carrying their baby like I did. For me pregnancy wasn’t so lilly soft. These women make it look easy GLAMOROUS and for most some it isn’t depending on many factors. Did the artist exclude women with the Zika virus? Or how about women with aids? Is it prejudiced to exclude them? I wasn’t a happy camper when pregnant and was not my thing and i didn’t look beautiful and could not afford clothes at the time and didn’t want to waste money being a beautiful pregnant person but to invest in baby furniture and the things I needed but I loved my kids and rarely had a babysitter because I enjoyed them and didn’t trust hardly anyone. I was a bit neurotic but nothing was handed to me on a silver platter especially after i got married. those pictures remind me of the 8 foot painting my sister had done of herself on a wicker chair with her 2 year old daughter who is out of proportion and is a ridiculous expenditure but she had lots to waste on a portrait of herself MOSTLY very similar to the man who played a trumpet a doctor we stayed in his home a bed and breakfast who had a painting  of himself with his trumpet in his home. It was huge. Talk about conceded. Billy Graham was often referred to as a doctor. Dr. Graham. A trumpet playing doctor in a town where there was a huge abandoned masonic lodge in a catholic town. Kind of an odd trip and makes me wonder if Trump or one of the Trumps because I think there is more than one is actually inhabited by Dr. Billy Graham. Possessed. Which is why we get some controversies about him possibly.. I have thought someone was impersonating him a few times especially during the election period to prevent him from getting elected. I don’t know his religion but could be the beast is sometimes within him. I know Alec Baldwin does good imitation for fun. Billy Graham was very involved in politics and religion and I think was a bad influence on our country and he was a shill for the RCC after WWll. Where in the bible does it say to ask Jesus into your heart. It is or was the adage used by Billy Graham. Nowhere in the bible. I hope Trump can overcome Billy Graham and his perspective. There are 7 trumpets in revelation and we have a President named Trump who does seem to be in a lot of places at once. So keep your eyes open and watch for fakes and doubles. It’s not uncommon in high places in politics. Even Hitler had a few copies but I don’t think of Trump as a Hitler i think though some in Jesuitism of the RCC would like to replace him and trick him as they have done in the past. Weird times we are in and false flags were not an everyday occurrence in the past as they seem to be now so I do think we are in tribulation and armageddon and revelation as well. I would have never dreamed it would be this way from what I had read about it but don’t discount it because of the persecution of women who aborted by the RCC and other religions united with the RCC is a big sign and using hospice via starvation and drugs to murder and suicide the Mother Teresa way as an answer to abortion and when Jesus at the Sea of Galilee told Peter to feed his sheep is a sign. Lots of coincidences. the migration/illegal immigration is partially to cover it up orchestrated by the RCC. Very tricky and hopefully Trump will be able to handle it. Its a sign of the end probably the end of the church for its lies and abuse and I don’t know about the world. I’m hoping it goes on without the RCC and it’s devious clergymen and mostly the Jesuits and the mob who have ruined it with the help of the BGEA and Mother Teresa and those who remain silent like they did when Hitler and fascism was ruining life for many people and immigrating as well into other countries against the will of the european countries at the time.

Trump should not be impeached because so far he has not done anything wrong but blamed for what Obama has set up

but Obama has done a lot of wrong doings in the billions of dollars and is using a lot of people in the wrong way:

His first mistake was trying to disarm the USA. and his second was screwing up the medical field which was doing very well before he took office

except the insurance business was involved in many scams and causing trouble for the business of medicine

but Obama was a Senator at one time as well and being coddled by the RCC and Kissinger who groomed him.

My ex’s cat died ten days after I gave caesarian birth to my first born and he wouldn’t come home to help me while i was dealing with a new born from a gig which was unimportant and it was cruel and i had to watch his cat die and I guess he resented my contribution of getting pregnant and having a baby and when he saw my daughters fingers he said they looked like some kind of white worms (grub worms) used in fishing as bait. It was disgusting. I should have divorced him then but I stuck it out and I thought i could not have a baby as pretty as my first and I did and she was just as pretty. I was blessed even though when I was younger I had an abortion but too bad about Laura InGraham who didn’t and has been a critic of females like me. Jealous? Which is why I have been very resolute in attacking her ideals against mine and I bet i know a lot more than she does about God. A very different perspective but I studied on my own and wasn’t pigeonholed into believing bullshit because of religion and it’s holidays and trends, etc. She has a right to believe the way she does but she is very wrong, that I know. Can she answer the question about he mustard seed or will she do as my ex does and because he can’t explain why it was used as an example in the synoptic gospels in regards to faith and turning to the excuse of rhetoric as if it makes it acceptable or truthful? But he lies a lot and because there are many ignoramuses in the world feels safe in its power but I wouldn’t if I were you. Just a fair warning because these are not normal times at all.

I paint beautifully (I DONT MIND SAYING SO MYSELF) and have gotten ridiculed for it by my two sisters except by my mom and dad and daughters. One basically diminished it by considering it to be worth very little money wise even though on porcelain when trying to capture a picture it can take me a long time an the other because she loved me not. People get jealous of talent. I remember the first painting I did on porcelain in a class of other women of a giraffe on a piece of porcelain and the next time I saw them at a meeting I was exoriated over the fact I wore culottes. I didn’t know shorts were not allowed in an art club which is ridiculous and these were kind of long culottes and i was younger and didn’t appreciate me because painting was easy for me. A bunch of christian biddies being bitches or lets put it this way a few bad ones can spoil the broth. Christianity is a big turnoff because of the behavior of Christians as if the WORD didn’t help them but made them into snarkies especially in a group. Peer pressure is powerful but not necessarily good and usually bad. Chrisitan men also have lost their way and are very bad witnesses of their religion more so and possibly because they are attacked more spiritually for becoming christian but better start doing a better job and stop lording over people. Christopher Hitchens in my opinion is a far better man than probably every Christian man I have met because he is/was truthful for the most part about a very serious subject. Let me tell you I don’t believe for a minute he is excluded for his lack of faith but those of the faith will be denied access to God for their lack of truthfulness. My dad was a pretty honest man as well and i guarantee God appreciates him far more than the most christian of the christian faiths and the same for my mom. The church has hit rock bottom and is a disgrace for not accepting the truth about faith. I guess it was faith that got Obama Care signed? it didn’t work very well, did it?


“WE BELIEVED NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAID” the men in the village said to the woman at the well “BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT HE SAID.” It is kind of a simile. The woman didn’t have to tell them at all and probably shouldn’t have. It would have been best and he could have gotten his own water since it was noon and gave it to her to drink to be nice. He knew all about her which is why she ran to the village to tell the village. Supposedly she had been married five times and told him the truth about her marriages. But the post I wrote about the Fig Tree is about the knowledge of the personal lives of others and how the information is gained and sometimes it has nothing to do with God but with organization like the NSA or other places such as Fox News and the other channels who like to intimidate people for their religion and for politics by doing the things I have witnessed them do which aren’t serene nor kind nor good but devious. The RCC has been collecting information for a long long time. And also a collective mindset. The well where a person called Jesus met the woman was in the area of Israel called Samaria (Franklin Grahams Samaritans purse) and I recall Pope Benedict made a warning in his writings about Charity in Truth which is not what Franklin Graham has done in the past, nor has the RCC.

Lots of coincidences.

I don’t know if it was really Jesus by what he said to her about the time twice “The hour cometh…””But the hour cometh, and now is…..” Kind of an odd statement and then he said “If you knew who I was you would give me drink,” he said. So maybe he was a witness? Seems to me if he knew who she was he might have done the same being a witness. But shows how men felt about the testimony of a woman who told the truth. NOT MUCH.  When Jesus was crucified he asked for a drink and said “I thirst” and got vinegar with some kind of herb and soon died (possibly poison.) He didn’t get water, that’s for sure. supposedly was hyssop. It’s confusing in a way but there is so much added to the bible diluting the truth which is too bad. I think Jesus died at noon was part of the point of the meeting of the woman at the well at noon (6th hour) while he was talking to her at the well Jesus was dying. The men he was with before he had a chat with the woman at the well when they came back were amazed he talked with a woman meaning they were priests of some kind who went to find food on their way. Jesus had women friends so why were the men amazed? At the supper called the last supper in the gospel of John Jesus dips his bread in sop and gives it to Judas and says “do what you must” because Judas (may have been in a bind or solicited by the temple people possibly the mob and had no choice and he knew about it) and Jesus knew it and tells someone who wrote about the last supper in the gospel of john it would be who would betray him. He wanted to be betrayed, I think. The act at the dinner table was a demonstration when he dips his bread not necessarily the person at the table but I think in order to be crucified before or at a set time? It was his plan. and the person who says Indeed the Son of man goeth but woe unto the man who betrays him will wish he had never been born. Son of man means man. Son of a man. Son of God means something else other than man. It’s a threat. A lot of differences between the Jesuses of the bible and in the gospels. In the Gospel of jJohn the secret followers were Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea and it wasn’t a secret or it would not have been written about in the Gospel of John. In the old testament said “he would make his grave with the rich and the evil “and I think speaking about the two secret followers. Being rich is not evil. So one of them was evil and I think it was Nicodemus but may have been a follower of Joseph of Arimathea because he was also rich. I think Joseph was the son of Matthew the tax collector. Supposedly Joseph was also the son of Jacob of Jacob’s well but I don’t know if they are one and the same.  Evil tends to like richness to use it and likes to use tax dollars. Could be the opposite. Nicodemus could be an anagram of Demonics or nicks demon or onyx demon or the black stone/ meteor.which might have to do with Islam and Mecca the stone followers walk around wearing white humming and usually are men who do it walking around in one direction. It fell out of the sky and the Mohammad worshiped a stone of some kind or had others worship a stone either before or after he married a nun but I don’t think she was from Austria as in The Sound of Music. Weird stuff because it leaves one without really any answers as to the meaning. One other possibility is Jesus went to Samaria to show male chauvinism. I don’t think Jews traveled in the area during biblical times or avoided the area for some reason so maybe it was a settlement of the RCC but he said he must needs go through Samaria. Maybe Samaria was islamic or palestinian? It doesn’t say who she is or what race. The story about his friendship with Martha and Mary seems very odd in light of the men with him amazed he talked to this woman at the well. What about Mary Magdelene? Were the men amazed by her or Elizabeth? I know his disciples complaimed about the expense of Mary Magdalenes oil she used for Jesus. So something amiss about their amazement seeing Jesus talking to a woman as if the men were of some kind of monk community traveling about. It is interesting if you are interested. Mentions a prophet in the same page of the bible of John 4 

44 For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.

Who sent him? A prophet?

34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

One of the things best about John 4 are the verses 21-24 and is understandable and very believable is the following;

21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth

(Why did he need to finish his work? Was it interrupted by a crucifixion? Was he a decoy? Had Jesus already been crucified. (I thirst-Give me drink The hour cometh and now is ) Why didn’t he give the woman the everlasting water? She was willing and a bit flustered because he knew all about her marriages or was it in response to the vinegar? Did he give the men the water? because she didn’t give him a drink he denied her the everlasting water? Is that all it takes to be denied salvation and ever lasting life? Probably more to the meaning. The Jesus of the Gospel of Matthew has people give dues to the jews (the temple though controlled by Rome?/Islam?) as a testimony unto them so this seems to support it. This passage of verses also seems to degrade her truthfulness, her word, and her gender by the village. Why did he say we know WHAT we worship? Pontius Pilate said “What is truth” to Jesus when Jesus was talking about the truth. Is the What the Black Stone? Meteor? the Box at Mecca? The US Constitution? a Seeping Statue? The cross? Money? Power? The Labia? The Ten Commandments?  Is God a what? This also seems to support baptism for the baptists. Samaritans purse BGEA. I don’t believe it is necessary but Jesus suffered it to be so (to fulfill all righteousness probably prophecy and the requirements of the day, it was popular and for John the Baptist to be a witness of the holy spirit – a dove descending upon him) but has since been changed in the bible. suffer it to be so now means allow it to be so when earlier in context in the gospel of john when he is baptized it seemed to mean do it anyway even though you john the baptist are a bonafide scum bag kind of meaning (allegedly his cousin who ate locusts in the dessert and leaped in Elizabeth’s womb). God uses people of all kinds and no one is perfect. He has to deal with reality so keep it in mind. But also keep in mind the devil does the same. At the time John the Baptist had made a name for himself baptizing. God used Moses who murdered a slave handler who was beating his slave to death to free the Hebrew slaves working for the Pharaoh at the time and to present the Ten Commandments to the Hebrews to preserve it and to present it to the world. So as far as salvation is of the Jews maybe true if the Jews are the descendants of the Hebrews which some are. but would have been nice if he referred to the Ten Commandments and not to the water. Water is obviously needed lots quicker than food in a starvation sense if without both and the world is predominantly water (71 percent of earth is water, 96.5 percent of the 71 percent is ocean water) and the Jews were able to make the desserts bloom using desalinization of ocean water, I think) but I think it is sort of a deceptive presentation into passage in order to baptize even though Jesus himself didn’t baptize using water. I know catholics baptize at birth and not at conception and by sprinkling and baptists do it by dunking like a donut at any age if requested sometimes in a glass tank of water so others may watch and sometimes in a river. I think Jesus did get baptized because of what was occurring at the time in the area and suffered it to be so to fulfill other peoples requirements of righteousness not because it was necessary for him to do. I baptized my self in an above ground pool of water by myself a while back and no one cared because it was unnecessary as eating a wafer. I can cook better than the wafer. I remember being at a church with my tot and she dropped the wafer and preacher was upset acting and it was like OH PLEASE so we didn’t do it at all. Forget it. He acted like we had dropped Jesuses toe or something. It was silly. It was Methodist Church and I don’t think a catholic priest had transfigured, transmorphed, transmortified, transubstantiated, or turned it into Jesus yet. It was still in it’s raw form of a very thin wafer and surprisingly a very tasteless wafer. Like the drug called Devil’s breath is tasteless. though I have seen pictures of people bleeding out of their mouths because the people who take if frequently need it more often, like a drug.  A friend called me the one who had her marriage annulled but she was upset because she choked on the eucharist and wanted to know if it meant anything. I said I don’t think so trying to make her feel better about it but maybe it did mean something. It is kind of tough to choke on a eucharist, i think. Both happened a long time ago one of which was at my parent’s church. The baptism probably was a gift he gave to those who do it and used John the Baptist the author of it to be his witness of fulfilling it which he did written about in the bible and for those that don’t because he did suffer to educate people about God and the Ten Commandments and about forgiveness and love however some people don’t understand the dimensions of both love and forgiveness and is not a thing to be flippant about as if it is like tossing a coin in the air as Mother Teresa attempted to do when a bunch of people in India were killed, maimed and poisoned in a chemical and pesticide disaster accident or staged terrorist attack affecting 600,000 people and their children in Bhopal India one of the worst industrial accidents or purposeful attack in order to get her fame to start her business of Hospice but forgiveness is a process and to educate about false religions and even about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed not being the smallest of seed. We needed Zacharias Jonhson to invent the microscope in order to be revealed to us the difference between the size of the mustard seed and the size of a spermocyte (a seed) and Queen Elizabeth via Christopher Columbus and also Magellan and other explorers to reveal the earth was not flat but round and Galileo Galilei as well in many respects and lot of other great and curious minded people most inspired by God regardless of their affiliation to religions which is a process as well and the world itself as well and those in it. Usually the passage said God is spirit not God is a spirit as if there are a bunch of them. Should worshippers worship God in a spirit or in spirit? Maybe perhaps the capitalization of Spirit vs the uncapitalization of a person in their spirit to pray. Problem is people call the pope the Holy Father and believe me men and women the pope is not GOD nor the Father neither worth anymore than anyone else. The pope is pompous putz and in a position of putzhood. The pope is an ignoramus. As my brother might say a stupendous idiot.The hour cometh and now is might be a reference to daniel 7:25 time ,times, and the dividing of times as an hour as the basis for the time .Many bible scholars and prophecy types say an hour with the beast is 10 years. so might mean 35 years others say it means 3 and  a half years but is IF those people are correct and of course we don’t really know. Who are the holy people? definitely the vatican but might include more people. Wear down the saints could mean a lot of things when you consider Mother Teresa was sainted. could mean wearing their identities facially or in other ways.

Daniel 7:25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the set times and laws, and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time. IN the gospel of John 4 I think because of the past reading it quite a few times has been changed and may have intended to change the time of the crucifixion or death by possible hyperbole of the 6th hour….noon which was the 6th hour in the John 4 before and meant something else because the woman came to the well at this time to avoid other people or to have access easier to the well as a habit and Jesus knew it. Jesus the true one was not a hyperbolist nor a rhetoric type of person but laid down his life for his friends which I don’t think was the Pope perhaps a few in the past, the ones who attempted to do the right thing when they had the chance which I think there were a few but there isn’t now. One lived about a month before he was killed in recent years biblically speaking and to be a beacon of what is to come which I think occurred recently biblically speaking. The Vatican makes plans way ahead as Russia is said to do but even further ahead to plump up the Vatican, GLOBAL WARMING type stuff. NEO CATECHUMENAL WAY type STUFF etc. HOSPICE type stuff. Also God doesn’t seek to get worshippers but the RCC does and well as Islam does also as do many churches because it’s their bread and butter. People seek God often at or because of things occurring in their lives usually caused by the church seeking them in a multitude of ways. The increase watered by Apollos etc.which Paul spoke about and gives them power. Increase of followers and voters in elections because of it like illegal immigration seeks to do via the church of ROME. Jesus is not a eucharist either no matter who thinks they can transform a cracker into his body such as the RCC. by some imagination or trick or rite. It was done at the last supper as in remembrance or a reminder.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness (the son of destruction) is revealed. the rebellion is the apostasy and  armageddon etc

Why not say “suffer not to deceive you?

Of course letting no man deceive you is super tough when so much deception is going on so don’t take this verse too seriously. Pie in the sky kind of demand by Paul. It’s I think a Paul contribution. Man of lawlessness may be Paul, himself, his biblical new testament name. His name was SAUL and was a hunter of Christians and found a better way to do it. Why dost thou persecute me? said the light to Saul on the road to Damascus two or three times related by Paul. I don’t know his world name but could be the son of a pope or Mount krakatoa anakkrakatoa. A volcano in the indonesia area where there are ten toes/horns i.e. ten kings and NOW IS ISLAMIC and ASEAN the area where the Jesuits played havoc during WWll when Douglas McArthur tried to help those in distress and is a new alliance. I DON”T KNOW could be a coincidence. Not too far from the Indian ocean either where the tsunami occurred which changed the axis of the earth itself and Japan and the nuclear accident poisoning some of the ocean and also Viet nam. ASEAN is an asian alliance financial and business/economic group of some kind . Maybe I will look into it and maybe not. India where Mother Tersa got her shit started. The Roman Catholic church is definitely involved. Very controversial area. Not too far away is Korea. Portugal is important because ithe eruption of Krakatoa or Ana Krakatoa even reached Portugal and caused some problems. the name is a Portuguese name. I had read there was some kind of water attack via the earthquakes which occurred in and around 1883 but I could have misremembered it which killed a lot of people. Perhaps it meant in the area of the volcano. It’s been a while since I researched it and I do not have a photographic memory and never have. I wish it were so it might really help me but it isn’t so I might as well not worry about it. By research I mean in a overall kind of master of none type research. I;m sorry I was thinking of the earthquake in Lisbon Portugal which was in 1755 on All Saints Day.

How far away could the eruption of Krakatoa be heard?
3,000 miles
The last of these made the loudest sound ever recorded on the planet. It could be heard as far away as central Australia and the island of Rodrigues, 3,000 miles from Krakatoa.

Krakatoa erupts – Aug 27, 1883 – HISTORY.com

The world’s loudest sound. The sound made by the Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 was so loud it ruptured eardrums of people 40 miles away, travelled around the world four times, and was clearly heard 3,000 miles away.Oct 2, 2014″

Eye hath not seen nor ear hear nor entered the heart of man the things God has prepared for them that love him. PAUL

And Obama thought Mt. McKinley was a volcano.

What is the most high mountain? I guess it depends. Most high might be referring to God or a mountain depending on who is interpreting Daniel and who or what Daniel meant or saw in his vision.

AND NOW IS is also interesting talking about the hour – 153 – NWO – NEW WORLD ORDER When did the NWO start? 1993? Which could also be considered an apostasy. 


By the way notice the neither and the nor of the statement

21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

part of the verses above and remember what Paul said in

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
Very similar style as the statement at the well.
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
So it makes me think it might be Paul who was a jew born in Turkey etc. I’m not sure it was Jesus at the well with a bunch of men who were amazed he talked to a woman when Jesus had women friends he loved.
But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.
ALLOW ME meaning of suffer me in this instance. So wanted to be the me of FOLLOW ME I guess? I can’t say for sure but is possible. when Jesus said it at the Sea of Galilee to Peter so it seems though may not be true or may be true he is replacing himself for Jesus.
I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.
Paul also taught at some point that Jesus didn’t understand their language. Which is ridiculous and also Paul taught they could have it all as far as gods go. which isn’t the law.

1 Corinthians 3:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

The ideal of the kouros (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis.

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

I think he was dealing with a ton of people who believed in a bunch of different gods but it seems and it is hard to separate truth from fiction especially these days and because of the changes made in the bible to accommodate the RCC and others but seems to contradict the law in the Ten Commandments. and is trying to be me or Jesus maybe both just to add to the confusion. What does Jesse or Maxine think? Anyway the rest of John 4 goes into one sow and another reaps which is BULLSHIT very much like I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. I think it has changed John 4 since I read it a few years ago or I learned a bit more. still there are nuggets of truth and it is more like God is in the details and the devil has taken over the bible. Trust your judgement and allow God to show you as you progress. Don’t trust preachers or priests because most are untruthful and political for their own gain and most are thieves. There are some I’m sure I hope who are decent but I wouldn’t trust any of them. Go it alone.  It’s safer.

Cilicia was part of Southeastern Anatolia Region and  southern part of Turkey near Syria was where Paul is said to have said he was from. somewhat close to Aleppo Syria and areas close to the areas that are disputed territories of both Syria and Turkey such as RAQQA or RACA mentioned in the NEW TESTAMENT of the bible.

But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Luckily we only had one brother and I doubt he said RACA and we might have said something similar but not exactly in those words. I think jesus in the Gospel of Matthew is threatening anyone who dares to threaten Raca of Syria/Turkey, probably where Paul resided. I don’t know what the word RACA means but it is capitalized whereas fool is not so either it is a city or a name of SOMETHING but not GOD. I do think whoever said the above verse is a maniac and out of his mind because it is ridiculous. Often people are angry without a cause because of deception or misunderstandings but it is funny we are lately dealing quite a bit with the area written about in the Gospel of Matthew because it is so fragmented. Here is a fun post I wrote a long while ago and may reread it someday to improve upon it and I may not but I found some things that seemed very odd so wrote about it:

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

I use the term neither or nor because it is used by Paul sometimes I use it facetiously sometimes because loving God is not easy sometimes and I don’t think he expected us to know how to love God except via the people we love and our experiences especially after some threatening statements as in the Gospel of Matthew which aren’t very loving or are very confusing because of additives as in food which can make them unhealthy depending on the additive.

Baptism is a ritual and only a ritual in the category of traditions of some religions but to place it above believing in God or above the Ten Commandments is a mistake. It has nothing to do with the heart of man. I think baptism when requested is the heart of person at the time of the baptism usually in connection with a conversion to a religion but has nothing to do with the perpetuation of the heart of a man or woman in believing in God because it is only a ritual and/or a tradition. I think that occurs over their lifetimes raising a family or not raising a family and believing in God and God helping them to believe in God in all the ways God provides to the person via personal revelations between the individual and God through experiences when God reveals himself while living in the world and possibly even after dying in the world which I believe is possible, etc. Also in the OT when the Hebrews were roaming for 40 years and came across some serpents they were to look up at a staff with a serpent on it in order to ignore the ones on the ground. I don’t think God should have led them through a bunch of serpents and supposedly it was a test but I don’t think it is God doing the testing. Who tempted Jesus in the dessert? God? Not everyone is a the same level spiritually in a group of people. I think someone thinning the population might though. I don’t know for sure about it. Why wonder through the dessert for 40 years? I think the Hebrews got lost following a cloud by day and a fire by night. Not sure it was what God had in mind for them unless it was to work some things out amongst themselves. I know there spies amongst them just like there is now but kind of strange but might be imagery. I think the Ten Commandments basically was God’s purpose for the Hebrews. I think they were not following very well at the time and there was quite a bit of turmoil in their travels and probably listened to some wrong voices or signals as everyone does sometimes. Would you follow a cloud by day and a fire by night? I think the Hebrews followed the stars the real Hebrews because they knew about traveling at night. Astronomers.IMO. I don’t believe God kills with his sight or he would be blind to people he freed and I don’t think God is blind. Sounds blind shiekish. Perhaps two different things going on at the same time. Two different groups simultaneously traveling or I don’t think the Ten Commandments would have survived the trip. I think death does kill with his eyes. I remember watching a show a series that was very popular and I told this in a different post I wrote and said something (I cant remember what it was that was said and both my ex and I were watching and it seemed to go to him and then he looked at me I looked DOWN in order to not see what was in his eyes because it made me sick. I think it was death. I was literally sick for a few moments and then I left the room. I  don’t know why I knew to look down but perhaps it was what was said. The ex was very hard to live with at the time doing weird shit. Scary stuff as if he was trying to kill me. I saw it again another time on another show using the TV. I knew it was evil what I saw. Super duper evil. The show was about politics in DC a series and it was just one show and one aside kind of a Shakespeare aside said and a possession kind of thing into the camera. I stopped watching the show because of it. It was an interesting show but something happened then. It starred a very good actor (Kevin Spacey and whatever was in him at the time because I don’t think it was him but something in him via the camera or the power of TV and was sort of like a short-lived transfer of power of evil) whom I appreciated his talent but not then. It was testing me and it wasn’t God. I enjoy Shakespeare plays normally but not this time and the show kind of took a turn for the worse so I was glad I stopped it occurred sometime after he pushed the girl onto the tracks. I have seen the look in the eyes of some war pictures in the past of people in the trenches. War is hell especially close up and I know sometimes are necessary but war is fighting usually evil. Old WWll and Vietnam war pictures in a few of the men not all of them just one here or there as if they might have been part of the problem even on our side like the person was planted in our troops, know what I mean?. I DO. I know what I mean. Might have had different results in some of those battles if those plants weren’t there and of course we have had some plants at places allowing the enemy to enter some of our fortifications during the Obama Administration given access to terrorists to kill some troops by not guarding their posts overseas. I remember a few occasions which I wrote about in some earlier posts of the blogs I have written as it was occurring. Even wrote about when JFK’s older brother died suspiciously and I think it was a bot of some kind which killed him and probably the same for his son both in airplanes JFK’s older brother because as Jackie said he lacked imagine even though she had never met him so how would she know which I expounded upon he had died way before she had even met JFK? her marriage and her meeting was set up by Cardinal Cush or Cushing who was in Annapolis when JFK was assassinated and given the message when the deed was done and then to some extent officiated the funeral as did Jackie. In my opinion NOT good company to keep in our country or on our borders. IN FACT IT IS PLAIN STUPID AND TRUMP OUGHT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. MAKE THEM CEASE AND DESIST and get out of the business in the USA because they do not respect nor represent the interests of the USA but do represent the INTERESTS OF THE VATICAN FIRST AND FOREMOST because who actually gives them their titles as ArchBishops? LEON PANETTA?. NOT A GOOD SIGN FOR THEM!!! WHY NOT GET SOME RUSSIAN ORTHODOX LEADERS AND SOME IRANIAN PRIESTS AND SOME HEZBOLLAH RELIGIOUS LEADERS ON THE BORDER AND CHINESE BUDDHIST LEADERS TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE ON OUR BORDERS TRYING TO MAKE OUR LAWS about immigration. DUH. Perhaps we need to send a few armed militias to the borders to offset the troublemakers. Getting kind of close to an all out war and I don’t think the Vatican has nukes do they? Does Mexico CIty? maybe incognito but not as many as we have besides all the other ways a war can be implemented. A very dangerous game and if I were the Vatican I wouldn’t play it. (But then again play it and lets get the show on the road to the end of the Vatican ASAP.) Trump isn’t the average President. The Episcopal church got involved somewhere in the USA pitting Mary and Jesus in a cage as did ISIS trying to make a statement in regards to the way illegals have been treated but I heard the pictures of illegals in cages actually came from when Obama was President.


I went to the Episcopal church as a kid and was confirmed in the church and right after the church invested in a new organ it was struck by lighting and burned to the ground. The only reason I was confirmed in the episcopal church was because it was nearby. Basically watched a bunch of animation films about Jesus. It was the church that made me sick every time I attended in the chapel. The lightning coincided also with a change in rectors/rucker and the one who replaced the first was effeminate though I don’t remember his face just how he walked  nor remember anything of value he said but I can say the same for the rector/rucker before him but sort of remember his face vaguely only because he was there longer before it was electrocuted and he seemed nice. It was a very unfriendly group of people and we did not fit in very well but it had a vending machine of sodas and nice yard to play in when we wanted to play football etc. The Episcopal Church was similar to the Catholic Church in many ways but called their leaders rectors or ruckers (something like it) instead of priests I think is the term. I didn’t take it seriously because i was a young teen when confirmed and used to get sick in church (I didn’t throw up but felt weak, sick to my stomach and dizzy and would have rather been playing I had IRON POOR BLOOD as well but going to church was like an exercise in wasting my time but afterwards a lot of weird stuff started happening. I didn’t feel sick at school and hated school but I didn’t get sick at school that I remember on a regular basis. KInd of sexual type events which could be considered harassment but not by anyone in particular but very weird which I have written about in another post and seemed like spiritual sexual harassment after the confirmation but then we moved. I was like thirteen when it started like an initiation. I was growing up from a kid to a teenager and my sister had met her future husband as well and got married to him and of course he had an organ he could not control and so forth which coincided I guess timing wise to when the church burned down. My dad had been doing his tours of duty as well in Vietnam for a couple of years two different ones. I wrote about our meeting of Gary the first time when he was dating my sister at the college they attended and his visit to our home and then our visit to his and then the wedding etc. in some other post.

“If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup.”

When Bret Baier was interviewing a few people in regards to Benghazi I raised my voice and called one of the guests a liar out loud because it pissed me off and the guest heard it and I knew it and he was lying. It was intense. Did it again on a different unpolitical show when one of the stars was cheating and i caught him cheating and he knew it. He was cheating a girl at poker and it was so obvious and she lost beau-coups of money. I think it was done purely because she was a female. Dumb show too and not very much fun for a smart audience however for s stupid one might be. why do I want to know what each person has in their face down cards. Takes all the fun out of it for the audience. to see how one bets knowing the cards is kind of like acting. No surprise especially when whispering out loud who has what as if there isn’t a thing called hearing aids. or devices in order to cheat another player. REALLY SILLY. People are sometimes silly and easily duped which everyone has been in their lives  as well but to advertise it. All of these things occurred during the Obama Administration and was an extremely rough time for me and all of my family members. And of course the guy at the restaurant when I was with my daughter cleaning her residence so we were kind of a mess but not noticeable and she saw what I saw and it was not God, it was evil looking through his eyes very much like the guy who allegedly was in North Korea in the picture sitting at the desk but his was more like a wild animal inside him who later died of botulism. The previous was different than the caged animal look of possession which I saw in Rev Wilkerson which I showed in a picture and I think he was dealing with some evil and did expose it. He exposed Billy Graham and the BGEA but his career was made by Billy Graham years before. Similar to looking at a real dracula kind of personality and very demonic from the pits of hell.)  Lots of things are being changed to support the Gospel of Matthew things I have noticed. What is worship? Does anyone know? Is it bowing ? Conceding to ones wishes? Does the Ten Commandments say to worship or how to worship and who not to worship, not what? what did he mean about the hour cometh? The hour with the beast?  I heard in some passage he is still working on his work and it certainly doesn’t seem to be over but at the cross said IT is finished when he gave up his spirit and some say ghost.. What does IT is finished mean? Salvation is of the Jews and I thought salvation was of God) i don’t mean to be over critical  or over analytical which I tend to be when reading the bible because the devil is a tricky one but God has a few tricks as well. If I had heard someone say the passage above I would have been very impressed but reading it not just once and letting it sink in while thinking about what is written it has some holes and problematic tentacles. i.e. inconsistencies. Doesn’t mean I will or won’t later discover things of the same passage however it might change again and then I will have to reexamine it for more holes, feathers and twigs..

The next post inked is kind of fun.

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

(does not have to do with Baron Von Trapp!)

John 4 Doesn’t say anything about faith or the mustard seed. To worship in spirit is kind of hard to understand but I think prayer might be the meaning. How to worship? Gosh who knows but I do know singing hymns and repeating psalm books stuff did nothing for me inside and standing up and sitting down and kneeling at the same time with other parishioners made me sick. I used to get sick at church and had to leave early. My brother also. But I believe worshiping the Father in spirit via prayer is the meaning. Not fasting but counting on God to steer you and to help your family and those you love. Not necessarily in a closet or at a church or at a specific time. I do it in private and have silent ones at places or times when it was important. At my dad’s bedside before he died. To believe about Moses etc. To see a dove dying outside his hospital window in the yard while he is dying was a pretty big deal to me and a sign. We had gone to see him before and he was going home because he was cured and then someone gave him a pill he could not swallow and he choked and aspirated and I had to fly back again. It was so disappointing. he went into septic shock. How could a hospital have made such mistake but it was more than that.  I think he was murdered. Usually when someone chokes the doctors have means to fix it like in many instances when people choke. Supposedly my little BGEA sister went home to clean his apartment while he was being checked out of the hospital when the pill was given to him and then called to tell me the bad news. Someone did either her or my older sister. My little sister picked me up at the airport when I flew in and we found the dove. There is a story about Paul giving a sermon when someone falls out the window. I think it is similar to the story. I guess Paul lands on him and brings him back to life or something like it but it is a weird story however the dove was outside and i put the dove in the shade and went in to see my dad. The stone. Paul. there may have been more than one Paul as there may have been more than one Jesus. Decoys to distract from the devil and or imitating famous people who have built a name and trying to rob and steal from those unaware. Back then there was no tv.

King James Bible
Luke 20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. 

I saw something and remembered something about how my dad was acting and he was watching my little sister very closely though he was high on some kind of medication and very sick before the second trip on the first trip to see him. He couldn’t talk but his eyes followed her wherever she traipsed puttering around being the good caretaker. It was different and unusual how he was acting like he was studying her. I think he was and I think he knew something wasn’t right and was showing me in a way because his eyes never left her and it was not easy for him to keep his eyes open and at first I thought it was cute but later after I saw what kind of person she had turned into it wasn’t cute. I love my little sister but she isn’t the brightest person or wasn’t in some ways. (she thought I was the devil and satan at one point in this story when she was mad at me via e-mails and then said give me back my sister in the e-mail so wrote back if your sister is satan and the devil why would you want her back? and she stopped writing. ) She took her sons medicine for a while to lose weight called Ritalin and she drank too much as a rule. A very bad combination (but was early on before this stuff regarding my parents when her and her husband were reaping rewards from their business and their kids were young. I don’t know about later on except for the drinking) When i picked her and my mom up from my older sister’s house once to bring them home she had drunk too much and we had an argument and she started hitting me over and over again on the back of my head while I was driveng and my kids were in the car as well. It was hard enough I could hardly keep my head up to see where I was driving luckily I was in the neighborhood next to our neighborhood and it was the night I kicked her out of my home which my mom went with her. I must have pushed some kind of button to have caused her reaction. This was after my dad had died. I think my sister used some of my moms money because of the nasty divorce she was in. It was nasty and not her fault for the most part. Christian lawyers took advantage of the situation and screwed both her husband and her. She chose them because they said they were Christian divorce lawyers. The lawyers saw her coming. There was a lot of money to be had the company was very successful and written up about in a prestigious publication as being very successful. She was going through a lot of hard knocks and had helped to build the business and raise their kids and his first wifes kids. I felt bad for having kicked her out because of my mom and I to this day wished I hadn’t but she was furious and breathing fire out her nose at me when we got to my house reminded me of Mel Gibson in Braveheart when he is egging on a battle with the English and I was kind of shook up by the beating. It was not her fists but open palms over and over again straining my neck hitting my head. I didn’t want to deal with it so I kicked her out but I wish I had called her back but I was shaken. I have witnesses. I knew she was going through bad stuff very hurtful stuff in regards to the man she loved and he loved her too but their friends got in the way. MONEY and so did her daughter-in-law who also had a young daughter the age of the one that died and I think probably could have been on purpose for inheritance not necessarily by her but by something spiritual that isn’t nice. She was a big problem the one that complained her husband didn’t pay attention to her while he watched football as she was sucking him to my sister and her husband in their bedroom. She was doing this in their home in the living room and bitched about her husband, their son (his son) to them in their bedroom probably on sunday. She was a singer at the church they went to. A Christian church. A very good singer but she was no angel though she was pretty enough blond and beautiful and a very good singer. They met her through the church in Houston area where the nouveau rich tend to live. My sister’s husband introduced her to his son.  They were definitely nouveau but he and she built quite a business and then everyone started glomming on and at first they liked it and then it got to be a burden. Everyone wanted a piece of the action some in good manner and some not. The son from the first marriage and the eldest of his children of my brother in law who also put a gun to my sister’s head once. He was troubled because of his mom and hated her and loved my sister maybe too much. The daughter tried to commit suicide on aspirin and had her stomach pumped and did not get along with my sister which is kind of normal and had come to live with them a little later on than the son and it’s her daughter pictured below. Obviously, her real mother wasn’t capable or was having trouble and sent the trouble my  sisters way. My sister tried but got little support from her husband and was held responsible for anything and everything that went wrong in the family. bad grades, being threatened with a gun to her head, not showing off her boobs on New Years Eve, etc. Part of the business was her idea and it did well and then he gave it to his friend to be in charge of it instead of her who had worked it to be successful. He used her beauty. She had to get a boob job to make him happy and did the lip thing and other things and she was not secretive about what she did for beauty’s sake as was my older sister who lied about hers as if it came naturally because she was kind of a little bit overly weird about it (a mix of modest, competitive because of her husband, confused) even with people who loved her, etc. My little sister liked to share beauty tips. One New Years Eve I went shopping with her to buy a dress and we found a beautiful  black dress with some stone work (gems) which mainly showed off her pretty long legs and was pretty on the back with a long v neck back showing her back and was sleek and flirty but didn’t show off her boobs like the person’s wife he had gone into business with for a short while who showed her boobs which were very long and about an 8 inch cleavage showing the creases under her boobs as well and was kind of overweight and ugly but my sister’s husband put my sister down because she didn’t show off the boobs to the point of crying. Like she had really screwed up he was quite a bit older than her. She went to the bathroom to clean up from crying and as she exited the bathroom a man complimented her on her looks very sweetly. Told her she was beautiful. She favored Raquel Welch naturally in the face. Raquel had a bunch of surgeries to look like she did on the face but my sister came by the cheek bones of my mom and olive colored skin (We used to call her our lotus blossom) and pretty skin and very feminine and she was a good house keeper and a good saleslady for the company she helped to grow in many ways and believe me beauty sells and raising his former kids and her own but got little credit. Probably the company she developed was less than she thought but more than he felt was her input. His friends kind of ganged up on her for him. He was the President of the company. He used her beauty and personality quite a bit and she helped him quite a bit and he was not easy to live with but he was fun as well. He was loud and gregarious and very generous to a fault especially with his friends which is how he got into trouble and going to church he came out after the sermon and said she ought to do what the sermon was about. He didn’t take it seriously, obviously towards his own improvement but did it jokingly. He had a great sense of humor.  He was kind of a joker but sometimes to a hurtful point and she was sensitive maybe over sensitive. I know because he also did it to me during the time I told my sister in private in a meeting with her and was involved with some work with him via my husband and there was a freak snow storm and he antagonized me when I was very upset after my sister lied to my parents saying I was attracted to Gary or said she was gonna call and tell them I was attracted to Gary and is the reason I left their home without a word 5 hours away and went home in the wee hours of the morning so the job wasn’t completed because of the freak snow storm Ice storm out of season and was hassling me. Early in their marriage he had an affair with his secretary whom he married after they divorced many years later who was married and her husband conveniently died when he was available. It was uncanny and he nicknamed her his field mouse and she was mousy. Not what one would expect to see as a lady who interfered in their marriage. My sister had her moments when she was beautiful. She was an abused woman by many people so it was understandable what happened at the house and in the car because the lawyers really messed things up for both of them but mostly her. Very dishonest lawyers and bullies. Even the second set as well but did better than the first. Her husband ended up in the hospital over their divorce from stress. We went to get some things for her and from their home and made the trip and he brought out the wine and we sat in front of their home in the driveway and things got out of hand and their anger started to rise and so we left because he was kind of fragile at the time so he wouldn’t have another stress attack. He loved her. I think she may have borrowed money from my mom’s estate maybe without my other sisters permission who was the person in charge of the estate but my little sister was hanging out with my mom for quite a while being the caretaker even though it wasn’t her job but she needed her mom who probably allowed her to use some of the money in her estate because she wanted my little sister to be okay and probably got screwed by the lawyers and had to come up with some money to get her divorce settlement and the $35,000 dollar bribe later on from my mom’s estate my sister put into the savings account before my mom was hospiced was to settle it. Possibly. I think she was being blackmailed by my other sister and Gary to shut her up about Gary as my witness and to control her. MIxed her up badly and probably had information about her that might have put her in a bad light. Her husband accused her of having an affair while she was separated from him and living with me. My older sister did the same when she was separated and my brother the same and about everyone I know who was in the process of a separation nearing a divorce had an affair usually as a reaction and to lean on and to help in weighing the relationship in their hearts or to figure out what was missing. She was beautiful so she was sought after. Men liked her smile and her humor. It was what made him fall in love with her in the first place and he was jealous even though he drove her away. 

When I had the first operation as a result of the office crap and being followed and threatened and then confrontation with my sister at first and then when I went to the manager and told her what Gary had done grabbing my but and was in a middle of job with them having to do with advertising and was returning it at the same time unfinished because I was done soon after I ended up very sick and other issues as well. She told me she would watch my kids when she was at the hospital and then didn’t because she had to go home and do the laundry I was in the hospital for 14 days sick as a dog on morphine and heavy drugs septic poisoning etc My husband asked for help from her and her husband made her feel bad and she called and said she couldn’t take care of my kids and had to go home and do the laundry for the family who were all grownups by then but majority of males. So my neighbor took my kids for a couple of days and then our dance teacher did the rest for my husband while I was at the hospital. He told me how they came to visit Gary stayed in the car and then went to dinner together and when he talked about the babysitting she was with Gary and my other sister and they laughing and stuff. It’s what I was told. Seeing family is fun and usually we went out to dinner but it was hard to hear about plus her having to go home to do laundry. Later on before she got going in her divorce before she was living with me and was gonna try to help but I forget why was when he accused her of having an affair. it went south after the accusation and he was mistreating her. It was like he and Gary were in tandem or something then and before. then his granddaughter drowned and my older sister was in touch with  him which I avoided not avoided I did not presume to speak to him during this time without my little sister his wife. My older sister was acting like she needed to know what to say to hm and I told her to remind him he had saved her son when he was three years old from drowning at a family reunion when no one saw him slip into the pool even though we were all around because it was so quiet. No splash. anyway he pulled him out of the pool otherwise he would have drowned, He was also three at the time but this was years before their granddaughter did drown. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to say but suggested it to my sister and she had forgotten he had saved her son’s life. I thought it was kind of weird she had forgotten it like she was having problems with her memory. Not something you would forget at least at the age she was at not that old but what was also weird was she was in touch with him which maybe the accusation by him about my sister having an affair was suggested or hinted at somehow. I was not in touch with him so it wasn’t me or the other possibility was she was being watched like I had been during the huge and degrading office experience. I knew I was being watched but no one believed me. My husband inferred I was crazy or paranoid when I knew I was being followed. Anyway we had a huge argument about it and I slapped him on the face once because he was very disrespectful of the truth I was telling him and his glasses fell off and he said later flew about 15 or  30 feet and our garage was half a small two car garage so he was exaggerating but did a wrestling type move after I slapped him and knocked me off my feet in a standing position and was one of the things which occurred soon before I got very sick. I was being watched and followed and entrapped and set up but was ridiculed for thinking it. The company was afraid I would sue them and the company was not nice and while I was going to real-estate school during the time I was still working at the office but being handled the real estate teacher did some weird stuff which made me realize it’s a small world in the real estate business. The company must have tried to use him to make me look weird. He tried to hug me from quite a distance and it was awkward kind of attempt and I pulled back and realized he might be setting me up for a photo from afar because we didn’t have that kind of relationship. We were outside on a break from class  at the time with other students of his class. Gary didn’t like me going to school made fun of it sort of the way he could like an asshole and wanted to keep me as his apprentice to be beneath him for a long time but I was hired under different perimeters by them when they offered me the job when they came to my home to offer me the job and later I found out the hard way it was a set up from the beginning. I was supposed to do the clerical shit and work with him to learn the advertising and would make it possible so he could go out and start to sell real-estate so both would be getting contracts but he never did even try. It wasn’t HIS plan. It was hers. Years before when at my sister’s home my sister took a photo of me hugging my little sisters husband 6 hours away for a family reunion at their home when he came home from work and came out to the pool where we were swimming. I was in my bathing suit as was everyone else and had been enjoying their pool with the kids and he was in his work outfit/suit and I made the gesture in a family kind of way and she snapped a picture of me and him hugging though I didn’t know it. He was 6 foot 6 inches and I was more than a foot less however him in a suit and me in a bathing suit made it funnier and i don’t think my husband was there for the reunion because of his gigs. He never made a pass or made me feel uncomfortable in a sexual way, not in the least and I am sensitive to it more than not sensitive to it. Same with my brother and the same with my dad. NEVER EVER EVER made me feel at any risk of something weird except once when I caught my brother peeking when we were kids which was nothing and kind of normal for kids. I never said anything to him about it but it was not a big deal at all and didn’t feel at risk I did the same probably out of curiosity (I KNOW SO). Later at her home after having it developed presented it to me and my husband and gave me a very strange look of hatred as if she had caught me in the act of soliciting my other brother-in law and the husband of my little sister. She was kind of seething at the same time like i was the cause of all of her troubles in regards to her husband even though everyone was there and it was a normal greeting. I wasn’t having romantic dreams about him and telling his wife (my little sister) about those romantic dreams. SHE WAS. I didn’t go out of my way to photo Gary but I could have but I didn’t because it wasn’t my intent. Perhaps I should have but I’m glad I didn’t waste my time. She told my sister who told me that she had told her the dream she had of kissing my little sister’s husband  on a bridge while my little sister his wife watched them from below. My little sister didn’t like her dream obviously and she should not have related it to her. She was offended and thought it was weird. They were successful and my sister liked success. Both did and everyone does but there is a limit. My little sister told me my older sister was competing with her about size of homes and pools and their noses and their boobs. etc. My older sister had her nose changed during a septum operation for allergies to look like my little sister’s nose. Even her daughter asked her mom about it and she denied it but she had seen some earlier pictures of her mom when her nose was her nose. A bit pudgy but very pretty like marilyn monroe. It was not a nose to be ashamed of at all plus she had the lips to support it but wasn’t satisfied probably because of Gary. She was definitely competing. Her imitation nose was too sharp for her face and made her look bitchier. It was not the same. Later my little sister fell in her walk in closet and broke her nose so it was never the same with a small hump that was not there before. Still pretty. It was kind of strange. My older sister told me my younger sister was a habitual liar. She didn’t use to be but hung out with a girl who was a habitual liar she knew in high school about stupid stuff so probably learned to lie about stupid stuff. She made claims about her singing career having sung with Robert Goulet etc. and possibly did but in a choir situationn amye but exaggerated to a very big extent and was the one who thought she was really funny but was kind of obnoxious but nice too. She was the one who often cackled about do your boobs hang low? do they wobble to and fro? crap which wasn’t very funny. I had to fake a laugh when she did her act. She was quite large and had big boobs and never married though she was still attractive in a way but was very obnoxious as well so when my sister was with her at my home while she lived with me I was being very kind. They were old friends and my sister needed friends at the time. I was not a big drinker so she partied with her sort of often and I think her friend was using her out of loneliness as well. And you kind of had to be drunk to enjoy that kind of humor I guess and my little sister was humored and hammered and humored her. She was kind of venting because of her situation having to live with me and not in her mansion with her family. Her family were big drinkers as well as a rule but it was kind of a rough situation. My sister was trying to deal with her life at the time which was not going well. Anyway I knew my older sister was competing through the years with my title sister. It was obvious and even competing for our parents love and attention. She was the first born but was unsure of herself and possessive of them and eventually they moved to another town to have a life. My younger sister and I agreed via a phone conversation not to pressure or burden our parents for going to every school event or dance or birthday party etc like my older sister who monopolized their attention and affection to give my parents a break. She was very demanding of my parents but it also provided me a chance to see my parents more often when they came to town to support her demands. She was over bearing but because of Gary. I don’t think she would have required the attention as much if he didn’t make her feel inadequate by molesting me and harassing me and others and maybe how he treated her some of the time when I was not around He could be belligerent but she loved him and he could be absolutely one of the funniest people at times. Had a great sense of humor and a weird imagination and was always up for things she liked to do. It was a good relationship other than his lack of respect for other females and a few other things. You could tell she got a kick out of him and was at the same time his boss but I think he needed a boss but resented it at the same time and it was the nature of their relationship as husband and wife or developed into over the years. She was getting 250,000 thousand of dollars a year to spend as spending money at the same time via his dad. Gary wasn’t into shopping or decorating or spending money and she was. He was kind of frugal in a weird way. They would invite you over for dinner and then he would add bring your own steak. Kind of kinky. This was most of the time not just an occasional request so we knew we were dealing with an oddball. At the same time my husband always let someone else pay the bill if we went to a restaurant. It got to be embarrassing. So they also knew they were dealing with an odd ball as well. It got to the point I would have to basically kick him under the table to wake him up at that moment of reconciliation because it was as if he went into a state of inertia at the time of reckoning. It was mutually strange. However when I invited them over to my house which was small either rented or the only home we ever owned for a short while I made the food and served them without asking for their help but since we were a different class it tended to be we were at their home more than ours. We obviously enjoyed their company and they enjoyed ours not just for molestation purposes etc which was not an everyday occurrence but an infrequent occurrence and kind of rare but got to be a problem. We got together frequently because my sister and i were good friends once. We enjoyed each other’s company and she needed me a lot as a companion and with her kids and I needed her and to go on vacations without the husbands either to see my parents or go to the condo my other brother in law and my sister owned who gave us a very good break in price once a year to entertain our families. We had a lot of fun together and it wasn’t to drink but to even do errands together or just to hang out. She was not a big drinker and more like me in the drinking aspect. We hung out together more than they did with all of their numerous friends put together. We were very close but the moletation and the times when the shit happened were not our discussion at all except for the meeting. Both of us tried to handle it from our perspectives as best we could. I think I did a better job of it than she realizes but I guess it was for her her very heart was at stake because she loved him and her lifestyle. She showed a picture to my cousin of him in college at a frat party dancing on a table naked during his college days to get her opinion or to see how she would react. My cousin told me. she had never shown me the picture or I had never seen the picture so it was kind of funny since I was much closer to my older sister than she ever was. So we had a problem and it was Gary that grew into a shit storm over the years but he was as my cousin said “The Golden Boy.”

“oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

She was entrapped. It’s classic. He was entrapped, too. The lawyers made a lot of money. He didn’t want to give in to her demands or to her input in their business and input into their lives, belittling her worth and he lost a lot of money by being unfair. I think they could have done better without lawyers if they had someone to help them and could have saved a lot of money which does affect the kids as well and probably would have caused them to remarry because there was a very big love between them, a passionate relationship, and might have saved his granddaughter’s life if my little sister had been there at the birthday party because it was at their mansion.

This is a picture of his granddaughter who drowned at her 3rd birthday party

(though I’m SURE God has a plan and is preserving her for that plan.

Our family has been through a lot and she was one of the casualties during the Obama Administration.

I have a feeling it is a fantastic plan and a reward for our family for having to go through what we had to go though. )

So the phone call she made with me before the meeting with my brother of my dad saying he thought i was blackmailing her was something kind of odd since she was telling me about it and I told her to tell him I’m not since you know if I’m black mailing you or not. It was like duh. but because she was in touch with me and Gary didn’t like our communication and wanted to isolate me which she told me about. He harassed me and molested me and all the other stuff I told about and he wanted to isolate me. which only a nut would suggest and probably a rapist as well. Not me though not that I know for sure anyway. I heard about his little sister and some kind tryst by his wife before his sister was fourteen I think. Maybe her, i don’t know. He had a big problem. His sister had to have body guards at college in Fort Worth for a while. There was a big inheritance by the Kirchers involved. I don’t know if it has to do with their money or not. A person posing his dick out above his shorts during a showing of a movie on the tv with a bunch of family around is a weird thing to do and i had her as a witness. I wasn’t planning on it but I took the opportunity to get a witness by nudging her with my arm since we were side by side on the couch and he was on the floor to see what he was doing and she saw and made kind of a long look to make sure she saw what she saw. I knew she saw and then did an expression of assent with her hand to her mouth and kind of a nod and then all the other stuff about the calamine lotion occurred about my older sister to offset the occasion of them harassing me. My dad may have been testing her in some way or trying to get an idea of what was going on in regards to the blackmailing comment. It was very complicated, to say the least. I think Gary and Tootie were doing some strange manipulation kind of stuff to my parents and my sister and confusing my brother at the same time in regards to blackmailing. It was really confusing for all of us. It’s not something you talk about over dinner with family. Its a hard subject and uncomfortable for everyone and very complicated and disruptive.

Here is the one and only thing your teenager needs from you this summer

And Back Again

‘The second trip back again while my mom was out of the room my siblings tried to talk me into letting go and I said I didn’t want to I wanted him to live and have every possible chance to live. And then she came back. They hospiced my mom later a few years later with out me. So why should I trust what happened at the hospital. It was surreal. a dirty trick. And happened during the Obama Administration. Something wasn’t right and my mom should have been a part of the conversation. She loved him more than my siblings did. It was a mistaken assumption my siblings knew what was best which is how it was put to me. I love my brother but he isn’t always right and it wasn’t best but he convinced my two sisters very easily. hardly a resistance but I resisted. I think someone shut him off out of convenience. a majority kind of decision? My brother was a Gore follower and my two sisters were BGEA followers. She was very protective of him and he was protective of her which is a connection of the religion involved which shilled for the RCC. He didn’t need protection from me but she played it weird on a visit while he was reading book about God on the couch being obvious. The God Particle. He was a lawyer on both sides and won big cases even against the federal government and he was afraid of me? She acted like it and he acted like it later on at her home. It was odd because he was not afraid of much. Before this visit my sister had to decide the sleeping arrangements at her home and told me about it and both the two older siblings got a bedroom each and I got a blow up bed out in the living room was what I was told. this was before they had finished a bedroom apartment add-on in the garage level of their home. the reason my brother got a bedroom was because she said he was in a wheel chair. he had had a health issue and had had an operation of some kind. He had had some collapses when walking his dog. When I met him at the airport after a long drive with my sister and her husband Gary he was not in a wheel chair and looked as healthy as could be and strong. I was very weak though. It was a long drive because my older sister wanted to find a certain shop on the way. Anyway Gary had brought the blow up bed. My younger sister wanted to place it in the area of the kitchen dinette and the living room area in between near the back door to the balcony and I said no not a good place for me being out in the open (because of Gary) and had it put in the dining room which was very crowded nested sort of under the table and some other piece of furniture with dining chairs around and slept very well. I started a conversation with him about the book he was reading and asked him about it and he said very little but said if I was interested he would send it to me if I was cool enough to read it, kind of a dare and I said yea but somehow it got slightly edgy between us because my sister tried to defend him from me and I was like, Hey he is my brother, I can talk to him if I want to. It was very weird. He was 4 years older than I. He was not a sheepish person. He was one hell of a district attorney and one helluva lawyer for winning a high dollar federal case. Supposedly he lost a bunch of his money on baseball betting games using formulas but I don’t think it was as much as my ex acted like it was. He was quite formidable in regards to baseball because he loved the sport since he was kid. His son nearly got heavily involved in baseball and was very good. He was very smart and didn’t mind letting his sisters know how smart he was thinking of himself as a genius with a low IQ in common sense. He had a few occasions when he ran out of gas. Had a bad sense of direction but all three of the younger kids used to build forts and play war, football, explore places we were not allowed to go with signs saying STAY OUT where we found some bullfrogs the size of dogs got covered in ticks and trekked over logs over riverish streams depending on the season. Once in the place with the bullfrogs we kind of got lost and he got ahead of us and got stuck in some quick sand and told us not to come any further and got himself loose. Thick virginia back woods very untamed marshes fenced off private property places children aren’t supposed to go but we did. He was a bit of a bully liked to take my back while holding on to my shoulders and put his knee into the center of my back and make me get on my knees for fun like an older brother might and I was a tomboy so it wasn’t a big deal but he did it even when I was older to be funny. It was funny between us because of our childhood. He sometimes when we were kids pumped my stomach by pushing on it while I was on the ground to be a jerk. He was not afraid of me. EVER. I was more afraid of him because he could be quite intimidating in a verbal kind of way which is partly why he was a great lawyer but with a sense of humor like my dad and didn’t take himself too seriously but took his job seriously, super seriously. I think he got into trouble because of his talent and because he won a federal case. A big one. One of the memorable times we had when we were kids playing together he took a swig of the 7 up he bought at the church near us and went him and when we got home to have our soda he shook it real good and then put it to his mouth and this big green bubble came out of his nose. I laughed so hard I peed in my pants. It was hysterical. We had good memories together. We camped together in a very very large backyard at the time in a tent during a storm and we talked about stuff including the storm and lightning etc. and never had a sexual problem. Later  as college friends we would go sometimes after a party together with mutual friends to Jack in the Box and he would put on an accent and ask the clerk if he wanted to buy his little sister. Once, we spent about an hour or so saying FUCK YOU in all kinds of different ways and tones to be funny. I guess we were bored so made good use of our time. We traveled together, we camped together, we floated down the Perdanales Falls together we played many games board games and cards games. He used me as his chess partner  teaching me chess and I wasn’t any good comparatively. My favorite board game other than monopoly which was a lot of luck ty game was a game about WWl or ll, It was a fun game. We knew each other very well.  His best friend was my first real boyfriend I met at his first wedding. He was in college and I was a senior in high school. It was a heavy good relationship however I was kind of young. He was a hemophiliac. We used to play a game a beer drinking game at the SMU area club mafigliano I can’t remember the other words but you say a word and one word means you go the person on your left or right or two spaces away with my brother etc. Played a lot of foosball together. We had a great time as a threesome sometimes depending on school. But on a visit to see my older sister and her husband in Houston when he was doing a different career path his first career which didn’t work out he came to see me and stayed the night and I had to tell him to leave because my sister called my mom and dad on him and I even though she knew we were in a deep relationship.  Deep I mean we were sexually active. He loved me and I didn’t really know if I loved him so I couldn’t say it. I was very inexperienced in the love of a guy. He and Gary had a confrontation in the bathroom flexing or something in front of me and it was weird. Like one was tougher than the other and I think he was hurt and defensive and Gary was I don’t know in the bathroom at the same time looking in the mirror. Sort of an ape man thing. Both acting tough. So I was turned off by it. Gary was family. This was before the molestation. I was put in the middle and didn’t hande it well. Before that event my sister and I were hanging out together drinvng around near and in the area of SMU and the fraternities and she saw his truck and his dog in the back of his truck parked in front of his fraternity building. She talked me into getting Bonnie and kidnapping her with a note. He loved Bonnie. He got Bonnie back. I didn’t even recognize the truck so it was weird she did. I didn’t know the college or the frat houses or sorority houses. Bonnie was poisoned not too long after and died at the hands of someone either a bad neighbor or something. I had mononucleosis and he was upset. We could not go out but he came to visit me and we played a ton of card games and other word games on paper.. I guess I didn’t show the proper sympathy for him when his dog died. I was really sick. I had had a temperature one night and was hallucinating talking about formulas and writing them in the air and thought I was really smart. E equals MC squared type stuff and delirious and very sick and a bit selfish. She was a beautiful dog. Now I think it is possible he thought maybe I did something to her. He liked to kid around with clerks and waiters and people who waited on him acting like someone else sometimes with fake teeth to be funny and he was. He got the whole family the kids in my family to go to some kind of meeting where the people could see your auras and were weird for fun. Resourceful entertainer. Before computer games. Later my brother and I after losing a few poker games with him the nightly kind where you have notes for debts incurred invited him over to cheat him at poker for fun to win back our losses. So I marked the cards but it didn’t work out the whole night because the marks were too little and disrupted our game because if we weren’t looking for the marks we might have won and we were hysterically laughing about it as an inside joke without telling him. He was very lucky at cards. It was a fun night. Our relationship was kind of luke warm and he asked if he could date my sister I was in college and I said yes. I think they went out once or twice. Probably was uncomfortable. What do you talk about or not talk about?/ ME?  I dated around and so did he but we had some special times here and there. I remember going to his home one night and a girl was at his home with lashes that went to her forehead. The lashes were so long it was almost comical. It was his newest girlfriend. We broke up because of menage trios he had with a friend I befriended for a while and she was my tutor for Chemistry. I was told about it. It wasn’t like Í called him but it cooled our relationship quite a bit. I had been with them but got sick and had to go home and the party got out of hand while I was gone. Daring each other, I guess. He had done the same with my brother with his first wife and it ruined there marriage. Not a manage trios but sex on a bet so it might have been in a weird way a pay back without either of them realizing it because they were best friends but silly and experimenting and going too far. They were still college guys. This happened in another city but I think it strained things between them but remained friends for many years and with the family. The second to th last time I saw him was at a poker game at my older sisters home. He brought his wife and we met but barely talked to each other. She was very quiet. My husband was at a gig. We knew he had aids but he looked great. I can’t remember if his brother had already died by then or not. He was also a hemophiliac and caught aids vis the contamination of the blood supply. A strange thing happened that night. My brother started bleeding for no reason on his arm. It scared me to death. He just started bleeding. My brother’s wife didn’t appreciate my ex boyfriend very much because supposedly he made a pass at her years before. She didn’t like our other brother in law because he was a hunter. Even though I know she knew Gary had a problem she didn’t seem to mind. She was intimidated by my sister. She had a jealous streak and kind of a judgmental streak and had become catholic. She gave up Christmas because one of her parents died on Christmas. Her big sister died young. Her other parent had a long struggle with death which was hard on them as a couple with kids and career which she helped my brother to achieve with his business as his secretary and kind of an investigator for him. My ex boyfriends wife was a nurse. Everyone was uncomfortable when he started bleeding. Kind of a breeze of chills running down our spines without saying it. It did not seem natural like someone manufactured the moment with something sharp but painless. Other than that we had a good time. He told me about his suspicions of the blood supply being contaminated on purpose or whose fault it might have been after researching it during a poker smoking break outside. He was gonna die and so was his brother who may have already died. He didn’t say he was gonna die but it was assumed but at the time looked very healthy. t remember hearing about it on the news on a tv. I gasped because I didn’t know at the time he was sick or had it. I wasn’t close to his brother. We barely knew each other but had played poker with him and his friends a few times. The night was set up by my brother as a request while he was in town staying at my sisters. They always had room because they always had a big house. I played it very safe and was very proper and respectful of his wife but she barely said a word and probably was uncomfortable with our family friendship which had been going for many years. When I got married he came and was invited . When he got married I wasn’t invited but my sister nearly forced me to go so I went but felt uncomfortable because I wasn’t invited and she was supposedly and he wasn’t that close to my older sister after the thing in her apartment with Gary, but I went anyway. It was a beautiful subdued wedding. I remember after the molestation and some other things he liked to play the psychologist. A game he played. Sensitivity session kind of stuff and at first it was funny testing each other but then it got uncomfortable. I think he was fishing. So we stopped playing his sensitivity game. I never told him that I remember. I wasn’t ready to deal with it nor the retributions. I was still kind of reacting and maybe lashing out a bit and doing other things. So my brother was not afraid of me at all but my little sister acted like he needed defending from me many years later when visiting to see my mom and we had an argument where I said to her May I talk to my brother without you defending him. It was about religion but I hadn’t even gotten started. I knew my barriers with him. He was reading a religious book so he wanted some attention since he was doing it on the conch in the living room where everyone sat to visit not every minute but during the visit. She was competing or something religiously. I was not out to get him I was interested in what he was reading and kind of why he was reading it then. She was not sure of herself in some ways having gone through the things she had gone through during the divorce yet felt superior to me because she had a settlement and even sometimes called me by a name sometimes southern women call other women and is a sign they think they are superior which is darling. Like I was her subject not her big sister. She wouldn’t let me live with her because of her second husband when I was going through a divorce even though she stayed with me for two years while she was going through her divorce. I took care of her for quite a while. Made breakfast in bed for her to gather motivated because she was in deep depression and not getting out of bed or drinking a lot with her friend Meg.  It was probably wise in a way not to let me but I was desperate and she had the space. Near the end of our relationship said I was satan and the devil and then things got even worse. She was a bit ditsy as a rule but it was also a fun kind of ditsy but her new husband was very dictatorial and was managing her and her settlement which had a life span of a number of years. I don’t know the details but she met him online and he was from MIchigan and had been married twice before and one of his ex-wives had already died.. He had his warm moments especially with Gary but most of the time kind of a stiff especially towards me, I think. I don’t think he trusted me. Probably heard about the Gary thing. Anyway the next visit to see my mom and staying at my little sisters home was even stranger without my brother or Gary. The Gary thing obviously affected my relationships in a bad way. 

The same weekend my older sister brought out the video called Atonement she had bought and had already seen and wanted them to see it for entertainment and everyone said no when my little sister and I had our tiff about our brother. I don’t know if they knew what the story was about. Obviously we had already had the meeting a few years before and my dad had died in the interim. we decided to play games or watch another show but at one time I walked into the room to be with all of them and the only place for me to sit was next to Gary or on the floor. It was a love seat but a large one and my sister his wife sat in the big chair by herself which I would not have minded sitting in and then the couch with my little sister and her 2nd husband and my brother. It was kind of dumb but I felt uncomfortable because of how he acts often so kind of had my back to him talking to them trying to be comfortable as best i could and he was kind of eying me with a dumb smirk on his face when I noticed from time to time and finally she caught the drift about a half hour later and called him to her chair to massage his neck and he went and sat at her feet. She could have sat with him in the first place. They didn’t know about my hospital experience or the many other things. My brother said he would send the book he was reading to me and kind of challenged me to read it and I said I would if he wants to send it and he never did. My little sister‘s 2nd husband was a bit of a stiff and she disallowed me from smoking on their balcony outside. She and my brother and my older sister smoked a joint on the balcony the same night late at night and I was sleeping and staying away from them because of the argument about my brother. So I found out about the joint on the balcony the next day and went out to smoke on the balcony and she tried to make a big deal about it while her husband was about to go somewhere and had descended the stairs to the garage and I thought he had left which I think he had actually closed the door and as I was walking out the door to the balcony I said you guys smoked a joint on the balcony why can’t I smoke a cigarette on the balcony and she told me to fuck off because she thought he heard me and I said the same to you. I think she said fuck you or you bitch. She wasn’t usually so candid with me. Then she decided it was okay. She was kind of afraid of her new husband even though it was her settlement that bought the home and he didn’t sink one dollar into it. They also put a pool into the backyard and it got very expensive because of the rocky soil or something. I guess he didn’t know she smoked pot. It was her pot. Then my brother, my little sister and I smoked a joint while my older sister and Gary and my little sister’s husband went to the warehouse of my parents belongings for some reason before we were gonna take my brother to a restaurant to meet his son and family and then everything between us melted away for a while though we got into my sister’s van and she backed it up with the trunk open and up and it possibly dented it. She forgot to close the trunk so I got paranoid she couldn’t drive and was a back seat driver from then on with her. She had done it before or after this visit on another visit so it was not because she had had a joint earlier but was kind of a habitual thing. A few years before she nearly took an ATM machine with her RV once with me in the RV with her cutting it too close in a turn she made. Anyway took my brother to visit with his son which was about an hour or so away so I was watching her driving trying to keep her alert and not to speed going down some winding roads etc and we drove down a long road in the country called Purgatory Road and had a good laugh about it. Between Purgatory and Atonement things even got worse. (It wasn’t a fat joint or even a whole joint but it helped to ease the tensions.)

Often my brother was right but not then in regards to my dad or tried to be right which I appreciate especially the meeting and his hopes about Gary and the family and I had those hopes too to keep it in our generation and for mom and dad his attempt to honor them which was nice because he loved my parents and our families as I did (to not affect the kids who were already affected by the troubles and Gary’s problem and hence everyone else’s problem) but my sister wouldn’t let up and kept pushing me about the office (the confrontation at the office and the sexual harassment and butt grab of me by Gary as he walked away grinning like he had a right and like he got away with it and I was shaken by it and he thought I wouldn’t deal with it but I surprised him big time) and the man I did not have an affair with at the office though I think she might have because she was dieting and told me what he said to her about her weight and business before she hired me, etc. Kind of an intimate conversation and why she lost weight. They sat in desks one in front of the other and he was handsome and a bachelor and she liked attention but she had a conversation with me in the car about how the girl he later married after everything concerning the office was concluded and after the meeting with my brother a year or two later looked like me which I didn’t even ask about nor was interested in quite a while after the office conflagration and confrontations and after my operation and after the meeting and the movie about a sister who cries rape falsely against a husband and ruins a marriage she had me watch that night at her home and Gary went to bed. I could tell he didn’t want to see it but not until I saw it did I realize why. It was kind of a harassment of me and him in a weird way. I think it made him uncomfortable like he wished she wouldn’t. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I think she was getting her pound of flesh. Later she tried to get the family to watch it on a family trip above to see my mom: the movie is called Atonement. After showing it to me she bought the crap which was so ridiculous. So it wasn’t a very good deal for me to keep it in our generation. and I didn’t eventually. She was in denial, but was very suspicious of course because she knew and she was harassing me and did for quite a while in various ways until my mom died when she was hospiced without my knowledge or consent and called to let me know she had died and said she loved me kind of weirdly. LIke she enjoyed it. I was in shock. It took me a while to understand and I was already bullied by her and intimidated by her about a few things intentionally and emotional jabbing me which were really strange and then I wasn’t invited to my mom’s funeral. I wasn’t allowed at my little sisters house anymore. She just wanted the pleasure to tell me. She said she knew mom didn’t want to live like that. She was in charge of how my mom lived being in charge of her estate. But my mom told me she wanted to live to 105. 

Then the limousines at the funeral of my dad a few years or more before 

 I was put with my aunt and my cousin in the 4th limo and my older sister in charge of the funeral had her family in the first limo and the other two siblings and their families in the two limos in-between so I didn’t ride in any limo. I was the third child. My mom was in the first with my eldest sisters family including Gary and I would have loved to have been with her. I think the kids of the mom and dad should have been in the first limo but she set it up differently and I knew it was a dig. I doubt anyone else noticed. And at the funeral my brother acted weird and kept watching me. We sat side by side but he acted like maybe he wasn’t my brother. Like he was trying to see if I really cared. I loved my dad. Something happened after the meeting when he stayed at Gary and Lori’s home and Gary was fishing for information about the meeting which my brother told me about in front of my little sister who was at the meeting but I don’t think he realized how severe the problem was because I didn’t get a chance to reveal everything as I have in my blogs. It was about an hour meeting so there was no way to make him understand the composite of it or all of the stuff I was coping with and I was not well health wise and it was uncomfortable tailing about it to him and I tried to keep it clean not white wash but approximate instead of give details and there is even more but kind of strange. Strange enough to be worrisome I was dealing with something rotten in Denmark. He lived in California and wasn’t as involved and he is a male, obviously. It is rare to see a brother cry or breakdown because he was a tough person a district attorney and a very good one and a lawyer a very good one but lawyers are not always right. I never had seen him cry not like a baby but a tender feeling in his eyes watering (he had big eyes) and voice wavering. I don’t think I ever saw him cry but when we had the meeting my relationship with my parents meant a lot to him. I know it was true because I was a witness to it. Some how we got fucked. He became different after the meeting we had had towards me. Something happened to him maybe at their home. He doesn’t talk to my older sister anymore and she says it is because he hates Trump which is not the reason. He isn’t that political to stop talking to her because of Trump. He was always a bleeding heart liberal with some conservativeness. He lived in California for heaven’s sake and had seen the movie with Gore and believed his message. Also started to go to the catholic church with his wife for her. She had gone through some very sad stuff in her family and I think losing her sister at a relatively young age had a big affect on her. He was not an atheist but an agnostic. Christianity turned him off and I think went to the catholic church to support his wife. Trump was not the reason he stopped communicating with her but she made it the reason as a cover (IMO). She had earlier called him Pathetic to me over the phone because he didn’t want to sue a restaurant owned by a friend for his little sister and he didn’t want me to sue Gary and her previously having to do with the office crap before the food poisoning of my little sister at a Sushi restaurant in California on a trip i did not go on. She was in the hospital for about a week and her second husband wanted to sue. But he had a relationship with the owners. Not a real close one but acquaintance and liked them so my sister said he was pathetic. She said the reason was the owners treated him like a king and inferring he was ridiculous for placing so much importance on an acquaintance as if an acquaintance is a friend like he was socially inept. He protected her against me not trying to be against me but to protect the family cohesiveness because he did not believe in suing family which is noble or sensible and because at the time was only hearing from her and not me and probably was lied to by  her about me but the family wasn’t the only  problem at the office.. The office was part of the problem in how they handled the situation. I was very upset at the time and it want easy to communicate. I had been severely messed with by her and Gary and the office. She is said to have written on some message my ex told me about in regards to her excuse as to why he stopped communicating with her and Gary and she acted like it was funny, which it isn’t funny at least is what I was told. this was recently as in a a year or so ago. I guess he was figuring things out as well from his perspective. We had a long distance relationship so he wasn’t as clued in as I was most of our lives after he married his 2nd wife who was from California. We are no longer a family and we were a fantastic family and we loved our parents and i was isolated and still am isolated which is also why I write. I don’t know about my siblings anymore or most of the rest of the family. My older sister got really bad and very nasty and turned into something not worth knowing unless depending on your station in life you need to buy a home. she will screw you if you aren’t rich enough but lay down her clothes on the mud for you to walk on if you are above her station in life, just depends. Because she knows the ropes and was involved in some stuff that got her into trouble and was entrapped herself. She had a surgery and used it to get some plastic surgery and some improvements on their home and by a german doctor who knew better. Insurance scam. real-estate scam. stock market loss in the millions and scammed my uncle and screwed up everyone else because of a stupid mistake by Gary and then murder suicide. Entrapped into waxing worse and worse. It is kind of how it happens I think. He started as a Baptist and then non denominational. and she got into the BGEA later for support.  Something VERY evil this way came between us. It was the BGEA, Mother Teresa, THE RCC, Gore, Obama. Pope Francis : lots of  bad lying evil shits. The mustard seed is why I think. Don’t get me wrong I love her and I am a witness to how she got screwed up very badly. I am hoping God and my parents can straighten her out and the rest of my siblings as well and their kids as well and even me and my parents. I think they can. But it doesn’t happen overnight. She did not get to the place she is in spiritually without a lot of help. EVIL HELPED and it was also the church and peer pressure. The family tried but not having every perspective in mind it was very hard. I did not live with her but very close. I have no idea how things went when I wasn’t around. The potential is there I believe for a good result someday ahead. I know my parents loved her and she once loved my parents. I will let you know when that day comes.

Believe it or not the seed which is not the smallest of seed the mustard seed a lie in the bible and a sign to me about what happened and because the religions of faith don’t mind incest and don’t care about females but my parents cared about females and so does God so something evil that way comes to them who messed with our family. Incest and sexual harassment in a family is a tough problem and we did better without the church than with the church that is for sure. The church was his veil and hers and their friends veils. A lot happened which was very hard to understand at the hospital when I was attacked by a woman with a large cane blaming me for her boyfriend and how he was behaving and I didn’t even know him. He was putrid and as the police came to walk him out of the area for disrupting the area after I complained and my husband at the time sat on his ass. I had a huge wound and was there for a checkup in regards to it 6 weeks later and was threatened and he said in the hallway he loved or liked watching my back as the police escorted him out of the hallway I went to after complaining to the front desk clerk who called the police and I went to the hallway to get a way from them. He was very grubby as she was and she said “It’s your fault.”and waved her cane at me and scared me. i still had puss holes in my belly  which meant I was still infected. I had had septic poisoning during an operation which poisoned my  whole body. My skin, my eyes, every organ in my body, etc. It was like being in the Twilight zone of insanity. Later I saw her walking around and she didn’t know what she did as if it hadn’t happened. He kind of looked like the guy who had a show with his sons and families which was very popular at the time. Christians. Made a ton of money on bull shit. All of them in beards. He looked like their dad but worse.  I was talking to two black men one older one and a kind of younger one and a son of a preacher who didn’t believe in God and was talking about it or I wouldn’t have started a conversation with them but was responding to what I had noticed he was saying to the older man and interjected since they were so close and we were talking about the bible and about prophecy in the waiting room with a bunch of other people and the area was alive and happy even though people were suffering like me.It wasn’t a long conversation but noticed this man and woman because they were to the left of me sort of in the next segment of the room and he was getting mad about the wait and voicing it loudly and wanted to be noticed. My husband was rubbing my back under my shirt. I had a fourteen inch wound from the bottom of my chest to my caesarian scar so when you have a deep wound it affects your back because the muscles have been severed in the front and so the back does a lot of the work when you sit or stand etc. and we had waited about 6 hours so I was hurting. The man to my right was hurting because of his condition and groaning every once in a while in pain. People  were talking to each other about their conditions and experiences and it was kind of nice since we had been waiting for so long making friends/acquaintances and handling it pretty well except for the two who had walked in about an hour before they verbally attack me. I have no idea if they had been there before but from what I witnessed were only there about an hour before he started vocally and loudly complaining to the crowd I guess or so the woman at the desk could hear. About sixty of us or so and then they came in to mess with me. The men I talked to were sitting right across from me and we had waited 6 hours to get seen because the hospital staff was short and no one was complaining except the couple who attacked me. We were being patient and just trying to handle it. It was eye opening. When I grew up we oftentimes went to the army hospital and you have to wait sometimes for long period of time unless it’s an emergency. She blamed me for his outbursts and he did not look like a nice person. When she came at me with her cane I stood up and told her I don’t even know you as she was shaking a very large cane she was using towards me. I was afraid of bodily harm though she did not touch me. Then the room full of people got very quiet you could almost hear a pin drop and it was also embarrassing being in the center of some kind of ridiculus insane confrontation. My husband didn’t even go into the hallway with me. He seemed stunned. He sat there with a look on his face like he was dumb founded. Our family was definitely attacked a pre-emptive full frontal attack and we did not deserve it but I know why.  Because the faiths are evil. There can be no other explanation to disregard the truth other than evil and ignorance for some and being deceived by the faiths and the faiths are gonna pay the piper: 

i.e. GOD and obviously God is not a piper but you know what I mean. What is a piper? I looked up piper and found this animation film depicted below.

It is in John 4 and is linked the visit of Jesus with the woman at the well in Samaria

I don’t know whether or not Samaria has a mountain but does have a well. Jacobs well. Kind of a landmark now for tourism I imagine.

 Jesus said something about this mountain in regards to the area of the well.

I think a lot of things in the bible have been adjusted for the clergy of the faiths who got caught in a lie

not of their own making but because of the bible and the synoptic gospels which talk

about a mustard seed and I believe avenged the trap the faiths fell into by whomever wrote the mustard seed of faith into the bible in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew Mark and Luke.)

It ain’t my fault the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed

and it has a long way to go to be the smallest of seed.

(Pope Benedicts XVl said faith was the new enlightenment. I don’t know what he meant in his own mind but either he found out via study of the bible and was telling his flock and others as he also warned about the NWO with Teeth. The first time I had ever heard the NWO expression was via The first George Bush who was President. I may have read about it on the internet but he was the first to talk about it in regards to a thousand points of light. I investigated going to bible sites and reading on the internet. I didn’t know what he meant about the teeth at the time but assumed it meant strength of some kind to back the NWO up.)

Jesus also said he had meat you know not of when his disciples wanted to feed him meat. hmmmmm

 I think sop meant the Sea of Peter which is the Mediterranean Sea originally and Paul’s ship was sunk in the Sea of Peter when he landed/swam on to the island of Malta a very strategic location for the See of Peter and a snake bit him which came out of the fire and he lived in front of some people living on the island. He was with Luke at the time. The people who saw it thought he was God and he didn’t straiten them out because he lived. Luke was also a doctor so probably had an anecdote or it was an illusion to get good help from the natives of the island. I believe Paul was a prince of this world involved in the Roman Church. THE RCC. I think Paul is who betrayed Jesus and had some slaves who drowned when his ship went down. He was a head hunter. That is what I think and the Hyssop was poison, IMO and was not hyssop which is why Jesus died faster than the other people who were crucified and amazed Pilate by how quick he died. When someone wishes he had never been born usually are into suicide. The church of Paul was into suicide for some reason. He traveled a bunch which costs a lot of money and in my opinion was subsidized by the RCC which took money but I think was the meaning of Jesus statement about sop in our time because of Mother Teresa and hospice and Pope Francis sainting her/him because we don’t really know if Mother Teresa was a female or a male. Who can say? But hospice is a betrayal of people sometimes. In my family it was a betrayal. The fact my ex’s mom supposedly wanted to be hospiced is a betrayal of other people who don’t want to be hospiced. It sounds so noble to not to try to live and let your self die but if the church is using it as a weapon against people who don’t want to die but are in bad shape or are dependent who might live if doctors tried or were patient about recovery then it isn’t noble. it’s a betrayal and can be used for evil for inheritance or control of a company or vengeance or for a number of reasons and even a misunderstanding. The RCC as is the mob and The BGEA of entrapping people in situations kind of like using hostages to get a desired result usually an evil one.  Father Jonathan of Fox News was very active in trying to have a young girl hospiced and to have her parents give up on her and to have the doctors ignore the parents wishes because Father Jonathan was catholic and wanted the doctors to obey him and Pppe Francises mode of execution instead of the parents who loved her. I witnessed his pursuit on a lot of shows and what he did for Pope Francis was evil. The mother felt her daughter’s hand move but the priest didn’t care. Why should he care about a young african american girl in a coma he doesn’t know nor ever was involved in raising a child of his own not being allowed to as a priest and under the spell of a very famous person called Pope Francis, a Jesuit. I don’t know the results of the events. Fox tends to be an awful lot of unresolved stories. I do now because i saw it and said she died during surgery reported on some website. The catholic church wants to control hospitals via lack of borders which would make the world Roman Catholic and the world doesn’t want to be Roman catholic, like Obama wanted to control the health industry in the USA which is not a free enterprise if a person controls the medical field or if a church controls the medical field which is what makes our medical field special in the USA and independent by not allowing a person or a church control the medical field except for the insurance business which hindered doctors because of scams and made bad doctors protected and good doctors have to pay the price for those bad doctors eliminating personal decisions based on reputation if insurance protects the reputation of bad doctors and because of insurance scammers making money the wrong way. Made medicine too expensive and many other problems with the medical field which was attacked by Obama Care I can’t say if it was Obama’s intent however he was groomed by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican. I know Pelosi sure had bad intent and knew it by her suggestion. she should leave or resign, IMO. Would the catholic church and it’s parishioners like the Islamic church to control their medication or their visit to the ER? I don’t think so, do you? Nor do I think the Islamic religion and its parishioners would like the Roman Catholic church to control their medication or their visit to the ER. In the video of Christopher Hitchens Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul are some how intertwined.  I think she used him but the church used her and she used the church for a vendetta against abortion even though she never raised her own child or she never got pregnant or had a family of her own except for the church. She didn’t like the cries of babies but she didn’t like their cries after being born not before because she couldn’t hear the cries of the unborn because the unborn can’t cry. So she is a liar and got famous with her suicide which for some freaks of nature like the attention she received AND THE MONEY. Did she prescribe suicide to the pope, or the bishops, or the cardinals, or the priests, or the nuns of the catholic church or the Queen of England or Prince Charles or Prince William or Harry or any of the Sheiks or Princes of Islam or Merkel of Germany or anyone? NOPE She did it to do it because she is evil it wasn’t because of any reason other than she is RCC and wanted to sainted and for the money. What does India have to do with abortion where she started her career? It was about terrorism and about over population.

I don’t think she liked her form having been born very unattractively

 and possibly is a judas to Jesus and to truth and she might not have been a female which kind of fulfills a prophecy about a betrayer of the Son of man (Mother Teresa or the jesuit pope, even though he fell for it, maybe both) if she were a he in reality even though it was a false prophecy but self fulfilling as well.  Kind of weird. Hospice is not the way to go because of all the possibilities of misusage in the hands of the wrong people the Church of Rome or the Church of Islam or state sponsored for terrorism looking like an angel when it is not a good angel. There were many betrayals.

What happens to the bible is important because Jesus said he would fulfill what is written so changing it around is unwise and could be suicidal. It is one thing to misinterpret the bible but another to change it. Most preachers have different takes on verses hence different religions. A temptation a person or a church should not do is change the bible because it may bite you back and not always how you think because obviously we interpret things differently oftentimes because of whatever state we are in and our perspectives are different and our goals are different and our growth as humans via our experiences are different and our relationship to God are different because people are different. INDIVIDUALS. The bible already has been altered as have the ten commandments as well, but not by me. I feel safe in that but I don’t think the RCC should feel very safe for having changed the ten commandments and parts of the bible or the world church associations and probably stemming from Vatican 2. I know I could be misinterpreting once in a while is possible but I would never think to change times and laws. Of course I couldn’t anyway, lol. During the Obama administration changes occurred and may still be occurring but as to whether it was Obama doing it I don’t know but changes have occurred. Whoever is the man of lawlessness  is who changes it. He gets his due, eventually. What Obama said at the UN about the prophet of Islam was a dark sentence I think the dark sentence spoken of by Daniel in the Book of Daniel. He said “the future must not belong to those who insult the Prophet of Islam.” which is a dark sentence.

Peer pressure even via a sect or a religion or a political party sure can muck things up.

We ought to try to have independent thought even if we hear the same things because of group pressure not that being in agreement is bad but in order not to be mind controlled which computers and cell phones and tv’s can interfere in our development using technology. There used to be this thing used to sell products via subliminal pictures interlaced into programs on tv and was outlawed because it was deceptive advertising. So be careful. because even though it is illegal doesn’t mean it isn’t still used. I think it is still being used not just on television but there technology such as cell phones and computers and also why the crime rate has risen and suicides have increased and the mass murders have increased and the mental dysfunctions have increased and riots have increased and the extent of life has decreased the life spans have decreased which should not be happening. My mom said she wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother and she meant it so I know she was murdered by an angel, an evil angel. Hospice of Mother Teresa enabled by Obama via the changes made in Medicare of medicaid to make hospice free without doctors care is a death sentence. My dad warned me spiritually about Obama Care. Oh by the way the man thought to be Ambassador Stevens of Benghazi being dragged about by some terrorist who had a cell phone in his mouth. Gee I wonder if it wasn’t involved since somehow the terrorists had access to the State Department Codes and phone numbers in order to get to Ambassador Chris Stevens and somehow 30 witnesses disappeared via the State Department and John Kerry into Germany. Seems related somehow. These were all sigs of an intense war unlike we have ever experienced regarding information and control of people via technology. It wasn’t Ambassador Stevens but deception seems to be the order of this day. The Jesuit order. Not the new world order and both are at odds and working together as well.

When you see your parents in an ad on television for a product you know your parents did not participate in in their lifetimes and know the time period of those animations of them and the difference in the time period of those animations of both being different you know you are being harassed using images and voice manipulation via sound studios which I am aware of the possibilities you realize someone is trying to destabilize my mind which i will not allow. So cut the crap. I can tell the difference because I knew them better than whoever is using their images and voice to mess with me. I was married to a sound engineer and know about it to the extent to easily see it’s false. SHOWN ON FOX. Anyone who would stoop so low obviously is afraid of me and my message or wouldn’t bother with such nonsense and I know it isn’t my brother. He didn’t do a lot of video taping but i know who did.

 I hate the deception going on in our world and think if only the truth was important our kids would have a better chance. I don’t mean inconsequential stuff which is no one’s business whether one got a job he was looking for or planning to find and hadn’t yet found and answered yes in order not to be embarrassed on film caught off guard as kind of a lark and then later called a liar by two people but about important things. Normal people often don’t extrapolate on their condition for example as you go to the store and the clerk says “How you doing, today?” and you say “fine” when you aren’t fine but you don’t want to explain is not what I call a lie or a falsehood but I have seen some examples of people taking extremes because of their lack of respect for truth who are bonafide liars in order to degrade the emanating of truth. I’m taking about God and Jesus and important things like your mom being hospiced without your knowledge. It’s important. It really is and hospice should be abolished and the church who sainted Mother Teresa should be destroyed immediately. That’s what I’m talking about. No ifs. ands, or buts, but NOW and then whoever does won’t have to wash their hands and know God is honored. 

Anyway, in reality in regards to the milk baths of pregnant women I bet I loved my babies more than the women in the pictures will other than the oriental female because she isn’t so into herself, you can tell comparatively. They probably will get a nanny. Many women fake out people to get attention and sometimes fake a man by getting pregnant on purpose to trap a man. I bet when they are a little older it won’t be so nice and their husband will be taking out life insurance on them for someone else younger and serene except for the oriental female who looks like a lot of fun and will be a devoted mom hopefully. I wouldn’t have taken a chance being pregnant to take a milk bath like my sister didn’t want to get into a pool to give her other daughter lessons because she was careful in her pregnancy. What if the milk came from cows in the area of the nuclear leaks in EUROPE a few months ago. Or what if the baby is lactose intolerant because of taking a bath with their pregnant mom. Who is to say? Why not use ginger ale or champagne and get started early. How about a beer bath? Could be goats milk but would you eat goat milk cheese if you knew some pregnant women bathed in it? I wouldn’t. I bet they won’t look that serene when they are giving birth. I think its ridiculous but I’m sure the message has to do with religion. I was cheated and my daughters were cheated and we still hurt and I resent it deeply. I and my daughters had to toughen up because of the abuse we encountered  during the Obama Administration most of all but before it as well. I almost died twice and it was tough on them. Then the abuse from my sister, both of them but mostly my older one and her husband who were cruel and devious as well. It isn’t right. She has a lot to answer for and I hope God is able to change her back to who she once was when she was still a root. SMU really messed her up as did the oil magnates and her husband who is mentally unstable for there is no other explanation other than being possessed. I hope he gets well someday too for his wife and kids but he needs a good kick in the pants for sure and i bet he gets it. I would have liked to have done it and had a right to knock him around as I do when i write about him and how he fucked up a great family with the help of the BGEA and the RCC who will pay dearly for it. I PROMISE. So hold on tight because it is coming.

Neil Cavuto of Fox news is freaking out about money and the national debt, but take the words of Jesus to heart about futures (LOL):

Worry about today and not tomorrow.

His cohost is freaking out about the population of tomorrow not being able to handle the costs of Social Security etc playing the RCC game of pregnancy. She doesn’t realize it probably being a group thinker. She looks an awful lot like a relative whose child died on her third birthday at her third birthday party drowning in the pool but I’m sure it’s not her but more of a caricature of her. Not a good one but the woman on Fox has had a lot of facial surgery obviously. I have always thought she looked similar. It was a big tragedy in the family. I never met the daughter who drowned but painted her picture for her mom. The daughter who drowned was half mexican and a little bit greek. It also happened during the Obama Administration. Our family was attacked horrendously. Money should not be the reason to start screwing to have more babies because if we are doing it to pay the national debt it’s screwing unless you want to hire some females to procreate for the national debt which is prostitution. I’m gonna say even though it is course: go fuck yourself. She mentioned immigrants which was funny as being a way to create more tax revenue. If they are legal, perhaps. Having a smart person in office may make the biggest change as far as the economy and may not need to overpopulate to sustain the national debt or social security etc and the national debt is in my opinion a disgusting reason to get pregnant. I think Fox has some fears and is very neurotic and is “much ado about nothing.” I think she should pay the national debt off.

Does Fox News not have faith or WHATt? BOTH It doesn’t have faith and it has WHAT even though it relies on faiths. Not everyone but it is so phony.

I don’t know where the “f” word came from but I don’t mean it the way it often is interpreted but as an expletive, a very strong one.

The country would do well without Neil’s input and without 24 hour news. Things would definitely improve for sure without Fox freaking out about money for the church it acts like it doesn’t represent. I only turned on the Tv for five minutes or less and man talk about creating distress Fox has created. I think you have to let some of the tax breaks and the manufacturing ideas and the tariffs and trade disputes and new businesses to grow or be created to settle out and eventually it might even out. You don’t judge an economy on one day as in 24 hours. Neil just wants your money to grow his. Not a good place to grow it as i have explained because it can fly out the window much faster than it flew in which is usually the case unless using OPM which is the goal, I’m sure.

It’s only a bill board, Neil.

The more suckers the better, huh?


The other reason I write is to document what I witness for my protection just in case and to help others who might be going through similar stuff but I do know my comparisons are a threat to the RCC but especially after what happened to my family I’ll be damned if I’m gonna ignore it to please the RCC. I feel it is my duty and I resent what happened to my family and did not have to come to what came our way and I hope I get to see and witness the end of this age, the RCC and the evil our country and some others are having to go through. I’m doing something about it unlike most of Fox who only report what is on their little reports and don’t try to find out the truth. Only a few try and you ain’t one of them, yet. You have had a few intelligent inquiries but not sufficient to make any difference or to give your audience a chance (Martha and some others). Sometimes money is more importent to some people but what about ANDREA TANTAROS? and her brother? she was so much more intelligent and so much more interesting and as beautiful however she wasn’t blond but some men harass brunettes and screw blonds or whatever gets their bone hard and some because the blonds go along or whatever is the situation in the mind of the oppressor and it’s victims. I know why she was harassed during the election period because I witnessed it and Fox news and it’s tactics and I had a clue to notice hers and felt for her as well and noticed the arranging of her and the manipulation of her and the managing of her by the cat lady which is obvious to someone who has been through it. Are you trying to help or are you trying to cover it up because I know you must have heard about it before you took the job. If I were you I would quit because Fox is using you because of your beauty even if you seem to be in a fog often and have been elevated for nothing i guarantee it won’t end well if you don’t for you and yours. I have seen the development of you and watched you grow sideways. You may be next and could do other things more independent things with your career and might actually make some headway not just of you but you and your family and the people you love. I wish few of you would start your own tv news to compete with Fox and some of the other disinformation stations and try to be truthful. Some day you may wish you did.

Read about Gov. Brown making it a law in California to have solar panels installed into your home in California. I heard the solar panels of late overheated and absorbed too much heat and thought what if those solar panels caused some wild fires in California’s wine country like an appliance overheating might cause a fire but heard it was something else however I don’t believe it. The thing that bothers me Is i understand why the previous Governor Arnold Schwatzneggar limiting some vehicle pollution and emissions and noticed it helped at the time but what does solar panels have to do with air pollution? The Sun is very powerful and often because of holes in the atmosphere Solar Flares can cause some troubles radiation and other things that are destructive to our planet. I think Solar Panels are not a good source of energy to count on unless China or whoever produces the panels can limit the absorption rate under all circumstances.

“A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a significant release of plasma and magnetic field from the solar corona. They often follow solar flares and are normally present during a solar prominence eruption.”

CME Week: The Difference Between Flares and CMEs

“Flares and CMEs have different effects at Earth as well. The energy from a flare can disrupt the area of the atmosphere through which radio waves travel. This can lead to degradation and, at worst, temporary blackouts in navigation and communications signals.

Seems to me Gov. Brown is making a law to make money on an investment possibly. I still think harnessing the lightning bolt would be money better spent since one bolt has the amount of energy which can power a large city for many months and I think trash should be sent towards the sun to burn up the physical or solid materials we want to be rid of instead of the ocean and building on trash heaps and other measures.

What is weird about the subject of hospice and the subject of Mother Teresa cannot seem to be discussed without an argument or it is discussed in whispers as my little sister acted when she was talking about the free deal probably at her 2nd husbands direction or it isn’t discussed at all. Or when the ex talked about his mom in the car with me like you are condoning it by association. I didn’t understand it till I listened to Christopher Hitchens expose and added up the other things that happened personally. I would like to have a conversation about it with the ex because sometimes I see a look on his face as if he isn’t so sure of what he says he didn’t do.  I don’t like it because though we aren’t happy pear I do want to help him understand the evil of it and that he may have been misled by something evil that can lead to a much greater evil for others because of persecution or war or lots of things.

I noticed some new changes in the bible and so I know to not count on the bible anymore but on God and my parents. Like changing the chessboard into candy land. Pretty weird. I’m glad I have a pretty good memory. Like changing the meaning entirely to fit ones deception. Like putting Australia to the north east of Britain. Its changing the landscape and what if God changes the landscape in response. I wonder how it would affect things like investments in homes and real-estate and countries. Anyway lots of religious finagling going on in the bible. Pretty interesting. Im glad I had read the book of Daniel when I did or I wouldn’t probably have noticed. Maybe what the volcanos are for, who knows. But I bet we find out. LOL. anyway I looked up volcano activity and found an article saying volcano activity has not increased and then said this:

Is volcanic activity on the rise – and if so, where’s next?

“If we look at the statistics back in time, the main thing we see is a reporting bias. There are not many eruptions during World War Two, for example, when people had other things to really worry about.”

Is it why volcanic activity didn’t occur in World War two because people had other things to think about? Does this statement make any sense whatsoever? No of course not unless you are stupid. The keyword is reported and is the key word in regards to the news today even in regards to the volcanos and false news as well. Sounds like Obama saying he thought Mt McKinley was supposed to be a volcano anyway this article is combining Global warming with volcanic activity using melting glacials as the cause of volcanic activity. UH HUH but some volcanos expletives (secretions) cool the atmosphere and some don’t. I think we are getting some false information about volcanos as to their history and yes I think it is more frequent now for some reason. I heard on one video that there was a request in 2016 to limit the information about eruptions of volcanos and limit the information about volcanos themselves which is kind of odd. I guarantee it also means disinformation as well however people don’t always obey directives since it isn’t a legal matter. I think volcanos have been exaggerated in the past as if it is normal now and it isn’t.

This week had some tuna and by golly my sciatic nerve is acting up again so I must have gotten a bad can of tuna. It comes and it goes. Luckily I had invested in BEACTIV contraptions (leg wrap) which helps via a pressure point to help with the pain and hopefully it will only be for a short while I have to wear it. I love tuna but sometimes it is poisoned because of the Fukushima disaster (because the tuna absorbs mercury and poisons in the ocean which is why pregnant women should beware of tuna even on a normal basis but thank God for the fish because it helps to have a fish wiling to absorb the poisons (but I would be ever so grateful if the industry would be more truthful about some cans of tuna and if Japan could be truthful when it decides to release some nuclear waste and if we could find a better way to get rid of the waste by sending it to the sun to dispose of or use a lightning bolt somehow or another or freeze it at one of the poles until we are able to build a transport for nuclear waste to send it to the sun to dispose of it but I don’t know if it is possible or not to transport it at all. Maybe laser technology? Perhaps make a HUGE fake tuna to absorb it by copying the real tuna or increase the population of tuna somehow but do not eat it while doing so until Japan is cleansed of the waste involved) and the need by the Japanese to release some of the nuclear crap periodically into the ocean from time to time to get rid of it on their land. They don’t have much choice which might be affecting volcanic activity and glacial recession. I also heard the volcano in Hawaii lets off a poison sometimes and is one of the most pollutant volcanos because of the sulfer dioxide gas Kilauea volcano emits on earth causing more pollution than any other source. I don’t know if it is true but that is problematic if it is but could also be being used as an excuse for the Fukushima accident involving nuclear material which might have been caused by man made stupidity using HAARP or some similar technology somewhere else to intimidate the Japanese to accept the NeoCatechumenal Way of the RCC at the time the tsunami earthquake occurred which caused the nuclear accident. Not saying the RCC is responsible for the earthquake but maybe someone propping the RCC might be responsible. It did occur. There is a way that seemeth right unto men but leads to death could it be the Catechumenal WAY. The reason the Japanese resisted the Neo-catechumenal way and wanted a five year delay is because of the rise in suicides during it’s Neo-catechumenal Way trial period in Japan. I don’t think the Neo-catchumenal way discontinued because of it either which is why I have been harassed in some very strange ways via the internet and tv news and ads for the last ten years or so an approximation of the time and may be part of the reason for some mental collapses of some people who bear it out massacring people probably those who have cell phones and access to guns illegal and legal or are fanatics and can’t handle the things going on in the last ten years which is hard and harder for some. IT IS DECEPTION! The Neo-catechumenal Way was to catholicize people possibly to assist in making hospice more acceptable as well. So be aware.

SO why did the prophecy of Daniel end up standing where it should not? global warming perhaps? Who knows maybe Obama will get his wish about Mt. McKinley.

Look What They’ve Done To My Song, Ma – Melanie

I don’t use a cell phone even though a few have been offered because I know how to get around and how to use a map.

I hope my comparison of the gospels in this post and others have helped a few people especially my family.

LAY DOWN Melanie & The Edwin Hawkins Singers LIVE ’70

The girl who died because Father Jonathan wanted it so because of the RCCs desire to decide who lives and who dies under it’s rule of nonsense died after surgery. Hopefully it a was sincere surgery and the doctors were not faithers or fathers controlled by the RCC bowing to it’s wishes. ONLY GOD KNOWS.

Her name was Jahi McMath.


Hundreds of ICE protests and child separations protesting for illegal aliens after Trump signed legislations to correct the legislation which separated kids from their parents by Obama but because often children come via illegal chaperones and pimps or alone. Aren’t the marches a little late in their protest? Trump attempts to fix it and then as a response prostrating is like putting the cart before the horse and obviously “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” yet overlooked it when it has been going on for a long long time during the Obama Administration and even before? Sounds like a religious of the RCC (the woman in Revelation) kind stimulating un-inquiring minds to cause trouble presuming to know. There are no good answers on how to handle illegal immigration but to try to improve upon what we have and Trump listened and has made an attempt to improve it. Improvements don’t happen twenty four hours later. It takes planning and implementation. As far as ICE is concerned they made a mistake in the California debacle and hopefully will improve their reputation by doing a better job without busting down doors of family units which I think may have been a result of a marijuana business competition but I don’t think it is a good way to handle people. It would be nice if we could make illegals do a better job not killing agents on the border which is where we need to do a better job in order to prevent illegal entry by building a wall and the things I have mentioned in this post and others and other people have suggested and was the responsibility of the Federal government in the first place so to handle illegals by busting down doors is because of mismanagement in our Federal government, the DOJ, the State Department, and both parities of our government and because of their mistakes and politics as usual. Often when agents bust down doors people get hurt such as wives, children, and pets and is traumatic furthering hatred etc. and not a good way to entice illegals to turn themselves in or go the legal way. In fact it makes illegals not want to get legalized and resent our government. I’m sure the mob LOVES IT. Adding fuel to the fire. Getting illegals to claim asylum when asylum is only an excuse and not the reason for the migration but for the RCC is not doing a better job but mucking things up and basically cutting in line and a cheap religious and political stunt. The marijuana industry in our country is being assaulted by illegals the types who want to strain it for the benefitt of the mob. Do you want a safe legalized marijuana industry or not? That is the question.

Libby Schjaef and Kellyanne Conway Summit


I think the mayor who was libeled in her attempt to protect some law abiding illegal aliens and their legal families other than their entry was not a wise Presidential move however he mostly responded via information from the Justice Department. I think Trump ought to have a conversation with the female Mayor without the Justice Department and do more research between the two. She might have some good ideas about what is really happening at least from her perspective in regards to ICE raids in her area of mayorship because she did put herself on the line a bit which was courageous IMO. I liked what she did  because for one thing if ICE really wanted it to be a secret ICE would not have told her beforehand and as a Mayor was tested and I think she passed the test in my eyes anyway but should not have been tested at all so not all ICE agents are good probably tested because she is a woman since it’s not her job to do what ICE agents do and shouldn’t have included her in the bust but should work on the border. We can never know if the ICE raid saved lives or not but can only assume and in fact may have done the opposite in the long run. Obviously, we are dealing with the marijuana industry possibly raiding other marijuana industries trying to run the legal marijuana industry and if Trump could understand it like in the days when alcohol was attempting to be legalized and the fight between competing forces might help while at the same time trying to quell the mob/RCC. The marijuana industry is a BIG money maker and possible enormous tax revenue and job resource so it would be worth the effort for the sake of the country making it safe as well. Get involved in it’s evolution for the better and not for the worse especially for the children. Perhaps send Kellyanne Conway who seems cool enough and I know is very sharp to see the female mayor who might be a good go-between for Trump and the mayor of Oakland Libby Schaef to help with the disputes between ICE and the many pot holes in the marijuana industry and illegal immigration and legal immigration which might be a good way to soften the misunderstandings mostly and disinformation problems. I bet they would have a good relationship beneficial to everyone. I think Kellyanne Conway is capable even if it isn’t her normal job description and could be the beginning of a Trump Summit with leaders of some California cities leaders who seem logical and of sound mind like Pompeo and  Kim Jung Un summit to reaccess the situation a Kellyanne Conway-Libby Schaef Summit about the situation in the great state of California which hits closer to home and could be a good move. Some women are good at communicating and I bet both would do a better job than PENCE or the DOJ etc. in gaining a better deal between Trump and California and it’s situation and Trump might be able to communicate after learning from the two women in a knowledgeable and a more truthful way having the information he needs instead of assuming. You know what they say about assuming. Clinton didn’t change the farming of Central America or other presidents didn’t interfere with Central American dynamics done for centuries and nor did the Roman Catholic Church or Oliver North or the Jesuits or Reagan RIGHT? etc so people are trying to find a place to raise their families with less of the mob traps, influences and whomever helps the mob which definitely is the RCC and the JESUITS who launder mob money and tax dollars from other countries  including ours for their own benefit and those who don’t consider the influence the Vatican has and how it has been used and essentially are aiding and abetting the mob and the Vatican, I also think many south of the border are attempting to flee ISLAMIC tendencies going on in the countries south of our border (school children missing in big groups found in mass graves during the Obama Administration isn’t a good tendency and is quite a big tendency, etc) which are very dangerous and instead we should as a country stand up against it and do something about it and announce it instead of a secret war and war of words besides and besides the wall to prevent another 9-11 or worse and stop assuming the Vatican and it’s INTEL is worth a pence because it’s INTEL isn’t good and I doubt was good in WWll either or any other war. The Vatican is underhanded and always has been from the time of Jesus and before. The Jesuits are socialists if it is in control. The difference between 50 miles and 2000 miles is a big difference for a line of defense for everyone visibly and in reality if we include in our endeavor the islands in the gulf even if those islands have used sound weapons against our government officials in places for some reason unbeknownst to me while expecting FEMA and tax dollars to help them in times of weather tragedies and worry about South America some other day in the future since it is in our hemisphere unlike IRAQ and IRAN, SYRIA, TURKEY. ITALY  etc

Panama Canal Expansion—Key to Global Trade. Since it opened in 1914, the Panama Canal has been a marvel of engineering and one of the world’s most important trade assets. Roughly $270 billion worth of cargo crosses the canal each year.

How much does it cost for a ship to pass through the Panama Canal?
Depends on size and weight of vessel. A private yacht may pay $2000 or less and a large commercial ship up to $150,000. The cost is still less than sailing around South America. Interesting fact: Panama Canal authorities used to charge swimmers 36 cents to pass through.
Why was the Panama Canal so important?
Commercial Importance. The canal permits shippers of commercial goods, ranging from automobiles to grain, to save time and money by transporting cargo more quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.Mar 13, 2018
Who Built the Panama Canal?
President Theodore Roosevelt
Building the Panama Canal, 1903–1914. President Theodore Roosevelt oversaw the realization of a long-term United States goal—a trans-isthmian canal. Throughout the 1800s, American and British leaders and businessmen wanted to ship goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
Who currently owns the Panama Canal?
On September 7, 1977, the treaty was signed by President of the United States Jimmy Carter and Omar Torrijos, de facto leader of Panama. This mobilized the process of granting the Panamanians free control of the canal so long as Panama signed a treaty guaranteeing the permanent neutrality of the canal.
What did Jimmy Carter do after his Presidency? HABITATS FOR HUMANITY and built decent housing for the poor but left after a while I think.

Is sending illegal immigration our way NEUTRAL? Can Panama be neutral?

I don’t think it can under the circumstances at this time and I don’t think it is.

Guess it depends on where some of the immigrants come from South America, ASIA, AFRICA NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE BUT I BET ITS A LOT.

TWAS A dumb deal, not a done deal. We were dealing with extremely long gas lines and hostages being held by Iran and I have no idea why but between the two extremes, the deal was made. THINGS CHANGE. It would behoove Trump to figure out why and not take it over for merely the money but so you can win and continue to live in a free country.

As far as corn tariffs goes we could always store it for the future like Joseph did in the OT and it prevented starvation but was a different product. He did it for 7 years. I like corn tortillas and some corn products. IT doesn’t have to go to waste because China is retaliating and can change it’s mind down the road of trade deficits and trying to be fair to Americans. I bet the Jews starving in the Holocaust of the former Soviet Union advertised in the last few days by Fox could use the corn for donations  Can Laura InGraham help? Or cook it all up and get a bunch of people to stomp on it and make YELLOW WINE as opposed to RICE WINE and call it PRECISE WINE. So I suppose we are gonna buy a Solar Panel Still? Has anyone ever smelt old cooked rice a bout 5 days old. It is the worst smell in the world almost. The corn embargo is even more reason for the Panama Canal. EMBARGO THIS and TAKE THAT WHY DONT YOU?

I doubt he has the balls and it will eventually ruin him as well. IMO. IN fact probably everyone but it would be good chance to take. I don’t mind moving on with Revelation because it is good for me EITHER WAY! I have a positive attitude and outlook. I would love to know the reason because I think he screwed the USA maybe hoping someone would fix it down the line via his faith. Which may be why he would do something so stupid.

I wonder if Billy Graham had something to do with it. I bet he did.

It was Kissinger who helped him get into trouble with Iran in the first place and afterwards. HOW INTERESTING!


It was Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to prop OBAMA. Interesting video I cannot attest to all of it but still for the young to have a feel for it but still interesting. I cant attest to Carter not wanting to give help to the SHAH by a medical operation but politics is politics. SO Obama came to fuck up our health care. WEIRD Billy Graham I’m sure was in on it as well and maybe pulling the strings. Embassy’s sure can be trouble with a capital E and probably won’t be good in Jerusalem either probably because of the VATICAN influence. IRAN LOVES THEIR LEADER, RIGHT? Rouhani and before him the one with the extremely obnoxious name and then before him Khomeni and I guess others. The country of IRAN has it’s own troubles. A lot of troubles. I have no idea why anyone listened to Kissinger because he was extremely irritating to listen to and most of the time it seemed a big bullshitter. I don’t think I ever learned anything of value from his intervention or discussions or anything. JUST A BIG POMOUS ACCENT. I think Kissinger and Graham worked in tandem together since Billy Graham was a shill for the RCC especially in regards to Nixon when Nixon caught him on tape saying about Jews: “They don’t know how I real feel about them.” He deserved to get caught. LBJ awarded him the BIG BROTHER AWARD because he was a big snoop not for anyone’s good but his own. NOT A GOOD INFLUENCE IN THE USA but very few people realize how bad he was. HE WAS VERY BAD. I remember catching Billy Graham sport his english accent in some early videos of him where he started his campaign from I think GERMANY. Pretty bad when a christian preacher like him and his son remain silent about Mother Teresa and an atheist outs her evil which is why I KNOW the BGEA and Samaritans PURSE is evil and anything either had anything to do with and I bet both had a lot to do with Mother Teresa’s evil. In the past Billy Graham made a deal with other preachers not to tell on each other a longtime ago to protect himself. Don’t you wonder why? Because both are evil and someday will have to pay the piper BIG TIME.

The fart that ruined the family outing

This relating to my little sister: Relating back to the story about the woman at the well in John 4 Jesus met her at the 6th hour which in Israel I had read it meant at noon. HIgh noon or something  I guess Israel measures time such as of the beginning of the day starting at 6 am or day break. So noon would have been the 6th hour. The woman said she had been married 5 times and a woman who resembled my sister a great deal said she was shot 5 times in the leg in California at the airport at a mass shooting in San Bernadino. who was with a man reacting to something besides the mass shooting who looked like a mix Errol Flynn and Billy Graham at a young age sweating quite bit. I think reacting to Obama but I don’t know but it occurred and was in the news at the time and it was during the Obama Administation. She was born in the combination of years of those numbers and was the fourth child in our family. Now you may say wow that’s stretching it. LOL and I am stretching it but she looked so much like her it was uncanny and I included the interaction on one of my posts because of it and because it possibly was a false flag event. Anyway he pushed her off like a piece of trash but as if she was his bait and she was assisted by a few men off a curb limping who helped her to walk chewing her tongue which is something I did as a baby and tot. There are home movies of me doing it I think on Christmas day. She was a BGEA quite young and was baptized in a glass tank at a Baptist Church quite young a teenager and was dunked. I saw it happen. So it was kind of a I think purposeful attempt to grab my attention.and memories as was an old photo of a young woman on a couch which looked like an old family photo used of my sister on the couch very similar one that had been part of a montage of photos framed which was hung on the wall which is probably why I remember it who had been shot at the White House grounds for no reason. It was the picture used to relate who she was from family members on the news who said she was from Connecticut but darkened skin which isn’t true of course but Gary was from Connecticut. His family lived in Connecticut and I think the area of the mass shooting Sandy Hook Elementary happened in Connecticut so I don’t know if it is relating to it or not about the teacher who was shot. Crazy stuff but all occurred during the Obama Administration but another film showed a woman stretching her eyes with her fingers to see which is something my sister did as a child to see because of her vision until we realized she needed glasses or contact lenses. It was the clue of her vision problems a few things at school which alerted my parents of her vision problems an dater in life hd it fixed with an eye operation but saw too closely an distorted to be a critic of blemishes but before she was diagnosed stretching the lids of her eyes helped her to un-blur her vision. The reason I noticed was because it was a false flag I think and the man with her while she was stretching the lids of her eyes was supposed to be her husband who was not either of her husbands the guy at the podium laughing as if on an acting tryouts and then walked up to the podium and started acting a if he was upset and his voice wavering about the death of his daughter at the school shooting. He was obviously lying about his daughter and didn’t even have a daughter and must have been a cruel person at the same time. The pictures of the daughter look alike someone famous as kid. Not an actress but someone used against abortion. Crazy stuff. I said I think the RCC has been watching people for many years gaining information and of course Sandy Hook was a Catholic town obviously because of the picture of priests in the area reacting to Sandy Hook Elementary which was also in the news with a chapel and a bunch of priests helping the families, The 2nd to last visit to see my mom while my brother was on the couch reading the book The God Particle I had been doing some research about the shooting at Sandy Hook as being a false flag and was trying to show my family it was a false flag my brother said “Don”t go there…”, and said my name. Like the DOJ Eric Holder of the Obama Administration who bow wows to Obama because he is afraid of him said to a Representative of Texas Louise Gohmert Don’t go there and talked about asparagus. I saw the previous Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad come out of Holder in a hurry spiritually during a bow wow session during some Presidential speech for both parties (State of the Union) not during it but I think after as if he had gotten some information somehow while shaking hands or a check or something. I saw the bow by Eric Holder to Obama like an animal dealing with the alpha and then he came out or was sent out (kind of a strange and very fast) as if he was his god. Iran did get billions of dollars from Obama. I think it was an apparition of some kind or a film induced apparition. Ahmadinejad was known to have believed in the Four Horseman apocalypse prophecy of Zechariah and Revelation and I guess Zachariah as well. (In Hades there are levels of demons and some are more powerful than others and Holder was beneath Obama but on the same team only because he had no choice) My brother was trying to intimidate me into not discussing the false flag with my family or was warning me and I showed the video of the man at the podium which was seen often on the internet and people showing it was a false flag (truthers) and I did it anyway because I wanted them to realize it was a false flag event possibly mixed into a real event like many are these days often planned training exercises of some group and the real thing as if two events intertwined into one like the Boston Marathon and many other massacres to deceive and confuse participants. A war of some kind in a spiritual sense bet we are the spectators of goo and evil or real and evil. My older sister came into the room and I don’t think she even watched it and adjusted her shirt and said out loud “I don’t buy it.” trying to be cool and as if she was above it all meaning she didn’t believe that it was a false flag as opposed to believing it was a mass murder at a school as if it makes it better (either way it was bad if it was real and if it wasn’t real or both no matter how you perceived it) and her husband watched it and smirked as if he believed it was a false flag and almost like a wink as if it was comical which a psychopath might think and as if he already knew about it and agreed and tried to lead me to get into reading and listening to some radio guy who had a site on the internet about political stuff he liked which was very right winged I guess for me to follow and I saw it and was not impressed.. My little sister wouldn’t even watch it because she was on her computer looking up recipes and ignoring me in a way in her own little world.My brother ignored it he just didn’t want me to discuss it. Later noticed a picture on the internet of her as a baby in a cage outside on an apartment window a few stories up baiting me or baiting her or to get the attention of someone. (she was never caged by our family but was some kind of picture in the 30’s of how people some people handled their babies in some city sometimes to get air but her as a baby similar anyway (like some british used to put their babies in their strollers outside on their porch) and then got some clues from the Bush family story documentary aired on tv and about their daughter who died of leukemia and something had been added to the documentary trying to get my attention about the daughter who died young as if it was my little sister. Robin was her name, I think of course I didn’t know the Bush family but I believe it was purposeful though I don’t know why because it is so outlandish. Crazy. However my older sister and her husband hobnobbed with the Bush family via Gary’s parents in the oil business, Were invitees of the golf tournament in the Carolinas once a year invitation only of some famous rich people who sometimes brought guests .Once my dad was a guest and went with them. (My dad got into the building business building homes learned about it and built a few homes and I think they invested in him and he got too old and housing market took a dive and couldn’t pay the loan back. I think. I never really was involved in the deal. Could have been testing them how they would react or what they would do like he did about the blackmail to see if possibly my little sister was being blackmailed by Gary and my older sister via the church i.e. the BGEA. pure imagination because I don’t know but have accumulated some information and know things were not what they seemed, My dad is very smart but he was older too and possibly trying to figure out how my older sister and her husband handled debt who were penny pinching if you owed them and the total opposite if you didn’t and they owed you by some turn of events might actually do something deadly to free themselves of debt possibly via the BGEA’s ways and means. I don’t know. ) Funny thing when I went to the hospital about 8 months or so ago I saw Billy Graham and George Bush the second President of the Bush family come on the tv at the hospital in the waiting room laughing about something on a mexican station hysterically for about less than a minute more like about 15 seconds and then back to the mexican spanish speaking station show sort of a interruption of them. Acting crazy. It was not my imagination but very weird to say the least. So whatever is really going on as far as vision or knowing things about us I think sees through a glass a dark glass and doesn’t really see very well. I let it roll off my back and got treated and remembered it. My ex wasn’t in the room at the time doing something else parking the car or something so I had no witness to attest to the avidity of what I saw but he wasn’t exactly on my side at the time anyway. Supposedly Billy Graham got Bus off alcohol but got him on something else, I think. Both acting stoned. I remember the look on his face when he was getting the information of 9-11 reading to kids in Florida I think. I was researching because of the similarity of the JFK and book depository and him reading a book to kids and because of what I had seen by one of his appointees when he spoke about 9-11 and the plane which went down in Pennsylvania as if it was shot down with the reaction of the Secret Service behind him reacting as if he had let out some information accidentally but shouldn’t have. (I saw one of those agents in a film in Syria later. Same lady but in drag or in a halfway burka and not in uniform as she was when the video of the appointee was filmed and shown on the internet. He was upset visibly upset and I guess probably after wards was handled how the Secret Service or others handle things they don’t want to be believed without killing you such as why the witnesses 30 or so taken to Germany via John Kerry to be never heard from again but said to have been taken to Germany to  I forget the word used to dissimilate information or disseminate to get the information without public knowledge to control information it wants to manipulate for political reasons and in this case religious reasons as well. Secretive operations type stuff and possibly because of a lack of understanding of the situation the Secret Service is dealing with or was and to keep it quiet.) And the look on his face was truly surprised but like a surreal Oh my God look like he did it look whoever he is as if he knew but didn’t know. Like he might have gotten a clue before it happened besides threats but thought it was a joke kind of joke. (*I think it was his brother who betrayed him possibly jealous and not right in the head* early on his mom let us know before….. way before the election he should not run and was married to a catholic woman  who I have never seen but I heard some things he said in my mind towards me from a collective sense like he was a weirdo and though to hear things in my mind sounds crazy I still heard it and I can’t remember what it was he said but it was his voice and not anything important but more like a tease of a nut. We all have thoughts and sometimes those thoughts are not ours and you have to subdue those thoughts Same with dreams. Sometimes dreams are planted dreams which I think was the deal with my sister dreaming about my other sister’s husband kissing him on a bridge while my sister watched. think of it in terms of sowing seed: You sow seed and the enemy sows seed in response. Same kind of thing but a seed in terms of a thought or an idea.) He was in Florida at the time of the attack, wasn’t he? and POTUS has a lot to do with it as well as the Secret Service in Maryland who set up things daily for the President and make their suggestions for talking points on a daily basis for the President. I could go on and on and on but might be pointless. I also remember when Putin visited him on his ranch and he was talking to the press and they were friendly and Putin added some comment which kind of surprised him and caught him off guard because Putin is very smart man but not like this. It was kind of humorous how he caught him off guard and it was harmless as well however it put George Bush on the spot as if he wasn’t being totally truthful omitting information and Putin doesn’t often get a chance to speak for himself in our country and knew how to speak in the English language. 9-11 was more devilish and I don’t think Putin is as evil as what occurred on 9-11 or would have for no reasonable reason kill a bunch of civilians and it was Islamic obviously a terrorist attack however from what I heard the appointee say there is more to the story than what we know and I think it was also an inspiration of the RCC/Vatican jesuits. Box cutters? These men were trained to fly in Florida. THAT IS A BIG DEAL. Immigrated somehow. Funded somehow.  I hope Trump meets with Putin and works to know him better but I wouldn’t underestimate him at all. I think he is a better person than the RCC’s leaders the Jesuit ones who would love to use him as their scapegoat anytime it can which is often. He did warn the FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers at the yearly Boston Marathon and kind of warned about Benghazi but afterwards like he knew something not like he was involved but knew and I documented it in one of my posts somewhere and I have written a lot, not necessarily with style but it’s how I write which should be good enough. One of their religious leaders was poisoned and It hunk it was the RCC Jesuits doing the poisoning to control the orthodox catholics of Russia at the time in competition with other catholic entities like expecting China’s catholics to be romanized in order to control catholics probably via the Neo-Cathechumenal Way. I remember hearing about the RCC trying to control other catholics and in particular besides Japan sort of recently which was deadly China as well about ten or so years ago. I thought what nerve but in order to centralize the Vatican via Jesuits using the Neo-Catechumenal Way which leads to death. Pope Benedict did warn about it the NWO with teeth which includes the BGEA part of the teeth. A lot of bad actors in this NWO and obviously want to be on top as does Islam. Obama was in the Senate. I don’t know how he got there because I don’t remember him till he ran for President. I wasn’t watching too closely our Senate at the time but heard Kissinger give his opinions about Obama and heard and read he was hired by the Vatican because of their woes child predators and money laundering and killing witnesses in the money laundering part of investigations. the Child predator is not as easily quelled because there so many and were not tied to banking and tax revenue from our country. He was hired to handle it. He put his stamp of approval on Obama which helped him to get elected so thereforeI think was elected via help from the Vatican and Kissinger in alliance with the BGEA though all of them struggle between each other for power. I think Kissinger was pulling strings he had int eh background. I remember when Obama made a speech on the campaign trail and went into his Jive talking probably not the right word or phrase but went into his real everyday speech trying to wait out the flash to be able to see when the cameras flashed in his eyes blinding him for  a moment or two and thought how weird. He lost his mojo because of something in his eyes not being able to see his speech? As if it wasn’t his ides. A puppet and yet have seen thing s where it seems he is the puppet master later on. So I think someone behind the scenes is doing the manuevering and manipulating and the controlling of many in politics possibly spiritual as well as physical two different spirits and both not good. Devilish Satanic Shit which is the girding of the Jesuits because jesuits make a vow to the devil and then you have the other secret societies infiltrated but were a response to the RCC, The Vatican, The Jesuits ways to remain somewhat free of its devices. Many people migrated from Europe to the USA because of the RCC and so did the RCC incognito. INESCAPABLE unless something is drastically done. Not the people who have been christened into it because of ignorance like me as a kid  and other kids and their parents into the Episcopal Church or most churches learning about Jesus (which is a veil a cover being used) but the ones in power and the Devil himself. I witnessed Pope Benedict getting kissed by many religions on the hands as if a new club had formed for the NWO but noticed he was being controlled as well. So I think he did some good things trying to set the record straighter as far as what was transpiring to warn his flock and others about the NWO with Teeth. So I got kind of deep into what I could learn inlets of different venues about the bible, the churches  some history and about some wars and who was behind the wars and seemed to notice a lot of Jesuit activity in lots of places and times and wars. I don’t think Benedict was Jesuit but pope Francis is and a child predator as well which means the mob in it’s most evil ways trying to control leaders of other countries using Jesus and everything to corrupt everyone the way evil does which can escalate the way I have explained can happen. I don’t even know if Pope Francis s really in charge I doubt it but Jesuitism is causing a lot of problems for the world IMO as is Islam regardless of the style of government. Communism socialism democracy republics, monarchies, etc. All evil at a certain level to some degree because power corrupts even the best or those with the best intentions. it is like SEPSIS, a poison and is very hard to control. LIKE DEATH. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak kind of stuff.

Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. … Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation.


He ought to know.

The Vatican 2 was to give pre-eminence to the Gospel of Matthew and to organize and other things as well AND I DOUBT WAS THE SECOND VATICAN but more like a repeat of many Vatican’s but in our time I guess to keep themselves afloat.

I think I have a lot of good information and have been working hard at it not for the style or prestige or for money or for selling books because I don’t, I do it for my parents and family hoping someday they will see even after death and for anyone who wants to know or can identify with what I’m going through but not realizing the mustard seed was a hoax they would have to overcome and haven’t nor ever can without a lot finagling of the bible which is occurring. The timing of the revelation is quite interesting. A GOD SEND in a way to pull the mat from beneath MATTHEW at a certain given time as NOW. The churches fell for it. God uses Evil to teach sometimes and allows it to teach a lesson about false notions. Pulls his hand away to allow them to entrap themselves and it did and the churches especially the RCC are trying desperately to do damage control but the cat is out of the bag. Finagling the bible isn’t wise but who said evil is wise. The three wise men? Anyway the church will have to acce[t the truth no matter what it tries in order not to and it is trying very hard and like the harder you try the harder it is for themselves. Eventually it will accept a truth or two like it had to do in regards to the shape of the earth. The churches ought to just relax and enjoy it.

 Early in my research for a while read and did a little listening of Joan Veon.

Joan Veon – One Of Our Greatest Heroes Passes

She had some interesting information, but she died. Mostly about the UN and I forgot the name of the trend at the time some german philosophy type stuff but things I had never heard of and it was helpful. I listened to a bunch of people and read and watched but wasn’t writing then. I hated writing. Just learning. Every time I got a diary as a gift I wrote about one days worth and got bored and wanted to do other things. Counting on the ripple affect/effect in time to get my messages across.

It was hard to get my little sister’s attention because she wasn’t into things other than herself a lot or what she has to do and her kids etc. I know it sounds strange but so was the reference early about some numbers mentioned by Mother Teresa in regards to the number of countries and parishes that had hospices in  her hospice business  and laughing about it and both my older sister information and my mom. wanting to live to 105 and some other numbers I mentioned having to do with money exchanged for hospicing my mom and possibly what was left in her estate before she died which might have been split three ways or something which I picked up on at the time and related in another post about Mother Teresa. Someone is trying to harass for sure and i know it but doesn’t have the correct information and using photos that were not on the internet. I do know Billy Graham was admonished by the RCC (american part of the RCC) for having or believing the Mormon Church was a cult disclaiming him as if he had been trapped or entrapped which was his style to entrap. A change in alliances or the axis in a spiritual way as was or occurred when the tsunami of the Indian Ocean which caused the earth’s axis alteration and all of this may have happened (the massacre at San Bernadino with the woman who was shot 5 times in the leg after the tsunami which caused a nuclear accident in Japan in the Obama Administration when he tweeted “another is on it’s way.” after the first and possibly only earthquake occurred.  The BGEA was headed there or the Samaritans Purse to help the Japanese but I don’t think were told about the nuclear aspect of the accident. What did Obama mean when he tweeted “Another is on it’s way.”? The RCC and the Mormons alliance both cults but because of the NSA in Utah, that’s why. And I think and alliance with Obama and the Grahams? But using them all at the same time because there are agents in all of them double agents triple agents etc.

A FIIFTH DIMENSIONAL CHESS GAME and for the most part to control the USA because control has already been established in most of the other countries being either Catholic or Islamic and because we won WWll. What are the lyrics to the Mr. Ed theme song?

A horse is a horse of course of course of course. Such a wholesome handsome figure of a …..something

How women are treated is usually a very good measure of whether a religion is a cult. 

My sister called me after the last visit I had with my mom which I will relate about to some extent and told me she threw away all the pictures my mom and dad had out saved because she didn’t want to go through them and the pictures were mostly of old family members we never met and old family friends my parents knew in their lives in order to discard it from the warehouse her husband and her were clearing which was close to their home by about 4 hours compared to me. I had never seen the warehouses but received boxes of stuff they deemed was for me. My older sister knew about the warehouses as well full of my parents things. So someone had some pics and used them and it had to be either my older sister and her husband or my little sister and her husband who provided it. BOTH BGEAers. My sister also told me she found a note from my brother to my dad about her basically saying she wasn’t smart and their discussion of her though the letter was from my brother she found at the warehouse in their stuff. It hurt her feelings big time which might be why she wanted to throw the pictures away because she was angry that they thought that way about her and was I could tell stewing about it or she wouldn’t have called to tell me about it. I tried to explain to her if it was from our brother to our dad then dad didn’t necessarily feel that way about her and she blamed my dad. Which was stupid because it was from my brother to my dad. I tried to reason with her on the phone about the difference between the sender and the reader. My brother used to say a lot of people were stupid when he was kid being a jerk especially to his two younger sisters. He would call us stupid or all kinds of things. It was a weird conversation because she proved his point yet she was not a kid anymore. She couldn’t figure out the difference between who sent the letter and who read the letter and blamed the reader of the letter instead of the sender and writer of the letter. I tried for a while in the conversation to help her not take it out on the memory she had of our dad. She was hard to have a deep conversation with in some ways. Flighty and had a hard time with concentration which may be why she was taking her son’s Ritalin as well to help her. Possibly was feeling inadequate in her first marriage because he kind of liked her being off balance so he could berate her the way he did sometimes as he did on New Years’ Eve ridiculing her. Her second husband did the same but he had his own style of belittling her. The fact is my dad got a kick out of my little sister and enjoyed her. Once when she was a very young kid about 6 to 8 years old on a trip she stood up in the back seat area behind my dad while he was driving his family (can’t remember if it was a highway or just a road) and put her hands over his eyes so he couldn’t see to drive in response to something going on. My brother probably called her stupid then and probably all the kids in the family in the car called her stupid as well. It wasn’t as hard on her as it sounds but was a funny story like the ones she loved to tell at parities about me even though she was involved and helped to make decisions about what I found in my drawer because she enjoyed the story so much. Embarrassing to me to be repeated at parties but I took it as best I could but I never really thought to say “hey sister you helped” and she did and it was probably best at the time what we did since it came out of nowhere. The house was dark around dusk the front door was wide open when I came home and found some stuff in my drawer like a set up I was 14 years old or so around the time my best friend was dating a son of a captain of the police department who took a liking to her because she was very pretty but she didn’t really like him and maybe went out once or twice and he happened to drive by as well after we threw it down the flood drain. he looked like a young Chris Matthews of Hardball in his red camaro. My little sister was there somehow or came in (can’t remember how she appeared all of a sudden but her best friends lived nearby down the road) and we threw the stuff down the drain on the road in front of the house after a freakout session together trying to figure out what was going on. Later I had mixed feelings not knowing it’s origins because most of the kids I knew were smoking it and there were some guys who hung out with young teens who were out of school already were dealers who happened to be in love with some friends of mine but the clues were the front door was wide open and no one was home and it was dark inside when I arrived home to find a big bag of pot BIG BAG in my bedroom and how I knew was the drawer was wide open in my bedroom as I walked into the bedroom and there it was. VERY EERIE. None of the males I knew had been in my house or bedroom so none of them would not have known where to put it and wouldn’t have done it this way. I do remember intending to go in on something with a bunch of us girls (our gang) but I don’t think we ever consolidated the deal but right after i threw it in the drain I wondered out loud to my sister and she thought it was the funny part of the story. I don’t remember any collection of money etc because I sure didn’t have any money at the time. My friends never brought it up so it must not have been the case. My mom was at work. and of course the son of the captain of the police department drove by right afterwards and he stopped and talked to us but I can’t remember what was said . I don’t think I told him knowing his relationship. Probably something about my friend. or he just drove by in his red Camaro type car. I just remember thinking “that’s odd.” I hardly knew him and he was new to the area it seemed or to us and my friend didn’t take to him too much but he really liked her. I had my own interests boy wise but not the dealers not because they were dealers but long beards and antique cars and not my type and at the time had a huge crush for a long time (a year or more) on a very blonde surfer, LOL.  We went out but turned out to be a bad night he had a horrible cold and it was a prom of some kind. Junior Prom I think or something downtown. My mom made the outfit. I wore a red crushed velveteen skirt and a silver satiny blouse with a tie of grey pearly looking beads and I had to wear it because she made it. I felt like a dork but it was nice of her however I think she intended to please the general who had his chat with her saying I was a bad influence beforehand which I think since I heard about it miffed her a bit which is understandable because I’m her daughter even though she liked my friend, I did not have a choice as far as the outfit and I think she was trying to make me look studious to protect me from myself. IT DID. Later after the pot in the drawer incidence my mom was driving one of the girls i hung out with and me. I was in the front seat and she was int he back with the windows down and smoking a cigarette and threw it out the window and said DOWN THE GUTTER BABY and after that my mom did not like her because of her tough exterior tough talk and I do think it was spiritual because we were driving right by the church when she did it. Kind of a coincidence because the area we were driving of the road did not have a gutter. The gutters were in the neighborhoods and this was a road in-between neighborhoods and as I recall was not guttered. Across from the church were some houses way deep in the woods Places most people would not go because of back deep woodsiness of the homes and it’s surroundings as if some real weirdos lived in the homes which were only a few but a dense worded area. Not a place to adventure or you might get shot. Scary looking. Type of place where the people had lived there for a least a century or so. Her dad was in the Navy and they had family troubles, mostly the son. I walked in on a terrible scene once between the dad and the son and it was kind of heartbreaking. He was a friend of another friend of mine’s brother whose dad was in the AIr Force and a bit older about my brother’s age. Not like we didn’t sometimes have conflicts in our home but usually private ones. It was kind of a sticky situation because I was not family and her brother was upset and it got physical but he was at an age where boys and their dads usually have their worst relationship  or rebel against their dad or each other trying to carve out a niche for themselves in a masculine way without much experience or understanding but thinking they do which it seemed like it was that kind of an argument and I hated being there at the time and embarrassed for them but I have no idea what it was about. I tried to be cool about it. The family was a good family as far as I knew and close as well. Nice parents etc. NOw I’m glad I saw it because I witnessed my older brother and my older sister have one of those kind of interactions when they came home from college one summer and it was like two large dinosaurs because i was younger at the time and it was bound to happen between them because she talked for him until he was around three years old. Cut his eye lashes because his lashes were long with a big pair of scissors and got caught in the act at about the same age. My brother and my dad had one confrontation in the laundry room once for a short spurt chest to chest. My dad supported NIxon as a President. He got us out of the war in Vietnam and outed one of the most evil preachers in the world Billy Graham who had a lot of connections like Kissinger. My dad had gone to the war 2 times so it was no small feat to do both those things though he paid a price. My brother was against Nixon and because of the DNC break-in stuff but in hindsight was wrong however it seemed right at the time and the DNC break-in probably was a set up. Would it surprise anyone now? Of course my brother didn’t fight in Vietnam either. I don’t remember the subject of the argument but it was probably about Nixon.

I heard a little about a conversation Billy Graham had with Golda Meir but I don’t know why she asked him if he was the man. and he said I am not the man. wrote a book with his alibis of the assassination after the assassination of JFK called Just As I Am and had a visit by his son who was interested in his dad’s assassination and soon died in a plane wreck and was vying for the same seat in the Senate as Hillary Clinton. He also visited Cuba’s President Fidel Castro but I think Billy Graham probably and more than likely was involved in some form or fashion in his demise along with his pregnant wife and sister-in-law and the pilot. Too convenient not to be unintentional.

I didn’t like how my mom felt about my friend because of one comment and normally she was not so tough acting but she was tough in a good way. I definitely think it was something talking through her without her knowledge. She was only a teenager and very cool because of her personality and friendliness normally. She kind of befriended me and I think in a way a good influence because of her toughness but it was lousy timing with my mom driving her to say what it is that she said plus my mom did not smoke and because normally my friend didn’t say it ever before that I know of. I don’t think she meant harm is what I mean but the comment looking back is kind of eerie. Later the church was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Parents naturally are suspicious of OPK (Other people’s kids) when their own kid is acting up and I was in a multitude of ways but the times were very tumultuous and the times were a changin’ at the time and I was acting up partially because of my age but in comparison to others quite tame. I was a bit naive and stupid as well having not really been in or lived in a civilian atmosphere at a highly political time and place . Hanging out with older kids tends to be kind of a mixture of bad and good. Peer pressure stuff but we as a group tried for the most part to watch out for each other even though we were somewhat wild but not like most people around us which is why I liked them so much. They were military kids and well rounded in some ways other’s weren’t and we were naturally attracted to each other because of it without realizing each of us were military kids unlike many others who were more political kids in the area and civilians and we were able to communicate pretty well. It was a very political area near Washington DC however when you are teenagers you don’t realize it but I DO NOW. We were there obvious because of the war and the Pentagon. Sort of a bewitched area not as in the tv series but as in some deep stuff. Very deep stuff. Some of the things that happened in the area and even to me were kind of scary which I will explain later and especially the closer in to Washington DC that you get the worse it gets kind of like the movie abut a girl who gets possessed and her head turns around and charming at the same time. That kind of stuff because it is a powerful place attracting some bad influences and also some good but mostly bad, I think. One person I recognize made a dramatic shift in appearance and was a press person kind of famous with a different name. Kind of weird. I see some deception about it and I think (some sort of political religious sect) BIG TIME i didn’t notice before being young and now having learned the things I learned but the Times are a Changing’. so at the time we dispersed it was probably best but for me it was very hard because I loved those friends. My sister would probably say I was PATHETIC but those friends were far better than any she has had in her lifetime. I know because i met most of her friends who sucked. I learned a to from them as well but didn’t realize how much.

I have been to many parts of the area and even to the park Vince Foster was alleged to have committed suicide which I don’t believe for a second and seen most of the museums and sites in DC so am pretty well versed in the area and others around it while living there and remember quite a bit. I wouldn’t want to live there now but was glad to have had the experience even if I was quite young.

The guy (the 26 year old dealer) called me to find out about my best friends because he had a crush on her and he was way older but part of the groups who met at outdoor parties etc or at the park where we hung out to sell drugs or provide drugs though I never watched his dealing (and at my other friend’s house parties she held either outside or in her living rooms whose dad was a general who had a talk with my mom that i was a bad influence on his daughter and she was 2 years older so my mom took us to a psychiatrist once because of it. My dad was at war at the time fighting. I never had a party at my parents home without their knowledge or while out of town, however she did quite a few not without our help of course, our gang. We were all military kids of different branches in the area and had become friends nit because of it but attracted to each other as friends. Had a lot in common. Not too wild as some but in the popular department kind of but our own group. We tried to watch over each other when out and about because we really cared even though in the experimental age of the early 70’s. It did eventually get weirder near the end of our relationships.= because all of us were reassigned to other places. I missed them so much for a long time. We were good friends. The general was italian. I don’t know if it has anything to do with it but I think it is kind of interesting and they were catholic. I don’t know if he ever went to the war but sure had his biases about me being one of the youngest of the group. His wife was like a prisoner when I saw only a couple of times but at their house often. Pale, and looked like a woman who gave great deal of information via video with proof BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT about the elementary school mass murder in Connectticut. Very much like her and sounded like her and definitely was convincing evidence on her video that it was a false flag which since has been hidden by the amount of news to distract and disinformation type stuff and to hide her contribution because it was such good evidence. We used to smoke her cigarettes PALL MALLS without filters at her house around the kitchen table but she was like a prisoner at the time and it was weird. Very feminine. My older sister knew my best friends older brother and he had a crush on her in their class she told me. 6 years older but somehow even though she was in college at the time so I don’t really know how it could have occurred. Maybe the first year we lived in the area possibly and she must have been a senior and i was a still a kid in elementary school at the time when she was going to school in the area and then to college out of town and we moved as well. We only lived in the area less than that so it could not have occurred I don’t think but he took us to the beach and wouldn’t stop to go to the bathroom so my friend got a bottle and peed in it in the back of their station wagon which is hard for a female. He took all of us for a day at the beach a trip about 4 or so hours for some reason. Not sure why because he was alone with a bunch of young girls but maybe for his sisters I don’t know the logistics. ) She had a sister younger than her about my age maybe or a little bit older very much like my little sister at the time and not into the wild stuff except kind of rare occasion in a subdued way. My little sister the same but I had to help her when she got drunk and to walk it off before mom came home when drinking probably for the first time in her life with her friends in the neighborhood. We did some stuff together like once we hitchhiked together with a bunch of other friends hiding in the brush to get a ride. It was stupid but luckily we were not just the two of us or we wouldn’t have done it in the area we lived. Rode horses together often had a great time and with the little ponies. I wish I had stuck with it more for her and for me but the people who owned our horse with us were moving and we had to figure out how to handle it and they were moving to a ranch so it kind of made the choice for us. but it was way far away They asked nicely and I said yea. I wanted my horse to be happy and he was a gentle horse and they had some young twins and seemed like the right thing to do plus had him later at a place he could not enjoy as a horse near the park. You could ride at the park but it was dangerous and everyone wanted to ride my horse which was dangerous. I let a couple people who did not know how to ride and felt nervous about it so it was not an attractive situation for me or my horse and the ranch sounded like the best place for him and she was my other best friend growing up whose family owned the horse with us. One day I got the horse, the next her family, then ours etc. A very good way to get a horse without paying for all the expenses is to share a horse. Horses take a lot care so it helped to split the work as well but sometimes complaints were aired and you have to do it with the right people and for the most part the family we shared him with were pretty cool. They complained more than we did though not sure it was fair complaints but to them it was and was minimal. At the stable before the stables by the park we would all get on these miniature horses and ride through the woods bareback without bridles with their only their halters that were housed at the same place we had our horse. If we cleaned the stalls we got to ride the ponies. So we did. It was hysterical because of the ponies gates and were so small comparatively to our horse but like a wild pony run and totally safe comparatively. You could not fall off one of these ponies, it was nearly impossible unless you were an idiot. Ours was more dangerous but gentle. Arabian Thoroughbred gelding Really pretty to watch him run or cantor or trot. His tail out and his neck arched. Had a blue eye and a brown eye and super fun to ride though at the first place we had him before all the others mentioned in another state he like to run away with me on him onto the golf course and over the greens and got us in trouble. So we had to move him to  ranch and I think he loved it. Lots of other horses to roam with out in the country. I didn’t love it as much because of prairie dog holes you had to be aware of and to try to halter him was a chore and a half. He liked to play games. eat grass and watch me from his peripheral vision and the moment I got near him would run 20 years away. Until i offered him a treat or until he felt he should eventually got to ride and learned to jump as well after a few falls and got better at it together. Sort of a feel a rhythm of the horse you ride with or without saddle and we rode english most of the time. Seemed like he always had to poop when we showed him in a show as you are riding in the show. Kind of funny. Maybe he was nervous but didn’t stop for the occasion and kept right on going head arched and tail arched. I wish I had kept him but it was best at the time however if I had I wouldn’t have had the troubles i had later. I guarantee it. I couldn’t foretell the future. NOT ME! I can say this I don’t know how we got him to the last stables or why which were not safe but it seemed like we were set up to give him away because of their religion. They were catholic. A good catholic family but nevertheless I would not have made the decision to ut him at the place he was put. I don’t know the logistics but I think it wasn’t my decision. Sort of maneuvered without realizing it. I KNOW WE WERE! But still it’s okay they were a good family regardless of their religion which sucks. I think they would have been a good family without it because of the parents and had a loot of practice having a lot of kids but even so I think it was hard for me however I am a good sport most of the time and my friend loved our horse. I was kind of getting into some other things but probably would have returned if I had had the chance. The reason I know it was maneuvering is because later he served me when I needed it though he didn’t know and I appreciate it and made me feel good because i recognized him and always thought he was good person as a dad and towards me as a friend of the family. LIke my dad was a good person as well. Very stalworth type person both of them. Trustworthy. Her mom was nice as well. We also had some fun adventures though we had a seance at their home being kids using our imaginations etc and did some weird stuff. Once we found some deer hooves out in the woods wrapped in newspapers and being kids were curious so we brought the hooves on legs to her house. I’m sure it was impressive but we thought it was worthy of note to bring them to her home nearby. I bet her parents were not exactly excited though we never talked about it later. I don’t know what happened to the hooves we just left them there. Sometimes we shared our horse days for the fun of it.

I didn’t study his drug business the guy with the beard whom I told the distasteful joke/lie/prank/phone conversation.. He just always had lots of marijuana as a rule and we didn’t hang out with him mostly he was there at those big todos. He gave us a few rides a few times. The early 70’s were quite a different time and near the end of the Vietnam war and a lot was going on. I played a distasteful joke on him when he called looking to find out where she was or what she was up to but was too young to realize it wasn’t a good joke and it was a big lie and said she had been raped etc and then of course told him the truth but he freaked for a minute or so as I expounded on the story ridiculously so he might have been responding in kind. He was about 26 years of age and she was about 16. I was about 14-15 and did stupid stuff. Immature things. He was way too old to have been interested in her but using drugs as well to find a girl but I was not really aware of the difference at the time. We sometimes hung out in big groups. As an adult now of course I realize it was not innocent what he was doing. She was very cute the one I went impromptu to a prom together with a guy a year or so older.

I remember my mom restricted me from going to the park and vans and I went anyway and got caught in a white van and she was with a good friend whose husband was in the military who helped her hunt for me at the park and she was not shy about it and finally I had to pop out and say HI MOM. I was hiding under a blanket in the van at the park only hiding not in the van for any other reason. The van happened to be there and I knew the guys and saw my mom driving up but far away enough to think I could escape the motherly protection she tried to provide. It was very embarrassing but I appreciate it too though not at the time. We were hanging out with some bad influences obviously for our age especially to a mother. I never saw the general try except to blame me for the same things his daughter was doing and often using his home to do it in and our close knit group there were kids even older than her but I was the blame. I didn’t force her to have parties or to date some of the guys she dated. One of the guys she dated burned holes in her arm with a lit cigarette for entertainment though she never really revealed why. Some kind of dare or something. I don’t know if she was sitting in his lap or not but got the idea somehow when she allowed him to burn cigarette butts in her arm. Maybe had seen him and her at another party and envisioned it as he as doing it when I asked her about it with her other friends and she kind of didn’t totally tell us but I thought it was weird however she was bit different I guess you might call it touched a bit in her mind but very cool too and sweet and very pretty. and friendly in a good way. An artist and she was different. We loved her for it but felt protective of her as well. A little bit in her own world. He was italian and older and cute liked to dress in jeans hanging down but not like some have in the past 15 years. IT was the style kind of for the freak generation after the hippie generation being cool. Overalls as well. There were the surfers whom we hung out with I was interested in one of them and my friend was dating the other being older and the freaks then there were the freaky freaks who were way out in weirdness wearing coats down to their shoes long sort of scraggly hair and strange acting and then there were the jocks which sometimes were around and the very straight but few and far between. Kind of rare and though sometimes part of the group a very diverse group  of people. Only saw him a few times hanging out with his male friends in their car stopping to say hi while I was chasing my dog who had run away to the school yard where we played with him sometimes across a kind of busy road and saw him at some parties and knew she liked him a lot. His name was BROCK. You could tell he was a tease by the twinkle in his eyes talking to females (well I mean me ) very sure of himself by his manner, etc. Kind of some weird coincidences. I think anyway. I was kind of a normal kid in the area and in the time period  I’m talking about. I never met any that weren’t similar.

My little sister found the letter after the visit with my brother’s visit with my older sister and I to see my mom when my older sister wanted to watch Atonement and she and her husband and my little sister’s husband went to the warehouse for some reason while my brother, my little sister and I went to drop him off to see his son. I have no idea if the letter was written or a computer e-mail printed. So it could have been put into the things she might have gone through soon by them to upset her later. I don’t know. It was an odd phone conversation and the reason she threw away some of the pictures could be to act as if she were protecting a person I have outed on Fox and her dad and be the pictures used to harass me later on perhaps she might have felt threatened mob style. My brother was like most brothers growing up who are older at a certain point in their life belittling their younger siblings or allowing them to take the blame as my brother did when he farted in the car and my dad got mad at me instead because I laughed about his fart which was a very bad fart when the windows were up and the whole family was in the car on the way to see movie and he continued to fart the silent but deadly kind of fart while we watched at the theater the movie and we had to leave the movie very early because of his farts. Probably had too many red hots or something earlier in the day. My dad was so mad at me and it wasn’t me and after college and into his second marriage after his kids were grown up he finally admitted it was him and I knew it was him but we had a laugh about it. Normal sibling stuff, I think it’s normal. My dad was mad about it because it was foul. I mean very foul, and I don’t know if he knows to this day that it wasn’t me but it was his son my brother who was a coward at the time. I could tell by the smell of it who it came from. We hung out quite a bit together in our youth even to the point of knowing the difference. It was like going to Yellowstone when it stinks sometimes. My little sister lacked understanding for a number of reasons and wasn’t able to, but she did try sometimes to do her best. She was a lot of fun and funny and sometimes very sweet and I’m glad even though she pulled some shit on me that she was my little sister and if we get the chance to relive our lives I would do it again but better hopefully. Same way with my brother. All of us. And it does give me more understanding as well in regards to some things I have related in this post but I wouldn’t make her a Senator or a Representative which many states have done in a comparison. I would make her a decorator because she was very talented making things pretty in a home on a budget (to some extent because she didn’t have free reign over the money like my other sister.) A Very good shopper and a decent cook. I’m better at flavor though I have used some of her shortcuts. She cooked for her sons quite a bit but as a young girl I attempted a very fancy italian meal and spent a long time at it with my mom. It wasn’t spaghetti it was a chicken meal but it was really good. Not sure if I cleaned up but I probably had to. Can’t remember. Took sewing classes for a while and learned to paint on porcelain via my mom. Dis some other type art as well as a kid. we traveled as a family and learned a lot of cool stuff you can’t really do any other way and usually by camping though sometimes got a place to stay and felt safe with my dad as well lIke he knew what he was doing. Hiked up a trail in the Appalachians with dehydrated foods. Looked for yachts for his dream which didn’t happen at the time but entertained ourselves with his dream and it was fun like some do about cars we did about yachts. I think he was a sailor at heart. He loved the ocean and dolphins and he loved nature and musicals and golf and his wife and their kids and their kids and loved babies as much as anyone could love. HE helped to bathe us and planned trips to the penny almost routes so we could see a good part of the world together as a family. And then shit happened and split us apart in our family. Ripped us apart. Mostly Gary but he was family and he wasn’t all bad. We also had good times with him. Some of the worst stuff were other people, peer pressure, church BULLSHIT, INTERFERENCE in our lives while trying to understand it from my point of view and others to even get a picture of what I was dealing with not realizing I was set up and it was intentional after she got involved with the BGEA especially I think. IT GREW into a whirlwind of crap. He was doing stuff which was air headed. posing himself to be seen naked stroking himself. WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT IT when it is so far out weird at a family trip to the ocean. HOW DOES ONE HANDLE IT without upsetting the applecart of his kids my kids my family my sister and her snooty friends their marriage my parents. IT upset the applecart. I smoked. It’s what I did. I went to the balcony and had a cigarette. His young daughter got mad at me for smoking and I said something snide back and my sister got mad at me and we had a bad time that day, It was like I needed one and  can’t exactly say why and yet was also addicted to cigarettes but at the time I NEEDED A CIGARETTE and a drink or whatever to move on. I was gonna have one anyway but nevertheless I didn’t need this shit. It was not my idea of a good time. My husband was on this particular trip for a few days and there at the time and we talked about it on a walk later. Later we did have a good time after it was over with whatever it was. Having the shower going and standing in front of the bed naked hard and stroking himself posing to be seen as I walked by with his young kids and wife in the room where I was but nearer the kitchen. WHAT DO YOU DO? ANYONE KNOW HOW BETTER TO HANDLE IT? By snide, I think I said I’m gonna smoke if I want to smoke or something like it but more resolute and pissed my sister off how I handled her daughter. I didn’t want to be mean but felt mean at the same time and had to go through my sister’s flaring nose shit for a long while that day and her pissed off attitude towards me I had the nerve to talk to her daughter in an insulting way. I think my mom cried on the balcony later because we were not getting along, not her but my sister and I and at the time I don’t think I told her why I was being snide and her other daughter as well his wife. I insulted the daughter of the KIRCHERS which was not my intention but it was frustrating. I knew she meant well like kids do about smoking out of concern and being taught to be politically correct but hey it was weird but like I was dealing with a crazy nutcase who made me look bad. At least I did it outside. He had the shower going so he would have an excuse if he got caught. Extremely weird. Was it because I smoked cigarettes this occurred? A politically correct way to handle a smoker of cigarettes is to pose naked with the shower on with dick hard and stroking himself posing in a tantalizing way? I was not tantalized. It was just ridiculous. My husband pulled out a joint on the walk and it helped. I was able to laugh about it but not now as I have had to really take some hard knocks because of his fettish. It was only to harass I know he didn’t expect me to run over and have sex with him so not sure of the point of it. Maybe wanted me to know how big he was? I already knew. BFD

Elon Musk Sends SpaceX Engineers to Aid Soccer Team Trapped in Thai Cave

Some kids in a cave stuck before a possible monsoon and hopefully someone will engineer a way out for them and makes my troubles seem minuscule in comparison at this time but my troubles are not minuscule at all. I hope the parents get their kids back and I would never let them go out with this cave explorer again. I think a hole should be drilled even if it is chancy. They did it with baby in Texas Jessica (McClure Morales) in 1987who fell in a hole or a well hidden by ground I guess however I dont know the ‘makeup of the rock these kids were caving through. If I were the rescuers I would be drilling and take the chance. I don’t know how these kids got stuck in the cave in first place and should have been taught to swim, but sometimes those opportunities are not available however since it is a monsoon kind of place it seems like it should be available. I have not seen the entire video or explanation from start to finish how it is these kids got stuck. 


Perion water and kind of an anagram inouye.;)

Fox news Dana Perino (Doctors without Borders? They don’t need boats do they? or floors? or walls? hulls, stems and bows, star boards, ports, gun wales, or rules, propellers, only a raft to do operations or while the doctors are walking on water and just sympathies we will keep them in our prayers and thoughts for as long as we can remember not and soon will be a number, a statistic, a poll) just showed a panel of Roman Catholic Archbishops PLAYING a humanitarian role in the border dispute and PLAYING the good guys at the border and supposedly have been involved on the border humanitarily for a long time and we are just now hearing about it. Yea I saw one of their vehicles dropping off some illegals illegally from a white truck and were caught on camera.  And a judge just ruled against one of Trumps policies in regards to immigration not about the families but the other policy but I forget at this moment the name of the well known policy (I just remembered called Zero Tolerance) so you see the ROMAN Catholic church is INVOLVED. Can the RCC be any more guilty of interfering in the USA? IT SURE can. It can cause the troubles of the USA because it is their style their WAY yet ignore the immigrants immigrating from Libya to Italy and to France some dying on the way drowning in the Meditteranean Sea to make the journey. And what about hospice DANA? (DIDN’t the RCC invent a way to kill and murder innocent people because of overpopulation and inheritances and a number of other reasons? Was it Pope Innocence lll or ll or l?)

Australian Archbishop Sentenced To 1 Year For Covering Up Child Sexual Abuse

Which in a way is referring to William Calley (of the My Lai massacre) who was under house arrest for slaughter of a village during the Vietnam War probably because he went crazy during a very scary war and lost his marbles. The kind of wars priests and bishops and cardinals and popes try to wash their hands in the blood of the reasons and act Pious.  WHO GOT US INTO THE WAR? I think it was the JESUITS and some blood thirsty leaders in the area at the time leaving a ton of skulls. It was a French colony previously and was defrenched and we ended up sending our guys and gals to fix it. One of the signs was the DIEM brothers who devoted their country to Mary and kind of what happened in Haiti as well and all hell broke loose. The DIEMs were assassinated as well kind of like Kennedy. THE RCC wants to control the marijuana business as a gateway for other drugs and to assist with child sexual abuse and prostitution and assisted suicide and whatever floats their boat a lttle longer and the RCC STINKS. The RCC wants to control everything and it STINKS. It has to stop and it will stop.

The poisoning of British agents lately might be at the hands of the Vatican it seems to be their mode of operation in the Jesuit part of the Vatican since it does it to its own even popes in the past so don’t overlook the possibility because of a collar they wear which does often put people off thinking they are dealing with someone good when more often they aren’t good and is merely used as a disguise.

About 60,000 US soldiers died

Read yesterday there was gonna be a big migration planned soon. Need to get the wall up. I wonder how those who are against walls would go to a racetrack without some protective walls or go to the bathroom without some walls for privacy, etc. I could go on and on and on and on. I think the reason the RCC does get destroyed is lack of reason. The RCC is unreasonable.


There are three kings who will get subdued of the prophecy of the ten kings/ten toes whatever it means. Beats me? Three kings of Orient Are? Seems probable because of the Christmas song as kind of a mock of some kind.
When the Euphrates dried up was a prophecy which occurred during the Obama presidency and during the time Pope Benedict XVl was still pope. The prophecy says something about “make way for the Kings of the east.”so it kind of goes along in the same vein/vane. I think it has to do with ASEAN. Three of those kings but i have no idea of what subdued means in this regard but Obama did visit Indonesia and had a relationship with the woman who was a prisoner/house arrest and outspoken leader or one of the countries in the ten toes and I think also in the area for nerve agent type stuff later on and kind of mocked about it without saying it and kind of part way self fulfilling prophecy but fulfilling it even so. There might be three more kings other than the ten toes or the ten kings of of ASEAN who get subdued because it doesn’t say whether it will be of the ten toes just that three will get subdued. Then again maybe not. A gray area between the first sentence to the second sentence. Obama and his minions may be changing the bible as OBAMA did Obama Care after it was signed into law. HE WILL THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS.  Not sure of the rest of the prophecy I do remember it and noticed the Euphrates drying up and could have something to do with water shortage and the silliness of the Samaria visit to the well in the bible towards the woman at he well and it has changed though still chauvinistic to be silly but before he was kind to her and after the changes made to John 4 he was on the side of the men in the village. So funny. But i know when I had read John 4 in the past it did not affect me the same way. Maybe part of it has changed from the past and i think grew quite a bit to now like the bible has been doing and the prophecy of Daniel was the sign standing where it shouldn’t let the reader understand and it was moved from Daniel to the Gospel of Matthew. I haven’t checked to see if it is still in Daniel but doesn’t matter it is still in the wrong place in the Gospel of Matthew and it has to do with the prophecy itself. Portends some bad things. OMINOUS. i don’t want to get upset about it because it never does what you might think it might do, speaking of prophecy. A lot of back and forth kind of stuff like a game of some kind between two or more forces/factions good and evil and part of the deal is people and how they react to the events so is kind of iffy as to the results, and of course, God which is partially why prophecy is kind of strange in some ways and some trying to fulfill it as in trickery yet fulfilling it is fulfilling it such as the RCC (Jesuits/Vatican?Obama/BGEA etc) and others and furthering and quickening it’s own demise or there own demise (deserving it) which is okay by me. Tons of prophecy in the bible things that never seemed prophetic hidden amongst the other things in the bible. So it isn’t something to depend on but only as signs and wonders some real and some not and is what makes prophecy so interesting as well. IMO. Everything the Vatican does and everything Obama (and others who do the kinds of things these two have done as well) does is making their own end without realizing it or realizing it and trying to avoid or avert what it cannot avoid. Coming to a head, so to speak. God is trapping them and for everyone to see which is why it is in this day and age when we get to see it because of cell phones and all the other type innovations having to do with communication and even the press who should try to be truthful as best it can but hard when some are deceived and doing the deceiving as well because of the RCC and ISLAM and the NEW WORLD ORDER. A BAD IDEA and prophesied as a BAD IDEA so Neil Cavuto shouldn’t worry too much about the National debt because at this stage of the game it is kind of a moot point.
As Melania said “Be Best.”
She ought to design a cover up, hat, or some kind of clothing design using her original first lady slogan.
*Funny in regards to “he will think to change times and laws” I was looking up some other stuff and noticed something and turned out to be a different book backtracked about a few seconds but under the same theme was able to get to the same result. LOL But I have been doing it a while watching and learning and I do get help but it was kind of interesting to me. The prophecy has to do with the son of perdition i.e. death. I do not have a photographic memory which is why I get help without asking most of the time.

Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray so that you will not to enter into temptation…..

Melanie – Some Day I’ll Be a Farmer [1971]

–I’m gonna pick an apple right from the tree

–I’m gonna eat the apple because it grew there for me……..

I think, the meaning of “he will think to change times and laws” is he will change the ten commandments which has been done by the RCC or whoever actually did it for the RCC cause we don’t know who actually did change a few of the commandments but I think the times is what is actually in the bible like John 4 or different parts of the bible.Those are the times. Now I know there was a magazine called Time Magazine in our day but it would be like going into the Times Magazine and changing the story’s in the Time magazine to alter the information of the story or parts of the story by not supporting the information it doesn’t want to support and changing who it wants to support. Times puffed Billy Graham when he first started his preaching tour in England but I believe was originally from Germany as well. The newspaper mogul at the time was a man called William Randolph Hearst who was a very prominent publisher and very rich. I think he had a castle in LA county of California called Hearst Castle but was originally from Germany. CITIZEN KANE was a movie made about him starring ORson Welles and like the movie about Moses with Charlton Heston was dubbed as the Greatest Story every told the movie called CItizen Kane was dubbed The Greatest Movie ever made. At the end of the movie he says “Rosebud.” Mother Teresa name meant rosebud. which is kind of an unusual coincidence. This is another weird coincidence but I was on a plane when Charlton Heston stood up in first class of course I was not in first class but was on the same plane which I thought was fun at the time never thinking I would be writing or anything about the bible but I had a crush on him as a movie star when he starred in movie called Ben Hur which I saw as a little girl. He always overacted but for some movies his overacting worked such as for the movie about Moses. Willliam Randolph Hearst told the newspapers and magazines in the time period when Billy Graham first started his campaign to puff Bully Graham and probably was a publisher for Time magazine and many other publications at the time (there was no internet and watched the news about an hour or so a night because it wasn’t a 24 hour marathon news programs every day) to confuse in regards to the prophecy of Daniel. He will make a grave with the rich and evil could be referring to William Randolph Hearst and Billy Graham and as a cover or an identifying the two secret followers of Jesus in the Gospel of John who were not secret because it is written about in regards to Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea (SON OF MATTHEW) because ARI means “son of”in Greek and coincidentally is the Gospel preferred by the RCC. Aristotle Onassis is a similar name who married Jackie Kennedy after JFK was assassinated. He was a Greek shipping Tycoon. Times also referring to Jesus who multiplied his bread and the fish to feed the 5000 men not including women and children and SOMEONE multiplied (times) meaning changing the bible about Jesus and makes him vindictive as in The Story of the Woman at the Well in Samaria. Punish her for what happened at the cross? I thirst/Give me drink. I don’t think it read the way it does now because it is being changed like Obama Care was being changed even after made into law during the Obama Administration but because it was so voluminous in reading was able to back and change it even after because no one would notice since they hadn’t read it in the first place because of it’s size.

The Apostrophe and the Apostasy


Jesus told the woman at the well

about “the water I give you…” not “I would have given you the water…”

which makes quite a bit of differences as to the meaning. doesn’t it? It’s called deception!

Changing the lines and the rules in the midst of the game.

See how the Lil’ Lies Grow?

Could a Roman Catholic apostle be responsible? It’s apossibility. 

The prophecy talks about times, times and the dividing of times has to do with the bible not years as far as I can tell. Often prophecy people said “time, times, and the dividing of times” had to do with 3 and a half years but I don’t think it does.  I think it is talking about changing what is written about Jesus but on the other hand could mean three and a half years of changing the bible. Reworking the bible to fit one’s avarice which is still deception and at the same time degrading the woman for telling the truth. Insidious, sneaky, and perverted such as moving the prophecy from the Book of Daniel to the Gospel of Matthew waxing Jesus of the Gospel of John worse and worse because of the mustard seed revelation being outed for the lie about the size of the seed found in the Synoptic Gospels written by “Q” (Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Retaliatory kind of changes. It is one thing to interpret the bible and another to change the bible. CAUGHT YA.

Even though the words were changed it helped me relax a bit about how hard it is to teach your own children these days because of the RCC/Evangelical persecution and the radical shit going on mostly because of misunderstandings and because of the changes going on in the bible itself and I know God realizes how hard it is and has helped me as have my parents. So the attempt to change the meaning of some passages is gonna fail. I’m glad I “understandeth” having been a reader of the prophecy of Daniel and the prophecy standing where it should not and having read the gospels and noticing the dissonance of the gospels. I bet it gets corrected but I have no idea what this person or these persons are gonna do next but because whoever is doing it exhibits the obvious fear of the truth and has got to be worried or wouldn’t do it or feel the need to do it. What a weird thing to do. LOL I will admit it has shaken me because it is going on at all and it is scary. It is scary to notice when others don’t see at all like my ex but I don’t think he wants to notice because it is scary. On Fox News a woman was on for a few seconds I think it was Watter’s World and both of us were watching and she looked very confused in a daze and looked like someone on his side of the family (his mom) and he agreed it looked like someone from his side of the family but not his mom. Not exactly, but very close and he found from what I can tell nothing odd about it. Of course, he is in denial about hospice, the RCC, etc and she was hospiced but since he didn’t attend her dying time feels like he wasn’t responsible, but he was in on it because he told me in the car about it, How long it would take and it was by starvation because she didn’t want a feeding tube probably because no one put her under anesthesia so she could handle it being rammed into her because it is painful even when something sprayed in the nose. There are nurses who when told to accomplish a task with a patient are not sensitive to a patient’s tolerance for pain. I was in great pain during my big operation (peritoneal access can be very painful plus I think I had sepsis at the time though not in shock and under a great deal of STRONG medication for pain) other than what the nurse at the ER did to me and I still resisted and got the anesthesia I needed to have it done and the operation I needed done quickly which saved my life. My ex knew about it having been there but probably forgot since it wasn’t him feeling the pain. Kind of like my brother in regards to Nixon in opposition to my dad who actually did feel the pain of Vietnam (though not wounded but affected by it. he wouldn’t even talk about it even when casually asked by me and was there for two separate years) whereas my brother didn’t feel any pain nor appreciate that Nixon got our country out of the jungles of Vietnam and at the time no one knew (or very few) the significance of Nixon catching Billy Graham on tape saying in regards to the jews “They don’t  know how I really feel about them”: on tape at the White House while he sort of entrapped Billy Graham since it was Billy Grahams MO and how he controlled presidents or influenced them. I recall a letter Bully Graham sent to JFK and it was very close to blackmail as close to it as one can get without asking for a ransom and probably why there was a break in at the DNC headquarters and why Nixon resigned to not have to be kicked around anymore by the boot of Italy. Did any of the presidents under Billy Graham’s influence recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel publicly? It is in one of my posts linked on Merangue’s Blog and it wasn’t entrapment per se because all he did was talk about the jews in a sort of drunken way and of course Kissinger is on some of those tapes as well. I think it worries my ex he may have done the wrong thing which he did do the wrong thing because of something his mom said many years before when he was still living with her when she worked at the convalescence job about not wanting to be stuck in a convalescence home because she had seen some terrible things having worked as a bookkeeper in the business of convalescence. (old folks homes) and also because the RCC is promoting the wrong way (hospice) and making the wrong way available. He decided he would rather go to the funeral than see her before she died (he was given a choice about before or after which gave him the excuse since he wasn’t there when it happened he didn’t actually have anything to do with it and he did) which I think is a weird thing to do because it was proper to attend a funeral than go tell his mom he loved her and thank her for being his mom and take some responsibility for what was done to her, etc.  APPEARANCE SAKE. I do think he loved her but catholics some catholics are kind of mixed up having been mixed up by the church of Rome and what is proper. I have been a bit of a nag and sometimes a badger about it because it affects other people who don’t want to be hospiced and are hospiced against their will and sometimes for political, religious, and inheritance reasons and sometimes for retaliatory reasons. I was left out and not given a choice to see my mom and not told when she was being hospiced because of older  sister retaliating against me because I laid the cards on the table some cards she didn’t like but were true cards about her husband and her and her husband probably for the money and the same with my other sister’s 2nd husband who seemed to have an appetite for OPM who was at the hospital when my mom died.

My cards

The reason I laid the cards down the true ones was I was trying to protect my mom from my siblings who were not acting right at the time but I didn’t know to what extent and felt like my older sister and her husband were trying to act as if they were doing my mom a favor so I wanted the rest of the family to understand some issues that might be affecting their behavior. I was afraid for my mom. I sent out letters by email to some people I thought might help about elderly abuse and none helped me. I did not know what my siblings were up to but I did not trust my new brother-in-law at all. The e-mails between my little sister and I got nasty and Outer Limits kind of emails. I knew the subject of hospice had come up earlier by my little sister and I voted no in the family as did my other siblings at the time. I did it because of the bribe of free hospice without doctors care and I did not like it and tried to offer the idea of traveling doctors and my little sister either didn’t get it or it wasn’t gonna happen with doctors so I voted no even though it sounded so sweet my mom being able to see the deer which came to her house in the country and some other pretty nature type things nearby but was essentially a death sentence without doctor’s care. I also knew my little sister could not live with herself afterwards and tried that angle as well with her. She was whispering about it and was at home when she was whispering I assumed so was under some kind of control being manipulated or ganged up on and possibly attempting to warn me. I don’t know. I was under the impression my siblings agreed it wasn’t a good idea. So a few months went by and I can’t remember how many because I was going through some health issues in and out of the hospital and then I got a phone call from my older sister. She had been very antagonistic about Mother’s day and a ticket she bought for me using my mom’s estate and I would have to stay at the ARC (Army Retirement Community) having been exiled from my little sister’s home after I sent some letters with the cards to the family so the family would have an understanding as to why I was worried. My older sister was livid and called my cards zingers and I was soon exiled from my little sister’s home and called the devil and satan. I admitted in one of the letters that my uncle called me to ask about Gary’s loss on the stock market of his money and Gary’s own money as well on a big stock market crash and wasn’t telling him as you are supposed to do for a client, I think a few months had passed when he called and asked if Gary had lost his money and I said Yes he lost your money and was trying to get it back. It was all that I knew about it. I didn’t know how much or anything about their deal other than what I knew. I did not tell my sister about the call. I was offered a job at his business and I did not accept it for a number of reasons. I did tell my sister about that aspect of the call so I’m sure she kind of figured it out. That was one of the cards so my sister would not take it out on my mom in case she thought it was her because it was her brother who called me because he probably thought I might know something since my sister an I were close and I did know something but very little. A few other cards about some behavior problems of Gary and my sister so she wouldn’t be able to act like she was some kind of angel when she was not. She had become involved in the BGEA via a woman living nearby their home and had gone to one or more female retreats in North Carolina so I was afraid something else might be going on. At Christmas her daughter sent her a card with a bunch of writing on it and mentioned the devil visiting them and my sister wanted me to read it while her friends were around and I thought she might have meant me and later thought maybe not because she didn’t mention me and because of the strange e-mails (crazy e-mails and at one point thought it wasn’t actually my little sister I was communicating with but perhaps her 2nd husband acting like her in regards to cupcakes. It didn’t sound like my little sister or if it was her it sounded like someone a bit off the trail and then I stopped communicating with her) and  also because of the behavior by her and my little sister even on a few visits to her home when we came to see my mom before all of this mess unfolded and because of what her husband said the last time I visited about when you come with your kids don’t bring any of their friends and I thought it was an odd thing to say because part of the reason for stopping at their home besides to see my mom was to show my kids their home and take them to the beach for a few days and most kids want to take a friend and I had kind of mentioned it to my sister when she offered her home as a way to accomplish a bunch of stuff and kids were not her fear. She tended to like kids being one herself quite a bit and she didn’t mention don’t bring their friends and I got worried because of the arrangement of one of the extra bedrooms being in the garage with the cars and the possibilities. He had not spent any of his money on the home or renovations it was her settlement from her first marriage which bought their newish home and a very nice one plus she was getting it on a yearly basis and her second husband she met on line through a dating service and one of his previous wives was dead already and had been married twice before meeting my sister and her settlement and from what I could tell he was controlling her and she was afraid of him to some degree in regards to the cigarette on her balcony and thinking he might have heard about the joint she shared with my other sibling on the balcony and to the point of verbally cussing at me because she thought he might have overheard her) which is unusual since it was her money. On one visit my older sister was dawdling in my mom’s hospital room over something while my other sister was freaking out about being late to meet her husband and her son from the first marriage (though not because of her son) but about her second husband and being late. She was pissed off at my older sister for her dawdling a bunch and making her late to dinner so I told my older sister as we approached the car I think her husband is rattling her chain so not to be mad at her for it. I was the middle kid and was kind of my job over the years. It seemed like it was affecting her behavior. She had a GPS system in her car which helped her to get around but she sped to get to the restaurant and missed a turn because of the GPS and so had to do a lot of speeding to get to the restaurant and was freaking out and very upset about it. By the way the dinner was paid for via my mom’s estate for all who were at dinner. We had been at the hospital for quite a while and he should have been cool about our lateness since it was our mom and he was getting a free meal and he wasn’t.  We made it to the restaurant and he acted like it was no big deal at all. He was with her son and both had a drink and were at the table already, but he acted so innocent. It wasn’t believable because of how she behaved and the phone calls rattling her chain and I also heard that her son and him got along pretty well and her son said something to her 2nd husband and he said he was guarding my sister as a joke and I thought hmmmmmmmmmm. It didn’t add up. It wasn’t very funny his response and I can’t remember what the response was responding to but is what my little sister told me her son told her and she thought it was charming that they got along because it meant a lot to her and I guess that he was so protective of her. She was head over heels about him yet she still loved her first husband a lot. She was a man pleaser. this was the same visit my older sister in the elevator on the way to see my moo told me the number three was the number of perfection and i told her I didn’t believe in perfection and some men getting on the elevator as we got off were laughing about it. Also when some nurse told us my mom what been naked all day and taking off her clothes all day long and we had been with her all day for about 5 hours and took a lunch break and came back. So she was really weird to deal with and seemed like she was not into doing her job. unreal thing to say when we had been with her and her clothes whereon but came in to her room and she was partly naked. M little sister recorded our conversation and visit with my mo and promised to send me a copy but never did. My mom hd said some interesting things and i don’t think my little sister wanted the information to be mine. But basically said she knew about my art meaning writing she already knew about my art which was hers as well because she taught me andI hadn’t done anything new at the time in regards to my art and said something to my little sister about being blond and my little sister is not blond but brunette with a lot of streaks but she kept saying i love your blond hair and then said to my older sister holding her chin Can you beat that? She needed some help needing to poop and the nurses came in to clean her up but the nurse who said she had been naked all day didn’t do a thing nor help but was in the room at the time. He name was MONTE. I complained about it as well at the nurses. station. At lunch my older sister said her son was visited by a person who know my dad by a name I had never heard Cush or Cushing . I had heard about the name in regards to the JFK assassination and Cardinal Cushing or Cush was a cardinal of the RCC who was in Annapolis when JFK was assassination and had married them and had officiated at the funeral and had somehow gotten them to meet in the first place so I thought it was odd and I noted she said it about my nephew her son but didn’t go into my art with her. I thought it was odd when leaving to go to the airport that he added at the very last IF you come to visit don’t bring anyone else meaning but only my kids. Most men don’t even think about it much less say something about it except maybe to their wife and let her handle it yet he made sure to say it to me as we got in the car to leave her home and I guess he was thinking ahead but it worried me he would be so bold.  so was attempting to control me as well. I was n’t planning on bringing a crowd. It is rare when you can get the friends to come because of the parents etc and I hadn’t made my mind up yet but was thinking at least for my youngest because she was more into her friends than her family at this time. I had also seen the show House of Cards at their home for entertainment when he killed the dog hit by a car by breaking its neck before the owner got to the dog being efficient and showing the ind of character he was gonna portray in this series. I had also seen where some one based someone else to make it look like an accident using carbon monoxide poisoning so I was not gonna be stupid about it since their bedroom was in the garage with the cars. I didn’t know him very well and he favored quite a bit the DOD of Obama and the queens ring bearer for the anniversary around the same time so I was a bit suspicious and because his picture of himself playing baseball catching a ball and the picture of my dad in front of the garage apartment and thought what a weird place to have hung it. It as their newest renovation and the next was gonna be a pool and jacuzzi in their back yard and from what I gathered a real nice one and had a big yard and some kyacks for the lake nearby using her money and as it turned out the pool cost a whole bunch more than planned because of the ground being very hard or built on rock. I stayed in the garage apartment but felt safe because of being alone at the time. Later heard he was trying to get information about how much was left in my mom’s estate from Gary and my little sister complained he wrote out a total on a torn piece of a paper without any accounting and he was an accountant. My older sister was in charge of my mom’s estate being the oldest and these two guys were communicating about the amount. I don’t think Gary liked it from what I gathered from my sister’s conversation to me about i. her 2nd husband had told her he had been through this with his brothers and his parents who lived in Michigan where coincidentally my husband and his brothers lived as well and grew up. It was a phone conversation around or near the time I was told she had thrown away a bunch of pictures of my parents and their friends which had been amassed over the years but nothing compared to the pictures my older sister took in one year of herself and her family. After the visit and the time of the phone calls about an oxygen generator my sister anther husband were gonna spend some of the 35 thousand dollars and buy my mom a nice wheel chair and a bird feeder for hummingbirds so she could watch out her window. and the ARC said to get a shepherds hook to hang it on and my sister went into detail about a meeting at th Arc with her 2nd husband and after it told me in a e-mail that my older sister;s daughter came to visit with her and how she was an angel but wouldn’t clean my mom’s eyes which were seeping and some stuff about how her daughter said the nurse it’s your job and had her kids with her or some f them and she was nurse herself on her way to being a doctor so it was kind of weird. ON the visit about Monte my older sister had told me how her daughter washed a man (I guess he was dying) no one wanted to wash in the care of the hospital she was working at and so she washed him and he died. So then my sister was having trouble keeping the oxygen tube in my mom’s nose because my mom kept taking it off a her skin was so sensitive that when they pulled off the oxygen contraption pulled off some of her skin. IN her sleep would pull of the oxygen and my sister’s daughter said just let her be because she looked so peaceful and then my sister added some black hearts to her e-mails which was really strange and a first. and talking about how my sister’s daughter was an angel and she is not an angel. She is my sister’s daughter, my niece. It was like my niece was helping my little sister and making her feel good about herself. Something odd about the e-mails and were not exactly normal even for her. She started to sound maniacal to me. Especially having a meeting a the ARC about my mom and a bird feeder with a shepherds hook. SInce when do we have meetings about a bird feeder and a shepherds hook. I t was unreal and seemed to be trying to prove something but I didn’t what it was bother were trying to prove. An then calling me satan and the devil and in the letter said bring back my sister and so I returned and e-mail and tried some psychology about if your sister is satan and the devil why do you want your sister back? That was the end of the e-mails between us. I did hear her over the phone at her house with all the kids in the family for my mom’s funeral and she had lost her cell phone and was freaking out about it and then found it and said Praise the Lord while talking-to my daughter. I was checking up on my daughter and warning her about drinking not that she has a problem with alcohol except doesn’t drink often but she had mentioned it and so I was trying to be a mom and make sure she didn’t overdo it for various reasons. The older siblings my older sister and my brother and Gary did not stay at her home for some reason …..only the kids were allowed to stay at her home. She knew it was me on the phone after asking my daughter. later I felt y mom’s hand on my shoulder and she said B…OB. Well I remembered it and then when I was falsely arrested and taken to jail for the night  during which some men came and took me to a hospital to give me a sedative a big one and I was having trouble breathing and heaped that way as well and then returned me to the jail where I spent the night with three other women with a tiny window. I was claustrophobic but the women were nice  women and it was ridiculous but there I was in jail. So the ex paid for the bail because he was responsible for having me arrested falsely by calling the police when my youngest daughter was in my room attempting to cut my purse I had loaned her and had some scissors and was gonna cut off the fringe which is the beauty of the purse and so I was trying to stop herald instead of handling it like a good dad because I was weak he called the police. they handcuffed me behind my back and I was freaking out about this fucker my ex having me arrested but was an after math of me stopping him from sleeping with my daughter in a small bunk bed my parents gave us. I went on the internet while she was gone and put in a question should a divorced dad sleep with his teenage daughter and I read the responses out loud and he started sleeping in my daughters bedroom instead on the couch. then that same week or the next cleared off all the boxes and shit he stored on the top bunk bed to look as if they had been sleeping in different beds of the bunch bed. It was ridiculous and shortly after was arrested for nothing. So he paid the bail willingly and one of the times I went in with him for him to pay the bail and to check in the sun was shining through the window of the bail bondsman office and on the wall was the reflection B….OB. One B on top of the other OB. It was amazing. my ex when he called the police and I was arrested was flexing his Roman Catholic muscle about sleeping with his teenaged daughter who was troubled at the time for a number of reasons but taking it out on me. When my cat was dying my little sweet cat though not sure he was dying he offered when he was about to leave for for if you feel like you should take him to the vet and before he could finish his sentence I took him up on it and said Yea I want o take my cat to the vet and the ex turned around and said I HATE YOUR GUTS. My cat died after being turned down by a vet we had gone to for many years by his wife who was so mean to me. We had done business with them for many years I was taken aback by her nastiness and upset for my cat because he was a good vet I trusted his talent. She was the bookkeeper basically for his talent. So we took huim elsewhere and all sorts of weird stuff happened and then he died.  I loved that cat. Sweetest cat in the world. then my ex later denied he had said he hated my guts and then eventually admitted he said it because I divorced him and then denied it again and again. And then whenever I drop a bomb about being falsely arrested he always acts as if Oh GEEZ bringing that up again crap. He paid quit bit of money for the bail and if I were guilty of anything he wouldnt’ have and he knew he was guilty.then he mocked me in my poster room shaking his arm at me enjoying himself. He denies it to this day but he did. He says my daughter was there and that she didn’t see it, gene i’m lying or making something up. He wouldn’t have done it in front of his daughter and she was not there. He used her and still does. I never said she was in the powder room but he says she was putting on makeup She wasn’t what he did was evil type of mocking and she would to have liked it but she was not there. He is a liar through and through and coward and nothing more and acts like the rCC is not a big deal at all yet he certainly relied on it and then he hospices his mom via starvation and denies he had anything to do with it because he wasn’t there. Playing games. Dangerous games. the kind of games that are gonna determine his fate one day and it isn’t gonna be good when THAT DAY comes. He was able to buy his daughter a car and a laptop and himself a new computer and I took his old one from the money his mom left him. He had promised me his old one a long time go when he got a new one but was trying to buy me a new one and I said no thanks to impute some guilt in regards to his mom and i refused to take his blood computer using her death. I did not tell my daughter or tell her she should not accept it but she is innocent of it as well. He was trying to get the upper hand trying to one up me with her against me but somehow she still loves me and I love her and I love my oldest daughter as well. we are close. we used to hold hands while she slept until my arm fell asleep just to make her feel good because of all the shit we have had to go through and because we love each other but she also rebelled and was tough. She had been bullied at school during the Obama Administration and some people acted very badly at the school but in a reaction swell to what possibly they were also experiencing which is a lot of confusion I wrote about it earlier in another post. I have no idea who heaped me get through the night in jail but it was not my  ex and it was not my daughter. I don’t even think it was the police though the police might take credit for it but I got the help i needed within minutes. I didn’t even ask for help. Though the police did give me a bottle of water.

I just went to get some cool water out of a gallon I normally have in the refrigerator and there wasn’t any. LOL But I found a coke on the counter and while it isn’t good for dieting it’s better than nothing but i was in the mood for water. How symbolic.

In regards to my little sister’s husband and his concern for my money left in my mom’s estate and in regards to me bringing a friend for my daughter if I visited reminds me of an event just now because i have written about some people who were followers of Jesus in his discipleship complaining about how much Mary Magellan spent on some oil she used on Jesus because of the expense of it but it was her money. I thought it was an interesting comparison in the gospels and was one of my earlier posts. Not that I thought he was Jesus but because men don’t usually care what someone else spends as long as it isn’t coming out of their own pocket like my ex.

Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised

During the ride to the restaurant I attempted to follow my patent lawyers advise to try to get family interested in my invention so I attempted to show both my sitters but first my older sister because she was riding and not driving. She got real stoic and was still mad at my little sister but she also took on an attitude about my invention and basically said no with out seeing it or hearing much about it. I had gone to the lawyer with three ideas and only one was good enough and had a good chance to be a moneymaker for him and form and for a manufacturer and for whoever might invest in the idea. He had drawn up papers and I signed them and seemed knowledgeable about what was patentable an what wasn’t. So i took his advise and my sister out and out refused and wouldn’t even look at the pictures of it. It had a lot of replaceable parts which would have had to have been replaced on a regular basis and also based on size of the parts depending on the person using it might want. Ever part on the invention was patentable which made it even more attractive but in order to get it to the manufacturer I would need an investment and I was not in a position to in vest in it myself. Both my sister’s had friends who were very rich and both could have made money if they had attempted to look or get involved and whoever would invest in it and required an investment of less than 20 thousand dollars by about 3 three thousand . I can’t remember the exact amount but didn’t really get so far into explaining it when I got the rejection off hand without even curiosity. It was kind of hurtful and typical for me. She reminded me of my mother-in law when she got real stubborn. REAL STUBBORN. i had never done that so I was quite proud of my attempt and the reaction of the patent lawyer about the possibilities. I did what he told me to do to approach family and I got the message loud and clear. Later on the visit we talked about inventions or ideas and came up with some cool ones together and had some fun doing it and my little sister’s husband told me to get on some invention site and I did and it was basically in the market for cooking utensils and none of the ideas we had were about cooking utensils. Quirky or something like it. I kept the initial invention to myself thinking I might still get an investor but never did. A lot happened and I gave up on the idea and the other ideas forgot being a cooking utensil or a toy or a household type ideas. When my mom got back to the ARC after her hospital stay some strange things occurred. We went in one time to see her and both my sisters needed to hit the bathrooms near the entrance and there was a cage in the hallway of the bathrooms and I talked to the bird cockatiels. We whistled and cooed at each other like friendly little birds two of them. My sisters came out and we walked up the hallway where my mom was and the nurses desk and noticed a woman on the floor bleeding our her nose in a puddle of blood her eyes wide open and ran to the desk and the nurses and staff were in a meeting in the room behind the desk and got their attention and they called emerncgy people who put her on a gurney and took her to the hospital. I watched and listened to the woman saying she wanted to go to the bathroom and I guess the accident occurred. SHe looked dead at first but was in shock or the wind was knocked out of her. She was in front of the room my mom was sitting in a wheel chair with a big glass window so you could see to the hall and the desk and the woman on the gurney/stretcher and sort of hear because of a doorway and my little sister kind of got antsy with me for not paying attention to my mom at the time and said pay attention to mom is what she said and I said i will i just wanted to see what was going on. It seemed kind of odd to walking on a woman in a puddle of blood and I watched the woman in a white outfit in her nurse shoes sopping up the blood with her feet and towel as if it wasn’t that odd on indoor outdoor carpet as you might if your dog peed in the house, kind of. I didn’t expect her to love on it or anything but was taking it all in. Then we asked a nurse or  staff person for a pulsock  to check my mom’s pulse and her oxygen rate. SHe did but the way she did it was odd, She put it on the one finger what was deformed from arthritis and gently rugged my mom;s hand as she did it. I think she resented us asking her but did it anyway and seemed to be communicating with my mom in a funny way. I though it was an odd finger to pick to put a pulsock on. She didn’t look like a nice person but I didnt know her. My mom long v=before had told us about a few women who weren’t nice to her for no reason. So I was interested and didn’t know the in’s and outs like my little sister who lived relatively closer to my mom by about an hour or less and me 4 to 5 hours maybe more depending on traffic and so forth. I still had youngish kids comparatively to my other siblings. ONe still a teenager and had dropped out of school because of bullying in school and ended up in the ER because of it a couple days later and was kind of mixed up by it and by the divorce as well and the ex went bankrupt on the one house we ever owned and by my operation before hand and its ill effects and by the family woes in regards to Gary. ALl of a sudden we weren’t good company anymore. and her dad was also doing some stupid stuff as well involving her and not acting like a good dad regardless of a divorce and using her to get to me etc. The woman who sopped up the blood came and talked to us who knew my little sister pretty well and who boasted she had organized my moms things and things were missing new shoes af few pair and other stuff my little sister had bought my mom. She looked like my aunt and I said it out loud and my mom looked up and looked me in the eye and said THANK YOU! It was kind of intense. as if she might have had the discussion previously with my sister or both but might have denied the resemblance which was striking. We left her at the dinner table with some other women in the cafeteria waiting to get dinner and one woman kept trying to say something to me but couldn’t and my sisters were in a hurry. She kept saying she she she she she she she and was trying to tell me something which I think might have been important though I didn’t know her. She was unable to communicate but really wanted to and I had to leave. When we left to go back to the house and walked out of the area of the ARC i noticed the birds in the cage were on either side of the cage at the bottom of the cage each at its corner and looked like they were in shock. It was weird. Ambulances and ER people with a gurney in a hurry etc are probably kind of shocking to little birds but not that unusual and the birds were in a hallway of it’s own out of traffic except for those who want to use the bathroom facilities but connected to the main hallway of the area near the cafeteria. sometime during this visit I saw the doctor who was in charge sitting at the front desk but not sure it was on a Wednesday and got his card and talked to him about the cranberry juice research he was involved in or had told us about having to do with the elderly and those in his care and UTI’s. Found out later via the staff or a nurse when I called he was only present on Wednesday nights for three hours to check on his patients and was one of two doctors that worked at the ARC. I had tried to reach him in regards to a phone call from my little sister after this visit and my mom’s oxygen level which she found to be at 77 which is near death. She was hunched over in her wheel chair which is what a person does when they can’t breathe and my sister came to visit and found her in this state. I had on the visit talked her into getting a pulsoc for her visits to see my mom and said it was a good invest net and we went to a drug store the three of us and she bought one with her own money not using the estate money. My older sister didn’t want to invest in it for my mom or for herself and said What do I need one for? It was a weird reaction however my younger sister thought it was a great idea and invested in it. all she had breathing troubles sometimes and for her kids or grand kids. WHo knows why but it was sort of said with a bad attitude. We were respectively  6 and 7 years younger than her so she was kind of BIG SIS. She might have been tired and hungry so I was glad my little sister bought one because she was nearby and wouldn’t have to ask a nurse or staff to check my mom’s pulse or oxygen rate. When she called me about my mom whom she found at 77 oxygen rate I had to do some phone calls for her while she drove home to her husband and seemed kind of frantic about it. so she was in the vicinity but had to go home and couldnt finish handling it and I think she might have met some obstruction possibly. So I called and talked to a few different people and mentioned the woman who had fallen and lying in a puddle of blood and the nurse denied it .I said I have witnesses. She sounded offended and I was kind of pissed off but I wasn’t getting respect as well. We tried to get my mom an oxygen generator for her own personal use and the insurance provider from Dallas where my older sister lives denied it was what I was told by the staff and nurses. So I suggested a rebuilt one and we could get it to my mom to use or to have access to at any time she might need oxygen and told my older sister about it but the problem was getting it and getting it to my mom 5 hours away. Later tried to call the doctor and the phone number on his card was not a working number and I could not reach him. He lived in Virginia or West Virginia and flew in for three hours a week for the patients at the ARC. I doubt it was the deal sold to my parents when they sold their home as art of the deal to live at the ARC when my dad was still alive. The establishment was sold to someone else. His name was Dr. Denham. He was kind of an asshole. I remember he interviewed my mom in her room after y dad had died and was asking her questions about the time the date etc to see how her mind was doing in order to move her to a convalescence part of the hospital vs her own apartment. She had had a flu on the stairs so it might be the reason of the interview. They had an elevator my mom used all the times i had ever seen her and she knew her way around so why she fell in a stair way with an emergency exit was kind of weird but heard about it via my little sister way before these visits and one time found her on the lawn in the front laying in the grass thinking she was gonna have a visit with her girls or is what she told whomever came upon her. My brother way before this time had told my older sites to giver her car away or sell it and so my sites called me and I was still in my home before it was bankrupted from beneath me and she suggested me or their daughter who already had 5 little kids. It was a family car and I had only two kids. Anyway i kind of thought may she deserved it having a family so big and because of her past  abuse and said to let her have it but what I don’t know and still to this days is if it was supposed to be my car by a will I never saw or heard about though I know my dad had a will because he was that way. I think my mom was trying to get away using the car or looking for it possibly because of some bad stuff might have been going on,. I don’t know. I was kind manipulated and was feeling very unsure of myself and my family at the time. I was very fragile and had been through a lot, Trying to make amends even though I was the one who was deeply affected by her family etc. I was losing everything and everyone which was hard. If it had been left to me by a will I would have taken it. The interview by the doctor was hard to watch asking questions that if a person lived in an apartment alone and never got out wouldn’t know the answer to those questions and I could tell it was hard for my mom and she got kind of defensive and put on her brothers expression being tough (He was a lawyer)  and I didn’t know the reason for the interview but he was testing her and he was not the type of doctor who was easily approachable and all business like in her apartment and I have a feeling was at someone’s request either because she had fallen or was found in the yard laying down thinking we were gonna be arriving to see her which was really cute. I can just imagine my dad was with her in spirit loving her like he did. Anyway kind of interesting for a doctor to have his business cards on the desk at the entry and the phone number was no longer in service judging my mom. I guess I accidentally caught him. I thought the fact my brother told my sister to get rid of the car was interesting as well since he was not in charge of the estate. So he may have been used as an excuse. I don’t know. He changed towards me after my dad died for some reason. Wasn’t the same person and I’m sure he was lied to. Later she called him pathetic for not suing his acquaintance for my little sister and her husband on a trip to see him. And then made into a joke as to why he was not talking anymore to my older sister on line. it had to do with their vote for Trump, which is outrageous and not the reason even though he may not be a fan of Trump which is what she told my ex who told me and thought it was ridiculous he would react to Trump. Both my sister and my ex were a bit funny towards each other as if she cared about him and our marriage. She played people acting concerned and against her sister but for him because he’s a guy which is not how it is supposed to be of course. She turned into a very very very fakey person. Before this my title sister was rear ended and collided with someone and her 2nd husband announced her accident to her friends on Facebook or twitter. Called her the Dear wife or his dear wife not by name but so they had to know he was her husband by his name; The Dear wife as if she was his property and as if he was somewhat available otherwise he would have called her by her name out of respect for her name and respect for her especially to her friends. Found out later from her on one of the last times we communicated she was actually unconscious from the accident which is a big deal. He liked guys more.  Mothers day was when my older sister started bullying me emotionally about a visit to see my mom and I couldn’t go and she had bought the tickets so she say it was money down the drain if I didn’t pick it up at the airport. I  had not made the plans and was not informed and did not buy the tickets and said I couldn’t go to the airport and she was really weird and I ended up in the hospital . Part of my problem is sometimes I panic and she was pushing my buttons and I folder in regards to the money to get it herself and as far as the oxygen generator for my mom I said Do It Yourself. My sister was in charge and being a bitch about it. I had already sent the zingers so she was retaliating and knew it and said I would be staying at the ARC. For some resin it was important form to stay at the ARC. I would have loved to have had my mom in town where I could go see her and I think we discussed it but it was for some reason not acceptable. ‘My little sister’s ‘husband liked Gary and enjoyed laughing with him and was stiff around me because I was a trouble maker I guess which was fine as far as I’m concerned only from a standpoint of observing his demeanor and his style. Cold steely eyed person. Reminds me of Dana Perino in the eyes. Like a bot. Not unintelligent but cold however she is a woman and he is a man. Nothing real inside and having a sense of humor but a limited kind of humor. When he acted as if he had not been hounding my sister over being late for dinner and having rattled her quite a bit it showed me a ton about him. He should have said take your time we are fine and having a drink or two and don’t worry. Hang out with your mom and sisters a get here when you can. That is how he should have acted under the circumstances. Not as if he was late for a movie or show or late to church or late to see a doctor. A TURD. I did not attend the wedding they had. I was on my way half way to the wedding and turned around because of all the family shit and I did not want to deal with it at the time. That is why I didn’t come to the wedding. I was not in the right frame of mind to be around a lot of family who didn’t like me or resented me. The reason I didn’t go to the funeral is because I had been exiled, not invited and in shock and previously called satan and the devil. I didn’t want my daughter to go because I was scared for her by the things that had been going on and tried to get her not to go but she wanted to show respect for my mom and said she knew I didn’t have the money to get there nor did the ex I live with offer to take me and my health was bad. The kids who stayed with my sister during the funeral and the burial told my daughter they did not blame me for not coming however did not say we understand why but were trying to be nice. I don’t think my daughter was able to say she wasn’t invited but I wasn’t and because of  the way my sister announced the death of my mom was shocking and i was reeling and hurting in a multitude of ways. I did not get comforted. I wasn’t comforted at all. My other daughter did not go because of me and she didn’t want to see my sisters. She resented them. I cry almost every day about my family, my mom and how she was treated and about my dad and sometimes for my kids and my cat. She brought home the brochure about the burial and about my mom and some of the information was kind of telling as to who might have actually written it and kind of mocking my mom and dad and scratching my little sisters back at the same time for taking money 35 thousand dollars and putting it into her savings account BEFORE my mom died from my moms estate which is I don’t know kind of odd. It was sort of a bribe and I can’t imagine but might have built the pool and the kayaks or who knows. I do not know. I do know she was used terribly and I don’t think realized to what depth and to what cause she was being used for and appealing to her insecurities and lack of something, not sure exactly. The picture used for my mom was not her best by any means and made her look kind of hard, cold, and my mom was very sweet and soft though she was tough too but very feminine, warm, and graceful and giving and the love of my dad who loved her for many years childhood sweethearts and then they got married after ten years and boy could they dance but not professionals just naturally he knew how to lead and she knew how to follow and work together as well. She was very successful at what she did, as he was. I guarantee God is not happy with what happened to them nor about assisted suicide neither hospice or the RCC or the NWO and all the nonsense and the lies.

In Columbia, South America there is a drug called Devil’s’Breath which is a very potent drug and is used as the derivative of the drug for seasickness but in much smaller doses. The flowers hang like some other flowering plants but are different and are on trees. Probably a RCC population controller as a drug used in their wafer thin mint called the Eucharist which is why some people have bled from eating too many eucharists more than likely. The Kennedy’s visited Columbia for some reason and then of course there is the movie studios called Columbia pictures etc. I think his son was the popes secretary Georg Ganswein. Both looked a lot a like as if father and son and is probably a family venture to control things at the Vatican. I think he is actually the Secretary of State for the POPE and not just the secretary for the pope and is running the show at the Vatican and probably intertwined into other State Departments throughout the world. He putzes around with the pope’s braid and adjusting the pope’s dress when it gets in his face because of the wind or doesn’t look right while out on tour but putzing to look as if he is only a boy toy of the popes. Who better to alter or edit the bible than a publisher. Below is a bit about publishing: To make public but at the time in biblical times books weren’t sold to the public. I wrote a post about it an other things along the ago when I first started writing and comparing the gospels because of the dissonance between the gospels and there are many more posts and some very interesting ones with bank links for other people which really helped me to have a better understanding of deception on Merangue’s Blog which is linked but below is a post called Tell No Man.

Mark 7:36: And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;

Tell No Man

Having trouble on my main site Merangue’s Blog and showing the pictures for some reason. THe pics were there earlier a few days ago so I must have hit a nerve trying to silence me hopefully it will get fixed.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a hint because the flowers do hang on the tree it grows on and the RCC has an overtly love of babies because babies are its bread and butter and one the baby Jesus because the baby Jesus is it’s bread and butter and is probably why the RCC is against abortion. I know there is a company for language learning called Babylon (language is very important) and also a city in Iraq called Babylon but it also represents the RCC. I guess maybe in the old days the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was a 7th wonder of the world and infamous and perhaps used the Devil’s Breath or it used the city in Iraq called Babylon as a veil so none would suspect Babylon refers to the RCC. Babylon is also a reference to a group who want to unite the world under their leadership i.e. build the highest building etc. wnder why the highest building in New York was attacked? Babylon is referring to the RCC and as the leader of many religions in the world incognito and to the NWO with teeth. It may be Ganswein or his group doing some poisonings. I imagine he is in some secret societies besides the Jesuits. I hear Opus Dei is also very secretive group or order and others. A lot of secret societies in the RCC all over the world and involved in the civics of the world and more than likely spies of the world and double agents etc.

As far as a Supreme Court justice to replace Kennedy (coincidentally) the biggest contention is about legalized abortion and the perimeters of legalized abortion and the reasons why it is so controversial is because of the RCC and evangelicals etc. The health insurance business has not been with us since biblical times but probably was conceived by a catholic kind of like insurance in casinos (mob) but when playing 21 or BLACK JACK which is not a good bet. As far as conception and the RCC belief about it IF it really was a believer in the beginning of life was at conception it would have supported the idea of insurance for a child at conception all along and didn’t. Non living things don’t move so why do spermacytes wiggle and move like salmon in a river moving upstream to spawn. A lot of them die on the way to spawn but are living before the salmon spawns. Only the strongest and fastest makes it to the ovary.  Spermacytes have a ton of information in each one. But many die and don’t make it to it’s destination to fertilize an egg. Catholics are taught about conception as being the beginning of life so no wonder many believe in the idea the RCC props besides the affects of the Eucharist upon them. IN the old days when a woman especially a queen had a child if she didn’t have a male child sometimes ended up in a tower to waste the rest of her LIFE or was beheaded and lost her LIFE or divorced and outcasted her LIFE and blamed the woman when all along though we did not know that it was actually the male sperm which determined the sex of the child. So woman were blamed for not being male enough to make a male where the concept of life (conception) begins is in the sperm. Women are being blamed for abortion of course as the person who had the abortion but in reality every time a man e-JACK-ulates he is emitting living organisms and aborting. EVERY TIME a  man masturbates he is ejecting living organism but not women.. Women don’t do that. Males are actually aborting every time a male e-JACK-ulates and wasting his seed onto whatever a male E-Jackulates upon or into such as another males mouth or butt or a females mouth, butt, or vagina or an object like a road or taxi cab a sheet on a bed or into a rubber/propylactic so the RCC and the Supreme Court of the USA needs to address ejaculation of the male before we start punishing women or controlling women in their defense of their own bodies against pregnancy where God determined who gets to have the last say in regards to breeding and pregnancy since she has to bear the burden of either an abortion, miscarriage planned or unplanned, unwanted pregnancy, or a wanted pregnancy planned or unplanned and God made it her choice not the man’s choice so if a man decides to overturn roe v wade he will bear the burdens for the women and of course cannot do it and to God if he tries. The Supreme Court also needs to address Hospice and male eJACKulation and probably should begin at the point of EJACULATON with it’s determinations about punishment for males EJACULATING anywhere and males EJACulating prematurely or wasting males seed on males and in or on objects and determine the rules when it comes to Hospice since it is murder of a living PERSON who was born into this world. At what point should it be allowed and at what age and by whom and how and where, ETC and also determine the punishment of the RCC and Evangelicals in regards to it’s newest concept of Hospice in many ways using opioids and starvation or injection as if a prisoner in jail for mass murder etc and the adulation of Mother Teresa of the RCC for having introduced  the concept it as a possible alternative to natural death and/or life saving techniques of doctors and nurses (if the hippocratic oath has been maintained) and if those who are hospicing regardless of their degrees male and female or have hospiced should be punished. THERE IS NO DOUBT A PERSON BEING HOSPICED IS ALIVE and has BREATHED AIR or THAT PERSON WOUDN’T BE HOSPICED in order to kill/murder THAT PERSON WHO PREVIOUSLY HAD BEEN NAMED and WHO HAD BEEN AWARDED a BIRTH CERTIFICATE by LAW. The Supreme Court needs to make a ruling about what should be done to the RCC andre Vatican in regards to Hospice in a resolute response to the RCC’s decadence and depravity and send the opinions to the President of the USA and published for the population to know it’s determinations as to who to handle a church entity who has violated the rights of many people to the point of death for it’s own purposes as if it was GOD and whether it should be allowed to be sustained or to breed or to put forth it’s ideals in our country and consider whether or not it is an enemy to the USA for spreading it’s evil surreptitiously as an angel when it really is of the devil, satanic and evil and NAZI-ISH fascism and if those involved should receive any money or inheritance or instead be liable for lawsuits and prison in order to prevent hospice-murder-suicide.

One thing for sure I would not be fooled by the excuse of abortion not being a Federal right vs a State’s right. Tricky stuff going on AS USUAL. NEXT IT WILL BE THE STATE having to defend the woman’s right to an abortion. ANYWAY FOX IS PREDICTING CAVANNAH.  I don’t know who will get picked or who will get to be the next Justice of the Supreme Court however Trump and other Presidential candidates were pidgeon-holed on the subject of abortion by Fox and was a litmus test for Fox and so will the State Candidates after. I don’t think a female in one state should have to travel to another state to have an abortion and then travel back after an abortion because of the time factor and the pain factor and condition of the person who had the abortion. It should be convenient to the patient and affordable to the patient. in the past only rich females could get abortions safely even though the abortions were illegal and the others had to eat crow or in other words eat CATHOLICK ROW either having an abortion in a back alley or remaining pregnant against their will. The Vatican is not a good parent. No other surgery does a person have to leave the state in order to have the surgery and Abortion should be the same so why does one surgery that only involves a female have to be segregated from other surgical factors? Because it is a female risk and not a male risk? People have jobs and education to attend and the less hassle it is the better to retain those jobs and their education that Trump enabled because of his leadership as the President. Instead of using Roe vs Wade as a litmus test for any President and other political candidates, it should be outlawed to even ask a candidate or to make it an issue in the future for anyone running for office and settle it now and forever the rights of females in the USA to have access to legal abortion at a reasonable rate and near their homes and near their families for support and within a reasonable distance so the female can recuperate and maintain their job and or school requirements while maintaining their privacy about the abortion and so it won’t be used against them in the future by the RCC or caddy people who like to make it an issue. Not all females are of the same health or age and should be near their doctor and families in case of an emergency afterwards. Abortion should not be used as political folly or any kind of folly anymore and set in stone for a USA citizen because it is political folly by a political church known as the RCC trying to wield it’s power in our elections and over females of all religions and non religions and needs to be set straight about its political power in the USA against the US of American females and their privacy for the popes and the Vatican’s entertainment or used as blackmail later on as it has done via Mother Teresa if the right to an abortion in every state of the USA is not set in stone. IT MUST BE HARD for the RCC to lose power over all females and should have tried to remain unpolitical and acted like a spiritual beacon advised by Jesus to feed his sheep but it is hard while money laundering tax dollars, drug money, mob money, stolen money and abusing children and sexually abusing children to remain unpolitical and not take it out on females AS USUAL while propping it’s own Roman Catholic females it gives special rights to above other females by usury and annulments. IT MUST BE HARD FOR THE VATICAN to have to lose females as members because it has no special discounts to offer over other political institutions. It should be included in the BILL OF RIGHTS as a right against the bigotry of the RCC and other spiritual institutions against the female. It should be considered an inalienable right for American families to be able to have the freedom to plan or not plan their families by reason of birth or as a citizen of the USA. I’m tired of hearing about abortion in fact it seemed like while Dana Perino and some other shows the subject came up on a minute by minute basis and it gets old. It’s called harassment. Sexual harassment and religious harassment whether intentional or not. Whatever you do don’t look up while it is raining, you might drown.

We will be a better country over others in the world

if abortion is respected over and above politics and religion.


Kavanaugh was nominated or selected by Trump. Sorry about the spelling. LOL Probably missing an n or something.

I heard on Fox by Bret Baier about Kavanaugh on some judgement tried to deny an illegal immigrant seeking an abortion but was able to get an abortion anyway and yet I heard the opposite that she wasn’t able to get an abortion. It’s a sticky dilemma but Carter gave the former deposed leader of Iran an operation here in America of course he gave away the Panama canal as well. I think the deposed leader of Iran was possibly a puppet of the USA which is why he was deposed though not sure of the possibility. The Iranian reasons because he killed a bunch of Iranians however I can’t say since I have never been to Iran and we know for sure Khomeni wasn’t a gentle leader and took US hostages. Constitutionalists wants to protect the constitution from change and yet it has been changed however many years ago when legal abortion was made legal at a Federal level yet could give flying dutchman whether the bible is being changed yet act as if they have faith but not enough to move a mountain. Lots of mixed up people but not necessarily the fault of the mixed up people however science has proved that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed EVEN IN THE PLANT WORLD so why did Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels say it was the smallest of seed? Does it matter to Christians? When Jesus was talking originally about the water it was metaphorically but did not say it was the coldest or the warmest or describe it in a physical way whereas Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels did say the mustard seed was the smallest of seed in a physical way and it wasn’t the smallest of seed. Was it because he had not traveled enough or was advised wrong by his father located in Rome and possibly Mecca.

King James Version
Daniel 7:25:  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Please read this verse in the SYNOPTIC GOSPEL OF LUKE and then tell me there isn’t something wrong with this verse:

(As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)
Talking about a virgin which obviously is some kind of Islamic reward or Catholic reward to impregnate a female of any kind or to be the first male inside a female? I guarantee the person who opened my womb was not holy. This verse is a sicko verse and is deception but it is in the Gospel of Luke, I can’t remember if it was there before Obama came to Washington DC or not but it is in the bible online (Bible Gateway.com) and whether taken in context or out of context it is still crazy. It is definitely corrupt. I don’t remember it in parentheses or out of parentheses (hesse? hermann hesse?) in the bible while I was comparing the gospels but I did not compare everything and I never came across this verse till today and just read it in context and it still doesn’t make sense.

Let not your heart be troubled because it is only crazy shit.

wear down the saints of the most high:

Abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, pro life pro life pro life pro life pro life pro life, Roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion  pro life pro life pro life pro life prove life roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion abortion roe v wade roe v wade roe v wade on and on and on and on and on and on and on ………….this is one way to wear down the saints and there will be others and adding and twisting the bible, false news stories, 24 hour news 24 hour news 24 hour news 24 hour news, politics politics politics politics, politics politics election election election election if there was less news on tv there would be less bad things happening feeding the beast with an insatiable appetite and will make more news and more news and more news and more news. IT IS OBNOXIOUS and bad for our country.

THE WINEPRESS OF GOD. DRUNK on pro life, roe v wade, abortion, election

 Not a word about hospice.

We will keep you in our hearts and prayers. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

If the people who say this on Fox really did it we wouldn’t see them on Fox.

i think giving Kavanaugh a try might be okay and maybe not since all of the candidates for the position are pro-life. Pro-life is a term used by some to mean anti abortion and to me means something else but at the same time I know how the term is bandied about as meaning anti-abortion. It seems to be a sport to bandy it about. I WONDER WHY. I do know the dem’s like having/holding segments of society hostage making promises often not attained so I don’t trust their tactics at all. DID any democrat defy or even criticize OBAMA for the things he did and does. NO. THE DEMOCRATS WORSHIPPED HIM and still do so I can’t exactly trust their judgement at all and nor should anyone who has commons sense and is the term that Kavanahgh used when accepting the nomination by Trump to be a possible judge of the Supreme Court at the beginning of his acceptance speech. I like that part about him and hopefully it is a big part. Hard to trust anyone anymore however not because one daughter reads a lot and one talks a lot isn’t much of a reason in fact if I were him I would take those daughters to different place to finish raising them but may be there no longer is a good place to raise kids, especially daughters but I guarantee he used birth control or he would have had more kids. I heard from one of his associates who worked FOR him on Fox said he was a decent guy and fed the poor in some official capacity but he didn’t know he was gonna be a candidate for the Supreme Court. I dud be more impressed if he did one for the other not both. there are different kinds of food. Will he tell the poor about the mustard seed or how about his church. will he tell them? How about his associates? Will he be brave enough to write some papers about the mustard seed so Congress can read about the mustard seed while they pour through his opinions and papers in order to decide whether he is a truthful person? Will he boldly go where no man has gone before? I probably don’t agree with him on many things but I really do like Clarence Thomas and thought the stuff he went through before he was accepted to be a justice on the Supreme Court and after was ridiculous. Making a joke is not sexual harassment unless it is intended to offend in regards to the coke pubic hair joke. I think it was more of a self inflicted kind of joke and then hearing he was an Uncle tom was ridiculous as well. I think he is highly intelligent and thoughtful but I haven’t read his stuff just the little I have seen him say.Impressions. but we all know everyone of age has pubic hair so it wasn’t intended to be a joke against a female or against Anita Hill unless he knew she shaved her pubic hair. These days I have noticed a group thought sometimes enters one mind because others are putting it into a person’s mind, kind of a spiritual harassment. So maybe someone knew she had and put it in his head about a pubic hair on a coke to make it a bit difficult for him to be accepted on the Supreme Court because he was african american and was cool enough to share a silly joke not knowing what someone else knew. It’s called sowing bad seed. It also happens in dreams sometimes.  Sometimes you can tell I certainly have and have written about some that have happened to my ex and to me and it is important to try to be aware that it occurs so a person can shield oneself or arm oneself in regards to strange thoughts that sometimes come to mind and everyone has those kinds of thoughts or strange events in order to handle those events better. However I do think there are a lot of people in Congress who are Uncle Toms and Aunt Nancys but not all.
Pence, I think it was Pence, talking STERNLY about voting in Kavanaugh for Supreme Court (because I wasn’t watching the tv but listened from a different room) has a cadence in his voice a rhythm to his voice/speech very much like Al Gore. Gore definitely profited by the RCC’s global warming/climate change initiative because of the hanging chads was allowed to head it up and make billions of dollars doing it…Lying to cover up HAARP and other places like it actually causing the weather and climate changes.Kind of odd to recognize it and even a little Clinton when she gives her loud male speeches to be stern about her message. Weird. Sort of a three words at a time kind of speech.
Feeding Jesuses sheep to Peter is a suggestion byJesus in the gospel of John but not necessarily running for the Supreme Court as well. I don’t think Jesus meant it in the case of Kavanaugh or in the order in which Kavanaugh did it. I think the death of the Supreme Court Justice recently is suspicious HIghly Suspicious and I think an attempt of the RCC to get more influence in our country than it already has or someone. I think the man who died wasn’t necessarily an RCC puppet and said the US Constitution was a dead document. I wonder what he meant. In any case I think Kavanaugh has been preparing for a while. Remember JFK said he would not let his religion bias him as a presidential candidate and look what happened to him. People were afraid he actually would (the world council of churches) and he wasn’t actually totally truthful about it but as best he could I think he meant. Then we had Kennedy who decided to retire off of the Supreme Court just in time to be replaced This is a spiritual battle we are in in this country in regards to female rights and it is a BIG one. I know I’m right because I have two beautiful girls I was able to give birth to later on and LAURA didn’t. I also had two fantastic parents and I bet Laura didn’t and why she is so venomous about abortion believing in myths about abortion and about the church. She still refuses to hold accountable Mother Teresa and the RCC, Jesuit Pope Francis for hospice/murder suicide. She won’t even talk about it on air. Is something holding her back? Something holy? The crux of the matter is she should.
The untimely deaths is because the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church is at stake. So it’s a BIG DEAL and not to be taken lightly. The Roman Catholic Church is a KILLER, a SERIAL KILLER, a MASS MURDERER, an EXECUTER, a SLAUGHTERER, a BUTCHER and many other lovely things and is waging a war against God using people and kids, families, immigrants, starvation, propaganda machine, press, governments, sells souls, user of other peoples prosperity and a user of poverty, a user of adversity, user of catastrophes, user of blights and a user of misery, a user of tragedies, a user of women and girls and boys, a user of everything It can use to it’s own power and have had a lot of practice at it for at least 2000 years unlike the average person who hasn’t, and is the essence of the NWO. Right now a user of anything and anyone in regards to abortion trying to torture women and girls and families who have had an abortion as it’s excuse to murder our parents via Hospice or any other means. IT IS A CRAZY AND AN EVIL ORGANIZATION. NOTHING MORE. ONLY EVIL because even the little good it tries to show of itself has an evil purpose it will and intends to use against the whorl which is probably why Scalise was killed to torture females. MURDEROUS ORGANIZATION and deserves to be eliminated. i’m sure some depraved mind will come up out of it’s ashes but it has gotten so big it needs to be shrunken on a regular basis and never allowed to grow once it has been straitened. In my humble opinion. I’m not sure our country needs a Supreme Court but we have one at the moment but I don’t think we will if Roe v Wade is overturned and I imagine all hell will break loose but in the mean time it is having some fun at our expense. People like Kavanaugh and Fox and others don’t believe the times we are in. I know Hannity doesn’t lulled into hell by their own devices (Laura InGraham) and won’t listen nor show truthers videos because of the money, salaries, investments, peer pressure and because of not believing even though  it has the responsibility to be truthful and the means and many opportunities. In their personal lives I have no idea but in their public life showing a poker face or something. Most of the time Hannity is in the public arena and possibly too close to the propaganda to even realize things are not normal and have waxed worse and worse and one day when it all falls down will realize he shoulda and coulda but didn’t. Everyone to some degree is in this state of mind but Hannity has had plenty of warning. WE DIDN’T!

The Laugh Judgement

IMO those who are against safe legalized abortions are actually pro death and are puppets of the RCC and Islam.

I think Hearst is another name for HERTZ.

I think Teresa can be spelled with an h and be theresa and if you unscramble it can be made into hearst with an extra e and without the h an extra e and you combine the two and you get he spoken about in the book of Daniel possibly.

As far as pro life v pro death Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew said if you want to enter into life keep the commandments knowing of course people sin but we are to try to keep the commandments. I don’t know anyone who has not sinned and I doubt Kavanaugh or any other man can say he has not sinned but you can enter into life by keeping the commandments thus believing in God and his forgiveness. God knows if you mean it or not and whether the sin you are entangled in is your fault or not. God knows that Dana Perino could be as guilty as me of sin of abortion or guilty of birth control and will hold her as accountable if she isn’t sorry for using birth control to prevent pregnancy if she holds me accountable for having had an abortion;) Ignoring hospice God will hold her accountable and not me because she didn’t try to discuss it and has had ample time to bring it up and to save lives of those who don’t want to be hospiced or don’t realize they are being hospiced for one reason or another and the perfect opportunity being a celebrity of the press and chose to remain silent about the perils of hospice and the evils of the RCC, Mother Teresa and the pope because I know she knows and if I know she knows GOD knows.

“If Thou Wilt Enter into Life, Keep the Commandments”

Don’t worry about Foxes news report about Putin protecting Hezbollah in Syria and the secret pipeline between Germany and Russia for Russia to provide oil to Germany having given up coal and nuclear energy and a bunker being built in Israel near the Golan Heights to protect it’s borders from Hezbollah nor about Clintons selling uranium to Russia and Obama giving billions of dollars to Iran and NATO’s relationship with Turkey and the EU and Englands relationship with India and BREXIT and all the other things we don’t know about until Fox uncovered it today with a President Trump outing Germany at a NATO Summit. Germany has always been on good terms with Russia. Tigers and bears like each other. The Berlin Wall was an optical illusion and neither about Trump’s upcoming summit with Putin after Netanyahu’s summit with Putin. Senator Lindsay Graham can handle it!  Be happy. Have faith;)

The Game of Love (Main / Radio Mix) – YouTube

Boy did I just hit a wealth of information. WOW Like a gold mine of the likes I have never realized. Like finding the central almost anyway most important  puzzle piece of the puzzle.

I will start a new post. This one has gotten kind of long. I hardly expected it but whoa. I knew there was something to it is why I asked my ex a questions about a funny coincidence and it turned into a big water pitt, though very very weird. I hope i remember it all, LOL. I was feeling miserable about a few things and then I tried to get out of the funk I was in realizing some of the funk was seriously predetermined, funk of the past with also good stuff intermixed but then he spilled his beans not realizing the significance whatsoever. Totally in denial about the RCC and thinks it’s shit. Not worthy of the attention and he is so wrong and maybe too close in a way having been raised Catholic but not really into it since we met and before a bit but his mom was very catholic and was also shit on by the RCC after her husband died yet still entrenched in the mystery of it thinking it is good and of course it isn’t. Mixed up. Not sure it will help, but maybe it will when I get to writing it. It might help me because there are some parallels of events. Some I don’t think I will expound and some I might not but Im probably seeing more into it than really means however some of it is not to be dismissed or discarded as nothing.

WHISPER: I do know hospice turned the page it should not have.

Caught the ex in a ton of lies today but not because I wished he would lie or try to entrap him he does it naturally. I don’t know why except to deceive or to try to make me look like a liar or as if I went over the bend. There is more to the story and he is hiding something some benefit he gets or got but it will end that I know in the mean while it isn’t easy. Got out my electric guitar and it is black and I mentioned it was blue and he denied it. I told him he gave it to someone REMEMBER or sold it and replaced mine with a black one and denied it and then he remembered of course after some plying from me. It was blue. I should know it was my guitar. He probably did someone a favor a girl for something. He says a girl named erin but she already had guitars. I think it was for Merella/mirilla something like it the girl from Bosnia and was gonna be rich or promised to be rich if she did some thing or other and was planning to go to Croatia but ended up in COLORADO. Her dad was a mechanic but couldn’t fix her car. Her mom had slit her own throat she told me so something was definitely going on. I heard she was a very nice woman and a good cook. I doubt she did it to herself but is what she told her daughter. I think someone threatened her or her husband sometime or other. She hung out with my daughter for a while and one night stranded her at a mall after hours and we had to go get her. The ex drove about 45 minutes to retrieve her and her cellphone was low on battery. Scared me to death. Before this I had disallowed Mirella to enter my home because I stopped trusting her and while I was at the hospital he allowed her into the house overnight and now I’m missing my iPod and my iPod player about the time the iPod went missing and then the IPOD player later on. She wanted to be a singer and wanted my ex to find her a four track or 8 track recorder, etc and I think may be responsible for the death of my cat. I told her I would talk to him about the recorder and she looked at me like she hated me and was also very possessive of my daughter in my powder room with my daughter and while I talked to my daughter she got in-between us so she could stop our conversation. Like a little tot might get in front of a tv for attention but this was so she and my daughter would be conversing and I was out of the conversation and it was purposeful. One night my cat was in the room with them in my ex’s room and the door closed and I was worried because I knew she was not a good influence though I know why my daughter liked her at the same time. She liked to take bars of a drug for anxiety that kids sometimes get involved in and take more than they should. My daughter and her went to some concert and shared a margarita and she collapsed because she was also doing drugs and my daughter helped her and she said she saw white dots in front of her eyes. I was proud my daughter stayed with her through it when her other friends went off and didn’t seem to care. My cat had little white dots in his left or right lung and I think she may have used a straw and blew somethings into his nostril to kill him and it did over a period of time. The vet we went to could not figure out what it was and said he should have been able to breathe because the other lung was clear. I don’t know for sure because I didn’t witness it, it is only a suspicion. Whatever it was it crystallized in his lung little white pills she used to like to take. She was pretty mixed up and I doubt would do it in her right mind or without some pressure or some kind of demonic intervention. It was after my cat died that I disallowed her into my home and of course my daughter defended her being good friends and needing friends as kids do. When my ex went to a funeral of his brother up north later on after the mall incident and there friendship dissolved I spent a day with my daughter doing some fun things and she and her friend terrorized us that day by phone and parked down the street on another street and was in front of our house threatening my daughter and we didn’t go near her then. She was obviously high on something and acting possessed. She was threatening to enter our house and my daughter told her she couldn’t but she was threatening to while we were gone and trying to have a confrontation with my daughter which I would not let her do. Mirella then called my ex (somehow knew his cell phone number which is kind of interesting) while he was at the funeral and tried to make her case against my daughter to him and he called us and acted as if he was on her side and chided us and my daughter let him have it and finally he believed us that she was out of her mind but we had to defend ourselves of this chick harassing us for quite a while with him automatically siding with her and ruined our day together. We were shaken about it. My daughter was shaking visibly and it was hard to see and had to do with borrowing clothes which both did between each other and both had not returned each others things because their friendship turned sour.

Funny out of 365 days of the year she chose the day my ex was up north at a funeral. He wanted to act like he was put upon by her calling him when he was at his brother’s funeral. Poor Phil.

She was a nice girl other than her lies her threats and whatever we don’t know about her. I can understand my daughter having feelings for her because in some ways she was cool and a good friend but there was more to it than meets the eye. I found her one day in front of our house in her car and she was crying early on before I got to know her a little and i think was being manipulated somehow to cause trouble for me and my daughter and between us. Might be why her family was in the USA somehow to do some things for someone else and as she said when she gets to either Bosnia or Croatia she would be rich which I think she was lied to about it. They owned a house here and were gonna leave her here in the house when they went back to either one of those countries. Things didn’t add up about her so I made me suspicious of her and then to find out her dad a mechanic could not fix her car? What kind of mechanic is he? she told me she was a zoroastrian but I don’t know if it wasn’t a story and probably islamic. She dressed like other kids and kind of stylish had piercings which is a fad in a few places on her body and face and influenced my daughter and she also had a piercing on her tongue and a tattoo under her tongue which said FU. She told me once I was a MILF which means

  1. a sexually attractive older woman, typically one who has children and also a Mom I’d Like to Fuck when she came to the house waiting for my daughter and so we were alone together and she said it in a conversation kind of playing up to me
    AND SHE CERTAINLY DID but she should have said MILFO forgetting to add the O for OVER.
    I had never heard the expression but I tried to give her the benefit of doubt because kids are kids and go through a lot of shit and especially these days. I know having gone through some myself and it was a different time but it was not easy.
    She knew how to enter the house when someone wasn’t home because at the time the garage door was not working right which is how I hurt my heel trying to lift it. A two car garage door and it took about two years to heal. PAINFUL and I gained weight which made it even harder to heal. When I lifted the garage door I knew to bend my knees but I’m older now. I had injured it at our home the only one we owned for a short while when I jumped out of our red truck/van barefoot right on top of a raw pecan, acorn or a walnut and later found out it was a fracture line and would never heal all the way but could heal enough to do normal things so lifting the garage door exacerbated the problem. The first injury took about a year to be normal.
    Anyway, the ex would defend her to this day and so would my daughter because of friendship even though it went sour because of the mall incident and the terrorizing incident but have since made amends which is good but I don’t want her to be around her though she might have grown up a bit more. She was older than my daughter by a few years and was mixed up and the same with her friend whose car they used and parked it down the road on a side street which my daughter and I found during the incident driving around our neighborhood while they were in our front yard and on the street for about an hour or more, It was ridiculous, and I knew it was an odd thing to do to park a car and kind of hide it. premeditated kind of shit. The ex because he knows he did wrong and he knows he responsible for a lot shit he threw my way and was using his daughter and her friends. He sure as hell should not have slept with her on the lower bunk bed. He sure tried to cover it up but made excuses why he moved the shit off the top bunk the same week or two of my intervention and the boxes and shit were there for a couple years to that time. Trying to control her and get his affection somehow and against me. A real nut case. So you can see why I detest him but not much I can do during these times because of the political religious atmosphere/persecution which eventually will be NIXED and destroyed with God’s help and probably not too far in the future or in the past depending on which way one is headed.
    The lies he told me today were just insane. WHY? I was trying to do a project for my kids and needed his help since it is up his alley and to hopefully and by getting him involved might help to alleviate some jealousy he has when I do some things for my girls even though my girls are his as well and to help my girls and possibly help them have something in common other than parents because both are very different but have what I tried to accomplish in common if allowed. It was kind of a brainstorm of an idea after listening to tons of Melanie for quite a while whom I love her music. She reminds me of my daughter in a way often and I think a very good musician/artist and at the same time a very good actress in a way. Creative and music I think is good for the soul and singing is good for everyone even when you can’t sing perfectly. When I was near deaf as  a child I sat next to a speaker and record player and sang along with Mitch Miller tunes. LOL Some very good older songs. eventually got my hearing back. Not all music is good but a good way to spend some time and fun as well. Something most if not all people like to do is sing along with their favorite songs. It’s a good hobby or profession depending on the business end of it. Sometimes the business of it ruins it like priests ruin relationships with others and with God. My ex kind of demeaned me no matter what I did in regards to something positive for my girls I was trig to accomplish, I could have or I should have etc…..I did and I like what I did and I like whom I did it with and he got a box of free reeds because of it though I promised him a Great Outdoors sandwich my favorite and his but there are only two of them and we weren’t near one so we kind of had a tiff about lunch I had offered and I told him you got free reeds didn’t you because of what I did and whom I did it with. I ended up buying him a burger anyway because he is a jerk. I’m trying to invest what I make which isn’t very much for my kids and me and not waste it too much. I wish things were different and we didn’t have to live together but it’s the nature of the beast and he refused to sell the house we bought and borrowed money from my brother on the downpayment of my ex’s dream home which he had hopes for so I helped and in return he helped to ruin my relationship with my brother even though we had a contract my brother would get his money back on the sale of the house, so it was intentional. He went bankrupt. Someone bought the house and my ex went bankrupt and refused to even try to sell it. Someone lives in the house now. He said no one would buy it and someone did. I was too sick and other things. Before I got sick I had painted the outside myself and stripped the brick floor in the front room and white washed it and clear coated it. I had painted some rooms and wood work and cabinets and the kitchen and the cabinets inside and out. He did the ceiling in some rooms. I painted the bathrooms and  the hallway full of doorways and even the garage floor a few times. OH WELL.
    Saw Laura InGraham last night acting like a badger about Michelle Wolfe in regards to abortion. WHO STARTED IT LAURA?
    Here is a clue: It was not MIchelle Wolfe.
I am gonna start a new post when I’m felling the urge sometime soon about how the occult works. It might help to know. It is stranger than fiction for sure. It is sickening and twisted as well but I think it needs to be told and documented not everything because it is hard to include everything and some things are better left unsaid. I learned a whole lot in a matter of ten minutes with my bird in my hand and so much it boggled my mind and was thinking I wouldn’t write it because it is frustrating and so twisted but then it might help me or someone else if I do. Of course he does fudge quite a bit and may be mixed up on a few things and has a terrible memory but gonna try to stick with his story as it was given to me. Mostly in regards to the $500 and more (for feed) he spent on a horse he never learned to ride.

The Fall of the Roman Empire

Because men won’t stand up for women’s rights over their own bodies and over their own reproduction rights of their own body the whole thing is coming down. Hearing about abortion on a daily basis sometimes often by a bunch of fools is an abomination and I pray to see those who have partaken in the harmony of the synoptic gospels not synaptic because it is about the optics and not about the truth and because it is brainless without even one synapse connecting to some kind of an appropriate response and because of the RCCs persecution against women’s rights are executed somehow or another for aiding and abetting evil and affecting the mental illness of lots of people and affecting the well being of the elderly GOOD PEOPLE, BETTER  PEOPLE THAN YOU IN A MULTITUDE OF WAYS I hope you pay the price forever as a replacement kind of punishment in the eternal type of punishment. At this moment I would love to stick a nuke up your butts and in the mouth of your god, but enough for the pleasantries for now. Men who are incapable of getting pregnant (sick mother fuckers using women and some females with them such as the virgin Laura In”Graham) would rather use abortion as their defense against evil because of some kind of misplaced fundamentalism and make the female the scapegoat and their parents as well using hospice and because of the stupidity and cowardice of those who use females everything eventually is gonna fall every church and every religion based on the faith hood. Ignore it at your own leisure because you probably only have one life for not defending female rights given to the female by GOD via progress and for not placing one’s belief in a Roman Catholic pope kissing a ceramic baby jesus. It should be a huge clue that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and is ignored by those in the business of faith and its followers and at the same time allowing hospice and ignoring it. It is what you call being duped stupendously by evil because of pride. Evil is not dumb! GOD is not dumber. I have a feeling you will wish you had never been born. It may be a process like processing cheese but for the knowledge and the leisure of the RCC’s nature for as long as it has existed and inability to handle truth and aiding and abetting it’s ignorance it is deserved. IMO.
Open borders, illegal immigration, persecution against females in general, overpopulation, hospice in a multitude of ways, spermocytes, smallest of seed, mustard seed is not the smallest of seed, corruption, deception, etc How much evidence does one need?

I hope those who do what Laura does get to enjoy eternal hell with Pope Francis and the doll.

 I think the time, times and the dividing of times is actually 4 years not 3 and a half years if the times of the verse equals two. Meaning it takes two to tango and since the sperm is a living specimen or women wouldn’t need to use birth control at all. I don’t really care what the possible new supreme court justice thinks about it. It is neither here nor there as far as I’m concerned but is only a great waste of money and time by the government and the press while ignoring hospice murder suicide because I know I will win one way or the other. There is gonna be a hard reign and it’s gonna fall. Here is a good analogy to put it simply : the USA (or any country can be used for this analogy) is an ovum and immigration is the sperm and also why the RCC wants open borders to cover up its failures like an annulment or usury  . Every time illegal immigrants who commit crimes or are not acceptable for some reason are ousted out of the country it is like legal abortions or to put it in a more complicated way but in a simple format it is all the things our country is up against and having to overcome. The wall is like a birth control method and our country has taken a long time to actually put up the wall (THE USAs’ birth control) in order to stop illegal immigration mostly from catholic countries who  are taught not to be in control of their reproductive rights or are not allowed to have family rights to determine what is prudent for their own family as far as the circumstances of the families employment, location, age, status or the families opportunities before it develops from a fetus to a child.

If the Supreme Court rules against legal abortion in all the states

or passes the obligation to support the rights of females to the states

our country deserves to fall

with the fall of the Roman Empire.

There won’t be a Congress or a President

or a Supreme Court or the FBI

or any other institution left or right

and there won’t be a press either

which is fine by me because the press sucks and for the most part are little tits and little dicks and ass

and we won’t need the federal government

because all of us will be on a steady diet of bananas.

Why have a government at all when we can have the RCC/Vatican in charge

and those who want to have some power in it

are gonna have to be



Pope John Paul kissing the Koran

Kind of a funny dilemma and eventually taken over by Islam and the Muslim brotherhood which is the next step even further down if you have noticed the progression of many RCC countries such as the ten toes, etc. which respects nothing but strength. the RCC being the biggest gateway religion to Islam and facism as the face and the political side of Islam. He or the Vatican or both at the time were also threatening to try to enforce Sunday worship as the sabbath but he was shot near his heart and then he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Could have been some sort of sign. People are freaking out overseas about Trump and Putin. In WWll we were not fighting communism we were fighting fascism and communism was fighting fascism on the other side and helped us to beat fascism which is why there was a wall called the Berlin Wall. The RCC wants us to fight Russia so it doesn’t have to and then can implement fascism of the RCC and then Islam can takeover the RCC. I’m glad Trump is gonna chat with Putin. He might be a good ally against the RCC and against eventual Islamic fascism we fought in the past and the last war we actually won. I know this: Putin is far more trustworthy than Obama and no one even tried to verify anything Obama said or did believing the false Vatican Intel and it’s two sided press. However these days are a little different because of Revelation, the Apostasy, Armageddon, the Apocolypse and hopefully Putin and Trump realize the difference, etc. I don’t think NATO does yet.

On the day Trump is visiting the Queen of England the RCC Justice Department in the USA is charging 12 Russians with spying because the RCC Justice Department is afraid and should be and are showing it BIG TIME. The lady on Fox narrating the visit is slamming Russia when we already know about the uranium-clinton deal and we know about the obama-billions that went to Iran and we know about the coups in Egypt with the help of Lindsay Graham and others. Trump walked amid the Queens Guards. He should have tried to make them laugh. The Queen got mixed up as to which side to walk with him and finally caught up to his slow gait. Kind of a funny moment and I thought his comments with Teresa May were nice and so were hers. Wondering what all the fuss was about beforehand. I guess it’s the press and probably false intel. So why have a protest march / It really seemed stupid.

I believe the Democrats and Republicans are using Trump as the scapegoat for Obama’s crap is because of fear of Obama. Like the immigration child separation was occurring during Obamas reign of terror and now Trump is trying to fix it and is being blamed for it. Crazy. He isn’t african American or isn’t ugandan or wherever he really is from which is unknown at this time beyond a reasonable doubt. Obama created a lot of problems and a lot of people are scrambling to fix or understand the dilemmas but ought to read if it is still in the same word as the gospel of Luke and about the Jesus who relishes their destruction and it will give you a better perspective about Obama. A PSYCHOPATH.

I have some posts about it if you are interested. Obama was puffed by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to become our president

similar to Billy Graham years before. Very similar.

Is it tampering in US politics and tampering in foreign politics? Did Russia assist in the coups in Egypt the muslim brotherhood coup when Lindsay Graham threatened the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to behave himself or he wouldn’t get any more money or give billions to Iran or was it Obama who gave billions to Iran and Fox News? the 12 spies I don’t think are in the USA so it is high school propaganda or if it were really what has caused trouble in the election we could have them extradited here to the USA or would have arrested them before the12 Russians left the USA. IT’s propaganda by the Obama-ian/RCC Justice Department with the help of the press. Pretty crazy stuff going on. Hard to know who is lying and who is telling the truth. I know Trump got elected because a lot of people didn’t vote on purpose because of the false news and it helped Trump to get elected. I think is the real truth. I truly do. You can’t alter a no show up to vote vote but you can change votes if you are computer savvy not counting on the avoidance of voters and the power of it and kind of a surprise which is why there was so much propaganda later about being a good citizen and voting but those who didn’t vote decided to be a good citizen by not voting in defiance of a corrupt RCC press putting out false news and I think a lot of other people didn’t vote, too and so the press is gonna blame the out of the country russians. I think the russians were already expelled so why is the press being so ridiculous? Because the press is deceived and deceiving. Drunk on their power as written in Revelation i.e.

The winepress of God.


The press and Mueller and the Justice Department are indicting the 12 russians and are gonna impeach them for hacking the DNC.

Does this sound familiar? NIXON 


The press by it’s own folly set the tone drunk on their own petard and never mentioning hospice and the evils of the RCC, the Jesuits, Mother Teresa, persecuting females who have had abortions on a daily basis for the RCC, etc. So the press is frightened because I bet Putin has some information they don’t want Trump to know. Putin warned the FBI about the TSARNAEV brothers before the Boston Marathon massacre (in case you are clueless tsar means czar and the bag was on the wrong side of the fence so could not have done what it is said to have done and in the direction it exploded however a drone could have caused the massacre and used someone making a drop responsible tricking them however don’t ask me why the two would drop off a pressure cooker but never did see one only heard about it and the Boston Marathon massacre involved the people from Sandy Hook Elementary massacre sitting in the vicinity as well which is an awful big coincidence and people injured dropping their prosthetics on mistake as a clue letting us know it wasn’t real and to help normal people grasp the OBVIOUS fact it was an illusion or delusion of the press and whomever was involved to disarm or start the attack on the right to bear arms for citizens of the USA for Obama’s pie in the sky dream/delusion who was probably snorting cocaine at the time like all the other double events we have witnessed at schools where training is scheduled and something else happens at the same time kind of thing to entrap people for one reason or another to cover up something else not seen (such as faith or the definition of faith) like giving billions of dollars to Iran, etc and to distract.) How does the press explain Putin’s warning to the FBI and National Security advisor on Fox KT McFarland (orthodox catholic I think)  having written a book about the Tsarnaev brother’s family and obviously watching their family before the massacre even occurred which is really weird? The press didn’t even try and only on the internet was it mentioned. One thing for sure the press is acting guilty as is Mueller and the Justice Department or it wouldn’t be today it presented it’s indictments. It would have been yesterday or even about a year or more ago and before the russian spies left the country, however or in whatever manner the russians left the USA. How does the press explain that one?

It won’t even try because its crap and because a ton of people in government and in the press are in denial thinking the gravy train they are on is gonna keep on giving like an ever ready battery. The guy who made the announcement for Mueller on the eve before the Trump-Putin Summit looks like Hitlers assistant Heinrich Himmler and same style. A little less in charge, with out a nazi uniform on yet, but if he does. Don’t the two look an awful lot alike? Similarity is striking. eye brows are shorter and he is older and doesn’t have a mustache obviously. Amazing how people change when they get the power if they get the power and it never lasts. Heinrich Himmler committed suicide by the way. Pretty weird Rosenstein is a Himmler look alike.

Why would Himmler be acting like Rosenstein if it weren’t something to do with Revelation or the Apostasy or the Apocalypse or Armageddon or all of the above? It’s a pretty good question if you ask me.

Rudolph Hess the red nosed reindeer, had a really shiny nose……

Rudolph (the red nosed reindeer) Hess also committed suicide. Does he look familiar?

Boy Fox is making hay about Putin I guess there are some revelations Mueller would like to display to the citizens or is it a secret we get not to hear about for a few months. Gowdy is on the wagon acting like a dummy. You can tell by the slope of his head. I wish he would resign for his own good like he was gonna do to keep some sort of honor within himself and is gonna throw it away. Please Trey it’s time to go. You have lost your marbles although it could be interesting to see your demeanor asking irrelevant questions. All bluster and no substance. I thought you were smart once a long time ago and you kept slip sliding away. The smartest thing you ever said was you were going to leave your position and go back to your private practice. What’s the problem: did someone take it away? I think what I heard on Fox might be false news about Gowdy if not I hope he rethinks about his own reputation about to be pissed away on stupidity and southern pride. Don’t follow Mueller. The gravy must be pretty good but not as good as mine which I learned from my dad.

Has there been one congressional hearing which accomplished anything other than giving Fox News something to talk about other than themselves or invent the idea of procreating to pay off the national debt? Meuller and his gang are congratulating each other and might wish they hadn’t. I bet there will be a big surprise not seen Mueller might have to pay for which I’m sure can be created as well from nothing. Who is to say? Putin might have a ton of information we don’t yet know about. I had hoped he would come and testify for fun earlier I forget on what matter. I think it was about his involvement in the election and the why if there is one which should be interesting. I can imagine if there was anything to it the reason for it will probably be a good one or why bother. What is so finny about Fox is it is saying Trump will ask Putin if he was involved in the 2016 election and he already asked Putin and Trump explained Putin didn’t interfere in the 2016 election. Doesn’t Fox remember? Maybe Fox can talk Sharon Stone into talking Putin into appearing for a Q and A in front of Congress for a couple of days or more so we can watch him responding to Congresses questions. Should be pretty easy. I bet his answers would be stunning. I don’t think our congress could handle it I really don’t not from what I saw earlier. He would make them look so stupid and more than likely so would the russian witches being accused by Mueller to consume some time.

Peter STROZKE and his Girlfriend

The Strozke questioning by our Congress what little I saw ….Trey Goudy and a few highlights of others  I thought Strozke did a good job compared to the grandstanding of Congress. Made him look intensely evil in the pictures shown by Jesse Watters. I have no idea the twists and turns of this MONUMENTAL story ahead but so far it’s a wash….ington affair. Supposedly his girlfriend has some information. In the bible when the woman at the well met Jesus he said she had been married five times. Did she actually marry 5 times or had she lived with 5 different men over the years and back then it was considered marriage because she had sex while living with a man or the rule about living together as some kind of marriage relationship if having sex. . Our Constitution protects a husband and wife from testifying against each other but how about e-mail chums or girl friends and boy friends. I think the whole premise of the hearing is stretching something into some kind of a ridiculous congressional waste of time. What he said to his girlfriend about Trump should not matter unless there is some kind of evidence other than he had some kind of preference for Clinton v Trump. I think it is a bad example of abuse of power unless he actually did something wrong and having an opinion is not unusual in Washington DC or in politics however did prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT CONGRESS is treading on his right to a personal opinion and expressing it to his girlfriend while working in a position of fairness when on his job. Often times men aren’t honest with their girlfriends about things like politics just so they can get along which might be the case and the same with women.  Or  maybe he was a spy or is a spy against the clintons and is trying to keep it under wraps and Congress or the GOP is really messing up his cover. It does seem like Congress has perfected the art of avoidance of the truth and aversion to finding out what is going on in regards to Obama and what was going on with Obama and why. Can Congress be fair having a preference for a republican viewpoint or a democrat viewpoint to even question the fairness of other branches of government. I know it is their job but seem to have made a big mess of it. Whether one is a die hard democrat or a die hard republican and expresses it to a friend is not a crime. Some people actually can investigate matters with an open mind regardless of their preferences politically but it looks like the ones who can’t investigate with an open mind is Congress. The grandstanding was terrible on both sides. Right after Trey Goudy grandstanded the african american congresswoman woman said something very astute followed by something so stupid in the same breath about Obama right before the other african american congresswoman from Texas flexed her brain because she still has a brain and I guarantee she also has a personal preference. Did Peter Strozke break down doors of a lawyer’s office? Isn’t it who Congress needs to interrogate? I think the name Strozke might be his biggest mistake. Sort of russian sounding name. What about Watters with two t’s. I think it is kind of ODD. Not like we needed two t’s to get the same sound.

Why doesn’t Congress find out about the lists? The Clinton lists: what the lists were for and who are on the lists and why. Go through each name with her and get some facts. Seems like a simple task and might have a better chance of succeeding in some kind of direction other than a witch hunt. Get her to testify and go from there. Use it as an excuse to pull in Leon Panetta and find out what he knows and how he knows and from whom he knows about anything he does and entrap him as he would entrap you.

In the meanwhile, Congress could make Peter Strozke wear an “Ä” on his shirt or a yellow badge like the jews in Germany had to wear but make him wear a red badge instead as a possible communist while he works with the FBI until the RED SCARE has passed.

I think he is an actor playing an FBI agent getting grilled by Congress about a conversation with his girlfriend as far as I can tell.

The London protesters against Trump might be catholic. Have you noticed when the pope wants to say something on the balcony to his flock thousands show up usually prompted by bosses of employees and the union leaders. Probably the same thing. The people don’t even know what it is they don’t like about Trump or can’t express it very well so obviously were bribed somehow to show up with all those signs. Those signs take time to make some more than others and I doubt most of the people marching actually made the posters themselves. Look at all the wood wasted on the signs. I wonder how many trees were cut down to accommodate this march against Trump. I bet most of the people bought them or were made at the schools by kids for adults to act like a bunch of nuts and probably got a free drink for it or a discount on alcoholic beverages for the day. It looks like it and they act like it. I bet most of them are Catholics and are too afraid to protest against terrorism or protest against the mob or protest against hospice and all the other shit the RCC does. The ones interviewed were not very bright but looked like a bunch of over aged kids who found an excuse to party in the streets. PEER PRESSURE to relieve the pressures they are abiding. It is a question Hannity should have asked: DId you make the sign? Where can I get one? etc,. but didn’t, of course or sent in some people incognito to ask to find out some answers…. answers he doesn’t want. It could been filmed anywhere. It looked like it was a crowd at Disney Land and we all know what can be done with film and photos lassoing backgrounds and replacing with a part pf London. I highly doubt Londoners would bother protesting about Trump since he isn’t a Brit. Funny how the press doesn’t ask anything worth asking might as well have been Jesse Watters asking the crowd questions. It was as inconsequential. I sound like a back seat driver but is what I notice. SOmetimes criticism when noted is a good thing and helps a person improve upon their skills soma be it will but what is too bad is this particular event will go by the way side without any real anything.

The woman who was commenting about the stupidity of americans compared to the english using an english accent caught my attention and she sure looked like the actress from Little House on the Prairie a bit part actress and was also on the abortion films made by the Vatican which I documented in a different post claiming a bunch of stuff about abortion clinics and it’s practices without any proof such as sucking out brains and taking out little teeny weeny livers and even the selling of baby parts has not been proven in any way like the myth about gerbils and gay men and it was the same lady with the short blond hair Hannity interviewed for a minute or so. So it might have actually been a film made in Hollywood and even New York and giving people some money to march against Trump as if it were in London. Lot of fakery. The point is whether in London or New York it would be cool if people who protested knew why and not just partake of the sins of the RCC to cause trouble and as if Hannity is right there with them not asking anything legitimate to help them and him and everyone else. Picture of President Trump waving and now it is called taunting. Every other President has done the same and wasn’t accused of taunting.

The Roman Catholic Church is trying to catholicize the world and this is part of the illusion. Don’t you wonder why it would be a fake film and why would Fox want to act as if it were in London while Trump was out of the country and then the Meuller/Rosenstein accusations probably because Fox doesn’t want Trump to meet Putin for a meeting. Do you really think Putin is gonna give back Crimea? If he does it will be interesting but I highly doubt it unless he gets something else in return but I don’t think Putin will cave on it partially because he is protecting Syria and because it probably was part of the Soviet Union once and I know Putin did not like the deals made during the Reagan administration nor by the leader of the Soviet Union at the time before Yeltsen the one with the big birthmark on his head. it is possible we are about to go to war and Putin is preparing for it and the USA should be as well. A repeat of WWll but a little different because the times are different, technology is different, and he is a lot wiser and we should be a lot wiser as well. We are dealing with an occult and it is not past doing a lot of deception. The Nazis were also an occult. The other leaders name was Gorbachev (spelling may be off who moved to San Francisco near the Presido I think thanks to Reagan who was led by Billy Graham and set up shop quite a big one but kind of disappeared into anonymity) and our country was under the spell of Billy Graham during the Reagan years setting us up because he was a shill for the RCC and for himself. A VERY BAD ONE and we are embarking and kind of in the midst of HIS WAR AGAINST GOD using our leaders and their families for his own goals and the RCCs goals. Very evil person. I saw him fitting inside Greta in an interview as if he were trying to possess her and he did at least for a while. Like a crab fitting into a shell however I have never seen a crab fit into a shell but I know crabs do it the larger it gets. IN one of the sites in Israel there is an antiquity I guess you call it made in stone scratched with an awl or a sharp object. mustard tree (a small tree), either a crab or some kind of creature, a mausoleum (possibly a building on fire), an egyptian looking thing (a scarab ….Its been while since I looked at it and made my own description of what I think were the clues left and of course scarab could be baracs or barracks backwards used as a clue to denote an idea on and in any case a sign) If you only had 10 minutes to tell who was gonna kill you and you had a slab and a sharp instrument to make some etchings it might be how you might describe a word quickly without giving the clues away to the attacker who would of course destroy it) and a few other clues at a place where the people were poisoned via the food stored at the site who were stuck there and surrounded and the person who created it was in a hurry  (I wrote about it in another post about the Siege of Yodfat linked on Merangue’s Blog) and surrounded I think by the Romans or an army of the Romans in biblicalish times and the post also goes into some other interesting posers. OD is a cult (ODIN) having to do with Germany in the past. The Vatican has not always been in Rome as our National capital was not always in the District of Columbia.

Holy Roman Empire

Could the Apocalypse be referring to Laura InGraham? or a pox on both your religions Islam and what comprises the RCC (the whore and it’s daughters all the religions that spawned off of the RCC in defiance or in protest) and it’s lips in Mecca which ought to be nuked. When I say nuked I really mean destroyed ASAP. Laser weapons would be good, It does matter how, but it should be done. Start with the ideology and destroy its power over those lilies and it will help turn some people in a better direction. Then the people will see it isn’t a very powerful god or a good god. Then drop some leaflets over the Vatican and tell the cardinals and the bishops and the pope about a time of about 15 minutes to vacate the premises and do the same to the Vatican. It will help the people. Maybe a little more time like about an hour because they wear dresses and then bombs away but don’t tell Georg Ganswein.

Calypso (mythology)

Resembles artistically in an old fashioned kind of way Stormy Daniels
and may be referring to the treatment of women.
Makes sense to me.
Recently at a place of business having a service done and I wore my hair down and while it was occurring the woman came from the back room and took my hair and tried to put a regular rubber band in it on the side in some kind of barbaric twist and then blew it off and kind of walked a way like you aren’t worth it or you are a mess kind of gesture. It was definitely spiritual harassment but I don’t think she realized she was involved in it. It was not a hair salon. It was rude. She was no beauty at all so it was kind of funny and I took out the rubber band. I didn’t punish her for it but I would never go up to a client and grab her hair and mess with it and then act like she did, yet she did. I won’t go back again. She did a good job on her task but blew it with me. It was really weird but typical these days. It reminded bye of Gary when we were sitting on their couch amid some things and he walked by my girls one by one tussled their hair like being affectionate and when he came up to me he acted like he was tussling my hair and instead used the inside of palm and pushed my forehead in a degrading way. I caught the meaning and it was near the time I went into the office and told on him. He didn’t think I would but I did and I was still holding back all that I could tell trying to keep it limited to what happened at the office but it still hurt him trying on my own without my brother’s advice and before it to keep it in the family at the time in my generation etc keep it about the office  and not the past or at their home etc. I’m doing it now my way. Its my comfort zone.
Near the end of the office work he and my sister were out of town visiting the Kirchers up north somewhere and she called and asked if I would do a favor for her son. She wanted me to go to her house and pick up his fish in a bottle and bring it to the office. It is the kind of fish and bottle where the plant feeds the fish. So I called my husband who I knew was nearby in the area and asked for his help because i was afraid the bottle would spill in the car and wasn’t very good with their alarm system of their house. He came when he could and we did the task and he locked up and set the alarm. I took the fish to the office and put it on my sister’s desk like a good little sister. Later when they came back from Connecticut or wherever they were up north she was alarmed because the front door was open and sort of accused me without accusing me and made me feel I had screwed up and may have alarmed others nearby I might have taken something. At least it is what I thought at the time. I was paranoid for sure. I felt like I had stolen something even though I hadn’t. I was walking on egg shells with them trying to do a good job but being treated badly. Today I was thinking about it and wondered why the door was open because i saw it locked up. I guess maybe I was being set up perhaps to be found later. I think someone might have been in the house. They would have had the perfect alibi like Billy Graham on the radio with another person at the time of the assassination of JFK yet it could have been recorded earlier and played on the radio which he wrote about it in his book “Just As I AM”.  I will never know but Gary did do some things that could have been deadly to everyone like storing his loaded gun under his pillow in the bed they slept in and I told my mom I think and I think she dealt with it like she had a way of doing things such as getting me out of the van at the park and then later he stored his loaded gun under his bed because he was so courageous, left sockets open for tots, bad wiring, bad constructing loose nuts and bolts on their swing set and probably in the car he built from a kit he sold to a cousin. He wasn’t right in the head. If you followed him driving he would try to make it hard in bad traffic whipping around and changing lanes a bunch at the last moment trying to make me look incapable but anyone knows when you lead you have to do it well and he wasn’t. He got lost in the Ozarks with his wife and kids that is how stupid he is. The family ran into a bear in the Ozark mountains and split up having to find their way and eventually did. A good dad wouldn’t have gotten lost but he was an air head. Sometimes the look on his face was like someone drunk and totally careless. Sometimes belligerent and sometimes perverted as I have elaborated about. And he was funny sometimes. But anyway the woman at the place of business was not controlling her own mind or she would not have done it. I know her culture isn’t the way she acted so it was something else. Gary was also dealing with something he could not control especially when drinking but sometimes when straight especially as time went on the more he drank. The picture I heard about him dancing naked at a frat party on a table didn’t help though I never saw it. I’m sure the guys in the frat party egged him on and then my sister kind of egged him on when showing it to my cousin. Made him think it was a good thing and it wasn’t. Peer pressure and plain ole stupidity. I don’t think she knew how to handle it obviously but I did a better job than her. They got some home improvements because of the break in at their home. Some french doors and other things. Showing the movie Atonement was not a good way or very bright. What occurred later which were many things some I don’t know but from the conversations I had and the enveloping saga of it was nobody knew how bad off he was. Quizzing my brother about a meeting we were gonna have all the way from California with me is really inane. My brother noticed and as he said he knew why and I know my sister his wife must have also known or she would have to be lying to herself and to everyone else and immensely stupid. It was stupid for my brother to have stayed at their home but I don’t think he realized how deep their problems were even though he picked up the gun one day he found under their bed and played with it while on the phone and almost shot his foot off in one of the homes they had owned previously. So much happened after the meeting about them involving family and me and didn’t get better. It got worse. We were dealing with some kind manifestation of evil using different people when they least expected it to attack our family and my sister and her husband. Part of the problem was a lack of good communication. yea we spoke to each other and shortened and condensed the problem and it did not fix it. It was as if we had given it more space to do more horrible stuff but we did try. I;m not sure no matter what any of us did or could have done would have stopped it. It was so evil. It wouldn’t take no for an answer. NO was not good enough. I remember George Bushes wife’s slogan was “Just say no.” or was it Reagan’s wife? Sorry it isn’t enough. And George did hit a camel in the ass. He did not cure the problem but he was being influenced by Billy Graham. We are still in Afghanistan and Iraq and to no avail. Sometimes you have to go for the heart. The ideology. The Taliban did it in Afghanistan by blowing up the Buddas carved  into the mountains, but I guess America hasn’t learned much about some cultures.

The problem with the concept of freedom of religion

is the religions that don’t believe in freedom

such as the RCC and Islam.

Why did President Obama bring a religious mantle to Pope Benedict? I think it was the mantle of the Calvinists religious leader. What was the carrot seeds President Obama brought to Pope Francis? A lot of girls were raped in the Obama’s reign of terror.
“The mantle was originally a cape worn simply to ward off the cold. The mantle was first mentioned in the Old Testament, as a garment worn by several prophets including Elijah and Elisha.”
A mantle is a cloak and also a shelf on a fireplace.

Obama presented the pope with a liturgical stole

that from 1988 to 2007 was on the body of St. John Neumann in Philadelphia.

St. John Neumann

St. John Neumann looks like the guy at the school massacre in Florida, doesn’t he? Very much so. Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland Florida. He was a witness and controversial at first because he got kind of mixed up and then kind of got his shit together after the controversy misspeaking. hmmmmmmm He got very proactive for gun legislation in Florida after his faux pas.
A Catholic Priest from Bohemia.

John Neumann

President Obama Meets Pope Benedict at the Vatican

Bohemia is a region encompassing the western Czech Republic. It’s centered on the national capital, Prague, distinguished by the Gothic architecture of the Charles Bridge, Old Town Square and Prague Castle. The Vltava River flows south from here through the town of České Budějovice, home of the Budvar brewery, and the medieval town of Český Krumlov, with its castle and pub-lined lanes.
GOTHIC ….DARK Talk about Gothic I remember Prince Charles visited Transylvania

Cat organ causes Charles fit of giggles

to somewhere over the rainbow

he had his kids chipped and had a conversion on the way to Damascus to Islam because of his courage and never made king because of his mom like Mrs. Bush very very smart, thank you, but there was a monument planned for him n South America near the Amazon Rain Forests honoring him with the title of jesus.. Savior I guess beause he saved the rain forests yet ruined the Gulf of Mexico for a while.

Did the Pope forgive him for his divorce and marriage to Camilla? He went to the Vatican because he has a mind of his own.

VERY SIMILAR. Nose, hair, skin, ears, lips, but depends on how he would age and he just needs a collar. VERY SIMILAR.
The meeting between Pope Benedict and Obama was early in his career as President. Some kind of DNA research possibly growing fertilized eggs possibly at a fast rate more than likely? futuristic/historical stuff going on NOW. It was also occurring during the Vatican ll when Kennedy was assassinated to make a whole bunch of hay and to concentrate in the endeavor to prioritize the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew for the the RCC because obviously the birth is it’s mainstay and bread and butter like kissing a ceramic doll, seeping (weeping) mary statues, apparitions, prayer beads, and all kinds of holy hell, etc. Obama also brought a letter about Sen. Kennedy or from Senator Kennedy who was dying of cancer. Kind of coincidental.


Bohemia, Czech Čechy, German Böhmen, historical country of central Europe that was a kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire and subsequently a province in the Habsburgs’ Austrian Empire. Bohemia was bounded on the south by Austria, on the west by Bavaria, on the north by Saxony and Lusatia, on the northeast by Silesia, and on the east by Moravia. From 1918 to 1939 and from 1945 to 1992, it was part of Czechoslovakia, and since 1993 it has formed much of the Czech Republic.

Here are some maps to compare where Bohemia is located and in which countries. Bohemia must be something other than physical. more like spiritual/religious/political. these maps are on the internet but does make one wonder. hmmmmm Barack Obama he MIA? Barack Obama is Gen. Kelly? A JESUIT! 351 or 315 anti-God : as I said, as I say, Me Tarzan, you Jane. LOL MR POLITICALLY CORRECT. IA

or Barack Obama is missing in action or all of the above clues. PROBABLY. THANK YOU!

Jesus said Feed my lambs and feed my sheep three times one once and the other one twice to Peter and I think it was a sign. Hospice by starvation is a sign whether given permission or not given permission. It is a sign. The sign is it is almost over because the RCC which supposedly represents Peter made Mother Teresa a saint who came up with the idea in regards to the Calcuttian way of dealing with abortion. Jesus did not say do not abort your fetus however The Book of Acts goes into the feet of them who carry the husband of Sapphira and her away for lying to start a cult and make Sapphira and her husband their first example and stole their land. Jesus was not present at the time because he had already been crucified. He did not mean you kill a liar. someone was just doing what this someone does to pervert the meaning of I AM the way the truth and the life said by Jesus meaning the The God of the Ten commandments  in the gospel of John because…… he is just as he is, a liar who is changing the bible in our day to change the meaning probably for the RCC to continue with it’s degradation of females using all kinds of people. Jesus knew what was in man. SPERM. Living sperm. Did Jesus say not to masturbate? I doubt it. So Jesus did not commit to man and the Ten commandments does not refer to priests. Not one word about priests in the Ten Commandments because he did not respect priests. He respected families (moms and dads and their children) and their decisions but of course the Vatican does not respect any persons decisions because it does not respect truth or women or men or girls or boys but uses them and persecutes them even their own if they don’t comply with it’s evil and pay a fee to get an indulgence or report to them at a booth taking down names or say Hail marys or sit in their pews and buy their crap and all the other shit the RCC does. It needs to go the way of the dodo birds. EXTINCT.
TO put it in perspective it is not a deadly sin. The sins of the Roman Catholic church are deadly sins.
The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings.[1] Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities.[2] According to the standard list, they are pridegreedlustenvygluttonywrath and sloth,[2] which are also contrary to the seven virtues. These sins are often thought to be abuses or excessive versions of one’s natural faculties or passions (for example, gluttony abuses one’s desire to eat).
 This is what the Roman Catholic Church teaches are the deadly sins and is guilty of all of them a zillion times over.
Aides trying to run Trump. Should be interesting and hopefully can have some privacy though highly doubtful. There is a reason Damascus is called the Burdensome Stone in the Old Testament and Trump aides might know why but don’t want him to know. In the last days even the elect will be fooled.
As long as you have people like General Kelly and Mattis and probably some others it is bound to happen. THE JESUIT CONNECTION/S
While watching Fox for a few minutes and about the upcoming summit between Trump and Putin there was an advertisement for Fox News Sunday interview of President Putin by Chris Wallace and my ex got kind of upset about the interview which I thought was kind of strange. He said Putin is a liar and I said I don’t think he’s a liar. I said tell me one lie Putin has said and he couldn’t but mentioned Croatia. The invasion. And I said the majority of those people in Croatia wanted Putin’s protection and i think he went to Croatia to help Croatians and I don’t think he went there to cause trouble but trouble was occurring in Croatia like he did in Syria when Obama was attempting a coup and attempting to destroy Syria because of the Golan Heights, IMO. Alot of other people involved of course like Turkey because of the disputed territory between the two and the Crimea river and the UN and RCC and Fox were proven to be lying about the sarin gas attacks and were caught in their lies by some truthers in regards to painters masks v gas masks etc. and attempting to start a war with Russia whom during WWll made it hard for Nazi Fascism to survive as we did as well with some allies some who were trustworthy and some who were not trustworthy. I think the interview will be interesting and Chris Wallace is quite formidable in his talent as is Putin. I think the Trump-Putin Summit will be helpful to both nations and perhaps the world. It certainly can’t hurt to talk or for the two leaders to communicate and I doubt we will hear of everything they discuss which is not unusual. Strange my ex is so anti Putin since he doesn’t even know him and can’t even tell me what it is he lied about. We are in difficult times because of the NWO with Teeth and because of the two main religions vying for control of other governments and it’s leaders. Hopefully the summit might help to alleviate some fears and expose some big lies or lil’lies gone wild while covering up hospice. I think my ex is kind of paranoid about Putin and Croatia and the summit in Helsinki with Trump. Something isn’t right about his reaction and in regards to Merella/Mirella and her hopes of becoming rich in Croatia even though she is from Bosnia and went to Colorado. Something fishy going on. I really have no idea how stinky it might be but I might actually find out sooner rather than later. I have written a bunch of posts as I go along and have been doing it for a while and I know Obama was evil and causing trouble world wide but I certainly can’t say for sure what the hell is going on in the world only what I saw or witnessed in the news and I reacted on the internet, or in regards to my life and to my family and my pets. I sure didn’t like it.
The State Department run by HIllary Clinton then Sen. John Kerry stole it and then the Republican ones Rex Tillerson etc (but actually run by the Vatican, not Tillerson but the State Department) want Russia to release some religious and political prisoners it may or may not have before the summit. So the State Department is gonna hog tie Trump and Putin from meeting. It must have some secrets because I doubt Russia is gonna comply with the State Department run by the Vatican or even has any idea of it’s meaning nor does the State Department know it’s meaning of itself. Fox didn’t say which State Department. Could be talking about Georg Ganswein the Secretary for the Pope aka  Secretary of State for the Vatican and the Jesuit society. I think the summit between Trump and Putin is gonna occur anyway. It is kind of like California and Trumps control of it and the safe zones for illegal immigrants. Putin has a large country and the further from the center the more usually radical or less centralized some good radicals and some very bad ones and many stupid ones as well and our CIA know what it did in parts of Russia using Osama Bin Laden to attack Russia, etc..
Fox or someone on Fox mentioned Russia as atheist and not allowing religion. I have no idea i just remember Putin was a believer of some form of Christianity or Catholicism but only from one statement made which may not have been from him. I think there are a lot of religions in his nation and whoever was speaking about Russia is full of shit. One of Russia’s religious leaders was poisoned and killed by the Vatican trying to establish Rome as the Holy Roman Empire as it attempted to do in Japan with the Neo-Catechumenal Way and the nuclear accident at Fukushima via a tsunami via HAARP which had bad results for the world in regards to Tuna, red crabs, plankton, oxygen, whales and the oceans. Obama knew about it and used Obama Care to try to hide it etc and misused other things like Medicare and medicaid to entice Mother Teresa’s hospice for the unwary and those who trusted our government having fought wars for our government for freedom by giving hospice free without doctors care supporting the RCC and the Jesuits and were murdered to allow the RCC to send it’s indigents caused by overpopulation (illegal immigrants) in its banana republics the RCC failed to help or educate and  to take their place to deplete our country of it’s citizens and their rights, opportunities, and jobs and then blame the females instead of the churches lorded over by the RCC and the BGEA’s dumb ideas and ideals and to protect its reputation and to ruin our reputation and our country while it plays the Lord kissing ceramic dolls (it’s end is near so don’t worry). Also in China over the catholics of China. and in the USA via Obama Care, Neo-Catechumenal Way, the Jesuits, the Masons, and Free Masons, Opus Dei and the BGEA and while these religions blossomed and dressed in their sheep’s clothing the Ten Commandments were discarded and changed and probably the most important part of the bible which is how we got so unlucky as to have Obama as President  of the USA and in India via Roman Catholic Mother Teresa and in 105 other countries and 500 parishes around the world as well, and a lot of mixed up leaders and people around the world, etc.. So Fox is lying. The religious leaders and Christian churches attacked in Egypt I think were victims of the Vatican i.e. ISIS. Depends on what is is. The architecture in Moscow and other places lends itself to a form of religious background islam and other religions associated. The domed ones and others. I think he is a believer or was in Mary of the bible but there were a few of them. He doesn’t talk about it and people do, some people do progress in their beliefs if allowed to and I have a feeling he is allowed to in his own country. LOL Fox might ask him when he is interviewed by Chris Wallace if Fox really wants to know. The USSR I think was atheist. I guess it depends on who is running Russia and the people who live in Russia. I didn’t ask permission to progress in my bible learning and I didn’t attend church except for a very small amount of times and was sorely disappointed in the clergy and it’s people usually brainwashed.
Hopefully Trump will pull our troops out of Syria and let Russia handle it and not worry about Crimea and instead worry about our side of the hemisphere. He has a lot of work to do and it’s a very big side and a very important side of the hemisphere and by embracing a good relationship with Russia will benefit Britain and Europe and others as well. Two sometimes is better than one in regards to what is going on these days and might constrain nazism and fascism which has grown by leaps and bounds during the Obama Administration and was leading our country and Russia and others into devastation. Obama double-crossed Putin in regards to his attempt to destroy the sarin gas in Syria during a big civil war which is not an easy task while Obama sent billions of dollars to Iran who sent some trouble to Syria in order to make it hard to accomplish to put the squeeze on Putin and so did Saudi Arabia early on which is partly why the Medvedev joke was kind of funny. There are other reasons as well which made it funny and very well done. I even think Obama may have tried to poison Putin but I can’t prove it and he did not mention it but I don’t think the two are friends. It’s all Obama knows how to do and why he was elected for Kissinger and the RCC to destroy freedom and destroy people. I don’t think we could have won WWll without Russia on the other side of Germany. I could be wrong but it is my impression. Russia took a beating and many were imprisoned by the Germans in camps and obviously the RCC played Switzerland and betrayed us making it twice as hard to win when it could and is betraying Russia now. After WWll the USA and Europe was kind of nice after rebuilding and lasted quite a while but we let our guard down thinking those men in gowns meant well (wolves in sheeps clothing) and were actually undermining us and taking names. BIG BROTHER’s BIG BROTHER and many of them undermining each other. It is what the end times are about betrayal and anti family cohesion to fulfill prophecy the RCC and others like to do for it’s own satisfaction using its demonic influences because it doesn’t want to fail but doesn’t realize it already did and had 2000 years to keep doing it. Obviously, the RCC wasn’t doíng what it was supposed to do nor doing it the right way and some of the RCC hierarchy don’t care one iota but will eventually and possibly very very very soon.
Anyway the ex said I wish people would get it straight what Obama said to e Medvedev before the election.The ex said Obama said I will have more flexibility ….after my election… not the election. And I said guess who got him in? and he said “the Deep State” and I said “no, it was the Vatican and Kissinger” and he disagrees, of course. He got caught and I think he knew it when it happened by the way he acted and after Medvedev said “I’ll tell Vladimir” and if you are in a backwards walk (time walk) it makes sense otherwise why say it??? it can be assumed so I think it was what tripped Obama up a little and you can tell it did at that point. I could be wrong but it seemed like a punch line and also that it was out loud and like Billy Graham got caught. What Obama said wasn’t too terrible but depends on the subject both were discussing which I don’t know. Probably arms.
In a way both of us are right the Vatican and BGEA etc are the Deep State, deep throat, etc.however his conclusion is anonymous and my conclusion isn’t.  Germany is like a story in the bible about a person who owes money and beats his slaves to pay him back so he can pay back his debts after causing so much trouble and costing many lives was rebuilt only to turn and rend those who helped to rebuild it and the Vatican just steals it and works with them. This is what we are dealing with in essence and kind of in a world wide way. It’s big deal. Fascism is not kind. My brother in law is a good example of the same kind of treatment and I think is being corrected as will the countries and religions doing the same which is a lot of people who are involved so Trump meeting with Putin is possibly a good alternative other than what the Vatican, much of the press and some countries would like. There are a lot of disparities and cheating very underhandedly and maybe it will get better and then again not if the vatican FASCIST ass holes has it’s way. Problem is many are planted in our government and other governments i.e. the Swamp. Those who don’t want Trump and Putin to meet are probably deep in the swamp. Others are more than likely biased towards a religion that has given them the edge (though a two sided edge), the good jobs, the high salaries, and forgiveness as if it is God and it’s about to change I think one way or the other.
The deal with The ARC (he Army Retirement Community) In San Antonio is you have to sell your house or is one of the ways to be able to be accepted into The ARC and obviously is a real-estate scam as well and a scam against the couples who served in the military.  Im sure it could have afforded my parents a long time since event could be achieved monthly on the property depending on who bought the home. My older sister I think was the agent involved because she was family. I have no idea if she knew.
I think the summit went well but Laura InGraham says it was a meeting not a summit for some reason and will be a good start for good results for Europe, Britain, Russia and the USA and I’m glad Trump said about the INTEL is not to be trusted because it isn’t and Brennan ought to be buying a iron clad jock strap pretty soon not because he is athletic but because he might not get to keep his balls if he doesn’t. I guess he didn’t like the statement by Putin about the tricks of the CIA having been in a similar agency in his own country when it was the USSR and that he didn’t even know Trump had been in Moscow. Some interesting statements. Oh yea. Still I like the one stunt done on Obama by Medvedev! It was a good one. Reminds me of the skit on the DIck Van Dyke show with Carl Reiner, his boss, about the ties.
Watched last half of interview of Putin by Chris Wallace and it was a good interview. I wish Putin spoke English because he does know how to speak English doesn’t he? t don’t think he asked about religion which was discussed by Fox earlier. Everyone wants to stay away from the subject and it could be the biggest problem the world has is it’s aversion to asking as if it is unimportant. People in some countries who don’t know the koran are murdered we heard about during the Obama Administration. Obama aid at the UN the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam. So maybe the spies in England killed or injured by nerve agent didn’t know the Koran or insulted the prophet of Islam one way or another and even the brother of Kim Jung Un in the indonesia area which has turned Islamic. And you notice Pope John Paul kissed the Koran in favor of the Koran. Novichok is the name of the nerve agent recently and saying russia developed it and Putin said he doesn’t even know about the nerve agent which is interesting. There are others developed in Germany and the USA and Japan and seem to be far deadlier since usually those developed in the USA and Germany and Japan actually kills within minutes and some attack victims in England are still alive. So man,   VX and others are or have been used by other countries and the nerve agent used in Japan by a cult and killed a bunchof people on a subway station/train within minutres. It seems kind of funny Japan wasn’t isolated because of it.
Maybe JFK insulted the prophet of Islam as well as others who have been assassinated. Check out the sign as JFK grabs his tie with his hands and elbows in the air and see who is sitting at the sign on the curb and who walks in the opposite direction of the grassy knoll after the limo passes by. There are two people. An african american man and a white man. One looks like Obama and he walks away. I studied the film and it is what I saw while studying it. How could he have been there 50 years ago? I don’t know but I do know some stuff happened in regards to some temples having to do with the Suez Canal and another one unearthing some things sort of like the movie The mummy. As odd as it is or as some might think impossible I refuse to be close minded to the point of ignoring what I see even if it might be very strange, which it is, because it is kind of dumb to ignore it because it seems impossible. So many thing in the past seemed impossible and then history tells it isn’t or wasn’t eventually impossible. Earth being round, Dinosaur bones, the Flood, Noah’s Ark, and many other things. Like the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and I will not ignore it because it is in the bible and the bible said it was the smallest of seed and it wasn’t the smallest of seed even in the plant world. Something doesn’t jibe, does it?….. (jibe  means agree)
What I witnessed of the sarin gas attacks n Syria on video didn’t jibe either nor many other things having to do with the Sarin gas attacks and the UN’s stance about the attacks ignoring evidence. It is foolish.
Hopefully I will get to see the beginning of the interview so I can get a better sense of Putin. So far he has been quite truthful however I can’t access every thing he says because I don’t have the answers and I don’t think anyone else does either but tend to use him as a scapegoat. I did not see Putin at JFK’s assassination however at the airport there are some interesting people.
Earlier when discussing the Hebrews wandering in the desert for 40 years i made fun of the hebrews following a pillar by day and a fire by night and made a joke about would you follow a pillar by day (cloud) and a fire by night and remembered that the hebrews actually built some pyramids and had knowledge of the stars at night and a few of them designed the pyramids, and yet Lot and his family were taken from a place in the dessert called Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot was Abraham’s relative and stopped getting along at some point probably over women and goods and Abraham being fair told him to pick a direction and the people with Lot went a direction while Abraham went another with his people. Then some angels came and told Abraham Sodom and Gomorrah were going to be destroyed and he tried to make a deal with the angels to allow it not to be destroyed if the angels could find a certain amount of people who were righteous. And bartered for a while with the three angels. I can’t remember to what number he was able to make the deal but he tried to whittle it down and at the time was camped between two cities in the Wilderness of sin. Mecca and Medina are located in the Wilderness of sin. Lot lived in one of the two cities. Lot was approached by the angels to save his family. Lot offered his daughters to the angels and they didn’t want the daughters but told him to leave immediately and he did with his wife and a few others in his family only a few. The wife looks back after being told not to and becomes a pillar of salt and the two daughters think it is the end of the world and have sex with their dad after getting him drunk. Turns out it was not the end of the world. The pillar might be the wife of Lot who the quote “the Hebrews” follow for 40 years in the desert by day. There is a fire by night and thought about the word fire and another combination of the word which is rife. Rife means in an unchecked or widespread manner and thought of the Clintons who were followers of Billy Graham whose daughter is a pillar in her church and her last name is LOTT. Who would have thought it was Billy Grahams wife. He married his daughter? Often when talking about the Clintons or their followers some use the expression Clintonites and I thought perhaps this is pertinent to the quote Hebrews who were wandering in the desert for 40 years (rife by night) and has something to do with the peace processes introduced by the Clintons and with PEREZ and under the spell of Billy Graham and the BGEA etc. Evangelicals who are representatives of the RCC as well, the evangelical part of the RCC because he was shill for the RCC. I don’t think it was the Hebrews but the Israelites not necessarily the same ones as then or now but it seems like two different groups the Hebrews and the Israelites happening at the same time period in two different places possibly. Maybe a loop of time with some of the same characters or similar. Something doesn’t jibe about it but it is in the bible and the pillar by day might be referring to Billy Grahams daughter/wife with last name of LOTT which sure is a coincidence and she is respected quite a bit by evangelicals and those who loved her dad and considered to be a pillar of society in which she ventures. I think his name is David Lott. I think these are clues for today and did not actually happen in the past, possibly I won’t ignore it but sure seems fishy and don’t forget about a thousand points of lights said by the President George Bush in reference to the NWO who were influenced heavily by Billy Graham. It is kind of strange and may be a warning about the Grahams.
Trump said something about th Europeans being worried about immigration and Angela Merkel allowing a bunch of immigration and so is he worried, but it is the RCC who is for immigration and for countries without borders as are the Clintonites and the Bushes as well I think and may be why he built a Highway through Mexico and the USA being influenced by Billy Graham who was a shill for the RCC. It was for trade but may have been an excuse for illegal immigration in an unchecked manner  so we could be also in a weird way talking about Mexico City as one of those Sodoms and Gommorah cities and then somewhere else on the border or where illegal immigration is occurring frequently. I think the reason for immigration is because of some kind of pressure from some kind of a group of people causing problems in Central America and in Mexico because there have been some mass graves of students found and a lot of mob activity during the Obama Administration especially but not his fault because the buck doesn’t stop with him in his administration but is passed on as his legacy to others and possibly Islamic activity and a lot of joblessness and I think pressure from the RCC working with Islam.  So it could be a double prophecy or something. You have to admit illegal immigration also is because of an unchecked manner of crossing the border and the prophecy could have to do with the Vatican for creating trouble. so it is a good idea to build a wall but also to get it together as Trump wants to do to be organized and legal and in a checked manner. Lot hung out at the entrance to  one of the cities in the bible called Sodom and Gomorrah. Im kind of thinking out loud in my post because while I thought of some of this before it kind of has grown because of events and research and my imagination as well. Being a shill for the RCC might mean where it is located and in a sort of spiritual way. A gateway to the vatican. like marijuana is the gateway drug to harder drugs evangelicalism is a gateway religion to the RCC and possibly Islam, more than likely which is harder. There are some measurements cubits and the blood rising to the horses bridle of the saints mentioned in the bible and i figured out it was referring to Washington DC and the Vatican which was in Revelation and I’don’t want to check it again but is in one of my posts how I was able to figure it out. I have no idea if it is true or false because ever since I started writing some changes have occurred in the bible BIG ONES and probably have been being changed for a long long time but not because of language differences but intentional changes to alter the meaning using punctuation and word changes and to give preeminence to the Gospel of Matthew (vatican ll) because of the genealogy (which is debatable and a catch-22) if you read a post of mine on the subject and the Vatican’s dependence on babies even ceramic ones. the Hebrews and the Israelites and Catholics and Islam are like a bunch of stories of the same thing mixed together like someone took the deck of cards and threw it in the air and reshuffled history even recent history but maybe for a good reason in the sense of a catch 22 the other way. still I think a semblance of the Ten commandments is better than none and ought to be respected because it makes more sense than all the religions and I think was meant to be the foundations and a good standard and very basic and simple but because of some of the changes has caused some problems. Murder v kill. is one example. Usually murder is to hide other sins and premeditated to allow those other sins such as hospice being used to punish people and for population control from those in high places using abortion as an excuse, To demean, degrade, to defile women and girls and take away family rights and family planning by the person and the families and replace with priests and clergy control for political and religious reasons and monetary gain undermining the basic commandments (fundamental rights of the individual) and probably will result in some major changes in the world which are happening and more than likely will not be good. If hospice were good it would not need an excuse. If hospice were good the press would bring it up instead hide it. Of course there are some hospices used as good examples hiding the bad. Like legal ind illegal migration some good but hiding terrorists amongst the good and some who come to suck off the citizens rights for the RCC to degrade our institutions and siphon off money and launder it for it’s own purposes. and to overload congress from being able to have oversight and of course load up congress with a bunch of losers or power hungry ass holes  misusing government and their jobs. Not all but a lot of them are making a mockery of our government to the world wearing down the saints of the most high (not meaning high as in on booze or drugs.) I don’t know why but some people think Europe is our example and are wrong. It is why people left Europe because of the persecutions of the RCC but the persecutors followed. You can run but you cannot hide kind of thing, At some point you have to confront evil and stand up for your rights but as long as people like Geraldo Rivera (the Fox war correspondent) are around and some how gained respect going into a tunnel with a tv crew and not finding treasure of a mobster and worshipping the European ground the europeans walks on and by deception and stupidity allow him to make public policy using Fox Network and others and is like following a total fool or as dumb as following Pope Francis and very similar to following a total fool, How did these fools get the notoriety? A bunch of FOOLS is how. I can see why he might have gotten some attention in the late 60’s and early 70’s but you would think it would have subsided but then came Fox news and then of course CORE teaching, 1 plus 2 can be whatever you want it to be if you finagle it which is basically the core of CORE teaching without teaching the truth that 1 plus 2 equals 3 and similar to the teaching about the size of the mustard seed and no one cares that Jesus of three SYNOPTIC gospels made a huge faux pas as if it doesn’t matter. IT DOES.
*Obviously there are some good europeans and are a novelty more than likely. so -please take no offense its just people like Geraldo Rivera think  Americans should be like Europeans and he is wrong probably because many europeans like him because he is a foolish celebrity (recognizable) and take him at his word of being a war correspondent in a tunnel without treasures. INANE respect. Watching congress in the hearing recently with the FBI person and his girlfriend is scary how it was conducted and why he was chosen as their example to probe based on some very stupid e-mails yet a private interrogation of his girlfriend? I cant imagine what congress hopes to find. The basis of choosing him is ridiculous. Congress must be on some kind of a powerful drug and no wonder Putin is able to do the things he has done which I’m not gonna say is right or wrong but something is amiss in our government and why would anyone allow an ISLAMiC terrorist to be in charge of the CIA threatening the President is beyond my imagination. Anyway I guess the mustard seed revelation threw everyone for a loop and I think it is just the beginning of some drastic changes in the forecast and hopefully Trump can accomplish those changes. Schwarteneggar is said to have called Trump a wet noodle with Putin. I don’t think so. I think he got a good look at the scenario a better perspective and will reassess his outlook and his appointees. I can’t imagine having to deal with the false news and false INTEL he has to deal with though it is what I have had to deal with as a citizen but I bet he got some real information to gain a better understanding of the times we are in and Schwartzaneggar should hope that he does for the sake of his own life and liberty and I’m glad Trump met with Putin though I think Obama might be afraid.
There are 7 trumpets in Revelation and might be if we do not change the press etc and deal with the false news head on straight Schwartzneggar won’t get to enjoy his twilight years and his children might suffer the consequences. I doubt Schwartzenggar said it but I do think Trump was exhausted by his information gathering since the press is remiss for providing any semblance of real information as many of our institutions are negligent in providing as well and perhaps we need a strongman on the other side of the globe to help.
So Fox is gonna feed us some tape after a live press conference with Trump in order to edit the tape? Why not live?
Jack Keane was on Fox and another guy after calling Putin a liar through and through and that Trump should trust his own government caught in a plethora  of lies for him to doubt some people in our government ….PLANTS of the Vatican and PLANTS of Obama. He would be an idiot not to distrust parts of our government (some insiders) and an idiot to trust without some skepticism Putin and European leaders. I think he can handle it. Fox wants him to follow Fox. Obama trying to regroup by honoring Mandela after the first time when he dishonored him.
I do think Putin can speak fluent english and understands it very succinctly and didn’t out a lack of respect for some news agencies for their lack of truth. He was in the KGB and had to learn it,
As far as plants go you can read about them in the OT bible in regards to Rachel. The plants are very hard to pull up and have to be done in just the right way or will scream a huge scream kind of like the congressman who was on Tucker Carlson show after interviewing Trump on the same show about voter fraud and lightning basically saying it is okay for voter fraud by illegal immigrant from Mexico than from a Russian and might be what is going on so I would be very careful what you say and what you edit because we are at war a propaganda war for now. The White House is in a rain storm pouring down rain and when he told the press and his guests he has full faith in the Intelligence Community the lights temporarily went out.
That is a sign.
Trump probably has full faith of the size of a mustard seed in the Intelligence Community but has to reassure them. What a bunch of babies proving he needs a strongman somewhere. Congress is like fighting the Battle of the Bulge.
No one wants to believe this is about religion, but it is. President Trumps said Angela Merkel made a huge mistake in regards to immigration and it is hurting her politically and she did it under the influence of Obama and is also changing the European countries and because crime has risen because of the influx of immigrants into her country andy then going to others.and he left off from saying it is because of Obama and the RCC and no one wants to admit it. Giving away their own freedom to the two religions who don’t believe in freedom like lemmings. So what happens happens. I think we should bow out of NATO. I was glad Trump admitted that Russia lost 50 million people fighting Nazi fascism in WWll (NOT 50 million dollars but 50 million people and to give you an idea how many people 50 million people is: California’s population is about 39 and a half million people) and I think we may be headed towards WWlll or a repeat of WWll. IF we bow out of NATO we probably will get attacked anyway but at least we can make our own decisions on how and when and where we send troops or not send troops depending on the leaders and the people of the countries and how they respond because the world has changed since then quite a bit. We will get to pick and choose who our allies are since some NATO allies have gone astray and are not our allies anymore and protect ourselves first and protect ourselves on our borders because it might be our borders which might be a NEW front of the war we may be about to find ourselves in if we don’t get our shit together and farting isn’t gonna help. Trump did reword his speech but he was trying to be diplomatic with Putin in Helsinki so he had to come back to edit his speech a little because of the the many little farts in our government and in our press who want to use Russia and Putin as their scapegoat because of an unreasonable fear of Obama and need to stand up against Obama and his nuts who seem to be brain dead nazis two of which were on the Tucker Carlson show in between the interviews by Tucker Carlson of President Trump. These two guys are plants just like the ones allegorically depicted about in the OT of the bible which Rachel used and these plants are called Mandrakes. These plants yak a lot but never really say anything truthful or logical or say anything of value or factual which is basically the screaming these plants do when being pulled up into a conversation and can’t communicate intelligently or lack any commons sense and are a challenge because of their ineptitude. Rachel represents the RCC controlling who marries who, who is forgiven and who isn’t, who gets to get a divorce without a bunch of shit, and who gets killed, and who gets to live and who doesn’t, who gets to have a safe abortion and who doesn’t,etc a witch who tricks males and females and the two people Tucker Carlson interviewed are two good examples of Mandrakes. FOOLS. like drones/worker bees of a beehive who do the work of the Queen bee and in this case a killer bee which are honey bees that have been africanized. Its only example but shows how a species of beings can become fools and can be dangerous as well. I recall a bunch of events during the Obama Administration and the people involved in the events blacked out while in the act of either saving lives from a terrorist or the terrorist themselves and most had cell phones which Obama used as a bribes for votes. Should the company who provided the cell phones for an Obama vote be held accountable for some of those tragedies. Maybe depending on what was was in those phones or what kind of material was hidden in those phones. Sounds wild but some people will do anything for a vote. ANYTHING to keep or to gain power in order to protect the RCC from dissolution.
I believe Ritalin which was heavily prescribed via the suggestions of teachers and churches to parents for especially for over active boys might also have been used in the AURORA Colorado attack at a theater killing about 8 people during the Obama Administration using Cell phones to locate their victims.
A priest of the RCC during the Obama administration was caught selling crystal meth who kind of looks familiar, hmmmmm and Cardinal Egan now a retired archbishop of New York and has since died.


He assisted some other bishops and the Mormon Church in regards to Billy Grahams assertion that the Mormon church was a cult during the Obama Administration in-between his elections running against A MORMON CANDIDATE named Mitt Romney so an alliance occurred between the RCC and the Mormons partially because of the NSA in Utah at least temporarily until he lost the election. All three are cults (the RCC, Evangelicals-the BGEA and the Mormons) IMO.

He was related to the case of the connecticut priest who was charged with selling and a crystal meth drug ring in Connecticut
and was sentence to 5 years in prison.

Connecticut Priest Charged in Crystal Meth Drug Ring

Some young people in australia.

It sounds so easy to say If I were president here is what I would do which are the things I have suggested but I think a really good leader could and we haven’t had any IN THE WORLD who aren’t compromised somehow or another via investments, the mob, hostages sex which seems to be the mode to keep the status quo holding hostage either people, places, government institutions, or other things holding them back from doing what needs to be done to preserve freedom. The problem also have been the secret deals no one knows about causing leaders to do the things they have done like giving away the Panama canal ONE OF THE DUMBEST DEALS OF ALL TIME and not even having faith the size of a mustard seed no matter if it isn’t the smallest of seed which it isn’t. HOW IN HELL DID JIMMY CARTER GET ELECTED?

In regards to Trump changing his words of what he said and is in the transcript and then changing certain words to alleviate the consternation of the press, Intelligence organizations, the government and congress He said what he said and I think he meant it at the time in Russia and then came home and changed it to appease his countries fanaticism or he misspoke. A lot can happen when one digests information and thinks of the repercussions or the possibilities so I guess Congress needs to prove Russia meddled in the election and how and where and by whom and when and for what reason. Maybe Russia meddled to try to get Clinton elected and it wasn’t enough.

Could there be two Trumps? Why would he need a transcript of what he said? Doesn’t he know what he said a few days before? Now Fox is showing a bunch of clips with different time stamps saying Russia meddled in the election but have been denying it for a long long time and once he found out about the pipeline from Russia to Germany. Is it the reason for the change of heart? Let Russia and Germany trade! it’s called free trade. I definitely think Russia influenced the election but someone needs to prove Russia meddled. What is the meaning of meddled? I think we need to straighten out what is meant by meddled. Does it mean changed votes, added votes, subtracted votes, erased votes? And for which election for the Presidency? Congress? etc. I know what I heard when he was in Helsinki but perhaps someone needs to check out the videos and see if he added an “n’t” to the word “would”.  One thing for sure whether Russia did or not Tucker Carlson is right we need to get serious about making changes to the election process to make it FAILSAFE. It will also help add jobs so it’s not a bad thing to do for a number of reasons and so there is a paper trail. If Russia meddled in the election from the time he left Helsinki to now we need to figure out how. 

I don’t think Trump is lying I think there might be two Trumps or Trump was afraid to say it in Helsinki. His outburst about the pipeline might have gotten him in trouble somehow. If you use would or wouldn’t in the sentence in question it pretty much comes out to mean the same thing. What does n’t stand for? O for not or aught for naught? Why would Russia and why wouldn’t Russia? Maybe there are two Russias; one that would meddle in our elections and one that wouldn’t meddle in our elections.

In any case, there might be some kind of something on the horizon and he let us know about it as best he could. Is the pipeline gonna go to eastern germany or both eastern and western Germany? Anyway Europe needs it but Europe will be controlled either one way or another to some degree being dependent. Maybe its a good thing and maybe not. Is it any different than dealing with Saudi Arabia? Why not do all three. Europe could get the USA, Russia and Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and whomever else in the business for the energy it needs so it isn’t dependent on just one supplier just in case because anything can happen and so there is no strong-arming by any one country’s politics or it’s religion and big business and because sometimes there are accidents or sabotages like what happened in the Soviet Union at Chernobyl and in Japan and in Bhopal and in the gulf of Mexico and sometimes natural disasters happen as well. Cover your bases. Maybe energy prices and costs will decline and be even more competitive which will be good for everyone being able to buy or sell other goods/products, better for the people and better for small businesses which is good for everyone.

Australian Couple Who Lost Children In MH17 Lambaste Trump For Not Confronting Putin

One thing I would be suspicious about is the route of the trip and the timing: during the Obama Administration and was there some gold involved? Isn’t Indonesia where Obama visited while in office the woman who was under house arrest until 2016? A leader of some kind Aung San Suu Kyi and then there was the plane which disappeared from Indonesia which was pinging and thought to have gone to high for oxygen for it’s passengers. Both happened around the same time and about the same time as a Russian plane in Egypt thereabouts went down.

Malaysia’s national carrier Malaysia Airlines has suffered two losses – flights MH370 and MH17.

Russian plane crash in Sinai: All 224 on board killed – CNN – CNN.com

Between the Ukraine and the islands of ASEAN some strange things going on and I think might be related to Obama territorially type maneuvering. I bet all of the accidents are related somehow and having to do with the ten toes and prophecy. A lot of bad shit happened during the Obama administration some of it was political and some of it was about religion. How about hospice? Underhanded kind of shit using all kinds of tricks in the USA while Obama was in office. A couple of Egyptian coups and Benghazi, Libya all occurring during the Obama Administration and a bunch of other really bad stuff.

And the Jesuit Pope Sainted Mother Teresa which is REALLY BAD.

I found this book on line and thought maybe someone might want to read it so I will link it. some good information in it and probably some mistakes as well or misunderstandings but worth checking out. Some of it applies for our time. 

I read some other stuff later in regards to dark sentences which I believe Obama said at the UN about the prophet of Islam and came upon some stuff about Shinar. Sounds to me like it is INDIA. Which is where Mother Teresa made her BIG DEBUT and Shinar made some referennce about the sons of Noah ….Mount Everest…then a temple which would be Taj Mahal…reflection pool…..talks about lead……as in the metal and I think referring to Zechariah 5:6-8 and the goddess of India is Shiva and talks about an ephah which is a measure i.e. judgement

  1.  an ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to ¹/₁₀ homer or a little over a bushel.
    Shiva also has a bunch of arms armageddon
    I guess the land of shiner includes other areas over a period of time like Persia, maybe Pakistan and other places but I still think it is referring to INDIA and I have read it has gone quite islamic as well.
    “As of March 2018, India has 22 nuclear reactors in operation in 7 nuclear powerplants, having a total installed capacity of 6,780 MW. Nuclear power produced a total of 35 TWh of electricity in 2017. 6 more reactors are under construction with a combined generation capacity of 4,300 MW.”
    “Islam is the second largest religion in India, with 14.2% of the country’s population or roughly 172 million people identifying as adherents of Islam (2011 census) as an ethnoreligious group.”

    King James Bible

    Matthew 18:6

    And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

    I have also heard millstone as lead. Something heavy.
    Which would lead me to believe it is Mother Teresa (ShIva and the RCC) making judgments about abortion as an excuse to murder-suicide. Bhopal is the capital of the indian state of Madhya Pradesh
    Madhya Pradesh, a large state in central India, retains landmarks from eras throughout Indian history. Begun in the 10th century, its Hindu and Jain temples at Khajuraho are renowned for their carvings of erotic scenes, most prominently Kandariya Mahadeva, a temple with more than 800 sculptures. The eastern Bandhavgarh and Kanha national parks, noted Bengal tiger sanctuaries, offer guided safaris.
    It’s one thing to actually do this but to make it art is too bad which I believe is not good.
    Other gods before me kind of stuff.



    Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century CE Sun Temple at Konark in Orissa, India. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The temple complex is in the shape …

    Jain Temples at khajuraho

    Published on Apr 14, 2008

    Shantinath Temple, a Jain temple in Khajuraho, was constructed around 1028 AD. Khajuraho is a famous historic town in the Chhatarpur district in MP. The temple lures Diagmber Jain pilgrims and devotees all the year round. There is a Dharamshala also near the temple which provides fine lodging. People who worship here with full faith and devotion get their desires fulfilled.

    “the video clip talks about the powers of the idols that are worshiped here. and Mother Teresa used India to punish other countries in regards to abortion by killing them softly and some without their knowledge and for reasons such as inheritance, jealousy, real-estate, back accounts, to enrich herself and the RCC and coming between families and God as if she is a god and Mother Teresa probably is the woman in the middle of the ephah.

    Mother Teresa put herself there all on her own.

    Zechariah 5:7 And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sits in the middle of the ephah.
    Misunderstanding probably purposefully Matthew 18:6 means abortion and is not the meaning and then says him, his, and he which probable is ALGERSON in regards to Mother Teresa as her title in the expose by Christopher Hitchens meaning she was a he and she/he heard the crying of aborted babies which is impossible so he/she was a liar which should be obvious to the POPE and I think he might regret his stance against abortion and his stance for Mother Teresa..
    Zechariah calls it evil I think it’s gross especially if you see all of the sculptures linked. Taking it out of the bedroom and onto the streets what people do between themselves. What if everyone had a picture of themselves having sex sculpted for all to see leaving nothing to the imagination between a couple and made a temple of it. I always thought Billy Graham and Mother Teresa sure look alike except in size and gender but in the face there is definitely a resemblance as if made from the same dna and their expressions are very similar as you can see in the posts I included having to do with Billy Graham. IMO He was a very very dirty old man in many ways ands is she and what she accomplished was PURE EVIL payback kind of stuff as if she/he was god.

    This is in Bhopal, India where Mother Teresa went.

    Seems appropriate since she is evil. A dumb Roman Catholic nun.

Bushes ODIN power over dose a little over the top or overpower bush-el over power bush god. A bushel is a measure.

(el can mean son or boy and sometimes the in any case I think referring to Jeb Bush as far as a dry measure.Jeb Bush over saw the funeral of his mom who died kind of in a manner of hospice though not specified by implying it via Fox news and Dana Perino and in favor of the RCC. She also was a fan of Doctors without Borders … doctors need to have borders. legal ones. For a while suicide was done on ships in 13.8 miles off the coast of any country which then are international waters where crimes against citizens on cruises are at risk. I think she is a bit over the top possibly has been fooled or deceived. IMO His mom did not want him to run for office of the President early on and was outspoken about it and I think she knew more about him than anyone and loved him and let him oversee her funeral to be noticed. She used his insanity as an example, IMO, possibly for his sake and she may have had to for some reason unbeknownst to us and her family possibly. Dana Pernio and Fox kind of publicized her mode of death and made hay with it. I don’t think she wanted it early on when she told her son not to run for the office of President. He is catholic and allowed a woman to be put to death by starvation in Florida as governor and acceded to it as if she were a prisoner on death row against her families wishes which is against God of the Ten Commandments and he was governor at the time and also when a bunch of Saudies were trained to fly airplanes in Florida without landing them into the buildings in New York on 9-11. How many clues does a person need? he was influenced by Billy Graham and obviously pro- RCC/Mother Teresa and is way over the top. Not right in the head. Very confused person and possibly possessed and I think he betrayed his family in regards to 9-11 possibly because of jealousy. I think Mrs Bush was suspicious of him after some time went by and because of the things moms notice and what was influencing him which often take quite a while to believe.)

Sketch released of suspect sought in murder of George H.W. Bush’s former doctor

Pope Francis, George Bush and his cardiologist Mark Hausknecht

There s a picture of the pope with a Cardinal Archbishop emeritus Theodore McCarrick who has been accused of sex with boys and other people and it looks like the elder George Bush but is probably BULLSHIT to help the RCC in some demented kind of way unless the church is sifting him right now. Possessed kind of shit to corrupt anyone and everyone. No I’m not happy with what the press did about his wife and how she died using it as bait, I think. But I did see a family of robins outside the window making a nest which I explained I think in this same post when she was dying or when I heard about it and they were collecting pieces of things birds collect to build a nest, really cute. The robins were very pretty of course. It was as I was about to leave the hospital while I waited to get to the car and my ex noticed two nurses hovering behind me which I didn’t see except earlier in the hospital but not while I was watching the birds, not that I know of anyway i was kind of enraptured by the birds. I know their daughter’s name was Robin. So it might not be George Bush in either shots but they do look similar as if satan sifting him like in the words of the Gospel of John Jesus said to Simon who might have been very old: “Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat.” Which means I think to remember the coarsest part of men and women like the sculptures at the temple. Let’s take one sculpture for example. A man comes home from fighting a war and a woman who loves him tries to help him lovingly. There is no story to the sculptures. Just sex. Obviously sex means different things to different people and sometimes it is good between two people especially if they love each other and done in private. I’m not against art even of nakedness if done well the temple above is not done well it is course as can be and is not art but a decrepit decadent grotesque piece of dung as if whoever noticed everyone having sex didn’t see the relationship or the reason but only saw the act of sex like a nun might see or a celibate priest might see having no understanding of families and love or relationships or young people or the affect of alcohol, date rape drugs, Devil’s breath, drugs and a host of other things. Like Father Jonathan the sad young priest of Fox and the underling of the Jesuit Pope Francis or like Billy Graham might see and not have a full picture with depth and beauty just sex as if it is all humans are good for to use and to abuse to tax and to peek into their private lives and to kill and make lots of money on their deaths with limos and all sorts of ways making death a business.

I guess we are supposed to pull a Martin Luther act and whip ourselves as we climb their stairs?

Don’t expect forgiveness in the long run by the RCC’s demonic-ness.

Rise above it and consider the source.

A doctor of George Bush a cardiologist was shot and killed recently while on his bicycle. Seems rather random but I don’t think it was random. I think it was a threat by the mob of the RCC and Obama to keep him in their little prison the black box of Mecca and not to think bigger and better. To prevent him from believing in God because he is older and because the wife of the cardiologist wants the citizens to give or cave into disarming the citizens so the RCC/Vatican /Islam can take over much easier. She has been corrupted by Obama. I understand her sadness blaming the gun and not the person holding the gun (unintelligent prognosis) which is probably why he was killed and because he is a famous doctor to get traction. So she might actually be to blame in a weird way for her husband’s assassination to use her sadness which is evil.  I don’t think it was his fault Billy Graham and the RCC/Vatican infiltrated our government which I think occurred during the or in the middle of the JFK phenomenon more extensively since Obama was there at the assassination by the sign as JFK threw up his elbows. I don’t know how but it was him. It was the RCC and Billy Graham who infiltrated our government and used him more than likely with false INTEL often. I’m sure it has to do with the RCC getting caught money laundering and sex with kids and abusing kids hence payback to everyone concerned about it. A church shouldn’t come between parents, their kids and God so the church did it to themselves but want to bring everyone else down to their level. I will link the shots but the pics may not be there later. The Cardinal sure looks like Bush and like the church is gonna judge him and is a trick CRAFTINESS to affect his sons and him and the rest of the family and their friends and foes. the RCC has been around a long long time and is written about in Revelation. It’s end.

#1 and #2

Why Did Russia Attack The 2016 Election? This Week’s Whirlwind Offers New Clues

The ephah is a dry measure and so is a gram.

I think talking about overdose and hospice an excuse of accidental death but in actuality intended death?

Heard Turkey was holding a prisoner. Turkey should not be in NATO or we should be out of NATO. I saw the Turkish leader pawing a little girl disgustingly who was gonna be a martyr in uniform at about age 7 or 8 years old and it did not look like it was her wish to be a martyr but was being forced into it. He is a scumbag. If Turkey is in NATO we shouldn’t be in the same organization. I knew it wanted to be part of the EU but what a mistake it would be. I think he is of the same family as the king of Jordan, isn’t he? Hashimash family LOL I know it’s not the right name I don’t want to look it up but the King of Jordan is puppet of Obama and his shadow government and I dare say so is the president of Turkey. It was Jordan which betrayed Israel a while back during I think the Six Day War and lost.

Is it the President’s responsibility to fix the election standards or the State’s responsibility? I think it is the state’s responsibility because we don’t vote at the White House. Florida is where the hanging chads occurred and caused a lot of trouble between Bush and Gore. Why is this so hard? 

I definitely think there is more than one person representing Trump. Impersonating him or possessing him after what  I just saw on Fox. Fox seems to be the antibody or the thing which is at odds. I have seen things on Fox which should not have occurred on Fox and people as well who should not be on Fox. It’s the tanner of The Book of Acts . Now he has waffled even more to the extreme either under a great deal of pressure or something evil. There are 7 TRUMPETS which may represent years. I don’t know or possibly 7 times.  He is getting even more hardline about Putin since he got back from Helsinki and this Trump seems to want a war in a Newton’s Law kind of way or acquiescing to the shadow government. NOT NORMAL and like a game of some kind changing the lines or limits. A reaction to an action in a spiritual sense. He is starting to act like a drunk and someone or something is making him this way as some of the people on Fox act sometimes. I saw it in film and demonstrated it only posts about the press in regards to when JFK was assassinated and the witnesses on camera were definitely on something powerful which are in my posts about JFK and we ended up in a war in Vietnam previously a french (jesuit) colony and the Diem brothers of Vietnam were assassinated as was JFK and his brother soon after devoting their country to Mary (the RCC). Hopefully someone will temper Trump about Putin. settle him down.The clip I saw on Fox was the opposite of  the Trump i watched a day ago talking about the same subject. He seemed reasonable and now he is adamant. Blood rising to the horses bridle and seems to be rising like blood pressure. It’s the influence of the RCC via the press affecting him. as well as others probably threatening him in our government and in the business of energy competitive to Putin such as Saudi Arabia and the businesses involved. He should be being protected from it and is not being protected. The press is hounding him. He shouldn’t even be having to defend his earlier position to Fox but is being pushed around for some reason. NOT A GOOD SIGN. 

Dana Perino used to work for Bush as press secretary like Sarah Sanders and I’m sure she is involved somehow because her sensibilities are being questioned. “I would have given you water if…” as opposed to “the water I give…”

Just in case you don’t know this fact the Second Vatican Council (1963) was compared to be the 2nd Pentacost to The Book of Acts. Which begs the question:Is the Pentagon putting him under pressure? the two generals Gen. Mattis and Gen. Kelly whom I think is a Jesuit? The Bushes defending their businesses? What they call the US interests but actually aren’t and are their own interests.

On other news there is allegedly going to be a 2nd summit/not a summit but a meeting says Laura InGraham/or a possible 2nd unvatican council says myself between Trump and Putin being planned or in the works which is good.

But Gen. Jack Keane says “we don’t want to humiliate Putin” in regards to some discussion on Fox. AMAZING. I guess he is backing down a bit from yesterday and wants to be on friendlier terms with Putin by not humiliating him.

24 hour news is a drag on everyone. a bummer. a pox. a shameful thing.


I like Chris Wallace usually but did not like his interview of Putin. I would have asked a bunch of other type questions instead of about Chrises feelings about being threatened by the things our own country is guilty of. I think the next person to interview Putin and Trump after a summit/meeting/unvatican council should be one of a few of the women who work at Fox. One would be excellent is the investigator who used to work for Greta and a few bright females (not Laura and not Dana) who could do a great service for a better understanding of whom we are attempting to build a good relationship and trade internationally with and compete with in the future. I can’t remember her name but she is smart and sensitive at the same time to the differences and similarities. Has real short hair but very feminine at the same time. I remember her name Catherine Herridge.  Maybe a few of them. I think females need to be more involved in the Putin-Trump relationship because males seem to be mucking it up flexing and we wouldn’t have to absorb the male hormonal reaction to a perceived threat. It’s getting in the way of a decent conversation between two very powerful countries. we know about the power and we can sense it we want something else to build on between the two.

It is like watching two men at the reflection pool. The summit/meeting/unvatican council is not supposed to be a joust at medieval times like in the movie the Cable Guy

The Cable Guy (4/8) Movie CLIP – Welcome to Medieval Times (1996 …

cable guy knight fight

but if you must

let’s set up a joust at Medieval Times.

Putin could fight Jack Keane, Gen. Mattis, and Gen. Kelly, Mueller, Panetta and others and Trump could fight some Russian counterparts to them and a few Europeans. Maybe have a stage 3 with Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe and Kim Jung UN. There could be three stages. The other would be some Abdullahs, Rouhani, Salman, Mahmoud, Kissinger, Francis and Obama, Franklin Graham, O’reilly, and Neil Cavuto and his crew on the other stage.

I liked Trumps first speech about Putin in Helsinki and he acquiesced to the “language of fear” in his own country and then gets criticized for acquiescing even by those who pitched a fit, a bunch of babies having a fit. Tantrums. Spoiled shits in the intelligence agencies and on Fox and elsewhere. It is so sad. You don’t deserve freedom. None of the critics of his speech could have done better. A bunch of sick mother fuckers. I hope God is taking names. I BET GOD IS TAKING NAMES. You can better believe the RCC is doing the same the other way around to deceive thinking it’s god.

Trump plans to invite Putin to Washington this fall

Anyway during the Kennedy administration JFK said of the USSR leader at the time he was dealing with who was named Nikita Krushchev how he was not what the press said he was. Both got along great in private. Of course, the Trump summit/meeting/unvatican council was public and Trump is being railed for it even more publicly.  I don’t know how JFK acted after the observation during or before but we ended up in the Cuban Missile Crisis. So think about it. The same kind of fears like a time loop. Pretty similar. I think some mind games are being waged just not sure who is involved and who it’s about or being played on or played by. THE PRESS? And before the Cuban Missile Crisis was WWll and the war in Korea and probably others around the world maybe this time it will be in Kenya.

I still think we should get out of NATO regardless of Montenegro and the US can always defend Montenegro without NATO or with the help of NATO but we should get out fast as we can. Unless NATO wants to guard our borders Not really a good reason either. I don’t trust NATO unless we are in charge and then I don’t trust all of our people at the Pentagon or our intelligence agencies or the state Department when Hillary was in charge or when John Kerry was in charge so depends on the situation at the time.. One for all and all for one is ridiculous. SO let’s get drunk and is why we are facing the troubles we face. In the bible Jesus said in one of the Synoptic Gospels  who ever isn’t against us is for us and George Bush said the same and it is not true however it was about someone baptizing in someone else’s name. Still it is a ridiculous premise and each intervention (war or battle) is not the same. The RCC is against some churches and some religions though it lies about it’s friends and some people and the same for other churches or religions. the end times is about betrayal and our country has been betrayed by our friends trade wise, intellectual property wise, real estate wise, immigration wise, and in lots of ways wise and HOSPICE wise. WWl and WWll are examples of betrayals and one for all and all for one didn’t work or we would never have been in those wars to begin with but some leaders are good and some are bad and OBAMA was bad. Billy Graham was bad. Some leaders in the Soviet Union were bad during it’s history. I believe Japan attacked us because of the Jesuits. I’m sure there were other reasons but wanted to sink our navy but the USA pulled itself together and did what we had to do. I doubt it planned to cream us on it’s own. People gave up a lot for the fight. All the crusades of the catholic church were not good. Many protestants died and were burned at the stake and tortured. All for one and one for all is BS. Why was the USA one of the only countries in the UN which often voted in Israel’s favor when everyone else didn’t? It depends. MOTIVE, what is at stake etc. I guess to see to test to watch. Keep your enemies close kind of testament of NATO but can really screw up our country when under the direction of a bad leader. There have been some bad ones. Same with the UN. I think may be the only reason we stick with it is to see things we would not see otherwise without sending a bunch of spies into other countries like Russia has had to do not being in NATO. We kind of assured that it would send spies by keeping it out of NATO and it’s spy agencies probably grew exponentially because of it. IT IS STUPID. who ended up for the most part paying for the wars with money and  lives? I don’t think it was France. We have enemies in our ranks or some of our troops would not have been killed income places like Camp Bastian, Benghazi and others overseas when the guards left their post so the enemy could enter and kill some people and destroy tanks and other stuff during the Obama Administration and a few others I think Fort Hood in our country and based on religion and I’m sure others I just am tired and I don’t want to check out every thing since it is not my job.

Supposed to be a resemblance of Prince Charles but he needs to have thighs like Britaiiny Favre and add a dumb look on his face carrying Camilla in his arms and it might work. This was found on the CUTTING EDGE website.Was Texico/Chevron/Conoco/Phillip 66 involved?

September 2012 raid on Camp Bastion

I think Michael Hayden is in charge of the Weather Phenomenons occurring in our country and others using HAARP including CHINA. I kind of got the message early on when I started my posts and took notice. He sure looks like the same guy I was either given clue or something but it had to do with China’s floods. He was living in China at the time so perhaps some kind of similar type place with the same kind of weaponry but was used against the Chinese. It was a longtime ago. about ten years ago or some where in there. The reason I remember him is he looks like the person who gives polls and stats on his white board for Fox during elections Carl Rove. Similar looks and some people were sending out messages via you tubes and I saw a few and it was someone very smiler who lived in China for a while maybe undercover. I recall it but only vaguely. It’s been longtime and a lot of news and bible learning and family things going on as well. Near the beginning of the Administration of Obama or end of Bushes administration. A long time ago and when I was reading up and watching and learning about the possibilities of HAARP and the damage it can cause. and it coincided with the RCC trying to catholicize the chinese catholics to be romanized and to join ranks with the RCC but beneath of course a few years before Fukushima or a year before.. It might have been false news but I wrote about ti in a post about  The Fruits of the Vatican on meringue’s site. I wrote two of them so one got shortened by mistake (pilot error). Benedict was the pope at the time kind of early or in the middle of his popeship near the time he went to Israel and visited the Dome of the Rock for the first time by a pope allegedly and brought something to the Dome of the Rock in a big mac truck and closed off roadways in order to deliver whatever it was maybe to Notre Dame in Jerusalem and wrote about it in another post. It was never revealed what was delivered. What ever it was it was BIG. REALLY BIG. I thought it might have been the Alter of Pacis. (alter of peace) at the time and during the time Notre Dame was exhibiting a 3-d hologram of Jesus from the image of the Shroud of Turin. I wonder if the guy who opened a bible museum in Washington DC might have it in his museum now. Hobby Lobby person. By craft he shall destroy many? worries me a bit but no point in worrying over things I don’t control. Craft also means by trickery which imo is hospice of Mother Teresa. but could be an alliance of some kind. Who knows. I don’t. But the museum is very close to The White House and as I recall roman catholics like tunnels and why Rome is full of tunnels, as is Paris (Notre Dame) and so is Washington DC. Tunnels grew quite fast between israel and Egypt after the delivery to Jerusalem. Tunnels is a signature in a way. I think Benedict had a change of heart partway through his pope ship. Might have had to do the things he did and regretted it or was being controlled. I don’t know. I felt he had a change occur. The tunnels occurred when Clinton was in charge of the State Department until Benghazi and priests causing troubles in Jerusalem during an insurgence at the time saying stuff like when the Israeli army asked people to leave a UN building storing weapons  because it was going to be flattened said things like “Where would you have them go?” and at the time it seemed like some of the people helping to dig the tunnels were under some kind of control making very little money and like they were slaves drugged and threatened by motor cycle gangs (bumps in the road type stuff ) if they didn’t behave themselves dragged behind motorcycles which occurred and is on video. Palestinian slaves and during the Obama Administration. I may sound paranoid but this is barbaric shit and it happened during the Obama Administration. I think I have a right to feel the things I feel or have the suspicions I have because this is not normal behavior and got much worse during the Obama Administrations and as if he was a Caligula type personality. the reason I remember the quite by a priest is it sounded like my sister in regards to my job and her husband at the time but she said, “What would you have me do?” So they deducted my pay and put me on some weird assignments to degrade me and to separate Gary and I and make me stand out until I just could not take it anymore also with some threats legal ones and being followed etc. It was horrible and EVIL and when I got fed up had a private meeting with her because what she should have done is given him hell for grabbing my butt at the office in a very dirty manner underneath as well and smirked after wards as he walked away and I was shaken (and if I had a gun or a knife I would have thrown it in his back when he smirked about it) and she should have fired him as well to teach him. His kids did not need to know because he had plenty of other things he could do like he started doing which was taking old homes and fixing them up though I would never buy one he fixed up for fear of electrical mishaps, etc. That is what she should have done and everyone would have been more secure and happy except for the buyers of those homes.

As far as what Putin was able to accomplish during the Obama years is because Obama is evil and Putin knew it. I think it is to our advantage that Obama was not able to stop it and that Putin is in charge of the Ukraine and Syria. I don’t know about Crimea but I think it would be great if he took over Jordan and Turkey as well. Sorry, I think someone needs to control the two so Obama doesn’t control them which I think he has a lot of influence over them and I think Putin is up to the job if he wants the job. When he was President when Obama said jump King Abdullah Hashnash jumped or had his men jump as he pushed them out of his plane to cause trouble in Syria. One king subdued but are supposed to be three and I don’t think it is presidents but kings who get subdued as far as prophecy goes. In any case Obama was and still is a threat to the world, IMO.

I heard about Natalie Wood and i wrote about her in one of my posts or two. My brother’s favorite actress. She was quite an actress and a beauty. I think all of them are guilty. The post had to do with Christopher Walken and I think he might have been under control of something like Billy Graham but more in the mob side. The investigators at the time seemed to be lying. I’m sure it is linked by her name and his. You could tell by their tongues. Most of my posts are linked on Merangue’s Blog and the post below the story about her bruises.

Natalie Wood’s bruises were consistent with her being ‘the victim of assault,’ says detective on star’s death

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

Also on this site are some posts kind of mashed in together but some good ones about the things we tend to forget because so much has happened to us and the world in the last ten years. Some good information which might help written at the time it was going on that I noticed or some things which caught my attention amid some of my bible studies. I admit some of my posts are kind of simplistic when I first started learning exponentially because of the speed of the news cycle while doing the bible studies. I grew as I studied but some good information and is different than the bible scholars we have become used to in the past and the bible tv evangelists we have seen over the years trying to figure out why people listened to them in huge audiences being slayed and talking in tongues which is what happened at the first Pentacost which is not normal- spiritual manifestations of something other than God. More like demons.

The Keep

Mike Huckabee talking on Laura InGrahams show hosted by former House of Representative from Utah on Fox Jason Chaffetz and talking about Obama reentering the political arena for democrats who are feeling over done though in Africa at the moment thinks Obama didn’t name names in his little debut about democracy and was meaning Trump (he assumed Obama was talking about Trump) but didn’t name a name: Obama meant PUTIN. Why? Because he is afraid and hates him (I THINK). Obama is competing with Putin. Putin outsmarted Obama a few times and he can’t stand it.

Neil Cavuto went WAY over board today insulting Trump and he had better watch out. I’m telling you why. I told you in this post and I think someone is taking names. Neil is a little pompous putz, nothing more though he is fooling himself. He must feel threatened or something for some reason. I wonder why. Spent quite a while ranting for some reason and reading mail sent to him. he kind of came unglued for Neil Cavuto normally the pompous putz with a croaky voice. He needs to use his chest and stomach not his throat while talking on tv but probably does a lot of sitting reading the stock market worrying about other peoples investments he profits by. All he cares about is money. I saw him react to a man worried about Puerto Rico and he could have cared less. Not that he can do anything about it but the way he talked about it to the person who was hoping to get help and the disappointment on his face was sad. He was talking to a lazy mother fucker.

Now Fox is saying Muellers 12  Indictments were planned to be right before Trump met Putin as some kind of diplomacy acceptable to Trump or agreed upon by Trump before the Trump-Putin summit/meeting/unvatican council and if so it is really dumb. Trump ought to explain himself on this minor detail and if it is true answer WHY? Isn’t he confident or competent enough to handle Putin?. It could be true but he could have just talked to Putin about it without all the hoopla and brought it up on his own timing. RIDICULOUS. lt seemed so staged by Mueller and Rosenstein who looks like HIMMLER of the Nazis. I thought Mueller was insane to have done it when he did it but if Trump agreed to it and the timing of it well it is even dumber. I don’t believe it. I really don’t. If it is true I know I won’t vote for him next time because it is absurd. I think its the red scare going on at Fox and others. Let’s just put up a white flag and give up if it is the case. I think there are a ton of liars lying their asses off which might be some kind of national defense using the cloak of total confusion, but is it necessary? I don’t think it is. Seems to me it’s Obama’s tactics? It will be forgotten about a day away as most news is because most of it is false and many people have a memory of a sieve these days which is why I write. To remember. I’m being a witness as best I can and I don’t want my mind to get sucked into the black hole in space to be used as a puppet by the crabs who wear other peoples skins.

The electronic type of voting is shady because it can be meddled with and the hanging chads in Florida was the sign, It is up to the states governments and local governments to make voting safe and impenetrable, not the Federal government. Maybe we should have 50 militaries each with 5 divisions of the military to take over the defense of our country and let the federal government take over voting responsibilities.  Hand written votes would settle the matter with a signature though we could have electronic signatures and hand written votes. Just kidding. Hand written votes would work and it would certainly be telling about the voter and signed by the voter. Then if there is a dispute it can be easily cleared up by comparison to the signature and handwriting of the individual voter. Obviously our country has been fascisticized and it needs to change i.e. taken over by fascists and reclaimed, otherwise we may regret it. I guarantee it is gonna change one way or the other.




Why would Saudi Arabia meddle in our election? Because of the pipeline between Russia and Germany.

Why did Saudi Arabia interfere in Syria in the beginning of their troubles? Check out The Keep link above and you can see photos of Saudis and their mercenaries in Syria. Would it surprise anyone after 9-11?

Why would it be Saudi Arabia? Why wouldn’t it be Saudi Arabia?

In response to the Mike Cohen tapes:

Why would President Trump need playmate Karen McDougal of Playboy magazine 12 years ago if he had Melania? Is she incapable of pleasing Trump? Probably the prettiest of all the first Ladies and congressional wives. Just goes to show beauty isn’t everything. She speaks many languages though I have never heard her speak those languages but does sound very RUSSIAN. SOOOOOO  I remember hearing about my sister who told me she had sex 4-5 or 3-4 times a week with her husband and they ended up in a nasty divorce. Just goes to show sex isn’t everything. I will expound on this later as it unfolds. Big deal huh? By the way, does the name McDougal sound familiar? It does to me.

INTERESTING in light of possible doubles. TRUMP DOUBLES.

Maybe we should doubt Trump appearances without Melania? There ought to be a way to be able to distinguish a double from the original.

It appears Michael Cohen taped a conversation with Trump his client about payment to Karen McDougal and for some reason it is important more important than the FBI breaking and entering into his office to get some files. I doubt we would be hearing about the taped phone calls if it weren’t for the break in. Confusing story but makes me think a lot of it is BS. or an FBI coverup of overreaching it’s power to degrade the TRUMPS (President Trump and the FIrst Lady Melania Trump.) for political and religious reasons. Does Barron know? How old is Barron? Twelve? It is all over the tv and internet. Let’s ask Neil Cavuto or does he even care? CUTE KID!

Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving the network to hit campaign trail with Donald Trump Jr.

Kimberly Guilfoyle is leaving Fox to support Trump’s campaign and is dating Donald Trump jr.

She was a model before she became a lawyer. Probably a good move!, a really good move.

Mike Pompeo is gonna head up a ministerial convention of religious leaders in the world to try to rev up religious freedoms against persecution. It is a tough job he has ahead but he seems very nice and I think level headed but the problem is many are not. It is very important but I don’t think he can do it or be successful in his attempt without the Ten Commandments which is a gift to the world even though opinions may vary especially if you take the simpler meaning of the Ten Commandments it becomes obvious it is God’s genius and is God’s world. The tough part is parsing what God meant by murder v kill. Abortion is at the forefront of the dispute. Should be interesting and I do think Pompeo is quite capable but as he must have noticed there is a war going on about it. If he looks at the Ten Commandments in the order given by God it makes better sense. The first commandment seems to be the most controversial.


Burn Down The Mission – Elton John 

The bible is being changed lately and has been changed in the past

so some of the bible needs to be taken with a grain of salt (remember the pillage, I mean the pillar)

Partly the reason the first commandment is so controversial was the dancing Moses came down to find the first time he had the commandments (and dropped them to his amazement so the commandments broke) which Aaron being in charge at the time allowed because he lacked courage and was ganged up on and then someone kills all the people who kind of a had a party and were worshipping a golden calf or some kind of golden statue and I don’t think the commandments meant to kill the party but not everyone in the group were in their right minds and I think one group was doing the dancing and taunting and another group were fuming about it or a few groups. Then God came down and said it was okay because the people killed were consecrated to him. Do you really believe God came down to say it? I don’t think so. I think it was added to the story to make God look nuts and it was actually a couple of zealots or who went nuts a little after the fact having not stopped the making of the golden calf etc. showing off and I think the tribe was named the LEVITES, later made priests of god and the temple but I don’t think priests of the true God since priests are not mentioned in the Ten Commandments and Jesus who said I am the way the truth and the life was not a respecter of priests either, SO there is some controversy because of a lot of added nonsense and excuses and false testi-money. So I don’t think a ministerial convention will work to stop persecution. Another anomaly of the bible is God saying He is a jealous God. Jealous of what? It is a human foible which can be deadly. So this is why the first commandment is so controversial because people in the past and in the present are changing things in the bible as I have proved beyond a reasonable doubt. IMO People like Billy Graham or Georg Ganswein might be jealous or other religious leaders are jealous of God.

Nicki Haley’s disfunctional relationship with the UN

Nicki Haley and Mike Pompeo at the UN want to continue sanctions against Chairman Kim Jung Un/North Korea to prevent nuclearizing of North Korea to continue talks but Russia and China blocked the USA at the UN because China and Russia need more information and Nicki Haley said “we don’t need more information.” SHE THINKS SHE IS CHINA AND RUSSIA. Why not get more information and give the information to China and Russia? It iw like the roc in regards to witnesses and abortion not showing the evidence and is being held back fr some reason about brains being sucked out or organs and things.  Is it because the information is not good information? false information? Or is Nick Haley not willing to tell who is supplying North Korea? Tell EVERYONE who the friends are who are skirting the UN resolutions, It might help. DISHONEST not to name names .Is it the RCC by any chance? I think more information is a good idea even if it leads to information Nicki Haley might want to hide. Protecting her friends. Eighty-nine instances where the supplies have been supplied to North Korea I think via by ship and I think once I noticed it was the RCC of course you can-can disguise ships. Why not give the citizens of the world the information, Nicki? Obviously we have satellite pictures but I think maybe we need better satellite pictures to know where the ships came from not just where the ships arrived. Sounds reasonable i.e. common sense. DUH. SCREW THE UN. Oh that’s right, It’s your job on the line. I’m sorry. I guess your job is more important than the dismantling or de-nuclearizing of North Korea. It would be nice if she were more specific because of the following news articles. What did she hope to accomplish in her speech? You would be surprised what citizens can accomplish if given the information needed to assist For Free but we can’t do anything because we aren’t given the needed information and given an innocuous nothing exhibition by Nicki so this is just PLAIN OLE POLITICS and RELIGION AND GETTING RECOGNIZED. We know you work at the UN. BFD!:

North Korea: UN Security Council approves new sanctions

China and South Korea insist they will enforce UN sanctions on North after coal shipments claim

Ignore her.

I think Mike Pompeo ought to take the calf by the horns

and get proof for the american citizens

and for China and for Russia so we can see the proof. I think it will be worth the effort.

Gosh Darn


il Cauvoto had Leon Panetta as his guest bitching about Presidentail privacies of both Trump and Putin.


He wants some information about the meeting between Trump-with Putin in Helsinki. It appears notes were not taken by the likes of Panetta and Panetta thinks it isn’t right. Did Leon Panetta tell the American people and Congress about the notes he had to have had access to or took in regards to billions of dollars Obama gave to Iran, our friend? WHY NOT? What about Benghazi? Are there some notes?

He is lying, I can tell, and he is pissed off. He should be worried! Leon Panetta is trash the kind that needs to be put in stripes and stuck in a jail with iron bars without a toilet and the key to the jail tossed into the ocean.

The question I have is why would Leon Panetta come on the Neil Cavuto show acting worried? It doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t make sense.

 How does LEON PANETTA know if notes were or were not taken? Who told him. It had to be Trump or Putin didn’t it? who traveled with them to know whether or not Trump brought in a note taker or not to the private meeting between the two?

Shouldn’t Leon Panetta be questioned before Congress of how he got his information while not being in the job of an intelligence agency?

Obviously he wants the questions out about notes but something else is going on and he is involved. It’s a diversion. He worked as head of Office of management and Budgeting the President for a long long time and other intelligence agencies and PANETTA PROBABLY IS THE MAIN REASON TRUMP TRUSTS PUTIN OVER THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.

The Bureau was reorganized into the Office of Management and Budget in 1970 during the Nixon administration.[4

But currently in charge of illegal immigration for the RCC in California and probably lots of other bad stuff affecting the citizens of the USA and illegals as well because he doe not give a shit about anyone but Leon Panetta. The night before Leon Panetta appeared on Neil Cavutos show drooling about notes. The Tucker Carlson show was interesting about a man who lost a family member or members via an illegal alien and something about licensing with driver’s icense is not a good enough deterrence because it is being abused anyway. The guest said that an illegal alien goes to get a driver’s license to drive in an insured car and then goes home to drive an uninsured car. Something needs to be done about it.It won’t bring back his family member so maybe illegals shouldn’t be able to get a driver’s license which was his conclusion and now I agree after thinking about it. Obviously there is a racket going on about illegal insurance providers copying legal insurance forms of cars for illegals to drive unnoticed by the police and ICE and possibly protected from notice via computer technology even when stopped for traffic violations probably involving drugs and prostitution and illegal immigration. I think is the thing he might be in charge of and/or knows quite a bit about and including illegal driver’s licensing of illegals for votes without driving lessons like most citizens have to do and then regulations on those licenses like vision and alcohol regulations and probably even more things we don’t have a clue about. Some kind of slave thing, child prostitution, etc. providing a work force for businesses in his favor and cheaper and against those he is against. The show was on yesterday and today Leon Panetta got on to Neil Cavuto’s show in a reaction type diversion from yesterday’s revelation on Tucker Carlson’s show about illegal driver’s licensing. So something to do with driver’s licenses of illegals and Leon PANETTA and false insurance? The timing of his television appearance which is rare IN ORDER TO DIVERT. A smokescreen for whatever it is he does and very prompt about it while attacking Trump and Putin’s lack of notes.

Trains, Planes, Buses, Taxis, Shuttles, Walking and Illegals

When I was in college I didn’t have a car when I attended two colleges out of town even though I owned a car because of my dad. I bought my car.  I had to either walk or ride the city bus or the shuttle to and from school. I got a job nearby. Even to shop for groceries I walked quite a ways. It was good for me. However, I was gang raped but i lived through it and past it and the people whose family members died because of illegal immigration didn’t live and it is much more important to protect life of citizens than allow illegal immigrants to drive with a driver’s license. I only lacked a way home and it might have happened anyway. We found a ride from a jewish guy both of us knew (the female with me at the time) who gave us a ride home.  I’m glad I went through it with a friend and not alone because the guys were arabs. When I say gang I mean three people (to me it’s a gang rape when using a drug without my knowledge.) We were drugged via our drink. We made a dumb mistake and accepted a free drink from the waiter and we were out. Lights out. I woke up at the end of it in a different place in a different building a few stories up at least it was my impression on the same street so it was not as damaging to me compared to some rapes that are violent and was I able to get my friend to wake up sitting on the bench and her lights were out and up but sitting and said let’s leave and I knew the guys were ashamed of themselves even though they did it and I think may have been drugged as well. Perhaps one ringleader using his friends. It was done on a bench window seat in front of a window, a big window so it could be seen from outside. It was a strange place to wake up to. I don’t know if film was taken but it was obviously a set up of some kind. Took a while to get home because of whatever drug we were on but when we got our minds right after walking quite a ways a long way  and walking it off though still super high trying to figure out how to get home and decided to go to a mutual friend and when we arrived at his apartment trying to explain we needed a ride I don’t think we told him the truth but I can’t remember what we said except we were definitely super high on something and freaked out in front of his door of the apartment where he lived for a while. It seemed like it anyway. The shuttles didn’t run after 11:00 PM and we were for some reason without money and both of us never had much extra money but we got home. (I could tell a couple of them were ashamed because I was in shock sort of and looked at them and a couple of them had their heads down.) It was a club bar down the street from my job across the street from the college in a capital of a state so there were some kind of deals going on for ARABs such as political immunity which the State department offers to some Arabs and to have some business opportunities NEAR THE CAMPUS and is why things like what happened is not uncommon to american females by ARAB males who are supposed to be true to their religion of Islam and are a PHARISEE ……because of OIL A BUNCH OF DUMB ASSES walking around in white garbs around steel lips of a woman’s vagina in Mecca which is a good reason it should be obliterated by AMERICAN forces and many other reasons besides for the oil. OUR INTERESTS could actually be ours if we did but we have some families hogging it for themselves at our detriment and whose families will wish they had been honest about their interests and will regret it because those families are gonna lose those interests and for other things which is in the process of occurring right under their noses.

NOW I KNOW WHY my dad wouldn’t let me have a car at college when out of town. He paid for my college so he had the right besides the fact I was on the wild side and had proved it beyond a reasonable doubt however it wasn’t just me who was wild and was kind of a generational kind of wild and the generation before me as well (my brother and sister) and behind me too so (and my little sister) it was the times. I had nothing to do with it. JK but I learned a lot and  took a while to grow up instead of sideways but it was not easy.

Why do illegals get so much for so little?

Did their parents fight in wars for our country?

I think the man who was on Tucker Carlson is right about driver’s licensing for illegals. Let them use the public transportation system i.e.. buses and shuttles and taxis and trains. I DID and so did my roommate/house mate. She also did what I did so why can’t illegals do the same? SHE DID. It will help bring in public funds locally for colleges and for cities. More revenue and those buses and trains and shuttles will be worth their investment. It will help with the illegal drug race and being hired as mules for drug mobsters to interfere which is at odds with the legal drug trade and il will help against crime  instead of both those bad things and the illegals can try instead to get an education and a job like I did near the college campus and meet people as well and /or join the military and do their part for our country and for the freedom they desire which sometimes comes at a price. .Illegals need to pay the price to understand how valuable freedom is and not be treated as if they are the religious property of the RCC and prove their allegiance to our country and it’s purpose. Pretty soon it might turn into a Palestinian situation in our country if we don’t handle it appropriately.

 How did illegals get here? TRAINS. BUSES. PLANES. Protect the citizens of the USA!

My mom would say “Rise above it” and “Consider the source” and sometimes there are reasons beyond our understanding. My dad did not know I was raped because i never told him or my mom only in my posts and you would be surprised how things work in the spiritual world affecting the physical world. It wasn’t like he planned our experience that night to be clear but I would rather family members of a citizen of the USA were not killed because of negligence of our government and negligence of illegals and because of the mob any old day. It should be a priority to protect our citizenry! The reason I can write about it is because I woke up after the experience and not during. I was being unsaddled at he time I woke up and I don’t blame myself whatsoever for it because i didn’t drug me up to get me raped. (unSaddled may not be the appropriate term but it might be.) I wouldn’t do it to someone else. Anyway for the rapists it must have been like screwing the dead. NECROPHILIA and I imagine it will haunt them for the rest of their lives whether they would admit it or not and it does not affect me since I left the scene as quickly as I could without freaking out and trying to act cool so we wouldn’t get killed. I was very nice and faking it to get ourselves free of their company which for me was the scary part because believe me it crossed my mind. I was scared but eased on down the road. I did not care what they thought of us. She had very short hair, my friend, and it is possible they thought we were dykes. I have no idea and I didn’t care I just wanted to be free from these arabs and we got free as if it was a date. We never talked about it afterwards as if it never happened. She was sort of family to me and we were related in a kind of funny way. She was someone my family cared about, most of us. I guess it’s called disengaging in a real nice way because anyone who does what happened to us is screwed up. CRAZY. and their race did not go unnoticed by me even though I was drugged up. Felt like about 5-10 minutes of treading lightly. The rest was wild walking all over the place around the campus until we realized the time and that the buses had stopped which we were looking for. I don’t think she had a watch and I don’t wear one and we didn’t have cell phones then. Nothing was open. Kind of dark but we were together and we were free. I wouldn’t have been able to recognize them in a police line up if i tried even right afterwards except by coloring and where we were at previously and we never went there again, obviously. It may have affected me in ways I don’t know but I was neurotic anyway because of Gary and the molestation and because it was my nature and hers as well. We just went on. My dad said all of his daughters (girls) were neurotic which is kind of funny. He was right. LOL

Babe Rainbow – Melanie Safka

Sometimes there is a greater good or something good that comes out of bad

such as what I learned

that the driver’s license isn’t a good idea for illegal immigrants!

I know it sounds heartless but truly it isn’t heartless. It will be more acceptable to those who are against illegal aliens because illegal aliens will be footing the bill and more advantageous to our country if illegal aliens don’t receive a driver’s license without training and without getting legal. Education is free and our country is generous in this way for illegal alien children. College isn’t free but many people work to earn their education by semesters skipping one semester to earn money for the next semester and can use public transportation which can help illegal aliens to get from here to there and help with the costs in the city illegal alien adults or older teens reside and consume some of their time attempting to better themselves while studying which helps to lower crime rates or be used by the mob to everyone’s detriment. Very similar to training in the military. You have to work for it and will appreciate it when you succeed much more than if it was given to you on a silver platter. The parents involved can also help with the college or get a college loan and pay it back then when they are able to get legal it might be much easier because of the loan payback and doing it the right way and an honest attempt to grow and achieve legality made more available and made easier sooner than later having some true testaments/references from employers and banks or those who give out school loans instead of having a revolution in the streets to no avail and to only cause trouble and believe me you will learn and will make friends and have experiences which builds character and strength. Hopefully not the rape kind of experiences but better than sex slavery for the mob, but have good experiences as well. You might have to get a job as a dish washer but it isn’t all bad and/or hands will be clean and then get a promotion to a better position. You might make mistakes but overcome those mistakes and learn. And those you worked with in the right way may be beneficial to your career and your families down the road in some very unusual ways because of God and not because of the RCC and it’s mob which will turn on you and rend you over small things or small financial mistakes. When you are able to start a good business won’t have to be paying off the mob every week or so. My dad wanted me to join the army and I probably should have. I think I would be better off financially if I had however the RCC and Islam have been attempting to even make our military theirs so it needs some work by draining the swamp of those who are attempting to overthrow our country at the Pentagon pentacostally thinking they do God a service using hospice and trickery so we are at a crossroads, but to become a citizen, a good one, doing what this paragraph suggests will help keep freedom available and easier to maintain.

The deal is often people waste their education especially when paid for by someone else yet we don’t want a dumb society and sometimes the reason people waste it is because of economics and politics. I think cheaper is good based on race. The paler you are the cheaper the education.

Alexandrio Ocasio-Cortez and Marie Harf

I have noticed, hard not to notice, Alexandrio Ocasio-Cortez socialist leader because of her intensity and outspokenness and in some ways I think she does have some good ideas and some bad ones as well because of her age and lack of experience. She is vivacious  and pretty as if the daughter or granddaughter of Olivia Hussey from Romeo and Juliet (very similar and probably has the same genes same DNA via some research to be a candidate for socialism – Obama dna presents he awarded the RCC Pope Francis,,, a carrot and a bribe as he called it and not just one and she could be a clone ) and hopefully will be able to change the catholic traditional thinking but definitely more jesuit in some ways as far as socialism is concerned which is her drawback to some degrees. Everything can’t be free as much as we would like it to be. Education is important and fairer secondary education costs and fairer medical costs for women is important and cheaper medicine so people can continue to live independent lives longer. I hope she does well and most of all continues to learn because she would be surprised how much more she will be when a lot older after getting some real experience (good and bad) under her belt. I’m sure we will be seeing her in the news much more as time goes by. I think she ought to get into the arts because I have a feeling she would be a great painter. LOL Not a joke I do because of her passion and her energy is very attractive and put her energy to good use. But it takes more than those characteristics to be a good leader.  Perspective helps a lot and she needs more and hopefully she will appreciate it more someday. Putting things in perspective of what is really important and what isn’t. I hope she listens to Melanie Safka and learns more about our military people Not the generals but the people who make this country the best in the world thug it is waning. There are a few who were exceptional and probably some tucked in the military who still are. I’m sure she will be sought after by many in politics as their girl and hopefully she will accept it with a grain of salt.

Unlike the blond Obama/Clinton Maniac marie Harf on Bret Baier show on Sunday lying her ass off about members of Nato and how Trump treated them. I thought he was very cordial and respectful at least in public. I didn’t see his private conversations with Nato members….did she see the private conversations with members of NATO? What the blond (Marie Harf) doesn’t like is the Russian-German deal and because she is a viper not as sneaky but very dangerous. I imagine she likes it rough so I will give to her rough,,,,arf arf I can just see her in some outfit with a whip with a half naked child. Not a very honest person in fact totally dishonest a thief, a liar, and probably worse. What did she see we didn’t see of Trump with the European leaders? and who does she really work for? What a mess. She doesn’t seem to have a sincere bone in her body. I guess she and her colleagues are pissed they didn’t get access to a private conversation between Putin and Trump. Did she get access to the private conversations between the Nato members he talked to? At least imo Miss Sanchez is so far as I have been able to notice seems to be sincere in her beliefs even if she is wrong in some ways is far more interesting than a total nutcase for Obama, Clinton and the RCC. Arf arf comes off as a total bitch. She would be a terrible boss which is easy to recognize. She may be bright but not in the right way. The kind of bright to burn out your eyes. a deceiver. She would be a great nazi in charge of a prison camp with some torture apparatuses containing people she hates. It would be a good job for her. I wonder if there are any takers in Cuba or in South America which might hire her for her personality. Maybe the Vatican could use her to clean up the streets of vagrant children in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. She needs to smoke some pot or take some kind of a downer before she gets on a talk show next time or before she takes on a job hired by the Vatican so she doesn’t  lose her mind in total and starts stealing kids. I can’t think of anything nice about her so far. SHE REMINDS ME OF A WOMAN ACTING AS THE SECRETARY FOR A PATENT LAWYER I VISTED a while back during the Obama Administration in regards to an invention I had invented. LOOKS JUST LIKE HER. I WONDER IF IS SHE THE SAME PERSON?

Before she appeared in Bret’s show near the time of the edited portion of Putin and Mike Wallace interview on Sunday aired or in the same show showed three pictures of people who had been killed with nerve gas or an agent and one of them looked like a a person I knew about 10 years ago and before, the one that said to wrap myself in saran wrap and meet my ex at the front door to attract my husband at the time to have sex….. I was considering divorce and I guess she misunderstood. I might have told her about our sex life in the past which was sparse because he had a vericocele and was less important to him than to me but it didn’t matter because he is catholic gigged a bunch and wasn’t really available most of the time. When someone’s nuts are constricted their desire is muted and so is their male hormone type stuff which affects their personality and their brains in ways you don’t know or can calculate but both my sisters would have been frustrated and just about everyone I know would have left him a long time ago (except perhaps Father Jonathan) and was like living with a frigid woman for most of our marriage. I tried to be nice about it and I was but he coudn’t understand my frustrations, He lacked understanding but expected me to have understanding for his problem. I did it a lot longer than he had to so he should be thankful to me. Once or twice a year is kind of a bit on the lesser side but not always but often enough. Like being in a dessert. He was only interested if someone else was interested in me or wanted to have sex in someone else’s pool or vacant home when he might get caught but not in a bed, etc. It’s some kind of a catholic neurosis. Sex had to have some kind ulterior motive for him to even be interested so it was not love it was something catholic and I would never again marry a catholic however it’s kind of past the time I might even think about it but it truly was a let down a big one once we were married. So I naturally lost interest in him and he looked different to me as time marched on. You might say it was a dishonest marriage from the start and got worse. He should have warned me. I would have appreciated some warning about his sexual inadequacy or inadequate desire so when I had kids it was a surprise 14 years later, a good surprise. He smoked a ton of pot on his gigs and in his day job. (He started as a mule of a catholic younger brother of his best friend from Detroit to Lansing and other areas of marijuana and cocaine trade when he was about 16 or 17 about the time he got a car and ran into a horse on the country road near their home and killed it by mistake about the time I gave up mine to a catholic friend. Some boys in trucks chased it around until it went into the road to be killed and then he bought a horse for 500 dollars for his friend who was a dealer and he became a drug mule for his friend and to give it to his wife…an arabian quarter horse or so he thinks. He never learned to ride but was being a man pleaser and a wife of his friends pleaser and said she looked so beautiful on the horse (loved to play mr. gentleman but lacked it for his wife most of the time, lol especially after I had a kid) and even went in on the food and supplies for their horse kissing ass. Is it kind of weird….YES IT IS  I learned about it recently out of his own mouth. I couldn’t believe it. My mouth dropped when I realized the horse stuff recently There was a period of time between when I gave mine away and he bought one but it was a spiritual slight. I can’t remember how much our horse costed at the time but around that much, maybe exactly. Funny his friends brother he mueled for looked a lot like BROCK and the same kind of personality. He was spiritually being used. It’s so catholic. Some kind of a trade off. Barbara was beautiful he says so he let her have it. HOW WEIRD. Why the hell buy a horse he wasn’t gonna ride? ABSURD! I have no idea why but it is strange. His brothers and sisters were very different looking than him. He doesn’t know anything about horses so when he says it was the breed he says it was I’m pretty sure he doesn’t really know what breed of horse it was except the obvious arabian with the arched neck etc His dad died young and had had a bunch of heart attacks early in his youth so he was kind of a mommie’s boy and the youngest of his family of all boys and she was very catholic and very deceived. I think his problems may have encouraged Gary in some insane way. Anyway it was kind of mixed up. He never said anything courageous to Gary. I had to!  Even near the end of our relationship when he was doing degrading things to me Gary said his lawn mower wasn’t working and could he bring his over and he said yes and he knew we were having troubles and I told him not to do it and he did it anyway. OUR MARRIAGE WAS OVER THEN but was slowly dying a slow death way before..They had a lot in common: to blame me for everything that went wrong. What a wimp. No wonder the punch was spiked heavily at my wedding reception and my dad was not a drinker. He must have known something  somehow or had a feeling or something I was throwing up the night we spent at the hotel room for our honeymoon so we did not consummate the marriage, lol,  and then went to my parents house for the rest of it because he was not a generous guy. LOL I must have been out of my mind. I can’t understand: what was I thinking?) I became religious a bit too much in some ways before I realized the scams. He hated me when I realized the scams not before. So he is a catholic through and through. She lived in our neighborhood at the time though she didn’t wear make up or hardly any makeup and was wearing quite a bit of makeup in the picture shown on Fox. Her voice was exactly the same as the woman who said her daughter who had been run over and killed by a terrorist in a car in the street said her daughter was even more magnified because by her death by a terrorist. So her suggestion to me was about as sane as her response to the death of her daughter. She looks eerily similar except for the makeup and the hairdo. She and her husband had a business cleaning up asphalt or sidewalks and driveways. I read a story a while back about overthrows of governments in South America and other type places where overthrows occurred, violent ones, and there were people who were used to clean up the asphalt and concrete where the many bloody bodies had laid leaving blood and guts and were cleaned in order to deceive others who came to check it out (the location) thinking nothing happened because there was no evidence of blood or guts or stains and to kind of MOVE ON kind of tactics. Her husband also delivered the paper in the mornings. She and he were over one day in our back yard and my dog an old female german shepherd did not like him at all and he seemed nice. she tried to bite him. It was so weird. She never did it before or after. When I started the proceedings of a no fault divorce I went to pick up my kid at school and the guy in charge of keeping the traffic moving and in an orderly way but was also a ignoramus putz as well said LADY GO HOME very loudly and it was not apparent who he was talking to. It was an outburst right when I was at the front of the school after slowly moving in a school pickup line to get to the front of the school and my daughter was about to get in the car. Lady was her name. Obama said in one public appearance around the same time sit down lady when he walked the woman in the red dress down the stairs in Rome at a G-8 meeting photograph session. Then my daughter started to get picked on by some people in the school, bullied and harassed, pushed around and we had to take her out of school after having a meeting with the principal who said it would take 6 weeks to investigate the bullying. A lot can happen in six weeks and basically could tell he wasn’t gonna take it seriously and two or three days later she was in the ER. It was hard to take. I saw the same woman at the store TWO TIMES THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION AND COMPLAINING AT THE SAME SPOT IN THE STORE….EXACT SAME SPOT three months apart and it’s a big grocery store complaining about bullying at school and the new curriculum at the school having to do with CORE teaching and the kids were crying and the teachers were crying all the time is what she told me. Same conversation two times almost exactly the same conversation and I tried to talk her into leaving the school and homeschool her daughter who was adopted not a natural daughter or do something else but she had just gotten her license to teach and didn’t want to though she didn’t say it I knew it was the reason. She said her daughter had been bullied too and I kept reiterating leave the school and she didn’t. Very weird.

Same face same voice but the daughter who was run over was older and not an american indian whom she adopted. I knew her voice well since we were in the neighborhood group, the HOA of the neighborhood in charge of getting neighborhood dues and meetings and trying to keep a neighborhood pool up and running and supported by a really stinky group of people except for a few who were decent the rest were scum bags and didn’t want a neighborhood pool for the kids and adults during 3 months of sweltering heat every year the likes of over 100 degrees because of insurance even though no one had ever drowned in the pool in fifty years and many of their children and them as families got to enjoy it. It was the oldest neighborhood in the city. A nice one on a lake. This is also the neighborhood when my cat was missing for 7 weeks when on the sixth week a huge flock ….hundreds of birds the size of condors floated about our neighborhood very low without ever roosting so you could see the shadows of their bodies on the rooftops and these birds were HUGE. Their wing spans were enormous (bigger then ten feet which is big) and I worried about my cat. Very worried.  We have large birds in the state but these were not our state type birds these were from another country or time. Then they roosted for a short while after about two hours of searching for something in the neighborhood roosted in the creek area next to the neighborhood and then disappeared. People were stopping on the road between our neighborhood and the other neighborhood because it was amazing. Our neighborhood only had about 100 homes but the birds stuck to our neighborhood and didn’t go to any others real close by. People stopped on the road and got out of their cars and so did we when we went to search for my cat and discussed what we had seen. It wasn’t a highway but a road which connected the neighborhoods together to the school so it was a busy road at certain times and the drivers drove from 30 to 40 mph kind of road and with a big hill. Later my husband acted like it was not a big deal and happens sometimes on a lake when there is a storm with out rain at least near or around us. I couldn’t believe it. I have never witnessed it before or after and it had never happened to him before either but he said he read upon it or some lame excuse to act as if it was not important. A week later her daughter said she saw my cat at school in the bus lane which is a loop. I went to check it out at around dusk because i had searched for cats in the 7 sees and noticed cats hide until around dusk and nighttime and the first time I went to the bus lane he wasn’t there though I called for him and then I went again about 15 minutes later and found him. It was amazing. Once I got him out of the gutter flood hole (surrounded by a grove of trees in the middle of the bus lane loop) which was not easy because he had lost weight and was yellowish looking because of liver damage and very weak but finally did get him out of the hole and he meowed at me at first when called before I got to the hole and recognized his meow something in his meow and it was so sweet and I held him in my arms and he bit me on the nose and I bled a little. He was kind of passionate and happy I had found him. When I used to pick up the girls at school sometimes I took him as a kitten to the school on the dash of the car because we were not far but a very long block away. After I got him in the car it would not start. So I walked him home in my arms covering his eyes and holding his paws in my hands so he wouldn’t scratch me as cars went by and held him tight so he would not freak out. When I got him home I put him in the bathroom because it was late and wanted to make sure he didn’t have a disease and for the kids to see when they got home from wherever they were that day. I went later to get the car and I think i must have been really excited and probably turned the key the wrong way because my car started fine but it was so much fun finding him and it was a miracle 7 weeks missing to find him and made the kids happy and to help them believe in miracles. It was a great day for me and my kids. He was like their sibling in a way. He used to put hairbands for their ponytails or hairdo down the hallway in the morning before school a few feet apart. He laid between them when they used to sleep together and expected a kiss goodnight like a little kid.

While I was searching for my cat in the 6 week period I stayed up one night real late and was looking through the window down to the street below about 3 in the morning and noticed something loping down the road in front of my house at a slow pace yet at a fast rate a big cat like a mountain lion or something similar so while searching for my cat it was scary to think about the big cat eating my cat. It was very long including it’s tail and took long strides so I knew it was a big wild cat of some kind but didn’t notice whether it had stripes or spots and seemed to be one color. it happened kind of fast and the cat was gone in a few seconds out of my vision limited by the window once i was able to see it. I left signs around with his picture for people to see and went to the animal shelter from time to time and ran into a woman on my street who said she saw my cat dead on the side of the street as if something hit him. She didn’t look like anyone I knew in my neighborhood and yet walking in my neighborhood and didn’t seem very nice like she was not to be trusted and did not have any sadness one might have if she had actually seen him for the person looking for their pet so I kept searching till I got the clue.

Then later some bad stuff happened to me, to my kids, to our cat, our dog was shot and killed, and to my family which I have explained.  though we did see our dog after he had been turned to ashes with another dog very similar to him a labrador our dog was more of a shepherd mix labrador and both together being dogs and we stopped and got one of them and returned the black labrador to it’s owner a few days late. I was with my daughter at the time and she noticed him and so did I one night when going to the store so I have a witness and then our dog disappeared into thin air in front of the hospital. It was a sign. I had no idea I would be a visitor to the hospital later on. Many sad things happened because I divorced my husband, a roman catholic and boy did they let me know I had really sinned a great sin and reminded me of my other sins every chance they could and to this day. Still it was the right thing to do. I knew it the last time we had sex about ten years ago. I don’t know if it was a thought of mine or his suggestion which was “There isn’t any shame in that” after the sex and I felt shame because I didn’t love him any more. I had a 14 inch scar on my belly so I didn’t feel very attractive. We still live together out of need and some of it intensified against me because I divorced a catholic as if I should have been thankful anyone married me. I’m glad I did divorce… It was worth it to not be his wife. I wanted to be friends though and boy did he try to make it impossible in many ways as I have explained using his daughters and other insane ways to make me feel like a piece of shit. He went bankrupt on the house the only one I had ever owned  and renigged on a loan to my brother for the down payment for the house HE DREAMED ABOUT as his dream home. He told me all about it sitting in front of the house one evening before we bought it which he had found when gigging nearby so I went to work to find a way plus I liked the neighborhood pool because I had one when I was a kid and wanted the same for my kids because it was fun and because of a few little kids I had seen who ended up being a best friend of my daughter for quite a while. It was a place to make friends in the summer time and something to do in a hot summer. I think it was worth it even though shit happened to us. The ex didn’t want to sell it but would have paid back my brother in the process which was in the contract we signed so he refused to sell it so it wouldn’t get paid back because i divorced him. He said no one would buy it (yet it was his dream home) and people live in the house to this day so someone bought it. I was in bad shape for a long time and didn’t fight it I did to some extent but he had already wired with a judge friend of his and didn’t realize the scam but i was being scammed in a big way for a number of reasons. It was a good school which also helped my kids but I nearly died  and was being entrapped by some people and by some family members as I have explained (the Kirchers, their friends, and the real estate company and other ones too who got involved) and other horrible things as well. But I know I did the right thing as far as the divorce is concerned. I knew it in my heart and


His idea which he told me of our marriage when I was either about to file or had filed was

“I wanted you to bury me and me to bury you.” LOL which is what he is attempting to do

with a lot of help religiously, persecution ally, politically etc .

Makes a difference how people treat you after a divorce especially the ex.

Makes a big difference and I got to see his TRUE CHARACTER.

Cyndi Lauper – True Colors (Video)

At one point at the heighth of some weird stuff and during Obama’s Administration I could hear his thoughts and I didn’t like it so I prayed about it and it stopped.  I read about other people who had gotten some powers of some kind like knowing exact dates of events and I didn’t like the one I received. One of those thoughts was “She’s never gonna leave.” Very adamant and pissed off sounding. Threatening. On one of the visits to see my mom she said “A voice inside my head said you should leave” responding to when my sister and I sang a song to her from the movie South Pacific. “You got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true? Happy, happy, happy, happy talk. Talk about the things you like to do …..” and it was funny at the time and how she said it. I think it was like a spiritual response to my mom. It was a childhood memory we were trying to entertain with her. Anyway, I haven’t been able to leave as much as I want to but I don’t want to leave destitute or without my things to satisfy his god. I want to leave in style and it’s my plan. So far it has failed or has not happened YET but I have immersed myself in my pursuits which are very important TO ME to the satisfaction of my God and my parents and for my kids and me, hopefully. The ex had me arrested falsely and obviously I am his bird in hand and so I use him as mine in my pursuits because I have not been given a good choice. We don’t have sex there is no romance, no love, no nothing between us that is good however I have tried to convince him about hospice and the RCC and many other things and little by little may be getting through and investing my time and energy in the ways that I am able to do until my escape occurs. It will. I have gotten some good signs which I have written about. It’s not all for naught. I believe n what I am doing but it isn’t easy. I want to settle it once and for all.about abortion v the Catholic Church and evangelicals etc and against Mother Teresa and Hospice. I probably wouldn’t have but was driven to it by the things that happened which were not flukes or coincidences and so don’t blame me for being persistent and determined to settle it once and for all. It is ridiculous to have to defend my position when I am among many females all over the world who have had an abortion. In China they had the one child policy because of population overdose and then to having boys (and not girls) using abortion. Then the RCC invaded the catholics of China to romanize the catholics of China about ten years ago. Then Japan via the Neo-catechumanal Way using HAARP and global warming as the cover and then Obama Care for the mistakes via a nuclear accident in Japan and the affect on the food supply and oxygen supply because of the plankton kill off by the nuclear accident which supplies a third of the supply of oxygen to the world to cover there asses this is after the earthquake tsunami in the Indian Ocean which altered the earths axis and killed a lot of people and was an area known for child prostitution and 12 year old marriages so I think the other stuff about China and Japan was a response. I imagine Jesuit pope Francis probably knew about it in India. I just have a feeling about it. I had read he was in to prostitution in some articles written by catholics in the past. Child and the sex slave trade. India also had a population problem and hence Mother Teresa using abortion as an excuse to hospice murder suicide for many killing two birds with one stone and theft of their assets but forbidding birth control and abortion i.e. family planning in the civilized world but willing to kill off the unwanted people born into this world for the RCC and others like Prince Charles and his dad  Prince Phillip who thought of people other than royalty as unnecessary. a problem. bacteria and a hindrance to their own survival using women who aborted as their scapegoats for both the RCC and it’s followers and it’s ideals which is to control everyone and eliminate personal freedom and control the population/pollution problem to the point of blaming cow farts for pollution and chipping them for their own meat supply for themselves and to keep track of the population of meat instead of being brave and allowing families to determine what a family wants or can afford as far as children are concerned and for the RCC to take away the rights of women in every way available because of inbred hatred and disrespect for females as emblematic of the RCC which is a male organization except for dumb nuns who like to be housekeepers for them as if it’s a privilege thinking the clergy were godly or even good or knew the way to heaven or to God by using their apparel which sets them apart with a cross on their chest and a white collar on their neck which does not make a person good. Brainwashed and for eons not even allowing a person other than clergy to have understanding of the bible by reading the bible until about 20 or so years ago and even kept their sermons in latin so no one understood the sermons except those who learned latin which usually was the clergy thinking themselves to be God’s royalty. Read the Ten Commandments. Parents and children are mentioned….not clergy, hence the war on the Ten Commandments and the war against God and family. I do not include the Queen of England in my criticism because I don’t know what she thinks and figure her marriage was arranged as was Prince Charles with Diana because she was still a virgin of quality murdered later in a tunnel in france by the press and the mob because she loved an Egyptian man and may have been pregnant and had divorced Prince Charles who was in love with Camilla for many years being controlled by the RCC because of their lineage and tradition. stupid tradition and at war with each other for eons. Their lineage is debatable as is the lineage in the bible about Jesus which I have post or two about with links from others who have good insight but it is still a question. Nevertheless no way is the Vatican or the pope a direct descendent of Peter. The mob ain’t easy to overcome especially when the Jesuits are in the background causing all kinds of shit using the Vatican and infiltrating INTEL and controlling leaders all over the world. Mother Teresa is like Billy Graham and were a hindrance to all and used the mob, Islam (their muscle and vice versa) and religious zealots and ignorance. It has to stop and it will.

Family planning by families is kind of like socialism, but in a good way.

(I guarantee if abortion is attacked as a last resort for females all hell will break loose and there won’t be a world for anyone. Think of it as a potential nuclear bomb heading towards whomever takes the progress of a safe abortion for females away.)

I told my ex about Pompeo’s desire to get a bunch of religious leaders together to alleviate religious persecution My ex responded he doesn’t see any religious persecution in our country and I said of course not your are catholic. I said is hospicing your mom with out knowing it for two weeks and then she dies persecution? and he doesn’t think its persecution but he thought it was terrible that I wasn’t told and acts like he didn’t know it was happening and I asked him “did you know” and he denies it. I asked why didn’t you offer a ride to my mom ‘s funeral and I forgot his answer but it was evasive. I know he knew but he isn’t into telling the truth at all. When he thought it was funny my brother didn’t talk to my older sister anymore because she voted for Trump and she made very light of it like it was funny on some Facebook message to him and he seemed to think it was funny and it isn’t funny. My brother wasn’t like that and is not why he stopped communicating with her if he did which I have no idea because we don’t communicate anymore. My ex is totally dishonest and doesn’t think he is catholic since he stopped going to church when he was about 17.  He is catholic, He starved his mom to death by hospice. He said I didn’t know about hospice and brought up his ex boss who had terminal cancer and went home to die. He even knew about it but I didn’t. I should have reminded him that he didn’t know that Jesus said Feed my sheep? but I didn’t. I was left out of the loop in regards to my mom and I learned it was an invention of the RCC and Mother Teresa and said it was Calcutta’s answer to abortion. He is a liar so it doesn’t matter what he says but someday it will matter and it will be too late. I said it is in 500 parishes in over 105 countries and probably more now and it isn ‘t a form of catholic persecution? FOEGIVE the religion which wants to take over the world and unite religions under it’s umbrella? NOT ME. I WONT FORGIVE THE RCC EVER! If I could I would strap a nuke in a backpack a small one and walk into the Vatican and push the button and the same for Mecca and Medina and then destroy the churches which didn’t do a thing about it and act like it isn’t happening and don’t even mention it because the churches deserve it as does the RCC and every place which is used to further the RCC and ISLAM. But it would not do any good unless I could do all of them at once. THat is how much I hate the RCC and how deep it hurt and I look forward to the book of revelation being fulfilled for that reason alone. It is on the horizon unless people speak up and do something about it like destroy it but instead the RCC church wants everyone to die by remaining silent.

Rand Paul fears Obama CIA chief still has security clearance

and what about Leon Panetta?


By the way I don’t agree with the teaching about the first piece of bread or the the last chance to turn back because I think Jesus was a bit radical in some ways and wasn’t all about tradition but knew traditions which may be why one of his disciples was chosen who was a zealot and to differentiate himself from the title of a zealot. There is a good book by Phillip Yancey the author called The Jesus You Never Knew and is a pretty good book and hard to put down. A very good book to introduce Jesus to someone who might be interested in who Jesus was or at least who he might have been in comparison to other Jesuses. I really enjoyed it and it is a very thoughtful book as well. When I was a kid my impression of Jesus via Hollywood a few movies and my upbringing it kind of fulfilled it to me and would send chills down my back in a good way that there was someone like him who came to teach. Someone totally different than anyone else. This book is worth the investment for ten of your friends or family if you are so lucky and if they are interested which I didn’t do however I should have in retrospect and also makes it easier to compare the gospels having the book by Phillip Yancey as kind of a backdrop to study the gospels. I chose the picture for the picture and for the moment at the Last Supper AND FOR THE LAST BULLET. The book will help some people who might need some reassurance or to help some people to be equalized if having gone through something bad which by now is everyone, I think. I had it once on a trip to my mother in laws house and my sister in law married to a brother in law picked it up and kind of wistfully studied it briefly. She was catholic and we were never friends or close. She was a school teacher, catholic, and had kids and I didn’t have any kids at the time. I have no idea if she ever invested in it or not. I tried to talk to her about my problems. I was reaching out and she kind of was like a polite zombie and I could tell she didn’t want tot hear about it even though later her daughter kind of went through some similar stuff. I was needing some help and she couldn’t give it at all. Dead pan but for real. Nothing there. Later noticed her daughter wasn’t really respected but the son was adored. He was very talented and handsome. Hopefully she was able to rise above it. It isn’t easy in a family of all boys (my husband’s family) raised by a catholic mom who was treated strictly in a catholic way “FOR HAVING BABIES.” and put down at the same time: “You aren’t pretty but good for having babies”. she told me which her husband told her. My dad loved my mom. They had problems but she was MUCH more than just for having babies. I was lucky growing up and has helped me through the dessert of my life while married and after my divorce or as Melanie sings “In the alone of my life” to make the time right…. to know the difference. I think it’s what she sings. Sometimes I hear things other people don’t hear and interpret differently as well like one song which is famous by Bruce Springsteen I am the egg man, not really, JK…. I am the muffin man which is supposed to be something else I later found out. LOL

 John 13:29-31 King Japmes Version (KJV)

29 For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor.

30 He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night.

31 Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him.


Now is the Son of man glorified might be a back handed slap in regards to the consecration unto himself of those who were killed when Moses came off the mountain with theTen Commandments because it was added possibly later? I certainly don’t know but have been a witness to some changes of the bible recently so i’m suspicious, naturally and I have a right to be suspicious especially NOW! There is some talk back and forth between some people in high places (holy places) in the bible as the bible changes.

I tend to be suspicious of the Son of man vs the Son of God as a rule. I think there is a reason for the difference.

Heard John Brennan still has intelligence clearance and I’m sure the same goes for Leon Panetta even though he no longer is in an intelligence position. Leon Panetta thinks Americans are dumb, WE ARE NOT DUMB and he will figure it out and will wish his allegiance was for USA citizens and for freedom of religion and for free trade. He is a scumbag. Brennan is for persecution or he would not be ISLAMIC so maybe Mike Pompeo might look into Panetta deals which would be a very good start in his endeavor to stop persecution and for freedom of religion if he REALLY desires freedom of religion and freedom from persecution or I won’t believe you one iota. PROVE IT instead of trying to tell North Korea what to do clean up your own house or I don’t think you will be successful in regards to North Korea IN THE LONG RUN and a few years from now will wish you had while breathing in a nuclear detonation somewhere. I like Mike Pompeo and his demeanor but getting a bunch of clergy together isn’t gonna solve the perception problem and is why it is so rampant psychologically and physically in our country of all places from lambasting females on TV by quite a few of the press against females protecting their rights over their own bodies via abortion and birth control to mass graves in Mexico of students during the Obama Administration and after threatening females with an anti abortion Supreme Court nominees hell bent to sell their own souls to the RCC and ISLAM and enjoying the threat at the same time. It is called persecution and evil and using Hospice against their parents via the RCC and Mother Teresa and not standing against it for US citizens since it is legal. IF not hey I think  all american men and women should just give up their arms and then their lives by not defending a females rights. You should close down all hospices devoted to the business of death inspired by the RCC and to stand against religious persecution as I have explained how it is achieved very thoroughly in this post and others BY TRICKERY i.e. CRAFT as the bible tells you so. If you can do it you might be successful in the long run in denuclearizing some very dangerous places. I don’t think you will be successful otherwise. Do you have kids?



The reason for the delay in the Cohen tapes by the FBI (some in the FBI do FIB) and Mueller is because of the friendship being built with Russia via Putin their leader. Using the tapes as blackmail. Putin warned the FBI about Tsarnaev brothers /boston marathon way before the Boston massacre/false flag event by Obama using some in the press to disarm the citizens of the USA. Which may be partially wye the delay in using blackmail against Trump. I haven’t heard it or seen it so I reserve judgement but if I do get to see it or hear it  I’m gonna rake it over the coals to make sure it isn’t some kind of deception (there have been a ton of deceptions) because of the timing having to do with a conversation between Trump and Putin allegedly not taking notes. Other than loose lips in regards to whether or not Trump allowed a possible leaker to take notes between him and Putin how would Leon Panetta know unless there is a muted film of the two talking in private. I’m pretty positive there are devices that can mute the sound of a taping in progress without the knowledge of the device or person doing the filming via filtering or something of that nature to prevent SPYING by people like Leon Panetta and I’m sure Russia has invented such a device. He would be an idiot if he hadn’t and probably was baiting Leon Panetta or whomever would complain about it (the blond on Fox News whom I railed) and I’m sure we have the invention as well. Maybe China did it. Remember the Grand Central Station design in New York City of the place in Grand Central Station where you can hear whispers across the room even amid the noise of the busy station which obviously is a device to listen and used as a tourist attraction but can also be used for evil. Trump isn’t the only person not to trust Intelligence agencies while in the Obama Administration there were a few people who outed the intelligence community such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and for good reasons. It is up to the intelligence agencies to be more careful not to get caught in their intelligence gathering especially when doing it illegally and Trump has a right to distrust the intelligence community because of the Intelligence agencies own mistakes. I wouldn’t trust them either. I’m sure there are some in the agencies who are honest and hardworking just like in the police departments at lower levels  but there are some who aren’t that is why Trump said what he said, He would be an idiot to put his faith in the intel he receives because there are quite a few enemies within the agencies and the fact that the agencies complain about his admission about it is very IMMATURE and shows that the INTEL might actually be worse than he even realized or the Intel agencies would have taken the insult on the chin for the sake of diplomacy and for their country being above the slight knowing it has problems and being a good patriot.  There is always room for improvement and could have talked to Trump in private about it but instead politicized it like little babies so obviously the Intel agencies are not to be trusted whole-heartedly but in a critical way and because it is his job as President of the USA to be critical of the Intel he receives. otherwise we would be destroyed along with the rest of the world by a nuclear war a long time ago. As far as the CIA is concerned I wouldn’t trust them at all because of their own reputation and people are not supposed to be truthful in order to be an agent just like in the KGB. iF those agencies didn’t exist the world would probably be a safer place but it isn’t reality because of terrorism. However in the FBI and the Police dealing with the public it is supposed to do their jobs within the legal perimeters and didn’t in regards to Michael Cohen and I’m sure many others. Now because of terrorism we have the NSA and other organization within the organizations having to be very secretive and cagey. And because of illegal immigration which can lead to terrorism has caused a shift in organizations to be even more cagier. If there was no such thing as illegal immigration I’m sure things would be different. So the victims are also the cause of our problems in regards to faith in the system and faith in our government.

Why should President Trump be any different than he is.

Why shouldn’t President Trump be any different than he is.

Remember what I said about Billy Graham and his alibi using radio and having a conversation with some other preacher during the JFK assassination and after which I’m sure it was prerecorded. I sure wouldn’t trust OBAMA to be In Africa making a speech trying to warm up to his wife Michelle and hoping to get her elected next time. You cannot trust the media because it can be manipulated just like radio. What happened in Branson is Obama’s style. Sort of his signature. Sick and demented. Here is a demented thought maybe someday someone will go to his home while he is in it and nuke it or do like the schools and where his kids go to school and pull a fake mass murder with a planned emergency training exercise. Hurricane winds, hmmmm  HAARP tracking a cell phone? Obama and whomever he works with which are quite a few people are like human body which has more than one disease and a great cover if one doesn’t work out well the next part might.etc.on the same event.

While we are at it why not just blow up the DNC headquarters and that way no one can break in.

Former Chief Of Staff Leon Panetta Discusses Managing The White House

“NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Leon Panetta, chief of staff for President Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA under President Obama. He talks about the pressures on White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and his experience of managing a White House while under fire.”

We all know which person he is talking about who called the chief of staff “a big fat liar”, don’t we? and neither Leon Panetta nor John Kelly could contain the rumor. LOL

Steve Bannon

The above article says Leon Panetta says the job of the Chief of Staff (John Kelly is at the hem CURRENTLY) is to contain controversy in the White House (chief of staff, not the chief of president) so that THAT truth doesn’t undermine the controversy and then tries to undermine the President in the article below. Which is called maneuvering and manipulation because being the political hack that  “he” is shouldn’t mind the President having a private conversation with a world leader to avoid controversy yet he instigated controversy by saying the Americans entitled to know what Trump said to Putin. he did this so Chief of Staff John Kelly didn’t have to instigate the controversy working in tandem together like good little Jesuits. How many people were murdered during the Clinton Tenure? LOTS AND LOTS. byway Trump and Puti can write a book after their tenures as leaders of the world and clue us in like other Presidents do. President Trump is being a president for nothing  because he loves our country so let him have a few private moments to write about in his book or with his favorite ghost writer, etc or someone he chooses down the road after his terms to write his biography and to show his legacy. Obama built a library about himself as he was President, didn’t he? And Trumps daughter took a break from her clothing line to help her dad because she loves her dad and he has YOU HAVE TO ADMIT IF YOU ARE INTELLECTUALLY HONEST has been attacked mercilessly by the FREE PRESS.

Conspiracy Theorists Won’t Stop Accusing The Clintons Of Murder

I had no idea Ambassador Chris Stevens had a sister who was not concerned about his untimely death but about much more important matters in Africa and the MIddle east. HIs dad felt the same way about politicizing his death and his mom well she was a nut case through and through and really didn’t care.

I think what is really occurring is Leon Panetta and John Kelly are starting to notice both are being caught in their own foibles.

Why should Leon Panetta and John Kelly be worried?

Why shouldn’t Leon Panetta and John Kelly be worried?

Why don’t you do that?

I take after my mom as well;)

tell me the expression in this word game:          ___ ___ ___ ___        ___ ___ ___

want a hint? THAT was fun.

Sting – I’ll be watching you

I agree with Israel about Turkey because I watched him (ergodan of the land of OG and possibly Iran is Magog ff course I can’t be sure of the conclusion but seem to be working together in tandem and evidenced by the tweet of Supreme leader of Iran Rouhani about
Iran being the mother of all peace and the mother of all wars but probably shifts from time to time when things get iffy) on a you tube with a little girl being used as martyr who was not happy about it so I imagine he is sending terrorists and martyrs to Syria to cause trouble and to cause even greater problems world wide and using her as a human shield and as a prisoner to make others fight for him blackmailing his own people like hitler would have done if he had thought of it. Sure looked like him and the crowd was not happy which he was antagonizing in his treatment of a young girl in a uniform made for a child and mocking them and her. Maybe it was an identical twin? It was either an identical twin or him.
I looked up monotize and found out it is to profit, earn currency from secret information gotten through or with national security clearance. HMMMMMMMMM
That AIN’T GOOD. Could put people in jail. Beware of the any pharisees any sadducees who might try to seduce you. Rouhani HOUR born in 1948 of all years. the 7th ayatollah of 8? Not sure of the eighth part and Hassan means handsome. My dad is handsomer! HASSANEREST
Whose the tail? Panetta?He kind of looks like one.
I think Rand Paul is correct a blanket discharge of national security clearance when you get a new president so people like Obama can’t infringe on the freedom of the next president to choose whom he trusts and better for thrones who lose there security clearance so as not to be put in a bad light or in a position to be blackmailed, Kind of surprised it wasn’t that way to begin with.


Today between Own the libs ( I had no idea what it mean till watching Nicki Haley teach about it at a podium on Fox like a good school teacher smirking at the same time I thought it meant something totally different to be more liberal than the libs ) and between Fox News litmus test for Presidential candidates to be anti life and against abortion and Greg Gutfeld agnostic which is someone who does;t know or yet believe in God politically correct viewpoints telling people to tone it down on social media it was frustrating! WHO STARTED IT?. He mentioned it and said it is Christlike to discontinue a social lambasting of an individual which I guess is what is the new fad for kids to psychological bully a fellow classmate or friend or a socially inept kid or a kid not in the same socialistic class as the catholics and their kids or someone different . It truly is a problem when kids are committing suicide more frequently as are adults because of the Hospice situation and blessed by the Pope by sainting her and funding her supporting her cause to blame females who had abortions and their families by killing them by Hospice.  I have written about the Neo-Catechumenal Way a cult like group of the Roman Catholic Church as is Hospice murder starvation started by Mother Teresa for the most part she made Hospice popular exponentially using the RCC and it’s connections which are many. Kids have to learn by experience how it feels and usually do on their own and always have learned if allowed to be social by growing up and gaining experience and didn’t need the church to intensify it to teach about it which is dangerous and evil. I won’t listen to Greg’s advice because he is the problem partially. Intellectually dishonest as many on Fox News and in the RCC are intellectually dishonest and feel they are above the fray when they are the fray at least in this instance. I enjoy him sometimes and then other times I think he is a nutcase (NEUROTIC). A deep thinker for a spotlight attention for 15 minutes of fame with Dana Perino showing support for Nicki Haley which is fine. It is your right to support her I just don’t think she is all she is cracked up to be but most people aren’t. Todays news on Fox about the Presidential tweets and Iran Supreme leader Rouhanis tweets back and forth , (I didn’t know he was a bird too I thought he was a fox) revving things up on the world stage and Israel shooting down a Russian made jet from Syria overstepping by flying into a no fly zone (The Golan Heights of ISRAEL) near a holdout of some rebels from Iran and probably Saudi Araba or at least funded by Saudi Arabia in the beginning of the Syrian troubles and assisted by Turkey possibly because of disputed territory between it and Syria like what happened to Russia when it shot down a plane flying in it’s no fly zone over the Ukraine and the flap about it as if it was a test to see how many civilians could be eliminated by doing something very dumb during a dispute/civil unrest of two sides of a country and one big side supporting Putin and the other not (It used to be part of the Soviet Union) to make a case for the side who flew the plane through the Ukraine especially during the Obama Administration when no one knew where to stand or fly to be safe as he changed the rules as Obama went causing mayhem everywhere he could in the world and to occupy like Nazis but then so was the Alamo disputed territory once and in a way still is and as the Panama Canal was used and given away to free prisoners held by Iran and to make gas lines shorter, We used to have to wait about an hour or more in line to get gasoline and some people ran out of gas waiting making things worse but putting our country in harms way by terrorists and some bad immigrants amongst the good using kids like the Palestinians have done in the past putting them in harm’s way – and because of the importance of the Panama Canal to our safety as a country not being overrun by South Americans not allowed to have an abortion or use birth control but many do anyway and overflow of Roman Catholic dogma which means more priests growing the RCC so we may all be lil’lies  – to get shot and killed to be a martyr to make headlines for the cause of a Palestinian State in the middle of Israel instead of being satisfied with Egypt and it’s generosity when Palestinians had a good chance to make a decent living until we had some coups in Egypt caused by USA and the Vatican and not being allowed into any other Arabian state for the most part being shunned and to be used by the Arabian state (THE BIG ONE Saudi Arabia) to cause trouble because of their prejudices and Palestinians natural discontent. Then President Trump tweeting “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” to the Palestinians. Who the heck is he talking about, I guess our country sends Palestinians money to support their intifada in Israel or the State Department sends money to the Palestinians as well as the UN and others who think one of the smallest countries in the world should give up it’s territory to accommodate the RCC’s and Islam’s overpopulation problem based on some barbaric ideals in regards to females as if females are a LABIAN cunt factory like the thing in the black box at Mecca an idol worshipped by Islamic men who wear white cloaks and turbins or red and while table cloths on their heads who are advised and rewarded for their support of the steel lips of Mecca to fast and to travel once in their lifetime to it’s male only tourist attraction because of a meteor falling in their country once, hence thinking it was a present from god and meant his presence in the steel lips of Mecca and a marriage between a catholic nun (Mother Teresa?) and a their profit and brain washed into thinking via the cult of Islam and the RCC it is a good thing to sacrifice oneself by killing a bunch of people wherever it suits the powers that be at a particular point in time often selected by putting one’s finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing i.e. to thin the population (Cull) sometimes of brothers and friends and families and sometimes foes will actually receive a whole bunch of virgins when doing so as if it is a reasonable deal and of course is not true and is a lie and instead sends them even further down into the lower parts of hell to be used by the devil and satan as demons and because these brave souls are NOT taught the truth about God but are pawns of some very evil religions who enjoy death exceedingly when all you need to do is use birth control and allow safe abortions to females to regulate their own bodies and live to earn a living with someone you love intimately and enjoy your wife or friend  and believe in God and try to learn the Ten Commandments to try (even though often it is impossible to attain) to live by it’s standards to show respect to God, your parents and your children by honoring them however you think is honorable or the meaning of the word to honor the people most important to you in your life and God.. (A standard often is impossible to attain because it is higher than people but worth trying as much as possible and better than a real low standard and not trying at all!) Raises mankind to a higher plane! As Lindsay Graham told the Muslim Brotherhood leader of the coup in Egypt to behave himself because of the financial support by Lindsay Graham of the House Ways and Means Committee of Congress during the Obama Administration and during the coups in Egypt to behave themselves and may have been under the control of Obama.  Shepperd Smith smirked a good one as I watched in his eyes after all these things were reported and you have to wonder what the fuck is going on?DEMONIC POSSESSION??? I’m sorry I think cussing sometimes feels good and is more civil than a coup. It is not perfection but who said I was perfect? Only God is anywhere near perfect however if God were perfect we would grow new teeth every time we lost one to replace it without having to go to the dentist and all women would have big breasts and plump lips and all men would be kind and rich.) You have to believe your own eyes and ears and intuition and the signs given you and using your experience assess the situation as best you can. Some people have a hard time depending on what they are going though and what kind of medications or drugs one uses and some situations are tough and can cause problems but you have to try to do your best. So I don’t now why Trump on the campaign tray is saying what he is saying. I think what he has done is pretty good as far as the trade imbalance and why I think there is more than one Trump as there were more than one Jesus in biblical times imitating him and the religious world there are charlatans and always have been and why there are people who believe in all kinds of gods and some don’t. I have witnesses as to the things I have seen and heard not everything little thing but enough to know I’m ok, how about you? Sure there are some false news and usually you can figure it out by the details, which is why I erased the story about Branson MIssouri boat ride accident because the details did not match by the witness and the findings on the boat when taken out of the water and when a story won’t let you access the site usually means they don’t want criticism or are fixing their loop holes, but I saw some stuff about it and it was not cool and the Go Fund Me page immediately after an accident is a pretty sure sign of a scalawag or a charlatan another sign is the group hug or a fakey one looking posed. I had a Go Fund Me page about my invention and didn’t get a thing but people like to give money to people in need and are being screwed and sometimes it actually exacerbates the situation when you give encouraging more shenanigans and charlatans and false news stories. It is better to give than receive, but best if you know the people involved.

White House bars CNN correspondent from open press event

“Mr. President, Mr. President did Michael Cohen betray you?” DUH

Why did she try to ask Trump since he can’t know what is in Michael Cohens head, can he?

Whynot ask Michael Cohen? She is a terrible reporter and asks dumb questions.

She should be banned from the Press.

CNN Correspondent is despondent about her offense and making a name for herself. Often I’m not allowed to use articles….entry denied on many sites because of my views (afraid I might be a critical thincker?), at least she got in to pitch her tantrum. Want a piece of candy? Little girl, would you like to see my puppies in the back seat? Did you notice where the sound was higher where she happened to be shouting instead of from across the room which means exactly what it means. It was staged by whomever filmed and miked her up over everyone else. Good PR for a press person who wants to get her some attention and who knows behind the scenes she may be on someone’s mind behind the scenes. A puppet or something else unkind. Now Fox and probably Wolf Blitzer are crying foul about Freedom of the Press. FBI got over a 100 tapes from Cohen not 12 which was reported earlier.
Now on Fox it added about 3 to 4 more questions but earlier repots  only had the question about MIchael Cohen. Adding on to make their case against Trump being against the press. Why didn’t they have those questions in their news clip 3 days ago Some sort of conjunctivitis. WHy doesn’t Fox sue the White House? What I saw the first times this was reported was the question about Cohen betraying Tump not all this other questions. I have no idea why but it is disconcerting when the press is lying. Editing and then adding questions not asked in the earlier reports. Building a story I guess. NEver the less the way she asked was like she knew she wouldn’t get a response. Which means it is BULLSHIT. NAGGING. If she knew he wasn’t gonna answer her questions why ask and looks suspiciously as if it was added on because he would not be able to respond if he didn’t know the question was being asked. In fact looks like a tape on top of a video. Could be if it was added on why not? If she had been in a different location in the room I might believe her but she wasn’t so we can’t see her lips move etc and expecting no response by Trump because he couldn’t, more than likely.
Are you worried about the other tapes?….not a direct quote
but Fox didn’t know about the other tapes, did they? I don’t think Trump knew either.
She asked the question about betrayal a few times when we watched this reporter and then she started complaining about press treatment and then it was once she asked the question about betrayal with other questions inserted in the place of the succeeding questions about betrayals when we found out out that there were a ton of tapes which we did not know till yesterday or the day before.
Building a case by building the case as you go. Tricky. Crafty. Deception.
So Fox added on but are gonna stand with CNN. They share news I think and guests, etc.

Hence CNN is involved in the Cohen debacle, I think. The Flipping.

And someone doesn’t want the Russian involved questioned?

 Is it a diversion in regards to Panetta? Probably.

Next someone is  gonna come up with a video of her from across the room adding on and building the case even further

but more than likely will be deception otherwise it would have been done yesterday.

Watched the Cohen/Trump tapes with a picture of each facing off on each other kind of Fox display and heard Alec Baldwin who often plays Trump on SNL being the Cohen voice and than Trumps voice.  VERY weird and Pat Boone sorry but he looks kind of possessed like Billy Graham is looking out of his eyes in his ad about pain on Fox and looking forward possibly to the Congress interviewing Pompeo. If it starts getting grand standish I will wait for excerpts because the grandstanding gets old and never progresses into real questions which I don’t think Congress has a right to ask because do think he is doing a good job. (however I don’t know he is doing a good job.) but he handled himself well in front of Congress and a person to watch in the future. I like what he said about North Korea. FEAR NOT. a few times he said it which is reassuring though in truth I wasn’t fearing North Korea but I do fear the Red Scare going on in regards to Putin. Reminiscent of the past I did not actually go through but was a precursor and in some books and ways such as the Cold war and other imaginations of something pretty rotten under our nose like WWll and it’s trials and tribulations as if it is not finished yet and is determined to rule with an iron hand at any cost (and the apparent lead poisoning of a lot of people. LOL.) Over stepping themselves because Trump has a right to talk to Putin in private but will be news fodder for about a week or so. Congress ought to ask Trump what it was about and let him tell Congress what he wants Congress to know. I saw enough to satisfy me as to what is really occurring in Senator Menendezes questions and treatment of Pompeo trying to run him over not win him over which I think is BIG MISTAKE!  The Vatican makes mistakes often. It was grand standing by Senator Menendez and severe bullying as if he has something or someone backing him up and If I were him …..don’t count on it. The people he is counting on will dump you in a pit and pour concrete on top if it is meat for them to do so as look at ya.
Senator Mendendez is a Roman Catholic Hack for the Vatican!

Sen. Robert Menendez may have had sex with underage hookers in …

“Oct 12, 2017 – Prosecutors said the hooker allegations against Sen. Bob Menendez ‘were not so easily disprovable as the defendants suggest.”

Sen. Menendez Enters Third Year Facing Criminal Charges. Does …

“Mar 31, 2017 – Sen. Menendez Enters Third Year Facing Criminal Charges. …. that women claimed Menendez paid them for sex in the Dominican Republic.”
I have no idea if he is innocent of charges he faced and I don’t necessarily trust court judgments but I think he has a problem.  A few. These women were his race who accused him and someone probably wanted to control him and I think are controlling him. (It’s okay to say, isn’t it? race?) It’s a lot of charges. I do know we have a problem south of the border and I also know the possibilities of certain kinds of drugs and what those drugs can do to a person. Perhaps he should stay out of the Dominican Republic might be wise for Senator Menedez, or any other foreign country to play it safe, I know what happens when someone takes a chance and it is haunting him but don’t take it out on Pompeo, nor Trump. Look no further than the Vatican and Obama. I agree with Pompeo the dems are playing a game and it probably is gonna be a hard lesson. I’m not gonna watch anymore and wait for excerpts but was disappointed in Senator Menedez UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES which are hard to ignore. Pompeo did pretty good especially when a yes and no answer doesn’t work in diplomacy so you should not ask him yes or no questions. It is stupid not to allow someone to finish their thoughts you get more out of it than what Menendez tried to do. Gives you a better perspective of his goals and Trumps goals. Obviously it wasn’t about learning it was about votes and someday someone may stick some paper ballots up your nose. And when paper ballots are used I bet i you will be going home. Were any 13 year olds raped or killed at the Trump- Putin meeting? How about multiple choice questions which might be more fun and get you closer to the truth you so deeply desire for your REAL CONSTITUENTS.
“Love is a dung hill, Betty, and I am but a cock that climbs upon it to crow.”

Trump fires off all-caps threat to Iran

Back to lead poisoning:

Uranium tailings

“Removal of very low-level waste”
“Uranium tailings are waste by-product materials left over from the rough processing of uranium-bearing ore. They are not significantly radioactive. Mill tailings are sometimes referred to as 11(e)2 wastes, from the section of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 that defines them. Uranium mill tailings typically also contain chemically hazardous heavy metal such as lead and arsenic. Vast mounds of uranium mill tailings are left at many old mining sites, especially in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.” And I imagine the place the Clintons were able to mill Uranium for Russia recently and whomever bought it besides Russia.”

I think we desperately need a Department of Offense.
Sometimes annexation is a good thing and I suggest we do the same as China and Russia have done recently and use the same excuse, ASAP. because if we don’t, it’s gonna be one way or another, Mexico and Central America will because of South America which has the means via the Panama Canal. 
Meanwhile, Allen Dershowitz says Republicans are playing into the hands of the Dems by Impeaching Rosenstein and instead should use Comtempt of Court on Rosenstein because of the immediate results (might get some evidence?) and if Rep’s impeach Rosenstein it will set a precedence for the Dems to impeach Trump. Impeachment and Contempt of Court is still on the table for Republicans.
Eric Swalwell Dem thinks there are enough questions and accusations of Russian Collusion (which is not a crime said Derxhowitz a while back) and obviously many Democrats and even some Republicans want to impeach Trump because of deception in the last administration which is enormous because many have been deceived on both sides of the aisle, but the evidence is Obama is the reason for the Russian collusion to help in any way possible to get Trump elected but does not mean any crime was committed in order to get Trump elected for that reason and doesn’t mean Trump knew it  at the time.  Obama was evil and everyone knows it, but is in denial. By keeping evidence out of reach gave Obama space as well
as all of the other distractions and the Dems if elected would have been able to veil his evil probably because of his trickery and enveloping them in his evil in the ways evil does evil and we would not have a chance to find out

the truth

thinking it will help them and it won’t

it will hurt them even more

This is how evil works by silencing and hiding stuff and grows exponentially and probably not too far from now it will be too late. If everyone realizes his evil I think most people will be apt to be lenient to those caught in the crossfire but takes courage. I have never seen so much maneuvering, managing, and all the other m’s as I have witnessed during the Obama Administration and so there is something there or wouldn’t need to. It isn’t just plain ole politics, we are dealing with something which could destroy the whole world and would be better if we are prepared and not allow Obama to stall everyone from the truth to accomplish his deeds I understand self preservation but, we need action now or there won’t be a self to preserve. Now Mueller is attempting to pour through Trump’ tweets after the election to prove Obstruction of Justice via Trumps tweets. He ought to check out Obamas as well  before and during the FUKISHIMA Nuclear disaster if he wants to be fair but Mueller does not represent the USA’s interests (nor Japans) he represents whomever is responsible for the nuclear accident in Japan. Things are heating up quickly and congress needs to hurry the process and consult with Dershowitz. Is Mueller taking his orders from Obama or Panetta or is this Mueller’s war? He needs to be i investigated and shut down because i think he may be guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and possibly a holocaust resulting in the deaths of a lot of people possibly aiding and abetting in intentionally hiding it or he would not have made the attempt on the heels of everything beforehand. He does not act innocent. He seems a bit freaked out so I think he knows more than he is letting on otherwise he would just allow the Congress to do their job and would have laid back a lot more.

Something BIG is going on.

Look beyond Representative Jordan’s interview and performance on Fox about the delays including a vacation. Maybe it isn’t a good idea to take a vacation at this moment and wait until you get some information you should have by now. A lot can happen in the interim. I think Republicans and Trump ought to talk to Dershowitz to find out if Contempt of Court truly is the way to handle Rosenstein in order to get the information legally sought to see if there is anything worth seeking of the evidence being withheld by the Justice Department and do it quickly. Settle it. Don’t use it for politics otherwise you may regret it and be held responsible. I’m not trying to insinuate Rep. Jordan is guilty of anything and was reminded of some accusations against him recently on Fox and it was not in my mind until I just heard it but could be a precursor to a sign. He might be a sign either way it is important and he happens to be running for Speaker of the House and like Trump is a sign as was Obama so might Jordan be a sign because of the timing to notice the sign and also think about the tortoise and the hare. I think it is relevant or could be a sign to him. Think beyond yourself and your career. Your kids? IDK. I wish I could be more specific but i’m not a prophet though it is kind of eerie that all the signs are so striking and so close. The congress is going to recess and I know they think they deserve it. It’s debatable. I haven’t had a real vacation in years and I’m sure it is true for many people besides me.

Californians are having root canals?
(Might be sign to Israel and a sign for the USA)

It’s noble to be a stooge? we are being a stooge and we need to see the forest for the trees. IF 30,000 (estimated to actually be 12.5 million illegal immigrants in the USA) people came all at one time you would notice the threat of illegal immigration and it would look like an invasion and realize just because Carter was a stooge for Iran doesn’t mean we have to follow his lead. It was a dumb deal not a done deal. It is purposeful by the RCC to take over the USA because it wants to be number one and have our weapons and our power as a country or it would not have infiltrated our country seditiously to the extent that it has done using kids and the poor and the Jesuits helped politically speaking from the inside knowing it would be the top echelon of the Roman Catholic USA. Torture is not new to the Jesuits once it has control it will be a blood bath of the poor, by the poor, and for the poor. Then next will be Canada. If it wasn’t the intent Mexico would have actively tried to stop illegal immigration and would have settled them in Mexico.and instead actually assisted our suicide. Trump may be the last President who isn’t an insider politically speaking and has got to realize the truth. THERE ARE 7 TRUMPETS WHICH MAY BE 7 YEARS biblically speaking or 8 to accomplish it one way or the other. Myself, I prefer my way. I wouldn’t take it out on the poor but the poor are being used for this purpose. The strong language of “OCCUPY” ought to ring some alarms, raise the hair on your back, and cause a strange feeing down your spine especially after the OBAMA administration. What constitutes a warning, a sign, and an omen anymore? Anything? Vatican 2? Mass murders on a regular basis? False news stories? Axis of the earth altered? Child prostitution of the likes the USA never had before to the extent we have now? Catholic persecution? Hospice? Attempts to disarm the people? 9-11? An islamic President? The mustard seed revelation? An islamic Brennan? Global Warming? Climate Change? A press out of It’s minds for the most part? The Red Scare? Lots of propaganda? Degradation of women? Loss of a huge part of the middle class? Vagrants on the streets of California en masse? Rise in suicides? A volcano eruption or two or three ….. Some volcanos? Earthquakes in diverse places? Nuclear accidents?


Think of the Panama Canal as the place a little boy


puts his finger in the hole of a dike which is getting larger and larger

and waiting for someone to notice

but it may be too late.


It would take a very smart person with a lot of courage to stop it.

The little boy yells:



(How do you drink a slurpee without a straw?)

Consider the plastic drinking straw: Why do we suck so much?

The Turtle and the Hare-Aesops Tales

Florida beaches littered with dead sea turtles; scientists blame red tide”

MIght also be the effects of Fukushima (sometimes a person dies of two diseases)

still affecting turtles depending what turtles eat and where turtles migrate because Japan has to let off nuclear waste from time to time because it is small in comparison to continents. Not like Japan has anywhere to stick it while trying to survive it in their country the affects/effects of the accident which occurred when Obama was President because of tsunami/earthquake which might have been a man-made disaster using HAARP or other installations and the hurricane may have lifted up some crap at the wrong time as the turtles were migrating. Nuclear date affected the red crabs on the west coast and into parts of Mexico affecting plankton etc which provides 1/3 of the oxygen to earth. Almost every time I eat tuna which is the disposal of the ocean I get really bad back aches affecting my sciatic nerve that usually last about a week or more and so maybe turtles ate some bad tuna? The starfish that died a bunch were dying on the west coast only have one nerve which goest through it’s body and in the mouth where fit eats and were the first sign of poison on the west coast in the Obama administration when it occurred besides radiation readings and then the red crabs and a rise in asthmatic type diseases exacerbating COPD and over ailment relating to breathing, etc and then Obama care to hide its affects on humans or to help pay for it. It had to so with the Neo-catechumenal way being pushed on the Japanese Catholics by the Roman Catholics and probably OBAMA and BIlly Graham may be responsible using HAARP or similar installations of the kind of equipment to heat up the atmosphere or ocean or lakes or rivers or land like a microwave oven cooks cooking fish cooking the water cooking the land causing droughts and wild fires and intensifying storms by seeding them causing floods and earthquakes and tsunamis and maybe even volcanos and used as a weapon of war against whomever or whatever to prove Global warming and climate change. There is a way that seemeth right unto men but leads to death and it may be referring to the Neocatechumenal Way and other things as well or including things we don’t know it does as well to further the cause of the RCC such as Hospice using all kinds of tricks to get people to subscribe to the practice. Things we don’t see as a family member or incentives and lots of ways the insurance business can be a bitch in regards to health. I know of a woman who is a relative in a way who died because of diverticulitis because she couldn’t get the right treatment nor food and it starved her causing her a lot of pain and anguish and because her doctors didn’t take her too seriously because she was a woman, a christian woman, and her choice of doctors was limited by her insurance and her doctors told her it was all in her head her pain even though she was down to about 90 or so pounds at about age 45 and she put a gun to her head during the Obama Administration. She probably liked tuna…I don’t know because at the time I didn’t know. My uncle had diverticulitis and lived to a ripe old age with other ailments as well. Global warming was a catholic idea before Gore took the reins so no one would suspect the RCC and Obama and Billy Graham I think is the way it is. Being the ones who seem to be involved and when I name the RCC I’m talking about some ….not all but nevertheless all of them exacerbate the RCC and its persecution mostly of men and women of other religions or divorcees (but mostly women for the sin of getting pregnant (causing overpopulation and abortion or for being irresistible like me, LOL JK (and American which is not appreciated by those who fought us in WWll including the Vatican undermining us with bad INTEL sometimes depending on the clergyman, usually Jesuit and why it is so secretive and noone likes to talk about it because it is a mystery of the RCC like the Jesuits are secretive. The Mystery Woman of Revelation is the RCC. ) by supporting it and acting as if the Pope is the moral authority or Holy and a direct descendent of Peter. Sea turtles live a long life normally but the food chain has been affected and are living shorter lives more than likely because of happenstance of these factors and so are people but the ocean is forgiving and tends to clean itself using mechanisms made by God such as the tuna fish and other species and maybe the Turtles will rise again in numbers.

Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Melanie – Look What They’ve Done To My Song, Ma

I saw a picture during the Obama Administration ….quite a few pictures with family members or very close resemblance to my family and one with a baby girl in a plastic bag sort of upside down asleep with a pacifier in her mouth over a man’s back like SANTA CLAUS to keep her warm in the plastic bag and I thnk a refugee in the area of Syria. Neither of my kids used a pacifier. My dad’s face on Benghzi picture in a montage with his face eaten up and others to harass me, I think. Some kind of sick psychology method probably by the RCC and the Neo-catechumenal Way. Other family members as well and my little sister threw away a bunch of pictures and my older sister took many as well and I have even seen them in some of the pictures and their kids in sick ways on the internet and both were indoctrinated by the BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelical Association)  and he was a shill for the RCC and mostly during the Obama Administration so it hasn’t been easy and on TV as well. I think it’s the tanner in ACTS Peter lived with doing it possibly or his association or who knows who stoops so low but probably a reaction to my noticing Obama at the sign when JFK was assassinated and the picture of Michelle at Benghazi that I came upon during my study of both events and might also have been planted images of them photo-shopped into a picture.  I cannot say either for sure. And even film of family members at mass murders and false flags. The Aurora theater, San Bernadino airport murder, Benghazi, and a few other places as well, Trying to mess with my brain and to try to cause me to lose it if possible hoping I might commit suicide.

The bible says to come out of her my children so you do not partake of her sins, HER being the RCC because most of it is men in the clergy and religion based on the worship of Mary and then blame women who have had an abortion for all of the above using Mother Teresa (her) and she used them. Had to have a woman do it or it might be suspicious if she weren’t a woman if she was a woman and because religions are called women because of the fear of many men to stand alone. On MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell interviewing some people in regards to Cohen says Trump knew about the meeting his son had with the Russians and showed a film of Cohen with possibly a hidden camera or one he has following him into a lobby I suppose in Washington DC but could be a press building somewhere else. In over words I have no idea where Cohen was walking but he came through some doors into an elevator lobby as people were exiting the elevator and started smiling at the previous White House Press secretary before Sarah Sanders who was exiting with a group of people on the elevator Sean Spicer and I didn’t see whether they had eye contact but Cohen acted like he knew him and smiled and turned his head around following Sean Spicer for a moment or two and Sean Spicer ignored him before Cohen attempted to enter the elevator waiting for the rest of the people to get off the elevator, Which is kind of interesting When I say ignoring maybe not on purpose like he didn’t recognize him?. Did anyone ever think maybe Trump meant his young son Barron and not his older son? I guarantee Barron did not know about the Russia meeting with his older half sibling. So I guess it wasn’t a lie if he even knew about the older son’s meeting ahead of time. I have no idea. In one photo taken of Cohen he looked an awful lot like Mueller who is investigating all of these innuendos.

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting

Reminds me of when my ex was trying to catch me in lies when we were going through some shit during or right after the divorce. So I fonud a ping pong ball and put an “I” on it and on the other side I had an eyeball drawn on it to help me not to have to lie. I wasn’t going around lying but he was trying to make somethings out of nothing to entrap me. So when he asked something I didn’t want him to know about I used the ping pong ball in my pocket to say things like “I don’t know” the “I” being the pronoun or the eyeball on the pingpong ball because neither knew. The pronoun “I” and the picture of the Eyeball on the ping pong ball didn’t have any idea what he was talking about. I had a few balls and I knew those balls didn’t know the answer to his questions. The ping pong balls came in handy. My mom was an agile player in ping pong. She would stand still and you barely saw her move and the ball was heading your way on the other side where you weren’t. Very quick and powerful. She was excellent. Even her grandson was amazed how well she played. I resented his questions and had a right not to tell him so we could try to get along and I do not like anyone attempting to entrap me because often times there are good reasons not to tell someone something because of misunderstandings and for my purpose. He asked things in order to make me look evil for an evil purpose or to portray me as a liar and in a bad light.  I thought I was being followed and watched and I think I was. I was being  persecuted in weird ways because I believe the Jesus who said I AM the way the truth and the life and so if he could catch me in a lie it would mean in his little presumptive mind mean I didn’t believe whom I believed or I was a hypocrite and/or was a liar.

When someone is trying to entrap you the person doing the entrapping has the edge because this person will try to catch you off guard. I don’t aways have my mind in a top notch frame of mind. I daydream and sometimes rest my brain or I am tired and so I got desperate and thought of a way to handle it and to help me to deal with an ass hole who had an ulterior motive for his questions and I knew it. One time I did it to get some help at a hospital without his knowledge and got a prescription for some pills to help with my nerves because of what he was doing and what was going on with my family. I was getting it from all sides and it got to be nerve racking like I was being tortured psychologically and I was being attacked and persecuted.

Trump and his family some not blood relatives are not political insiders like the Washington insiders and are subject to blackmail techniques because of their wealth and as far as his son in law or his son because of being naive to the big bad wolf. Even if he had a meeting with a russian doesn’t mean it has anything to do with Putin. Russia is a big place. Could have to do with someone in Albania like Mother Teresa or somewhere close to Russia.

I’m pretty positive Trump knew he was being filmed, watched, followed, taped. persecuted etc even before the election when he thought about being President during the Obama Administration by Obama and his minions and maybe others and probably wanted to know who was behind it or involved in it. And after when you try to drain or drag the swamp you make a lot of enemies. Like a person who has a serious illness can be complicated by other illnesses. Same with politics and religion. It was apparent when he was running for President when he was asked about his abortion stance. Often times in regards to beliefs about God and about some issues like abortion you don’t think the same thing one day as the next because you are not sure sometimes about a piece of evidence or some sign or something that happens can shake your beliefs…or faith and it is a growing process because of all the variables and possibilities to line up your belief with evidence against false signs, false evidence, false tenets etc but when you do come across evidence of some kind you have to fit it in, in other words. What was thought to be true in the past sometimes isn’t true in the present because of science or some kind of revelation and evidence presented to you or perhaps God decided to make a smaller seed in the plant world smaller than the mustard seed because he didn’t like how the church was behaving such as persecuting females and their families using Hospice for having had an abortion or females and abortion being used as the scapegoat for the sins of the church and it’s desires to rule the world with it’s short sided measure or short sightedness or science made a smaller seed possibly however I think someone who truly represented God and was saying he was his son wouldn’t have used the allegory knowing the possibilities and knowing about semen in man /INMAN. A moment is like a picture. The people in the picture change a moment later. Jesus in the Gospel of John did not use the mustard seed as a measure of faith and  measure of it’s power to move a mountain from here to there. But doesn’t mean the mustard seed doesn’t have some kind of usage besides flavor or that the amount or size of faith has some kind of power. If the bible is being changed like I witnessed I imagine some other evidence will disappear to match up with the faiths however God isn’t dumb and can do the same right behind the person doing the changing a day later or so later when least expected and it is a big book with lots of words in it and there are variations on the bible kind of like music.

I guarantee God respects families and their decisions above priests and the clergy. Priests, clergy and politics got to be too much. Pretty soon there won’t be people just clergy employees and government employees. Using hospice and illegal immigration to move around populations ain’t gonna be respected. IMO  

Over here one continent over populated so the ones that didn’t overpopulate have to kill their parents to make room for those continental populations who didn’t use birth control and control their population? IT IS A CLASH OF IDEALS. Remember when we were advised economically to have 2 to three children and we had the means and now the countries who think life begins at conception get to decide how old you get to live to once you have been born? Then because of spending some illegally by our government (and the Vatican stealing money for it’s overpopulated catholic countries) in order to pay the national debt we have to over populate to pay the nation debt? EH, EH it ain’t gpnnna happen. Even angels will be beneath humans one day but angels don’t like it and nor does the clergy being the angels, but doesn’t mean it won’t change on another day. God regulating the world instead of religion and politics (angels/clergy and men and women and animals as well) even though both continue on possibly intermittently. Like volcanos regulate the temperature. Sort of an evolution of his creation for some purpose we don’t even envision yet however I think I have some great ideas.

The ratio at this point in time is about 4-1 ……..4 people to 1 government officials of some kind and in there is clergy as well. It won’t work. Capitalism will die and so will democracy and a republic. Government needs to be smaller, not the military but government. We have to have a private sector doing business and olivia hussey while very alluring is only a pawn and being used to promote communism and her ideas will cause even more bloodshed a lot more. We will be a Jesuit country if she has her way and Jesuits are not kind when in control. but sure know how to bribe. Free this free that and oh by the way you are now a slave and you over there are a slave handler, you little one will be a prostitute, etc.  We will end up being a theocracy 

no better than IRAN.

God isn’t gonna let it happen.

I remember Ben Carson wanted the citizens to pay Washington DC a if it was the temple and it is not the temple.

By the way I think Moving on Up to the East Side actress or partly anyway is inhabiting Maxine Waters.

Trump I hope is trying to clean the swamp and a lot of people a whining loudly (mandrakes) and we need to allow him some time to see if he is on the right track. You allowed Obama and he screwed things up royally so on top of cleaning the swamp Trump has to stimulate our economy THE RIGHT WAY instead of via interest rates and stock market type maneuvers by stimulating business and strengthen our military and protect our borders while shrinking government and government waste, That is a lot to do. At least give him a couple of years left in his term to see the effects. Obama had 8 years to destroy our way of life I think Trump deserves a few years more to undo the damage done and if he can’t then we are screwed because I don’t think anyone else can at least not that I have seen of the human race or in the press by the press or for the press. Problem about how great america is doing from my vantage point is the ones getting the breaks loan wise are the illegal aliens to buy new cars and trucks illegally for their businesses and mostly white vans which help or assist , sue anyway, in transporting illegal aliens from the border and from sites where mexicans hang out waiting for a job for the day when contractors go to choose them like the unions used to do for a job to be accomplished.  I think the unions are part of the problem. we need illegals to pick avocados but not monopolizing other white collar jobs and business. The problem is hiring practices. People hire illegals because of the price undercutting undermining small businesses. At some point someone needs to make a law about hiring illegals and differentiate between hiring them for farming vs white collar jobs if it is what is creating confusion which I think it is. It’s okay if illegals work for farmers but not okay if people hire illegals for other jobs and fine them but no one will nor can regulate it hence you have to do it one way or another. The ones making the laws don’t insure the laws or enforce the laws enabling cheating by hanging out in Washington DC full-time making the laws and law makers of no value. Why bother and why bother paying the law makers if they can’t enforce the laws they make. Like a big joke on the citizens. Using illegals to cover their ineptitude purposefully. I imagine the church is making beau coups of money off of citizens access to benefits they don’;t get or have to jump through so many hoops give up on the process and illegals are able to get by saying their illegals in short order and also blaming illegals for the most part except for the few illegals who reap rewards from legal citizens who give up (aka the silent majority silenced by the bureaucracy of the Vaticanized lawmakers fucking things up because it is the plan to theocracize the USA to be used for their purpose to prop themselves. )  . ITS MOB SHIT. THE MOB OWNS OUR GOVERNMENT. Leon Panetta is part of the problem and I guarantee he is involved , very aware of the process, possibly created it, and using it to overthrow our way of life for the mob and the Vatican and other governments that support the Vatican in every way because it is profitable for a few including him. Some people going along think they will get to profit later for undermining the USA are gonna be in for a big surprise because it isn’t how it works.

Trump fans, foes break out in brawl on Hollywood Walk of Fam

some saying there might be a civil war and others a war on the border and I think both which is gonna complicate things if we don’t get our shit together and the winners will be the Vatican. The losers will be illegals, legals, citizens, and our government. The press is gonna get bloodied as well when it breaks out into a real coup which happens south of our border quite often because there won’t be cameras allowed and camera men and women and reporters ratting on the insurgents and the mob and will try to escape, but to where? The State Department? Benghazi?

“Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?””Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?””Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?””Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?””Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?””Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

Who gave the excuse to the State Department then to Susan Rice then to the press? The side kick of the Jesuit pope Francis gave the excuse about a video tape: Jesuit Frederiko Lombardi because it was planned by the Vatican as was the protest in another part of Egypt. And was planned by Obama as well and the census is not gonna help to organize or give any real information. In the bible when David numbered his people many people died. You have to believe in what it is you are doing and do it and believe in God, which is my advice to Trump. I believe what i have said all along in this post and other posts we need to take over Mexico and Central America and the Panama Canal to control and use it as a

Choke point 

and control our destiny and build the wall as a secondary deterrence but an important one which can be a kind of a cencus with out wasting a bunch of money and time on a census which won’t help one iota. Nicaragua is in a sea of change and I guess 450 people have ben killed with some kind of revolution against Ortega killed by Ortega. Masked killers is a good sign it isn’t good.It is California wanting more Federal money than other states and probably should be given the same as the least of the states and will make California more reasonable since populations and illegal populations migrate towards jobs which is the reason for those safe zones to inhabit and inhibit migration for those precious federal funds, I think, using the poor and forcing Californians to buy solar panels and prohibiting Californians from using straws hence, Slurpees. How in hell can you drink a three flavored Slurpee without a straw otherwise? a favorite of kids as a treat after school.

A reward. It may sound small but these small things make a difference in life.

The turtles are dying because of a number of reasons not only straws but Fukishima nuclear accidents, red tides, etc. Plastic in our oceans is a problem but there are plenty of other options available to contend with the problem. My older sister used to cut the plastic 6 pack binder to save dolphins before she threw the plastic binders away. I know there has to be many more better solutions than doing away with the straw. Ridiculous. Hire people to sort the trash which should be sufficient when homeowners fail to in order to reuse it and is a great opportunity business wise as are small physical toy stores since Toys R Us went out of business. There has to be someone smart enough who can invent a way to degrade plastic and ought to be a national and an international goal to fund the science of degrading plastic in our oceans and to degrade nuclear waste without sending it into the oceans ruining our food chain. (I’m sure the secret of degrading plastic is hidden somewhere in the process of making plastic or within the ingredients.) One thing I do know is if you heat plastic on a tv dinner or frozen dinner in a microwave it produces and releases a poison into the food. So microwaving might be the trouble we are experiencing. H.A.A.R.P. uses microwaves on our lands and seas which might be reacting with plastic in our oceans. If we don’t figure it out, volcanos will. The straw is an innovation worth keeping whereas the solar panel is debatable since solar panels can overheat depending on the suns solar flares and things like it and may be causing some wild fires and I’m sure the Governor of California is hiding some facts.$$$$$ Why do you think Jane Fonda divorced him?

“Cellular (cell) phones operate with radio frequencies, a form of electromagnetic energy located on the electromagnetic spectrum between FM radio waves and the waves used in microwave ovens, radar, and satellite stations. Cell phones do not emit ionizing radiation, the type that damages DNA.

“Cell towers are usually built by a tower company or a wireless carrier looking to expand their network coverage or capacity. The purpose of a cell phone tower is to facilitate the signal reception of cellular phones and other wireless communication device like telephone, television, and radio in a cellular network.”

I think Cell phones might be problematic. I know the towers which help cellphone technology are dangerous. I do not believe cell phones are innocent. If cell phones don’t affect DNA yet cause brain cancer something doesn’t fit. Cancer is a disease of DNA, is it not?

“But if the DNA damage occurs to a gene that makes a DNA repair protein, a cell has less ability to repair itself. So errors will build up in other genes over time and allow a cancer to form. Scientists have found damaged DNA repair genes in some cancers, including bowel cancer.Dec 12, 2017”

Whatever California is doing IT MUST BE WRONG.

Lately especially in the last 10 years California has on a regular basis some pretty HORRIFIC wild fires

talk about ruining the air quality that was working a while back. I would question the leadership.

Governor Jerry Brown

came on Fox and said firefighters and  Californians should be preparing for the next round of fires because this is the new norm …which i’m sure he assumes has to do with global warming/climate change though not mentioned. He is the Governor so perhaps he ought to tell his constituents HOW to prepare for the next round of fires and WHERE? WHAT IS THE PLAN?

Bathe the dogs? Write a will? Move the furniture out of state?


Ineffectual :(of a person) lacking the ability or qualities to cope with a role or situation.

Microwaving plastic affects those with breathing conditions like MSG a flavor enhancement used in Chinese cooking can cause an asthmatic to need to go to the Emergency room or stop breathing all together. Some peanut allergies as well. Somewhere in there is the answer but especially microwaving. I don’t know if microwaving is used in pasteurization to quickly eliminate some bacterias but I think the process of microwaving and the mixed with plastic is affecting our world in a bad way and quickening our demise. IT can’t be good to microwave an area in the ocean because there are fish in the area getting cooked quickly without knowing it. But I believe the process is used to heat the water and the air above to cause the strengthening of storms and used as a weapon sometimes to make hurricanes more deadly and might be partially why some wild fires start as well. I remember in Arizona some strange stories having to do with wild fires as if some were purposeful. It has been a while but there are some old news stories about it with witnesses who saw some things probably hidden now but to forward global warming policies. The Senator from Arizona ended up with brain cancer. 

Electrical Arc

“An electric arc, or arc discharge, is an electrical breakdown of a gas that produces an ongoing electrical discharge. The current through a normally nonconductive medium such as air produces a plasma; the plasma may produce visible light. An arc discharge is characterized by a lower voltage than a glow discharge and relies on thermionic emission of electrons from the electrodes supporting the arc.

An archaic term is voltaic arc, as used in the phrase “voltaic arc lamp”.”


“Techniques for arc suppression can be used to reduce the duration or likelihood of arc formation.”

“In the late 1800s, electric arc lighting was in wide use for public lighting. Some low-pressure electric arcs are used in many applications. For example, fluorescent tubes, mercury, sodium, and metal-halide lamps are used for lighting; xenon arc lamps have been used for movie projectors.”

Exploding-bridgewire detonator

“The EBW was invented by Luis Alvarez and Lawrence Johnston for the Fat Man–type bombs of the Manhattan Project, during their work in Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Fat Man Model 1773 EBW detonators used an unusual, high reliability detonator system with two EBW “horns” attached to a single booster charge, which then fired each of the 32 explosive lens units.[2][3]”

“EBWs were developed as a means of detonating multiple explosive charges simultaneously, mainly for use in plutonium-based nuclear weapons in which a plutonium core (called a pit) is compressed very rapidly. This is achieved via conventional explosives placed uniformly around the pit. The implosion must be highly symmetrical or the plutonium would simply be ejected at the low-pressure points. Consequently, the detonators must have very precise timing.”

“An EBW has two main parts: a piece of fine wire which contacts the explosive, and a high-voltage high-current low-impedance electricity source; it must reliably and consistently supply a rapid starting pulse. When the wire is connected across this voltage, the resulting high current melts and then vaporizes the wire in a few microseconds. The resulting shock and heat initiate the high explosive.[1]”

Voltaic Systems designs high performance solar panels

and solar backpacks.

I have no idea if it is related to the fires in California but might be and the company is based in New York.

IMO Solar energy is not smart in a fire hazardous area or in areas known for dangerous wild fires. Does not make sense. Nor is wind energy very smart in those areas since wind exacerbates fires. I would think water energy would be smarter like the Hoover Dam in between Arizona and Nevada on the Colorado River.  Maybe the old ways are better sometimes in some areas instead of following Gore to death.

(EBW/WEB 531 CAR?ARC 351 this has to do with language (numbers) and the 153 fish caught at the sea of Galilee a code or time code having to do with some things noone wants to believe exist. but may have to do with the dams built in the Egyptian area and the things (temple plans and entrances-doorways and some egyptian artifacts given as a gift to the President’s wife’s because of her donations at the time for the unearthing of some things for the help given for building the dams when living in Manhattan. SOUNDS WEIRD but so are a lot of things. ASWAN DAM 153 and some other dams were also built….A MAD SWAN and one place in Manhattan was beneath Jackie Kennedy’s apartment which showcased some of those things. I never saw those things but heard about them. I think the items were in the Metropolitan Museum on 5th avenue at least for a while..one doorway/archway in particular having to do with some ancient temples and arches/doorways and the egyptian goddess called ISIS. One was put in Spain somewhere I don’t know the location of the others but one was rebuilt wrong having to do with those numbers sequences..Sort of a code of words as is Akbar  I think means Barak)

Hot Weather Spells Trouble For Nuclear Power Plants

Let’s ruin our country and take away all the pleasures in LIFE so we can bow to the RCC and ISLAM.

Any way the ping pong ball lesson is not a lesson on lying but on not lying when in dire straits or being persecuted for no reason other than divorce from a catholic or jealousy because it sure didn’t happen before then trying to prove it is impossible and I proved it isn’t. IMO

Now one news outlet is saying Kimberly Guilfoyle left Fox news for sexual misconduct. I think it’s because she was dating someone Fox or parts of Fox don’t like and possibly trying to control her or use her because of who she was dating and because she is a female. She is a lawyer and I highly doubt she was gonna allow herself to get used after what has occurred at Fox in the last few years..specifically Bill O’reilly. Fox better watch out or whoever it was the story was in which at the moment I don’t know but it was on the internet and then I heard a different rumor from my ex about her which is not believable so someone is out to destroy her character for some reason.  She may not know why yet but could be we will see later why something she doesn’t know she saw, possibly. Kind of like what I witnessed of Sean Spicer getting off the elevator seemed kind of an odd filming and when you can’t even get off an elevator without impugning your reputation it can be scary. Everyone is gonna start moving to the countryside.

At least Sean Spicer isn’t afraid of getting on an elevator with a woman, but Billy Graham was and Vice President Pence won’t go to lunch with a woman. Billy Graham wouldn’t get on an elevator with a woman. After seeing a movie once with the elevator killer I can see why people might be afraid to get on an elevator alone with a woman alone or a woman might be afraid to get on an elevator with a bunch of guys but other than this situation what Billy Graham said was kind of funny in sight of the innuendo all in fun SORT OF about Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. She has quite a bullyishness about other females and especially females who have had an abortion and never brings Hospice into the limelight because I know she knows the relationship her faith has justified between the two issues. She would have to be blind and she probably doesn’t appreciate my lip jokes but was hard to avoid. IT was a great temptation for me so I allowed myself the luxury of using a few pictures which were funny. I imagine she was very competitive with Kimberly Guilfoyle. Did Laura InGraham model lingerie when she was younger? I doubt it. There is a reason for that. I think it’s called a natural sex appeal but there are other reasons too. Laura InGraham got the job at Fox because she was outspoken about abortion and is using it as a bully pulpit for the church, using aborted fetuses for her own purposes which I do not think are above the fray. SALARY< SALARY< SALARY. She is into persecution of other women because she isn’t really user friendly towards other women unless they think exactly like her and probably thinks her motherhood is perfection. I doubt it. She didn’t get pregnant to have a child, did she, though she is a mother. So let her go to Calcutta and raise some OPK’s but don’t complain if they cry too much and don’t complain about immigration legal or illegal.

DeNuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is not like instant self gratification

said on a news station just now by an assistant to Colin Powell

in other words Slurpees are an instant gratification 

however children grow up very fast

and still like them.

You don’t reward or punish a kid a year or two later either.

Santa Claus is coming to town

A thousand years is a day as a day is a thousand years.

One lady on Fox said you are the company you keep which is not true and said she holds her 7 year old daughter to a higher standard than many people do the President. Not true. (IF her 7 year old daughter were running for the office of President I dare say we would have seen her in videos being prostituted by her mom). Many don’t believe what we are hearing on tv because of sound studios and ways to replicate and make a voice be a different voice since there is so much which seems ridiculous and seems to be entrapment and building which is kind of how entrapment works.  It’s a Fox trick to keep a story alive. Why didn’t Cohen say some of the stuff he is saying now a month ago since he knew it a month ago. Because he was hoping the President would say something to make him seem guilty. !00 tapes. That is a lot of taping. You can do lots of damage with 100 tapes of a person’s voice and words and rearrange words. I hope someone besides Mueller and Cohen has those 100 tapes. She was smiling and I don’t think what she was saying is really something to be smiling about though it isn’t a crime.  I don’t have a problem with his son meeting a russian lawyer trying to find dirt on Hillary in order to win an election because I know Hillary was doing the same as was Obama and I know there is a lot of dirt on Hillary and Obama. It’s politics and politics is a dirty business. It would have been much better to have a video tape of the president saying the same things that are on the tape like the mayor who got caught talking about some drugs deal in the DC area and it was obvious he said what he said because of the video tape. It was crack. Remember? Marion Barry?

Isn’t there a UN law about investigating someone from another country is okay but not in your own countrymen? Someone hired the russian lawyer from the USA trying to get a bite such as the Trumps son or anyone who might bite and ought to be subject to an investigation. I think it is how it works.

Why didn’t Cohen take videos? He is taking videos now? to match voice, face, words, sentences, inflections etc. Because more than likely  it wouldn’t turn out right to be used as an election tool to undermine the track the Trumps are on to drain the swamp. I wonder if she is somewhere in the swamp? Acts like it. Get your daughter a Slurpee and shut up. We don’t need to hear your bs and it isn’t gonna change ONE SINGLE VOTE one way or the other.

Joyce Vance a lawyer on Rachel Maddow show says the meeting

has to with adoptions vs what? abortion?

Actually she had three possibilities of what the meeting had to do with all very different none really relating to the other inane way and none seemed logical but it’s a catholic trail like Hansel and Gretyl leaving bread crumbs and the birds eat it up so the kids can’t find their way home and get stuck with the witch of ENDOR who ties to eat them but Gretyl outsmarted the witch. They do escape as I recall.

Was she at the meeting? Who is feeding her imagination? Rachel? I think so. It sounds like Rachel to me.

Melanie Safka – Some Say (I Got Devil)

“In the Hebrew Bible, the Witch of Endor is a woman who summons the prophet Samuel’s spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel.”

She needs to get her kid a Slurpee and herself one too.

Everyone is talking bout Russia but Russia

Sean Hannity and Leslie Marshall

Then Leslie Marshall said on Fox that Trump demanding money for the wall is tantamount to her kid wanting something at the grocery store and having a tantrum. Hardly the same thing. Does she actually do her own grocery shopping with her kid or does her nanny shop for her? The wall might actually save her kids life though she may never know. Trump is not having a tantrum but attempting to keep a promise which is a no no for the democrats to allow it and even though the wall isn’t failsafe but a deterrent. She or someone said the Republicans may lose some seats if he insists on a Government shut down to get the money for the wall.  OH WELL.  Some weak seats which in the long run might be worth losing. We have to have some structure to differentiate between the USA and Mexico before there is no difference if and when Sean Hannity will have to prove his courageous assertion of putting his life on the line for a fellow journalist or press person/agent. What about hospice? Will he put his life on the line and have a few shows or more about the atrocity and how it became so widespread via The Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits, Mother Teresa and the Pope?

In other words he is full of shit!

Jesus said before dawn you will have denied me three times.

Peter said the same thing to Jesus about defending him as Hannity says to every fellow journalist and press person

except for the women more than likely.

FELLOW IS THE KEY WORD HERE! He won’t even do it for the fellows if push comes to shove which it might.

There is a question below for him and consider it asked three times. Not comparing Cohen to Jesus but comparing Hannity to Peter!

It would be very nice is if there were a station in each state built and easily identifiable at the wall where illegals applying for legal entry can find and travel to in order to seek citizenship or asylum instead of a willy nilly lack of specificity as to where to inquire and to get information and the papers needed to apply. Some guy from Canada says they are housing illegals in hotels. As I recall during the Vietnam war when some americans were seeking an escape from serving during the draft it wasn’t very easy to enter Canada. So I think Canada may be mocking the USA for not having a wall if it is needed. If we were serious about keeping up with illegals when caught or entering in the USA illegally to treat them as you do a prisoner with some kind of a comfortable leg ankle device used for some people who are under arrest for non violent crimes but under house arrest in their homes etc but not for the illegals just the anklet device which cannot be taken off until they are legal with information and a receiver (location and ID) which can take messages you need to be here at such and such a time for a citizenship discussion or language class but can work and earn money and live and learn and apply for citizenship but may not vote and so they are easily located and also will help to deter crime having a recording of where they have been or haven’t been when crimes occur tracking them. A footprint of their whereabouts that cannot be infringed upon by the mob or anyone else. Could be helpful to them and a protection against the illegal being used by the mob or prostituted by the mob because illegals are in kind of a bind and are easily abused. I think it would be helpful as long as it is comfortable and they can read it as well while putting on their shoes in the morning as long as it isn’t abusive to do to an illegal which I don’t think it has to be abusive but smart. Gives them an opportunity to prove their lawfulness while having freedom and save ICE agents at the same time from having to watch them and protect us and them and let the agent in charge of the illegal handle the logistics of their temporary disposition. (First come first serve and merit their citizenship at the same time.) I think everyone wins if someone could devise some kind of immigration system and then if perchance a few illegals do get involved in some kind of legal bind or a crime but not violent crime could be under house arrest (restriction) if need be. I think older illegals are less likely to get caught up in something as are teens who tend to get in trouble easily. Do this until they are legal and have the ceremony and can take off their shackles. Have a two year or more trial period for each person. Then they won’t need safe zones and can find a job and live wherever it is until legal and even be able to take vacations etc Get Rudy Guiliani or hire Rudy Guiliani to get a team of people together to find them jobs at businesses who need workers like farms and businesses where USA citizens are not attempting to apply for jobs and fill some needs all over the country like he did in New York City when he was mayor for those who were living on the streets. Make him the overseer of his team and do it legally and will help achieve trust or less paranoia because it will be under some kind good management of those who want to be citizens. Let them be tax free and the same for the employer while in their trial period so they aren’t used wrongfully for tax purposes or for political purposes and unable to vote while in their shackle and  yet able to get their feet wet. Call them wet-feets instead of wet-backs and the kids able to go to public schools and then have access to other schools and colleges when they gain citizenship. Start out with a certain number of people a year until the problem of illegal immigration/illegal immigrants has subsided, diminished, and is under control. Do a trial period of the illegals legalization system and see if it works for a couple years and improve upon it yearly as everything else and tackle it. Then replace them with new illegals in those jobs to build the businesses or farms and try to help the legalized illegals find other work. An interim period of a year or two or more and let them go. Family by family. The employers can pay for their health care to certain degree agreed upon and maybe even a tax break for hiring and for their health care. Rudy Guiliani was a great mayor of New York City during a horrible event and I think did a great job and I think could work with the other mayors pretty well even female mayors having good experience under his belt might also be able to assist other mayors and their troubles if they want it in regards to illegal immigration and jobs while not stepping on USA citizens and their employment opportunities at the same time. But Hannity has served a purpose to utterly confuse the average citizen in regards to the Russian collusion accusation however I think if he dared he might go back a little and investigate Banghazi and the families involved like Ambassador Christopher Stevens mom and dad brother and sister and try to make sense of it and the other people involved instead of acting like it isn’t important anymore and

and get Rush Limbaugh in on it as well

to figure out


anyone would want to collude with Russia

in regards to the election

after the attack at Benghazi

before you pat each other on the backs so much it gets disgusting.

Isn’t Michael Cohen your lawyer as well? A real estate investor lawyer?

Can you tell us a little more about it?

After writing the stuff about Hannity Fox started their thrashing about abortion. TYPICAL!

So looks as if the persecution is back on! It is a great temptation.

Its not prophecy but the difference between prophecy and predictable. An auto magic reaction.

Melanie Safka – Some Say (I Got Devil)

The difference is Jesus also said FEED MY SHEEP and IT didn’t.

Michael Cohen Debuts the Art of the Squeal

The Catholic press has done a fantastic job of corrupting the USA. It should be destroyed. The Vatican needs to b destroyed, And then reassess the situation. It really needs to be done away with. Every time I say to my ex it is the Vatican who is causing this shit he poo-poos the idea which means i’m right. He starved his mom in absentia and I know it isn’t right under any circumstances, He was not tricked into it however he may have been tricked up to the point somehow I have seen a lot of bad stuff and one thing leads to another thing and pretty soon you are wondering how the hell did we get to this point? Lots of misunderstandings and imaginations and definitely lies and much more piling on and is a distraction for what happened during the Obama Administration. I have seen one lie grow into a huge bunch of crap but it wasnt what made it grow it was something surrounding it like a mist and some of it i think may have been a lack of sympathy and a lack of understanding and lack of good communication skills with a ton of things  to busy ourselves while the devil sowed seed while we weren’t watching. Trusting way too much!

I shopped with my sister for wedding stuff for her outfit (Mother of the bride) having a great time then the next day (actually a few days later) she was with her friends acting like a totally different person HAUGHTY and I helped her pick out the dress to be HAUGHTY in towards me. Shopping with my sister was not an easy task. TOOK HOURS i could have lived without experiencing and been better off especially since the marriage was a very short marriage ending about a year later or so and boy the money spent was enormous which created other problems. INSANE. Her friends could have cared less about her because her friends weren’t really her friends. I cared about her. UNBELIEVABLE. Her friends would have never done that with her. NOr would they have put olive oil in their hair at the beach at her suggestion because she heard it was good for the hair. it was dripping off of us. There were so many things I did and my parents did for her and with her and she got mixd up with the wrong group. the sign for mews when she told me not to call her by her name we grew  up knowing her with and to call her by her real name at the office. IT was a nick name but it was also intimate family name we were accustomed to calling her. IF I forgot and I did a few times she made a big deal about it more than she should have. It was like getting formal with my older sister and at the time we had been best friends even after everything. I was going through some stuff as well and she never cared that I was. There were other signs over the years but we as a family sort of excused it. It was all we could do because it wasn’t up to us it was up to them. I drove 40 minutes one way to walk with her because of her schedule etc and to get exercise together. Her friends would not have done it, Probably will now. I think she might have been entrapped herself or someone entrapped her and it became a self preservation response instead of LET’S TALK. The loss on the stock market really did them in and it was not my fault. I had nothing to do with it except for the fateful phone call which  changed everything. He should have told his client, my uncle. My uncle probably should not have called me and I should have told them he called but when I went to her house she was with her friend from college married to a banker and she said “It is harder for a person with money to lose it than for a person who never had money” A CUE and my sister was not acting happy and very pissed off about it. So like i’m really gonna admit it then and then she lost her dream home and had to move down to a 4 bedroom 3 bath house large kitchen, 2 living room house with a pool and a jacuzzi. It was tough for her. I had never owned a home and this was their 6th or 7th or more home in succession. She was getting 250 thousand dollars a year to fritter away from his family each year. I never got an allowance. So he lost a lot of money obviously more than he should have whatever it was. I wish I had not known and I wish he had told my uncle his client whom he schmoozed to use his money with some grand idea he had in Options trading. He should have told him and I think is the rules. Obviously was avoiding him for quite a while. I don’t know maybe the investment was under the table. I also had been putting up with a lot of shit from her husband trying to be nice about it for years and years as best I could for her and her kids and for the family. Then she hospiced my mom without telling me for 2 weeks and called me. I had sent some emails informing family what was going on because I felt like my mom was in danger hoping it would help to be a deterrence and so they would know and it did the opposite. We had already had meetings and stuff before hand but it did not stop her from acting up to blame me, so I guess the deal was only a one sided deal against me and then my mom who had nothing to do with it other than be related and concerned when she was able to be concerned. It was all I could do. My sister wrote back and said it had some real zingers in the letters I sent. I told her I can send more if you would like, and hoping her family would help her and prevent what she did. They were aware of Gary’s problem. Everyone was aware even her friends and out of love might have stepped in to stop them and said DON’T! My other sister called me the devil and satan, etc. Everywhere i stepped I was stepping into a trap though trying to avoid it but when someone is after you and is evil it is hard to avoid getting muddy and getting dirty. I decided to dive in and spread the dirt because it was the only way to come out okay. So I began writing putting it together the way I remember it from my perspective and it started to gel to make sense of some really strange things which could have been avoided if my sister wasn’t so dead set on retaliation. What I didn’t know was what she was doing behind my back over the years to make people distrust me. so everything I did was under a microscope and I didn’t realize it. I kind of felt it sometimes. IF I wore shorts at the beach it was kind frowned upon even though the shorts outfit was cute. I had a right to wear it at the time, now I don’t but at the time I did. Pretty screwy. We went to dinner and as I got up her husband came up to me and whispered in my ear about my undies. What was I supposed to repeat it to her? Didn’t she wonder what he was saying in my ear. She didn’t know what he was saying but that he had a problem and was her problem as well and everyone else’s in a way but it was not our call. I don’t know what personality problems he may have caused in her but he spread his malfeasance to her and I think he did cause something to change in her because she was not like it until he screwed her up with the help of the church and her friends and the real-estate business and their family. He was the KIRCHER SON. The Son of the President of Conoco Oil. So if your kid or friend or family is involved with the BGEA or the RCC get them out if you can.

I’m so sorry your husband molested me in my sleep while sleeping next to you. I don ‘t know what came over me? What made me do it?

In regards to the lady in red above in this post whom I recognized a while back in her speech yet her name is different who said for Trum to go ahead an be impeached and it would be good for him and really was a strange thing to say if she were pro Trump

King James Bible
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

It is apparent quite a few people are freaked about a private meeting with Putin. I wonder what it means? IS the Vatican scared? IS Panetta scared?

Do Not Allow THE PRESS TO CONTROL THE PRESIDENT which is what is being attempted.

(It is worth a try, I would think.)

I failed to mention I would be watching her but wasn’t not going to not watch her and then she just stumbled: the same lady in red on Fox (IHS) who said for Trump to go ahead and be impeached and it would be good for him (BRIBE-TRICKERY) earlier is defending CNN in regards to COHEN because CNN would love to mess up TRUMP in regards to the tapes. UNBELIEVABLE but didn’t know about the many tapes and in regards to a reel to reel taping device vs cassettes which click off when full. Somethin’ in there which does not pass the mustard test. Trying to bribe/trick the President is not just anyone so it has to be something big doing it like the IHS (JESUIT SOCIETY) using the power of the press. THINK about it THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA!

BLATANT IN YOUR FACE BRIBERY! related to the General! 


“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”  I hit a nerve. I gather Avenatti doesn’t like Rudy Guiliani?

I don’t like merit based immigration. I don’t even know what it means and by whose standards.??? I don’t think it should be used but I think we need legal immigration which works and most of the people who want in the USA want work as do the citizens, like it used to be, and it should not be as hard as it has been made out to be so obviously it is being used as election bait on both sides of the aisle. One side doesn’t like the cheaper labor and the other does, businesses competing big vs small and medium, when we can have both without unions if TRUMP would think in those terms which I think might be the catalyst (unions) inhibiting success of  legal immigration and it shouldn’t be if we want a free country in favor of our country over other countries and their businesses which are competing with ours. I understand the old days needed unions but imo unions are a thing of the past and became the mob ….competition and free/fair trade is the key. North America first, whereas America includes other countries besides the USA which are south of our border. We have some major problems south of the borderI’m gonna try to write about one instance on a different page as soon as a finish somme stuff  but it is really scary stuff and not sure I won’t to breach it but in the other hand I feel I should but then again maybe I shouldn’t I don’t know, but is pretty weird. MER is a french word which means sea as in SEE? the Holy See? So I hope Trump isn’t playing word games with the citizens of the US because it is hard to trust anyone these days and he needs to build trust with the citizens first and with illegals next since most are non practicing catholics but still messed up by the religion because of culture and the spiritual world influencing them. I know I have learned about non practicing catholics and they might as well be catholic living on old customs. Me Tarzan, you Jane. Takes a lot of retraining to get anywhere near normal especially on the male side of the aisle so I think Trump would do well to clear it up and make the necessary changes in his bid for the Republicans so we can have a better understanding of his true intentions. Hard to trust his Supreme court pick but I am hoping it is not going to be used against women and girls one iota  because I have a feeling if so the USA will resist in short order. Kavanaugh needs to make it clear his intentions in regards to abortion to keep his paws off the rights of females and their families and he ought to campaign against Hospice to be convincing. Both ought to or I won’t be convinced at all of both people and will be looking forward to prophecies which limit their rights without delay. The last thing we need are people in office who are afraid to talk about it just because it was a trick of Fox. Fox had no right to use it as the Republican litmus test since many many Republicans have had abortions and are in the county Republican party establishments throughout the nation and especially knowing about the sperm being a living organism with millions of living versions of dna swimming about and mustards seeds do not swim. Mustard seeds float like anything does in salty water a little longer than in fresh water but nevertheless mustard seeds don’t swim nor have a goal.

Unions are kind of the same and have goals such as putting other people out of business while sucking off their host. I remember when the car businesses up north failed run by unions and a bunch of michiganders came south and took a bunch of jobs to the right to work states and really screwed things up and the union bosses came south too and seems like it ruined a lot of other businesses. A Union Plague. Which is one good reason why open borders is not a good idea because it is a precursor to ruining business usually the smaller slower growing businesses and medium businesses. I know the marijuana trade is the big kahuna in California causing a lot of immigration problems and in turn causing other businesses to have to take on the burden trying to limit marijuana grown in the USA because it likes to be the gateway drug for the Vatican. It has to be protected and controlled like wine and beer otherwise it will fail. I like marijuana as an alternative to booze but not if it isn’t controlled and kept safe from the mob but seems to be an invitation to the mob. I think we need some smart open minded people to take on the task and will help some sick people and the population distress and stress of the everyday person going through some pretty rough times (especially during the Obama terms and since 9-11) even though employment is up and we have a president who understands business but needs to understand the stress those who did not grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth and the contentedness of the population helps and MOST IMPORTANTLY women and girls rarely get raped or impregnated during marijuana parties. Booze is USUALLY a HUGE factor in unwanted pregnancies. They tend to be more interested in fast food restaurants than sex. Marijuana is good for the fast food businesses and good for restaurants as well and especially healthy ones late at night. Catholic even non practicing catholics are much nicer when high on marijuana then straight or on booze or beer. Population control within limits instead of hospice. The stuff that needs to be more controlled is booze. IMO and any place that serves it should be OBLIGATED to serve food with it and a free cup of coffee before traveling. If our country wants to exceed other countries we need to do things right for the people with their interests in mind and the people will be more interested in being better citizens. Give and take and is gonna take some honesty to get to that point. OUr democracy is waning in the honesty department and needs a good dose of it to be good leaders and a good society and not high all the time or drunk on our selves or we will all go down to the pit of no return. I should nit have had to hear so many people in the press talking about abortion as if it was the epitome of evil and all I see is a bunch of assholes (moral laurels) putting on airs who are far more immoral than the average person in the country and much more harmful and causing some big problems to the children who deserve better if allowed to be born and a hope for a good future. I don’t believe everything I read or hear till I see it affect my kids in a good way and myself swell and I think a lot more work needs to be done to make our kids feel safe and sound. SOUND in the vernacular meaning SANE. The press and those making the news in the news aren’t helping and are causing some of the crime and mass murders by not reporting truthfully and playing games, psychological games, and it is gonna blow up in the faces of those causing it eventually.  I think it’s the influence of the Vatican and Islam of course from what I have been able to access to undermine our country and the goals of a wall which needs to be taken seriously. We are sitting next to a country that if you enter armed in the back of a truck by mistake which is easy to do because of the traffic design the officials in Mexico will arrest you without due process and chain you to a bed in a cell for months and sometimes beat you. It is not a good neighbor at this point. the main religion is Catholicism which does not seem to be able to contain crime or sustain a society very well and resorts to hospice instead of the job of teaching. we can act like religion has nothing to do with it but it is dumb. The Jesuit Pope Francis even mentioned preferring ignorance which is dumb. Mexico is like almost as bad as the country of Algeria in the past and it is spreading into our country with mass shootings, mass graves of students and since it was first noticed over there more than likely it has moved over here to mess with us. Congress is remiss and ought not to be voted back in until Trump is given the money for a wall. Too bad it has to be that way but crime has risen and so have wild fires and some very bad things going on which should not be going on. Cause and effect. The press is more interested in Trumps past affair than with the true cause of wild fires and the insurance scam and other scams mentioned more than likely are also behind it and much more I’m sure like Revelation. We can stall it more than likely by being smart or we can hasten it by being dumb.  I thought the USA was better than Algeria and Mussolini. Boy, was I wrong.

Trump ought to shut down the government WITHOUT PAY for employees of the government including the congress until given the money to build a wall and excluding the military and vets, and those protecting our border who should receive double pay in the place of the employees that are not needed.


50 Of Robin’s “Holy” Sayings From “Batman”

Sheppard Smith snickers: Why did Sheppard Smith snicker when reporting about the history of Gen. Kelly with Trump? What is funny about it? I think it’s a mistake to keep him on but not sure it is necessary for Sheppard Smith to snicker about it but laid himself open as a possible retard against Trump and an enemy to Trump, IMO to snicker about it. I guess rumors abounded about Gen. Kelly’s retirement or firing by Trump but maybe Sheppard Smith doesn’t really know anyway. Something about his snicker makes me think something about the report is false? Something about the reports by Shepard Smith and his strange humor is way beyond normal. THE WORST SHOW ON FOX BUT BATMAN WAS PRETTY BAD TOO. HEHE Is Gen. Kelly Foxes man? Who cares? In any case maybe Trump is keeping his enemy close. A bird in his hand. I know he is an enemy to the country but people like to use people and enemies to get information they would not otherwise be able to evaluate. I evaluate Sheppard Smith as a sadistic fuckhead but other people like him or he wouldn’t be on his show which is a show supported by the Vatican. Never mentioning it hardly but most people are not as dumb as Sheppard Smith once they are given some evidence and Sheppard Smith is evidence of a guy headed to eternal fuckedness and he doesn’t seem to mind because he is so fucked which is usually the case with guys who are headed to eternal fuckedness. Way over the top. I can’t stand the guy and think he deserves a a broom up his ass and reminds me of my ex on a good day. BADA BOOM. KPOW. CREEPERS JEEPERS  and all the other batman/robin language he learned as a child. Maybe the general flipped knowing he has been fingered. Home, home on the grange.

 Excuse my french.

Today I asked the ex while he was brushing his teeth if he would answer a good question. And he prodded me to go ahead and ask. I said I’ll wait till you are done brushing your teeth but he wanted me to ask him the question anyway. I said “If the vatican is no big deal how did Mother Teresa get her hospice business into 500 parishes and 135 countries?” I said, “Your business is only in one city area.” He didn’t really answer the question and gave a sound of exasperation. Then he said “your hatred for them is…..” and didn’t finish the sentence. Then he left the house barely saying goodbye. Obviously the Vatican has an edge business wise throughout the world against other competing businesses and ideas and is a hindrance to free and fair trade and a hindrance to freedom of religion. and should be limited and possibly fined for monopolizing religions and businesses. Can Trump handle the RCC and like Roosevelt and Taft put the RCC/Vatican to the test with the Sherman Anti Trust Act.

“Approved July 2, 1890, The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts.”

How about Mike Pompeo? Can he file a law suit against the Vatican

for the sake of religious equality, for the sake of religious freedom, and against religious persecution?

Will he?

It might slow down some unpleasant things.


Girdle the turtle, Myrtle!

Melanie – Lay Down (Candles in the Rain (1970)

After todays Press Conference briefing by the heads of some branches of our government before the White House briefing by Sarah Sanders and after hearing about the three pillars by Christopher A Wray of the FBIs plans, my thoughts are

Wouldn’t it be easier to surrender to Russia, infiltrate our government,

and then have a coup? 

(It’s like watching a friendless person trying to re-invigorate his Herbalife business) What was the point?

Tucker says people are the choices they make responding to Miss Jong

who said some racist PROGRESSIVE statements about white people.

WONG WONG WONG Both are wong….actually all three are wrong including the woman who conversed with him on his show about Miss. Jong. Why is everyone afraid to talk about OBAMA? This kind of shit did not happen until he infected everyone with his shit.

Why would Fox use Mark Fuhrman as their expert on the evidence or the motive on mass shootings this in regards to the mass shooting at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas? I watched the woman on Fox talk about the event with the Fox star of outnumbered Harris Faulkner and the Sheriff who has a lot to hide and has been acting guilty for long time and every time I see him it is obvious he is guilty and who has closed the case without answers to many unanswered questions for the victims and their families and friends. He knows more than he is revealing and it will be revealed whether he likes it or not and Mark Fuhrman will also be revealed as a fake and a shill. COUNT ON IT.

Both Mark Fuhrman and the Sheriff are LOSERS. His name should be LOBOMARTYR but his real name is Joseph Michael Lombardo and Mark Fuhrman name should be Mark Fuhrer as in a Nazi and a woman hater. Jesuit Federiko Lombardi (sidekick to Jesuit Pope Francis) was the man who gave the video tape excuse to Susan Rice in regards to the reason there was a rally at Benghazi and inEgypt besides the two coups which killed some americans and Sen John Kerry and someone else (a general in Africa at the time) whisked away 30 witnesses to Germany to debrief the witnesses and then to silence the State Department employees and hit Hillary in the head to delay her from testifying and to replace her as the head of The State Department for a while and I’m


What was the meeting Trump had with Putin in Finland and what did it mean? Why doesn’t Leon Panetta know what the meeting was about?

He ought to know! It was probably about him.

I guess Jong came up with one excuses for her perceived hatred which I think was merely to demonstrate a lot of hypocrisy but anyway why is MSNBC allowed to show the nightly show about violent deaths and violent crimes solving and some unsolved mockingly? The narrator is sick and it is a violent show and demonstrates how to commit crimes in a realistic kind of way and how to avoid getting caught to a sick mind and I have often wished it would be taken off the air. as I recall Sheppard Smith and many on Fox were trying to lie us into a war over the Ukraine and Crimea against Russia. Is that inciting violence or just inciting sanctions which sometimes lead to starvation but not for the leaders but the people or how about North Korea and Iran? How about Yemen when everyone knows Iran and Saudi Arabia work together? Gonna take Saudi Arabia off the internet?  What about 9-11? Yet we cower to them for their oil and our interests? I don’t but the USA does ad so does Europe. what about the secretive plans of the Vatican that aren’t published but is their plan to take over the world with it’s religion as does Islam. It’s okay? What about the videos of people getting decapitated on Fox for the religion of Islam to scare the shit out of everyone yet no one dares to do a thing about it.


In the bible there are a few bad transparencies who affect people’s minds sometimes to make bad choices or to make racist statements or to appease Obama and why people are afraid to confront Obama who is evil by not talking about him in a bad light same with Mother Teresa. Fox refuses to talk bad about Mother Teresa in any form or fashion and she made some VERY VERY VERY bad choices and afraid to talk about the Roman Catholic Church which heeled to make those bad choices and Fox is making a bad choice by not confronting her choice or the Roman Catholic Church and only confront Obama on a political realm. There is way more to life and to it than politics. Fox is afraid to talk about an evil religion as well which propped both. Does freedom of religion mean we can’t talk about religions? Does freedom mean we can’t talk at all? It appears to be the case. I thought it was called politically correct to not talk about religion but has edged over into the meaning of freedom and it is not freedom. Her tweets or whatever she used exposed Tucker Carlson on his idea that people are the choices they make. So if he eats a drumstick he is a drum stick? We often say you are what you eat. Not true of course and not to be taken seriously. If you have never had the right food because there wasn’t any good food, was it a choice? The same goes for freedom of the press. It isn’t freedom of the press if you can ‘t discuss the press in a bad light but today Sarah Huckabee was accosted for Trumps views about bad press which some press are sometimes bad and some press are bad most of the time. Freedom of the press includes criticism of the press. It is pentacostal not to allow derision since it is the epitome of derision. Same with intel. Some intel is not good and are run by people who are not providing good intel. Probably because of religion but everyone won’t talk about religion because some people think it’s freedom of religion not to talk about religion as a possible and probable cause for some problems everyone seems to suffer from. We will never be a good country until we can talk about it in a bad light sometimes. Billy Graham of the BGEA made a deal with a bunch of preachers to never talk bad about each other. I think it might have been a covenant. A bad covenant.

A false covenant.

Possibly it was the False Covenant spoken of by Daniel in the Old Testament and I think it was in the New Testament as well and I wrote  about it as to why the Last Supper is so different after I compared the Last Suppers to the Last Supper in the Gospel of John.

The Q Source

During the last Trump rally on Fox some people in the audience were holding up signs which read “We are Q.” I asked the ex if he saw it and he read on the internet it means people against the Deep State but Q represents the anonymous authors of the Synoptic Gospels of the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke because all three names given to the gospels are not the real authors but borrowed from some of the apostles names to give credence to the authors because of not knowing who the authors were in reality, Q represents Quelle a french word which means to PUT DOWN a rebellion or can also mean WHAT. From German “the WELL” or “the SOURCE” Wikipedia says The Gospel of Matthew and Luke used the Gospel of Mark for it’s  source as well as Q. Like in the show Star Trek about the Starship Enterprise and it’s nemesis Q sometimes a friend (ami) but in real life to support the Gospel of Mark, I guess. Basically, three witnesses vs one witness of the Gospel of John (but actually 2). Supposedly the Gospel of Matthew was written first and Mark and Luke used the Gospel of Matthew to draw it’s information from and then there are other versions. But there is the argument you only need two witnesses I have heard  in Jewish law, but I have no idea if it is true or was true. Sometimes it feels like the gospels written on paper sometime or other someone tossed the papers in the air like my brother would sometimes do when we played the card game called War and call it the 52- card pickup. The bible keeps changing especially since the beginning  of or the middle of the Obama Administration as I have explained, somewhere around the time of the timing of Benghazi when the prophecy of Daniel was moved to the Gospel of Matthew standing where it should not. It was a sign. In 1963 was the Vatican 2 when a bunch of people got together via the RCC towards the goal of making the Gospel of Matthew the pre-eminent gospel even though it was the first gospel in the New Testament because of the genealogy and the birth of Jesus but the genealogy is debatable and some other books of the bible in the Old Testament seem to indicate it is highly debatable and you can find some evidence of the debateabillity of the genealogy in a few posts I wrote and with supporting evidence written by other people’s work linked in the posts which is found on Merangue’s blog. Actually they were the basis of my posts because of suspicions I was having which had to do with the differences between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic gospels in many instances and events and the versions of The Last Supper and seemed to indicate a covenant in the Synoptic Gospels not found in the Gospel of John. The Book of Daniel mentions a false covenant, but I think there were more than one false covenant but instead  I think there were a few false covenants.

So those signs may mean a possible group of people who are going to investigate.

or a group of people who are going to put down a rebellion

but depends on what you call a rebellion. 

(DID YOU KNOW THAT POPE BENEDICT XVl was born in an Inn called Marti Inn in Germany on Easter day?)

After writing about the turtle I saw on the news about Milly Tibbitts missing a girl who was living in Iowa (which happens to be the state where elections begin) place called Montezuma Iowa while jogging possibly. She was about to go to the Dominican Republic for a mission or for studies? Anyway the sheriff of the area and a woman named Medina  who told about missing persons data were speaking in a news conference about her status. The ay before was a news about funding her reward for ending her to give to the person who finds her. So far the police have found a red shirt near a pig farm near where she worked in a daycare center about 18 miles away or so. Obama called Sarah Palin a fish or a pig with lipstick or both when running against her in the elections because she is Evangelical I think and was taken under Franklin Graham’s wings during the Obama Administration she also happened to have lived in Alaska and was Governor of the state which also is the location of H.A.A.R.P. a place which has the microwave power to do all sorts of nasty things to the world as I have explained in this and other posts. (There have been some sound terrorism in Cuba near our State Department to USA State Department employees recently) Her mouth looks like my older sister and Molly sort of resembles my sister’s kids and my brother’s as well i.e. she resembles family. Cute girl. So I looked up the Domincan Republic for news and noticed it resembles with Haiti (where Billy Graham did some missionary work) the shape of a turtle. An island which kind of looks like a turtle. i never did use a day care center for my kids but I know a lot of working couples use day care centers so both can work to make a living and raise kids and live the American dream. I knew of a friend of my husband who ran a Day are Center but I never felt like it was a safe place for my kids because of the things I had heard about in a few day care centers where the kids were abused, neglected or abducted. Thought it was kind of weird the woman talking about missing kids on the news conference about Molly’s first name was Medina which is the twin sister of Mecca in Saudi Arabia which I believe are the two cities reflected in the Old Testament as in the Wilderness of Sin and where Abraham camped between when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by angelic beings in the Old Testament though it does not say it was Mecca and Medina since both are still in existence in our time but thought perhaps it was a prophecy and hadn’t been fulfilled yet. It is only a supposition however Mecca is the center of Islam and found a story about a man who kills his ex-wife and then commits suicide while giving her money for child support:

Depressed Dominican police sergeant shoots his estranged wife dead before turning the gun on himself in front of their two young children

and I thought the man looked eerily similar to Obama. Anyway, I was thinking maybe Molly already went to the Dominican Republic ahead of schedule or the people in Iowa are behind the times somehow and she was ahead in time. My natural inclination is she was murderd by a family member as is often the case in murders of young women or girls after sexual misconduct by a family member like I believe happened in the case of Kate in California when she went to lunch with her dad. I guess her mom was at lunch elsewhere or was doing the dishes when a mexican or central american man was blamed for her murder on a pier in California in a safe zone of California after finding some pills (opiates) in a trash can and finding a gun wrapped in a shirt under his bench which seemed like it was planted for him to find and to open up and get his fingerprints on it to incriminate him in her death being shot in her daddy’s arms when she said Daddy. Help me. Just seemed UNBELIEVABLE like entrapment to the Nth degree. Maybe she was having a meeting with her daddy like I had with my brother-in-law years ago to quell sexual harassment by him and quell the abuse by my sister because of it who was in denial. The man accused in her death resembled Ephraim Zimbalist, jr of the show The FBI which aired in the 60’s and 70’s. I wasn’t gonna write about it but decided I would anyway especially after seeing the woman named Medina Rahmanovic speaking about missing kids statistics and thought maybe some things going on are a part of Montezuma’s Revenge. I hope she is found.

Yesterday my ex went to my sister’s home to get some things she had to give to me from my parents warehouse of their belongings and the first thing I received out of this batch was a portrait on porcelain I had done a long time ago and had given her as a gift which she had framed or had framed in the same place my parents framed many of my porcelain portraits. I hadn’t framed it I had only painted it. She told my ex that she said it was perfect and my best of my portraits and gave it to him to give to me. I don’t know about the perfect part (though it was a very nice painting) and the first of a few I gave away to family as gifts.) The painting I gave to my mom was pretty good as well and after a visit to see my mom noticed the perfect painting was replaced by the other portrait I had given my mom and thought how weird. She already had  a portrait I had given her and I didn’t say anything at the time to me or I to her but I pursued to retrieve the one I had painted as a gift to my mom to get it back and finally did after a few insults along the way about it such as “It’s not worth fighting over.” etc even though she did kind of argue over it for while. I don’t know if she remembers but the portrait I had given her in the first place was a gift. I could not remember whether or not I had said she might have the one I painted for my mom upon her death but she had my mom hospiced without my knowledge for two weeks and she died and I wasn’t about to give her the portrait I painted for my mom to her. It was ridiculous either way for her to expect it. It occurred to me I might have but things change when someone does something so terrible and when i saw it hanging on her wall in her entryway I thought it was strange she didn’t say anything to me about it. It was like a VERY bad and  VERY tasteless, low-class  joke. Presumptuous and cruel. I still love her and she says she loves me. I love who she once was before all the weird shit happened to her and to me and to our family.  I thought it was odd she doesn’t remember that  the “perfect” portrait was a gift. I do recall she didn’t even remember about her son and that my little sister’s first husband saved him from drowning yet he lost his granddaughter the same way and at the same age which was three years of age quite some years later. My sister used to remember things but ever since she got involved with the BGEA she doesn’t remember things like she used to so I think the BGEA bears some responsibility for the things which happened to our family (maybe bears responsibility for everything) which were horrendous especially during the Obama administration and before. Some very strange things which I have tried to write about and especially in regards to hospice. Billy Graham was a shill for the RCC as if it was his creation.

The last leader of the Roman Empire was :

“Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus; 24 October 51 – 18 September 96 AD) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96. He was the younger brother of Titus and the son of Vespasian, his two predecessors on the throne, and the last member of the Flavian dynasty.”

and I guess turned into the religion of Roman Catholicism of the Vatican.

The Second Persecution, Under Domitian, A.D. 81

I have no idea if any of thus is true however there are some interesting things about it as the writings of Titus Flavius Josephus born Yosef ben Matityahu (tax collector i.e. the IRS) adopted son of the Flavius who was hired to write propaganda for the Flaviuses in regards to religion of Rome and the history of the Jews, etc.


In the case of my sister who hospiced my mom and gave me a portrait I had given her as a gift and she doesn’t remember it was a gift I was thinking about perspective because my dad had quite a bit of perspective: Maybe my sister doesn’t know what she did because of the BGEA in her, yet she doesn’t call and hasn’t since she did what she did to me and what she did to my mom though she was not present at the time like my ex when his mom was hoisted. The press doesn’t dare talk about hospice by Mother Teresa or the Pope (Jesuit Pope Francis) and the RCC (Vatican) or Billy Graham (Samaritans Purse or the BGEA) in a bad light or Obama in a bad light just girls and females and women who had abortions and blame their families as well and uses them. I was thinking about how Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke right before he died Luke 23:46 “Father, into your hands I commend (commit) my spirit” and (which sounds like I give myself a pat on the back) and Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” When the Gospel of John said Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man (sperm) that there is something strange going on and I think it is worth talking about because I bet Jesus actually may have said: Father, I command my spirit into your hands.” because he had control of himself in how he lived and how he died and when he lived and when he died and where he lived and where he died and why he lived and why he died, etc. Maybe we ought to discuss hospice and the things in this post in regards to our chances of surviving the onslaught of the Roman Cathoic/Islamic/Religious (many other religions, daughters of the RCC and Islam) persecution going on and the indoctrination practices of the press on both sides of the press and politics. How and why was Jesus able to get control and command his spirit?



In the bible there are a few bad transparencies who affect people’s minds sometimes to make bad choices or to make racist statements or to appease Obama and why people are afraid to confront Obama who is evil by not talking about him in a bad light same with Mother Teresa. Fox refuses to talk bad about Mother Teresa in any form or fashion and she made some VERY VERY VERY bad choices and afraid to talk about the Roman Catholic Church which heeled to make those bad choices and Fox is making a bad choice by not confronting her choice or the Roman Catholic Church and only confront Obama on a political realm. There is way more to life and to it than politics. Fox is afraid to talk about an evil religion as well which propped both. Does freedom of religion mean we can’t talk about religions? Does freedom mean we can’t talk at all? It appears to be the case. I thought it was called politically correct to not talk about religion but has edged over into the meaning of freedom and it is not freedom. Her tweets or whatever she used exposed Tucker Carlson on his idea that people are the choices they make. So if he eats a drumstick he is a drum stick? We often say you are what you eat. Not true of course and not to be taken seriously. If you have never had the right food because there wasn’t any good food, was it a choice? The same goes for freedom of the press. It isn’t freedom of the press if you can ‘t discuss the press in a bad light but today Sarah Huckabee was accosted for Trumps views about bad press which some press are sometimes bad and some press are bad most of the time. Freedom of the press includes criticism of the press. It is pentacostal (and evangelical) not to allow derision since it is the epitome of derision. Same with intel. Some intel is not good and are run by people who are not providing good intel. Probably because of religion but everyone won’t talk about religion because some people think it’s freedom of religion not to talk about religion as a possible and probable cause for some problems everyone seems to suffer from. We will never be a good country until we can talk about it in a bad light sometimes. Billy Graham of the BGEA made a deal with a bunch of preachers to never talk bad about each other. I think it might have been a covenant. A bad covenant.

A false covenant.

Possibly it was the False Covenant spoken of by Daniel in the Old Testament and I think it was in the New Testament as well and I wrote  about it as to why the Last Supper is so different after I compared the Last Suppers to the Last Supper in the Gospel of John.

The Q Source

During the last Trump rally on Fox some people i the audience were holding up signs which read “We are Q.” I asked the ex if he saw it and he read on the internet it means people against the Deep State but Q represents the anonymous authors of the Synoptic Gospels of the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke because all three names given to the gospels are not the real authors but borrowed from some of the apostles names to give credence to the authors because of not knowing who the authors were in reality, Q represents Quelle a french word which means to PUT DOWN a rebellion or can also mean WHAT. From German “the WELL” or “the SOURCE” Wikipedia says The Gospel of Matthew and Luke used the Gospel of Mark for it’s  source as well as Q. Like in the show Star Trek about the Starship Enterprise and it’s nemesis Q sometimes a friend (ami) but in real life to support the Gospel of Mark, I guess. Basically, three witnesses vs one witness of the Gospel of John (but actually 2). Supposedly the Gospel of Matthew was written first and Mark and Luke used the Gospel of Matthew to draw it’s information from and then there are other versions. But there is the argument you only need two witnesses I have heard  in Jewish law, but I have no idea if it is true or was true. Sometimes it feels like the gospels written on paper sometime or other someone tossed the papers in the air like my brother would sometimes do when we played the card game called War and call it the 52- card pickup. The bible keeps changing especially since the beginning  of or the middle of the Obama Administration as I have explained, somewhere around the time of the timing of Benghazi when the prophecy of Daniel was moved to the Gospel of Matthew standing where it should not. It was a sign. In 1963 was the Vatican 2 when a bunch of people got together via the RCC towards the goal of making the Gospel of Matthew the pre-eminent gospel even though it was the first gospel in the New Testament because of the genealogy and the birth of Jesus but the genealogy is debatable and some other books of the bible in the Old Testament seem to indicate it is highly debatable and you can find some evidence of the debateabillity of the genealogy in a few posts I wrote and with supporting evidence written by other people’s work linked in the posts which is found on Merangue’s blog. Actually they were the basis of my posts because of suspicions I was having which had to do with the differences between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic gospels in many instances and events and the versions of The Last Supper and seemed to indicate a covenant in the Synoptic Gospels not found in the Gospel of John. The Book of Daniel mentions a false covenant, but I think there were more than one false covenant but instead  I think there were a few false covenants.

So those signs may mean a possible group of people who are going to investigate.

or a group of people who are going to put down a rebellion

but depends on what you call a rebellion. 

(DID YOU KNOW THAT POPE BENEDICT XVl was born in an Inn called Marti Inn in Germany on Easter day?)

After writing about the turtle I saw on the news about Molly Tibbitts missing a girl who was living in Iowa (which happens to be the state where elections begin) place called Montezuma Iowa while jogging possibly. She was about to go to the Dominican Republic for a mission or for studies? Anyway the sheriff of the area and a woman named Medina  who told about missing persons data were speaking in a news conference about her status. The ay before was a news about funding her reward for ending her to give to the person who finds her. So far the police have found a red shirt near a pig farm near where she worked in a daycare center about 18 miles away or so. Obama called Sarah Palin a fish or a pig with lipstick or both when running against her in the elections because she is Evangelical I think and was taken under Franklin Graham’s wings during the Obama Administration she also happened to have lived in Alaska and was Governor of the state which also is the location of H.A.A.R.P. a place which has the microwave power to do all sorts of nasty things to the world as I have explained in this and other posts. (There have been some sound terrorism in Cuba near our State Department to USA State Department employees recently) Her mouth looks like my older sister and Molly sort of resembles my sister’s kids and my brother’s as well i.e. she resembles family. Cute girl. So I looked up the Domincan Republic for news and noticed it resembles with Haiti (where Billy Graham did some missionary work) the shape of a turtle. An island which kind of looks like a turtle. i never did use a day care center for my kids but I know a lot of working couples use day care centers so both can work to make a living and raise kids and live the American dream. I knew of a friend of my husband who ran a Day are Center but I never felt like it was a safe place for my kids because of the things I had heard about in a few day care centers where the kids were abused, neglected or abducted. Thought it was kind of weird the woman talking about missing kids on the news conference about Molly’s first name was Medina which is the twin sister of Mecca in Saudi Arabia which I believe are the two cities reflected in the Old Testament as in the Wilderness of Sin and where Abraham camped between when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by angelic beings in the Old Testament though it does not say it was Mecca and Medina since both are still in existence in our time but thought perhaps it was a prophecy and hadn’t been fulfilled yet. It is only a supposition however Mecca is the center of Islam and found a story about a man who kills his ex-wife and then commits suicide while giving her money for child support:

Depressed Dominican police sergeant shoots his estranged wife dead before turning the gun on himself in front of their two young children

and I thought the man looked eerily similar to Obama. Anyway, I was thinking maybe Molly already went to the Dominican Republic ahead of schedule or the people in Iowa are behind the times somehow and she was ahead in time. My natural inclination is she was murderd by a family member as is often the case in murders of young women or girls after sexual misconduct by a family member like I believe happened in the case of Kate in California when she went to lunch with her dad. I guess her mom was at lunch elsewhere or was doing the dishes when a mexican or central american man was blamed for her murder on a pier in California in a safe zone of California after finding some pills (opiates) in a trash can and finding a gun wrapped in a shirt under his bench which seemed like it was planted for him to find and to open up and get his fingerprints on it to incriminate him in her death being shot in her daddy’s arms when she said Daddy. Help me. Just seemed UNBELIEVABLE like entrapment to the Nth degree. Maybe she was having a meeting with her daddy like I had with my brother-in-law years ago to quell sexual harassment by him and quell the abuse by my sister because of it who was in denial. The man accused in her death resembled Ephraim Zimbalist, jr of the show The FBI which aired in the 60’s and 70’s. I wasn’t gonna write about it but decided I would anyway especially after seeing the woman named Medina Rahmanovic speaking about missing kids statistics and thought maybe some things going on are a part of Montezuma’s Revenge. I hope she is found.

I wasn’t talking about the Dominican Republic whatsoever in regards to the turtle. I had something else in mind.  I often have more than one thought at a time but I was thinking and writing earlier about something much more important than the Dominican Republic. I was thinking about the Panama Canal and a response to MIchael Avenatti to past mayor of New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani when he said Buckle up, buttercup. It was a response to his strange threat in regards to Cohen so I came up with my own idiom about straws and turtles and bit of bible old and new prophecies. You had to have been in my mind to understand it and also have to have  been in my game to get it. I think a few people understood, but not many.



Anyway the family with kids living and training and starving at a camp IN AMALIA near TAOS in New Mexico which was raided and found the adults were training the kids to attack a school. The report on Fox said the family was a son of a person who planned an attack in New York City and Imam or Iman and are Islamic in any case what ever it is the report said the family came from Brooklyn HiGHLY DOUBTFUL. Looks like the group came from MALI in Africa. Don’t they? Anyway I guess a three year old was found dead somewhere. The reports about MOLLY TIBBETS and this report seem to be related and is trying to reveal to us something important even though it is hard to understand but may have to do with Obama more than likely since the children who disappeared ended up pregnant in Mali, remember Bring Back Our Kids?Girls crap by Michelle Obama and others with signs. Weird shit but must be under his control somehow. Maybe it has to do with the entrance at the Metro Museum of Art where Jackie Kennedy lived nearby in an apartment on 5th Avenue which oversaw the museum and she donated a ton of money to Egypt for their unearthing some things. Perhaps or they were smuggled into New York City and were driven to New Mexico to start a cult and got caught being low on supplies though seems quite obvious something going on in their camp in New Mexico. Why it took investigators two months to figure it out is a mystery.This will drag out and the Press and police will drop some bread crumbs in regards to the story for us for a few weeks.

Yesterday my ex went to my sister’s home to get some things she had to give to me from my parents warehouse of their belongings and the first thing I received out of this batch was a portrait on porcelain I had done a long time ago and had given her as a gift which she had framed or had framed in the same place my parents framed many of my porcelain portraits. I hadn’t framed it I had only painted it. She told my ex that she said it was perfect and my best of my portraits and gave it to him to give to me. I don’t know about the perfect part (though it was a very nice painting) and the first of a few I gave away to family as gifts.) The painting I gave to my mom was pretty good as well and after a visit to see my mom noticed the perfect painting was replaced by the other portrait I had given my mom and thought how weird. She already had  a portrait I had given her and I didn’t say anything at the time to me or I to her but I pursued to retrieve the one I had painted as a gift to my mom to get it back and finally did after a few insults along the way about it such as “It’s not worth fighting over.” etc even though she did kind of argue over it for while. I don’t know if she remembers but the portrait I had given her in the first place was a gift. I could not remember whether or not I had said she might have the one I painted for my mom upon her death but she had my mom hospiced without my knowledge for two weeks and she died and I wasn’t about to give her the portrait I painted for my mom to her. It was ridiculous either way for her to expect it. It occurred to me I might have but things change when someone does something so terrible and when i saw it hanging on her wall in her entryway I thought it was strange she didn’t say anything to me about it. It was like a VERY bad and  VERY tasteless, low-class  joke. Presumptuous and cruel. I still love her and she says she loves me. I love who she once was before all the weird shit happened to her and to me and to our family.  I thought it was odd she doesn’t remember that  the “perfect” portrait was a gift. I do recall she didn’t even remember about her son and that my little sister’s first husband saved him from drowning yet he lost his granddaughter the same way and at the same age which was three years of age quite some years later. My sister used to remember things but ever since she got involved with the BGEA she doesn’t remember things like she used to so I think the BGEA bears some responsibility for the things which happened to our family (maybe bears responsibility for everything) which were horrendous especially during the Obama administration and before. Some very strange things which I have tried to write about and especially in regards to hospice. Billy Graham was a shill for the RCC as if it was his creation.

The last leader of the Roman Empire was :

“Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus; 24 October 51 – 18 September 96 AD) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96. He was the younger brother of Titus and the son of Vespasian, his two predecessors on the throne, and the last member of the Flavian dynasty.”

and I guess turned into the religion of Roman Catholicism of the Vatican.

The Second Persecution, Under Domitian, A.D. 81

I have no idea if any of thus is true however there are some interesting things about it as the writings of Titus Flavius Josephus born Yosef ben Matityahu (tax collector i.e. the IRS) adopted son of the Flavius who was hired to write propaganda for the Flaviuses in regards to religion of Rome and the history of the Jews, etc.


In the case of my sister who hospiced my mom and gave me a portrait I had given her as a gift and she doesn’t remember it was a gift I was thinking about perspective because my dad had quite a bit of perspective: Maybe my sister doesn’t know what she did because of the BGEA in her, yet she doesn’t call and hasn’t since she did what she did to me and what she did to my mom. The press doesn’t dare talk about hospice by Mother Teresa or the Pope (Jesuit Pope Francis) and the RCC (Vatican) or Billy Graham (Samaritans Purse or the BGEA) in a bad light or Obama in a bad light just girls and females and women who had abortions and blame their families as well and uses them. I was thinking about how Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke right before he died Luke 23:46 “Father into your hands I commend (commit) my spirit” and (which sounds like I give myself a pat on the back) and Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” When the Gospel of John said Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man (sperm) that there is something strange going on and I think it is worth talking about because I bet Jesus actually may have said: Father, I command my spirit into your hands.” because he had control of himself in how he lived and how he died and when he lived and when he died and where he lived and where he died and why he lived and why he died, etc. Maybe we ought to discuss hospice and the things in this post in regards to our chances of surviving the onslaught of the Roman Cathoic/Islamic religious persecution going on and the indoctrination practices of the press of both sides of the press .How and why was Jesus able to get control and command of his spirit?

Why would Fox use Mark Fuhrman as their expert on the evidence or the motive on mass shootings this in regards to the mass shooting at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas? I watched the woman on Fox talk about the event with the Fox star of Outnumbered Harris Faulkner and the Sheriff who has a lot to hide and has been acting guilty for a long time and every time I see him it is obvious he is guilty and who has closed the case without answers to many unanswered questions for the victims and their families and friends. He knows more than he is revealing and it will be revealed whether he likes it or not and Mark Fuhrman will also be revealed as a fake and a shill. COUNT ON IT.

Both Mark Fuhrman and the Sheriff are LOSERS. His name should be LOBOMARTYR but his real name is Joseph Michael Lombardo and Mark Fuhrman name should be Mark Fuhrer as in a Nazi and a woman hater. Jesuit Federiko Lombardi (sidekick to Jesuit Pope Francis) was the man who gave the video tape excuse to Susan Rice in regards to the reason there was a rally at Benghazi and in Egypt besides the two coups which killed some americans and Sen John Kerry and someone else (a general in Africa at the time) whisked away 30 witnesses to Germany to debrief the witnesses never to be heard from again and disregarded by Congress as inconsequential and then to silence the State Department employees and hit Hillary in the head to delay her from testifying and to replace her as the head of The State Department by John Kerry ad then some others in the Republican party and I’m


What was the meeting Trump had with Putin in Finland and what did it mean? Why doesn’t Leon Panetta know what the meeting was about?

He ought to know! It was probably about him

Kind of like Gary acting like he didn’t know what the meeting was about with my brother when he knew it was about him.

Who did he think they were talking about? Sylvester? Sufferin Succotash.

Tucker says people are the choices they make responding to Miss Jong

who said some racist PROGRESSIVE statements about white people. I don’t believe she means what she has been said to have said but I think is provoking a reaction and she got some. Interesting reactions.

WONG WONG WONG Both are wong….actually all three are wrong including the woman who conversed with him on his show about Miss. Jong. Why is everyone afraid to talk about OBAMA? Like some people won’t say the name of a mass murderer thinking or acting like it will help somehow and it doesn’t one way or the other and it shouldn’t matter what the mass murderer thinks. It matters what we think. Silence is not golden, it’s fear. Only after a mass murderer is dead is it okay to talk about like HItler. Everyone was silent while he was alive. Not everyone but those who feared him. Mother Teresa seems to have the she affect. No one wants to talk about it so in spirit she is still alive, isn’t she? Hospice murder suicide is still an ongoing dilemma. This kind of shit did not happen until Obama infected everyone with his shit. He helped her cause and we ought to talk about it and how it is he helped.

Can you imagine making religion a no no and taboo to talk about and can you imagine a religion is given a license to kill many people unhindered yet you are prohibited from talking about it?. IT’S HAPPENING. Billy Graham made an agreement with a bunch of clergy/pastors, etc and the like not to talk bad about each other.


In the bible there are a few bad transparencies who affect people’s minds sometimes to make bad choices or to make racist statements or to appease Obama and why people are afraid to confront Obama who is evil by not talking about him in a bad light same with Mother Teresa. Fox refuses to talk bad about Mother Teresa in any form or fashion and she made some VERY VERY VERY bad choices and afraid to talk about the Roman Catholic Church which heeled to make those bad choices and Fox is making a bad choice by not confronting her choice or the Roman Catholic Church and only confront Obama on a political realm. There is way more to life and to it than politics. Fox is afraid to talk about an evil religion as well which propped both. Does freedom of religion mean we can’t talk about religions? Does freedom mean we can’t talk at all? It appears to be the case. I thought it was called politically correct to not talk about religion but has edged over into the meaning of freedom and it is not freedom. Her tweets or whatever she used exposed Tucker Carlson on his idea that people are the choices they make. So if he eats a drumstick he is a drum stick? We often say you are what you eat. Not true of course and not to be taken seriously. If you have never had the right food because there wasn’t any good food, was it a choice? The same goes for freedom of the press. It isn’t freedom of the press if you can ‘t discuss the press in a bad light but today Sarah Huckabee was accosted for Trumps views about bad press which some press are sometimes bad and some press are bad most of the time. Freedom of the press includes criticism of the press. It is pentacostal not to allow derision since it is the epitome of derision. Same with intel. Some intel is not good and are run by people who are not providing good intel. Probably because of religion but everyone won’t talk about religion because some people think it’s freedom of religion not to talk about religion as a possible and probable cause for some problems everyone seems to suffer from. We will never be a good country until we can talk about it in a bad light sometimes. Billy Graham of the BGEA made a deal with a bunch of preachers to never talk bad about each other. I think it might have been a covenant. A bad covenant.

A false covenant.

Possibly it was the False Covenant spoken of by Daniel in the Old Testament and I think it was in the New Testament as well and I wrote  about it as to why the Last Supper is so different after I compared the Last Suppers to the Last Supper in the Gospel of John.

The Q Source

During the last Trump rally on Fox some people i the audience were holding up signs which read “We are Q.” I asked the ex if he saw it and he read on the internet it means people against the Deep State but Q represents the anonymous authors of the Synoptic Gospels of the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke because all three names given to the gospels are not the real authors but borrowed from some of the apostles names to give credence to the authors because of not knowing who the authors were in reality, Q represents Quelle a french word which means to PUT DOWN a rebellion or can also mean WHAT. From German “the WELL” or “the SOURCE” Wikipedia says The Gospel of Matthew and Luke used the Gospel of Mark for it’s  source as well as Q. Like in the show Star Trek about the Starship Enterprise and it’s nemesis Q sometimes a friend (ami) but in real life to support the Gospel of Mark, I guess. Basically, three witnesses vs one witness of the Gospel of John (but actually 2). Supposedly the Gospel of Matthew was written first and Mark and Luke used the Gospel of Matthew to draw it’s information from and then there are other versions or variations. But there is the argument you only need two witnesses I have heard  in Jewish law, but I have no idea if it is true or was true. Sometimes it feels like the gospels written on paper sometime or other someone tossed the papers in the air like my brother would sometimes do when we played the card game called War and call it the 52- card pickup. The bible keeps changing especially since the beginning  of or the middle of the Obama Administration as I have explained, somewhere around the time of the timing of Benghazi when the prophecy of Daniel was moved to the Gospel of Matthew standing where it should not. It was a sign. In 1963 was the Vatican 2 when a bunch of people got together via the RCC towards the goal of making the Gospel of Matthew the pre-eminent gospel even though it was the first gospel in the New Testament because of the genealogy and the birth of Jesus but the genealogy is debatable and some other books of the bible in the Old Testament seem to indicate it is highly debatable and you can find some evidence of the debateabillity of the genealogy in a few posts I wrote and with supporting evidence written by other people’s work linked in the posts which is found on Merangue’s blog. Actually they were the basis of my posts because of suspicions I was having which had to do with the differences between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic gospels in many instances and events and the versions of The Last Supper and seemed to indicate a covenant in the Synoptic Gospels not found in the Gospel of John. The Book of Daniel mentions a false covenant, but I think there were more than one false covenant but instead  I think there were a few false covenants.

So those signs may mean a possible group of people who are going to investigate.

or a group of people who are going to put down a rebellion

but depends on what you call a rebellion. 

(DID YOU KNOW THAT POPE BENEDICT XVl was born in an Inn called Markti Inn in Germany on Easter day?)

After writing about the turtle I saw on the news about Molly Tibbitts missing a girl who was living in Iowa (which happens to be the state where elections begin) place called Montezuma Iowa while jogging possibly. She was about to go to the Dominican Republic for a mission or for studies? Anyway the sheriff of the area and a woman named Medina  who told about missing persons data were speaking in a news conference about her status. The ay before was a news about funding her reward for ending her to give to the person who finds her. So far the police have found a red shirt near a pig farm near where she worked in a daycare center about 18 miles away or so. Obama called Sarah Palin a fish or a pig with lipstick or both when running against her in the elections because she is Evangelical I think and was taken under Franklin Graham’s wings during the Obama Administration she also happened to have lived in Alaska and was Governor of the state which also is the location of H.A.A.R.P. a place which has the microwave power to do all sorts of nasty things to the world as I have explained in this and other posts. (There have been some sound terrorism in Cuba near our State Department to USA State Department employees recently) Her mouth looks like my older sister and Molly sort of resembles my sister’s kids and my brother’s as well i.e. she resembles family. Cute girl. So I looked up the Domincan Republic for news and noticed it resembles with Haiti (where Billy Graham did some missionary work) the shape of a turtle. An island which kind of looks like a turtle. i never did use a day care center for my kids but I know a lot of working couples use day care centers so both can work to make a living and raise kids and live the American dream. I knew of a friend of my husband who ran a Day are Center but I never felt like it was a safe place for my kids because of the things I had heard about in a few day care centers where the kids were abused, neglected or abducted. Thought it was kind of weird the woman talking about missing kids on the news conference about Molly’s first name was Medina which is the twin sister of Mecca in Saudi Arabia which I believe are the two cities reflected in the Old Testament as in the Wilderness of Sin and where Abraham camped between when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by angelic beings in the Old Testament though it does not say it was Mecca and Medina since both are still in existence in our time but thought perhaps it was a prophecy and hadn’t been fulfilled yet. It is only a supposition however Mecca is the center of Islam and found a story about a man who kills his ex-wife and then commits suicide while giving her money for child support:

Depressed Dominican police sergeant shoots his estranged wife dead before turning the gun on himself in front of their two young children

and I thought the man looked eerily similar to Obama. Anyone who would shoot an estranged wife really is evil. Have you noticed since Obama became President women and females have been demoted quite a bit in various ways. Of course it was the Vatican which got him in power not the Russians, not Putin but it was the Vatican which likes to keep women down a few notches as does Islam….most religions do keep women down some more than others. What I loved about my dad is he wasn’t a woman hater. HE liked it when my mom was successful. Did not bother him a bit because it actually helped him as it does other men who are man enough to appreciate it and to keep the love of the woman he allowed to flourish not that he allowed it he had no choice but she still loved him even though she was successful and talented and was able to express it. He wasn’t perfect of course but close. I think a person who keeps women down if it be a male aren’t man enough to enjoy it. Marriages breakup not because a woman is successful or not successful but because the man isn’t man enough to appreciate it. Sometimes she was more successful than him and it didn’t bother him because he benefited when he was down she helped him and vice versa which is how it should be and if it isn’t it isn’t a good marriage and not necessarily anyones fault but the marriage itself and should not be taken out on the man or the woman by killing the other, but divorced. In this case I think the man could not handle paying the woman for the child support. Pissed off about it having to work and give his money away to the woman and mother of his kids. Granted I think sometimes the divorce decrees when children are involved can be unfair and sometimes people marry for the wrong reasons….probably because of pregnancy. He should not have had kids to begin with. In the above case the man shot the woman in front of the kids which also shows someone who does not care about his kids and I guess the kids were a burden. Pretty sad story. I guess she should not have had to meet him to get her child support check. I think the man was spiritually attacked and went with the devil on how to treat her and their kids.

My dad’s first marriage was a short one and his wife married him for his paycheck in the army when he went off to training etc and he got a dear john letter but no kids were involved. Times were tough and coming out of the economic depression in those days so people were desperate but he didn’t shoot her. He divorced her and she divorced him and went their separate ways. He didn’t let it get him down that he had been taken advantage of or was made a fool of and was man enough to handle it and he didn’t take it out on every other woman. He found his childhood sweetheart and they married later on. Divorce is a great inter-invention however the Roman Catholic Church is against it because of money and historically been written about how it treats divorce because it likes to preserve its financial integrity even though it launders money etc. I bet the man in this story linked above was catholic. The catholic church really is a bad religion and should weigh in on this case since it probably is responsible because of it’s false tenets teaching the wrong things for 21 or more centuries. Of course if you check out the Popes most of them weren’t very manly. Check out this pope who is call Pius was a total fucked up person very much like Pope Francis who is also a very fucked up person. Pius was probably a Jesuit like Pope Francis and the Jesuits do not like women and I think the reason is because women are gonna bring down the RCC and the RCC knows it. Jesuits make a vow to the devil who hates women and because the devil hates God because God loves women over the devil. (Garden of eden stuff) So the devil wants to make women crawl beneath him and so does the RCC wants to make other women crawl beneath it. Here is a picture of Pope Pius who reigned as Pope during WW2 I think and was a coward. He looks like a coward. Why anyone would choose to be a Catholic is beyond my imagination. I was married to a catholic who said he was no longer catholic and lied big time even though he did not attend the church he was catholic through and through. It was how he was raised by a woman who loved the church because it put Mary on a pedestal even though it hated eery other woman in the world. The RCC did not treat his mom very well especially after her husband died. She loved the mystery and the mystery was it does not like women, nor respect women only some or a few dominatrixes who reap the benefits monetarily via marriage because it is what the RCC is about: money and especially OPM  the one that began tax collection with the tax collector called Matthew one of the twelve apostles and the name of the first Gospel. A lot of madness comes from a DOMINATRIX to the child usually male and become feminized and hates women because of it. Not all gays are this way but some are. i have had good friends in the past and in family who were gay and were not haters of women in fact liked women a lot but there are some who don’t. And of course gay men in the church have caused some problems with child abuse of boys and girls depending on their nature and the catholic church is the protectorate of this kind of abuse which is why it will fall. I do not believe gayness or lesbianness will follow because some of it is nature even if it is considered unnatural by the church and most religions but to force it upon someone is evil and to deny someone rights because of it is evil, Two sides of a coin. Parenting is not easy and some kids are naturally more friendly with females or males for a multitude of reasons but to have a church pass around clerics/clergy hiding their offenses to a different church without firing the person is wrong because obviously they have a mental problem and should be defrocked not necessarily in public but nevertheless not allowed around kids and defrocked and is not what the church has done which will be it’s downfall because it is not the village who is supposed to raise a child but the parents as set forth in the Ten commandments. The RCC is like a union and very hard to fire their clergy. What other reason could it be? As far as if parents die and adoption is available it should not be done throughout the village or the church but the rest of the family and only as a last resort should the village be able to intervene for the kids but the church made a business of kids orphanages, adoption, and homosexuality, and sex and money, and pornography, and sex trafficking, and drugs, and usury, and selling forgiveness, selling annulments and everything anti moral and anti normal selling information, blackmailing, selling intel, making people go to confession (started it), and selling Mary via reciting hail mary’s as punishment and one wonders why catholic males do not appreciate women very much nor respect females because the punishment for whatever infraction/sin doesn’t fit the crime hence it is repeated often because how hard can it be to say 100 hail marys real quickly and the offense is repeated at a later time when it is too late and ends up being a big problem such as jail time.  think often the conscious of a person makes them hate what the person does repeatedly and blames the wrong things..Which is why there are some serial killers who want to be caught, strange as it is. Churches do not make good parents, but for the mob it’s great. The mob tends to be killers who don’t have a conscious and and out with others like them. Kids do stupid things growing up and only a parent who loves the kid or kids involved will know how to treat the infraction of the kid or kids and the punishment that is right for each kid and some kind of personal understanding of the problem and is also why abortion is important because unwanted kids usually become a problem for everyone. Lack of birth control (which abortion is a last resort in the category of birth control)  grew a church which should not have grown to the extent it did but the mob loves it because the RCC works for them. There will always be bad parents but usually a bad parent is a bad parent because the parent is using the kid either for money, using the kid for their career, or to cover something up, to trap a man, to get benefits (Great Society of LBJ) because of social injustice and prejudice Whereas the same thing cannot be said for immigrants who were not slaves: african americans males did not get hired for a while because of fear and so females had kids out of wedlock to bring in the extra money they needed to survive until things changed via education and being educated in the same schools with white kids. At some point you have to stop the tactic used by African Americans to survive when survival is a moot point on an individual basis or an area which is past the point of needing to assist and now we have the immigration of catholics in our country trying to get the same deal in some different ways but squeezing out the middle class which has been attacked by the RCC to make the middle class and especially our country because we won WW2 as did Russia (even though it is a communist country) to take responsibility for its failures. Obviously something has to be done but I think getting rid of the leach THE RCC would be a great place to start the process to help the middle class and immigrants who have been cheated as well but some would rather join the mob and the RCC because it is easier and available or get entrapped into it often and is sort of a slavery but not the same as being torn from your family and sold from across the ocean and of course never forget Africans sold other africans probably competing tribes. I think Trump has his work cut out for him but my suggestion is Manifest Destiny because if he doesn’t the RCC will and if the RCC wins everyone loses except for the mob and fascism and all hell will break loose and I guarantee Mexicans in Mexico will feel the brunt the most if all hell breaks loose so it ought to try a little harder and swallow some pride. The mess is complicated but most are complicated and take a lot longer to fix than making the mess. You would have thought by now Mexicans would have had an uprising in Mexico to change things like we did in our country a few times but I think it is hard when the religion is part of the problem and is ingrained into your psyche as a child thinking and saying hail marys will help since it doesn’t seem to help except help the mob and the RCC. I think the ten commandments will help however you interpret the commandments which usually the meaning of the commandments evolves with experience which also evolves and education as well.

Hail mary’s don’t evolve.

The microscope evolved part of the bible in regards to sperm seed and the mustard seed and IMO gave the female the right to have an abortion and for families to plan their families since we are in a different age. We are not strictly in an agricultural age which needed a lot of farm hands hence big families were beneficial. Most of us do not own a farm. We are in an industrial age still and are not here to fill the deep pockets of union bosses and to fill the coffers of the RCC clergy and the mob (especially the Jesuits and Opus Dei and Neo-catechumanal Way and all the others hidden in their repertoire and especially the BGEA i.e. the RCC deck of cards, etc)  to betray us again and again and again. We are kind of in-between two different ages one being the Industrial age and not sure what to call the other age (Internet age thanks to Gore) but eventually we will find out. Sainting Mother Teresa should be a wakeup call to all people around the globe which is a BETRAYAL of mankind!  We don’t need the catholic church to decide what is good for us or what we deserve. The RCC is irrelevant, failed it’s duties, went off course, fucked up, blew off the suggestion of Jesus in the Gospel of John at the Sea of Galilee by the practice/witchcraft of hospice and is no longer needed. Of course, It does not want to be overcome, but it has to be overcome and it will be overcome and hoisted by it’s own petard. HOSPICE and immigration. Food is always important but most farms are not family farms anymore and maybe someday it will change but for now families were squeezed out of their family farms and turned into industrialized farming. Maybe it will change someday but for now I guess we had to evolve in regards to the mustard seed, sperm, abortion etc.

I wish I was s Farmer – Melanie

Anyway, I was thinking maybe Molly already went to the Dominican Republic ahead of schedule or the people in Iowa are behind the times somehow and she was ahead in time. My natural inclination is she was murderd by a family member as is often the case in murders of young women or girls after sexual misconduct by a family member like I believe happened in the case of Kate in California when she went to lunch with her dad. I guess her mom was at lunch elsewhere or was doing the dishes when a mexican or central american man was blamed for her murder on a pier in California in a safe zone of California after finding some pills (opiates) in a trash can and finding a gun wrapped in a shirt under his bench which seemed like it was planted for him to find and to open up and get his fingerprints on it to incriminate him in her death being shot in her daddy’s arms when she said Daddy. Help me. Just seemed UNBELIEVABLE like entrapment to the Nth degree. Maybe she was having a meeting with her daddy like I had with my brother-in-law years ago to quell sexual harassment by him and quell the abuse by my sister because of it who was in denial. The man accused in her death resembled Ephraim Zimbalist, jr of the show The FBI which aired in the 60’s and 70’s. I wasn’t gonna write about it but decided I would anyway especially after seeing the woman named Medina Rahmanovic speaking about missing kids statistics and thought maybe some things going on are a part of Montezuma’s Revenge. I hope she is found.

Mueller’s Personality

As far as Mueller goes and the FBI, theJustice Department, the CIA , The Secret Service, Department of Defense, and other parts of our government I think there should be daily briefings similar to the White House Briefings with Sarah Sanders and that way the press people in the back that never get their questions asked could be elsewhere competing over questions to ask the heads of these Departments and it might serve the people well to have information from a different viewpoint. I have never heard Mueller speak. I have no idea of his personality, If he is a nut, a dork, an intelligent person, it’s unusual we don’t have any idea or any record of his voice and we should. He works in our government and we should know more about him and what makes him tick. What if Mueller spoke only russian or latin wouldn’t we be worried? Or what if he talked like Forest Gump? Or what if he murmured like the alien in the movie The Alien. I think we should know more about him. Anyway Judge Jeanine is gonna take a stab at it and I might try to add my true sense.’)

Yesterday my ex went to my sister’s home to get some things she had to give to me from my parents warehouse of their belongings and the first thing I received out of this batch was a portrait on porcelain I had done a long time ago and had given her as a gift which she had framed or had framed in the same place my parents framed many of my porcelain portraits and was hanging on her wall in her entryway.. I hadn’t framed it I had only painted it. She told my ex that she said it was perfect and my best of my portraits and gave it to him to give to me. I don’t know about the perfect part (though it was a very nice painting) and the first of a few I gave away to family as gifts.) The painting I gave to my mom was pretty good as well and after a visit to see my mom noticed the perfect painting was replaced by the other portrait I had given my mom and thought how weird. I had no idea what she did with the perfect painting and I didn’t like it that she replaced it but didn’t say anything at the time. I thought it was extremely weird.  She already had  a portrait I had given her and I didn’t say anything at the time to her but I pursued to retrieve the one I had painted as a gift to my mom to get it back and finally did after a few insults along the way about it such as “It’s not worth fighting over.” etc even though she did kind of argue over it for while. I don’t know if she remembers but the portrait I had given her in the first place was a gift. I could not remember whether or not I had said she might have the one I painted for my mom upon her death and f I said it it was many years before and years later she had my mom hospiced without my knowledge for two weeks and she died and I wasn’t about to give her the portrait I painted for my mom to her. It was ridiculous either way for her to expect it. It occurred to me I might have but things change when someone does something so terrible and when i saw it hanging on her wall in her entryway I thought it was strange she didn’t say anything to me about it. It was like a VERY bad and  VERY tasteless, low-class  joke. Presumptuous and cruel. I still love her and she says she loves me and said she did when she told me what she had done to my mom on the phone. It was shocking and took me a while to understand the meaning of what had happened. I love who she once was before all the weird shit happened to her and to me and to our family and families. I was kind of in shock before hand from the way I was being treated anyway by her. It was scary dealing with her or whatever was in her. CRAZY. I thought it was odd she doesn’t remember that  the “perfect” portrait was a gift. I do recall she didn’t even remember about her son and that my little sister’s first husband saved him from drowning yet he lost his granddaughter the same way and at the same age which was three years of age quite some years later. My sister used to remember things but ever since she got involved with the BGEA she doesn’t remember things like she used to so I think the BGEA bears some responsibility for the things which happened to our family (maybe bears responsibility for everything but she never calls me so she must feel some sort of guilt though I don’t call her because in essence she killed my mom and I think I have a better reason not to call her than she does me and I have no idea what she tells anyone else as to why we don’t hang out anymore like she did about my brother. I imagine no one talks about it as if nothing happened. She just disappeared sort of like Canda Brown her best friend for a while.whom Gary hated. ) which were horrendous especially during the Obama administration and before. Some very strange things which I have tried to write about and especially in regards to hospice. Billy Graham was a shill for the RCC as if it was his creation.

The last leader of the Roman Empire was :

“Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus; 24 October 51 – 18 September 96 AD) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96. He was the younger brother of Titus and the son of Vespasian, his two predecessors on the throne, and the last member of the Flavian dynasty.”

and I guess turned into the religion of Roman Catholicism of the Vatican.

The Second Persecution, Under Domitian, A.D. 81

I have no idea if any of thus is true however there are some interesting things about it as the writings of Titus Flavius Josephus born Yosef ben Matityahu (tax collector i.e. the IRS) adopted son of the Flavius who was hired to write propaganda for the Flaviuses in regards to religion of Rome and the history of the Jews, etc.

This is why there is a cold war against Russia in the USA:

Do you REALLY want to know why? This is why:

‘The Catholic Church in Russia is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Rome. According to the most recent figures in Annuario Pontificio, there are approximately 773,000 Catholics in Russia, which is 0.5% of the total Russian population.


I think Mueller needs to go to Russia and have a private talk with Putin alone- no reporters, no witnesses, no translators, nothing.

So funny to see the students on campuses like Berkley having a demonstration talking/yelling about being socialist because Obama told them to be socialist yet when Trump has a meeting with a socialist (Putin) everyone freaks out? Heard one of the antife groups causing trouble is called By All Means Necessary at Berkley which is very similar to the motto of Billy Graham and the BGEA “By Any and All Means.” Billy Graham was a baptist and an evangelical and a fascist and probably an ana-baptist and islamic as well. (I would not be surprised if he was’t the 13th apostle who was picked by drawing straws and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t the Sapphira’s husband in the Book of Acts to trick her and the people around to scare them (I think he was Ananias and used women terribly and was also a Jesus imitator because he was the tanner and used their bodies of people to do his evil and to tempt and to cause trouble everywhere because the flesh is weak but the spirit is wiling and loves to demonstrate it which is why Jesus I believe commanded his spirit into the hands of the Father when he died on the cross) and  to get her land as well and also the tanner in the Book of Acts. t think he was a mason and probably a jesuit. Very political. Probably a Pentacost and every other religion in the world including the religion of Global Warming/Climate Change.. A religious fascist and a shill for the RCC and since he was a shill for the RCC he was also catholic and I would not be surprised if he was hindu…and also Mother Teresa. He is a crazy SOB. He is EVIL! Does a leopard change his spots? This one does HE IS A FASCIST and inhabits people.  Between him and Obama spells trouble with a capital T. You need to shake him off both of them and the Jesuit Pope. There are supposed to be three very evil entities in the last days of the RCC and in Revelation I bet I just named a few of them. Learn the simplified version of the Ten Commandments and do the best you can do and believe in the Jesus who said I AM the way the truth and the life. The first commandment is I AM the lord thy God……..Don’t trust anyone but honor your parents and your children. Do not trust priests, cardinals, bishops, reverends, and all the others, nor the press because the press is very confused and deceived and deceiving as well. A few good ones sprinkled about but very few which is why our country is in trouble besides being infiltrated severely comprising the swamp, A very big one. Not just ours. ALL OVER the WORLD. (It isn’t really funny about the students.) Complaining and musing about Sarah Sanders and making fun o misspelling but JFK (a catholic democrat) wasn’t a great speller either which is why secretaries are important sometimes.  Baptism is not necessary. I have met some of the worst people who were baptized and some good ones. I baptized myself in my above ground pool and I was wearing bathing suit in my backyard and no one was around but it would not have changed anything except I got bored by an aul. I started questioning everything I thought. We all have thoughts sometimes bad ones and you have to ditch the bad thoughts as best you can especially about yourself which is usually under attack by a spirit. Is there something that can be done to fix Joe Scarborough’s nose? Paint it orange. Myself is not perfect and  have learned to forgive myself but trying to learn to do better. If God were perfect we would never have to go to the dentist and our teeth would replace themselves when you lose one. I doubt God expects perfection from us and knows what we are up against. Does anyone know the meaning of perfection? Remember!


Is it legal for the President of the USA to send millions or billions of dollars to a foreign government without the consent of Congress?

Judge Napolitano said it was legal on Aug 6 with Outnumbered with Ms. Kennedy on Fox.

I think sometimes the problem with the press is sometimes they are possessed saying things that are not true like Kennedy when she was advising President Trump to go ahead and be impeached and that it will be a good thing to allow it…bribing him in a funny way. Not saying she knew what she was saying when she said it but she did say it. I think the reason she said it is she represents the Jesuits and/or the devil over took her and it is what the Jesuits want, isn’t it? Why would it be a good thing for the President to be impeached? On Aug 6 she is his apologist and talking much different stance than when she said for him to be impeached. The press are doing good job of trying to get him impeached because they don’t hardly talk about anything else. It’s too bad though to go after the children of the candidate for the Presidency in order to get to the President if he succeeded in being elected. He did, and now they have some big claws in him via his son trying to control the President so I imagine the Russian his son talked to was probably hired either by the press or Obama because of what Napolitano said about giving money to IRAN as being legal. I did not know it was legal for the President to send money to a foreign government without congressional approval however it is legal for the President to start a war (declare?) without congressional approval.

Why can’t Trump get billions to build a wall?


Heard on one station and I think wrote his name down but need to find it who reported it that ‘the Hoover Dam is gonna be used as a storage for the extra energy

 produced by solar panels/solar energy and wind energy and that the renovation to Hoover Dam is the next step of some kind of plan’ as if it was the plan all along and I don’t think it was the plan all along (for those who supported and produced solar panels, and required Californians to buy solar panels which might be some kind of deal already spent??? because of the over heating possibility of the solar panels which might be causing wild fires? Is it to save face, money, lawsuits or is it a good solution? I don’t know but it sounds fishy however something needs to be done.) I also heard that the water is being diverted to the Pacific ocean from the Colorado River? Something like it and thought why? We have an ocean which comprises 70 percent or more of the water on the earth so why divert the Colorado river to the ocean? To clean it? Looks like it goes to somewhere other than the USA???????? IT is what I heard and thought, huh, how weird. I think California needs to build a dam like the Hoover Dam on one of its waterways to supply energy to the state and by the way what is wrong with plain old electricity? When I find the reporters name I’ll add it or if I see him again. Thought t was strange report. I think it was on a station like Al Jazeera but not sure. Looks like the Colorado River goes between Baja California and Mexico which is where the red crabs were migrating from or to  because of the nuclear accident in Fukushima which killed off a lot of plankton and migrated because of a lack of plankton (ie oxygen). Plankton supplies the earth 1/3 of it’s oxygen. But it does seem kind of weird to have been reported about. I would be watching the Hoover Dam like a hawk if I were our government. (more than one hawk….a bunch of hawks) Whatever station it was it was one I don’t normally watch and a show I don’t normally watch. Found his name is Fareed Zacharia.

Why not divert the water of the Colorado River to build another dam

for Californians throughout the state?

or better yet

get rid of solar panels and get rid of the Governor of California

(Mr. New Normal.)

Now Manafort and Gates is kind of a strange story. Manafort was for the Ukraine and Gates was for the Ukraine so their tax evasion was for the sake of the Ukraine as well and against Russia. So I guess it makes it okay right? Even thug there is such a thing as a Russian adoption?

Hell if I know. Sounds like a bunch of shit to me

but trying to get sympathy via the Ukraine and the anti-Russia/Putin Climate and climate CHANGE and for fascism vs socialism and would rather be friends with Erdogan of Turkey rather than Putin. Maybe it is about BAJA resort and the Seychelles and not Californians? Who knows but supposedly leads to the Clinton dossiers/tapes ???? and implicates EVERYONE.

I think it’s a false lead but it sure is long. ALL of it.


I guarantee money is involved and mucho investments and real-estate hoping to bring home the bacon for a few people.  LOTS AND LOTS OF BACON. I guarantee the RCC is also involved BIG TIME.



In other words we are dealing with a bunch of pricks

who think it is okay to MURDER my mom


because I had an abortion


She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.

She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.

She sells sea shells down by the sea shore


She did it again today the daughter of Kelly (in another life the Rattans, the dad was MIA in the Congo in the 70s and became a 3 star or 4 star general eventually in the army but liked to walk in on people when on the toilet and his daughter was best friends with my older sister who hospiced my mom without telling me) Kennedy of Fox News a Jesuit or Jesuit inspired said that she thought because of the political atmosphere these days that if Trump were impeached it would not hurt him politically. Thank goodness politics isn’t his alma mater but business is and it would hurt him if he were impeached but she is trying to steer the President towards Mueller which he might do. If he does he should take time to think before answering and have his kids with him and his wife during the interview and I would imagine Mueller will come out looking like an ass. I recognized her from the past because she let her speech impediment slip. She used to be deaf to a certain extent had to wear hearing aids etc and she talked funny because of it. She had a sites and two brothers. One I saw in pictures in Syria. The other had polio as a kid and later in life was Schitzophrenic and thought he was Jesus when in a state of schitzophrenia without drug intervention. I think his dad thought the same thing. They were under stress about her brother and what to do if something happened to the parents who would care for him kind of stuff. The dad liked to hunt dives and once took my dad and my ddad never went again because he didn’t enjoy the sport since it isn’t really hunting. She was at the party at my parents home when Gary offered to carry me to my car and followed me in front of my sister and her and that morning I left in the wee hours and went home 5 hours away without a word and got a phone call from her asking why I left and she gave me advice to talk to either my sister or Gary and I chose my sister and then the lie happened when i had a meeting with my sister and told my sister about the molestation years before and she picked up the phone in front of me and said she was gonna tell my parents I left their home in the wee hour of the morning before anyone woke up because I was attracted to Gary. Truth is there was no lock on my door to the room I was sleeping in and he was acting funny and I was afraid he would sneak up on me again so I couldn’t sleep the whole night and thought this is fucked up. I’m on a vacation at my parent’s home and I can’t sleep because I have a fucked up brother in law. I was pissed and very tired. She is her. My sister’s oldest and best friend since they were children and she with her mom and dad and family were stationed in France when we were stationed in England when I was a child. I know it is her and I suspect she is a jesuit and her dad as well who was in love with Jacqueline Kennedy. He has the same voice her dad and the man who wrote a book about the assassination of JFK supporting the one bullet theory which is ridiculous but would do anything for Jacqueline Kennedy. He also wrote the book about Manson cult (HELTER SKELTER) and was a prosecutor. Vincent Bugliosi SAME EXACT VOICE. Her coloring is very similar to Jacqueline KENNEDY and her mother sort of took after her as well though not in a beautiful way as if the DNA was used too often. His reward of his lies? Kelly is a General in different branch of military Marines so I guess he was a spy in the army against the army and my dad.

Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK …

Reclaiming History | W. W. Norton & Company

Here is my site linking transcripts of the CBS reports about the assassination which are more interesting than the tapes themselves and I do try to include what I know and the photos snapshots of the photos to prove my case and do a pretty good job of it as well. Much better than the museum devoted to it and it is pretty riveting. Talk about a coup.

Merangue’s Blog

Probably why Putin said what he said about the JFK assassination and the assassination of Martin Luther King in an answer to the question about poisoning of a spy n England which Miss Kennedy ridiculed. I did a lot of research as well on the assassination of JFK and Bugliosi’s  assessment is flawed. Deeply flawed.  Jackie Kennedy killed JFK plain as day and you can check out my transcription of the CBS news coverage of the assassination and before and after and the implications of it and BILLY GRAHAM was involved and so was OBAMA. I don’t know ho  w time wise but both are there and a blind sheik at the airport and lots of other recognizable faces and I took a lot of snapshots  LOTS AND LOTS to prove my case of people at the airport in Dallas, on the streets of his visit to Dallas and got some good information everyone ignores because it is convenient and because the people who investigated are dumb as mules. Just because you don’t understand something does not mean you ignore it.

Meanwhile Mueller is gonna keep trying to railroad Trump from any direction he can for Obama because he is afraid of Obama. Another person to take with Trump besides Rudy Guiliani and Alan Dershowitz is Sarah Sanders and bring ACOSTA and Michael Moore, Pelosi and Hillary as well to make it a free for all kid of interview to the Mueller interview as part of the deal besides Trumps family and do it live and let all of them speak when they choose to speak. It would certainly be interesting and make great political folly for the press for months. Kudos to Rand Paul for communicating with Putin via letter from Trump. The only reason Pence wants to start a NEO branch of the military is because of what Putin said about keeping space weapons free zone about a day or so before hand so he is responding to Putin. Funny thing is we already have some bases devoted to space some are secret and some are not secret so I don’t know what Pence is talking about. Had them for many years. What Pence ought to do is allocate money to shoot down any nuclear missiles before the missiles move horizontally or go into space so it only affects the country it is launched from. DUH. But he isn’t the president, is he? I hope not.

The reason for the fear of Obama is Obama leads from behind and does his black magic like the nerve agent poisoning in England I think was via Obama and I think he was able to get access to it via Japan and a cult making the stuff and kind of advertised it when he went on a trip to the general area because he did not get access to sarin gas he desired in Syria and could not get because Putin stepped in to help dispose of it during a civil war and a revolutionary war and war in general in the area because of the Golan Heights  and disputed territory between Syria and Turkey and so implicating Russia because he hates Putin because of it and Putin I think hates him. Both are competitive but I think Obama tricked Putin during a meeting. Not sure about it but I suspect Obama is involved somehow via his followers to a nerve agent which is illegal of course and probably poisoned Kim Jung Un’s half brother as well using some women. He loves to use women. THEIR SUBSTANCE as in the bible the Jesus who used the substance of women because he is transparent.

Everyone acting like a bunch of crazies is because of their fear of Obama because he leads from behind. Leaves those leads to protect himself from reprisal for the things he did while in office while implicating everyone else like a demon or a devil and a cult leader would do to keep them on his team. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He would throw Michelle, their daughters and anyone else under a bus if he had to in order to protect himself which makes him very dangerous and he should be arrested for suspicion of the things I have offered and many other things like implementing a cover up in regards to Fukushima and poisoning of many people and Obama Care in order to cover it up as well and many other things he did while in office killing people of his own race to start problems and whatever he could do to terrorize because he is mad as a mad hatter. Probably has a cocaine habit and maybe heroin as well, though I don’t know it and used hospice on some people and helped to give access to it easier for the RCC. He was propped via the RCC and Kissinger to save their reputation and was elected probably unfairly and the Vatican may be involved in voter fraud. Uses immigration and covers himself at the same time. Got severely rich doing it. Everyone ought to investigate his richness and how he got it because I guarantee he didn’t build it. He stole it.

If you want to play offense against Obama FOLLOW THE MONEY but remember he is a psychopath so be careful.

I guarantee he has access to some powerful drones the mechanical types and the people types. The only way to stop him is to arrest him and jail him in isolation and then investigate while he is behind bars. NO visitors. People will talk then. You have to lead from behind to get him and catch him at his own game and implicate him in his crimes against humanity. You have to come behind him coming behind others and before he comes behind you and then after he is caught backtrack and figure out how some things are happening and you will notice his trail. He left one.

Partly why immigration is so dangerous because he uses them. Not every one of them but many of them and any one else he can use. He uses something and someone in space as well. REMEMBER the thing in the box he said to let stretch his legs that was in space to assist to give them a lesson they will never forget besides the astronaut whose Jewish wife a senator was shot in the head at a Safeway and a district attorney investigating Fast and Furious who was killed. He had a twin. He ought to be arrested for suspicion of murder of a district attorney at Safeway in Arizona and for the injury of Gabrielle GIffords (Obama was a Senator too , wasn’t he?) and many other murders to hide the real reason ….the district attorney. IMO Illegal Arms sales because no one should bare/bear arms but MIchelle, one of many dark sentences he made and study those dark sentences and the timing and the things that happened and compare while he is in isolation in prison. He used Gabrielle Giffords though as did her husband who paraded her around for gun control when Obama probably was the catalyst for her demise a fellow Senator yet Jewish and because it would make HIllary look funny who was a Senator as well because she is female and had her replaced by a man if you can call him a man Senator John Kerry at the State Department during the Benghazi hearings which were fake and totally inadequate while the Muslim Brotherhood grew in Egypt and Libya and MALI and other parts of continent of Africa parts of Syria, India, probably attempting to do it in YEMEN his way….starvation, ASEAN (the ten toes i.e. ten countries in the Indonesia area) and elsewhere. Many other places besides New Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Probably Cuba and Central America and probably South America as well which is why we need a wall for starters.

A possible connection. when bad things happen real bad things figure out his location at the time and watch where he goes to find a time pattern in regards to crimes and his whereabouts and hers as well. Maybe his closest allies too. eventually you might see a pattern you can understand or do it the SAFE WAY and put in prison in isolation and then investigate until you find and figure out his MO and when you get enough evidence try him for treason. but while he is in prison in isolation.

Take Fukushima the earthquake an the tsunami and read his tweets at the time. His tweets are very revealing.His comments at his press dinners are try revealing and dark sentences as well as are the presses like Hardballl Chris Matthews. His humor is very dark. What he said at the UN about the prophet of Islam and his donation to Iran. Its enough to hang him.

IF he is innocent having been a past President when everything went crazy and over the top he should not mind being in isolation in prison a nice one for a while (fed well) like the woman prisoner leader in the Indonesia area whom he visited and made famous or more famous who didn’t mind and let him be ruled out as a antagonist and catalyst  in many crimes against humanity for the sake of his legacy and his reputation for history’s sake and for his parents and his children to honor the Father in heaven.

On Hannity a pretty blond (McCains daughter) asked San Franciscans about open borders and one guy said we should give them what we have in this country so they can have it too since they don’t have it in their country. What happens if they don’t really want what we have in this country but want us to have what they had in their country? Not all immigrants like us. Many don’t like us and it will be very hard on african americans who like freedom because some african americans won’t be good enough just like in Africa. Like in Mexico. Like in Saudi Arabia. The class structure in Mexico doesn’t even like some mexicans unless they are the ones from Europe ( I agree with the person who replaced Tucker on his show temporarily, Mark Steyn. He is right about Mexico and the government is corrupt. We are catching up to their corruption.) They don’t like many of the Central Americans and even in Brazil they didn’t like the kids on the streets and assassinated them in Rio de Janeiro a few years back and got rid of their problem. Cleaned up the streets of the orphans and the wild kids, Murdered them. Often when you get Mexicans from Mexico and some in our government they think by talking fast they can defend their position on the show against Trump in regards to the wall and ICE with lies which is not a good sign. Meaning their reasoning is not sound and only intend to use immigration to get votes and corrupt our country more than it already is and turn around and rend the very people who get them in office or get them more power.

When Obama was President the work force was decimated and now is making a comeback. Lots of people made some good bucks on lies in regards to man made catastrophes such as the tsunami/earthquae which can be achieved via HAARP at  Fukushima nuclear plant because of the Roman Catholic/Evangelical tactics in regards to the Neo-catechumenal way and tried to force it on the catholics of Japan and the rest of the population in Japan and Japan resisted and wanted to wait five years because of a rise in suicides especially of the young and then the earthquake happened causing a nuclear disaster and lots of people paying for it with their lives which is the coverup of Obama Care to pay for it and to hide it and did it dishonestly to. Don’t read it just sign it to know whats in it. (Nancy Pelosi)

Representative Joe Wilson stood up to Obama and said/yelled You Lie. I saw him do it. In the bible (the OT I think) there is a prophecy at the banks of ULAI of a prophet under the myrtles (flowering trees) on a river with who prophesied about the things going on now and includes Gore in a biblical way not a good one but also brings up Shinar and I already discussed it in this post I believe has to do with Hospice where Mother Teresa started her Roman Catholic retribution in India and the temples in the area of sexual acts. When I read it i assumed it sounded like You lie. the lai of ULAI could be pronounced that way. Saigon the say sounds like sigh. Maybe there is a real place called ULAI. I don’t know I just knew Obama was a liar and saw things I have never seen before. Bad things and bad things happened too for his political goals to teach a lesson they will never forget. Was he talking about women? He was propped by the Vatican and Kissinger to fix the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church for child abuse and money laundering however in the bible the false prophet whom he defends pretty vehemently betrays the people he made a commitment to, via a false covenant and I think it isn’t just once. Many women and men have relationships that don’t work out and keep making the same mistake over and over again never learning. The same goes with Christians and Roman Catholics and Islamics and muslims and all the other religions on the face of the earth. I think Obama is whom he defends of course, of course. there are more than one just like there were more than one Jesus. In Mexico and spanish speaking countries a lot of people call themselves Jesus. Jesus is also a name of Joshua. Jesus is a popular name. Like the name of John. Very popular.So when someone says IN THE NAME OF JESUS …….could be anyone. How many people are called IAM? Jesus said many will come in my name (and not in a good way.)


I believe it is the NEO-CATECHUMENAL WAY AND FORCING IT UPON AN UNWILLING POPULATION regardless of the rise in suicides as a result of it JUST LIKE HOSPICE which is murder suicide and ISLAM whih also forces itself on people. Not only was there a risen suicides there was a rise in deaths occurring because of the poisoning of the food chain. When the Chernobyl accident happened in Russia it took a while to understand the depth of the damage to human society and to the land in Europe and many people died because of it via the food chain, crops and cattle.  the same thing is occurring with the ocean because of Fukushima and the Japanese have to let off some of the poison into the water in stages and don’t tell us when to avoid troubles they country of Japan did not cause and some went to the west coast where the trouble began. Climate changers are the excuse. Nuclear accidents don’t cause climate change and starvation of ocean and sea and beach creatures? WRONG. Nuclear accidents kill over a long period of time. especially some fish like sushi, and tuna, red crabs star fish whales polar bears. Nuclear accidents do cause global problems and overheating. The polar bear is skinny and the reason is being blamed on Climate Change which used to be called global warming but looks to be starving and foaming at the mouth like he might have rabies. we heard about the turtles and straws being blamed. But never mentioning the Fukushima nuclear accident. Isn’t that funny? When plankton die it kills other fish which need the oxygen it provides.  Plankton supplies the earth with 1/3 of the oxygen to the planet of earth. Do you remember what Obama did in regards to dishwasher soap? He had an ingredient removed form dishwasher soap but if he is doing what he has done in the past it might be having the wrong affect besides dirty dishes. It might be a trick. He is full of tricks. Because of Fukushima there is a rise in asthma and breathing related problems. REMEMBER PLANKTON?!/3 of Oxygen to the whole planet and to the fish who live on it underneath the water? Starfish have one nerve and includes it’s mouth and were dying by the thousands on the west coast because of the accident by starvation. OXYGEN STARVATION. When it happened I started having back troubles because of my sciatica nerve in my back and legs and I wasn’t the only one. I stopped eating tuna and it subsided eventually. I ate tuna again and it happened again. I stopped and it subsided. I ate tuna and I got a way with it. then I ate it again and it happened again. I learned from it. Tuna is a fish which absorbs mercury in the ocean which is part of nuclear waste. A gift from God and is why tuna is only supposed to be eaten twice a week by pregnant women when things are normal and no nuclear accident because of the natural mercury in our oceans but we have exceeded the normal range. When I say my sciatic nerve damage i mean for a few weeks or more and very painful and on a few occasions a month to get over the problem but found a thing called BEACTIV a device you wear on your leg near the knee which if situated correctly on the leg uses a Japaniese/Chinese pressure point type science and helped to alleviate the pain with some help from Excedrin or back pain relievers. Bur or some who don’t know what is causing the problems such as tuna or some fish possibly sushi it can be debilitating and cause people to collapse. Im sure there are other diseases as well that nuclear waste causes and in our DNA as well. I do not sell BEATIV or have any other reason to advertise it other than it worked to a certain degree so I could get in the tub or do the dishes and walk. A lot of people had operations to alleviate the pain. I don’t know if it worked. My brother collapsed while walking his dog around the time before we all knew how bad it was and had an operation but I don’t know what happened to him after a while because we stopped talking because of family problems. I did reveal to him about Beactiv at the time and he liked it but still had an operation because someone said it was something else and may have been or may have been both. HAs a teenage when working on a construction site he used to prepare his lunch to take with him and had a special way he made it with Worcestershire sauce and ketchup and a-little bit of A-ONE sauce. No mayonnaise. He would make a whole bread loaf of sandwiches to eat for his lunch . This was before he grew up and started gaining weight. Good alternative to mayonnaise. I liked the taste. So I think he as reacting to tuna because he liked tuna. Lots of things cause starvation but lack of oxygen can be problematic and lack of fish who need oxygen to thrive under water like seals and other types ocean animals. THe west coast showed lots of signs besides readings of nuclear contamination. The red crabs lined the beaches and migrated north from Mexico I think to the Baha area looking for plankton but many died. You should read Obama’s tweets at the time of the accident and the earthquakes and tsunami. I remember one was ANOTHER IS ON IT’S WAY. I can’t read minds but either he meant another earthquake or he meant THE BGEA to assist the people with the Neo-catechumanal way which did go towards Japan to help. If he meant earthquake well how would he know. Jesus talks about another. When thou gets older another will gird thee and carry thee where thou would, Follow me. He said it to Peter at the Sea of Galilee and also told him to feed his lambs and his sheep because Peter denied him three times. Hospice is not feeding the sheep…it’s killing the sheep and the lambs. other teresa blamed it on women who had abortions when in Calcutta and did a lot of lying. Got her hospice in 500 parishes in 105 countries of the world. That is a lot of killing fields, isn’t it? Pope Francis sainted her. At the time Peter did not like Rome and never wanted to go to Rome but this time it’s different and i don’t think he was very old when he went to Rome. but there is a story about the chains falling off him while in jail but no witnesses. He did follow Paul. I think Jesus meant it for our day and age and about the Roman Catholic church in our day and age and meant not only feeding food but spiritual food as well and water. Water is very important and so is OXYGEN. I don’t think Jesus appreciates the silence in regards to hospice by the press. ON Fox with Shannon Bream just now showed a boy suffering from some bad disease who wants to end abortion written on his little sign. A BOY. Probably never had premarital sex yet. Believe me in this day and age abortion is like divorce. A GOD SEND. Too bad about Shannon? She did it with a smile and I guess IT”S ENTERTAINMENT!  I thought she had class but she does’t or didn’t then.. She is just a cheap tool for deception and shouldn’t even work at Fox or in the press if she were smart. Probably possessed when she did it and using a young boy who has no experience. Hail Gerry? Can’t get much worse? How many women have been forced to leave the Fox news station because of sexual abuse? I wonder who is next? I guarantee there are gonna be more. I have no idea but some of the best left already.

The Book of Revelation thinks the RCC doesn’t make it. I think it’s right. I don’t think the RCC makes it and tells it’s daughters (the offshoots of the RCC in protest which is a bunch of churches to leave it in order to not partake of it’s sins which are many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I Wonder what happens to those who don’t? I don’t know. It doesn’t say. Perhaps more Fukushimas? WORLD WAR 3? VOLCANOS ERUPTING IN VARIOUS PLACES? STARVATION? RIOTS? DNA TROUBLES such as lack of memory, birth defects, plagues? DEMONIC POSSESSIONS? BURKAS? THE END OF DEMOCRACY? MASS SHOOTINGS IN MALLS AND SCHOOLS? DISPLACEMENT? DEATH OF THE USA? PLACID DENIAL? BY PEACE HE SHALL DESTROY MANY.

But it doesn’t really matter because it’s the new norm. I/3 of the state of california is filled with smoke

Heart-Wrenching Video: Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land | National Geographic

I know DiBlaxio is a democrat but I agree with him about the press. They have done a disservice to everyone and mostly to themselves and are towing the party line no matter what station because of their great and devoted love of politics and no matter what station or party do not believe, do they? I don’t think so. Sometimes it is hard for me to believe too but so much bad has happened its hard not to believe.

I won’t be voting because of the mass hysteria about abortions blaming women again. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the Supreme Court games by the republicans and the democrats about abortion and illegal immigration. IT IS SICK! I hope a lot of people resist the voting apparatuses. I used to think it was a duty ….NOT ANYMORE because of the press and it’s lies and deceptions. I feel bad for the things the Trump family has had to go through but I didn’t get sympathy when my mom was hospiced without my knowledge. I have seen how the press and the governments treat unwanted kids and unwanted people. And have seen how religion does as well. I believe legal safe abortion is a God Send to save lives of a great many wonderful women and girls and future moms, not boys and men because males do not have anything to do with pregnancy;) and wonderful dads and moms who stood by their daughters. It should not be used as a political tool or a religious tool and is a females right and I don’t care how it affects the religions of the world and the people in those religions. I believe families should have the right to plan their descendants by their means and their situations and their health and age.  NOT THE CHURCH. I believe God believes it as well since he didn’t mention the church in the Ten commandments. NOT ONE CLERGYMAN NOR RELIGION was mentioned FOR GOOD REASON. Let them go to hell and maybe the religions of the world and is steeples with it’s peoples and governments will learn to appreciate legal safe abortions. I bet the religions of the world and the politicians will be begging for forgiveness for their attitudes towards the females rights and her families rights and will wish they had never succumbed to the RCC evangelical retribution against women blaming women because it abused females, kids, families, deceived them terribly, and laundered money for them and the mob and caused the global cataclysm on the horizon. I haven’t voted in a long time and I doubt I will need to ever again. I have seen the tricks of both sides and it’s ugly. I support many different things in regards to many issues but no one cares.

In the case of economic sanctions against Turkey and Russia,

why is Medvedev reacting and not Putin?


Very few care or have any idea why and it isn’t because of abortion. It’s because of the war on the Ten Commandments and ignoring truth when offered for free such as about the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed which then supports the rights for women and girls to have the human right to a safe and legal abortion. It lays the onus back on the boys and on the men.


Won’t you be surprised to find out Mother Teresa is your god.

By the way be sure not to take the Lords name in vain/vane while dealing with the calamities

brought on by all of the above except abortion. HOW SMALL IS THE MUSTARD SEED?

Payback: 30 Trump stars
appear on Walk of Fame

Why would Vladimir Putin have the KGB kill a Russian spy and try to kill his Russian spy daughter in Britain. What would he have to gain? However what would Obama have to gain? What would Fox News have to gain? What would Sheppard Smith have to gain? What would MSNBC and the other news stations have to gain? What would the Vatican have to gain? Why not wait till they came back to Russia and no one would be the wiser?

Don’t thugs launder money?

Did and does the Vatican launder money? Yes? No? Does laundering money make the Vatican thugs? Yes? No?

Who has been accused a bunch of times via it’s clergy of sexually abusing kids?

Trump? Putin? Netanyahu? The Vatican?

What state or country is in every country of the world? Russia? China? Britain? The Vatican State?

Who got Obama in office? Netanyahu? Putin? Kissinger? the Vatican? 

Who sainted Mother Teresa? Putin? Trump? Jesuit Pope Francis?

Who said the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam? Putin? Trump? Queen of England? Obama?

Let’s add it up?

HMMMMM Looks like the winner is the Vatican


Why would a Russian spy want his daughter to be a Russian spy?

Revelation 18:16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Who uses a golden cup?

Who wears purple and red? Putin? Obama? Trump? Fox News? Rand Paul? Mitch McConnell? Netanyahu? Vatican City Bishops and Cardinals?

What is a city? Putin? Obama? Trump? Netanyahu? The Vatican City?

Who wants a world without Borders? Putin, Trump? Netanyahu? Queen of England? The Vatican City?

What countries are immigrating the most? Russia? THE USA? England? France? Israel? French speaking countries? Spanish speaking countries? Islamic speaking countries?

What religion do spanish countries and muslim countries practice the most? Chrisitianity? HInduism?

Islam? Roman Catholicism?

Who enters our country the most ILLEGALLY? Russians? Islamic people? Chinese? North Koreans? French?

Roman Catholic Spanish people?

 Let’s add it up!

Who won this contest? Hmmmmmmmm the Vatican is the winner


In the case of my sister who hospiced my mom and gave me a portrait I had given her as a gift and she doesn’t remember it was a gift I was thinking about perspective because my dad had quite a bit of perspective: Maybe my sister doesn’t know what she did because of the BGEA in her, yet she doesn’t call and hasn’t since she did what she did to me and what she did to my mom though she was not present at the time like my ex when his mom was hoisted. The press doesn’t dare talk about hospice by Mother Teresa or the Pope (Jesuit Pope Francis) and the RCC (Vatican) or Billy Graham (Samaritans Purse or the BGEA) in a bad light or Obama in a bad light just girls and females and women who had abortions and blame their families as well and uses them because of the courage of man. PRETTY SAD. I was thinking about how Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke right before he died Luke 23:46 “Father, into your hands I commend (commit) my spirit” and (which sounds like I give myself a pat on the back and crazy as a loon) and Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” When the Gospel of John said Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man (sperm) that there is something strange going on and I think it is worth talking about because I bet Jesus actually may have said: Father, I command my spirit into your hands.” because he had control of himself in how he lived and how he died and when he lived and when he died and where he lived and where he died and why he lived and why he died, etc. Maybe we ought to discuss hospice and the things in this post in regards to our chances of surviving the onslaught of the Roman Cathoic/Islamic/Religious (many other religions, daughters of the RCC and Islam) persecution going on and the indoctrination practices of the press on both sides of the press and and both sides of politics. How and why was Jesus able to get control and command his spirit?

I wonder if the Manafort/Rick Gates money laundering and bank fraud and tax evasion FBI case and the extra marital affair Rick Gates had in London is connected involving spending a ton of money on flights and hotels has anything to do with the nerve agent poisonings death of a Russian spy and the poisoning of his Russia spy daughter and Ukrainian political work both Manafort and Gates were involved in a few years before? I bet it does, (Ukraine, money laundering vs Russian spy?)

Drama grips court as Manafort lawyers accuse Rick Gates of multiple affairs

“More recently, after the launch of the Mueller investigation but before his plea bargain, Gates lied to the FBI about a meeting between Manafort and an unnamed US Congressman regarding a “specific issue”. The meeting has previously been cited in court documents.”

I wonder which US Congressman. Seems to me the citizens of the USA ought to be aware of which US Congressman was protected by Manafort by the lie he was willing to tell to the FBI.

Sure is a lot of lying going on in regards to these people. So when reading a few articles which were not specific whatsoever I figure the internet press writers who come up with all of these articles filling up the internet as much as possible with crap probably are lying. IT is rare to hear a liar be specific. Like the false prophet is not specific the one that said “two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken and the other left”. …Earthquakes in diverse places……etc found in the Gospel of Matthew last time I looked anyway.

I thought reason would make a difference with someone like my ex who is catholic brought up as a catholic and lies his touché off. I have heard reason is a way to deal with his dilemma. Sometimes you cannot reason with unreasonable people. He is an unreasonable person. Last night he said I said something which I did not say and twisted what I did say with what I wrote which had an explanation  a good one in such a way it was EVIL . There is no other word or way to describe it. It was in regards to my mom and the timing of her death and how she was murdered and tried to make me an accomplice for his sake because he murdered his mom for her sake which could have been avoided if her caregivers had a brain and the catholic agenda of Mother Teresa’s hospice and reasons for it which are unreasonable.  He said a lot of things which were unreasonable. I asked him what if your soul depends on it? And he was totally unreasonable and acted like he didn’t care and I know he does but it doesn’t matter because he is unreasonable which is a big reason it ( the Roman Catholic Church) needs to be destroyed. It destroys souls which otherwise would not be so fucked up and also the reason why he lies his touché off. HE wouldn’t have to if he was reasonable and if the church itself were reasonable. There is no other way to save souls other than to destroy the RCC. I don’t have the means to do it but I hope someone does have the means and does it soon and every business and institution involved meaning the shrines of the RCC, worship centers, every business it uses to further it’s career, nunneries, orphanages, HOSPITALS, HOSPICES, and the Vatican itself. He wouldn’t get so IRATE when I bring up the subject of the guilt of the Vatican or protect it the way he does if he wasn’t guilty of towing it’s line. I can talk about abortion and have been attacked verbally for it many many many many times  in many many many many ways via the internet, television and the press, government and religious people in their ways, and attacked my family as well. We were pre-emptively attacked mentally, psychologically, monetarily, lied to and lied about with an unusual amount of engineering, entrapped, and attacked physically to death when at their weakest, but he can’t and nor can MANY MANY MANY MANY people like him. It’s like the mute button on their face is on when the subject of hospice comes up or is just plain ignored but the opposite when the subject of abortion is raised. I can talk about both. Obviously, the people who can’t talk about Hospice or the Vatican in a bad way are towing it’s lies as well. I criticize both parties in our government and many other religions and when I can other governments if I have some facts which are hard to come by and criticize their leaders, I criticized the bible the Old Testament and the New Testament when I believe it is warranted or is in need of questioning it’s veracity. Why can’t he talk about the Vatican (and hospice) in a bad way? Why can’t others as well? What is holding them back? What are they afraid of? RETRIBUTION? It’s as if the MOB and the MAFIA, and in the spiritual way satan and the devil are holding their tongues. I guess the hail marries are NOT adequate enough, NOR  transubstantiation good enough, NEITHER any other catholic rite invented by the Roman Catholic Church and it’s mafias.

I don’t plan on criticizing the Koran because it is plain as day it is full of shit as are the people that esteem it. I don’t think any person with their wits about them would believe it but are afraid of the whole rig-ma-role as people in North Korea are afraid of Kim Jung Un or the people who were afraid of Saddam Hussein. I was hoping Kim Jung Un would concede to the failure of his leadership and his country and form of government which he inherited by birth because he is young and laden with it and probably would like to live free but those ties that bind are pretty hefty and too hard for him to overcome but I hate seeing north koreans acting like fools because of fear of reprisal which he in the past has instituted though I don’t believe he killed his half brother ( I think it was Obama or his allies who killed the half brother with a nerve agent to occupy, to scare Kim Jung Un, and to keep the status quo hoping Trump would fail so he would not find out some things Obama did in office and out of office which he could hang for and used his athlete friend to hide his animosity) which if he were smart would accept Pompeo’s (TRUMPS DIGNITARY) intervention for himself and the north koreans and the south koreans and ask forgiveness from God and from his fellow man. It’s location is part of the troubles of the Korean Peninsula. It would solve a lot of problems if Kim Jung Un would graciously concede for a lot of peoples and make the difference for the sake of the world which God created.

In Genesis  God tells Adam and Eve to subdue the world which is not what Gov.Jerry Brown is doing which is why he is having trouble thinking because he does’t believe in God at least not in the right way. He is not a good land management leader. He would probably do better as a leader in a farm community or a small commune. His last press conference was kind of pitiful talking about the new norm and then added some things to use to help fight the fire situation in California such as humans and then he added governmental help with the wave of his hand. He had a hard time with the last part – the governmental help. Get Arnold  Schwartzeneggar back to fix what Jerry Brown made a mess of. Vote him in regardless if he is on the ballot next time there is an election for governor. In fact, do it ASAP. Have an election before the election and pay him double for the trouble. Heard some good press advice about clearing the forests of debris and getting more access to water in the south.  think both the south and north via a new Hoover dam apparatus which would be great resource and while it might take years to accomplish might be worth the trouble in the long run and definitely will save more wildlife, human life, homes and investments as well if it survives this year at all. The air quality California is burning is affecting other parts of the country which is not appreciated and causing health problems east of the fires. Forget the solar panels and go with water energy. It’s free. Get rid of the Attorney General as well. He is probably lying and covering up for someone’s mistakes. The beginning of his speech is suspect and kind of obvious. Jerry Brown looks nervous and should be.

Governor Jerry Brown is a JESUIT

Is Jerry Brown a Catholic?
Brown was a member of the California Cadet Corps at St. Ignatius High School, where he graduated in 1955. In 1955, Brown entered Santa Clara University for a year and left to attend Sacred Heart Novitiate, a Jesuit novice house in Los Gatos, intent on becoming a Catholic priest.


Gov. Jerry Brown & A.G. Xavier Becerra Press Conference on EPA

Sounds like AG Xavier is threatening fires if his car standards aren’t met and he should be fired. Does sound like Xavier is blackmailing California and Trump. Trump ought to respond in KIND. LIke deal with it.and let Mexico and wherever Xavier lives or his real national alliance give them some pollution back. It sounds like blackmail and excuses excuses excuses: the new norm.

AG Xavier is blaming Trump and the EPA for the quality of air even though it isn’t the cars causing the problems but the fires. Granted there was a problem with some german cars which were emitting some bad gasses. Volkswagon. One of the greatest cars on earth in the past because they could float were super economical and easy to fix but became extremely complex over the years in comparison and because of diesel and standards and some flaws in their systems released a lot of poisons into the air in the Obama terms and administrations probably because of Obama…possibly purposeful by a few quirky people and unknown to others in the lawsuits about it and probably because we really liked those Volkswagons in the past. ALSO  more than likely the solar panels and nuclear shit that came via the Fukushima nuclear accident and landed on the coasts and probably affected the air quality as well and planted it’s nuclear dust on the wildlife and lands more severely than other places which I imagine is like pouring gasoline on trees. When Chernobyl nuclear accident or sabotage happened in Russia Europe and the east USA experienced acid rains for years and years which affects wildlife and forests and the soil. After Fukushima the nuclear readings were high on the western coastline during the Obama Administration but information withheld from the public except for a few truthers who took readings and filmed it but like the sandy hook elementary and other mass shootings the internet truthers were overwhelmed with propaganda from the RCC and others involved so you could not find the truthers explanations and some were witnesses but withheld from the public and some were hidden in a flood of disinformation which is purposeful because some of those events were intended and planned not just by the lone nut involved but others as well. The USA is not popular with the world because we won WW2. Russia is not popular with the world because it also won WW2 and both societies lost a lot of lives and 6 million jews were exterminated. The war was fought on many fronts. Not just against Japan and Germany. In a way we are in a world war of a different making being fought spiritually and through propaganda business wise and economic war, and an information and Intelligence war. No one knows who to trust. During the Obama administration he made some alliances, the wrong kind and used racism as his trustworthy tool because everyone is a racist to some degree which came in handy but was actually a war against females for the church of Rome the Vatican and for Islam and against Trump because of Jerusalem. Recognizing it as the capital of Israel. So all broke loose in many places and california is taking the brunt of it in some ways probably because of Hollywood good and bad. Obama is playing a very dangerous game with the world and so is the Vatican especially the Jesuits. The New World Order WITH TEETH was a catalyst for some nasty people to do some nasty things to the people to rule the world and will destroy the world if possible with stupidity, greed, lies, corruption and disbelief (what is good for China isn’t necessarily good for us and what is good for some other place isn’t good for us even if you like them) in the times we are in. You can laugh it off if you want but isn’t gonna go away because of ridicule and is not getting better because of the climate freaks using Trump as there excuse for their failures but acting confident of their failures which may be their true intentions being influenced by the devil that the Jesuits worship in private and make a vow to to be a Jesuit who has them by the balls to do damage to anyone else it can.

The Jesuits got us into the Vietnam War

and there was a draft

and people who didn’t want to go to war had to go.

Also there were some apparitions in regards to ships and things that may have helped to stir things up. Not a mary apparition though there have been sone of those as well with the little girls who became nuns later in life and the Fatima’s secret. I watched it and it was weird and used the sun. It is not unfathomable for some group to affect faiths using false apparitions and superstition to build a larger crowd which usually means more money, It is not beyond the RCC or many other faiths using gold dust etc.

Amarosa recently wrote a book and had tapes of Gen. Kelly. I have not read it and know nothing about her.

But this i do know

Gen. Kelly is not a good guy. He is the Devil’s Advoçate. She may be right or wrong about some things about Trump and may be as biased as he is or isn’t, but I KNOW Gen. Kelly is a very bad person and influenced by evil and is not a good person to have around though it may be impossible to get rid of him

without a major stink.

He is a spy though not for Russia but for Obama and the Jesuits.

One day one bullet might be in the making for him to support his claims but not by me.

He is a trouble maker, a woman degrader, an African american hater, and I believe he his definitely a sociopath but so are many people in Washington DC but he is a terrible chief of staff and up to no good.  He is also ridiculous especially his performance with the Korean group who visited the White House. HE IS A CRAzY LUNATIc which sounds very very stable and calm but he is not inside. He is a loose cannon and a dick head at heart. A very dark person inside. You an tell by looking at him. Has no understanding and needs to go back to the jungles of the Congo where he belongs in a state of  MIA. Puts on a good front and a classic Sociopath to the nth degree. I think he is a rapist as well. He will try to bring down Trump (via Amarosa or any other opportunity because he has a lot to hide and doesn’t want it found) but like I said there is more than one. So just keep your eyes peeled is the best I can advise. I wouldn’t disbelieve or believe Amarosa because some of it may have been manufactured what she heard or saw and I guess she is gonna make a lot of money with the prejudice book which is Obama’s forte being evil to use it against women because he is ISLAMIC. CONFUSING AS IT IS it is the state of the union because of people like OBAMA and the Jesuits. I’m sure it helps Obama in many ways for her to have been treated the way she feels she was treated and to undermine Trump and to divert attention for his crimes and to inspire the worst in everyone as he did while he was in office and doing it while he isn’t in office and he also is a sociopath. Calm exterior, but inside, not so. Very worried or he wouldn’t do what he does. Very very very worried.

I’m glad she wrote her book and helps my conclusions about General Kelly. But all this happened a while ago and everyone is mad she wrote about it but tough cookies. She had a right to if she feels she was treated unfairly.

He sure likes his job as Chief of Staff “the (white house) staff works for him, not the President. “Kind of telling because the White House staff is supposed to work for the President and the Chief of Staff is there to help them work for the President and not against him and Gen. Kelly got her to work against him by intimidating her in various ways, I’m sure. He is a pro and a psychopath which is kind of hard to work around.  Gen. Kelly loves power he thinks he has and is not a negotiating kind of guy. He is, but at the right price but he is also so stupid he won’t know the right price. I could tell by his conversation I heard on tv that he had when he fired her he enjoyed it, like a rapist who enjoys raping someone. Same kind of attitude. 

“Later on the tape, when asked by Manigault Newman

whether Trump was aware that she was being fired,

Kelly allegedly tells her, “Let’s not go down the road,”

adding that “the staff and everyone on the staff works for me, not the president.”

I really gets me that the staff work for him and not the President. So why have a President? To rally? Couldn’t we hire Bob Hope to rally the troops? So who does Pompeo work for? General Kelly? Does the President know? Does the Chief of Staff work for the President? Does Sarah Sanders work for the President? How about Kelly Conway? Maybe from now on there should be an election in regards to picking the White House Chief of Staff.

Did the President get replaced by Bill Clinton part time or after a certain amount of time?

interesting. Looks like Bill Clinton in the mouth area and this expression.

So no telling what he told Trump and no telling if she abused car privileges MUST HAVE BEEN A HELLUVA A CAR and I think it is interesting she asked if Trump knew whether she was being fired. Didn’t Trump hire her? Pretty confusing and I don’t think if you fire someone or have the General fire a woman that Trump should call her a low life. The President in this picture looks like Bill Clinton and not Donald Trump but I can see Clinton calling her a low life. I think Kelly Conway needs to be more explicit as to why she is now a low life and why makes her think it won’t happen to her if it happened to Amarosa.

Trump did not make Amarosa. Her parents made her.

I’m glad she taped General Kelly though it is being used against her, Trump, and should be used against Gen. Kelly because he is influencing people in a very seditious way. Was she fired because as a female she was too old for their taste. No longer 12 years old?

Everyone is watching everyone and there is no privacy hardly anymore so she has a right to tape him and to write about her experience. Some great peoples reputation were tarnished though not ruined because of writing about someone or something, It is her life. I don’t think anyone in government hasn’t written a book about their experience and the same with the press. So it should not be cause to call her a low life since everyone is recording everyone. Almost anyway. IF the government has the right to record and to oust someone out of a job then so do the citizens. PERIOD. Is it believable?

 I’m not gonna buy it because there are so many books out there.

I know deception is rampant but I know it will end soon.

Not gonna worry my pretty little head about politics because everyone is a low life in politics, religion, and the press and I can’t wait to see Gen. Kelly hit the skids. I’m gonna keep doing what I do when I feel the need to write.

General Kelly is evil and she did a good thing though her target is wrong. HE came to bring the Jesuit order to the White House, Politics is very underhanded and I hope she makes a ton of money exposing Gen. Kelly because he deserves it. I don’t like him locking her up WITH HIM in the situation room and in my opinion is lawless type behavior, Doesn’t sound gentlemanly and is threatening as well. NO telling what he did to her that she may not even know. The Pentagon has some bad examples in it and I contend he is one of those examples. I think he represents the DEEP STATE/The Jesuit order. A friend of my mom whose husband was killed in helicopter in Viet Nam during the war was gang raped at the Pentagon soon after her husband died. I don’t know why but obviously to set an example to other military couples? obviously a few bad people are in the military and a lot of good people too. But there must be a club of some kind like the Club of Rome and the Jesuits. Secretive and HIGHLY CLASSIFIED. Maybe John Brennan knows? I’m surprised she remembered it but did not press charges so must have been afraid and possibly had her mind EXORCISED to not remember details. (The same thing or similar may ave happened to Amorosa by the general. Locking her in the situation room is not cool and is a sign of something amiss. She is really voluptuous and like a Marilyn Monroe and remember what happened to her? I DONT THINK IT WAS SUICIDE!) My mom invited her often to dinner etc and I think it was nice. Obviously she needed friends. The press are also Jesuit influenced BIG TIME so no wonder they don’t like her taping General Kelly. He would you! He would give you false information at a drop of a hat and put you under the ground for nothing just to get ahead. So be thankful she exposed him and his demeanor and his psyche because he is a traitor. He will get what he deserves someday. I know Dana Perino is defiant for General Kelly and the Jesuits. No one should ever go out with him alone and should always have a tape recorder going when they do meet with him to keep him in check so they can checkmate him eventually. No one should have to deal with him at all and Im sorry Trump has him as his Chief of Staff but sometimes having the enemy close is beneficial (a bird in hand) however I’m sorry for her treatment. He should be isolated from women mostly and from men with integrity. (Remember the Benghazi hearings of Hillary and reason for the delay? Of all the times in the history of Hillary Clinton did she ever have an injrury/brain ailment of some kind right before the hearings which were set for her to attend and the injury was kind of timely. Everyone was suspicious.) I wish she had a tape of him saying what she said he said such as the N word. I think she may have seen or heard someone say it but it wasn’t him somehow and I bet the General has something to do with it. Something happened or she wouldn’t have turned on him and I guarantee it has to do with the General. I have seen people do things and say things that were way off the normal of the person. I don’t know if she was set up or she and Trump were set up but either way it works for the General. If she has a date and time of the statement involving the N word she might compare to his trips and his whereabouts on record I’m sure. I do believe someone is playing Trump. Not Alec Baldwin b/c he does it for fun but someone very serious. But don’t take my word for it just know it can be done especially in regards to the President of the USA to cause trouble and to undermine the President. I know damned well the White house is taping every room in the White House of everyone there. So it could be investigated if it is important to her and if she is telling the truth. I guarantee some newcomers in the area business-wise might also be involved. I would;t doubt it for a second and I know who and what Im talking about, but if it’s true it will be found out so I won’t name it yet. I think it could be more deception and who knows why, I don’t except to fool the elect. I agree the General is running the country AT THE MOMENT and Trump is a puppet a rallying PUPPET and it is dangerous. I think Dana Perino is happy happy happy happy talk. Talk about the things you would like to do. As if she already has won but it ain’t over till it’s over and you with it.

Trump wasn’t afraid to fire Amarosa three times on his show (which was not a good show imo) why would he need to use Gen. Kelly to fire her now? Because it isn’t the same person, that’s why. Just goes to show anything can happen. Next thing you know Gen. Kelly might get replaced by another Gen. Kelly. Anyway I think Trump used Amarosa to show the America people he isn’t running the country at this moment in time. The Jesuits are running the country. People like Panetta and others. But there are 7 trumpets in Revelation. I do not know how many more we have to go through because I don’t know how many there have been but the tables may turn very quickly, or yearly, or bi-yearly  so I will keep watching when I feel like it because this episode with Amarosa was a marker of a new one. We have had a few markers so far. He said he didn’t know and then later admitted he did know she was gonna be fired and that was about a year ago. He met with Putin recently and everyone freaked out because they don’t know why the meeting was all about especially Panetta who tried to get the american people riled up FOR HIM and FOR FOX NEWS because it aired on Fox News about not knowing what was discussed in Helsinki except we found out about a pipeline from Russia to Germany which he blurted out in kind of a weird way. Even the elect will be fooled but what does elect mean? What does Dana Perino think it means? I know she thinks she is the elect in a spiritual sense because I can tell by her demeanor and her adamant-ness which is plain as the nose on her face. But still I wonder what she thinks ‘in spite’ of it. 

Amarosa thinks Trump will get us into a race war.

So far so good he didn’t.

On any case Trump is signing a big military spending bill and maybe it will Straiten things out.

Fix It Yourself, Ben Carson

THIS IS OBAMA. The PAST President of the USA

Speaking about MIA in the Congo Ben Carson, the doctor, made famous at a breakfast with Obama who said “fix it yourself” to the tenants he lorded over as head of HUD and who also said “You get what you deserve” and equated taxes as tithing to the temple while Obama was in office, of course, which is very silly and was miffed at the Fox debates because no one would ask him a question (kind of making a scene) because I don’t think they thought he could answer the question and saved the easy ones for the great surgeon (separater of siamese twins and an IMAM himself) using race baiting between the two Fox and Ben Carson hoping to get the Republican nomination says abortion is child sacrifice, but doesn’t mention hospice. Obama knew him very well when he attended the breakfast and used him. Everyone thought he was a good guy because he stood up to Obama (it was only an act which I suspected because it was too too too convenient) but it was Obama’s little plot to get people to take Mr. Hur seriously, which I don’t. I think he wasn’t asked partially because of a lack of knowledge as the other candidates being in politics longer a lot longer and as on of the Fox people displayed part of the deal with Fox debates and the candidates was to get ratings and so some of the questions the pundits in charge were asking some questions to produce a controversial reaction for the sake of ratings but not for the candidates or for the USA but for their own business of the press and this person got in trouble for exposing it. I got the message loud and clear. I don’t know if it was intended to hurt america as far as the breakfast with Ben Carson is concerned but to make us think. He has his idiosyncracies but also his talents to communicate pretty well and is personable and smart I just don’t agree with him on many levels but on a a few. I think Obama liked him genuinely and helped to bring him into the spotlight to be part of the conversation nation wide and he has added to the conversation in some ways especially in medicine in some good and some bad ways and religiously as well some good and some bad. Isn’t it the case with most of us? And because of his race for a multitude of reasons probably some I don’t even know. The conversation helps to educate us on things we don’t know or see or understand and I don’t think he should have been put in charge of HUD but more involved in the medical field to improve it. However he must have had some experience in housing in his life perhaps. I don’t think even though he loves his mom has the right concept when it comes to women and their rights and even about God and I know Obama doesn’t either. Doesn’t mean he won’t by some kind of miracle but it isn’t an overnight kind of thing to all of a sudden be wise in regards to the female in God’s eyes.

The Controversial Alex Jones

I am concerned that Alex Jones has been attacked for his contributions to the conversation which are superior to many people. He has helped a whole bunch to educate people and in regards to Sandy Hook Elementary I believe him more than I believe the alleged victims families and I think they must be under some kind of possession or spell. He has a right to show what it is he found via truthers and others and because something ain’t right doesn’t mean it is off limits. There is a lot of deception going on and he has done a GREAT job of showing it in his way. I still think it was a false flag event as well and sort of like in a different dimension these things are occurring that we are witnessing and he has a right to probe it because in a way it happened to him and us as well since we are having to determine and discern some of the things going on even if we are wrong some times. When our rights depend on truth and we have to witness something unbelievable he would be an idiot not to do what he has done to expose it. Maybe there are good reasons for the false flags but I can’t think of any so far and I have been doing this for nearly as long as Alex Jones. Many of my blogs include his work because I value his work and I think God does as well. Perhaps some people don’t appreciate his style but it is appropriate for his purpose and people listen which is probably why he was attacked because it works.

“There is a way that seemeth right but leads to death”

I think false flags are a good example of the wrong way

and quite possibly are 

METH induced events.

Vince Vaughn Weighs In On Alex Jones’ Social Media Ban

Vince Vaughn sounds like the black sheep of my ex’s family a brother in law. Kind of weird to the nth degree.

The mother of Heather the White Supremacists voice is totally different now. She doesn’t want people to focus on her because Heather would want it that way after she was run down by a car and magnified by her mom’s words so which one should we believe the one who says do not focus on her or do and magnify her? She’s a nut. Not the same voice as the one who represented herself on tape (voice) as before. Charlotesville is having a White Supremacist nationalist march to make people think about last years criminal activity and clash of bigots but do not focus on it.  The ones who want to throw away history and statues of men or women who fought (I guess) or led at a period of time when it was a major contention in the south and ore important then than now and the ones who don’t because it makes their city special. In any case I am on the side of keeping the statues and history because it is telling and fairness and not running down someone with a car because you disagree. But if the statues are taken away then I think the same should be done for the memorial of Abraham Lincoln statue in Washington DC. and all the others and Martin Luther Kings head in the White House. It is getting ridiculous but Obama started it because he likes it like that. Remember Afghanistan when the Buddas were demolished? blown up? and a girl was shot in the face for going to school? This is how Obama likes it.

To quote Michelle Obama in regards to their oppositions “when they take the high road we take the low road and when they take the low road we take the high road” or something similar which is her MO and used financially, trading, psychologically and in opposition to anything going on in the USA as well as starving students at lunch time which is what antife is doing in Washington DC on the anniversary of the Charlottesville tragedies IMO brought on by stupidity to incite racial animosity testing Trump the first year in office and for antifa to look above it all this tie when in a different state causing troubles but always try to be in a place where trouble may start to occupy like little fascists with their heads and hearts not in the right place. Remember Ferguson and all the other race contentions during the Obama Administration and people died which is the Obama’s entertainment. Use race but show a lack of respect for the Mandela to top it off. It is called madness. INSANITY.

I’m not a white supremacist but I”m not a black one either and proud of it.

I’m only a witness and trying to tell it like i see it and hear it and think it and feel it.

Gov. Jerry Brown & A.G. Xavier Becerra Press Conference on EPAAG 

We can make a difference and i think economically Trump is trying to do his part of which he is pretty wise which Obama wasn’t. People need work because it is good for the soul and to make money to survive. HIs trade fairness attempts are good but obviously will be tweaked as we go to improve upon. No one can predict how someone else or a country and some leaders (some good and some bad) will react until they react and can reciprocate or punish or destroy but someone had to do it. Immigration needs to be under control. What is good for Mexico is if we become Mexican (a very corrupt government) and not all of us want to be Mexican and not all mexicans or those south of the border are welcome here and shouldn’t be and some could be if they play their cards right or you might get TRUMPED.

The times we are in are tenuous at best and can thank Obama and the Jesuits

and the Jesuits don’t make it

it is written or was

but I don’t want to check because the changes have been astounding and scary that someone so depraved would change the bible. if Revelation changes there is a curse that goes with it: a bad one. I would never change the bible but I certainly don’t mind challenging parts of it. Only a coward would change it.

I know the press and the government insiders do not like outsiders giving advice or critiquing them or coming up with ideas because the status quo is good for them and will try many things to keep others from contributing other than the idea they initiate and have in mind towards each sides idea of their new world order which is anything but order. even though some economic numbers have risen the drop of those numbers during the Obama years was much more than reported. so much has been silenced. When the oppress doesn’t dare talk about hospice it’s obvious those numbers aren’t correct and are manipulated and a lot of identity theft via dead people for some people people probably like Panetta and his type to replace the people who have died and their assets, government promises, social security, and other securities earned like those in the military for their service being used on other people being laundered somehow for die-hard catholics. Not just replacement theology but replacement financial security. I bet all the terrible things in the news and the shenanigans between the parties is hiding and to direct to other pressing stories as a diversion and keep adding up enormously so we will never get the scoop (the truth) about it. Like a code words for hospice murder suicide and instead call it “the  opioid crisis”if being starved or some other form of murder because hospice uses opioids to kill overdosing the CLIENT or the PRISONER and as an excuse or a cover up of the death of people for the coroner and why hospice is offered for free using either medicare or medicaid not sure which one my sister named but was one of those) as long as you exclude doctor’s care in the process so as not to make the doctor liable or the government liable or the hospital liable and after wards to silence the people who get sucked into the idea for inheritance or by blackmail when in actuality the persons hospiced were murdered and to keep the social security payments or military income/benefits for someone else and to further the agenda of the Vatican and the New World Order. Not all military people but quite a few who devoted their lives to the protection of the country not realizing they were pawns of the Vatican. They were being watched by the Vatican as long as in the 70’s by others in the military who were Jesuits.

When I had my abortion on base a priest sat on the plane with my older sister who was coming to help me talk to my parents about my condition in order to get the abortion and must have been getting intel via our phone calls in this case my phone call to her and then her phone call to get a ticket to travel to where we lived. HE sat next to her on the plane and I guess she divulged her problem…ME. THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE OR AGAIN AFTER WARDS AND SHE FLIES A BUNCH. She had had an abortion a year or two before when I was younger and came home after it for a visit to rest. I think hers was illegal but I didn’t ask her I was only about 12 or 13 years of age at the time.and didn’t know much about it. I was still riding horses. I was too young i just knew why she was there at the time. Then learned about it from a friend who had had one a german girl (a military offspring of some kind) when I was 14 years of age and then heard  of others via the news. Then later heard about other females I knew friends and family who had abortions. It was acceptable in the 70s and 80’s. One friend of my sister had a bunch of abortions and had no children. 12 or so. abortions. Not sure why she had so many and she was a friend of my little sister and even had their wedding reception at their home in California. But the Vatican was gathering information on people way before and around the time of the legalization of abortions.

My sister thought she was talking to god on the plane because of the collar but God does not wear a collar. We weren’t religious at the time into Santa and Jesus as portrayed by the churches we attended. The guy I had sex with was in the military so he might have been doing a service for the Vatican. (I  met him on a Rangers outing on base with a friend and they were doing their training and her dad was in charge of the Rangers on base.) I don’t know because I never went out with him again. I hated him though he did call for a date. He knew I was upset when I talked to him because he didn’t call back afterwards. I guess I scared him. I was surprised he called. I don’t know if the unwanted pregnancy was purposeful because at the time there was also a way to equalize African americans via the military so they were using quotas in the first year of it so were able to use me and my pregnancy to disqualify my dad for general at the time and to put up Colin Powell instead for some reason and to fill the African American quota. Colin Powell worked for Bush and Obama and I guess Clinton but only heard about him in the Bush years and the Obama years.. My ex (husband at the time) did his book on tape in his studio which he earned and bought from a friend whom he worked for and who started going nuts literally. The studio was situated under a big microwave tower and I think affecting him. People saw ghosts in the building at night. I didn’t but I felt one go right through me ( a friend who drowned ) but was outside the building at the time. I guess the Colin Powell book on tape was a kickback. Before and during the time of the purchase the guy who sold my husband the studio was the one that bought us tickets to New York state to see a building he wanted to buy in a town a catholic town (his wife was catholic) and to run a studio for musicians and books on tape for the military and for other military projects and car ads and some miscellaneous ads so we went to see the building which was an old masonic lodge. It was huge and dark and was the largest building in the town. We decided we didn’t want to live there in the masonic lodge and run a studio in this haunted place. I knew it the moment I saw it. I thought both were crazy for even thinking it but toured it anyway and it was three stories or more and huge. I could have had a humongous place to do art and a dance studio and teach kindergarten through 6th grade and had a few businesses in it and we saw the worship center in the center of it. It reminded me of the movie with Jack Nicholson in THE SHINING without the garden to give you an idea of how big it was but we toured the country side which was fun. Could not find a good place to eat. Everything was tasteless even the sugar. The burgers tasted like nothing. Stayed in a bed and breakfast and will never do it again because the experience was awful. A doctor ad his wife who was very unhappy. She drank quite a bit and forgot to make meals and then didn’t do a great job of the ones she made. Had a cute children’s book shop in back of her home in a old garage but fixed up which was her thing. They argued while we were there. It wasn’t cool. He had a huge ego and was hard on her. Had a painting of himself a bit larger than the one my sister had done of herself with her first child. His painting of himself was on the staircase as you go up the first section of the stairs on the wall and he was playing a trumpet in the picture. It was a huge oil painting. I knew I didn’t like him because of the painting. It was ridiculous and how he treated her like his subject. I thought it kind of funny since we now have a President by the name of TRUMP and have often thought he doesn’t seem to be himself often and there seems to be more than one President Trump in the news especially since I do not know him personally nor have ever seen him in person and I would not attend any political rally. NOT MY THING or my kind of entertainment and think it is often too often. It’s like all that matters these days are elections which have something to do with The Gospel of Matthew and the coming of the Son of man. As lightning comes from the east even unto the west so shall be the coming of the Son of man be. The Son of man isn’t God but people refuse to believe it. Lightning comes out of the ground and out of storms and out of volcanos. The bible and the prophecy is being facetious, I think. (Barack supposedly means lightning which I learned from many bible teachers. There are many many Baracks besides President Barrack Obama one was president of Egypt who was overtaken by a coup when President Obama took office by the muslim brotherhood called Mubarak and a politician in Israel Ehud Barack and many other people by the same name or similar especially in muslimish countries and then of course we have military barracks. Kind of interesting. But the Gospel of Matthew also says even the elect shall be fooled) which could mean a ton of things even in context it is hard to understand the meaning so isn’t very helpful in my estimation.

Then there is the Barque of Peter which I think means the ship of Peter and has  something to do with the barque of Peter was given to Pope Benedict XVl possibly at Notre Dame in Jerusalem or the place in Israel on the Sea of Galilee some building with a bunch of steps when he went to Israel and on the same trip he included a visit to the Dome of the Rock supposedly the first visit a pope had ever made to the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and he brought something on the trip in a Big Mac truck but not sure to where in Jerusalem though. At the G8 meeting in Aquilla (Aquilla because there had been an earthquake previously) after he had pictures taken of him with the wives of the leaders and the only one who wore color was the woman from India who wore teal or green in front of a painting at the Vatican. Barack Obama was President at the time. Later the Pope suffered from an injury and the excuse was he fell in a tub and  had a broken wrist or arm and a few other European leaders did as well received broken bones or something as did some people in Obamas administration two women….Clinton and some other woman with dark hair the one who confiscated some ammunition during his presidency around the same time when there was an explosion at some plant in Texas chemical or fertilizer plant and a whole apartment complex was destroyed. Breaking his bread (breaking bones) which Jesus would not do. I know it means to eat and to share food but there is a controversy in the gospels between the gospels about breaking of bread and multiplying bread so breaking may have meant dividing bread or the mob/mafia tactics. (dividing of times?)

Bar-be-cue of Peter?

So I get the feeling Islam and the RCC are in some aspect united and not united in other aspects. Jesuits vs the church itself. Jesuits united with Islam and both are heavy handed. A struggle between the two religions both trying to rule the world in the New World Order times and especially during the Obama Administrations. ALl of this is confusing to me as it might seem to anyone who reads it but it happened and I’m trying to deal with it as positively as I can which is not easy. Getting phone call about my om being hospiced without y knowledge was not and is not easy of me. I know it was evil and should not have happened to her and to me. She deserved better. It is a rotten device and can be used for many reasons other than a merciful way to die because it can be used to get inheritance or as a punishment while for some catholics a merciful way to die for others it takes then before their time. So IMO the RCC stepped over the line and since Jesus said feed my sheep I think the RCC is headed to extinction because of the silence about it. IT was not merciful and is not merciful and being used wrongly. Talking to my ex about it it always turns into an argument  because I’m pissed about it obviously and he is at peace with it and shouldn’t be. By peace he shall destroy many. HE is an asshole and wash;t raised well. I think he knew my mom was b ring hospiced and didn’t tell me. to support his decision about is mom and is lying his ass off about it as he did about why i said to him when I found out she had died and twisted what I said into something very insidious. i will remember what my mom aid you should leave (a voice in sider her head told her and she told my sister and I while singing a song to her, lol from the woman in Bali in the movie South Pacific about happy talk and when I understood a thought he had which was She’ll never leave which was not said out of love or anything nice. Out of hatred. she said I don’t mean to be mean but a voice inside my head said you should leave. We laughed about it because it was so funny at the time. Insulting our voices singing to her being silly with her in her room at the ARC.

I understand my mom and why she had her bouts with alcoholism from time to time. She wash’t mad at my dad, I’ll tell you that much. She was mad at the world and had a right to be mad at the world. If she was mad at my dad was only became he didn’t see what she was seeing as a mom and as a woman at least not then. Sometimes one feels unable to cope with things one has no control over. t had a right to be mad at my catholic ex when he had me falsely arrested and put in jail overnight and he paid the bail because he knew he was responsible but won’t admit it and using the catholic onslaught to his advantage against me and his daughters because he is a dick head an inconsequential disingenuous person with an advantage he dismisses because of catholic pride he hides yet defends at the oddest times but I know better. OATHETIC. I hope it was worth it to him because it was a lot of money he needn’t have spent and luckily some people came to my aid and gave me water and some sedatives without me asking for it before I had my night in jail with a little tiny window and three other worn who were nice luckily. (The ex did not help nor know of the help I received) It was because he didn’t want to behave like a GOOD daddy should because he doesn’t know how. I did get a sign when going to the bail bonds place from my mom connected to a sign she had given me when she touched my shoulder before she died  because she saw ahead of time and was his discombobulation to me the other night trying to twist the meaning of some things intertwined in his many lies not believing in spiritual things and signs, some good and some bad. Hers was a GOOD sign. “They are they that testify of me.” She was not a daily drinker but she did have a problem with it and I think she was touched by the things she didn’t understand spiritually which most of us don’t especially at the time because sometimes those signs makes sense a little later and because often it does’t make sense and should make sense if it were of God. She had a lot of premonitions or INTUITION. People behaving weird towards her. I had some of it too. People not behaving nice for no reason. Like not driving my kid home when in charge of my kid on a spend the night to get to me. Not nice. Not from someone in the boon docks or in the bronx either, but someone well off. Mean and ugly behavior of adults towards other peoples kids to prove some kind of shit. Competitive stuff. Degrading kind of treatment. Belligerance. Belittling which was unexpected. I expected more because i wouldn’t do it to someone’s kid late at night putting them at risk or in harms way more than the kid might do to herself or himself. Real classy shit. Men don’t have intuition like some moms do. A gift from God for moms. Women tend to notice the undertone more than males because women receive the undertones more than males and are sensitive to it because of males Those undertones can be very destructive and for no reason or without reason and definitely not logical by any means. Because i had an abortion does not give someone the right to put one of my children at risk but some religions and the spirit it supports thinks it has a right to do it even though it is evil. And then those who aren’t allowed to abort leave their kid in a car to roast in high tea and diet, or drop someone else’s  kid (nanny) on their head on cement floor from a cart or leave a kid at the border to be taken by the mob or a rapist, sell their kid, drown their kids in a car in a river to be eligible to remarry, or drown their wife and fetus, or push a mother of two kids off a building and break her neck to be able to remarry (my mom’s sister), or drive her down rocky road to prompt a miscarriage (my mom’s sister0, or kill a woman in a tunnel in Paris, or starve a woman to be able to remarry against the family’s wishes and to promote murder/suicide-hospice and to promote the catholic nun called Mother Teresa and use abortion as an excuse, or cut off her head and accuse her of sex with her brother to remarry or shoot a woman in the head because of child support payments, put a woman in a tower her whole life because she did not have a boy when she produced children even though the seed of man and it’s DNA determines the sex of the child, hold back science and scientists in regards to whether the earth is flat or round, condemn those born with moles as devils, condemn those who swim as witches, condemn protestants to be burned at the stake, use weather and microwave weapons (HAARP) to promote global warming to make a bunch of money and to force homeowners to buy a product (solar panel), all because of the RCC and it’s man made rules of nonsense and basically exacting a charge a large fee against the people it is governing as if one solar panel will save the world from it’s own waste and probably the cause of wild fires to cozy up to the spanish inquisitioners, conquistadors, and the chinese and blame it on global warming and a crazed homeowner near the fire who wants to sue the fire department and is about to lose his home and is being blamed for the fire when it is the solar panels because it produces too much heat in a fire prone area and to avoid lawsuits out the kazoo and using him as a cover up more than likely and may be jailed for 100 years over it (it’s easy to find a crazy person to take the heat these days) and it’s NOT VERY NICE. It is possible he set a fire from his fury but I doubt it because of the other fires. He sure didn’t set them all. The solar panels are probably the cause which is so ironic. IRONY at it’s wurst.

There is an army God puts into their hearts to destroy the Vatican and I will guarantee my dad and my mom are in that army. A spiritual kind of thing called I think it is called Armageddon and sometimes those spiritual things affect the physical world as well. It motivates a person to either to do good or to do bad. Of course it does, but depends on the spirit be it good or bad. I think it will be good when it is accomplished.


I had met BROCK in the Washington DC area when we lived there but he was younger and was my best friends newest boyfriend. Not sure of the spelling of his name but he was also friends with a guy who looked like Chris Matthews but younger and his dad was a police captain in the area in Virginia. She was interested in Brock and not the blond guy who was very interested in her. Brock was the one who burned lit cigarettes butts in her arm and hand on some kind of a dare and on a date of some kind and our friends and myself thought it was kind of weird. We were young but seemed kind of an odd thing to do. She was catholic and a generals daughter in the army and involved in space, I think space because of where she ended up being stationed but before we moved from the area to a different base and she moved to a different  base in a different state than I moved to while in the army and before I got pregnant.)

I forgot the word shineth from the east even unto the west in the sort of quoted prophecy which makes me think of SHINAR which I wrote about earlier in this post. I never put the two together before in my head in regards to the lightning. Does lightning shine or does it flash. Shinar I think is India and there a bouts. Not sure of the meaning but there are other prophecies about baptism and the strait. KInd of taunting. Probably the strait near Iran but could have more meanings and is finished with the ending of ended.  I have a baptism to be baptized with until I be straitened. something like it. I think referring to the strait of Hormuz but then maybe OHR has something to do with it who is in the news lately.

Before he burnt lit cigarettes into her arms and hands (I cant remember how many times but enough to be noticed) the church was struck by lightning and burned to the ground near us right after it had bought a new organ.

While I was pregnant we met again for a reunion of friends about 7 of us in the DC area. I kind of think I knew but didn’t know I was pregnant. IN a state of inertia and denial. Went to a New Years party and I had my face sucked by a drunk guy we knew but not very well. He just came out of the crowd in the room where we were partying in and sucked my face off. Slobbered all over me. He was drunk. If i was wearing makeup it was gone. It was gross. One night we were in the bedroom and I went in to the kitchen of my friends house we were staying at and the parents were gone for some reason. In fact I didn’t see them at all the whole time we were there. The house was sold. I went to make popcorn because i was hungered and left the room. A big fire broke out and i came back in screaming …I think I screamed and the rest of the girls came running in and my best friend took the pan by the handle and threw it out the doorway which was open of the dinette area and burned her arms and hands with the hot oil. She was taken to the hospital and I was devastated. I felt guilty. I was not well. Nor was she. I never saw her again or tried to reach her until recently (meaning a few years back when I start writing my blogs). I felt lousy about it and lost a friend over some popcorn. The same day we were departing to our respective bases and homes and families. We didn’t know about the flour trick with an oil fire which would have saved her arms and hands which were beautiful. I loved her hands. When I first met her she was in art class and sculpting a face. I think it was a face. She liked to do oil paintings. Once she did in her basement art area game room on a table and painted with her fingers of people burning in fires. Weird painting. This was about a year or less before the popcorn fire and the reunion. I wish someone had thought to use the flour to put out the fire. Soon after jiffy pop was invented. Kind of strange coincidences, I think.

When I was at her home when we were all still living in the area I would see her mom very rarely She was like a ghost. She may have said something but was a little voice and just rarely saw her and we were at her house a lot. We smoked her mom’s cigarettes without filters. Pall malls. She had some parties and had a lot pf people at the parties with beer and pot. I don’t think her parents were at home at the time. Her dad told my mom I was bad influence upon her though she was two years older than me. Gave my mom a talking to so my mom took us to a psychiatrist about pot smoking. My dad was still in Vietnam I think. I don’t know if her dad went though he was a general already. Mine went twice for two different years  (some people call it tours of duty.)  the last tour my dad was in charge of about 1000 men or so. A Battalion. It was good for his career but between the first and last tour he did a lot of thinking while painting our house and i think he went for many other reasons. The men and women who were there and worked at the Pentagon for one year. As far as the psychiatrist and the pot we both and everyone else continued anyway. It was the times. Almost everyone was smoking pot and it was readily available to kids in high school.  I did not invent it.  I never had parties at my parents house without my parents  present. I knew better. I had one dance party for my birthday when I was in sixth or seventh grade, a spend the night kind of party all girls but my parents were there. It was an accident. A terrible accident which happened when we reunited. So I don’t think I was a bad influence to her but we were influenced quite a bit by something we didn’t understand because we were only teenagers. On one occasion and escapade we went swimming as a group in a pool while the family was out of town without permission and high. It was not my idea. I don’t know who thought of it and I don’t think I swam either. I did my best to watch over my friend so she wouldn’t drown. Se was trying to walk fully dressed into the deep end. Fire is more dramatic and painful but I did my best as a teenager to watch out for my friends especially her because she was kind of off center. Different. Not all there but very wonderful girl. There are other things that happened to us but I don’t feel like talking about it but was similar to the rape that occurred when I was in college. Like a loop with different people. And I did the same thing to my friend and woke her up to get out of there. It was weird like we were in a trance to get there in the first place. Very strange. I don’t know how the door got open to the dinette because it was winter in the north but mild. Maybe she opened it and then threw out the pan of popcorn on fire. I just remember it was open. Never saw parents of the girl whom we stayed the whole time we were there.

I saw her mom many years later and/or it sure looked like her and sounded like her who made a video about Sandy Hook Elementary and that it was a false flag and was one of the best truther videos I had ever seen about it and the science/belief system it profferred. It quickly became lost on the internet flood of disinformation. I  had seen a few others and some actors involved. Kind of interesting. I never saw her dad and mom together but she seemed like a prisoner.  very nice sweet lady. My friend was very sweet and beautiful and talented. Italian. I don’t remember who opened the door to the breakfast dinette are because if they hadn’t she would have had a hard time getting the burning pan out of the house and she threw it out with a vengeance into the yard below as if she were hitting a base ball with a bat out of the field. It was amazing she had the strength she had at the time but did it on her left side as I recall and it went over the balcony as well so she hurled it out of the house and saved the sold house and the people in the house. Her arms were in bad shape. If we had known about the flour it would have made a difference. But I didn’t know where to look and it wasn’t my kitchen. I don’t think I was the only one involved in the idea of having popcorn but I can’t remember for sure. The heat came on in the house for some reason and it smelled like something was burning a few minutes ago and it is August and I didn’t turn it on and the ex didn’t turn it on but luckily i still have my senses and we turned it off.

This trip to New York was more than 15 years ago and before we owned a home. We were renting at the time. Maybe 20 years ago or more. It was like some kind of a BIG CLUE. I think I was being shown something though still not sure of the implications in total. So food was bad everywhere, even when the boss of the studio at the time his wife fixed hamburgers on the grill at their farm and the hamburgers were tasteless as well which is hard to do on a grill. So we hunted down McDonalds for something worth eating which is kind of funny because I don’t really like eating at McDonalds very often unless on a trip or very very hungry. Though their fries are some of the best and sometimes their fish fillets are good depending on how fresh and their Big Macs are sometimes good as well. The place we stayed at turned me off to BAB’s (B&B’s). The only thing good about the trip was the great outdoors which made the trip worth going to the trouble. Pretty countryside and rivers.

I doubt my sister confessed to the priest about her abortion. I never did find out what was said on the plane between her and the priest. I was more worried about my parents and what they would think but I knew I wanted an abortion and was taken to a psychiatrist on base who said I was not ready to be a mom. I knew I wasn’t. My mom offered to take me away and have a baby and I was against the idea. I wish I had found out what they discussed but she wouldn’t remember now. She had her brains sucked out somehow being born again for the BGEA in order to murder my mom by hospice and to isolate me for Gary’s sake and for the reputation of the President of Conoco Oil in regards to his offspring.

Later I was on a plane to California or from California to visit family and in first class was Charlton Heston who stood up for some reason, I didn’t ask. I think he was taking off his jacket. It was five to ten years later or more. I thought it was kind of cool but I’m not the type of person to get an autograph or to hound a star and we were already seated. I used to have a crush on him as a young girl when he played some parts in a few movies though way overacted in others like the one about the Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green where humans were eating people unbeknownst to them. I liked Ben Hur with Sophia Loren and also The Ten Commandments about Moses which he did a great job of for the masses who watched it a few times through the years and this was before I read the bible to figure out what was wrong with the faith on TV (tele evangelists) and about the sabbath controversy and because of the threats of the NEW WORLD ORDER WITH a THOUSAND POINTs of LIGHTS and the wall situation between east and west berlin etc and started learning a lot on my own and while I did it investigated the assassination of JFK because the one bullet theory excuse was not satisfactory to me and many other reasons.

I think a lot of the things going on a diversionary for the sake of Obama and his cronies. I have noticed as a USA citizen I have to jump through many more hoops than a mexican for some benefits our government gives to citizens unable to afford things. If you have an accent it is readily available but if you talk like a citizen the institution makes it tough. I was trying to get help to afford a medication and after three attempts of reasonable reasons having to go back to the doctor to have him add instructions to the prescription etc one lady said I had to go back to the doctor to get him to put a 3 on the page. I asked her why? It had something to do with the company which offered the medication for much less and sometimes free because the company had a certain way of doing things and I told her but that is you and not the doctor so why don’t you put a three on the page since it has to do with the company and not the doctor. I was on the phone for about an hour mostly waiting to get a person to talk to.  FInally she did. She sounded like she was from INDIA. I had to bare with her she said often to me over the phone ( Bear with me and I did and she beared with me) and it was hard to understand her because of her language and it was difficult because she obviously didn’t realize the logic but finally I got what I deserved. Sometimes you have to wait. I tend to be impatient sometimes though Im very patient depending on the situation and my mood which I think is normal.

I saw a movie a while back about a man taking his kids camping and one of the kids disappears while he is saving two of his other kids from drowning in the lake. The movie was about his attempt to find his daughter for a long time and meets some people at a cabin which he goes to find her and I think Oprah starred in the move with another female and a male who appear to him at the cabin. She reminded me of her or what she might look like now. The other woman (not Oprah) and it was a spiritual kind of movie and kind of a sick movie as well in the spiritual sense. Trying to influence or introduce a sort of sick spirituality to the world because he doesn’t get his kid back. I think I stopped the movie at the point of the spiritual aspect being pushed like the drug heroin. New age kind of stuff without any purpose just unfortunate child abduction type stuff which is prevalent these days especially since the Obama Administration. I also noticed a woman who looked like Oprah having to do with the killer in Las Vegas at the shooting during a concert. I don’t know why it reminded me of Oprah. Maybe she is Obama’s harpee. I know she liked him a lot. a lot lot. There was something going on between them and of course she and Michelle went to Hawaii a few times together when Senator Inouye died and were able to take a zillion dollar vacation during the Hurricane Sandy aftermath to attend his funeral to make it look like it was important for them to be there and sent her heart to the people in New Jersey because she cared so much which I don’t think it mattered to her but Sen Inouye’s death helped to legitimize her trip.

Remember the thirteen or fourteen year old girl who was shot and killed at a park in chicago who had recently been a singer in the choir at the White House during the Obama Administration for some affair he had at the White House and had been noticed by Barack Obama? I remember.

Remember the young brides in Mali?

Remember the young female wives of the guy ( son of a IMAM) on some compound in New Mexico of the family starving and his three year old son died and was buried because he though his son was possessed but actually had epilepsy and in the news lately who looked as if they were from MALI wearing a makeshift burkas in white and was training one of them to shoot up a public school in the future with MIchelle’s arms?

Seems like there is a thing going on especially lately with young girls.

Is it the kind of country we want?

I do not think the DOJ Eric Holder would make a good President and should be kept from running in the next eligible election. What did he do about Fast and Furious? Benghazi? billions of dollars going to Iran?What did he do in regards to Sen. Inouye, Gabrielle GIffords? What did he do in regards to Sandy Hook Elementary? Boston Marathon? What did he do in regards to the false flag  signs and wonders?NOTHING. WHY because he is a bow wow kiss ass of Obama.  I saw the past President Ahmadmejad (Iran) dart out of him when he was bowing to President Obama in a receiving line after a State of the Union address as if he had something important to relay in a spiritual way. It was weird.. INFORMATION of some kind or something. It was for a second but I saw it. Some kind of hierarchy besides politically. More like in a hellish way. Fallen angels. etc I wonder if Eric Holder thinks about young girls?

Angels will rise and fall upon the Son of man.

The dispute between the gospels among some other things is about the Son of God vs the Son of man

Melanie Safka – Some Say (I Got Devil) – YouTube

Melanie – A hard rain’s gonna fall

I do not want a muslim for a President or who practices Islam both of which have antiquated ideas about women. It may sound anti Islamic but I ain’t no fool either. If I ever see a country which is Islamic who respect women overall I might change my mind. Haven’t noticed one yet. I don’t think it would be wise to go backwards in that regard. It is hard enough as it is or as Obama said: Leading from behind. Not my cup of tea. I have only seen a few individual cases where the Islamic men were man enough to be cool and brave enough to critique it’s own religion and government such as the guy who received death threats who wrote the Satanic Verses Salmon Rushdie and only briefly via his television appearances which were few. The others are afraid because it is satanic and our country is being attacked by Islam obviously and we need to stand against it but the Jesuits do not help. I am not ashamed to be against it.

Remember what Obama implied at a press dinner about young girls and made a joke about it? I can’t remember who it was he was referring to but everyone laughed. I think it was someone in his vast array of friends whom he seemed to admire.

The New Saudi Arabia Is A Lot Like The Old Saudi Arabia When It Comes To Women

This is illogical ;

“If everyone has equal rights, if men and women can do exactly the same things, it will be difficult to justify one having extra privileges,” Al-Dosari, a scholar and activist now in the U.S., continued. She and others pushing for equality say those calls aren’t subversive; they’re simply trying to better serve the Saudi people.

It makes absolutely no sense. WHAT FUCKING PRIVILEGES?

Why not be honest or truthful and say MEN AND BOYS CANNOT CONTROL THEMSELVES SEXUALLY SO YOU MUST BE CAREFUL. And say ALL SAUDI  MALES WANT TO DO IS TO SCREW YOU . Be honest. tell it like it is: SAUDI MALES ARE SCOUNDRELS AND ARE FOR THE MOST PART COWARDS and very similar to mice and let women drive and go after their dreams allow legal abortion and birth control and education and learning from experience so the females can teach the males to be civilized. Everyone knows by now what Saudis do to women in other places and have diplomatic immunity so stop the crap about virginity and character because Saudis don’t have character. Learn to control yourselves and your spirit and feed the Yemenis. The new face of Saudi Arabia a pretty man in a table cloth. BIG DEAL. Saudis are absolutely useless except for the oil on their property and being able to confound their own males to fly airplanes into buildings of civilians and not be man enough to land the planes and be punished, pay the victims families for the trouble it’s rebels caused or admit something is wrong with their religion (walking around a box) and something terribly wrong with their people because of it.  Things were so much better everywhere in the world before 9-11 and Saudis should take responsibility for it before GOD MAKES YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. Try to figure out what demon possessed your people to use box cutters to scare women and men on planes and use those planes meant for transporting people to their destination to instead use those planes as missiles to kill a bunch civilians because things will never be as good as it once was until the end and revelation is completed and you won’t have a chance in hell to explain. Was it Satan or was it the Devil? 

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

Pretty weird last night when the heat turned on in the house (we smelled it because it hasn’t been on since we had cold weather and when you first turn on the heat it always smells strange) by itself while I was writing about my friend and the popcorn fire. I don’t think the ex turned it on ad he acted surprised by it but then he said something later which made me think hmmmmm maybe he did turn it on because later he said he smelled it in his room as if he smelled it before I smelled it and started freaking out about the smell yet didn’t come to check it out till I freaked out and called him out of his room to check it out. Sounds rather minute of me to notice but I thought why is he adding this information at a later time to the story?  Either to deny the weirdness of it or he is responsible and turned it on but denied he did. Probably, in my estimation, because of the birds experience and his reaction to them after the fact as if it happens all the time – hundreds of birds the size of condors flying around your small neighborhood is normal but at the time acted astonished for about an hour or so as did the passerby’s getting out of their car to talk about it as if it was unusual and denying it was weird for the heat to turn on without a person doing it. DISBELIEF these kind of things happen. Other things have happened like it to me in the past some funny stuff and some not so funny stuff which is partially why i have a hard time talking to the guy about anything other than the  daily experience of deciding what we want to eat for dinner tonight which usually is contentious and mundane at the same time.

I wonder if plain ole white flour would put out fires in California or prevent fires at least for the homeowners? It sure helps with oil popcorn type fires and high heat. I know the fire fighters use fire retardants but homeowners could also help if given an opportunity to help. I bet terrorists help fires become big with planes and gasoline or could. or use oil of some kind to help a fire grow and use planes to do it. Terrorists have a thing for planes as we have learned since 9-11.

Its so sad to see people who don’t care that Amorosa exposed who is running Washington DC and its not Trump. He isn’t in charge of the country as President and Sean Hannity doesn’t care, Laura InGraham doesn’t care, many people don’t care if he has contradicted himself about everything he ran on to be President and on the other side even crazier. Not sure of their game but at the moment it is Amarosa and exposing I think both sides who love the Jesuits. Both sides are afraid of the Jesuits and so love them from the fear of their god. There is a reason he hired her and I think this was the reason. A VERY GOOD REASON. She should be proud of her part and smart enough to know something isn’t right unlike the insiders.

Proverbs 27:6 King James Version (KJV)

6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

ON Tucker Carlson the man named George Mason of Indiana University defends the lefts idea of free health care and Tucker says we can’t afford it which is true we can’t afford it as a country. George says if we go to the Obama style of insurance and free medicare it would be a measurable difference which is possible however if we had no insurance healthcare prices would go down for everyone and we could afford it and even people who can’t afford it now would be able to afford it. Also there would be a healthy turnover of doctors and nurses, health businesses, drug companies, health education industries, etc anything to do with health because insurance would not protect them from being accountable and would allow competition to work like it does if allowed to and  would prevent insurance fraud as well which drives the cost up on insurance for everyone and drives up the costs of medicine and medical care.. SO you can see I’m right. But now all of us are an in-between state and it’s a strange situation.

Insurance is like the clergy COSTLY for everyone.

For those who don’t buy it and for those who do and even for the ones who sell it.



Anyway Lou Dobbs said that the people protesting in the streets for and against in DC were stupid . If he is so smart why can’t he fix the problems we have in our country? How come the press can’t make things right? They bitch a lot and have a powerful opportunity using the media which most of us do not have and yet all the press can do is bitch. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH

For having as much power to reach the people on tv, internet, radio, print and journalize the press doesn’t seem to be able to solve one problem we face as a country and have zero ideas of their own. Just a bunch of talking heads without the wherewithal to do anything worthwhile.

The people on the streets are bitching because they don’t have the power as they are supposed to as the people and having been misled for a long time by the government and the press they have a right to bitch and I don’t think the press has the right IMO Luckily it wasn’t violent but who is to say down the road how bad it might get if the press and the government doesn’t get it’s shit together and do their jobs but instead assist in THE GREAT DECEPTION.

Amarosa exposed something very evil going on in our 

government and in the White House

and the press aren’t smart enough to recognize it

which is the epitome of

a bunch of fools.

The integrity of the White House has been breached by a Jesuit named Gen. Kelly. He has no integrity.

The press care more about the mode of obtaining  the truth

even though everyone in the government and in the press are doing the same

and because she is a woman and found some evidence

would rather gang up on her


because everyone else is


which is called gang mentality instead of ganging up on GENERAL KELLY

who breeds his style of gangmanship being a JESUIT

and he will bring everyone else down


if you don’t get him out of the WHITE HOUSE.

Kind of funny in light of the Putin Trump meeting in HELSINKI no one knowing what was said in the meeting.

Ben Carson split up some siamese twins which were OBAMA and TRUMP. The kids born to ISAAC and REBECCA were Jacob and Esau. One had red hair and the other one hated him, lIke Hitler hating his Jewishness. PSYCHOTIC

Two sides of a coin, a VERY THICK COIN, as thick as the VEIL of the TEMPLE.



Donald Rumsfeld outed some people (SECRET SERVICE and the AIr Force in regards to 9-11) and also wrote books and a few people didn’t like him because of it such as Caspar Weinburger. Not sure of the specifics but most of the administrations have had some major problems following the wrong spiritual leader for one thing. Billy Graham of the

BGEA/RCC/BAPTIST/ANABAPTISTS/PENTACOST and everything in between each of those.

So Amarosa basically is playing her part in Revelation and doing it with class.

Does Geraldo Rivera think Amarosa has class or is a low life?

I remember when some women came out against a few men for sexual harassment and he said he hoped our country wouldn’t go down this road, something like it and was worried….seemed very worried, and so sad, but he is a war correspondent so it shouldn’t be too hard for him and other war correspondents to go through. What did Bette Midler say about the famous War Correspondent? Did Bette Midler have class or was she a low life?

Low life is usually a name males use for a woman who has been raped.

I bet the General raped her and she probably doesn’t remember because there are ways to brainwash someone and probably happened when she was surrounded by 4 men she spoke of, used Trump to cover it up for other reasons we can’t even know but it would be very plausible. Pure supposition  but she certainly looks like a woman and not a dog. A woman most men would turn their heads for while sitting with their wives and seemed to handle herself well in the interview she was seen when talking about her book and the tapes. Te ex does;t think she handled herself well and thinks she is a low life because of how she handled herself but seemed to me she did handle herself well, was poised, defensive (which is normal) but assertive which catholic boys do not like in a woman especially an African American woman preferring Diamond and Silk (whom can be humorous) and women as a whole to be afraid. I told the ex you just don’t like women. He said he loved women and I said you starved your mom via hospice. He loves women whom he can fool with his gentle act. She was assertive and standing her ground as to why she taped the tapes to have evidence to back her up. In this day and age it is necessary because I guarantee they have tapes to back themselves up against her. I do not hold it against her in order to protect herself against some very shady characters and sue shenanigans going on at The White House such as the Chief of Staff. Hopefullly she is on the up and up, However since I hated the show Trump created called The Apprentice and thought it was fakey as fakey as the warehouse show when people bid on the warehouses left by people who have either died or couldn’t keep up with the payments….most if still able would have retrieved their belongings so I feel it’s a mock of the elderly and the sick but my ex really enjoyed it like he enjoyed fake wrestling shows or the show where people show some inheritables on Fox News probably only to be robbed of the dow the road by the same people who interview them the show called The Inheritance. Something like it The problem with hospice is the inheritance aspect of it which entices and tempts people to hasten death of a love one because of debt or other nefarious reasons usually entrapped to even consider it.

ON Anderson Cooper 360 a woman said the White House staff work for the people and Sarah Huckabee said other administrations had people sign non disclosure agreements but not of the work she was doing. I don’t think she had a pass for top secret stuff or security learn but we will probably see DRIP BY DRIP as Fox and the other Press stations are so adept at doing to confound and to get ratings. So if the White House Staff work for the people who is in charge of the White House Staff is the Chief of Staff but who put him in office to be in charge of the White House Staff? NOT THE PEOPLE but the VATICAN. The other guy on the show said Trump was trying to protect the denominations. What did he mean the denominations. It came out by mistake because he tried to cover it up and replaced the word denominations with another word. And the guy in the middle the bald one looks like the hobbit actor who was the killer in Texas of a group of people at a church when Cruz and others appeared and had a group hug like is done in Iowa at the caucus for presidential nominees and who worked for Trump. Which one? Which Trump? The doctor Trump? Trump Tower Trump? Or the Apprentice Trump? I watched it once and hated i,t by the way! A terrible show low class dog of a show. As JFK’s assassination made a ton of money on the books sold so is Trump’s controversies. .I guess trying to outdo the sales of the bible. I guess money can’t be earned by building business or creating business or helping the economy the right way because of lack of creativity so instead some leaders have controversies that need not be in order to sell books. It seems to be a similar situation with Trump ever since he had a private conversation with Putin.

I rest my case as far as what all of this is about is denominations?


(and money of course)

One of the Trumps has made a promise to all of the denominations, but is he keeping his promises? Sounds like a covenant kind of thing. Anyway …………………..

It is sad what the press hone in upon and it will destroy them because of it. OH well.

There ought to be an investigation as to why she taped so much and over a long period of time and see if she has had her mind sucked by some kind of drugs but still hostile. I guarantee there is a good reason for it and may be blackmailing the President with false information, or something. Definitely something more than her taping General Kelly and her getting fired and which would give her the right to tape no matter what was signed if she had been raped. Didn’t Donald Rumsfeld forget his admission and his confession in front of the Secret Service probably immediately after he said what he said for the US citizens. I’ll never forget it nor the reaction of the Secret Service when he said it.

One question

is WHEN did the non disclosure agreements

at the White House get sent out to be signed by the staff???

WAS It a President TRUMP request or was it a GEN. KELLY REQUEST?

I’m sure the timing would be important since Gen. Kelly came to the White House to bring Order

(the Jesuit Order)

to the White House.

On MSNBC the journalists are astounded it was instituted at all and said that it is illegal.

Anyway Kennedy of Fox News defended her daddy’s decision without saying so and really raked Amarosa/Omarosa (seen it spelled both ways) over the coals yet not one person on the show The Five said anything about the Chief of Staff’s assertion as to who the staff work’s for. So the White House is it’s own branch of government and the President is kind of outside of it like an effigy dangling in the wind which is why the President should be able to choose his own White House staff so that the staff works for him and not the Vatican nor NOTRE DAME so that Gen. Kelly is the effigy dangling in the wind. The press live off of the effigies it destroys. Fox News and Kennedy have a guaranteed income for the rest of their lives because of the White House staff’s true employer is the White House Chief of Staff using US tax dollars. Boy something strange happened to them when they were stationed in Paris. Isn’t it sacriligious to use the name Kennedy. Honestly her name was Nancy Rattan. Her last name ought to be ONASSIS, not Kennedy, but Kennedy of Fox News inherited those big calves from Jackie Kennedy after her trip to India to the Taj Mahal when she said JFK should have been there to receive whatever she said she received so he must have already been dead at the time and she was being lead from behind or something.

President Trump should have had the balls to fire Amarosa himself and done it nicely with respect and as a friend. Given her severance pay ahead of time and given her a reference as well because he does have lots of friends in high places and not bullied her out of the job and this shit would not have happened which makes me think there is more to this story than meets the eye. Shows a lack of leadership how she was handled and he has daughters he should know better if he has respect even for his daughters. Could have made a great example (to his daughters) and didn’t in this case except for one daughter who came on Fox and in stead made a lousy example for someone twice or three times her age. He could have done it over lunch or something in a  kind way and he could have warned her about Kelly. I think Mueller might be part of the trouble as well. I think the President suffers a great deal of paranoia because of the amount of attacks he has had the moment he got the nomination. So either there is way more to the story or he is an asshole and made a scene himself and shouldn’t be President. Anyone successful at business knows how to fire even a disgruntled person and shows something isn’t right. Totally ungraceful and more like a bull in a china shop. So we will see. I think it has to do with exposing Gen, Kelly and his daughter at Fox. I hope this is the reason if not I bet he is gonna be one sorry SOB down the road. Honestly if he couldn’t handle her better it’s not a good sign. I still think by manipulation and all those M’s of a psychopath I think the General Kelly worked it to work against her and Trump and eventually everyone else. I don’t think Gen. Kelly came to the White House to fire her I think he came to control the President and to undermine the President and too bad if Trump is that easily manipulated and anyone at Fox who thinks otherwise is really naive or a part of the Jesuit Society. I don’t think he chose the General. IT may be spinned or spammed he did but I don’t believe it. I think the General was hired by the Vatican to control the President and sow discord among the staff towards the President because I believe the Jesuits are on Clintons side. Hillary went to Wessley and Loyala Academy

“College Connections Detail Page – Loyola Academy
Our goal is to make College Connections a meaningful and timely source of … for Academics Timothy Wesley, as well as insights from college admissions officers and … The Jesuits have a special concept called the magis, which refers to a …”

What is the concept called the Magis?This is the concept of Magis:

Who were the magi? The three kings.

Someone subdues 3 kings in the prophecy in the Book of Daniel.





Daniel 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

ASEAN is the ten kings in the Indonesia area. 

Used to be 10 kings but now about 5 of them have changed their titles to Presidents. Probably a wise idea.

What does Kellyanne Conway think?

I’m not accusing anyone except perhaps Obama and Gen. Kelly and his daughter.because Obama spent some time there doing nefarious things. nerve agents I think were sought to terrify people and leaders. I don’t like what I have seen of General Kelly and his daughter and their influence which seem to be forked and duplicitous, etc.

On the same show the big guy with the tattoos lost his cool and called Amarosa a TOM. Probably hearing voices and the word Tom stood out and he blurted it out but was trying to figure out why he was apologizing about it so much but I guess she is revealing something he does’t want to be revealed and he isn’t a conservative as he pretends on Fox. Politcally correct but politically correct isn’t conservative, is it? I’m looking forward to seeing what she has on the White House Chief of Staff so we might see what is really going and what she meant about deceiving. I’m not sure she even knows to the extent she should such as who is supposed to be acting as President the one who was elected or the Chief of Staff who came to bring order via the Jesuits Order. Anyway the big guy with the tatooos blurted out she was a Tom and I think meaning an

UNCLE TOM is why.

How bizarre. He reminds me of Cheshire from Alice In Wonderland..

He isn’t very bright but thinks he is really cool and gets his laughs because of his race on the Gutfeld Show. Not that he isn’t bright enough for a college level show but he isn’t very funny and for him to call her a TOM is so Alice in Wonderland-ish. ( the first movie I ever saw. I wish I hadn’t seen it now. I was only 3 years old or so.)

Alice In Wonderland- The Cheshire Cat

I thought about what my mom would say and my dad which I have enumerated in this post and also

I figure the experience I had in New York wasn’t for nothing (let’s hope not)

and so I think the doctor is playing Trump because of the misspeak by the guy on the right an african American about protecting denominations with the Hobbit actor who killed a church full of people in Texas which has something to do with Sen Ted Cruz since he came to lay hands on some of the leftovers who survived the attack and probably the shooting was in order to kill one person the daughter of the preacher of the church involved and the shooter (an actor ) was on the Anderson Cooper show the other night.

The Great doctor of the church and the  BGEA.

Someone on one of the news programs said this saga is not about race and i agree but boy that is what obama and some people would like us to think because it’s a really good and handy card to use every time something unpleasant comes up. It’s about religion and the degradation of women however with a shade of bigotry to ice the cupcake. The ladies at Fox said she was the of person they would avoid after seeing her on the show with Trump. Sounds like Lara Trump didn’t avoid her from her own words. I haven’t seen it so I don’t know what the women are talking about. In this sense it seems like bigotry because she sure seems very bright, very intelligent, beautiful and very capable perhaps is what the ladies on Fox mean I don’t know but I do know Kennedy does not like her at all and you have to wonder why? What did she do to Kennedy? Because she taped some conversations to protect herself? I understand her reasons and I think her reasons are sound (sane) especially after having to sign the agreement which is highly unusual to any administration and she must have sensed something was amiss. Usually when things get strange it doesn’t happen all at once but grows because of how others behave and are influenced SPIRITUALLY and physically.  I was impressed with her the little I saw and I am not impressed with the ladies reactions to her and especially Kennedy. SHE IS A HATEFUL bitch.

 Let the pundits dig their holes

I think It is kind of weird to see Lara Trump all of a sudden. where has she been? Asleep? What does she think about Gen. Kelly running the White House and not her dad-in-law? Maybe it doesn’t matter to her. I do think the whole thing is bizarre but so was what happened to my family. I think tapes help. I have some, too but I haven’t released them. Don’t plan to because the White House is not my house and God is my witness, beside the ones I have.. I’m not gonna write a book which is the flood like in the days of Noe (NOEL— LEON ……………PANETTA or Noah) General Kelly and Leon Panetta make a good paring. Both are causing some trouble with a capital T at the White House all because Trump had a meeting with Putin and don’t know what was said. I bet it was an interesting chat. So much so Gen. Kelly is wringing his hands trying to make a stink when I think the tapes will help. I don’t care if Trump said the N word any more than the C word. But i think she may have some good information which needs to be dripped like Fox does and other press does about current events because it matters who runs the White House. Drip, Drip, Drip…….but be sure to drip S_L_O_W_L_Y Is it the Vatican or is it who was elected by the people. I think there may have been coup of sorts and a lot of squirming going on. I do think calling her a low life and a dog is reprehensible and I think someone is playing Trump like the Doctor either via demonic possession, drugs, gang mentality. hostage taking etc. Things may come to a head and it will be interesting who will be on top. Obviously the press are using her and she bit but she isn’t helping her family. I think Amorosa is coming off kind of ladylike in comparison whereas the men involved are acting kind of like worms.

If I were Lara Trump I’d back off for the sake of the family.

The new Vatican Fox cupcake has much more work for Trump and the US military forces besides Afghanistan but her strategy is wrong. We can’t be everywhere at once unlike the Vatican who have had a 2000 year advantage I think we can get rid of a few places on the map which have to do with the ideology which I have explained but it might upset the Taliban’s sensibilities (Saudi rebels) but would help lower the expectations of Islam and the Vatican and those who seem to think those places of interest still stand because of God and not the real reason the weakness of the flesh of man and their timidity to reciprocate because of those Buddas in Afghanistan and do unto them as was done unto them and leave the area FOREVER and let the EU and Russia do the rest . She is slick but I can see her religion written on her face. We don’t have to clean up the world. Let the world clean the world. Let the RCC do it. It’s in there hemisphere and we have ours. Of course Trump will do what it is the Vatican wants more than likely because it seems like he isn’t himself especially when within the White House.

Pompeo, IRAN,the EU


My advice about Iran is not to starve the people of the things that make them strong like business, staples, and the things that make families happy, etc because people who are starving can never overtake their government. This is not the 1700’s or the 1800’s. The Europeans want to defy the sanctions against Iran and against Trump and businesses are sort of being given a black and/or a white choice about trading with Iran. Sanction technical and weaponry type products. Be specific about which products are sanctionable. BE REASONABLE. EUROPE SHOULD BE REASONABLE AS IN SMART about what it trades with IRAN because it may be the end of EUROPE if you aren’t and the USA may not be there to get you out of the PIT you could be digging for yourselves and then I believe if the EU doesn’t go along with a reasonable President Trump?POMPEO sanctions then POMPEO/TRUMP ought to destroy MECCA and MEDINA as a REASONABLE response or one of them at a time. Those are my good ideas which make sense. IT’S CALLED TOUGH LOVE.

However, Brennan losing his security clearance is a great baby step!

Hannity in his opening monologue I thought I heard him say Brennan was a communist. He is an Islamist. Maybe I misheard him because I was in another room next to the tv room but it sure sounded like he said communist. ff he did he might have merely misspoke communist for Islamist. Panetta and Haydn should be next.

Brennan thinks its is taking away his right to information he used to have access to is attacking his freedom of speech. What about the State Department after Benghazi giving lie detector tests to it’s employees on a weekly basis? Is it freedom of speech or silencing the State Department employees to hide what happened at Benghazi and then whisking away 30 witnesses to Germany by Senator John Kerry/Head of the State Department John Kerry to be debriefed and never to be heard from again. Is it freedom of speech that was attacked and for what reason John Brennan? Please explain!

Anthony Scaramucci

is getting nervous and says Trump is going down slippery slope (sounds like Geraldo) by revoking Brennan’s access to secret information. Guess he will have to find someone to do his dirty work for him. I don’t think it’s a slippery slope. I think it is an astute measure. Brennan should be a little more silent. What Trump did was equivalent to “One small step for mankind.” Neil Armstrong

Pennsylvania clergy abuse report: Key findings from each diocese

Pennsylvania Catholics had news about some findings having found some very bad bishops and priests abusing kids by the thousand and I heard the man in charge of the news regarding the Catholic sexual and physical and psychological abusers that it is like this in every diocese across the the USA. Laura InGraham is Catholic and was pissed about their abuse all of a sudden because it was big news yesterday and today. SHE DIDN’T KNOW? Or is she just acting? It’s not like it’s new news. The accusations have been out for a long time. Why didn’t she have some shows about it like she does everything else? Non catholics have known about it nonspecifically but that there has been huge problem in the Catholic Church not only with sexual abuse but money laundering and more than likely child sex trafficking. I guess it wasn’t that important to Laura InGraham similar to hospice not even mentioned by Laura InGraham. I bet it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Anyway at least some kind of movement in a better direction I hope. She could have been part of the solution, but ignored it instead until she couldn’t. She still could if Fox will let her and if she has the desire and cares maybe not about the elderly but about catholic kids anyway.

Today Dana is doing one investigation by interview of someone who has some ideas about the child sexual abuse in Pennsylvania and she asked why doesn’t the pope say anything and also mentioned most of these accusations are old. That is the point DANA.  Using old information to cover up for the new things going on in regards to child sexual abuse. Pope Francis has been accused of running child sex trafficking from his birth state in South America by catholic themselves who KNOW. He will come out with a statement eventually but probably trying to prose it to build it in such a way to be just right for people like you. At least she is doing something. She can’t help what she doesn’t KNOW which is why the pope (FRANCIS) once said he prefers ignorance so he and his clergy may continue corrupting kids with your blessings which is one of many reasons you should come out of her meaning…. the RCC because you and people like you who do him a great service to be his veil. For your own good get out. It’s a sign for you not for a bunch of other people who KNOW. REVELATION says for his children to get out of the church of Rome so you do not have to share the guilt and the blame of what the RCC is doing to people who are different than you whom God loves as much or maybe even more but you could be with those who KNOW instead of supporting something proven to be EVIL and FALSE FALSE FALSE beyond even your imagination, my imagination, and others imaginations. THIS IS HOW EVIL THE RCC IS. SUPER DUPER EVIL. THE EXORCIST DOESN’T EVEN COMPARE TO THE EVIL THE RCC IS INVOLVED IN AND DOES AND HAS BEEN DOING FOR 2000 years besides crucifying JESUS. He came out with his statement of two words Shame and Sorrow were the words and proceeded with a very long statement crafted by someone else because he isn’t very smart or smart enough. He had a warning when his family died in a car wreck a few years ago but he didn’t heed it or is heeding it for the mob who has him by the balls. You should not follow him or care what he says because he is not the descendent of Peter but a low life from ARGENTINA who engaged in pornography and child sex trade making him a perfect candidate and replacement of Pope Benedict XV1. Truth is beyond his scope of understanding. HE IS A JESUIT.



ADMITTED IT HIMSELF. IN FACT HE THOUGHT THE STORY WAS CUTE AND TOLD IT TO HIS STAFF TO BE ENDEARING TO THEM but he needn’t bothered because all he had to do was live in an apartment and carry a satchel and be spanish for the inquisition and for the Roman Catholic persecutions against women and their families especially those who had a legal abortions to float hospice as a cover for money laundering and child abuse of the sexual nature and keep a following to support them who think they are holier than thou just like Barack Obama only had to be or seem to be african American to get elected to the office of the President. Kind of small minded, silly, and as deep as a puddle you might have ridden your bike through when you were a kid.



Superstitious – Stevie Wonder

revelation is talking to you and warning you, NOT ME.


THE RCC IS THE WHORE OF BABYLON and if you read the bible it is self evident. Ms Kennedy of Fox (Gen. Kelly’s daughter in their other life) is closer to whom the title should be given specifically. She fits the mold. She was pretty rabid about Amorosa and needn’t be. Did she know her? Does she know what Gen. Kelly did? Did she help to create a scene? Would this book not have been published if Trump had allowed himself to be impeached as she suggested because it happened a couple of weeks later after her suggestion had been suggested. What were they gonna do to Amarosa if she hadn’t published the book? What would have happened to Amorosa if she hadn’t taped Trump and Gen. Kelly? Kill her? Put her in a mental institute? Set her up? Entrap her? Seems to me she was in a bad spot so taping really was a good idea and probably saved her life. Ms. politically correct Kennedy of Fox news wanted Trump to be impeached and said it would be good for him sort of bribing him on air on Fox before the book came out and before any news of her came out so how did Ms. Kennedy know? Not only that she is related to Gen Kelly. So it adds up to some kind conspiracy, a Jesuit conspiracy. If you ask me Ms.Kennedy is a dog and a low life, not Amarosa.

THINK ABOUT IT Ms. Kennedy :


Even if some things have been changed recently to the bible there is enough to get a pretty good picture and then if you do some research even more so because not everything spiritual is in the bible but signs are everywhere for people who haven’t read the bible and who haven’t experienced what we have and you have been sheltered from to make a good and pretty face for the RCC but cold as hell in regards to the truth because YOUR church didn’t attack you. It attacked me and my family preemptively and so I learned about it and I think I was given signs and I coalesced quite a bit of information and started to see a pattern like you might notice if searching for a serial killer. It’s kind of zig zaggy but it is how evil works to keep the status quo for the RCC and the mob you are supporting spiritually however I learned some things and some codes as well which have to do with the number 153 the fish caught at the Sea of Galilee which sometimes helps to remember and it’s variations. Like language the language of Islam is interesting in some ways like the yell of suicided terrorists who murder say ALAHU AKBAR is what is said meaning God is Great if you are a muslim and believe Barack is god whcih he isn’t.  AKBAR take the last syllable of the word and you get BAR and the fist syllable you get AK and you mix it up a little different and you get BARAK with out the Holy See eventually which includes you eventually. GET it? A part of the bible somewhere says when you see the army surrounding Jerusalem head for the mountains of God. talking about Jesuits which are an army and islam and the mountains are the ten Commandments not the mountains of the RCC which sits on 7 hill/mountainson which the woman spoken about in Revelations sits. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS< THE 7 Virtues…..

While watching Tucker with the the mexican restaurant owner who served the Attorney General and the hoopla about it which is ridiculous, however women have been verbally attacked at dinner out and shouldn’t be and two wrongs don’t make it right. there is a time and place for uninvited social statements and when someone is getting dinner is not the right time unless you live in Yemen.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 King James Version (KJV)

3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

 The fast talking mexican about being sensitive about names mexicans are sometimes called as if the word gringo was never invented and I’m sure there are others we can’t understand, anyway he had the news about Chelsea Clinton’s news about abortion being economical for the USA and she is right to some degree and has a right to discuss it in regards to Cavanaugh and better than unwanted kids all over the place creating trouble being separated from their parents at the border but I didn’t have an abortion because of money but some people like to only have 4 kids unlike Ben Carson’s mom who had 17 or so, I feel sorry for her and his views are a bit skewed probably was way down the line of DNA distribution thinking the White House is the Temple unless he is referring to the laundered money from the White House to the Vatican but then it isn’t the Temple either though it thinks it is because it has been around a while but similar to Mecca and Medina which won’t be. Did Ben Carson fix the plumbing and the electricity where he lived? sometimes fixing plumbing saves money for the landowner and water for the world and sometimes fixing electrical problems saves lives who aren’t even involved however Tucker brought up the amount of abortions but did he do a count of the lives lost when abortions were illegal? Of course not because it was a long time ago and we have progressed in some ways as a nation and THAT is one of those ways THANK GOD for the health and well being of the person who is pregnant by oops a mistake and doesn’t want to be pregnant. Men don’t make mistakes except for the ones who murder the female or divorce the female or don’t marry the female made pregnant by oops a mistake. Legal abortion is much more civilized as legal immigration is much more civilized than illegal immigration. A little jab here and a little jab there. I must have hit a nerve. What happens in Pennsylvania stays in Pennsylvania. I’m sure Dana Perino can fix it as I’m sure miss TIDDLY WINKS Kennedy of Fox can help all of the battered women of the world, Syria, India, Iran, Pakistan, Korea and make an end to wars worldwide and fix the economy, feed the people of Yemen and keep the Strait of Hormuz open to the world, and stop the fires in California and keep the EU safe just like her daddy. (The Europe Union will have a better chance if it becomes a satellite of the former Soviet Union. Resistance is futile!)


I just got jabbed by Hannity whether he knows it or not in response to Cuomo who said America was never Great and Hannity said “tell that to the people who fought WW2″….there are a few other wars we fought and my dad was in 2 of them including Korea and in Vietnam twice and I thank God he came back from serving his country even if it wasn’t a popular war and came back in pretty good shape. As best as any man could who lived through it. A lot better spirits than the clergy who don’t hardly do a thing but lie on a floor in front of each other to prove some kind of holiness. Once I snuck in on him though i didn’t mean to but he was asleep and I woke him up to ask him something and he flung me across the room but it was gentle. i guess he thought he was on a cot in a tent in the sweltering jungle for a second  a year or two after his service in Vietnam. He was a gentle guy but strong and capable and my mom LOVED HIM.  He wouldn’t talk about it even when prodded by me about it unlike my ex’s brother who wished he had been in Vietnam and lied that he was in Vietnam when he was stationed in Guam I think he needed an excuse for being a rapist thief besides being catholic. We had to listen to his lies about serving in Vietnam and his degrees. (he was catholic and the eldest and wasn’t taught not to lie and the family just overlooked it. Stupid type things but his lies kind of grew into many lies. He lied about beating me up. He didn’t beat me up though I guess he wanted to as weird as it is but I guess it is a catholic kind of stigma. when I heard about it I thought how weird. He tried to rape a friends daughter, He stole from us. He was going through a divorce and we let him live with us for a while a couple times to help him. He made money and I didn’t for better work. I usually did the cooking too. I finally made kicking him out final. Enough about him. still we tried to have a decent relationship with him as family but it was common knowledge amongst everyone who knew him well but he was still family at the time though not now not because he has since died but because I divorced their family. THANK GOD I think it would have been nice if they had confronted him about beating me up but on the other hand he was a bit of a time bomb and divorced two times. She had five boys so I can’t have been easy and her husband was not very smart nor nice in some ways though everyone liked him, but you don’t tell your wife you aren’t pretty but good for having babies because she told me and I told you. It’s terrible and degrading, but very catholic. I had never met him. When I say my mom wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother who lived to 104 is true but also it is true my dad’s birthday was October 5th. She also wanted to live for him and with him and for her kids and grand kids and should have except for the very church who got us involved in a war in Vietnam THE JESUITS but we didn’t know it at the time. It saved lives in the long run and a few will be in a better place and probably never want to go back to Vietnam so maybe it wasn’t all for naught (besides Pol Pot (not sure of the spelling, TY Hannity ) I guess is the name of a despot murdering sadistic evil head scalper doing his magic in the area at the time but isn’t it weird same thing happened in indonesia where people were being tortured and our country stepped in to stop it after some delays for Douglas McArthur years before) even the lady from Viet nam who spiritually was inept and started messing with my hair and then gave up. It was insulting and I tipped her for her real job. I will never go back because it was needless and mean.  My health depends on what my dad accomplished in Viet Nam. THANK YOU. My ex’s mom wanted to be hospiced but my mom didn’t and it should have mattered. I didn’t want her hospiced and it should have mattered. She deserved better because she was better than his mom in every way possible, but she wasn’t catholic. THANK GOD. But I know it hurt her feelings and is the hardest part about it for me because I think she thought no one cared. She had no choice and neither did I. I was left out of the whole affair on purpose. I did hear from her spiritually so I know she knows and was able to see ahead of time as well for me. She left a message in my ear and shoulder to let me know because God let her. It helped immensely and gets me through some major harassment from our press and our government who are sometimes possessed even for a few moments to harass me and often my ex. does too especially since I divorced him AMICABLY. Usually catholics who are offended by me and my posts. SO SORRY but if you are not willing to leave the church for its abuses in all the ways it abuses I have no choice. Until you choose sides against the RCC you deserve it.

But also there is an army which God puts into their hearts the Greatest desire to destroy the Vatican. Armageddon is about the destruction of the RCC/Vatican/Pope and what it is trying to delay which is due anytime now. The reason for the lateness of the pope and clergy in regards to sexual child abuse is to hide itself in the now to make us think catholics have been assaulted when everyone else has been assaulted by the RCC but to make us think progress is occurring in their attempt to forgive themselves. and to atone and to divert attention from money laundering in order to bribe and entrap and tempt and many other evils some of which have to do with HOSPICE often done by starvation and overdoses of pain medication, purposeful neglect and purposeful misdiagnosing especially women and our veterans like my parents who helped to protect the country you live in to save money to line the pockets of catholics, THe RCC is very evil and inundate our country with catholics it could not take care of in the countries it possessed. It will use them and then it will kill them when it is convenient for their agenda but people are catching on to their ways and means. I think i nailed it pretty well what is going on except each of you are being judged by what you do.and why you do it and how you do it and who is influencing you to do it. It’s a very tricky world these days. We are kind of at war besides in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and all the other places Americans are involved in. We are probably on the verge of something huge so give Trump a break. It’s like walking on egg shells what might occur but at the same time there is nothing to fear but fear itself. He doesn’t listen to me if he did there would no longer be a few places and we would be living better and have expanded our borders to the Panama Canal. I’m not a peace nut but I don’t want to go to war with Russia or China but I am at war with the lies of the press and lies of religions who are false and politicians because very few of them get what is going on and are deceived. The press have really botched it and were warned in the 60s near the time of the Second Vatican Counsel. I think we would win the war if we went to war with Russia and China but there wouldn’t be much left and I don’t think both are the major trouble we face but both face the same as we do essentially.

Speaking of loops we might be headed for a flood as in the days of Noah.

Matthew 24:38 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

NOE is spelled different than Noah and not sure if it is significant but remember there is a book caed Enoch. And if you change the order of NOE It is one  ONE and of course if you add an L you get NOEL and the opposite LEON and then LONE but of course the ark was built by NOAH as i recall.

No one seems to find it kind of funny  A Jesuit is running the White House staff and the staff work for him and not the President and know it and don’t really care thinking Catholics are the elect…. Yea of the RCC but not of God and there is a difference.



Laura InGraham also brought up Benghazi and the lies Susan Rice told and the excuse she gave which was the videotape and that obviously it was terrorism. As I recall the day after it supposedly happened Obama and Michelle went to Las Vegas. The compound sure looked like places I had seen in Las Vegas in the past when I had been there a few times in the past. It sure didn’t look like the ambassador was involved at all, and sure looked like Michelle with a huge ar-15 I guess you call them in one hand and a syringe in the other hand and she was wearing sandals with heels and rolled up jeans not wearing a wig and looked as if she had or was in the middle of plastic surgery because her face was puffed up as if recuperating or something. Recently we had a massacre in Las Vegas with little explanation from the sheriff which looked like terrorism. I don’t think our press got anywhere near the truth about Benghazi because I think the photos are of Las Vegas and not Benghazi and I think our government is lying their asses off about it as were the guests on Bret Baier’s  show about the logistics of the attack and I think he knew it was bullshit as well but books were published about it and he has some out now too.

I think Bret is the Bear in bible prophecy.


Sherriff’s name in Las Vegas with the same last name of the sidekick of the pope who gave the excuse

to Susan Rice. (Federicko) Lombardo or Lombardi. A Jesuit.

I wonder if it has to do with the Hoover Dam and Baja California or thereabouts.

I think it’s related big time both events and I have good reason to. THE EVIDENCE we have seen via pictures but it might help if we could find the photographer and ask him or her. I don’t know who the photographer is, but I bet Bret knows. Was the photographer a drone? (He doesn’t realize I recognize him from the JFK CBS reports in the press. Grandma what a big nose you have, What big paws you have, what big teeth you have….MY HE HAS GROWN) I think someday we will know for sure. Hopefully soon. Maybe it was one of those loops time loops to help us find out. Revelation type stuff.

Daniel 7:4-6 King James Version (KJV)

4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings (I think is supposed to be the USA): I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.

5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear (Supposed to be Russia), and it raised up itself on one side (republicans), and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard (Supposed to be Germany), which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion (Dominican Republic?) was given to it.

I’m not very good with imagery I do remember someone wishing he had …Well, .I have to think on it and maybe it will come to me a little clearer but it was while he was fixing and axel or something. But definitely his name sounds like to a bear and I bet he could eat a lot of flesh. He looks like he could.

I remember Acts when a sheet with four corners (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah????) and wild animals were lowered to Peter in his dream three times to eat and he didn’t want to eat the animals (because the animals weren’t allowed on his diet because of his religion being unclean which I think was Islam because he worshipped at a certain time of day) while living with the tanner because he was hungered having fasted and not had his dinner. (Elizabeth and Mary were at the condo for the weekend with the kids)

 I think the tanner is the leopard. (Does a leopard (Germany, change it’s spots? Billy Graham, BGEA)

Daniel 7:20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

Isaiah 46:12 Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:

I think everyone involved in Washington DC politics and in the Press are Bizarre. Why the false shit? What are these people trying to cover up? Who knows but it must be really big and started at Benghazi (Las Vegas), IMO. I think it is funny to hear the press get down on Nixon for taping Billy Graham and in hindsight it was a smart thing to do and Kissinger definitely was in on the Billy Graham fame, puffed by William Randolph Hearst of the press who is related to the HURSTS of Germany,the Vatican Sec. of State Georg, HERZogovenia and the other ribs, etc ) and Nixon outed them by secretly taping him to people with a brain and got blamed for something he didn’t do in regards to the DNC headquarters for having taped Billy Graham saying what he said about the jews exposing his kind of christianity and love towards jews similar to hitler and probably felt the same about african Americans and WOMEN but used them for his own cult) Then Kissinger many years later puffed Obama for the Vatican to teach us a lesson and not a very nice lesson but in ORDER (Jesuit Order) to protect the child sex abusers of the church of Rome.

However to give the press a bit of a break it takes time to understand religious CULTS especially BIG false religions and to understand what we are having to deal with and why. Just wish the press would catch up but maybe someday.

Police make multiple arrests after 76 people overdose on K2 at Connecticut park

Like the ones that over dosed about 76 of them in New Haven Connecticut and the guy who was a guest on Shannon Breams show (I think he is an investigator of drugs or somethings having to do with drugs) said the drugs are coming via Yemen yet we have a travel ban to and from Yemen so how is it happening? Saudi Arabia? Said it was because Yemen has an economic crisis and is growing laced marijuana to the USA to poison people in Connecticut? Probably came from Afghanistan.

History background of alcohol- the most used rape drug.

Trying to have a marijuana trade of marijuana grown in  the USA is perplexing and very much like the Prohibition times which you can read about on this site linked above which had it’s own set of problems even in the police the ones who were bought. What was the show about it in the past? a series about the illegal alcohol trade and bootleggers etc. we need a wall. anyway something like it and we were dealing with mobsters gangland stuff in the 1920s.  The series was called  The UNTOUCHABLES. We have some dirty people doing dirty things in regards to marijuana to punish and to teach a lesson to America. Probably the mob/mafia type stuff. Crazy and on top of it we have revelation and armageddon and the Catholic persecution New World Order shit and some interesting news about the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed, etc. and seems to have caused a stir unlike anyone would have thought it might. Women being subjected to humiliation even by other women for exercising their rights which a lot of people are conflicted about yet don’t like immigration due to overpopulation and would rather starve people and have genocides. You have to get a grip. Birth control is a good invention and so is abortion. The Catholic church and those who bow wow to it are screwed up and don’t have their thinking caps on. The RCC would rather be involved in genocides and starvations of people then let the people have rights and teach the people the truth to Lord over them. SICKOS.

To them it is more moral to have genocides than personal abortions/birth control, and it isn’t at all.

 America—Up to Its Eyeballs in Mass Murder and Starvation in Yemen 

Written in September 2016 when Obama was still President. Anyway there is a map in the article as to why which has to do with oil supply other than the one near Iran called the Strait of Hormuz because Iran is kind of persnickety about the Strait of Hormuz. This strait is called the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb but used to be called vermouth (I can’t remember the name) or something similar. Iran is bombing  Yemen with the aid of Saudi Arabia. Not into african types and a different tribe. Shia vs sunnis I think. The Saudis want the whole continent which is their reasoning and I guess Yemen is resisting so sending laced marijuana to the USA? I don’t think the Yemen people are thinking about lacing marijuana but thinking about food and water. Blaming America is a bit far fetched however we do accommodate the Saudis for oil and the oil companies (USA interests) and shouldn’t. Remember 9-11? They are the enemy of civilization and an enemy to women even their own. It is a genocide and ethnic cleansing going on by the Saudis and Iran is assisting. Arms come from various places I would imagine but it isn’t the arms but the person who uses the arms that commits the crime. I don’t know if we are refueling the invaders of Yemen but we have oil in the area which might be. It is complicated however maybe moving the Yemeni people to a more friendly place (perhaps Somalia?) might help and sending food and water like the catholic church is supposed to do. I would imagine some don’t want to leave their homes which is natural too. But I would’t blame it onTrump but on those interests to some degree and definitely blame the Saudis. They could do what Trump is attempting to do in the USA by trying to employ its citizens and get the economy going and the Saudis could attempt to do the same thing and hire them so they can earn money and raise their families and educate them about birth control and do the right thing. It’s worth a try? Follow Trump’s example? But starving them is cruel. I bet a lot of them would be grateful if the Saudis had a heart. They could always be sub population to the Saudis but have a life at the same time and who knows what might come which might be good down the road but if not I wouldn’t be too secure about your own situation. Anything can happen. OIL is enticing to most peoples even Americans. The reason for Yemeni demise is their location and their race and religion I think is a side note. I KNOW the Saudis DO NOT have the right religion being Islamic. Build a bridge from Somalia to Yemen might help them make a different goal other  than resistance…. Legal immigration. CHOICE.

“The Bab-el-Mandeb (Arabic: باب المندب, lit. “Gate of Tears”)[1] is a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of Africa. It connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.”

“The Bab-el-Mandeb acts as a strategic link between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. In 2006, an estimated 3.3 million barrels (520,000 m3) of oil passed through the strait per day, out of a world total of about 43 million barrels per day (6,800,000 m3/d) moved by tankers.[2]”

When Trump got into office he made a travel ban to and from a few places including Yemen and I don’t know why except to not condone our interference alleged in the article perhaps or to not be involved in what is going on but this article states we are or were involved while Obama was President,

so much for the OBAMA race card?


Maybe Mike Pompeo could help? or how about Nikki Haley at the UN? or both.

When you get down to the nitty gritty the moors and the africans aren’t really cohesive. On Laura inGraham show she had a guest whom I passed by talking about al Queda and isis in Yemen. So I guess Osama bin Laden is back. Actually saying his son is alleged to be conspiring in a bunch of places like Yemen and seems even to be occurring in New Mexico. Maybe the people of Yemen might like some straws.

Just wondering if those (Fox News pundits Tucker, Dana, Laura, Sean, and Cavanaugh, the RCC, and those against abortion in general) who bring up abortion every few days against the women and girls who made the decision sometime in their lifetime feel about this picture and what are those people gonna do about the kids starving in Yemen? Will those people named in this paragraph adopt all of these kids or act like these kids don’t exist and continue to badger females and families who have made the personal decision of abortion and  yet continue to allow Mother Teresa’s/RCC hospice campaigns by starvation using opioids around the world murdering those who were born into this world even some who wanted to live longer and give it a thumbs up to continue murdering while persecuting the families who had abortions? Or are you gonna turn a blind eye to this picture of a kid because of her state and because of Saudi oil and continue to condemn ®responsible decisions made by millions of families and their females using LOGIC or apologize for your stupidity, duplicity, interference, biases, hardness of hearts, unforgiveness, and all the other propaganda  for the same amount of times you voiced your radicalness to persecute for the fun of it to serve the RCC and to feel somehow more holy, superior to earn the salaries you think your ignorant opinions deserve while ignoring this? The next day on The Five during one of the segments of the show each giving their answers to some question Dana’s answer was about adopting a pet because it is less money than normal however the part about the shetland pony and the dog getting to know each other was so cute I had to give her a break on the first part because she doesn’t realize what I wrote.

I recall Jesus said: To those who have been given much, much is expected or have you forgotten that?

Aretha Franklin died today. a great artist, We were lucky to have her in our country! I heard on Fox she died on the same day as Elvis PRESSley died. I wasn’t a fan of Elvis and he was only okay in my estimation but loved by many. She was a very fine lady, fantastic artist, and wonderful for race relations and great for women of all colors.

Someone mentioned in the news, she adjusted. I know who but not gonna say. Everyone does when they have to such as

adjusting to Hospice being pushed like a drug of choice on FOX when often Hospice isn’t a choice

but it doesn’t mean they don’t know better.)


I know she did a lot of good things in her life for others and was gifted but I don’t think she was happy and put on a good face even so. I don’t mean to be offensive but women don’t gain weight as she did unless it was something like a condition of the hypothalamus kind of stuff The gland can affect weight gain. It did my daughter and she had a problem for a while and was real skinny and then it changed when she started to be a woman. Having babies also affects weight gain and changes a body forever with each child. You give a little beauty away with each girl and is kind of a gift a mom gives away when having a baby girl. I don’t know if she even had kids. And then alcohol and depression for various reasons not having more control in your life and being misunderstood, etc. I thought as a woman she was beautiful but her appearance changed via aging and stuff yet she still got out on the stage and entertained which is amazing. She had a lot of CHUTZPAH (guts).

For me finding out about Hospice the way I did was shocking. I had put on for the most a good face about many things but when it happens to people you love it is stunning. Threw me for a loop. I can feel it in my tummy. I had a huge surgery there and tends to be where I feel pain most especially emotional kind of pain. America is not great if it is doing hospice against the will of the family or the person hospiced. It is as low as any other nation who starves it’s people and we better stop it and not stoop to Mother Teresa’s level and help others not to be entrapped, bullied, forced to adjust, and all the other ways employed via benefits and tricks used to force it upon our people in the USA. If Europe wants to do it …go ahead, but not us. If someone wants to be hospiced let them go to Europe to do it, but we don’t have to do it the USA and shouldn’t. I think we should hold the line on this activity and not let Father Jonathon win, nor allow the Pope to win, neither the Vatican win over our children and their children and their children and keep our medical field to higher standard than the EU and India (Shinar) and all the countries in-between and instead of adjusting to their will fight it for those who can’t or couldn’t because of ignorance of the general population to the tricks involved. I am a witness to those tricks and it was scary, confusing at the worst of times, devastating, and is one of the deepest wounds to a family that can be imagined and that can be avoided if we make it illegal and include punishment monetarily and physically once we make it known it is not allowed to occur in our country and stick with the Hypocratic Oath on this dilemma even if it seems hypocritical to do so. We might be surprised by the blessings our country will receive if we hold the line on Hospice. YOU CAN’T EVEN KNOW UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT TO UNDERSTAND THE OBSTACLES THROWN AT YOU AT A HORRIBLE TIME WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS VERY SICK AND YOU STILL HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THE EVERYDAY WORRIES OF LIFE AT THE SAME TIME….problem is some men do it to their wives who they don’t want anymore and aren’t man enough to divorce the woman instead in order to remarry soon someone else because of catholic dogma. It sears the conscience of some who don’t understand till it’s too late. Abortion does not sear the conscience. It’s the truth and only via the persecution of the RCC has it hurt me to have done it but I would do it again and again and again if I were in the same situation as I was. I think until you have one you can’t know and most of the RCC doesn’t know but likes to imagine it knows feeling superior and most of them are twits. It hurt more to lose my beloved pets than an unknown, unformed, unborn, unsouled, unloved, unloving, unthinking product of sex with someone I did not love, nor intend to get pregnant by, neither even contemplate marrying. But even so it was like having a very tough menstruation and worth it.

I know that my God would not waste a soul on a fetus HE KNEW wouldn’t be born and would not live.


I don’t think so and anyone who does has a very nasty impression of God.

(It’s a man’s job to be an asshole.)

I remember my daughter’s first pet was a gold fish from the fair. It died because most of those fish don’t make it and she and her dad were gonna flush it down the toilet and she wanted to flush it down the toilet herself. She did it and watched it spin in the toilet and sucked away and then it hit her what she had done to her little goldfish. It was hard on her but it was already dead. THE LOOK ON HER FACE WAS WHAT YOU WOULD EXPECT TO SEE IN A YOUNG CHILD TRYING TO BE MATURE. She was about three years old. Think what it does to innocent people thinking they are doing the right thing and then not knowing if they did the right thing FOR THE REST OF THEIR  LIFE in regards to their mom or grandma dying by hospice when it is too late to change it and wondering if they had tried this or that kind of treatment would they be enjoying their mom or grand mom at the next Thanksgiving and able to see your next child or see how your child grew. How does medicine and the science of medicine progress for the aged and the elderly and  the infirmed if we don’t try everything possible and how it might affect their daughter or son 20 years or so later having found a treatment that works because you tried your best on your mom or dad and then the next generation and the next generation and make life longer and better instead of shorter and worse. OUR LIFE SPAN IN THE USA HAS SHORTENED DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AND PROBABLY EVEN MORE THAN REPORTED. HE KEPT ALOT OF THINGS HIDDEN such as the effects of Fukushima.

Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan Dies at Age 80

Did not know him but my impression was he was thoughtful about his work.

Don’t let Father Jonathan of Fox News as Pope Francis’s little boy toy and his sublime FUCKED UP stupidity win this war in our field of medicine or even influence it. What the fuck does he know. Have you ever listened to the guy? He is not normal. He is as wise as Geraldo is courageous. He is a fakey little shit. Next thing he will be telling you who you should date and who you should marry and who you should vote for and where you should live and where you should vacation and where you should go to school and how you should eat and what you should eat and how much and how far you are allowed to excel at your talent and how you should pray and how you should walk and how you should teach your child and how you should bow down to him and the RCC. It would be like living in Neverland with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys who never wanted to grow up and deal with reality.

If Aretha Franklin had lived longer and there had been a cure for Pancreatic cancer we might have a whole new CD of music she created and preformed to enjoy and to show to our friends and families. One day if we shun the RCC’s madness and are able to keep it up and hold the line maybe people will live to 150 years of age and look and feel like they are 50 when they are 100 as in the days of old when people lived 900 years and sometimes more. But if we don’t try how will we know? Typical of the RCC to not try to be better and not try to learn the truth and not try to accept truth when it is offered and instead kill the truth and the people involved in the truth to keep control of the world it did not create. Maybe if we hold the line we will learn to create new worlds but we won’t if we don’t try, try not to succumb to ignorance, nor to a false religion,neither to a false Peter and a false outlook for the future. This is not a catholic country and we should keep it that way and why many of us are here on this side of the hemisphere and those religions that aided and abetted the false church to try to overtake our country as it has done to many others and instead should leave it and resist it and protest it and keep learning and quit wasting our time on countries that don’t want a better future and want to keep their false ideologies.

If you are not willing to win a war don’t start it. If we wanted to win over the afghans and win over some other countries we would have attacked the ideology that attacked us to start with. Afghanistan has been a long war and it doesn’t seem to have changed much  (not that I have been able to discern) however when the Taliban took it over it changed Afghanistan by destroying it’s ideology first and seem to be in the cat bird seat still even as archaic as it is compared to our military. It takes more than military might it takes brains to know the ideology is the heart of Afghanistan under Islam and the many other countries nearby but if you don’t want to hurt the heart of the ideology of Islam you can’t win over Islam. It will grow like a malignant tumor all over the place until you do what is necessary to prove it isn’t the religion of God and that God is not allah and  the true prophet is not what ever his name is who married a nun and found a meteor and worshipped it. I just remembered the name is MohamMAD. You can’t win a war being politically correct at the same time as we understand the meaning of the nonsense called political correctness because it isn’t.  You can’t hardly catch a criminal anymore because of political correctness.

For example: What color was he? He didn’t say. Was it a man or a woman. Well, it didn’t tell me.

Kind of like Pat of SNL.

It is silliness and does not prevent bias, nor prevent injustice,

neither accomplishes much of anything and certainly doesn’t generate respect.

(I saw Aretha Franklin in my life once at a very poignant moment

and she can be one of my witnesses.

Not in person but inside a person. Her title as the Queen of soul was not just because she could sing

but I think she will sing.

God also hides evidence for a very important date

but no one not even Jesus knows the time

which ought to tell ya something)

Like my brother a very good lawyer once told me once if you have a secret you don’t want anyone to know, don’t tell it. But I guess God wanted us to know about the size of the mustard seed for this day and age so we would have a greater hope than the RCC and it’s shills. THANK GOD.

I hope she is with my parents where they are. I think they would like each other. 


I like her name and says a lot and at a certain time especially like now.

If you unscramble her name it spells Franklin he a rat. I think her name is referring to Franklin Graham.

She got the last word, didn’t she? OR HER MOM DID. She will have more and I doubt he will someday.


THERE IS A BEAST OR TWO THAT GOD SUBDUES IN THE BOOK OF JOB. At the moment i can’t remember the name of them but is in one of my posts.

I remember now. Leviathan and the Behemoth. It is in the Old Testament.

Leviathan is a creature with the form of a sea monster from Jewish belief, referenced in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos. The Leviathan of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, …. Saint John sees the devil, vanquished forever, cast into hell with the Beast .

Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. Suggested identities range from a mythological creature to an elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or buffalo .

Probably the hippopotamus in reference to

the Hypocratic oath vs Hospice

I felt it was vital and I realize it is very strange but I gotta be me, I gotta be me, i gotta be who i am and I have reactions as well as do you to tell it like I see it through thick and thin. Timing isn’t everything and i certainly don’t have a watch on. I rarely have ever worn a watch but I am on the watch you might say doing my part as best I can under the circumstances. I love her music and always have as most of us have and I believe the things I write. IS THAT WRONG? Fox is reporting some Chinese military activity and emoting fear and I think are feeling threatened reported by the sister of Rick Leventhal via the Pentagon. I think she is the sister because both look alike and her name or his reminds me of the Leviathan name and sometimes Fox likes to agitate me which I think is evil sometimes. Not the people reporting as much as the behind the scenes people hiding and it’s sponsors. I can’t say she made me understand what the heck is going on anymore than if I hadn’t heard the report at all but in a serious manner testing my fear of fear. I think I would be worried if I were Graham and a few other people and places at this time. China is probably going to protect it’s access to oil would be my guess.

Argument Over Aretha Franklin Leads To Va. Shooting, Witnesses Say

I think God is much more mysterious in good ways than the RCC is in it’s bad ways.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life:

and they are they which testify of me.

ELVIS PRESLEY – Ley (spanish) means SPANISH law.

Vis is an island of Croatia near Herzegovenia.

Franklin (GRAHAM) is a rat (Aretha) I wonder if Franklin was deep throat?

HERTZ…HURTZ….William Randolph Hearst…..PUFF Billy Graham….shill for the RCC…PUFF Mother Teresa….PUFF Hospice (Dana Perino)….inquisition and persecution of women and their parentswho had abortions and their families….Sec of State of the Vatican Georg Ganswein…… the three ribs (Croatia is one of those states)….winepress of god….woman drunk on the blood of saints has a golden cup in her hand of filth written about in revelation Mystery BABYlon….THE RCC hail mary

I don’t really understand the Manafort stuff going on but I am suspicious of the Russia.Ukraine connection to Rick Gates and the poisoned spies one which died in Britain and though perhaps Rick Gates might be involved. It could have been anyone but It is how I think. By looks alone Manafort seems very nice but as the old saying goes you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. I wonder about the laundering of money. Does it have to do with the Vatican? I do know people get into financial binds sometimes gradually and it can be very hard to control or to foresee and can lead to some bad people. I don’t think he should spend the rest of his life in jail but should be penalized money wise only. For the judge to have been threatened is disconcerting so it is an important trial however I don’t think regular human beings in the jury should be judging the case. Of course the jury has to be protected from mob shit and I think Manafort needs it too. Politics is scary stuff and some people start out with good intentions and end up in a sort of hell because so much depends on it. I know a lot of good people get screwed to the wall via politics and in this case maybe some paranoia about Russia. I do not think Russia is out to get us. I think Putin is well meaning and misunderstood and yea he knows what he is doing more than most and is different in a russian cocky kind of way and has a lot of experience good and bad. When we elect presidents they only get up to 2 terms most of the time and cannot possibly be as experienced as he is in politics. It takes practice to be good at anything even though the faces change. I do think Putin and Obama are at odds for a number of reasons. Syria and Bashar Assad mainly. I think Obama is wrong in those regards. He might be right about transgender stuff and some social kind of ills some people might call it except in regards to the woman running for governor in Vermont who lied Out and out lied. I listened to her for a few minutes and she sounded manly but so seems to be more of a cross dresser and at first she sounded normal and then steered off to the left somewhere and I forget the lie but plain  as day she was lying and never did tell her plan to bring more food to the tables of the citizens in Vermont but complained about the other person running for not having a plan. I think Obama’s approach is way off the right track. HIs MO. Power corrupts and takes a lot of chutzpah to change and some men are not capable of it unless God gets involved to make them change. Men love to do it to women but men need it as well and only God can affect them sometimes very harshly and I think he has it coming very harshly. How one does something is important because a lot of people are affected and so i think Obama’s way is not good. He really screwed up peoples minds and will have to pay for it. Parading a Jewish woman Senator around shot in the head to gain favor about gun legislation is the wrong way. WAY WRONG to the point of Diabolical MISREPRESENTATION and CYNICAL Sadistic and evil. INSANE. DEMONIC,  DEVILISH and hateful towards woman and he probably caused her misfortune. A person who hates women and is married to one is kind of interesting. He must hate her way down deep inside and merely used her because of her race, her colors and then talks about racism, He is very much like the Jesus in the Gospel of luke and parts of Matthew who used the substance of women because he is so transparent and also expected people to gain a profit ten fold of usury and is discussed in the gospel and is not a good person. It’s just the tip of the flame. I think he ends up with the beast in a very bad place worse than the world. I think I have him pegged pretty well but he did it himself. I would not have known except I had read the gospels and he said some of the same things the bad things about slaying people before him etc if they would not be ruled by him. Playing santa claus for santa claus. He breaks people he considers to be his bread. He is evil. So much more he has to pay for it’s UNBELIEVABLE how much he will have to endure for a long long long time. Maybe forever. Best if people stay clear of him. Vile human being. Almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong while he was in office. Terrible president. Terrible person and religion has a lot to do with it. His religion.

On Hits and Misses and the RED TIDE

the red haired young lady on Fox (probably Clintons other daughter)

said that Amorose intended to disremember Trump from the beginning. I have no idea about it and did not read the book and I guess she did? Or is she selling the book? Perhaps Omarosa did, but not Amorosa. We’ll see eventually, I think she has been tampered with severely by someone who locked her in a situation room….Probably the Jesuit General and probably doing her best to remember but when your mind has been tampered with it’s like PTSD  it takes a while. Perhaps it was premature of her to write the book right away but the incident provides a glimpse for us of some political hierarchies who are misbehaving for it’s religion and using her. It is natural for her being brain washed for 8 years during the Obama Adminstration about racism as most of us have been forced to sort it out on some false stories and some true ones to discern and may be grasping at straws in regards to the assertion she said he said the N word but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions if I were you. NOT YET. The biggest problem with people like you is you are not seeing the forest for the tree in this incident which is a Jesuit running the White House Staff as if he was the President after his trip and meeting with Putin and the Vatican is freaking out (PANETTA) about the privacy they had but perhaps you have your reasons $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  which means that Trump may also be a victim in this saga for people like you but there are more to come, I think. I know the Pentagon did a lot of research about mind control and in other places too like in Aurora, Colorado when the young man went into the theater and shot up the place in a costume thinking he was someone else and killed a few people including his half sister by mistake DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. So don’t count your chickens, chickadee. I have my own perspective and it’s a pretty good perspective most of the time. THINGS CAN CHANGE OVERNIGHT. YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE. Two days from now you will probably be worshipping her book and her memory which I believe has been messed with. I don’t think it is purposeful on her part. I hope not. Just saw her saying not to give Trump attention and on Judge Jeanine the man who was talking about it with a clip of her on a talk show were laughing because she wrote a book over 300 page book about Trump and does seem to be enjoying the attention. when she first started this in the limelight she looked confused dazed and sounded very believable as if she had experienced something very traumatic. So either someone got to her like Ms Kennedy or who the heck knows. It’s ridiculous. I think she has been bought. Anything to confound. It’s the name of the game these days and it is confounding. Maybe they had an affair and it didn’t go over very well but I don’t think she’s a dog or a low life because if both did have an affair it must have been unworthy of mention. He does get kind of chummy sometimes with women but is used to it and it is different in politics than in his businesses. Wasn;t he involved in the Miss Beauty Contest for a long time so it’s obvious he likes women. WHY DID HE HIRE HER? I don’t buy the begging to get a job part or the “because she says nice things about me” shit either. He probably enjoys what she says about him now after the fact strange as it is. Some guys do. And the firing was ridiculous if he hired her and his act of not knowing she was getting fired is ridiculous and then the truth comes out that he did know. Kind of sleazy and small. Sounds like my ex in regards to many things I have had to go through with him but much worse to me since it involved something I loved, someone I loved, and their deaths because of it. Is Trump catholic? IF he is so afraid of firing her he should not be President. ME THINKS IT WAS TO GET ATTENTION TO DIVERT FROM SOMETHING ELSE. THE OBAMA TRICK. THE RCC TRICK. HMMMMMMM WHAT WAS IT HE NEEDED TO DIVERT ATTENTION FROM? HIS SON-IN-LAW. IT SEEMED TO HAVE WORKED and everyone lived happily ever after. BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE  IT ALL SOUNDS VERY CRAZY and his son-in law really didn’t do anything wrong or out of the ordinary. imo. AND his not knowing or knowing about the meeting his son in law had is not really proof of anything other than the obvious. IMO


I think all of them are being controlled and are drugged just like when Obama was President and the JESUIT General Kelly (DON Rat-tan) is probably in charge because the book came out right after Ms. Kennedy of Fox news tried to bribe the President on the air to be impeached and probably all of this is to protect her identity, her reputation, her position, and her daddy, and Fox News. Some spies right under your noses.


Jealousy is rough. 

Lentil soup anyone?  As I said, enjoy the time you have left. You did not. As I always say enjoy your time left.

Below are pictures of Maj. Gen. Don Rattan of the Army,

VIncent Bugliosi, writer of Helter Skelter and the Master of Physics,

and Maj. Gen. FRANCIS Kelly of the Marine Corps (as in Pope Francis)

sire of Ms. Kennedy of Fox News 

sacrilegiously claiming the name of the person he may have had assassinated or helped to assassinate or provided his reputation to support the one bullet theory in the assassination of JFK protecting Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis to erase any doubt of her involvement in the assassination of JFK by aiming her gun and shooting the head of the President IN BROAD DAYLIGHT and retrieving the spent shell from her gun on the trunk of the limo but said she went to the back of the limo to retrieve a chunk of his brain IN BROAD DAYLIGHT after prosecuting Manson (son of man) whose cult murdered a few people HUNTING THEM DOWN and slashing their bodies with knives and killing the very pregnant Sharon Tate over and over again and writing about it,

but her real name was Nancy Rattan

Don’t believe all the other shit either written about Jesuit Gen. Kelly

because it isn’t true.

It’s magic and political correctness rolled up into one big mass of shit

created by the Vatican, Notre Dame, Jesuit Pope Francis, and the RCC. and 


to pull a fast one on the astute government of the USA and it’s citizens

prematurely thinking we would not notice 

while instituting HOSPICE for the sake of the virgin Mother Teresa’s reputation and sainthood

with the help of OBAMA and others hell bent on supporting the temple council of the Vatican 

to preserve her beauty and to continue to esteem her style and grace

and to regard the knowledge and depth of Pope Francis

to forgive him and his chums of sexually abusing children far and wide throughout the world to spread the Catholic Faith.

Why Vincent Bugliosi Is So Sure Oswald Alone Killed JFK (Interview)

Vincent Bugliosi was wrong in the diagram below. The first dotted line and the third dotted line are incorrect and should be in the diagram at all. The second dotted line was not caused by a bullet but by a remote controlled sharp object installed and engineered into the back seat of the limousine and as the limo passed by the first sign to stemmons Freeway was when the remote control was activated and the sharp object went through the back to the neck and nicked the tie JFK was wearing and retracted back out of the neck the same way it came in hence the exit wound retracted with the movement (and if it had been a bullet would have destroyed his neck in total) from the limo back part of the back seat (JFKs elbows were up as a nerve reaction like a frog) and then JFK was being held by the sharp object in his back and neck so Jackie (or Jackie’s double the Jackal or someone similar in body type which may have been Gen Rattan at an early age) went around JFK and under his chin used the gun she or he carried in the roses and the puppet (two parts of a weapon) she carried and shot his head off. Nellie Connally shot her husband to save his life as he was trying to see what was going on and what the commotion was all about after I think the puppet exploded to make noise to confuse everyone. She was involved and not involved in a way and probably all of them were forced into this evil deed by the Shadow Government called the JESUITS of the RCC. Everyone was involved in the assassination including the driver and the man who jumped on the back of the limo to help Jackie retrieve the spent shell of the bullet that was fired into the head of JFK rolling back and forth on the trunk of the limo unlike wet soggy brain tissue which does not roll at the speed they were going and only sits like a mound of mud unlike what a tube of lipstick or a spent shell might do on a hard surface. person who is not in shock would have the wherewithal to go to the back of the limo on the trunk of the limo to retrieve the spent shell casing of the bullet and do it quickly though Jackie also used it as her excuse of being in shock and afraid to get part of his brain and she did not hold his head in her lap but pushed him over like a piece of shit to bleed on the seat of the car while she hunkered down in the space between seats as the limo was accelerated and driven onto the highway to the hospital. The person on the back of the limo did not look afraid but determined to clean up the evidence which might be used against her. People in shock react slowly, people in the know i.e. the perpetrator react quickly especially if they are trained to assassinate. It was a group think kind of assassination. Possibly some mind control involved and drugs. The Secret Service agent who was his bodyguard may or may not have been involved but looked as if he was pierced by something held within the flowers she was given at the airport while at the airport and was drugged via the needle. He noticed it and it is evident he noticed he had been pierced somehow and looked down at her flowers and the puppet in her hands as she brushed near him and he brushed near her as the possible location of the object which drugged him while he was scanning the buildings and people for a possible or potential threat (shooter or nutcase) while walking by the receiving crowd behind the fence line. The person who hit the remote control sat by the first sign on the curb of the road (with another man) leading to the entrance of the highway and looked very much like Obama with the kind of clothing an african american might wear at the time and as the car went by he sauntered across the road in the opposite direction away from the Grassy Knoll and disappeared. Then the pastor or religious leader of the Methodist Church located on NORTHWEST HWY in Dallas (the largest Methodist congregation in the world at the time) blamed the audience at the World Trade Center for the assassination of JFK and who looked eerily similar to the dad of Ted Cruz and also was at the Book Depository as a detective of some kind. Both looked the same. So Vincent BUGLIOSI and Gen. FRANCIS (like the pope or IHS as IN HIS SERVICE) Kelly and Gen. Rattan were wrong about everything.  It was a case of African American rights before women’s rights as is the case now because men go first and women follow kind of ideals and men get to have the right to have sex with female children if they so desire without much ado but with  silence and prayer. The Manson (Helter Skelter) phenomenon is in reference to the Son of man and was how Bugliosi was able to become a renowned detective/persecution prosecutor in defense of the One bullet myth and make lots of money and control our government from within like Jesuits like to do. Manson thought there would be a race war in the future and may be right … I don’t know… but if Obama has his way even though like a good psychopath sociopath with a good poker face we will and he tried to make it happen in his administrations as best he could while playing the devils advocate and the angels advocate kind of games. A person without a conscience can fool the unwary especially young beautiful african american females. It is a cabal. It is a conspiracy (a very long drawn out conspiracy) and we are seeing it play out in the White House at this time with Gen. Kelly who is trying to keep it together for our country because without him our country wouldn’t succeed and keeping it together for Trump because he has emotions though he tries to hide them and keeping it together for the Jesuits and the Evangelicals involved and keeping it together for the sake of the RCC in a precarious spot and many more because we can’t wipe our own private parts after urinating or pooping without him opening the bathroom door when we do if he is around or nearby. Lording over our country and Lording with the President as his friend and Big Brother and Lording over the White House Staff and Lording over our country as a whole which is incapable of understanding physics as he does and The Art of the Deal even if he wrote it. Me,Tarzan, you Jane. It’s called the competitive nature of some very crazy ego maniacs which usually hang out at, in, or near power and make a mess of it and because of man’s fear of women. Anyway Obama reacted quickly didn’t he? Those in the know tend to though he didn’t know ít all,  but knew something about the OPED and played it both ways to protect himself. Played against Trump and for Trump in a sketchy kind of way.

Steve Hilton has a book he penned called Popular Populism and says it has some good ideas to help against the Deep State and Bureaucracy and help the States, Cities and Towns0 I assume to help the  economies all over the USA instead of it being all in Washington DC and help spread the power over the whole USA and make the USA less vulnerable.) and grow the middle class which is the strength of the USA and has been diminished quite a bit and could be the fall of the USA as well if it is not corrected.*especially when the fall of the Rome Empire occurs which it will and is in the process of doing though it thinks it is saving itself via illegal immigration and flooding our country it is also evidently losing it’s grip or it wouldn’t need to resort to a massive diaspora kind of like Israel did 2000 years ago of its jews during the destruction of the temple and of the nation of Israel at the time and it’s power. It works both ways, hopefully. And we need to do the same to our government to save it. We need to decentralize it.

Also because Catholics think if they go along with the powers controlling them it will be good for them and it won’t. It is better to leave it and trust God. Not like God doesn’t know the advantages and disadvantages of being BORN catholic and the same goes for any other religion or race or gender. People who are guilty of some hefty stuff are less likely to leave which is no accident (because all kinds of crime and sin tend to get deeper as you go to keep you enslaved ), but should leave anyway because things are getting kind of close to some kind of a conclusion for some entities and whether life goes on after this conflict I suspect it does but we have some turds and turbulence ahead to overcome more so than probably any other time in history though the nature of it is totally different than any other time in history and hopefully our planet won’t end up formless and void. It might help if we change our way of government works and go to a one party system with lots of variations otherwise I don’t think it will end well. It would help alleviate the pressures of elections on everyone and while less immediate profit might be a short term loss the long term affects will be greater and less hurry up and be counted crap and can concentrate on the things that matter and some of it takes a longtime to accomplish. I have seen some pretty conservative democrats and some very liberal republicans and will help stop the pressure by one party or the other on it’s members making them tow a line that really isn’t their line but a party line and disenfranchising them in ways that are not fair because of party politics in stead of individual politics.

Obama responded and seems like someone, an anonymous someone, is pulling his chain because he responded pretty quickly to the OPED piece in the Washington Post. It was interesting to say the least.

I think Trump is confusing as are the press and I think something else is going on. Doubles. I’m sure Putin has a double. I think a lot of people do and don’t realize it via the cell phone and computers playing them. Look at the pictures above in the expose about Mother Teresa and check out the pictures of Huckabee. I am not a fan of him but I like his daughter. I think he’s a fake when it comes to religion and politics but he’s not the only one. I think she does a good job if it is on the up and up and I can’t say and not sure she can either whether it is. Lots of conflicting stuff in the last month or so ever since he had a private conversation with Putin and Panetta’s reaction for not being briefed about it and being kept out of the loop so to speak and I think is afraid and working with the general in tandem with him to disrupt our country and Trump to protect the Vatican and his mob activities using immigration. Whether Trump is involuntarily or voluntarily the trumpet of Revelation I believe he is the trumpet, The trumpets in Revelation are neither good or bad, he is a tool, an instrument of Revelation. It’s a sign whether you like it or not and there are 7 of them. Whether or not it is a self fulfilling prophetic sign it is fulfilling prophecy though I would never have imagined it to be this way but Revelation is hard to understand anyway. I have no idea which trumpet we are on and whether life goes on afterwards. I don’t know. I do know the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and it does lay the onus on the males and it also exposes the synoptic gospels quite a bit and exposes the religions of faith. I think truth is the way and will help a lot if we try. It isn’t always possible if you are a CIA agent or something and it is your job to lie but I think it matters why you lie and if it is to protect a country is one thing but if it is to protect a sex abusing priest is another thing or to protect sex traffickers or to mass murder people in a school or terrorize civilians or persecute women for personal decisions and hurt their families. I think GOd knows the difference which is way he allowed the lie to be safe until it was exposed in our time because of the abortion being used as an excuse to hospice. I think God is responsible for the timing. The timing is very coincidental to the NEW WORLD ORDER WTH TEETH and the persecution of women and non catholics and so forth. I think the more you struggle with it the harder it may be and seems to be like a detonated nuclear bomb of deception the press are having to sort through and present to the people and may sear your souls as you lie if you do it to purposefully deceive the public. Blood rising up to the horses bridle from the wine press so it is important to try to do it truthfully. the places it measures from are the Vatican to the White House. That much blood of the saints between the two locations and has to do with hospice, quite a bit. Mother Teresa was sainted by the pope. It might be her blood being the Mother of the church who had no kids of her own. So it would be smart to help to expose it before the blood reaches the bridle. God is doing the measuring somehow. Not me. It may have already reached it when my mom was hospiced and could be the beginning or end or the beginning of the end of something besides her life and in a way the end of mine. A marker of some kind. But since i have heard from her and my dad and even my dog believe it or not (and i have a witness to it) and the signs I have received I feel pretty certain I’m on the right track. Life has been made hard for me because of the ex in many ways since. Not sure if he was involved in her hospice but also since our divorce. Extremly difficult but I have received help too. Been hard on a lot of people and if the leaders of the world want to continue being dumb or acting dumb in regards to the people they govern it can get extremely hard for them too if they don’t try harder for the people they govern. The press has a responsibility to dig deeper to find out information to give to the public about things that affect the people otherwise you will end up on the wrong end of the totem pole when God judges you. Beneath the water line instead of floating above it for possibly 2000 years since it is about every 2000 years BIG biblical events occur.  Creation, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and the present time. I believe the RCC ends up beneath the line for it’s lies and deceptions along with the mob. You can do what my ex does MOST OF THE TIME and deny it is happening and be a dick head MOST OF THE TIME and ACT like the church isn’t involved in the demise of people via hospice etc I have no idea what it will take for him to understand his church is responsible in a big way for deception and others of course in politics and religions. People die and that’s a fact but I’m talking about living again afterwards in a good way or a bad way. not talking about someone using someones body to parade for an ad using videos. and other technologies, etc. The tanner did the same to Jesus to parade him falsely and didn’t have videos then just a cloth of some person even though there were two cloths. One for the head and one for the body which has a lot of meanings besides the obvious. Now Obama is playing the King’s clown in regards to the song Respect and Aretha Franklin and shouldn’t. He does’t really have the right to since he probably is partially why she died so young. A lot of women have died too young because of Obama. He prefers girls.

Have you ever seen so much news in all your life? And so much of it isn’t true?

MIA Rattan in Congo

General Rattan

Vincent Bugliosi

Do you Remember when Reagan was shot and the Secretary of State Al Haig said he was in charge and everyone freaked out. He was number three in succession. Not sure if it was before of after Reagan said “Tear down this wall!” to the President of the Soviet Union at the time about the Berlin Wall. Now we have a Jesuit general who thinks he is in charge of the White House Staff and was taped saying “The White House Staff work for me” inferring the White House Staff didn’t work for the President on tape via a disgruntled employee (possibly righteously, i don’t know) who taped him in the situation room firing her but never the less it was stated clearly by the jesuit general.. Sort of a slip, a freudian slip, and an interesting slip. Yea I have heard it is supposed to be the office of the President not the President or the situation room of the White House but not the president but it isn’t supposed to be the situation room of the jesuit general. ALl kinds of excuses. Technicalities.  I wouldn’t respect Obama if I were Trump. He has a much more important part than Obama.

General Kelly

Al Haig and the Reagan Assassination Attempt – “I’m in charge here …

David Gergan, the one that Alex Jones once confronted about the Bohemian Grove who acted very upset at the time thinks Trump and the Mueller probe comparing him to McCarthyism the FBI singling out one person or another being involved with communism and the Soviet Union is some kind of ProJectionism sort of the opposite of protectionism and possibly he is somewhat right about it. Everyone is going nuts about Russian spies very much like in the past when Hoover was head of the FBI and this was around the time of world war two and all along the real enemy was Hitler and his cronies and the RCC and their allies. One of Hitlers cronies was a man who looks eerily similar to Heinrich Himler which is Rosenstein of the Justice Department and of course Pres. George Bush senior looks very much like Rudolph Hess and all of them were into suicide and murder. Mass murder of the Jews. Like they are given a chance to change and having trouble overcoming their proclivity to promote suicide and trickery and deception and MOTHER TERESA of the RCC. It is very disconcerting to say the least but the faith of the RCC is evil and very well might be involved in what is occurring in our country, THE GREAT DECEPTION, being deceived by the RCC .

From Twain to Twain

My eyes are not deceiving me but why no one else sees the similarities are nuts. There is a saying for those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it and also a saying by Mark Twain: History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.



The gospel of John said when Jesus died the veil of the temple was rent from twain to twain I don’t know the exacto quote but I can’t find it at the moment in the bible on line and O do know someone is changing parts of the bible to fit their agenda which is to give more credence to the Gospel of Matthew and to demote the Gospel of John and to make the Gospel of Matthew preeminent which was the point of the second Vatican in 1963 the same year JFK was assassinated. When Mark Twain visited Palestine and at the time wrote it was a dump i.e. a ghetto of the Palestinians which was before the Jews resettled Israel (though not all of the jews left Israel at the time of the Diaspora or the whole time between the rent of the temple veil twain to the twain meaning Mark Twain, I think, not the Gospel of Mark however someone may be betraying to make a point of the Gospel of Mark by moving the prophecy of Daniel to the Gospel of Mark as some kind of turning point type prophecy or some kind of trick or plot to overthrow Israel or the USA but only like a short prophecy not made 2000 years or more ago as is the prophecy of Daniel which makes if far more relevant to me but like a one year prophecy sort of like making the bible a one year bible purposefully confusing people.( which in my opinion is intended to confuse) after world war 2 with great effort and determination after nearly being exterminated by the Nazis. The Book of Daniel prophesied the altering of the bible many many years before any of this happened and warned of it having to do with a false covenant and a false prophet and it made him sick but the prophecy was (let the reader understand) prophecy being moved to the Gospel of Matthew to give it even more credence because it was not there before. Obviously having to do with the virgin birth and business lots and lost of business for the RCC and will do anything to keep itself afloat to steal and rob the people of the truth.

This is the prophecy but is now in the Gospel of Mark:

Mark 13:14 “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.

When the prophecy was in Daniel I think it also said to the mountains of God not just to the mountains. The mountains of God meaning the Ten Commandments. OBAMA is the ABOMINATION (I think) and stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial for Martin Luther King Day during is administration and at the wailing wall in Israel and at Petra in Jordan ( a place of refuge in the past but some prophecy biffs said it was a place for the future as well though it was abandoned but definitely a commune was there and I think it was the one of Acts when Sapphira and ther husband got in trouble about the sale of their land to join the commune and were chastised and killed because they had lied to PETRA. However i think her husband got rid of his wife and got her land via Petra. Petra sits between israel and Jordan but is considered to be part of Jordan. I think it was stolen. I think Sapphira was testing the holy spirit of the commune leader who entrapped her and she had a right to test the holy spirit of the commune leader but I think her husband betrayed her. Jordan betrayed israel, remember? Did Jordan betray the holy spirit? In the SIx day War as I recall Jordan betrayed Israel and I bet it’s a rhyme of history and I bet Jordan was the land she sold (It might be  smaller chunk of land she sold) and I bet Sapphira was Jewish the reason I am contemplating it is because at some point in time Israel expands in prophecy and Israel expands via the country of Jordan. The king of Jordan is merely a puppet of Obama and did some bad stuff for Obama and should not have.) Something happens to cause it but I don’t know what that is. And on top of it there is an amendment in our constitution which protects women from testifying against their husbands and I highly doubt it came out of nowhere and may have to do with Sapphira. Sapphira in the Book of Acts was being forced to testify against her husband and should not have been persecuted. A Nazi kind of dilemma she was dealing with kind of like how hospice is sometimes persecution and not the wishes of the people involved but forced upon them. The Book of Acts is mocking truth and using it viciously (and probably viscously in the oily sense ) and is not how it was meant by Jesus in the Gospel of John when he said I Am the way the truth and the life.

Roman Catholic Clergy Sexual Child Abuse and the US Constitution

Sexual abuse is a very tender subject and a child no matter what age should not have to testify against a parent if they don’t want to but should have the right to testify against a parent if they want to but should have to testify against the clergy if the clergy are involved in the sexual abuse of a child and there should be an amendment added to the US constitution for this purpose. Seems like a good time for it. I could be wrong but the RCC sure have abused the privilege of sexually abusing kids without much legislation against it and it needs to be addressed. The clergy should have to testify against each other in regards to sexual abuse of children if they have knowledge of it and should have to report it to the government even if found out via catholic confession or by any other means and should have to lose their possessions be it land or business or any other asset they own to the possession of the child and the assets of the clergy should also be awarded to the child by the same amount and an agreed upon amount from the church involved to the child involved and to the family involved depending on the severity of the abuse in one lump sum when discovered. I’m sure a good set of judges or lawyers could come up with an amendment to our constitution to prevent sexual abuse by the clergy no matter what religion and in regards to the church of Rome the RCC since they have to be celibate to practice should be treated like any other rapist. there are so many variables but it needs to be severe against the accused of the sexual abuse against the child and the ones who hide the sexual abuse should have to make reparations and the church should have to make reparations to the children even after becoming an adult. And if anyone is found to be guilty of erasing the memory of a kid who has been sexually abused using psycho drugs, hypnotism or any other tool to hide evidence should have to go to jail and lose their possessions to the kid involved. This is not full proof type writing on the subject but something needs to done about it via the Constitution in the USA to prevent the corruption of kids and parents by the clergy in adoption centers and in orphanages, or foster care arrangements in churches and schools and hospitals run by clergy and the kids should be educated to their rights by any and all means via government intervention type measures and other parents. The punishment should be money and assets of the church and clergy involved.




Today Bret Baier had Bishop David Zubic on his show as a guest in regards to seal abuse in the church and the popes response and Bret addressed him as






Also the prophecy moved from the Book of Daniel to the Gospel of Matthew and then to the Gospel of Mark because the whole point was if you read the old testament and Daniel is one of the biggies you would have read this prophecy and said HMMM I wonder what Daniel means like I did for a longtime and never saw it in the gospels till Obama became president of the USA but it is in there now and shouldn’t be.

Could be significant and possibly mean Obama is about to meet his doom. I don’t know. I just know what I remember and I remember the prophecy of Daniel was not in any of the gospels. I compared them and I think I would remember if it was but when I did see it in the Gospel of Matthew it was astounding and so was the PRACTICE OF HOSPICE BEING FORCED UPON MY MOM and hence affecting me in an astounding way that it was happening and my abortion one of millions and millions was the excuse for the RCC’s final solution. just like HITLER in a way. Promoting suicide and murder of the elderly, the infirmed, unwanted kids on the streets in Brazil and in Rome and other places, uncatholics etc and the real reason is the RCC got caught in a dilemma because it was found *WANTON” out that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and never was which is the basis of the faiths and was a new policy to promote believing and needn’t be. But was meant to fill the pews and on the other hand to mock believers at the same time IMO for not having faith enough the size of a mustard seed to destroy the RCC the mountain on which the whore of Babylon sits drinking from a golden cup the blood of the saints etc etc etc. but says move in the verse about the mustard seed. It is not an easy thing to change assholes into nice people or into reasonable people or to make males respect females and their rights especially a cult full of males who like to dress up in lace and satin and to look like alter boys while sexually abusing children all over the world and laundering money from the MOB Mafias etc, which is why the changes are occurring because the RCC can’t handle the sword of truth that is about to be thrust right up their asses. Part of the reason for the lie about the mustard seed I think was to appease Islam which also had the same lie about the mustard seed in it’s holy book the Koran and I think the RCC may have wanted to make friends and possibly to change Islam into their followers but it didn’t work because I think it was in the Koran before it was in the bible hence it was adopted by the RCC and may have involved a false covenant which will be or has been broken. Its a tough situation because both the RCC Vatican and Islam want to rule the world but can’t do it together because because because because because both want to rule each other as well and makes for an interesting day though I wouldn’t want to be either catholic or islamic.

Often a person is born into one or the other religion or one of it’s daughters but the bible says to leave in order not to partake of it’s sins . We have enough to deal with of our own sins besides dealing with the sins of the church.  Hail mary’s are not gonna save you from the RCC or Islam’s maniacal madness. One of the signs is lack of remembering what one does and sometimes it is on purpose by the church and it’s psychologists or it’s psychos in drag so you won’t remember. there are good ones as well in all of these categories but more bad than good I have found out and is getting worse. waxing worse and worse which is why you need to run for the Ten Commandments as best you can.

No one in their right mind would have done what Mother Teresa was allowed and enabled to do and sainted as well and done very slickly at the same time making women slaves to it’s amazing stupidity and fraud as if women aren’t really pretty but good for having babies


Aretha proved them wrong, Melanie proved them wrong, My Mom proved them wrong,  Dorothy and I proved them wrong, Leanne Rimes proved them wrong. (I added her because of the Mark Twain quote though I knew she was a good singer but hadn’t listened to her in a long time.) A great deal of women proved them wrong and righteously so.

If you unscramble the name DOROTHY you get THY DOOR. And if you unscramble and I you get DANI or I DAN andI don’t think the tribe of Dan is lost. I think they evolved.

Women are fun, girls are fun, they can dance, they can sing, they can cook, they can clean, they can handle the word, they can think, they can learn, they can teach, they can act, they can work circles around some men, they can govern, they can be good mayors, they can manage, they can be doctors, they can be nurses, they can learn languages, they can sell real estate, they can fix up homes, they can decorate, they can make jewelry, they can make clothes, they can knit, they can sow, they can be lawyers, they can be judges, they can achieve great things, they can do anything a man can do and sometimes better and they can be a great help mate to a man and vice versa,

but not to boys.

You have to be man enough to know the difference.

Headliners on MSNBC is lying it’s ass off about Sarah Palin but is what the press does and says when she said some thing about someplace was her doom as VP to McCain, I voted for them as a team not because of McCain. I voted for her. The last time I voted. She was maneuvered out of governorship because of HAARP in Alaska and both were not intended to win. OBAMA was intended to win via Kissinger and the Vatican and I guarantee it was a fixed election. It isn’t the Russians you have to worry about it’s the Himlers the Nazis, and most of all the Vatican as far as fixing an election. I knew she wasn’t knowledgeable in every way on the world scene but she had good sense and if you can be a mom a good one you are capable of being a President. Obama didn’t have a grasp of the states and said there 56 states or some number and he was not born in the USA and he had bad management skills, was an enemy to many people in the USA, He didn’t build a business from scratch, he didn’t serve in the military, he was groomed by Kissinger and used his color to get his job. I saw him when he ran and the camera flashed in his eyes and he couldn’t see what it is he was gonna say and turned into a basket ball player with out the skill. He called her a pig with lipstick on but as I recall it was a fish with lipstick on not a pig. fish is a symbol of christianity and it seemed to get pushed under the rug what it was he said in regards to a smelly fish out of water with lipstick on so I didn’t vote for him because he said it about her. He knew less than she did about many things. We would not be in the mess we were are in if Obama had not been President. I know she can come off zany sometimes but I bet she wouldn’t have given away the Panama Canal. Her zaniness is sort of an american friendliness personality willing to talk to anyone and not a snob ass kisser like people like Geraldo if Europe does it we should too kind of shit (and if Geraldo found a tunnel without the mafia bosses treasure in it and make an adventure should we do the same? Can we call ourselves war correspondents if we do?) and it is too bad she is being mocked but Franklin Graham took her under his wings and really screwed her up IMO. Like he did to Greta Van Susterne and others because he is a muck. A fish which is often found in muddy waters. Truth in charity was not his game. Truth is not his friend. And I doubt she would say Christians are gonna die every time something in the news occurs that he is concerned about which isn’t much. He latched on to Sarah Palin because of HAARP I guarantee it to punish Christians using the place as a weapon and Obama knew it. As far as his influence on leaders and the press and politicians IT IS NOT GOOD  and don’t seem to be suspicious of him or his dad but should be. Just because someone can act like something doesn’t mean they are. He got his Samaritan’s Purse business from a man he befriended who died kind of soon after. Anyway I think his sister tells the story. All you have to do is look and it is easy to see what she is IMO. Her book cover tells her story at least to me. I saw what the BGEA did to family members and it was not good.  This kind of tells the problems of America and it is confusing because some of IT IS a cabal and because of a


The next day a whole bunch of seemingly good ideas have been reported about which seem to be very positive type attempts to improve our country and our foreign affairs outlook and for children. Melania Trump was one of those though she had her ideas a while back but seems to have expanded her ideas in a good way it seems and expressed those ideas very well and a whole bunch of other good news and hopefully those ideas will be new opportunities and avenues to have more success in our endeavors in our country and abroad. Seems like a lot of people using their brains and hearts in a good way to try to solve some problems we face as a country here and abroad and also some ideas not previously voiced and should be considered. I guess a lot of people are concerned more than I thought and seem to be more open minded to some other possibilities and I bet God has a lot to do with it. Fun to hear a bunch of people with renewed hope. So rare when we hear good things reported but today was one of those days! God is omnipotent however I tend not to be because of my humanness and in my own little world.


Take Me out to the Ballgame

BUT THEN, a woman came on Fox who said she is gonna take back the Catholic Church because she was upset about the sexual abuse of children a MYRRH 1000 sexual abuses of CHILDREN in the state of Pennsylvania because she didn’t remember about the RCC and it’s money laundering and child sexual abuse allegations going on for many years, I guess. Today Fox news had a cute segment of a cute LITTLE OLE nun at a baseball game dunking one of the women on Fox  with her baseball throw with the song “Take me out to the Ballgame, Take me out to the crowd, and it’s ONE TWO THREE STRIKES you’re out at the old ball game……Peter denied Jesus three times in the Synoptic gospels ( being Catholic and lacking depth and perspective think it means the very opposite and PETER denied Jesus three times because HE WAS NOT WRITTEN ABOUT in the first three synoptic gospels only the false prophet and the cock crowed three times before he could even remember Jesus. This what you call an EXTREME makeover of the Catholic Church because of the TERRIBLE NEWS a few days ago about the Catholic Church being found guilty of sexual child sexual abuse 100 clergy sexual abusing of a 1000 children in Pennsylvania alone SO FAR not to mention hospicing people using starvation and opioids to kill them as a tool against OVER POPULATON CATHOLIC STYLE even though

Jesus said IF YOU LOVE ME, feed my sheep.

IT’S CALLED A PUBLIC RELATIONS for the TERRIBLE reputation of the Roman Catholic Church which is what ICE needs to try doing to improve it’s reputation in regards to trying to control 70,000 -130,000 or so illegal immigrants from Catholic countries some of which are dangerous and murdering USA citizens .

I don’t think ICE has been accused of starving illegal immigrants….NOT YET ANYWAY.

It would be fun to use the same song for it’s PR.


Fox would like it both ways I think. WHAT SAY YOU, O’REILLY?







in God eyes.



I would love to see God react to it WITH A TRIPLE COUNTER PLAY

But it’s in God’s hands, not mine.

Then the Baptist church which advertizes on the Fox station OFTEN says to study the never changing word of God.




in the case of Michael Cohen and seems like he is a victim now of the mobsters union. It’s a big one.Then Molly Tibbitts was found dead in a corn field of all places (remember what David and his men did on the Sabbath Day in the corn field a comment made n the Gospel of Matthew and I have no idea what he did in the corn field on the Sabbath Day. The bible kind of leaves it to the imagination but I think they cooked and ate the corn) Also said her shirt was found at a Pig farm near her residence and that is what Obama said about sarah Palin “a pig with lipstick on” because he appreciates females and I wonder if it wasn’t a psychological clue as to who might be responsible in a spiritual way.The guy who did it said he had a blackout as he killed her but confessed to following her and harassing her during her jog before she was put into the trunk of his car and killed and taken to a corn field. Remembered some details and forgot other details and I think someone else led the police detectives to the body via some cameras and luckily her dad had already left for the cataclysmic break in the case (Obama likes to break people) to San Francisco so he would not have to be under scrutiny and did mention via Fox News that the 400 thousand dollars worth of donations to the GOFUNDME page setup for the purpose of his daughter’s discovery will be used in a good way. Maybe her dad could invest in a 400 thousand dollar home in her honor. Perhaps why the police are being lauded for their good work on the Mollie Tibbitts missing person case and murder in a small town area with Fuhrman’s help which is not good but thank goodness Mark Fuhrman was able to assist the way Mark Fuhrman tends to do on cases such as this and represent the police detectives on Fox usually involving an un-white murder suspect. Blackouts are a symptom of some bad things that happened to people during the Obama Administration and of demonic possession. The alleged murderer had a stolen ID and this is where I think Leon Panetta might come in. Rivera the alleged murderer is said to have a stolen license but might have been purchased and created like was done in the old days or perhaps the other body found is where he got his driver’s license but ought to be investigated who he got it from and how and might ought to be important to the governor or the senators of the state assuming it was an instate lisence plus the employer said he had some kind of vetting and said Rivera was e-verified and then backtracked and turns out it’s a different person than the employer thought so is really suspicious. The employer isn’t sure who he employed and whether he was allowed to work and as Michel Malkin of Fox said employers need to be more proactive about who they employ and ahsre in the responsibility of employing an illegal immigrant and possibly should be fined for their collusion with a murderer of a young woman and be scrutinized as being partially to blame for her death by allowing him the means ($$$) to stalk her and hunt her down in his vehicle. The dad used GOFUNDME and received quite a bit of money which is an incentive for some to commit a crime for money. He ought to be investigated what he does with the money he received and rechecked down the road just in case, I;m still suspicious of the other murder of Kate Steinley as a family incest case having lunch with her dad and gets shot n the back in her dad’s arms by an illegal alien who finds a gun at the bench he is sitting at wrapped in a shirt near the drugs he found in the trash and sounds like a case of entrapment to cover a dad who had problems and highly UNLIKELY to be only a case of an illegal finding a gun and drugs and someone to shoot in the back and now is a charity but is it a charity in TRUTH? NO I think it is Charity IN CEST (INCESTUOUS or a central european standard time NORM or moments) and if Mark Fuhrman is who I think he could be he might have had the same problem and might have made a business of it. Incest is rarely talked about or reported RARELY as a motive for murder of young girls (in fact I don’t think I have heard about any in the last 20 years and I know it’s not an infrequent crime since we heard a rumor about a girl at a girls school at a high end girls school and her daddy I’m talking about the people with the most money in the city of Dallas) and ought to be part of every investigation of a murder of a young girl and not automatically blamed on a priest 50 years later because it might be used as a veil for men with a problem towards their daughters by moving the priest to another parish which would be so catholic, ones we will never be able to identify because there are so many. After Kate Steinley the family or city started a campaign in her name and so did the Senator of Iowa Joanie Ernst started one in the name of another person who was killed recently and perhaps Molly was killed for her politics. Politics is a powerful incentive for murder and for some psychotic or pathological liars and psychopaths in the business of sex crimes or race crimes like I think Mark Fuhrman seems to be often anyway and gets to be a guest on Fox news but Idon’t know how much guests are paid for their expertise but could be some lucrative kickbacks involved for religious and political propaganda purposes and an incentive for murder.=========== It helps to know the religion of the people involved because often times their religion rules or affects their behavior to another person especially when it comes to sex crimes. It’s easy to see someones race but not always easy to see someone’s heart and/or proclivity to harass female or someone of color or someone white or a catholic or a protestant because in the past protestants were burned at the stake by catholics so there is reason to be sensitive to the leanings towards persecution or bias depending on how a person is indoctrinated and for what purpose like Mark Fuhrman during the OJ Simpson case. DId he have a thing for his wife when she came to the police for help? Did she turn him down? Things like it or bias towards people of color or religion. Her boyfriend was jewish ad her ex was african American and he was white and she was white. Might have been too much for someone with an ego the size of IOWA and it’s caucus. JONI ERNST IS THE CONGRESSWOMAN and is leading the charge for SARAH’s Law? SARAH ROOT was in a car wreck with an illegal immigrant? I don’t know what the law is but laws are meaningless aren’t they sometimes if the congresswoman isn’t gonna uphold the law. SHE OUGHT OT GET INVOLVED IN THE UNUSUAL EVIDENCE ABOUT MOLLY TIBBITTS. WHAT DOES THE BUCK STOPS HERE MEAN, ANYTHING? BELIEVE ME YOU DO NOT WANT MARK FUHRMAN IN YOUR STATE.  A BAD OMEN. Some people have a hard time with rejection. Did his mom dress him in dresses when he was young? All those things matter as does whether Mueller is witch hunting because of Trump or because of his success or because of some business deal that didn’t go through or because of his politics or his goals to clean the swamp or his religion or rejection many years before and not forgotten or the color of his hair. Like the Hatfields and McCoys but instead when one isn’t aware of the other’s hidden hatred and so is left open for attacks usually off the mark. It is said often police are criminals posing as police and are people who like power because they get to carry a gun and a badge often times without earning it via combat. Like my ex brother-in-law who lied about his service in the war to be deep or something and wanted to beat me up unbeknownst to me until he told his family he had beaten me up and was news to me. What a weird psychosis. There are people like him, but of course he was raised catholic. Or like lawyers often say that judges are lawyers who were not good lawyers but not all judges start of trying to be a lawyer and I bet the same can be said for some police who were not good military men and a good case in point is Geraldo RIvera the War Correspondent and pretty much all I can say is he made a big deal about a tunnel with possible treasure of a mob boss and must have traipsed the wrong tunnel and all of a sudden is a frequent Fox contributor. Probably was in Egypt at the time. In any case I think there are a zillion people who could do what he does and much better. Anyone can equivocate.


I guess it was a slippery dope for him. Male ego stuff. I have met good cops and met some bad and the bad hurt the good cops reputations and did in the Prohibition too. Not all cops are bad of course but some here and there and can cause havoc to the good ones especially being close to criminal activity via their jobs which can corrupt the mind about humanity and then mistreat someone because of PTSD of their jobs or gang mentality which is the biggest problem with boys and girls like in the movie MEAN GIRLS. Same goes for doctors good ones and bad ones and via insurance health insurance which protects the bad doctors and insurance fraud gives opportunities for insurance fraud and then a spiral forms of the health businesses and pretty soon the insurers are running the health business and didn’t have the talent for the medical field or surgery or go to school for 7 extra years of education and go in debt to their ears and the insurance agents are controlling them or now the catholic church in some places to give up on a patient even a child in a coma for Father Jonathoan of Fox news and of the Catholic Church trying to degrade the most impressive medical field in the world once and to lower standards and inflict their punishments even though it is the most corrupt religion historically and presently by laundering money and sainting Mother Teresa (and blaming women and girls who are often victims of sexual crimes which kill or incest which sometimes kill) and screwing up the medical field so it can manage it like it does drugs and mob activities and often the insurance businesses and causing inflationary costs for everyone and often times doesn’t save the life of the insured person because of a bad doctor or because the person had surgery on a Friday when many surgeries are less than exemplary and often accidents occur because of their schedules trying to pay off their loans, their insurance costs, equipment costsm etc and covering for the bad doctors in the medical field via insurance and the spiral gets worse and worse. etc. Hillary Clinton was in the insurance business and law before she was a Senator and the insurance companies love her for her bias. If there wasn’t insurance in the health field everyone would be able to afford it and the cost would go down significantly but the insurance people would have to get into the real-estate business instead or car and home insurance business instead but be the low man on the totem pole or a small fish in the pond but it needs to be done regardless. =====

They found Molly’s body a month later in the middle of summer or end of summer so hopefully will be able or take the time to identify her and not cremate her beforehand,nor cremate the other body which might belong to the license. Hopefullly it’s her body but also another body was found nearby about a week before. It all sounds suspicious to me.  It might be a good idea to teach females how to handle a rapist before or after a rape and how not to spook an illegal immigrant into wanting to kill or blacking out of fear. The fact is a sexual predator does not like getting caught. There is a psychology to it and often times I think some females might have lived if hey were better equipped and better prepared mentally to outsmart her rapist to live another day.

They do it for money.

Mark the sexual predator with a dye which explodes in their face or hands in the beginning of an attack and girls can jog freely like is done to money to mark it so he will get caught in a certain kind of light and that cannot be washed off without some kind of a chemical and can only be bought if you have a valid license and you have to register and have your face photoed in order to get it. Cops could have the light to identify the assailant and so could those who register for the light such as parents and businesses to corner the rapist or killer by identifying HIM as he walks in the door without him knowing it. Noise makers and stuff like it.

And the licking as well can be a form of some kind of possession as they seemed suspicious in the Natalee Wood case by the detectives and in regards to the charges announced against Michael Cohen. The charges were excessive and so was the licking. Blackouts happened quite a few times here in the USA and in Europe when the assailants blacked out and usually had a cell phone as well during their commission of the crimes. HMMMMM i wonder if there is a connection. Probably too big a question for the police to investigate the possibility of a connection between the two (FUSION GPS or any other kind of GPS on cell phones to find people whom an evil spiritual serial killer might want to find to kill for his possessed ) and especially for Mark Fuhrman who incidentally looks like the famous actor who raped and killed a young girl. I’m sure it is only a coincidence like Rosenstein looking exactly like Heinrich Himler.

Manafort was sentenced but probably will get off on good behavior though he has another trial coming about some other issues. Looks like a nice man but I know nothing about him and still confused as to his part in the Trump Presidency. I guess he donated money?

The Scaramucci lawyer named off all the people involved in Michael Cohen’s troubles and sounded like a MOBSTER REGISTRATION of famous mobsters in the past during the Prohibition so this probably has to do with marijuana trade and legalization in a few states competing with the mobs who deal drugs as well and with the RCC who launder their money, the Jesuits, Rosenstein Himmler of the Nazi party in the Justice Department. The announcer of Michael Cohen’s charges resembled Anthony Scaramucci quite a bit to the horse’s bridle LICKING ALOT I mean every 20 seconds or so and singling out Michael Cohen for a bunch of infractions against the IRS and others (resembled Anthony Scaramucci in the eyes, stature, hair, sleaze factor and bully factor thinking he is hot shit and because Anthony Scaramucci warned it was a slippery slope taking away John Brennan’s power and essentially castrating and eunuch-cizing John Brennan into an ineffectual person and quoting Geraldo Rivera in regards to men sexually harassing women accusations recently, hence Michael Cohen and the porn star. Geraldo did weigh in on the Molly TIbbitts murder case break and is upset everyone will take it out on illegal immigration victims especially in the voting booth, illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities, building a wall for protectionism of citizens like Molly Tibbitts, etc because the assailant’s name was Rivera and the alleged ROMAN CATHO-LICK  assailant more than likely because he is an illegal immigrant as well. Geraldo doesn’t want people to make assumptions about rapists and murderers with the last name of RIVERA tarnishing his good name for the Roman Catho-licks a day or so after the clergy have been found guilty about a 100 of them in the state of Pennsylvania alone ( the spokesman announcing the guilty verdict of the clergy said sexual abuse of children by the clergy is going on in every city of the USA) of sexually abusing kids by the thousand and hopefully have not caused this blight on our land here in the USA and South of the USA Border where Roman Catho-lickism is the main religion and seems not even the clergy are immune and I doubt even the nuns are oblivious to the sins of the fathers/priests to their flock. If you can’t even trust a priest or a nun, who can you trust, but one nun in particular on Fox sure can throw a baseball and even did a trick on the inside of her elbow with the baseball to bounce it to her mitt for Public Relations for the Roman Catho-lick Church. She is so cute I might have to become Roman Catho-LICK. Just kidding. I think if I were catholic I would consider it a HUMONGOUS SIGN to abandon the church before it’s too late. However my ex who was raised catholic doesn’t seem to think the catholic church is responsible for anything evil going on in the world and believe me the catholic church depends on people like him and the woman who said she is gonna take back the Roman Catholic Church but if you want to take responsibility for the sins of the Roman Catholic Church and for the sins of sexual child abuse of the church, be it’s guest. I can’t think of any group of people more warned than catho-licks. What does it take to register into the brains of a catholic? You would have thought the movie The Exorcist would have been heeded by catholics. How about it’s history? Burning protestants at the stake? Believing the world was flat? Believing people with moles were of the devil and putting some of them including kids and babies to death upon discovery. Accusing people who could swim of witchcraft and many more ridiculous antics. Not allowing Catholics to read the bible should have been a big clue. I guess it’s embarrassing to catholics, but not to Bret Baier. SHAMELESS! Why is murder and rape so rampant in Catho-lick countries? Why is poverty immensely rampant for the majority of the people in Roman Catho-lick Countries? I think there ought to be an inquiry in to it and as to why there is such a big mass of Roman Catholics crossing the border illegally. Didn’t the Roman Catho-lick church teach them it is illegal? Is it because of the tenets of the Roman Catho-lick Church? Have illegal immigrants been previously abused by the Roman Catho-LICK Church in a clandestine way to cause their dissatisfaction, desperation, and discontent to travel a very long distance and cross into a foreign land illegally even dropping off their kids to strangers, probably Roman Catho-LICK strangers, instead of toppling the corrupt theocratic government in the country they migrated from causing it? Roman Catholicism is a government system, not just a religion, and is why it also has a state of it’s own. I suggest you listen to Walter Veith who was a catholic until it affected his baby in very scary ways and decided to investigate and has many interesting you tubes from a catholic point of view about the Roman Catholic Church and an abundance of information to help catholics. Amazing Discoveries, Total Onslaught, Darkness Before the Dawn etc on internet for free or you can buy his dads to listen to in your car or while cooking at home etc.

  All of this because President Trump made an example of John Brennan when he took John Brennan’s access and clearance to top secret and so John Brennan can’t sell USA INTEL The neo-fascist Anthony Scaramucci probably in a demon possessed blackout and probably a sexual harasser of women as well is trying to scare the hebee-jeebees out of everyone it can using Michael Cohen who has been made the poster boy example for corporations contributing to any republicans or candidates the mob unions and the RCC and the Jesuits, Gen. Kelly aka Major Gen. Rattan, Ms Kennedy of Fox news (his daughter) don’t like in future elections and after having offered a bribe by Ms. Kennedy of Fox News to the President of the USA by the Jesuit Order via Fox news to go ahead and be impeached and it will be good for him if he does but didn’t say what would happen if he didn’t and I guess we are seeing either the muscle to entice him or a reward. Time to take away more security clearances of the men named earlier especially Panetta and Hadyn. Could be interesting. I THINK SOME PEOPLE INCLUDING THE MOB ARE SCARED and OUGHT TO BE SCARED. We still don’t know about Rick Gates and his problems ahead as well and wondering still if he was involved in the attempted nerve gas assassination of some Russian spies one of which died in Britain in order to blame Russia because of the private meeting Trump had with Putin. Maybe he blacked out? The RCC is winning at the moment though the churches sins are adding up to the horses bridle and retaliating because of some bad clergy  the other day and giving the finger to the USA like Obama did and is still doing, hence the murder of Molly Tibbitts and trying to prove Fascism and Fuhrmanism is the way to go more so than socialism, democracy, nationalism, and protecting the citizens of the USA by building a wall and employing and improving ICE to assist for the protection of USA citizens and protect the legalized marijuana trade in the USA, and to help stem the tide of illegal immigration to avoid becoming a banana republic Beholder to the RCC and Saudi Arabia, Iran, and others in the sale and expatiation of females and kids sexually, morally, physically, spiritually to corrupt them to be ready and willing to preform sexually for the clergy of the RCC and then be to be punished later when it suits the Church of Rome.

IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT all over the news yesterday LIKE A MANTRA of some kind. INSANITY. DRUNK on themselves thinking they have the power of suggestion but it isn’t a suggestion but like a cult gone off the rails which cults often do. The press cult against Trump. He may have had an affair 10 years ago as if these guys don’t do the same probably on a weekly basis with each other. How do you fire the PRESS? Is there a way to make them cease and desist? Little deists? I think ICE needs to oust them out of the country and drop them off in Honduras. TRUMP says if we impeach him the market will crash and why stop the train and Neil Cavuto says yes but if the rails of the train are ……Same goes for the past. You don’t ignore the past because we are in the present and you don’t ignore what got us to this point such as Billy Graham and Kissinger vs Nixon, Clintons emails, multitude of suspicious deaths and Billy Graham, Benghazi lies, Kissinger,Roman Catholic Church, and Obama vs accusations of sexual abuse and money laundering by the clergy of the church related to the mob, and all the other lies about global warming/climate change vs H.A.A.R.P., abortion vs hospice, Mother Teresa and Pope Francis, Panama Canal vs Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the CIA, Berlin Wall and JFK assassination, 9-11 and Saudi rebels, mustard seed vs sperm, etc

Republican Duncan Hunter is defending himself before an election of charges against him of misusing campaign money with Marsha McCallum on Fox and denying charges except that he may have said Fuck you to someone in the Navy and I understand why because it makes sense (the Navy, he was a Marine and both don’t get along in every way,,,competition however it was the Navy at Annapolis who assisted the RCC in the assassination of JFK. Cardinal Cushing was at the base and got word and mission was accomplished! Not everyone in the Navy is bad but it was a bad EXPOSURE of the RCC using our military to make an example of JFK and using the wife to kill him. Cardinal Cushing married Jackie to JFK and officiated at his funeral so he was close by to do his duty and it was through him that the two met. Kind of a coincidence because she shot him in the head under the influence of a derivative of a sea sickness drug (NAVY) which is also coincidence as well, isn’t it? The Navy had been attacked also at Pearl Harbor years before while eating breakfast in a surprise attack.  REP. DUNCAN got in an entrapment scheme because he had pre-planned a tour of some military site overseas during a trip overseas and the tour was cancelled so he had to spend some personal money towards it and probably got into some financial trouble which is how the MOB works, the Jesuits  and I think he is being entrapped wrongfully or insidiously. Huffington News said he blamed his wife, I did not hear him blamed her from what I heard and is the age old tactic being used against his family DIVIDE and CONQUER, an RCC TRICK. Families members will rise against each other.  I think all of the congressman democrats and republicans have taken advantage of their allowances and should not be receiving one to begin with and he is being SINGLED OUT because he is a Republican and probably are afraid of his potential his votes. In reference to Fox’s Wounded Warriors CHARITY which is not in TRUTH who uses HURRY-CANES as a walking apparatus for those injured at war – the name is offensive and meant to be without the victims or the public realizing it is sarcasm and a ploy to get charity funds for some victims of wartime. KIND OF A MOCK and I do think some congressmen probably are liberal with money OPM but I doubt he is the only one but Fox/Wounded Warriors/Jesuit Bill O’reilly is PILING ON and seem to be attacking republicans relentlessly to control republicans and him in particular for the election because the election is important to the Trump Presidency to control Trump because Jesuits take a vow to the devil to do anything and everything to keep the Vatican afloat including impaling babies (videos being bait for persecution of females and an excuse to murder the elderly, the weak, the hungry, the tired and against a judge holding videos for at the least privacy reasons), assassinating leaders, disallowing divorce without a payment disallowing birth control disallowing abortions ANNULMENTS FOR THE RICH AND FAMOUS, SAFE ABORTIONS FOR THE RICH AND FAMOUS especially OIL RICH and PRIEST, CARDINALS AND BISHOPS FEMALE and MALE INTERESTS, NUNS, but not for the rest of society, USURY, BRIBERY, BLACKMAIL, TRICKS, ENTRAPMENT, SEXUAL ABUSE OF KIDS, SEXUAL ABUSE OF WOMEN, SEX TRAFFICKING, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, OPEN BORDERS, POVERTY, HOSPICE,  MOBSTERS, MAFIAs, LAUNDERING MONEY FOR THE MAFIA AND LAUNDERING TAX REVENUE ALL OVER THE WORLD, FALSE IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTION AND PROTECTION, FALSE INTEL, DEADLY DRUG DISPERSAL, SARIN GAS ATTACKS, NERVE GAS ATTACKS, OPEN BORDERS, TRANSPORT OF ILLEGL ALIENs TO THE USA AND OTHER COUNTRIES, POISONING OF RELIGIOUS LEADERS WHEN EVER NEEDED, MASSACRES OF PEOPLE, FUNDING TERRORISM, FUNDING COUPS, JAILING RELIGIOUS LEADERS AND CIVILIANS, FOREIGN WORKERS AS INSURANCE AND TO TRADE FOR THE PANAMA CANAL WITH IRAN AND OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, MURDER RAPE OF YOUNG FEMALES,  9-11, AND ALSO CHANGING THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, and the beat goes on and the beat goes on and THOSE AT FOX AND OTHER NEWS AGENCIES WHO SUPPORT THE RCC AND THE VATICAN WILL SHARE THE GUILT OF THE SINS IT COMMITS FOREVER IF THEY DON’T DO THEIR PART AND EITHER LEAVE THE CHURCH OR EXPOSE OR BOTH, and DO NOT FORGET the previous administration Obama and MIchelle Obama spent millions and millions of dollars on a trip to Oahu when before hand there was a hurricane called Hurricane Sandy a category 4 or 5 hurricane on the East Coast which caused a lot of damage and deaths and used the Death of Sen. Inouye a war hero and Senator from Hawaii as an excuse to go on a planned trip to Hawaii (with Oprah, I think) and use tax payers money which they spent on this trip and it was an exorbitant amount of money and not sure there was an accounting of the expenditures of the trip and they may have dispersed some tax dollars elsewhere but used Sen. Inouye’s ceremony in Hawaii (Oahu) as an excuse for going on vacation when both should have stayed and dealt with the damage done in New Jersey. I think the amount was close 430 million dollars for vacation? and New Jersey received 47 billion dollars to go directly to the victims of Hurricane Sandy but didn’t go to ALL OF THE VICTIMS of Hurricane Sandy. Lots of people were not helped at all. So I wonder where they got the money to go on the Hawaii trip. Did they use the Funds for the victims of Hurricane Sandy for their vacation and what else? IRAN? Remember what MIchelle Obama said to the people affected by Hurricane Sandy? She said “My heart goes out to you.” and went on her vacation. There ought to be a MANAFORT TYPE TRIAL of the accounting of the Hurricane Sandy bill and an accounting of the vacations to Hawaii by the Obamas. DID GERALDO RIVERA ALSO ATTEND? Also ought to be an accounting of Wounded Warriors and the percentage of charity that actually goes to the victims and how much of the other money is spent on other expense some legit and some not which they receive by the FBI or The Justice Department or someone who can be a good judge of waste and corruption and theft. I wonder if Inouye was murdered for a vacation for the Obamas and making it appear legitimate and treating him like an uncle tom but in this case an japanese form of an uncle tom. An uncle inouye. He was a wounded warrior and lots veterans and families were affected HORRENDOUSLY using hospice as a tool to offend the families and entrap families to kill some family members! SOME EVIL SHIT and covering up for the FUKUSHIMA nuclear man-made nuclear  accident using HAARP for the Neo-Catechumenal way for the RCC – a way which leads to death and suicide is included and was the complaint of the Japanese for delaying the NEO-Catechumenal way and ignore by using H.A.A.R.P. or similar to punish them and poison the Food Chain and thus screwing everyone in the world. THE DESTROYER spoken about and prophesied in the bible of all places in the New and the Old Testament and then trying to use tax payers to pay for the damage done to the people via Obama Care to cover up the affects of nuclear poisoning. THERE IS A WAY that leads to death. Notice the sound of INOUYE’S name. IN-O-WAYS……. O being or representing OBAMA. Not a coincidence but a sign of something known way ahead of time. I don’t know what the name Obama means? But I do know Barak/BARACK scrabbled by syllables means AKBAR a word used often in attacks on miscellanies people by Islamic terrorists. I will never forget the dark saying by Obama at the UN about the prophet of ISLAM and the future not belonging to those who insult the prophet of ISLAM and not just meaning the prophet but profit and very evil thing to say and implement a well in various ways and after it was said there aloof attacks and blackouts I think using cell phones of innocent people by Islamic terrorists overseas and in the USA.

IT WAS THE DARK SENTENCE SPOKEN OF BY DANIEL in the book of Daniel in the bible.

GERALDO OUGHT TO TAKE THE NAME OF THE KILLER OF MOLLY TIBBITTS AS A SIGN. KIND OF A REVELATION KIND OF SIGN FOR GERALDO RIVERA, so he ought to feel privileged to have received a personal sign, and take heed of it, OR ELSE, IMO

Kenny Loggins & Michael McDonald-This is it. 

Not the sign of Geraldo, but the sign of Daniel.


Obama’s $60.4billion Hurricane Sandy aid bill found stuffed with pork

Tucker Carlson is gonna interview and have on the show he journalizes on ABOUT the judge who blocked the viewing of some abortion videos and tells his reasons which may be good. It was kind of a false intro to a guy who is anti abortion and giving the reasons he thinks the judge is blocking the viewing of some abortion videos besides PRIVACY. I do know there is a war between the rights of women and the right of the RCC to hospice whomever they want to via many ways and lots of trickery. I’m glad he is gonna interview him because it is a right in our country and there have been many accusations such as hamsters in gay mens asses and baby parts in Pepsi for flavor enhancement (my mom worked for Dr. Pepper, not Pepsi, LOL) and many other type scare tactics and mythology. Still no proof of the accusations of those who made tapes undercover of abortions and acted out on some videos by actresses bit part actresses who aren’t right in the head for money and for the Jesuit Pope of accusations by the Pro LIFE people and the RCC but actually are against the rights and health of the woman or girl involved in a personal abortion and her life against women and females and against the Ten Commandments and against the truth about the mustard seed vs sperm and are actually pro death and for illegal abortions vs legal safe abortions. It’s like denying a man a needed operation under the guise of being Pro life (there are some cults who even deny their children needed medicines etc and their children often die because of religious fallacies such as the RCC is rife with) and using some videos which unfortunately the people who taped them did not make copies to substantiate their false claims and to extend their persecution unfairly and indiscriminately and under a cultish Catch-22 type tactics and to be on the side of hospice and Mother Teresa’ way (which is Obama’s way leading from behind and she got her big debut in Calcutta India because of a chemical accident/sabotage to make her way killing thousands, where people worship a cow, degrade women, have a caste system, girls forced to marry at age 10, can’t seem to keep good christian pastors/leaders without dying in accidents when flying in airplanes, becoming Roman Catholic and Islamic and recently there was a tsunami earthquake in the INDIAN OCEAN which affected the AXIS of earth and changed things dramatically and the reason some of the females died was because of their hair getting caught in the branches during the flood by the tsunami and females sell their hair and both male and females sell their organs (kidneys and other type organs for very little) and was a sign for us of MOTHER TERESA, HOSPICE, ROMAN CATHOLIC SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE, and CHILD PROSTITUTION and blame the USA for the floods and droughts they have experienced, are way over populated which made Mother Teresa welcome news for some people concerned about overpopulation and are the third part of earth which are affected SUPER BADLY in REVELATION and I’m retty sure it has to do with religion and Mother Teresa and little to do with politics and abuse of children born) which is probably part and parcel of the Neo-Catechumenal way. I DO NOT THINK IT WAS A MANMADE EVENT but more like God warning the world which needed warning obviously (unlike the tsunami in Japan which I think was an evil response which was a man made event and poisoned the waters and food chain) except in regards to abuse of power and child prostitution and Hospice. A phenomenal sign of the NWO with Teeth and the things we have been through and are still enduring. They seem not to be able to get other evidence of LEGAL abortions causing Armageddon and the Apostacy and all the other calamities of the world blaming it woman because she ate the apple of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden and demanded a LEGAL AND SAFE abortion instead of an illegal unsafe abortion offered by the MOB and offered by the RCC in a back alley or in a dark warehouse and discounting the lie about the mustard seed in their FALSE faith who like to punish the third generation as a way to do what the hell you want to do as the most powerful church in the world who has to face it’s upcoming extinction as did the DO DO BIRDS because it is wrong and interfering in the personal lives which is sacred to GOD and his people and thus offending GOD HIMSELF. He had so much respect for priests and cardinals and bishops and the RCC he purposefully left them out of the Ten Commandments.

-It must be hard.

Melanie – A hard rain’s gonna fall

But God did respond today as well even though it was a terrible devilish day when a plane landed safely after a few tires blew out while taking off from an airport and after four or five hours of emptying it’s fuel came in for a safe landing. 


The logic is the sign of Daniel would have occurred when abortions were first allowed but is happening because of HOSPICE  during the OBAMA administration when both occurred in full swing. CHEW ON IT.

Made a bit of progress with the ex and he admitted the Jesuits are the police of the Roman Catholic Church, however the Jesuits are not the good police but the bad and do it for the sake of evil not for good because they make a vow to the devil to protect the hierarchy of the church for Rome. It took so much energy dealing with him about an hour for the small admission.


Thought about Tucker Carlson because he agreed with the man who is Pro life but is deceived and said he agreed, flippantly, his job depends on it. Here is a poser for Tucker: what if your daughter had sex with Osama Bin Laden’s son (either willingly or raped) and got pregnant and he had a choice either she could have a legal abortion or would marry Osama Bin Laden’s son and Tucker’s family would forever be tied with Osama bin Laden in every way and he would have to move his family to Afghanistan or to Yemen with his pregnant daughter to stay with the son of Osama Bin Laden forever or he would he allow his daughter to have a legal abortion? I think he would choose the second option. In fact, my guess is he would demand it.

I REST MY CASE because you are for legal safe abortion if it affects you in such a way.

Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters outnumbered a female democrat Fox pundit who is deceiving herself about the wall on the border and were trying to uncult her in regards to the wall. She said she doesn’t think we should take Mollie’s murder lightly and she is taking it lightly regardless of what you believe really happened to Mollie as I have expressed but I yelled out at the sesson with the female in the middle to read her the poem by Robert Frost called The Mending Wall. We need the wall to eliminate some problems, to recuperate from the last administration, and from 9-11, and other crimes, and to be able to help to deduce or use deduction in regards to crime to get it under control which has skyrocketed. She suggested instead of a wall Trump hiring a million border patrol agents i.e. Ice agents which is what the Demo rats don’t like so it is true the Demo rats want it both ways as long as it is their way. The first step is a wall. She was totally illogical and should quit her job for being so inept but probably doesn’t realize it so she won’t and will be a little rat on the hill but she has a voice and is miss-using it for her salary. Like Tucker Carlson flippantly did in regards to abortion because I know and GOD knows which of the two options he would have chosen if it were him. It’s so easy to be a little boy prick, isn’t it? Tough to be a man. One that stands up and is given a heart of a man. Hey everyone, it isn’t Tucker Carlson. He is just a dishonest intellect.

Now that you are a boy, what do you want to be when you grow up, pinocchio?  I want to be a dishonest intellect.


2)  Here is another choice Tucker Your daughter is pregnant and your other daughter is sick and you get to choose between the life of the unborn and the life of the sick daughter which would you choose? Pretty easy choice.

I’m gonna keep adding to this list of choices for you and your moral laurels because you deserve it.

3) Here is another option Tucker. Your daughter is pregnant and wants an abortion. You can see in to the future that when she grows up and gets married she has 2 beautiful girls. Would you force her to have the baby and not allow her to have an abortion even though those two girls you see in the future as your two grandchildren would never be born?

When I was a young teenager my dad took me hiking up a marked trail in the Appalachian mountain range with my little sister.  He planned the trip and bought dehydrated food and back packs and we went hiking up the mountain trail he had chosen and found the shelter to stay in. It was open and was missing a wall and obviously did not have a door. It had a bunk bed and I had the top bunk and woke up to a bat lodged on the ceiling above my head. If we had a wall and a door on the shelter there wouldn’t have been bat above my head. We also woke up to a herd of deer and it was really pretty chewing grass. Nevertheless finding a bat on the ceiling above my head was scary especially being the one on the top bunk of the bunk bed. What if the bat had rabies or was dracula? I have heard of bats sucking blood without the animal or person knowing because they are very good at sucking blood so as not to disturb the animal or person it is sucking from. Illegal immigration is sucking our blood,. The RCC is sucking our blood. Sucked Molly Tibbits blood. You or your daughter may be next.


If I were Trump I would go ahead and do a Sunday NIght massacre like Nixon did the Saturday night massacre but do more. Make it a mass firing of all the people he considers to be corrupt and then worry about it later and find a REALLY GOOD LAWYER to handle the aftermath. Don’t worry about impeachment because it is already on the table on every news agency and on the lips of every news journalist so what the heck go for it. Include all the Obama holdovers as well and whom ever is making your job as President difficult. What do you have to lose? NOTHING. Don’t wait for the election do it right away and I think Trump would be surprised of the support he would gain for having the balls to do it without remorse and probably the Republicans would own the House and the Senate because of it.. It’s anyone guess how it would be interpreted, but it sure would make history. and sit back and watch their jaws drop for a few months. Read about the Saturday night massacre to learn the possible reactions and use as an example. Do what is legally possible to change the situation to get the upper hand. The press is hysterical and so are the dems because they lost and acting like a bunch of babies, In other words take control of the situation, be offensive, and be Presidential. BE A LEADER or step down.

There is always someone who can replace those you fire, but

BE EXTREMELY SMART about who you hire to replace them

in order to impress, confound and put down your opposition.

DIVIDE AND CONQUER and all of these concepts you should try to employ because it is obvious many people are at war with you for a number of reasons such as recognizing Jerusalem and because you are a sinner like everyone else and pray you make the right decisions on the people you fire and replace and then go about your business. Once accomplished stop tweeting and keep them guessing. Being a President is not a game show, it’s the real thing. No more rallys! Let the chips fall where they may and work with what you have to work with after the election. It isn’t your job who gets elected. Let John McCain die because he wants to meet hell ASAP to be a son of Mother Teresa, so let him. I don’t think no matter how he dies he has much choice. He was not a war hero as you said, but a fake and a fraud so let Pence pray for him anyway if you feel the desire. A war hero wouldn’t give up unless he was brain dead, would he? I don’t think so, which is the meaning  of “do not resuscitate” and has been mocked, misused and abused. If I were his family I would give him a gun and let him do it himself and keep hoping, but I think he is probably dead already and being made an example for those who are pro hospice, pro RCC, and pro Obama and chicken shits. When I was with my dad after he had been accosted I never saw a doctor enter the room but at the time I was not aware. Not one doctor came into the room to talk to the family. Pretty big sign of malpractice and murder. As far as John McCain goes I have no idea how brain cancer affects the brain and the will of a person to do the right thing if he is still alive it is up to the family if he can’t think at all for himself so if I were the family and his children I would think about it good and hard IF YOU TRULY LOVE HIM because miracles do happen and have happened to me but I do honor my parents and maybe you don’t and maybe it’s the difference between you and me. I know my dad would have wanted to live for my mom. Even only for her sake so I know it was murder. He let on to me even after his death that he wanted to live. He expected and trusted people too much and was one of the first casualties of the Obama Administration and it’s purpose. DEATH. DEVASTATION. DESTRUCTION. John McCain was on his cell phone during the BENGHAZI hearings involving HIllary Clinton playing games on his cell phone and not doing his job that he was paid to do and his sickness is emblematic of it since cell phone supposedly cause brain cancer and at Benghazi the man dragged about by the terrorists had cell phones in his mouth and the terrorists had the cell phone numbers of the State Department which were highly classified and someone must have given them away and he knew Ambassador Chris Stevens and was photographed with him and had visited Libya beforehand, so even if he was a traitor, there is still hope… NOT HOPE, ARKANSAS type of hope, or Huckabee type of hope, but real hope as long as he is still alive and not brain dead for long enough to know he isn’t there anymore. I hope his family and his children do the right thing for his sake and their sake. It is extremely important for others, but maybe he and his family aren’t thinking in those terms him being a SENATOR. I know it is exhausting and a time of sadness and confusion and lots of fair weather friends who probably are advising and giving their love and sending their political and press prayers for him and his family which is how evil wins if you let it. But don’t forget about the next generations in your family tree otherwise it may be CUTOFF and there will be no hope for the McCain family tree in the future at least from his level of the tree. All it takes is one person to change it, MEGAN. I’m not praying for him because I don’t know him or love him and was disgusted at what he was doing during the hearings because I feel he was a rat but hopefully you can uplift your tree from a rat to a higher plane for him. It is possible he was already brain cancer sick during the hearings. I don’t know, but I imagine you might know by those little cues and signs. I’m an army brat as well as your good buddy Harris Faulkner at Fox News but I’m more in tune than she is to what is going on besides politics. I hope whatever you do you can live with it and are also thinking about your children’s children and the slippery slope they may have to go through.

SInce writing this last paragraph John McCain died the next day. Fox kept repeating John McCain has decided to give up any medical treatment over and over again as if Fox was trying to sell us to give up any medical treatment so I think in John McCain’s honor everyone at Fox should deny themselves medical treatment next time the people at Fox need medical treatment to prove their allegiance to denying medical treatment to John McCain instead of saying John McCain is dying. Did he refuse to go to the bathroom? Did he refuse water and food? Did he refuse sex with his wife? Did he refuse to sign legislation? Quite a bit of propaganda in regards to him denying medical treatment or did the doctors refuse to give him the proper care he needed and hence was forced to give up on himself? Did anyone ask? Everyone is giving their regards to John McCain and via a very detailed synopsis of his life which must have been in the offing for a long time in order to amass so much information and learning about all the things he was involved in, the things he said, the things he did. etc in glowing adoration of his contributions. I guess expecting his death for a longtime.

People tend to go overboard especially the day of his death and I’m sure he is enjoying it and so is his family which is important regardless and even if some of it is BS. I hope the funeral or the cremation is respectful of the family and him.

No riderless horses with their boots on backwards!

Watched John McCain stand up to Obama in regards to Benghazi that Obama had not told the US citizens the truth about Benghazi and conflicting statements about it. It wasn’t in the NEWs on any station. I know because I was waiting to hear someone speak up and never heard nor saw neither witnessed anything about John McCain’s devotion to finding out what occurred. I guess it was swept under the rug by the press? Then he was caught playing games on his cell phone during the Hillary Clinton hearings about Benghazi. Also I don’t remember him being against Donald Rumsfeld either and would love to know why he wanted him to resign because it was Donald Rumsfeld who revealed something was amiss in regards to who was behind the shooting down of a plane heading probably to the White House and was probably what enticed the terrorists to commit suicide killing a bunch of civilians in New York and attempting an attack on the Pentagon and hit ONLY one side of it. The Pentagon has five sides for each branch of the military and one side was attacked and not the other four sides which to me seems kind of suspicious) and probably thinking they would get to kill some Congressmen and/or Traders (but not the WHITE HOUSE NOR THE STOCK MARKET?) The terrorists were trained to fly airplanes without landing airplanes in Florida when ROMAN CATHOLIC Governor Jeb Bush was governor. Now the video of Donald Rumsfeld has been taken off of the internet but what it did reveal in case you don’t know is the Secret Service agent standing behind him (whom I saw in Syria and recognized her in some kind of syrian garb incognito) but in the video she had a tie on as wide as the as my bathtub who freaked out and was visibly upset looking at someone else out of the video’s area of visibility because of what he revealed in regards to shooting a plane down and was involved in the events on of 9-11 not just to prevent an attack in one place but in the whole days worth of attacks and it was not the NAVY and it was not the ARMY and it was not the MARINES but I think it was the AIR FORCE itself and obviously hiding the information for some reason. Then of course the journalist who was killed because none could overtake a few men with box cutters on the phone with Post Master General her husband in a phone call and was later seen in Poland I don’t think it was made during the Bush administration but the video was made during the Obama Administration and I think Donald Rumsfeld was supposed to be talking about something else and kind of let it out as best he could and was visibly upset and seemed to be in a state of shock but I sure don’t remember John McCain trying to get him to resign over it because I don’t think he was in his position anymore. It must be he  tried to get him to resign about something else during the Iraq war, but I do remember it at all and it was Casper Weinberger who did not get along with Donald Rumsfeld in regards to some other things. I do remember the reporters in a hotel during a dispute before the war in a hotel (I think the reporters were in the little country Kuwait and it seemed very staged and fakey doing some misdirecting or lying about an attack to get us involved in the war in Iraq between Iraq and Iran?and of course I’m sure Colin Powell helped whom Obama lauded a few times as if he was his boy, his puppet. And then we had the hearings about Iraqi’s raping girls in Kuwait and that set off a firestorm against Iraq even though the terrorists on 9-11 were Saudis and of course were training in Afghanistan hence we attacked Afghanistan and not the Saudis even though it is their rebels causing the trouble. I do not recall anyone attacking Floridians because the Saudis trained to fly airplanes in Florida. I do not recall the Vatican being attacked because the Governor of Florida was Roman Catholic who allowed the Saudis to train airplanes without learning to land the planes in the state he governs and the buck should stop somewhere and I do recall Jeb Bush allowing the husband of woman in a coma to have her starved to death against her families wishes because she and he once had a conversation about DO NOT RESUSCITATE  years before but I don’t think she meant starve her to death so he could remarry someone else and get rid of the evidence against him for having caused her coma just in case she woke up. Her coma was caused from a fall on some stairs in their home. I don’t recall people attacking IOWANS because of the death of Molly TIBBITS by an illegal immigrant nor anyone taking responsibility for his access to a job and a car with a false driver’s license nor recall us attacking Honduras because he came from Honduras illegally and killed an IOWAN female and was able to escape to Mexico until returned sadly as Trump explained and that there is no hope for MOLLY and her family to be reunited when of course there is hope in the afterlife or when God decides to let her be with her family. And we still haven’t heard about the second body found. Obviously we didn’t go to war in Iraq because we were attacked by Iraqis. we didn’t go to war in Afghanistan because we were attacked by Afghanis. Why does our country beat around the bush so much? Heard Osama Bin Laden is in Yemen causing trouble. I think we could stop all the wars in the middle east if we attacked Saudi Arabia before Iran gets nuclear weapons. When it does happen Obama will be PHAROAH of the continent. He did give Iran a ton of money for something and it didn’t go to the people and the people cannot resist if they are starved or not able to subsist by the measures usually used to make a country capitulate and usually isn’t very successful over time such as sanctions because of cheating and lack of determination and easing of sanctions for one reason or another, It doesn’t seem to be working on Korea or Iran. The only place it worked was Cuba for a short while only. Then our government made the dumbest move known to man by giving away the Panama Canal because of Iran. I think our strategy is amiss and has been amiss for many years. If we own the canals we own the world. Iran is working on it and Saudi Arabia. I also noticed and wrote about it that there were Saudi mercenaries in Syria when trouble brewed in Syria. You could tell by their outfits and were very well dressed and funded by Saudi Arabia.

Russia Warns Staged “Chemical Provocation” Coming In Syria After Bolton Cites New Intel

Bret Baier is plugging McCain’s last book which makes me think Bret Baier might be the ghost writer and Bret said that the sale of his book would probably increase quite a bit in the next few days about himself. Strange thing to say unless you are counting on it or hoping for it or made a promise. I did not realize his war injuries were from friendly fire from an aircraft carrier. Bret Baier said John McCain was revered by the military and that is an out and out lie. I have heard some bad things via the military about him on air. He was controversial hanging out with Ambassador Chris Stevens who was not killed at Benghazi and said he was vigilant about investigating Benghazi except we all know he wasn’t or he wouldn’t have been on his cell phone playing games during the hearing of Hillary Clinton on the subject of Benghazi which he was supposed to be attempting to find the truth but obviously knew the State Department and Hillary would be able to bury the truth as did Brennan making lie detector tests weekly for the employees having to do with Benghazi to keep them quiet and Sen, John Kerry transported 30 or so witnesses of Benghazj to be debriefed in Germany and to never be heard from again, not one peep from the witnesses and not one question by the press to John Kerry in order to explain what happened to them. Lots of rewriting history and Bret Baier can do the rest of the debriefing of John McCain after his death. Bret sounds like Fuhrman on the phone. (maybe one of his faces) Said he defended Barack Obama’s birth during the campaign against Obama hence he was Obama’s puppet during the campaign because we all know Barack Obama was not born in the USA. People died who had evidence of Obamas true birth place so basically he helped Obama get elected even though Barack Obama was not born in the USA and against the US Constitution and those who died with evidence were dishonored by John McCain in essence but he probably had no choice. The press is laying ground work for the replacement of John McCain till 2020 to be his lawfully wedded wife because she was involved in his affairs and is knowledgeable but has to be decided by the Governor (I hope it’s not Jeb Bush). Probably has something to do with Kavanaugh vote if it comes to deciding who will be the next Supreme Court Justice and he refused medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, John McCain effused medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, he refused  medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, and John McCain refused treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, and he refused medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, and John McCain refused treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, John McCain refused treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, John McCain refused medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer, John McCain refused medical treatment for his aggressive brain cancer……………………….



Both Sen. John McCain and Sen. Ted Kennedy died of the same disease and both worked on immigration reform and why our country has such a good handle on immigration as each of these men had a handle on women…. CHAPAQUIDICK

I don’t know nothing about the KEATING innuendo

The Real Story Behind John McCain’s Famous Campaign Rally Moment

Former Vatican Official Claims Pope Francis Knew Of Child Sex Abuse




and sometimes not

I   N   C   E   S   T

Another story about McCain stickng up against a woman at a Q&A at Town Hall who could barely talk criticizing Barack Obama

but at least she tried

saying to a woman talking critically about Obama

” uh ma’am. that’s not true ma’am …Barack Obmama is a decent man, a family man  BLAH BLAH BLAH…….”

Barack Obama was elected President partially because of John McCain.

The truth is John McCain was never gonna be elected to be President. It was a fixed election and John McCain knew it.

The Roman Pope visited the Chinese catholics to romanize them early on and with the help of the Neo- Catechumenal Way

 and with Hadyn’s help ( a jesuit spy) staying in China I think at the time used H.A.A.R.P.

to flood the land via cell phone and direct the areas to be flooded.


And I recall the dark sentence spoken of by Daniel said by Barack Obama at the UN


It was a threat, not an idle threat, but a real threat,

but the Senator who visited John McCain the week before he died

has no common sense.

The woman at the Q&A had more TRUE GRIT than all of the people in Washington D.C.

I sure as hell don’t remember McCain going around the country defending anyone else that was criticized so why was he defending Obama? The color of his skin? Anyone with testicles does not need to be defended when in the field of politics where the lowest of the low tend to hang out unless he is intolerant of criticism. Boys need to be defended against criticism but a man if he is a man doesn’t need it so McCain was acting as a douche bag for Obama.

Senator John McCain was Barack Obama’s personal Bidet. He had one after his stay during the Viet Nam war in order to become a Senator.

It is called : The Art of Becoming a Jesuit in Politics.

How to Use a Bidet


Other People’s Children


(How to dumb down the brains of a population you want to control)


Though it does dumb down some people it also was the downfall of the Pharaohs of Egypt.

A CATCH-22 i.e. it backfires because it is a Faulty STRATEGY!

The bird in hand that I have tolerated said Senator John McCain was  a Republican in Name Only or called a RINO

I think Fox, the Press, and Bret Baier are drunk on the blood of John McCain.

Seems like it!

Can the press get a grip or is his death just ……………..?

The Business of Death and the Press…Also the bird in hand said John McCain voted for Obama Care not against so why is Fox lying about it when Trump tried to get rid of it? Good cover for the Pope of the RCC having to eat crow about some Catholic sexual child abuse so he won’t look too bad. DIVERSION. THE DEATH OF SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN IS A DIVERSION. I feel sorry more for the press than I do for John McCain. Everyone wants to get in on it even Mr Roman Catholic ……the one who said John McCaim had a short temper. William Bennet.  RIDICULOUS.

Full of holes

John McCain wrote a bill with Diane Feinstein about campaign finances and recently Diane Feinstein was caught with a Chinese spy as her driver whom she hired? The Chinese wanted to clean up US campaign finances? There ought to be an investigation but instead she was exonerated without even an inquiry about tit because she still wears barrettes? A feminine version of George Bush.



He was only a Senator made into a compromise god by the Democrats.

Noticed Iran now has a prisoner a British woman. I guess she was a prisoner before of Iran and is again a prisoner of Iran and Turkey has an american pastor for a prisoner and Trump hasn’t been able to get them released. This is so no one will bomb Iran or Turkey. If you took a prisoner of an Iranian person or a Turkish person they wouldn’t hesitate to bomb if they could hence the two countries are stalling for the sake of developing their nuclear weapons using prisoners. Of course it is not like its not highly publicized for this reason.  I think the taking of hostages is a Roman Catholic church tactic/trick by the permission of the hostage to be used as a human shield or neither of the hostages would have traversed into Iran or into Turkey. There used to be this saying about hostages and terrorism but it was not adhered to. We know that sanctions don’t work. What ever happened to attempts to free a prisoner as was done by Israel in the past such as Netanyahu’s courageous brother and it actually worked. Operation Entebbe, but I guess our military isn’t very well trained. Entebbe is in Uganda. Someone at the White House needs to grow what Jackie grew in her skirt. Ever since Carter’s rescue attempt failed it kind of made rescue attempts a thing of the past. Kind of sad to see a country lose it’s bravery but our country has lost it. I see no point in voting anymore. WORTHLESS. Heard the odds of the Dems taking the House are pretty good in a controlling kind of way and the Senate is up for grabs. If Trump doesn’t do something strikingly daring before the elections he won’t be able to do anything after the election and I don’t think striking Syria will help. It has to be daring.

 I remember playing Trivial Pursuit (my least favorite game) many years ago before I started on my blogs and even before I had kids  and was playing at my older sisters home and Gary’s parents were in town and they played as well, One of the questions was about Saudi Arabia and involved as part of the answer whether it was a country or a continent and being the learned geographer I answered the question as Saudi Arabia being a continent and not a country in a continent. Anyway Gary’s dad worked for Conoco OIl and was the President of the company for a while and he really tried to make me feel like a total idiot because i didn’t know. I was taken back by it be causes he didn’t act all weird when everyone else didn’t know the answers to questions and since my brother wasn’t there at the time that would be everyone because he liked trivia or had a memory for trivia and history but no common sense. I wasn’t in the oil business for one thing and was studying other things and being a late bloomer I got it wrong. He worked quite a bit in Saudi Arabia. Anyway he liked to feel superior and in my opinion isn’t but people with money or position tend to lean towards a felling they deserve their stature when most of the time is either cronyism, luck, timing however not really lucky in some ways because Gary lost his money on the stock market trading options as well as my uncles and his own (blamed me and my mom because we were related to my uncle) and then Gary’s dad invested in cattle with his doctor son in Colorado and lost their asses because they inexperienced about the cattle business but didn’t blame Mark’s (his other son) wife’s family for their ineptitude. As far as everyone including McCain complaining about Obama attacking Syria earlier and their discontent because things would be different. PSSSSHAW We would all be dead if he had.

 Looks like my wrong answer is about to be fulfilled. So why didn’t he know it?

List of military strategies and concepts

Is Mark Levin a Bishop Butler wannabee?This is a picture of Jackie Kennedy’s dress a snapshot I took of the videos by CBS of the assassination of JFK at the airport in Dallas, which I thought was kind of interesting.

What do you think? Is it a golf ball? Is it Jackie Kennedy?

Did Representative Duncan try to get one golf ball over on Fox News?

He was interviewing a coup;e of girls from outnumbered (both I like) but are very naive and he bought up abortion and they agreed with him so he was welding them in their views without them realizing it because he loves women having control of their bodies and probably would have loved to get under a blanket with both girls if he could but he can’t and harassing other women while doing so in his imagination. He like s to rant and rave about the constitution but does nothing about it.. It doesn’t seem to have affected anything whatsoever. These girls were against abortion already and haven’t had a need for an abortion but you just wait when both get sexually active and need an abortion for a tubular pregnancy. I bet both girls will be hoping for an abortion then and so will their children so they can still have a mom. It’s just harassment of females because he must be anti female and females rights for the heck of it and for his religion. thinking he is superior because there ain’t no way he can have a baby or have an abortion. In actuality he is inferior. Did he defend our country at wartime? He is a Geraldo Rivera in spirit and nothing more. A freudian psychosis of Mark Levin ….the great Mark Levin. Did his radio show stop Obama from becoming President? Did his radio show prevent abortion rights for women constitutionally? He gave them an opportunity to talk about themselves enormously and to fill air time of his show on Fox. Funny he can’t talk about religion just the constitution and politics and the other is taboo for the war correspondent and when Jesus says; Mark, did you think what you did was helpful? Mark, did you think harassing women who had an abortion was good? Mark, do you think you should interfere in the personal decisions of women that God gave to the women and not to you?

And in the words of the GREATER Maro Rubio,

to Jeb Bush

“Who made you think by degrading and attacking women

about their bodies and their feminine rights (me),

would help you?” 

Probably in the mind of my little eye was probably the best moment and quotable at the debates. It ought to be up there with Mark Twain and his quotable quotes. it was said a little different but I homogenized it for my reaction to Mark Levin and his jab about abortion.

A young man from Massachusetts shot up a commuter game competition in Florida because he lost and lost his chance to participate in the next level of the competition and had 2 guns with him and killed a few people and shot a bunch more. Funny thing is there is a vote or election going on in the next day or so in regards to either gun legislation or candidates for and against gun legislation to some office in Florida so it sounds like a planned shoot-em up to affect an election. He had a cell phone. What does Massachusetts have to do with the Florida primaries and the Arizona primaries coincidentally (John McCain reposing) politics? Good question, huh? Probably something to do with Catholicism and Obama would be my guess. Blaming it on divorce but probably has to do with the drug he was on and the kids he hung out with and the computer-cell phone. I guess it’s okay to own guns in Massachusetts but not in Florida or Arizona? It makes no sense but neither did fucking up our medical field ….the best in the world before Obama came to Washington DC. The health Insurance business was flailing quite a bit and needed to be tossed out, not reVAMPed to bring costs down of health care and medicines to all people and health care costs and medicine could have been a graduated kind of cost depending on the class of the person and would have made much more sense than what Obama tried to pull off but since there are a ton of insurance sellers and some kind of unions involved it was probably too hard of an improvement for Obama to have attempted to build so he is still attempting to disarm the population using kids and computer games and blaming divorce when sometimes it is the best option available but Catholics and Islam would rather kill spouses and children. This kind of shit didn’t happen before he and the RCC-Jesuits interfered in US elections and still trying to control our elected officials. I don’t how old the boy was that shot up the video game place but seems to old to have been devastated by his parent’s divorce. Reminds me of the Aurora, Colorado shooting of a theater which happened in the Obama Administration. I do know some games can raise the blood pressure especially if you are being harassed spiritually which does happen.

Anyway my daughter kept waking up the other night and she noticed the computers were shaking and someone was getting up and sitting down in the chair in front of the computers in her bedroom which woke her up but was invisible she only heard it and looked over and saw the computers shaking and it kind of scared her which makes me think of the blood rising to the horses bridle in Revelation. So i imagine the computers and cell phones might be part of the trouble. Brain cancer cell phone game playing during hearing about Benghazi and Brain cancer of both parents of a friend who was a sound engineer in a studio situated beneath a cell phone/microwave tower and seeing ghosts at night witnessed by a few people in the building however I wasn’t there at night much and never saw them but I felt a spirit come through me with the wind. It was a calm day and I was on a hill right by the studio doing one work and a wind rushed up the hill and a friend had died – drowned in a lake about an hour’s distance and it was a strange set of circumstance and story about his death we hear about later. I have no idea if it happened at the same moment or anything and never really investigated but rumors were abound about what had happened to him with his wife and a friend drinking on their boat and some other stuff. The young man started drowning while being given swimming lessons IN A LAKE known for drownings and the man who tried to save him our friend (he also had polio as a child so was not super strong in his legs) but the young man kept kicking him and the wife tried to save her husband and the young man but didn’t know how to start the boat and it drifted away from them. I guess she panicked. She and the young man lived. That is all I know about it. the lesson to this story is do not teach someone to weir in a lake and wear life jackets when in a lake and on a boat and don’t drink too much because it can mess up your senses especially when out in the sun for a one period of time which can do the same thing.

Leukemia in kids was blamed on families living too close to electrical towers

so were eventually buried under ground in neighborhoods etc.

Then of course H.A.A.R.P. (microwave power) and places like it if aimed in a certain spot can be very destructive and probably kill ocean life and turtles. It’s quick heatinghttps://wordsdohurtus.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=14783&action=edit# of food and I imagine life if you use it this way I know it is used to find oil as well using sounds like sonar. It should be investigated further to see if it is being misused and neglectfully used. I do know the bible  talks about some kind of weaponry which eventually God has to intervene because of the possibility of destroying the planet Earth. I can’t tell you where but probably the Old Testament somewhere. Obviously, Global Warming could be a byproduct of microwaving the globe and affect Climate Change. The science of it is backwards.

Pope Francis is catching some heat from his nemesis (cardinal) about knowing about a cardinal who was sexually abusing kids and INTENTIONALLY ignoring it. Someone ought to ask him why he ignored it even after being warned by others in the hierarchy of Roman Catholicism. Was he intentionally trying to corrupt some kids using his subordinate? or was he trying to corrupt the subordinates, to test them and to see whom he could use, and to tell them who was boss because he is a Jesuit. Was he in the middle and not sure what he should do? Or was he involved in the sexual abuse in the present or past, himself, and between a rock and a hard place because of it. Probably both. The Baptist preacher of Fox station, Robert Jeffries, is on the defense talking about forgiveness all of a sudden. I guess Pope Francis has him by the balls and cashing in on his intel about the Baptist Preacher who said as an ad for his church about the unchanging word of God hence he is lying because it has changed. Pretty soon instead of saying or writing the business of God people re gonna say the business of sexual child abuse when talking about the Roman Catholic Church and other faiths defending it and talking about forgiveness when the RCC has endorsed some very serious and evil solutions to abortion by Mother Teresa. So does the Baptist preacher want forgiveness of hospice of the RCC or sexual child abuse of the RCC or what is the Baptist Preacher insinuating we should forgive? Mother Teresa said the same thing right after an accidental explosion or sabotage of a chemical plant in a neighborhood that killed thousands of people in Calcutta, India as videotaped above and before you knew it the business of Hospice of Mother Teresa spread to 135 countries in 500 parishes. If it hadn’t spread like a wild fire the explosion might have been a forgivable offense and believed to be an accident and not sabotage however it did spread like a wild fire via the RCC PARISHES throughout the world. Senator John McCain refused medical treatment for brain cancer, Senator John McCain refused medical treatment for brain cancer, Senator John McCain refused medical treatment for brain cancer, SeNarot jon MC cain refuse D-MEDical TRICK or TREATment for brain CANcer, SENTORA Jon mcCAIN re-FUSED medicine or medical TRICK OR TREATment for brain cancer………………….I didn’t even get a shoebox full of BGEA Christian goodwill (thoughts and prayers) when my mom was hospiced. Me thinks it was a conspiracy between the BGEA and the RCC and others. I wasn’t even invited to her funeral. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. I think he meant with christian goodwill shoeboxes full of thoughts and prayers of items probably made in China stored in a warehouse and sold by friendly fire to the unaware with their donations. I wonder if anyone ever did an accounting of those donations percentage wise and how many were actually sent, not the ones on film and used for advertising. I think this post explains how hospice can be misused or used for inheritance money or assets via trickery and used as a sledge hammer or for a spanking as the Representative a John McCain subscriber said about Trump in regards to the flag flown at half mast for Sen. John McCain and up again. There may be more to his resistance because of a spanking or a lesson they will never forget (Obama) than only a dislike of Sen. John McCain. What religion was the representative who thought Trump should get a snaking, I mean, a spanking? Was he from Florida? I didn’t like his disrespect of the office of the President. and he deserves a big spanking in front if everyone. Politics is rife with some bad apples among a few good and John McCain was a bidet for Obama and not a maverick nor a hero, but compromised, IMO. Not a compromiser but a person who had been compromised (grooming to be a Senator all along) and there is a difference and is the MAIN reason for the swamp in Washington DC. And then that strange campaign finance bill sponsored by him and Diane Feinstein and her Chinese spy driver and the campaign finance hullabaloo about Trump’s campaign finances. It does seem contrived., doesn’t it, as if being lead from behind by OBAMA. Those injuries may have been contrived as well. If we shorten your arm they will believe you kind of torture because I heard he kind of made some deals however I can’t say anyone in his position would have done differently but lets get real. Was it a mock of a war hero named Senator INOUYE. because our country won World War 2 and it was very hard to take for some nazis fascists???. I think it might be a possibility because this is how sick evil is and how it works and  how it entertains itself. Sort of a Caligula type manifestation feeling the pain of others and screwing them up even John McCain. INOUYE McCain had the last word in a few ways and I think I exposed a few but he was used terribly though he got a ranch, got off charges of the Keating deal (which I know nothing about) and had some lovely kids who loved him and a wife he loved in exchange and refused medial treatment for brain cancer and now a building is going to be renamed in his honor and in honor of refusing medial treatment from brain cancer. I wonder what else he or his family received for refusing medical treatment. And then when someone else dies and a few years from now will the building be renamed again depending on the direction the political wind is blowing or just torn down and replaced? Bill Cosby remember him? He was married to a woman who was Roman Catholic and he announced that some nuns came to town and he had to invest his money in a building and it would be named after him in his honor and said “these nuns mean business.” Then he was accused of a multitude of sex crimes visa vis date rape drugs and then the accusations about the sex abuse of kids by the clergy which has been going on for a long time and every Catholic knows it unless living and digging a tunnel from Egypt to Gaza so acting surprised is a bit of a coNUNdrum LAURA INGRAHAM and then the cute little nun baseball pitcher on Fox news the other day being so coy about her PUBLIC RELATIONs act for the RCC and Fox. So it isn’t really much of an honor to have a building named after you. Perhaps a dishonor in reality. I bet he would have loved and rather have had more time with his family. I think it would be nice to disallow burkas and nun outfits and collars to make the clergy come down to earth and allow them to marry in fact make it a rule and if they are gonna teach kids or clergy kids or be in charge of orphanages or baby sit kids inane way they better have some of their own naturally without medical treatment so we can witness their superiority.

I can attest to the inferiority of Gen. Rattan (Gen. Kelly the White House Chief of Staff and Vincent Bugliosi)

and his family dynamics and his one bullet theory.

Iran is flexing it’s military might and not only threatened to take over the Strait of Hormuth but has taken over the Strait of Hormuth to control oil distribution if it wants to in the future and holding a female hostage as it’s ace in the hole like Turkey is doing with a chaplain being held hostage. Seems like a churchy kind of a dilemma in cahoots with Iran and Turkey to me. I wonder what the religions are involved. If it’s a conspiracy or just coincidence both hostages are religious. I’m for freedom of religion but looks like Turkey and Iran aren’t for religious freedom and possibly the religions of the hostages aren’t as well and playing along otherwise none in their right mind would be in either country unless forced to be in those two countries. Where are you going on your vacation, Paul? I thought I would go to Turkey and test my luck.

Hopefully my comments about Sen. John McCain will not be taken the wrong way!

Two months later : John McCain is still lying-in repose. The congressman from Indiana adding his experience he had with Senator John McCain when they met in the hallway before a Ways and Means Committee meeting in 2014 and John McCain said to the Congressman ……………………………….and President Trump raising and lowering the flag still getting spanked about it  and being blamed on the Chief of Staff and Bret Baier drooling about the proceeds of his book and rereading page 69 over and over again……………I met John McCain outside the bowling alley when we were kids and he cracked a joke…………………John McCain was my best friend…………..John McCain was my student when he was three years old …………Once when pissing in the restroom at the Senate building he told Sen. Grass to always do what you think in your heart is the right thing and don’t forget to shake it off……………….Is everyone okay in Washington DC or did they drink the John McCain tea? Are the pundits trying to convoke his reputation because what else do the pundits have to do? I’m thinking it is a form of brainwashing going on using John McCain so the press will be in a state of inertia? Watched Dana Perino and it’s kind of scary how she is acting talking to another pundit about John McCain and he is looking at her like he is thinking the same thing but going along as well.

Like Greg Gutfeld in regards to Alex Jones comparing him to Louis Farrakhan? HOW INSANE IS GREG GUTFELD? VERY.

It’s to keep people off balance, but I still have mine. How about you?

Good try though but NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I don’t like people who try to implant their sordid and false memories in me SICKOS.

Has anyone ever heard of psychosomatic type injuries? “Psychosomatic disorders cause real distress and disability, but they are medical disorders like no others. They obey no rules. They can affect any part of the body. In one person they might cause pain.”

It can happen and I have seen it before when my brother bled for no reason (but happened to be sitting next to a hemophiliac with aids whom his wife hated) but she was Catholic. I have seen pictures of people bleeding profusely out of their mouths by eating a Eucharist at a Catholic church. These things happen because of demons and other things . We had our demons and overcame the demons. Fox and the liberal Press needs to try to overcome theirs.

Forgetting is a sign of a demonic attempt to control someone. The thirteenth apostle was called Barnabus and meant To console or to forget but it doesn’t solve any thing. It creates more problems down the road. sometimes when a girl is raped or molested by their daddy she wants to forget and psychoanalysts sometimes hypnotize or used drugs to make their clients kid to forget to protect the daddy but it always comes back at the worst of times. Driving 100 mph with kids in the car on a road which is supposed to be driven at 45 mph. Or leaving your room a mess and cover every bit of space on the carpet or floor to protect oneself from their daddy sneaking up on them in the middle of the night so the daughter can hear her daddy and be able to wake up before it’s too late or shaving one’s head or shaving one’s head except for a mohawk dyed red or tattooing her whole body with verses from the bible to be unattractive to their daddy or cutting oneself to bleed all over the place and let your sister witness it obviously asking for help. This is what happened to my niece. Taking her to a Jacuzzi at night to teach her about jealousy alone outside at night? He has some problems and it is demonic. I’m assuming he molested her or something because he molested me and I woke up to it. When she got married to a nice guy they had money troubles as most kids do especially ones with problems and her daddy said it was blackmail but she just wanted help since she had some toddlers and her daddy was rich. My family wasn’t rich, my dad was only paid what military men are paid and he didn’t molest his daughters and he loved his wife but some of the stuff my brother in law did was projected to our family to protect GARY, but really using him to protect their false ideologies and false tenets and to divide us. He thinks he is the victor now but he isn’t and has to overcome for my sister, for his kids, to honor his parents and for himself. We dealt with it the best we could and he resented it. Grew to be belligerent. when he drank. Tried to kill me, tried to entrap me, tried all sorts of things to our family and he started off as a Baptist and then non-denominational. His wife was in denial about his problems. Growing up my mom and dad had some doozies because my mom’s sister died at age 26 and broke her neck from falling off a roof top hanging laundry. Her husband wanted to marry someone else but it was ruled a suicide falling off a two story building. Tried to abort one baby by driving down a rocky dirt road with her. My mom’s dad left her when she was 14 years old and the divorce was big news because divorce was so rare at the time and he married a rich woman who had no kids leaving my grandmother with 7 kids to raise so she had her teeth removed because she didn’t want it to cause her trouble down the road while trying to raise her children. When they could they worked and each kid sent 50 bucks each month each to their mom so she could survive and raise the ones that were still at home and even afterwards. Rarely my mom saw her dad in her life afterwards but loved him still. She had some problems and drank too much sometimes and it caused problems but after a few bad fights my dad learned to go to the theater when she started feeling depressed and taking it out on him to cause a stir because it was a lot to over come. It heeled me to see his way to avoid it. SHE DID OVERCOME. She was into being independent and earning money and a FANTASTIC MOM AND A FANTASTIC WIFE AND MY DAD WAS A GREAT DAD AND A GREAT HUSBAND. She would get drunk enough to call people and hassle them about some things they were holding over her head and over ours being a astute mom ad wife and woman and because the military is very competitive and then the Jesuits hiding in it made it worse for my family but Gary’s family has a ways to go to overcome theirs. Her alcoholism was unusual in that it wasn’t daily thing just aver 3 or 4 months she let it out. There were times when it was more frequent but we learned to live with it because she was our wonderful mom and we loved her and it was worth it. We were extremely lucky to have her and she taught me a lot. I am hoping the same goes for my sister and her family and all of the offspring of my parents and their spouses and kids and their kids. I think God is working on them but the church is interfering  in ways they shouldn’t have thinking they are angels and treading like fools.

 MY PARENTS DID OVERCOME THEIR PROBLEMS. THANK GOD. Because of my blog I have been attacked because the truth isn’t appreciated much by the Jesuits or the catholic faith. TOUGH SHIT. IT’S GOING DOWN REGARDLESS.

So when Greg GUTFELD said “you who have no teeth” degradingly I took umbrage with his politically snobby fucked up attitude about people who have teeth problems either because of lack of money, heritage, stress, sadness, health problems. etc. You can see why I thought he was really a messed up person but tried to enjoy his monologues, but usually very shallow. He reminds me of a Little Lord Font Leroy. It was a name my mom used for people like Greg Gutfeld. He is part of the NEW WORLD ORDER WITH TEETH.  He isn’t very bright but he has a show or two and most of the shows I have seen him in are nonsense. I still will watch to correct him when I feel like it or those on Fox news or other stations in regards to the news being dished out regardless because I am on a mission and I have a lot of spiritual help and familial help to bring the RCC down. I think I am part of that army… the one that God puts into their hearts to destroy the Roman Catholic Church. I have many reasons for it and so do they.

Not this: “MA’AM, MA’AM You are wrong, He’s s good man, he’s a family man….” full of crap and helped him almost destroy our country.

John McCain is getting the treatment as if he was a President and while it is ridiculous, who got us in to the Vietnam War? Besides LBJ whose colony was it? I think the Jesuits got us into the war because of PolPot who was bad but the problem with the Jesuits is they breed evil and attract evil and so something sprung up that was evil and we ended up at war in Vietnam area and McCain was their man so he was not a war hero. John McCain was a PLANT and a spy in our government. Not sure he had a choice at first, but he sure made use of it. Too bad. Pence is sickening. His memory about McCain were probably the most sickening of all of the memories. He remembered it too. It was so minimal I highly doubt his BS. Pence is trumps Ace in the hole.The Jesuits attracted evil in Indonesia in World War 2 and in lots of places in Africa in Central America. He helped Obama for the Jesuits and obvious surreptitiously the Roman Catholic Church though I would imagine many catholics even in the hierarchy would prefer to not be policed by the Jesuits.

The church will try anything and everything to be decisive, cruel and judgmental AND DECEIVE but are not on a mission of their own. Controlled by the RCC. I write this blog and others to help me, my family, and others who might not be aware. I have learned a lot and am sharing it even though it divides my family FOR NOW and when the time is right we can reunite and will have truly overcome. David Gergen was right about protectionism. He was caught by lex jones at the Bohemian Grove camp out for the elite and was upset by Alex Jones and for good reasons but he also when he could did give a very big clue about Projectionism (a form of protectionism for the church and those it deems worthy) a tool used against people even within the church of Rome and for the devil to keep the church going to corrupt everyone with bullshit so both Alex Jones and David Gergan were very helpful to name, identify and qualify the tool used against people to cause confusion, distress, and deception, and to divide families. I’m sure it took some time to understand his contribution through his own struggles, but has helped immensely. I understand it better and it will help to be able to teach about it. THANKS. I noticed it but didn’t or couldn’t qualify it. I noticed it a lot but was hard to explain and I think his hypothesis will help others a lot. ITS A GOOD ONE. INSIDIOUS TACTIC AS ALL HELL, BUT TRUTHFUL. It takes experience to figure out some things and I am sorry he had to experience those things as we did, but I think it is part of the plan somehow. It is a way to overcome Ying and Yang and What Comes Around Goes Around-Hinduism, Replacement Theology, a conglomeration of religious ideas rolled up into a hellish ball and is snowballing which is only a whirlpool which goes far deeper into hell, but one thing it has in common to it’s parts is being against the right women want and deserve.

Obama is not good and broke a lot of bones i.e. his bread. Not a good bread for anyone, but himself to his end. Anyway in answer to my questions to Tucker he had on Otto’s parents, Otto supposedly died after being a prisoner in North Korea and got botulism and died soon after he was released and the dad came on the Tucker Carlson Show. I guess his wife skipped it but there are a ton of holes very much like the Ambassador Chris Stevens stories in the Otto story. 1) He goes on a school outing to Korea and 2) decides to adventure into North Korea alone. BIG TORY. Tucker is a tory. 3) His mom said she will think about him when she is at the Opera. Crazy stuff and so is Tucker Carlson for not noticing or taking the wrong side in many issues. He is on the side of the English in the american revolution meaning he is on the side of the Vatican and will lose his ass but at the moment is on the side of the least resistance. The pay is good and he is a little dick by carrying water for the pope and thinks he is gonna get away with it, of course, or he wouldn’t, but doesn’t believe in truth nor cares about it neither realizes the times we are in and is in denial. I don’t think it will work out the way he is counting on. Then when it doesn’t he will leap to the other side like John the baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s tummy when meeting Jesus in Mary’s stomach. However, it won’t work so what will Tucker do then? I really don’t care because it will be too late for him and HIS. My guess is he will cry like a baby and Mother Teresa will hear him and find him and take him to her castle to be his mommie with a bunch of other babies she detests and then probably have an accident like in Bhopal India to help with the noise pollution he is bound to make. I forgot number 4 Both did not want their sons death to be politicized but like the word of god things change. While he tests others he is also being tested. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Did I tell you my grandmother was a DAR member. Daughters of the American Revolution. She was and you can see why if you read my post. Oh dar-n. It’s hard to believe we are going through it again but for different reasons. Who would have thunk? This is even bigger than the first american Revolution or the 2nd World War and bigger than the 2nd or third  or fourth or fifth Vatican (no telling how many it has had) and bigger than even the 6 Day War all of which were super duper important.

Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man. Sperm. He knew the mustard seed wasn’t the smallest of seed. But Tucker would rather remain in the Dark Ages and might get his wish.

Laura InGraham and mass shootings: the ingredient which probably is involved in some of the mass shootings is Ritalin with alcohol use and some forms of marijuana which is laced. Meth is the other drug used by the church and some priests to control people and also Devil’s breath. The drug Ritalin is prescribed to many kids mostly boys who are overactive and hard to handle. Mostly at the request of teachers and the church who interact with kids and husbands who don’t like to handle overactive kids and so pressure the family and usually pressure the mom to go see a doctor to have their kid prescribed Ritalin. It helps for kids to think better and their grades will go up and everyone will be happy for a while but is very dangerous as well but no one will admit it because of the lawsuits involved and to skirt the blame. Blame moms instead, As usual Laura and many others will ignore the truth which means it is conspiracy and those who know and don’t reveal it will pay a heavy price one day. THE RCC will for sure. Not sure if it is because over time Ritalin affects the body and mind or because of other factors involved such as alcohol intake but we never had this problem before Ritalin was a prescription drug so we can count it in as a pretty good possibility, Mostly boys take it and mostly boys/young men are involved in mass shootings as the killer. I have personal knowledge how it affects people and seen it with my own eyes and heard how the pressure mounts to use it. Laura and others will resist the truth because for one it would mean I’m right and it has to be their idea or forget it so lets put people in mental institutions instead for the safety of the population and ignore the truth and support Obamas ideas of gun control and lose independence in total and then say to ourselves gee she was right and we didn’t give her opinion the time of day because she doesn’t have a perfect smile or big lips or believe what we believe about many many things and she had an abortion so she must be wrong. I know I’m right. So go on wondering not for joy an lose it all.

Tucker doing it again and on his show about opioids and the shortening of life expectancy said to a Mexican man,”You aren’t willing to take a little responsibility for the crisis of opioids coming across the border?”.Is Tucker willing to take some responsibility that the witchcraft/practice of hospice by Mother Teresa using opioids to shorten the life span of people who are sick and unwanted or worth some inheritance and worth some benefits with a fake ID and that the RCC church and it’s pope asking for forgiveness for sexual child abuse negligence by him may be responsible for the opioid crisis shortening life expectancy ON PURPOSE. Did it ever occur to you or are you gonna be coy like many catholics are about sexual child abuse by the clergy of the RCC acting as if it is something new when it isn’t and act like opioids has nothing to do with hospice and the RCC. I guess catholics thought the clergy would hide its sexual child abuse better so catholics wouldn’t share responsibility for it and now catholics do. And he keeps on churning out his vitriol about abortion and his lies. He can’t help it because he is possessed. The last guest he had on his show talked about a bunch of videos and if it is the videos I have seen it is full of has beens in the acting field and a nun caught bowing to the pope. Said there were a whole bunch of videos shown to some people and everyone that sees it is convinced of the evil of abortion, yet they never show the videos. If there are videos we haven’t seen it is the fault of FOX news, hence guilty of not showing it to the public and hiding evidence. If they can have a private viewing of videos for their friends they should be able to show it to the public, yet don’t which is evil if they think abortion is evil prove it. Go out on a limb and prove it. Afraid of a lawsuit more than likely because abortions are supposed to be private. Like showing the cunt of a woman without her permission? Excuse my french. Who is the real ass in this game? FOX and Tucker Carlson. If you believe it to be true Tucker and Fox ought to show the videos otherwise you don’t think it is true and full of shit and are lying to the public about the videos. You are merely a hack for the RCC and for the pope and a large salary and by the way you are not as good as you used to be. Your talent is waning big time probably because you a very dishonest person and easily bought. IF you were a woman you would be called a prostate, a prostitute for a salary and for the RCC. If you weren’t making the salary a whore whoring for the for the Whore of Baby———-lon. THE RCC and making a BIG MISTAKE much bigger than the women and girls who got pregnant by accident. You would think what was out in the open about the Pope would put a little scare in you but you think he will get away with it, don’t you, or Kavanaugh will save your fake and false ideology. WONG WONG WONG. The instructions n Revelation for the children of the RCC is to leave it while the leaving is available otherwise you will pay the price with the Pope and the RCC not just in money but also your own soul. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

If Tucker believed what he said he would show the videos to the public to save a life of a fetus and be hero. You are full of shit and shit you will probably be when your life is over.

Marsha McCullum had a guest who said he was innocent of raping a woman at college without any proof he was innocent but she acted like he was . A very handsome young african American with blue wyes or green eyes and cool haircut. Very handsome. If he wasn’t handsome would Fox have had him on their show? I doubt it. He reminded me of the kid who was in the convenient store with a guy who bought some cigar wrappers for joints and was kind of rough with the clerk and got shot out on the street during the Obama Administration. Remember? He looked like the companion which in my opinion was the ring leader. I think he might not be so innocent, then again he might be. His hairdo is different and it has been a while since I wrote about it and since it was in the news.

Saw Robert Jeffries a Baptist pastor only for Republicans was on a Fox show Lou Dobbs promoting get out and vote and never let a democrat in office again. So he is suggesting a one party system and forgiving the pope because he is god. The baptist republican god. He also mentioned Kavanaugh and of course we all know why (abortion vs sexual child abuse and hospice) but what if he is wrong. I don’t know Kavanaugh nor what difference he will make on any of those subjects. But I do know Robert Jeffries won’t make a bit of difference in any way on any subject.

Had a conversation with the ex and forgot how we got started an about what but the Deep State came up and he mentioned Soros after I mentioned the Roman Catholic Church. He refuses to believe the Roman Catholic Church has done anything wrong or ever has though he knows about the child sex abuse troubles. I can talk about anything but when it comes to hospice or the RCC he shuts down and goes into denial and starts acting like a day is a thousand years and a thousands years is a day mode of thinking. Does George Soros have his signature in 135 countries and 500 parishes like Mother Teresa and the RCC? I remember what the conversation was about after asking the ex what the conversation was about this morning and it was about Sarah Palin. The ex had read John McCain blamed his running mate for his loss and thinks he would have won if he had used Lieberman as his running mate and she said it was like gut punch but per his families instructions for not allowing her to be at his funeral. She was not invited. Everyone and their uncle are in some form attending. DId they allow Franklin Graham?

SIR, sir you are wrong. You didn’t win because it was fixed election by the Vatican and Kissinger and you knew it.

Blaming Sarah Palin is really manly. A real war hero and Sir, sir we lost the war in Vietnam because of boys like you.

Satan sifted John McCain like wheat just like Simon of the Gospel of John. Satan went to Wheaton College.

If jobs are so prevalent because of Trump why is the murder rate and crime rate in Chicago still outrageous? Is Trump in charge or does he just do rallies? I think he just does rallies. Wants your vote for Republicans. I for one am not going to vote because don’t believe anything i’m hearing our of him or the polls or the statistics about jobs and employment rates per race and gender. It is not believable nor are the press on both sides of the political spectrum which is 2. I think everyone including both sides of the press are being deceived and it happened to be on the apex of the Jesuit pope having being questioned about sexual child abuse. when I stop hearing about mass murders I might start thinking things are better but so far it isn’t better and anyone who thinks things are better are kidding themselves. Mass murders should happen at the most about once every few years or so. Until then I won’t believe anything or at least will question what I see or hear because I know the Great Deception is going on and I don’t think even Trump can stop it especially with the RCC under scrutiny. When I see it disappear I might think things are a changing. There seems to be a collision and I think it has to do with abortion rights and hospice but only one is mentioned as being contestable by some conservatives. I think abortion rights is gonna win but whether Kavanaugh is the man for the job we shall see. Opioids Crisis is inter-used i.e. replaced for the practice of Hospice, IMO. I think those on the inside of Washington Politics know it. THE INSIDERS a Political cult which includes Democrats and Republicans. In fact I think a few of them seem to be confused as to which state they are civically in charge of and so I know things are not what they seem to be. Musical chairs. I still think there are seven Trumpets. I heard all of his accomplishments and didn’t ring true and he is the one who boasted at the rally. His voice does some weird stuff even once in a while so I am naturally suspicious. Also another clue is when I stop getting harassed. I think harassment ha to do with the Neocats, is my guess, hence the RCC, When I see Fox and every other news station refrain from trying to sell hospice and refusing medical treatment and when I see Gen. Kelly, Panetta and Obama tried for treason and hung by the neck from the gallows for being traitors and when I see Ms. Kennedy off of the air for good and Hannity back in his radio show only and when I see the wall completed and when I see we have a nuclear neutralizer as our newest weapon just to name a few.

When McCain’s friends start telling the truth is another big cue. The hoopla he received has been UTTERLY ridiculous self serving. There are lots of war heroes and don’t receive what he received even in the Senate like Inouye. I don’t recall everyone going to Hawaii except Obama and his friends but not senators and congressmen etc. Washington Dc has lost it’s mind. His dad was only an admiral, BIG FUCKING DEAL.  He did not deserve the attention except from those who loved him and I know you all did not love him otherwise you have lessoned the meaning of the word love to cronyism at its worst.  DISGUSTING. A bunch of phony-balonys.  guarantee his grave will end up being desecrated eventually, but not by me. I hope everyone who played along with this charade end where he ends up.

Phone call  RING RING RING

Flo:  Hello

Jo:  Hey. This is Joseph. How you doing?

Flo:  Hi. FIne. 

Jo:  Would you like to go out today? I mean are you busy?

Flo: No. What did you have in mind?

Jo:  Well, it’s your choice between to ideas I had and then we could go out to dinner and see a movie.

Flo:  What are the choices?

Jo:  Aretha Franklin’s funeral and some really good entertainment or we could go see John McCain’s casket at the Rotundra.  

Flo: What a tough choice! Who is entertaining and when? What is the line up? Didn’t she die on August 16th? Isn’t it kind of late for a funeral?  

Jo: Yea. Making her death last a long time but McCain has three more appearances even after today. All sorts of people gonna be at both. Not sure who, but anybody and everybody in the entertainment business. I wonder how in the world anything gets done in Washington DC. Must be the shadow government doing it all.

Flo: Who is gonna be at the Rotundra?

Jo. You just never know? I think John McCain’s mom is gonna be there and she is 106 years old. We could watch Megan cry and see if she has any tears left. George Bush might be there. I think this is an opportunity for some to check out Megan and see if she’s available. Seems to be a long lineup. 

EENIE MEENIE MINY MO  Flo is thinking and deciding. 

Flo: Any other funerals we could go to? Are there any carnival funerals we could go see or …. Ahhhhh. Why don’t we skip the funerals, buy a couple DVDs and go bird watching at the park and then figure out the rest later. I have a great idea . Come on over. Let’s watch Fox News and watch Dana Perino daydream about John McCain’s life.

Jo: Will she be with a guest or just by herself. Okay. Sounds good. I enjoy watching her wonder for joy about John McCain. She is such a thrill seeker and he is about her level of imagination. Wonder if she thinks about necrophilia with him? .

Flo: Maybe, we can see if she says Our hearts and prayers are with the McCain family or we might see her say John McCain refused medical treatment for his brain cancer. She likes to say it. If she isn’t into death and necrophilia she ought to tell the world she thinks they should accept medical treatment.

Jo: Yea she is a strange one. I doubt she has a heart. Not sure she ever had noel She is probably a necrophilistine.  I think she gets off on it. She is kind of into death and seems to get a thrill from people refusing medical treatment. I’ll bring the chips.

Flo: Sounds good. We’ll make a really fun day of it. Bring a deck of cards too. There are some hearts in the deck. HE HE HE. See ya.

I watched a snippet of Megan McCain. She ran out of tears. I think she is in the pissed off phase of grief. Probably would like to go home and rest but has to perform. She acted like she was crying, but I never saw a tear and usually you do. I bet 5 days ago she had some but eventually tears are hard to produce on command plus she is wearing lots of makeup albeit waterproof makeup. During her speech the camera went to the audience and a few of them were uncomfortable and squirming in their seats. I heard Obama’s crap and it was…..crap. Reporter in Minneapolis asked the opinions of some old people (* I think they were Shriners like the ones you see in the parade at the fair getting ready for a big night of Bingo. I think MInneapolis is a very Catholic city, though I could be wrong.) about Trumps DISGUSTING comment about John McCain “getting caught” comment and what Trump should do to be in keeping with the Brown Nosing Tradition and how it made them feel. It made one person sorta sad and another person said he should apologize after it had been suggested. I think he ought to be truthful and tell why John McCain is not a hero and start a new tradition and don’t put the flag down at half mast with his explanation. His disgusting statement might be insinuating he was shot down on purpose, which might be the true meaning if it was in order for John McCain to appear to be a hero and not a spy and become a Senator to capitulate with Obama. I listened to a bulk of Obama’s political grunge at the funeral and was very much like Mother Teresa’s guilt trip in the video above and if you compare it is quite similar as if his hands are clean and seems to have the same kind of Psychosis above it all and way overboard. His similarities to Mother Teresa are UNCANNY and similarities to the guilt trip Mother Teresa gave to people about abortion giving her the right in her own mind to kill a bunch of people by Hospice, Algerson. Showing his anger blaming everyone else for the troubles of the world and how about the millions possibly billions of dollars he gave to Iran and I don’t think it was their money on hold. I think it was OPM. Probably the past president of Iran took it. I cannot believe anyone takes him seriously anymore. Yea he was in on hospice to Obama care and so was the RCC the Jesuits and Pope Francis. I think he is angry because he is exposed. THE SON OF DESTRUCTION and THE SON OF PERDITION. It was a gross speech and so full of shit and using John McCain as his example. His star student.

Anyway I don’t know how it ends except that the false prophet and the antichrist are thrown into the lake of fire as far as bible scholars tell it, but the bible says the RCC is destroyed and one of the prophets of Catholicism (malachi?) says Pope Francis is the last Pope of Roman Catholicism and I think it is suggested by some guy who wrote in quatrains (not Nicodemus, nor Nickelodeon Oh Yea Nostradamus and even Pope Francis thinks we have until 2023 but I don’t know why he thinks it but I think he is just guessing the year of the end of his career as Pope and being mighty generous to himself at the moment and could be code talking of the estimated time of the beginning of an all out world war i.e. World War 3) and is suggested in Revelation as well though not about Pope Francis, but in the meanwhile I think it is a huge worldwide hostage situation. (Let the reader understand.) Something has to be accomplished having to do with the strait or straitened ( possibly talking about the Eye like the triangle of the dollar bill) but says till I be straitened and till it be accomplished and at the moment Iran says it is in control of the Strait of Hormuz (I think having to do with the Eye of Horus and oil) and Saudi Arabia and Iran are in cahoots in my esteemed opinion (Saudi Arabia killed a bunch of kids in Yemen and so it isn’t just Iran), while some are trying to make a new strait through some country above Saudi Arabia? Not sure but I think it might be a false clue or have to do with the Suez canal?  I don’t know much about the Suez Canal but I read LBJ was supposedly a builder of dams and  unearthed some things and somehow Jackie Kennedy was awarded some stuff having to do with some Temples (ISIS) via those temples unearthed and received something from India probably via the Taj Mahal and Israel is trying to keep a 50 mile distance between it and Syria via the Golan heights and the ex told me today he read there is a prediction of an Ice Age for the next 70 years and happens when the Sun does not produce sun spots or some crazy stuff. In the meanwhile, my suggestion is to take back the Panama Canal to control our southern borderland control the infiltration of ISIS (some may be coming via Manhattan because of some temple shit she brought back like Rebecca of the OT bible) via some shit going on over there to control access from either side of the Gulf of Texas and Barack Obama is guilting the audience of John McCain’s funeral as if we killed him or have to do with the ills of the world. Brown nosing might be the problem (IT’S A BIG ONE) however Judge Jeanine is selling her book called Leakers, Liars and Liberals trying to makes some Liras and threatening Jeff Sessions because of her faith in President Trump even though the next guy in line is Himmler from Nazi Germany and Pence and there is actually a guy named Christopher Wray heading the FBI as familiar sounding as Fay Wray? And a guy named  Mike Pompeo (trying to quell a possible future nuclear war with North Korea and other places) as in Pompey……………………I think part of the problem is the Bible Museum in Washington DC kind of close to the capital buildings may be causing some trouble from beneath. Rome loves tunnels, like ants as do the French and some Egyptians. This is all because of a small seed but not the smallest of seed written about in the first three gospels of the bible (The Synoptic Gospels) which kind of caused a stir because of the faith of the faithful not being big enough to move a mountain from here to there……..And like Christopher Stevens dad and Otto Warmbier’s dad (as in warm beer and possibly a reference to the Berlin Wall and JFK and Reagan) Mollie’s dad and Kate’s dad did not want their kid’s deaths to be politicized (both I think were incested and both cases Mark Fuhrman was involved furlong time) and all four moms were kind of not really too worried nor seemed to care, incidental. Two had trees planted in honor of them and 2 were only females and allegedly attacked by illegal immigrants. All four were political murders and were politicized. I think two had GoFundMe pages but Mark Fuhrman was involved (in the investigation and coverup and trials.) I think all four of them were insured. Three of them a wall was involved but not heeded. All four of them a cell phone was involved. Two deaths or cause of deaths occurred outside the country both males (North Korea, Libya, …..Nickels immigrated into dangerous countries) and two deaths both female inside the country. All four a wall would not have made a difference except for a reliable reason to get way with murder (illegal immigration) and not so easily used if there was a wall and two used as fodder for pundits about a wall All four occurred on the premise, basis, and foundation of a world without borders and political correctness. All four caused by the stupidity of man (venturing in Libya and North Korea, both sets of parents acted suspicious) and what was in man (venturing in the USA, one on a jog and one on a pier after lunch with her daddy which is unusual though not unlawful and both sets of parents acted suspicious.) All four sets of parents should be scrutinized HARSHLY! To me it sounds as if a wall is needed, and to stay out of some countries which are very radical. ll four victims were white. All four alleged killers were not white. All four alleged killers were men *one of which was allegedly a man. I think all four were white collar crimes though some don’t wear them.

‘Don’t Use Mollie’ To Push Racism, Says Dad Who Points To ‘Heartless’ Donald Trump Jr.

I think we still need Alex Jones!

We never see Trump except getting off and on his plane, at rallies, and every once in while a snapshot of Trump. He and Sarah Palin were not invited to the funeral of John McCain so he could not speak. Probably be a good idea if he had a Press conference instead of Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the White House to reassure those who think he isn’t around anymore and a coup has already occurred. The fact that the Mueller probe is running in circles and the Justice Department is still the same isn’t a good sign, in fact I don’t think anything going on is a good sign. I wonder if Obama’s remarks at the funeral would be considered dark sentences. Does scolding count?

Sunday show with on Fox (Chris Wallace) questioning a democrat about Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice and the real problem started on Fox using Roe vs Wade as a litmus test for the candidacy of a Republican running for President hoping he would overturn it and under the direction of the Vatican and Obama. A real devious person or two showed Trump woman who was almost aborted and he was impressed, but it wasn’t the truth, WAS IT? The Vatican because sexual abuse of children allegations and money laundering and Obama because of the Vatican and the chance to murder americans especially white americans but also black ones but not islamic ones if possible via hospice and many other ways. A vicious circle.  It should never have been asked of any of the candidates because it is the law. Obama Care was done by trickery using drugs on the signers without their consent via the air ducts to control their votes and to control his audiences at State of the Union speeches because of one in particular where he was rightfully called a liar by the guy who said ULAI. Trickery. Witchcraft. Because one Supreme Court Justice says it’s a law does not make it a law and it can be overturned easily but there seems to be GREAT FEAR in the congress of offending the Vatican. I have news for you there is something that can be done about it. Get rid of it. The Vatican. Overturn the Vatican and then politics will become much kinder and gentler and less combative and in fact the whole world will be a better place for everyone and lots less confusion. Don’t overturn the Vatican at your own risk and insurance will not help you. Save yourselves and get rid of the Vatican.

I’m so glad Mark Levin Has tv show on Fox. It’s really helpful. He is so calm on his show sitting in his living room and yet when he makes guest appearances he rants and raves, as if there are two of him. He mentioned his radio show but I have a feeling it isn’t the same one as the other one, though I don’t listen to either. LOL

I think it is a Stepford Wife conundrum yinging and yanging everyone who see it.

The doctor on Fox who seems rather progressive weighed in on the sickness in Cuba affecting some people and in our government offices (The State Department) as well in Cuba (I think) gave some symptoms: ear problems, vomiting, confusion, brain something or other (I wasn’t listening at first in full throttle mode because i was in another room doing other stuff) and a few other symptoms thinks microwaves may be the cause of the sicknesses. Said Putin knows about microwaves and I say so does H.A.A.R.P. which is in Alaska but can shoot their rays anywhere as other places like it can as well. I think there is an installation somewhere in Italy as well north of Rome. I think there was a hurricane a very strong one at the time of the sickness in Cuba as well which may have affected Puerto Rico harshly two times. I think we even have a place in Florida and probably in Cuba. Could be also affecting turtles and their straws. In the Old Testament in the area of Syria the people’s (a military or and I’m thinking it is a UN military but I don’t know for sure but always heard it would be a UN military by prophecy nuts like me trying to figure things out) tongues melt in their mouths and eyes which might be the same kind of weapon although it takes 6 months or more for Israel to bury the weapons (which made me think it was nuclear anyway some amount of time which seemed odd it took so long ) but could be talking about Sarin gas and or the weapons of ISIS or the UN which melt as well. It’s a prophecy so isn’t too easy to understand however it might be in the making soon. Often prophecies are visions in the future and the people writing about it or having the visions might not know the names of the weapons but give the impressions. Lots of prophecies are pretty weird in their descriptions of nuclear blasts and mountains falling into the ocean etc. Or the flying locusts with lions faces and woman’s hair, etc which makes me think of Lyon France but I have no idea for sure on any of these kind of Armageddon type prophecies. The Whore of Babylon might be referring to Lyon, France because if you rearrange the letters of Bablyon you might get Babylon and it is a Roman Catholic city kind of famous for it’s ideals about fetuses and other catholic notions and tenets. Some false and probably some true. I think I will investigate the city a little more but it has been around for 2000 years and very Roman in many ways and probably a location of a sect of the RCC, the Jesuits which I suspect Sen. Kerry was and was also involved in Benghazi and its witnesses who disappeared into the sunset. His visit to Syria before the Sarin reports and other kinds of suspicious behavior eating dinner with Bashar Assad so he wasn’t too fearful during the Obama Administration but may have set him up as well for some reason. I don’t know what these guys do or how they think but seems to me death follows their activities. Remember what I said about the language of akbar and twist it around and it is barak without a c. So this is why i did it to babylon to make it bablyon. The headquarters of INTERPOL is there and I would imagine the headquarters of the Jesuit Society is there. Tourism is their main income, banking, and leisure and I imagine laundered tax dollars and mafia dollars (heroin and other drug trade money) from Rome, silk trade, and probably even ivory and all the things listed in Revelation describing the Whore of Babylon I don’t know what Bab Lat is which made me link it to Bab Lyon. Brothers of the Sacred Heart is there operates education throughout Europe and the USA (Founded in 1821) and they celebrate the Festival of lights having to do with the Virgin Mary, Council of Europe, some unusual project called Lyon Dubai (Saudi) and I would not be surprised if Christian LeGarde lives in the area or has a home in the area the woman demanding American US tax dollars during the Obama Administration. REMEMBER? I DO. She was drunk on OPM. Some kind of finance minister for the EU or something like it. ALways tan and looks like she lives half her free time at the French Riviera on top of her yacht. Too much sun can make you drunk.

When Jesus talks to Peter who denied Jesus three times and tells him to feed my sheep three times etc he says when thou gets old ANOTHER shall gird (guard or strengthen CHRISTINE LA GARDE?) thee, follow me. Could be talking about the the church since Peter represents the Church in some ways and it is kind of old. In Catholic prophecy mentions Peter the Roman as the last pope. Not sure about Catholic prophecy but not sure about bible prophecy either. In any case something to think about for catholics. He says this in the Gospel of John at the Sea of Gallilee.  Perhaps in regards to abortion and the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed. etc and the debate on Fox daily about Kavanaugh and constantly reminding everyone about abortion and holding it over peoples heads and Mother Teresa murdering people via Hospice as the Calcuttian way of dealing with abortion.


I didn’t know he was a Notre Dame law school graduate and catholic. Two thumbs down so far. LOL Was for interfering in a females right to an abortion even though she had parental approval. Five more thumbs down.

I would not have been so stringent about his faith years ago, but I AM NOW after seeing what it is like to divorce a catholic and the crap I went through even though I didn’t ask for money and after finding out my mom was hospiced without my permission on the sly as revenge because i was sexually abused and harassed by a family member and coming out about it  and because of the posts I have written on my blogs against Catholicism and their antiquated ideals for others but not themselves having not only a male double standard but also a catholic double standard, hiring practices in favor of catholics,  and the proclivity for Catholics to avenge which are very very very abusive, male egocentric against women’s rights and freedom and abusive to others religions or beliefs and because the RCC got caught up in a BIG HUGE LIE about the mustard seed vs sperm being the smallest of seed and their disregard for the Ten Commandments and wanting to be the main religion of the world at any cost.  I have never heard of a female being forced to have an abortion but I have witnessed a female being hospiced against her will because of Mother Teresa, Pope Francis and because I am spiritually over and above them having found the truth which catholics have a tendency to disregard to the Nth degree and only caring about their religion even if it is wrong and won’t even read their bibles nor discern, and are brainwashed into thinking they are the chosen ones and will not hold their own clerics to accountability while harassing people like me every chance it can to silence me and others about their prejudice and pride and murderous tendencies. Talked about his feeding the poor at a soup kitchen and his good deeds but people like him, McCain, Obama were groomed for the positions they want to attain long before they attempted it.

Denying a 15 year old pregnant girl an abortion is pretty bad except I remember she was an illegal immigrant which may be why he was against it however not sure there was a way to get parental permission when we can’t even figure out what children go with what parent on the border so I’m suspicious except that she must have been forced to have a kid and I’m pretty sure there is going to be a big deal made about her kid. I have never seen a kid you couldn’t love because they are all cute. It’s easy. Harder to love older people isn’t it. Those lines of courage, love, worry, work, and all the other things lines represent on a face and body. scars etc. I know the timing is funny since there is a war against abortion and a war for hospice by the RCC. SO DON’T FORGET IT. NEXT IT WILL BE ARRANGED MARRIAGES with 12 year old girls. The 15 year old girl and her child albeit CODDLED will be used as an example for years to come against abortion for this reason and the powers that be against abortion will expect us to believe it while MS !3 gangs run rampant representing kids who were forced upon their parents because of the same ideals as Kavanaugh. What do you want to be when you grow up Kavanaugh. I want to be a Supreme Court Justice and fight against abortion because my Roman Catholic daddy told me so. Just found out he is a Jesuit or went to school in Jesuit schools. So he has been groomed and we do not want a Jesuit on the Supreme Court. Probably get it anyway but this is so MANUFACTURED. Kennedy resigning and Kavanaugh steps in. Like the one bullet theory we will be expected to believe it. Anyway he already has the votes more than likely and the reason for the hurry. (the upcoming election and the unusual hatred for Trump some manufactured and some not.) However lots of tit for tat, this or that, involved in this crap and all political religious stuff and the people are the ones who have to abide it if they are able to abide it. Withholding documents till the last minute as was done during the Obama administration etc. Hopefully he can overcome his religion and his god and do a good job. So what we are seeing about Kavanaugh hearing is about the election and the RCC and not about Kavanaugh. It’s disgusting. Not saying he isn’t a good man I’m pretty positive he is a goodman. trained to be a goodman in RCC Jesuitism and their godliness terms. SO I think it is theatrics, as is most things these days on the tv regarding news much of it false.

“Each year 1.2 million stillborn babies die during labour and a further one million babies die on their birth day.

Jeremiah 1:5 New Living Translation (NLT)

5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

The babies in the statistic above were not appointed to be prophets so might be the reason why they died and their lives must not have been sacred enough?

Why don’t those who are against abortion instead work on babies dying who should not be dying going full term. I think it would be better energy spent than interfering in the family planning of others.

Give them Kavanaugh’s soup.

Don’t much care for the word Kavanaugh used on the subject of Roe vs Wade which was VIABLE and by whose measure? First of all viable depends on what hospital, DNA, heredity, circumstances, access to medical care, the doctor, pre-natal equipment, part of the country, time as far as in the 70’s is different than in the 90’s  and the 90’s is different than in the 2010’s. One can make an fertilized egg in a test-tube these days and can be viable under the right circumstances in a laboratory that does test tube babies. I’m not sold on  the guy however he seems nice and smart as can be, but he went to Jesuit Schools. IS HE A JESUIT?


Granted people who are believers in God do commit to God above their jobs often times and quit their jobs if their jobs interfere with their beliefs or in conjunction with their jobs depending on their religion and beliefs but the VATICAN AND THE JESUITS are not god. THEREIN LIES THE PROBLEM WITH KAVANAUGH IF HE IS JESUIT. WILL HE TELL US IF HE IS A JESUIT? Often times Jesuits don’t tell ya they are Jesuits because the whole point is it is a secret society. I guess if he is a Jesuit it depends on which kind of Jesuit he is. A secret one or an open one? The Jesuits are known, even though they are a secret society, to be very evil to the point of assassinating people that conflict with the Vatican or pose a threat to them in some way.

Gen Kelly said Trump was an idiot and is denying it now (on ticker tape news on Fox station.) Sounds like the Secretary of State before Mike Pompeo who called him something similar who is on his way to Pakistan.

I guess Bob Woodward came out with a book about the White House in disarray and about some in the White House who are gonna try to undermined the President. Dana Perino says the White House works for us. Does she mean Fox News or the USA citizens and who hires the White House Staff? Fox News? The Secret Service?The State Department? Who hires the White House staff? The Jesuits? I have heard it said the White House Staff works for the people. What people? We the citizens don’t get to choose who is working as the staff at the White House. Gen. Kelly says the White House Staff works for him. He is a Gen. in the military and is the White House Chief of Staff but who hires the staff? Some White House Union? It’s an important question. WHO HIRES THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF? No one will answer it because it’s a secret. I think a White House staff was formed after World War 2 and around the JFK assassination period. We used to win wars and THE SWAMP and/or  THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT may be why we don’t really win them anymore and coincidentally Billy Graham started his crusades in England and actually sported an english accent though I don’t think he was from England but from some country east of England in the Germanic parts and probably a relative of those who signed an agreement Reichskonkordat with the Vatican during the Hitler invasions and settled in North Carolina and was puffed by the media/press because of the power of the press magnate William Randolph Hearst a relative of the german family of the same name spelled differently but sounds the same and are catholic to make our country heel to the RCC and other countries as well. Truman thought he was a charlatan and a fake. He was IMO a fake and he was a shill for the RCC. I don’t believe Hitler was in charge but was used by the RCC Jesuits. Forgiveness by the POPE and the Vatican who are not God was given to their own abortionists and abortionees but to to the rest of the people and used to kill some of the elderly, the sick , the infirmed, the costly, the uncatholics and call their abortions miscarriages, call their divorces annulments, call RCC theft usury, etc. The RCC changing the The Ten Commandments was a huge sign and the war against the Ten Commandments in the 60s and 70s near the time of the Second Vatican in 1963 had to occur in order to give preeminence to the gospel of Matthew over the gospel of John since the Gospel of John refers to the Ten Commandments via I AM the way the truth and the life and the First commandment I AM the Lord thy God which was the goal of the Second Vatican because both are opposed to each other in regards to the Ten Commandments. Diametrically opposed in that sense and the RCC and the Vatican depend on the Virgin Birth concept. It’s their bread and butter hence kissing a Jesus baby doll and kissing the Koran. But most of us didn’t know the plan not even Catholics who were forbidden to read the bible for 2000 years and called the plan GRACE, for by Faith you are saved…..but not for non catholics or those who resist the NWO and it’s plan to combine the religions under it’s umbrella. It’s kind of a one sided deal.  I don’t think it counted on the mustard seed controversy since both the Koran and the Bible contained the mustard seed LIE but counted on Islam to back it up and counted on the GOD IS DEAD movement and dissolution of the Ten Commandments in most places. People noticed the changes to the Ten Commandments by the RCC making one commandment two commandments etc. Even Catholics noticed but had to be done and to unite the religions under one UMBRELLA (JFK assassination…Billy Graham and his English crusades): The NWO with Teeth. It was a conspiracy and Kavanaugh may be part of the conspiracy unbeknownst to him or known to him, in fact, all of us are in a way because of ignorance, the Pope’s favorite condition. Faith is not a four letter word but in order to fulfill their destiny to be the most powerful religion of the world their plan was to forgive themselves and not anyone they don’t like, like me. Forgiveness is not a four ether word either and requires great fortitude and work. sort of a ah Forget it. That is well and good but the repercussions are astounding and people wax worse and worse as do it’s leaders even more so expecting us to be their stooges. I know I’m forgiven for my abortion but not by the church god but by the real God. The persecution of women especially non catholics persists and was backed by Mother Teresa’s hospice and used as an excuse to starve or to opioid someone to death and many other ways under the guise of kindness but it isn’t kind of the person doesn’t want to be hospiced and wants the doctors to keep trying until the person is brain dead for a while which is the meaning of DO NOT RESUSCITATE or was the meaning to many of those who signed on and didn’t realize there is a group of people a very large group of people who don’t see it the same way and never intended to but to use it against the unaware and those who trusted the powers in charge. Organ transplants is another incentive to murder without a fee as was done in India and other poor areas where people sold their organs for thousands of dollars. Population control is another reason for hospice under the guise of kindness yet not allowing the person the freedom to control their bodies functions (brain over body, will and desire over  a mindless function of the human body using birth control including abortion and would rather be in charge of who gets to live and who gets to die by the state or country and not the individual who has a better idea of their status and their mindset and their capability and their experience and their desire and their needs and their ability to raise a child. War is another reason. A private undeclared war against women and girls and the families who didn’t ask permission of the RCC or capitulate to get a forgiveness receipt from the Vatican via a payment of money, asset and swear allegiance to the Vatican via marriage to a catholic or by acquiescing to it’s power to derive forgiveness from IT, hence giving IT a false sense of security. I have even heard the National Debt is another reason given I heard from the woman on Fox news who said we need to have more children to pay for it using procreation and delivering a child for the state to pay off a debt using kids for bad planning and bad spending and bad accounting and bad governing of the state for our multicultural theocracy labeled faith. Truly it is better for the individual to decide what it might be capable of achieving than the State who doesn’t know. Can’t know. Unable to control millions and millions of people, nor should. The state should educate boys and men to not stick it in anywhere that might cause a pregnancy or cause an unwanted pregnancy and will help more the any other option to prevent unwanted pregnancies even of a whore like the Whore of Babylon, the RCC. IT’s a big woman. And then allow the provisions of birth control no matter which one and perhaps for those who can’t control their pricks to come up with an option either a drug or an object to help control their pricks to prevent unwanted pregnancies such as a prick belt. Since finding out the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed and that the sperm is actually a smaller seed than the mustard seed thanks to the science of microscopes we now know there is a better way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and the need for birth controls including abortion and in addition we ought to include male prick belts and male pregnancy prevention drugs in the US Constitution being a progressive nation that we think we are and not rely on girls and woman to take the brunt of the persecution in regards to abortion and unwanted pregnancy and face the challenge head-on by some innovations and education. In the meanwhile allow the individual to determine their needs in regards to birth control and family planning so that the male must be held to a higher standard than he has been held to in regards to unwanted pregnancies and allow the woman or girl to determine if it is feasible or desirable to be pregnant depending on the psyche of the male involved or his maturity or his desire to murder the female instead of marriage and or whether she is ready to be a wife and mother or even wants to be married or be a mother or pursue a career and education to improve the economy. Illegal immigration ought to be a lesson to us about over population and the cost involved and the lack of freedom to make personal decisions based on knowledge and not based on the lack of knowledge or ignorance propagated by the RCC and it’s Jesuit Pope who depends on ignorance. A stiffer penalty for boys and men who get a female pregnant financially and a penalty for the religion of the boys and man financially and a financial penalty for the country or culture of the male for unwanted pregnancy, civil service of the male involved, serve a duty of one year in the military to be trained not to be loose or act like a bastard or bitches dad without pay, payment of the abortion, pain and suffering payment to the female and her family, a penalty fee to the state the male resides in for each unwanted pregnancy he causes over a period of time and double for each successive unwanted pregnancy he causes , shaved head for the duration of the year involved, and a mark on their nose to warn others. Have to renew their license with a provision about unwanted pregnancy and register their DNA, Sperm, hair, urine and blood sample to the State Government and to the Local Government and to the Police and ICE and Federal Government to compare to rape victims samples in the future for the rest fheir lives and loss of alcohol privileges for two years and urine samples monthly as is done for those who drive under the influence. Sex class for 9 weeks bi-weekly and no intramural sports for a year. That ought to help deter boys and men from causing unwanted pregnancies. If a man already and causes unwanted pregnancy and is in the military would be demoted by a rank or two and prevented from attaining rank for two years and if a civilian given a mandatory pay decrease for two years by half of the man’s salary and given to the female for her pain and suffering for having to have an abortion. Legal obligation to include information about causing an unwanted pregnancy on any and every job application and school or university application and military or government application of any kind and records. And samples of blood, sperm, spit, DNA,  Urine as well. All the boy requirements plus full grown man requirements ALl of these deterrence will help parents of boys who do not know how to teach their sons from taking liberties with girls boys don’t need to take in a good way without ruining their lives.

The Vatican and others are sick and can’t even discern the bible nor want to but would rather move verses around or delete verses or ignore verses or confuse verses to have it’s way but it is an entity not a personal decision by the church for it’s own disposition and it really should be up to the individual. Forcing abortion on a child or woman is unheard of (except for the practice of making some populations unable to breed or duplicate themselves or by murdering the raped or the pregnant woman or pregnant girl in SILENCE and PRAYER) but forcing  hospice seems to be acceptable and shouldn’t be. Right is wrong and wrong is right. The church is responsible for the malpractice of family planning and ought to be sued of for it by the populations and held accountable for their malpractice against individual rights.

Anyway someone in the book said the President wants to assassinate Bashar Assad. The President denies it but it is probably a desire of the Jesuits. I think the book was written by Bob Woodward. I have a feeling the Jesuits would like to assassinate Trump as well and Putin. I doubt he goes around thinking about wanting to assassinate Bashar Assad since he is a President as well. I bet the book will sell regardless if there is an ounce or a scintilla of truth in it. I think Bob Woodward needs to go before Congress and get Congress to figure out what is going on at the White House. Find out if Gen. Kelly and Ms. Kennedy of Fox News are making some stuff up. In regards to the OpED about the White House:

Gen Kelly MR, AS I SAY likes to take credit for others inputs. My guess it is General Kelly as if he thought of it first and Ms. Kennedy of Fox News who wanted Trump to allow himself to be impeached and tried to bribe him on the ai and said it would be good for him if he did. It is Jesuit inspired. As if he got the raise for the military and the tax cuts and whatever else the OpEd said he was able to do in spite of Trump, kind of stuff. Some kind of psychological pathology which is Jesuit, the secret kind of Jesuit. Like O’reilly.

For those who like to hold abortion over females young and old this passage is for you and every time I hear  it being used as a persecution to demoralize females at a rapid rate I’m gonna add more for you and you can take the blame for this kind of passage because you have abused the privilege in ORDER to sexually abuse females for the church:

While I was thinking about the days when I had to peel back my labia to wipe during my menstrual cycle and between changing tampons on my heavy flow day I thought how nice it is to have Supreme Court Judges being chosen pretty much for the precedence of a possible precedence being set up to fight in the Supreme Court about abortion vs forced delivery of an unwanted child such as the girl who was denied an abortion because of the possible New Supreme Court Justice pick to test the Supreme Court and to test him (Kavanaugh) if he gets the chance of a lifetime to be a Supreme Court Justice and not only a Justice but a Jesuit Supreme Court Justice like is done to Presidents when they take office often times and how weird it would be if it were the case to be making a case for the Jesuits and for the Roman Catholic Church tenets about birth control and abortion being against abortion if it can accomplish it and how nice it is to have such forward thinking men who care about child rearing and ought to try it instead of attempting to be great men: TRY BEING A GREAT WOMAN like me. At least I can accept that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed. It isn’t that hard unless you are a clergyman who didn’t care to reveal it as being a false premise of the bible and will wish you had before all is said and done. Every time I hear abortion talked about I’m gonna talk about my vagina and my boobs and it will be because of you and will be on your head that you have retaliated against the truth about the mustard seed and the false premise by using abortion as a weapon against one fourth of women and girls who have had an abortion for the RCC sport and RCC politics ragging on females. Mentrual cycles are not like urinating or pooping in a toilet. It flows when it wants to flow and there is no controlling it. You can’t say wait till I get to the restroom to flow or pinch it off using your mind to control your bladder or popper when having a fast and furious bowel movement. Sometimes it is like a flood and whoosh you soak up a Kotex or a tampon in one hour or even five minutes like the time I was talking to my neighbor who liked to talk a lot and knew everything going on in the neighborhood and I wasn’t wearing either a kotex or a tampon because I wasn’t in my cycle and Whooosh it was if I had opened up the Suez canal. It was a mess and I had to back up into my house to avoid detection. I think I whooshed about a cup or two cups of Menstrual tissue with big globs of tissue in it. It’s sometimes is very much like a miscarriage, but you can’t always tell if it is one or the other, however it is legal though not sacred, nor appointed. 

The difference between a miscarriage and an abortion is the person getting the abortion has determined that the fetus is not sacred instead of the body determining it willy nilly, nor is the fetus appointed and females have the right to make the determination.  I was not married, nor was I engaged to be married (like Joseph and Mary), neither was I ready, nor prepared, neither willing to raise a child. I sure wouldn’t want to leave a child in the care of any branch of a government and it’s institutions,  nor have a child for a a religious cult who can’t accept the truth, neither foster my kid to other parents to make either the government or the religion or the foster parent to appear to be sanctioned by me. All of which are as corrupt as the day is long in August.

Something wrong with males who INCESTUALLY think about pregnant females who make the decision to have an annulment of their pregnancy or a safe miscarriage in an abortion clinic or hospital or doctors offices without an indulgence to the church as if these males who indulge in the discussion are morally superior in ANY way. Not if the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed males are not superior because males have smaller seeds which get dispersed in various ways in various places. I cant think of one male who hasn’t indulged himself in the act of masturbation discarding his seed. Wonder why the song is “Three coins in fountain?” 

I have a new one remember when Jesus was crucified and met MARY and she went to hug him and he said No Mary you are not clean do not touch me. REMEMBER. It was because she was in her menstrual cycle and probably had that smell because back then women did not have the miracle of a tampon and used rags instead. That smell can be pretty damned strong. Now some may say it is because she cleaned up Jesus after he had died and could be both. But three days had passed and I don’t know Jewish law about touching dead bodies but I think it was her menstrual cycle and he was being gentlemanly to her to not offend her unlike males who talk about women’s choices made in desperate times after realizing she is pregnant or because it is her body and has the legal right to defend her body against a bodily function at the wrong time. Not like God implanted his seed in her with permission. It was only a male and not God. Males get mixed up sometimes and think the male penis is God and it isn’t or the sperm is sacred and it is not or it wouldn’t end up in places it ends up in sometimes by each and every man and boy. Otherwise it was a put down to Mary whichever Mary it was and/or he preferred men. Depends on which Jesus it was in this part of the bible. The accounts about Jesus do not harmonize. In the bible it talks about others coming in his name….. false Jesuses and the bible talks about false prophets, and the bible talks about false covenants and One of the Jesuses made a covenant at the Last Supper and it might be the false Jesus making a False covenant and seems logical because it is in the bible and not private information or what would be the point in telling about it if no one could know about it. I think he breaks the covenant sometime or other. Not all of the Jesuses made a covenant at the Last Supper. I wonder why?

I did not have designer babies nor have the Amniocentesis test to determine if my babies would be perfect babies taking a chance on a miscarriage at a later date and I prayed both of mine would be healthy and intact babies.

“It’s not known for certain why amniocentesis can lead to a miscarriage. However, it may be caused by factors such as infection, bleeding or damage to the amniotic sac that surrounds the baby. Most miscarriages that happen after amniocentesis occur within three days of the procedure.”

“Second-trimester amniocentesis carries a slight risk of miscarriage — about .6 percent. Research suggests that the risk of pregnancy loss is higher for amniocentesis done before 15 weeks of pregnancy. Needle injury. During amniocentesis the baby might move an arm or leg into the path of the needle.Jan 9, 2018”

I decided to forego the test even though I was in my late 30’s because of the risk to the child. I did not enjoy pregnancy nor wear my pregnancy like a madonna or a diva. I did pretty well though and both my kids turned out fine though they came out one legs first and the other with a cord wrapped around her neck a few times and both were Ceasarean births. In the old days, i would have died in either case and so would have the babies more than likely. I consider I was blessed by God and forgiven by God for the earlier abortion and my growing up experiences to have had the opportunity to multiply my parents genes and mine and the other parent should feel privileged to have his families genes mixed in but instead because of the religion of his family decided to go the wrong way and hospice my parent in retaliation (without attending) in an indirect persecution incognito under false premises and in insidious ways to force the deaths of my parents to avenge and to prove some kind of moot point which is not sound and is murder under many circumstances caused by the RCC and Mother Teresa and the BGEA – Billy Graham Evangelical Association and other daughters of the RCC because my parents stood by me when I had an abortion and cared for me afterwards and because later I exposed the fallacy of the mustard seed of faith and proved a whole bunch of other things in my exploration of the bible by comparing the gospels and to the Old Testament and the JFK assassination and I gave it freely via my posts for those who give a shit about the truth and because I had trouble with my brother-in-law who was sometimes possessed demonically to incur some UNWANTED sexual advances using his flaws and ours and causing trouble between me and his wife my sister and my family and compounding trouble in many ways with the help of the church and peers because his dad was the President of Conoco oil and my dad was only a colonel in the army who fought for our freedoms and our safety in this world and for our independence all of which has been squandered because of oil and greed and the corruption of the churches, corruption of the Word (the BIble) and governments and used my brother-in-law against me and others in my family and used his misfortunes as well against me and my family not realizing I don’t control the stock market and neither do my parents while his parents languished in their wealth investing in some dumb investments not realizing God may have had a hand in their mistakes. Most of our families troubles came when he joined our family coincidentally. We tried to be kind and we tried to be forgiving and we tried a lot of things to cope with the trouble he caused because we loved him and his family, my sister and her kids and couldn’t have foreseen the troubles that were ahead for all of us and seems to have caused a rift in this world because of the times we live in. Hospice is not the way. Instead of doubling down in hypocrisy (like doubling down on a bad bet in the game of 21…called the insurance bet) we ought to nip it in the bud and expel the notions of the church and its misguided clergy and followers in regards to ending people’s lives prematurely some without notice and without fanfare and done to persecute to help delay the inevitable death of the RCC and it’s false premises and it’s mafias and in particular the Jesuits and Neo-catechumenal Way followers and Opus Dei members and other secret societies and the Club of Rome for the sake of the health and well being (freedom and Independence) of the citizens of the USA and their children for generations to come or go down with their sinking ship of fools. Hopefully our common sense and our love and our fortitude and presence of mind will help his family in the long run and my ex in-laws as well mired in a huge cult unbeknownst to them and we can unite to help improve our world with the help and power of God and the wisdom of the Ten Commandments and the guidance of Jesus who said FEED MY SHEEP and also said I AM the way, the truth, and the life referring to the first Commandment of the Ten Commandments (I Am that I am) and is a passage for those before us and behind us and for those in-between and become a force to contend with and for our own good in truth as best we can which is not easy, but we should try, etc.

I’m sorry for my distrust of the Jesuits but blame the Jesuits, not me. The Jesuits earned the distrust and have been earning it for two thousand years or thereabouts. The Jesuits in the secret cult make a vow to the devil to protect the tenets and premises of the RCC even false ones hence no visible or audible recognition of the mustard seed distortion nor about the dangers of Hospice neither the evil of Mother Teresa and the Pope and even silent about sexual child abuse, money laundering and theft and undermining nations and their leaders and each of their citizenry for it’s own sake hiding behind the veils of their dress and fake demeanor and false intentions and the evils and flaws of others which is a recipe of poison for everyone to languish in the sins of the world in order to destroy each of us using propaganda and myths and the press and  many other options it has used against us and seem to enjoy it waxing worse and worse and probably getting a good salary to boot. The church had better get off the abortion right and quit using kids and abusing kids and grow up instead of sideways and start exposing the evils of hospice (NOT ALWAYS because there is always an exception to the drool) being used as examples but most of the time deceiving everyone in it’s path without a blink or a blush as if God doesn’t notice. God is adding it up as you go to see how far you will go to hide it and is the biggest and most treacherous mountain on which the Whore of Babylon sits though we can’t see it ….God sees it. Probably as big or bigger than the sea of books published by the press trying to fill the world with it’s BS to replace the truth with its lies in it’s mass measurements of the blood of saints up to the horses bridle between two points revealed in the bible which are The White House (1600 fuhrlongs – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) and the Vatican. I’m sure there are other measurements I have not noticed because there are a lot of numbers in the bible and there usually is other meanings to those numbers but I know Islam is involved since it shares some of the same traits as the Vatican religion such as prayer beads and the mustard seed lie etc and I have not read the Koran and don’t have the time to waste while others have done a pretty good job of connecting the two religions and doesn’t need to be over analyzed by me such as Walter Veith the renowned biblical scholar, teacher, and former Roman Catholic after he realized the RCC religion was hurting his own baby born in this world.

Susan Collins and 3000 Coat Hangers

Reminds me of the preacher Rev.Wilkerson who made 1000 peanut butter sandwiches

the night before 9-11.

An OMEN or a SIGN? DON’T DISCOUNT THE IMPORTANCE or the POSSIBILITY of some kind of reaction.

Democrat Susan Collins has received 3000 coat hangers because she is pro-abortion. Why send them to her/ Why not send them to Kavanaugh? FOX NEWS? THE VATICAN? It may be we will need those coat hangers so we can stick them up some ass holes of those who are against safe abortions. If safe abortions is overturned we really do have a right to react with making it unsafe for those against safe abortions to get in their cars and drive with a bald tire in the front left tire of their cars. It may come to that kind of a retaliation because it is not a law which can be overturned and should not be overturned. Would anti abortion activists like to drive with a flat tire? How about kitty litter in the gas tank? Dog shit on the car door handle? Cat shit on the car door handle? Bent or bald windshield wipers? No windshield wipers? Cement glue or caulk in the key hole of cars? Caulk on the doors cracks so you can’t even get in your car? No headlights? No brake lights? Water in the oil and oil in the water? kitty litter in the water and oil? Coat hanger hammered into the key hole? Loose bumper? No sticker? Lost your license plate? Car stuck in the gas lane? Car stuck in front of your driveway at 7:15? Oil slicks? Oil slicked tires? Vasoline tires? Broken windshield? I think whoever sent those hangers might have started something very nasty and maybe responsible for some terrible things in the days ahead:. Power outages? There are all kinds of things one could do if there is a dispute about abortion rights so I wouldn’t or if anyone tries because it might get kind of nasty and those kind of hassles are effective if done on a regular basis to anti abortion friends and foes.  Air conditioner frozen? No air conditioning? Fence open? Tree dying? What happened to your bushes? Too bad about your garden? Why is your lawn white? Why is your lawn furniture on the side of the HWY with a for sale sign? Why does your front door stick? Oh you can’t even open it? WOW. Why is your gutter hanging on your neighbors car? Wasn’t your house up for sale? Why aren’t there any “for sale” signs of a particular real-estate company out on Sunday? I’m sorry your shelf collapsed in your store. What a bummer. That’s apt of inventory down the drain and I was gonna buy some crystal today. You aren’t having a garage sale? But the sign down the street said ….I didn’t order those meals. My car stalled in the bus lane. I didn’t see the 15 mph speed limit sign in the road by the school because it wasn’t there which would be terrible, but some people might because if you can think of it, then it is a possibility. Not a funny idea but we are talking about safe abortions vs coat hangers, suicide, murder, and the well-being of our daughters and their daughters etc so don’t discount those kind of options because it is THAT IMPORTANT There re some other scenarios but I don’t want to go there. however I have tried very hard to be nice and teaching the truth and seeming to fall on deaf ears not only deaf ears but being mocked at the same time. I think God can handle them and I will pray for those deaf ears such as Dana and others sometime and i will be brief because God knows my desires and I might not have to pray at  all about it because it is evident. Boy, those dressing rooms stink! I’ll never go there again. Your bathrooms aren’t working in your building? I found a fly in my food. …..Geez that restaurant sure had a lot of cockroaches. I’ll never eat there again. I sat in some gross shit at the theater. I didn’t know chickens dropped their eggs from the sky? I didn’t know they could even fly? Ooops, I didn’t mean to spill my drink on your dress! Damn I wish i had ordered white wine instead.  It could get really bad. Anyway it would be a righteous reasoning for some harmless pranks!

The fact is if Kavanaugh wins his seat on the Supreme Court it is an ace in the hole for the Dems in other words they will be in the cat bird seat  because if he tries to re-precedence Roe v Wade the dems will win the next election hands down because abortion is not politically biased. Many Republicans have had abortions. So it’s a catch -22. Probably be smart to let him win if Abortion is all you are worried about on the Democrat side.

Anonymous NY Times OpEd examined by a Linguist

It definitely wasn’t me because I thought it was in the Washington Post publication and I don’t work at the White House and had never heard the word Lodestar reference by Pence, but this guy says same sounds are his cues for who it might be which are called alliterations as to who wrote the OpEd in a linguistic way which might be someone who would say prophet in place of profit or might say or sleigh in place of slay or way in stead of weigh or whey as in the sweet part of the cheese you’re on candid camera. I think “vow” is the word to consider in the OpEd piece as to who might be responsible for this strange hand in the game of politics and RELIGION.  I have not read the whole OpEd and have only read the paragraph in this particular video. It is odd it referred to Lodestar since Pence did say it on four occasions. Kind of like a thousand points of light lingo but is a bit dramatic word in this paragraph. I think it is an odd statement Pence has made on four occasions using the word and makes me wonder if he has lost his mind. I think the word to hone in on is vow and Jesuits make a vow in order to be Jesuits to the devil I have read and some different groups make vows to each other or make covenants. Some make vows for revenge and I think make vows to the RCC like nuns might make a vow though I don’t know if they make vows but since they marry Jesus or those who make a vow to be celibate like priests and those who make a vow of loyalty which Trump requires of those who work for him though it doesn’t always work as is illustrated in this event but so far everyone has disavowed that they are the authors of this OpEd. It may have been written to keep them in line by a Trump supporter however I think this person is trying to convoke someone somewhere that he is doing the greater good for everyone’s sake which is troublesome because he might not have the Presidents well being in his (because I think it is a he) forecast. There might be a previous OpEd trying to get this person to answer a question like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? without communicating to this person in person and using the Press to send messages via opinion pieces. A code of some kind like the sleeper cell business -plotting tulips. Spies chatting? Why would a guy want to shake Kavanaughs hand who had lost a member of his family at a mass school shooting in Florida and end up in Washington DC for a Supreme Court hearing? Who put him there? Senator Feinstein? Seems rather odd he would be interested at all.

Could be John Brennan

in retaliation because he lost his security clearance.

Wasn’t he the one who had employees take lie detector tests in the State Department after Benghazi in ORDER to keep them in line?

There used to be a picture of Obama high on heroin in his bathrobe in the White House suffering depression pictured on the ONION so if Trump is depressed it is natural in this country these days because of the false news and crazy stuff occurring. Obviously some want to drive him over the edge and he needs to figure out who is doing it to him. I think it is a combination of people like Kelly, Panetta, Brennan, Obama, Ms. Kennedy of Fox News, and probably a few others. I would think it might be wise to get Steve Bannon back in the White House to observe and to defect temporarily until the mystery of the OpEd is resolved and give him the rights to the book he would get to write about the subject and under some kind of independence clause of his job so not to be under anyone’s charge or employment except the President as someone who might be able to notice regardless of his opinion about Ivanka. She may be dumb as a brick, but she is a great designer of clothes and style IMO and also beautiful and poised. You can’t be everything to everyone. SOme females are into feminine things more so than others and concentrate one side of the brain to be experts in those kind of things especially at her age. She probably was not a tom boy as a kid and loved dolls etc. One of my kids liked me to read to her Barbie books and it was hard for me to handle having to read them but she was a girly girl and I love it. Her style and she is not dumb as a brick and very smart in her ways for the most part.  IN some ways smarter than many and less in other ways. Experience will change it I imagine. Hates hobbies and Hobby Lobby but get her in a clothing store and she is turned on. She used to be more collegiate and more interested in some talents but some things happened to her that were unkind and it affected her (She was bullied at school during the Obama Administration and ended up in the ER and I think some other things she may not realize or remember) and someday she probably will be interested again in those things. Plus some family troubles as well which were hard for her to understand and hard for me as well. the same for my other daughter but in a different way and affected her Plus the divorce and the games that were played, but not by me.) Ivanka went through her parents divorce and may be affected by some things she can’t remember having to do with the Obama Administration, her parents divorce, bullying about her clothing line, her wealth, beauty and her religion. A lot of females were messed with during the Obama Administration including me in ways that were very destructive and I remember them but took me a long time to coalesce and organize those things in my head and started writing quite a bit, I suffered PTSD and it was difficult. Some were arrested raped demoted demoralized and persecuted and  some were murdered more than any other time i have ever witnessed. And i think it is because of ISLAM and the RCC and many many cowards and those in both those religions took full advantage without remorse or conscience just like probably what happened before World War 2 in Germany and other places and still are quite a bit though it has softened to some extent but I sure would not trust what might happen very soon. Still don’t hear about Hospice except by very few people critical of it mentioned in this post because its a nasty business sometimes depending on who you are and obviously is a secret kind of activity like Prisoner Camps in Nazi Germany and other places were kept secret for a long time and because of disbelief, and denial and adoration of all things catholic. IDOLATRY of religious leaders and political leaders and government officials not being able to be critical when you need to be and instead are shallow for the party you vote for and so I will not vote still.  I have not seen the great change yet though have noticed a few small differences but not enough to vote one way or the other and those differences are not because of the Press, the President, Congress but because of God and my parents helping me to cope. I should have seen more changes since the House and the Republicans hold the Presidency but something is holding back those changes which should have been affecting things before the next election and hasn’t yet because of people like McConnell, and many others and because of Gen. Kelly and an enormous amount of scandals, press fake news stories, delirium as if drunk on election shit waving banners and responding to the prompts like followers of a cult which also happened during the Obama Administration, persecution by the press and our government and the RCC, silencing Alex Jones and not defending his right to freedom of the press by Fox News as if he is crazy (Fox is though for not defending his rights because it will turn around and rend them) and he isn’t or wasn’t crazy until being held back by Twitter and Facebook and politics and religions and should have been defended and wasn’t even defended by Marco Rubio as if he stepped over the line and I think it is because of the Bohemian Grove cult which I witnessed those videos about babies, black babies in particular, David Gergan, and projection-ism and some guy wearing white on a stage with some strange sound effects and other effects and not sure how to explain it and during the Pope-ship of Benedict XVl though I can’t say for sure it was him but what ever it was or whatever occurred at the site near San Francisco it scared David Gergan tremendously and others in high places and was mentioned by Nixon as well which is probably partly why he was censored and his office was attacked by the Press years ago and it is not a good sign as if the press are controlled by the RCC and the Jesuits and some kind of sacrificing of babies as entertainment.

Why has Julian Assange been ignored. I just heard he was in Ecuador and not in good health so why hasn’t Trump done anything about it and why hasn’t Hannity brought it up on his show and why hasn’t Hannity done anything about it or asked something be done about it? Fair weather friends? Used Assange on his show to help with suspicion about Clinton during Election fever? Why hasn’t Pompeo intervened? Ecuador more powerful than the USA? Not the right religion? Why hasn’t Rubio brought it up?

Is this why Alex Jones is upset with Rubio?

I won’t support either side of the aisle because of both being unwilling to accept the truth competing with a ton of lies, and because of fear. Ignorance about who should be in charge of any offices held and especially the President’s office is not a good sign as if all of it is being run by a shadow government hell bent.

I found the video and is very funny about Obama depressed and bi-polar:

White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase

The Kavanaugh stuff ought to be delayed a while longer after the Senate reads ALL OF THE CASES it wants or reads the stuff it is determined to see before making a hasty judgement about a Supreme Court Justice choice to be positive he is the right person for the job and fire Mueller in the meanwhile who might be causing the hurry indirectly. Interference in the office of the President for the Jesuits purposes and for the RCC and the Pope and the Vatican during it’s own tribulations about sexual abuse and money laundering and hospice using females and abortion as it’s excuse. ON the side of INSANITY. Hospice is hurrying death. Another aspect is the calm exterior of a sociopath/psychopath and to make others appear rash and incompetent by hurrying them as opposed to getting a good job completed by dotting the i’s an crossing the t’s which is how we got Obama care. Hurrying people to accept a system without reading about the system. My dad when he got a new appliance read about it and read the instructions. I’m not as smart about it and most people aren’t and want to get into whatever it is they are doing without the proper training to win the race an usually make more mistakes. Some people work better in this way but is not wise in government since many decisions affect other people in ways not imagined which is why government is kind of slow and justice is also supposed to be slow and TRUTH tends to be slower to come out because of all the variables involved and because of self preservation. Lack of communication is another problem and men tend to be less commutable than women. Politics is fast paced and so is the press competing for ratings and can cause trouble without realizing it’s cause and effect. Elections should be limited in time to allow politicians and diplomats to do their work but now the election has become more important than the work and seems to be the emphasis of politics and working politicians are afraid the person vying for the same seat might get the upper hand while the politician working is lagging because of his or her workload. Usually those who are hurrying others are waging a war against the powers that be to discombobulate our country for their own profit. Being on the precipice can cause it as well. It helps to remember the forces of nature. Newtons Law. Problem is our country is unique and disliked by the world which is why we need a wall to give peace a chance.

The statement in the Oped said “Sleeper Cells have awakened’ could be construed as a code for a particular action and involves cell phones to whomever will take action such as 9-11 when they get the message which is BIG NEWS making the press an accomplice in a way. We had names such as Shock and Awe during the Iraq war  for a bombing campaign and I think the same can be said for the statement. Or a code for readiness like “all systems go” kind of command. Armed and ready cue. I would be worried about some tunnels leading to the White House other than the ones already known possibly from a museum nearby. Maybe Baron is playing a little joke with his friends and have their paint guns cocked. Perhaps a date for a spy meeting.

Senator Amy Klubachar: Precedence vs Settled Law :Abortion vs Board of Education Yet abortion is time limited and education isn’t time limited. A double standard of course. Women vs men trying to control women. She asked Kavanaugh about the difference in language and meaning of the two states of motion. It is a way to keep SOME women down and so is getting SOME woman pregnant purposefully to disqualify them, distract them, slow them, burden them as compared to men and other women of the same religion to appear to be superior. Its a competitive edge given to the bully, the RCC and it’s shills. Have their cake and eat it too. Also to destroy or hinder one man against another man one who has daughters and using kids often or young naive women to the wiles of some competitors who are corrupt enough to get a female pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy or child out of wedlock on purpose for his own career against another man’s career who would not use such low devices and has higher morals than a scoundrel uses in order to win which is why it is aptly named the JESUIT ORDER. Like changing the rules of the game in the middle of the game in order to win and keeping one law set by precedent and awarding one law settled law. Like changing the Ten Commandments. Making two commandments out of one and discarding one commandment which is to the religion involved more feasible in order to win and causing heartbreak and mental illness of others without a moments reflection on the harm it inflicts upon women and their families and to society as a whole. VERY DESTRUCTIVE, corrupt and evil disregarding truth for a lie. If you think of sperm as the smallest of seed which it is then every man is a liar and has aborted a potential human being by ejaculating the smallest of seed and especially those against birth control and the last resort for a woman the birth control of abortion in order to settle the matter which is why God gave women the choice via access to a safe and legal abortion instead of mob run in a dank dirty dark back alley or in an abandoned warehouse without proper medical care, a miracle for women and families and less disruptive to the world than overpopulation, out of control illegal immigration, poverty and crime and is much more sustainable and safe for others as well helping to limit the mafia of the RCC who don’t play by any rules giving them an unchecked advantage and eventually spiraling out of control to everyone’s detriment. Legal safe abortion has directly improved the medical care of pregnant women and their offspring and has not been given the credit it deserves for those improvements. Abortion is a miracle for everyone however should not be used to farm organs which is like building a populate of disposable parts and is the slippery slope of abortion and like Mother Teresa and the Vatican sacrifice of the elderly, the sick, or unwanted, the poor, the un-catholic, the comatose, the catatonic, the starved, those suffering from dementia or autism, the imperfect, the deformed, the Fatherless, the disenfranchised, those marked for destruction by the Vatican should be protected by our US Constitution and the Vatican should be held responsible by our government for their contribute to corrupt practices and should pay a heavy price for lifting a very evil standard to the unwary and should have to pay with it’s assets held beneath the Vatican and in overseas banks and should be investigated thoroughly for assisting the mafia and it should be held accountable and taken seriously if we want to survive as country.

Sen Richard Blumenthal ‘s line of questioning is absurd while Sen. Klubachar was very sound and measured and not political as was Blumenthals line of questioning trying to entrap the potential and likely to become next Supreme Court Justice. I don’t understand why those in high positions like Senators can assume because someone on the internet is the person or someone else acting like the person. It happens all the time, I think. I believe Supreme Court Justices should have freedom of speech to discuss cases depending on how and for what intent. Most of us discuss issues as we evolve and sometimes someone else has a perspective which needs to be digested and discerned and should not be ignored or disallowed no matter what subject. The President has a right to say whatever he wants to say on Twitter especially if he is being attacked by the Judiciary as does the Judiciary have a right to be offended as long as it is not intent on revenge or intent on denying the President the right to be human and parsing every little reaction which is a normal and if he didn’t react I would think he was inhuman however I don’t use Twitter because I know how it can be manipulated or altered like forgery. The President has a right to defend himself in the court of public opinion and on twitter to affect the populace which uses it on an hourly basis and tend to be a deciding vote in an election. Its the misuse of it or forging someone else’s account.  Even a sponge reacts. Anyway I think it is a legal and fair tactic or ploy to access the situation at hand. Kind of like baiting a fishing line to catch a big fish or two. If someone talks to the guy he is playing poker with while in the middle of a hand, is that wrong? No, it’s not wrong. I think anyone should be able to communicate just incase not thinking about all possibilities even while writing a court brief or paper or whatever it is the Supreme Court writes.

I don’t believe any evidence should be withheld from a jury in a courtroom situation deciding someones fate if accused of a crime which might be cumbersome, but not to the accused especially if falsely accused or made an example of as opposed to others accused of the same thing. I do not believe race, creed, color, religion, gender, stature, politics should be excluded in any form or fashion for information gathering, or for discovery, or any investigations because it matters. Justice should not be blind, nor deaf, neither dumb and is up to the accused or his or her lawyer to include it, and the responsibility of the district attorney and judge to not exclude it and important for any investigation by the POLICE or the FBI, NSA, ICE,  etc. RIDICULOUS to tie one’s hands, eyes, ears, mindset, taste, smell, intuition, suspicion to an unreal standard unless we want to try cases, and do investigations in Neverland with the Lost Boys, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, the Ticking Crocodile, the Tooth Fairy and Steve Irwin.

Just now I heard Neil Cavuto say that Judge Kavanaugh said abortion is settled law and while I have not watched the whole herring whatsoever it is not what he said to the Senator who asked about the difference between settled law and precedence in regards to abortion v Board of Education something or other.  Maybe he said it to someone else in the hearing at a different time or on Twitter, to Mueller, to whomever he happens to rub shoulders with and/or to someone at the Judiciary does not mean he is in collusion or in a conspiracy to defraud the American people and since the american people voted Trump into office his decisions should be weighed in the balance yet allowed to progress such as an act of war is sometimes or a breaking of a treaty and or agreement deemed unfair or unsafe for americans such as a lack of defense such as a wall, a ready and standing army to protect it, etc. The voters did not elect Gen. Kelly or Gen. Mattis or those in the Judiciary or in the Press or on the White House Staff or in the CIA or in the FBI or the Secret Service or the military or in the State Department the NSA, ICE, IRS or in the papacy or the clerics of the RCC who reside in the USA or do business in the USA or any unelected position in USA politics.The President should be allowed to have a private conversation with the heads of States without apology as all of us should with our own spouses or family members and friends. Anyway the President should have the rights of all of us and a few more since he was elected.

We need to get to the bottom of what is going on at the White House and I think it is imperative to find out who said that they are controlling the President, etc. and causing trouble and there is some kind of sleeper cell awakening. I think a Lie Detector test is a good idea suggested by Rand Paul as was done to the State Department employees after Benghazi on a weekly basis to keep them in line and to control them. As Huckabee said on Fox about the the President having the wherewithal to campaign and do rallies but I disagree with him because though the President may be able to attend rallies and campaign for others, it is not what he was elected to do. 

Even the President is saying it is a National Security problem and the press kind of ignores it and nothing is done about it than obviously the President has less rights than the press? Absolute INSANITY. We should know what the OPED writer is insinuating!  And we don’t because they act like it’s a normal press activity to say the White House is out of control. 

I think Huckabee thinks because he is a Republican President his job is to get other Republicans elected? It is not his job but I’m sure they have him thinking it is and it doesn’t mean he will get his wall up or any other hope he has if McConnell doesn’t even want it before the next election which is ridiculous. I’m glad he had his plastic surgery on his neck and got rid of his bloated chameleon mating bubble under control and has lost weight but doesn’t make him the boss does it? I guess it’s the art of the deal to hold off on the wall till after the next election in order to get votes but I think he has lost his finesse if he does. People are losing respect for his capitulation to the party and not to the job he was elected to do. Part of the art should be to convince the democrats the wall is important and force the hand of the press to name the informant waking up sleeper cells in the White House.

If as Dana Perino says the White House is our house…and the White House Staff are ours i.e. the White House is the people’s house we the people should have a right to determine if there is a problem going on at the White House or in regards to the President and his family or if there is an attempted coup or controlling scalawags attempting to undermine him we need to know. I think those tests ought to be done in a public forum filmed by the Press at a hearing immediately of the staff and the writers of the OPED piece about it to find out who it is talking about by the CONGRESS and delay the Kavanaugh hearings for an assessment of the situation of the condition of the President, the White House, The White House Staff and the President’s ability to do his job and whether is allowed to do his job or is being controlled and figure it out  before it gets out of hand. From the standpoint of NATIONAL SECURITY the people need to know if the elected President is in trouble.

Dana Perino was high as a kite on something the other night and blissful on the Gutless show and the token black activist was asleep in his chair. 

Gen Kelly accompanied him to the rally in Montana and he is probably the guy who wrote the stuff about Trump but playing the President’s Big Brother? It isn’t the fault of the voters if President Trump doesn’t do what he should and fire the people he wants to fire and should fire including Gen. Kelly but Gen. Kelly saved him from that woman in the situation room so he trusts him even though it is a set up to make him trust Gen. Kelly? It is typical. I have had that in my relationship with the ex where he saves me from certain death but was a set up to begin with and I was given signs about it like the garage door contraption over my head while doing some stuff in the garage and he happened to notice. etc. So Trump is being played like a little ex wife. I guarantee Gen. Kelly is too. What is the saying about mice and men and their best-laid plans?

The Pwess has been berry berry bad

and the church even worse.

I figure it will work out to me and my families benefit one day and against those who were given some good news and didn’t really care and discarded the truth for a lie. Just a big act: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. When do they have time to do anything else? I guess it lasts about a minute or so is what those who say it generally mean. Anyway desecrating isn’t cool and seems to be the JESUIT ORDER of this day but there is one coming SOON and doesn’t like the JESUIT ORDER. I think our dreams will come true as long as I remember the truth and they will remember the truth and will help me to remember the truth. For they are they who testify of me.

The ex and I had a huge argument and I brought up some things and tried to reason with him but before it got really nasty he said “Sadly your mother got dementia” as if it was a reason enough to hospice her and without my knowledge of permission. We had a friend of the family who got dementia kind of young and she was a very nice woman and I have seen her a few times since I guess she has died. She helped my mom whenI was in the white van when I was young. She was a good friend to my mom when their husbands were in Vietnam. The times I saw her again she was trying to help me find  a way out of the situation I’m in kind of trapped by circumstance and the RCC’s ways. But Revelation does say it gets destroyed and I’m counting on it. Dementia can be controlled, Often whenI get very sick the few times it happens you don’t think well. Its normal. When on some medication it helps to stimulate some synopses in the brain to help with thinking and some medication for the elderly causes memory loss besides the 13th apostle Barnabus which means Son of Consolation (Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family) and also means to Forget and was chosen by drawing straws.  So it is not an excuse to hospice and it was a very COLD thing to say. Obviously he totes the RCC way even though he thinks he doesn’t, but he does every time I bring it up and that can’t be a coincidence. He says stuff like the RCC isn’t as powerful as you imagine etc. The RCC isn’t shit. etc and then brings up SOROS. Then why do people still respect Mother Teresa and  the Pope? Why does the Fox press call a cardinal YOUR EXCELLENCY? Obviously, he knew more than he is telling me and is deceiving me and deceived my family for the RCC and for himself, but it will not help him one day.  The Twelfth apostle Judas was hung and so forth and is talked about in the book of Acts by Peter. Anyway I have done my studies and some day may do more but the moment I read or see BS I go the other direction as far as the bible apologists are concerned. WHY APOLOGIZE? Because some changes have been made and we can’t keep up with the changes (however I caught one…. a very important change having to do with the prophecy of Daniel) but the world does the same and I do not think the apologists can keep up with the world changing and so it goes on and on watching the river run. I won’t forget the people that I love and the animals that I love and the music that I love and art that I love and the places that I love and the moments that I love and the times that I loved with those lovely blessings, etc. I doubt they will forget me if stimulated in just the perfect way. I won’t forget what he said about my mom as if she deserved to die when she did by hospice to punish me for divorcing him and his FUCKED UP IDEAS AND HIS FUCKED UP RELIGION and many other things I don’t like about him. It didn’t have to be this way but it is for the present until it isn’t. God is keeping up with both and obviously has more work to accomplish and we will be together again in a better place that appreciates us. Those thoughts and prayers are excuses for being useless for the most part and shallow about the truth and some kind of wishy washy standard which are not very honorable especially if you settle for false news stories which have been PROVEN to be false for the sake of your religion and ignore some very interesting truths given freely but would rather look the other way and believe myths about hamsters, pepsi, brains sucked out of babies in abortion clinics, like in the past about the shape of the earth, moles, birth marks, swimmers, and the silence and the prayers of the Pope and his followers about sexual child abuse of the church of Rome and it’s satellites around the world. Could it be those were the cries Mother Teresa heard in her mind? Probably didn’t hear anything and lied for the sake of the church because she was evil.

Loggins And Messina – Watching The River Run – YouTube

Obama added, “Get out and vote”…..(just like Trump)

and then said “our party persecu….prosecution.”

hmmmmm…………………………………Freudian slip of the tongue

and it was important enough for him to make his wishes known.

The girl that was frightened and wanted an abortion and had parental permission should have been allowed to have one! I suppose the renowned judge is gonna take care of her baby for her and take care of her for the next 21 or so years and take care of the mother etc? Pay for her education and everything involved in raising a kid and a mom. Stay up and rub her back when she isn’t feeling well and help her with her school assignments, etc. Help her get her drivers license and teach her to drive and to swim. RIGHT? I know it wasn’t his decision, but his opinion influenced the result, I imagine. 

Pelosi is wrong about children crossing the border and being detained with the child’s family. The family should get precedence over singles and probably naturally does because of the natural inclination of the love of families no matter how small. If I had to cross the border and flee for a variety of reasons such as poverty ,gangland terror, abuse by the clergy, abuse by the police, abuse by the government, or unlawful authority, or to escape a coming revolution or a coup or a unhealthy situation such as a volcano eruption, flood, or tsunami, wild fires,  and had children I would expect a little extra care because of the children involved and I sure wouldn’t leave the kid to any other entity because of the possibilities of sexual abuse, child slavery, abduction, death, torture, negligence, loss of child, loss of parental rights, and sometimes need for parental health knowledge, special needs, disabilities, sensitivities and idio-syncracies of the child, and any parent who is against parental rights and instead in favor of the state, race, politics or religion is CRAZY, and should resign her office, etc. because she isn’t thinking right or is thinking in terms of a cause she deems higher than family such as the RCC’s and Vatican’s goals and agendas to interfere in the lives of families and to LORD over the families. It sounds eerily similar to a hostage setup to do it Nancy Pelosi’s way and should be scorned for her ignorance. or intended manipulation of others.

Alex Jones is on the warpath fighting for free speech and freedom of the press. He has a right to and perhaps some don’t like his style but he has been very helpful and should be treated fairly.  I think what got him in trouble was David Gergan? What David Gergan said in regards to Projectionism. IT IS IMPORTANT. David Gergan was the one that Alex Jones confronted about the Bohemian Grove years go and it was an interesting interview and David Gergan who was scared about what occurred at the Bohemian Grove. Very Scared and Alex Jones reported it and I’m glad he did. Anyway I don’t think some people way it know about Projectionism. This is what is hurting many people who have complaints or have been sexually assaulted or other kids to make them think things that are not true, Implant memories that are not real,

In the old days there was a law made against advertising that you could not see but your brain picks up without noticing via the eyes making suggestions called Subliminal advertising and Subliminal Science was also used for propaganda purposes probably before World War 2 because it was around then it was made illegal, perhaps later. Very dangerous stuff. I think David Gergan kind of got Alex Jones in trouble I think for his suggestion. It might not have been David Gergan, but kind of looked like him. I think Projectionism is a way to make one think things they don’t want to think or to plant false memories or visions or to make one think they did something they didn’t do or someone did to them. There are a lot of people that look like David Gergan, but it does seem rather coincidental that he came out with the idea and the confrontation about the Bohemian Grove between the two. I can’t seem to access the videos on his site anymore, and I can’t seem to access many stories or new anymore so it is doing it both ways. The viewer is being blocked not just Alex Jones. I think Projectionism was used at the Bohemian Grove.

The last movie Natalie Wood made was about projection -ism with Christopher Walken and then she was murdered. I don’t think it was why she was murdered but it is a coincidence. Christopher Walken was why she was murdered in my opinion. She should have been wearing a life jacket, obviously and I highly doubt she wasn’t at some point in the evening since she didn’t know how to swim and was afraid of the water. People heard her cries. Her ex had a girlfriend who was waiting in the wings, wasn’t she? but doesn’t mean he is guilty. They were divorced.

Laura InGraham of Fox News is dong a Hannity type forum show with citizens and officials in Chicago in regards to the horrendous crime rate and arrest rate in the windy city. Rahm Emanuel is gonna leave office as the Mayor as soon as his term is up. Obama made a speech in Chicago at some university about getting out an voting today in response to the OPED in the news about Trump and the White House disarray because of some people in the White House who think he needs to be controlled and are doing us a favor by controlling him because they think he is crazy. And in response to Trump saying it’s our fault if he gets impeached if we don’t get out and vote. I think Chicago is a gun free zone and does not seem to prevent many murders and major crime. I watched about 5 minutes of the show because I have a hard time taking her seriously but while watching I asked the ex isn’t it Chicago that burned down in history and he said yea. He said a mule kicked over an oil lamp in a barn which started the fire. He grew up north very near Chicago. I looked up mule kicked over an oil lamp and found nothing relevant which came up on the internet and so searched again Chicago fire history and it said that it was a cow and there is a legend about the cow kicking over the oil lamp. I may read about it but I think it is kind of funny because of the FBI and Mueller investigation of Trump.


Said there was another fire in Peshtigo, Wisconsin on the same day and a thousand people perished if a thousand years is a day and a day isa thousand years. This article says it was October the 7th and other articles on the internet say it occurred on Oct. 8th. Some articles say 1000 people perished and this article says 1200 people perished.

Disaster 1871
Massive fire burns in Wisconsin

Again, I’m not gonna vote.

I haven’t heard the President speak out on anything other than the economy and some job recovery some of which is debatable and probably based on false facts he repeats and doesn’t really know if the facts and statistics are true or are false and talks about his problems with the press which is self evident. A small hike in hourly wage isn’t a big incentive. Seems as if he does not have the wherewithal to do anything about the press and the fake news nor anything about his office being attacked by Washington DC insiders and the shadow government, so why vote? DId he take a stupid pill? Until I see him do something about it I don’t feel he deserves my vote nor does his party deserve my vote and neither does the other party deserve it. I have no confidence in either party. Stalemate.

What I have found is there is no way to deal with fucking liars who make a habit of it. I confronted my ex a ton of times about lying and it’s like arguing with an inanimate object. It’s useless because he doesn’t care and admits he doesn’t care about it which is why the Catholic Church is gonna be destroyed hopefully any moment. I do think there is a time when it goes over or under the bar of unbelievability of no turning back the fate awaiting them because it is impossible to deal with in any other way than what is written about in Revelation and then it might change a few because of the fear of God. The ex wanted to know who got the hangers and thought it made no sense since she is pro abortion but after acting like he didn’t know anything about it said it is because she is gonna vote for Kavanaugh. One minute he doesn’t know anything about the hangers and the next he knows why because a few Dems are gonna vote for Kavanaugh whether or not all republicans vote for Kavanaugh etc even though sending her 3000 hangers doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Unless Susan Collins is pro abortion in name only. I asked if he knew whether she was catholic and he didn’t know. The reason I asked is because catholics are underhanded and lie about anything and almost everything from what I have witnessed but to lie about whether one is pro abortion or not underhanded. SO this may be the problem Trump is having depending on his real feelings about it and being pidgeon-holed to begin with on the issue by Fox News which is seemingly eerily similar to what happened in the Book of ACTS which in my opinion would place Fox News and it’s employees and bosses in jeopardy in the end END times for pushing the button about abortion.

It doesn’t make sense and it is hard to make sense of liars because lying is unconscionable depending on the lies that are spouted.  I guess it is God’s call what is reasonable and what is unconscionable. I have my own ideas about lies and the troubles lies cause and it makes me want to blow up the Vatican if I could I would with the Pope and his Mary boys in it and without remorse. I would not feel sad at all for the end of it.  Kind of interesting when you feel hatred with a passion for your beliefs making you impassionate toward your enemy. I think it is what it takes to win.

No wonder my ex hospiced his mom

in Absentia.

(he did not act like he cared when discussing it with me in the car and telling me how long it takes via discussions with his brothers and his knowledge of it and later told me he looked it up . It was a strange discussion and I tried to talk him into visiting her beforehand and not after but he only could take one trip either before she died or after and he chose after because it was proper and may have been partly why I was not told about my mom before she died by hospice in collusion with my sister and my other sister’s husband. I don’t know because I have not gotten the straight answers to those questions but one of my daughters went to the funeral and may be why he isn’t so loving to her as he should be. IMO. Hospice is treacherous what it does to a family especially those who are tricked into it and those who are lied to about it such as the person being hoisted and the people that love the person being hospiced. He actually tried to trick me into going along with it in some weird ways after the fact by trying to ply me with the rewards and to make me a party to it or look like a party to it and to his daughters as well he did the same but they were not told nor had any understanding what was really going on and very hard to explain to kids the nuances and the tricks used and so I know he knows better. At one point in our sessions LOL he asked what do you care about her (his mom) which is a strange thing to ask so basically blaming me for divorcing him for his moms death? Was it a trick question? Not sure how to look at what it was he was thinking, but he did ask. Of course I don’t I care about his mom because she wanted it and was party to it and caused indirectly my mom to have been hospiced and probably she did it for the church because she loved the Catholic church and felt special because she was a catholic. She was not raised catholic but chose it because of her husband and I have explained as much as I know about her husband which is only what she told me. This is sad, very sad. What she did and what was done to her and in my opinion she was tricked without her even knowing caused my mom to have been hospiced indirectly so why would I care about his mom. A small part does but I hold it in check. She had some niceties in her I guess. Not my kind of person but I did try to be a decent daughter-in-law in my capacity. My mom was gracious to her as well. wrote letters a few anyway or a couple and tried to be nice because of me which I thought was cool. She was kind of fakey, Her reactions. like she was acting now that I think about it looking back. I think I was being judged at the time. I remember being at a mall with her and some guy walked by and geeked at me for a second as he walked by and she noticed and it was uncomfortable in a weird way how it made me feel like it’s not allowed. She only had 5 sons. Anyway my ex is one fucked up person. Shallow as can be. If he looked up while it rained I think he might drown like a chicken. It is not the only example of his courage. I have noticed a few other times and was amazed at his inaction either in his reaction or lack of reaction. Is it possible to breed a chicken with a person?  I never met his dad so it seems there may be something to it. I only saw a few pictures but does not mean he was their son though he looked like him, Might be he was some kind of an experiment at least in some aspects. I remember at a lake we were given access to swim with the kids and he just stood in the lake. He never swam. It was weird. Like a fish out of water? Like an alien might act who had never been swimming. I always watch out for my kids especially in a lake because you can’t see-through the water so I was concentrating on them, but I swam as well, Hard to explain and then at the hospital which I explained when he sat and watched some people verbally attack me and threaten me with a large cane and I had to handle it and he said later he helped but he didn’t and other times. I went to the desk to get help and he sat in the same place and then I went to the hallway and he was in the same spot but later said he went to the desk and he didn’t. He seemed to be in a state of shock by the whole thing a bit amused and never got up. I remember well because i was amazed at his inaction and then to have him try to say he went to the desk is a big fat lie because if he had he would have followed me to the hallway and he didn’t. He remained in his chair and it took a while for the place to arrive to escort the person out of the room through the hallway out the door and while doing so the nutcase turned to me and said some snide remark to me “I love watching your back” and then he went out the door with the police who had him surrounded for causing trouble in the waiting room and the ex was still sitting in the room in the chair. It was a an event which took about 5 to ten minutes. So why he says now he went to the front desk is absolutely amazing to try to float it as his story to me who witnessed it. I communicated with the woman to call the police to deal with the maniac in the room and I never hear my husband at the time say a word. Weird for him to try to take some kind of credit for doing nothing. Once when my heart rate went up for no reason very high and I was kind of scared and expressed it a few years back and he said “MInd over matter” and went to his bedroom. Oh thanks, for your concern. it was as cold as could be.

It is devious, insidious, despicable, and UNFORGIVABLE.

It is the greatest sin on earth IMO)

No wonder I divorced his ass before I even knew about it

no wonder his fate

You can’t imagine how hard it is to be stuck living with someone like my ex and is part of the persecution to absolve the RCC for it’s part if the RCC and it’s follower the ex can implicate me as a co conspirator because i live with him using my health and children selling all of us down the river for the RCC SINs. the other night when he said mockingly “Sadly your mom had dementia” if I had a gun in my hand or nearby I would have felt reasonable and righteously indignant about his comment to have shot him in the head at the time and probably would have gone to jail for the rest of my life but he deserved it and lucky for him I didn’t. I look forward to the day when God does it to him one way or another for me for my mom and for my dad and for my kids (which spiritually are not his anymore even though my kids love him because he sold himself for next to nothing. That is what is called a fool thinking he sold us in his stead when he actually sold himself). The Devil may try, but God can play tricks as well.

It is a very complex situation to find myself in and I have tried to reason with him so I know he knows better and he doesn’t care. I can’t wait for the end because of it. The end is my hope.

Until i can have some trust in the press I see no point and do not want to compound the troubles in Washington DC. I have given my opinions and I think I have some good ones in comparison to the press I think I have greater opinions and insight as to the problems of the USA and the world relative to my comparisons of the gospels and the meaning of it and my tireless work on the JFK assassination in regards to the written and photographed evidence and trying to keep up with the news even though most of the news is pretty shoddy work. It is connected in some ways and is very telling. Also my family woes and joys which are related as well to current events and biblical comparisons and a few conclusions drawn by doing so.

Pence is lying

about the discord at the White House. On the Fox News Sunday show I just saw Chris Wallace asked if Pence thinks top officials should take a lie detector test and he said “I would do it in a heart beat” in his soft spoken christian voice and then he was asked if Trump should have the top officials take lie detector tests and he said “it is not my decision to make” HIS EXCUSE in his Soft Christian Door to Door Salesman’s voice and then added “Listen, the honorable thing is for this individual is to…. (fess uo or resign?). in his SOFT CHRISTIAN DOOR TO DOOR SALESMAN MORMON voice. A person without honor doesn’t fess up stupid. Pence is obviously lying. Don’t know why he is lying, but he is lying and is concerned about the election more than anything else. The reason is in regards to his faith and about abortion I guarantee it. What a fake. Too good to be true. I knew it. When someone says listen the way he said it t’was a ridiculous argument as if someone at the White House is gonna tell the world he wrote the OpEd and get a bunch of people in trouble. Obviously Pence thinks he is helping to control the President’s urges and impestuousness with his CHRISTIANITY. WHAT IS PENCE TRYING TO HIDE? I’m sure he was picked by Trump to keep his enemies close just like JFK did when he had LBJ as his running mate and VP. I doubt he thought of it himself to write the OpEd but he went along and is protecting some people and it is not Trump he is protecting. Not protecting the american people or America. He is protecting his agenda. He is protecting Gen. Kelly. Military camaraderie? religious camaraderie? Jesuits and mormons? Sexual child abusers? Male superiority gets to have its cake and eat it too?

He reminds me of my older sisters first boyfriend but even he had more pizazz, spirit and was ten time or 100 times more believable. The honor he showed the dead who had died in Korea brought back to the USA was somber and he is very good at somberness, but not realistically. He is a person who is not all there in his head, an ass kisser as well and thinks he is pretty, prettier than his wife and thinks he is God’s right hand and he is mistaken…deceived and thinks we are stupider than him. God help us if he becomes President. I would rather have Joseph Biden, thank you, which is terrible, but true.

Lodestar Pence? Pence the Lodestar? Pence Lode the Star? Lode Pence the Star?

I will never forget seeing him in his Caribbean tour leather jacket on the aircraft carrier….When he said Listen….to Chris Wallace and went into the discussion about the honorable thing to do shit about something sinister as the letter it was sickening. he will probably get his way because he has a lot of heavies backing him and fronting him but I think he is mistaken what the meaning of honor is. John McCain playing a game on his cell phone in a hearing interviewing and  interrogating Hillary Clinton by the Congress in regards to Benghazi. PENCE PENCE PENCE An honorable man would have paid attention to his job or not taken the salary, don’t ya think? If he didn’t have some heavies behind him and in front of him he wouldn’t have said Listen and went into his sales pitch about honor. LISTEN, MR. SLICK PENCE, These guys are not 12 years old in those positions. It is not a teaching moment. We are talking about National Security and possibly some traitors in a place the traitors shouldn’t be. This is not the same thing as ASSANGE or the other guy and the NSA who gave americans some real truth. I’m sure it is the point of this game. Lack of privacy? HOSPICE? Nazi tactics? sexual child abuse? persecution? free speech?  is not something to fuck around with and I hope you get caught in a trap and have to face charges for your part.

Slick Manipulative Pence Mister, Mister Manipulative Slick Pence, Pence Slick Mister Manipulator Kevorkian Slick Mr. Pence, Mr. Pence Slick Devorkian, Slick Mister Kevorkian Pence,

You better put a rubber on it!

John Voigt on the Levin show is pissing me off about Vietnam and the peace niks and how they won the war by ending it and then saying he was sort of one of them and then found out later 2 and half million peopled in Laos died some time after we got out of the war and we should have stayed in Vietnam. The peace niks did not win the war. NOBODY DID. They didn’t fight the war. Some did but may be the reason we lost so much and had to move out of Vietnam. Nixon ended the war and those people might have died anyway whether we were there or not there. It was a very hard war being in the jungle and is not where the war will get won. It is only a part of a larger war. We had some bad military leaders being political on both sides of the aisle most not realizing we were being manipulated and dealing with Billy Graham who was a very big deal at the time, the war against the Ten Commandments, Women’s rights, African American rights which was won in the military and helped also with obtaining the middle-class for african Americans and had the master manipulator Kissinger in our midst and then things went sour and turned into Watergate, etc., the one bullet theory BULLSHIT, lots of music and drugs and education. It was good to get out of the Viet Nam War. i was glad to have my dad back. However, I wasn’t real gushy about it. I was a teenager. But talking in hindsight kind of and the difference it made in our lives to have our dad and boy did I need him. John Voigt is kind of sensitive guy and has a whole different perspective and I think he is thoughtful does lots of internalizing ideas and stuff but we did not see the same things. Hollywood is different, and while I appreciate Hollywood’s perspective I don’t always respect it, nor should and with the Rosanne Barr stuff., Robin Williams suicide-murder, OJ simpson crap, Joan Rivers death and the Haters nonsense I feel it has been ruined. I guarantee the climate global warmers are indirectly responsible. I wish cathlics would wake up and put as much pressure to bear against the Vatican and the Roman Cathlic Influence they did in regards to the war in Viet Nam which was started by the RCC Jesuits over territory it probably mismanaged causing people to crop up like Pol Pot. IRONIC. When JFK was assassinated (and then his brother and then later his son) it was soon after a few leaders in Vietnam were killed after the two brothers committed Vietnam to Mary and supposedly the assassinations may have been committed by the LODGE as in MASONIC which John F. Kennedy alluded to and knew about but could be someone imitating his voice on the White House tapes about it. So there is definitely a French Catholic Jesuit connection and a masonic connection RELIGION and also Haiti something similar happened after one of the leaders dedicated his country to Mary a bunch of hell broke forth. In Indonesia in WW2 experienced the same thing if you watch the documentary narrated by Oliver North and notice the one person in the documentary about it is Jesuit and taking credit whereas before Indonesians were being tortured and there at the time and there was a delay in our forces being able to assist our forces hiding in the area but somehow it (torture) was overcome once we came back and the catholics Jesuits did not stop it but once the Jesuits realized we were gonna beat it there it jumped in to act as if had something to do with the Jesuits and to take credit This is how it works. So I’m glad I heard his opinion even if it still is silly and naive. When you experience the things I have experienced and witnessed the things I have witnessed and had to take lots of shit to put out some truth you would have major contempt for your religion called the Roman Catholic Church and the ignorance within it giving it strength of multitude only to lose it all in the end for condoning it by not being at war with it. Hollywood did a lot of misleading as well such as the guy who made the JFK movies – Oliver Stone etc granted we have computers now which helps in may ways to be able to snap shot pictures etc and on a time signature but if he had really cared he would have been more successful in his endeavor as far as the truth is concerned which helps. So I suppose it was his job to mislead? and then the cozying up to Washington DC fucked it up and the people probably responsible for JFK’s sons death and possibly JFK and his brother as well and then John Voigt mentioned Pope John Paul who seemed popular kissing the Koran and attempting to make Sunday worship the law and the Secret of Fatima shit kind of famous to attract people and later in Obama’s Administration some stuff about the wound being healed and the celebration anniversary of it made kind of famous by the mayor of the city of Rome and all the weird shit (and all the world wondered after the beast) biblically speaking in many prophecies against those things and Catholics didn’t notice. I was not catholic and I noticed because it was all over the place in the news on tv, tv shows, tele-evangelism etc. Did Catholics just discard it like it wasn’t real? I don’t think so. I think Catholics think and are taught they are more special than the rest of society. Anyway John Voigt noticed one man who turned out right in his eyes and because the person hung out with jews? I have heard the same of different people who hung out with Catholics and all types of examples. Is this Fox propaganda? Cozying up?  Jews catholics. So why does Catholicism want to split up Jerusalem. and Israel, Oh well. Never mind. Peace? I had no idea splitting a city makes it peaceful. Oh Well. Oh you want to hospice people? Will it stop abortion. Oh well. Why do catholics remain silent about Mother Teresa? A black president he must be great and WAS NOT which is called REVERSE RACISM. A Jesuit Pope, he must be so cool because he lived in an apartment? So if you live in an apartment  you can walk around kissing babies in large crowds and in a limo with a bunch of mobsters and wear popes clothing and say a few words and make the sign of the cross, launder money for the mob, sanction killing the elderly by hospice against their will, and sanction sexual abuse of children and persecute me for having had a safe abortion and for writing my opinions and be called Your excellency and considered to be the moral authority? Catholics are so deep. I would not want to be in a Fox hole with him. LOL Great actor though. but just heard him say Mother Teresa was one of his heroes. I wonder if he knows Christopher Hitrchens? Did n’t bother to read or listen to his you tubes about the Catholic Church and Mother Teresa being catholic you would think if she were his hero he might have seen the video by Christopher Hitchens about Mother Teresa? No? Hard form to believe since you have a daughter politically involved in the UN? Hard for me to believe Hollywood hasn’t heard about Christopher Hitchens hollywood being so liberal and not hearing about Christopher Hitchens one of the most famous atheists in the world, I think of him more as a THEIST. Hollywood Peace niks not hearing about Christopher Hitchens. Does it ring true to you? ME, NEITHER. DId John Voigt ever hear of the word

E      C      U      M     E     N     I      C     A      L

how about the name

R      I     C     K          W     A      R      R     E     N

ever hear about the

 W     A     R     R     E     N            C    O     M     M     I     S      S     I      O     N

or the name

J       F      K

Then John Voigt said something about Trump’s REELECTION and he used his own money for his reelection which impressed John Voigt. How absurd!

What happened in regards to the wall? 500,000 people died in Syria? Did Pope Francis get ousted?


In Hollywood. GREAT.

It is very strange to see an advertisement on Fox with my parents in the same advertisement both deceased of their images in motion both never were involved in an advertisement in their whole life and while in the same advertisement both about 30 years apart in time from each other in the same ad.  My dad is in the ad at his weakest point in his health. Obviously Foxes way of harassing me. My parents were not catholic but did join a methodist church and went to bible studies for a short while. Both my sisters involved were in the BGEA. My youngest sister early on and then my eldest later in life. Then to see them on another station of Fox in a film about a crime in a trailer park (my little sister owned a RV and my mother in law lived in a trailer Park up north and she was catholic, One of the people was walking in the RV park and then one man lying down face down only able to see his shoes under a blanket as if he is in a morgue and a woman who shot him I think was the story who was his wife (my mom at a younger age) and hung herself was the story . Sort of a Greta Van Susterne mystery and is not true. THAT IS Harassment of the most insidious kind on Fox stations. My dad never slept on his stomach and then alsowith his feet hanging off the bed in shoes. That is the position of someone either in the morgue or at the place before being viewed for a viewing by the family before being buried.  Greta was involved with the Grahams as well. I have heard from my parents after their death spiritually so I guess the BGEA is involved in Fox and it’/s sponsors and Billy Graham was a shill of rate RCC. Strange using dead bodies to further it’s career? Using old videos which my sisters were kind of active taking throughout our lives. There has been other kinds of harassment swell using the phones of my little sister in her high pitched voice just for a second saying my name. That is harassment. I know she didn’t tape herself saying my name kind of in a frantic way. I sure didn’t either and neither did my parents and I doubt my brother would waste his time so it must be my older sister and her husband involved in the harassment possibly with the assistance of my ex having a sound studio. OF course i’m suspicious because of the phone call saved on a cell hone to have my mom listen to to convince her I was egging my children to call my sister and her husband during the heighth of our family angsts to say to them,  “Tell the truth, you’re killing my mom, Tell the truth “when they were young and concerned and in a lot of emotional and psychological pain over the family problems and made the phone call to try to make the crap stop and the taped message was used to convince my mom I was involved in the phone call which I had no idea it had been made till she called me and I asked later when my mom called to tell me she heard it and it sounded like me in the background (but it was my eldest daughter) and was told I was in the background egging my children to make the call and what to say and their plea to the Kirchers. A very sweet attempt to make things better and kind of desperate and used against me. Kind of like the phone call my older sister said she was gonna make when I first told her about the molestation and she said “I’m gonna call mom and dad and tell them you are attracted to Gary” and put the phone to her ear and I walked away very upset and went home and later when Gary got home he called me and ranting and raving called me and said “You are a fucking liar” and I hung up and then later my older sister (Gary’s wife) called and wanted a family meeting to fix our family troubles and asked if I would attend and I accepted the invitation and did attend and Gary said he would start going to church (he was already attending a church) kind of admitting he had a problem without saying explicitly saying he had a problem and I accepted his attempt to try to behave himself while my sister did not attend the meeting and stayed in the kitchen making a bunch of noise cleaning the pots and plans and claning them loudly. She was never into cleaning the kitchen much less cooking. A very rare activity for her and did not even say hello or goodbye when I attempted to accept their terms for the she of everyone involved or indirectly involved. This was before I had kids and before she had her last two kids.

I had a paragraph a long one but I erased it because I don’t care what happens to the press or our government anymore. To the Vatican and it’s god it is it’s treasure and to me it is the low hanging fruit of the Vatican along with it’s clergy.

Ms. Kennedy is back on Fox. How could Fox do a show without Ms. Kennedy i.e. the improved Nancy Rattan in her smarty farty attitude. The same person who attempted to bribe President Trump to be impeached and said it would be good for him and did this in two different attempts. Daughter of Gen. Rattan Jesuit i.e. Jesuit Gen, Kelly later in life or death and aka BUGLIOSI soon after Gen. Rattan was MIA in the CONGO. The last time I saw her she ws obese, nearly 250 pounds, not poking very pretty and had hearing aids because she had hearing troubles and nearly deaf affecting her speech quite a bit and how I caught who she was is she fell back into the speech impediment for a brief minute . She was my older sisters best friend most of their life especially when younger. with another friend called Pam Borem? She had a younger brother who had polio as a child and later in life probably beause of Gen. Rattan being a dick and possibly also had some mental problems was diagnosed with Schitzophrenia and in his worst spells thought he was Jesus. His name was John or called Johnny. Nancy was his caretaker after the parents died because she was working at a hospital and had never married or had children and had an older sister called Jean and a younger brother oder than tJohnnie called Mac who I witnessed in Syria via video on internet with some other people. I don’t know why he was there. Helping the Jesuits? are the Jesuits the white helmets or is that the UN? I guess the Rattans were catholic however I never asked or was interested in their religion because they were not my friends. Gen Rattan actually nicknamed my older sister with the name TOOTIE because she was a real toot he said. SO we called her Tootie most of our lives after wards. She was actually Lorewne named after her grandmother and her daed aunt who fell or ws pushed off a building while doing laundry and broke her neck in San Francisco so her husband could move to Georgia to marry another woman and take her kids. My sister did not have a middle name. I don’t know why. Then when the office stuff happened that she hired me to do asked me not to call her Tootie at the office but to call her Lori which was very hard for me to do having called her Tootie for 50 years. The name embarrassed her because she had a real life physical problem due to her allergy of corn tooting a lot. Farting when we went shopping and in the car or wherever and had an operation later for the problem and head her ureter cut on mistake and made money off the mistake via an angel who looked eerily similar in nature as Franklin Grahams sister who appeared out of nowhere to assist with her operation and the troubles after. I think it ws medical fraud and insurance fraud but they had lost a lot of money on the  stock market and needed to get it back since they owed their client money  having lost so much but soon died so I guess they did not have to pay it back luckily.  Bugliosi helped the Jackie Kennedy with the one bullet theory so the Rattans took on the Kennedy name as a reward in heaven: Fox News.

Not what most people expect when they hear the word Heaven, is it? It is the reward for those who follow the BGEA and the RCC. You get to work for Fox News to thwart others away from the truth I guess there are other news station you get to work for as well depending on your politics having nothing to do with God. Could be the news people (Wine press of God) are little pieces of coal found in our stockings and hopefully through some information and TRUTH might turn them into diamonds. It may take a while though because truth is not the commodity of the press. Rumors and rumors of war are the commodity of the press and elections because of ratings and because even the elect will be fooled. Harassment of the kind I explained using my parents bodies without their permission is not truthful, nor kind, but in my estimation very evil.

Let not your heart be troubled:  

it happened to Jesus as well. His dead body was used quite a few times after his death. Except once when he said feed my sheep.

Probably used JFK’s body as well after death. John McCains body, Mrs. Bushes body and others to further the agenda of not feeding the sheep and for suicide and for murder using hospice.

Have you seen the ad with Pat Boone about pain. check out his eyes. It looks as if he is possessed. by a Graham.

The President added a 0 to the number of years in regards to GDP growth or some financial number asked about in the Sarah Huckabee/ Kevin Hassett press conference. I wonder who added the zero? Trump or someone else? OR did he just get fooled about it via some scalawag in the White House the kind of scalawag who would take a piece of paper off his desk for some other use, or is someone’s doing his tweeting some times? It would be frustrating to know something was on your desk and then it disappears if you are the person who put it on the desk in the first place or if you are the President of the USA. Like losing your keys and could drive a person a little paranoid. Might be a spy in the White House. Might make you accusatory as well if it occurs on a regular basis or if it is important to you. I imagine it’s a bit confusing especially if it is important or time sensitive or top secret or having to do with National Security or INTEL information or has a phone number or other sensitive information about an individual.

National Security advisor is being reported as saying on Fox during Sheppard Smith hour or two there is gonna be a very large Syrian headcount of the dead soon. I thnk it is near the Turkish border probably near where it usually is occurring near or on the disputed territory of the two countries. Maybe he was listening John Voigt about 500,000 deaths in Syria. He is kind of chummy with Mike Huckabee so maybe he knows something is in the works for a very large Syrian conflict. What I forgot to say that John Voigt said is: the 500,000 death toll in Syria occurs while we watched and did nothing. Might be an important prediction or dereliction or intention. I don’t know. Before John Voigts interview by Mark Levin Putin said there was gonna be some problems in Syria having to do with white helmets? I think white helmets are UN troops but could be Catholic Troops (popish ones in white ) or could be some other group of people. I wonder if they could be a little more specific about the white helmets:  a Saudi funded mercenary group of people? a skull?, a flag?, a name? a religion? Turkish army? Syrian army? Russian army? By the sounds of it… it sounds like whoever is able to have such a high body count of the dead has got it pretty well handled to me. What are we supposed to do?  Get in the middle of it?

Martha McCullum  had on some molesters (4 sisters) who had been molested by the same priest in Pennsylvania I think Pittsburg at some diocese and were telling very little about it on her interview except the priest is dead which is convenient. Anyway she offered a hotline number for other victims and I sure would not trust it if I were wanting or needing help from catholic abuses. It wasn’t believable, okay?! But to prove Fox and Martha are doing their part, I guess. It was a promotion to find victims to silence them, in my humble opinion. I’m sort of seasoned at telling the difference and some people are good at communicating without words but I don’t think all of them were molestees and maybe only one but makes for controlling the RCC the victim and others glomming on. Also a way of handling sexual abuse from the past and not deal with the present until after the molester is dead? Its as if the RCC is in the business of protecting the molester not only by hiding it but handling after their death.

I still think it was Gen. Kelly who wrote the OpEd and the reason he doesn’t know why he is there as far as the job he has as Chief of Staff is because he isn’t all there. I’m sure Gen. Mattis feels the same way and from the look in Pence’s eyes, the same. It’s all part of the Great Deception and it is very weird. As far as why Gen. Kelly is there it has to do with his past in the army and MIA in the Congo and in Paris. It is uncanny how Bugliosi and Maj. Gen. Rattan sound exactly the same as far as the pitch, timbre, every aspect of his voice is the same, exactly the same whereas Kelly is a little more soft spoken (a sociopath/psychopath act) so something is controlling him to be BIG BROTHER for the President for the Jesuits and Masons to protect us I mean them. and a whole lot more. Take the bible there are 4  gospels 3 of which are written by Q and tend to agree with each other in many ways but very fragmented at the same time. and then take the Gospel of John which is very different than the first three gospels. I wrote about Bret Baier in regards to his interview of the men a few times involved in Benghazi and used the metaphor of the three faces of Bret. Having multiple personalities is the problem with these people and why they don’t know or understand why they are in the position they are in and so it appears that Gen. Kelly is the one with the problem because he should know why he is there and doesn’t seem to know why he is there. He is reaching out for help but doing it anonymously because he is afraid of why he is there. He doesn’t know. How he became a Maj General is part of the reason. POLITICS. UNDERHANDED TACTICS, TRAITOR activities, spying, writing a book to bolster a theory which is not only unbelievable it is IMPOSSIBLE. Being used by the devil because of the vows he took and being very untruthful. But there is still hope but I doubt he will come out and be honorable because of Pence because Pence is not honorable. The Jesuits work for Obama and are the police of the RCC Vatican.

While Jesus said nothing is impossible with God

it had nothing to do with the one bullet theory meaning and it isn’t how he meant it.

Besides comparing things in the bible when studying it such as CONTEXT there is also context that should be observed in regards to physics. LAWS of physics.  He is also trying to tell anyone who might recognize him what he thinks he is doing there even though he doesn’t know why he is there.

Another reason I think it is Kelly is because in life he took credit for others in weird ways and now I think he is letting others take credit for what he is doing which is not good. Because Sarah Sanders may not be guilty of writing a letter or even thinking in those terms Kelly might be guilty but using her stature, her good-ness, her family ties, her reputation. HER SUBSTANCE etc probably wooed her in some weird way to make her think he is honorable to cover his badness. It is called manipulation. Jesus in one of the Synoptic gospels used women as well. He used their substance as did Obama. Obama used women like Susan Rice. Some men are scoundrels. It’s the nature of the beast. At the State Dpeartment people took lie detector tests WEEKLY to keep them in line after Benghazi. Why isn’t General Kelly having HIS EMPLOYEES take lie detector tests to see who wrote the letter? It’s his job isn’t it, since the White House Staff works for him? He sends out Sarah Sanders Huckabee to defend his nature. Now if he doesn’t have HIS EMPLOYEES take lie detector tests he is their hero.


on the Martha MacCullum bewildered hour (you can see it in her eyes)

who quit the Obama Administration not because he didn’t like him and is a pundit of Fox news

mentioned everyone trusts Gen. Kelly on both sides of the aisle.

NOT ME but I’m not on both sides of the aisle.

Watched  a reality show talking about working in groups is better than me etc which was funny because it was a reality show and was so unreal yet acting s if it was real while it was being filmed in the wilderness and playing to the camera and shown on tv.

I don’t know if Gen. Kelly aka Gen.Rattan and some other GENERALS raped a friend of the family at the Pentagon after her husband was shot down in a helicopter in Viet Nam and killed.  I don’t know for sure if it was Gen. Rattan aka Gen. Kelly but I assume she knew the gang rapers or why would she have been at the Pentagon and he lived or was stationed in the same state at the time. She must have been invited by a friend of the family. It had to be someone she knew but no one ever told me if he was one of the rapists. She was pretty enough, very pretty petite blond woman. I would imagine it messed her up pretty badly to have her husband’s friends or proteges rape her after losing her husband at war and very soon after I guess trying to make her forget?. There is a christian saying about how to treat a widow and I don’t think these guys lived by the roman – christian rules. She never told us who it was. I don’t even know if Gen. Rattan aka Gen. Kelly ever worked at the Pentagon but I assume he did being such a high ranking general and I assume he knows who raped her. I’m sure word got around, My dad was in Viet nam at the time it happened so I know it was not my dad. I know my parents went to the Pentagon to a party once and were slipped a Mickey because my dad and mom didn’t do drugs, illegal kinds. Whether Gen. Rattan aka Gen. Kelly was a part of how they were drugged is a mystery to me but I heard about it but not by my dad. I can’t even remember who told me but I know Gen. Rattan was not in the Congo then. He was MIA in the Congo earlier as the newspaper reported. My mom befriended her because she needed a friend when most didn’t try. I remember he being invited to a few special days as a guest for dinner and seeing her around form time to time with my mom. I wasn’t the only one he walked in on when on the toilet when he was over at our house for dinner. It was kind of family joke about him and that he walked in on 13-14 year old girls taking a pee in their bathroom though I didn’t lock the door he must have seen me enter the bathroom since it was right next to where he was sitting in the living room. He acted like he was drunk when he did it like it was a mistake and kind of a joke but it wasn’t a mistake it was a habit. Did he walk in on Dan Pomdino’s daughters as well? He had his own daughters but I don’t know if he walked in on them because they never said he did or didn’t because things don’t happen overnight things occur over a long period of time in order to put things together coherently but the family was not the happiest of families because one son was a schizophrenic and the other was a loner. The house was dark and dank when I saw them at their home in San Antonio when we were invited. Though he came to visit me out of the blue when I was at college to walk me to the grocery store and I was not his friend. I thought it was kind of weird but he was my age. I assumed my family knew about it but I don’t know if I even told them thinking it was an army kind of pleasantry. He told me I looked like Moe of the Three stooges because my hair was short with bangs. Not the most coolest of guys I had ever met. Wasn’t exactly a fun walk but I put up with it. I really did think it was a weird non event but I didn’t have a car and I guess he didn’t have one either or he would have driven us. That was the college that I was gang raped at. My what a coincidence though the guys who raped me were Arabs or Arabianish. I didn’t ask them their birthplace or their nationality because i wasn’t on a date. I don’t think we had a conversation as far as I know but I and my friend were served slipped a mickey (another coincidence) when she came by after work across fromt eh university and we stopped to get a beer down the street from where I worked without knowing it of course that someone had slipped a mickey in our beer or in a drink the bartender /waiter gave us but we had never been there before because we were not in the habit of bar hopping in the area and both she and I didn’t have a car and I was raped in front of a window for some reason and woke up to see her on the bench near the wall slumped over asleep and I woke her up and we left. It was a big big plate glass window on a bench/window seat on a two or three story room in the State Capital of Texas. She had the intellect of a lawyer. Very smart and was married to my brother at the time still though in a divorce because of some event and both competing intellectually and was not working out very well and she stopped sleeping with him because of a bet involving sex with his best friend and my boyfriend though we were not dating at the time and my brother lost the bet. I met him at their wedding and reception. I think the bet may have been some sort of pay back but not sure there was a bit of it between the two over the years. He and him had a threesome with a friend I was getting tutored by in the chemistry class at Jr. College. for science majors and was flailing at passing since it was for science majors and I was not shooting for a science degree. She was very seductive as I recall and I got sick with some kind of congestion and left and then I heard later about it from my brother who told me the next morning. Not because of either event and around the time he dated my little sister with permission from me and I think they went out once. My brother and I had him over to the house for poker game and I marked the cards. It was a very fun time we had. Hysterical. Though we lost again. We could not see the marks but hoping the other sibling could see the marks and he was a very lucky card player and we both owed him money on the poker game before the one we had at our house. We were doing a lot trying to control our humor bones but it was not easy. He didn’t ever know that we were cheating terribly though I’m sure he was smart enough to have been suspicious of our game. A great family fun and he was like family in many ways. It was one of those silly memories I will never forget because it was so funny. She and I lived together and used the shuttle to get to and from work, school, and home. It was kind of a one time event when she stopped by my job to get a beer. and turned into a strange night. Not something we talked about afterwards because we were not that close and the family dynamics. She had a dog named No-name an indian name meaning no name (a German Sheppard mix) who liked to steal things out of open cars. Kind of funny now since writing about Jesus who said Tell no man i am the christ in the Book of Matthew after feeding a bunch of people on a mountain and after healing a lunatic he charged them and told them not to tell who he was which seems rather odd not to want the notoriety having fed 5000 people. No Name or Noname or nonami would jump in an open car and steal a shoe to play with and in college people often halfway lived in their cars if they had one especially off campus. I did not assume the rape to be to be normal though. It was uncomfortable to bring it up and we were busy with jobs and school and a few friends and she was dating some guy she really liked while in the midst of a divorce from my brother. She was like family in a way and later when my brother remarried a very nice woman whom she had met also or heard of because she called her Gabbie instead of by her real name we were instructed by my brother to get rid of all the pictures of my sister in law so his new wife would not get upset/jealous. She was catholic and did not want her forthcoming kids to see her husband had been married before. These were memory books from the past as if she needed to look through them but it got kind of testy between everyone over it because it required having to go through the books and edit out the pictures and change history and because people like to do that when they like to do that and not because of a trip. Most people when done with a memory book don’t usually go back and change them because of a new marriage and required some work as if there are not better things to do.  I think my mom probably hid the books to settle the matter and considered the source. He should have instructed thern and her not to look through my parents memory books but it was a source of trouble for their marriage. She was kind of jealous and competitive. His first wife was beautiful. It is like erasing memories and is not or should not be part of the deal especially since he lost the bet. But how do you explain his failure in the first marriage to his kids? They were still in college and probably got married to early to be successful at their marriage. Everyone loved her so it was weird but we also loved his second wife in different ways and because she made him happy which took time to discover but true and both worked together well and had cute kids. I don’t think he ever told my parents the whole story except that she was holding out on him. I think he left out the part about the bet. So it was confusing but understandable at the same time much less involving my ex-boyfriend.

Later she accused my ex boyfriend of coming onto her to my brother because she did not like my ex boyfriend because both him and my brother were very close friends. She also accused the son of the woman who was raped at the Pentagon of coming on to her (Steve) as well and so we had to try to figure it out whether or not to believe her because Mrs. Crane was my mom’s friend and it was hard for my mom to believe because it wasn’t like they knew each other and had only been out one night together as far as I know and was sort of obligatory kind of outing something one does for the parents while in town but my brother wanted us to believe her anyway because it made her feel good. I don’t know what kind of pass but my ex boyfriend ‘s pass was on her leg I think while in a vehicle together with her in the middle, and I sort of remember Steve made a pass above her waist near her or on her bosoms which were big all this while my brother in law was coming on to me and showing his penis, molesting me in my sleep, masturbating in front of me as explained in a few posts pretty sufficiently though I may have missed one or two events and know I left one thing out on purpose because my memory of it is not lucid enough to understand it or to rely upon but could be extremely bad if it is true but since my memory of it isn’t good I don’t want to elaborate, etc. So it became kind of strange. As far as my mom’s friend the pass might have been manufactured for the sake of the Pentagon men and my mom was suspicious, naturally, of the accusation since she is catholic horned in on a marriage because they were kind of free and liked each other though the marriage was on the rocks and and while in a separation and the picture request and later my little sister tossed out all the pictures of my parents and their friends in the past which were quite a few pictures and some on videos and movies and in my estimation regarding the Pentagon rapists one of which might have been a Jesuit I spoke about and a high ranking general in the army aka Gen. Kelly and his kids while going through my parents stuff at the warehouse after they died when she also found a letter from my brother to my dad taking about my little sister being less than smart and offending my little sister and I tried  to tell her and assure her it wasn’t a letter from her dad about her it was a letter to my dad about her from her brother who kind of thought his little sisters were of less intellect than him however I don’t know how to relate why he wrote it and don’t know if it was ane-mail or a written letter because i don’t know and didn’t think to ask at the time and later I suspected the letter was planted by her husband or my older sister to offset my little sister in order for her to take sides with them and not my parents or my brother and to have her feelings hurt by her dad even though he didn’t write the letter which upset her. Her husbands the first and second liked to keep her uneven or yank her chain a bunch so she was kind of abused in this way through the years. She was being bribed at the time in regards to Gary using some of my mom’s estate money and had stored the money in a savings account before my mom had even been hospiced for free without doctors care she whispered on the phone.to me and to the tune of 35 thousand dollars. (I do not know if she was threatened or felt threatened) I did have to deal with Gary because for the sake of the family i wanted him to stop fucking with me and fucking up my relationship with my sister his wife who was giving me some strange shit about it trying to prove it was my fault and messing up my relationship with my family with her lies. Gabbie was on my sister’s side against me and did not like the outfit I wore to the beach though she did not say it she let it be known. Looking me up and down as if I shouldn’t have worn it and I loved it and I was at the fucking beach for heavens sake with family. It was shorts  and not that short and a tied top tied at the waist with normal sleeves sort of a thirties style outfit but with a floral of the times. I have a picture of it and I looked fantastic at the time or I would not have worn it so well. I had never posed nude and I found a picture of her nude in my brothers bedroom so ….though I never said anything. It was a very voluptuous picture of her and probably partly why he fell in love with her and IF it is true my boyfriend made a pass at her it might be because he saw the picture of her somehow and it tantalized him. I wasn’t allowed to wear a cute out fit at the beach and she was allowed to be in a picture nude on a bureau? I was not to be believed about my brother in law and yet she was to be believed about my boyfriend and the son of the raped woman by the men at the Pentagon making passes at her? It did not make sense to me. Anyway he had it out on his bureau when i was living with them while he was going to law school paid for by my parents and they did not like her living with him while they were paying for his law school education. Sort of a generational difference plus she was indonesian dutch. She horned in on the marriage when it wasn’t over but were separated but she didn’t necessarily plan it that way because they met when they met because of work and hit it off. He found someone who would put up with his shit and did it nicely enough but held some resentments because of the misunderstanding about how the relationship started and when,etc. My parents feeing like they had made it easy to divorce when they didn’t and had to change their perspective when it came to their son not having witnessed the reasons and the dynamics of the end of a relationship and the beginning of another relationship but Gabbie had a hard time with it as well holding it against them and vice versa.  It was very pretty complicated. Resentments kind of blossomed for reasons of the complications. But to make someone change their memories is over the top. Later Gabbie also made it be known why she was there for a visit to see my mom in a whisper to me as we went to the lobby of the hotel and it had to do with money they wanted out of my mom’s estate having to do with money my husband and I borrowed from him my brother (and her husband) for a house we wanted to buy with a signed contract and the contract was that when the house sold we would give him the money back if it had not been paid back but when I got a divorce my husband went bankrupt and wouldn’t sell the house his dream home and would not pay my brother back. He refused. He said it wouldn’t sell though it did sell once it was taken back by the bank. And before it we bought it because it was as he said his dream home and is why I went to my brother for the loan. Why it wouldn’t sell when it was his dream home is hard to understand. or imagine since we improved it quite a bit. I was too weak having had an operation and nearly died. to fight it. I did not have a lawyer and he had a friend who was a judge who helped him screw me and them. So she was there with my brother to get money out of my mom’s estate because of some gambling problem he had and lost some big money on baseball gambling and my mom and I were out in left field being screwed as the case when my molester brother in law lost money on the stock market and my mom’s brothers money on the stock market (in the millions) and blamed my mom and me for their loss when we had nothing to do with it except that I admitted to my uncle that yes Gary lost your money when he called and asked me about it and it was all I knew in regards to the options trading business my brother in law was involved with except I knew he had schmoozed my uncle for quite a while once he came into some millions but before that tolerated him. I also knew my uncle did it on the sly without the permission of his wife who the money belonged to initially having sprung oil or something on her land.  I know my mom and dad know now that they can see from a heavenly place what really occurred but I still tell it like it is and was just in case they don’t know or are not convinced nor understand and for me to coalesce my life and why bad things happen to a good family: MONEY, OIL, sexual abuse and reputations and the church he used as his ally and his excuse. The sexual abuser was the son of the President of Conoco oil so he had the right to sexually abuse whom he felt like sexually abusing and belittling and degrading for the sake of belligerence and had the money and reputation to back it up. A recipe for trouble to our family.

Gen. Rattan aka Gen. Kelly also had two daughters and a wife called Jane. One daughter was deaf or almost deaf and that was Mx. Kennedy and she does have a speaking impediment if you listen real close as to someone who had a hearing problem in the past. It comes out every once in a while and how I realized who she was. My older sister’s friend for many years. He also liked to take credit for things other people said or did.. It was one of those traits that is repeated over and over again so it becomes kind of famous to others. Does he know if Gen. Kelly adopted Gen. Rattan’s traits since one is also the other? Does he know the kids as well?  Maybe Secret Service Agent Dan Dompino knows since he knows everyone on both sides of the aisle respect Gen. Kelly he must know Gen. Kelly is aka Gen. Rattan and he must know that Ms. Kennedy of Fox News is the daughter of Gen. Rattan aka Gen. Kelly since he is a frequent pundit at Fox news. Perhaps Gen. Kelly is how Dan Pompino of all the Secret Service Agents of the Secret Service which is quite a few people knows Gen. Kelly’s reputation and how Secret Service Agent Dan Dompino was so lucky to be selected out of all the Secret Service agents working in the Secret Service and was hired at Fox News via the General’s daughter. Was he hired because of Ms. Kennedy or Gen. Kelly? Did he know them in France when the Rattans were stationed in France? Did he know them in San Antonio as well? Did he know them when living in Virginia? He knows them well enough to vouch for his honor and his reputation as Chief of Staff of the White House. Does Secret Service Agent Dan Dompino work at the House of Representatives and the Senate and the White House, too?

So you know him, do ya? Tell us all about what you know! ELABORATE!

When, How, Where, and Why did you know him? Got any pics to prove it? Learn anything?

HE WON’T because he is lying.

I hardly knew him though he was involved in our family in a deceptive way,

but I bet I know him better than you.

Did he ever walk in on you while you were on the toilet?

(He probably won’t remember he said it, why he said it, how he said, where he said it, or when he said it

because it was kind of thrown into the conversation/interview for no reason that Gen. Kelly is respected on both sides of the aisle. Thrown in for propaganda reasons for the General and made no ensue in the interview he just added it in, )

Was Dan Dompino in the military police or was Gen. Kelly in the Secret Service? Good question.

These guys think they do God a service …………….IHS ….BECAUSE they think they can do it better.

And think they are right but right is wrong and wrong is right.

I think I am in the category of wrong therefore I’m right.

Things are kind of swiftly changing on one of the shows on Fox and I noticed a little tension as if a situation is cropping up or is simmering. Probably ought to send General Kelly to handle it like he did Omarosa and toss another one out like some were tossed previously (usually the female gets tossed out in the cold, especially the smart ones. I suspect it is racially motivated because it isn’t over until it wants it to be over getting back, but still I think God will make it okay in spite of it because there s always something to be learned from the unfairness , IMO)

Nobody likes to take lie detector tests because some of those tests ask other questions you don’t wanna answer even if innocent of writing the OpEd or trying to undermine Trump. Someone might ask “are you really an indian”  and ask all kinds of things because General Kelly has INTEL on everyone, I guarantee it. Myself if I were Vice President Pence I would demand General Kelly be ousted out of his job but Pence has other things in mind. Being President Pence, the Lodestar. Plus Sociopaths and Psychopaths take lie detector tests more easily than normal people because lying is no big deal to them and can pass a test in most cases even if totally guilty. Why did the General accompany Trump to the last rally in Montana? To manage Trump and manage who he talks to and who talks to him to protect himself, not the President. In some ways he has isolated the President and probably will do more isolating of the President in order to control him. Isolating someone, managing and manipulation are some big signs of criminal sociopathy especially in regards to the President of the United States and so he doesn’t have any more private chats. Trump ought to write his plans, his diary, posts on a blog instead of tweeting, start a blog:  Presidential blog and do it on WordPress. Get Melania to do the same. Get the whole family in on it. Isolating Trump will hurt him. So if it hurts in the election for Republicans coming soon SO BE IT and will deserve it for not being intellectually honest. It would help people trust Republicans but have been steered the wrong way….not by Trump but way before he was President. If you become president will you try to over turn Roe v Wade? There is a way that seemeth right unto men but leads to death. Ho’s SPICE Vatican ideology Mother Teresa falsely blaming abortion for her hospice revenge in Calcutta of all places. One of the most overpopulated cities in the world who dump their kids that are born sell their own organs for money, who marry 12 year olds, worship cows and then complain, bitch and moan about illegal immigration, pollution, and a lot of other ills in society because of Roman catholic nonsense and Ideals whenever the country it rules other than Rome and Italy are banana republics by the time it has devoured the country and corrupt to the nth degree and soon to be Islamic. It is the gateway religion to Islam. Anyway this is one of those ways.

In any case there are 7 Trumpets

in the Book of Revelation

and each of you whether you like it or not

are being tested as is the PRESS

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner eating his christmas pie; he stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said “what a good boy am I.” It is no accident his name is FRANCIS.

President John F. Kennedy said something about a person who had bought some furniture or something to do with bedroom furniture for Jackie delivered to the White House and JFK said whoever it was  (I don’t want to look it up and I’m not sure his name or whether it is important) but JFK said “I wouldn’t hire him to look after a cat house (brothel)” and in this case it is similar. IRONIC kind of situation. I heard it on tape of the White House tapes. It was some kind of a mock or something and JFK was furious. Perhaps it was blackmail. Anyway the furniture was returned quickly. I got the impression Billy Graham was trying to control him and noticed a letter about a rumor Billy Graham sent to JFK though it didn’t ask for money it was evident he was up to something and is in one of my posts on Merangue’s Blog.  Kind of cagey.

Got to see Steve Bannon on Laura InGraham’s show and was interesting. He thinks the OpEd was a multi person letter and IMO in order to get written and published it had to be more than one person but it was probably Mx. Kennedy the AKA daughter of Gen. Rattan aka Gen Kelly. LOL It could be Steve Bannon but i doubt it would have worked without fanfare. It is possible the group think is in his head more than likely ore he would not have written the letter for those that are not in the group think and in this sense it is more than one person. I guarantee Gen. Kelly knows some shit (thoughts) and is using it. I remember when my ex a catholic and my mom were having a spiritual talk months apart in different cities and was at the time when I heard his thoughts which were “She’s never gonna leave” and my mom who said  “a voice inside my head said you should leave.” She said hers first on a visit I had without him but my sister was there. She meant it because of a song we were singing to her Happy happy happy happy talk song but it was not her voice who said it. This is what we are dealing within our country and the world. It was his voice though and it was really defensive/mean spirited and sometime near our divorce. I haven’t left yet because I can’t but hoping I do eventually. Hard to live with someone though I have learned how for the most part to handle it who does the things he does and is amoral about some important things as I have written in regards to Hospice for the church he denies an allegiance to but he doth protest too much and I have learned his tricks for the most part but not trusting he won’t get worse as time goes by. Funny thing is he isn’t very smart so he is getting help spiritually, but not a good one.

The Omnibus Bill was very telling about the church!

I kind of already knew about the church but the church doesn’t seem to know. Like the story about my tulip bulbs kind of telling. So don’t count your chickens before they hatch.


Laura InGraham’s show, after I wrote my rhetoric about a violent reaction to Kavanaugh if he decides to try to change Roe v Wade and the Susan Collins hangers sent to her she (Laura InGraham) had on a few guests who are worried about rhetoric which leads to violence. Extremely worried because some guy did some stuff and some other person committed some crimes etc., Nnt to mention what occurred during the Obama Administration and these days as well. Was Mother Teresa’s rhetoric platonic? The second amendment to protect oneself or others is a constitutional right and rhetoric was why we have a constitution and  the second amendment. GET SCREWED LAURA. She thinks the church has the right to kill my mom because of the churches rhetoric about abortion using it as an excuse for hospicing the elderly and the unwary and thinks it will be met without a response? WRONG. DING DONG GET A GRIP AND HOLD ON TIGHT to your peace loving ass. Isn’t it funny how bullies act when they feel threatened? I think it’s funny. If the press were  limited to about three hours a night everyone would be happier end less on the edge of political madness but Laura has nothing to do with rhetoric. Someday someone is gonna pull Laura by her nostrils and now her lips to face some rhetoric of her own and i think it might be God who pulls her in just as in the days of Job and what is written in the OT in regards to the Leviathon and the Behemoth like a little fish.

Former Mayor Rudy Guiliani is telling his experience on 9:11 and mentioned the ideology anyhow Bush said it’s gonna be a long war which is why we are still in Afghanistan is the excuse but we should leave. It isn’t gonna change anything by staying. It will not deter terrorism in the future and only mire us in a place not determined to fix itself and because the men who attacked us on 9-11 were not Afghanis, nor Floridians, the men were Saudis and Saudi Arabia and its Ideology which is causing trouble in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places and particularly Syria as well. Mecca and Medina is the ideology. Muslims are required to go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. I have no idea how it is enforced but I bet it is. We ought to find out because it might help to know if it is enforced and how it is enforced and how one might prove he has been. The devil? I guarantee if it was destroyed it would help immensely the other nations around Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia as well. Of the music for prayer was disallowed would help. It is part of the ideology. Make them think God is with them when in reality it isn’t God. It will be a long drawn out war because no one has their thinking caps on. The Saudis did not mind destroying the Buddahs in Afghanistan so

why is our country afraid to destroy the Saudi idolatry

and it’s ideological symbols

representing terrorism, representing 9-11, including the temples.



I wonder how many people might have been saved if we had.

I bet a ton of people in the past and present and future.

As if we wouldn’t have access to oil if we did?

Of course, we would.

So something else is in the mix

‘and it is the VATICAN

because Jeb Bush gave us the clue


invented by the sainted Mother Teresa and the Pope.

The war won’t end until both Mecca, Medina and the Vatican and the holiest places are destroyed

and the witchcraft of Hospice is OUTLAWED.

Even Mayor Guiliani expressed it but for some reason it doesn’t occur to him?



Seems as if it was broken on 9-11.

The prophecy of Daniel was in the Book of Daniel and recently added to the Gospel of Matthew.

It is the clue about the false covenant made at the Last Supper.

I don’t think it will end until it ends and Catholics leave the RCC as instructed in Revelation

but if catholics don’t leave the RCC each and every catholic will

PARTAKE of the SINS of the WHORE OF BABYLON which includes 9-11

and Hospice all around the world

and will die in their sins


Steely Dan – Black Cow – (Aja, 1977)

and end up in Mecca walking around a black box

with a bunch of men clad in white


Do you like peanut butter?

The person in the article about peanut butter sandwiches was not a prophet and actually was possessed but had inside information and chose to use it to expose Billy Graham who was his mentor early on using the death of a jewish boy to jumpstart his career. Later he exposed Billy Graham in his last blog post using Billy Graham’s motto for the BGEA and died soon after in a freak accident. He was also in Dallas at the airport the day JFK was killed seen in snapshots from CBS film because he had inside information then and so did Billy Graham who didn’t tell the President because he had a cold. Billy Graham in part actually was in Dallas in one of the cars of the JFK entourage and at the airport incognito (sort of a Sean Spicer look alike mixed with a little O’reilly and a little Cherokee or whatever indian Billy Graham resembles…the three synoptic inspired faces ) and was the Secret Service agent called well at the moment I cannot remember his name but it is in the blog posts about the assassination linked in this paragraph) but wrote a book about his alibi called Just As I Am a spittin’ image of jesus and God of the Ten Commandments or so he thought…..His alibi was shady because it was pre-recorded though at the time people didn’t know a preacher would do such a thing.  Check it out in articles about the assassination on Merangue’s Blog. 

I remember now his name was Secret Service Agent Jack READY

Do you remember when the head of the Department of Defense aka Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel

(how much wood would a wood chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood) Chuck Hagel

said “Get Ready America” during the Obama Administration?

Maybe some people prefer the false covenant and it’s curse and are fearful of lifting the curse? You have nothing to fear but fear itself and Woodward recently wrote a book called Fear.

What good does it do to rename the victims of 9-11 on 9-11? BUILD A WALL on the southern border and put those names on it instead of wallowing in the names every year solemnly and 17 years later. Reminds me of Pence. Somberness will not win the war, but it will encourage more terrorism. Sleeper cells awaken? can we do the same with the men who died in Viet Nam with the same enthusiasm and fanfare? Just because someone confronts evil does not make him or her less important than those on 9-11 however we should actually go at it to win and not to belabor the trouble as in Afghanistan and go for the power source which corrupted i.e. Saudi Arabia and Islam and you know who.

There must be a profit involved in order not to want to win for those who beat around the bush but it will be horrible to find out it was a false one which crashes and it can happen and probably will happen

and will be deserved but not by the vets and their wives or their kids but by the politicians and the clergy except for Gen. Kelly maybe unless a miracle happens and he changes course. All of us need to but I think Revelation is gonna happen anyway and so will Armageddon, Tribulation, and the Apostasy. Oh i forgot to add The Great Deception. Hopefully in our favor! We need it. We definitely have more chance of it than Saudi Arabia or The Vatican. (favor)

The crux of the matter is

the war is between the White House (our leaders and most of the people) and the Vatican, but only the Vatican seems to be getting it’s way,

(thinking it is God because many think it is God)

Freedom and Independence v Slavery and Dependence

yet using our money and leaders and people

and eventually those with a good perspective about God

and who love females as much as males

who actually Truly Believe in God and Believe in Truth and those who Treasure Freedom and Independence

will notice see and hear and will have the Heart and the Courage needed of a thousand men and women per one person who doesn’t believe

and will to do what needs to be done in spite of it

in one hour

now that we know.

My ex is one of the thousand and has no courage has no sense of the truth and doesn’t care because he doesn’t believe revelation will be fulfilled in his lifetime. Many have been taught it already occurred but obviously not entirely or the Vatican would no longer exist and in the meanwhile he is on the side of the least resistance because he is a little prick and won’t help when he should. He says he had nothing to do with his mom’s death but he did and the conversation he had with me in the car showed he knew exactly what was going on and used his absence as his defense and felt so guilty about it he didn’t dare go  see her before her death but waited till after her death because it was proper and he had a choice. If you love someone that is not the right direction. He knew via my operation which was an emergency operation that having a tube stuck up your nose is painful even after being sprayed with pain medication to numb it. I had to be put under to have a feeding tube put in and to protect me from aspirating during the operation. She refused the tube and that is his excuse. Sorry I don’t buy it. He is in on the practice for the sake of the church and an enemy to my family.

He is a partaker of the SILENT and SNEAKY HOLOCAUST.

He helped the lower the life expectancy of americans, to degrade the medical business, to render america less powerful and the Vatican more powerful hence Islam, and in my opinion is a traitor not only to america, but to God. God is not a baby. He helped to uplift the wrong standard of the mother of God. He was taught to pray to her as a kid to not read the bible but to revere it without any discernment and to trust the clergy which should have been a reliable source but wasn’t and isn’t and never will be. Hospice by Mother Teresa is a I can’t think of the word to describe it but it is the beginning of the end for the Roman Catholic Church, a catch -22. The last advice given by Jesus was ignored irreverently and a big mistake and it is a sign of the end.

The commandment to honour one’s human parents is compared to honouring God, for human owes his existence to his father and his mother.

Hospice is partially why we have an opioid crisis. It is also a huge slippery slope to be abused for money and for the church to profit by the inheritance of the person being murdered. The RCC has always been involved in stealing inheritances and there are lots of ways to do it. Inheritance is why the RCC does not allow priests to marry in order to keep their treasures and to corrupt their priests who corrupt the parish children sexually.

The moving of the prophecy was to place more importance on babies because the RCC depends on it loves ignorance and thrives because of it and does not appreciate the old except for their old but not your old having al READY used and abused them.

John Kerry admitted to meeting with Iran and attempting to stall Iran from working with Trump until 2021 when Dems are hoping to take back the White House. He also met with Syrian Pres. Assad before a lot shit happened. Kerry was deeply involved in Benghazi and saran gas lies.. I know he is Catholic and my ex said his wife was too. Heinz. I tried to bring up the RCC ‘s involvement in Hospice and he tried to tell me I don’t know what a hospice is.  I told him he protesteth too much. He does not believe the excuse of the video tape for Benghazi was given via the popes sidekick. Jesuit Federiko Lombari …. I did not realize he knew the Heinz’s and the wife of Kerry. If I say it, he doesn’t believe it. If someone else says it even a female he will believe it and even if other people are wrong (his excuse is he has no proof of the RCC’s involvement in anything bad) HISTORY is meaningless to him. If you can’t learn from the past is it possible to learn at any other time?

because I divorced him.

It’s okay though because when the shit is over, he won’t be invited.  A part of my reward.


I truly believe if the places mentioned are destroyed and the practice mentioned is stopped

I bet Israel and the USA would live in peace. SHALOM.

Until then we are all screwed by the

insidious underhanded insane murderous political and religious traitors in our midst.

I think fear is a good reaction to something scary. The picture below is kind of scary and hopefully a person with courage will do something about it because if a person doesn’t do something courageous about it the people in this picture will do it to you.


Jihadi John was on the Bill O’reilly show talking about his escapades to film Syrian war, eventually was caught and jailed and turned into a Muslim in jail and voila an art exhibit in Enshedde, Holland at the Gogbot art festival.

Fury over ‘beheading’ art exhibition where the public pretend to be murdered by Jihadi John

He  filmed Saudi funded mercenaries clad in clothing with symbols and arms funded by Saudis in Syria etc.

before he was caught and jailed, etc. His name was James Foley but became Jihadi John in jail when he accepted Islam and I think went nuts after his beheading which might do it to you and hopefully God will forgive him because it was not his intent. I do think it was a Jesuit-Islamic-Obama mockery of him for having filmed some top secret stuff about the Saudis race cleansing and Saudi Mercenaries funded by the Saudis in Syria.

The picture to the right is of Dr. Kevorkian the suicide king of death. He is on Fox News in an ad as a younger man, but not super young selling life insurance.


Now why would Fox News sponsors be selling Life Insurance using Dr. Kevorkian’s body and face as it’s pitch man?

Because Fox News does not represent life and is actually PRO DEATH not PRO LIFE.



Like HURRYCANES……….. a mock!

Criminally INSANE.

It was Coventry Insurance but I think Fox Changed the pitch man of the ad either today or yesterday. The voice was a little different and i was in another room at the time and went to check it out and the ad was over so I will check it out the next time it comes up.

I did try to warn my fellow man and woman even if it is a bit shady. LOL It’s the best I could do and if I did it again I would do it better, but I wouldn’t change some things at all. I have found that much of the bad things were nearly unavoidable because of the entrapments, pressures, and the times and because of the Great Deception. I would not change my family for anything in the world but hopefully they will improve or would improve if they have a chance to improve which I think they do. I think they were under similar pressures and woes fro a different perspective and were entrapped as well because we did not know some things we know now.

It is interesting to see Obama campaigning against Trump and both want your votes. I guess the Democrats represent Pharaoh Obama and his hope to gain another foothold on the White House for his future Black Madonna as President and not necessarily Michelle. Two women will be grinding at the mill and those two women are the RCC and it’s daughters and Islam and it’s brothers one will be taken and one shall be left.

Reporting on Fox and were talking about Peter Strzok messages and there is mention on e message having to do with sisters and the reporters said the meaning of sisters they are not sure but might have to do with Russians………something about leaking like mad before the election.


SISTERS may mean Russian?

Wouldn’t this be considered WILLFUL IGNORANCE ?

As far as I know any reference to sisters has always meant nuns in a social sense. IF someone said the same thing about brothers wouldn’t everyone think of the Muslim Brotherhood? Remember BIll Cosby and the nuns? and remember the nun on fox playing baseball at the fair dunking a Fox employee right after the news came out about the Pope and the child sexual abuse allegations against the church in Philadelphia? Remember Mother Teresa? Was she a russian or was she a nun? I did not see Putin make Mother Teresa a saint of the RCC. Remember the alleged abortion videos


about abortion clinics and selling of organs and weren’t one of the people making allegations on one of the videos is a nun getting kudos from the Pope?

By the way, in one of the Gospels talks about Jesus’s brothers, could they have been Russians?

Just a joke but does make you wonder if the brothers were of an order such as the Jesuit Order and makes you have to wonder if there were more than one Jesus since Jesus was jewish. LOL

The Catholic Church sex abuse scandal by Cal Thomas

Some more allegations about the RCC in this article and I’m sure there are a ton more and not just about sexual child abuse.

Here are some catholic sisters which may be the answer to the mystery of the sisters in the messages which Fox cannot even attempt to guess about and instead refer to the leaks as by the russians? Anyway Fox is discussing the Democrats hypocrisy. UMMMMM and what’s this?

Roman Catholic chivalry?

Why doesn’t faith say anything about the perils of hospice? The slippery slope? About Mother Teresa and the evil involved? Why doesn’t faith discuss it on the news? Opioids? but not Hospice? Why doesn’t faith admit the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed? Is it because it makes faith look bad? Why does faith think it is better if a females dies in an illegal abortion than live because of legal safe abortions? That is the question! it was not me who made the mustard seed not the smallest of seed. It was a mistake and a fallacy of the bible because men wrote it appeasing a religion men are afraid of? Don’t want to deal with it appropriately?  Woodmen rather have females be their veil? Allow females to take the blame for male flaws? Is it because the church wants to control populations and control people and not allow people to have some safety nets for the female? Only males get those safety nets? Only the church gets the safety nets? Why doesn’t faith confront the RCC about Mother Teresa? Is it more fun to confront female about abortion. Is it more fun to allow her parents to die to punish her and them and take the proceeds? Not as much fun to watch a false church hit the skids? Why doesn’t the church admit sisters has to do with nuns? Sisters of…..mercy? charity? perpetual indulgence? of the holy family of nazareth? of life? of silence? of the groom? of providence? Dominican sisters? sisters of Notre Dame? sisters of peace? sisters of Mary? sisters of the poor? sisters of social service? Sisters of St. Francis? Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth? Sisters of St. Francis of the Neuman Communities? Dominican Sisters of San Rafael? Dominican sisters of hope? Sisters of St. Francis Assisi? sisters of St Joseph of Baden There are a bunch more all over the world. The Roman Catholic Church wants to be the safety net? Needing to be needed? (“No, thank you.”) We have witnessed your finch sized grace. (The same words I said when Gary wanted to carry me to my car in front of his wife at my parents home and again he had been drinking beer. So had I, but I knew better.)

Have you ever wondered how the sisters subsist? is it american tax dollars and some of those money holes in spending via the deep state and the RCC money laundering those tax dollars for their own Roman Catholic corporation? I think so, so i guess leaking video tapes of allegations against abortions was for their benefit? or the RCC’s benefit and now being blamed on the sisters? I this what you call Roman Catholic chivalry?

Fox reporting is talking about the thousands and thousand of children raped and abused by their priests saying think about it and the Pope had a meeting which lasted an hour in regards to it with some hierarchy of the church and is gonna have a meeting about the sexual child abuse of the church after the USA election in February. Think about the thousands and thousands of people and possibly millions of people who were hospiced and were murdered in retaliation for the accusations of the victims of the church ( her hospices are or were in 135 countries 500 parishes) and using unfounded videotapes about abortion clinics selling and sucking out brains of babies, videotapes made by nuns, allegations made by nuns in retaliation for the allegations of sexual abuse by victims of the Roman Catholic Church priests and its HIERARCHY including cardinals and bishops hoping to divert attention and to scare and to bind other witnesses using hospice murder suicide to double down on it’s defense having tricked many people for it’s own defense hoping to scare and to triple-down by Kavanaugh and Gen. Kelly and the Jesuit connection and illegal immigration and the opioid crisis and many other problems to save itself for the LOVE of children. I doubt the RCC would also engage in mental illness and criminal activity using a ton of propaganda against females and against female rights and engage in state funded terrorism or be involved in Benghazi or other attacks on the USA and other churches, poison spies, false intel and  using Meth and Opioids and other drugs such as Devil’s breath or hypnotism or subliminal messages or any other kind of wartime methods such as gang activity, poverty, mental torture and physical torture and emotional torture, or use family troubles, illegal immigration and entrapment, and launder money to fund it, or use bribery, and blackmail and false intel, hostages and pows, intimidation, sexual harassment, as if it were the WORLD mafia against our leaders and their families and against their enemies, and fear which is terrorism to mess with the population using false news and use the press to hammer it in IN ORDER to save itself IHS. Don’t you doubt it?


I love kittens and most people do, and I love puppies and most people do, but why happens when children grow up without the truth?

You gotta watch out for those people who don’t love any of the above, and usually is a sign something isn’t right in their heads and in the consciences. Sexual abuse of kids is sign of some demonic manifestation and probably prior abuse which grows like a lie can grow into a life of it’s own hurting a lot of people whether by projection-ism or subliminal messaging, group thought, false memories, and many other psychological tricks. I would measure my parents against any other and over the long haul were and are still the best even with a few flaws. I know they are! False memories good or bad are destructive because the truth tends to pop up at the worst of times because of some stimulus. The brain is very complicated and should not be tampered with in such a way. I think it is what Obama was doing in his administration for criminal minds to make them feel better or to make heroes of people who stuck with him like often cult leaders expect while punishing those who didn’t. I think it takes a lot of work to work out problems of abuse and can be accomplished with the truth and good parents who prefer the truth to a lie and is much more successful in the short and long haul. Obama’s way was and is the wrong way because truth matters and can cause GREAT CONFUSION which in my opinion he succeeded in doing and very similar to the Jesuit Governor of California calling the very destructive wild fires in California the new norm even though good land management and common sense would have prevented much of what occurred. However, to give him a slight break I think the nuclear fallout from Fukushima nuclear accident added to the flammable-ness of the state’s forests and timbre and kindling but no one wants to talk about it. The ocean carried some of it to the shores of California and people were taking readings, high ones. Now whether the air currents brought any to the people of California is another story, I have no idea of the severity of the accident and very little is revealed about it but I did feel it every time I ate tuna and ocean water does sometimes go into the air so it might have brought nuclear fallout to California and it’s people via Condensation. Hence a coverup using Obama Care and silencing the truth. And then the smoke from the wild fires I’m sure spread it further east or north or south depending upon the wind direction. Kind of like acid rain affected Europe after the nuclear accident in Russia at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for many years and run by amateurs not protecting it or as in the case of Fukushima and the chemical plant explosion in Bhopal, India disaster might actually have been terrorism hence not an accident and instead was sabotage to enhance the career of Mother Teresa and to popularize Hospice/murder suicide for the church. Do you remember the chemical accident in Texas having to do with fertilizer an explosive ingredient and the apartment building was destroyed and a few others on the east coast and collecting ammunition via the woman whose leg bone was broken who served in his administration at his pleasure and Obama’s agenda to rid the world of explosives and guns and parading Sen.Gabrielle Giffords (a jewish woman) with the help of her loving husband (did they have any children?) via Fast and Furious while murdering a district attorney involved in Fast and Furious at the same place at a Safeway in Arizona (Sen. John McCain’s state at the time)  and a few other people though supplying the means using billions of dollars from the USA for Iran to build up it’s arms against Israel. It is a conspiracy, a very deep state kind of conspiracy as in VATICAN state kind of conspiracy with the aid of Islam it’s ally. You should read the tweets that occurred at the time by the President at the time. Sun energy in a fire prone area is not smart. Sun energy in a wind prone area is not smart if there is kindling everywhere. Perhaps sun energy in Alaska might work but might melt igloos. I don’t think Governor Jerry Brown is smart, but he definitely is a thief and a liar and must have something to gain by requiring homeowners in California to use solar panels. I wonder if there is a way to use a cold star for energy? I heard about people dying in a car while transporting melting dried ice from the fumes, but I bet there is a scientist who could figure out a way to use salt water or a cold planet to help prevent wildfires and use it’s energy without total destruction and maybe having to do with straws and turtles. It isn’t like there isn’t plenty of salt water on the planet for the sake of a safe California power source. It would be a great way to provide a job source for its infrastructure of a similar Hoover dam project devoted to California and a great investment and long lasting and a tourist attrition as well. I do not think solar panels will enhance tourism. Something to think about. I still think lightning if harnessed correctly and safely would be fantastic energy source but not necessarily for California. One lightning bolt has the energy to provide the energy needs for a large city for months. Is there such a thing as cold lightning? Maybe could use unwanted plastic for this purpose? Sand seems to be plentiful since the deserts are growing so seems to me we might look into sand as an energy source or energy insulator of some kind. I’m not a scientist but using solar energy in many parts of California is a no brainer as far as an extremely dangerous idea. I had read about the solar panels over heating and Jerry Brown ought to come out with the truth about it for the sake of the homeowners who lost their homes, some their lives and or their family or their pets and want to rebuild. I’m pretty positive he and others blamed the wrong things or people for those fires to cover up their blunders and it will BACKFIRE so might as well admit it and gain some votes because of trust even after if he has any active synapses still connecting to the nerve center of his brain and still has a heart left and a little bit of courage.

 When someone makes a mistake like Jerry Brown it is better to come out with it sooner rather than later if he suspects he has been tricked and I think he has been tricked into the destruction that occurred to peoples lives, their homes, their futures, and their hopes, but those Jesuit blinders are very effective.

10 Genius Ways How To Start A Fire Without Matches

Pompeo is right about Iran and Kerry making a deal secretly with Iran because I guarantee there is more to it than a waiting game. John Kerry was never working for the USA but for the HEINZ religion I would imagine since money seems to be his weak spot. I imagine he made some money doing it too. He was a lousy Secretary of State and probably if truth be told would be a POW in the USA if anyone knew what he was really up to however I do not know who yanks his chain but I imagine it is Obama and it would be scary. He should write a book about what drives him to do the things he does and why, claim the 5th and probably would be safer than he is now.

I think memory helps to remind people who don’t seem to remember the past not because of dementia which can be caused by a number of factors besides age, or alcohol, or PTSD, or Calamities, chemical alterations of the brain via drugs and medicines sometimes purposefully, but because of their religion. Global warming was a Catholic idea to begin with and turned into a religion with a lot of political nuances to help the RCC. Microwaves are very useful heating whatever it is directed at besides people and ocean life and a very powerful weapon of war in the wrong hands using cell phones as a bribe and it does have a sound like was used in Cuba. IF you research HAARP is uses sound and microwaves.

Anyone who uses hypnotism or some other means via psychologist or psychiatry, medicines and drugs to cause someone to forget something has something terrible to hide which I believe happened to my extended family as I have explained (not my kids so far or my parents except the one night I heard about when someone slipped them mickey) in regards to sexual abuse and other type activities. I’ll never forget visiting my mom with family and the very large balcony-walkway-ledge of the ARC (Army Residence Community in San Antonio) was missing a big part of it was missing which was next to the cafeteria separated by a big plate glass window and I noticed it after going down with her in a wheel chair with family to see the pond beneath in the neighborhood about 3 stories down when my nieces son fell behind our group and went to check it out being curious and if he had fallen from it would probably have died. He was quite young. I think it was Malachi, but might have been his brother. So something happened at the ARC and may have involved some people living at the ARC but never heard any word about it. I’ll never for get the doctor from Virginia or west Virginia who was the main doctor and only there 3 hours a week for all of the patients and one other one I never saw was interviewing my mom for dementia to move her out of the apartment of the ARC to the full care area and I took his card on the desk where he sat and tried to call him and the phone number was not a working number and then hearing before that she fell down some stairs and seeing her legs all blue and smelling of formaldehyde. Hard to forget. I wrote some e-mails about elderly abuse and I think I even wrote to Sen Ted Cruz but never heard back from any of them except one person who said it wasn’t his wheel. I wish I had taken photographs but I did not realize the extent of the evil I was noticing. I had to put all of the things together over a period of time to get a fuller picture of the ramifications. This was during the Obama Administration, obviously.

Isn’t Gutfeld so interesting? So full of knowledge and so talented all of his little observations and strange viewpoints. Maybe he should run for President or be the next poop. I had to turn him off it after about 15 seconds of his nonsense. Nonsense is good if you need a fix. I was taken aback though on his nightly show to see the big guy with the tattoos asleep on the chair and Dana Perino drugged up as if on a strong dose of Ativan in a nirvana state of mind. I wondered what in the world is going on at Fox? Something, though I don’t think it’s good.

Add Tucker to the meal and you got demonic possessions to have said what it is they just said. UNBELIEVABLE. I had to shoot the fuck you sign at both of them twice. Amazing grace how sweet the sound. I think both are mad about something I wrote. LOL I think I hit a very tender nerve. WHEW!

Hey why don’t the both of you take a private plane tonight and check out the hurricane.  Whiie you are at it I have package i would like you to deliver. Do you mind? It’s some Freeze Dried fruit in Dried Ice. It needs a bit of special care so if you would leave it open It would be loverly. Don’t worry if the ice melts. It’s okay. I’ll pay you a nickel or two. I think both are being used and don’t realize it.

There was a job I was on with my husband at the time and the house was very very cluttered. Lots of figurines and treasures in this house in which the older couple lived. One late afternoon I think it was near evening and he came out of house and begged loudly “WHY ME? WHY ME?” Pleading with God. I think he added Lord at the end of the first WHY ME? He was serious. I have no idea why he was so upset because I hadn’t lived with him for many many years, but it was something I will never forget because it was so humorous and yet sad at the same time.

Tucker and Gutfeld both brought up not wearing underwear and Tucker added some response like who cares or something like ti and it was aimed at me. My brother in law talked about my underwear at dinner one night on the river in San Antonio with family after visiting my mom and after I had saved his grandson from certain death on a three story ledge and told him to go back yelling at him. Gary and my sister were supposed to be watching the kids since the kids were theirs and as we walked on the river walk.  The kids were all over the place so I was watching them with my eagle eyes because I did not want to have to jump in the river dyed with green dye or blue dye with a bunch of rats to save one of them. Their mom and dad were elsewhere and left the kids with the grandparents for the weekend. I felt it was my duty to watch over them since the kids were my niece’s kids. My little sister came up to me while we were all walking around the river and suggested I stop watching them and allow my older sister to watch them because the kids were not my kids and because my sister tended to allow others to watch over her own kids as we walked in a big group of about eleven or twelve of us. I couldn’t. She wanted me to just relax and enjoy myself with her and drink up. After I got up after dinner I adjusted my clothing a little bit because my undies rode up my ass and he came over and whispered in my ear about my underwear so his wife my sister could not hear. It was offensive and just one of a thousand (exaggerating) derogatory type things he did to me and very minimal however I had just saved his grandson’s life because he sure wasn’t watching him or his grandson would have been three stories down into the neighbor hood with us and not attempting to look over the ledge and no one noticed but me. It was scary. Never thanked me either. So when I heard Tucker and Gutfeld playing their duo pulling a fast one toward me on air I did not like it and shot both of them the bird twice. I had insulted Gutfeld in my post and told on Dana Perino being high on Atevan and the man with the tattoos sleeping in his chair caught on camera and I guess he didn’t like me writing it. It did not get past me but I’m sure it got past everyone else and has since been edited. Today my ex started going on about getting fired for shooting President Trump the bird as he drove by and said freedom of expression is great but you have to suffer the consequences and went on about it ask if he had not shot the bird a few times in his life mostly in a car raging etc and many other times and said he didn’t believe in  God and many other things that are very bad and he didn’t suffer a thing though he will. I asked if she was with her company at the time and he said she was. I have no idea but I’m sure it has to do with me shooting the finger at Tucker and Greg Gutfeld playing a comedy routine which was not funny.

It wasn’t the Grand Canyon however we knew of a man who was at the Grand Canyon (I didn’t know him but had met his wife and my sister told me about his death) and somehow he ended up in the Grand Canyon when with family taking a walk. Actually friends of my older sister. His wife found a letter in his things and I guess it suggested he was having an affair and then she stopped grieving for her husband. They had two kids. I guarantee they grieved and would have no matter whether he had had an affair or didn’t have an affair. I thought it was quite bizarre. She later told me three was at the number of perfection but this was after going to North Carolina to some female religious retreats with the BGEA.. LOL and those retreats really fucked her up. For roses perhaps three is a good number. for pruning. This was a man not a little boy who fell over the Grand Canyon ledge. If my niece’s son had looked over the ledge at the ARC I bet he would have gotten dizzy it was that kind of a ledge and he would have surely died. There was no handrail and nothing to stop it but me. The niece who was not there for the weekend and was allowing them to watch over her kids. she was the Jacuzzi girl the one who was taken to the Jacuzzi when my sister was very pregnant with her third child and it was night and he went to the Jaccuzzi with her to teach her about jealousy at night alone in the back yard and Gary is the type to do something he shouldn’t just to be belligerent or to worry people or to molest her possibly. He had been drinking which was not unusual. He was up to something though I don’t know what. He could have done it any other night but chose the night my mom was in town staying at their home and when he announced what he was doing and our eyes met and it worried her and me and my sister saw it and I think resented our reaction. His daughter was just a tot about 3 or 4 years old or so and she did have problems with jealousy of her older sister but nothing outrageous. Normal stuff because she was perfect in some ways and probably bugged her. The Jacuzzi girl had some anger issues for some reason. Beautiful girl and very smart which I imagine bugged him. Later when a teenager my sister heard rumors about incest at her girls school and started thinking about a psychologist for my niece and Gary said leave her alone and let her work it out. She showed signs of abuse. Angry at her mom. Signs of sexual abuse whether she remembers it or not. Shaving her head, cutting herself, scripture tattoos all over her body, and other things like being the first child to marry. She wanted out. She was beaten up  by some guy when living in New York City and watched the attack of 9-11 from a building top in Brooklyn. Then moved south and fell in love quite quickly. She did have one visit with a Christian psychologist I heard and it cured her supposedly. Yet later after meeting her future husband drove 100 mph on a stretch of road with him and his kids from his first marriage marked at about 40 mph.  She had some problems and was working it out. Later when she was married and had a couple of kids Gary said she and her husband were blackmailing him for money. She was asking for money because she needed it and he had lots of money. Son of the President of Conoco Oil. He received at the very least 250 thousand dollar allowance a year. Gary resented my mom and her visit. It was surreal. This was around the time he lost his money on the stock market Actually he lost the big bucks when living in a home with a dark lagoon pool and had to move. I think it was the house after the house when he did the Jacuzzi Jealousy maneuver. He enjoyed messing with his wife, me, my mom, his kids because of his reputation. a sick mind and probably possessed and obsessed as were Fucker and Butfeld when doing their cute little skit. After that night when visiting my other brother in laws home for a weekend when their three year old son the one my sister was pregnant with almost drowned. She took a picture of me greeting my brother in law. I was in my bathing suit and he was in his work suit having just come home from work and I was swimming in their pool. Later my sister presented the picture to me for my husband and I to see a picture of our hug and it was innocent hug. He was 6 foot 6 but it was an innocent hug though she gave me the look when showing us the picture and it was snide look. accusatory look and an evil look. She was ridiculous and I guess jealous. Later she started dreaming about my little sister’s husband and told my sister she had a dream and in the dream she was kissing her husband which pissed off my little sister. I was dealing with some crazy stuff. My other brother in law had never come on to me ever but my older sister wanted to make a case against me and him with her photo and timed it just right. His hand was under my arm was when she shot it but he still didn’t touch my boob like she was trying to insinuate. The angle of the picture was interesting too. I had no idea she was taking pictures of me greeting my other brother in law not to be nice. That weekend her own son almost drowned and the brother in law who greeted me saved his life. We were all standing around the pool talking and the table was near the pool and her son slipped into the shallow end without a sound. My brother in law noticed. He was probably in his suit and pulled him out. Later her son got an earache and late that night my sister came to tell me my brother in law was pitching a fit having a tantrum on the floor in the master bedroom because he couldn’t get to sleep and had to get to work early the next morning because of her son that he saved. He shouldn’t have because she could not do anything about the pain and the noise her son was making about it but he did save her son and she was too busy taking pictures of me hugging him. Later when our family blew a fuse the Jacuzzi kid told me or wrote to me that her dad Gary was a work in progress. Good thing too that she was not killed driving at 100 mph in a car with kids in it but nevertheless she loved her dad and mom and it is not easy to deal with the things we were dealing with in our family, My mom nipped my brothers incestious-ness the moment it appeared and as far as I know he never did it again. It wasn’t like two cousins who love each other and are adults it was a curious kid thing between two kids, a sister-older brother thing and the youngest sister wasn’t happy about it. I heard about it via my sister and I thought it was handled well and my brother turned out alright except for gambling, but in my opinion he was entrapped and cheated because he is real smart and knew everything about baseball. Previously he had won a federal case about a company a big one in the Federal government who was not racially hiring correctly (I think it was racial and gender) and made a lot of money and his reputation preceded him and he was attacked for it. In a nutshell it caused great problems for his family even though it was what was required by law. Fair hiring practices of the biggest fast mail service. My ex knew too much about it to not be a problem and he is catholic so I know something is amiss about his money troubles later because he knew more about my brother’s money than I did. Knew too much about things I don’t think my brother would have told him because he thought my husband was a loser and told me. I don’t think my husband at the time even asked him either. I didn’t ask but I knew it was a lot of money. When Gary first molested me he was the first family member to know about it when I told him point blank that Gary had molested me and was the shortest communication I have ever had about it a day or so later in the hall of my parents home where both of us resided at the time before they moved to San Antonio and he told me he thought my sister ought to divorce Gary, but she didn’t know about it.

Later but in the same time frame my little sister witnessed him driving around the lake with a blond woman in his Lincoln Continental. He was not very careful.

My older sister his wife started losing weight as well by tossing her cookies on purpose i.e. Bolemia and near the time of a party they gave at the same lake.

Santana – Put Your Lights On (Video Version) ft. Everlast – YouTube

Santana – While My Guitar Gently Weeps is a good one too!

UmmmmI just wanted to add FUCK YOU AGAIN. Fuck you again and again. Fuck you again and again. One and all a joyous song.


The girl who came to my home her name started with the letters MER or MIR (in ever heard her spell it) and took advantage of me and my daughter (her friend) and killed my cat. She said I was a MLF and she did. I loved my cat. My little sweet Romeo who loved everyone.  I can’t say for sure she killed him but I think she did and did some bizarre stuff terrorizing my daughter and i and she even left her at a mall at night alone after-hours and I am suspicious of her NATURALLY but she was under the influence of evil when she did the bad things she did. Even my ex used her against me and my daughter. Of course he was catholic and felt he had a right to act the way he did . Someone taught him he could but it wasn’t me. I disallowed her in the house and while in the hospital he ignored my wishes and she spent the night against my intuition about her and then used her again or something evil did using him and her.  Aretha Franklin is like Melanie to me a very wonderful example and artist and my mom was the same way in her art and in her life with my dad who loved her.  I have used Aretha’s talent to help my posts quite a bit. Music helps the soul especially quality music.

 Aretha Franklin – I say a little prayer

I happen to like this picture. Very real.

I gotta paint it someday if I can. Same with Melanie above. I’m sure there are more but Iike real natural ones best for my kind of art. Currently working on a portrait of my mom in pencil but intend to get it on to porcelain eventually and doing it from from and old picture at her wedding. Her face is less than an inch and making it much bigger and is hard because she looks like a lot of people. She took after Dorothy L’amour with a little Lucille Ball and Princess Diana and Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz and other people too but she was original which is what I’m going for. Her personality similar, She could be beautiful funny silly smart LOVING childish sometimes in a good way, exuberant, graceful, tough, fast, friendly, I loved her laugh and a very natural woman. It was so fun to be her kid.  She had her bad days too. Looking forward to doing some good art an hopefully will have the time I need to do the art I plan to do but if I don’t I’m sure my kids will express themselves naturally.

The girl from Bosnia told me her mom had slit her own throat (In my little mind I thought it sounded kind of like someone else might have slit her throat such as the mob but people like BRET DON:T GIVE A SHIT,  HE WILL BUT HIS WON’T BE WORTH  A SHIT when it matters, not even to GOD) was from Bosnia and she herself was promised she was gonna be rich and live in Croatia and said her dad was a mechanic but he couldn’t fix her car . Also I remember the woman telling Bret some of the women had smothered themselves under blankets to preserve their virginity from ISIS in Syria and he believed them. He acted like it and he reported it.



Trump is right about the press and I would have to say


is probably the most misreported and biased (group think) blunder and misrepresentation ever known to mankind and amazingly still is and hasn’t been corrected and is used to base other press stories about the President of the USA for or against. THE MOST SELF AGGRANDIZING  GROUP OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD right up there with GERALDO REVERA. LOL A CULT OF IT”S OWN.

and if the press had truly done their job and were free or courageous our country would not have suffered the things it has suffered for so long and people would have been spiritually led in a far greater way or even had a chance to know the truth because of the press and it’s love of Billy Graham, the BGEA, THE RCC etc.. I don’t think I ever heard anyone defend Nixon and even try to figure out what the significance of Watergate truthfully and in my opinion doing it again with Trump in many ways because of deception. I truly think the press have frittered away it’s chances and helped a great deal with the GREAT DECEPTION and has a lot to answer for and I think time is running short all of a sudden.





What do you think? I don’t know, what do you think? What do you think? What do you think?What do you think?

What do you think? I don’t know, what do you think? What do you think? What do you think?What do you think?

 What do you think? I don’t know, what do you think? What do you think? What do you think?What do you think?

I think Gen. Rattan aka Vincent Bugliosi aka Gen. Kelly White House Chief of Staff, The Assassination of JFK, The Manson murders, the Congo, Paris, all have to do with the Jesuits. All of this happened from 1963 forward and backward whether or not you believe it is possible since the Vatican 2 in 1963 to make the Gospel of Matthew preeminent gospel of the gospels, moving the Prophecy of Daniel to stand where it should not stand hence in the Gospel of Matthew and changes recently made to the Gospels and probably to some Old Testament books, Changes to the Ten Commandments by the Vatican the war against the Ten Commandments during the 60’s and 70’s i.e. the God is dead movement, the ecumenical movement to unite the religions, the New World Order, The New World Order with Teeth, Global Warming, Climate Change, Sexual Child Abuse and Money Laundering Charges against the Vatican, Obama election propped by the Vatican and Kissinger, HAARP, Persecution of families involved in abortion and population control in India and elsewhere using Hospice, Illegal immigration, World without Borders pipe dream is a conspiracy against the USA because of World War 2 winning against the nazis and friends with Israel made into a State like the Vatican has yet it’s state is bigger, because we are considered to be the Great Satan to Islam because of the friendship with Israel, Recognizing Jerusalem, Desire by Islam to push Israel into the See, many peace treaties going nowhere and all the shit in-between have to do with the Jesuits and the Vatican and its followers, 9-11 attack on the USA, Trump as in trumpets of Revelation, the replacement theology of roman catholics as the chosen people because of the Vatican and because the Pope is the direct descendent of Peter and spells trouble ahead which include Revelation, The Apostasy, Tribulation, Armageddon, fear of the Russians and fear of Chinas communisms, sounds like war of some kind going on and on the horizon and a big change ahead. I think it may be a thousand year war, too but not like thrones in the past. This one is for the soul and everyone is involved. It’s a guess but I think it is a good one. However, Tribulation is supposedly 7 years long so I might be off by 993 years.

Oh yea there are 7 trumpets, and there are 7 mountains on which the woman in Revelation sits, there are a bunch of 7s, Forgiveness 7 times 70 times, 7 deadly sins, 7 virtues, 7 Sacraments, 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit,  7 Capital Sins (Congress?), 7 Days of Creation, 7 Arch Angels, 7 Key differences between Catholic and Protestant Doctrine and of course you know who thinks is right, Seven Gates of Hell in Islam, Seven Faith articles of faith, Seven Jewish Heavens and Seven Islamic heavens, The Seventh Day Adventists, The Sabbath, 7 days of the week,Triple Sevens in Las Vegas, Three Sevens  i.e. three of a kind in poker, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.7 Eleven, Seven is the lowest natural number that cannot be represented as the sum of the squares of three integers.The Seventh Commandment and the Seven Year Itch, Seven Continents, Seventh Heaven, 7-up, a number higher than 6 and lower than 8, Special forgiveness for the 70’s

I don’t blame the girl who snitched on Kavanaugh even if it’s true that she would not want to be named. It’s true about rape victims as well but I would not judge someone on one bad date however I would not go out with him again though there are some guys who think a photograph session is a date so depends on the people. The only thing I know about the annonymous letter about Kavanaugh is Kavanaugh allegedly put his hand on her mouth, but I don’t know why? This is not humiliating to the ME TOO Movement as Laura InGraham hopes. i’m surprised by the timing of Feinstein and would not compare it to telling a bad joke about a pubic hair on his coke can though I probably would have laughed in regards to Clarence Thomas though I don’t think anyone could have handled it better. I probably would have laughed and thought about what it was he meant and realized what he meant and would have laughed again. Hey it still is funny but I don’t think he enjoyed the ramifications and it was very hard to believe it was offensive to someone else. HIs INTEGRITY got him through which would be impossible for Laura InGraham because she does not have INTEGRITY. SHE IS A GANG BANGER! She also is a five letter word that starts with a b and ends with an h and i have heard worse things said about her because she deserves it. Her whole career at Fox was dependent on her propaganda about abortion and her support for murder by Hospice of the elderly, vets,  the sick, other women, her support for the Catholic Churches agendas, her lack of intellectual honesty, her terrible humor, her shallowness, her falseness, her lack of respect for privacy and lack of respect for others, her insincerity, her untrustworthiness, her reliance on her looks, and her insidious evil nature who mocks the cross she often wears. She is the type of woman who cast out women who got pregnant out of wedlock for the sake of it because she is not a nice woman. To her other women are her competition and doesn’t even think of the female as a human being but enjoys persecuting them and when the Catholic Church is no more? she’ll probably bury her cross in her yard. She goes along for money. I heard what she expected of Trump before he was elected: Christmas presents  and revealed to me how shallow her faith was. Basically she wanted a bribe from him. Have you ever heard Laura InGraham talk about the slippery slope of hospice and the accusations by believable witnesses about Mother Teresa and even discuss the reasons why MOther Teresa was in Calcutta and what her motive was for her franchise of hospices in 136 countries and 500 parishes and probably franchised her idea to many others using trickery and deception and entrapment and blackmail and many other mobster type prods to murder a loved and a living human being living outside the womb and meant to be born and respected and honored as the commandment says to do and is a very important commandment and in comparison to the clergy ten times more important than the clergy and their ideals since not even mentioned in the Ten Commandments? She honors the clergy more than the truth. She honors herself. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she doesn’t have the RCC to depend on as her staff and hear her indignation about it wishing she had changed sides when her side loses the big one. The bible even tells the reactions when it happens and what people do who were made rich by the Whore of Babylon. If she read her bible she would know. She acts like the great christian and I guarantee she has a lesson to learn in this regard. She has a lot of lessons coming her way IMO. The style of her show stinks. MIss ridicule. How stylish. She sounds like someone I would not want to know. There is so much talent in the USA and I cannot believe she was allowed a bully pulpit 5 nights a week. She is a snake. She reminds me of a friend of my older sister and nobody liked her in my family and in her family, because she was a snake as well. Her name was the same as my sister’s name and miraculously only had one child. She was so un-liked it only took one meeting or encounter to not like her.

Because someone remains anonymous is an enigma to me unless there is a good reason

and the anonymous person has the reason to realize it.

Chelsea I think said it right we don’t want to go back to those times before legal safe abortions and my questions is why would anyone want to go back to those times when abortion was illegal? Enjoy females bleeding to death in a dark alley having an illegal abortion or finding a pregnant female in a warehouse on the waterfront with a hanger hanging out her vagina or enjoy driving a female down a bumpy road, pushing a female off a swing, tripping a female on the stairs, pushing a female off a high ledge, drowning a female in a lake, murdering a pregnant female, starving a pregnant female, drugging a pregnant female, TORTURING a pregnant female, BELITTLING a pregnant female, DEGRADING a pregnant female, EMBARRASSING a pregnant female, PERSECUTING a pregnant female, CASTING OUT a pregnant female, ISOLATING a pregnant female, ALIENATING a pregnant female,  POISONING a pregnant female and DOUBLING THE LOSS OF LIFE by doing so IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE A FETUS IS LIFE AND LOVE TO INTERFERE IN FAMILY PLANNING of your neighbors, INTERFERE in your brothers, sisters, acquaintances, strangers, enemies decisions and interfere their CAREER and LOVE TO INTERFERE IN THE PROMOTION AND COMPETITIVENESS OF YOUR PEERS, RE-RAPE RAPE VICTIMS, INTERFERE IN A female’s decision as to her preparedness to be a mom or to be married or to be responsible for raising a child and ENJOY INTERFERING IN THE PERSONAL DECISIONS of females and the condition of their uteruses and last but not least SUBSCRIBE TO MURDER BY HOSPICE of her parents as revenge and want to go where angels fear to tread be my guest and besides I like the males having the onus in regards to the mustard seed and man’s seed i.e. sperm, but I bet the males don’t like the onus on their pricks and I like the clergy getting caught up in the lie regarding the mustard seed in the Bible and in the Koran because it kind of puts a ton of bricks on their integrity and honor for not telling the truth about it when the clergy were aware of it as many on Fox are aware of it and many people in many places are aware of the controversy found in the Synoptic Gospels of the Bible and should be alerting others especially those who have had abortions, their parents and should be alerting catholics and those of the many faiths so we might come to a healthy respect for others and the decisions they have to make sometimes in order to be all that they can be having to live in a world of moral laurels who can’t discern truth from fiction and probably should not be allowed near children or at the very least need to learn some BIG lessons themselves before contemplating judging me and my family.

2 Young Sisters Die After Undergoing Female Genital Mutilation

If Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld have their way they may have to move to Somalia in order to get to control the female population’s genitals and their uteruses and the critiquers of their intellectual dishoonesty. But we won’t let them control our critiques because both deserve a good dose of critiquing and I’m sure there is more coming from whence it comes.

“But in societies where FGM is practiced, women who have not undergone the procedure

may have a difficult time finding a marriage partner.”

In fact, Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld can pay for our education and college education, birth our babies, be there for every birth in the family no matter how far, rock us to sleep every night no matter how long it takes, teach us to eat, teach each of us how to walk and talk, teach us to write, to read, do math and memorize, attend and pay for our weddings, pay for our children’s educations, help us earn our badges for girl scouts, teach us survival skills, teach us to pitch a tent, drive us everywhere we need to go each and every day, teach us about money, take us with them wherever we go after school. teach us how to swim, ride a bike, and drive a car, help us with our homework, put us to bed at night and read us a book and wake us up each and every day to get ready for school and fix us food and snacks, buy our school supplies, teach us not to hit each other, teach us good manners, stop us from rough housing, teach us not to cuss, teach us to mow a yard and clean our rooms, teach us how to cook and do the dishes, stay up the night before each of us has a school paper or school project and make sure it is presentable to our teachers, watch our favorite disney movie over and over again, do our laundry, invest their earnings into our medical needs, comb the lice out of our hair, teach us how to shave, defend us when we need defending, rub our backs when we are sick, console us when we lose a friend, hold our hand when we are scared, show us how to use a tampon, go to after school meetings with our teachers, buy our groceries, buy our clothes and our undies, take us shopping, open their homes to us for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, babysit our kids, bathe us and our kids, entertain us, take us on family trips, and buy us a horse, get us riding lessons, take us to soccer practice, buy our cars, let us stay in their condos for free, take us to dance classes, clean our diapers and wipe our noses, take us on picnics, teach us how to respect each other no matter what party we are in,  make each of us feel special on our birthday, teach us to laugh and giggle wantonly when we see porn star, groom us and all of our children every morning and night, make each of us feel loved and appreciated, teach us how to be good like Fucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld.

WHAT WOULD John Malkovich DO?

I know what I know  – paul simon

I’m here for a reason and not there for you!

Fucker Carlson had a guest on who produced a movie and says he is Dean Cain and is pro choice though he would never abort his own child and the movie he produced is about an abortion derelict named Gosner. It’s about a doctor who aborted viable fetuses. I have no idea about him but sounds like a PRIVATE doctor and not an abortion clinic or the ARMY and I wondered was he a mobster’s doctor? The kind of  abortion doctor which takes care of mobster’s girlfriends and and girlfriends of the clergy? I would definitely abort Gosner’s fetus, Tucker’s fetus, the Pope’s fetus, and Gutfeld’s fetus. Would Tucker Carlson invade someone’s privacy? Would Tucker Carlson harass a citizen? YOU BETTER NOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION UNDER OATH! The guest looked Italian. I think he lied about being pro choice. Did he make a movie about pro choice being a great invention for females instead of illegal unsafe abortions performed by the mobsters and some mobster’s private doctors, hence the Vatican in a dark alley in a warehouse run by the mob since he lied and said he was pro choice because if he was pro choice he would have an abortion if he needed one.  NO. WHY NOT? DId he make a movie about hospice by Mother Teresa? Did he make a movie about how unsafe orphanages run by the RCC, or the chid trade run by the Vatican and Illegal immigration prompted by the Vatican? NO did he make a movie about the crimes against humanity caused by the Vatican for two thousand years? No. Why not? HE’S AFRAID as is FUCKER CARLSON. When he does so we might take him seriously but until then why bother watching the film about a sick doctor? And what would he do if his beautiful wife has a tubular pregnancy? Hold her hand as she dies from extreme pain while bleeding to death? What will either of you do when you have to answer to God about masturbation or using a rubber etc and being hypocritical about a God who would prefer a female access to a safe legal abortion rather than an illegal unsafe abortion and hypocritical about the mustard seed which is not the smallest of seed and not mentioning it on his show or in Gosner’s movie while having the knowledge about it or answering to God about the knowledge of the Mother Teresa agenda and not mentioning it on his show or in his movie when it is definitely related to the subject at hand. DID WE HAVE AN EARTHQUAKE THE SIZE OF THE ONE IN THE INDIAN OCEAN affecting the earth’s axis in AMERICA or BRITAIN or any other place that offers legal safe abortions for females? BUT WE DID HAVE AN EARTHQUAKE IN THE INDIAN NEAR INDIA affecting a bunch of countries in the area where Mother Teresa’s hospice was born and killing over 250 thousand people. DOES IT NOT SINK IN? APPARENTLY NOT.



Hey Fucker Carlson: MY MOM WAS STILL VIABLE.

I hate using the word viable because my mother in law’s name was violet and called VI and also called nubby. My mom was hospiced and had told me she wanted to live to 105 to outlive her GRANDMOTHER. THE REASON for the decline in life spans in the USA is not because of abortions. IT’S BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL HOSPICE overdosing using all kinds of OPIOIDS, STARVATION, BAD MEDICINE and BAD DOCTORS protected by the insurance business, using Medicare for free if you hospice without doctor’s care hence TRICKERY, SUICIDES, MURDER and providing shoddy doctors to women more often than men. A WOMAN SHOULD NEVER NEED TO COMMIT SUICIDE because of DIVERTICULITIS being told her pain and suffering is in her head and never diagnosed with DIVERTICULITIS because of the surge in bad doctors during the Obama Administration and being limited and not told who the good doctors are or having access to good doctors because of the business of insurance causing the increase in costs of medical care, medicine, and limiting success of good doctors by inundating them with enormous amount of debt and extra work. She was 45 years old. She shot herself in her head and was very low weight and it does affect the mind. She was a christian. My uncle lived with Diverticulitis for many years. He has since died of old age. Our life spans in the USA have declined for these reasons besides the FACT that Congress did not read OBAMA CARE before signing because of fear and probably drugged via a form of a drug not seen, smelled, tasted, controlling them on a number of occasions because there are such things as drugs which affect a person’s mind, body and their will and makes them forget besides many date rape drugs like MBMA, Ecstasy, Roofies not to mention but I tend to anyway the drug known as Devil’s Breath (which appears to be hanging flowers you might think were part of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for the whore of Babylon the RCC grown mostly in Columbia) and of course last but not least alcohol and because he was propped by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican in order to become President of the USA to fuck us over in the USA for the sake of the Vatican in a secret war with anyone who does not agree with the Vatican or capitulate to the Vatican’s false religionSSSSSSS and it’s ignorance and adoration of a ceramic baby Jesus and many other idols and icons and propping the mob for it’s purposes. Your show and many others afflicting women who have had abortions is not helping but hurting women and GIRLS and their families and in essence partaking of the sins of the Whore of Babylon and devaluing women and GIRLS who were reasonable and had abortions some legal and some not legal (and even some accomplished on military bases done legally which is quite appropriate since it was intentional because of the politics in the military and because of the racial problems at the time using quotas to help change it, which it did. ) As Joseph Biden asked on some show recently about the delays of Ms. Ford to testify and her conditions: Would Tucker Carlson or Greg Gutfeld be willing to testify with a bunch of political hacks of the Vatican if they had been strapped to tree and raped as in the movie Deliverance without a ton of conditions and some delays of a 35 years old sexual assault in order to protect their dignity after seeing the Benghazi hearings or any other congressional hearings? I think both of them would be very squeamish about it which is natural no matter how fair Tucker Carlson thinks Republicans like Mitch McConnell are by attempting to plough Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court regardless of a possible hostile inclination towards females such as the allegation made against Kavanaugh and possibly Mitch McConnell as well at an early age? And as far as Kavanaugh’s girls are concerned I’m sure they will get over the circus involved in hearings for the Supreme Court Justice when they realize what is at stake if their dad treats them with respect and honors his daughter’s needs whether or not he leaps into the job and it’s important responsibilities which are expected of a Supreme Court Justice or ends up sweeping the house as long as he is doesn’t end up in hunting lodge and dying of a mysterious religious and political cause and takes them camping and climbs a mountain with them and shows them the world and allows them to learn from experience without binding them to a mistake for the false pretenses of the Vatican or for any political party and loves them regardless of the election cycles. If his young daughter had Osama Bin Laden’s semen in her and growing his seed binding her and them to Al-Queada by association I’m sure everyone with reason would say Do you want an abortion? I’m sure even without reason or common sense Fucker Carlson would beg his own daughter to have an abortion. A girl who needed an abortion with parental permission should have been allowed to have an abortion and I heard Kavanaugh was involved in not allowing her to get an abortion. I don’t know if it is true but it was reported on the news and then ignore those who were hospiced without permission and without even notice to acquiesce to the RCC for the monetary benefits and inheritance and revenge for sexual abuse and harassment claims. I guess it depends on whom you believe. Your feeble and fetus god or mine? I think you ought to be forced to worship the god of Islam and should memorize the Koran and to donate your sperm to science but if you do you will have conducted an abortion of a possible human being possibly twins, triplets, etc and the same as leaking into a rubber when you want to have sex with your wife and concubines and not get them pregnant and not allow them to eat it and the same for gay men. I guess you are one of those kind of guys who enjoys interfering in the personal decisions of females and their families and peeping as well, trying to intimidate females, and pissing away your own soul for the RCC and it’s counter part ISLAM.  I’m not. I believe in my endeavor but I don’t think you do or you would not have had the guest on your show who it is self evident LIED HIS ASS OFF. “(I smoked pot but I only smoked it once, sorry mom” crap!) I think you believe in your salary and are ridiculous. Do you think GOD the Father in heaven is gonna honor you for what you do and don’t do on your show IGNORING the things you should do? THINK AGAIN!

False memories:

I have had false memories but I don’t know how it occurred. The difference between a real memory and a false one is the surrounding information. False memories can seem very real but the how to’s are missing. I know why I had the false memories because some people wanted me to forget about real memories and make me feel like shit about myself as if I were to blame for the real memories. Those false memories were hard to put down as false because they seemed so real and location is not enough as part of a memory to count on as being real. Also some of the details were missing as well which helps to determine if it is real. Dreams lack depth. False memories lack a before and after. I wanted to determine if the false ones were real or not. Also there are some coincidences as if God helps to help you know who might be responsible. So I don’t tell the false memories because anyone who might repeat those memories which are false put themselves in danger of being discovered like secrets. Like my brother once told me about secrets if you don’t want anyone to know a secret, don’t tell it. My brother thought he was God but I know the difference. LOL  (just kidding.) As far as kids go I think even memories are hard to remember details but as an older person older than a kid it is possible to determine a false memory from a real one. I know when I complained to a friend about my woes she admitted something about her and her dad. I think she was having a false memory. I suspected since it was a response to my woes and not her own reaching out. She wasn’t a liar as far as I know she was a bit shallow sometimes but I think it was not real, she mentioned a smell but nothing substantial. I know there is such thing as smell therapies so I think she had one of those but not therapeutic. A false memory inspired by a sense stimuli which I imagine are pretty well researched. She wasn’t nice to her mom who bent over backwards for her but I don’t think it had anything to do with the perceived  child sex abuse but more with being very spoiled. She was the one who had her marriage annulled and had a miscarriage at 6 months in the time frame of between 1st and second marriage. To have a marriage annulled isn’t very honest. They didn’t have kids as far as I know and it lasted for more than a year or two. I knew him pretty well and we had fun together as two couples for a while. She did it because her family was half jewish half catholic and it helped her with her second husband who I think was catholic and he was not normal. I do not know if he knew about her previous marriage. They never argued literally she told me they never argued and sounded like a unreal kind of arrangement. They had a kid who had learning disabilities major learning disabilities and they never argued? As far as those who went to a psychologist and the psychologist erased memory I have no idea how it works because i never trusted psychologists especially after what I learned about Christian psychologists and Christian lawyers.. ( I also took intro to psychology to it in college. It is not why I took it but was trying to find my niche) False memories are very much like the witnesses involved in the mass murders reported on Fox developed as you go kind of events. Bag in front of the fence line and behind the fence line at the Boston Massacre shown on the same station and not admitted to. As far as the me too movement  I’m sure there are some who are false and some who are not false. Kind of like the woes  gay people have had in the past and then you have gay marches in Birmingham Alabama making things worse for gays as an example and I picked Birmingham out of the air but you get the drift. Not helping but hurting relations between straights and gays. Kind of like the wedding cake dispute when often times gays actually are in the business quite a bit in regards to marriage and the obvious reaction should have been spread the information to the Better Business  Bureau, try to ruin their reputation, go elsewhere but not make a federal case of it. An entrapment and probably knew the business was not going to make them cake before entering the business to get attention. Too proactive. Like was done in the real-estate business in the 70s trying to entrap people against unfair business practices in regards to race. Taking things out of proportion. Ultra sensitive but for attention and not for real. Trying to get a drink from a fountain or going to the front of the bus is very understandable. But flashing your bare ass in a city kind of famous for hanging negroes or similar stuff is flaunting and creating troubles probably not seen. Carnivalizing the gender gap and cheapening other gays.

As far as the FBI doing 6 investigations of Kavanaugh (I wonder why) the FBI is fallible. Remember when Putin warned the FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers during the Obama Administration and allegedly both were involved in the massacre using homemade pressure cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon. One of them was run over by the cops in Boston and the other was incarcerated not only that but Deputy National security advisor under Ret. General Michael T. Flynn for Obama and for Fox News Kathleen Troia “K. T.” McFarland and also for the first four months of the Trump administration wrote book about the family so she and whomever she was representing were watching the Tsarnaev brothers before the massacre quite a bit before so I wouldn’t trust FBI in toto. It is possible the brothers were used like many illegal and legal immigrants are used for some kind of secret type society or for the deep state to pose as terrorists. there were many videos showing it was a false flag event for Obama and even weirder since the survivors of the Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting were seated close to the bombs which is kind of weird. Of course a drone could have caused some of the noise and confusion and those amputees losing their prosthetics before being injured was even weirder not to mention the bag with the Pressure cooker bomb in front of the fence and later changed to behind the fence and the direction the bombs exploded defying some physical evidence was also weird plus it was a staging for some preplanned national security and response teams practice during the videos was even more suspicious. It became a joke for truthers. A man injured by the bombs and loses a leg and he is in the video losing a prothetic in a wheel chair falling off his stump as part of the team practicing national security response. I have a feeling there were some gofundme pages or some charity numbers more than likely run by Franklin Graham Samaritan’s purse involved in the false flag event to raise money falsely. There is a lot of musical chairs going on between the two presidents of the USA and Fox News and their advisors, I had heard she actually published the book but I never heard about it afterwards and she was kind of moved around in lots of ways. Of course she is a woman. I had a gofundme page trying to get money to help me fund an invention and got nothing but it isn’t as important as false flag victims charities. I think extreme jealousy came into play to make it impossible for me in any way possible. A lot of madness about the mustard seed and my posts on my blogs. I have a bunch. Pisses a lot of people especially the RCC and many others as well though it should be welcomed. I think it must be a sign of impending doom for the RCC and it doesn’t like it. The ex even thinks I’m worthless because he can’t explain why he did some things he shouldn’t have done and why he lied some other things and doesn’t like me because of the bottom line (his) and I confront him sometimes about his tactics which are not worthy. I bet he wishes there was no such thing as a mustard seed.

One of those false memories or actually two that coincided i was having in the same period of time before th shit hit the fan the second time years later was a friend of my husband who we used to do a bunch of computer gaming with on the Amiga computer and his name was Rusty. He also gigged in a band with the same. I had a dream about my brother-in-law having sex on the floor of one of their previous homes (a fixer upper in Highland Park before they had kids) and also had a dream about having sex with Rusty but I can’t remember anything other than both seemed so real and I knew I had not had an affair with either person. But the dreams were very real and before the time i developed Uticarious after I had my first baby and had slammed my van’s sliding side door on my left thumb with my baby in the front seat of the car in front of a video store and could not open the door for about 5 minutes panicking while my husband was in the video store. I was asking for help but no one was around at the time nor came to my aid. Finally was able to get the door open with my right hand because I thought I had locked the door but I was fiddling with the door to my right because my right hand was free so was in a state of confusion and later had to go to the doctor who told me since the wound went to the bone to watch out for infection and soon after developed huge hives on a regular basis that were very painful all the way to the bone or wherever the hives would attack my body. A horrible pain as achey as an ache can be. The hives could grow to the size of an open hand. Finally got on some allergy prescription medicine allegra now an over the counter drug and helped to alleviate and control the hives. We also had this red mold growing in our rent home at the time. Anyway my right hand didn’t know how to help my left hand because my right didn’t know what my left hand had done. My older sister got a little orange french poodle named Rusty around the time of the porcelain portrait mixup and a little before when she absconded a porcelain portrait I had painted for my mom from the stuff at the one of the warehouses of my parents things before my mom had died and it was on her wall when we went on a trip to see my mom and it was a bit weird since I had given her a porcelain portrait already and hanging in the same place as was the other porcelain portrait. I eventually got it back via the ex with a bit of Bullshit about it which I wrote about then recently got back the other porcelain portrait as well which I had given to her and it was said to have been perfect by my sister whereas the other porcelain portrait was said to have been not worth the hassle and trouble she was giving me about taking it back. So not sure of what to make of it. My sister has memory problems because the perfect portrait she said was perfect was a gift I had given her a long time ago but I guess she wasn’t satisfied with it as compared to what I had given my mom and then changed her mind, or something however I don’t know because it was so weird.

Back to Memories and the Electoral Vote (responding to the FIve)

Memories can change over time depending on what you are remembering. Attempted rape allegations are a tough one to judge. I think more information from Feinstein and the alleged victim as to when she contacted Feinstein etc if she ever talked to anyone else about it but luckily she was not raped and in regards to how it ended and the conversation involved might be more telling than the attempted rape itself. How she got there to where she was as well. How he acted later on at school towards her etc. how others treated her, etc. When someone is drunk they are apt to do some wild things sometimes egged on by their buddy. Booze makes people more aggressive depending on the type of booze and their reaction to some types of alcohol. Chemistry of the body and mind. Usually lessons are earned in regards to alcohol such as as having 2 drinks vs 10. Eating while drinking. Not mixing booze. How not to throw up afterward and how to avoid a hangover, who to drink with and who not to drink with and the the time of of day and the location, etc.

I don’t agree with some people in regards to making America great again such as Biden and Holder however I do not like the electoral votes as Hillary Clinton is also against because of the maneuvering, managing, manipulating involved. I don’t like how it is more important than the vote of an individual citizen making the individual citizen powerless to more powerful forces as far as who makes the grade and why.. I’m against the Iowa Caucus and I don’t understand the point except to disqualify people and manage, manipulate and maneuver a qualifying candidate. I think it is a bad deal. I think it is a church invention meant to protect the church and give the church more power than the people. (Pentacostal and Evangelical) Have you seen what happens at the Iowa caucus? Laying their hands on the candidate in an evangelical kind of way. Did the same to Jesus and he ended up being crucified. One person, an acquaintance though very remote (I can’t even remember him or his parents but knew them through my sister and her son as his and her friends by name because we lived in a different place about 6 hours away). He was having paranoia when living in Chicago about someone out to get him and worried a bunch of people, his friends, and his parents. Finally his parents came to pray and lay their hands on him and he ended up either murdered or committing suicide the same day. He had one shoe and sock on the same foot which is not how people put on their socks and shoes unless you can’t find the corresponding sock and shoe. Usually you put on the socks on both feet and then the shoes. He ended up either jumping off a building or being pushed or chased off a building either from his apartment or the roof,. I don’t know the size of the building or how many floors of the building to know the force involved but my ex said it is not unusual for people to lose one shoe and sock in a fall because of the force of the fall. The young man was gonna be an engineer and a good friend of my nephew.  Just a young man away from home trying to seek a career, This happened during the Obama Administration. I also know something about an event preceding this tragedy and after and made me suspicious of the church and the point of his death but I cannot know for sure if it had anything to do with it but I think it was something done while drunk by everyone and to my sister was no big deal unless you are in a divorce later and it becomes a big deal to prove some kind of aptitude or inclination and if you are being blackmailed in order to protect someone else who might be guilty etc. Making something out of nothing in regular circumstances but a big deal in other circumstances especially when someone else”s reputation is on the line or when someone has a lot to gain money wise. I heard about it on a visit to see my mom from my nephew and in a conversation with my sister beforehand. There were some dynamics afoot not in her control and some hopes as well. I could not get more details without offending. So a family lost their son and probably shouldn’t have if things were normal during the Obama Administration but things weren’t normal but instead were devastating, insidious, scary, and unusual, cruel, demented, and demonic etc. and it has to do with religion and of course politics but religion trying to control politics and depending on the religion can be dangerous if you are of another religion. On Special Report with Bret Baier talking about the allegations of Kavanaugh Fox reporter (can’t remember his name ) said the female involved in the allegations was forced into the timing of the allegations i.e. the 11th hour. I do not know but how were the allegations known to begin with? Besides a communication to Feinstein was it something she remembered because of her husband, her behavior,his behavior, impending divorce, a psychologist, hypnotism. power of  suggestion, or dreams, or ptsd, or divorce, or convenience, to belong, or because of her or his politics and religion? Brit Hume. Or was this something that happened and someone knew somehow and inspired her memory and is remaining anonymous but thinks it is important or was it known via some agency in government watching people, especially up-and-comers? possible contenders for some kind of position on the Supreme Court? Is this another dossier kind of tactic since Trump told someone his choices. But who? The death of the Supreme Court justice recently and the resignation of another is suspicious and the persecution by the RCC because of sexual child abuse accusations and money laundering and Mother Teresa hospice in retaliation adds to the equation. Heard she lost her home or her parents home and while she may be pissed off by his decision and she might have a right to be bitter about it doesn’t mean his decision wasn’t meant to silence her. Between 2006 to 2012 seem to be the years involved in Kavanaugh and psychologist and losing a home. He may have been towing a religious line of some kind. the New World Order with teeth started before 2006. Kavanaugh may have been belligerently wielding his power in the wrong way to teach her a lesson she will never forget or to make her feel powerless and to punish her and her family for his attempted rape and because she didn’t want him in a sexual way feeling dejected. Guys are like it some times depending on their egos, their goals and he had some goals I’m sure of the position and may have tried to deal with it years before he tried to be a candidate for the Supreme court knowing if he did it sooner rather than later it might be advantageous. To dishevel her keep her off balance like some maniacal manipulating maneuvering and managerial sociopaths act in the workplace. People say Russia plans ahead so does the RCC. Might have been a better idea to  have built the wall before the election and tried to replace Justice Kennedy after the election though I doubt Justice Kennedy had anything to do with the timing being APOLITICAL and ARELIGIOUS.

Better watch out for Eric Holder the possible Dark Horse in politics

and religion

who might be in the mix of this Kavanaugh debate and who has a lot to hide.

FAST AND FURIOUS for one and other activities inspired by Obama which might be illegal or highly controversial

and for the MUSLIM ISLAMIC brotherhood of man.

Maybe I should brush up on my sewing skills to design some American style burkas and turbins.

So I’m not gonna vote

because I don’t want to encourage

the things I have witnessed in Politics and Religion.

It is called the Light Horse i.e. the UNKNOWN VARIABLE

Seth Meyers Pokes A Hole In Brett Kavanaugh’s Defense

Fox interviewed a few women from his past at his high school and both were testifying on Fox News to his good nature but Fox never asked these women “did you know the girl and what did you think?” Never asked “By the way what religion are you? Catholic?” Nevertheless it doesn’t matter to me whether or not he makes it to the Supreme Court because I know if he attempts or if someone else attempts to test him about abortion it won’t look good for the Republicans in any election and will be Huckabee’s downfall. LOL and probably Fox news as well sort of in a vicious way I would imagine which might tempt the dems to test him which is why I hate politics then again might be a great chance to talk about abortion until they are blue in the face, because it is soooooo tempting. So I’ll just keep on doing the things I’m doing LOL. But perhaps I will be bold and start a new post or give up on humanity. There is so much information in this one which is very insightful IMO it is hard to leave it. I have to admit it must be hard for people as it is for me to see the amount of deception going on and does seem to be getting more deceptive and probably testing God’s limits of the deception. So I reiterate I’m not gonna vote. Eventually if everyone stops voting the election cycle will run out of steam.

I know this probably is kind of bad timing but after hearing about the tree that fell on a family and killed the mother and child and injured the husband during the hurricane Florence in Wilmington North Catolina I recall when Greta had her own show on Fox on the same channel as Hannity. I think she has show on another station and always tries to get her constituents to hash tag her which i never did and had written a post about Billy Graham whom I watched her interview in a video on the internet and it was her first interview of him and he was very happy to be interviewed by her and I think the first time they had met and she showed great respect for him like most people did and I watched him fit inside her. She had quite a bit of plastic surgery since her days as a lawyer and before she was involved in the reporting of the OJ Simpson case when most of us got to see her quite a bit. She wasn’t bad looking then, I didn’t think but anyway some of her surgery involved her teeth and I think because I saw some sharp teeth in her mouth while he was fitting in her. It was subtle. Very subtle. But I watched it quite a few times trying to figure out what I was seeing. This was during the Obama Administration, of course. Eventually she toured a bit with Franklin Graham with the Samaritans Purse in a few countries and helped secure some charity donations by her presence. I was doing a ton of criticism of her as well on the show of the shows she reported from. At one point she said GAME OVER. It seemed like it was a message to me because I must have pissed her off spiritually somehow or pissed him off spiritually who was inside her. A big wind came and almost blew a backyard tree down but it remained. It was right after she had said it. Then the Tornado came the one that hit the day after Christmas and a branch of a tree ended up in the ground stuck like a pole next to my car and narrowly missed it and an 8 foot or 12 foot beam crashed into our dinette kitchen window and made a lot of noise and the lights were out and sirens going off after a very pretty day. My cat looked out the window that day and normally is not his hangout and as if he knew it was coming but a few hours before. My other pets were freaked out because their dog kennel was next to the room within 5 feet of the window with a wall in-between. I crouched in the bathroom in the hallway and prayed for the tornado to be lifted up and out. It was pitch black so I could not see anything because of the electricity being out and the storm and in the inner part of the house even though it was still daylight left and I saw my cat walking down the hall very calmly. It pretty much did lift up about a few miles away (a little less) but there was a lot of damage to many businesses and a few homes totally destroyed down the street. IT was eerie. Went through a bunch of shit for a few days without electricity in freezing weather and I was very sick at the time. I survived but it seemed though as if someone was trying to kill me using the weather. I wrote about it. Now you may think I’m crazy but I know the 4th or 6th chapter in the Gospel of John talks about the weather and the secret follower and was Jesus talking to Nicodemus and Joseph of Ari Matthea about the weather. It calls one of them a secret follower and the Old Testament also talks about Jesus being buried with the rich and evil or someone making his grave with the rich and evil and is sort of prophetic and I think is referring to this chapter about the secret follower. Evil is always after the rich. So I don’t know if it is both of just one of them who is considered evil. The bible says money is the root of all evil but I do not believe rich people are inherently more evil than a poor person or a middle class person. Some times insensitive like Neil Cavuto on many occasions being well off and thinking he deserves his wealth and others don’t and enjoying his advantages like catholics do these days. For one thing it was not a secret if it was told in the Gospel of John so it was kind of deceptive to begin with, I think because it is written in a very famous book of the gospels in one of the most famous books of all time yet not deceptive at the same time. The tornado followed my ex home from a few cities away about 45 minutes away as if it was tethered to his cell phone and finally he was on the street near our house and he could see it next to him as if it was following him. It was very weird. I wrote about the cat and I think someone killed him. He had some white things in his left lung and should have been able to breath because of his right lung but eventually he was put to sleep by my ex after he offered for me to take him to the vet during his illness. The vet we had used for 30 years I called and she was a total bitch to me. Never had acted like it before and I saw her husband on Fox during the time. Having to do with vetting not animals but vetting immigrants or people or me? It was him. He was the vet, a very good one. She would not let me talk to him and refused to work with us in regards to my cat and was before this really nice. Se was heartless and acted like horrible. I loved my cat and he gave me great comfort at the worst of times. Little sweetheart. Anyway right after the ex made his offer he told me he hated my guts for no reason just out of the blue when I took him up on the offer. I didn’t know what to do and it did not make sense and then he attacked me verbally. Later he denied it, and denied it again and then a later admitted it was because I had divorced him a few years before and then he denied it and denied it. He was doing some strange stuff. Setting me up and saying weird shit and doing weird shit. Very ugly shit. So when people make fun of the weather god as was mocked on Fox recently I don’t believe them. For one thing Fox is one sided politically wise even to the extent of being intellectually super dishonest for the sake of the Republican party and their super duper respect for the RCC and ignoring reason sometimes in regards to events not noticing any religious tones involved, nor false evidence and since the election and during the election abortion seemed to be mentioned at least once a day on their station usually against it and not critiquing the abortion videos alleging some crimes on the internet. If Fox were fair it would. There are actresses on the videos not very famous ones nevertheless recognizable. The same can be said for the videos about Sandy Hook elementary school massacre and videos about it. Fox ridiculing the power of HAARP and other places to strengthen storms cause tsunamis earthquakes droughts fires and floods AND FIND OIL. I don’t think the weather god can steer the storms because of all the variables involved though probably trying as we speak. But I do think the cell phone is used because of the power to find things and give directions GPS depending on WEATHER or not you are their target. If a person can use it to find another person can’t a weather manipulator find a person? In the bible it talks about some people who almost destroy the world and end up destroyed themselves because of the intervention of God. Not sure weather can destroy the whole world especially because of the promise made about the flood and the rainbow. But I think if you don’t know about the weather god you should check out HAARP and learn all you can about it and it will convince you of the power it uses and can be used for good and for bad. We already know some in planes and helicopters seed storms and in order to manipulate storms. Please do not discount the possibilities.

There is a monument in Israel and on the monument etched many many years ago during some siege in the days when Romans were attacking Israel and it included symbols one was a harp, a small tree which I think is referring to the mustard tree/bush, a crab, a mausoleum, and a few other items and the people were poisoned at this place by the food that someone tainted with poison. An insider. It is an interesting event and worth reading about.  The Siege of Yodfat

The symbols on it are what are most interesting to me. One of the symbols looks like a scarab and if you scramble the letters you get….harp. crab. triangle roof on a podium looking, a little tree (possibly mustard tree), mausoleum (a jewish one) THough not very familiar with mausoleums and some symbol meaning some kind of date on the Jewish calendar I think.

“One find of particular interest is an 8 by 11 cm stone slab, found in the residential area on the eastern slope of Yodfat,[9] covered on both sides with scratched drawings made by a pointed tool. One side depicts a building with a triangular roof upon a podium, a small tree and a harp, and is thought to portray a Nefesh (a traditional Judean mausoleum). The other side of the stone features a crab, the astrological symbol of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, on the first day of which Yodfat fell. The stone is believed to have been the work of a besieged Jew anticipating his own impending doom,[7][22] and its likeness has been etched on a modern memorial to the defenders of Yodfat placed at the foot of the Roman siege ramp.”


Triangular roof on a podium might be referring to RUFUS in Romans 16. Family member of Paul.

Is Rufus referring to Roofies a date rape drug?

13 Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. Rufus is mentioned in the Writings of Josephus either that book or the History of the Jews and rufus tricked the jews and acted like he was speaking from the ground as if he died and the jews thought he was for them and followed him and he wasn’t for the jews and did something from some sort of tower which was set ablaze.

there is even a person named urbane as in Your bane of existence. 9 Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved.

8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord.“Ampliatus, was a Roman Christian mentioned by Paul in one of his letters, where he says, “Greet Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord.” He is considered one of the Seventy Disciples by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He may have served as bishop of Odessos, in Bulgaria.” I think referring to Book of ACTS.  Pentacost

11 Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord. “The Herodians (Herodiani) were a sect or party of Hellenistic Jews mentioned in the New Testament as having on two occasions — first in Galilee, and later in Jerusalem — manifested an unfriendly disposition towards Jesus (Mark 3:6, 12:13; Matthew 22:16; cf. also Mark 8:15, Luke 13:31-32, Acts 4:27). In each of these cases their name is coupled with that of the Pharisees.[1]” Notice the gospels mentioned are the Synoptic Gospels and Acts. Which Jesus did they manifest an unfriendly disposition? The Temple of Herod probably is related and said by Jesus to “tell that old fox” when referring to Herod and of course the verse “Foxes have holes the birds of the air their nests, but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head,” when a scribe pledged to follow him anywhere. “In Greek mythology, Narcissus (/nɑːrˈsɪsəs/; Greek: Νάρκισσος, Nárkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. He was the son of the river god Cephissus and nymph Liriope. He was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him, causing some to commit suicide to prove their unrelenting devotion to his striking beauty.” Narcissus is also a daffodil. 

10 Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus’ household. A Painter in Ancient Greece and painted Pliny the Elder and is said to have flourished in the 4th century BC.

Anyway the point is Paul was Saul and was  a hunter of christians and jews. I think he changed his name to Paul after his conversion and instead of kicking against the pricks joined the pricks to infiltrate the pricks. When Jesus was crucified the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and the holy books were stolen and taken to Rome and were doctored up by Josephus son of Matthew who was hired as a propagandist for Rome and was taken to be the adopted son of the Flaviuses and Jerusalem was destroyed two times 60 years apart by the Romans. I think he was a bit crazy having been electrified by lightning as lightning shineth in the east even unto the west so shall the son of man be. Barak means lightning allegedly and I think were very destructive. Son of man is not son of God the difference I think is the Ten Commandments. People were mixed up then without the press as much as they are now because of the press. Of course people had weird names in the areas he traveled which takes a bunch of money to travel and had to have been an agent of the Pope and the Vatican in Rome, however in Paul’s writing he says you can have it all every god known to man which is not true because of the Ten Commandments so he was anti-Jesus of the Ten Commandments who said I am the way the truth and the life referring to the Ten Commandments first commandment: I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other gods before me., and Saul/Paul is the antithesis of the Jesus who said it in the gospel of John. As in this day when the Romans Catholic Church attempted to romanize the Chinese Catholics and the Japanese Catholics using NOAH weather HAARP weather manipulator Fukushima nuclear accident because of the society of the Roman Catholic Church called the Neo-Catechumenal Way in an attempt to unite catholics and other religions for the New World Order with Teeth.  Paul was trying to Romanize Jesus and even said Jesus didn’t understand anything the people said hence priests to transliterate for the communiques between the people to Jesus who was not educated in languages being the son of man and just because Jesus came to fulfill the laws did not mean he meant to discard the laws. I think Paul arrested Jesus and was the one whose ear was cut off by Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus healed his ear though he is said to have been plagued by a thorn which is not Jesus. Basically the Vatican was taking over the whole rigamarole of the Vatican, by the Vatican, for the Vatican people in other words the deep state because we discarded the Ten Commandments in the  60’s and the 70’s when the revolution took place coinciding with the Second Vatican Counsel in 1963 (To establish the Gospel of Matthew preeminence), the assassination of JFK  in 1963 (the coup for the deep state), the Ecumenical Movement (to unite), The Neo-Catechumenal Way (to enforce unification) , Opus Dei (not sure), and many other secret societies as well and the war against the Ten Commandments revolution under the Gisa (guise) of the separation of church and state and God is dead for the sake of the atheists and those who were offended by the Ten Commandments such as those who manipulated, managed, maneuvered the Ten Commandments for it’s own sake (the RCC) and to make it a little easier to unite with other religions, and to weaken the USA the GREAT SATAN for the sake of ISLAM and THE RCC and for the NAZIS to save face for having lost World War two and because the Jews resettled Israel because of the loss and the Third Reich not being able to eradicate them in toto. Because the camps used to eradicate the jews was evidence against the church it is in the  process of and has been in the process of exploiting a new angle called HOSPICE using opioids and starvation and the excuse of abortion to wash it’s hands in order to persecute those it wants to hospice or punish for being reasonable human beings and not wanting to be lorded over by a bunch of lunatics.

 When I think of a harp I think of Nero and Janet Reno (NEVADO) so I think it may be mob related or Jesuit related and sort of secret societies and both depend on the Vatican for it’s cover and to launder money and many other things because who in the world would suspect the RCC. And of course space is being used as well via satellites and space stations taking pics etc as the Jewish female Senator Gabrielle Giffords was used by her Astronaut husband who has a twin brother for Obama’s agenda. His own wife. Obama mentioned something in space and letting it stretch it’s legs and about giving a lesson they will never forget having to do with the Prophet of Islam not being criticized or being dishonored and said at the UN and was a Dark Sentence spoken about in the Book of Daniel ad lots of attacks by muslim of islamic people against others happened as a result and some of them had blackouts I’m some attacks or defenses of attacks and I truly believe Obama is a psychopath. Has all the ear marks of one and uses people, many people. Very charming and transparent, but like a snake. I recall I was thinking about the book in the bible I do not have (because I’m not catholic) about the bees. I think they are Obama’s bees. Macabees? Someday maybe I’ll study it but I have lots to do for myself and for my family so others ought to try. So when Fox mocks the weather god it might mock them one day. Maybe there is a HAARP type installation in Reno. Some interesting posts about the bible and JFK and current events though some are getting older they have some interesting information regardless and a progression of my ideas and personal stuff as well which I had no other way of writing IMO then the way I did it. i did not want to have to edit every statement in a different person and had to do it this way and I’m sure it is resented by some people but I felt it was important for them as well as it informs and helped me organize my thoughts and the things that have happened and helped me to interpret what had happened, the site is called Merangue’s Blog.

I think as far as gods go I think we are dealing with the belief in ODIN which inspires nazism.

But when I think of HAARP i should be thinking of Senator Bill Nelson and his swampiness in his alliances and business practices including  ErIn Neal ATK and NOAH and the things I heard on the show hosted by the writer of the book Positive Populism, Steve HIlton show on Fox. Talked about some suspicious dealings by the Senator of Florida and I thought his reactions to the mass shooting in the high school in his state was convenient timing for some legislation the next day in conjunction with Obama’s hopes and wishes? He is a deciding vote in the Senate as a Republican but he reminds me of Francis Ford Coppolo’s Dracula. He looks like him and I think he is not a good person. I have a feeling he is very very evil not because he looks like Dracula if it isn’t enough but I think he may be someone we don’t want in our country or any other country. In fact. I think it’s possible we don’t want him in our universe. I think he also has something to do with some space stuff in our country and probably hoping to find a way to escape before the shit hits the fan in the world predicted in the book of Revelation. I think he has a bunch of relatives too. Perhaps even Pat Boone on his pain advertisement on Fox who seems to resemble him in spirit. Could be the relatives of the Grahams as in the BGEA. .I noticed one that looked an awful lot like Billy Graham when he was younger who was involved in some research at NASA. When I saw the picture I thought my he sure looks familiar and was looking into space travel I think. His looks are deceiving on the internet but in motion whew and I think is a shape shifter but what I saw on the show and I think his wife (who looked pretty bad) I thought of Billy Graham and I thought of his daughters and thought of the crab in the depictions at YODFAT. Crabs use shells and Billy Graham was a shill and I think he was a crab the kind that fit into people and do things in their name and body as in possession maybe while they sleep or when having access to them somehow (because of the covenant) as he did with Jesus in diverse places. (divers places) I don’t know if he bites them though. The Synoptic gospels covenant at the Last Supper had to do with his blood before he was hung on the cross because it was the night before the crucifixion which I thought was kind of odd. I think it may be a false covenant to be broken. A blood covenant and made with some men at the table whom I think were priests. It is possible all of them were poisoned at a place having to do with the steps of Josephus a problem he had which people have written about over the years and I included the problem and my answer to it in one of my posts about Josephus. Possibly the place of the skull where Jesus was said to have been crucified. Masonic stuff. Billy Graham slept with his eyes open.

Astral projection

I learned how to do this when in college. It is state of mind you go into between active dreaming etc. REM Rapid Eye Movement and I stopped doing it. I did not go anywhere except out of my body a few times. Some people go places. It is pleasant enough to be attractive. II thought it was not smart. It wasn’t like the dreams I enjoy like flying (my favorite dreams) and swimming like an olympian. It does not need drugs to be done it is just a state of the mind. Some people get in to it further. The link above says it is done in some cultures. Transcendental Meditation is one of those cultures. I did not need to meditate to get there but had to be near asleep and always on my back was my technique without a pillow. I think it is dangerous but some people do it, I imagine Billy Graham got into it to see things, In the book of Acts Peter who lived with the tanner did it I think and a had a dream. May have been Manson’s influence.

I have some mind gifts between family members. Sort of in-between intuition and a form of communication which helps when we can’t be together, as much as I wish we could to get through some hard times. But there are things you have to go through to reach family and not something that wants to interfere, mislead, or replace. You have to know the difference and really love each other to know the difference. It sometimes comes out in my art when trying to express something in my art in a face a feeling. I can’t help how the world works these days and how discombobulated it is so it is kind of nice to be able to have some outlet some friends, some family even though physically not here. Also some people see through other peoples eyes and shouldn’t be making judgements they shouldn’t and presuming things they shouldn’t which I think is causing some big problems. I think Billy Graham was one of those kinds of people and I think his power while it may have been a pretty big power is not a good power. He talked about a journey and probably talking about an astral projection journey. Kind of like the ghost of Christmas past etc. like in the movie It’s a Wonderful LIfe which I used to love to see as a kid and as an adult. There was a rift between some religions during the election period in regards to Bily Graham, Obama, the Roman Cathlic Church and the Mormons and probably others but those were the four that were noticeable.when Clinton was thumping for Obama in Boston and said a few odd things about hands in cookie jar referring to the mormon candidate Mitt Romney and Billy Graham having to say that the Mormons were not a cult and some other stuff and it is pertinent as to the things that are going on that are like massacres, shootings, crimes and other activities and has to do with it and TRANScending DENTAL. etc…. A World Government with TEETH. Greater things than these you shall see angels will rise and fall upon the son of man Jesus said when talking to Nathaniel in the Gospel of John.  Not saying it is totally evil but angels falling sounds like a fall of man and rising or raised. What you do and how you do it and the reasons for it matter. Evangelicals is a word play on Avenging angelic beings but are people who are influenced by angels some good and some bad. When you make a decision in your thoughts you weigh the options, It is not evil to have thoughts but what you do with the thoughts make a difference. I don’t just have one thought at a time sometimes. You have a good voice and a bad voice. Now saying fuck you to some people hounding you listening to bad voices and being used by them is very NOBLE because I am reacting and I know what is in them is not good when they do it. Fuck you is a cuss word expression and means the same thing in my mind as GET SCREWED  as in the demon called SCREWTAPE. Even Jesus threw over the tables of the money changers (money launderers) who made his house a den of thieves and talks about them communicating like birds. This is what I saw and heard between Fucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld. Tweeting is a form of communication like birds but via computers and was a prophetic view. I don’t tweet. Now cussing isn’t really noble but I was basically throwing their tables over as they were trying to be crude via the spirits they listen to and heed which were not good and bullying me in a belligerent manner and I am not sure they even knew it but I saw it and noted the meaning of it and it had to do with my brother in law. Some guys like to band together to make themselves manly and bully women they don’t agree with. I don’t need to do the kind of stuff they do nor do I have the access to tv cameras etc like they do but obviously trying to fuck with me does not go over well with me since I know the meaning that they don’t even seem to understand . UNREASONABLE people,. IS A MAN A WOMAN and a girl. DO  these guys have vaginas as well? They better get off their high horses before someone one knocks them off those horses and someone does some unseemly things to them or allows it to be done for my sake. Flipping the bird is a reaction and I was not in the mood for their banter.I am never in the mode for their banter at least not the banter they were involved in fr a brief interred together with some demonic influence. Now my little sister would say the christian thing about what is in her is greater than them. It is her style but she also called me the devil and satan when I told the truth in an email. She knew some of the truth as well but she did not have the backbone to stand up to some lies and some things I don’t know were going on with her and her new husband who IMO was a user of women for money. Telling me to not watch my nieces kids near a river at night? She was a BGEA recipient which makes it okay? Using her to try to corrupt my good senses which should have been innate in her as well. A natural instinct. I guess. I did not get it from her but from my parents which is why the Ten commandments does not say Honor your siblings, though i still do because I love them and using this case to make a case. I know what she went through and some things she was going through at the time and probably too hard for her to understand at the time and in her inebriation and in her being manipulated by her husband shouldn’t have even said it but had some deep resentments which were understandable but not to be used in this way which she suggested.  She has a few flaws she needs to work on. She was financially in a better spot than I most of her adult life and thought it made her better than I.  Maybe her husband was controlling her more than likely. She was a man pleaser. It was very complex situation for all of us and all of us being screwed at the same time wondering why: Gary is the son of the past President of Conoco oil so he gets to act like a nut at everyone’s expense and make whores of babylon because of oil. Talk about ridiculous. Let’s not protect each other’s children for the sake of oil? It was The Jacuzzi kid’s kids. So maybe why he wasn’t being a good grandparent and more concerned about what is between the cheeks of my ass and let it be known whispering sweet nothings in my ear than his grandkids safety. Loved taking chances and scaring others. Loved creating jealousy between sisters and discord between family members with his lies and showing disrespect for my parents and disrespect even for the people he used and schmoozed  and  fucked them over and then blamed us. The guy collected Nazi and Roman artifacts because he respected others? He obviously has problems and a very strange imagination and had a screw loose with a great sense of humor. Is a sense of humor more important than everyone else? He was not raised well, was spoiled, and the reactions of others to him didn’t help and it was obvious his dad was a lazy dad with an attitude hated jews, thought he was a christian, and talked like a snob yet lost money via his son on the stock market, lost money through his other son in a business neither were good at called ranching, loved to make his son jealous of the other son. A tactic to manipulate but not a good one when dealing with your son, I know they did not handle the daughter-son situation very well and probably should have early on but when you are schmoozing saudis do you really have the time to raise kids? You could tell he thought he was better than everyone else talking down to you while sipping his alcohol fooling himself and his super red cheeks though he was color blind. I hardly knew him but my impressions were how it affected his son and my sister and the little I saw of him I was not very impressed but I was only a kid and a young adult and an army brat. Look at Saudi Arabia now Mr. know it all.

When someone sleeps sowing bad seed while good seed is sowed. PROJECTION-ISM? Maybe he is the one standing where he shouldn’t and maybe the one changing the bible these days which I have seen quite a lot even though the Baptist preacher advertising his church on Fox station sells access to his church and the unchanging word of God. I guess he doesn’t notice the changes? Maybe the Senator played Mother Teresa for the RCC because her steps were from Romania or maybe in actuality Transylvania? Quite a bit of dispute as to what people did at the mass shooting. I think also there was a training of some kind for the protection of schools and turned into a nightmare and then some false reports by the collar pictured above from the Bohemian clan which is an awful lot like some other mass shootings as if some witnesses are in two different universes. The real and the projected. Out of body experience kind of weirdnesses. One guy sys he ws ordered to stand down and then he gets in trouble for standing down. Maybe we ought to re-imagine some of the disputes and see what is going on. Maybe Fox news should try to investigate such as the beheadings with a green screen in the past during the Obama Administrations possibly to negate the possibility of real beheadings or vice-versa and recently the hurricane in North Carolina hurricane Florence with a NOAH weather person struggling in the hurricane force winds and a couple of guys walking behind him like everything is normal. Layering of film?

Weatherman braces for hurricane while two guys walk by as if …

Josephus and His Footprints

My main site: Merangue’s Blog

On the Neil Cavuto show he said bacon is gonna rise in price and his guest said North Carolina is the second or third largest producer of bacon and uses the pig leftover stuff to make fertilizer which is an ingredient in bomb making and might have been attacked by the weather god because of Obama’s agenda, though not the first time North Carolina has been attacked by hurricanes and is also Franklin Grahams home state. Isn’t it weird where hurricanes come from? Probably has a bunch of pig farms as well. LOL Hopefully it won’t be that destructive, not that the prices won’t go up anyway. I would think with the steel business trade improvements by Trump down the road might help pig farmers build better and stronger protection for their pigs and fertilizer stuff. Will add more as the storm breaks up and finishes it’s business. Faith is being give the credit for people heeling each other during a flood,. It is a natural instinct.

Why doesn’t faith say anything about the perils of hospice? The slippery slope? About Mother Teresa and the evil involved? Why doesn’t faith discuss it on the news? Opioids? but not Hospice? Why doesn’t faith admit the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed? Is it because it makes faith look bad? Why does faith think it is better if a females dies in an illegal abortion than live because of legal safe abortions? That is the question! it was not me who made the mustard seed not the smallest of seed. It was a mistake and a fallacy of the bible because men wrote it appeasing a religion men are afraid of? Don’t want to deal with it appropriately?  Woodmen rather have females be their veil? Allow females to take the blame for male flaws? Is it because the church wants to control populations and control people and not allow people to have some safety nets for the female? Only males get those safety nets? Only the church gets the safety nets? Why doesn’t faith confront the RCC about Mother Teresa? Is it more fun to confront females about abortion.? I guarantee if the political landscape and religious landscape were different these same people would be appeasing the very things they are against. “Grab them by the Pussys??” Omnibus bill? Christmas Presents? Bribery of the President? :Is it more fun to allow her parents to die to punish her and them and take the proceeds? Not as much fun to watch a false church hit the skids? Why doesn’t the church admit sisters has to do with nuns? Sisters of…..mercy? Sisters of charity? Sisters of perpetual indulgence? Sisters of the holy family of nazareth? sisters of life? sisters of silence? sisters of the groom? sisters of providence? Dominican sisters? sisters of Notre Dame? sisters of peace? sisters of Mary? sisters of the poor? sisters of social service? Sisters of St. Francis? Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth? Sisters of St. Francis of the Neuman Communities? Dominican Sisters of San Rafael? Dominican sisters of hope? Sisters of St. Francis Assisi? Sisters of St Joseph of Baden There are a bunch more all over the world and the news anchor man on Fox said the sisters were leaking and thought it might mean russian. UHHHH more than likely it meant nuns called sisters leaking super duper fakey videos about abortions to entice Fox to use it as litmus test for the presidential candidates in the Republican party because of their weakness and ignorances to bow to the RCC whether they are for or against abortion scaring people about abortions and villainizing females and misrepresenting anything to do with abortion. not because nuns care about fetuses but for their own self preservation and the preservation of the RCC because it is their bread and butter. If you doubt it check out the article by Cal Thomas and besides what he wrote about the RCC briefly there are so many other examples throughout history and in the present tense it is sickening and then bitch about an anonymous source in regards to an accusation against Kavanaugh? Have faith.

What about the Synoptic Gospels? written by an anonymous source? The q source? I like to remain anonymous because I almost gave up my spirit because I wasn’t anonymous. I was set about, beset upon, nearly driven to the grave and had to find out my mom was set upon. Beset upon. Driven to the grave for money and for the RCC’s agenda and because she stood up for me when I needed her the most as did my dad. I like to remain anonymous so I can continue to nag and to keep doing what I think I should do to fight the RCC and its agendas. Every moment with her was meaningful to me and I was deprived of it by the churches dogma and probably a ton of other reasons. And even though we had family troubles the same for my sisters and brother but since they were involved it meant Gary got his way to isolate me and to kill the things I loved and who loved me.

What about JFK? Has Kavanaugh written about the one bullet theory and the obvious people involved in his death? I have and I tried to show the reasons. I’m sure there were plenty of reasons but some in particular at the time that no one cares to understand. Why not just put Mark Levin in the Supreme Court and forget about it. No instead we get to see him acting like the Dick Cavett Show. Someone asked where did all this start. It started because of Fox attacking women, girls and families for abortions for the RCC’ agenda to persecute non catholics and it as an excuse to hospice to legitimize Mother Teresa’s saint hood. In one of the books after the gospels either Book of Romans he introduces his family and Tertius is one of the people of Saul/Paul’s family. and It think she is one and the same.

When Jesus said whoever hurts a little one who believes in me…………………………………………. ARE FETUSES BELIEVERS?

or when Jesus said they think they do God a service (Jesuits) when they kill you…………………………..is he referring to fetuses?

The woman who alleges an attack in high school by Kavanaugh is not going to testify but if she does it is set up for Monday. She wants the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh and the FBI doesn’t want to investigate even though they did 6 investigations in regards to Kavanaugh for other positions. Sounds fishy to me! Hannity says she can’t even remember when this occurred or where and the people involved went from two to 4 guys and then mentioned 1982 and Laura InGraham mentioned 1983 at a pool party. My ex said she had a football party sometime or other. Jennifer Mascot worked with Kavanaugh for about one year sometime or other and is on his team. This is like a logic game you find in crossword puzzle books. Sometimes people do stupid things in high school and some of those things can have a lasting affect but when I hear someone say I don’t recall little bells start ringing in my mind. Maybe he should say IF I DID like my ex does when he knows he did. To me it is still excusable what Kavanaugh is alleged to have done in high school because he was an idiot and probably in a gang mentality drunk lapse of good senses, but guys do stick together, don’t they? One of the Kennedy’s distant relatives was thought to have killed a young female teen years ago. I don’t know the specifics. It is possible what he doesn’t recall is because he wanted to forget it as well and may have forgotten till some cue reminded him. Nevertheless his behavior since is very important. If it was a reoccurring type attack on females of course would be bad. Obviously, it isn’t a reoccurring behavior. Luckily everyone lived and he wasn’t able to undress her and rape her and luckily she didn’t get pregnant. My beef is the religion of Jesuitism but he may not be in the deep state of Jesuitism and only went to a school used to educate as a cover and a reputation builder of the IN HIS SERVICE CULT of Jesuitism which is guilty of many assassinations and afflictions of people all through history. Roman Catholicism is very tricky stuff and honed their deceptive ways over 2000 years. Also it uses people like him who are respected to take credit for his better nature than the Jesuit clan itself and not his parents who probably made the difference. I don’t blame the female for not testifying and being used for political reasons. If it really happened she did the right thing since the Supreme Court Justice is a pretty big deal though I don’t really care what it does as long as it leaves abortion and the rights of females out of the mix and hopefully if he becomes a Justice on the Supreme Court does something about Hospice such as outlawing it in the USA because of the slippery slope involving money, revenge, inheritance, entrapments, trickery, deceptions, opioid overdose and also promotes suicide which someday his kids may suffer some attacks on their reputations or peer pressure or lose a boyfriend or gets pregnant and wants to resort to suicide. I noticed it is kind of contagious among young kids and young adults when it occurs or crops up it’s ugly head and instead of corrupting the medical field we should be attempting to cure however possible to the last hour and to the last minute minute anyone in the throes of death which will make a better medical field because of the possibilities, Inventions often are created out of need and not just greed. And I imagine the same thing can be said for cures. Life saving inventions, cures, and  techniques are important on the battle field and in the hospital. When someone is in the throes of death or sickness it is a very tough time for the loved ones involved and is an exhausting experience while having to live up to the everyday expectations and weakens resolve and is a very confusing time for families of loved ones. To have Father Jonathon of the RCC and of Fox news campaigning to have the life support of a child removed even though the mom felt her daughter’s hand move while in a coma was a wrongful interference in the affairs of a family under extreme pressure and was a DEPRAVED and INSIDIOUS activity to have been involved in for the RCC trying to gain control over the decisions of parents to a child and vice versa. He should be tarred and feathered as well as the Pope for allowing it and promoting Mother Teresa’s death cult and sanctioning her death cult by sainting her. We do not want the church to make those kind of decisions in our families in the USA. If the cultures in India and places similar want to partake of the sins of the RCC it is their business, but shouldn’t be ours, otherwise we may end up having a similar event such as the tsunami and earthquake which occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 which altered the earth’s axis and killed over 225,000 people and instead of thousands of miles away could happen on one of our coastlines and was probably the worst in earthquake and tsunami in recorded history warning us about Mother Teresa’s suicide agenda and sexual child abuse which the RCC has been found wanton.

2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

I think the age of accountability ought to be 26. I think age 18 is way too young. 

In fact, I think people should not be allowed to get married till age 26.

I think kids should not be allowed to date till they are 18.

Girls should go to a girls school and boys to a boys school until college.

I think uniforms at those schools is a great idea.

No Co-ed dorms. You don’t have to reside in a dorm.

I think it would prevent a lot of problems and prevent a ton of mistakes.

And maybe service in the military for two years like is done in Israel in defense of our country. Learn some good discipline and other things like self defense and take some required college prerequisite courses like at a Jr College at the same time. Get a good start in higher education,

 Some strange shit going on in regards to Elizabeth Smart and her female captor being released who kind of looks as if she could be crazy and looks eerily similar nose wise and the little girl who said she had been raped by her dad whom she said he threatened her pets and he killed her dog Lucy a slim line black labroador and then he finds the dog as his proof.that he didn’t really sexually abuse her? Good defense? I didn’t really kill your dog! So did he just act like he killed her dog in order to scare her or did he get another dog? Reported on Fox News in succession and including with the legal expressions of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt and the Preponderance of Evidence.I think the very lovely Elizabeth Smart is the female former captive and mascot of the Mormon Church. She also plays a harp. And then the Governor of California Jesuit Gov. Jerry Brown acting fearless. What to make of it? I DONT KNOW. Some kind of PSYCHOTIC game up-man-ship?

My niece’s first husband killed cats in their big yard gotten through marriage and started acting crazy and she did annul their marriage. It was a good annulment however the expense of weddings became a pressure point for my sister as far as being entrapped, possibly via debts besides the stock market loss, for having my mom hospiced without my knowledge in some kind of something that is hard to describe but I think she was a pawn of the BGEA, her husband and his problems which SHE overreacted to and should have fired him after he sexually abused me at the office grabbing my butt very hard and very nastily and emotionally abused me as did she in numerous ways as did the office people and the people in the business of real estate because sexual abuse news travels fast (the owner of the real estate business they both worked for her husband had been accused of sexual harassment in the past, and may have affected her mind somehow.) Her Jacuzzi kid all grown up did write in a Christmas card letter that the devil visited them and my sister had me read it while I was in their home in front of those BGEA friends in her home who are not my friends, but hers. I think my sister kind of thought I was the devil like my other sister eventually thought i was satan and the devil all rolled up into one. I think it is possible the devil visited them. Eventually having me watch Atonement. My kitty corner neighbors said the same thing the devil had visited them when all sorts of strange stuff happened to them having to do with boys and their daughters, when I had  a home, that is, Bad stuff. And then visited mine without a formal introduction. All of which happened during the Obama Administration. I had an old german shepherd  dog named Lady. Lady’s good buddy Buck a black labrodor retriever shepherd was shot and killed in our back yard because the neighbors kid and his friend argued over a girl and the treatment of her and someone pulled out a gun and started shooting and the neighbors around the neighborhood heard the shots and fired back while my eldest daughter and I were at home. One of the boys was shot in the arm but was not reported in the news. .  We heard the shots and one shot blew out a neighbor’s window behind us and someone shot my dog on mistake. He yelped and we called him to check him out and he seemed fine, though we didn’t know he had been shot and later went for a week in North Carolina to the beach (Oak Island) and stayed at my ex’s brother’s rented home and while gone my dog became very ill and by the time we figured it out after returning noticed he was acting very weak and found out he had blood poisoning. Dogs hide pain. He was shot in the shoulder while sitting by the tree he liked to sit under. Shoulder wounds don’t bleed like a head wound or a body wound. I did not have divorce in my mind till a little later. I knew things were not good in the marriage but had lived with it for a long time and did my best but not perfect.

I knew it was way wrong when we had sex and after I heard him say in his mind or heard it in my mind There is no shame in that. I felt shame. So there was shame in our relationship. We never had sex again.

Summer ended and school started . When I did decide to divorce later on I heard Obama say “Lady sit down” about the time he offered his hand to the woman in red at the meeting in Aquilla, Italy after the earthquake, the G-8 meeting that is, who was standing in the wrong place and he walked her down the stairs like the Psychotic gentleman that he is and then pretty soon after I went to the school to pick up my daughter and the man who was directing school traffic yelled GO HOME LADY and I was in front of him and i had just filed for divorce but when I announced it to the husband he said but I wanted too bury you and you to bury me. A plea that fell on deaf ears. Not really inviting or attractive reason to stay married.

Lady died.

Before my filing for divorce my daughter and I went to the store one night soon after Buck the dog who was shot had died and noticed two black labs and one looked like Buck so we turned around and were able to retrieve one black lab. This was at night. Both of us thought it looked like Buck because he was an abnormal black lab and shepherd mix. Had a neck that was bigger than his head and was a very hard dog to walk because the leash and collar would come over his head (finally got a good body leash but was a hassle to get on him because he was so big and I was weak from my operation) and he had little round cute ears like a teddy bear and sparkly eyes and soft fur. I used to kiss him between the wires of the fence when I got home from wherever i had gone and he always greeted me for a kiss and he was so sweet. Lady used to hide his treats, a german shepherd  trait. He started barking at her in front of me when I noticed his weakness because he could barely bark. HIs voice had diminished. Noticed it when he was talking to Lady on the back porch and I think was either mad at her for taking his treat and hiding it or some thing like. She often would not let him in the dog house. We found one of the dogs who was roaming with Buck’s spirit and took him home and found his owner a few days later. The other dog that looked like Buck disappeared into the night yet they were together running around the neighborhood. My daughter saw it too and she also thought it was Buck which is why we turned around. I don’t think we would have turned around otherwise if it weren’t for Buck since it was night. Have not seen any dogs with his shape with such a huge neck. We could not keep him indoors because when he lifted his leg and peed in the house it was like a lake you had to swab up. For some reason I could not potty train him between having two young girls and a job for a while and was sexually harassed/abused and living in a dilapidated first home, my husband’s dream home, and via the job and family woes and some unfriendly people who did not fear to tread (my sisters new and old friends and co-workers) and I got very ill and almost died. I was being followed and watched and even when I went to real estate school was being messed with. Anyway, it was definitely Buck and when he disappeared into the night he was in front of the hospital I would soon be going to on a regular basis.

Before I filed for the divorce I was playing tennis with my husband and while playing there were other people in the court next to us. I was at the time contemplating a divorce and I went to retrieve the ball my least favorite part of the game and a man was next to the fence where I was retrieving the ball and started whistling an eerie whistle. Sort of demonic. At one point my husband almost knocked me down we ran into each other on the court. Some strange shit was happening. Like the devil had visited us. When the huge birds flew over the neighborhood..CONDOR SIZED BIRDS. A BUNCH OF CONDOR SIZED BIRDS. They flew around without roosting for about an hour or two. When they flew over the rooftops very low the shadow was enormous almost as big as the roofs. The houses were medium sized homes.  It was before the divorce and while my beautiful cat was missing. We found him 7 weeks after he had disappeared in a drain at school in the bus lane after getting a tip from the daughter of a friend in the neighborhood said she saw him. I had searched daily for him and was able to get him out of the flood drain under a grove of trees in the bus lane to show a miracle to my daughters which was fun. The husband said it was not abnormal for hundreds of CONDOR sized birds to fly around coming out of a cloud on the lake. So normal people stopped their cars on the road near our house to discuss it as if a volcano had erupted. I have never seen it before and have done a lot of traveling in my life and often to state parks and often camping with family. There were hundreds of them and our neighborhood was a small neighborhood of about 100 homes. The birds stayed over our neighborhood and didn’t go into the any neighborhoods around us. Eventually they roosted in the creek bed by our neighborhood and disappeared. And then I found my cat a few days later. This is the cat when he got sick later after moving to a rent a home the ex said go ahead if you think he needs to go to the vet go ahead and take him and I said okay I think he needs to got to the vet. And my ex said “I hate your guts.” It was unreal. Before this had tried to take him to our old vet whom we had done business with for many many years and his wife was a bitch to me all of a sudden. UNBELIEVABLE. I was being treated badly. it was like i was leaving a cult when I filed and when I finally got the divorce. When someone says it is normal to see a bunch of CONDORS flying in your neighborhood and says I want to bury you and you to bury me and many other things is it any wonder I divorced my ex. I did it on friendly terms. He was in denial and sort of still is and in my opinion is willfully ignorant of what is transpiring in our world these days persecuting women for abortion in the past and hospicing my mom and possibly the same for my dad previously without my knowledge being tricked. I was even harassed when walking my daughter’s dog in our neighborhood and soon after a tornado ripped up his home. No joke. About two or so weeks after. It was one of the homes that was destroyed in total. I didn’t cause it. It seemed to follow my ex as I wrote earlier via his cell phone. We got stuck on the other side of the bridge when we went to get some supplies after the tornado and after we assessed the damage to us and to the neighborhood. It was a hot day before the tornado came and the sirens went off and by the time we went across the bridge to get supplies because the electricity was off it was getting very cold. The police would not let us go back home from across the bridge and should have posted a sign before we went over the bridge to inform us of the chance we were taking. So we got some supplies and hung out by the entrance of the bridge for a few hours parked with a bunch of other people stuck. We saw other people walking the bridge and some were turned back and some were allowed to walk. I have walked it for exercise so knew it was possible but it started to get very cold. The ex and I decided to walk it but in my  mind because of his behavior in the recent past thought maybe it was a mistake to walk with him across the bridge at night I might not live through it. He had done some very strange and hateful things. Weird things. We got out and attempted to walk it and it started to sleet and the cops stopped us and I think it was good the cop stopped us because I bet it would have suited my ex very well if I had not made it. So we waited a few more hours and then decided to drive a big circle around the city to find a way into our city and finally got home. It was a long an arduous trip though we were not in standing water or in a flood. Got to see a little more of the damage done in the area as well. Electricity was off a few more days or so. Weird shit happened in regards to his going to his gig and the cops and other stuff I have written about. My cousin offering him help if there is anything I can do …on twitter or face book and then he said could you check on me while he was at the gig and she couldn’t because her husband said if she went and got a flat he would not help her. I don’t know anyone who would say what he said. He should have gone with her but got some kind of thorn up his ass. My admission that we had not dated? He had her going so much on a surprise birthday party held for me at my older sister’s home and while sitting next to me at one point I over heard her talking to her husband and comparing my legs. She was short waisted but had sort of long legs and i was a long waisted and not as leggy. It was kind of strange. It was kind of strange because we had not dated. I guess he must have made her feel lucky or was trying to make her feel jealous of me or that she was lucky to have him? It was kind of out there in left field. They lived about 5 or so miles away. My great cousin. Talk about miscommunication and she started it. I did fine and kept the fire going in the fire place and worked on some jewelry hammering and shaping. No TV was tough and no lights but used my lantern. The ex called the police to check on me and because I write about truth and the importance of truth I had a strange encounter with a couple of cops. I got a visit from some cops a woman and a man. The woman stood behind the doorway giggling. Then the guy asked if the ex iied when he called the dispatcher about my condition and it was kind of strange. I said something like I don’t know if he lied. I hadn’t heard the phone call and told them that I was okay. Thanks for checking. It was a weird visit. The giggling female cop hiding behind the wall to the front door and the cop asking me whether my ex lied to the dispatcher. I wanted to say FUCK YOU. It was their duty to check on people in freezing weather after a tornado hit our neighborhood putting out electricity and debris everywhere. Some roads impassable and some homes destroyed. They should have gone to each and every home but had to also do other things like divert traffic etc. everyone was in shock. I was in shock and I’m sure they were in shock. It takes a while. RIght after the tornado hit and it was still daylight when walking to the little store to see how it fared as well as the homes nearby. It was surreal. Kind of like being bombed not on alcohol but real bombs dropped on some homes and places of businesses nearby. Similar feeling I would imagine. Power lines down etc. I haven’t heard from my cousin since. We used to be kind of close and I would try to help her deal with her mother in law who was very critical of her who was also an atheist and assure her that her kids were fine even though the teachers and religious leaders of the church tried to tell her they were not fine and were trying to pressure her to get them on Ritalin as I recall….something like it and had done the same to my little sister and she did get one of her kids on Ritalin and I also consoled her often via phone calls and visits that she was a good mom and her kids were fine. Her husband was a bit of a weirdo and told us once that it was impossible for the state we lived in to have an earthquake when we had felt a tremor. He was trained as an archeologist and was in the oil business and said he found some oil for his company but the same guy who bragged to his wife that he and I dated and we had not ever dated. Made her jealous of me. He was younger than me by a few years and was my little sister’s friend and had gone to school with her not me. Hung out together in a little clan for a while to the point when my cousin married him there was trouble between her and my little sister because of the friendship and his dad really liked my little sister. They had some angst between each other in regards to her husband. It was weird. I assured her we had never dated. He photographed me for my mom and I think my mom had high hopes because she knew he would be successful because he was a smart guy but there was no chemistry and I wasn’t interested. It did not take her long to know it. But he also took my engagement pictures and married my cousin. The pictures taken before one of them sat on my uncle;s counter in their living room and my Fairy God Mother his wife said “beauty is as beauty does” when family members were discussing the picture which I did not put on the counter, my uncle did. It was a strange thing to say. She probably had heard about my abortion somehow. She didn’t like my mom even though my mom introduced her to her brother and she ditched the guy she was engaged to and a wedding about a month away for him. And I don’t think she really liked me.  She was a very beautiful woman blond but became kind of snide as time went on via her group of friends and the church. She was a tea totaler. We were not. We liked tea. The bible belt can be kind of intrepid. She didn’t mind alcoholics if you came into money she might be able to enjoy. She was a good mom and wife. I think it is weird to say beauty is as beauty does when some family members are looking a your nieces picture and i guess appreciating it. I was in another room… the kitchen and they were in the living room where the picture was and she came in to the kitchen where I was to chide me. It was sign to me she had some angst about me. And then when my sister made a big todo about getting some china and an elephant from her. It was not my idea. I didn’t care but my sister had some kind of thorn up her ass so I went with her. We used to go to her home for the white elephant party for some years and everyone brought a dish. It was inheritance stuff from her husband’s mom. She was the secretary for his Title business and I think she got kind of greedy and resentful somehow which is why I think he liked to fly. To get a way and fly his airplane. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect. The elephant was one of the things my dad bought while in Hong Kong on R&R  while fighting in Vietnam war and brought a few or sent some elephants but I did not need an elephant to appreciate my dad for what he had done for us. My older sister got the white elephant and I got a green one and I don’t know who got the blue one. When the shit hit the fan at the office of the real-estate business my Fairy God Mother called me. She absolutely never called me before. When there were family get-togethers at her house she called my older sister and my older sister would call our side of the family to invite.  So I knew she was up to no good calling me at the time she called as if trying to maybe get some information or who the hell knows but I was suspicious and so I didn’t answer. At the time it was very tumultuous I didn’t want to talk to anyone not just her. I didn’t even go to my little sister’s second wedding a few years later because I felt uncomfortable at the idea of being with family and the feeling I felt they might feel towards me. I was half way to the wedding a few hours away and we turned around. I was feeling panicked. I wasn’t always this way but it would come upon me in a big way.

The reason I wrote about this stuff again about the pets and the legal terms is because of the news on Fox in succession I wrote about were some kind of coded messages in a strange way. When my sister was separated from her husband many years ago we went to  Court Reporting school together so the Preponderance of evidence and the Beyond a reasonable doubt expressions seemed kind of funny on the heels of the Kavanaugh sexual assault claim of an assault 35 years ago.  My claims are not one time claim. Mine have been going on for years and years. It was not one act but quite a few but being family is hard to imagine and hard to deal with and especially when you love your family and not knowing how to handle a nut whom my sister loved and the father of some great kids. He was not always a nut but sometimes was a nut. None of us knew how to handle him and he was not bad in perpetuity it was ongoing but at the same time sort of discreet but became belligerent and got kind of weird. No one knew how to handle it because it was family and some dared to tread on us and our problems for him and it grew out of manageability. Got wild. Out of control and at a few points was vicious. Lots of deception involved. Lots of denial. When my sister was separated after he was caught fooling around with a palm reader employee one late night at his business and I was there though I remained silent and I did not try to interfere with them or break up their marriage when separated or attempt the idea of her getting a divorce because I knew she loved him and he was waiting for her to come back. I did not tell her about the molestation and a few other things till later on but I hung out with her quite a bit then. I also worked for them. Was going to school at the same time. We were a very close family. Did a lot of errands together. We were army brats and did not have a ton of civilian friends. Shopped together. Entertained together.  Eventually baby sat. etc. Went on trips to see family together and vacationed together. Worked together. We were best friends for a long time and a great family IMO. We just had a few kinks and did not know the future to know how best to handle things. I never knew when he would pull his shit. All of a sudden at a condo in Padre walking by a room and there he is naked as jail bird posing and stroking himself hard in front of the bed with the shower on and smiling teasingly and my sister in the room behind me and his kids and my mom and my husband while on my way to get a break from everyone and have a cigarette on the balcony so as not to hurt their lungs. Then got into an argument with their young daughter about smoking and my sister getting all pissed off at me for being a little on edge. It wasn’t an argument but a leave me alone kind of thing. I knew she meant well. Political correctness had settled even into our family via the kids mostly and grew upwards. However missing some important vices as if it was not important. Then my sister breathing hot air towards me for a few hours as if I had really screwed her over in a small condo. I went out later and smoked a joint with my husband walking around the beach and we talked about it. I think it was the same vacation when my mom cried on the balcony because I was so bad for having reacted to my niece and how my sister was acting towards me and she was probably bitching about me to my mom. My older sister did a lot of that between me and my little sister and between me and my mom about mom or me. Her husband some years before had already said he would go to church in order to get control of his weird urges after the first meeting about the molestation and it didn’t seem to help him. I always felt kind of in the middle and I presume my mom felt the same way. I do think my sister did it way too often to monopolize me or whomever she wanted to monopolize. Not a good trait when with family and my little sister felt it too. If men were around my older sister had to be the best of the females after all she was the oldest and the most mostest. My sister and I had a conversation about not pressuring our parents for attention because my older sister monopolized them to the point they moved to another city. She would photograph or video tape her kids and photograph her kids we had to watch and when I say photograph I mean in the hundreds of photos. I would be at her house and announce I was going home and my sister would nag me about looking through her new set of photos and bring out a chunk of them and an hour or so later was able to escape. It was like shopping and bolemia before it and dog breeding before it and decorating to the extreme, she was using these things for avoidance and making up for her troubles because of her husband. I have no idea what he was like when I wasn’t around. But taking a video of my lower parts (as if by accident) walking to the new used van for my niece to see her first car is the kind of things she was dealing with and I think she grew to resent me but I didn’t take the videos, nor knew what he was up to and would have been happy for her to have erased the videos and I should not have had to say it, nor see it more than once. I had my baby on my hip. GEEEEEEZ


When I say I’m innocent ,, I mean I never was attracted to Gary, nor did I want to have an affair with Gary, neither did I want to turn him on. He was my brother-in-law and married to my older sister. I wanted things to be normal. NO big deal as far as the office shit I didn’t have an affair with the person I was supposed to have an affair with, I guess. I came close but not really. I could not do it physically  and he wanted one and I basically said in my heart you are not worth it and drove away but I also noticed I was being watched and ratted on. He was probably embarrassed because it didn’t come to fruition. Not that my marriage was better but he wasn’t worth the shit before or after. PERIOD.

It sometimes felt like I was walking on egg shells being sized up and compared to and couldn’t have a normal greeting with a family member without being sized up like there was a trap being set for me here and there. It was tough sometimes and really should not have been that way but  I had been truthful and was being punished for it. To demonstrate his mental facilities often I would come over to the house and he was watching Back to the Future for himself. It was his favorite movie. I guess beer daily will do that after a while like Hannity exclaiming to his friends and coworkers on Fox of the hypocrisy of the dems or other press stations. I can’t say how many times he has said it but it must be nearing a thousand times. I guess it’s to keep them charged up. He has said on a number of occasions he drinks about a 6 pack nightly. Believe it or not that is a lot of beer. Not like he is in college. People are weird.

Ever since 9-11 things started to go awry not just in our family but everywhere. So I write what i have learned and have gone through because it is good for me to write about it. It is called Freedom of the press. WordPress! I think I have a right to besides the constitutional reasons. I almost died because of my travails and lost some people I love and I believe we were attacked and did not deserve it. Yea we had some problems but there are some people who try to make things much worse and managed to do so maneuvering and manipulating and trying to manage us and should have allowed us the freedom to work things out and it just went into full throttle ridiculousness and unbelievable hatred and hospice.



Kind of like what former Vietnam vet Sen. John Kerry and Former State Department head replacing Hillary Clinton John Kerry and Mr. Benghazi John Kerry and Mr. Syrian John Kerry is trying to do to Trump and Pompeo.

Interfering and treading where he should not

and could turn real bad real quickly if he is allowed to get away with it. Trouble seems to be in his midst. Pompeo was on Laura InGraham’s show complaining about it which he has a right to do. I don’t know why he isn’t complaining to Trump and Trump isn’t doing something about it unless he has been replaced. John Kerry’s apologist on Fox News said John Kerry did get permission from the State Department to interfere and was said to have told the leader of Iran to not talk to Pompeo or Trump handhold off till after the deems take back the presidency etc to wait it out something Obama kind of did in regards to the overheard conversation he had with Medvedev saying hold off till after the election when he would have more flexibility and Medvedev said he would let Putin know and was kind of a joke on Obama by the Russians because I think since it was the election for the second term that Obama thought Putin was dead and Medvedev had succeeded Putin and made Obama flinch because I think he had something to do with the attempt on his life around the time both had a meeting about Syria and Putin agreeing to contain the Sarin gas shipped to Syria via Iraq and Saudi Arabia and would attempt to destroy the Sarin during a civil war and a revolutionary war going on in Syria. Those countries and some others and John Kerry were intending to fuck over Syria and the Syrian President Bashar Assad because of the location of the country of Syria due north of Israel and because of the Golan Heights which is a good barrier for Israel and it’s citizens from attacks. Saudi conscripts were sent to Syria to further inflame the country in war and James Foley filmed the Saudis in their Saudi outfits/uniforms and is in one of my posts about it. The barrier (the Golan Heights) was gained in the 6 day war which Israel did not start but was betrayed by a bunch of countries and by the country of Jordan a supposed puppet kingdom and ally of the USA. The barrier (the Golan Heights)was protected by some angels during the 6 day war and even some of the enemy saw the angels and returned to wherever the enemy could and were witnesses and had no other reason to repeat the vision unless it scared them) and over dinner with a bunch of other people and Obama may have tried to kill them and thinking Medvedev was his puppet in return for poisoning his predecessor or hoping anyway. That was the joke on Obama by Medvedev and Putin when Medvedev said something like Vladimir will be glad to hear about it which surprised Obama quite a bit. John Kerry was trying to interfere with what Trump and Mike Pompeo head of the State Department were saying and John Kerry said he got permission from the State Department which he once headed either beneath the new head of the state department Mike Pompeo or there is another State Department for those who want to protect the interests of the Vatican and Notre Dame a Vatican satellite found in many places and against the USA and interfere in what Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley were trying to accomplish with Iran and I thought instead of complaining to Laura InGraham Pompeo should be talking to Trump but Laura InGraham has some power at Fox (the persecution of females who have had abortions and how she got the job for the Vatican) to cause some problems as well so it may have been a warning to Laura InGraham and to Fox to stay out of their business and his interview with Laura InGraham did illicit an excuse by John Kerry which did not cut the mustard but helped to understand the psyche of John Kerry Heinz The girl who works for Fox and is the blond called Marie who I think is a bit nazi-ish though very pretty ( a very pretty bitch) is the one who relayed the message about John Kerry and has inside information obviously as if it made any sense and it didn’t make sense but the Fox panel didn’t notice of course. So John Kerry’s excuse is he told the State Department what he was doing in regards to Iran and got permission and Pompeo says he is undermining himself (Pompeo) and President Trump and should step off the stage. She said Kerry told the State Department what he was doing a few times but never mentioned a name of the person or persons at the State Department who gave permission to John Kerry to interfere in the relationship of Pompeo and Trump and their policy towards Iran. She, Marie of Fox news, thinks she is pretty smart cookie but not as smart as she thinks and never mentioned a name in our State Department and none on the panel asked for a name because either they are involved in the attempt to control our President via Jesuit General John Kelly or they are absolute IDIOTS. I think Marie is playing a game about which State Department and she does not mean the USA State Department but the Vatican State Department more than likely and probably run by Georg Ganswein who is the Secretary for the Pope and runs the Vatican which is a State not a just a religion and does stoop as low to fund state sponsored terrorism against the USA (using laundered tax dollars) and which does assassinate leaders and probably helped to fund the attack on 9-11 for the Saudis or in conjunction with the Saudis involved and those men were trained to fly in Florida under Jeb Bush as Governor of the State of Florida and probably knew about it beforehand and married to a catholic woman and why his mom said he should not run for the office of the Presidency because she noticed (as a sign and did what she was able to do) before she was forced to be hospiced or to go along with their fucked up business to give the Vatican and Mother Teresa of Calcutta some strength of name so weak-minded feeble and deceived people like Dana Perino and others on Fox (Father Jonathan) feel justified and could sell it to the USA for the Vatican and others on Fox who could ignore the subject of Hospice and are being used as a tool to kill our vets and their families and whomever the Vatican feel threatened by, for the sake of their salaries, for the sake of the Pope, for catholics in GENERAL.      This is called the Deep State running against the administration doing it’s own thing willy nilly regardless of who is President and regardless of who Trump appoints. And KERRY is knee deep in it and I think Fox is too since none of the panel asked her who Marie was talking about in the State Department like LEMMINGS and DIM WITS as if to say


By the way if you combined my mom and dad you might come up with someone who looked very much like President George Bushes mom who told Jeb not to run for the office. Kind of interesting. She was not just trying to out him but to save him as well because he is deceived and is a bit crazy.

Many of these people have been deceived by the BGEA Billy Graham and Franklin Graham and all of it’s little,medium or big businesses in the business of trying to fuck up our country to be an agent of the Vatican instead of an INDEPENDENT country and has been a shill for the Vatican since he was born or born again but not as fetus. Oh no he could not do anything about it then but in order to defeat us because of WORLD WAR ll. In retaliation for the USA defeating it, in retaliation for the Jews returning to their homeland and not acceding in annihilating the jews in total and the penchant of the RCC to be the most evil entity on earth and it will be destroyed. Count on it and before it is too late leave it. unless you want to be destroyed with it, for it , by it. There are more time slots than you realize hence the differing Trumps which are the Trumpets of Revelation and are very confusing. Not saying he even realizes it but is involved nevertheless. What is in a name? It is to educate I think so people understand what is going on but does not help if you are gonna act dumb. It does not help anyone and most of all, you. IT is an inevitable ending to the RCC but it does not want to go down without a fight but if you side with the RCC you might as well kiss your ass goodbye and the future will not belong to you after Tribulation, after Revelation, after Armageddon, and after the Apostasy is through. Those may be the time slots. Like different dimensions and we get to see all of them at once and try to glean what we can from the information given or attained to learn how to handle it and to pass it on and in my opinion very few in the press are doing it very well and need to do better because it will not go on forever this way and is why the truth matters and is going to help us get to a better place and time. As far as the military at war and the agencies like the CIA they have to deceive the enemy. Problem is do they know who the enemy is? It is not me nor my family it is the RCC since it is the subject of Revelation because it is so ensconced in so many things like a disease and has been at it for eons but those eons are coming to an end for them and if you notice the signs personally and politically and religiously and socially and spiritually it will help you realize your next move or your duty or your priorities and salary isn’t’enough of a rarity to screw everyone and yourself over. YOur family who have died before you can communicate and help you as well which is why the Ten commandments say honor your parents and some people their children those who have lost them and God himself.




and stand up and walk wherever we find ourselves in this time in that time in the next time in the last time in death and in life in a physical sense and in a spirit sense and do our best to help. Believe in God. Honor your parents. DO NOT DISHONOR THEM BY HOSPICING THEM OR REMAIN SILENT ABOUT IT IN CASE YOU ALREAY SUCCUMBED TO IT BECAUSE it is the SILENT HOLOCAUST and needs to be outed and eliminated in order to gain control of the situation at hand in order that you may live and see your relatives and loved ones and even pets in a better place than this place. WE ARE AT WAR whether you like it or not and the war is against evil and against the RCC even though it appears to be angelic it isn’t angelic in a good way hence hospice and dishonoring your parents and loved ones and all the other things it does to thwart your success. NOT SALARY.  The good you do wherever you are does affect all those times and those people you love but don’t advertise it like the SAMARITANS PURSE and pray in private. Franklin Graham is an idiot . Maybe someday he will see the forest for the tree but don’t follow him. Has he mentioned Hospice? Did he warn anyone about it?  The answer is No. He did know about it though and so did his dad and sisters. Obama knew as well. Do not fall for the propaganda about it nor the excuse for it. IT IS BULLSHIT.

Judge Napolitano said this morning if Feinstein had showed the letter at the beginning of the Kavanaugh hearings we wouldn’t be in this mess however he had his kids with him for one thing and was able to show them off and they did make a good impression second if she had done it in the beginning of the hearings we would still be in this mess only at the beginning of the Kavanaugh hearings. He might not have been heard at all if she had given the letter in the beginning of his testimony so she did the Republicans a favor and Fox news as well for the fodder of it all. He might have been tossed out as a contender for the Supreme Court and not have had a chance to testify at all. It’s entertainment. It’s slick shit.  Friday is her last chance to say she will or will not testify about his aggressive pass at her in high school. Its a good lesson to all the males in the USA.



Anyway Judge Napolitana talked about people who are crazy who believe what they are saying and I think he has reached the state of insanity himself believing what he is saying.

Anyway I digressed a bit but I had an epiphany.

About a day or so ago I watched a video and depiction of the Money Changers (money launderers) when Jesus drove out the sheep and goats and birds and after throwing over the tables of the money changers says to the temple people in three days he is gonna raise this temple and they say it took 47 years to build this Temple and you are gonna build it up again in three days? (It was Herod’s Temple at the time)  I think he meant something else. I think he meant he was gonna raize the temple. The temple was destroyed but his disciples thought he meant he was gonna raise himself up after he died in three days once he had died and was raised. I think there was more than one Jesus. He was seen three days after he died and testified about by different groups of people so the meaning was he was gonna raise his body as far as the disciples were concerned and I think there were a number of visitations by Jesus and some are false and some are true and maybe only one was true at the time and another was true later etc. Not sure.The temples veil was torn from twain to twain when he was crucified and I think it destroyed the temple and the temple was destroyed at some point as we all know historically so he may have meant both meanings. The meaning of what he was saying may also be only partially fulfilled and having to do with money laundering vs a house of God and a house of Prayer. It might depend on whether Jesus thinks or thought the earth is the temple of God or if another temple is built? Or was there a temple we know not of? It is also a possibility and we do know at some point the Vatican is destroyed in Revelation and could mean it in some way and raising the people of his temple up (his body of believers ) in order to accomplish it. Anyway I went in while the TV  was on Fox station and heard someone say “Give me a break” while covering the flood from the hurricane Florence in North Carolina. IT IS POSSIBLE. So if it is the other meaning then blondie of Fox news defending John Kerrys undermining the President and Mike Pompeo may be infer a surprise and may actually undermine them undermining us by destroying the temple i.e. the Vatican which controls the State Department in parts and is the Deep State because of money laundering which seems to be the motive for many evils going on. It may be a cue in order to protect the earth God’s Foot Stool against IRAN, JOHN KERRY, The Deep state of the State Department and the Vatican causing a lot of problems and if you don’t think God knows it you are sorely wrong. He could also be talking about the Dome of the Rock. The reason I found the video and I have the video anyway in my vast array of DVDs and some videos the movie about the gospel of John but ran into this segment of it looking for how the people communicated in the temple kind of like birds and thought of tweets or tweeting which I do not do and it may very well be prophetic. I was trying to find the word used in the bible via the internet in regards to the communication then (whenever then was.) and because BELOVED to GOD a day is a thousand years as a thousand years is a day a Roman Catholic tease even though it may be true IN ORDER TO delay believing. In my opinion this verse about a thousand years is a day etc is my ex’s favorite verse and probably the only verse he remembers though whenever studied or read the bible but I think it does delay people taking seriously Revelation. Supposedly also has already happened to some degree and is taught it has occurred already but I think only parts have occurred already. People, some people like to fulfill prophecy to make us think it already occurred so we will be complacent about it. While i enjoy a certain amount of complacency sometimes because you can’t worry about it all the time there are so many signs in the last 20 years. Sometimes I read into things more than I should or less than I should which I believe is true of everyone but you have to admit hospice-murder/suicide instigated by Mother Teresa in India a an answer to abortion and spread throughout the world to 135 countries and the mustard seed admission by the previous Pope and the size of the mustard seed not really the smallest of seed compared to some other seeds in the plant world and in the Old Testament man’s seed the spermacytes in sperm are smaller as well while dealing with the persecution by the church against women and their families for their decisions about having abortions and with some spurious accusations and fanciful videos of people exclaiming things not proven by their invasion of privacy of the individual having an abortion and not even proof of the sale of baby parts as far as I know. A lot of variables all at once colliding in a biblical sense and then to see pictures of the Pope and a nun who was on one of the videos but portraying a regular person and a bit part actress from the weekly Michael Landon Little House on the Prairie show and has kind of a unique voice in the show and on the videos  talking about selling baby parts. And in the last couple of years an enormous amount of faith innuendo and propaganda so obviously it offended many people to find out it was not the smallest of seed and Jesus lying about it however Jesus did not write the gospels.  Men did.


I was amazed by her guile and her gaul (Marie) and amazed by the panel of Fox News with blanks stares on their faces accepting her apologetics for John Kerry and his statement about the State Department. These guys get a pretty good salary for being TOTALLY COMPLACENT. Not one thought to say who in the state department did John Kerry talk to? I think he is the state department in his mind and in many other’s peoples minds, which is a problem. I wold say e might be mentally unstable and in his own little world. He should be questioned by Congress about what was dome and said to him and by him in regards to the countries he is making false promises to.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Catholic Church was on Fox who said it was a summer of hell because of the falling pew sitters who wants to get more aggressive towards how to handle sexual abuse which is good and he should but he was one of the ones who was with MItt Romney and and a few other political figures and a few other Roman Catholic (american) high level clergy and possible some other type clergy but I remember him in particular during the election period when Billy Graham was intimidated into saying the Mormon church was not a cult. Some kind of religious alliances were occurring and snubbing was going on in regards to religions because of the attempt by the RCC to unite the religions in the ecumenical movement occurring at the time and before when Mitt Romney was running for President. Also Presidential candidate MItt Romney when in a debate with Obama knew about Benghazi pretty much before most of us knew anything about it and brought it up in the debates but I can’t remember what he said when Obama got off his stool to defend himself. The reason I remember was because of Obama’s reaction which was immediate. The NSA is in Utah the same state where the tabernacles of the Mormon Church and the main part of the Mormon Church is located at Salt Lake CIty.  Also when Bill Clinton was stumping for Obama in freezing weather near the Boston, Massachusetts area said Mitt Romney got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Not sure what he meant but cookies are computer memories or something like it. Sites often use other peoples cookies of their computers but I have no earthy idea anything more about it except that he might have been getting some information via the cookies but thought it was a weird thing to say and it was a struggle for him to say it. He was shivering not just from the cold and seemed afraid. When I say new alliances in the religious realm of our planet coincides with new alliances in political realm as well and with the earthquake/tsunami in the Indian Ocean altering the earth’s axis which is mind boggling to me. The axis holds the earth in it’s place. we had a major blizzard in the north and the quake was felt all the way to the caribbean about 3 and half months to 4 months after my operation the first one when I almost died after sexual harassment at the office and a ton of intimidation. My family and I went north and got stuck in a blizzard somewhere and in some dangerous spots and delayed quite a bit in the Kentucky area for Christmas and my older sisters family went to the Caribbean for Christmas. It affected the weather.The moon catches a lot of asteroids and meteors hence the texture of the moon and the alteration of the axis of earth could be devastating someday and definitely a sign in the heavens.

The G-8 meeting in Aquilla Italy is a big deal the things that happened having to do with RCC, the Pope Benedict XVl, LIbya’s leader Ghaddaffi being awarded a car company and then bludgeoned to death and other things and Obama’s visit.  All of the women /wives wore black except the woman from India when posing for a picture with the pope and besides the earthquake in Aquilla, Italy as well. The picture of the clock was interesting as well and the un-damage done to the Pope Celestine’s memorial and the female in red. A lot of stuff is kind of off time-wise as well to cover up some things.  I don’t think it stays covered up. Partly had to do with who owns the mediterranean Sea and the dams and the straits  to distribute oil. The Euphrates dried up making way for the kings of the east as well. n dome veiled threat from some part of Africa and a site being guarded holding some kind of treasure I think a biblical treasure or biblical untreasure in some tower on some island and the alliance of ASEAN in the Indonesia area. and some interesting things said by the pope at the time such as Maybe the Jews didn’t kill Jesus and Wrote about truth in Charity and the mustard seed story being the smallest of seed  was the new enlightenment at the time or sometime added to the bible. I think he pissed off some people in his own religion and retired pretty dramatically in a white helicopter. He went through some kind of change as well and something deeply affected him to have made those admissions. I think Benghazi was one of them even though it supposedly happened later so we have been mislead about it quite a bit. His trip to Jerusalem and to the Dome of the rock was very relevant and the things that happened during his visit. After he retired he was made to be a war criminal on some Catholic sites as the son of Stalin. I think he was forced to retire so the jesuit pope and the jesuits could take hold of the Vatican because he lived in an apartment? So my reservations about Kavanaugh are well founded however he may just be a guy who studied law and the constitution who was educated in a Jesuit way headed for the supreme court who had a mishap in high school before he settled down to be this controversy. One way or another he won’t be forgotten. With the Jesuit pope came the persecution of those who had abortions and the very flimsy and fallacious videos of some nuns who adored the Jesuit Pope and seemed to be lying and leaking abortion clinic videos then as well. Some of the worst evidence I have ever seen. Like watching a Japanese monster movie out of sync, but even worse. Might as well have made videos about gay people with squirrels up their butts. The videos i saw were ridiculous. IF Jesuitism is this ridiculous I think it is time to strangle its influence and outlaw the Jesuits the mob police of the RCC. Liberate some Catholics from it’s vice and treat it like we would treat an outbreak of cockroaches.

Amazing how many women Kavanaugh knew well enough to testify to his good character. I find it odd so many are stepping in to support him even before hearing the female who is going to testify to his quirk-i-cide. It so far does seem like he has been planning for this position for a long time using his hiring practices and his motto about girls vs some other reference to females and the house deal with his accuser in the past and his jesuit ties. I think the calendar testifies to it which he kept. I wouldn’t be suspicious of him one iota if it weren’t for the persecution of women involved in abortion and Mother Teresa hospice situation on the heels of the Roman Catholic Church abuses of children sexually and money laundering, the earthquake in the Indian Ocean, the flimsy false videos about abortion clinics and the invasion of privacy, the litmus test by Fox news under O’reilly’s leadership for Presidential candidates on their stance on abortion and his involvement, his love for females, his jesuit ties and adoration of nuns as if he was raised by a nun, his killing books one of which God suggested he write concerning Jesus which I did not bother to buy or read nor any other book he wrote, his abuse of women in the past and the many settlements, his love of the topless painting of Beatrice Arthur, his ties to James Foley before he was killed in Syria, the untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia IMO and the location of it, the recent retirement of Justice Kennedy, the attempted bribe by Ms. Kennedy on Fox of the President to be impeached two times and I am a witness, her speech impediment and Gen. Kelly and their relationship in the past to my family, to Vinocent Bugliosi, Manson, Jackie Kennedy and the Warren Commissions nonsense and the timing of all of those peoples, his ties to Hollywood, his avoidance to any mention of Benghazi as if he was avoiding it, and so much more. Yea it is possible Kavanaugh might be tainted somehow. We will see. All I have heard are rumors. I would not be surprised if he was groomed for the position on the Supreme Court for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade like Obama was groomed for the Presidency by Kissinger and hired by the Vatican in regards to it’s reputation, and said many years before he would be the President in order for the RCC and Pope Francis to appear to have the right to have sainted and propped Mother Teresa’s mode of death to cover many sins of the RCC and to bury the evidence of those sins and cover the many blunders by the RCC in the destruction and degradation of many populations by their unrealistic ideals and goals, immense corruptions, and an enormous amount of deception relying on ignorance, superstitions, false covenants, and fear to try to regain control of population control in it’s favor and hoping to forestall it’s own destruction enjoying their own perverseness and proclivity for control of sexual practices of others to breed a population to pay for the national debts it squandered .

 Payback is a bitch, ain’t it?

I have lived a long time, been many places, seen many things, experienced quite a bit, met many people and I don’t think I know anyone I could testify as to their character except a few. How is it these women can know Kavanaugh’s personal and hidden parts? Are these women members of his family? I know Catholics have big families but the amount of women on the stage defending his honor was astounding and premature. Are the women roman catholic? Are these women defending him or defending Catholicism or are these women defending their own faith? Hard to say but I think these women do a disservice to truth because it is premature not having heard this women and only hearing about her via the press which by now ought to be self evident as biased and untrustworthy.

The Supreme Courts, the Supremer Courts, and the Supremest Court in the land vs the Electoral College System


Since we have two parties in our government, maybe we should have two Supreme Courts, one for each party and a Supremer Court in the middle. Have 8 justices on the Supremer Court – 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans. Try the same cases in the two supreme courts at the same time and the Vice President could open up the envelopes and make the announcement of the results and if it is tied send the cases over to the Supremer Court and if we need another Supremer Court we can add it and do the same and have the President open the envelopes and announce the results of the Supremer Courts and if it is tied. Then have a Supremest Court with 51 Justices one elected from each state for 4 years without going to any caucuses and do it on the votes of the citizens only and see if it is a better system than the Electoral college system and have the case sent to the Supremest Court and call the elected person of each state the Juggernaut of such and such a state and have an announcement from each of the Juggernauts of the result of each case at a specific time and let the Majority Leader count the votes and direct the announcements of the Juggernauts from each state and announce the winners of the case.

Panetta’s an Idiot, What the Frick Can He Tell You?

Obviously in context, Rosenstein was being humorous in a dry sort of way in his conversation about wiretapping someone to tape the President to invoke the 25th amendment however it was suggested whether someone took him seriously or not. It sounds like something said to evoke some laughter in a situation where some people were not happy with Trump and his intentions of cleaning the swamp and Trump being a Washington outsider. While the conversation was taking place did anyone in the room laugh is what I want to know? Who didn’t laugh?


i think McCabe is one of the three faces of Jeb Bush.

Mitch McConnell is so annoying. Keep the faith. Don’t get rattled by all this. We will plow right through this ………..blah blah blah. He is so courageous. it’s scary. I have no idea of the context of his rallying cry, but probably could be used for a lot of contexts. Was anyone in the room with him? Keep it and use it over and over again. It just might work.

(There was applause after he said but not the first time I saw his rallying cry but only on the second showing of it on Fox TYPICAL but kind of odd you could not see the people clapping, Probably the stage full of women supporters of Kavanaugh who are his friends. Probably using Kavanaughs girl friends to boost his own ego. Just a reminder: He did not date them. )

Anyway when people talk about a deep state I truly believe there is a deep state but I think there is more than one deep state which causes a bunch of confusion, of course. There might even be three deep states. Kind of like the secret societies.There are more than three secret societies and most of those secret societies consist of males and each is very hard on females and kind of like the synoptic gospels which are also three of the gospels. The ones which claims the mustard seed is the smallest of seed.

China just signed a deal with the Vatican to allow the Vatican to choose the Bishops in China of the Chinese Catholics probably via the Neo-Catechumenal way which was used on the Japanese with some force by using weather such as tsunami of Japan which affected the Fukushima nuclear power plant causing a nuclear accident affecting the west coast of the USA and affecting the food chain in the oceans affecting everyone. I guess it has been going on for decades not just ten years but more than ten years a struggle between Roman catholics and Chinese catholics but when some group is willing to do anything to gain power it is hard to put down. The mob is tough to put down and requires a heavy hand to deal with it. You will see eventually hopefully before it is too late. Probably by using cell phone technology. I guarantee it. The ex says the Vatican is nothing. Why then a deal with China? oil? The Vatican says it is nota political agreement but a a pastoral agreement because the Vatican wants to make them lie down in a green pasture probably using hospice but …Why would the Vatican want to make the Chinese catholics including the governments catholics be romanized not just the underground roman catholics. Honestly do you believe the Vatican? I’ll bet they will be able to turn one against the other in unity what it couldn’t do when each was apart. KInd a paul move and whomever influenced Paul to infiltrate both parts in unity. Evil is tricky besides the fact that ASEAN is nearby which is mostly islamic. Obama: the whole is greater than it’s parts.

Is Hadyn a neo cat?

Ms. Ford is gonna testify on Thursday but doesn’t want any lawyers in the room when she does but if i’m not mistaken I think every member of congress seems to have a law degree don’t they? I’m sure every committee member has a law degree. Should be kind of interesting. I think she wanted to testify after Kavanaugh testifies and I hear Dershoqitz on two different occasions once saying she has to go first and another he should go first. Once when he was on the left hand of the screen and once on the righthand of the screen and since this is not a criminal case is what makes it a bit different.  She does not want to face him even though supposedly everyone who is accused usually gets to face their accuser. I faced mine quite a few times. Now some would say I was the accuser but I was telling the truth so does that make ma an accuser or was he the accuser having done the things he did to me while making me look like the guilty party. In a bad way he was the accuser. The first time we had a meeting he said he would start going to church but had already been to church (the Baptist Church) but I accepted his attempt to weasel out of his weasel guilt knowing it was a weasel admission of his weasel guilt but hoping he would not try anything else and the weasel did anyway. He did start going to church but instead to the Nondenominational church.. I faced him NOT IN A COURT OF LAW BUT IN HIS HOME WITH HIS WIFE NEARBY the wife who set up the meeting for the sake of the family but didn’t attend the meeting whenever and wherever the weasel felt like being a weasel which was their choice, their home. I went. Whenever and wherever the weasel wanted to break his weasel promise he did under the table at a restaurant, in the jacuzzi, in my sister’s living room, in my sister’s condo, in his lincoln continental, in his favorite chair, next to their-hide-bed couch while his wife was there, on the couch with many of us there to his daughter, in his SUV with his son in the car, etc. Weasels don’t care. My sister met him in a barn at a frat party and poured beer on his head anointing him so he would  remember her. Anyway probably has something to do with the book called Night written by Elie Wiesel. He did not understand cues. It is part stupidity. part humor, part belligerence, part of many emotions without much working right being driven by his dick. He was not i charge of his dick his dick was in charge of him. Where ever it went he followed. I think he had a mental deficiency of some kind probably having to do with his dick. Obviously dancing on a table snaked at a frat party meant he was lauded for his dick and never grew up. His wife was kind of prudish while pretty and definitely under normal circumstance would have been enough for one guy but he had an appetite she could not fulfill and didn’t necessarily want to have to fulfill even though she loved him. I think she was a bit too prudish for him and he was a bit too sexed for her. She had herself enlarged during her childbearing and asked the doctor to enlarge her vagina entry and later her boobs and later even her nose (under the guise of a deviated septum but changed the nose to look like the female sister’s nose whom he played with under the table and who knows what else and was not an improvement and even lied about it to her second daughter who noticed the difference via PICTURES in the past. HOW RIDICULOUS. My little sister was like an open book when it came to beauty improvements possibly too open but I prefer her openness to my older sister lying about it as if we couldn’t tell.) and neck/chin were altered because of aging. She never masturbated and was offended to hear other women who had. So she wasn’t like into sex at all, but the romance. It probably was painful to her and he should have helped her in this way and asked her to try . Part of sex is making sure you enjoy sex and sometimes involves manipulating yourself to make sure it is an enjoyable experience in case the other person doesn’t which is usually the case especially if sex is time constrained or he is drunk or he is an asshole and more than likely two of those variables were at play in the case of her husband but she did marry him and resented his roving eyes and hands and even more so to the persons he roved who weren’t necessarily inviting his roves and just trying to cope in a family way as discreetly as possible without offending her and causing him to get belligerent which is a very thin line to have to traverse. I think he was over sexed and over endowed with a huge dick. Not sure his problems were all his fault but it affected many people the wrong way. I thought we were handling it well as best we could and it was not easy and sometimes we were not perfect and until the peers and the church intervened to blame everyone else and were full of shit and not truthful and vicious and made things 100 times worse and should have stayed out of it and caused my older sister to really mess things up with family who had really been patient with her and him for years and years and I believe would have succeeded instead the church and peers destroyed our whole family which is what happens in the end times because of the church. So I hope it destroys the church in every way and to every one of them. UTTERLY. HIs wife reacted the wrong way from the start and could have handled it better and took offense. I don’t think he was intending to offend her but at the same time he did of course. I kind of figured out some aspect of the problem when entering the living room at my little sisters last house which had one three seater couch a love seat for two and a chair. My sister is wife sat in the chair. The others sat on the couch and Gary in the love seat.

When at the hospital for 6 week checkup after my initial operation when I almost died the woman and man who attacked me blamed me for their outburst in the waiting room. IT WAS A SIGN. Two derelicts in the waiting room attacking me because i was talking to two black men and another man with my husband at the time for no other apparent reason. It’s your fault she said. None of it was my fault. The woman attacked me with her big HUGE CAIN. Though she did not touch me. The Cain was hospice murder suicide. It touched me later and I didn’t see it coming’, but nothing is gonna stop the end, now.  Thank the church! The church is gonna lose this battle and not only this battle, it is gonna lose everything and everyone.  It is the point. It is the end. It is the purpose of Revelation. So her peers really fucked up as did the church to their own demise rushing in like fools as did the angels who were on the wrong side of the ship and have been for a very long time and SILENCE is not going to stop it. In fact, it’s gonna help now. It is gonna help determine who is on the wrong side and who isn’t. There is gonna be a new proverb: We shouldn’t have messed with the Roots!

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren


Pincer movement
The pincer movement, or double envelopment, is a military maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks of an enemy formation. The pincer movement typically occurs when opposing forces advance towards the center of an army that responds by moving its outside forces to the enemy’s flanks to surround it. 

There are other military moves as well but I would not want to give the maneuvers away. The Pincer movement is a maneuver everyone should know by now. At the time I didn’t know, but I do now. 


Even after knowing what I had told her and her response which wasn’t good and all the other things like him being in the living room pacing the floor in his undies masturbating around where I was sleeping in the early days and she yelling What are you doing? Get back in here Gary! having to get him to come back to her bedroom. Years later even after all we had been through if I visited her she would try to get me to spend the night. And I would have to make up excuses. And if I did the excuses wrongly she would be offended deep inside. WILLFUL NUTTINESS. Why would you try to get someone who had accused your husband of molestation in the past and other things ask her to spend the night? To make me look like I was the problem and I wasn’t or just not thinking? I saw him tickling his 20 something year old very well built daughter on the couch and I saw her get up fast and I saw the look other face when her eyes met mine. My dad didn’t try to tickle me. The sexiest thing my brother did with me is stick his knee in my back and his hands on my shoulders and force me to my knees for fun. Something he did as a kid. Big brother silly stuff. I saw the way his son acted when his dad reached to the seat behind him to grab my thigh. It made his son nervous. He kept trying to look but then stopped himself. Made him nervous. He was learning to drive and his wife was in the house we stopped for a real-estate errand she needed to do and he had a beer in his hand. So what did I do? I got out of the car and did some kind of dumb thing to offset nd distract the occasion being silly for his son’s sake until my sister came back. He loved making people uncomfortable when drinking his beer and testing his son, I guess.

Anyway Barbra Boxer says there are some communications about Kavanaugh in college and involved in secret societies and him being drunk and called OKavanagh. I don’t know if she knows what she is saying or if she’s hearing lies or true rumors but those secret societies are troublesome and is my beef with him becoming a Justice if those societies have anything to do with some Jesuit shit or many others that have an agenda against women and some men and for the RCC.

As far as the nazi look alike Rod Rosenstein who said something about the 25th amendment and wiretapping Trump I’m not sure he isn’t guilty but I sure wouldn’t fire him on a silly statement said in jest. However I would fire a bunch of people such as Kelly and keep Panetta out of government and go after Hadyn as well. And I would keep John Kerry out of America with no access to the The State Department. I’m sure there are others. But waiting on the election to build the wall is not what Trump said he would do. In the meanwhile I refuse to vote for either party because of the secret societies and the lies in the press run by them. It is ridiculous and why bother voting. Kelly has Trump right where he wants him. Too bad. Don’t listen to reason. Judge Jeanine whom normally I like but is being a butt hole. Talks about being a judge for a long time similar to O’reilly being a teacher for a log time. SO WHAT? Look what O’reilly got caught doing harassing women on the job not just once and paying out a bunch of money. But I guess it is okay with Fox since he was on Fox and a lover of the Jesuits. Notice they never bring him up on Fox station when talking about sexual harassment? WHY NOT? It’s as if he had never existed. What about it Jeanine? Why is he immune?Why don’t the guests bring up his name? Forgot about him? is it because he is the same religion as Judge Jeanine? Of course its the reason. Did you sign a clause in your employment contract not to discuss Fox dirt? Do the guests have to sign one as well? Probably.

BUTT, there is stuff simmering at Fox, that i know of, and eventually might cook all of you like a lobster. LOL

Back to my sister at the office after her husband gabbed my butt and I told on him to her at the office in a private conference room and she should have fired him. IMO  I was shaken by it when it occurred and if I had had a gun in my hand would have felt i had the right to shoot him in the back as he walked away sneering enjoying himself. But I did’nt and good thing I didn’t. Gary was jealous of some other man at the office whom I did not have an affair with in fact we never touched though he slapped my skirt but he didn’t touch me. He was a strange one but came too close to possibly starting something but possibly may have had one with my sister. they got pretty cozy talking about her weight how she should lose it for her business and she did which is how i noticed something was going on before I even was offered the job but wanted to know who it was of course and sitting behind her at the office etc and later chasing me around a bit and it was noticeable. I wanted to know what made her lose weight. TOTAL SETUP. He had a hard time communicating with me but didn’t with her. Anyway, I didn’t play into their hands as much as they wanted me to. I wasn’t ready for it but he kind of trapped me in a store hanging out at the cashier waiting for me to show up at the cashier to buy supplies we needed and is when the office romance to no avail began. He was good looking and a bachelor. He was up to no good. Later a few years later she mentioned him to me that he had married and married a chick who looked like me. I had no idea and I didn’t ask and wasn’t even working there any more because a few years had passed since the brouhaha and we were under an agreement set forth by my brother to keep it to our generation and for the family which I was trying to do and then she rented the video ATONEMENT of a sister who ruined a marriage by crying rape falsely of the husband and  then somehow their marriage healed after it was found out the rape had not happened and the wife and husband had quite a love life in the midst of it all getting it on in a curtain standing up. LOL etc. it is very hard to imagine my sister in a curtain standing up having sex with her husband since she was so prudish. Not even prudish because masturbation or helping in sex is not too much to ask. Of course movies are not apt to show that aspect but the romantic part which sometimes isn’t enough in real life but movies are for the imagination and not real life and thank goodness because we don’t want to see it as in Madonna on stage however it was frustrating knowing their problems probably could have been solved with a good sex therapist not the german one but better than nothing at least for the most part. It was absurd. When he came to the couch where I was sleeping on the first time I thought he was sleep walking while masturbating in his undies. I kept quiet about it to both of them but she knew he was in there having called him back to her room and I guess maybe he tried to have sex with her and she wasn’t complying on hind sight? I can’t say but it was when I gave him the benefit of doubt which is reasonable IMO. I probably should have brought it up at breakfast. LOL and it might have helped but I didn’t know him very well to have brought it up and knew she would be embarrassed. I’m sure he would have been embarrassed as well but it might have been the right thing to do with a tape recorder, but I didn’t have one at the time. When she called him in to her room I was thankful. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had one eye open and I was 6 years younger then them and watching him as he paced back and forth holding himself mostly when his face was heading to the left and not at me and it went on for a little while. It was a relief and I was too prudish to bring it up the next day. Trying to respect their marriage and respect her and he did not seem to be normal so I thought he was sleep walking, hoping it was the case. I was totally covered with a blanket. Nothing showing or nothing inviting him. If only Beth AKA Jessica his young sister had warned me or his dad had warned me or if only his dad had warned my dad to warn me, it would have been helpful and we could have avoided all of this shit. Mr. Kircher was a Christian man and had let it be known he was in his way and it would have been good for both families and I think we could have been able to handle it much better for our sakes and for their sakes and been able to  handle it better for Gary’s sake and my sister’s sake and for his grandchildren’s sakes as well.  We could have had a plan of action or a few and been more proactive but instead i had to be believed over my older well connected rich sister and have communicated better and been more prepared to react with knowledge and been more successful with respect instead of without. Those plans can be changed with experience as you go but I think everyone would have been better off.  I’m innocent. Obviously there was trouble before he came our way in a big way and not in a small way and I think I found out via things said to me by my sister, cousin, Gary, other sister, about it. Little things that add up. It is hard to forgive the un-advice.

It is tough to take having been molested and harassed for years and years to sit through the movie which I did not know the premise of till I saw it and then she bought the movie to show on other occasions with family some of whom knew the truth. So she was up to no good bringing it up and obviously playing some kind of game and kind of showed her hand a little. Not a very good hand as far as truth goes. Tried to show it on one occasion while i was there and everyone put a thumbs down for watching it. Her husband the first time I saw it went to bed. He must have seen it before when she might have tried to get a pound of flesh from him. She was specific as to the movie to get at the video store which she wanted me to see and she rented. She should have taught him for her sake for her kids sake for my sake for my families sakes  at the office by firing him. He had other coals in the fire such as fixing up homes to sell. He was not going to sell real-estate like she did though that was the plan told to me by both of them and I would take over the clerical advertising aspect he had formulated but he didn’t attempt to sell real-estate as an agent and so I attempted to educate myself at real estate school and learned some things but got very sick and never finished. They came to my house with the plan to sell me on a job for them and I accepted. Then instead it turned into some kind of revenge scenario. I think the real plan was the revenge.  The meeting I had with her when he grabbed my butt and the idea of teaching him a lesson then didn’t have to be a big deal and could have been temporary and PRIVATE instead went after me which I think was the plan from the start. I had to later go to the manager because I was being threatened and intimidated and had already been through a bunch of it already which is what gave him the courage to grab my butt. Their defense of him helped him to feel emboldened. He was trying to humiliate me and she was trying to punish me in lots of strange ways and each time things happened I was adding it up over a period of time. If everything had happened at once it would have been a no brainer but it didn’t . I was shopping with her for her daughters wedding and both of us having a great time and spent a ton of time on her dress the mother of the bride etc and then at the wedding she was a shit to me but the average person would not have noticed her game. I did. I know GOD DID. And God is after all the one who counts, He knows the details things I don’t probably know and things she doesn’t probably know, things Gary probably doesn’t know, and the family doesn’t know, and the office people don’t know, because there were a bunch and intent is a big factor, etc. I was definitely victimized and everyone else to some degree not realizing they were playing with fire and my parents were victimized and probably a few more in our family from what I can tell and my kids were victimized and lied about as well. I’m learning and trying to write sense and write reason to others if possible, which is possible. But I did see an attempt to cover up the truth and since quite a few attempts to cover up the truth at least the truth that needs to be known such as about Hospice and the RCC and the unreasonableness of both and the sign given at the Sea of Galilee and some signs in the Book of Daniel and the attempts to confuse and to obfuscate those signs for the RCC.

There is a saying about you can’t teach an old dog new tricks unless you love the dog and then you can for the sake of the children, your family, and your own dignity. I taught my ex a few new tricks for the sake of my daughter. Still working on him on some other issues and he walks away every time. He knows he is wrong so he walks away to his bedroom and closes his door to his bedroom while loudly threatening me. The next hour or so he is back to normal as if nothing happened. In one ear and out the other. It was a rough time for our families but it was also rough on me for many years though I tried to be discreet and nice and a good family member and even a good sister to my sister a good aunt a good mom a good wife a good daughter and tried to forgive but it affected me, our famiies, and eventually it affected everyone. It is not going to stop until I can’t write no more. I’m gonna make sure it affects the assholes of the world and until they capitulate to my way of thinking which is far better than what I have witnessed on the news in regards to our government and the religions hell bent on a mustard seed of faith. Later I wrote an email to everyone in the family because I was afraid for my mom and felt she things needed to be told hoping it would make others intervene in her craziness or her need for revenge. It emboldened her. This was the line I was dealing with. HIs and hers. Later got a cal about my mom from her and she told me my mom was dead and that she knew my mom would not want to live that way and had hospiced her without telling me and then said she loved me. She said I love you and said my name real sassy like. That ain’t love, sweetheart. That is evil. Evil beyond my imagination. After everything I had gone through with them I would not have done it to her.

It is s funny to watch and I hope you take note the people in office in our government don’t know how to walk alone. Always seem to have 5 or 6 other men walking behind them. Very odd. Their little armies. Either their little armies or the Vatican’s armies walking behind them making sure they tow the Vatican line. Secret Service agents? I don’t know. Guarding against their rivals? Is the Secret Service Texas A&M graduates?

Mark Levin the original nutcase

Mark Levin is having a hissy fit about Kavanaugh and the delay of the vote to raise Kavanaugh to a new level as a Supreme Court Justice because of a possible sexual assault in high school and now another accusation has emerged, He is also having a hissy fit about the democrats and being intellectually unfair and just admitted he is an original constitutionalist and what does this mean, Mark? What is an original constitutionalist in Mark Levin’s mind? Does it mean a job at Fox with his new show just in time for the attempt to fill a Supreme Court Justice spot to assist the Vatican in its persecution of non-catholics and women who have had an abortion and their families who supported their decision to have an abortion and to instead support Mother Teresa and hospice/murder.suicide a ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZI STYLE SOLUTION to make decisions for us as to whether a female may have an abortion and decide who lives and dies and at what age is too old, or because of rank, or because of religion or because of wealth and when depending on the direction of the political and religious winds swirling about or does it mean he is against any changes made to the Constitution and since when?1900? 1800? 1950? 1980? 1999? Is Mark Levin a Jesuit? IN SECRET?  Does it mean Mark’s expertise will be of less value if Kavanaugh isn’t selected? Does Mark know about the mustard seed? Does he know it isn’t the smallest of seed even though three gospels said it was the smallest of seed and so does/did the Koran? Does he care? What does it mean? Does he care? Or is it he just doesn’t want to have to be man enough to care as long as he isn’t a female. Mark likes those scapegoats. In this political and religious direction of the wind he is hoping it works out for him regardless of the truth. Mark, I did believe Clarence Thomas. I did not incessantly watch the hearings but I could tell he was the man for the job. I have a right to my opinion but I didn’t believe the accuser. I thought she might have been in love and felt spurned not because she was a democrat and i thought the coke/pubic hair stuff was silly and non-consequential to his judgement. I think Anita HiIl was very neurotic and she seemed flimsy personality wise every time I saw her. A delicate flower kind of woman. It was hard to take her seriously but that was then and  now is a different time. I think she might have been used in a long term way because of the upcoming ecumenical movement transition on the horizon since1963 Vatican Two and the Catholic determination to be head haunch of the religions when they unite for the one World Government and One World Religion with Teeth by hook of by crook to worship the Baby Jesus ceramic doll over reason by making the Gospel of Matthew the preeminent gospel. Seems a logical traceable sequence of events with lots of stuff spattered about here and there to achieve  the Roman Catholic idea of heaven on Earth.THEM IN CHARGE and the freedom to do whatever it is it wants to do and do to little girls to fuck and cut and to kick around and without any recourse such as guns and rifles and nukes etc but only abortion and control of her body functions and her future. You give up your right to bear arms, the future wall, our militaries,  Department of Defense, the Pentagon, The State Department, The FBI, the NEA, the NSA, the CIA, Borders, the Secret Service, and all the others and then you might have a right to bitch. but you don’t bitch. Females do have a right to bitch and to protect their rights over and above the Church and  especially the abusive sexually to kids Roman Catholic Church. What happened to the separation of church and state? It works for the Ten Commandments but not the Roman Catholic Church. WRONG. What difference does it make if Kavanaugh isn’t selected for Mark? The loss of his show on Fox? How will it affect Mark Levin if he is selected or if he is not selected those are the questions i have for Mark Levin and I hope he has the guts to explain. Is it because he won’t get to persecute females anymore? Had some bad relationships in the past, did you? Did someone you love have an abortion and didn’t want to have your baby? I bet there is a reason and I bet it is not good.

Trump’s tweet or remark about reporting the incident when she was 15 was way over the top and not to be believed in any way. Was she 15 when the incident occurred? I’m gonna wait and see. This was not an alleged rape after a divorce kind of thing as occurred to Trump and his ex wife Ivanna Trump and sound like revenge for being accused by his ex wife and is UNBECOMIING to him.  If it was a tweet it might have been written by someone close to him like Gen. Kelly. If he said it to a crowd he needs to grow up and should not be the President IMO and lacks understanding of females and sexual abuse. Sounds like he could have been inhabited or possessed by Pope Francis if he really had the audacity to say what it is alleged he said or tweeted. Pretty wild Gen Kelly’s namé happens to be Francis. Is it chosen because of the Franciscans cult of the Catholic Church? Is the Fox contributor Katrina (Hurry-Cain) Pierson a Franciscan catholic or a Franciscan hospicer? She sure resembles Senator McCain’s daughter but in a dark way. Very similar and sounding as well. How od. Like a negative of Senator McCain’s daughter photograph-wise. What an odd middle name:Katrina like the hurricane which many christian prophecy teachers thought was a reaction to the attempted division of JERUSALEM attempted through some peace process. Not sure which one, OSLO? Besides I don’t think most of us know many things in regards to the deals attempted to be made.

“The Franciscans are a group of related mendicant religious orders within the Catholic Church, founded in 1209 by Saint Francis of Assisi.”

“The Custody of the Holy Land is a custodian priory of the Franciscan order in Jerusalem, …. Despite repeated Israeli assurances that Israel will guarantee freedom of religion and safeguard the Holy … The Franciscan order owns a great deal of property in the Holy Land, second only to the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem.”

“The Franciscan presence in the Holy Land started in 1217, when the province of Syria was established, with Frater (Brother) Elias of Cortona as Minister. By 1229, the friars had a small house near the fifth station of the Via Dolorosa. In 1272 the Sultan Baibars of Egypt permitted the Franciscans to settle in the Cenacle (also called the Upper Room) on Mount Sion. Later on, in 1309, they also settled in Bethlehem and in the Holy Sepulchre, along with the Canons Regular.”

The upper room is where the false covenant of the gospels was made before Jesus had died not after, a blood covenant. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass as in ASSISIS and if you subtract the ass you get ISIS. It is also said to be where St. Thomas was hiding with some others when Jesus showed himself and proved himself to Thomas. But I don’t think either was the same room. I’m sure there are a few upper rooms in Jerusalem and else where. 104 floors to one of the TwinvTvowers so I guess 103 upper rooms? I think it might have been one of the covenants which were false spoken of by Daniel in the book of Daniel. Anyway the covenant gets broken at some point. Maybe the Representateve Darrell ISSA of the 49th district of California might know?  He is the second richest member of congress and the congressman of the 49th district which is a very well off district of California.  I wonder did he win by votes or something else? Probably,

“”Early life, education, and military service. Issa, the second of six children, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Martha (née Bielfelt) and William Issa, who sold trucks and ground valves. His father was a Lebanese American of the Maronite Catholic faith and his mother is of German and Bohemian (Czech) descent.”

I wonder what makes a bohemian?

barefootedness? or population control via hospice? shhhhhhh

or both.

That’s a first, I went to the fridge for some cream and I now have two full creamers for my coffee. It really is a first. How weird. I actually have three but one is almost out. The other is underaged.

Enough of him back to a worthy thought though not the first one in regards to IRAN but the very best one:

If Mike Pompeo and Trump are really interested in having talks with Khomeini and Rhouhani in regards to Iran take back the Panama Canal and see what happens. I bet you will get your meeting. Otherwise, why bother them? Peace through strength, not peace though appeasement. It ought to be apparent because of the strait of Hormuz is kind of Saudi-iranian these days. But what is obvious to one person is not obvious to another bohemian style.

Iranians military killed Iranian military and Iran wants to blame the USA.

26 billion dollars of blame?

Maybe UN Ambassador NIkki Haley is right, maybe it is an internal problem between two factions in Iran. Rouhani and Khomeini? Did the assailants look like americans? Did the assailants have cell phones with decoded state department phone numbers? Or are the witnesses not allowed to say. The assailants were men in uniforms. Were the assailants Shi’í or Sunni? or Sufi? Did the assailants yell anything? (Did the assailants yell Black Lives Matter? or Allah Akbar? or We are the Word? or De Fideli? or Do not play with the lion’s’tale? I think he was referring to Panetta because Panetta was worried about not being privy to what the meeting between Putin and Trump was about not being able to hear the meeting as usual.) What language? 29 people killed. Maybe it was 29 billion dollars? Someone trying to send a message via an attacking parade about the amount of billions sent to Iran via Obama without consent of Congress or with consent? The anniversary seems to be important to those making a statement which was the Iraq-Iran war but allegedly the war started earlier. I think it might be wise for Iran to have a meeting with Pompeo, but I do not think it was an american stunt to get a meeting started but more like mismanagement of Iran and its people by it’s leaders

and possibly a little pinch by John Kerry

which has nothing whatsoever to do with the Vatican.

“The official language of Iran is only one: Persian. Seven more languages are recognized regional languages: Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Lori, Mazandarani, Gilaki, Balochi and Arabic. The map of languages spoken in Iran is as complex and confusing as is the case with ethnic groups.”

A common language helps.

Seems appropriate IMO Not the deaths, but the troubles in Iran.

The ex came in triumphantly to tell me that Rod Rosenstein resigned to Gen. Kelly because Gen Kelly is also Chief of Staff for the Justice Department? Some kind of angle not readily understood. Perhaps O’reilly might hire him? Might as well write a book like everyone else. He loves to be on opposite sides against me because of HOSPICE and his involvement. I can’t tell you how many times he has lied. There is a way he does things which is very deceptive but it would be too hard to explain. Two versions of the same event one which happened and one which he was or is re-imagined with a twist. Either in his mind related back or something. Anyway Fox is waiting with baited breath for the Rosenstein ‘s meeting with someone at the White house. Either Trump of Gen. Kelly to find out if he has been fired but Fox is saying he is expecting to be fired maybe to be replaced by Noel Francisco to be in charge of the Mueller investigation by Mueller and has nothing to do with Kavanaugh though the timing seems to be relevant.


Am I supposed to? I know the truth: the stuff going on in Washington DC and in the press is just more of the same. Diversion from the truth on all sides.

The ex doesn’t care either but said it is Francesca not Francisca and basically said I heard it wrong and  I read it wrong so I got on a site which said Noel Francisco. I made him read it and then he said he didn’t care. But I did say I did read it right? and he said he didn’t care and then I said maybe it is two versions of the same name or word. He doesm’t respect me in any way  Rosenstein can sound like Rosenstine which I imagine is the same name but two different versions or spellings because of alternate but similar languages. Like the similarities of the Italian language and the Spanish language and the French language with words which are very similar and I linked the CNN story I showed him.. This guyis next in line after Rosenstein in the Justice Department if Rosenstein gets fired or resigns or even stays in place and now we are doing the same with conversation which can be very weird which could spell trouble not being able to differentiate between meanings of a conversation to the point I have seen until tho Rosenstein reporting in regards to what it is he said and in the context. To me it sounded ike a funny suggestion but never said he would wear a wire that I heard until Fox woman of outnumbered changed the meaning to Rosenstein discussing he could wear a wire which I doubt he would admit to with a bunch of peons beneath him. 

So the FBI and the Justice Department were colluding about Trump? What is everyone afraid of? REVELATION? So the Justice Department oversees the FBI and the President oversees the Justice Department. Is it constitutional? So what does the House of Representatives do?

Oversight or Overlook: Congress and the U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The woman on Fox (the african american woman a army brat with big cat eyes who runs a few shows usually with women) said Rod Rosenstein said he was will ling to where a why err too imp each Trump (Just kidding) but she totally mischaracterized the conversation of the conversation stated in the news all over the place.)

Anyway Judge Jeanine is enjoying her religious advantage and belittling a Senator (Mazie Hirono) snidely for a language faux pas collaboration vs I can’t even say it it’s a a hard word to say but at least she is courageous unlike Judge Jeanine. I have seen Judge Jeanine be a weasel as well (not referring to the Senator). If Judge Jeanine were such a great lawyer why isn’t she practicing oh that’s right she’s a judge and you know what they say about judges. Has she not seen, nor heard, neither entered into her heart the difference? I know the difference. She isn’t even a practicing judge anymore. She works of the same news outlet as BIll O’reilly MR. BIG SHOT sexual predator and the FOX MORASS not just once. LOL DId she stand up for those ladies or did she stick with her salary. She stuck with her salary because she isn’t a practicing judge or a practicing lawyer and her opening statements on her show are getting kind of old. The same opening statement style with different words. If I didn’t have a grasp of the english language I would think it was the same opening statement each Friday night for years. There is such a thing as changing it up a bit. The Senator is very smart to be concerned for women and I’m glad she is there fighting the good fight in truth as best she can about the BENT ideological inference of his actions in the past and not necessarily just in regards to sexual abuse but  shoring himself up in some kind of strange ways as if he knew there might be a problem however it is coinciding with the RCC’s the sexual abuse of children desolation caused by the clergy of the RCC but of Judge Kavanaugh’s reason for the decisions he made under the guidance of some sect of the RC church to retaliate if given the chance against females and is a concern to me and quite a few other people. However he may end up being, if given the chance to be a Supreme Court Justice, a total failure and too late to be of much consequence. We shall see. If it is true he tried to rape a girl  a few years younger than him and couldn’t get her clothes off might be a good sign about his determination. Anyway Thursday should be sort of interesting but not the end of the world either way and is just a little bump in the road, however the press has made it into some kind of definitive proof of it’s own importance and i could have lived without the press and it’s lame brains and their corroborating with the RCC and its aberrations? I guess it is better than Geraldo Rivera’s war experiences in a tunnel looking for mobster treasure when all he had to do is visit the Vatican. Judge Jeanine is bending and is not very becoming and showing her indifference to rape, molestation and sexual abuses of children by the church she defends to her detriment when all is said and done and especially when she remained silent about Mother Teresa a huge sign she ignores. SHE KNOWS. GOD KNOWS SHE KNOWS. If the RCC sexually abuses it’s own children can you imagine what it does to other people’s children? Think about it. Ponder it. Roll in its holiness. Hopefully the truth will prevail.

DId the 65 women on the stage defending Kavanaugh’s good behavior in their presence vote for Trump after the bus incident when Trump was overheard talking about his fame and his access to women in a very derogatory way and are standing up for Kavanaugh now? I guarantee they voted for Trump. It was the main reason I didn’t vote for him or anyone. Though I must admit I wasnt sure what to make of it but is also the reason I didn’t vote for him. When a person says they were a virgin I have a hard time with a person who would even say it. Depends on what a virgin means to a person, to some it means everything but intercourse to others it means something else. The same goes for DO NOT RESUSITATE. (And this is part of the crux of dilemma we are dealing with.)

Everyone at Fox more than likely voted for Trump even after the bus incident and are still with him even after he signed the Omnibus bill yet call themselves pro-life. You guys need to mount some miniature ponies backwards and get off your high horses. You were tricked  by Trump and you don’t even know it yet, by the way. You will.. Oh by the way it is revelation and armageddon and the apostasy and tribulation and you played your parts and are found wanton as well. Don’t feel bad it seems to be a human flaw. How you vote on Kavanaugh is also a test. What you ask Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford and don’t ask is also a test. There is a reason Trump picked him and is backing him regardless of the accusation alleged against him because he wants you to as well so he can have company. What he said about a 15 year old was not very kind. standing on stage to attest to what you witnessed about him isn’t a sin but it i does not mean he did not mistreat another person not in their presence. i’m not saying it makes him a bad person. I think when people drink alcohol it can cause problems depending on the situation and other factors.  ADMIT IT!  It sure did me. It is a dangerous chemical in liquid form. It can also be helpful in the right circumstances but if we can’t admit the danger we do ourselves a disservice. She may be telling the truth and he may have an allergy to booze like the indians did in the past and like the irish do and like most people in politics do and many in the church do and many in the press do and may be part of the problems we have had to hear about. He does not have the character of Clarence Thomas by a mile, I can tell in the Martha McCullum interview. He seems to lack something and his wife is very nice and he is lucky she is by his side but I saw her look at him wondering. It is better for her to be warned than not warned. But still he is not necessarily a good choice or a bad however his Jesuitism is a concern to me because they do not care about their own hypocrisy. It is about power and power corrupts. Jesuits have been very bad in history and so I don’t trust him or the timing of his attempt nor his past treatment of women because he was setting himself up with some help for this time to fight a war it will not win no matter how bad or evil or deceptive it is willing to be to get power. It would have been so much more impressive if he told the truth and said but I plan to be the best I can be but he already turned the bend. Not because of shame but because of his purpose. and I don’t think it’s a good one not after all the attacks on females by Fox and the RCC. She deserves the same presumption of innocence he has been awarded by his peers as planned by the same peers and so far she has not received it. I cant get anyone to even agree to admit the size of the mustard seed debacle in regards to faith in the gospels. Amazing if you tell a lie over and over again it will eventually sink in very deep to undo a persons belief system. It shouldn’t. Men wrote the bible and it is fallible as is the RCC and as is the CONSTITUTION in it’s original form.

Anyway the ex and I are having a lot of fun together because he is often easily incited by my insightfulness because he appreciates me and my shadow. It’s an exciting relationship to be divorced and forced to live together out of need not greed and takes a special person to be able to handle his insidious side with grace and strength without ever forgiving him which is my right to be disgusted by the wretched rites of Catholicism he denies exist such as I have explained yet enjoys my company for the sake of his survival. IMO it’s kind of how it is but it won’t last. He really gets off when I am proved wrong in some way or another such as about Rod Rosenstein and the tone of his comment. Excitement was in the air when he rushed out of his room to announce the news about Rosenstein to me and turned out he was wrong though he might be right later but not at this time. Wonder why it mattered to him except it put the light on Rosenstein instead of the Vatican which is inconsequential in his mind yet leans on it and enjoys it to his advantage like having me falsely arrested yet he paid the bail bonds men for the right as if he had a right to punish me with one night in jail and boy did it cost him. He’s a sick puppy. We haven’t had sex in 10 or more years so I don’t really know what it is which wants to keep me. My humor? My beauty?  Or just a fucker who likes to fuck with me in his benevolent way. Kill me with kindness? Yea he fucked up my life and not much I can do about it since he is Catholic in a fucked up world except write about it and wait.

I believe Trump colluded with Russia as did Obama but in a different way Obama is the destroyer the abomination of desolation written about in the Gospel of Luke and other places in the bible which I have posts about and is plain as the little wrinkles on Kavanaugh lower lip or as plain as the lower lip of Laura INGraham when she has it injected with what ever it is she is injected with to make her talk funny and look silly and I think Putin figured it out and may have helped to make sure Clinton was not elected because of the collusion she was willing to do for Obama with Putin having to do with the Syria situation and Iran.  Syria is the Burdensome stone written about in the Old Testament. This is the problem we are facing is a ton of corruption and some of it was definitely unintended and some intended and were entrapments as well. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t on both sides of the aisle which makes the term abomination of desolation seem plausible. We have been experiencing it. Obama and the RCC are in cahoots because it is a false church system This is what makes revelation seem plausible. We are experiencing it.  Not because of abortion but because of hospice and the betrayal of mankind and women and girls by the RCC the moral authority which is wanton in such a big way it is unfathomable and also by the males against females to cover their own ass and not willing to stand up for females or with females but expect females to stand for them constitutionally and a few will because they recovering their ass which is immensely cowardice. The measure of a man is what is going on and it is not looking good for man. So don’t expect things to go well in the Trump administration for anyone because you guys know you are full of shit.  I think Trump was hoping to make things better but I do not think Obama was attempting to make things better. I think Trump is being controlled by Gen, Kelly a jesuit and not a nice one and  A LIAR THROUGH AND THROUGH. His daughter on Fox Ms Kennedy is not nice either and she tried to bribe the President twice that I saw to be impeached and that it would be good for him and not much different than what is alleged to have happened to Rod Rosenstein concerning the wire and impeachment and she was not joking and he was but may also be guilty of something else I know not of except he looks like what I tried to show he looks like. She is guilty of being a traitor. Bribing the president to be impeached against the will of the people who voted for him? Her companions on Fox and many others. IF she isn’t considered a traitor she should be considered a person who tried to bribe the President of the USA two times and maybe three times which I did not witness,. for Gen. Kelly and for the Jesuits and for the RCC. He is having to walk a thin line because of all the forces hedging him in. One of those forces is the Jesuits who are attempting a Jesuit coup as was done at the Vatican when Francis replaced the other pope before him because he let out a few good zingers for his friends who might hear him in the church he grew up in etc and others as well. Read up on the ownership of those biblical holy land properties which are very LUKE RA TIV. You also have a myriad of other factions in the RCC and other churches trying to do the same. And then politics. The sites were not important until the Jews returned to Israel and then they were very important.  It was a wasteland as Mark Twain wrote about and I don’t know the date of the trip he made but it was a sign. The veil of the temple was torn from twain to twain when Jesus was crucified. Not only was it a sign it was a MARKER (get it?  Mark Twain?) Not only was it a Marker so was the birth of Pope Benedict XVl (aka Joseph Ratzinger) who was born at MARKT INN in Bavaria on Easter day or night?

He is the one who confessed that faith was the new enlightenment meaning it was a tool to appease Islam and to increase catholic constituents and to mock christians not able to move a mountain from here to there with a tiny sized mustard seed’s worth of faith. It is hard enough to move a spoon with your mind. If you only had this much faith it would be possible but since you don’t it is impossible when the real problem is the clergy have a mustard seed sized hearts and like their cushy styled lives off the backs of others regardless of the consequences which in the numbers of clergy of the RCC an over abundance would be tough to move from their deadly sins. SLOTH, GREED, THEFT, etc. He confessed sort of that Jesus was not killed by the jews but by the romans. He advocated for “charity in truth” though I did not read it but makes sense. He warned everyone about the New World Order WTH TEETH while the older George Bush was advocating for a new World Order with a thousand points of light.

A trick of Roman Catholics is to replay an event which occurred and did not look good and o replay the event with the same characters  to look innocent. I think it is an Obama trick too. I think it is evil, however you may think

it is fair in love and in WAR.

What is the saying about AUL, Paul, Saul? All is fair in love and war. You can have it all said Paul and he was wrong of course.

The hunter of christians infiltrating other religions all over the world. The apologist for a Jesus, the Jesus who did not understand what you are saying said in one of his letters hence you need a priest to decipher the conversation and decipher prayers and basically bribery. You need to have the saint of such and such to help as well. But the Ten Commandments says you need to pray to your father in Heaven and to honor your parents not kill them since you would not be here if it were not for your parents. It isn’t Sauls fault he was suckered by a flash of light three times which made him crazy CHANGING HIS NAME and hoping to make you crazy and make the world crazy for the RCC and its mobsters and child sexual abusers and money launderers etc. If you honor your children and your parents you should leave the RCC for good. The light flash used Paul on his way to Damacus SYRIA, he was converted, and is

the Burdensome stone along with his scalawags,

 He was a jew from Tarsus Turkey and was also a hunter of jews as well for the RCC and for Islam and the title mustard seed. Hitler was a half jew and hunted jews. We are in the deep throes of the RCCs death and it is kind of slow but is supposed to be an hour with the beast. An hour is supposed to be a ten year period biblically speaking at least it is what was taught but the catholic saying about God and God’s timing is “a year is but a day as a day is a thousand years” or something similar. The Roman Catholic Church is destroyed fully in one hour with the beast but doesn’t say it is with God so I think it is ten years.

the conversion

The Jesuits make a vow to the devil to protect the Vatican at all cost and no matter how.

Cavanaugh was educated in a jesuit fashion whether or not he became a Jesuit i cannot say. He may be being used as well to be a good example to be controlled at the right time or when needed.

I think I just heard Tucker coyly inviting a beautiful woman named Christi Setzer of New Heights Communication to hear his story about being falsely accused? Me too I was falsely accused of farting in the car when I didn’t because I laughed. Years later my brother confessed. It is called Self Preservation and my brother had some.  No wonder Tucker is kind of against women’s rights to be heard to be taken seriously to be given the same rights as men and as the accused such as the presumption of innocence right which when a woman is abused sexually or raped isn’t the act itself accusing her? Of course, it is.

I hope his invitation was denied. LOL She’s too nice for you Tucker! I thinkTucker fucker  thinks highly of his argumentative rantings but after a while those quizzical looks on his face get kind of old and besides I think he is also under some kind of influence which is making him want to have an affair with the woman he invited to hear his story of being falsely accused and him and Gutfield are kind of like McCain and Graham. He not satisfying? How about his english friend? Or how about Malkovich or Gutfeld?. Needs a female to hear his story?

GOFUNDMEPAGE UPSETTING FOX NEWS AND LAURA INGRAHAM but not in regards to the girl in IOWA who was killed by an illegal immigrant whose Dad started a GOFUNDME page probably split between MARK (get it?) Furhman and him. Maybe the Representative/Senator ERNST might investigate what he did with the money. I used to like her because I liked her election ads but now I don’t think much of her because she probably won’t investigate what happened to the money donated for the dad. SLUBGOB is one of the characters which sort of fits Kavanaigh  from the book the Screwtape letters..

I think Christine Ford ought to invest in some one piece bathing suits or leotards to sell to the public (even guys) referring to Kavanaugh and the saying said during the hearing by the press and the government in the hearing. Probably sell like the hearings themselves. She could make some good money, I think. Have one with picture of Graham losing it and Kavanaugh with his tongue wagging. I bet the book about demons might identify which one is haunting him from The Screwtape letters.

Being accused by the catholic anti christ acc. Get it? Tucker needs to realize he may have been rolled in the incident he wants to recall to Christy Setzer at some later time in order to be against women who are HAVING to stand up for themselves. I wouldn’t go out with him! It is how the mob works with the devil. The attempt was made to roll me at the office for Gary and with many other things I was not realizing. I leaped over the office roll like John the Baptist leaped in his mommies (Elizabeths) tummy at about 7 months when he met Jesus in the tummy of Mary.

Anyway she compared a person whose car is stolen and the cop raising the question “what did you do to make the thief steal your car” and currently is how women and girls and boys are treated who have been sexually abused by the church mostly or those who are involved in the church but not if you are an illegal alien sitting on a bench on a pier with a loaded gun wrapped in a shirt beneath the bench and some opioids in the trash nearby who can be the scapegoat for white males or sexually abusive daddies with a little help from guys like MARK Fuhrman and a GO FUND ME page. (Get it mark?) Is Mark Fuhrman the beast or just a part of the beast?

Bloomberg says the onus is on him to prove his innocence probably because I wrote the onus is on males because of their sperm and to prove the sperm and spermocytes are not seeds of men. Which if we want to get technical is the beginning of life hence everyone is guilty of aborting if any have misused the sperm in their testicles even just once not necessarily in a woman. IF you look at a microscope of sperm those title spermocutes wiggle a lot and move very fast. Not only one abortion either because there are millions of spermocytes in the sperm in one table spoon. Think of the possibilities.

Bush probably told Kavanaugh oh Yea no problem piece of cake etc about getting in to the Supreme Court. Don’t you worry. He said he was virgin for many years after college. The ex disputes the virginity story about years after college and says he said high school but I saw him say college. Regardless both versions does not a virgin make. Sounds like a priest order of some kind. Could it be true? It is getting kind of harder to believe. A virgin can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people: he thought he was virgin….. pina colada or a virgin olive oil or thought he was like a virgin as Madonna? When is his birthday? September? Was he a virgin and not a virginian? The USA may be being spoofed. Wouldn’t be the first time.

Like my ex saying about his trist with a female in his high school days whom he knew from high school but was a slut whom he said he fell out of but didn’t actually enter into her in a tub and said he was with some other guys which is why she was so loose and later said she invited him to her apartment to get it on in a tub by himself but had been with friends at the bar getting drunk. I guess she didn’t have a bed? LOL The reason girls used a stone to open their vagina is because of the little hymen to break it and not to widen their vaginas. Otherwise my sister would have a hell of a vagina. LOL The size of a horse? And she would not have needed to have the opening of her vagina widened with a snip or two by a doctor and this was done after child birth but in the same hospital stay. His story changed. A vagina does not loosen up because of experience but because of either pregnancy and child birth or because of sex with a few people beforehand in the same hour or two and he is lying his dumb ass off. He should know I know it’s a lie. I have a vagina. He did enter her but fell out of her because she had been the sex toy of the after bar party with some guys and he was not the first one in a short period of time to enter her for fun and amusement. I asked if he would have married her if she got pregnant and he at the time was against abortion because of the fear he had of the persecution of women going on by the Catholic church and Fox recently in the past few and didn’t give a shit because it was to his advantage for me to be abused by the church he denies is doing it and denies being in it and denies has anything to do with the propaganda about hospice using abortion and he told me at the time and even after and recently she would have had an abortion so he would not marry her, of course. He was not against it years ago and then changed his mind recently from being against it to be for it because he is not really very courageous. Never has been. He believes Kavanaugh

 I DON’T and neither does his wife though she may believe him about Ms Ford but it is neither here nor there he was not a virgin many years after high school or college. If he thinks he was he is a nutcase and should not be on the Supreme Court ever. For Trump it helps because of all the other shit he is having to deal with and keeps it at bay and will if he is selected and will if he is not selected. It works for him. Experience matters: Experienced people are the type of people we need on the Supreme Court. NOT VIRGINS. Virgins are for the men in Mecca who commit suicide by murdering a bunch of people in the name of Allah. So let him be a virgin for them and not for us. We might as well get a nun to sit on the Supreme Court. How about Gen. Kelly? Lets see if he can handle it.

As far as the disputes of her story about Kavanaugh there may be two incidents which might be the reasons for the disputes. One which happened and one which was staged. An Obama trick. A Roman Catholic trick. A Phil trick. Tricks of the trade. trading mens souls.

Revelation 18

The look of disgust. She knows. Maybe not all of her but a part of her knows.

Judge Napolitano  says Kavanaugh didn’t want to go there about his Catholicism and his anti abortion stance but guess what he will go there and so will Judge Napolitano. How convenient you don’t want to go there but let me assure you, you will. There was nothing superb about Martha McCullums questions. Expectations are pretty low for Napolitano. Did he give her those questions? I highly doubt she thought of them herself but is doing Foxes business because it pays her the salary. Sad situation above. Sometimes he gets a George Bush expression with his lips if you notice. Not that it isn’t a bunch of camel shit to begin with. Doesn’t want to go there about his Jesuitism either more than likely but someone ought to ask however because of the fear of not being politically correct enough probably won’t which is a sad situation. HOW RIDICULOUS. YOU WILL GO THERE! Only hurting yourselves by not approaching the nexus of the problems you face hoping to avoid it, but don’t count on it! I’m sorry she had to talk to her kids but I’m sure it was handled fine for their sake temporarily. BIG DEAL. Both could have avoided the situation for their kids by not going or attempting to be a Supreme Court Justice with the intent to overturn Roe v Wade for the RCC. George Bush went to Yale and I think was involved in Skull and Bones society and said he was a cousin to Clinton who was in the Jesuit stuff so both are for the same thing the RCC which is why Bush hit a camel in the ass. Jesus was crucified in the place of the skull. though not sure which Jesus was crucified in the place of the skull. Might have been a mock Jesus. An Effigy? What kind of idiots join these secret societies. I guess it doesn’t really matter. Idiots are idiots. Idiots don’t think hence not realizing it won’t last forever. Brit Hume just said Kavanaugh is for Roe v Wade but on the interview he would not answer Martha McCallum about his views about Roe v Wade and whether the accusations or the problems he us dealing with have to do with Roe v Wade and he should be more open about it I think. It’s important but I guess he doesn’t want anyone to hold his feet to the fire if something comes up about Roe v Wade when he is voted upon or if he is given a thumbs up to the court. IF he becomes a Supreme Court Justice I would worry about the other judges on the Supreme Court. You know those Jesuits thinking they do God a service………………………….People who are for Roe v Wade usually are open about it. That was a good question, I have to admit, and also the way it was asked and when. I guess you might say he stepped in his own shit.

Anita Hill

As far as Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas the Dems wanted to own the african amerian’s votes and then came Clarence Thomas to help them gain some independence from the democrat party. Totally different circumstance and allegations and I do think she was spurned though very beautiful. I think she loved him. I was young when it happened but I could tell she was being used and very fragile. I was not impressed by her testimony and he didn’t rape her or attempt to or even assault her. Politics is a rough bizniz. I think she has genuine problems having been used by the Dems and needs to come to terms with how she was abused. Talking about a pubic hair on a coke can is really silly. Women working with men does have it’s pitfalls. But when you can’t even joke shows she lacked a sense of humor but I hope she does well and seems to have done well being used against a perceived uncle tom who was a conservative and has a right to be one. I can tell character v character and he won the character in this event. Not saying she doesn’t have character but not in this event. Love is a very confusing feeling as is LUST.  He was way smarter than her but that was then and things have changed. It helps for the Republicans to have african americans in their ranks to learn about race relations and after all it was republicans who freed the slaves with the help of all kinds of people. Just because you are born in the south does not make you a vile person who would abuse slaves etc. Lots of southerners didn’t have anything to do with slavery or abuse of slaves. Taking advantage of which way the wind blows is unbecoming which my ex did quite bit of and still does and he was raised in the north as a catholic boy.  I saw more prejudice in the north than i did in the south but I did not Iive in Alabama or places famous for abuse of african americans in the past and usually was living on army bases in various places. The civilian world is a whole different world than living on a military base. We had to learn about it as we became civilianized and it seems a whole lot crueler than the military and I think it is a religious dilemma based on false premises and false teachings causing it. And does not help to have Jesuits spies in the military because the worst tend to be in a powerful position they should not even be near such as

The White House Chief of Staff needed to go to the UN, did he? I thought he was in charge of the White House Staff and didn’t look like a whole bunch of the White House staff at the UN. He is there to control Trump for the jesuits. and because he loves to be seen. Always loved to take credit. Was a bully and a sneak a peeping tom and did not think highly of women at all and it’s worse. Probably is a rapist and was probably one of those rapists who gang raped a woman at the Pentagon after her husband died in Viet nam. HIs personality is very Bugliosi-ish and Bugliosi was an idiot and a bully and also a braggart. . Anyone who supported the one bullet theory is an idiot and thinks everyone else is an idiot. WRONG. Keep your faiths and stick those faiths up you asses. You are allowing a rapist as your White House Chief of Staff controlling the President. Believe me you should leave the RCC and leave the White House and Fox News since his daughter is a spy for him and the Jesuits amongst you watching every little thing you do. Everything. Your children are not safe!

There is a crane in prophecy but not just one crane which delivers the death to the Vatican I don’t think it is a person but a kind of crane. Perhaps a kutani crane? Which would mean it might be soon.

This Kavanaugh discussion on Fox Outnumbered is absolutely insane. One female says all victims of sexual abuse should be believed. The second female doesn’t want to believe all the sexual abuse victims the third female wants to respect every sexual abuse victim and hear every sexual abuse victim but not believe them (all three are blondes) the african american man doesn’t believe the sexual abuse victims at all because he thinks all people lie and said this case should be a done deal and the african american woman army brat didn’t say while I was watching but had her hands full of shit after misquoting Rod Rosenstein the day before yesterday I think it was. Should these people have to return to grade school middle school and high school before being allowed to drive, to work, or to vote?

Bill Cosby has been sentenced for up to ten years for his drug rapes and I think he is blind. He will be treated well in prison more than likely like a king. I didn’t watch his show too much but loved his albums, which were funny. In his defense not in regards to his drugging and raping women but he did warn people about the nuns and I appreciate his warnings. He was married to a catholic woman and got sleazed out of some money to contribute to some building for catholics for a catholic cause and it was gonna be named after him and then was charged with the rapes after he said “and they mean biznez.”Everyone should take note he was right. The Catholic business is slick and nasty and it does mean biznez. The nuns knew about him all along and did not stop him for his sake, for his families sake, and for the sake of the women he raped. THEY KNEW and waited till it was beneficial for the RCC to intervene for the money he acquired via his talents. I’m sure some women jumped on the band wagon for the money and preceded the ones who were genuinely hurt kind of like the gospel of Matthew preceding the other gospels kind of tactics. I did not watch the court stuff about it but usually the ones who get the money didn’t get raped and the ones who didn’t get money were raped. The catholics like to get to it first. It is how it works for catholics. It’s a biznez, the roman catholic biznez and it’s about money.

Fucker Carlson and Plastic Surgery

Fucker Carlson did it again and had a woman named  Something Young Nance and looked like an advertisement for a false face or an ad for bad plastic facial surgery who is an advocate for abuse victims and says Justice must be blind. No, wrong again Justice needs to be able to see. It is a ridiculous notion and politically correct nonsense. It needs to be fair. Justice needs to be fair. It may often look as if it is blind because it doesn’t want to see the difference between real and unreal. She needs to get real because you don’t look it I doubt you possess it. She must be blind if she thinks what was done to her face is beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but she was ridiculous looking. I would rather see some aging than what I saw. She is not seeing herself in a true light. It’s’like people who diet and diet until they are skin and bones and think they are still fat. Race gender religion politics location and the presence of booze and drugs and unreal proclamations such as being a virgin for many years after college are very important in deciding a case fairly which is why the lawyers question their potential juries often till they are blue in the face to find out their biases and we all have them and if we put on an act about our corruptness, i mean correctness, we likely won’t be fair. She may not like what I just wrote but it is true.  If we want to play pin the tail on the donkey we must wear a scarf over our eyes otherwise it is better to see than not see and have understanding. I don’t think Justice should be like pinning a tail on the donkey. What an ass to have had her on his show. Believe me when I pick a plastic surgeon I will not go to hers because I can see. Maybe she has fallen for the concept a woman has to be beautiful like she is to be desirable enough to be raped or assaulted by an asshole. Men used to joke about putting a bag over some females face or waking up and realizing he had made a big mistake.

I disagree with New Gingrich Kavanaugh does not have to prove his innocence, but it would be nice if he were believable. Liars should talk less because liars tend to stick their foot in their mouth the more they are allowed to say and I think Kavanaugh accomplished an acrobatic feat in regards to his virginity as if it would make a difference. The Supreme Court position never said anything about chastity. I think he needs to rethink his goals and shoot a little lower. There is money to be made in painting parking lot lines or a chimney sweep. A sheep herder? A political commentator? A donut glazer? A truck stop waiter?


Kavanaugh,The Two Trumps, and Females Rights

(The less dicks the better)

I took some picture on search google about Jand Doe and Jane Moe and others being stalled in regards to having abortions because of their illegality not being citizens of the USA and yet where is the wall? The pictures show a disparity between the TRUMPS as if there are more than one with two different views on abortion yinging and yanging. Kavanaugh should not be on the Supreme Court. Either Trump has two personalities opposites or there are two. People really ought to stay out of the personal decisions of females. IF not, males deserve other people making personal decisions about males such as do they really need dicks? can’t they live without them? sure would solve a lot of problems if they didn’t have them, don’t you think? At least for some people who like to make personal decisions for females. Those are the ones who should lose their dicks. PROBLEM SOLVED. These dickless men can still serve soup to the poor. 

By the way, the Jesuit Gen. Kelly’s wife was a Jane. By the way, Fucker Carlson that goes for you too.

Like an arsonist complaining about a fire? said Lindsay Graham. YOU SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THE SENATE!

REMEMBER Mohamed Morsi?

That goes for you too Lindsay Graham You don’t need a dick either.

This guy is a pathetic Senator as is his performance on the hearing of Judge Kavanaugh and didn’t even try to get to the truth about the assault on Mrs. Ford. Weird thing is Judge Kavanaugh has a mannerism just like Gary with his tongue in cheek, but used differently but often in a very big way One was when Gary was being cute and with Kavanaugh when he was upset. Ten days in hell must have been so tough. I can’t imagine how hard it was for this delicate person attempting to get on the Supreme Courtbut I don’t know him or the manner of his hell. Recently heard the american cardinal say he had gone through hell.  Tobin’s house came to my attention but Mike Tobin came to my mind. Don’t know why but I know the name via the Kirchers. Grinding came to my attention because of a kind of dance kids danced as did his daughter but with her cousin which makes it okay at her sister’s reception. It was only in fun and not meaningful. Everyone not everyone but many danced the grind because it was a fad and she was a dancer a very good one and not like jazz dancing can’t be sexy and athletic as sometimes even ballet can be interpreted sexually as anything can be interpreted sexually if you want to interpret in a sexual way because sex is a prevalent activity in the human race and in animals and in the oceans and such as even buildings like the Washington Monument and the roof of the White House, the opposite sex. I thought Mrs. Ford was believable. I guarantee the book by his friend Mark Judge will sell like hotcakes. The Safeway incident involving Mark Judge and Mrs. Ford which was a connect the dots point was interesting and I think telling and IMO proves her truthfulness and worthy of investigation and seemed a tipping point of the Senator who seemed to have caught it but was a much better story than what happened to Gabrielle Giffords and a bunch of other people at a Safeway in Arizona during the Obama Administration. Something weird is happening in regards to this hearing and my experience with the Kirchers. I would not want the Senate to judge my experience or the Kirchers as I would not want the Vatican to sit in judgement of them or me or my family. The reason it is included in my posts is because of Tribulation, the Apostasy, Revelation, the Abomination of Desolation, Armageddon the things that happened to us as a family and to my parents as a result of the Vatican religious government with teeth and it’s hospice witchcraft like Kavanaughs church going was compared to brushing his teeth which is not a very good reflection of the church. Obviously he was not a choir boy. People do stupid things and hopefully this person attempting to get on the Supreme Court understands it and that there is a spirit world good and bad affecting the things we say and do in a big way using sex, alcohol, drugs, mind control, hypnotism, and some powerful tools we not of and I hope if he makes it to the Supreme Court since there is not going to be an investigation of some of the accusations evened against him he will figure out a way to have hospice of all kinds of people wrongfully and against their will and against their families will stopped and via trickery and avarice, greed and sloth, via entrapments and some horrible tactics without the knowledge of the innocents involved causing great confusion and reactions sometimes not becoming of anyone and in retaliation and for vengeance will hopefully use his experience, expertise and passion and the opportunity he may be awarded to destroy the RCC and its influence including the Jesuits and all other secret institutions fucking with people and their shortcomings which he attended daily as if he was brushing his teeth and protect the rights of females access to a safe and legal abortion at the same time and try to make the world and the USA a better place to live and to raise a family without the stupid, fucked up antics employed by the church and WITHOUT THE EVIL INTENTIONS of the church for the citizens of the USA and even non citizens and help to eradicate the mafia in our country and make things better for those who have been hurt by the NWO with and the without teeth and including help to change the two party system of government used by the church to strangle the citizens of the USA via all of the branches of government and INCLUDING THE PRESS USING TV, COMPUTERS, AND CELL PHONES, LISTENING DEVICES, AND CAMS FOR THE RCC TO WATCH < SNITCH< AND PEEP AND INTIMIDATE AND TORTURE FOR THE RCC TO ENHANCE THOSE INCIDENTS MOST EVERYONE WOULD LIKE TO FORGET BEING COMPLICIT AND PARTY TO THOSE INCIDENTS AND ALLIED WITH THE RCC AND IT’S ALLIES FOR THEIR OWN ENTERTAINMENT HOPING THE PROVERBIAL BAAL WONT LAND ON THEIR OWN HEADS WITH AMPLE WARNING, BUT WILL REGARDLESS AND EVEN WORSE. PERIOD

Experience matters even the good the bad and the ugly and use the experience wisely for people like Mrs. Ford and me and your family and the families that are living in these treacherous times. I don’t think anyone could pass the tests of time.


regarding Mrs. Ford

As far as Senator Lindsay Graham is concerned he did not like the Safeway reference for some reason as if maybe he might know more than he is saying. Connect the dots to the Safeway incidences with Mrs. Ford and Mark Judge and to the Fast and Furious deadly assault on a District Attorney investigating Fast and Furious and the near deadly assault on the Jewish Senator Gabrielle Gffords head shot (her husband the astronaut, his twin, Obama and references to space) and including the death of a young girl and others at the time where Senator McCain was a senator during his lifetime for and maybe against the state of Arizona. I bet we will hear MORSI about it in the future much to his chagrin. It sure did upset him and should not have upset him so much.

The Senator protesteth too much.

Rapists have feelings too when the shoe is on the other foot.

Of course for his part was a guest on Fox ‘Whereas on MSNBC saw two guests on a show the man looked like a relative of the Grahams, UNCANNILLY in his eyes. KIND OF EVIL LOOKING when looking at the camera straight on daring GOD.  I don’t know who he was but glaring successfully at the camera as if HE WERE VINDICATED discussing the hearing and his views that Kavanaugh was truthful and believable. So some stuff is going on swirling beneath this brouhaha of which a lot of people do not realize. When I say Grahams I mean BILLY GRAHAM. The friend of Mrs. Ford also was on and was very sweet and believes her as do I and talked about the difference between demeanors of Kavanaugh and Mrs. Ford. Kavanaugh was extremely mad a few times and badgered the Senators and it wouldn’t work in a court of law if the Senators were actually judges and were not Democrats which he sassed at a few times in his disdain for the questions proffered to him.  An d to the female Senator who asks a legit question and did it nicely and he attacked her as if he might be a threat to her someday and I hope she does not vote at all because without more information and in regards to his friend, Mark Judge. I refuse to buy the book because I guarantee its how some of these people in the press make a ton of money on the tragedies of the citizens they are supposed to represent.


I’m surprised he didn’t go ahead and accept the challenge by Senator DIck Durbin to ask for an FBI investigation because as he said and repeated VP BIden’s assertion as to the FBI’s inconsequentiality, so why not? I do think the Senator Amy Klobuchar may be in danger one way or the other whether he wins or doesn’t win the seat on the Supreme Court. I hope she doesn’t vote and states her reasons why. HIs irate sassy-ness to her was a little worrisome rapist kind of response, IMO. Like he might entrap or have her on his mind. Kind of biting. I think Republicans ought not to vote either and state their reasons and in defense of the Senator Klobuchar and if they vote for him I think they will regret it. I think the Trump interfering in the process shows he is unfit for the job but I think he was replaced already and probably killed and replaced with a double of some kind. Sounds very wild but its what I think because of Tribulation. Otherwise if it is him he is being controlled by the Jesuit Gen. Kelly aka Jesuit Major Gen. Rattan who seems to be at his side a bunch more than normal for a White House Chief of Staff.

Whether or not he is guilty or innocent gets on the Supreme Court or not has nothing whatsoever to do with God and his judgement and there is a lot of trickery going on. But I bet God has a few tricks up his sleeves as well.

American Bar Association says Kavanaugh decision should wait until after an FBI probe

His friend who refuses to testify in front of cameras because of his drug addiction and alcoholism and a=cancer  is being kind of cagey and since having written a book published and advertised with name changes ought to have to come in to testify and be cross examined. He was capable enough to write a book and had it published. If you put him and his friend Kavanaugh together he would look like Gary. He also resembles Seth RIch quite a bit who was murdered so I think it might be wise to call him in to testify to find out if he actually lives and someone isn’t being cagey for this reason and someone is writing using his name as a ghost writer but the opposite. I think no one should vote till he has been has been identified and helps out or take his book off the shelves and /or give the proceeds from the sale of the book to Mrs. Christine Blasey Ford and disqualify Kavanaugh.

Recap of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings

The other thing that really stood out was the Naval Research Center mentioned was located nearby and wondered if it had anything to do with the attempted rape but in the meanwhile I suggest females wear a one piece bathing suit or one piece bra and underwear when going out to a bar, a party, or on a date. It seems to have helped Mrs. Ford and I think I want to get in the business of one pieces for females for the prevention of a successful rape. Sounds silly but it is a good defense. Ballet outfits might become kind of popular clothing necessities and can do the same thing as a bathing suit called LEOtards. And Gary was a gemini which I think is a twin but also in the bible it talks about giving it to her double in Revelation I believe so not sure but it might mean recompense. Either talking about the church or the UNCHURCH.The ex believed Kavanaugh and totally disbelieved Mrs. Ford and we argued and I told him he shouldn’t even talk about lying being such a big liar and he cursed me out his way and told me to get out of his house etc. Tomorrow or next week the Senate will vote on Kavanaugh but I wouldn’t. If I were a Senator I would not vote. This case has too many holes, fox holes. The yearbook and the calendar as well was a bit much as well as the 65 females and I don’t know the meaning of the words used and have read up on them a little and it is not impressive but you had to feel sad for him no matter if he is guilty or not. But I think her story was believable and her confusion at the time was very believable and perhaps both are victims of evil.




IF both are victims of evil perhaps the Naval Research Center is involved. Remember the research center in Aurora Colorado when  a young man went to a theater WAS LET INTO THE THEATER in a costume and he killed a bunch of people. Many people who frequented the theater were also military people not necessarily in the psychiatric part of the military base, He was going to a psychiatrist or psychologist at the research base and it had him on some drugs, so did it have anything to do with the massacre? PROBABLY. The female who was killed was his half sister (DNA) though no one wants to believe it and had been almost a victim one to 3 months before in Canada at a mall when it was attacked by a terrorist who killed a bunch of people and she survived. The female at the theater was using her Cell phone and she probably had the same Cell phone when in Canada. Was someone following her via Cell phone to assassinate her and used the massacre as a cover for the assassination of the female? PROBABLY. Did anyone test their DNA? What were the findings? Was a full investigation done? Was it inconclusive? Why? NO DNA TESTING OF THE VICTIMS to COMPARE TO THE ATTACKER? WAS THE EVIDENCE WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC SCRUTINY? (either grandparent or parent DNA) Was she assassinated because she was spying on Fox News? PROBABLY. Bill O’reilly was still associated with FOX news and I think still is and was a JESUIT sympathizer in that he said it was a good institution for disciplining the public with torture, persecution, sexual abuse, veiled threats, harassment and sexual harassment like is done in the RCC by the clergy to kids and adults and in countries during war, pre-war, and post-war tactics during World War two in INDONESIA to silence the kids and adults about their abuse. Jesuits are ensconced in the militaries of the USA without uniforms to hide their affiliation to cause trouble within the military and without the military for the RCC i.e. the Vatican?

Kavanaugh acted as if he was being condemned to a life of breaking rocks in a rock quarry if he doesn’t make the Supreme Court and kind of over did it IMO and so did Senator Lindsay Graham. But perhaps if he doesn’t make it or fails he will be punished by the Vatican or the Jesuits? I don’t know everything about the Jesuits but what I do know is the Jesuit history is not a good one serving food to the poor but serving the poor abuse and even kings and queens and assassination of them when necessary and vowing to protect the Vatican and its power no matter what it takes from impaling babies to burning people at the stake to murder suicide and torture and it has worked so well for thousands of years why change it and I doubt it has changed its sentiments. It should be OUTLAWED in our country and pursued as well to weed the Jesuits out of every institution in government and in business in the land because it is evil and intended to be evil from its Inception in order to terrorize non catholics and contain catholics and seems to be working really well for the Vatican.

Sometimes it feels like trying to warn a bunch of lobotomized human beings.

and I think is the reason the Vatican gets


Women are not your shield, Judge Kavanaugh

For someone who kept a PRECISE calendar and and wrote some strange stuff in his Yearbook (a braggart in a nasty way from what I have read of those symbols the devils triangle….) but didn’t know it was illegal to drink where he lived is kind of an odd FAUX PAS as if this illusion of his life might not be real and a tongue and cheek. Made up calendar to distance himself from this attempted rape. As much as he drank he should have known it was illegal being a precise legal eagle that he pretends to be. He seemed to be an example of belligerence. Definitely not fit for the USA perhaps he could be a Supreme Court Justice in Iran or France.

Kavanaugh Wrongly Claims He Could Drink Legally in Md.

I know Kavanaugh has been through a bunch and maybe because of what he has had to endure and the hardship of it maybe we should just stick with what we have Supreme Court Justice wise and be satisfied with what we have and let him go back to his old job!

Noticed on a break Senator Cruz and Senator Cornyn on a break during the hearing having areal good chuckle and I thought it was not the right place nor time to be doing it so I think lots more is going on than meets the eye and I think both will regret it in the future and possibly eternally. I finally figured out about Crusz that he was a sheister but not about Cornyn but now I

I don’t remember Clarence Thomas using his wife or even 65 females on a stage, do you? Did he bring his kids to the hearing?

I don’t recall him having an interview on Fox news to defend his honor, either!

Having 65 friends shows how shallow his friendships were. How many followers/freinds did Manson have?  Even when my little sister knew i had been harassed and she had seen Gary’s dick while we watched a show together with other members of the family at her home when I nudged her to notice and to be my witness when his wife went in tot he kitchen to swallow some calamine lotion or act like she had poisoned herself to divert attention from their harassment of me having been caught. His dick was sticking out of his pants which he posed to harass me above his shorts (sometimes he posed it on the bottom of his khacky shorts) and even after he played footsie with her under the table and up her leg as well at dinner out with their familiesand even after seeing him with another woman driving around the park and lake in his easily identifiable vehicle she would not testify for me against him to our family even to give me some backup to our parents and later after I wrote emails in defense of my mom she said I was satan and the devil. The one I coddled for almost two years in my home while she was in the midst of a nasty mean divorce and it was because it was very difficult to cross them….. more difficult then her divorce, I think, and it was a very difficult divorce much less testify to Congress about a Republican candidate for the Supreme Court Justice. She had seen it, heard about it, and felt it, and couldn’t for some reason. She refused to help me when i got a divorce because she was newly married which might give the average person her perspective about me or what she had learned about men and knowing my older sister probably because of what she had learned about men and learned about my older sister and the intimidation involved and had seen me almost die. The sickest person in the ICU at Parkland Hospital, I was told, by my doctor.

I hope the truth wins this battle though not sure when it will till it does

however it does go to show females deserve access to legal safe abortions and no one should ever stand in the way of a female in this regard or in any regard, ever, not even a virgin. No one should ever hold a previous abortion over a females family or persecute a female for having an abortion, or persecute her family for having an abortion. Fox News should be ashamed for bringing it up as a litmus test for Presidential candidates and for showing the most flimsy videos with false accusations about abortion clinics and for doing the Vatican business and Vatican propaganda to distract from sexual child abuse accusations and money laundering by the clergy. Fox should pray for forgiveness for allowing abortion or any other activity to be used as an excuse to hospice murder suicide anyone under any circumstances and should be ashamed for ignoring it’s evils and for endorsing it. A lot of people at Fox News are guilty as sin in this regard and there is no doubt about it. From Tucker Carlson to Dana Perino and Father Jonathan to Laura InGraham and a whole host of people at Fox and had better start praying for forgiveness for the trouble they have endorsed and caused without remorse or shame for ratings and a very stout salary and a whole lot more things Fox does which are immensely evil beyond a reasonable doubt. God knows. Most of the people at Fox deserve an early grave in the deepest part of Hell and including the sponsors for using my family without their consent in the ways Fox has done. Whatever the reasons for it by those at Fox I cannot fathom except acting as agents for Vatican demons, stupidity, revenge, extreme sadism and cruelty and very sick obviously spiritually devoid of goodness and full of shit morally and deserving of tribulation. I have watched and listened to Fox for a long time and it has been very remiss in reporting truthfully or fairly, and  extremely remiss in warning about the perils of Hospice, and have been extremely remiss in critiquing the Vatican and the religion of the RCC and it’s influence upon you and its mistreatment of others (children and non catholics) and your treatment of others (children and others) and I hope you pay dearly for ignoring it to the degree it was ignored or overlooked while blaming others at the same time and I hope you pay dearly for your propaganda for the RCC and ignoring truthers to your own detriment and the detriment of many people. With very few exceptions, you stink to high heaven. You should leave Fox being a branch of the Vatican press of disinformation if you know what is good for you and apparently you don’t. Very few have a chance in hell of escaping the things on the horizon unless you leave the RCC. Kind of hard to take any of you seriously in regards to Kavanaugh while ignoring Bill O’reilly’s sexual harassmentSSSSS, however Martha wasn’t there at the time, but most of you were. (The wIne press of God drunk on the blood of saints such as Mother Teresa’s blood and Francis of ASSISSIS blood and others.) Your credibility lacks credentials! Oil is not credentials, nor is virginity.

Seems compartmentalizing is a big issue these days based on party lines and on gender lines and on religious lines and probably some other lines: COKE lines as in cocaine lines?

Just read some sad tales about people in dire straits in England. The first tale is called Debt Killed My Dad and the other links are very sad. Instead of worrying about abortion and female rights people ought to worry about these kind of situations people find themselves in because of bureaucracy and other mismanagement woes of governments and white collar crimes against regular people who tend to be ignored and about ignoring hospice murder suicide for various reasons. Reminds me of a person I didn’t know but a young female and her boyfriend broke up with her and she shot herself in the stomach and then regretted it but died anyway and the slew of suicides after her suicide like it was a cold. I don’t think her boyfriend just broke up with her but probably wasn’t done kindly to upset her so badly. He showed up at a gathering in her honor with his new girlfriend. It was unappreciated by her friends but I don’t think he cared or he would have either not shown up or came alone to respect her. Her friends released a bunch of balloons in her honor which I thought was cute. This occurred during the Obama Administrations. It is linked. 

Alex Jones wants back in the limelight and the younger one said ” if the sexual allegations aren’t political why did she take her accusations to politicians and politician lawyers?…..No thanks, I will believe the evidence,” he said and I turned it off. That is the point sexual abuse often is political and religious as is abortion rights and abortion wrongs and the need for safe and legal abortions for females. Sounds illogical to me but logically it does seem to fit the mold and seems to be the reason and the excuse for sexual abuses of some females and makes it approved. Evidence. How can she prove someone was on top of her with his hand over her mouth attempting to take her clothes off to rape her and possibly smother her or kill her for resisting. His best friend? A hair sample?

Believe the victim? No thanks, I’ll believe the evidence 

Let me tell you a story: about a young girl about 4 years old (she may have been 5) and her family who were invited to dinner and went with her parents to eat dinner with their new neighbors. The neighbors had two sons one was about 2 years old and the other was about 5 or 6 years old. It was a big party about 10 people including the kids two couples and the family with the sons who did not speak english at all except for the dad and the kids barely. Found out half way through the 6 year old tried to strangle the young girl for no apparent reason and she told her mom and dad while eating dinner. The parents and the daughter soon made their escape home by thanking the family for dinner (Tamale soup) and walked a few feet away to their home. I do not remember the date nor the time neither the name of the people but I think they were from Cuba though I never did know for sure where they came from and could have been Central America or South America but I remember the house and it’s location but I had lived next door. One day the parents and the daughter arrived home to find a broken window and the daughters toys stuck in the crook of the tree located in front of the house and in between the bushes and the house. Turns out the 6 year old sent the 2 year old boy through the window that the boys broke to steal the toys and to hide them in plain sight. A very small window, A pane of a 16 sash window. After the parents found the evidence in the tree and a broken window contacted the neighbor. The dad told the neighbor what the boys did and showed him though I don’t know if the neighbor was told about the previous attempted strangulation and the dad said Policia to the son and the 6 year old boy cried and then the dad apologized to the dad of the daughter and no policia ever came. I believed her, she is my daughter. When she told me about the strangulation I think I told the husband and we made the visit short and left. I did not see strangulation marks but I believed her and was sort of confused as to what to do except not allow her to play with him ever again though it was not her desire and to keep our distance as best we could with our neighbors. It was very surreal and it still is when I think about it and write about it. Dizzying. Like a mist of something evil and we tried to escape it. They moved and some other neighbors moved in. See how I have trouble telling  a story without going into the first person. Its a true story. I had second child and after a series of weird events and weird neighbors on both sides and across the street and gunfire on every 4th of July and every New years Eve was able to buy a house. When I say weird I mean a peeping tom and his fiancee, and man who picked up his german sheppard’s poop in his yard with his bare hands, a man often directing traffic or throwing a bat in the air as he walked down the sidewalk and had a plate in his head and from time to time brought me groceries in a brown paper bag as a gift that smelled of mothballs, gypsies families a few times and their boy who just started chatting with me in my home uninvited. It was a very diverse neighborhood and like living in an outdoor mental institution type neighborhood.

The five minute rule stinks for the members in charge of interviewing a candidate or in regards to hearings of any nature and obviously politicizes the hearings. Like kids in grade school allowed to go to the bathroom having a ten minute rule for girls but not for boys in a public school during the Obama Administration. I know the five minute rule is to limit information to actually accomplish anything but politics and grandstanding for the esteemed in regards to Benghazi and other important subjects which sure comes in handy for the deep state which Laura InGraham feigns to think is a George Soros activity or activities as does my ex in regards to Kavanaugh. Not the Vatican? Not a religious organization about 2000 years old probably responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and for assassinations of many leaders in the world and responsible for many protestants burned to death at the stake and made an example of and divorces not recognized nor allowed and frequent persecutions of peoples and tortures of people of different religions and races and genders and people forbidden to use birth control and forbidden to read the bible for thousands of years and punishment of dissenters of things asserted by the Roman Catholic Church as infallible and the only state and religion in the world allowed in every country of the world and Catholics forbidden to attend another church and priests not allowed to marry because of the treasure of the church in order to protect the treasures accrued in many persecutions and wars and legal and safe abortion forbidden and Catholic clergy teaching Catholics to believe Catholics are the chosen people and with many secret societies within the church? Not them?

Fucker Carlson thinks the mob stuff and crimes have to do with human nature. No it’s catholic nature taught and truth not taught to their constituents and the demons which hang with the Roman Catholic Church and its deceptions. If humans are naturally evil what about babies? Are babies evil? Teaching truth and teaching the truth about God and teaching the rules and teaching about safety. A tot puts his or her hand on a hot stove and learns which is human nature. I never put my hand on a stove and probably was warned and prevented from it. We did not wear seat belts as children because it was not illegal and did not know about it till later. My little sister put her hand over my dad’s eyes as we were on our way somewhere which was human nature I don’t know what made her do it but could have killed all of us but she did some stuff without thinking. The BGEA was one of those human nature mistakes she made and then the Baptist bible teacher for children fell in love with her and she was a young girl and divorced his wife with children which was human nature.. When she did the hand job on my dad’s eyes we probably chided her for the stupidity of it which is human nature. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad but not necessarily spiritual one way or the other. Normal family stuff.  I remember her figure and everything when she did it and it is funny now since we lived through it but it was not funny then. She seemed to lack some instincts but she did try to defend a young black boy made to crawl around and bark like a dog at school in Virginia and got in trouble for her defense in a public school and she was a kid herself. it was not human nature but fairness and sadness for him and she learned it from her parents because no one else in her class stood up for him and she was an army brat but it was my parents who  made the difference. PERIOD. It wasn’t instinct because she lacked some. She did not learn it from Gary or his family who liked to act like african americans in funny ways right after being in a shop in the middle of a black neighborhood and that is what is called lack of instinct, stupid, though he was funny and did it well he could have gotten everyone killed for it. He took chances and was a nazi at heart. My uncle told jokes about african americans but used other terms and about jews and about priests. But he was as far as I know fair in business to them in the Title business. Probably did some free work too. He learned it from his mom even though she was prejudiced as most whites were as were african americans and had some fears because of rumors and the differences between the races and lack of knowledge but she was a fair minded person and he contributed to his mom’s welfare for many years on a monthly basis and she lived in an area which was predominantly black. My mom and dad never used the N word. It wasn’t attractive to them to use it and she did not like her brother using the term. I used it once when talking about n-rigged and got in trouble for it. But I did not mean it the way it sounded. I meant it was not put together well whatever it was built. I should have said Gary-rigged as in Jerry-rigged. Or like the difference between Nigeria and the N-word with a soft “g” versus a hard “g”. Kind of a funny sound word play, I think under the circumstances. I have used the word and inferences some prejudice for the sake of comparison and disdain for the Obamas and what they did while in office and their influence between the races. No one in my family would have dragged any man behind a truck or hung someone for the color of their skin not even Gary though he would harass a female and the other things I have accused him of. It was not in their nature and it was not taught to them to be cruel except to females. It is time to care about white females as much as black females and as much as this country feigns to care about racism. But it was the Obama Administration when my mom was hoisted  by the RCC’s”petard using Hospice without my knowledge and I blame him because he made it more feasible via medicare to hospice for free without doctors care for the RCC whom he was assisting via Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican. But lots of african americans were hoisted too because of him and vets and their families and were used as examples and that ain’t cool.  We had come a long way even-ning things out before him but he went too far and he did it to hide some weather phenomenon and earthquake manipulation of the Catholic church causing some deaths and poisoning the oceans and beaches poisoning the food chain we all eat. He messed things up for relations between african americans and whiteys and was a very bad president and had some issues mostly ISLAM his love of ISLAM and the RCC for the FALSE covenant between both and still is causing problems because he only knows how to destroy because he is the destroyer written about in the bible in both testaments the old and the new. He spoke in dark sentences as written about in the Book of Daniel. The food chain hurt other races besides whitey. I sat with a woman at a hospital who had been affected with some pains and sounded like mine and tried to tell her what was going on about it but she would not listen. It went in one ear and out the other and I bet she is still in pain even with a prescription for pain and it has been a few years because of the color of my skin and the color of her skin and the color of Obama’s skin. Obama didn’t mind when palestinians killed other palestinians dragging one behind a motorcycle gang and called it a bump in the road. He does not care if you are black or white or asian or anything he cares about the religion of Islam and the RCC indirectly which supports it and funds it often times and himself and if push comes to shove will throw Michelle under it. He does have daughters and they are younger… It is about religion, not race as far as Obama is concerned and as far as the RCC is concerned and both of which do not respect women’s rights and goes a long way back in time to when men thought women determined the sex of a child and beheaded some for not having the right sexed child and it was the man’s genes in the semen which determined the sex so semen is the seed in the realm of unwanted pregnancy or pregnancy and is the precursor to both and bears the burden of proof and bears the blame for both and is smaller than a mustard seed and whoever added the mustard seed to the gospels made a a mistake and proves the fallacy of the Catholic Church and it’s clergy who took the holy books from the temple it destroyed and replaced with propaganda.

(and as Joseph Biden said about the FBI and it’s inconclusiveness during the Clarence Thomas hearings)


 What is ganda anyway?

I tried to get help from Sen. Cruz and he never returned my email. How could he, he never reads them. Unless I had a donation to his election I doubt he would even try. No one in his office NOBODY returned and e-mail in regards to my mom and elderly abuse and he is not someone anyone should trust first because he is ineffectual, but also a cheater, a liar, a thief, a fake, and a fraud, and a murderer and I hope he is first to receive his reward. He could not move a mountain from here to there even with a mountain of mustard seeds of faith because his is empty. Booker Spartacus finally rose to the occasion of the moment and said the right things and did the right thing and tried to talk sense and reason to the panel who have sunk to a new low and will regret it and their families will regret it and will be ashamed. The next guy referred to someone and a verse in the gospel of Matthew because I missed the beginning of his speech don’t know who he was seeking about. He ought to do the same when he rushes and pressures others to rush in like a fool where angels fear to tread to vote without due process and a thorough investigation of the facts and the lies. He was a crusty old guy with a southern accent as if from the Carolinas or thereabouts with wavy hair and seems kind of like he might a member of a boys club with little respect for females with a very marginal knowledge of God. By marginal I mean SCANT, INADEQUATE, and DEPRAVED perhaps because he wasn’t taught the truth. He was sitting on the left side of the room of the cameras.

Senator Flake asked for and FBI Investigation which is wise. THANK GOD. Senators Murkosky and Manchin are supporting Sen. Flakes last minute plea to the committee for an investigation. And previously other democrats especially female Senators one in particular from Hawaii made fun of on FOX by Judge Jeanine Pirro who did their duty to question the validity of the nomination of Kavanaugh’s character and wellness of mind which seems to have been proven to be lacking by his own testimony. Too bad for JUDGE Jeanine Pirro who didn’t, but wanted to ram him in without question. (Not a good judge, I perceive and needs to walk bad and do some learning herself and maybe read the bible and leave FOX and apologize for her unfairness and blindness since she can’t seem to be an independent thinker and doer making a big salary to propagandize lots of things for Fox and having been overtaken by Bill O’reilly’s misuse of vocabulary to deceive to be given the license to harass and abuse females on the job and anywhere else without a conscience for the RCC and for his love and admiration of the Jesuits who give him and gave him his opportunities, next it will be underaged girls he sexually harasses and attacks. Fox Peer Pressure hasn’t been much help!). Let’s hope she opens up her mind and heart because she needs to. SHe does not take criticism well and in fact has way too much pride; HAUGHTY. God does not like a haughty spirit. PRde is one thing but haughty is another and usually gets a reaction from God. I would not want to be in a foxhole with her in a war, at least not at this time. I was grossed out about her by her put down of the Senator and thought it was beneath her partially because I have a hard time saying what she had a hard time saying at the time but I knew what she meant which is the important thing and she helped to spur on some males to think deep about what was occurring and to do the right thing.. I don’t know if she is part Japanese but the Japanese have a hard time between the “r”s and “l”s but I’m not Japanese so  I don’t know why I have a hard time saying the word much less spelling it of course when I was young I had a hard time with the words if, of, and off: A mental block. My ex put her down too because he is supposed to be a male and doesn’t want to act like a man and would rather take advantage of the advantage given him by the same church he acts as if he is not affiliated with to keep me silenced, unsure, at a disadvantage to his ridiculous notions. Doesn’t appreciate me or my family including my parents and my brother or even his daughters because he has a small mind and is still in the marriage which does not exist anymore. In denial and wanted to bury me. he would sell his own daughters down the river to save himself and has in some ways…I could go on and on but he has a lot of problems I have enumerated in my posts. He’s a worm. To be and ass when I confronted him about Hospice of my mom without her permission  affected by his mom with his permission said to me Sadly your mom had dementia as if that is a good enough excuse to murder her? My mom had a drinking problem but not like your average alcoholic it was more of a period menstruation kind of alcoholism and pissed off at the world keeping her down because of her gender and some terrible things that had happened to her in the past kind of a ptsd kind of alcoholic like I have when I use a sedative to help me. She was dealing with a spy a jesuit spy in our ranks affecting our family in a gab way the one that is the sidekick of the PResident at this time. A bad guy through and through with a deep hatred for women and competitive for women. In love with Jackie Kennedy and all the stuff above I wrote about who was watching her and setting her up and entrapping our family and I recognized him and his daughter on Fox in his previous life but work together in this life for the Vatican. There are more than one time slots continuums dimensions and you had better get it in your heads that there are and try to get in the right one that cares about the truth and while in the other ones speak it too as much as you can. I think I figured out the order of them or the subject of them written above. Dementia is not only caused by drinking. Memory lapses and stuff there are causes besides drinking and medicines and strength and stamina and drugs paint chips in the past environmental reasons and probably nuclear waste and sadness, depression, so for him to say it about my mom and the way he said it it was disgusting. Jesus even said Father forgive them for they know not what they do because of memory problems and lack of understanding and lack of knowledge because of deception of the church and by the church. She is my sweet, beautiful, fun, loving, talented, gracious, helpful, affectionate, consoling, courageous, inspiring, adventurous, intelligent, giving, dedicated and devoted mom and mentor and many other things we loved about her. She was my dad’s helpmate and he was hers. Friends and lovers. She was trying to figure things out way before I was about what in hell is going on while in the military witnessing what she was witnessing at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and in DC around some stranger dangers, on the bases and over seas etc. She lost her beloved sister when her sister was 26 hang in laundry to dry with bleach in her system and broke her neck her husband previously tried to abort her pregnancy on a bumpy dirt road and wanted someone else and took the kids after she died mysteriously and was ruled a suicide while hanging laundry outdoors on a two story rooftop, her dad divorced her mom when she was a kid for a woman without children who was rich leaving her mom to raise her and her siblings 7 of them by herself and the money she received at first she used to get rid of her dental problems so she could take care of her kids and stood up for me when I had an abortion at the age  of 16 got pregnant when I was 15.  First time not a virgin by today’s standards smoking marijuana on the sly at age 14 in the DC area with friends like everyone else and a bit of drinking. EVERYONE whole my mom worked her ass off to put my older siblings through SMU for 4 year sad and some University of Texas education and law school at SMU and cart me and my younger sibling to ride our horse wherever my horse and then her horse eventually was stabled and then school and clothing and being an army wife entertaining and president of women’s clubs in the army and much more. Took us camping innumerable times to see the world and tour the museums and meet people or learn about them in different places most of it with my dad but on her own without him when he was fighting in Vietnam twice and doing his army duties sometimes away from her and Girl scout leader for my older sister. She could sew, take shorthand and type and play ping-pong like a mother fucker was a executive secretary for a big big company for a while, a great artist a great mom and a great wife and friend to me and others: one who had dementia at a young age who also was the one who got me out of the van and  the park when I was on restriction from both bolstering my mom as a good friend because I skipped school too much in the DC area being a wild kid with all the other wild kids in the military and at the Pentagon and the civilians who supplied the drugs older guys hanging out with young teens while our dads were away at war. She was a good friend to a blind woman and a woman raped by a gang of men at the Pentagon and to her friend who had dementia and her brothers families and her mom. She was a nice person.

I received a picture of my mom via e-mail when my little sister was contemplating hospice because it was free at her home without doctors care and after my mom said she had seen my art meaning my posts on my blogs and was taped saying it but the tape was not copied as was promised to send to me by my sister as evidence even though my mom did not have access to a computer and was in the area of full care at the ARC (army retirement enter) and because my mom was in it visiting with my sisters and i at the hospital at the time when she had a UTI which healed. My little sister had it on her laptop computer book and promised to send me a copy. It may have been the last visit with my mom  because it was the last visit I had as it turned out but a few months passed before I found out she had died and in the meanwhile was in and out of hospitals for myself.in another city.The e-mail said she can see now which is when I started writing letters and my little sister threatened if I wasn’t nice to her I would not get to see my mom or pictures of my mom WJICH WAS REALLY FUCKED UP IMO I could not believe she was acting so fucked up about my mom and her mom, our mom and you can see why I was not content with the idea of her hospicin earlier on without doctors care or the idea of it and said no because of the stipulation of the no doctors care like a death watch at her beautiful home in the country overlooking a lake with wild life, deer as part of the attraction in the hills etc she got via her first marriage settlement which her new husband did not invest a dime of his own money into and they were planning to build an in ground  pool in their huge back yard and did eventually but had to pay twice as much because of the type of soil being rock. The other siblings also said no but I do not know the reasons. I did not think my little sister had the stamina nor the character to be in charge of my mom at her own home and might abuse her or neglect her and many other fears and even if she was sterlng about the care if something happened to my mom might not ever be able to forgive herself especially without doctors care and I did not trust her husband at all though I did not say it about her husband but had experienced some word shit about him over the times I got to know him though not well. He did some strange stuff and said a few weird things I was suspicious of such as on one visit: He came to the garage as I was leaving and had planned with my sister a possible future visit to see my mom and her on the way to the beach if I had an opportunity to save some money to take my kids for a few days earlier in this visit and said “DON’T bring friends when you come” referring to my kids friends which was a weird thing for a guy to say since he was not in on the conversations at all and guys don’t usually interfere between sisters plans so he was definitely overbearing on my sister, (to the point she was afraid of him but needed him and subservient to him and adoring him for her own weird reasons and was keeping secrets from him and I guarantee he was doing even more and walking on egg shells herself because he was quite a handful. So she lied to deal with him about sit stuff and he lied to her as well and he was the boss as if he had some stuff over her. She was in a pickle and very nervous trying to please him and cope with family stuff at the same time besides her own kids by her first marriage and his kids by his previous marriages He was a controller to the nth degree and a braggart and full of himself and a man’s man and suspicious of me because of Gary and my older sister propaganda about me. They what just finished adding a guest bedroom apartment built into the garage beneath the house which I stayed in and was quite nice and spared o expense and my dad’s picture having in the garage next to the guest room and a picture of himself catching a baseball with a mitt on the other side of the garage. I thought it was a strange place to hang my dad’s picture. Why not in the house? When she told me about no doctors care hospicing my mom at her home to see the deer and nature and the view it sounded great except for with out doctors care using Medicare of medicaid because it was free if done without doctors care and it was whispered to me over the phone and alarmed me.  I looked into doctors care on the road traveling doctors and told her about it and she poo-pooed the idea so I said no about the offer or proposition of hospicing my mom at her beautiful home. The whisper, the free, and the no doctors care was my reason plus I know some things about my sister which are not nice but true and yet not all of her fault in the past and and did not trust her for the task at hand. Good intention is not enough in this situation an I know from her perspective it was good intentions for mom because she loved her as much and as deep as her love was but my sister was not very deep and often shallow but sweet at the same time. Hard to explain. She had gone through a bunch of shit and it affected her raunchily. Hurtful stuff, sexual stuff forced to witness with her first husband and friends who were good ole boys. Forced to show her enhanced boobs and surgeries and cosmetics to please him for his clients or business partners . She was sort of a trophy and expected to be his slave at home and was blamed for anything that went wrong such as bad grades or learning disabilities and even in regards to her step children who had some deep resentments and confusion as did her own because of her  sit children and some competition between the because her husband their dad wa very successful and had a very successful growing business and lots of money to be had in the present and in the future. She was blamed for their behaviors too once having a hunting rifle put to her head  threatening her life during a family squabble by the teen aged step son, suicide attempt by the step daughter using overdose of aspirin and having her stomach pumped, being chastises often for their failures even when going to church he turned to her and said she needed to work on it what ever the preacher was pushingg on his constituents jokingly but seriously as well on the way to the car after going to church. Her first husband was extremely fun and generous to his friends to a fault growing his entourage of men friers and employees often and their jealous wives because my sister was quite pretty naturally and sexy and voluptuous. She had a beautiful smile and high cheekbones like my mom, fun personality, and a good partier and host, and men liked her. Older men loved her. She could tell a joke better than the others and with all those things was being abused. He loved her passionately and had a nervous breakdown during the divorce and had to go to the hospital. he was mixed up by the whole situation . Kind of an ELVIS syndrome. She handled it pretty well with lots of kinks but then came the daughter in law to add fuel to the fire intentionally. Her husband met her at church and introduced her to his first son from his first marriage. A beautiful blond who could sing her ass off at church and worked for the church. SHE WAS AN ANGEL with a lot of kinks and became intolerable and interfering, trying to take over and take over my sister’s place in the family, causing trouble when she could, jealous of my sister’s wealth and hoping to replace her in popularity and stature and money and beauty etc. Her personality was less than her beauty was flashy but not natural, she had calves the size of skinny thighs, spoiled rotten, and eventually her husband divorced her though they had a child between them. She tried to fit in and was very fakey because she did not fit i she was not funny, and was kind of a bitch through and through. when at my sisters home came into my sitter’s bedroom while they were still in bed one morning while football was on the tv in the living room and her husband watching it and complained about her husband not paying attention to her while watching football and sucking his dick to her in-laws. An angelic being of the church in the Houston area. So my sister had some troubles ahead. She was the one that said I had something in my eye when i greeted her at the church at the wedding rehearsal of my niece the same day as the wedding during the office crap gong on sitting with my older sister. She din’t say hi and I had not written any of what I have written in my posts and she was on the warpath early on. I barely knew her and only heard a few things. Seen her a few times at their home on a few visits and thought she was pretty a great singer but lacking. Not my cup of tea but not my problem. She was trouble with a capital T and after that I knew my sister must have hated her and her new daughter -in-law had her eyes on the ball of inheritance and being the matriarch of all they had worked for all their lives. The kids the business and the money. ONe of the grandchildren died on there third birthday at third birthday party and drowned in their pool and she was a direct threat to the money, possible inhreitance, business shares etc. I had never met her but she was beautiful and the daughter of my sister’s first husbands first and only daughter. Part mexican because her first husband was mexican. I don’t know if she ever remarried. I guess Ihad some eye winker or some smeared makeup under my eye or in the cornice of my eye but had been in a hurry to get ready and had bought my dress either the night before the whole she-bang and didn’t even have time to hem my skirt between the office shit helping my sister with her dress mother of the bride dress, my job, my family and y daughters dresses as bridesmaids and the harassment I was dealing with and the suspicions and real-estate school and being followed, watched probably by the company or the family or both, demeaned, degraded, and was a very tough time for me.  huge wedding and costly. They went into debt for it. The man my niece married was the son of a couple who divorced and eventually committed murder suicde between themselves and gave up some land to my niece and her husband, and the mother of the man she married was married to a theologian of the bible. she looked like nancy reagan and he was a very handsome older man and were a good fit living in a town house I think or similar. I had to deliver some things to her when I was being used as a errand girl after having been assaulted to keep us separated and my pay was deducted. Now this is where it is confusing to me by a few weeks as to the order. I was also doing some of their assembly for their advertising at home to make extra money. Was or seemed to be involved in a possible entrapment when my sister asked me to fetch her son’s fish in a bottle át their home to take to the office while they were on a trip up north in connecticut while working on Sunday and their house was broken into while they were away and the door open but had been locked by my husband and the alarm set and feeling as if I had fucked up because of the intruder and the way it was revealed to me by my sister. It was quite a time and I was trying to get over a sickness probably brought on by everything and stress and possibly a piece of glass in a tortilla chip i ate not sure about it but was sharp going down the throat and I was severely constipated for a person who normally pooped like a king, and bleeding a bunch and for a long time though not sure of what was going on, confused, deeply hurt, upset, misunderstood for sure, nervous, unsure of myself, shaken, trying to block it with music which helped believe it or not , embarrassed, scared, furious inside by some things going on swirling around everything, trying to keep it together, trying to be compliant and trying to be family, a good family member and on the edge of the precipice you might say. Harassed severely by others and my sister in her weird ways and her husband and the office and the man at real-estate school and the man this centered upon at the office the management and my little sister’s step sons wife to top it off with her absurd greeting. I looked great for me since I had found an outfit on sale for a good price at Dillards and it was beautiful, fit well, and I looked like I wasn’t suffering and only lacked a few minor things but was trying to cope and doing it pretty well considering. And my niece had her marriage annulled about a year or so later because it turned out she was married to a mix between her dad and Mark Fuhrman and witnessed him killing cats and  shooting cats in their yard and other things I don’t know about scared her. So the parents had incurred quite a debt for the impressive wedding and honeymoon. He was a bit part actor. Not very talented and not her type in any way so it was kind of weird like she had been hypnotized into her feelings for him. He was a very good cook like her dad and was very similar in ways hard to explain. SO in a way the wedding may have been a put on for her dad and his reputation without her knowing it. He was a loser.


.and so I thought my sister was going nuts and was worried and later got a phone call from my elder sister saying she did hospice my mom and my mom was dead and then some money involved in my mom ”s estate changing hands and being deposited in a savings account because it might look suspicious and threats from my older sister and her husband about his sexual behavior in the past and his belligerence etc and the picture of my mom wearing kids plastic jewelry with her eyes closed playing with my mind and emotions to unhinge me because of religion and the RCC and it’s hospice and my abortion in the past, and sexual harassment and molestation by my brother in law over the years. My mom wanted to live to 105. My sisters were involved in the BGEA ( a shill of the RCC) which was messing with their minds and some problems with their husbands who lacked courage and were male assholes who were kind of greedy. In her youth my mom kind of looked like Dorothy L’amour and some other beauties and had a sense of humor like Lucille Ball, AND SHE LOVED HER FAMILY and I was not invited to the funeral and was previously exiled by my little sister from her home and her life because of the threats made, the madness she was exhibiting via her e-mails and because she didn’t like my e-mils in return and called me the devil and satan and then wrote to someone but at my address GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER as if she was being hi-jacked or held hostage by the BGEA and I wrote IF YOUR SISTER IS SATAN AND THE DEVIL WHY WOULD YOU WANT YOUR SISTER BACK and never heard from her again, though I overheard her when my daughter attended with family cousins and so forth freaking out because she had lost her cell phone saying PRAISE THE LORD when she found her phone and knowing I overheard her because she asked my daughter if my daughter was talking to me when I called to check up on her and tell her to be careful and don’t drink too much (a habit of my little sister and my brother in law and husband to my older sister) and I was frightened for her being betwixt the two and her not knowing the scope of their madness and hatred and deceptions. She knew about Gary and some things family wise having been observing what was happening at the time from a kids perspective being much younger than when she went to  my mom’s funeral but didn’t understand the reaction people might have about my discoveries via the gospels and Old Testament and my current events opinions and my Kennedy pursuit transcribing the CBS news reports of the assassination and about the Kennedy’s Camelot reputation and other stuff related and my tying it to the Vatican 2 agenda to make the Gospel of Matthew preeminent gospel of the bible and other religious agendas and reactions at the time because I did not share it with her because of her dad which I do not share with him. I do share some of it in short spurts because it is very insidious between parties and complicated. Then read a few tweets from my little sister responding to other peoples tweets to some things and her anecdote which she carved into stone she said it so much Pray for Zachary a boy who was very sick but this went on for a long time and very frequently sending letters to get a chain letter going or something in regards to Zachary. Exorbitant, nuisance sending to the same people over and over again, and over-done but possibly well meaning and yet at the same time flashy religiously to prove her faith and then when her husband announced she was in a car accident and was rammed when a truck ploughed into the back or side of her car into another vehicle and he told her friends that his wife or the wife of him had been in an accident and later heard via her via twitter or Facebook she was unconscious and seriously had been hurt by the accident which he was pretty loose about having not told them the seriousness of the accident but wanted the friends to be his and not too worried about her condition to be so flippant about it, but she is or was his money source via her previous divorce settlement and she was his third marriage to her until the money runs out with one past wife already slain and another one in the shadows somewhere. He was at the hospital when my mom died and did not know her very well nor did he love her and neither did he love my sister whom he met online on a dating service, IMO  he was a user of women and loved to keep my little sister off balance about stupid stuff and turned her into a real quirky kind of female worse than she was from her first marriage abuse. Getting his cake and eating it too. The money from the first marriage was quite a bit over some years because she and her first husband were quite well off and had a successful business which had enlarged and ten written up abut in the Houston area as top ten type business in some magazine and they owned a million dollar him etc. but he he’d on to most of his assets being an asshole and having many friends using him for employment and opportunities and freebies vacations etc naturally on his side so her second husband had some knowledge before meeting her online of her wealth and divorce IMO and made himself available and the money to the tune of at least 35 thousand dollars he and my little sister received when my mom died but had actually received it before she died and had it in their savings account because it didn’t look right to have taken it before my mom’s death which it did not sound right to me. May be more than the 35 thousand dollars but no one was talking to me or gave any money from my moms estate before or after except a loan on a used KIA which I never paid back having a multitude of health problems and medicine needs and very little income and had no knowledge of the estate or the condition of it being eft out of the loop which I did not mind because I was not the executor of my moms estate.  My older sister was the executor of the estate winch input from my brother a lawyer. BI do know my little sister’s second husband was interested in what was in my moms estate and attempted to find out by  some kind of correspondence to my older sister’s husband saying he had trouble win his parents died with his siblings and so was gonna look into it and did for my little sister who was suspicious of my older sister abusing the estate. An I guess Gary my older sisters husband wrote the amount left in the Estate for the care of my mom on a note scribbled the total to him without any accounting which he was educated in before getting into stocks and bonds and option trading and real-estate and other pursuits which ticked off my little sister and her husband because he  wanted to help using his experience with his own family as his reason which is good fake.…………………………………..and then my sister called one day to tell me she had tossed in the garbage the pictures of my parents with their friends in the past and in the army such as Jesuit Maj General Rattan aka Gen. Kelly and his daughter rs Kennedy of Fox news, etc because she did not want to go through them though I may have some in my chest of pictures I just have not wanted to look for it for a number of reasons to prove something I don’t need to prove but in my opinion proved well enough for others. She found a letter from my brother to my dad either e-mail or typed or written about her stupidity and what to do about it and was pissed at my dad who was already deceased who was not the author but I could not get through to her that he did not write it but I think it was planted by either her husband or my older sister and her husband because they were the only ones who knew where the warehouses were located with my parents things and the only ones with the keys to the warehouses. One of them planted it. I tried to tell her dad did not write the letter which means he did not think you were stupid but she was so stupid she didn’t understand the concept of author vs receiver. I received the brochure from my daughter of my mom’s funeral and there was some information amiss but it sounded like him mocking my mom and overdoing some of the information such as she sewed all of our clothes which she didn’t and some other untruthful or mistaken information or disinformation about tours of duty etc to alarm me and I think was meant to. We went shopping at Sears and Pennies like everyone else and even designer places in Dallas after my older sister had met her future husband GARY,etc.  My mom sewed a few things when we were younger to match each other. Our gingham picnic outfits color coded for each child. LOL. My little sister wore pink and white, my brother I think wore green and white. I wore blue and white with hats etc. and sewed halloween stuff: A panda outfit for my brother with a big black painted eye and Pick a little talk a little cheep cheep cheep outfits for my older sister, a bunny for my younger sister and I can’t remember what I was wearing. And she sewed my prom dress to look studious which I wasn’t: a very heavy and too big maxi-red velveteen skirt and bought a silver blouse with a silver pearly tie to set the tone. Sort of a humiliating outfit and humiliating experience but I wore it because she made it. It was winter. The boy I went with and double dated with was a surfer with white blond hair and his last name was Anderson and was kind of not much of a talker and sick as a dog so it worked out pretty well. A disaster date.  We had had a crush on each other but both of us were too shy to advance the relationship. And then I moved away far far away. He and I necked a few times at parties high on marijuana and beer and had a close call another time getting too familiar but not close to anything but heavy petting with clothes on. Too heavy for either person I think because we were so young and super inexperienced. Nothing more than my sister and her brother when learning things we were not supposed to learn. And not nearly what Gary and his sister learned completely together to fulfill the meaning of the movie ATONEMENT but before they were married. He was much older by at least 7 years but what else do you do in Connecticut especially these days besides shoot a bunch of people in a school. I think she must have been 13 or 14 and he was old enough to know better. She was very pretty and developed a figure quite early. My mom handled my brother perfectly and he was still quite young building forts in the woods kind of young. I don’t think anyone handled Gary but I heard about it from my older sister his wife early in their marriage but I don’t know if the parents ever knew but it was a full blown sexual experience. My little sister was extra sensitive to touch from her friends dad who when pulling her over the wire fence to play with his kids touched her very new little bosoms without a bra yet because she wasn’t there yet but beginning and she thought he was being too friendly and the same period as the brother sister stuff so she was very young and not formed much. More of an overweight bosom for a kid her age. About the size proportionally of mine when I was still in diapers because I was a fat baby not fat but chunky at the age of 1 and a half years old. Little girls are sensitive to things most people don’t realize. Later her friend on her way to our home was nearly raped in the woods by the school by a stranger when she was about 13 or 14 and the guy got her clothes off but I don’t think was able to rape her but we heard about it and I think there was an investigation but it was when my brother was in college in another state I think so it wasn’t him and I think she would have known and it was quite a trek through the woods with some little houses nearby dilapidated stuck in the middle of the woods where most kids stayed away from because it was so scary looking hidden by trees as thick as a forest. Like some hicks lived in them. It was still developing in the area we lived and lots of construction of homes in the neighborhood and across the street from the school she went to near the woods with a playground on the edge of the woods by the school and 2 tennis courts and 2 courts caged for the sport of but I used to practice tennis. Kind of stupid location.  She was as pretty as if not prettier than Elizabeth Smart of the mormon church but she did not play the harp. I had trouble as well in the woods connected or near those woods with a guy in the woods jacking off and following me and my friend near the creek which had a rope swing people hung out at and swung over the creek and we had to lose him and ran up a large hill of dirt because of construction and road construction and he was looking for us jacking off in his car when we looked down and turned around once but we lost him and then at the Potomac near Mount Vernon when my brother ran out of gas and the police came to get him gas and me and my friend were stuck in the car and a man came to harass us. We got out of the car thinking it would be good if people saw us sort of a survival instinct. She was 12 but very bosomy and I was 13. He was about thirty something and had a big dark mustache and dark hair kind of hippie and kind of like the demonic priest in the Exorcist. Those kind of looks.  And talked dirty to us about cherries which I had never heard the term but figured out what he meant by the conversation and it became real dark and scary surreal but we got out of the car so other cars would see us until my brother got back with the police and the man left in his car when the police arrived and no one asked us what the man was doing walking with us not even the police. Almost got lassoed by college boys drunk driving around trying to lasso girls I guess while going about 20 to 30 mph and I was with a friend though I might have been alone walking near my home and near the church and the guys were laughing. I think I might have been 13 or 14 years old. Parents need to teach their sons better, this was a long time ago and seems like things are even worse and should be better if we were really a civilized nation and cared about girls.


I think there is going to be an FBI investigation for a week but should be until the evidence corroborates Sheldon Whitehouse assertion and the lies by Kavanaugh are investigated. A tall order only having a week but might upgrade the FBI’s reputation which has been waning quite a bit for a number of reasons from one controversy to another but multiplied by a thousand.  And Lindsay Graham through his embarrassment said you can’t get a yes vote for Kavanaugh without 50 votes and didn’t have it. However, in the MEAN time to save face Senator Mitch McConnell announced a preliminary vote of 51 votes for Kavanaugh but some of those votes will not be there in the final vote with a reprieve before the final vote until an investigation can to be done by the FBI and ordered by Trump even though he is for Kavanaugh and at odds with the FBI for one week and a final vote after the committee examines the findings of the investigation by the FBI either corroborating Mrs Christy Ford and disqualifying Kavanaughs for his lies to the Senate and to the FBI in the past which was the agreement set forth by the Republicans to the Democrats in order that Sen. Flake will feel comfortable to vote in the final vote for Kavanaugh or not and a few other Republicans who are not satisfied with the findings by the Republican ploughing and ramming, and because of the UNJUDICIOUS, VICIOUS, SPITEFUL, UNRULY, BELLIGERANT, WHINY, TONGUE IN CHEEK SLOBBERING, CRY BABY behavior of Kavanaugh, and the questions about him still looming before them. In other words they are being pressured by some force squeezing them to vote for Kavanaugh regardless. Should be as one as it takes till the panel is satisfied and at least by a two thirds vote and Trump backed off the con job shit and appreciated Mrs. Ford and her testimony.

The reason given for the delay by MSNBC was SENATOR Flake got bitched at on the elevator by three women activists (ME TOO movement probably) and a fourth young woman an actress whom I recognize. NO its not why but why lie about it and I doubt a Senator would be so stunned by four women as to change the course of the hearing at the last minute. CAN MSNBC get a grip? He changed course when he walked out and was planning how to handle it. The four women had nothing to do with it but gave them some attention.  It was obviously the evidence by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse who made the difference to Flake who had the guts to stop ploughing. Hey not as bad as the lawyer couple on Fox making an issue about where the interview of Christy Ford might have taken place. Why would she want everyone at her home anyway. It would mean she would have to clean it up and get it ready and someone might leave listening devices in her home and other devices, etc, I am so ashamed of the guests on Hannity lying to themselves and belittling the evidence and belittling Christy with such nonsense. You are sick. Also purposefully ignoring what Senator Sheldon Whitehouse showed and was easy to understand and pretty hefty stuff so I think Fox and all the other stations are gonna try to hide the evidence? It’s on camera and it was soon after when Senator Flake got up and after seeing the tongue slobbering by Kavanaugh and was not impressed and Lindsay Graham losing it, is it any wonder. He was probably in a bit of shock by the theatrics of Graham and the demonic possession of Kavanaugh. It’s a bit much to fathom and probably got with Coons and said “hey these guys are crazy so got any good suggestions?” Gloria you and your husband for being willfully stupid about good evidence against Kavanaugh should hang up your careers for lack of honesty. You should leave the field of law and go put your head in the sand. Gloria Tinsling and  her husband who normally I like but are being shameful. And Cuomo on another news station said if the FBI gets more evidence corroborated and is given to Trump that he gets to decide whether to allow the committee to see it. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe Cuomo is correct and is making it up. The FBI has to report to the committee whether Trump allowed an investigation or not. He kind of didn’t have a choice. It would have been a bad final vote which was about to happen if he didn’t allow a week investigation and would have lost his game, If it is true Trump gets to hold information from the committee he’s fucked and will rue the day when hell comes up his ass and stays but let me warn him hell is sitting very close to him already in the form of Gen Kelly and if he doesn’t fire him will rue the day and lose everything. Gonna lose this game as far as Kavanaugh is concerned anyway but it takes time for people in the press to come to terms with losing an opportunity to screw the US citizens. There are still a few people who have not lost their reason so we are counting on their good senses. The press has really lost it and trying to save Obama Care. and give it credit for something to do with Kavanaugh?  Can we get a grip? The protests were very helpful for the Senators to know the citizens care and their opinions matter since some will be needing those citizens down the road especially in Alaska..

Senator Blumenthal rose to the occasion with legitimate complaints and questions.

Here is some


It can’t get any better or more convincing! Talk about shrewd!

The most compelling evidence today was by a democrat named Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island *which should be proud of their Senator* comparing the Kavanaugh calendar to the people on the calendar which are the same people at the party when Kavanaugh is alleged to have attempted a rape and assaulted Mrs. Christy Ford which is very very very condemning of Kavanaugh IMO. The only people missing on the calendar were the females. And he added if you had attempted a rape of a female on this date of the calendar would you have included the names of the females on the calendar? and Kavanaugh said he was falsely accused of a fight on a boat in Rhode Island in an impassioned defense of his CALENDAR? Doesn’t it seem kind of weird  since the compelling evidence was from the Senator from Rhode Island? I think it does. Kavanaugh sure did seem upset about it in a strange way because the shoe fits? He was deeply irritated because he was outsmarted and caught in his crime and probably was too cocky about it when making his calendar. He knew he as in deep trouble and why he acted so disrespectful which is common I would think of criminals about to have to face charges in a serious way knowing his own evidence to exonerate himself actually bolstered Christy Fords testimony and that he double crossed himself by his own petard. If he hadn’t tried to alibi himself falsely and not kept a calendar it ight have been better. Kind of like Billy Graham and his radio conversation when JFK was assassinated which was probably pre recorded to place him far away from the scene of the assassination to distance himself and then wrote a book with his alibi on top of it called Just as I am.  The Senator from Rhode Island also talked about the meaning of the words and symbols used in the year book respectfully even though the meaning are anything but respectful which is also condemning of Kavanaugh and shows his lack of respect for females and himself and his lack of respect for his future wife then when he wrote in his yearbook and his future children then and dishonoring his parents. So don’t complain about the family’s treatment if the dad, Judge Kavanaugh, didn’t care and only uses his family as his calling card to get his foot in the door. Blame it on Judge Kavanaugh for lying his ass off a bunch of times to the Senate and probably lied to the FBI on a number of occasions which might hurt Kavanaugh much more than even Mrs. Ford’s testimony however we would never have gotten the connections without her or even cared and blame him for his family’s pain and suffering and more than blame him for what he attempted to do to our Supreme Court and to our country using his family to help him have access and opportunities to abuse other females without suspicion and without conscience. Just think what might have happened if he were given a license to abuse his own daughters in the future if Mrs. Christy Ford hadn’t stepped up to the plate to do her duty even though she had nothing to gain and was terrified rightfully so after seeing the rantings and ravings and the rage by Senator Lindsay Graham as if Kavanaughs wife was Lindsay Graham’s wife incognito and the sad stuff Kavanaugh was exhibiting. He needs a therapist and so does Lindsay Graham.

However the devils triangle may actually be a chevron. The triangle if it was a triangle with three sides might be a CONOCO sign which  Gary’s dad was President of CONOCO Oil and his daughter the Jacuzzi kid had  a tattoo of a Conoco sign on the top of the crack of her ass. I never asked her what she meant by it because it did not have the name conoco on it, but noticed the tattoo after the trip to New York for her first semester at an art college when she was beaten up by her boy friend or male friend when she watched 9-11 on top of a building in Brooklyn and came home from college after the first semester and moved to south Texas and met her future husband soon after but it ws pointed the same direction and could be seen when she sat down in low cut pants. It was not colored I don’t think unless it was red and I don’t think it was a yield sign. One of the first of a bunch of tattoos she had imprinted on her over the upcoming years and at her wedding was blowing on her new tattoo on her left arm like an arm band about 2 inches wide in red of an ankh which is an egyptian sign but when I asked her about it she did not seem to understand the meaning of the ankh. Her husband was a christian minister but kind of unusual one with tattoos all over his body and piercings in many places. HIs nose lips tongue possibly ears the kind which get bigger. Eventually she had some verses from the bible on her back and chest etc. The reason I asked about the ankh is the christianity she and he were involved in. One being kind of not the other. It was a bit confusing to me as to their definition of Chrisitanity. The reason I did not ask about the triangle chevron above the crack of her ass was I didn’t know what to say since it was kind of hidden unless in very low cut pants or sitting down in low cut pants or shorts or in a thin bikini. But I did know it was a sign and thought she was trying to express something and since I was suspicious of her dad thought it might be related but did not know how to approach the subject or the relationship but knew she had seen something horrible from the rooftop in Brooklyn and she was a mixed up kid in some ways probably because of the times we lived and her generation. She was a fan of Madonna which I wasn’t except in the early part of her career and she thought she had a good voice etc and because of her dad and hence her mom. Her room was always messy with her floor full of art and papers on the floor by her bed especially. Her bedroom was next to the master bedroom of her parents and thought it might be her way to alarm herself if her dad was sneaking up on her while she slept or to prevent him from trying since he snuck up on me though she was not privy to my experience at the time. I knew he did not respect females and it was natural for him to belittle them however he could probably partially because he was so disrespected by his own dad and never measured up but in a snobby way. He treated him kind of like a second class son and only had two sons. He was not a very good dad and treated him like he was his employee of little consequence. Not loving, not proud, not close, not honest and like he was doing him a favor if he visited while coddling the other son as if one was an adopted son and one was the natural son. Sort of a yuck kind of person. Used jealousy as his tool in his tool box of raising a son and like he used his son. and acted irk he was a christian but most of the time high on a few martinis. I don’t think i ever saw his dad not high on booze and himself. A lousy dad and no wonder we were dealing with his problems which we did not quite a have a full understanding of but learning about his problems as those things emerged. The President of Conoco oil. A pompous prating his New england accent and red face from alcoholism overweight belittling those around him as if he was superior and he wasn’t he just thought he was. A BORE. Eventually Gary from time to time put on a stupid hat as if her were living in New England. A plaid beret type hat as if he were a new England snob. It was so silly. Something guys who think they are rich but was on the verge of losing everything on the stock market from his new formulation of option trading and lost some of his dad’s money, his money, and my uncles’ money and then blamed us. He was competing with his brother in the ranching business who was also a doctor and married to a doctor and I think lost their asses in the ranching business. Unitarians. Very snobby as well. So the way he raised his son was his own failure and led to some failures which affected them financially and kind of harshly however they weren’t hurting just lacking good sense and not at all like my dad who was proud of his kids and loved them and tried to be at every birth of a baby in the family and not like a duty but more from excitement even grandkids kids. A lot of fun. made the best breakfast in the world. The best made scrambled eggs you have ever tasted cooked to perfection a little wet but perfect  texture and flavor and the same with the bacon and Thanksgiving as well. the best gravy etc. Played Balderdash with all of us and we had fun, took trips on the road and had fun even at McDonalds together being together making the trip as good as the vacation itself. ONe day in particular when al of us were on the beach and a few family members fishing n the ocean and the rest of us on the beach in our chairs watching the sun set kind of dad.

Right after writing this Fox just played the ad of my parents after death and is not them. Using their bodies like the tanner used the body of Jesus the three to four days after his death and using video of them and on the wrong people as if not knowing the relationships but as I finished this segment because whomever is doing it sees with dark colored glasses on and doesn’t really know which woman goes with which man and when. Trying to harass me the way Fox harasses women about abortion for the RCC. Anyway its what I have had to endure but I know the difference and to use people the way it does it is disgusting. My parents were never in an ad. My husband was, but not my parents. The ad my husband had been in was called Precision tune. It sings a precision tune about  a car tuning. something like it and was kind of like the bit part actor my niece married for about a year. Not very good. Anyway their vision is kind of mix and match and flawed. It was the worst of times for both of them though which is typical of Fox but at different times not to be kind to their memory but the opposite. DEGRADING as they are about GOD and DEFILING them as Fox does women God and the truth instead of what Fox should do not knowing the difference between right and wrong good and bad etc being used by the Vatican and the BGEA and will regret it. Actually it was CNN so the ad moved. nod also Fox stopped using Kevorkian in one of their ads for ice insurance. Hummmms…. ICE HUMICE…… IT HUMS A PRECISION TUNE…. My little sister used to hum when her husband was being a dick and when she was upset and my other sister started eating pumice which to me tastes like wet cardboard so maybe it is a conglomeration of people involved in the ad to harass me. I don’t know I just know they were not in an ad. LOL and both were involved with the BGEA and I noticed in the eyes of Pat Boone a retain character and others as well from time to time taken in and possessed by him. A channel later is another guy who reminds me of Billy Graham but  more of a version of him talking about crimes and is a sick show about crimes solving crimes and his voice is so gross. He has some versions in our government as well one in Florida and one who used to be in the parishes of Louisiana as governor of the state temporarily and a few others scattered about and are take offs of his characteristics. Pat Boone is quite evident he is possessed in the ad and the voice is the same voice on the crime show but less affected. Smooth talker kind of shit. Last desperate attempt to gain control of the situation he has lost control of. One at NASA as well I noticed and probably hoping to figure out a way to fly his title ass out of here *earth* before the shit hits the fan especially now that Trumo has lost his own mind because of the Jesuit General he indulges. Pretty wild and I don’t think I can keep up’with their nonsense nor should I try,. Let them hang themselves or rather him. Did Kavanaugh or the general throw this up? Jesuit General Rattan aka Jesuit General Kelly.? Who knew?

I was definitely not impressed with the alleged second victim who talked about Kavanaugh adjusting their clothes but probably has to do with Gary adjusting his to show his penis but since she is probably looking through dark glasses to make some kind of strange appearance and to minimize Christy Ford’s account and to minimize mine. Steal the spot light like some of Clinton’s accusers. Her hair kind of gave her away. A Sharon Stone  mix with my sisters good friend Susan Cain and maybe someone else I won’t name with dark big hair (last name may be spelled wrong) one of the most obnoxious friend she had and everyone has one in their past. No doubt she probably was educated at a catholic school at the same time or college but she was not believable and enjoyed it too much and seemed like a liar. Sorry Sharon, because i don’t know you. I think se is the one who worked in all sorts of departments of government and probably should not be allowed to anymore. I think more than likely she is part of one of the swamps in DC. Her picture kind of says it all, but will probably get an even better job for what she accomplished. Undermining a female’s testimony of whom Kavanaugh, the RCC, Putin, Trump, the Jesuits? No telling but there are always some who come out of the woodwork like a cockroach and she was a cockroach. The cockroaches 15 minutes of fame. There will always be false accusers as there always has been false accusers but to have lack of judgement  to have aired her business  which was meaningless was too bad and a mistake of the press in an attempt to differentiate between false and truthful. Anyway Christy is making a million on the GOFUNDME page and I have no idea if it is her but in her name using her name which was aired on Lara InGrahams show to disqualify her as being truthful yet never mentioning the GoFUND ME page of the Iowa girl who was murdered and the dad who gets to enjoy it similar to Kate of Kate’s Law whom both I believe abused their daughters and got rid of them and made some money and without any criticism of the evidence and the testimony not even of the mom who didn’t go to lunch with her daughter? It is easy to see some discrepancies in the stories of both. I know some people are better liars than others. Still a one or two percent chance in my mind she could being lying but the testimony at the Safeway with her mom and seeing the other boy involved was very compelling and his reaction (but my ex ays she is lying there is no Safeway wherever it was use was at so how would he know there was no Safeway at the location if we don’t know the location?) and the calendar of Kavanaugh which seems outlandish and the lack of tears of his wife and the tears of Judge Jeanine and the tongue action of Kavanaugh and the date that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse pin pointed in the same time frame of a month in 1982 and the lack of details does not bother me one bit.The less the better. I think the Naval Research Center and the catholic schools involved seems related like the Cardinal Cushing’s phone call at Annapolis when Kennedy was assassinated. He married JFK and Officiated the funeral as well and some other interesting things. Boy did I hear some stuff about those Private Catholic schools does seem to be some good reason to shut them down because while we were wild in our day and time it was not premeditated and we din’t make symbols or talk about boofing and the things I heard going on but my friend did have a long term affair with the math teacher and my art teacher seemed to be weirdly interested in me we were being bussed to a black neighborhood 30 minutes away in a very poor part of town the first year the bussing began being used as an experiment and to adjust some unfairness between races but were merely used to be treated unfairly later.  God knows. There will be gnashing of teeth about it.

Catherine Herridge of Fox the most precise of all the journalists (out in the field and ought to make Geraldo cringe at his lack thereof) I have witnessed gave her precise report as she has done for a long long time about the events all of us have experienced via the press and government and the terrible news overlapping each other. Looks as if Mark Judge will cooperate and perhaps who the crusty old Republican Senator was talking about which I missed the name of the person in his plea for accountability. I thought he was talking about me since I have remained somewhat anonymous though I’m not that hard to find. (normal paranoia i suffer from and I have a right to be paranoid.) It was a nice citizen, government, and press collaboration needing more corroboration (for one of the most prestigious and most important seats otherwise destroying the Supreme Court, it’s reputation, it’s duty and it’s reasonableness and the reason for it’s existence to protect the citizens rights especially females under attack by the Jesuits) including the people you don’t see helping us with God’s help. They are they that testify of me. (Gospel of John) The Senator did a good job IMO the best of al of the investigators in regards to Kavanaughs calendar especially and the responses by Kavanaugh about the yearbook which are lies and could be used against him later on and gonna wish he never even tried to get on the Supreme Court. However it does seem like an opportunity for SLUBGOB to corrupt some people inadvertently.

I am amazed by the ignorance about sexual abuse of females. It’s a secret virtual boys club out in the world.

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about gender and religion. Did Kavenaugh attempt to rape an african american female or male? Were the 65 women on the stage in favor of Kavanaugh proportionally african american? It must be hard not to be the center of bad attention. Did Manson have african american female followers?

I’m also amazed at the press ignoring Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s prowess because he is smarter than them so much smarter than the press and the press doesn’t even understand the points he made using LOGIC. and I’m not sure even Trump understands and when he can he ought to try to understand so he doesn’t embarrass himself anymore in regards to Kavanaugh and the con is on him not the democrats this time and realize he is being ploughed and railroaded by his party down the road because of Kavanaugh so the party can ram it up his ass for their own sake, I guarantee it, but at everyone else’s expense.

SLUBGOB KAVANAUGH might be a good nickname unless he doesn’t care. I know Gary didn’t so I doubt he does. Both my older sister and her husband were Republicans and my sister worked as head of the Republican party inner district using her real-estate reputation in the Dallas area yet he was an harasser of women and a sexual abuser of females. She had my mom hospiced and the worst of it occurred when she started hanging out with the BGEA types and going on women’s retreats in North Carolina and when she had the mishap in the hospital and was able to sue the doctor a german doctor who snipped her ureter by mistake in an operation which I ‘m sure helped to gain some money back lost on the stock market and she had to wear a bag for a while, it was bad enough when in the non denominational church and before it the Baptist church when the molestation occurred. My brother was a Democrat the only one in the family and got into the Gore suiff and saw the movie and read up about Global warming a Vatican idea at the beginning because it had the ability via places like HAARP to manipulate weather to terrorize the world as did the military in the USA. One place may be in Gandolphe Italy but another may be in the everglades and in CUba , ALaska, on military bases naval and all the others. Using the weapon of weather for earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, droughts, floods, strengthen hurricane and possibly to direct them and seed them to manage as well as manipulate weather patterns and also an insurance scam for the properties bought already and destroyed without insurance and insurance scam medically Obma care and hospice and medicare to veil their actiities killing people population control, cover up the nuclear accident deaths which are going to rise because nuclear stuff is hard to clean up the damage done to crops and people and livestock, Stealing property on the coastline and lots of illegal stuff to screw the average honest citizen and to indoctrinate them using Samaritans purse and others who come to save them. The BGEA my sisters were involved in is a SHILL for the Vatican meaning another road to ROME as in all roads lead to ROME as is GLOBAL Warming and the neocats, Using weather manipulation to force the neo-catechumenal way on the Japanese and causing  an earthquake and tsunami in Japan and causing a nuclear accident which caused the poison of the ecosystem in the Ocean and poisoning the food chain all to satisfy the Vatican and the BGEA. This year forcing or manipulating the Chinese catholics underground and government catholics to be romanized to the point that the JESUIT Pope Francis gets to pick their bishops for the NEW WORLD ORDER WITH TEETH and the teeth is the BGEA, Pentacostals, Evangelicals, etc,. all a part of the catholic ENTERPRISE. Trump is blaming the Dems for false news in West VIrginia and Republicans have been involved quite a bit in falsifying the news and both use propaganda but the false news often has been caused by ISLAM also in cahoots with the RCC and also in competition with the RCC and both sides ignoring the truthers on line TOTALLY IGNORING THE TRUTHERS who have proved their case often and then the RCC FLOODS the internet to overcome the truthers as in the days of NOAH. TRUMP is dividing the country on party lines like Obama divided the races and almost all of them are against women and their rights because of the VATICAN.. BASICALLY everyone is scamming each other without any respect for the truth and the press is kind of on all sides and whatever gets them ratings and ignoring the truthers and lots of females on boths sides are being fooled. So Judge Kavanaugh attempting to get on the SUPREME COURT IS  A BAD SIGN for women for women’s rights (NOT JUST ABORTION RIGHTS BUT EVENTUALLY WORK RIGHTS, JOB RIGHTS, MARRIAGE RIGHTS, DIVORCE RIGHTS demoting women to be second class citizens) and the Kavanaugh hearing is either gonna oust a couple of republican women senators testing their resolve in regards to female rights if possible via the lies of Kavanaugh and  pressure by the Republicans to vote him in and hopefully the women Republican Senators will vote against him and if they don’t I BELIEVE will lose their seats so its a double play against women one way or another if it can accomplish ousting a few women in the Senate and get a Jesuit on the Supreme Court to mess with our rights and become more like the Vatican where women basically are their maids and cook their meals and make their eucharists to control the populations using meth and Devils Breath drugs which last about a week to control religions barefoot pregnant or in a habit or burka..IF you think if it get to this point that Larua InGraham is gonna be unrestrained think again will force her and anyone else who is gonna think they can be special if we have to give up ours and it is gonna be a bloody affair and we will be at war all the way in our country against each other. Her and others like her will rue the day if it happens because they will be hunted down and destroyed without shedding a tear and I doubt her male friends will care (because I don’t think she realizes they aren’t really her friends and may end up dong it for us) and includes women on both sides who were traitors to female rights. These women will be the first in the all out war or revolution to lose their futures even in every nook and cranny and deserve it for their silence about HOSPICE. That includes Judge Jeanine and all the beauties of Fox news etc so you had better stand up for women’s rights or you won’t have any no matter what class, no matter what race, no matter what.

Michele Malkin is such a bitch. Always the same old speech. She thinks women lie more than men? SURE MICHELLE OBAMA.  I am so sorry you didn’t realize. Most violent crimes are committed by males either to females or males. What planet does MIchelle living in Jupiter?  She is a competitive female and a jealous one as well. I wonder who her jealousy is towards? Probably her own mom. She walks in one direction like the guys wearing white at Mecca. Ever hear of the word ambidextrous?

A few statistics and I rest my case against DRIZELLA MALKIN.

Not that hard to win against a liar and Kavanaugh can be won on the lies he has told and will be remembered by everyone in the USA as SLUBGOB. LOL

SLUBGOB KAVANAUGH IT FITS! The shoe fits. There will always be women who want Slubgob like Laura inGraham, Judge Jeanine, and MIchelle Malkin and these women can have him, but not i said my little i.  Judge Jeanine Pirro said she cried watching the hearings for Kavanaugh. Did his wife cry? I noticed she cringed, but she sure didn’t cry and the cameras would have shown it if she did for the Republicans..

She might have walked home. It was only about ten miles. I used to walk that as a girl of 14 and thereabouts easy to get where I wanted to get. Not like she was walking through parts of Washington DC or through parts of New York City or through dangerous areas. Some woman is using it as if the FBI doesn’t figure out how she got home she is not being truthful . I got home after my pregnancy implantation and I don’t remember it at all. I wasn’t drunk. I had at the most one beer at the beginning of the night. I was not a beer drinker. I barely remember anything. Someone must have dropped me off. I don’t remember a bunch of what happened because it was traumatic. This woman who said what she said on some news program and works in our government as a representative ought to have the nipples of her own tits cut off with a nail clipper for being so STUPID and MANLY. I don’t know who she was but resembled Laura Bush but not nearly as cute. Same hairdo. I’m sure we could devise something where we could do both at the same time: a double nipple remover. It takes some people 10 minutes to jog a mile or two and she was in good physical shape. IF it was 30 miles she could have walked it in a fast pace or had some change to call a friend. People have lifted cars while in shock. Anything is possible in numerous ways. How she got there is probably how she got back. Her mom? the same mom who took her to the Safeway when she ran into Mark Judge? THAT MOM. So she must have been pretty close and then the pool location where her mom probably dropped her off and where she probably trekked to to phone her mom to pick her up. Or perhaps the Safeway.

The ex is attacking Christy Ford  (why I ask?) because of a person who can tell if she is lying by her mannerisms and we got in an argument because it was disgusting as he is a liar through and through who has lied his ass of so much but feels since this woman said Christy Ford is lying thinks he has proven himself, odd enough. So we traversed back into some of his lies and he keeps lying still. About why he moved the stuff off the top bunk bed to cover up that he was sleeping with his daughter on the bottom bunk about a week or lo later after I stopped it nicely and then he moved the boxes and used the excuse I did not want the top mattress to be used on the floor in the tiny little bedroom for my daughter and I didn’t want it to be used this way but he thought of it way after and because he did not want to buy her a bed for a long time because he is a cheap mother fucker and had me falsely arrested soon after all this occurred and PAID THE BAIL knowing he was guilty of lies to punish me and we talked about his murdering hs mom etc.  Then called me the devil and not gentle etc because I was yelling at him Who the hell looks like an angel yelling at a liar and my excuse is he is lying. Of course he moved the boxes a week later to look as if one of them had been sleeping in a different part of the bunk bed to cover his ass because though he had two three four years to have bought her a bed. Timing is everything. one week vs two three or four years storing the boxes on the top bunk. Why didn’t he do it in those years instead of a week after we had the nice discussion about should a dad sleep with his teenaged daughter after a divorce and I read the responses to him and he started sleeping in her room instead and she moved out and stayed with her boyfriend a bunch. Went through his slut in the tub story and now how he says he fell out of her in a tub full of water when she had gone to the a bar and said “do you want to ball?” and he did and followed her to her place and she wanted to do it in the tub and he acted like this is what it is supposed to be like? Fell out of her because she did a vagina fart twice in the tub full of water (NOT FROM HAVING A BUNCH OF SEMEN IN HER ALREADY) and had told me a whole different story a long time ago and it keeps changing . the vagina farts in the tub is his new addition. And he was only there less than ten minutes. How long does it take to fill a tub get undressed try to fuck and get dressed again? MORE THAN TEN MINUTES! I asked if he would have married her if she got pregnant and he said she would have had an abortion and probably would not be because of him in the first place since she had screwed so many guys in her career as a fat slut he called her and not because she had so many guys semen in her the same night. Anyway it was a friend’s sister he calls a big fat slut and fucked her in a tub.

This is gonna sound really weird and out in left field  but If I had to choose between two friends and the two people were Stormy Daniels or Laura InGraham I would choose Stormy Daniels because IMO there is more hope for her in a multitude of ways than Laura InGraham.

The ex has been reading up on Christy Ford and told me a bunch of shit and if half of it is true the Private Catholic schools ought to be shut down. Said her parents won’t talk to her and probably are afraid of her courage and afraid of other catholics  and students hated her and trying to make a case of she deserved it kind of shit. He said how the girls chased the boys and boys chased the girls ?????which is nothing new and not abnormal, but raping them is abnormal. Said the guy running against Ted Cruz is a communist and was arrested and I said I didn’t believe it and I said maybe he was falsely arrested like I was. (I know Ted Cruz is a liar and his competitor seems nice though I haven’t compared the two in serious ways?Why? Because I’m not gonna vote. ) but I had no idea he was communist. Jesuit Pope Francis is the closest thing to a communist  as you can get catholic-wise. He lived in an apartment…. which is why catholics liked him. Gee how deep. DId this kind of stuff happen before and after  WW11 with the red scare….. catholics blaming communists? Watched about 10 seconds of Laura InGraham and found myself cussing my head off to get him to turn the channel I did not want to watch the bitch with the lips of MECCA yapping on her face. I can’t stand her and think she ought to just stick a dick in her mouth and try to talk. She deserves it.

See how the lil’lies grow?

The real story was he was with a group of guys who were

at a party and took turns to screw her in the empty tub

and she was so big vagina wise so he could not stay in

her because he was not the first of the guys screwing her.

And he did not say


another new lil’lie.

SLAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM. He had four older brothers and tries to tell me this shit?

By the way he’s a VIRGO and takes medication daily for VERTIGO

Please do not be offended but thought they did a very good job for this skit and think they ought to do the Kavanaugh tongue part if it is possible for them to d next week hopefully and maybe a skit about Mitch McConnell meeting God.

Matt Damon Impersonates Brett Kavanaugh In Instantly Iconic ‘SNL’ Sketch

He takes me for a fool. Not really he knows I know he just likes to act like a fucker and be a fucker and likes to lie. He enjoys it and he doesn’t care and said it as well. The most plausible is the first story he told me about it which I can’t even believe he told me he was a part of so he was kind of proud of it. It was a sister of a good friend who did not get along with his sister. Makes sense to me. He has made up a new version of his little movie in his mind and calls me a mental case? And he called me a know it all like his friend he is about to go to work with at a gig at Eddie Bs to accompany with his classy sax playing to assist Don Morgan.

By the way, i don’t know any man who would sleep with his teenaged daughter in this day and age after having dealt with Gary, but he didn’t . I DID (Dealt with Gary just to be precise). What does he have to lose if the Jesuit Kavanaugh gets in the Supreme Court and what does he have to gain?

Michael Avenati saying the FBI investigation is a sham and has not attempted to reach his client, (I don’t know her name) in any form or fashion. I would think it might be a sham as well. We shall see but I think most of the administration is beginning to look like a sham IMO. I guess it started on the trailer when Trumo said some really weird shit and I don’t think anyone in good conscience should have voted for him but the choices were terrible and Fox pretty much controlled it They will receive their reward probably soon enough and I think their votes will affect them so don’t vote. I think Trump is the other side of the Obama coin twins sort of like Jacob and Esau. I would not vote if you can help it. It isn’t a duty if you are not given any good choices and prevents some donations and information they seem to really want badly. It is being pushed at the concerts, politicians, religious leaders etc in tv everywhere using even guilt and might be a tool for some kind of chicanery somehow against citizens. Why support a system that is bullshit.

Another thing my ex did not like is when Christy Ford put her glasses on top of head and walked proudly after having testified in front of congress. He did not like her pride overcoming a bunch of jerks to do her civic duty. NOT EMBELLISHING HER STORY WHAT SO EVER AS FAR AS I COULD TELL. He thinks a 15 year old girl should act ashamed for being attacked. when he was growing up bullies tried to bully him and his brother came around the corner and saved his ass. Told the bully don’t you ever touch my brother again and the bully said Oh Brian I didn’t know he was your younger brother. Sorry. I wonder how he, PHILLIP ROY RODGERS, would have acted after his brother saved his ass? ASHAMED?


THERE WON’T BE A STOCK MARKET and real-estate will be whoever can hold it. So it is best to tow the line even if you are pro life. Which I AM but in a different way. A better way. A truthful way and has helped me to keep a going even after all I have been through. It will be ARMAGEDDON in full swing which is alright by me. I will handle it regardless, but you are fucked if it happens. Fair warning.



even the President

John Oliver Exposes The Utter Hypocrisy Of Pro-Lifers On Brett Kavanaugh


don’t know if you know the difference between the NWO and the NWO with teeth which Pope Benedict alluded to for the sake of his fold but I think the teeth are the ones that lose.

Lamentations 3:16 – Revelation 9:8

Having to do with hypocrisy about abortion, birth control, over population, pre-marital sex,

enjoyment of sexual abuse and persecution

but are dug in

and their silence and about hospice

ignoring the truth about the mustard seed and being willfully ignorant

and disregard for the truth in all of these subjects

and perverted use of people

(Fox knows what I mean and ought to invest in life jackets at the very least)

Genesis 49:12-Lamentations 2:16

The hair may have to do with the hair caught in the branches in the tsunami in the Indian Ocean and near where Mother Teresa started her crusade and the lions may be referring to Billy Graham and where he started his crusades India and England respectively and I think some are gnashing their teeth already such as Billy Graham. You can read the references about teeth in the verses in both installments. I don’t know if gnashing is the same as grinding. But there are two women both will be grinding at the mill and one will be taken and one will be left  which I think is referring to Islam and the other the Roman Catholic Church and their secret societies are prompting the clash of civilizations. IT looks bleak especially after seeing the enabling by the Republicans in the Kavanaugh hearing and the outbursts by Kavanaugh and Lindsey Graham and the dishonesty by the White House Chief of Staff, a Jesuit, and Mrs. Kennedy of Fox news, and others who are not looking good to God and willfully ignoring the truth edging closer to their own end and the bribery attempts by Mrs. Kennedy of Fox News, Laura InGraham during the Trump bid for the White House and the blackmail innuendo by Trump today about a Democrat Senator and all these things should be a warning to those at risk. You may not have much time left.

One thing I will not do is vote in the elections because I do not want to enable it any more. I don’t like their games. But when push comes to shove I know I’m on the correct side and have done a great deal of work to warn you. So you better keep your guns you are gonna need them.

I think someone needs shoot Mitch McConnell.

I think its time for him to go find God.

Friday seems like a good day for it.

 If you can’t convince him. Kill him.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics

My prayer

If Rand Paul votes yes to Kavanaugh and anyone else who votes yes on the final vote after seeing what we witnessed by Kavanaugh and Lindsay Graham I will never believe anything you say or do is truthful or worth a grain of salt, and I will pray and hope your health your wealth and your families health and wealth and your generations to come and generations before and in the past and in the future are destroyed and your mental facilities are decimated and that you spend the rest of your days afraid and imprisoned by your lack of truthful judgement and your exorbitant unfairness and I hope and will pray your relationships are destroyed your inheritances are destroyed your bodies are racked in pain and your homes are destroyed and your talents are forgotten and everything you hold dear leaves your lives in short order and when you meet God he sends you to a prison along with your generations in the past, present and the future and until you learn the truth and tell it and fight for it and learn to appreciate it and my prayer includes the press, the clergy, and every branch of government in our nation and those who intend to be in the government or are in the government in any capacity and the clergy first and foremost and the responsibility it squanders against the citizens of the USA and those who come to the USA for a chance to be treated fairly because it is your duty and then the same for the rest of society everywhere in this world next and in short order. So help me God!

God knows my other prayers!

I believe my prayer is why Sen. Flake ( but he says it was the women in the elevator and maybe he recognized one of them) got up and had enough and didn’t like the possibilities of my prayer and the compelling evidence by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island which pinpointed the day and is probably not gonna be explainable for Kavanaugh and Mrs Fords testimony clear and concise testimony and Kavanaughs nonsense and the tongue wagging and thus not getting on the Supreme Court and having to go back to his old career with his head hanging down for a long time…….and deeply embarrassed for his behavior during the hearing (and who wouldn’t be?) and probably if he gets on is gonna be hell for some people like the democrats and few republicans so if I were those republicans i would keep him out of the seat in the Supreme Court. Which is okay because he needs to be ashamed for a long time and hopefully his wife will love him and his children will love him for not dragging them through his shit unless he continues his quest for the Supreme Court because of his dumb pride and because he is possessed by some demonic entity egging him on and being unapologetic about his sexual abuse and evil intent and belligerance and then they will hate him and he will lose them forever. He ought to give up because its gonna be even harder for him soon if he doesn’t and will learn about rape the hard way and the entity inside him wont care one iota about him or his family and discard him like a piece of dung to be rolled up by a dung beetle named Darwin. Will President Trump have the guts, logic and wherewithal to slow down the investigation to be exact and thorough about the possible conspiracy of the Jesuits and take seriously the charges and allegations made against Kavanaugh, take seriously the lies he has told to the committee and to the FBI and to Trump, and give the committee up to three weeks to check into the allegations and evidence delving deeper via hearings while the FBI does their investigation for the same amount of time and in order to take control back of the White House and control of his White House Chief of Staff instead of the other way around and losing it to the Jesuits and the RCC or will he plough the railroad against himself with the Republicans and Mitch McConnell, Obama, and the RCC, Islam and many other people and much of the press who want to do him in via Kavanaugh? I DON’T KNOW. Hopefuly he gets it and does not attempt at a two state solution for Israel and keeps his nose clean for the sake of his very good looking family.

Earthquake and tsunami in 2004 i Sumatra of of it’s parts – Obama – the whole is greater than it’s parts, atra-chemotherapy?) matra – quantity (a bunch of islands in the area), Su-substitute

An earthquake occurred in Palu, Indonesia causing a tsanamii and nearly 1000 people perished. Now if earthly signs can be believed you change the spelling of PALU and you get PAUL as in SAUL and maybe referring indirectly to the great orator with the tongue manifestation (Pentacost, speaking in tongues of demonic dialects) attempting to be a Supreme Court Justice on our Supreme Court. He certainly can orate like I imagine Paul did but had a few problems as well like being possessed demonically and attacking females probably all over the USA for fun with his Jesuit friends get a license by people like Lindsey Graham and all the others defending him and you can see why NOW.


So we had Mother Teresa as in TERTIOUS (can’t remember spelling and am not going to look it up because I am satisfied with my assertions and in a backwards way it makes sense) and now PAUL her son of the New Testament roman style shit and backwards as well as if walking backwards in time. His friends also seem to be followers of Paul as well. At least some of them in the Senate who couldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended on it and hope you won’t see.  Barack was the lightning he met on his way to Damascus and was converted. Barack means lightning. So you may know the son of man is not the Son of God. GOD DOES NOT DO WHAT IS SAID TO HAVE HAPPENED TO  SAUL AND PAUL and doesn’t need to and tongues is an abomination because it is meaningless crap for people like Robert Tilton and other crazy loons. MOCKERY and demonic utterances. A mental disorder far worse than PTSD. CRAZY Syllables. The reason the son of man is betrayed is the angels the fallen ones liked the females and mated with them. Not all of them but some trying to improve their horrible looks they got via Mother Teresa.

Kavanaugh’s tongue manifestation is a manifestation and probably fighting some BIG demons and he should not be placed on the Supreme Court for this reason alone, but if he is and tries to do the things I think are intended by the RCC and the Jesuits he will not be acting alone and he being possessed is likely to turn on some people in high places, Christians, and Roman Catholics and/or whatever floats his boat. Because you support him doesn’t protect you because he is not himself which ought to be a big consideration. You cannot tell me his tongue action was normal. IT IS NOT. Washington DC will be hit the hardest but also deserves it as well. Good luck to ya if you do.

I’m glad I didn’t vote for Trump. I didn’t vote for anyone. The ex bragged he did and then changed his story. I don’t know why and said he didn’t vote either. One of many reasons it is hard to believe anything he says. It’s a weird situation I find myself in. He said he will get my water tonight on his way home and I said Thank you, can you get me a coke before you go? and he said he would because he is taking care of me.

The ex said that the earthquake tsunami happened in Palau Indonesia not Palu indonesia and I said being the know it all that I am maybe its án alternate spelling of the same word and was making fun of my association with Paul such as Sao Paulo, Brazil and saint vs sao, sow etc

SOW A male pig is called a boar.

A female pig is called a gilt if she hasn’t had

piglets yet and a sow if she has.

Speaking of which, the witch hunt is over. I found the witch for Mueller:

Jeanine Pirro is saying the Kavanaugh hearing was a crucifixion of an altar boy and that Christy  Ford is being used as a puppet. Well Jeanine if you feel that way in your high and mighty position on Fox news being a judge you should be able to help her then. Cut the strings of Christy Ford and instead of defiling her build her up and be kind to her and donate your salary for a year to her. Be a good samaritan. Invite her to your home and make friends with her since you think you know so much.

Lets hope the friend of Kavanaugh isn’t a substitute that will be complying with the FBI. If he were a friend he would have been willing a long time ago so their friendship ended sometime or other and maybe because of fear. WHen Christi saw him at the Safeway he looked sick and pale and the reason for the thought suggested by the Sumatra definition of SU above which means substitute having to do with computers..which is far fetched I admit not the other stuff but the SU part.

I cannot wait for it to be over. I’m sick of it and hope for a better option when it is over and done with finished kaput. By voting it seems to be perpetuated like the perpetual virgin.

Joe Digeneva was Christine Ford’s tongue all over the place within her cheeks? DId she back talk the Senators? Did she ask one Senator if he ever blacked out when drinking to excess? You should be ashamed of yourself but I doubt you are. It isn’t whether or no he blacked out, or drank too much, it’s about telling the truth. Everyone I know has drunk too much one time or another and it was obvious he did a lot of it like almost every weekend. If he can’t be honest about it he obviously has a drinking problem. He was not born in the thirties where the generation was very secretive and didn’t talk about a lot of things openly. But he was educated by and in a secret society. I know you and your girlfriend/wife drink a lot and grew up somewhere in-between the two times and are standing up for alcoholics everywhere, but this hearing is not about alcoholics or alcoholic anonymous. Its about attempted rape of a minor and  OBVIOUSLY connected to the Catholic problem of sexual child abuse or sexual minor abuse and the US Supreme Court. Every country deserves the government they have and you and yours are gonna be screwed and so will the minors in your family. Most people who drink too much get in bad situations and if you can’t even attest to this fact you are fucked. FUCK YOU. By the way some people have a reaction to alcohol others don’t and can be drunk on one beer unless like Hannity who drinks a 6 pack a night gets used to it and probably why you and he are both liars and don’t know a lie from the truth. That is what alcohol does on a nightly basis to alcoholics. It is a disease and in my ex’s case he doesn’t drink he just lies all the time and it is not necessary but he thinks it is and I don’t know why except he would have to look at himself in the mirror and say I’m an asshole. I’m a deceiver. I’m a sadistic mother fucker. I’m a non believer. I’m a coward. I’m a woman hater. I’m not worthy of the human race. I’m stupid. *I’m a murderer and my father is the father of lies. I belong to my father the devil and I want to carry out my father’s desires. My father was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. And when he lies he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Sound familiar?

My mom had a drinking problem though it was unusual in that she did not do it nightly or even weekly. But when she did often it was not good. And it took the family a long time to know how to handle it. My dad finally learned to go somewhere else because he knew he would react because she was trying to get a reaction but not the right reaction. So he went and saw a movie or two and rarely spent the night in a hotel/motel He might have done it once or twice because of the kids. He took us to al anon so we could learn a little and we learned enough. My little sister went to college and drank a lot a lot lot. She learned to drink a lot of beer in college. Most of us do but after a while though we stop because nothing good happens especially to females by males. My little sister continued and met a man and his friends who drank excessively. By the way when my dad died my mom was very settled and had a rare drink or two and my sister got in and started to hang out with her mom, my mom whom she needed because of the divorce and got my mom drinking again, and took advantage of her though my mom would have given her the moon and the stars if she could because she loved her. It was up to my little sister to not take advantage of her and not get her drunk. My sister had been screwed over by Christian lawyers like you as was her husband screwed over by those Christian lawyers who advertised themselves as Christian divorce lawyers and took advantage and eventually she got some new lawyers who did the right thing but had incurred a huge debt to the CHRISTIAN lawyers who saw her coming. The debt may have caused some problems and some theft because she was not the executor of the estate though my mom wrote a little note one time when my little sister and I visited my mom (I did not see her write it but was on a piece of paper probably the size of the one my brother-in-law wrote to my other brother-in-law in regards to what was left in her estate) which I found on her bed and it was in her hand writing which said my little sister could have everything. I gave it to my little sister. I believe she knew what she was doing and knew that my little sister was in trouble and why. It wasn’t her fault. She was railroaded because of her problems due to abuse by a bunch of good ole boys in the Christian faith who wouldn’t know a truth from a lie even if their lives depended on it and their lives do depend on it, by the way. I think my sister was in deep shit and my mom wanted to help her. She spent a lot of time with my mom after my dad died. I couldn’t because I had girls to raise 5 hours away but she helped me to see my mom more often. Then something happened after she married a fucker. How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood whom was her second husband during the Obama administration who saw her coming. It was kind of a spiritual reaction to the scribbled paper between the two good old boys in our family both who rushed in where angels feared to tread because she saw ahead and understood. She saw things and heard things others didn’t which is what I was trying to prove and I proved it. The last time I saw her she kept saying I love your blond hair to my little sister but my little sister was not blond. She had some blond streaks in her hair but she was still a brunette and when my mom said blond she meant blond as in Marilyn Monroe or my little sister’s daughter-in-law who was very blond. Platinum blond so she was seeing through the mask or veil of things we did not see and giving clues. BIG ONES> She knew my little sister had married a fucker and the fucker my little sister married murdered my mom. He was at the hospital when she died and didn’t bother visiting other times and bitched when we were late for dinner because of visiting my mom. He sure looked like Obama’s DOD head almost to a tee. Could have been relatives and of the same DNA for sure. And the Queens ring bearer at the anniversary 50th or 60th anniversary I forget the name but an important anniversary (just remembered it was the Jubilation) where celebrations were everywhere in England during the Obama Administration. The DOD who said GET READY AMERICA and said I have no reason to distrust Obama’s motives and was a Saudi operative as well. Chuck Hagel and his el (as in a god, a boy’s god, a good ole boy’s god) who is a hag is Mother Teresa to rob and to steal and murder.

Boys who do not want to face the truth or do anything about it and would rather females be ravished, sold, abused, sexually assaulted, sent down the river, scammed, cheated, chastised, ridiculed, lied to, slighted, limited, to lord over, controlled, without rights, pregnant and barefoot, screwed up, raped at an early age, raped in divorce, and all the things good ole boys like to do to females and is not godly or good but only a bunch of chicken shits, thieves, liars, effeminate fuck heads to be owned and screwed over in their place instead of because of lack of courage and their own shortcomings. But the time is near and remaining a boy isn’t gonna suffice. PERIOD.

Comey blasts Kavanaugh probe deadline, says FBI shouldn’t have ‘shot clock’

Both Comey and Trump are right. The person micromanaging is Jesuit Gen Kelly with some help probably from Panetta and the daughter of Gen. Kelly who works for Fox news Mrs. Kennedy.

Besides the time zones of the Apostasy, Tribulation, The Great Tribulation, Revelation, Armageddon, The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, Purgatory and/or Limbo and Atonement by my older sister, her husband and her wiley friends, THE GREAT DECEPTION, The ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION,  which I believe includes Hospice since it is WILLFULLY ignored and one more or two titles having to do with the end times are these time zones and perhaps related somehow having to do with a language code order and names (I believe) to send information and signs and intel to other time zones having to do with the number of the fish caught at the Sea of Galillee in the nets: people like Comey, Trump, Manaforte, FBI  agents, Justice Department, Vatican operatives, spies (some good , some bad some good and bad),CIA, DOD, Leon Panetta, Gen Kellly, Huckabee, Sarah Sanders Huckabee, Trumps kids, Obama, Michelle, Hillary, Clinton, Reagan, Col. Oliver North, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy and the assassination and many many more and even regular citizens and most of all the CLERGY, Billy Graham, Pope Francis, and many more are: 153, 135, 531, 513, 351, 315 like the hands of clock of times for learning purposes having to do with gods temples uncovered and God has his time clocks as well which don’t have anything to do with the time zones on earth I don’t think but I could be wrong. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean was a big one and altered the earths axis and altered the earth’s governments and religious axises and alliances. like the German axis in the past etc because we are at war all of us. A propaganda war and a press war, a political war, a religious war, and nations at war, a New World Order war, A New World Order with teeth war, Old testament war, New testament war, covenant wars, etc. the physical axis of the earth though you can’t see it but can be measured was offset by the earthquake and tsunami which killed over 250 thousand people in the area and affected weather patterns in our country and in the Caribbean etc. a very powerful earthquake probably one of the most powerful in written history except maybe during the crucifixion and before it in the time of Moses and Noah’s ark and the great flood and some even before and these powerful visitations and war and enlightenments true and false usually happen every 2000 years and we are on the cusp or on the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning and/or something in-between, each of us otherwise we might get left behind or killed or imprisoned, in entrapments of al kinds or in the process of, etc. I figured out the language of akbar was barak. halla or allah, and the french have sort of a double kind of language, alternate spellings I think Halla is hell or an alternate spelling of hell. and lots of hidden meanings in language which is why the RCC used latin to hide behind for a long time.

“We would access it at that time”

if there is some evidence of sexual assault or corroboration of sexual assault or assaults or compelling information to deem Kavanaugh unfit found via the FBI probe and investigation said Sarah Sanders Huckabee but the question was would President Trump access it, not her. Is Huckabee an evangelical arm of the RCC or the Jesuits or both? Seems to be a power struggle going on at the White House involving the White House Chief of Staff Kelly and the Jesuit swamp and Masonic Swamp and the Neo-catechumenal Way swamp and the Opus die swamp and the NWO swamp and the NWO with teeth swamp and the Evangelical swamp and the global warming/climate change swamp and the your lady of Notre Dame swamp and the false Intel swamp blaming Russia swamp and lots of others all originating from the Vatican and Fox and its GREAT BOG to advance it’s boggling of the minds of any person it can for it’s sake with false news false intel false beliefs false religion falsifying everything it can falsify. The Great Corruption of mankind. Kind of like my ex lying about anything and everything to hold on to his false faith to cause me to fail for his sake so he can bury me. I don’t intend to bury him because I don’t need to bury him he is doing a good job of it himself by his lies adding on to hit the magical number where forgiveness is no longer available not by me because he hit the number a long time ago, but by God. Most of these guys we see in the news and the press don’t realize these guys are being measured for their behavior and their responses or lack of understanding and are being judged by religions and their angels which often guys (and gals) tend to think are more important than the truth and are being judged by God and his angels. I have no idea how exactly but I don’t think the totals will be averaged to the mean. Try telling Judge Jeanine the difference.


I believe Kavanaugh has some demons big ones he is dealing with and some may be his fault and some may not be his fault but it is obvious he has some and it would be wise to slow down a little before entitling him to be used demonically and maybe he will tell the truth eventually and maybe not and maybe he will be forced to before he can be a Justice on the Supreme Court and maybe not which would be a disaster in the making. Sometimes demons pick on good guys (and gals) but I know demons also use bad guys like Manson and other creatures who are insane. At the very least the Congress via the FBI probe could exorcise those demons out of him before giving him the grace and forgiveness to be on the Supreme Court. He needs to be a gracious person to be a Supreme Court justice without other alliances like theJesuits which is a demonic entity of the RCC and fess up to his accusers who may be telling the truth and he may actually be the accuser via his body and being possessed of demons in a Jesuit way i.e. devilish way to accuse these females by raping or attempting to rape the females or to degrade them and demean them for attempting to be good citizens who care about females using the deceitful press based on political party lines or because he wants to fulfill the desire for the death to America, the Great Satan.

His cheeks tell some of the story. He is an alcoholic. Gary was an alcoholic and received some kind of hepatitis infection via the blood he received and was told to quit drinking etc. He said he had Purpora a disease of the blood when he received the hepatitis either ab or c but the one that kills eventually. My sister’s friend the obnoxious one had Purpura around the same time which I thought was kind of weird and coincidental. but I think he actually had a transplant of some kind. When you have Purpura you have your spleen removed. I never saw the spots that go along with Purpura so I bet he had a liver transplant and got it because of his dad. I have no idea whose liver he might have received if he did. It doesn’t make sense because he continued to drink with belligerence and purpose. And when you have this particular hepatitis you are not supposed drink.  .His mom is ugly. UGLY U G L Y  AND SHE WAS THE WOMAN WHO SHED A TEAR IN HIS FAMILY or tried to anyway as did Judge Jeanine Pirro. Trying to figure out who she looks like. Some actress who has had a bunch of facial surgery and seems she has hardened quite a bit which is easy to see why, Gary’s first daughter was married a second time in Colorado, Not Estes but where there are birch trees. Ive seen pictures but did not attend. Probably near where they skied with the Kirchers. The Ski Mask rapist was a white man in Dallas and went after church females of the area near his homes his family lived in and the church he and my sister went to. Hard to get details about a man wearing a ski mask (since he hid his face) IN the vicinity in between both They lived in one house and moved to another house in the same neighborhood which is kind of odd. Wine something and WIne something street. IE the same street. DALE

a valley, especially a broad one.
synonyms: valley, vale; More


as in VEIL

It was the first home on the same street they lived in when I had my meeting with him PUR her request (after he called me a fucking liar when I hung up on him) while she clanged pots and pans in the kitchen acting pissed off. The one with the Mexican tile in the little tv room off of the living room not the one with the sunken living room and was described as Contemporary at the time. While living in the neighborhood both attended the SCOFIELD NON-DENOMINTIONAL CHURCH. Jessica attended college in Fort Worth and was threatened because of a a criminal whom she met  harassing her so the Kirchers hired body guards then moved back to connecticut married a very strange guy and a kid or two boys and divorced and then later her parents moved in with her to protect her inheritance. My sister and her husband tried to offer their service investing money in the stock market for church goers and did not get a bite. Then moved elsewhere eventually and their kids attended HOCKADAY PRIVATE GIRLS SCHOOL and ST. MARKS for their third child a boy . HOCKADAY is where the rumor spread about a dad and his daughter and sexual abuse and was not reported to authorities and some other interesting deaths. I had my daughter educated for a couple of preschool years at the SCOFIELD NON DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH and possibly her first year of school but it became more expensive each year and many families left the private Christian school because money was more important than educating kids about Jesus. It was not cheap to begin with depending on your station in life. Before living in these two homes they lived in Highland Park in a fixer upper on Perdue in Highland Park near Lovers Lane near where both daughters attended CIty Ballet for many years and after lived on Norway in a fixer upper a painted brick grey house which was where the Jacuzzi incident occurred or didn’t but threatened to occur while pregnant with her 3rd child. And then the dream home on a Cul de sac lost to options trading on the stock market off of Inwood Road called Pebblebrook and then had to move down a bit to a home off of Forest Lane and Royal Lane in-between both called Glenaire and possibly moved to Vale part time. The Kirchers lived for many years in Connecticut Greenwich Connecticut at 6 Winding Lane where the sister brother sex occurred with Elizabeth or Beth Kircher now Jessica and before living in their mansion lived in Houston, Texas while in the oil business for both homes and probably others for the sake of anonymity and also had a potato farm somewhere up north just in case and this is the reason of war or some kind of big calamity in the USA and a ranch in Colorado and homes of Mark and his wife both doctors who went to the Unitarian Church. He looked like his dad, kind of stumpy and a big face and she was very tall and looked as if she was from Indonesia or something but not pretty. Cannot remember her name. Oh well. It popped into my head PAM was her name Pam Kircher. John Kircher was the President of Conoco Oil. my sister and her husband met at SMU and were married at SMUs church. Funny thing is the woman that was married to my uncle his third or fourth marriage when they struck some kind of energy sour on the land she inherited instantly turned into millionaires and then Gary lost their millions on the stock market looked like Gary’s mom but both kind of opposites as well. very petite, short dark hair one curly one not and both talked similar ad both skinny about 90 to a hundred pounds maybe. She used to feed her son Gary steak for breakfast on a regular basis. His moms first name was the same as my mom. They called her DOTTIE. DOTTIE KIRCHER. My sister met him at a frat party in a barn and poured her beer on his head anointing him so he would not forget her and when they married later a big wedding and a big reception at a swanky place I think it was the CIty Place in Dallas but I was only a 14 year old living in Virginia at the time. My mom helped to pay for all of the wedding and reception and the 12 groomsmen ended up in jail overnight except one who slept it off under a car and luckily none moved the car. It was a big wedding and I was a bridesmaid. Our family and my uncle who was a lawyer had to get them out of jail for disorderly conduct and drunkeneness to attend his wedding.

They liked beer. Boys like Beer. GIrls like Beer.

Though I didn’t at the time and never really developed a liking to beer except on a very hot day having had a few bad experiences drinking with them at parties and reunions with their friends. Like Fred who fell in love with my younger sister. A german last name. Schlicker was his last name Fred Schlicker and was married at the time to a nice high class chick who liked to wear head bands. Caroline or Karolyn Schlicker and I saw her at the hospital a year or so ago walked by my room and she was there in a professional way like my best friend’s dad who is dead but he was there without recognizing me of course it’s been years and was a colonel in the army and became a nurse. LOL However I think she did without TOTAL RECALL, Not happy in his job but did it nevertheless and waited on me and when a indian nurse made a big mistake as a nurse asked me not to tell on her. I didn’t. It wasn’t like she could help it just was not very good at her job. i can’t remember what it was but he was worried for her like his little girlfriend or something. I don’t know but it was strange, to say the least. I think he was there and meant to help me feel comfortable and something my parents would know. He was a good dad and he was Catholic. So nothing surprises me anymore, not even Kavanaugh and his made up family being in between the two or three or four or five states of being. I’m here I think for good reason to educate Catholics and non catholics alike stuck in a cult or cults or in other words people who are “stuck in a rut.”through no fault of their own and getting one as well. My ex used to pronounce my last name rut in Michigan before he was lucky to have met me. IT’S pronounced ROOT as in the ROOT of a tree.  A good one, I believe but if you think I’m enjoying it, think again. Boars and Pigs like to dig up roots and eat roots and try often to find the roots hunting high and low for those roots and to kill the roots because the roots do not support their religions and are undermining those religions in short order because their roots are deeper than the mustard tree and end up often pulling up the wrong roots. Ask Judge Jeanine!

Black outs occur not just from drinking or over drinking. Blackouts occur because of demons attacking a person or a person being attacked. Demonic entities are able to black a person out to do it’s will. I don’t know what kind of person but I know it happens. Not to me that I know of however I have some blind spots in memory. I think everyone does especially in traumatic events. In the Obama Administration there were people who either were heroes or the victims who had blackouts and cell phones were involved. LIke super mans Krytonite type control. And there was a component that got some attention in some cell phones which was very hazardous to humans sort of nike the fixture in  Volkswagon’s emitting some poisons in the air and were caught but very bad poisons and you have to wonder why it wasn’t caught sooner. It’s as if we have some unknown enemies amongst us and lawsuits did expose it and a lot of excuses were made. While it sounds totally fictitious there are drugs not seen or taken but used against a persons memory (date rape used often on women and men and I named a few my ex knew about which I had never heard of which is kind of weird, ironic: Is this what it is supposed to be like? sex in a tub?) and I am sure there are other type materials that do the same to innocent humans. Medicines, drugs, microwaves, trauma and angelic beings who can do the same good and bad (demonic ones). MInd control and some people are more prone to those actions than others. Demonic activity in a person’s life does not mean the person is a bad person or a weak person but a person of interest to the demons for the devil to screw them over (screw tape letters) or to screw someone else in their purview. In this case it may be a lot of people like females to screw over females for the RCC by the Jesuits. Some people one beer is like ten beers to another depending on chemistry, mood swings, depression,, sadness, bad memories, abuse, certain sensitivities, religion, lack of religion, money, lots of reasons which probably could fill a septic tank. knowledge and someone does not want a person to have by discovery or investigation (such as the DA and the Senator at Safeway in Arizona or knowledge a person has and doesn’t know it like HIllary witnessing something she may not understand and could not testify for a while and was also had physical brain lesions because of her cell phone usage about Benghazi or like the deaths of some people to make way for other things like Senator Inouye’s timely death and a desired Hawaiian vacation or like the signing of Obama care without reading it. Besides not using twitter I don’t use a cell phone either and I have great memory to the consternation of many especially Fox news and my ex. LOL) or gifts from God or because of competition and jealousy, the love to manipulate, manage, maneuver, and to lord over in place of God. ETC. There are people who are sadistic and some who are masochists and are sick. Lots to consider but I do know the tongue action when Kavanaugh was upset was not normal and a sign of possession or demonic activity and possibly having to do with a drug which controls and given without the knowledge of the person through something taken on a weekly basis. In Kavanaugh’s case i don’t think it was the toothpaste he used to brush his teeth. A Clue or a Cue/Queue to be taken seriously and I would if I were him or his wife to consider it a possibility. Washington DC is a powerful district and I guarantee the people working in it are at more risk than any other city in the world by the Vatican and others. His wife knows he has problems and a certificate from Yale is not important at this point whether it was Yale he graduated from or any other college.BFD (BIG FUCKING DEAL.) Lots of skull and bones guys graduate from Yale. And I know she knows because of clues at the hearing. My kids suffered and sos did my parents and I’m a good parent and was not striving for the Supreme Court job however I think I would be a better judge than all of the justices on the Supreme Court. Because someone graduates at all from college does not make them more or less a good candidate for the Supreme Court except for knowledge of the Constitution and all the outlandish laws of the Federal government and the other governments in our land. I have met some people without a college education who didn’t even finish high school except other ways to get the diploma who have more intelligence and skill in their little finger than anyone I have seen in government including Trump. Kavanaugh is vying for something he may not deserve and the hearings and the delays are the ART OF THE DEAL and if he and others including Trump can’t handle it they had better quit while they are ahead even if actually behind.

Trump said Kavanaugh was treated viciously during the hearing and I beg to differ Kavanaugh and Lindsay Graham were vicious not the panel. The panel was over indulgent to him and to their (Graham and Kavanaugh) frailties and their (Kavanaugh and Graham) childish DEMONIC tantrums. Trump may not get reelected because he sure is untruthful. I think the panel on the Democrat side was polite and to the point and intelligent, on the Republican side indulgent and sleazy and very dumb with the exception of Flake and sorry to say because I was a Republican most of my life and it is a shame to witness their disgusting behavior and none of the Republican Senators in the hearing of Kavanaugh deserve to stay in the Senate especially Cruz and Graham (untruthful religious flakes avenging angelic fucks) and with the exception of the one who is leaving it, Senator Flake. The FBI were misled on those 6 background checks and ought to investigate how the FBI was misled and by whom after their investigation and do something about it. Obviously, if the FBI was misled they were obviously lied to under oath of penalties of perjury (not sure the correct way to say it) by him and SOME of his friends and peers, and SOME of his female followers and DIVERTED, and  by SOME of his teachers etc. and hold them accountable as well. I doubt he was at the top of his class but was groomed to be at the top of his class at Yale and manipulated to look as if he was at the top of his class at Yale (skull and bones) and high school (Jesuits) or he would know better than to get caught in his lies about stupid stuff such as his calendar to veil his crimes using it as his alibis against females of lower social class (and age) and got caught by the Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and I think GOD caught him in his attempts to deceive and will do the same to Trump if he doesn’t stop his crap in regards to Kavanaugh and obviously have something in common…..disregard for females even minors and he ought to change his tune fast. QUIT LYING. QUIT aiding and abetting a sexual child abuser before it is too late and are made an example of and end up being an abomination to your children and your parents and to God. And now

BREAKING NEWS: Trump is threatening a Democrat Senator PROBABLY ON THE COMMITTEE with blackmail. COMPROMISING INFORMATION ON A DEMOCRAT? BOY DID HE OPEN UP A CAN OF WORMS FOR HIMSELF. I told and I wrote Gen. Kelly was bad news for the Trump administration and for the USA. NEED TO OUST GEN. KELLY back to FRANCE with JOHN KERRY and with his daughter at FOX all of which are in collusion and collaborating with the Jesuits of the RCC and on both spectrums of the two parties Republicans and Democrats. That was a terrible thing to do for Kavanaugh.

After seeing the responses on many stations about Kavanaugh no wonder there were few in any good choices out in the world for a good relationship with a decent male. Looking for love in all the wrong places but actually looking for love and it didn’t exist so it wasn’t the places fault. The crusty old ut republican senator turns out he is merely a dirty old crusty republican senator and talking to some fictional character about god and wouldn’t know God if his life depended on it. PRobably was a victim of the BGEA and the Grahams notions which are fucked up having to do with the false covenants of his forefathers about to be gnawing on the edge of the universe.

One guy on MsNBC says millions and millions of dollars have been spent on Kavanaugh to get him to this place as a nominee for the supreme Court and they has no idea where the money came from because of some laws to hide it but it isn’t hard to tell. Where did he go to school?

The big or a big question is how did Trump get his list? the long list and the short list for The Supreme Court? did he read his briefs and all the other  candidates or did some group of people pressure him like he was pressured when he ran for the Presidency in order to be nominated? We need to see what christmas presents Trump has (Laura InGraham),  Will you overturn Roe v Wade? (Fox News) to each and every candidate, then the Iowa caucus and a bunch of people layed their hands on the top 5 candidates Pentalcostals and evangelical) i.e. a bunch of nut jobs, etc etc etc when the men layed there hands on Jesus he was arrested and tried and convicted and crucified. meanwhile persecution of female and their families in regards to abortion, Mother Teresa’s group grew and was sainted and sexual child abuse grew and the Vatican handling ones who already died or near the end of their lives and the investigator in Philidelphia says the abusers are everywhere a bunch of child molesters in the church in every city and town and all the other stuff written about and obviously it’s a scary place in DC and now everyone is blackmailing everyone all around the week of the hearings of Kavanaugh who was educated in a jesuit school and trained for such a day as this to increase persecution with a vengeance for the RCCs reputatíon spiraling out of control and come to find out the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed. Sperm is.


I think Trump is actually a Graham or controlled by a GRAHAM or OBAMA. Whatever he has ought to be scrutinized and there ought to be an investigation on his announcement and the time of it because of Kavanaugh. THIS IS SCARY he would use it this wa talking about he nows something about a democrat obviously meaning Diane Feinstein and she is in the limelight a place she would rather not be about a girl who does not blame her rapist and blames herself instead. GRETA SCOTT! BUT WAS HE KAVANAUGH??????? And seems to be a response of some kind to the truth he cannot handle. Sen. Flake is discussing the lack of bi-partisanship on the Senate Ship  hearing of Kavanaugh and heard Kavanaugh apologized to the female senator for his outburst but apologies aside it was not Supreme Court material which he imposed upon her and is needful to be apologetic to get on the Supreme Court so it was to his benefit to apologize to Senator Kubachar but not to Christy Ford? I get tired of the excuse if I were unjustly accused would I act like Kavanaugh but what if you were justly accused would you have acted like Kavanaugh? THAT IS THE QUESTION! I think he is hoping you will have unjust feelings for him on the basis of the question if you were unjustly accused and a very diabolical and an insidious tactic. Gary was justly accused and he called me and railed me, raged at me, but I hung up. Guilty guys act like Kavanaugh acted. Yet there is hope for him with some counseling and prayers and investigation of what is at the bottom of it and why and for his soul and all the things he cherishes if you don’t enable it to continue. Now the taxes is putting Trump in some trouble but not if you realize there is more than one Trump. There are 7 trumpets in Revelation so I imagine there may eventually if not now 7 Trumps which is probably why he was having personalities trouble at the Rose Garden besides the G-men standing all around him about 8 of them i.e. Federal Law enforcement agents hardly moved a flinch and did his insulting himself cause none was standing where he kind of was referring to unless he was actually insulting the Federal agents. I don’t think he was insulting the lady reporters though was gloating a bit about them as if they were there because of him when it was because of Kavanaugh and then both raped him with their Kavanaugh questions to infuriate him because he wanted to be asked about the important things he thinks he is accomplishing and probably deep down inside thinks the female reporters are worthless. Sort of a double meaning to what he he in an aside as if his thoughts were being announced to some mysterious person berating someone or two “..you never do.”  who don’t get it right whatever it he the mysterious person or persons did or did not do. He was a bit of a loose cannon and not sure why he has interfered so much in the Kavanaugh process and showing an over amount of grief of how the family has been affected when he did the trailer stunt and Melania came out and defended him .. I guess she wasn’t affected and nor was his son and his daughters etc etc etcI doubt the kids are being kept abreast of everything and are probably being sheltered with activities but his wife seemed calm in comparison.

So I suggest besides funny business which does help to ease some rage sometimes relevant and sometimes put on and sometimes because of demonic possession, we learn. I think it helps to laugh at ourselves and our leaders which is a right in this country unlike others and try to differentiate between the Sons of man, and the sons of God, and the sons of gods (little ones, lots and lots of little ones)

 Axis powers

Times, times, and the dividing of times is what is happening and times isn’t always time but even a magazine and the author of it.

Truth will help you more than hurt you even if it is hard and will be the victor so you might try it

because unless you are an idiot and don’t realize it

Truth matters to God and God knows the truth so remember because it helps to unravel lies.

My ex is doomed but he doesn’t care he thinks he has a thousand years of days or a thousand days of years but there are other periods of time as well such as an hour which i have read and I figured out is 10 years. I did the math even though it took a long time because I’m not good at math. I double checked it and it made sense whether its true, I don’t know. And I don’t care if he is doomed anymore. I figured out the meaning of other things as well such as 1600 FURLONGS was talking about the White House at 1600 avenue. and I figured out the other measurement which was the area of the Vatican state and both are related which were written 2000 or so years ago and some of those measurements are in my posts in the past. Not everything I write is infallible but some is to me. I compared the gospels and compared to parts of the Old testament and took it seriously. I figured out the prophecy of Daniel moved to the Gospel of Matthew during the Obama Administration. It did not happen overnight and I don’t read the bible daily nor did the one year bible help me at all. I just read the bible at face value and not all of it and some of it is true and some of it is false truths because if something happens doesn’t make it true but only that it happened so is true in a sense. Rape is not true but it is true it happens. So when Franklin Graham says he believes everything in the bible does not make it true or believable and some of it is symbolic or other types of writings and some stuff has been edited to please the Vatican and some changed but there is truth to be had and it pops up when you least expect it if you try. If you honor truth and honor your parents and honor God and your children you would be surprised. However I am not rich but it is very helpful and I have feelings like everyone else and feel hatred, love etc. pain and sorrow and happiness but like the Nickel song sung by Melanie Safka says I would be rich if I saved a nickel for every time I was schnookered and deceived by the clergies, the presses, the governments, friends and family, and regular people, and hollywood, history books, etc. but at least I tried not to do the same but I have lied and sometimes people have to lie because of entrapments or evil people like the mob or to save a life etc and others to survive and God knows the difference and usually works it out of you eventually or when you are able to be truthful and when it matters. Sometimes i even see things others don’t see and messages to me or communication via my art (when I paint pictures depending on the subject like my daughters, my parents, my animals, and it is amazing when it happens though sometimes I get interference from other assholes but I know the difference because I know my children, my parents very well and deeply and God made it that way for me and for my loved ones and those who loved me.

Melanie – Nickel Song (Original) – YouTube

Melanie – A hard rain’s gonna fall

Just because we are on the dark side sometimes doesn’t mean we can’t be on the light side sometimes

because there is a season and a time for lots of important things.

I wanted to give up earlier today

because I’m tired and other things

and my kids and my parents egged me on and probably God.

However, the press is gong on about Melania in Africa and gonna teach them about Me too, watching women weigh babies and tea with some african queen and showing Sister Norma who feeds and clothes the poor with her cross on posing and very proud of herself. Maybe they are two sides of a coin too. EEE GADS or will be. Hope the nun remembers Yemen and does what she should  to be best and Melanie could go too to emphasize it. Wouldn’t it be best while Trump tries to deal with his other personality he was talking to during the press brouhaha at the Rose Garden about Trade when asked about Kavanaugh and flipped out. Unless Trump is lying about the economy we don’t need the nun here in the USA and she needs to go elsewhere. She is not welcome here and I sure would hate for something terrible to happen to her for delaying her departure. She needs to get lost in Nairobe or there abouts and make a difference in places she could possibly be needed, but not in the USA. Anyway someone ought to toss a carton of raw eggs at her to give her a sign. Dump her in a vat of tar and get some feathers and run her out of town wherever she is at and wherever she goes in the USA. If you see her be sure to call her a whore and push her down the stairs when she attempts to climb or descend them and push her from behind forward and push her from the front backwards and elbow her if she attempts to stand next to you and trip her as she walks by or any other nun who dares to wear her frock on the streets of any city or town and rip the frock off her naked body.Throw dog poop at her and any trash in sight or in the vicinity or from above. Spit on her if she or any other nun dares to cross your path. It’s called tough love. She will figure it out and learn not to be haughty and she was haughty and militant. Jesus does not want to marry her. If no man is willing why would he want her? Jesus is not a dumping ground for unwanted females produced by a willful lack of birth control and nor is the USA a dumping ground for the RCC. Give her a one way ticket to Rome and tell her to send a message to the pope. YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED a three digit number and probably less.

WND is reporting the president’s plea to people in the path of the hurricane Florence, EH?

The ex said Beto running against Ted Cruz wrote a letter about a woman with big breasts and big fat butt?

Was he referring to the nun?

 I second the motion to kill Mitch McConnell but perhaps Thursday. The sooner the better.

Any way somewhere between 135 days divided by months or 531 days decided by months I calculate a month on average is 30 days so do the math and figure it out. EIther 4.5 months to somewhere in between 17.7 months is my anticipation but not necessarily the truth. The year 2019 to the year 2020 and including the year or most of 2020. Somewhere in there as in 60 minutes or one hour with the beast.  (GET IT? 2020 i.e. 60 minutes?) Today which is the next day, (I don’t but never the less I think is relevant. February of 2021 actually is the last chance For what, Still trying to figure it out why I was thinking yesterday or where my head was at and I will get back with you on it when I take the time to do it) but I think it is before in the year 2020 using those numbers I gave earlier. I figured it out because so much is going on and all the information attained to have some kind of sensibilities of what is going on and why I meant yesterday  which occurs before 2020 is THE BIG DAY the MARKER of those many measurements. some kind of event to move the clock/time in those alternative the slots. When it starts no one knows but I bet it starts on some big day. My guess is when Kavanaugh becomes a Supreme Court Justice, if he is voted in. SO the Vatican should take heed,



(The average day from full moon to full moon is 29.5 days Lunar Phase but it takes 27.3 days for the moon to orbit the earth.)

PAGE 2 :

More of the saw on all the subjects afore-to-mentioned

and when I say saw, I mean it.

April 7, 2018 Posted by | Anti gun lobbyists, BGEA, BRET BAIER, Catholic, Christian, Evangelical, Hospice and some BELIEVABLE Witnesses, Laura InGraham, mass shooting, NRA, school shootings, school violence, Sheila Jackson, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment